TOSAV. Hf ma pa mt He AUd. UWKX I fc-4 KUt tMl 1-S Uf bf Atf, Wfc.t lira kacaws u I n riwtl MT III I kanit.- Unbf. fat, aa! . s tHwj and I t-.a!I dim la thai fair "i4 thai a nowt so (.nth f, l'afxir4. thail ihase l"f r.i.f lipe ctsl for nirw'". ' I il eJaer Lara." -14. U Itiulla la llarpar k!r. PMSCILL.VS ERROR. It wa 6 rat day afternoon, anil Fnend prlarilU Gibbon sat to th rocker in ber tatj front room. Tb Bra in th grata WMof the bnghteat and cheeriest; to cat on th fur rug In front of tha rhim nrypisc pnrml In aokiun "ad self Mtiafiad content; ther were growing tUnU and vins in tha broad inlow, , and tn unhin Bib-red in through their fresh UtM, making fleck of light nd ihU on th gray carpet. It wa eold ont of door. Vol from that room winter waa abut oat It looked hka Qnaier room. Everything ihrd to gnj nd whiU. Fnnd I'n-m'.Ut jaajly tnaotlnK bmnH wm not not dmttnctly Friendly than waa tha iirnty room wbrra tha rama witn lirr Hi.-t:nj or with br Uk In ail brr ajara mommU, and wtwra. on Crat day vn ina. aha b brr t in honor of tha (cial cbaractrr of tb day. Dut no thought of ta waa MitrrtainM In Fnmd Iriai-illa'f brain jnt thrti, a ah iwnnK tu k and forth in ttf-r wi k-r rorkrr. Tb rtul lmr r;th whi( h tha day Wan bad bwn aratUTMl to tb four wimU of brro. and it waa with anal raurrly out of harmony with tit faulty of Un iarroutiiina that th littl Udy aat thrra that aft-moon. "However ronld it hara bai xir" ah moaned to ht-rwlf over and over attain. "Jan ia an rarrful and I alwaya look orrr tha tblnim and put them away myaelf." Lik fti Widow Orern, "th rarched th rknptnre to find teit that would aomewhateaao her mind I r pleied," but nothing aeeme.1 to exm-tly Ct her raa aa ah liKhnl to bfTwlf, "They drt-aaod ao differently In tboa dara." friend Priaiilla waa thadearnt old Qnaker Udy who ever attsndol meeting and aat In tb ,,Kill ry." hh ha-1 ant "facing the uietiting' for mora yean than moat of tboae in attendants at tliat ar tlcular plaraof womhiprared toronnt np. Tim ha-1 lonrhel her lixhtly, and, altbotih her hair waa a little nearer whit and bi r unall hamU a tnfla tnor wltherwl, her eyea were aa liriiiht and bar rheeka aa ft and pxovhy aa tin y had leen thirty year before. Friend Jriacilla waa dutinrtly a pn'ttyold bvly. On of th younger and mora lrrerereut memliert of tha meeting lial greatly arandaliaad tha older Friend by heed laaaly ratnarking. "Wi youngi-r one hara no chanra in th tnattrr of good look; Prtarilla OibUina la tb belle of very yearly mealing.'' It might I alirawdl atinperted. too, that Friend !riarilla waa privately awar of her claima to consideration in the tin of aplarani-e. Never waa faahiiltiahl dam mora particular about her nmat oaremonloiia toilet than waa thia little Unakereaa about her everyday apparel. Uay it could not I, out of regard for both her ronai'ienra and her taata, but iquiaitely fin and (oft and even In coloring It al wart waa. At ah aat fac ing tb meeting on firat day moniinga, and a ah talked with her rla In th afternoon first day at-hnol, ah waa aa fair and dainty to look upon aa a pier of Dreaden china. And Friend I'riai'illa atddtiin knew a ear. To all appearance her life flowed on In unruffled arrenity. Ko it waa a matter for aoiu anrprte to tha other mam Iter of tha meeting that tba little Udy had taken to preaching of Ute. Tha firat day morning when aha calmly un tied her bount't itring. laid th bit of plain millinery on the cuablon bealde her, aroaa and atood with her gray gloved band aerenely rlanped on the railing in front of Iter while aba preached clearly and vamnatly on tha deairability of pre erving th (junker traditum and rua touia. waa a iiieinorabl on in th con mnnltv. Tb burden of br littl aernion waa alwaya tb preservation of tha aarrad cliaracter of tba meeting, and her boiui liea carried mora weight with the young er generation, and rapeciajly with tha children, than did thaa of all tha other peaker put together. It waa chiefly through her influence that It grew cna tomary for tba fimt day achool to attend tha morning meeting in a lody, and any tendency to reetleaaneaa or levity on tha part of th yovngater waa afterward impreaeeU npon them by Friend Inacilla aa a matter for deep and Uating aorrow. Th boy w ho on on occaalon mad a rabbit, with hi