The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 25, 1893, Image 3

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    Health Officers Speak.
City, State and National Authorities
report the Royal Baking Powder Ih
every way Superior to all others.
STATE CHEMIST. CALIFORNIA: The Roval fulfill all the
requirement!. Our tests .how has greater leavening power
than any other.
STATE CHEMIST. WASHINGTON; There it no question but
the Roy al is the itrongest.jiufcit and mnt ahelcsome baking
powder in the market
U. S. OOVT FOOD REPORT; Roval Baking Powdee is
shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leaven
ing strength.
conimcndal at of highest rxtcllrntc, and shown to be greatett
of all in leavening ttrcngth. I
prove and recommend the Roval Making Powder. It it
absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients,
, of the highest strength and ihararter. (
in analytis that it it entirely free from any adulteration, we
heartily recommend the Koyl Baking Powder for itt great
strength, purity and w holesomcncs. t
judgment the Roval is the best and strongest baking powder
before ihc public
BOARD OF HEALTH. SPOKANE; Certainly there it no bak-'
trig powder known to us c.jua! to the Roval.
my opinion that there exist no purer, better or stronger baking
powder than the Royal. I confidently recommend it.
Do not permit the slanderous stories of inter
ested parties to influence you in using any
ot&er than The Best, The Royal.
Am Irl.h (1m.
An Irish journal hml this gem in
trjHWir to a ronvnt k union t:
"We dec-lino to acknowledge the
rwipt of your pottt rani."
Which in very much liko the Cork
onian who traveled into Kerry to an
insulting enemy to "tell him to hi
face that he would treat him with
silent contempt." Louden Tit Bit.
High rtodlly Te mperalar.
ills TolleMon, of Memphis, hail an
attack of tonsilitia that run her tem
perature up to tho unheard of point
of 15S deirs. Previouii to that an'
Omaha lady had shown a tempers
hu o of 112 dega a a rase of peri
tonitis. St Louis Itepublic.
Tte realem of thla paprr will ha tilraeiat lo
'ami liRt thee ! al leaal nne ilrwlfl .lleraae
Uxt erlriM-a hu In-eii able In rure In ml In
turn, anil that ItC.urrh. Haifa l aiairti Cure
It ihr amy MMitlv ruiw known to ihe ini-.ll l
fratrrnllr. faiarih. helm a mn-llltillniial 1le
rvr. Minima a cnaillii'iunal tn-almrut. Mali's
C.iarrh Cure la lalrn Inlrrnallr. a' tin rHn-rlly
Bhi the hlAnl atl) mi-lnaerlarren the
U'ta, thrre'jr .teatmylns tha I lunditlnn nl tha
dl raaratitl alvlnr tha pailm! ilrenitih hy build
lur iililiiermieltinllnn and aealattnt ntura In
loin lu anr. Tha pmiirlrfi.ra have an murn
fault In Ita rurailre pnw.'ra that Iher i fl. r una Itoilara ..r anaeaaa that It 1 .1 a lo
cuie. raiid I t 'lat il teatimniiiala. A'l ireaa
K. J. CHKNEV A Co., Toledo, O.
fWMi hjr ilrufxiaU "5 relit.
It a HVn Franktln who raid: "Three mar
keep mcm II twool thai are dead."
A perfect oil dressing: for pe
kid sttes, guaranteed absolutely
dust-proof, or money refunded.
Watson's Peerless Polish. Use
no other. For sale by all deal
ers. TT
K, Aliiany St.,
Ithaca, K. Y.,
Dec. 19, 1SS1.
For over 40 years
I have been a
victim of rheu
matism. I was
persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I
have used two bottles, and a man
more free from rheumatism never
walked our streets. My limbs that
were once stiff and are now as
li.'ht and limber as h my youth.
Ithaca, N. Y., July s. 1S87.
Suffered many years injury to
hip resulting in rheumatism, muscu
lar weakness and contracted cords.
Two bottles of S:. Jacobs Oil re
lieved me so that I now ralk about
and attend to daily duties at 6a.
I hcsnHy endorse it.
105. rnsr.Li..
JTS the WortJ I
A. J. TOWTR. BTrrroN. MAS&
fr-(a anna era enaiaua
UMim raaMf e a- '
eaaeurei e'erearfee aa
t,M4aaa ti' a
eealaia rata lo. ike W
toalf eaasaal axiU
ximm . Jaaaa.raaiaaarf'aa.aaJ
t.laat-rl''' la reeaae 1 U
7. VI A '.ILL
Baal tMt arm. 1 m t--. fat
t V nL ... 7 V r H
m- m
V aaaaa's aV"
Kmm larruaailoa lur Maaaaa.
