The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 11, 1893, Image 1

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    U -. -
MUBiisnEn m tbb dim.iv.tiox or deiocutic mstiim no to iiM is iomitli bt tiiiwut of oh bro
NO. 21.
VOL 25
The Euscnc CU) Guard.
ja lll.I-HKl) F.VF.ItY SAUKCAY.
1. I,. CAMriJKLL,
..TICK -On th Em akU ol WlllaroetU
M;nS-lh -.1 KtfhthHUwel
... 0
p,r nnuru...
(hre. month..
..letrtuifj Kit" M-I Knon vn
Tim a.W.rtU.r. wUI U chanf! at tha fob
l?i-.wtK woo
IHiiur MI mulha.
It no
Un. .oo. Tr. ..... ..." "
14 fMl
Trn.len Mcwe -
m lin. lr each
1 a'i, tUinii bUU will Ik rd.rad quarterly.
AU ib work nut be fAin roaoa iiuvmi.
Or'rTCR-i'ntbalf block aouth of 1. O.
M-Scial attention giv.a to Collecti..
Probata bu.ii.eee.
ittaraoj ani Ccunsollaat-Law, and
fort J J&'af'C .tfjfcwi.
Or'rTl'E-lPuir. opimaiu IluUl Eimen..
Special attention fW.n to rrobatt bueineaa
u,J AletrarU of TitU.
Orrui County Bank.
Clocks, batches, Cliains. Jewelry, Etc.
aIIWerk WarraBteet.-tn
Tbbt Umily remeily ta nnJoubtedly
PfaoJ.r'i Oregon Blood PnriBer. Unu
Ira. it tcoompliohM relief wber. Bny olb
H nnlicme to do. It ny b. 'ely
irQ to tbe inUut M well M the ulult.
Cash paid for produce
at Goldsmith's.
McClaren Building,
Next to Lunu Co. BanK
Eugene, - - Oregon.
IT !..
Orders ly mail filltsl on the day of
T. O.llumucin, &B. Kahu, Ja.,
Ot Eugene.
First National Dan
Paid up lish Capital $.0,000
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
0 Eugene - - Oregon.
A mml btnklnc "'
MttwiM. i hiKht dru on NEW YOKK,
biU. o( exchaaire .old oa (orelim eoontriM.
0po.iu reirl eubjec o check or eertin
eW ol Ofpcmv.
All collection. eatnuUd to n will rtcetv.
Vrompt MtonUoa.
Eugene Oregon.
Ilaky Drain Tile Factory.
Fint-elaaa lil (Lipped lo any (Alt pert of
D. 5 AS II A CO.. rroj.rWtr.
EB-Pu.hlnf rnrm-r ( etwd vt-
DM lAim-m Miarf sua n I P'
wk.j: rrm.rnl (.:( on hUS B&ue,
iy)Rt fin r
Bowel Trouble. aad Cramp. Colic, or I
any Internal or Kxturnal lain. Aakjour'
druggiat lor It
rtnl rl qtti i tVi t.Vi fi P i n-!
h lH n
Portland, Or.
nr send roR
City Property.
The value f an investment in
merit whieh it jH)er.s !, ami tlie
That U why
I'nlerty In the
Utt lliventmeiit In Eup lie, e'eiiil!y If you want n lieuiitlful plne fr lmme
AtlJolnliiK the University Knr.unls and the eity liiniUoli the I'jml.wltli
MtntH-urs, city water mid el.i trie IIkIiU extending to It, It In
the inmt odivctdeiit and ili.inille pnerty on the market.
Never mind the weather, I'XIVEKSITY ADDITION, U hlKh
and dry and naturally well drained. Prlcin low, and on easy terniH.
Call on or write to II. N. Oiekerline, Eiip ne, Or. Oitlee in Chrisinaii Uloek.
Calls answered day or niht. Opposi'e Hotel Eu
gene, Willamette street.
Tho Old Kll.ildi' Spocinllsts.
Late of New York IIoMiilaU. Oradiialo with hih honors. Twenty yearn'
Exis rleinv I'rofe-sor, l-tiin-r, Author and rieciidi-M
in Chronic Diwax.
Iliii.nirc. I'.t.rrh. Hmnrl.lil., Comh aul Mfflrultf c.l
lin-aihiim mi-r.-liiily tr.-l I with .iwlllc rrmpclle. thor.
OUfh!) Irlllil lt M'Tt4 iif till!
