o o o IfiMlS'JiQTlON DAYS. Historic Natea Apropos to the Coming Ereat of T'arch 4. iwrmri nnnuxu elected. Mala Weee ItHfitM mm Maeeb 4, Tww m Mareli aa On April . Carta I'mu Trading l Create aantl Umm Uupwtow wll Otb fMilrlM. He Mink 4 Cum ta He ll"W4 for laaagaralUa Day Crio aa4 laler Mllaf IhIi Oaeeet w lla the IMwIn. IGueyrtcbt, iiA bv Ainerlraa lre Aaatrla- Uon.) There ta no old etory to the rffart that BanjamlD Franklin elried th 4th of March (f Inauguration day heeaua la th next two oenturle It would fall on Bandar baa often . L than Uf other day In to year, and this etatemrnt baa '.V crejil Into a few work meant - to l biatnrlral. It ta. bow- tm, but on of lha many I. K ( eaeee. Ilka thoae of Nu.he -jy. f-. t,, wifa, n wblrh a WaJiilIJiOTot. p-markable and ltiteretin5 fart baa gradually given ria to legend to amxiut forth (art. It U aplreaing tory. but ther It uo irf of It whatever, Kid there la almoat eooclunir proof to the cm- Uarr. It Umrtaln that Franklin li(hrrel him aelf Terr lillie aUut tlie ill'tlnrtlnn lie- ' tweeu aarml and miliar daya, ana ainr Itaninl It alt'itfrthrr In hie daily life; that the ronT llon of 1TK7 did not fn the day, and In fart eonld he f Do meaiii of foreanentf when It would he imnilili to name a day. ami I hut when It lor - came pnail.e by the a-1-hmii of the ninth atale to the ronetlt.itlon the T.m- "' kl,k"K fnleratlon ciHiKreaa then III araalun Bird the day by a ivrt of arldnit. And yrt It la a fait, and atery mrlmia b ludrnd, that the day dura erry rarelf fall on hun day, IhniiKh at llr.t view It would aeera that thl day or any otlmr Uy wmild do an one lime In sevui. The flml day rt waa Wlneilay, and the y ran I-"end It'jf) ara, rublrary to tha foor year Pile, nut Up year. Tbeflratday waa lut elrreo tear lief ure f m the cliot the century, and i Ihiu It baa recalled that the J Tir f- day ba falUa on hunday Lot thriwllinr. In the flrt iX. sl liiindrril year and will nut rv airnlii fill im (Sunday tlll a'-'lv S vhlMI". Thereafter It will an 'P- fall mil) -lu 1UO and 11173 In the nett reiililry, the mull Jtrrtuui. wmg ailrn a conjunction only all llmea In the flml two mitiirlea of lha aiivemmenl'a etUtennr. or mra In thirty three lualead of cine in arvrn year. Ilulliltle Irea nilimia waa the reenlt of IV mwiliiK nf I he Oral oonniiea In IT"J A all conirreaaea conveneil In the laat cen tury and the aeveiilh In NUI It reault that the mini hit Inn a to the rumber of any conHTMa lum on lha allrkl "unliit ky auinle-r" III That, todetennln the num ber of any ohikitm. aild tblrtern to the year It firat convened and divide by two the qnnilent la the nunilirr of the roim" Couvepirly, double tbe nuinU-r of any rnn Kreea and eulMtraet thirteen, aud the re mainder will be the year It eonrrned. Mnet y-ime and thirteen are KH. tba half of which t fifty-two the nuffilvrnf the inw enl coiiKrnM. For the next century add IIS, and eoon. Tli.aiKh we have hail twenty three prnai dent a, but nineteen win funually Inauita rated, and but aliteen of the im tha 4th of March. If Die llnrt lime only be counted, for Waah Inirton took tlie loth the Ural time on A prll SU, and Tajlnr and llayea were luaiikti rated on Monday, Martha Tb aam U tnte of M'Hiroe'a eecoml InaiiKU rallnn. txit bl final waa on the rrKiilar day. The aeo- MAI'IMlX. onil Adania. I1nw and Oarfluld were ta auicuraleil on Fndny. hive Inaugiiratlnna have been on .M.anlny and five nu Wednes day, ami tb enmliitf one will make five on Saturday, no other tiny In the week baring hail mure than three. It I alo a curum fart that, ihouiih the government I 104 yenre old and w have Iwrnty three preal.h-tiU. there were but riubt In the lint half if the i-fi.l lo flfii-eo In the ammd half, ami a man who la tolay bill half aa old aa ll.a, u,ikr,i,ta.l ku H.mI In 4 V3L the ailmliilatrallniia of Iwo--tVt-fl, third of the irvl.lrnta Vi Tha from IT!V lo INIT tha aveiae of a prmi Jrnl ' aerv. Iiw waa alj year eiiibt month and aeveiiiera day and a fraction, while alnce the latter year the averat haa been but three yrare aud all nmntha, and lln drapit the fart tliat two of the late orvwldenla were re-eln-teiL Deduct Ih ettiht yean of (.rmi.t, and the avrr-e of the other really t"nra alunnlngly abort. Theahorteetamtiewuthitof W. II liar nana on niootb and lb Ion veal that of tirant, who held the ofiue eight yeenaiHl a day, uuieaa tudeeil we ailopt Ih f.wrtnma ukip lliioof the V blithat Ja.k n really itmenod Uurluij lilt ui.iiiiuai aoniitiiMna- ,v llunuf Vaa IlureiL" Ilia fi alio