The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 04, 1893, Image 7

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Ifiil r""'i
j. J. Walton, attorncy-at-law.
v IL riklpworth, aitnriicy-t-luw,
. v to loan on furtn. Kinulre tf
ju,' Wultoii.
OrdVr for unili-rUklnn rwvlvel day
ml nl:li K"V
Ilt'HM'iw"' Hi"' KI Malleoli lis the
,! M-Ut-tf! itm'k f clothing In town.
Pf. Bit' Knrla Stroma igatrsUua.
y,T tint' """ ''""I'' ' wlt'l" Blll
rdy iiia.le clothing-, go lo Kd Hun
rill'. Itrinu your "M scrap cast Iron to the
j;U(fl.iif Iron Foundry where you tun
3,l',..f of It. o
M.iin-y to loan on Improved fiirin for
, tVrin of ymn at a n-axoiialilt) rat'O'
nt. rit ! ' J M'Unahii.
If you w ant a L of t lotlieMora pair
of imiitiiloon k I" iHivln, the tailor.
J Kinirnntix' HatUfui'tloii ami low
... I . .
II thf Hro"1'1
" . ... . . 1 .
nil. inn xivicb at n-uui-ni 1
Holv Ap nt.
)r. O. W. till. Hi" tuny In found at
hi n-ilili'iiiv on Olive trv t, tn-twit-u
fifth "' fixth tnvtn, tine I. lock went
uf the Miniii-xota liotel. He In tirv
pin l t l" " tiuiitul work lu flie ln-t
Oliver CIiIIUhI.
t ill ver Steel.
Ilon't 1h) tulkeil lutu buying muiiiu
tliniK that ilon't ul you.
. U-tau Oliver ami make plowing
niitv play.
Epr tmn br iH- M,u'
;,hI Ilurtlt'tt enr ami other rnI
fruit trtti for ale flieap at Hintnvr
Hutte nur ry.
Coal lllll finrnery.
Cull on oraiMnn T.
N. 8eir, Ku-
iriMie. for all kinilN of
nurwry attH'k.
I'ruiKit maroholfiii plum root that
will not bpmut, itiNO 011 itiu.'ii root.
N'otliv U hereby Riven that we the
uinli'ntiitnttl have ixmUtl treMuiHi
imtliiK on our reNe'livc furnm ami our cure, ami will pnwe
eute any anil all kT"oiih violutiiiK or
ilinvnfilinx the Hitiil ttvopHw notictit.
J I'arkei, John rM-hinut,
All.-rt inxciirltil.T I hiilllvaii,
M I, IIi-nilrickH,
A M HcmlrlckH,
Amln-w J t'niraiii,
II V llowanl,
Mo K Woolen,
John Winwnrinl,
Joliti It Hellcnt,
V 11 Welbourn,
0 S rthiill'cr,
Iwi I, tiiiTrey,
C II JollllMtll,
K M Stni-ter,
J II t'
Wood Wautrd.
Notli In hereby given that bliU will
lriviveil by the County Court of
Lane county, for coriUof four-foot
rrulnmk wikkI: also Z't aolhl eonUof
K-iui'li Ixxly oak wotxl, niul ID conU of
W-lni-li or four-foot UmIv Jut wixmI,
mill Miirch 10, lMl.t, at 1 p. 111. Wxxl
tiW 1I1 livertMl prior to S pu 10, ls'.a.
Thtriclit U rewrvetl to n ji-t any or
II bid. For further puriloiilurn, np
plylo A. II. Fihk, County Juilgi'.
Kugeue, Oie., Feb. IS), iH'Xt.
sii k'i:i I x'KCT)iw Noricii
All periim In Iiuu county ownlni?
n-nlil.y xliecp or xhet-p allllctcil wltli
other (liMfaiun, are hereby noitthil that
will xln-cp miHt U thorouitlily llpxil,
uiUcleiit to kill hiiIiI iliiin- forthwilh.
Any xnton fuiliutr to comply with
thin notice w ill U' lliiblo to liuve hi"
nhrp illpKtt by the Inxrtor at wilil
perxoii'x expi-UM'. .Take notiiv and
aave eoxtx.
Diitnl S'pt. I, IS!2.
S. It. Jk.nki.nk, HIui p IiiKiector.
A few more net of tin! plnlcil
Mxum ami fork ut ' tvnt( per xet,
worth M x'rwt, to uw in any" family.
(iitiniN Hakiivvakk Co.
All x-rtxiun having claimx, prior
to January 1), 1M;, nKalnxt Starr
(irilllu ami The Starr, (irittlu
llanlwure C'ouimnv, will preneiitthem
to u, at our 11I1I olhce for wit lenient
within thirty dav from thin date.
All tx rxoiK liuU'btetl to the late firm
will plcaxe mil and nettle at omv.
Jan. 'M, lHtt.'i.
J. F. Stakh A O. V. Gmtvix.
5tir uf DiMolotlun of The Starr
On til n Hardware Company.
At a buxlniwi meeting of The Starr
Griflln Hanlw are Company belli thin
4ay, January 2. lw.t, all Htocklioldera
lo lng present, the following rexolutlou
lUw.lveil, That, Tlie StarrIrifnn
Hardware Comnaiiv hereby aari; to
viml up ita mrxirute buimw amldia
"iiiiiue iiHitieMit an aucli corporation,
fnm thU date.
U. W. GKIfKlN, Hee'y.
Win n ju want your (rood, houxt
hold furuiture nt land sold at auction,
all on ihn. W. Kinxey, the pioneer
and inimt uccexxful auctioneer in I-nne
comity. He will attend to all nale on
a rcanonnMe commiiwlon.
The Local Marktt,
Th (nllowinf TJoUII"tlJ fnrH local tkrt
ot mail imna oiilr. TlA n tvtnr4
accural M IIK-B
ilwrtcu b mails:
'I. KM'. Will U- IUVP1H
TarvBav, ami t
"xitTn brM I
T- iU hn.h.l. ut
Ml (4
fy -i r.i
kur-ivr n
JJrrron-ivt B
t-Of a
Wt-ivr it,
H.n.-iv, m
x..i uru pr m
"ibt-ivr Ik
Li-l.Tr Ik
TTE-vr roll (l c)
i. (it. , p,r do,
1" . tfwd.M,lr 4,
riT"i-x Buihtl
ruta-Ory rrn.,lu.J, y m
ailr.C. f Ik
i"nui ku bwt m
kio fm
J y a
Ttt-ftk ...
