The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 01, 1893, Image 8

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Belli Bella anJ Ki:kalia I:.
Commence Htilitk-s.
The Goremor of Montana Sinn. Ibe B II
M .king It Unlawful! Scalers
to Sell Tlikrtf.
Tomlwton. A. T., haa lieenm tlitaeat
ol United State Iiuti um
Idaho rmml. ID the .nWir .-troll .rr I
f . ,, -gtt TllnUI lilt 111 bhiii iiaiiii-nw a...
to be lurnuhed teil..k. '"'" ,,,,,,, ,. ..,,,.,,! h ibeChero
Cyro HhafTer, tb nmr 'erer "I Jacob r. p,..!,,,,!,,,,,,,, however, will
Moll In JeuVraon p utily. Or., Iii l-en I , considerable lime,
denied a new trial. .... i A hint of Cleveland' no. icy of l.n:l-
Vancouver, B. C., li J!"I
it Chinaloan ia overcrowded, unhealthy
and dleaae-bding.
Fitb and game dealer In Oregon ara
to teat the legal ty ol tlia hah law
adopted by lb aat Legitlattire.
A toil baa been Intt'ltiUd t an Hi
etro acaintl ! iar Valley Irrmation
Company. Wutt ol laud I cliargwl.
Th Holla IWIa and Kitkaiia Indiana
In .Von b U'ltieli Coluoibm liana nm
nenrad boatihliea a reao t ol Hi re
cant maaaarra on forrow; la. and.
Tba trial o( ! bigamy ctiariteaaint
(Jrorga . Jaflerit, lio mntiou
with tba Ayrea Hritibton mnrler ra" I
well known, baa been aet lor April 12 at
Tba l'rotiilinal royernment ia g ni
toaaaiat tha kra er river bridge. imj.l
to tlia eilent ol Irt.'.VM, payab e in ore
tonal annual tiilallm'tila. Tin will
materially help the .Norlt ern Pacific rail
road aitennlon pr.jjei't.
Tba Miuinf and Dei-loping (mipny
baa purt haed Hi i'ld kar mlneaanl
tiild Uar welaiti.ton in tb Vander
but mining niairlrt in Han Bernard no
coouty lor V.'M). Tn aam unna
war recently told lur 40.0mi.
Tb liraditreet inrrcaiitil K'm y re
port thirteen lailurra in lb Pacilb
tval Klate aud Tenliorira lor lb pal
waek.aa compared wlili Unity oi. for
tb prlm week and ..urln for tli
corresponding week of IMi.
Cliar Y. Olaen. an ei ineinler ol
tb t'lab Legiaiaiiire and -A-ot
aud Col eitor of Cb c .limy, L'tali.
baa been tenlenc- d to on year in ti e
penilautlary lur euillniir ( wbile
oerupyiDg tli poait on uf Collt ilur.
Deep tnow in lb lllu Mountain In
Oregon bay driven large nouiivr o
ik to tb lor level to tb gn at lie
light ol bnnlert in that regn u who have
killed a greater nutiib-r ol ll.eiw mil
nialt tbt aeawm Iban lr yi ara prev ona
A resolution baa been lulr. dm-e.1 into
tb Bnliali Did nub a U-gimatur prar
tug III I. itnam-ti rru il lo umve
the Dniniiiion gmeri in mt to prohibit all
Immigrat i n lfm A'l f r .unlriea fur
a period oi -ne jear Iruiu tb llrlday ol
April nrit.
A farmer living tva milea fnuu Sacra
nieulo baa luluum-d the Kilue ol that
city that a few day ag Uiree taindiera
bunroed biin out ol J,UM by Hi ld
briikUitk. When b drew the moiiee
lor them aud got bom he loiin.l lualead
ol a (Old britk a hot of rap iron.
At Virginia City a draft of thiriy five
men waa uiaile from the lrrf employed
In lb Havag mm aud a drall ol ten
from lb lle.c ier. lh dralt will re.ull
In th tunpenaion of or eilrwtion Iroiu
tho uunet. ahirli have lieen juiully
producing auout 4,t.H ton monthly.
(iovernor Ultkardt of M uitana baa
igned th bill making It nnlaatul for a
eralpar to tell for any coniUleratinn th
wb'ii or part ol any ticket on aiijr rail
road or atamUal, whether lhlinb
0ratl or owned wlthlu or without tli
Mat. Tb puiii'hment It a Hu ol
fAOJ and oil year'a iiuprit itiuent.
Th Pb.enla (A. T.) City Council
paeeed an orUinanc raiting th aaluuu
tac to HiU per anuiiin, raiaiug gambling
taiea in an-ordaui' and lorhi.l.nng mu
sic in room w litre liquor I told. It alo
put a Ul ol III) a day upon atieet fakir,
and tb halvation Army by a aimilar
claaa It forbidden to para.1 th atreel.
(iilllain county. Or., ritina bav p
titloned lb County Court to grant a
bounty on dead and rata, fiie little
vermin bav bad a good winter and will
auoa com out ol their hole in th pink
ol rood lion to ravage the graaing grain.
Ti.a l.tniari ear. unlrat aomethlng la
don toon to check tint -at, they will
b ran out.
Tb United KUU Ooiiimietiiiner are
In camp tweuty-two mile north ol Cou
lo, Meudiic-ino wonty, Cat., In w hat l
known a Kit unum i ranin, wiucu ih
ballt in iMii by krank Aleil, a lamou
trapper ol tboe day, th report I
current that th Comunre oner w I
place on in market hall ol t It unl
Valley I ud laa reservation, Ul.llK) acre,
at Irom f 1.24 lo M an acre.
A prmpector baa reacba-l I'lucnii, A.
T., (roui tli derart beyond llarua Hal,
briuging ipeciuieu of Ire golil-lwarmg
rock liiat run 10 lo the pound, lie
will aay Utile earrpl that, finding water
plenty on th dreert l y il"" ol the re
ceat (torm. h penetrated a hitherto
oncm-ored country and ill ratereil Ihr
qaartl ia l'g butie. he eral heavy
capital lata atarted off with th ml net
within a lew ho r lor the mine, which
are about on hundred Iruui
Duncg tba pl tao yeai ,iV
wurUi ol gold baa tieen taken out ol the
Aaa mm in the Hil etuia district.
Tb mine baa b-en woikej at abort m
trval. dartrg It, . lime, and nn-l ol th.
old ba (area taken out th paat year
Everything pmta to a live y miuina
aeaaoa ia thai reg ut tt n anrrui' r One
mill t aow lano.or. and anoil.rr aid le
tarted at euoa a paibl in th epnt g
haow ba not a'opped euil in II. uiine
tb a aiaier, and a aumla-r ol ru n hao
bee a working ibrr a I winter.