Living waxworks have long been
a feature of church fairs, but a dime
muncuin wax figure in fljh and blood
in probably a new "feature." It
works well aa an advertwement
The girl stand motioulentv as long
as fche can at any rate. Her face and
hands are tuiintcd to the semblance
of wax Iook at the bully wax Ag
ger!" any Jimmy to Billy aa they
shuftlo along vt6t the door. "Git
out I" aays Billy. "She ain't no wax
figger; nhe's alive!" "Now, Billy,
don't you go nn give yerself away for
a countryman I" Jimmy protect.
Meantime the girl's eyee betray her
of course.
She affects a atony gaze, but that
most beautiful and mobile thing, the
human eye, ran never imitate the
dullnew of wax. Her eyes move in
their aoeketn. She shifts her weight
from one leg to the other. Billy
laughs triumphantly at Jimmy ex
pentte, who gnupa, "Well, if I ain't
sold like any farmer!' And the br
ing wax figure's purpose ia fulfilled.
Tba "Vallnw llajr."
Sept. (J, 1S8I, is well remembered
in Maine, New UaniOiirt Yewiont
i . . x- X- i. n .. i
anil jutna til .iiw jiii aim i cuunyi
vaniaas tho "yellow day." Canada
also took on some of tho characteris
tii's notivl in tho states above men
tioned, only that the yellow waa of
a dull, greenixh cant, which accounts
for tho fact that tho Canucks refer
to it aa the "green day." In the
morning tho sky hml tho appearance
of being cloudi-d, but aa the sun arose
it was plainly viuible and of the color
of tornibbetl brans. About midday
the iiitcuNe yellow was moat appar
ent everything except leaves and
grass was or a wen unuxi auric yei
low color. The caime of the phenouv
enon has never been aatkfactohly
explained. rhilauelphu rmts.
TIB Moa.jr fraea nalalng riawara.
It is curious that when so many
women are asking what they can do
to earn money so few think of be
coming amnteur gardeners. Violet,
picks, chryauntbemums and many
other flowers are not difficult to raise,
and when can-fully packed and sent
to a firxt clans florist bring good
price. It is said that a woman in
tho south makes a good income fur
nishing real orange blututoins to a fa
mous floi-int, while five or six others
dress themselves on the dollar pro
duced from the violet that grow with
so little care in the well rwterved
Violet pit Exchange.
Wkr ha Hlacalla War Baa).
It waa ii9 fault of tha cook, althousb
he was blame 1 by the mittraae tweaate
ttie hitrait were not light, delicate
and flatly flavored a uiual.
Wlirn it w loo late ttie cook lonnd
she bad bea impoMd npon by the gro
cer or his boy, who bad givea tier a new
brand ol baking powdrr in place of the
Koyal, which she bad alwars nsed with
Sxxi lark, and whlcb had baen ordarad.
he had nam! tb naw kind, spoiled the
biarnit and fot a aeoldlnj.
Tbe Koyal Baking i'owder, as every
cook knows, e always to t railed opoo.
it i one of tbe greatawt aids she bat.
Kb Is always ah! with tha loait troobie
to make the very finest bitcnits, eakea,
mntrias and eraata. Many a conk's rap
it at ion baa been ma1 by tb dalicioat
ihioiti has baea abl to make with it
It ia on wondar tbat sh Is Indignant
when tha grocer sands bar another bak
ing powder in Its plat, which apnlti ber
food, injon-s ber reputation sod brings
bar blame.
Tli srocar snd ber the new brand of
hakins powder limply Uaraat it coat
him ao morh lea aad b eaa msk mor
profit bv selling It than b ran on tbe
BiyaL Tb Bnall mad from tb vary
Snawt materials and eoU macb nor
than any ether brini, ehlch sejoanta
lor it opnrity, altbongb tt it sold to
? .iianmar at tba aaro price.