"'-rvr i. am
'""-rt tt
u. ;
its m
Ui 14
US 4
t 4
lu 14
' 10
' '
1.', 14
to .4
t V '4
.1 UI '
J 0" .4
a 4
T .
i s .4
I 00
I S11
l r-
Orbjojc Ghw-:r. Texted garden
fed la guaniDteeiL A full ajxtortmcot
f the kind bet adat t.-I to Oreprti
fardniing ran alaayt be xind in any
uuantiu,at bottom pricW at t. I
CUniil)ni Ilardwait
Ti.unvcr hum inif rollinir numiw ciiih"-vt we nrv wiiiiou 10 compare
Au I'nirrnrrou Urturt.
Iajlj iiiianl, Mri-b J.
In a rvMirt lii till ui r of ih Urv
ImiII st Ibxx-liurtf Inxt wwk. Hu nt ion
w a mailt Ihiil the It-nrburv Mn-
wrrw eutilUxl to hlt'h. r coinolinii-nu
for tln-ir rX'vllint inti- in iln-M titan
forllnlr Uuiity. The lU-vu-w now
taki-a riviiiiii to our coiixtrtn-tloii.
AlVr iiioinir the Kint;niili It any:
"If IllUt last M-lllilliY i I1 bv mil.
lrtiol to iiii'uii thtil HoM'Imric 1 1
pretty woniiti, i hnst-n to n ply Toat
lh'(iiAKi ivNirtiT iuut have worn
luntlii-r (fivKh-x, r rU- I mi timxl to the
WM-Irty of plain W01111II In hi own
tow 11 tlint lit tlia-an't know a pn-tty
Itlrl w In n In- Mm nn.O laiwu tlicri'
till lllflllllllll' tint of la-alltv 1 fur J
tillitt to wear tsns-ii ("u-'kIi-" m'S'
navv h M-iioiuriy xt.s.p in h-r lioul
ilrr. Why, limn, UoM'hurK linn limit'
friiiltilni' Utility to tin- Miunrv Inch
tluin itnv town In llnv.m,"
Now, 1 r. ICfvii'W, ilon't l nnjii't.
It waa not our liiti iitloivto tlniw coin
piirison. Hut If (hi- Vilone lit must
not ri-fiT to lUicviii' Ix-mity 11 1 tin pnx-i-nt
iVf h lii xaw It In "yo olilrii
tl nr" w lu ll Iii' iitti the llllivi-r-alty
lirtv. At that tllni' tlirrv wax tin
unumiitlly l:trir itUi-inltinro of tin'
It-male ma from IKul-Iux t-otintv.
111 -.1111.
ai....... 1 1 . . . . c
llL'i'lli' l"iLllv now. t ml. Mix niul nil.
wltli any Iih-.iI it v within the limltxof
thix i;r'iit niitlon. Ax to hlx Inxt 9'nle
iii). nt tlie icMimony 01 ItiMcliurx ileal-
era lu lniu x KiilxTtine would
douhtli tx verify lu
Notice of Dintolutluu of l'artuerxtiip.
Nothv hereby given that theeo-pnrt-nerxhlp
heretoforti existing lx-twx'ii
I'litti rwiii, Edrix and tirny, under the
II nil inline of 1'uttf rxon, Kdrix .V Co., i
thix day di-nolvixl by inutuiil eouxeiit,
A. S. I'litterxou iiml J. ti. niv retir
ing. William Kdrix and W 1' I-Mrlx
will continue the biilnm under the
11 mi iiumo of Willltim Kdrix it Sm,
ami they will pay all deblxof the firm
ami colltvt all aceountx due the linn.
1 hited thla Feb. Ulh, l'.l.
A. S. ltm:iiN,
J. (i.'tiKAV,
Wm. Kdkih.
We hereby return thank to the pub
lic for their iiiitroiiime tlie many year
we have U1-11 in buxlmwi, and invite
and ltitnnt eoutliiued piitrouage tor
the new 11 riu.
J. (1. (iKAV.
So Cnffln Trast.
Wo wlxh to Inform the people of Eu
gene and Ijiiii- county that we ore not
In the coilln trunt and w III nil our un
dertaking huhiuc Independent of all
truxtx. Thla uieanx that we will M'll
coRhix, caxketx, rolx.'x, etc., at a great
reduction from the truxt price. Hop
ing our old friemlx will approve of our
action in leaving the truxt, and that it
will make ux many new frlemU. we
remain Yourx tnily,
Day & Hknukiwov.
Not Ire.
Ix hereby given to the xhareliolderx
of the Klmira (irM Mill Co , of Ijme
county, Oregon, to mei't at I.linlrn on
luexihiv, tbeMIi day of .Mnreli, I MM,
at 10 a. 111., for the purxw of fleeting
a Ixtard of directorx, ami trunxiietiug
audi other blixiuexx ax may come before
the meeting.
lly order of ineorxiniiorx,
F. M. .NilllXVAMKll,
II. f. Hl rtToX,
J. Cakkiii:i:k,
J. F. Kiiik,
liheuniati-iu Quickly Cored.
Three ilayx Ix a very short time In
which to ciin' a bail cnxeof rheiimutixin;
but It can be done, 111"' proxT treat-
111. lit ix adopts), ax w ill le wi ll tiy the
follow ing fromJiiimn I.umlxTt, of New
llrunxwick. 111.: "I wax hndly aniiet-
im 1 with rheiiuiatixiu In the hipx and
legx, when I iHiught a Ixiltleor tliam-U-rlaln'a
l'ain l.:Um. Itt unnl me In
three diiyx. I am all riht Uxlay; and
would inxlxl on every one who ix
atlltcted w ith that terrible dlxeaae to
lie ChamlxTliiiirx I'alu llaliii and gi t
well at onif." .V) cetitx bottle for aale
by (Kbiirn A Delano, Druggixtx.
Nutlre to Debtors.
All x rxoiix imlebtl to the late firm
of rutterxoii, Kdrix A Co. are hereby
uotitlcd to call at the ofilee In the mill,
within thirty diiyx, and make cttle
meiit by caMi, or urrnnge !r an exten
xloiioftlme. We muxt have a nettle-
nienU . ,
Wm. Kiuiih & Nx.