Who t. mi
lilt .'I'm
. i ... vit.-m I.
vmurv tun uniuiDV
brit k
rnlVA 1 1 ! oi or.ii.. ni i ! r""''
write izxvLV';: -Uiu K, , ......
buoonieluJ"rrr.. ir'.
Now I' ntel
Chamberlain Eye and Skin
A certain cure fr Chronic x-retye
Tetter. Salt lUieura. Scald Head, OU
fi !- c.. r.rre Komi. Eczema.
Itch. ITairi. Scratche.. Sore Oiip,
and Tile.. It U cvlms aad ootb.BS.
Hundred, of cae bar teen cured 1J
Itaftrrall otnr ircaiiui.-ui u ....
23 ctuU ir box.
Osllt l.iierl. M.rrB 4.
. .... t... lil-v.-iir ..I,! -.11 of
"11 .....!- h m ir-- vrattrd'iv
ftrm'n ami liroke l. :iBmijn-
bnvethe- rt-t. lr. I'aiiw waainKt
E. SCH7, AEZSCfllLD. PwrUIcr.
g'lllllll. SI'I'PI.IIN
" A U' 1 'a iVris tv m atkkPa ls.
Full Stack ol Dutterick Patterns.
Oea and Poults y
-., r-i i iro
catalogue. -W
property 1 jh iiiIh upon tho actual
pro-prH of iU inereasing in value
Fruit Lands
Old Doctor,
l '" ' no' Irnw-n. Ihommhly drrotcd to
.u-lrivr rrly lo bWi Uie tmrt-d.
of tih vin. e.jrl.ll o( jaunt end
I i .r r m l:i rrtliin. nouriiii
n. MST MAMI(M)I. nixl.t .mi-l.-oe, h.u.tinf
drn..", o rnriv. wkn f Ix'th bwly
end I'rain, unhilinrf -n. JI t .tudy, nd muriw,
m-etml nh nt.T luin .Hi" itrinirrd tid l man.
... . ..i . .Iim-w, . "U, ltnlM, .rn.l.n.,
I I I'll .inn Mi minor.. inline l.iin, rnrum.ii.m.
uiv .tl'l hrallhltll.
.iTnti. LiAil'lrr. M1
iiu xliilr uriii.lliif, lrwiM7 o(.
.ff.tlt th htwU,
rh.nulrr rrll.rwl l
hill.. Ii) ln-l.. .rl.i"l. tni-ni, .eflllnii
rij aiirr, itli li; ruml wium.ui HJ pern or
Tho'iMiid. rur.'d .1 h'-me lT fwe-
IfT'I'V'I.'C f. I'll
at l C'.iiiiim n-iiil strMd. Hul-ni. Or.
I..lj 'iaard. M.rrh L
En I.MKi'. Thr lly of the late
t . I i' .....I.lffii.l Immt
lliir)lt tv I fi-tt-nak.-m Mini A Kaye,
Bll mf u- eent to lu r old honif at
' l in. lil v. Pa., for ItiN-rment. hhort
i;.' u(x,.rn,mlti , 4 k.
. T . .
lv li'l.l. Vwh 4.
Tin: lt.i.l- The Iu(fiiration
Hull tfiv.ii l.v the KiiirviKi tVirnet
Itmid l.i-t hi.rht wa. a Very uewiful
ll nr. lh- Blt.-tnNtl'
w bb larifiT
II, mi Bl any -oil ni'iv
Hi.- Klilifhteof
lvi la-' (-toi.r. 'I he muir waa
an'ti-fiM-tory and ud had a lift j.l.-a-
mm lira' m
in iiii i
(Capital SlOO.(HH).) Tho h'im ..f
V.Hlt,.lA.e..lliMl I
, w nil rt-(nru )rtvlli t-. Ilrl i-.r II tin nmir ili
J. NI. HOWES an. I iS. C.
... .
1 Iif li.mln .t.iTT.'K III. I rn r llrd '.irltii. Wllkr. -H.
. .'i;v;VI;ir'' Vi"- VM Nil
To the hu.lni-M men, u the termer. In the lieiikrr .nil to .11 thltiklnf m. n nf our Male:
he ImiNirtitl Irom krnlilrky oneol the M lirl .lellloii. Knilurkr eer pnNlurw.1, .nil he le
eow luurreoii, here bl. et-nrlm n be hail by ell holb lo lirerd to Hie
We here lilh power end .peed omblnrd,
it hre.1 nallion In Amerira. We have Ihe
lt hre.1 Hellion In Amerira. We have Ihe ll
and l.l .ml .iileiaiiceol aur .talhon In the Male. He wrlh. Il.m potiml. In lair n.-.h, . ami.