Tt rv k ahooldeiamiaaearefally th
Itbet M tb baking powder and are tbat i
i not impoaad opoa. II the grvr
and asytbirg tt th Riyal, nd It
Saw, a on roik did ff time nolil
thevottba bival. Tb ogiy ia wty
fr th enok to ha b taat th ns :
o work w th, and tb Royal U aot only I
:bCat, kit tb rooai aoooomlrai to I
dm beeau It fne so moeb farther. I
"Aod that Is a wctnaa's honor
woman buneaty," says b. pacloit to
aud fro uhiu th muaay sward with a
dialurlwd brow, and tla stern and con
praaatL "Du you think this man will
thank ton fr tli amply caakvt yoa a
ulTvrli g blm Tb budy witbuut lh antil
would b to Ui worthli-aa. Who shall
aay b diir not think aa I do? Com"
t.iiptng abort U-(or ber and gailug l
ber Btrdly "Irll ni th Dauiofb'
rlty rlrrk who stands balwaaa ' If
yoawiUdo nuthlng toward tb nntlug
of a knot that may rum tbra tinea, I
Paul Annrrlcy."
"But do not purana this nut tar," sh
ays eaiterlr, eomit a step or two nearrr
to him and laying hrr hand npoo his
srm. "IVi nit, 1 Implore you!'1
"1 Shnll puraiie II nnt l the Inlqnllons
wonls are auld that will hind you lo bun
for life," n-j.lli-a l.e dijial!y. "NaT.'
gTa-plu her hand aa kIu lurna horn'loM'y
way froi.i him. "tin not think me un
kind, my love; I I for your happiness aa
for my own 1 utrire."
If Indeed, )oi do. Ira mr hnpplneaa "
cries she, all ilunc In ber Ion g.
Ing to sate him fnii.i a venenur thnt
soma Inatinctltr knowli-U leaches her
will be deaitly. ' ali-u n inim Intrrrrn
tton of snyaort. Ui but a'ek Paul An
nrrlrr. Ix-t ma fit 1 till mr doalln. 11
m marry hliiL Ikdieve me, ilier Is no
llo inllit inTbnp. have mlajtidrfe her,
and have believed her nlremly woddrd la
heart lo Aunerlcr, hut for her conclud
ing worda. Hut llieae, and th mrlan
eholy I lull t In ber large eyi-s, rvaaaur
him of the truth that lu rrnliiy sh Is al
together hi. There la, however, ao keen
a sense of wearuiea In her atlltndeand
xpreaalon that ha maolrra on refraining
from further argument.
"Well," he any, with an attempt at
lightness thnt ilia's Hot dereir her. "w
have said enough for to-day, and yon look
tired. Come, let m take you home,
llememlwr there will b a large addition
to our party to-night, and of ooura you
will like to look your beat."
"I will go luu k to lb bona when ynn
bar promlaed ma one thing," returns
sh su-adlly; "that you will not seek
Iaul Anuerley for four days front this.
Ulv me thea four da vs."
She is trembling with excitement, and
her eye are full of tears that will not b
retire iel. Four dnyt. To-dny tivmor
nw; tbeae two cannot t avoldetl. Wer
ah to leave now, U-fore to-night's din
nerthat I but a herald of to-morrow
night's ball, when Cnpt Uyl Is rs
peeled, to gnu-e bis own birthday enter
rwlnmeut It would lie regarded M noth
Ina leas than an a t of dliarntirUwy by her
kln.v hoKteaa. Unt th day after sue
might leave; Paul by that tlm will
surely lie returned to town and ber (bit
ter thought') and she ran easily so man
age as to prevent a meeting between him
nd Mr. Uurnn.
"The f.nir days yon crave are your,"
replies Durnu gravely, noting the fever
tn her eyes. "Now, In turn, concede m
a grn 1 1 Ural Ion. Irt me accompany you
bark to the park."
Meantime Mllllrent and Gerald Msasa
reene are standing In the warm snnshln
In one corner of the tennis ground.
Urey, who had been playing, but has
Dow resigned her place and her racket to
another. Is looking at ber corrpiulun
wltb an rxpremlon bnlf vriMful, haif mls
ehlevomi p rimps wholly mullnoiia.
"Time la fixing," says ihe young man
ardently. "Have yon not coma to a de
cision ret U Is nltnoat the Inst hour.
After tv morrow there will be no grace
left. He return thrn."
"Cranltf Yea."
"Yon mnat choose between m and
blm. You know thnt, and eat i 1 1 yon hesi
tate. Whrn ha returns It will give him
an sylvanlnge, hcrauxe then he will again
have the world on his side hi very
preaenre gives him an extra rhnure. If
you could .diTlde If you could let m
peak U fore he comes."