EroKXK, Feb. 0.
Molbem' Utroiuiiieiidation.
We are attUaliiUil with many 1110th
erx In IVnterville who would not lie
without ClmmlxTlaln Cough Hrinedy
in the houxe for a gxxl many tlimn Ita
coxt, and are rtx-oiiiinetiding it every
day. From x nKiimlexx-rii niv aecau
nay that it luia broken up bad coldx for
our children, Ceiiterville, South Da
kota, Citien. .'xlctlit Ixittlea for aale
by Ojburn A IV ltno, Drugglata.
To Hop (irowen.
I will have a few iiouniid of early
hop rnota for wile. 1'rolilli-x at fl x-r
humiM and Fugglea at 1- r bun.
dretl. Addnwt
H. Smkkii,
Walterville, Ongon.
Hard-rare, atovea and tinware. at nek Ixiught forih. We
oiler gixxl gixxU at fair prlcex; art
thankful fr paid favoni and axk for a
ahareof your itronaft lu the future,
500 new atylea of wall paix.r for apring
(iiiunx Hakiiw ake Company,
Haud gardening bxilx of all kinda.
Flow, w hix-1 hix-x. drillx and the
I'lanet, Jr. cmblin-l, and any other
tiMiI In the irarden. (into
- . j - -
F. L. ChanilxTi.
Dkaix Tiumj. I am prepared to
furtii-h any fiw tiling for l-x money
tliail anj txidy in thia trt of the valley.
F. L. ( It am IiEKx.
To Oi h Fabmi Kx.-ltuy nsd ue
tili.lden txirbwire. It 1 the l-t win-
made. tx-x farther, willlaxt longer.
For Mile t.V the
liKirix Habhwakk 'o.
Nt"Kx Monthly r tick uurt,
Addn-x., Mim Makv II All.,
.Springfield, Or.
WixxJ f ir Sale.
.soned txalyixtk, maple and l!m
wraxl forxaX Immin-at the (il Ahl.i
Car ltiit Iv.iy & Ib-nd. nwn'.
Ibir-x.' billx prilited nt the il Ki of.
fltv. 0
orklug over plutm a xxi-iniiy, at
tiruy A Wi.loiigMiy'x.
Chair at Ihty A ilftidcrxou'.
Oo to J. D. Matlix k A C. for trunUa
and valix-.
Iiiinj;.-. at Day A ll''i.i-rx.iu'x.
The ;ioiiud ix )tettiug III order for
curly gardening.
Clitll'X klli hi-ll I.lilvex never p 11.
Matn-x--xat Day A HeiuU rxoii'x.
Oniy A Wllloiiu-hby, ilcutl-tx. OllU-e
over ( irutigi' xlon'.
Window xhad.-x al Day A lb r
anu'a. ilaxx cut to order iUa le.
A party ir here from I'ortlaml talk
big of hurting another gnavry twv.
lnlxx'l J. 11. .Ma A k A t o. lie
Hue of Ini tl x ladii-x' iiiIx-hx' and child-n-n'x
xlua-jiii.t reviiM.
It will pay the l a.-xof lUigciie to
call and ace the eli-trant xpriug goodx
How oil oali- at J. II. Mi-Cluug'.
I'artlm wautiiii; xlnb uinhI i nn pr.
cure the Hiu ie by xi-niling to
to the ljiiie l.uiuU-r I-auue, nt Spring
Kxtellnioli tablcx at Day A llcllder
noli'. If you lut'lid to travel go undx-e J.
D. MatliM'k A Co.'x truukx ami s iilU-i.
1'rotnictiil inn ting iilt lx.iu Sun
day, March "1, nt the I'. 11. chiiich, i-on-diii
tiil by KvaiigieiHlx llrvant and wile.
The xale of the Orviron I'm-iile rail
road ha livii MiHiniil until next
Tu.da.v. It wax aumuimt-il to have
taken place ycxtcrday.
On-goll grown gsirdell need ix the
la'd. Iluv no other.
For bIuxh go to J. D. Matlix k A. Co.
They lire the cheiipext.
A law Ix iii ell'ect to make It a ix-iii-
tciillary olb ne to teal up or olmtrilct
railway Inn kx wi ax pi eiiihuiger any
tniin or live of luuMciigcrx.
The prtM'iit county court of Marion
county nTiixf the xhcrill l-tnKe to
auxwer tax HHurlea ax other county
ctiurtxhave done, a fact that en-iitc u
xuiitll dlHturbauiv.
fn-e railroad ticket, llrxt-claxa to
Portland ami . n-turn. Anyone con
templating piin-haxiiig a piano mil c-
curi' the alxive ly eni l.iiig lln-lr 11:11110
and addn-xx to the Wiley 11. Allen
Company, Ull Flr-t St., 1'ortlund, Or
People arc warned ngaluxt replving
to no-Main puzzle nilvcrti-x-mciil, with
the picture of a homely man now lad
ing printed lu xevenil imntry pajx-rx.
The whole thing Ix imimiimced a Ira'id
oil the pubIL' by the Natloniil Advt-r-
tlxcrol .New lork.
Albany Dt'iiiix-rat: The new axxix-
llieut law come too lale to la ohxerved
till year ax uxiliil and the liiarxhal do
the eollectiiig. Next year it will un
doubtedly I xi in full running order."
Will the axM-xMiiient Ix- Icirai: I'.ugclie
would like to follow a ximilar iihmIc.
Iluy f5 worth of good at Day A
Heuderaon'x and receive a pn-xent fnx-.
F. W. Kelly, editor of the llnxder
and SiHirtMiuiu, pulililnd lu Sun
Fmnclxtxi, ha m-nt word to Dr. T. W.
Harrix, of thix city, that lie w ill aeiul
lilx Ktallion, Memo, to the ilixti.r'x
bnxitiiii' farm near lu re thix xuiiiiui-r.
Thix horxe ix a full brother of the lllly
that made the faxtext n-coid ever made
hv a ycariuiK tmtter.
The n-ixirl ofa iiiarvelloii atrike hax
reached Kllctixburg Inuii Swan eni k.