handkerchief will ra- mamW to hi dying day tha look of, griavea aurynae w nu n anone npon mm from Friend Priactlla a fee. "And to think," grimed th. old lady, "that now 1 am myet-lf responsible for thru levity. Howrsn I ever go luto th. meeting bouse again? And 1 in sura I can never prra-h after this!" That same morning a "concern" of tha biggest kind had been laid upon Mi' I'riacilla' gentla and reverent apirit. In th midweek meeting, at which the mem- i ber of tb day school, carried on aa an adjunct of tb Friends' organization, were present, alia hail seen unseemly , miles aichangsd ttween soma of tb stiildren. Tba longer ah thought about It tba more tha circumstance wik-hed Don her, and on Crat day morning Fnetid PrisciUa r to deliver tha una aaga that bad com to her. ; btrang to ay, th waa slightly nsrv , on for th Crt tun ia ber preaebmg tpanrnc. hhe surreptitiously fait tn bsepoiket fr th customary handker chief, and fiiel.tig it in its place against a tun of Dnl . nt on with ber ser-1 moo. Fats waa s.-amut her. Just as' ah was fauly under wr there were hasty strie uu tl.s patnnmt outalde, th door opened with a ira!i. and squeak, j rtosak. ktaok, cams ;r-i,- maa np th aisls to a (rout seat aim t under lit eakar's Ihsm. hocb sn mtry would have made a (rttsstkin ia any Uiiakei BAssting. but Una, in the feeling of th 0 i. id.'.4 r.."t.U ftt Ending ttat tU bold tiita-ler Lai acttl.d bimarif cotn fortiUy ou tii w..i:ier ' .1,1 of th. bouse! The f.-rroo 'a forgotten; every wo 171 u on on ., and every man on th. , ether, and rry in every j rt of thu hou- cram-d hi or her Individual bm k to v a good view of th new foiinr, whoso rashly defied tradition. Friend PriacilU h.-rlf loaf th. thread of b'-r dlarotir and Stood there help- Irm ia tba general amazement. Th tranger at.rtl.Oby tb. lenc and by , fimten'-d upon him. rouaed bimarlf to tb Ktuation, (iirveyed the two diriaioba of lb bona and proceeded to a t. fVjneak, lieak, down tb alle he went again; queak, equeak, alor.f the atone on taide; and aiiueak. Miueak, Dp the other aial to ,, ,' . ..i. in eiiier iirvaine! auiuu , m mir dren tittered, and Friend I"riariIU en deavorwl to gath'-r up the broken thread of her interrupted diaooorae. Hut tb In pi ration had fled. After one or two ; in.IIMX.uu nwn io u I 1 ' ! er entence. the little Udy aank Into her , ! M-at, placed hir gray Vmnet precipitate- . ly on her h.d regardlea of tb whit i fc ruffle. jmllMl ir rr. ti"iy Uu.iiM-wColl. ga at I'ortUnd, ia at and fold.4 handkerchief from her pork- fl,r fvw fay, vacation, at. held it before ber face and gav her-1 ,. ,,,,. Vilw.n. a in of J. I). Wllaon, elf np to aintation. ' u-tl for Walla Wall, veaterday, where Fnetid I'nacnlU pocket handker- i,e will -nd the auiumer. chief, like the ret of Uit belonging, I Tba I-ane founty Mop (irower' A were fine and la-autifully kept, and th ancintlon held a largely attcliilel meet one devoted to n for tat occasion 1 lug at the court liouae tba afWTnoon were religioualy laid away in a x by j u-v. I. K, Knlgbt i now the tiaator thrinw lvea. A ahe aat there reflecting ; of the Sulclii Congregational cliun h, on the uritowarlneaa of th immelUU , having accepted the torate Jeter oerurrenca Friend Priwilla one con- ''"J'- ,Ution waa the recollection that tba V. VL Hyera litta leaja-d I'rivm (ill handkerchl. f now decoroualy dnxiping inon-' Hort- Mum In Junction.CtJy liefora l. r f In a long, half fold had ; " "I"-" flurmiil In the aalue been taken tlmt morning fr,in the aern-d , , -( ,, , boi in which her W were prww-rved. I M.v-r. of I'ortUnd. baa been i i. w tnlit- le ud president and C. It. Inlne, of Rudely breaking In nix-n wwedi- , w.ri.ury f , World1, tionacame an audible .nicker from on. , tulluiJ,ni corner of the n-iin followed by . giggl. . Hmt rf u w ()rUn from another ,nnrt.T. She waa a-tou- i 1(K.k, u, j, Uo)laj,rj i inhul to find th mwting breaking op , lu ,.gbteeiilli round. It waa for and a friend at her ell-.w aaying "- punM oflO,uw. uinHy. though with alaugh In her ayetti Kuis.