I hand. hlKh; bl.rnll.are lame and haiitlaome etidol the lie.1 ami are u.liir.l lr.t
lera.nd are .-r 1 hU .lellloii will lie llnillel tnlnrtr e.proTed eiarre at l..r lli eee
kii with u.ual n-tnni prlrllrce. or :' to In.nre mare In loel; tin; .mail fee not brine one hell
e h.t the .wlllon'. free are wnrth. We put Ihe lee lor thia mi h rery low en a. U Iw In rearh
olall who wl.h mlireeil and ral.e hnrw. .mwrlor Inanr thrr err ralwd lu Imnton. Kemrm
I., tin. atallion will eo.1 yaa not Ire. Iban lil to breed lo hlin In another reer and hi. bonk la
raplalj nilliiK, mj II jou bare all IdeB Jolt wl.h to breed thlaarBeuu eeud luaud Uoo jour aiaie al
For thebrl .iirkllni roll. In he .hown al Hie .tale fair al Halrtn In tmil, .Ired by tbl. xalllnn.
enifi-rlJ ilnrlliela.u-t yearling trntler .Irwl by llil. .tallloti. W. nfl.-r 'U lor the Uei.-.l
tml ln twn yrer old alml by ihl. .taillnn, In l trolled at .late lair In wv Wentli-r
lo Ihr rol thr laete.1 1-yraMild K'lre.h premium and l-'.i to the drlyrr of Ihl. r..u
We oiler rwhlloulo. the lrollln In i a or betirr. at rale i lair In Kiel IKW
i..rrrai wmd tiritrrthau J:.m; alw, MU lo Hie drlrer and .irrelo ol Ibl. Colt, altrd l-y
MIVKlim 14. to.
nrmlrr., hrf ire yon book your mare, aludy and think: read Ihl. rKlimilKE: here yen hare
a borae Willi the '.rraieet Blood Line., on .Ire and d.m .Idr. In thr hl.tory ol l.r.-illii. an.!
,..n rannoi artor l IoIom" Ihl. o.airtunllJ ol bnvdliix to tlil.iraet kruturkj Urt-d like, rialllun
nt tbe l-ow Ittcr I viler Ibl. araeuu. e
n Groat fh Stallion
McKenzie River StockoFarm,
(Two ami one-half iiiilon East of Springfield, Or.)
Line and .uUnce; a f.led In 1HW., bred 0.arle Harrl., of Niirth MMdUdnwa, Ky.
I'll. tin. bora will make Ui. --n ol IH-.U at Mckenil. ltier Hum k ". '"
ilh u.u.1 return priilrea. M.mey, i' tin., ol aerlc, Mire.1 by the fnat lay'jritj..
Wllke. :ii'.7. reiVd iV-i; f U I" M hat Hra dam. kale I'.in.n by Mafic
I4.-M. .ireo! flrmmaU. :!.'; Pt loy Keno 2i3 .ete.i aUo .Urn. ..I VJUa. f M;
UniulaUoB, Si'l. Hemo.1 dalu MrU-HT. dam ..f Wilke. Uiief. renr.r.1 Z:.H at 4 ej. old, by
ihe lireat Hark Cl.lel Mil, .ire.rf Cmiie. :I'J ree-wd, and daiuaol riialla., i.UU: I-(.Ma.
.'15 and VilH. t ilrt. Third dam. M iaa Wa.U by Watle, air. o( l.ralu.n, i i'.'J. J nurth
.!.,, by (Una. of dam. of lly Th.. i lI. ad Maml-jao I'a trh.n. r ..or. . U Ik
r.".7, reawl alath heat in a botly eoute.U.1 rae-t aire ol trawlord. i:l.. l-ll W ilk..,
Anada. S -h, aad ei.M other, in the li.t; aUo full l.dher t,. Ilre.a ) U
a TtA-tUr. ii th.Vjtl cl U ol hi. h went in the M lo lataj nd 1. by t.ei.rv. W ilk...
the rtle.t .Ulllo. that . llrL Firet da.o. Kay..U, iMi. dam .J jir. ol K,lt,ej..