Jolin-011 and York xtruck n lo-im h
vein 011 hclnia Jxiiht, xevenil ttvtx of
which aliow that it gix-x i,l0 in
gold to the ton. It ix found In what xh.tll direct ami ufvlxu the exM'iidl
ix cullitl the old French ixH-ket, which i turo of audi amount of the nmd fund xn
waa worked li year ago by a party of
Frenchmen, who dxik out one nugget
worthlunl. Tixlav' retxirt crealixl
great exelteiiient here and a uiimlxT of
men will leave for the camp tomorrow,
The telegriipli convey the luiomia-
tion that from nn-. nl liiillnillon
there will Ixi but little done in thla
country for the next Vear or xo ill the
u-hv of aurvcvlmr iiiiblie- lamia. I he
amount of ifie appnipriatioii for thix
hupiuii liii.liiiliul Iii tin i.innil iiiiiiro.
I. Ml I...?.... a. . r . r , 11
only tiou.onoa compared to tlou.ont)
lirillllllll lllll HOW tWIilUT u.lll.. W
last year. Congreaxmiiu iieriiiaiiii
moved toaineinl by Inxertlng ni,J,tt.Vi,
but theaiiiciuliueiit wn loxt, ax waa
alxo an ami'iiiluieiit moved by Wilxon
of Waxhlnittoii to 111- rt .i,mai. tjut
of Hit f luo.WlU the Mini of r.lO,taa) Ix act
axide for examiuaiioii for xurvcy.
Oregon's "hare of Inxt year's appnipria
tioii was f J",(J ami 011 the aiuue naxis
herxhare for thla year will I lex than
i-xWO. Thix w III not go far in mrvey
Ing publio lands In (in-gnn, and Sur
vevoMH'lienil llyars Ix looking for
ward to a Uiet time next auuimcr.
The only hoHj la that w hen the bill
gix-a to the xc-nate It w ill iucreiiae the
Illf liuard, Marrhl.
(ico. W. Pickett vixiUxl Junction to
ilay. F. K. Chamhent Ix in Portland on a
buxinexa trip.
A. D. filllelaud went to Portland on
the lix-al thix morning.
ilixx Clara Phillixitt went to HnLxcy
on thix morning's IimhI.
Mix Iti lxxti llaine i eontliiMl to
her home with the uiuiii.
II. C. Humpbrev n-turmxl from
Portblid on laat niglit'a overland.
Hon. C. W. Wa-hbume, of Junction
City, came up 011 the iiflcrnoon ain.
Ilarwin liriatow and wife were down
from Cottugi-tinive txlay for a short
Mr. and Mis. H. W. Huldeii n
turniil front a visit at l'..rtlaiid ht
QvliftsVick Hutr and daughter of
Itixx-i.urg are visiting In Eugene for a
few day.
F II. Flairgof the Sali-m la-mix rat
hax gone to Waxhingtoii, D. C, to at
tend the ill lugurutioii.
Mr. S. O. Cornell I ill
with pneumonia, at the re-i'kmt. of
her son on Pearl xtn-et.
Tlie old lady died Friday morning at
4 o'clix-k. .-lie bad ri ci litly came le-re
from PeiiD'ylvania.
Harry Cla rry ix xtill at Portland im
di r xurn;eal tn'ntint nt, In it I Impair
ing mi (hat it i thought be will be
an mi 11 I lu a coople of wis k.
T. M. June of Portland who ha lxx-n
, . , . . 1 : . t 1. 1 I.k... l.u
Vl-llingat,., ,........-
In-lit w. Dr. J
W. Harris, went to t ot.
tligi- Onue
thix aficrinxifi to vi-it
Ti icu 1 tlierr
J A Kxi S'l l.t.K, 1 U., Fit), a. "
' erm.r Miti 11 baa appoltitsl r-aruuW J
i j.H ff. it-l iata i.tlar fnuu!
Mnh44.l hi mwi-J. el.x-te.1 l
tl,e -t1fi,'s''ljrv. which metis ia Apnl.
roll Ttt of euator Crtut' 11111m II
1'aaxed tbe Lrglalatuie.
SuTlox I. That atvtloii 4UT3, title,
I, chapter Ti., of the MUxrllancou I.a
of the Muto of On-gou, ax compiled and
aiiuotattit by W. lJlr Hill, and a
iiil,il b'ali act elililleila Plai t to
amend aivuona 'd, 4070, 4i?;4Kitf
title 1, chapter TO, of the .Mioellalieou
Iiw i.f Uu .n. ax i-ouipllnl and an
! uotntiil by W. Liilrlllll.appnivtxl FeU
j ru.-try lvH, Ix-, and the xaino i
j hcrt-iiy aiiLmletl o aa to n-ad ax fob
j low: 0
' l.n ioN I'lvl. Ill IfCIllg audi tl
malti ami uxtxiuenl Mlic xuix-rvlaor
! xhall pro. I aa follow:
I. lie diuJl apxirtlou the labor to U'
p rfornie.1 I 1 hlx nad ill-lrl. t to the
saluatimi t.f the taxable proi rty
owned then In, the ratio of one day
1 work for em h and every fllV axxexixil
' for xtate and county puriKiw- the Itmt
tmivdinvYar: lnviilel, that any lx-r-
oti iiiii;Tii lieu of one ihiy'Dwurk to
(J x rlornud aetnllng lolht chapter,
, , ..iti into me iiiiinix i'i in. .n. im,i
tin- Mini of : 1 .'xi, to be cxiM-ndcd for la.
Ix.r or male, ial 011 the public road 1 11
' the di-trict w here the xald pnrty mi
1 til Veil Ix l.x-ateil.
j 1'. He xh.dl arxx two dnyi' work.
1 to Ix- ix-rforiicd by each male Mwccii Ul
; aiid 'xiycapiofairi', eXii-pl xtxoiix w ho
; an- i public charge, or are t infirm
, to do maiiu-ii labor. Every audi male
I acUiaily 111 Mild ill-lrli t ahull lx xul.jii t
j to xiieli tax i.t any time fnmi the llrl
J day of February of each year to the
ti iM day of the following February.
I Ami the uvrvior may at any time
I axM-xx ntiolt lax ami colbx-t the aame;
and tin-pre iinplinli xhall lx couelu
' Me that Nil 1 road tax ha not Ixrn
worktxl or paid unli-xa audi x-rxoti o
1 axxwxxl aliow a nivlpl for nmd tax or
rind work f.T the aiuue year, either In
the xiii ue or another dixlrlct or atate;
and if an action ix- brought aguint any
one for wild ix-rxoual nxid tax, and he
ahoiild after the bringing of xaid action
pnxliuv a rfivipl for the aame, having
lulled to pn-hiiv a retvlpt Ix-fnro aald
action wax bnuight, the tiwla of aald
aciion xhall ! laxtil to him and en
fonil aa a Judgment for a tine In a
criminal action.