-iie C'aiiiiiiiir 'o. baa i.ur- 'Triai llU. biu-n t the maile a miataii l in thy ken hief? That hardly look lik the one thee umiullr carrii'." (n haaty glance at the article mentioned, another at the Mulling look dlrecte-l Uiwar.l In r by the entire audience, an wakening to the conviction that It had been neeery tocliam the meeting on account of the incongruity of her attire, and Friend Prim-ilia hurried out and home by the back way. Fimt day ix-hoo) had no cbarma for her that day. lb-r dinner waa a wear! Dee to the The cat concluded a blizzard had .wept the heart of hi mi- ' '."--7 tr.. and retired to ae-k conaol.tlon in the liifht of the lire and tha warmth of the rug. Afternoon ran on toward twi light, and twilight deepened into even ing, and .till Friend I'riacilla (lildion ant there gloomily, womb-ring how it had ever haptenfd. and tteinoaning that hoof nil (people. hould have brought die- cn-dlt nix.ii the aiM-re.lne of a t rlenil meeting, for It bad taken no eecond glance (hi city, arrived j-eetenlay. lie will t-i.liow that what .he had ippecd tol return to Ogdcll tmluy. He report a neatly Ironivl, fine white handkerchief times eaat of hero very dull, .liailtng her abated little face had N-en I Albany Herald, March 3: The over in reality a long wbitestocking, dangling land tpifn lu.t in'lit ran over a tramp It toe and heel tidacioulv toward th near the croexiiig of the ditch below audieii.-e.-rhllieU-lphiaTtmi ; the fulU and cut hi foot oft nt the In- ; lcp. It uppeam Hint he wait trying to A nrlihl Christmas. gel on the train and alll.p-l, hi foot ti.. vi,. . ri...i ,...,. getting under the wheel. the wonl revive! To tell of the haptl- eat Clirbituiaa 1 ever eerienced U al most an impoiMibility there were o many happy one when my father wa ativ to teach in how to enjoy them. The fimt Christ ma that I reinemlier ca-iiia now like a scene from a long for gotten comedy. I was a very little boy then, but the day U Impressed npon my meiuorv by a modiap never to be forgot- ten. Who hua not a. .nie time been given i a drum by hi dearest friend and closest conll.Unt-hi father? Tb drum that 1 1 received then wa almost a large a 1. .! ll.s flrst use to which I imt it waa that of a t-plodder. My ambition at that moment waa to reach the lofty altitude of an armchair. The drumhead, however, refused to Us taiu me and I fell through with a bang. How long I might have remained ther it U iuiixawible to aar, for I never could have eilricated mvaelf alone. The hearty j The contest will be held at Willamette Uugh in which mjr fsther indulged when' I'nlvemlty on the night of June I'd, he rescued me from my predicament U .",' J" "I'-ker fnsii .-nch till a bright .pot in my reflection.- j 1,1 '" ; (ttmrga U. MiClellan in New York Her- A CosTI.V Mistakk. A crrpoiid .J.J, leiilsays: WheiiS. M. Titu erected j hi fine brick bhs-k five yir ago, he Bsrsa' Vhrsa. ! made t he mistake of putting brick in Here are a few specimens of Burns' foundation Instead of slum. The ecu happy phrases: "Tha beet Uid scheme trnl wall has tsvn gradually settling of mic and men gang aft agley;" "Th. until last week be found It nec-ssury o' heir, the hangman' whip, to baud the wretch in order; "Dut pi rm ar liWa ruiniifffe aorss.1? von asLts U floW(.r ,u Mo(lu u J1)(J.- ,,h WkJ oiiie poser the ffiftle gia n to sea but elves as iier us;" "Man' inhu manity to man make countless thou MinU mourn;" "Norsing her wrath to keep it wann," "Tha mirth and fun ; grew fast and furious," "What don i w partly may compute, but know not ' what' resisted;" "I'rince and lorU are but the breath of king;" "Tha rank U but the guinea tar, a man' man for a' that."-London lit lUt. riads st ass. In reaped to derelict or abandoned property at sea tha ancient rule gav. one-half to the salvor, but now the usual coume U to allow tb award to be gov rrned by th same principles a In other salvage caws, taking into consideration tb nk aud labor employed in th serv tc. (ftn a ship fortunate rnongb to are an Unenled or helplrs vessel will maks mora money for her owner than ahe would on two or three voysfr- New York Fvening Sun. II a ik Iiibsh ts Aaa Lots. Hi f r-t iiniosrrie.1 man isasing be neath the Ittitel pit of a disr over whk h bus lern Lui.g a J-l containing bins p. , ill marry tha maid who plact-d It t rr. and a pwxs of Worsted with bin k:eta tir.1 in it la ronaklcrvd a j-r.-v HATlTilDAY, MARCH! Q Mr. If. C. DovL ofHal.-y U v Wi lli C in hugt-ne. t'A Frank rtm up from Allsuiy on thl afU-ni'.H:' local. 