L W. M I er, th Union county cl I d
boater, haa at 't ataind 'Dt hlaeanh
aa It returning to hi home ia Summer
tile. Ha haa travel! f,0 0 mi !
rallmwd and ing diatancra on ("'-rrl
la Oreg 49. hiDg'on and I K'i u
aeanbol bit lut daugliter IU la n ia
ready U p a rnantu ol l.?' l tl
gvpaie), tt lhe l av her, lor the retnei
rtt Ui girl lo b a bom Snmniemi
Mr. Miliar bueiy viitd the Yakima
oonlry to ee tba child bring with th.
Indiao I ler tm Sen errt, I m fona
thai b 1 not hi daughter. Th lit"
girl rwble a p'trvlv-l wl.i ch.UI
eery Biorb ia aptaranc, hat ba ni
Indian blooil la I er vetu and evident,!
baioogtto lb whom l i
Scartary Crllle lur Nrw Pru!tion Precaution In Admit
ting Irnm'grii'tt.
Th President ha rep1d tb r!g
MlmnuMi'WrriHii S M Sinn of I iwa,
luunn onrr ul Ib general land oltli.
Amna iieurr.lOiny tit appoint)
Frank Siongol Aik'lil--neraJ AgrU
I itiv I aitmeLl oi Juatue, Vioa K C
f.airr r-igned.
The Supreme Conrt ha affirmed the
j idgu.eiil ul 111 l4intl of Ciaim. il
n. i ng th 11 Hon ol ili sia ol In
I ana " recover I nun the L'nMed Mal
over IV 0 tal a fi pr cent ol tha eair
ul In uili ia Indiana.
othori.y ha been given by Prealdeni
Cave, and to rvi retary lirawl.ain lo ri ga ith Mmiilrr tirip t-itnVale-ul
Ilia raiiliralU'ii f tlx exlralition
treaty I arfti th Cnned stale ami
Sweden, recently ratilied by tb Senate.
Tb reault of the r tl-, rarbine anil
revolver tiring of Ilia ar i.y lor th targe'
lear ol liii reiw v-d ty Ih Adjutant
iim! Dial Company i ol the seventh
In'anlry, at Honed al Pilot 9 'Hte. Wyo.,
made tti higheal general figure ol merit.
Active preparation ara a lout to I
I gun by Secretary Mm III lor Hi Open-
" ' V''" " l! ,
up new parly it given. Follow tin
the M nluin of Judge lur-liam for the
Cabinet, It It laid, lie it (ilig to appeal
to the ten U mental lpOMn n hykei
ing Miuialer l.lnniln al 1m inn an
Muiiftcr kred drnt al Vienna.
1'ixtinaa'erlteneral iliaell elate t'ml
wheuever there I a conteal for any pt
ollice the num who held the olliiw an
Ier l'reilent ( leveland'a fortner adunn
utrntiun I not to Iw ront.ilere.. He
further tale the full pwr of Ihi rule
will I applied lo fourth-clae Mt'illii-e,
and that lie. and not t.'i Preaidrnt, It
reaponaihle fur it,
Secretary CarUi baa lauel new reg.
nlatn n precaution to h o'h
M-rve-l in admitting immigrai.ta to the
United h La tea. 'I lie regalatioba contain
teventeen aitic'.e. Th llrt ten are
ulmlanliaily th tain a ara now in
lore". Artlclea 11 to 15 liic.ntiv are
p- actual I y new, and are made to (n
hirm t ) th new law a enWting liiiinivra
tlnn pael by lb hut Congrett and ap
proval March 3.
The Treaaury llepartmriit ont'nur to
re-eive iff -it of gold Iroin th Weal In
et. hange lur tmall notea, lur which then
la at ir"ent an incri-aaing demand
everal olfr bad lo he temporarily 'le
ctin' d, aa It waa loiind the gid eaa o
I glit weight, and until tbuee w liu llrre"
it made tip th deficiency ill weight thr
government coti'd n t accept it. In thir
connet't on it ia iiitcreMln' I" I'ota thai
the givernment rriinre nlolule ac
curacy l-c it win irc.tlpl for liglit
we ght euln.
Tli ttoiy pub'ialied to tlierlT-ct thai
President I'leveland baa iuatiguratrd a
big Hgl.t aginat th Senate, lim auv o
bia dmplramireon account of the limine'
la which t c.iriiiuittee ol that llv
are nrgaiiiied, ia uiior.-l. Clevelam'
might havelteen leletr plra edil llieheu
ale Committee ha I lieen orgoiiel ilil
li-renllv, but hedue not intend lomanl
leat any difpeaure or illp o ntment
l may (re I. The attention of aeverai
he' li.i called at the Whit lluuae
wai railed lo the I iltil ahed atory, ami
thry unaiimouly d n tl any knoa iedye
ol the aliege-l trmne.l re al n In-tae n
tlie Senate and the Preaidcnt.
Pierident CleveUtnl ba decided llxi"
a mi ol p 'I cy lo Im ptimun-l III th ap
poinimeiil id iniaiil, a Inch la eiWC'el
lo materiallv eipmnl l a trad ol the
United tale with foreign cniiulnea,
and eapeclniiy with lb Ninth American
an I Central American republic. Ili
Niilcy I to aeieci men lor C-onatilt who
hate eic-pt onal biiaine-i iii ilim-atlona
and piaaea aulli. irtit trade Inatinct to
reiiigli'ie an oiiliel for American nirr
diamine, end ability to aid in woiking
tip a inaiknt for the product ol Auieriran
manufacture ra and farm. The Preai
dent taid, of cuurae, x) itical rraaolia
cannot I elitirvly ignored III th aelec
turn of Omatile, hut parlicttlar atreaa
Will tie laid IIihmi lb buailieea ah lltiea
of th men whoa name are prerente-l
to him.
Several eop! who have known h w
long Cleveland I obliged toitand on
In feet during the many hour I I re
ceiving pet pi, have wnliilered how it
wa thai he wa ah; to keep np. ll
come down Into Ih eaa riMim and
ahake band w ith thoiiaanda of eople,
landing on hi feet for an hour or hall
an hour, a the caae may he. In bia
private ollu-e he lee I th neceeailr ol
ariaing to In feet when b receive viait-
ora who are diatinguiahel enough to le
ailmilteil to a private interview. II 1
found, however, it at the Preaident ha a
great rcheme. Ilia dek I low enough.
lo ailmit In itt ng noon it in an ap
parent at'ltnd ul alanding, and It la
thei lit alia, with bia liet on th Hoor
and bia weight rea lng on th deak, and
hakra han.l and chalt with the vultorr
who are admitted It ba lieen
markeii ny reveral pern tl at n ilnea
not move around very inu. b, but nolanly
knoa b- itt-r than Mr. Cleveland him
aell why h doee not move aiuind. He
It 'hen lng ad th a hi lotavt himoell.
and tint attitu I b Had verv comfort
ahle. It it prolahl lb clerk and oni
other einpioTi-a In the bureau of engratr
ng and print ng not directly iuployed
tn Ih pruducion o greenlackt and
other goveinmeiit ob igationa will have
to lake ceitihcale ol indellelnea in
teal of caah lor their aalane lor II. e
remainder o( thedei-al tear. T:nlthe
reu I of an error in tne enrollment ol
Hi de.iiiency bill, bv tflnch the word
"thoutand " waa left otf af'er the appne
pr at on intended to he lr defi
ciency in th pay ol clerical and other
he p at th (-mean of engraving and
prlutiug. It i pr-tnuie-l th vmplovea
ill not lie dropped from the ml, lor th
remaind r ol thia flM-al year, a thevare
nceary to tha working of th bureau.