w.irth b.Alnff that i.f .er the eititit mililruit re-elei-t- i l l.L. I I. I.. I "4V' - afta.aKjfti, ft.iftM..., wni r e ira.iit were the only one wlnav aniMwl liiai'ifiiratlii.i ' 1 AI'AM. were relehrated with nun h diaplay, though il U certain that I lcirlan 1 will anon flip nlh a fourth raae, ai.d a nvtaMe on. la tralh, there are in my lb.iv In the 11 tec camerwhuh nui;ht Jualify a little euier tltton in l.ia came N.i i.ther Amenran, aave (Hawibly Waahti Kti and Jai kaon, haa hail will an rttra.irit.nAry -rai;al trl uiniih. Ih aelei-tniti of Manh 4 wit, aa afore aaj.l. prolwhly a aort of arvi.lrtit. On the l of July. t7M il.e prew.lri.t of tbe Con fnlrraliou i.'i);rr, Ihni In Man n l NfW York, noliilr.1 that Uly that New llamp aj. ire ha-t ri-iRnt tbe tuiiatitution t Ih STtal of June i rrcnl;n! and aa It wat the ttinth aiat to do en that inatrumvnt waa now ly lla n lerni lo Unmie the q irnie law Ad.f .r.i,.i.,.xl i!rlle con areae oo the Uih i-f .Sr( teiuter. r.nt. pawaed the follow ,h Keaulvetl. 7 I ,l (I . trt WnliaeaUy of Jean, err aeit i'.:. . il a., tt n ;.4nlin irt era la Ibe .1 .!.. I.f.ira 11 aaft rla fti.a.l Ua. l' .a!4 maelllutieti; thai lae km V. nU.ra.at la I .hroarr ! a tae ilai t. tlrf rir.-v.r u. a.e ' In twn re. aiM Ure aiatea anl iv'.t r.ir -iat.tit. anil thai the r.nl WeJii..laf la Mao u aeil be tJe Una ui tlx Itfwaaal eeai ul ft.aKrea liw latw lur 1 had i f r MUMIi'K. loBJoaactaf Srtoat.llr.it tuUf tl.4 tail US ' MJtuuea from ilia it will ba taaa that there WM daftly mor.lb'1 tlm between ri 01 U . three Terr aaarotlal acta of aprxjinULg' f MCV ttd Mamb!liH th :rt on la that rwrpectlT t u4 "vtuucacltif $ ox'Uujfv" A a matter of fart, tba Ertl WedLw-lay ta l'-ft 1TW1 fall .B tha "h and three vr later that taia wu Iliad tiTMii t ir all ' r Un.e. JJul thwa I (.thlsf l. afe VftYIlC to Indlrale anr rja- riai raaarjo for It In troth. teo It la at alrnoet tba woret araaua that could hare been !rte.J, a:. J a the matter la en tirely within tberitarrrUuti of twegTea. and Waablnirt'in waa Inaiiirun'.ed the first time 1 oo April Mi. the aririmeiit fr cWige to that date ta atrotit; K.Tery mulrr La bwl enough n lUe firet Ininrtrallon of WaahiflKMo, r-uffuw It to P-fot that the daf wna l.ue, that ('hann-l-li,r Hi U-rt K. Uliijion. of Nrw York. adliillilU-rl thn'wlhla the tirrartwe of nine iwojiir. anil inai , the crtiU'Dnlal celrhratl'io ! of that rrit In ew lor CUT In I1 w raUr wiaulrrful aurce. oa w hlrh irauno thrra wrre mure VaAu) a rria. pmiil In thedtjr tbao at anr lit Lor time In IU biatorj. It " ioUiiij wie mij ; time, aaid the ol.li-it Inhahitantt. when "tba rt'.jr rmwd waa ootnolrU'lT over whrlmnl and In the cmt.lry rrw4." Illaaarmut liui'i.;:imtl'n. In I'LiL-uli-li'Ma. il .nd.iT. March 4. 17A l-rm itln an al- lnul ludintmi njiitra.it lie tonk the lh In the aruala rhanilar in the n-wrurr of both bU"i of ciritfreM aud mailr a liro f aililreaa, and If anytliiim iiniisnal wrnrml the JiuniUof Ui day failed to mui inn It Nor waa tha Inaucirnll'in of John Ail- I am oo AlnpIy1 .nan n . i ii, a pnn I Urly linjirrftalra afTiiir. Tbonia .Iuffrr.il Un'kthenatb aa 11 prr-1-d. nt la the M-na'e rhniuln r, prunoiiiirtil a hivh r.,mII nutit on Mr Adam, who hail J'lt TiuMtnl thiirbnlr, ami thni Inl the ) to the chamlwr of the hmiwvwlii re tbigiiauuuni! n look ilar. i A I'll it every tiitne h. haa ifiveti any anwitit of II w IMIlii:ivi!l. ; leave thai all r.a were dire. t.l to Wauli- i j lukton. and a Ji'n"n utind on the i.tli'r i i ilit'i, a rathrr lull and mniniaiiilini; fl'vre, . tLe new i.rmidi i.t r.nlly mviunl iii tn.!ml ! okI. fie ir at ftoine 1-Titti. r.il'Kinl i Waahiiik-ioii very biyhly. .1. nie-l rii'.e em ' nhaliil!f that ho far.nr.1 a Mrolirrr nr.- ! eminent than that unlnli:! In Ihernl.Ttl tii'lutinnd iiroiiotiiiwil tbeith after tha chief Juatlmof the t'tiltcd Mate. Ailom la 1..I t'iu'til-ln 1 lu our li.Mory I..r Bumy thiiiaH. and one la, union una. .ly. lor ! buUiKthllrtirvldi litwheii-fiiltii.r- lli-ii.eie in me o.niiuurTii ion of lua ailfceaeor It ta tl- VU5 . dnil very trj ink! ina-ioti 4f3'v.' lV,' aome for htm. Il.i-rr iiac i-vn benteil eainft'tlkn. but none la w hich tir- i Jjti il niil anlmiwitiea played o ureal a pan at in iu .,.vra- ttMt a i.rttftMLi.a mtlNu-li i.th- r "nlala.o traitor" and "enemies f Auierlciui IndiMtry," 'tliicvea'1 ! ami "minop.lila" or"cmnl.a"niid -Adul-Uinltm." bill it l chiefly I'i, k wick inn In lJ0 lliey n-ully liehevwl It. n w hen Jrf frraoii waa elected by the houae on tbe thirty aUth