0 if. W. Stewart, of Coundock int Uat night In K.ugen. Mm. Washburne returned from a trip to Albany Uat evening. Hcv. C. II. Wallace, of Cottag. (irove, U In town Unity. EMr. and Mm. K. K. Orton. of Juno lJ(), rr vtatUllg fril.ndi , ,.ltJ. (iu liullanl returned from hi trip to Kitiioti hpringa jeau-rday afternoon. J. II. Itliinehart returnm-il lat lilght from a two week' viaik In ( aliforuia. Mrrrltt Iavla cani home from Junction tlila afternoon for a abort J. I. Holland, principal of tbeCot tut'eCiniVe puldlc( acliool, U in town t'Nlay. MIm A htowell baa returned to huli iii ami rt-iiiuei ln r itlon lu O burii'a racket atore. W. II. h,ugli of Junction preciii.1, ,iM m fur J ,, or 1(in.i u l)U ,4) ie .r.uj. Klni(.r 1j who iJW l)M.0 eld. ,.1Hm.j , mr t.ut,,.r fr,,n Halein cannery. I be cooker chaM-d in the KaM. will Iw pur- We are rrv to learn that the fattier of 1. 1). (iillw'rt la very III nt hi home III Julietta, Idaho, and 1 Hot CI peeled to nttivi-r. Dr. I. I). Driver went to Portland thia morning to tl liver a aerie of lec ture U-for the Y. M. C. A. In the M. K cliun h of w hich Itt-v. L. I (iue ia lutor. IVudleton K. ().: J. ('. Iug, of the (ieorgi-tow n nulla, Collage (irove, I in the iitv, and Iih limny idd friemU ben. who are pleiual to greet . I Hjmtiw. ,7 ... ,, , . . . III in. A Walla Walla pliotogn.nher baa a aigu out that read: ' I'liotograpba, II x-r doen. Ilalilin tnt:" The MUea tioii that arlw- i. how many liable o w all eiit-li ilo.eii of pliotia orden-d? Frblitv' llukerCltv iH-iiKM-rut: Har- rv Wamham-r of OuiU-n, I tali, one of x)w ow tiera of the Hotel Warahauer In Kx-Hhcril! A. K. Ihiwl.ii of Walla Walla, wax on Monthly last returned to the inwiiie axvluiu at Medical ljike as luctinible nmi dnugerous. He w as reli-navd retrutly frtun the Hteilucom aj linn as uppHietitly curtl. A f.-w day afterwards he went to hi barn hi re he hid in the hay loft and cut his throat and was IIioukIiI to lie dy ing w ben found. His life waa by prompt action. Financial troubles brought on hi condition which l How coiind. red hopeless. While at theconventl in at Corvulll me ting was rallml Mr the purHe of organising u -inwr-t ou. Kmie . .raior- leal context" of the colleges of Oregon. Aa an outgrowth of this imvling I.. I. KcvnoItU, of Willamette 1'iilvemity, was chosen pn-sliletit of the executive committee; Mr. hwnii, of the Agricul turul inlleire. as corresixiiuliiig secre tary, and Frank Matthews, of Kugviie, as the third ineiiils-rof the committee. , " " r1", l,"l"n,1,,l" IOM- Mr. I litis anvs if be ever builds again be w III put in siting foundaUoiis, as it dia-s not draw ilsiiipnex from the f rouiul and rot the tuiils-rs as bs-a rick. The Fairmouut Stone (Jiiarrie. are now delivering a ls-tter nualit of atone and at the same old price. I-are onl.-rs with I'eler Nve at the oiiarrv or with ti.-o. M. Milli-rln the Wilkin's block. Iwll iasrd. March I Foil. I'i.av rifsri:iT:i. In our Is iter it.-ui will l found an aci-itunt ' the mj steriona dipraine of a Mim Jordan. Her bnl tier claima be has no know ledge of her w hereabouts. A gentleman who arrlvel here fnm Is-iter this morning, inform u. that a large searching rtr i still out, but no lrsv of b r has l n gaine.1. The shenfTaiul prtwavitlng attoro.y have la-en iiotillel, and foul play l s.nmgly ailplcioliel. I.atkk Sincv writing the above, Sb.-ritr .Nolsml and I'ro-cviitlng Attor ney Condon, have left for Ia1 Valley to make ioflb-ial invt-stigation of the caar. It:yOuanl, Marrk. SAt.1 TK PlHl. -Today at Uo'cbsk Col. facli and Captain Kocli, asited by a iiumta-r of the Marine I alcts. flre.1 a aalule Hear the Central srti.sil iMiilding In honor of the inauguration of Wmvcr Cleveland. A gun a flrsU for each of the slates that v cut demo cratic, and ii OhKia ,d N.rth Isa kota, which e. h funil-'.cl one Vote In the ele.iorl oll gr. and on for j Michigan, which gsvr tlv for Ilt 1 lanu. ' hprlBffifld a. Messenger, March 3.1. TlieUnd Is practicing again. The bov. havO' t apart Mar. h 11 foracu cert at Kugeue. It will be a go tht time. At the Free Met hf sib lile. ting t v.iiv i -,.,i Koi J.v ev.