It i like y tin will be cooai. lured a ra
herein tha government i rf i er are an
thoriel lo create an indahte.lne under
lrf,i.r,.n.,i .., iP,.!, i ,,"
the government elcepi to e li and
nroperlv." Il mar Iw be d the einploe
meat ol theea clerk I neceary to ave
propertv." Th clerk wil then he
given certirii ate a'ating ll ev have ren
lere I tervioe to the va 0- named, and
hew thrr will pmla'i v be a'-e to tet
liar'U3ie I for a c nilrr'i"n l eval
uor.ey lerd r. S-ea' ' I e er r-it lu
nro Haul I ae ie i .1 aaieiel. lu
he t-n-i ui ai'pr-ia i u I. II an ap m-
Hril:.-n "I J ft.M'l a iulrn ie.1 (or f .
4 eiamm rg aorgo.n la enroli ng
he word "he' wa left out. ao thai
rm re.! " O re hrn lre-l ' h ii d i
ara." A de'lciem v ol t'i 0 al Imm
I pr per amount ai l not I eertou In
e ol li. am ine- ol tl am nd
I ih ct thai it wa ma lnet mate
loch in any event u.av I too large or
oi :i.a I, and wbich can la 1
ilt Ma fa la-l Jt the tn n'V ac'aal't
p..r-,'iatel I eih0"tl. T eee ar
ait a lee o' tl err r oni'ntMrd ib tl.
er of P'-cpr at:"0 bi.'.a, an.'
li -ra ar rtnevlrd lo pom lo I.ghi
tve-y day.
httsbur; 0'K3Dks a Municipal
Owneiship League.
SilM Ul'nk of G.l,( W I.' 1.5''
p. mds lu be tth bred at the
A UgiaViv Invertiatlon hat d
t aiixk'ng ca-lt prtct i-e-l on
i-onvii-i in th et.raa htat pr n.
Th Vaaaar glrlt bav recently been
"gaged In dr-aing doli lor children
inoi.g th pooreat c.aaae in New York
The (taiament of tl Healing Coal
and Iron C nnpany thowt tli ice !
iirrnit liabilities ovr a'la to b
u: i ul.
Whit Ca bav no'IQe-1 th vendor
if whiaky at I'rovnleui-e, WeMtercoun
ry, Ky.. Ut tut th baaine or tak tb
Th H ack Hiil of Rtith lukola will
and at a part ol their mineral ribihit a
aol'1 bl'N'k of gold, weigh. og l,!UUpuundt
ai d worth I.Ml.UUO.
Mrt. J met Corliett bat been utd for
nonet due lof newapaper rlinpinga
aliinial.e had ordered Henry Kouiera
al New York to gather lor her.
It ia aaid th thot manufacturer cf
New Kngland are pro p. unrig to conduit
their own Lanneriea and to light Ih pro
posed IOJ,UiO,0J leather trui-t.
Lionel hariori, a couain of tb lata
tiiiaband of Nedi liraut, propea to
colonii with Kngliah farmer a tract ol
about NO.lOJ icrea la Cen ral Wyoming.
General Knckner it taut to b awidil
oualv ttudying tierman in anticipation
il lie i n g aenl to Aiiatria to repreeent tb
llgrnly ol th United State at Vienna.
The wh iky truvl will paa it dividend.
It ha manufactured more whiaky than
ih tra I demand, an I It lak-tlottol
money to carry th ticesa until it it
lupoeed of.
Th liiington (Ky.) grand Jury b at
lidicted :ily aaloou keeper lor telling
uitlor, and haa returneii Hlty--.liree
indictment for th tal of cigar
itte to to).
Oirgrera tmt having appropriated lb
lecenary eitene lor the Civil Service
CoiumiMion to hold Hi examination
.ney had acheduled In aeveral State,
-.he date bav lieen canceled.
In th Minneaoia S-nat a bill bat
li-en int-o diced to prohibit tha prefer
uce of one precioiit metal over another
ii the mating ol contract, the Inten
tion If ng t ' atuliah gold mortgage.
In anticipation ol a heavy movement
y S iiitiieru cattle to M nilaiia a d Wy
mlng liovernor ttalairn ol the latter
lalebaa publicly announced tha reg lav
; una iimler which lb tiiipmeiitt will I
Tie poatinaatcr-lieiieral ba derided
n Iran 3il,7&(l a. iare leel In th Indue
trial t. ml. ling, aOHiinitig th koriy-e
olid atreel railroad alatloii, in New York
i-itv, for ii ee a the up-low n branch o!
th New York city poatollii-e.
Tne Alabam Natloiial lUnk al Mobil
haa cloaed It door by tliraction ol Kank
Kiaminer 1,'ainpliell. The deitoM
aill be pa d in lull, hut the cspitai atock
it the hank ta Impaired to the amount ol
iii2,0v 0, or almut 4 J per cent,
Teia pe p'e bav linally undertaken
to prevent lyuclillig by the lorinai loll ot
iiit-lyiu lung leng'iei at K o iirau le
Citv. It la eiia-cied that th movement
will ppread ibmiigh nit the Male and
eventually throughout the South.
k re lent k Ikmglaaa ia the President of
a company jual o:gmd lor tha pur
M ol te.atiilahiug a large in a nil aclur
ing enterprise near New ,ort N, Va.,
building a town and giving eiiip oineiit
to young colore.1 men and women.
The electric light ngiuetion 1 again
being agiuteal in Kan i City, owing to
i i.m niMill.-iMiii ,rvu4 and iiftt.irtiiiliaU !
rale ol the private company. Another
companv haa ollered lo ligot the city
hall lor aloiit onelhird of prerenl pricea.
lUliington limit 11 prolhwea to trv in
thi cuuutry the plan ol farm coloulea
l. r th regeneration of mcibI outia-n
which bia lather intnxl'ii e l ailcceea'ully
in "IHtrkeet Kngland;" and the tl ret
colony will probatily tettle in New Jer
Th Kuin Jew who formed thr
Clua erlul l mlony near New bin. Ion
r tieginning lo leave. It it aaid that
Ih phyaical tutlering ol th colonit
diirirg the pant winter hav been acute,
and the nut look lor tha lutur hat dl
beaitened hteiii.
The gtt ai rarnlng of all tha ra Iroad
line lu the IViinavlvama yatein lor
were ll.H.I'TO-M.t .V I lie lien
were W,.s'i.',tiKI '.M. The imn tounage
moved a 14l,:i71,rMt tona. the niitn-
ler ol paaaeliger carried wa Su,V'.J,3tl,
I'heaear liewildenug aggregate.