't, and We.twoo.1 air. M Ht Valentine. W. by AhtUllah; Matiio 1 1.x , .le. f
lam. of VailiaelB, 11:11 KmulatioD, till by American Clay Si, dam by llerklry hdn
r"nNuTK.-Tl.i.Tt Wllk- .UllloB FAVORITUS No. ir.240 U o.l only oo. of the
hM.l.tne.t hor tha .e.r .t.t In Kwtwky. but - a trotur and . air. of trotur h,
,l,l lo K.nt... ky two year., hi. book rapidly hlUd and tb. demand we. urealrr than lb.
.tipulaf I -.umber allowed. Ilia laat aewtt he awnred G7 male, at Kmlbeno., Kentucky,
wliere h. had a rwrord a. a .tallim. .nd to n. Hi. oolU ar. all un.l.mily ..! boo.
wd.uli.UBo., with and eery alri aeerd 1 of lh.ta will enUr the
Z I th. ctnini .m. 1 hU horw. will b, l.oilUU to 40 mum at tb. -m with returw
Weeallm..rattenll..nloafewofn.irwaiijfltirlj.bredborr.. W.h.r. red noexrnee
lna. li m,.7he .mri la.,,1.. .hi, bl .lelllou. and l-i-l n.arr. In AB.eri.-a and we ..w b.e
", JZ Vu!l .rn "" .oed l'y the .reel rer, bor- Ho Y w Il k M, rrrord i .. out o .ueh niare.
aairnnleT by Allamont: rJ.rna.l.y llke. farrl.a, by kenlurky Volunteer, all M
, Ihe M..-.I le.1 In Oreeon. W. lm have Nutwood l.l.e-1.
KuiiVouer Ja .hmiiJ. rlmont. Bud In ll the Owl .oi rhnlre Im-d yerlln., I
r"ane.Ll.y..ll.ta.eUBtaudrrl.lrre.rl.oe..jV; Callai.d lu.(.lour elu k be
fore jou purcba!.
Kin. Blooded l.Tk It aal. at all llmra. utandard Brnn.1 Mare. In f.isl lo yeorltu Wllk, lor
M... Hook now open U i-H.
areHtand.rd R.l.tered. and any me brdlti a Kt.ndard tn litem ean retl.t. r
hi. mil. r.n wil In. and ei tn.ia l... U. I" le.Uara lor h mil. Urd by
tlM-er br than any other .lellloii. In II. i. .tete. M.rr. reeei.rd .1 train, on heir
arrival al r..i"ie or HwHiHeid. No ttrfa rharr. 1'a.lura at ti .er moiitb. All.r-e.denu...drp-..lown.n.k.
ri....Ky . An, . X
.r U V Keerr., l ortUee. c,ron. Uar Mir Yoer. of iuly th .1 h.i.d ..rli.-. .i. tra'i.ler of .taillnn .Wntu., - I ..J to. ou. of thr raode.t y...n. .tellion. In rr,,.o or ...y
hrr-tauT I ll.a.lkr,.i him l hi. em I mold h.rr tbrr. time, wh.t he r.-t yon
I ,. ml . are .r b..r. M you eee, Mw oo lb. f.e. ol the eerth f-.ery mar. w.i iited t.. hreed
Iwktnhim t.T..and are ."' ewenh loabow lo any .h".
ring lhcret.boJokraUMlU.ia It ua. I tell y.r. t nteoo rerelpl ol tula. ..,,
Krepreilully .ein, i. bam
for fnrtbrr partleulara, rail of addrrei,
J. M. BOWES & CO.,
Irtintielil, - - - Lano County, - - - - Ori son.
Iwi yOuard. March 1
IlKIJfATK SfrWiKHV. A ratliirdlf
fi(t aurijli-ol oprratloii waa N-rfiriwl
in thia city dJjtW twoatro by Dr. I).
A. I'BilM-aae -tnl l y IT. rn tilii. A
irrowtli, kuoM ti a. iUryKluni, waart
! moved from the eve of Mia Kiniiia,
; I lie. daiiKlil-r of J. t). rl.llippl.
fli frmwtli u-aa a .rt ii( film arrowing
I'mill tlin illll'T criM T of lh W-fl eye,
and had m-ai !y ll tlwrtn-ner,
i maklinr the- otemllon a tu llcnw aie,
although auc'eful. .