ballot and after a b -mte tPiKalle a d.ep iminii rau tliPHiuh tlirKnl- i erallet party, and Adam left t aM.tturton , early In the monilnir f Man h 4. I bl 1 Iwd example waa followed by hi aim In isjland by Joluiaoii In Itv. It 1 rather eintilnr there ahould have ; been no much dtxpute nliout Ih fart of ' JrlTrnann' lliauiruratiou. It la clearly i protetl thni U Ititemlnl lo III the luaal . Mate, with a rarriaini n.l i horacm, but the carrbvRe oplrred w aa In t coinplrtnl In liuie. Adam rrfuard the coiirte)-. aa afore aid. and ao Jelli'min. the attemlniit mar- : I thai and a few other mail tbe little trip oo bonarltack. IIUaerondlaaiiKornlinuhnil . innare atyl aUmt It. (m Pal'inlay, Mnrrb 4, IMV. Vlatllaon took the cwlh la the bill of ' the hollar, and the only fact alniut It w hich ! axeitod much eotnmctit wiu that be waa "clail lu a Mill of elt-Mnnt blai k cloth rn- 1 tirrly of Ameririui majiufiu'tiire." The naxt fiir InaiiirumtlorM were run- . ventlooni lu the eitreme. Thae.if ISJI waa : on Monday, Marcb S, aa then, f ir the flnt time, the uvular .lay fell on Huuday. John IVulney Ad aai revlvni much of the old and eolruiD ceremonial, but with blm It ended, a lit country lia.1 now out I frown Kntiilfth awl colouul forma Aud aa a ureal tirmk followed, thla la th pmiier TAVLnll. j nlai-e to (five a ltt of I lie prveliletita n iru i larly ina.urur.itid, with dit...f birth, lu- aiiaPimtlou and drat h, and to note the In lem-giium tlllnl by t ice rvidinta. (lennre Wa.hin.-t, .a Keh. CJ, KJC; A;.r.l SI. ITl. Man h 4. t:l; IVc. It, T-.. John Adani-4Vt. If.inkV Man.li 4. KVT.July 1 l-OV. Th.nuaa Je(T.r.o - April t V.A March I, !4il; 116; Jul) 4. ! Jainea Ma.iie.u-Marx h 1. l: ; March 4. IKV; IM.k June , 1M Janiea M..im-. r.l , ITV; Varch 4. lIT; March I, 1-Cl. Jlllj 4. ImI. John ivilucy A. it:. July II. ItoT. March t, i-a rrb. ;v im. Audrew Jackon March l V. Man a I, IMF la!; aV:li . I Mi. Marun Van Hurra-Iter, a, IT'tt .Urvh 4, UU": July 1U Wllium lleury Harrlann Ti-U. ?, lTTV Varch 1 141. April 4. 141. JiJm T) Ivr- Intanxr.nm. Jaiu Knot l"olk-'. Sue. l?!; Man h i IMS, Jan IX l.. a- hary Ta) Uar -Jwpt, 14. V.Hi Man h July. lVtl Millanl l i:iin..re- IiilerreiTfim. I ranklm llrnw -Sor. 1, In. ,Ur U 4, iNis i on. . 111. Jaime Mm Uaoau- April U, li Jl; M.r bllv, June I. I.. ! Ahraliam I Jne-.ln- I'rU. It lit. Murrh 4. 1-t'.; 1V AprU IV lV . Andrew J,Jii.on- Inlem-rf-ium I lare.iR.paoo (Irani - April :". lCi March ! t, it. i-ra; Jui? ik. ivv ; llulH-rf..r. llinbar.1 lino. CL 14, IK-.". Man-k V t-TT; Jan. 17. HU ' Janwa A Sram t.aitwUl-Nuv. IP, lI; kUn h t. l. IKI. I rbealrT Ala Arthur Ir.ltmr,tiir.. l.rurr t leveland Mat. h IMII. March 4. j LA aud t4 lav Ina.ia'urale.t ai(.li Jt.al rbt )ear Uler. ibe f-rl caae nl lite in. J In our t.ie- uty IWn.-aiuin I'jTtana - A uj 9' KQ; Man i 4, , lrti. Al'.rr U I'll l.aai.l hetl.ri.nl) bvlne rt irftl.lenl, aa bit ttueeta. al.il -vile- !e a..w 4T) i Tb fact t.iat tbrre prra.dniit ilir i n lo 1 itr;a-n.len.' Day I tmL-n! t'.r-v.nl.nary A Mil twenty one nave Uleil up iMih rf a-9 . one' drath or ,ifi ret quite a on rTi "f tw.Qiii f, t" three nrt err one drath unOJe, v lnt ne in r.bteeii. fewer, and of It. 1. nt... r.1 J Hut that Iwaahcill.l die on th aam alar aid a tbid f , but nve ear !:.. and tl j 4) la.) .-iierof the I Hv . -ira- ti.ei, the chancra art ao rv rtllt. I m.ife aa lo be araxwiy ralru aVla. Yrt It hj;.rd. Yhe lTw.ft.aal 'jeT-'V iiz teifa : M It WaJ bfc'.u:! tf T t t.ta i the ,r. grmt n''.J tta'rrmte lie t3tf i taui tii h'.0'r. Jr.ha A'U.s wa lie oil- J art, IvV.ui but a f.w cf h'r.j.T.t, wL!.o- i'.;:o2 I-ii.i . . : ".Mv.Lfij-t'SiT, and Gi.-:R.J, a.!:- 1 w.:.u a f week of fifty, tan 2 (dot. AX'tjerQrl' tha trt:lf..:n f to ll fuurii'.:. ; Ua tt' " .. nJ;:fciv.ur-'.ktf.f?T. f.rt ; - 3 t -.':c. re li"t i ..: '.j-ii J rtn.iirr.la .iu;;U CUiiU-t. Ton.?- ! rr .h cni-i la two to wit. f ur, t. klria. Cl'.ou aid K adiii.-.: .kU-.u. ypui A-'tiraa ti. :-.htr ti AU::. the too, aa ,itjvi1 1, tLe tnauirirat .'-! wrre mild e.Tira. tut Jaf'..a eu':. la with a brer-iv . a:i j le wl li. l l brertj. II bt i tfir-.-.V i f takii..' tre '-V.h on and il' v. r. frui. t t.f be tb I: -.nigral 'r the iiut , .-. t 1. m.J then, i .-ikitm all i m. : n'.ioi'..-l iri.i. i f"T lbr i i.-.m ;'! if lb who di-:l'l It. tb wl.lra f.ill'.wnl c!(d li.iUwl l-.-.-ir r.;it. iC." n. t rv. rr.xil ft-, ii in Wmliii.C'll Line a In attrl -lAiicr, Hid In ' r 1 1 . . m j.'