The diinteretd in Milwaukee e mi le
over a bill introduced at Madiaou to
niak th talary ol the Mieritt ol Mil
waukee county I7.NM a year. Th liur-
ernor, Secretary of Stat and Treasurer
ret but .,0 V e. h. Judge Jenklni get
in, (XXI, hut will get hut (il.UlX) w hen be
take Judge tirealiaui' chair at Chicago.
Kugrn Ihtnnivant, th
cirner, who aapirel to th hand of th
laughter ol O. W. I'olter, tb tnulti mil
ionair aleei manufacturer and haa a
nit tor IliO.tMi pending agaiual Mr.
I'olter lor fa. re lmprionment, I again
under arreat at Chicago. Thi lime he
i charged ailh having ton a woman'
a eh.
General Krank heat .n. Commander
f th Military department al San An-
louio, haa reciviil a diapatch from Ion
Kmgold ata'ing that ti mora mem I err
ol Ih ao-called Mritcan revolntionarv
armyol Ca'anuo tiaria have gone into
that gmou vo.untartly and turien-
A.-ting nni'er the term of a reeo'ntlon
'oi'tcd by th l eg -lature ol Maine,
trovornor Cleevee o Main baa writl0
a Mr. Jamea II aine re)neting per
iiiim on ti r the Stat nttioait to rniov
the rem n ol her late bna'aind from
ithe ik II I Cemetery in Vft-hlnglon
I to Ai:k'J a. Me.
I Ptlla'-nrg ha org in led a mnnic pa
! nwnr! p -g'. I piirmtae i to bv
1 h nni 'i 1 1 (.: 1 1 u u and operal ga
ao k, 4ler 'k, riectiic plant, i reel
aileat. t leptooet aud a.thrr pin
Oc ut'iitie ll ai at tn tlrr r ramre
, nx.o'pi v. Mary ot the l-t ctlite'i It
tiwn ar in tb movement,
All winter th ' ntvnirn on
tb ice
' Niagara Ka' tiav pud the.
"t ternational lverg-" 1.1 Wonai on
'erncted and wl'teinl recu'ing govein
-ni hvne. Keenilv tao IVimr
I'mted Mate Maiia (mm lko r
k'dnppel Jo'in k'oi and t'h ink tg
lejr, w ..on thev car el olf to Lx kp-.rt
Tney i iu they wpre on an
a" eater, ajre oa the laiii,dary lira
and iwi d not b bid m-oli.e to U
I la.
Japan woman load tb reaiala.
Detroit la baud ng iertrie boat.
Ti..r. sea 4 VaJ alactr.e olaiil ia Grr
many. O
Tnr tr twcDty-flv national bwnki
in Chicago.
Twenty eight thoaaand patenU were
inel m ittUi.
S m power it u Tw'a!! appl.ed to
ibe lei ing ol tree
PrtMieuin e made of aiuuiiniam
are o drlV ll.onU.
Th dynanm mdu-tr e of tbi coun
try er aorlh , O'.UX).
A a-reet car en l renu-d In tb City
I Meiimfor i.t Siaday.
There are eatunat-d to ' M.tO ) ttreel
Ciit in at in tin c ean'ry.
The mn emi4od npon the railroad
of th Ullite-I Slate nuuilier 7-H.0OI.
A patent ba Iwen granle-i lur a device
or Uperibg lii gira and le iuc ng jitit.
In Wyoming eoontr. N. Y., larmt-r
re hiring baud at A a month with
bo r I.
Tb cen1 ol lHf1 give to tbe Unfed
State ,ort;,lwi men and 30,504,370
Muring t laat n tiey it yean S-IV
HiSoiri pound ol gold r ojidcI in
k rnnc. I
Tenneete it going into Ih canning
buainee, and maoy canner.e are being
atarted. ,
Tbe Preildent ol tb Unitid Ktatet re-1
, . . . : i i .1 ! 1 1 i...n i ,
i ai i.ui.:t 7
tiovernment latit:c plac tba aver
age incom of American (armera at t2
cent a day.
Cincinnati bat tome eight barner
lactone, and their yearly output It
about I3.000.IAIO. ,
The neit big fruit farm toll organired
in Mioori will couipri l'.'.COJ acre
near Braiidavllle.
A ling at Fayelterille, N.C., owned by
John iiarrieon of that aaid to
neigh J pound.
Sugar beeta, weighing on an average
of anteen pound, have been groan in
kluyd county, (ia.
A nnmlier ol (armera in Weatern Kan
at towed fall wheat In February, and
aipect lo get big crop.
According to thetrra-nryrompiita'ion
the Prevideutial a ary ol 16 J, 01 0 a year
it at tb rat of I13H.KX a day.
It I taid that Ireland tend annually
40,mi0 ton of eggr rome ti!0, UO.otX) in
round noiiibera to Kngland alone.
The Florida coatt bat a (lotting hotel
which uiovea Irom place to place, wher
ever th beat drilling happen to be.
Silk iheeii ar now p od need "at a
luiury " with the eipeciation fiat there
may grow op a large demand for tbeiu
Tnere ar at Ih Saolt hah-berie in
Michigan 3fi,ta.O)0 whitetiah egg. 4tK,
ixO of taluion trout and I'JO.OUU brook
Th Stat of Ohio manufactureil 2,500,
Ol 0 pound of maple .gar last year,
rank'ng atcond In tha amount ol pro
duction. tf tb ld,2V,KM) ton of pig iron pro
diiced laat year tbe South liirniabed
'.'.llt.HHH bin, or mora than in any pre
vioua year.
Tha h.rtr on collirrie In the Sennd
An' hracite district ol the State ol Penn
ylvania lat year produced ti,07,5.'tl
Win of coal.
The annual eipirlation of Indi.t rtl
tier Imm Car i laid to lie upward oi
"O.lXiO.i 0 pound, worth from ti,
to i,l 0.
A new method of manufacturing gla-a
veaaelt w lcl will tint bieak Under Hid
den change-ot Icnperaiure nauuouiired
do'ti derm my.
More, tnaii .'3,ik0 TOO worth ot teal
rkina have ten tateu in Aiaakan water
mire the American ownertlilp of the
ealtnx ground.
Hecentiy compiled tatittc allow thai
the liM-omotive-building in the United
st ilea in wa alanii 13 per cent les
than iu the year ltd.
A Urge parly ol Kaatern manufactur
er recently atarted on a t"tir Ibrongh
Menro lor the puroae ol introducing
American gooil into that country.
The lioorire plant i chiellr grown on
li e tuk of tlie Tigria and hnphrate,
in localitie where lor three month dur
ing the prevalence of hot wind the tMit
iteratiira rearhe 14 ibg'ee aud for
three tiionll t olteu reach ea ,il) ilc
lelow at night. The remaining
mouth are moderate and healthy.