"I don't are how his preaenre or ab
sence ran lufltirnre the nuttier. There Is
to me only one thing to le considered
whether or not we cuo live happily when
quite poor."
"It wouldn't be finite," Interposes h
eagerly. "There would lie th eight
hundred a your."
"There would l -starvation I"
"If you c !iose to term It so," says hs
a Utile haughtily, his Irih blood aflume.
"And a you so chooae, It of eourxe de
clare to me that you have matle up your
mind not to share It." He looks at ber
for a bttlu while with his head well
drawn up and hi eyes full of an indig
nant entreuty. Mlwi Urey, receiving
this l"ok point blank, knows that th
moment has com to keep hlui or loa
blm for ever.
'Yon are so precipitate ao Impnl
Ire," she mvs, wtlb a hnnte that Is aril
clently well I red to ' devoid of the ap
pearance of hurry that really belongs to
It. "I undemland th rae a well a
you do," petulantly. "It 1 poverty wltb
on man, misery with the other. On
boa to dec' ' t-tween them and one
due not likr poverty!"
"I)oe ons prefer misery?"
"N a I suppose not." Then sh
pail and harks her lingers togetb-,
nd thea v locks thviu. "It la misery
Ither way," sh says.
".Not If t ier la love," entreat h
Softly. "A d yon will bav to oak j
Bp your mln . now."
"Yon mei n that ynn will not wait to
riTelv my c.eciaion later our' sits si ,
with a (uddva awlft glaace from ber
"Ye, thet ia what I mean," says
It la to I now or never, then! Bh
realize th r'tuatlon at once, and admires
ber true lovar alittl th mor lo that
the knowi hs will abide bt his 9rd.
and that If sh now mile wtlb blm, he
ill m over th border to morrow r
dsyliaht shrws tb land, and beyond a'l
recalling, b th vole of th charmer
never so sw. t
'Yon Dm.!, too" sh says, tempoe
Ulng a little.
'Nothing 'nit that Msk your choir
now, to-day, lalwren ma and blm. To
morrow th will lie no chnle left If
yon do not h re me. that will matter not
at all, anil I shall iiav tml an esrar
from one who mert-lr naed m as a try I
wherewith to pas tbe tlm. If ynn Co
love nir, It a ill matter so far that yon
will break all bonds and defy all disco-. I
fort to link your lot wlah mln " Ilia'
tare la very I nl aa he aayi this, but hi
eyeaaralluhl with reaolntlim and hi vole
la Drm. lie is slin.-i handsome a be
hrika at her. with h: tLsnra fond but d
terminnl, and faia r.U band resting oa
his heart Ir -Lie bl ront a though to
nil tr teniiriiinii Ne.itlng. j
Miss lin- with a trsmulvua am II a, 1
draw nearer to him.
"I have derlilot," th lays gently. J
'Nw and fi rver." j
"Is II to be hlra, or mr" Though his
arrent I staayty, sh ran sea that bis
very Up are blwllrsa.
" Yon, you'" she aaya And than thr
Is a lotig, I ng silence between thcra.
They are at a iling lu a corner of tb ten
nis ground c n to all th world, e tbat :
any l. mitiai.a-l' n of rj or gratltod or I
lore Is !mp-aili)ft. but even wbea ao- '
tn id Is drmrl, the eye can speak. '
"My belovwt:" says Mr. Maaaareen la
a sob so low tat sh eaa barsly aattk
g, -4 it I tji at idCs; iA a4
love Ciat ts tuiii hersci it 11 nfSrtent la
Itaslf to atone to bar fur theeaormoss (De
rail sh is w.lLocly tin -:ig awny tr bis
ear sake.
"Thr is only on thlug tnure," lb
saea altar a l.ttl hit. "Do not sixok of
this until l-luumw hat gn by. It will
distrr auu. and Lady Valwurtb, and
pull bar pai iv."
"Uut, If I say nothing, when Doyl re
turns h will st. II regard yuu as cuga-!
to blm aud and ha may vpart"-
"II will eiect nothing. V hav
never boen lntit:g couple, aaaur you.
No. I -at tha inuiu r crat uviil I July Val
worth haa I. d uil her anJuitut out '
brr son's bit jilay ball."
"It shall l ss yon wlah, of cotiraa."