-iiing r rel !i 'ifMi.C'iitnle.! with the church. ' ' A. Walker haa l n appointed ra e.rh r pro tem In the al-eiice of W It. I'eligra, who e ssts b ninaill W Itlddle for some time yet. epringficld I well represelile.1 at Ihe nickel mines at Itlddle. They are (itf.rge Ijrn-iii and "ii Marr and (ieorgvJr.. Ilell Ileerlllg, F. M. Hol ier. (.' M Dorltv, W ll I'.tigra sik'o ill lieiijumln. The Junction City Times said 'nc uiK-anny things alsiut ,"-natrs Alley and Veatch Ut week, but the sena tors willlot let it tr'Sjtil tin III III UK " leaai. Tl.a .av, t J t Is, rl tl . f 1 1 a I Its. 'Mm I II ill -J I i(r wiri n ini" hub j- - was completed vca-erday, but ing to a llilsUIHlcmtaiHll.lg !-ieeii me oin-e- torn and Contractor Overton l a tie- UMlit waa made. The chair, will nr- rive in time to aeat the hall for the baud concert to l given on Saturday eveinl.g, March II. If the o. ra liou- Is ready you will find the programme mr nil' ipirunic hi "ui ..... )-- . At the church Sunday ...... ..f i ;.... u... niorniiig the ordinance of Ixipti.m iw admiiii.tered to t.-rtlii and rred Walker. I.ydla lloueruian and Lulu Hunnlcutt by 1U v II F (aider. Iter. Scott of Sattle. Wa-I.iligton, who the Fn-e M.-th'Mli.t meelilig, Wt.ide, Uat fall, W l.r.-uch-ing in Valley Chaa?l this w.rk. At the clfss- of avnlis-a in the cbn-l Thursday nism Nancy F.lion, May Trlan and Maggie ( raw lord were lpllzed In the mill race. Ilalitl.lll bv lllilllemloll I l.-eolllirig a common .s-ciirreuce In Springfield on Sunday. Ijut Suti.lay al the cih. oi niorniiig services in Hie llapll-t church Mr. James I-axtoii, Mm. I.. Harlow, Ijiura Pennington and Martha Thom as were baptized in the mill rn-c. lU-renge I wee. Junction has lisfoVere.l that Kllgelie I only the tein.rary county s-t of Ijine c.mnty and inasmuch as Fiigeue phi v e.1 a cnicuou Mirt In the defeat of lilaine and Sll:ienil counties. Junction now prolKss'a to Cottage (irove that the two combine In removing the county capital to Creswell. "Tb.-y caw u't do Itchcr you know."'s Nkw IlKI'ARTMKXT. The old hulem fire ilertiucnt I no. U-eti virtually done away with. No. 'A, the old North Sal.-m hand engine coiiiim ny, and the Alert I look A 1 jiddi r Co. are repenhfl by the new ordiiinue.-. The allow slices and salaries of the old depart men t amounted to f.'(Kla month without Incidental expense.. The new iald department coli.i.t of a thief en gineer at $Tj a mouth, engineer of fire engine 75 a mouth, w.-.uid engineer (J), driver of engine tn. Driver of hose wagon ff, salary of eight bow men at 1 10 each Hi. This makes a total of $,'170 a month and secures the men rendv to do wrvloe at the tup of the I -.-if and a force u l!lclent to fight any ordinary tire that may break out. I'allr i. usiil. Marrh 3. A Notk.ii Violinist. Not many of his large circle of friend, are aware that ShcrilfJ. K. Nolaud I. a violinist of no ordinary ability. PerhaM the gn-nt.-st cause for thi Ignorance. i the fact thai of late year til wife would not listen to hi entreaties to Is allowed to bring a vloll.i Into the hiuie. Since going to California, however, .he concluded it would be Iswt to let him indulge lii. taste in the matter, ins she would U' Miction in the In, ol lo r i.aiight.-r Lot far enough away I and at the the sump tie, w ho was nearly .event. .-n yen m of time give him soiuetliliiu for amuse ment tn while awnv Ihe hour during her aWmv. Si thi. inoriiliig lie reelved by expn-ss frtun San Jow, a l.-autiful Pagnnuini violin, the gift of hi wife. Palljllnanl. Marrn X. No Ft'SKH. Sal.-m Journal: The new aaseesiiicnl laws leave a deficit in future city and school fund, and it 1 Ihe opinion of gentlemen, who have investigate.!, that the city ami ill. ti let wlll have to Isirniw money to run the schools with for lKUhti. Theaclna.l warrants w ill not draw Interest. In competent clerks got in this work and the state of New York ap.-am w-v. ral time in the Ijiwton tax bill anj oth er minor defts-ts run all thmugU it. (ielitleinen are now examining the matter and the s.ple w ill pmbablv Is- . clIClv uiitil in r waj . i...... ... .timiniv Ibe liw aval. m vela mid t j- Pall 7 Ooard, Mairh V For so (ilil.TV. Al I'jitoll. w ho was arresttl Monday for cli.turbiiig n prayer mts-tlng lu-t Sunday in Uall Creek precinct, was trl(-d Ml that plaiv, Wednesday, b. fore a iiiry in Juice Oeo. Nret'a court, and found gmltv. Fjiton waa find till ami in sits. He th. line and wa iMm harge.1, while ljtne county w ill bt isinis lle.1 lo pay nwl. ..ii.k.iiift.ii. ... mL.ii. 4 . , m , , Will Shavk The McMiniiville Ilcglaler aava: James Fletcher, of thi. cltv, ha not l.ave.l hi. U-nnl .in.v the last luailgiinitioli of Cleveland. eight veam ago. That was the fimt tiiiies'ince l.