K linon't clii'dren hy hi flrt wife are
lamiliarly called "Dit" and "lUali
Irom the character in the Mora alpha
Four meuiliet of the new Cabinet are
director ol either bank or railway, or
both, namelv : Menia. Bitaell, tilnry,
l.aiuont and Smith.
J a me Smith, New Jerey' new Iem
ocratic Senator, I largely interealed In
t.orae-racing. He it on ol th big lock
holder in th Monmouth racetrack.
Lord Chief Jnt ce Coleridge of Kng
land will probably vim th Chicago Ft
poaition. If to, Uncle Sam will hav a
chant to repay the conrteeiet ettended
by hi I-ordtnp to Juitic Harlan on bit
recent vint to Loudon.
Mrt. Kverett, wife ol a maater dray
man in New Orlean. hat the reputation
ol twin1 on ol th heat veterinary tur
geon in that city, and he accept no
pay for ber tervicet, which ar given
imply out of love for animal.
Mayor Noble of Anniiton, Al., car
ne a cane with which he once knocked
doan man for lan.lcnng JetTerann Ia-
via. Ih pioenun o that weapon a no
lb ue to which he put It ar not for-
g itten in b t claim lor re-election.
Colonel ti.nrge B. M.-Clellan, who if
th temporary acting Mavor of Nw
York, la a young man who fonr year
ago wa a newapaper rep rter. lie it a
determined and energetic young elloa
and baa nerve enoogn to Q Itny poritioi
that may cm hi way.
lygn Carliale, who i I kelr to le
chief clerk tj th Treaayiry lVpirtmeni
iegan Hie aa a page in Ib Kentork
enat when hi lather waa L eulen
foveruor. Then ba hecu0 nrereate.
n eeveral Weaiern and Pout hern bnl
ie en'erpr ee. He it h' 'ather' pn
v e aecretarv tin, and h j loie a grea'
h al ot lileiary aort lor magioe
Th Kirg ol S i d it pot a man o
'uncli i'l y'Cl t"oae". iee'awi'
v leol in he. gh', and ae'gl.t .'
m da. lie ik huriueM, S n e e
liindnal.tBe. t -em h, Mern-an and Ft g
'U. lie riere at ft o'clork iJ'
ng, leade an icdaatrmaa Id an i inn-t
n in leta'lvea d nn ba'd w irk in tri
er vice ol the governmer.t m ed o
leod ng their dva in hi eiiava.
Th death of Itenera' Tteau'eya'd
eavee tnit one of the aeven fl ce- n I
ten-ra't of th Kiatlien army living, I
lot n me o Ih Bve en-n oa wt-om t a'
ank wa C"n'r e-l at the Iwgi-n nr o
Ma ear. Tfe e Ila mn were l'o-pr., J-a-epfi V. J .fn-e. A.l"et ii ev
I itiint' n aoj ri. an-eeai-.l. tt'kg an
Kr' y Suiitv were a'eewarU irade lu (J) er rkl'pcd or w" identity
Uenera.a. kv.rby Smith ao arviva. may be necaaaary to ealaUiu
Novel Measure of I'roteeion LSei
by the Bank of France.
aMb Itrro'artll Ceis to bt l Sar
Attraclluri at K me ard V rnna
Tne w Vik
tierman trmpv in Kaat A'rha have
won n imixirtant v cviry over bolile
native at L'n angrvira.
A lienrva telegram tn'e that an im
portant d rc.very ol W anpahl hed
letter" ol VoiU re ha liet-n iule there.
' Aeror ling b th late.l arrangement
j Dr. Nanaen wi.l lev Cbrirtiania on bia
Arctic tipediiion al tbe btginniug oi
' Juae.
I Adelina Pattl get 4.' 0) for every
I.nti h n comert, hn ahe einga in the
province for .'..VJ and in Milan for
0J0 a night.
The Pope if oon to la'tt a letter to r ittiii
h Kp:"ipcy urging th iomii-
: tionof
a Dariyoi It'll inicau va-iioinw
in the Chanitwrof lepu ie.
Th itrtmer New Yo-k bt lwn
thrown on to th public at a thtll'ng
a head in the port of Southampton, tbe
receipt K ing to local chart tie.
I. Newbm Mr Ifii 1 urging in London
the project of rooting over the principal
treet ol that city with g!a. The um
hrellamakert will cry all bail to tha
Tb warm of Bold mii-e which cinaed
uch devaataliou lt year in The-a!y
are ta-giniiing to reaptear in that prov
ince and in th neighboring district of
The Turki'h government ha proioeil
to the Suitan that he Invite the Mateaoi
the Ottoman K upira to "a commercial
and indiiatrial comieMtion" in Con-
Another exploring expedition Into tbe
interior ot lli Anatralian Continent i
oon W li nnippe. hy Sir Thomaa Ki
ller and to cart under the leadership of
band Lindsay.
An Krgliah thipbnilder tavt that the
coat ol an o-ean uteainer in (irrat Bri
tain it now much greater than it wat ten
rear ago. A thip now coat
about .',00 l,0i M.
Mr. Bezant h t arrived in Lond n,
her he It lepfirting that the reail.t
ol her tour in H i country convince her
t at " th'Hoiliy a a great future bo
Lre It in Amerira."
An ei'ie-trin itatue of tbe lata Km
peror Frederick (( tti-rmany it to be
ereclrd on the bill at Worth, whence he
lire, ted the Utile of Worth in the
Pranco-tterman war.
From a return which ha jnt been
laid l Wore tlie II ui-e of Common it
appear thai out ol 3.r,i.0 elector who
voie.1 in lrel nd at the general election
(H.ttl'J were illiterate.
Preece, the celehrate.1 Kng'iah elec
trician, la-lievet the uvei the Lon
don and Pari telephone line foreshad
ow te ephonic communication between
Ki:g:nd and America.
The King of Sakony will celebrate th
tl lie' h aiiinveraarv oi hi entrance into
the army neit U tolier. The peon e ot
Saiony are already making prepar.t jtif
lo h mor the anmveraary.
Ttiere ia ni eahihit'ori in B -rlin an el
ephant winch i repu e l t In- tiiednall
e In the world. T ie anim-d, it I 'd.
i( h'e- ye-ra old, etand three) leel in
height and we gu b i l-'irt iiounda.
The mitaiit Iim.I twin to he aNiiit the
Ia-1 pivmg of pnbiti' eiit-rtaintii' nt
ven'tirea tn lnnlon, and the conveiainn
of theatert into iiiU-ic hal a and the
oieniiigof new hall g'e on apai-e.
Sarah, to Ixind m pajer
rep irt. haa ceA-ed to lie a atnr attrm t "ii
at Koine and Venn. According tot e
reiMirt rhe Iih la-en doing ld luiaine-a
in h .th ctnitair, and price have uad lo
be lowered.
A Moali-m mob haa iioaaeaaion of Or
a e, Paleatii.e. Tne rioter hav e rohb d
hundre t and killed inane, tacked
churche tui bur-l into private hou
and ahopa. Ail plc.-t o hnoineai are
cloae and tra le 1 utterly ttagtiant.