.Mfte, "talf ' nt) l'i tn.; :a.vt . uti-l.ur. it mud tb i rnw.l risoiil to ,jwa ,,, ), , (nu, w-l. Thnrib I the Wh.te I-- iim, win-re i.ll tMjra wrre ui la lor- tbniwli I "in I r.utii h n .1 p.., t tuVi ar.d tti i, .'.II ftiil'l. v -i .Ii r f"' In ' " vl d. n:.'l t.n ii I IliU h'.J I- - f.-j-t i'i...m . ! it wm fi .i.t. l.-.:i.;." ? ttcrr br.iki'11. till tL.' vrvk. r- n .fi n a I. nt I ii-u. l ia r ,ir ,,. .,, ;n j.;, h.rivwnur With biOTJT eti.l n t' a:.. I a..fi.i I K'.'.IU 'ii tl and f iirti.t u and I im hllOftil k . afti r thrn W..'b.l k l. i IMNaS. h .1 1 b'i . I.. J.v k- t nil' ;le aiini w .i ml '.li ari I rvi-1 fur fiv r- I'l l I i n ,.i.!i i f f .r.it.r; ... . I 1 1 a ii.lo I,. M i. i.t)' ;:.. f..r ili.!(i- I rr.-r " l 1.1 i .v i. :'i nf.'I i I., i.v, 1. it I'.n: l.rr:n' t :n I mi a lliii r i.v thn r;ir i. I . ki-n blfi t.. Ul.l! linl ! Imnic I V. i a n;nr..!. i luii V.il l r !. ::.ii ai. i i it!e I'm.. ' i,.-!r li. i In ih... , r ...I l! : . I. ... t i P of I.. .1 i !. t!.i. . it Jli-t b' ,,. ! l,..r,l.He , I Y ,,,,r v . y i.n. l.i f. '.r , j,..,r- " It w w ?! c t.-t o-tie ; ? j,. tin nh .In- k - ' oi '.t it Jt: t . :: i, ,.r,l an , fata ..-! i: ..ur'iialn.a : u .. 1 1. 1...-.-, crowd. l I' .i'i.-. n.i.'ia of n ii in 1-'? - "-vaa a ! i r. In.- in 1 11 t'.w ...'i v. it!i a I'T-ind rnl i i 'i im ifurr.t .i.ii , ;. . .r. i.i.'l ni nc f A 'III' M 1 1' "I ' Vi.a ! orini.it i':v.-ly t-.r. . i. Wl lniM.T i.. I! irr: 1 'rb.M.i-e 1. 1 i.ii.c.: t :li ll,ll.''l 1 .ki' I' I I ,r,. i., ;, .,n,r, . jr,,,,.!,, .,,-.w., r. f u..:.-'i.il ;n:.-rit. 1 be iii.lllil.d to iiircac. .!.! ii f.. lln. -...I llac!i".ii f, .in t; I v to t!.i- i , .,. ;irtN ,s.-i,.n rn p- I ; While II. '.. i 'H.la l.u tie ft! 'I ni rne Lit- n i f .I.iy ftiir?et 1 t!" aa tbe ..t T 1 I:, the. -M n j '.' !. ' r.'UMi n ay, nr.'I I. 1 y one of t i.-t ly j and nut ml ! I" all the jre-it p;-. .im li. all) ."im to r nliftil Iin r.i.-i la i"' MiT. In a aii-.l ti.te piia-ra il n to I"l inn ii. i. in. ii-.. ..I. ....-.., . " i -r n firml to il.'.iii-n i Mv in T-"i . the t'nioii or tin- c -.nf.-il. r 'VMiaT"-" acr Tb'M I n-..li t I'i." .. In hi lii.iiu'iri.1 K...I, "Tin aerurity nnd P jx.-e i f tbi i.UAVT. coiifnli iivcy furiiiil lnl. rf. n tn.o or roloaiXA tl.ui by niiy ton ia jiit." And lTvtd ili nt I'.mhaniui la md. "It everr Ain..rti..n t- le-1 ujm.ii tb.i tirriKc evil otic find tin- f. d. ral in. . ..1 which wnald P-'ilt Inmi oi.iini.iii to every Kirllon of tbe roul.xl. racy " Wl.nt n atorm ,,,,1, ,,f Oi.it e..rl wo iM l.u ra!e Hie iinift-n.lu.u . Iimi;: wu imlicnt.1 on March 4, In I lyt!.i llivt iii.i.tnry iinplay of pid im-.;"Mue nl an InuiiLruritinn. There were bari--h( j "t oil tbe hollM't.-,. ill. -in frar-k A neiuie n Mr. H ub l' i and Mr Lincoln nilc l " . tvcie hartfthiteni , it the biaan I 'low'T lo tbe Cjitut..!: there i re : CeoU .u..il i f cavi-liv to (jiiari j f the cotinly iurt In the county with the alni t rr.lnHi, and In which t he m Ii.m.1 district, town or Vl nr.liU f ..luau ii mi.j.iry along ' thiipiute; there v rrr tnmty r.tl.n..n nl thn to :-r win. I dim ef tbe Capitol and artillery to tS riK.i. i ..." .o-. ...ft.,....,, " i 1 Cr,nd to nhi h I lio new pl.-.iiilit fj be. 1 i t It wiu a ftjcl pn-ni'.e. lieiier it Sott w i i MTncely cri' r:cd rT theft.' rjT incim lit a. but wiit m'.i, ut event Jut .fli .1 hince liint .into the military i ! an ln:inai pan of every In 'andrtiirnr aceotid Indue. :. 1 1TT1, the ill-, ay wn am h ii j to tw'f tl n.l'liint iml i f foreign -r a i-totmil to t be fllnt .-il.il a of L.n.i.ni, ... I Pan n i l I' l.u I.iititwn fatal to 1...T ..f the pirtt.'l pan;, 1 tr.uiy m- I i- i.iiu. I .'i f mnwl : lb.1 1 1 ill i. -II, . .M.ir.'h 4, (TV ' . tor. TL.m! I a a luel pie '"X i eni'.i en en uMr.tt incl. iti- entofaiiy 1 i::i:'ir:'.ti.ni il.sy :i ! i-l-! ' ( Ill i. ir liia' ry. Prom iliiw.i iil ii.uk a n. r.'iw.-ftt v id vi ki-. ii and i .id tii.it It ,x-:.,,l l cl. il e.ca tbe 1k.:i .lew w !th : oul .in ilil.' .la c... Ui.m. .-e. .if .! ( dier m l .n im b.nl t i id b-tu la j pli.e ... le 'r i:.il in c.-i.-i-p 'i. e. while . cv i.vi.ir r.-r.-.! i luili li tl.t tlie aver ' a;e i.iort.ili. . i-f tl.e utyt.ra li.i:t t:i" . aft.-r 1 ft-ml i itnir !i n notabl in. n-Aftnl. Knr ell .T ! .- it ut tbe li- i'i."'.iati. a ' of Cleveliui.i. on w hlcli iv.ft-ii'1 I) (urtb grertti-ftl i rn d cer a.enth.re .. ;. a-::i- 1.',.! in W.i.bli . n. C,.r- pillnli':ita ci :. ': F . ia.-iM.,ii in r.i.nv ,V 4rrkv ., . i'e.1 tbe I b u.!nl : (lillllllli Ciuo ' Waal,. ft., lugton 111 t.il e:i:i eire IJi i-r. 'IX ,"vt ' .. i.'Kiii ii.rv.'