Then, fnrge'.'iil of everything save of her,
hs take or of humls and holds It
chwely. " Uirent' tell ma you bav no
regret that vou do not think I hav done
you harm Instead of giaxl."
"I think of tn -t iln ea ept that I have
fiven myself to you lur weal or woe,
tlieras mny be, and that I hullev It will
b fur weal."
"llut If not, my d irlln' Now that 1
bav really won yon. 1 trow faint hearted
lest yon slio.ihl eiernvnt. t)ht If yoo
hoiiht do Ihiitt If there aliouM ta only
poverty thnt Is wa N luro you'"'
"I should prefer thnt to eul with
fir unit or any other mau," she mvs softly,
with sin h a lUht In her eyes aa ha bad
never seen there la-fore.
Th day wane slowly; and night draws
near with reluctant f""t!i'. Nail I ne,
landln'4 Ix-fnre her, la i iinrous of
a thrill of niti-!led vanity aa she see lb
dainty vlin I'mtls g.i.nig la k nt her.
All lu white the vlhluti at iiiila: a simply
c'.ad thing In vlr::iti iiiu-din, but witii a
face klHive It beautiful sa dream. That
It Is her own face rejoices the heart of
The many gueatsarritmmulatlng for to
morrow night 'a ball have all arrived, and
It Is with a tinner nt her breast that
Nadin takes a luat glance at her charm
ing peraoii, and rlus round her ne k the
diamond rna Paul Anuerley' first gift
to her. It hnd Ihx-ii il.vine.1 liy hrr too
grand an oruauietit to l-e orn ou the ear
lier evenings here, wheu only a simple
Mock grenuiliun had ten hrr dinner
dress, but to-night, a a'l aeee herself
looking all that t lis heart of man could
drstre, la her delicate Indian fubric, sh
tells heraelf that tho gliatenlng dlaniotiils
r what will wld the lut llnlnhlng touch
to aa already rfc t picture.
Taking up her fau, and returning th
maid's cuiigrutulattotison hrr sppearanc
wltb a pleae. little laugh, she leaves bor
room and goes loly down tho staircase
toward th drawing room, l'oraminut
or two she pauses outa'do the door, partly
from natural nervouaneaant rncouiilerlng
so many strangers their voire coming
to hrr la a sulaltied murmur from within
nd partly to give herself a laM glanre
over lu the hour mirror lchlnd her, to as
sure herself that she Is hxking fairer than
usual, and that lu her I mo love's ryrssh
may find favor. 81m sl-hs a little as ah
remembers hoir far she will lie from him
In a few days' time loel to him forever
bound Irrrvorably to ouo whom she may
revt but ran never love.
The smile hail died fnun h.T Hps, snd
ber fsve Is colorless as her i;owu when sh
has llniidicd these sail mtiKings, and iM'ii
Ing the drawing rami door, advance
slowly to whero she ran se Lady Val
worth In the distance.
l h room Us.. crowded. Many
look upas she goes by thrtit. Home re
gard hrr silently tin so tho men; som
ask, lo a deprecatory way, who she U
these tbe women.
All show au undisguised Interest.
Lady Valworth, w ith whom she haa be
come a reigning fuvorite, turns to greet
ber ns she approarhr In r side.
"You mut h t mo Itiirrxlnce yon to a
very charming little friend of mine." she
says to her companion, lxrd Aster, hold
Ing out brr hand to Ninllne with a kindly
smile. "A friend, too, of Mllllcenl'sl"
Hie gets through the introduction, and
Lord Aster, an old heftu wit It a Juvenile
lisp, and a vlg callow aud coiilen as a
chicken's do .en, tntirimirn something com
plimrntary In a boyish tone that la as
labored as It Is ouclciil.
"There ar a few rrnn -rmrnts as yet
Inromplrte. Nitneel!j,llili-a niuuwlnril,"
whisper. Ivi'ly Valworth to her fuvorite.
'I shoulil like to give yon some ono w ho
would amn.aeyou through the tollous time
Of dinni f. V ould you liLe'
8he comes suddenly ton dead stop. Eh
bad been murmuring to the ?lrl In a gay
ejlde, with a smile uiMin her fare, but now
th smile ha given place to a glanre of
mingled astonlahmrtit mid horror. lur
rye ar fixed ou Nailiuv's hi cast, whore
the diamond cross rtil Anncrley's trlft
Is glitter, n end sp.irl:liii' ran ould
eeolly as th girl's gontle bosom riaae
and folia
"That where did you pet thatf de
mands I.a'lT Valworth, In a stilted ton.