.r.tfltn UULm 1. 'Lt kKfVllVl I.
l ol prow on ii
UKKVlO. I 'fii rlot mr
whlrh ell breeder, .hnnld brreil lor, . well M I
eolnr. a IiIimxI her. We hae the l.t ol lei
eiilnr. a IiIimxI her. We hae the m ol noiie
5250.00 CASH PRIZE!
HUmlant aire and ilama reifl.tere.1. Till, great Ken
tucky bred Wtlkea rtulln U a beautiful bay 1.J
baaiU hliib. wrluh. 1131) IKiuniU: he baa th beat of
riti.-Nr0.burjr, Mart h I,
of caine-r of Umi woii.I., Mm. Mnrjr
Knat. aired w-arlr year.. Ties
Lurial will take plaw' nt the- Vt
I'oint wmery tomorrow. Hie leave
one ii, Ad. Ihert Watkine.
ItallyUuard, M.rrb I
IIKl. At their hili ni north f
Eum-ne. yiVh-rttnT nionilnir, tin- Infmit
i ii of Mr. and Mr. It J. I'. tirn-.-.
' Bo!iof tl.. twma, U.v an 1
I girl, which werw l.rn Brvrral tin. nth
' ag. Th. funeral oTurr.d to-lay.
O r
ciKcriT toinr.
Cni' Iilspiwi'il or -Til (iraiiil
Pally titiaid Mar. h .
The Manli tt-rni of llii- tin nit t.tirl
fur Ijtnt" comity ini't at tin- ur t
hiiM Mutiihiy iimrnln-,', M tn li it, ls;ci,
nl IU '( Iim k. l'n-M'iit J il'lo J. I'.
I'nllrrtoii, I'rtew-t'iiiimr Atlorn.-y M. V.
t'ntliliill, Shrrlll' J. I'. N'ol.tlid alt. I
l l. rk V. I:. WnlUt r.
Tin kIhtIH' D'porh'd that lit' had duly
iiIn HU.-.I jur lin n tia fmliiwa;
i; lln.wii. U W Martin, II C
Dunn, N S IUhlnii, Ja II Viitc,
I l:iy Ziiiiiwnlt, J N I.Ukt, II D K.I.
witnU, II T IWtini-tt, F M llrtltain, J
Co. John Wi, J Vinivnt, Vl
il.mi Wilh.'hii, II K K.'iii'V. John Van
iIiimi, J l( Cook, I' K Ihtvi", JioH.ii
Nw-lt-y, F 1. tirny, Kitni'l N lirliiii.
Sl ili. n rinivd, John Walker, titnt I'.
Ihiv, Ja II Miortrl'lp.. T J Mnrkh-v,
J ll. nd. r.n T II Milllorn, II H My
Inn. I, C Van VaiiVrankiti, John Hew
an. Till' tlltlrt fk.'tlmil till' fnllowillK
Jurnn. frtiin atti'iiilantv ihiriiiK tin1
i.Tin: J N I.iint, John Vandiiynt, J
II Mri'itrUlid and Mrph- ll .nunl.
'Un following irriind Jury wn
driiwn: F M llrntlniii, J l( C.M.k,
Joint Slew art, T J Markley, Clay Zulu
wait, hiiiini. l S hriiniif and I' F lhtvK
Tin court upiMiliiU-.l John Hi-wart if
Tin1 rt.urt n.H. Intel tin follow Inn
luiililo: John Holland and (.'heeler
(i-liiirn t.iirt lililN and tieorii V.
KliiK-y n Krand ury iMilliir.
The followlnjr fiiwt wen iIIhm1 of:
I. Stateof tin-j.'on va Aaron l.uri'h;
iiiilli'ttiieut for ohlnlniiiK money umler
fitl. ir l nn. Coiitlniuil.
Mule of tinfoil vh Auron Lurch;
i ml it't ri it'ii t for forgery. Continueil.
X Stale of On koii v F. A (ientld;
linlictmeiit for forjjery. Contiuuetl.
4. Hate of tln-itoii va Fnnl CtH.'r;
ill.lli'tinelit for hitri;larv. Coiitluiicl.
Ti. TJ lilaek va J H Smith; to nrover
iiiiiniv. Coutiniml.
7. Vrank Meiuoy va The Illue lllver
Motiulaln Mlnluir and M lllllin Co.; fnro-
ellMIln of llt'll. I
II. Laura C Smllli va F It Smith
and L l Hunt; tiiilty. Dlinle.l.
10. ( V llan.lmk. r va J W Dnvla;
writ of review. Coutlniie.1.