;:. lie "hull call out and have per
formed two-third of thu total road
work in hix di-trict, tu may beaMMcd
In the iiianiii-r pmvidixl in thixxcctlnn,
lixiii the public road lu hlxdlxtrict lav
foic the tlr-t day of April folhiwing tin
lx tlie county court xhall extend the
time for -rf. inning xaid labor.
4. Providing in count lea containing
dmi luhabilalita or over, the county
court of audi county lu tlie atate al the
time of levying xiieli taxea for county
purKH-a, may levy a tax upon all the
taxable pnix-rty in the county, not to
exceed live inllfx unhi thu dollar, and
in addition thereto a hII tax of - lx
uxM-xmil iixiii every x rxon who xhall
Ix- liable to pay a Mule xdl tax, which
taxea xhall 1-e imIIi-cUiI with and al the
Hume time and in the aame manner aa
county taxex ahall be collected, and
xhall ix paid into the county tn-aaury
and xhall Ix- kept ax a w-parutu fund to
l known ax the rimd fund, and ahail
Ix iikxI for the purpoaeof laying out,
ox-uiug, making ami repairing county
roads, and building and retiring
hridgcx, ami 110 other tax or other taxea
for the purtHMf 111 thix aectinn men
tloneil xhall lx levied or collected, ex
tvpt that the county court may order
bridcex built or n-paired out of the gen
eral fund Mich county court hall a
xrtion the taxex o txilleetixl among
the M-vcnil toad dixtrlctx in tliei-ouuly,
liaving due n-gard to thu amount of
taxiv ixitlix-tixl in the aeveral mad dlx
trictx, to the txmditioii of the roadx and
ni-.i-vitv of repairx, and to the amount
of tmvel tin icon. Ihe county court
1 ahall thcreiiixin notify the road auper-
viMir 111 eacu 01 me riuu ui-inn 111 ni
, munty of the amount of thu raid fund
I net apart for the uxe of hix road district
for oix tiliiir, making and repairing
county fiMlds and building bridge 1 11
hlx mad diMriet, ami audi aux rvlxor
, w. apnrt for thu purpNe herein liamtxl,
j and certify l.ia accounts for lalxir xt-
. fornnd or material funiiah'xl to the
, cnunly txmrt, and If the county court
approve the aame 11 anaii oruer war-
rantx on the county treaaurer in lavor
of the x-non x-rfornilng audi lalxir or
furnixhing xudi material, tmyliig out
1 of the fund to the credit of audi Paid
, dixtrict. and until audi fund iaexhauxt.
txl; provldixl, having a madmaxter, the
lllllll jr Rlinil'UO I AH lllll, uuia.l (nnu-
Pnividcd, further, that In cowntles
having a county nwdmaxU-r no nxtd
xhiill hereafter Iw loentcl unlexatheati.
pnivalofxiidi cixinty navlmaater lx
eiidor-ed lu writing upon thu petition
tiled for audi purxwe; and pmvldetl
further, that 110 nxid shall hennfter I
hx-atcd in the atate of Oregon having
at any xint a grade exm-edlng 10 per
cent., which. fact shall be awvrtaiucd
from thu certitlente of the surveyor.
Keal Extato lranaten.
David Mnrkley and J. C. StoufTer to
Alphonxo It ICaalmun, lot lu Hazel
tliK-'aUd additlou; lTo.
John II. Stowell to John I) Kennedy
4.1 lotx In rruier A Hy laud addition;
Nancy E Potx? to truxhn of Engliah
rn-xiiytiTiaii ciiureii, 1 acre in t u
ru w: l.
Fred P. (ii-M-r to Daniel C. Uibaon,
land in t lo x, r w; fjuo,
Peter IVti rxon to A Kclxey, IflOai n-a
t "II a. r4 w: ll jft.
Oixi W liamlnaker to Fnxlerlek
Ijuii.n i hi. laud 111 t 17 , r 4 w; I17J.V
E. o. Cor-ui toO W Houtbwltk. 40
acn-xlii t I'J, r 2 w; 1.
Sale Poxtponed.
The aule of the A. P. Anthony place,
near Siiti.n. that was to have lasen
aol l the iirxt Iu.-xiiay In March, la
In n bv ixxtxiiits until April 1,
ax xirtii-x have written 111 lo rxtxne
-x inic iimi i"i"ir, 1
of the n.iidi a-theyur.s.lnsl U)
the pluc v alid caimo . be pn
.c liM slvertlxtxl; the re-
the xale
enl at lb
fon- 1 have uia'b- the lx-)tMiif meiit aa
alxive xlatixl. There 1 a g'l txxl of
brick clay on the place, ami fartics
propxto 1 ji in iiu-ami onca pn-xw-a.
Cholerine lu PuinsylvaBla.
(wickley, peiin.: We liayl an epi
demic of clioli-rine. as our phsi-iaiis
all. si It, In tin place lately and I
maile a gn at bit w ith Chamlx-rlain's
('lie, ( bob ra and iMiirrlm-a lU-mely.
I wild four iloren httksj of It In oue
Wis k and hns-e -ium Mild m arly a
gnx. Thix U-msly did Ihe work ami
waa a blir sdvertlxeiui-nt for Iim-. xev-
.,rwifl. - ,. I..v
Ixxrn ln.ul.Usl
- , . . . .
1 L-lfl. ,liarrl,:s for two or ttins WfX'k
.-re cured hy a f'-w iIom-s of II, ix msti.
,(sy .e. V. P. KAPH. Ph. O
li'iand U rent Ix'ttbsj tar aale by
i O-lxirn A la Ijmo, Druggixts.
I'.Unk n. tii-a for the
bx-alloa of
tpiartx lulu-S lor sale al
1 oJlce.
AddltloDal Caafa.
Pallfauard. Vr. h 1
Tlie following additional raaca have
la vli phi'-vd oil lii circuit court dia-kel
for thu March term, which ixmveni
in Eugene next Monday:
:u. A. S. Ilorreaoti ts David O.HIme;
to recoyr nionev.