The largect turret thip in the world,
lb Hood of the k ng iii nary, tacceat-
ftlily iMted the old 'ial trial oi tier ma
chinery a tew dav g . She ha a d
placement ol 14.1,'g) ion. Th total cot
ol the Hood when fully cuiipi-ed will
amount to II.i.r',1-0 .
The aiitlioriti- ot tli" (treat Kaat rn
rail a a.' in Kiwi d and the trallic man
aier ol lb Holland rauwav have b en
In cm erence wit i the I'ruinao Mm inter
ol Public Woik ai n Ibe vie ol ar
rangii g for a new and apid route be
tween Iondon and Berlin.
The City Cmmitionert of Sewer are
making application to the Thame Con
eeivMicy Hoard, in view of th poible
outbreak of cholera, for permtMion b
place a cholera hospital fh p on the
riiamea, within lb city Nmudary, lor
the reception ol rae occurring oo land.
Kl i-i leen Ialllaof Spain haa w ritten
U the I'ope, petitioning bi.u to canon i
v hn-topher ColuuilMH a a aa nt ol the
-olv Catholic Church, her reaeotn liv
ing that he wat the tlrt mau to rtie
the rrcM ol Chr:t in America. St. Co
nmhu would indeed l a new role lor
tb lamout old navigator.
An intereeting dinvivery wa lately
nade at tiiaatonhnrv, S-imeraetahire
Kngland, of the retnaiut of an ancten'
lake vi lage. From nxty to aeventy lorn
mtunda, ruing from one to two feei
above th aurr.noiling oil and from
twenty to thirty feet acme, were found
on th level nvair. wi ich tret.)e V
th I'.rit ah Channel. Many curioat 00
rct were found.
IVry will have a ri-al in Arc'ie eg
pi irat on thi coinin - mnner in Fred-
ne Jn-kaon, ho tax-1 a lritiah partv
im to Frani Jx pn Land, and ah!
iiiink be ' I have a d no to th
gtitv-t.iiirth ra'a:lel i t la ita.le, pua..
iy farther. Thence be prop ie to r-
-e-.l in di g alei'g -a.
Th" Am-r'cvn Fema e BaOil C'nh
e m-:u a-ea ol mmti vrr o r 'Ugh J
'!e.i at 11 ivaia. Cu'i , rece lr, .a"
r ng I am eg t.t 11 e in -h g en
nrnt for damage P ia ataled th- In
ia n it oni a ta. kel th ui en an.
re th ir ilot' lig hat they drag"
nan "-e T.-rn-an rl g wii.cti the !
arri d and .!- rrrd it.
novel maan of nr'e t: in ariee
h eva an t older c-v k-l cn-torier bat
en tmf'n'ed y ilie la t id France,
tn ira-antne. rn ph-t j-tpVr nteri'i 1
a p'ar-tl n nch a p- Hon tharie ca r
. r-ce virg gnal :r -m tti.(j.-1 ier,
k a ps" grpri ol r- p- r-on Pfi
Ie wn I. w. 4 va nab e r e d tny b
n pr-e-vei or itie 1.0 10 won
Wnaat-Valiew. L12H'at.l5i WaJj
:ii. ii.('ft'ii.i'7,S p c,,lu . .
Fioia cuudaio. U.30. Vva iaWah.
a.50; uraiiam, d; enpe'nne.
i-r barrei. .
Oar Choice, 43 4 l5c lr bn' -1 f'.
40c; rolled, in uig, n.if ao.50; barrel.
Mi..giiat 7 '; caae. 3."5.
lltt-lt. Ill hXjO per ton; com
moll, ' iajiirlO.1).
Miuri rr tran. Ill) 4 aur-ti
an, ground nar.ev.i. J .4 . tn 1 1
pert' O, bote lewd Ur.ey. t0 d c ti
i el.tal uiuld ing. 11 -'4 per tun , i re
ng lney, ta 'ctt c per centaV i thicken
neat, i.l pr enUl. o
B'TTia UTy-iU lancy rreainen , ., 't
4O'; lancy dicry, J;vi'i. lair
goo.i, 17S'i common. 11 ,mb' per
pound; p.cgie roll Inilter, "3c pel
run ; taiiloin a. 405 4':c per rod.
Cnkka uregou, ll'H-JC, M'tern
rwiu. j5.-; kouug America, loc p
Eot Oregon. lic per dosen.
Pocirr-VuiLeu, miledi-oopt.
5 iaj; o.d lieu. 46.UO1l-l.aO; Old roiwiere,
4 0iU.5o; dreeatd chicken, 17t.-4ibt
per loiini; ducat, 4.ovi?ov0; gve.
O.Uo.4 11.00 per doieu; toikeyt, nve,
13.-: ditae.l. .6.4 10. per pound.
VkukTAtLKa Ciige. i.6 1.75 pei
tenia ; onioua, i.7om0 ; cut ounm,
f uWc; ta.iatoe Ktctill ; 1 lor (iailidi
Chi.i; o.icui.:0Ir Buroauk ; d'egun
tiirmix, 7-nuiM! per k, youug urroia,
7 ml ier aack; iweet potaU,
1 J 4.00 per rental; cauliflower, ll.i-'
uer dozen . celery, ll.OO per doien ; aru-
enoke, hoc per doxen; lettuce, 4IC per
doien; atparagua, icper pound; pait
n it, fc'u per ack; beet, ll.l'i per aa k.
kaXlT Sicuy lemon, 40.O na 5 5 ) per
bog. Caii.oruin new crop, 4..U'o; '
nana. 2.6Of.I.S0 ler naucfl; orangea,
eeednngs. 2.UO'(2.7A per ! ; navel,
3 50 .1 a.OJ ; c rnterri, lli.50 per bar
rel; apple, 1 6 1 a 2 25 per box.
iianla xrneariaa.
JJoNtr Chon-e coiun, ljl7c ei
notiud : new Oregon. 1 .'Jc
Salt Uverpuol, 200, 15.o0; 100.
llti..:)0: 6)i. 17..'AI; aioca. 10.6iiilll.(jn.
Ilitiko Fkuitw Petit prune, 1012u;
ilver.ll i Mc. lulian, l2tit 14c; Oeriuan,
10"tllc; plum, oid, bihc; new, nijtic;
anuie. bul lie; evaiairated apriuott,
lOmltic; peacbe. U'ujltk'; peart, 7(llc
rw-r nound.
Hii x-Iland,M.75'i5.(X)j Japan, 4.7o
nr cental.
Corrxa Coau Rica, 22c; Rio, 23c;
Salvalr.21Sc; Mocha, 2o.4JOc; Jav.
24't"30c; Arbuckia't, Midlaud, Mo
kaeka and Lion, lUO-ponnd cam,
26 3-Vlikio per pound; Columbia, tame,
24 H.V100C
Baana Small white, S',c; pink, 3c;
bayos, 3'ac; butter, Sc; uuiaa, 3'4(34c
oer txiund.