11. II Andrew, va Salvina and II
S Iteetl. Continued.
i:. J (' (iiMHlale va 0 W llrtii.ln.kcr.
c.iiilv. Coiitluuiil.
I'.."J M SMinn va J J and W II
Fnniklin; to recover money. Contin
ue I.
HI. John Ilollitud v V J Hill; to re
cover money, Cortiiiued.
IS. J L ll.NMicr ct al va Ijifayclle
Mitchell; iiiilty. A. C WoodciM'k a-
Kiin(ei rcii-nv.
Di. Mary Maxwell va Henry Max
well; tllvo'rtv. Dlamiwed at plainlM'
ii Ml a,
'Jl. State of Oregon va J HChamlM.rn
and Jninee Smith; linllclinciit for forg
ery. ( niitiniiiMi.
J M Wul. rHVK l'. l an. I mihiiii
Jolinaoii; to itN-ovcr money. Judg
ment lv il. faull.
1. I-! Thurmnii, ndm'r cxlale of W A
Tliiiriiian vh H I' H It Co; tlamaireM.
Set for Irlal Wetlm-nlav.
"1. CI ia Laticr va W I Henderxon;
font'loMinv. Setlltsl.
il. Wm WIImiii va John and l'atienou
I In I lev: foreeliaiuro. m-fault.
1!7. IU; Flwar.1 va It J IYtiffra;to
nii.ver tuoiiry. Judgment ix-iorc
clerk. O
SI. Maretia Kelley va Mary F. Kelley;
tllvoree. Ih'ftiull. Frank Maltcaou
apiH.lhted referee?
'.! L. U - t f ....I I.' t
.M. r r. loiii.i-r . it in a. it. e
Sherwoxid; to rwovur money. Set-
:m Win V Tully va J M and K J
SherwtMMl: to recover money. Set-
.17. O Ib'ttman vh Henry Maxwell; to
recover monev. Jti.lirinei.t her. re clerk.
3S. ItLSal.itiVN J i: Ilond; lo re
cover nioiiev. Jiidirmetit U-fore clerk.
3D. J I'Currlnva Harlow IU.tty;
to recover money, t
4i. I-cwIh A itiirkhold.-r va Harlow
lU'tty; to recover inoncy. Con
tinned. 41. Martha Itnuehman, guartlian of
minor lielra of J II rowoll.dmavMI, va
J II ami A M Kuclier; rorecloatiru.
4.1. (JeoW Welder ra James K No
laud: ttitiK'iil from IiikII.x) court. Sct-
tlcil. fleft. to i.av cU.
61. ( W llouck va 1 1 H IlankliiK Co;
to nrovcr monev. la-raiilt.
ill. L W limwn va J W and Mary K
r.iran; to recover money, t ontliiiie.l.
(.3. Mary K llowcra va Thomaa llow-
era; divorce. Default. lUferred to
Frank Mattcaon.
lil. In re aaehrnmcnt of Harlow A
Itelly' aailKiimeiit. Continued.
Wi. lu ra aaiiiinlit of Harlow A
St.M'ka; ae-lkMiinciit.
ml. tiale Maiiufacturiiiir Co va (' II
Ikxld k to; to roeovcr .nional n-
erty. I ontimied.
17. Wicr 1'low Co va t II Dod.l St
Co; to r'onvr eritonal pn.ja'rty.
ifi. J i : linker v (Jntce linker; dl
voree. Conllnucl.
71. H Simon va John Harpole; mo
tion for leave to lauu execution,
MJ. !; W (l.KMlchlld va Fannla
Crouch et al; conllniiation. Confirm
l. Murv MC row va Win F and C
liruv: coiillniiBtlon. Confirmed.
hi (i W J Chert a va W J and Z Hall;
tMiiiilrinailoii. ( oiiririiMil.
K.I. C lU Uner va W L Dyalnjrer et al;
imillriiiatlon. 1 inillrtiie.!.
M. The Northern Coimtlca Inveet-
iii. nt Co. limited, va II J IVnura ft al; Confirmed.
n. Johu J Walton va Z H and
Ik-IU Younir; confirmation. Con
. Jiiehiia Va Horatio J
and Ida II Dully; confirmation, t on
llrinnl. .
h7. lieoW ( rnue va liana rlaoti
nnd II Kennedy; confirmation. Coii-
hH. John Kellv vi i II Walliu et al;
ronlinnatlon. I
mi. J no M Htik'hea -t al va Ann M
IIiikImh et al; coiifirntatioii. Con
tlnncd. lei. S. A. Itowe va Wm. Craw fold
and A. f. WhljipU-; foreelmure of lien.