.fcii "i i i.m. a la-IK-bi-a 111 tl.e I n:d on the .(. . f p. finkiid all tlie I'l-t. 1 .... i n n". .' nvl ii).uu.e'.-r t. llwl'b ; in! hew they gi-t tbe h'.ir..ini i.f t their hoi:'. In f. riy g'l n-i. tLee ai.d . ?b.-r In.i.l. n: f jpirntii t af .1 ill frvVi i,i tb ; la in ici.ii..n. a (" rxii. ;.:. tlflablc. We h.'.ve hail ta.iit; ftl.nl a in lot yrMi-, win!.- K, u .: build .:!. r wa l.v.lntil- al!.' pride i . .i.vin.l to : ii 1. ut all I nt innu- j liilii- iiuii.L . :. are ju : !ir p.tl b.ul, d: canl-nn lie.: -r c. nti-t.-uit aitty four tn:j-r..r year, r n-1 lin-t 1 rt'n.nt ,. 7 J ha.1. la-fttimr.t'k: wi ltnm tlie C. n,:ii.rr llirtv five a... creu-aa III lf pre;. !.'? lu in M.ti.o. AVVS llattl at. I S-;j?h Ann r, tt w.nild U I.!,,- Iti 11 ilr a at una? e .l ii i f . :r li n tn!.:KJi pn-ii'.. I.e. Ii :i av..:r ;..!. and an ola. r. j.ua. n. .-i.Ty f-r an a.v.d. tit whi. h n; ;" hapta-n rn lii i in at eail laip.-a.'hmt.t ! tbe h !c. thof.ft'u we U'. ln:pr..enient over tbe .1. La-l!ii.,' ij l.iil-- '.:i I. Rlcllt it l-V r.O ll-.,.-. i l. ;: ! th.t file be !y w i!d Prt ..'id Another I ..ii- vi.e. tn I'.-t.y iU.tr. ta til t:r i 'ur govern--a tbr n '.i wt.ch a.ii.i-1 otbrr n..t.. .. i: Uixii SEW ASSESSMENT TAI LAVS Jy.sie Excellent ProvisLns Art Claimed For th? Measure. ellr. lea II f Owe Oil leer. .... ... l i. II. I. ill Nil. .A..l, TV., ri ". "'' wliieli u intrmluivil I'jr IU-ri-w-i lilatlvr MaiiLy, of AHlun, alM lia .XivlJi-nt limvialolia III Colinwtiott j witli ln:il.iiirf umanfliU'lita alwl of w I., .,:., .,,,1 ,,avinif taXrt. fir . ,.,: ,,r.,vl,li tliat III Ilie um -in nl :u i' I tux r iu.iitii--, In udilitiuu rl.-a-Vi lien1 IiPiN Idid, fur iiilumnH-oiieof whli liMwill . . . . , ...!. i .i i. .-J ll'lill 'l lll'.ltll'll IIH-, "llf .-ll""i I)i-triit Ami t t ily lax, nr.u . one Am't S liool Di-t. Tax"; and It ; i-li:.ll ! 1 1 it- duly of thf M-vi-nil muiily : ;,.np., in iii.ikin t!u ir a-Mtiii'iitM, I in i iiti r i..MMiti- !! item of iipija-rty -m i. In it 1 1. .ri..r!le nluiiin, the ' iiau.e ni t he i ilv or lm oriMiraim u-wn and tin ihiiiiIk T of the m-IiooI uiNimii. in v hie In ai h itriii of jir.ijHTty aweaa. '. , , . jii .J... lu ( iiMITTK Tin: VAI.I K. in iin i :inn; iik lax roli 111 tlie C-; .ml nuiiitli after the aeveml a-mii... rovwl. lm iin thi ri in liau' Uvii filially eUal- lfd, it -Lull Ik- the duly of the elrrk iiTtl i iiiiihly iiuiitiintlie'VTaliiun- tii In miiipiilf the ncijri pite Value of :.!! tin- al.Ie pP'n rlv ill flirli of tin- i i in r i r?i tn I tow ha or citin- uud in :n ll of tlie a. vend wLool ilislrlfti III "" ll """', nnd t .1'inpil'' theaame t. i. a p:u'i or pair "f the Pill In lacli , ii.iity,-!iow im tlie liaiue of the in .. p.niled tow in or eit im ivrnnik'cd al pliala tieally, and the iitimlaTof the .iimil ili-trieli arraniii d coiiM'iitivcly, uiiii tin- acup'j.'ate valuation of the ii.-.-.-able ppi rty III each town or . ity and the m Ii.m'1 dlMrlet dhow n oj- i.-l!i- lo the name or niiin!'r tln pnf !.:; i lively. PI 1 UK t I.KIIKS. All tin- tax.K h. p afli-r If viiil by any fti l.n il di-triet or itnurponiled town or ity ahall If l- 'ml iimiii tlie ppija-rty 1'.' p'in P -iff lively a- alle upon tin vnlu ill.. u of Midi property in miowii by j II.. ;e i -.:in lit roll liust Compiled liefure the levy 1 made in the nullity ill tt hicll 1 iidi aihioil .litrirt or lu.iiriKirntfd ti.u u or city U indiiiled; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the county . oui t in e.e h of the evernl imtllltie, tlpotl li.plieatio of the cl. rk or board iif x-Lool direct opt of any hcIuhiI ili-trict all. 1 of tlie reeairder, auditor or clerk, iiiiii:iio! cotllifil of Imard of dipi-top. nr trii-tui of any incorionitcd town or city, to furni-li a (i-rtillratii under the nil uf the county (Hurt hIiowIiil; the ai-.-n cale valuation of the av.al'le j.r.. rty in the whool li-t riot or In.iir" Nir:i:.i town or city from w hl. li nieli ! ! .. . l.-ll I 1. I . npp.inuioii enaii nine lai n inane. II ahall lie the duty of eneli m-Iiimi! . . ,,,.,1 ,....l. ii..riM.r..i.Ml li.u-ti . .. i ..... ... ....... ... ... """ " ' 1 1,1 ,llrK , ,,,....,., ... .......... r eill. tax UA y lllliue l.y II Oil or U five the tint day of February III cadi ,.r. i e i noun- ftliall In- kent on 1 tlk liy the vvitiI clerk ami P'limin a part of the record of tLe oflliv. I .-ii-tinii mx ppiviuiw mat nil hu. ii tax.