St. IV'-rt Hnax v II A. West; to
nxxiver IIH'liey.
1C II. ('. Humphrey v (i.o Mill
lean; to rtx.'ovvr money.
Ut. Wm. (lleiin vsShllby and Hat
tie Ilna'kmau; to nsxiver mourv.
4. Suiliti A Hall v (ico. Milllcnti;
to rissiver nmuev.
Hi. r. I . Mxli V tiis). M A'lli;
to nsMver money.
lai. liavld Cherry v I.auc county;
til It for ilamagex.
U7. Carl Cnixe v l' Himhaw ami W.
S. tiupbell; fortrUureof mechanic
in. W. E. Wild v fraln, Stowell A
Itnmliill; fons-lixHire of lieu.
w. S. A. Howe v Win. I'rawfonl
and A. S. Whipple; fonvloaure of hen.
loo. Emma E. William va Wm. P.
Fixhcr; ap-al freui Juatbv ctmrt.
t'reswelt Items.
March 1.
Apmixvi to the remark by a certain
iMttx-r, concerning the art of "oacula-
lion" "our jxa't'' thought a few n
mark in order:
The Cottagi' (irove girl mi we are told,
I.Ike lion llene ami bold,
Until a catch aa catch can hold
And klx until yu cry
1-t me go or I will die.
The Crexwell girl, the prudent misx,
Ilon't believe in a hugging klxs
They any It apmtd dlreaxti,
nut with their dainty nngrr-li.
They pluck a klxs from oil their Hp,
Aim watt 11 to you 011 the urece.
I lev. Wallace of Cottage (Irove will
preach at thu M. E. Chun h the sec
ond Sunday In every month, com
mencing with Mareh 1 AU are cor-
Hull y Invited to be pn-xent oil that
dav exxx:'iallv allchureh niciiilx-r.
.Mensra S allace and rain of Cottagu
timve are lixiklug for a location for a
iirick and tile factory here, liixxl clay
can be aecurtxl and thu imxiixx't are
giMal for the removal of this imluxtry
to our town.
I he (1 when cornsxindcnl aix-akof
horatxi dying fmni blind atagger In his
nelghtxirhixHl. Fnuu what we hear
from there the xtmng arm of the law
if there I any law at (.loahen
ahould Iw brought to bear on lairtica,
who will keep horxes and rattle and
let tliciu starve to death in this land of
Mexxrx. Fred. I'anueliter anil Will
Ivlwanl of Cottage drove were In
town Sunday.
The revival domxl last Sunday night
and IS were converted during the
meeting, inoxtly children. A col
lection wax taken upon Sunday morn
ing, fbl la-lug collcdcd and ireented
to Itev. McDonald.
Itev. (iittin went to Cottage drove
Satunlay, preaching at that place Sun
day morning and evening.
Ciidcr thu heading, "To remove 1110
county xeal," tho Iteglxter gives an In
terview with a gentleman fnuu Ju no
tion In regard to removing the county
seat to Crexwell. Now, we want the
chninle growler ami dixgruntled poll
tlclaiiN 011 Ixith sldixj of tlie county to
understand that Ova well Is loyal to
Eugene ami Ijiiib county and will not
Ixxsune a rty to the nilaerablo haul
lug and pulling that has dlxturlaxl our
oountv in the paxt alx mouths. It
would Ixi verv line to have a county
seat and might Increase the value of
pnua-rty, thereby benefitting a few In
dividual, but it would ctwt the county
a vaat an 111 of money and break down
what little Influence Lane county has
left at the legislature. The lt thing
for the lllaine and Mineral county
hix uiier Is to rail III line with out lime
enthualaaiii and try to make the imait
im-six-miis year in the hixtory of the
Some would have us Ix-lleve this
town a amull edition of Staloui and
(iomorntli. but self-pralae rouiita for
naught, liy your action anaii you iw
KUOWII. IvrXil 1.AH.
Sum of My Cash Prices.
19 lU Granulated sugar 11 00
22 Hat Extra C sugar 1 00
r HwUoldcn C sugar. 1 Of)
&) Urn beat rice 1 00
7 cans usxt peaches 1. 00
7 cans beat aprloola 1 00
10 cans corn 1 00
8 Hat (iold Dust washing jNjwdcr.. 3)
3 llat codflxh, boneless 2
Arbucklcs. package ,. 1!3
J. L. l'AOK.
fluart. Marra 2.
I'ARIkixei). Pardons were Issued
yesterday by Governor Pcnnoyer In
the caaeofjolin A. bong. aenU'iictxl
for five years for larceny from Multno
mah county, upon recommendation of
the dlxtrtcl attorney, who aeeunsi ma
conviction. Also to Win. E. Michaels,
a young man from Union county, for
manslaughter, Who is recommemico.
by tlie attorney who convicted him.
llarrv Howard of Multnomah coun
tv has btn reatored tocitl'iiahlp. In
the caxe of Michaels Is la stated that
he killed a child by accident, and the
only wltnraa was another child four
years old. The killing Is now believed
to have been auccidelilal.
Li Kit I't'i.Lixu a Tooth. The almi
der suit of Dr. C. C. Newcastle against
Dr. L. M. Davia, for f 10,um daiuagixj
waacallisl for trial this morning in
Portland, In Judge Steam's detrt-
liiclit. the case having laarn sworn
awav from Judge Shattuck 01T alleged
preluilli-e. It waa alleged among other
things by Dr. Davis that Dr. Newcaatle
kept a person at the head of the stairs
leading to his ofllce to ateer people Into
his ofllce, a sort of "pidcr and the fly"
arrangement, lioth parties are well
known dentlata of Portland, ami Dr.
Imvl Is a mem lx-r of the city council
Dr. lavls formerly resided In Eugene.
lit 11 7 unard, Marehl
TKIKI..-At the time of
' Juatlr Kln-ey was I
, ,,' ',,,. Hiat of On-im
pallf Unard, March 1
lug thu caxeof the State of Oregon va
W m. Craw font, charged "' em'M-a-r.lemeiit.
Atlorney FL O. Potter and
J. F. Ami apta-ared for the state and
Attorney Ibfyeu for thedefendniit.
I.ATKit. AfU-r hearing the vSJiu-xm
for the Slate. Mr. Crawford was dii
rhanrisl. being perfectly exom-raled
from the charge.