Colli ii.unl.
ir.' Slato of On-yon va Win Morjran
and On. Hunt; liuli.t im nl for lartx-ny
by leiiU-e. C.iiitiiiu.d.
lu! rute of va Oi'n'Hui.t;
indict nielli for htix-eiiy hj L4iUt). Con
till UP) I.
I'.:! j liuird, M.rrh 7.
'II ir lt.iihI lurv an Indict.
mi-ill h,-iii t.-t Harry I'.u. klillin, tliarif
1 1 . bT him with liir.i nv lu u More; w her.-
II m m U ordered thlil a venire leelia
Inr al'l il. l. ii.lanl ami t lil. ImmhU
fix. dill . He will ilulv nr.
iiiIl'H.'.I and look hN il .y to plitt.f.
I he i?raiii n-turncl Into conn Jloti
l..y mi. rm -ui, an indictment chary;,
mi: Fn-dJ Itentii with tho crime of burg
lary, "not a in.o hill."
in in. ! nm of L. r.ilyeit, nitatioruey,
Nloiidnv aflcrn.M.u, II. D. Norton win
-tiltnilii-l to praitici' law lu the mhiiii.1
judicial iliitrl. l ttn I it tin' next exami
nation f..r n linliciii to the Imr or anl.l
lale, by the iitrvnic court. Mr. Nor
ton at oii.-e tiMik the ti.tth reiilnil by
law .
111. W A Cox va C ami A M Trick-
-.n; In louver money. Judgment for
pit f of V'.l.i"; f'laiiy f.v, intrn-et 10
a-r ei'ttt and order of aale of
Jll -ItHTt v.
17. li-i-.ld Well va W Holloway;tn
m ovi r inoncy. Judgment hy il.Yault
for -jJI.4o and tnlnnM nt a jNr cent.
'J'. A J I Jittjfv orthy va Kniuia Ijiiik
worthy; divorw. Frank M.ttttaoii ap
H.n(i refenv.
1. A I. Dill va J J Fatou. A A M-ek
and (I A Hlcka; (o nii.ver nioiiev. IK-
laiill. Ju.lK'inciit fur HI1. umi Inter-
ct at 10 iH-rt-iit.
."Hi. A Ilond A Son va Drew and Mol
lie linker; to rvinvrr itiottcv. Jtldj;
incut by default for -'1 Is ami order of
rale of attached ncrty.
4i Sarah A Skinri." va J W Skajfj,';
divor.v. Ilcf.-rnil to S. It. Kakln to
lake t.'-tliiionv.
4H. Ih.vey, Humphn-y A Co v.l'nlt
cd Slate llauklliir Co; to recover
money. Jiilj;uieut by default f..r L"ki
iuteri-et and rale of al'tached pr.iH i1y
47. M L lilltler va I' H IlankliiK Co;
to n-covcr money. Default. Judgment
for MJI, Inlenut and rale of attached
pnK'rty orden-d.
4s. Samuel Templeton va U H Hank
lug Co; to recover money. Defuiill.
J u. lenient forff i, liilent and aale of
altaclnil nH'rty onlenil.
4'i. J J Winn va U S llauklnjr Co; to
ni-over money. Ik-fault. Judgment
for H Vi, Inlen-el and aale of attached,
pr..ierlv onlcml.
ftl. A L lilll va C S IlankliiK Co; lo
nt-ovcr monev. Ik-fuull. J u. lenient
for Hit.:i:i, (nlen-et nnd aale of at
taeheil pn.M'riv onlen-d.
61. H K McClurv va V S llaiikinir Co;
to Denver money. Ik-fault. JwU'
nient for H17.IW, inlen-et und aalu of
ulla. i.n.M-rty ordered.
61 (1 M Jackaon va U 8 Ilalikillr
Co; to ni-over money. licfauli.
Judi;mcnt for 1mi, Inlen-et and onler
of aale of alln. iniMrty.
1 1 M Jnwknou va If S lUiiklng
Co; to nuiver money. Ik-fault. Judg
ment for fjlil.xn Inlercta and order of
aale of attacliml pn.H rly.
A inihii vat.eo it ami .Marietta
II Thumlou; to ni-over money.
fault. Ju.lKiiirnt for HW.7 atty feo
of fl'i, Intenut and mloonlcn-d of at
tni pnM-rtv.