Lord AMt, furtuiiiilely. Is glancing
through hi Jaunty eyegluis at som ou
sitting quite at tha other end of the room.
Nadin and I July Valworth are virtually
"Thatf" ak Vodliir nervously, snr
priced at I July Valnorth's, manner. Hli
i'loksso Inuoerntlynt her hoatesa that the
latter, by a suprvms effort, recovering
herself, lays ber baud reassuringly upon
hsr arm.
"Nothing, my love. It was a in start
I received. Thr.t pretty cross niion your
neck reminded toe of one 1 used to ad
mire long ago. Who guv It to yuur"
"Paul Annerley poul, to whom I am
engaged," say th girl, with a little
slf-h. In tnith, the pretty bnuhle th
vain of whlcb Is utiiuM-d ty ber I
devoid of all tender Itiion-at, coming as It
did from hi in.
"Abl a pr-tty gift," returns Lady Val
worth alme-tiy. In spile of herself ber
manner Is cotiMralncd. hhe moves away
from Nadlne and rroaacs tha room te
where Mllllcent Is rtandlng, ronvrrslng
with Oeraldins MruJMiri. no. Her face I
very pale, and there Is excitement la ber
ey aa ah approaches hrr niece.
'".Mllllrent," says she abruptly, tapping
Mis (irey's arm with her trembling
fingers, "fi'tnethlng mora than Strang
hs bappenil. I mimt sak to you be
rauae you are her friend, and"
"Whst Is It? You l.aik aa If you bad
seen a glusttl" rxrlatm Mi-ui drey, com
pelling her to sink npon a loung near
"I bav seen what I never hoped to
galnl Part of my stolen diamond! I
hav aeen my diamond cm!"
"tWre" exr liilnis Mllllrent, a mnel
taken aback a even Ijidy Valworth ran
deal re.
"Hound Nadine's neck."
"Oh, you iiin-t hav Ijern mlstakenl
How rou I I N'.i '.me bar diamond eroa
of such value "
"How. inilred: HLi aald sh Lad lien
given It by thnt man to whom ah Is en
gaged P'il Amierley,"
tro coBT-avs-Bt
A rtaaaa-lal Plaaalap tar Jaaaa.
"oitb WVH, JoiM-a, bnw ar yo g-Httsf
a. oM fi-.l'i I
j.iaa l'wa-ly. 1-a.t t'O.OO yaatarday.
Ili.w waa ttatr
"Bt fira Idai ia s father Brad n."-atln
apuil Tuaea
CarrerS lla( la.
fstlant Dor-t r, I have eery sraar pain
la tb merit t'"i. aout tit ioisp sad lass,
ta hat la ti.a! alfo oft
Wl rtrtieiaa-TDM f nl
ar TarS VasJy.
TTBa se f-smarrano la ankairanavWeM to be,
Sn.l pau,.a ahaa4nH afalaai Iba aberwhaa vl
UMaiiriBui.iBtiwtai s biiara. aeenid
I id ttj tlpvil e aud lh Salivilou ot tnT-l-elana.
aSonl a Satfy i.iu,oaU,m ol Ihe aUluia
iX tha aajlnj, lu iba baa. lb ibay trak r aiut
iuuun. tu anj. r. Auki.( ma a lira, aain4
lha r..l it aatrb II. l. liar swina. u Bit
Irraalt ela .11.1.111 .r .Iretluii. ilia, aa, a ol lh t. mlii b a.l.i.r aia Ira alilallli ll.a til
mnal a rll ami r i till II r I ballliaey a ball "--a.a
ty iintlnaft reaaiia Tba Hill, r rail ai 4
HI au'.lua lb, ta Nuteeilnuniy laalni.(t r IHa i
Una. ( aei al lha iiuia- aud p-aia .ai.llt toe
lival Irani uiay ha taw nl. tbla nir.1 rli.a
a mi a-a ilial. liter ru I'i.lnl. inn. itinn.
tial-eaiia, kia.aiia, rbruoiaOaia au4 bartuua
! a.
B a llllle ratiiiiiua about ln( eciirltT lur s
man a ba US.a uo aa.M r sua See, tao
iii i-KiisiiMt. rxiaitiKMt a.