-s.l. On the 4th day of .viarcn ifsm, next aturilay, uncle Jim wdl remove his besrd and we 41 will have the pleasjre of knnwing ju-t what an old genuine deiiKs-rat ..ik. like. lie remark llinl lie will have the pl.-ajiu re cf ahaviiitf everv four . am as long a he lives. . bv.-s Unv'EK:h. The Pendleton FjiI i Iregoiiian of Wetlntsslay says: "T. M. I "ay Icavca this evening for Portland. He ha so fur recover..! fnmi hi. inju ries aa to resume rallmadiug, and will pml.aliy take a M la-twtsu Portland mid Tactima." Mr. Inv i a sou of J. (.. and a brother of H. M. Day. Oheoo (khwi:r. Tested ganl.-n w.l is guaranteed. A full im rtni. nt ' i.i. adapted to Or.-g.Mi ay. be found In i any hi prnvs at r. I., .4 tlie kill. la ts-at gardening can always .tuaiilitv at tsitt.Mu liaujls-r Hards air re. Makrikiv Mi Halite M. I', . ho la well known to many f c rt gis-r. waa married In Portland Inst evening to Mr. C. II. Hughts. Nut Uwyer U lorate.1 in lit new cisinty of Lincoln. . a. . . - L'l llll.ll MB a- ail as. -s, , MEEIIM'i S.rnrlblng lli.t All Should About .Vbool Ifeetlllgs. hi The foil ' ing In r - liusl ..l inert lligs ' "", , -" . . t i i.. ii. i li , ill-lrlct r tke rn'tll Ilie amen. !,..d Uw.of (n g"U "I'd putdl-li e.1 --t I l-.aliiel dUtriet .Imli hold annual oii the llmt Mondavi!! Murvli. !iiai no. ..... , .li, ... .....rv .f.r lorrM-!l (ll'iri... IIIMKII I "' whi .ball ilahtv aa ul"n-wioi n Ilie lsiu irnin. .ball hold In- oilbr f-r three - ,,,, JL A Irvine, of Albuiiy, la n tbst the old. -I director shall Mire )Vt.r, rapidly. fromofll.-e in order. The dir.-.- m Henderson visite.1 Cot- .l.vt.,1 .... tb.- ofl f sVe tl,U ftrrn.n. trict .ball remain or n-t.n-. u. a Veo MV''' ; the llmt annua meeting " u.-ciue, , he is.' getting the blghe-l xtc there- ut ahall aen-e until the li' XI annual , Harry cl.l.T, oi ronianu, is viall in.1 ting then-niter: provided, that III 1 K, n Utlvt and friends III Eugene, anv .li-tri- t .-..htaiiiiiig or more j ..iB.,o wjton and Hon. K. P.'a.ifl.-'l vot.-m the annual .-! Hon for f t'oburg are In Kugi-ne t.slay. .i i tor. ami int , M:;:,u::i:i!,tbat,,:..!dr eui::;! .hall i held by U.llt. and that the lictomand cl.-rk shall is; new ; ill' III ii.iuiij( Mini .mii Id bv U.llol. and that the , j,),!-. ,,f such election .nail ira.,uiiiiii, in m... - ..... .,j, , ,v the diio. tom of ucli 'lis- niorv psilil. ,rjl.t w;,p ., .t at the time Slid. The old Harney home, fonnerly ,,111V ,,M.iiil, , to re.-. I ve and call vs ,lM n(M bv A. I ioldnlultll, hua died from n. vol.-. and report the n-ult to tie .liiiil stagger. .nr tom; but In such .li-tri.i. the an-I jir-,, t rr,. and Ix liA Kearney of , ((,, ,m . held on the tlmt ! ,. " . urg ua- visiting fricluU in this .Moliili.v ill .o.'ircii tor in.- un-.... ,.f biiMh.-.. other than the ehvlloin.f, . .. ...I . .Iin-.r and clerk. Si;r. 3.1. Any two dins-tors shall .-oii-iitutc a uiiruiii to doliUMiic. Tiiiik Fathi .ll.-. -"3 bill. a.-d the I. gi-latiire. lil l lntf charter bills. S bill-. Were ticking. Hesldes ..l...n..r I. ill. ll..- followilllf m-IIIltom Bill) repneiiiativc obtaiu..l the i-wge of, bill, a follows: S mite ( r.. s. ih-n-tivii, Mvem.1, lliii'-roft and Khickmiin I'each. iUh-v, Willi. Mild liuttl. r :t. Al ley, Cog.wetl, Matb.-k,, Max- well. llu.toii, .MH.lim, liiineniii, Weatberford. enteh. Hay. Fulton mid Smith li. Yaliderbuig, 1h- klv. Stelwer. McCnili.t.-ratid In i v u. Iloiiw Nii-k.-ll For-! and Ih.leV .1 .-.ell. Paxloll 4. Keu.IV. Miller, Iti.h'op and ( .lench. lUt. i Wghtli street. Jelln-v.. Wright of l iiioii, Northup, The Knights of Pythlii nlid WcshI tbe two li.. m, Tnillliigi r. May. and mm of the World liKlg.-a will prolmbly MaiileV L'eneli and 1U Ikuap, lir.'