- .hall I? eollii'tnl by the aine of lln r in tlie ftBine niauiier nnd at tlie time a taxi for .nunly purixawe tin1 ntllicted. It eliall la (lie dllt V of tlie tax I'oll.i lor to ny to tlie county trea up r a ofti ii n miiv a wii k all tax.w ii 'il' etui and he "linll inform the In-n-, up r w Leiifver lie pay over to Liui any nf the money o collivt.il what amount thereof np' to li epilit.il to tlie 'Vit.iI linn! fur whieli they are p-ipvtivi ly inll. . t.il taking tlie p.. . nip. of il. , in-:iuiei iii triplicate for' the ;iii'ijii paid into eaeh fund, one of which Pii ipl for each fund he eliall p tu n, tile one W illi the clerk of the coiii.t v .iiurt, and furnih one til the M-IiooI difttrii t, tow n or city fur w hieli eacii of audi nuiouiit np .! iaid III. ! I ne ir. n-un r -linn kn-p tlie m.uiev P'.i'ivnl fpuu the tax iiillec tor in Jia ariti' fun. I and nhall py ov e nil ill-triel. town i.rcltle. uiaiii .I. iii.ni. I uia.le by tliflu the amount Mini. ! tlupi'f to which th.-v an rftitif..U- I ,.,( tukiiiu? ll.. ir r.i n.i. i l,..r..f..r i A 1 law l.mv l.lll,.- b.r ... i ' . "iti H""ft.m l.i if pp' r'3 by auv edi.. ,- tri. t, iii.iiriirat.'d town or city, and all law a in i. mli. t hen with, ! and the name are hep by p ali d. i.ii rii..r l'.niii')er Tu.-olay aigiicd the lull. Tiik Tax I.vvv.-Salein Jnurtial: ; The tax K-vy for the Mate i not yet I nia.lc. I'jon m,,.iiiv.of Attorney - ten I r: I ChaiulNTlaiti a demurrer ! w:-, Mi!:iltiii ill tlie MuUllotlltill clr . ti t iiu;rt to the uit hpuight to cn Joiti the tate I .nl from levying uu .1. r ?'ie itn p-i. ! a'.i.iiti.m of m.irtgac j ! a tipialiti I y tlie Utai.l of iijuali ration. No :i,p :.l La been taken up ti!! tial.iy. and t:.. atate levy will I. in ...e h. .in a t .c lrd can meet. Mate warrant hp- nt U ltig eaahnl at pp-'iit nnd t.tte fund will not 1. available for ..me time. Itut warrant ap- at iwr. ,. .... . 1. V. ft. ... . . .. . .. , ., ... " cft.... ...,.,iraui.u. lien ievfian.1. The re.,iH.t came front t. ligation int.. the failure of 11. I- : n- Ived the new of hi apintnient Captain A. I). IU kf. ll'.w, pit-idfiit of Walker how . that ( r.ivenior MeKin- fp u Mr. CU-veland In three UL-grame ,n l,iri"n and Len forw :inl,J with let'eliabtliti,. a rndcrwed are fruniye erday. the lat one ifeiviiiu. at eji ' tV!rr' 'mmen.lall.m. w. p- li'i,.itoiaij,jio. The Eotd i'rolleni. x: Two UWn Lave Un I1 ' I ;th. I tin rinwril MVmiur'-. h - a- . . i t...- a-l.li.h arw 4tale a eel of ft! ' 'llch "w thou? now In ?Jr aat fur ali'l "i vii'"' . -...I n l.u ti if carrlo.1 out ouiflit to It lu uiaklim U -iter LlirLwaya. nc i.tl t l.i ura laJ law fT tLo oinntnif- tl. ",o ,PVl.ll.e Id- of I ,n "rtw.wn. n. n-i-Unif wlthla thn . I M.k-lMir I hi'ltl . mi ill! Ol III III" , - var in will" L to .ay Hie ot of 'g tla work. It ci"ipU nocoun-i r di'trirt to Luiia McaiJuiiiUwl or ieI hlirliway. unk-M It w y y. l.u a la ii'iM i , t-i yean. yearn, I .i otlu r liill uini liua "10 Jirvatiii, rH i law for tlie purpua in ramun - r..vi,U that In the "ii cunt v r.nul fund for the main. n r.i - .i!ti n f ordinary mbllc lili:hwa, ! mlUof tliev,r.d ,.h , bl llltr pj work more 'n-l uto tin- .1.11111111. ,,, ev id tlie Lands of the county I there Hlmll U-ad- cot 1." A county court actuat.il by K ' Tul county mad fund for t lie malll- t I. Aa at.. I - 1 - Hr- re U'C..C"U' Illli.n liaa tlie IMiwer to ln . CM i.il.n mat' rii a tax nv canll levy uo t exetnl ' nillM. Ilie noun a jkh tin j Bp nu itn nil HUiK'rvlnon and e-iirtiati-a 1 ... -a. ..1 I.... 'li-trieta. All money i paei mu Inaauryuiid i not expeudedt by HUperviMirn. lUIniaU'P inuy b inlni, and to thin ollloe the miirt upiNiiiit a eomteiit enifinwr, niiuire that all work be done tin- . Il II i . l.i .....l...t V,. i...u itll .l.i ,.. uiii 1 1... roailliiai.tfr Laa ,.X) nilmi tlie liM-nlioii and irrade and rci rtnl favorahly ukiii It. 1 will depend Umiii eacli county, i . the ifoile nnd the county murt, ) , ,, m.ii I-, ...riiuiiii ntlv , '( 1 A Setbark. e ie Oreutiiaii ill writing a report of aM day' work of the h'tfUlatutv : The miwt eH'ii'tuid net buck l"p- tm reiviveil win lant liiirht, w Leu I III-II i Mi lev Int. rnii.Uil Liui. It Lad um'"HJ""'iu" ' ' , . .;..ii..n.llr known MeKwnti and ! . in: ,-j J( m, un, w,-a inil.