St hit Kaatern, In barrelt, 40Jl5.Sc,
baif-harrelt, 42n(&7'tc; in caae. 3o
9Uc per gallon ; 12.25 per kr. Caliiornia
in barrel, 204oc per gallon; 11.76 per
scoaa Net price : D. 4c : Golden 0,
4'4c; extra C, 4c; Magnolia A, 4Vi
erauulated. b'c; ca I cruahed and pow
dertsl, &.'tc ; tvn fetlouei, A, 6'c per
pound; mapi tugar, loia f per pound.
CAKNkU tiooDa fahi (mil, aaaorled
quoted f 1.75'w2.00 ; eacbet, l.(i6(.t2.1dj
Bartiett iear,1.7.'42.00:pluma,l.ji '
t 10; tlrawberriet, 2.2o(U2.45; cher
ries, 2.26'd2.40; black bernea, l.a6a)
2; raepbt-rriea, 2.40; pineapp ea, !2.25i4
2.90; apricot, l.t5 t2.00. Pie Iraitt:
Arte'l. 11.20; pewcliea, 11.25; plum.
1.10'.tl.20; biacklierrie, 1.2i'..4o ne.
dozen. Pie Inula, gallon A "sorted.
;l l.S'j.t..Vl; peai hea, I3.M i4.ivi; apri-
et. k.i..'iiiit4.0ii; plum, 12 7.W3.H0;
hlat kla-rnca, I 4.oO. eveilnea
corn, ll 5-1 1.7-'; tomato, fl.BM 1.16;
tigar pei. tf tc-.lll.UI; firing bean, ti'4
! per dosen. M"': Corne.1 h-e'. 1,
!..) ; 2a, J2.40; rtiipp."! 2.M
4i0; innch tonne, i 4i'0; '. U7v
dnvileil ham f:.7Virl Ni n---Kith:
Sardtno. '4a. 7.V .!. 2.'.; a
Kd'uillVI; lo'ait-r. I2.liif.l.6ii; faltn
on.ttn ta!;.1.2') tl.SO; fl t. H.7S
211., 12.25; 2. V); bhl.. 5..W.
The Vlewt Markat.
Bxxr P. imeateera.l t.8"nJ4.'.,6 ; cho'ce
te- r. I .,. 4 Otl; far to goo. I teer
ilXi"i3..'g'; K'X torhoicwciw. f t l!ft
:J 50
coilltnou to riiediUm till, 12.00 d
2 dreeaen 1 1.50 4 7.00.
Mcm Choice, 4.:X)ii4 7); fair lo
good. 4 (Vi a 4 50 dree-l I.ii0; laml
ll.i Kin 4 50; irea-e.l, 00.
llm Clio re be' v 17.11017.25; m"-
dinin, In.M) ,ni 75; I'g'it and feeder,
o VAiitti.i'rtl. 'lre--e.t, I7.0J.
Vxau 0 it7 IX).
Snoggi) Mxvr I-arge ham, 17,''l
li lc; mediumiiam, 17'."tlSSC break'
laal bacon, 17 iS 1 e. thort ciear 11. lea,
14S'4l5lr; dry tail tides., 13',(14o
per pivnnd.
Lxtn Compound, In tin. H'.'r;
pnre, in tin. lriidK'nC; Oregon, Httf
.'c per poun u
Svn Base quotation: Inn,
2 75
ateei. fi.,a; wire, J.SJ per
Iao :Ur, 24c per pound; pig Iron,
123'if 25 per ton.
f'Tkau lvi',0 per ponnd.
Ti I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qni
:ty. H.50 l.tkj per box; lor croaae. v
extra per ; I. C. ixk plate. 14xi),
prim quality. 17-Vint t.iXl per box ; tern
plate I.C., prime qoniity, lb.iKi47.uO;
14x20. 14 i".
LxAO 4(cper ponnd; bar, 6 a.
Shot 11. pJ per aack.
Hoaaxaimie j.
Nvl Sroa Oaknm, 14.501 5 per
ale; rein,I.Ml.j5 per 40 pound; tar
-tockholm, 113.00; Carolina, ttf.OO per
lrrei; pitch. 11.00 per barrel ; turpen
tine, 65c per gallon in carload lota.
Haw Rarrlaa.
Burlap, 7-oz.. 4(-im-n. net eiah fv
boriap. Id,, 4Hnch, net cam, 7c;
birtapa, 12 Ol.. 44-inch. T'.e: hnriana
IVoa.,-mch, ll'.c; burlap. 2iVc.. 7o-
inei 1 4c Wheat taw. Calcutta. 23x)6,
apot, 6c; two-buibi oat bagt, 7c
havrd Ilia Imprraa' Life.
Many Aimrirnn libtirtana ar amnn
the al'lot, l-t.t t In ir pnuVvsion rvi on a
fal-e L;it:,e:a. It l.o nothing a), do
with aci'iicc. ar.d rnnn'.'ohave until It
baa vaMly ailv:imr.l. Murkiil lmnrnve.
Birnt ha been r.:mle In tlirrnpeutlce. Our
rhyaiciana mn-.par very favorably with
till cf l.l;r,lf, Aft.-r tha Vme...
(.urnie na.i cuen lurtli to tha nrlnre '
inipenal an Irrry rtant cr-cmiion waP
ne-.-.-iry, a;.d oil the n il hrntrtl dvt.,ra
of I'aria cti.t A nu n. an d.-t..r
rwiurtit thcrvwrre calll in (M v.nng tbem
Vt John-. n, tii.vr .!,-,,,. Y,, a - kr.
trrr.tnui.t f.,-:rtt o,,.,, ,....
nan. n tl...V.he 1 ..d 1. ft her l,r:n
Mi w aa in n.' nit-ntar- rn-nl of l. ain-r h. e
life. Atoltmn wTaln n t.k j.Ure.
Nolnxly could tilii Mn tii Ju,. k
dccUrrd Le r. u'. 1 rrmnlv the eviL lla
held l.rr tip l y iLe l. 1 and tb blood
Bowed liack 1 1 her I raw. He aavtd brr
life. X. t one f he 1 Wjian ould
hve clf.arrcl i f , :T r.n o nionairoua an
Indi.jnity to ti e rmi rea.( the French,
Itit the lr..l -nity, aa-they afterward ac-knowle,l.-,d,
waa t rvftraU lo her Ueatb.
Oilca;o New a.
Nevada bef U Ulag h TOel foCal fi.
4 cwra.
Columa Devoted to the Interests
of the Farmer.
COMPELLING STOCK TO EAT FOOD. k and Wire hi cr Wi h G - P e,tj
Will L-rn the Trutble X igt.b r.