.w n of , the Odd Fellow hall for a num. lioiigh... Cliaiidler, Ciiinlil ll, Merrill, I her of year. Ilobl... C (irin-by. I.uwtoii. (till, a. F. McCUine, a well known bank- (iowan, l.riymaii. I'ptoii, Merrill, r t f Ta.tma,, Is vlltliig nda King. Corm liii. Day and Slieridiiti 1 tiv,.. Bl friends in Kugene. He Is uc eacli. Twenty-live .f the rciircwiitn-1 -i.,.i,.l ,v his w ife and child. live, holed ill II bill. curing the pahngo ie liasMiguofl Haii.ioiaIi to Fi:m k Within six lliontlis the trunk line railroad la-tectl Portland and A-loaiid lim-t comrneiic-e to erect and then-after maintain law ful fences on loth .Idea of the railroad lo prevent cattle, horn., sim p, hogs and f.ther .tocli from going on it, cx- i -ej it ui mi c routing., in cor.rate limits of tou ii. mid in station ground., Adequate call h-.giiard. liui.t ! built at road cniug. If they nn' kept In g.NHl h pair the n.a.ll not liai.le for damage.. If not the owner of be .... K IOJIII.1 "1 .. t K. .... coinpaiiy .Ml d:iv.' imtliv of sucli dang erous condition, and if the company of fers lu writing to pay a certain sum in damages, which .eiiial totlie amount -ill.-. on. ntlv awarded bv trial, the owin-r .hall not recover hi c.t.. The coii.tructiou of :) mil.-, of fcin-c on l.ith side of the rood It II ll lilt 1 1 V is th.-incl full compliance. Dll:l We take the follow ing from ii reivut mi ml m r of the New York Itap-ti-t Kvaiiiiiu r: "Tho inany friend. of Mm. V.. II. (irilllth, who' for iniiiiy yearn was pie-id.-nt of the W.t.-rn New York Fon-lgn Mi.-i .ioiiary Ss-jety, HI pained to l. arn of her severe uf- age. in orih r tljnt .lie might m-curc the Hdvaiitnge of Chicngo L'nivemity her ptin-nt. move.1 to Chicago a few month. hIiuv, and. III cnupniiy w ith their .laughter Lvalue n ineiiil. r of the Hyde I'uik llapti-t church. She en the jm-paratory depart uieiit of the uiiivemily. Slid giiiiu.l the love of ber clav.lii.-it.-, and the i-stt.-m of her teiiehi-m, giving pnnniw of a bright futun-." I he clc.i uwd daught er is a si-t.-r of Mm. U. M. Ibibbof Kii gene. Mm. tiritllth I at nn-.iit vi it ing her daughter in this city, .... ... I-nl.j iiii.rd. March X DllH.-ln thi. cltv at .1:4-") n'cl.H-k un. morning, .mm. mnroma I. ( or - lieu, ageti .1 year.. is.vii- came here lust Nov. ml. r from her liome nt I'l.ionCitv, Pa., to -i. nd the winter with her son. P. V. C..ri...!I .who h.,. ll''rl'l' oismloratthe des,t, here lor several v.iim. Pneumonia wa. dits-nse', mid she was sick only II...X....I .Ii,. . ....I.I..... :..l ... al.iut one week. Tlie.funenil Will take pbuv fnun the rcltlein-e of h. rM.noii Sunday next, but the plaiv of inter ment ba. not yet l.vti decided, n. the body may U- -nt east. PatlT l.u.nt, Marrh 1. St it mil Dam auks.-David Cherry ha sii.. Ijine count v for f.UI ilaiu- ages on ii.-.N.iint of a nsol .ins rvU.r . .... ..on in. pia.-rn i.-w nines nonii- " .'i . hi. . oj , nu. i inaing .pine an ' KPV'1 H'er. frm, having a UlTv I'"' ' ''"'"' has tenden-.! J"J ' gravel at 3 .vi,-a U f"T "'"!'' 1 hi wil."! "I"',"' ,""t "r.-ling .iw. jTri.-l :' '' "''" l nn of circuit court la.:y i.uarj. Vlarr."i i. SstiTV.-Mi.. M.- Ilutr ent.-r-taiiic.1 a few of her young ,y frj, ,, on rimrl;iy i.ri-rii..ii. The' time wa. V,T,V P"aiit a,, nt with fancy Work """ ""'-"' '"'Hi v.-nl and i,. cnier. mental. 1 1 it it at "lo'cPs-a the lalniiig liiLt.a I,. t. way i. ,jn. lug r..iu u here a d. In-ioui luri.-li w a. r.-.. Thiw,. pn-wtit w.i Mi- Mae and h. r. Mm. Wi. k Huir. Mi.- I n.l.r..., Mraight, Is.ii.i.. alkin. and Ithiii.-bart. CoK. li:r i. iaM. Varrh X A Pki..i Mi-Ti.ii . KA.ii.i Spring .1 . . I . t . ... . ... K oei.i ...i-M-iiger: iii.-wi iv uioriiiiur an englcwusweii d.- inlnlg in u,.ri,llt ciMe K.-l.-v's butte. When within a bundn.l f.Vt from ti.egn.und it .w..., down ii..i. the U.-k ,,r, vrarllng c,,lt. The c,,!t .tartd ,.wn ine mil al a rapid rate with Mr. F-agle ilinging t.. hi. Ia. k. After an ai ir- tntlv ritj.iyable ride of O.'tv yanl. the englc nn.- and elrsal n. i.L vond the cloud. v- StfQ.-iHiardn.-rof Cas Ibiy a form - er re..,'. iit ..f Ijine isninty, is" vi.iting nun W KFll. Mm. K Munr of Jim. (Ion i In city. ll. tins nor of Portland Is In theeliy tNlay. I.. I . Mis? or juiKtion was in town U-t niglit. Fletch.-r I. Inn b" returiml from Junction. Mis. Illauclie Filch is fjulte sl.-k with the in u nil's. I 11. Pott.-r and wife went to Iniinr mr r.,.-...... - tuna-.! fr-iu Corvalli llil rtcm.s.n. v.lcb and J. P. Currln ,,, t. i. Veatch and J. r. Curr oiU r r: -. Ihiy A Henderson are placing a Ian . - Ihiy A Henderson are placing a large citV ' 1 rcsMclil Jiar rrison has acciitedji of const iltlllolial law lu the Stiiifor.l unlvcmty. D. putv Sheriirsiuilli went to Juiio ti.ui City this niorniiig to serve legul m.