-nire Lome v ,ny of San Knuici-mi, a favor i ur- i I y (terror .Marlon, wn n-ceiven a The mayor or Ion laiul win rcuive ii of Inmi (Jtilxotr'a iipppM-iHtioti ! n) a year, nnd the lioveruor of Ore ii ol.jivtlon fniiu that kuitht er; pon f iVnj. WLIeli Lad you rulh. r be? ton pro forma nnolution nlxiit i !., t. c r.iraoii went to l'oriland tol by nu tin Mil lo) iwa-winctit law. t'pton ii !! nl Friday eveiiinif In one of Li .et mid ui.Mt iN iiftnitiiiK falaiuity I, w hell Mauley HPrne and obtain eriniwliiii of I'p't.m to tick him a lion. wieh to iii.piip," raid Mauley, .filler you hp ifoiiiK to take a plea riji to Snn FraneiMii on your mil- L'I , .,11 "w UP eai an tio alter me -ion Yhat do you mean?'' a-kul I'plon, Mauley tiadly p peatnl the iiiie- ieol.1 fellow wn all broke up. i'li fa I li. I him, and he eaiik van h.il into Li wat. Death el Gen. Hcanrciard. KW (RI.KAX'i, Feb. tl. 4 if llernl ( f. SenilPiTird, one of the hod of tlie ral of tlie iniifi-denilo military in-, di.il tonight. The llrt yin- of the fatal illn.-e were malliftnt i pi' wn'k nu'ii, when he waa at nl Ly a complication of diene "h thn'atcticd heart ttiilure. He lif.-ted Mime improvemeut under lU iiliy-ieian' enre, particularly lu i-nrc, particularly in lai-t thpi' or four daya, w lu u he alile to leave Li airtuu nt and . nliort i riiMlit of exf rclfte In the III. I of Li PuidfllCi'. He dillcd , wi i Li family thi evening, utidre-! mi tied In tlie lihniry until - . He i wt t to -l.i'p ctLiily and raem.il rtst-1 in; wen. tine oi inv iiurea weiuio LI- tiedftiile n few minute after It) i. o'c H-k and wu liorrilii-d to find him in death tmggle. The meiuUn. of th. family were uuilion.i nt miiv, Lilt I', ip Ihev n-nelifd the elinnila r the n- Lad come. The direct cauo wii ' hei rt failure. The funeral w ill ! held ! V ln.-Mlay, Irnalwr tilerlee. I ismakik, S. I)., Feb. ab V. N. IU ell, lHinofrut, waa elii'ted Fill ted fti i Senator to-dav. A'. N. lUmch La Unii a Puideiit of j In ota for the tuwt twelve vear, go hi) there fpuu the Hitrift of Coluui bit He ha k'.mnI for hi imrty a ti ca: en gp dr I" Ih A. IT, uo' COI tie by oil M lu i , f - uuniy i"i a ' ' ' a, oilier- l.ut not Vft fll.il Willi the -1 P'tarv of iMiimion. He a llargo whfat-:Btate. tlie executive axe will pp.hal r. r. and wa naturally exa-ct.il to ,y fll ,p )urmIll Ulll, ,,,1, M.v. the furnier'. vote fp. ni the Ind.- me Lille and in rlmii other, lent nink. . i. . .. . , , , . - - too Itay Mail: And now it I n- Ki'Xawav MAT. H.-Albanv ! P"rVV lU1 V'!'. c"!,,1, i"!,"i,";"V, io.rat: At the Mddence of and bv ! umf tbe jetty at 1 at.do.i, will hum ). Skairg. In Ijhic eouiitv, on Feb. !f-V a1 11 l""ko " blaing Hp-. li'.U. Mr. Ik rt Ivol. rta" of I.iiiu ' ,h beat-ren.rta of tlie ellinale ill itv, titi.l Mi I.uluMet.i.,of fone 'Ti V" v-rily, our it V. w. reniarri.il. TLe lieene for j"'lKLIir iiiut U- pm. liei.ii; for a marriage wa grnutnl on Feb. 17th Umi1 ,1,U 'ner. 'outii v clerk Fayne of thi .duiiI v ! t-'arja-nter A Wintcrlicld oiler forKilo Leatlldavit of V. K. Moore, and be fofayette Iilger plant fr M,i". v the age of the Lride to ! over 1 "'it for the fact that ilie iiiunly I eain. The iitieiit of Ihivld and I overburdened with new purs ten of S. J. Mellee U altadied. Mr. Me-1 them it would I a Imrgain, hut a wa In the city Saturday for the ! 'binge r.nw exlt In that count r, none pu of having the tH-rwm w ho . or having the il the ailldavit, who it I iuuw-rte.1, i.t to tlie'"'' ' B tli'titinue name, arrcMcd; but an 1 1,1 wutation oi me mailer limu.xil bl to vtie any cudi W.UP.. . It mviii a ll r of the bride eign.il the ' "i f Lvr iKiP lit to tlie affidavit. nu the ppMi utioii would Involve her. young couple thp-nteu.il to run oil iiid live together nnvwav until the ' yo ng lady wa 1 aud'alie did it in ! op r to prevent -ue!i a .iiuph", tn.l re- ali ng.iiuipletely w hat elie Lad done. ii I tlie aanie (nuple whom Coun-i ty lcrk Walker p'fuiil to gmnt a II-' i. ! Pai'.yr.aard.lelft.l. ir. oieiir.t t .tr ine ca. w men , per wei-K Mr liu'll pauper, the o'litrtn t trbil U-fore Ju-tlii; II. F. Ke-ney or to Lave the ue of the Hir farm and Hi-heti ycM. rday, rr.ultnl In the ; the count v to ftirnUh tlie tierowary gpi-meiit of the Jury aiidaaule-,-. clothing and ni.ili.-al aitaii(v f..r the it limianl of the ca-f Ly the Ju-; imuia-r. the contractor to furni-li all 1 he a.ru-ii wa Win. ltrewer. i ne.i-jirv inrr ami i.tt..,,ii,.n i.. ti... w i i wa chargiil w itli n-aault and lt-1 tei ujmiii ihe -pon of Jain.-a Huli-li- u. bum ne wa .leieti.lintiy I,. . I aahlngtoli ciTriipi.l.dent of thelln Sy, of tl.i city, while Iaput v I gonian Ky: "Cannon will la.ni In i uting Attoniey Totter conducted Oregon tlie 4th of Man h In honor ..f ppwi-ulioii. The Jury took the , the inauguration of ( k-velan. I. imtw ith at 2 o il. k audwa .nit tlirve or , tanding tLe oppoiti..u of i;..