M. ii M Jackaon va IT S Hanking
Co; to recover money. Ik-fault. Judg
ment for .'I1H.H7, luti-n-et and aula of
iitliiclml m.M-rty ord.-ml.
mi. Charlca Ijiuer va T It and MaU-1
A Ih-rry; foni'liwurr). Ik-fault. Judg
input forfi'll.tii, ally fee) of '. and
onler of aale of mortgaicul pnmlm-
ill. Llinhctli J Anna va lltfl MII1I
can and A Lvle; to recover money.
Jiidgmctit 'tA.'Ll, atty f.-e of "
and lull n-et nt In perci'li',.
7.1. John Kelly va Daniel Harklns;
fnnclrMiiru. Iklault. Judgment for
MCh, inien-et, ni atty f.-e, and onler of
aale of iii..rlK.iiril pn inl-on.
77. A It Smith va W J and (Ian A
Powell; fnn-cloHtire. Default. Judg
ment for $1U", Intereet, (136 atty fn-a
and aalu of mortgagnl pnM-rtv.
74 Jainea K Holt va Uco M Miller, et
nl; fonclienire. Ik-fault aa to Miller.
Coiitlnu. d aa lo other defta. Dlamiaaiil
un motion of jilalutltl withmit pn-Ju-iliot-.
711. i: C Mundiy, aa executrix
of the valuta of H T Chtin-h, ih
itiatil, va V L Moon, widow of J II
Moonn, ilnvaai-d, et al; foni-loaure.
Coiitlliii.-d until the 17.
In). Stute of On-gon va Fred Ilcnui:
eoiiiuiltnicnt. lirnnd Jury reported
"not a ti lie hill."
Kil Slate of On-gon va Harry Huck
ntim; ii.iiiinlilnieiit. tinmd Jury rt
iHirt.l Hue hill of larceny. Arraigned
Monday ami took day to plead.
M.m'ii Shoot. W. K. Martin haa
made a match with an unknown man
in Albany to chonl a malch al twenty
five live bird on Man h IT- for lluu a
altle. McMlnnvlllo Telcholie-IUgla-ler.
The unknown man U aaid to be
SkLMta-kaof Harrtehtirg. The follow
lutP frnin tho paja-r Indlcatea
that Mr. M.i-ka will have a crack ehot
to face: "The acorea for the Yamhill
county ni.ilul mndeSalunlay laet werv
the l-t that have la-en miMleainoF lha
iinit.-eta for the medal Ih-kuii. Am
hliadden and W. F Martin for
the medal bv a icoreof 'SI out of Si. In
the ah. H.t off at ten bird. Shadden
hmke Ihe teli straight, Martin break
ing n I no.
lailj Ouaid, March 4.
Tiik Hkvivai- Ijiet evening the
M. H Church wm crowded and over
flowing which came to hear the gopcl
m pn-B.'hcd by Dr. Mclnturtr. All
avnilalilu alandllig nami wm occupied
and many were turned away. The
of a larirt-r church la evident. At the
clone of ihe ernnoii many came to the
altar and aix weie converted, making
a total of The niii'tinga will con
tinue Tuewlay evening. C'oii.
Ci.t n Mj:ktisi. The Art Club met
at Mi-a Kittle Watkina' on Suiurvlay
afli-rn.M.n. The art lit dlrcud waa
"lUtpha. I." The following paintlnga or admired, atrording
to their merita: "lUawV by Mia Dunn.
"Three) Metcra" by Mlaa Hall; '-Marine
View," by Mi Uhinehart; "1U
.rn," by Mb Watkina; "Cattle," by
Mm. Trailer. t.
Illylioard. ilarch .
liosiw Fi ksimiikk. Harry Buck
nam, w ho waa held to await the action
of the grand Jury for the larceny of a
wnt. h, rumMied bond. lu.-.t evening
nnd n di-charind from cu-tmlv.
MUUin were N. It. I.ytk'i I
Muxaell and J.
f . ... . r MU T-.r..-t and hrrMI-
' pil. at IUrri-J.iirg will rive a mu-icalo
thepr thia eveiiil.if. Mm. A. V. IVtein Mi- T. r.-t to Hairia-i-iru
t!ii morning t vl-it Mm. Jeon-e
t .r, and alt mi iue uiriuuu..n-u.
Vl '
CO o
and rexl'jtthe fr tun-.
o o