-rs. lu the case of Ilonu-e Cllne vs J. C (iisslule. the supreme court bus over- rulcl a motion .r a rehearing, Do vou call that a lit. Mr. Isaacs?" "My fn. iidt, that kiii more than a fit it was a colivulsliuu." Mm. Pli.eU' Kiiis. v and daughter, Mm Maggie and J. it. Krausse Hcut to Mil. hi this iiioriiiug. Moore A ToU-v. formerly of Salem, are oa liilig up a grocery "d licit Inu store III IJIIIl-s ouii.iiiiK u.. ...- ., , ... The overland train did not arrive here from California until nearly 11 o'clock this morning. The delay was cuil-cd by a slide south of Ashlillld. McMinnvillc Ib-gister: Tlie fumily ofN. K. Kegg arrived here from Ku- ' g.-ne Inst rrrk, Ih.-y are living lu the . house with Mm. Ik w ly, on r. street IU-v. M. S. Kiddle, of this city, re. )Vvi.l a tt-h-graiii t.slny nnnouiu-ing j K. .bth of his only 'brother. He u Topcka, Kulisas, March 3, of i u gnp'. j The Huiikcr Hill and Sulllvun mlm he c.ur d'AU-nw, tlie greiiUiit ail- ' .., v.-r-b-nd proi.-rty In the world, linvo .but down. I'hl throw several thous and H-rsoii out of employment. (ioveruor Pcnnoy.-r has auiiounced hi. intention of resigning as an ex-of-ll.-io metiiU-r ol the World's fair coin miiwloti, as provided in the bill creat ing the com mission. K. It. Skipwortll bus leased the suite of r.M tns ill (he Odd Fellows tcllililo, formerly is-ciipied by Williams fk Co.'s n-al -tale otlli-c, nml' will move Ills law- oflltv thereto about April 1. Mr. aud Mr. Frank Stewart ar rived this afternoon on a visit to their parent.. The bride is an estituuble young lady from Astoria and we un ilemtnlld they were married III Port laud Mime three weeks lince. County tniiMircr. having f l.loo, or more, on hand of county funds who do not niake u "call" of scrip within ten days nfter the amount is accumulated arc subject to a Hue of not lewt than f-j"l or more than flKl under an act ixuwsl by the .tale legislature, which Is now- a law. The uiiuilal schiMil eU-cliou of Dis trict No. 4, w ill lake place nt the City llall, .Monilay, Marcli 13, te- I twis-n the bourn of IS and o'clock. A .iin. in wive iiirce years in place oi 11. D. Palnc, term rxp'irvd. and for a term of one year for clerk in the place 1 1 of (i... F. Craw, term expired, will tw ' t h-ctc.1 u , ., , . , ,,, . ' .'""'f "l'r dower bill aincinla tht' 'i;?ll,K ""itut.-s by giving a widow cim-naii llislcAil or olie-UllrU f,,,,.,i , " ",'rl,"",,: on 1 ')' l"ed of. oiu-t bird of the real- V1'"' '7"" ' aatl.fiu-tl.Mi of a mortgage after her huhlmud'a death: one-half of the rents on the date she lives on utter hi. death; one-half of the mesne earn s'.g of the estate when she has to sue other helm for it. a All exchange says tlmt recently sclnsd niarni in the Imckwoods dis trict Wiut teachllig a spelling cluwt. Wheii the wor.le'iiUhlian.l" was put on the blucktsmrd some of the clill.m n coul not uninounce it and In rdcr to help them tmt the teacher a-ke.1: "W hat would I have if I should gel iuurrle.1'."' The an.wer was prompt but Hot w hat she had expected, ami .he such a brilliant red that the sunlight pah.l. o The Portland Tch-grui) has tli..v eml an idiom In u.. in rn Ore pui and no Where clw. It is s-uliar tothcJu.lsof th.. Hxth Judicial dis trict. "Miake the l.x. Mr. Clerk, and ii me jury .me.'- it I. a is-culiarex- I'e.-st.i..n and Uer-lie of Judge I.. L. M,'ArU" ' - ' "" ,!'r "eh In the " " c ii i'noie mci (hut . ut llall crvl . n,.i i,ce Judge McAi tin:.- u es that ex pression w hich is not used in any oth ; er district in the state, i A nuiiils-r of Immigrants arrived here from Msdiwui rsmntv, Nebraska, yesterday. I lu re are three familir of .Iheui. aild six gmw ii i. , n. The ' ''rougbt a T.ld ear of hor-es, Uteli.iD w "" !, '"- Am-l g oil,, r things, Uw r"' " v' " ad ..(, two w g..,.., .ji .... ,.f ...t.. M f'."1"'1- ' b.nt i nd n lot of ..k. ' "r T" O -ina: andths-s not p"'I're very ( ., lv u jti, lrw ore- " pfsluet- T ... nr.-moving Into a h.siw rn-ar the (i.-.r- .'i..l Lou Lot will sim.ii rii.. ' The On-.n i nmiiis u.-e the City F.nterjirise will piil-ll.a'i.n of a daily , n lauve. and rrk-nd. here. , edition aUtut the I Hi, n,.f, O O O O O o o o o o o o