-ruir Loure with the alaave reult. IVnnoyer. S tiator Mitd dl ha m- - cured an opler fmiii the v-n t:.rv of war am.tiii r one xamku. authorlz-iiiR the comniandiii- ..!l,vr at lK)KVlu.r, Fa., Feb. 21. (reorve Vatieouvi r to l.mu the Tlninimti fo- M jeiik. w ;:i l attorney-general In Jei.k. w i'.l I att.irt...r-.r,..e.i i . . i oQk in the aftenionuy TtTDAY, FEB. 21. K M. Voran vWuhJ AlUiuy tL . J. W. Sturt, f HiriiiKfli-M, U In town tolay. 1 lie aiiow null unri on tiio mv- . numUr ure mw favinu tin ir c""11 , , , , NowUtLetl.... of y.-ar to ,,r,,,ar, fr I-la'tiug fruit tr.. It f lkv Mffiinuvl IIiim afl.riiii,.it . , . i " from ft trip to Portland. x. J. IJat'b rcturmtl frrnn a nlmrt ri ,Q .r,iftnj tiil aftrrniinii. Mr. F1..,chrr Linll w,.,lt t Jui.clioi. , . i nu. " - i f fiiipn iup 1'iiffnirn I triil'fi - I), w, t.ooIii!fe wi a iiai..-iiir. r i..r I'uniftlKI Oil Mill uh.hii.ik im ni i mill. Tlie New 1 f , , lm i? ;.u-' mto nrn. Tlll. Nw Yrk ('oliilurrrlnl linAi tti an lioveruor iVnnyMynl. K. FnuT and child it-tunml imiii from a vl-it in I.iim county. IUv. C'La. Wat-Llle lift on the local thla afternoon foravliit in wiutliern Orvgon. Monday wni the thirtietli niinivenui ry of the 'organization of fte Kuiirht of 1'ythliu. L. N. IJum y will le:) tmnorniw for .twoor tlm-e wifk.' triji t Miourl and I lllnoift. Monday' Salem Journal: Hon. A. C Jeliuinir returned tixlay to hi Louie at In in it. Mra. V. W. Kitcli went to I'lirlland thle inoniiuir aud will vi-il there for aevernl day. S. . london Martiil mi a trip tin inoriiinif to the new run uty of Linn. In, on Ymiiina Hay. K. I'. Thorp, of the Collate Cmvo fonder, ni"M-d thPui.'h lhi nlli rnnoll on lii return Inmi I'ortlaud. A man wn iinuiePHil In the mill iMiud laet niu'hl by Kev. Alley, Lav- , :.,;.. ,.l.,.r..l, Aidoria Ilu.lifet: or llinl tlie leci- lature ha adjourned. Ormmi f in -uvo alamt ileveu hundred dollar a day. ti.i. bnl train thi-moriiiiiL'lo U-In atteiidanev nt tlie weddinirof In r fi-ter. Mr. J. M. Stott, w Lo Iin Uvii vi-it-Inif w itli Mi-wtauim llotl'mmi in tlii city return.il to her Lome at Portl.nml tills monilnL;. The fokeview I'.xauiiner .imnit to ti printed on Manilla pnK'r. I '.;! roadi, delay iiic it supply of pajn-r, i lln cuumj lo-nigmil. FpiI r..niL'. who hint I n iiituii; Li father. K. Ilaiiir. fornevenil innnth, P'turned lat nik'ht to hi former homu in northwint Miourl. The month of January wa remurka ble for having two life-aie full inoon, and February will In- .piitv a p-iiiiii ku Lie by having no full iii'kui nt all. Palem Journul: K. H- Flairi;. the iK-m.M'rat ulltor, (pn FjiI in iiIhuiI a week, ami Mate Printer llakeraud wil'o Ktart for Mexico to be cmic a nioiitli or mop' alxiut the Mime tune, Tlie ire neral liiwrtMiratlon bill w ill now I? tlie law, and no much of the lime or future icifMutive m-wioii win not le taken up with the coiiaideratioii of long cburtcr bill, ()v r MO tifket Lave Ui n aold lu rum..,,, for the ilaiiin to U piteii Lv ,lt. miiriM,,! fiigiuw-i. mid lircmcn at n.burg toinorp.w c yeiiing. uud tlie ,kllmU( fortliein ianlill gpat. We rvociveil a muni.' r of item fi.un I.VUX Hollow t.nlay, hut the eoliiliiiin- i.titlon liorv no ignattin, (hfrefop- it waa colinigned to our wate ba-ki I. The golden Jubilee of the tioe of I'ope Lk XIII wa n lc hrated In all the Catholic clnift'hc in the world on Sunday. The pp'sx rilml r- vi.f wero tiei.i in Hit city. IVputy SLiariir Croner ye-lerday at f'ohurg only colleetnl Hi.:iO tiixe. Tliat pm-iiit pay u .on-iilenilile auiouui of taxe. but geiieruilv come to town to pay It. Mr. Cpuu-r N nt 'pringtle Id tiNlay. (iovernor Pelinover hn IhIhii.hI hunl .n.i,,,. 0. n. .....t ..ium. i.r .... i.i... ft.' . i ' "ic r. ... .'ins .-i.ii.- 1 1 1 oi tne rai'P mere can ppwht liiinn. i- any iiiop-than ten mttle .-an fat tnon what five ought to eat. " i urn toe iegiiaiup' I over ami it work aunniKil tin. it i mi u thai in all am hill have Invii panl out of tile Tim IlitpKlu.fd. Of t In ie w hich pnel 111 originated ill the houe and nu in the acuate. Finy-thp? were niiietid- ing city charter or Ineornonitini' town, and 24 carried approiriatiou. The majority of the p-uiaitiiler were o'j'v Iiilllor amendment to the imle. The I'nioii Snut lu It n.unty ciuirt ppiillng) La tlie fullouiiig:' Hide were then opened on kivping munty poor farm for one venr and cuiitm.'i wae let to l'tiert t'otlliiU rry at M.7-1 iek. Inn -ard to the caiinou i .i-.le the 1 S?"n ' 1 V'"? ' bra- cannon for the purr w of firing nalutie in honor, f I '' I - "W ,,,e n- O o o o o