.Nut ire to Ta i payers.
Not l) Is hereby given that s1ion
2?.rt of the cfxle, rtniulrlng the aherttf
Ut viit the precinct for the collection
of taxea. ha been reix-svleil, the law
now requires taxes to la paid at the
tvaintv seat. laxes for tlie year I
will become ildinoiieDt Anril 1st next.
All taxes must lie paid on or before
thai date, a the txx.ka will lx closed to
make un dellmioent Mils and tax war.
rant. ( 't atdod after that date. Q
Dattsj March 1st, Irf X
Jas. Yl Nolaxd,
SberlfTof Imi Co. and Tax Collect
or thereof.
Seed I'utatotxj fur Trial.
CORVAI.I.IM, Olegou, Feb. 21, Ist)3.
Tin Oregon ExH-rlitM'iit Station is
prt-jLyvd to send to Ihe fanners of the
lau for trial a limited numlx-ruf va
rieties of nxl x.lalix-a. The tatai
will Ixi labeled and mailed to Individu
als in pound tckagi-s uu recwlpt of
ten cent to pre-iav xxtage and ex
'n4 of package. No more tliail two
vsrietli-s w ill la-M iit loa single Individ
ual. Pcrxoii nnlcrltig w 111 please state
whether they tlexire early or lat vari
eties. All parties receiving nl jxila
(ix are exixs UsI n rrixirt a to the
Yield sud value,, when Jisiin-d, for the
Ixmeflt of the akcullural liitvnsta of
the atate. Addnsxtail orders to II. T.
FiiKM'ii, Agriculturist Exp. Station.
Corvallla, Or.
bribers Wanted.
TeiV'Xia-rlenceil grublx-r wbiiImI bv
lay of nmtraet al the McKcinle Ulver
xtix k fnnn, High Itank, hpnugtleld,
I M go 11. J. M. I low ui A Co.
V ' '
For Sai.k. lloiixe and lot. Inquire
of J. A. Ham, High street, la'twtvn
Sixth and Seventh.
McKcuzic River Ski Para
(Capital $100,000.) Tho homo of
0 Th hxn.lsntnr.1 .ulllon Ihxt rat lhrd. Paynrllu Wllkaa IMM. mtIm for Mannl 103.
with nlurn .nrllrisi uil faxtr If Iba mar
J. M. UOW ICS and 3. C.
'. :i V.. ).-(,. ';,t.,-' V-
i, n;.. . kn.i,1 , .'i ... V.. .... A i.
T. III. hulism mill Ia Ik. hraux. t 111 hxnkf nil tA ill Ihlnklnf bmb et our fttSIS! We
hT lmisinr.1 Imia kxiittirkr nnaul tha brat
sow lix-xusl lu Orasun, a h.rx hi x-rrlrsa exo
W hav hnth txwr nit f4 rnmlilnad. which all brxslr thnnM brrssl fnr, s wtll s ths
txsil bnsl lallliiii la Amrrlni, W hT th lxl eulur, a blixxl It. W hara th bxat ol bniiw
ami ra and ulalaniwol nr Ulllux la th Mala. II wlh II U la lair Usxh, lUnil
l.v haivu nisn; aiafsimam iar aita nauutum anuoi in dm qiiikmhiud uu xrv niurmi uw
Uratml at rri iixMsljr. 1 hls.iallina will Ixi IliailaJ loliiny ppn0 a rx alf4lorth
ana with uiual miurn prlfllrca, M :Mo liiaur inara la hxtl; thl wall fw ant hxln ona hall
what Hi .lain. p Imvi wiuta. W (Hit Hi la lut thl awnnmr; low as a l U In mnb
ol all who wlah lu linwsl and ralw huoxi tui-rt.x- loant llitf m ralard la Onsjnii. Kxmaot.
Iwr this 1111108 will rot yie not In tbaa nu
raiiluly aillai, a II jou have as Idaajou wish
For lb tMt auckllns eolt. la b ahowa si th
WolTr 'Mittf lbs rulrx! rxarllrn UtMUr lnxl hy thl Mallliia. W o(1r Irtl lurlh IsaiMt
ttnt Ixf'lxo yranilJ .insl b Ihli.Uilli.n, In I ImtUsd si thsaalrat tUU lair la la-tt. Waoltxr
lb lrs.s- ol tha fxalaal i-y -xusokl anil lie aaah nramlum aad kru to lb drtm of Itata enlt.
wmm raaa llie loi in srt i-jxarsjld irottins IB i n or onwr, i mw ii i i- h'
fnr wrh ansitHt bvtb-r ihaa 1M, auxt, Wul Ut lit driver ssd daTslouar ol litis oil, alias tr
t atom rua io.
Ilraadm. hafnra oa honk mir atara. Unit
S hnrw with IhxiiraalMt Bluod Una, Isrth on sirs
fun ranwit HiM In l.xxi Hi I in.ixxluuili ol bnstdlua lo Uilmwl ksaWckf Una w us aiaiuoa
al lb Low I'rlo I oftvr thl auaaua.
Great Bids
McKenzie River Stock Farm,
(Two and one-half miles East of Springfield, Or.)
hns sad abUooi wm fixtlsd ia 181, head by Charlas Hsnfa, of KnHh MM.lUtnws, Ky.
Tha to hon will soak lbs saaana ol IWU St MsKaads Hi ray Dtnek Fann, tM tbs saaaixB.
with Banal rstora privilM. M.xtsy due Urns of sarrtos. Hlrad by ths traat fayoriu.
Wilkas 37, raontd l:li lrs ol 12 ouila IB a i:jo im. riiss aaas, an rstarans 07 aiaa-io
U7. irsolCUmB.sO, 'iJj Pnat lloy, JSi Kbo. 123, st.t sUx dam. of Valia, S:li;
Katulalino, ML txwl data M.Unc, dan 4 Wilka ChW, rsenrd iMtti vaan old. by
tbUraatrUrkCUlHV.irsoliil,:lreorH .BBddsnsof t'halla, t:lS: Ma"Uoa,
1:1a sad Wiloa,S;lo. TblH dam. Mia Waia by Waits, aire of Uraitua, tl rtb
dam, by Uaan, ln of dams of Lady 1 bix-B, 3:101. aad Mambriao raloaaa. Famrite Wilkas
SS7, rwoord l l, aiith baat la s hotly osjUaUd rso airs of Crawford. J:l.'.l: KUa Wilkwa.