On ol tb moat freqnnt rvuaa Df
qnarren lataeeu neigh'ai aie 1 1. a ,1V
iti, ibe rnn e ema i.d on lint
actiuiit, tayt lb 1'tiiirit hurmrr, to aar
11 .tiling of the wo-ry an t tiouoe, 1 iu
many ra tnlHcient to bav pt np a
ux kprool lelice tor b lh paruea. and
on ecc iim ol a ddTerem-e t twetn them
ikith will 1 at np and maiiiai i a pura a
feice with a "devj 'a l e" bele-n
hem. Cerl n'y aitch a c nrae rang t
be i-on- .le d profitable loeith-r Wiiila
it . a. way Oral to avoid d Ifl tut e,even
n to extent ol giving in a rather
than to quarrel, yet when an agreement
cannot be reached antiafactorily between
neighbor It Will lie far belter for la.ttl
ticall in one or inored'intereted ne gii
tiort and let them d.ii.le what wou.d ha
right rather than go to law.
It it, ol coarre, right and jnt that
each owner thou.d pm op and mainuin
hit rhar ol the line leni-ea, and that
the ahould be tbH'k-prooi. Tint ii
bog tight, nin'i-liigb and Imll-tirutig.
Yet oi-caainnally, even with a re by go.l
lenre. unruly ttock will break throngi.
But it it better to dit(Me l aniinan of
thit kind at to.n at poeeihie and for
each to keep np hit portion, and in 'i -ing
thi to work on the plan of tbe golden
ru e to do yonrrelf at yon would btvt
y nr neighbor do.
P.ank and wire fenret with giod po-ti
will not only Irtteii th trouble betaeen
ne ghlort, bul will take np l-t land and
afford let room for weedt, brier or
petit to thrve, and while it it an itaro
to dtapenae with all annecetaary fencing
it It very Important to have what i med
good, and especially line fence. II yon
moat have tome poor fence, let it' i
thote which keep your own tux k out of
your own field, to that il any damage
it don it will be your own ttock that
will get tbe benefit.
roiLTity nuTKi.
I)o not pot np an rxpemivs nonl'ry
budding becau-e tome m.lliona re eel
the exauip e.
Il the duck an I geeae are picked reg.
ularly durn.g ttieummer and eany fad
they will not mi u t.
It ia not the ttate of tbe market that
cauart failure in poult y keeping, but
the ttate o mind ol the pml ry keeper.
The tcrap Iroiu the table t aed in
tweet miik until o(t make a g d feed
lor young larkey, eecially in the u tu
rner. Tbe lair man never niaket end meet
on a poultry farm. Dronea can never
ex pcl to have bcui keep them in idle
nee. At lead once a week the hen ahon!4
have a lee ling ol charcoal, or nunliii lot
p rn on ilia ear mar be burue 1 and led.
At tin eeaaou, aber a long winte 'acou
li tement in iuli pent and net. rian
abundance ot green loodcan beob.Hined,
the charcoal a ill lie Imiiid a go-d aiu-r-at
ve, an I en nnprvvdd condition will
lollow iu ue.
Karlr Klrl.ia1 lleana.
There are eoiue croi wni h armer at
a d nauce Iroiu inaiket can grow win
protU il u.ey have rici, ear y inn I, ran
ali.eof nriug'iig 'he rop nr .rd rap d y.
Bean to le- Used green req ine rn li land.
1 can l ard y ine 111 -ile i . ricu lor ' i.em,
ine warm h irom heavy in.u.ur 1 g a-ry-ing
tl em along alnle 11 e arailirr lea 11
much loo cold lur tieau not t- ni cared
lor to mane any row Ui The Ur-ltrn.g
bean in market ru year area reaoy aa
at 4 per bu-b' I, or more lOintn ui y 2
loramaike b.nkil ul. The lwt variety
It ti d.len Wax, 11 being product ve, and
in goiden coiored m d lien g alwa)v rat
able. Tan or more picaiug can in
made, and th land cleared iu time to
plaut turnip or ia a tabiwgit. Alter tbe
pi ice ge 1 iow, aa 11 doet ia er in me fa
ton, il U too bulky a crop tj bear long
Uracalng After I'luwlns.
In a l caa wuere the ianJ it p'oaed
in tuinmer a drag or harrow rhoui t ml
low ciiweiv alter the plow to tiuooth the
turlai-e. Kirly in tpring an exc of
inoirture in the toil i common, and then
lo have rough lurrow lo dry out the
netliil ou mo tlnre more quick y ia an
a-lvauiage. But even then harrowing
the lurrowt down tbonld be done be In re
they get very dry. In tuinmer, w hrreaod
especially it plowed nuder, tbe heated
air under the 1 arrow onen retard ler
menution, and il the plowed land it le I
long wdnout dragging, 11 may la-come
too dry I ir reeof u, gi-rminate in it. A
very lignt rain towk down le ter into a
mouth tarlace, becinae it doet not give
1 hi n enoogn to apread it out. to that It
cannot toak intide the hard luma.
Work fur Halay Kara.
It it to often necetaarv to work over
hour in Dleaaant weather that when a
rainy day comet in nmnier the larmer
may protitahly devor it partly to Intel
iectua! improvement. He ran at let
then Ukn limetoeetiuiatecarelully what
nee. I to be done and plan a to the iwet
war of d iirg it. 1 hit will reqnire ttu-ly
and prove tne beat poasihle intellectual
exerciee. Il at lean require at much
executive al.iiitv to keep .vervthing on
lanre larni tn order ar.d working
(monthly a it doe to manage a manu-
lacmring or commercial hoainra.
Com II I Kg ktaek tm t mt r.tml.
An luiliCB noa-lli v ha winterolnr
kept at otner aeaaon on bad that con
tain barelv eLongi nuuilirn 10 rnrlun
lie IhiiwhenevaJ t' ia the laci no
p-fit nee.1 I rxpet-'cii irom to k ibut
ivd. Ad the a ivinUge to llj-trr
(to n feeding thick cornr irotn fee-t.r g
more than 1 eedrd for barelv retamii g
the nme condition. There must t in-
rreaee eilberol HmIi niii...i ij .
there ran t ar.v nr .ht .,d t,..a ,-i,r,a
g'ayia.iy goo.1 lee lingS u
A ymin; U ir .1,. fl nhw op ber
aWy (.ar ttiva.-ii-c-r witurbap a.Ki
A iin lulcl urns Im ;jt in pr I--T
thing I t. iH-Ki,-.-n.u at a faaui.-uai-
wt.1 im. imt I o ipaiueut toare a outu
Ug Uka a CUaay
Tl. tn-tr..-! pr,,r.i., a c mg to prekTit
Oefr- K.-aiR ia Tra.n .!n a vuta ol tu.4ij
0""ing luaui lire tnruu.-a tna auuuuer
A I-:i 1 ,4 drel tuavie np luto k:r rainj
f.c wa:.-u. ia .-:n :i.jj 1 aa
gel D..UI ,-4 a Vlnl of ,w, mrr iutui .a
make 11 up mui tch iniigat
ll av ru.-ivcvfel Luiiii.i,ihiii
T-JT"" 1"C U " "
lm rT'a.y at kiu, M mul prMaawJ
aa cut tta.-rrt 6-a. (J