I'H.i Aralila, 74, asd ihl otbm Is tbs Ut alas full brothar lo Koortx Wllkaa, sirs of
a Uutlm is ths JO elaaa, 12 of which want is ths iMt la !W0 aad IS'Jl. by Uwnrr WUkas,
th natat talUij that fr livad. Kint data. Kaorits, t Mi. dam of airs of Kmloxao.
t in, sod Waatwood air of HL ValaatiB. 231), by AUlaslar AbdaiUhi Uaio 1467, air
Ham i4 VallUaia, 2:1 Kmulatine, iXl by Aatsrioaa CUy , dam by UarkUy's Edvia
NuTE. This fnat Wilkas ttallioa FAV0EITU3 No. 1S240 Is sot oaly oss of the
haadanmxxt nm that srsr atond ia Kactaciry, bet a a trotUr aad a sir of InHUts, be
slond la Kanturk tws yaan, hi bonk ratdly ttllad sad th dasaaad was sraaUr thaa the
tinilatad snubar allnwtd. Ilia last saaana
wbf b had a ranopl a a stalllna Motxsd to sow, mm cults in au BBiiormuy foon dob
Jad mbsUoos, with th txH " dupuaitiixi aad vary ixlrs ssrsral of them will oaUr the
Wtthsonmlo(Maoa. This hone will bs limited to 40 suras al $50 the aom with rstoiw
W rail your alUntlon to s fw of oar many la ly-brd horaas. W have tiwd SO npxOM
In aslfvtlii th ausit brad Mallwni aad bnxxl maraa la AaMrtra, sad wa Bow baw
liiraaMaiaill.iaenlutinxt lthairaatrarwlmno Kor UJk kx, 1 it, out ol aura SJara
a Jromaf., by aiiaiminl. Irrua. by Muntatia Wllkaa; CarrtaS., by kianturky nlunlrr; all l
whb-h arUiilard mIiuih! an I Ih Snsxt brad la IWvtoa. Wa alaa hxra Nutwood blood,
KUs-llouaa, iay ixxiiii, IwlBMMit. and la larl tha Sur and rbnlivsl brrd Txa,rllna, t yaarkl
u.l a-yr-olila: alan. bnssl nsi in f.xl lotlnsal r AVuKITDx W ILKkX 1'jw. ll.a Bot .ullvoa
that Iwaalolay. all auudaid and raiutorad, lot aalaosaatylafaj. tail aad iuxx oar Blue K bw
lura yoa aurt-uaa.
ria Blundad Stork fur sal at all tlm, Rtaodatd Brood Mans la fual to rsTorttoi WUkel lor
ala. Book bow ooaa lur IxaS.
an Standard IfUiwI, and say ens hiaidlns s Sundard Mantotham raa rrflitxf
hi anil, ean Mil bit cult, and (M In !,( to lu.UM Is. liar Bum fur hi rniu bcv! by
Una hnro thaa any othar MalUniit IB thl (la la. Mafra fainsl al Ininson thrlr
ainnlat kuraorxpniiBi4. Ko atra cbara. I'aaturs at R par awuta. AUa
cidaala asd cxm .w nn' rttk.
U Ksiassra, Ky., Auf. , I
IT L I. RMivra, mrtland, Orion, Haar Birr Yoan of Jaly 7ih l baud. Enci.xxrf fitxt
find tran.far nf 'l!- '-.i-1io," ISM, 00s of tha fraaaat youn Mai.ion In rvua or any
othar tiai. II I bad kol kim thl im 1 I sould ham bankad Uirxa now what h put yna.
Hu anil ar tha tml lut ynst mt mm am toe laea el lha auto, Kvary nu wauhnt to bnsnl
bars to him. H I atutt ar dawtia. and o"-l artun, and ar axid anonfh toahow la aaysbow.
nus. Than laso)ukaxMt ula, it laaa I ill yoa. Wnuoa raoslMol this,
ItasixMUully Yours, W. D. BAXf A.
ror furthaf aartlculan, call sr addrws,
J. M. BOWES & CO.,
OsJlt Osaid. Marth 1
Abimtu roa Laiuxxy. Deputy
Sheriff Croner, yeatenlay aftcrnoou, ar-reau-d
on llajTy llu knani, at tb
Maxwell farm, a few nillca northwest
of this city, on a warrant cliargtug him
with the crime ef larceny. The com
plaint charges Kucknain with stealing
a watch and chain, valued at Itf, bud
Saturday, from the store of Dunn A
Itichmoinl, the aame being lA prtp
erty of John A. liuxh, who awrara to
the complnlnt, ihts afternoon at 1
o'0N'Mhe time set for the preliminary
examination, the defemlaiit waived the
MI.,M . I.... 1 I -1 I . u. 1.' I .. . I..l I.I...
wiir, ,01. tuw,,, Ikiiiir 11 1111
under f.luo bond to answer ths charge
before tha grand Jury next week. At
the time of going to press llucknam
waa at lit In thu cutixly of tltt Mieritr,
but It was thought ho would la) able to
furnish the required bonds before
Man Miswixn. Augu-t Olaon, a
well-known resident of Florence has
been lulaxlng since Sunday, February
1311. It Is feared that lie has been
ilmwmsl, or foully dealt with. HecctA
Ialge No. Ill, I. O. O. F., oilers a re
ward of M for tha discovery of his
ilora n4 iro wit St lisU.
K12BV123. Proprlwtorts.
ci- s-.t. ."av
final italllunt Ktnlurky mi ixTxiuisul, sul lie i
to had hj all who wUh to Unxxl IoUm
loHwl to sua la aootner frmt ana mi nous i
te brass! thl MaaoB saad la sad book yuuraianal
lUlt fair t Salasi Is ISM, tins! by thl atallloa.
sad think: raad this rFDIORIt: hate yea bavw
aad dial lls, la lh history of hnsxlliic, and
v. - ' -' 1 -V - .1 ',r,Mj
S250.00 CASH PHI!
RUadaH sirs aad dams fsgiatsrad. ThU treat Ka-
tucky brad WUka Ktallins la a basuUful bay Uk
, baaiU hWb, wibs 1UU poBd he ass lbs bast ol
ha aarrad 67 saans at tmiuaao, Ksatacfcy.
o 0 o o o
V) 0