Hon. James W. Hu.le.1, aliile aerving
his sixth term aa Hprakr of the Aaaembly
of the ftate of Nra York, antea:
"tirr or Nw
rr or Nw Yoaa.l
Aaarvai v I iiivni V
Ui, Jan. Iii. lo
I de-ire to oneejonre bear my testimony
to tliu value nl Ui iiihii IVboi b I'l a
Ttka. I l.ave uai th in fur laetity-live
year 4-1, and ran cuiii
lin'inl I In ii a Ihe la-al eilernal reinnly that
I hair amino. rata ago, alien intnan
Imiii a carriage ami arrtoiialy fjiml. 1
vat tiieiu a thoroiiKli tr al. lu a very
aliort tune the pain I aa tullering illmiii.
ared, and wilmn a arek I maa eiilirelv
n-lieved. On aiuilher in-ca-ion. hell auf
lenng Irom a sen re i-miali, a Inch llirral
riKil puliiintiary at III uiiii a, a Inch 1 a-ri-eoiiiiiieiiileil
to kii o Klorula lo n lirve, I
ili l. r in i ii. i to leal the pla-leia nam. I
applie.1 llieni to my cheat and Iwla.en the
aliouliler blailea, and In le-a (liati a furt
liiKlit sa euliirlv cured, till still another
ih i aaioii a lieu aiuleritig from m I'tiu k ol
rlieiiiiialiain in Ihe aliouliler lo am h an ri
te it lliut 1 c.iul.l raiae my arm, I
aicsui reao teil In Hie plaalera, and a it Inn a
tery tear ila) a the rlieiiiiialiain entirely ilia
apirarcd. 1 have llieni ron.lantly ny me,
alieiher at home or aliroad. My laniily aa
will a myarli have loinid them lo i a
amerrign rriurdy, both for eiterual and
nit. rnal inuililea. I never liawl but one
kidney dilhculty in my lite, ami the
sppluatloit ol til plaalera cured ma in
a week. I deairr, aa I aaul helore, to Iwar
my leatiiiuinv in a pnlnio ay to their
etlica-y, an I know of no liriier aay ol
Ionia-it than by giving you my personal
A any never lo a. In thai la.a tn-ee II hlslaea
la eleau al er be baa .bail It. be luuka el lb
4lrt ou tba lowvL
HlfTlHfi AWIl riLKS t'U atKD.
Wa enalUvaly eara rupiura, pliaa and all ran.
ia! dlaaaaoa alUaoiil pal u or ilaleuUon lnra btial
iwaai. No eura, no uay. Alan all fMb dia
iwaaa. AiMraaa lor pamphlet lira. IHiriarSal A
Luaaf, SIS Maisat alrael. nan Franriauo.
O Charily, what aakwaid aaniing U soma
Uoiia lu thy uauial
For roughs, Coliln and Throat Disorders
"H'vtm t tinmrhutl Irnrkts' have inMif
tlieir eltlcary by a teat of many year. &UI
aay ia tnjts.
One peiaon alltl s rhrtv le eaaa nf vanity
aouivlluiaa give the diecaee tu an auUre loa a.
Tit Osiass for break last.
fas tnamaltn aiov Knllih: aa dust, na i
-v OS TltUU
Lf U J Tb a good way
laa. ai al I 1 bard eonditlon
under which to srU
It. 1'arhap you've
noticed Uiat tb or
linarr. hit or mis
milicin doeau t at-
I tamtt It
I TU only remedy
of IU kind so re-
marksbl In It e (Tarts that it ran be anld on
Una plan U Ir. I'lerea's tkiklen Medieal Ills
eovery. As a blood rlranaer, strangth-ra-Blorra-,
and Aran builder, tbere's nothing like it
known to mnlu-ai k-lenes. In every iliapaa
wber th fault la In lh liver or tb blood, aa
lra!ia, Indigeaiion, Hilkmanea. and th
mit atublaa-n rikln, Healn, and Herofulou
aneetlHis, It ia pa a ran (ml In every cms to
bsnelll or cure, or you bav your money back.
To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter
bow had tb raae or of bow long stand
ing, th proprietor of Dr. Hag Catarrh
Itemed aay tins! "If wa rant cure It,
perfrtly and permaneiitlv, we'll pay yo
jiw in rAab." Hold by all druggist.
"fu'"n e r. v
-wuun i-UH- i ... -i i i
t- i "eL
Cnrea Conai-np'lnn, Coacha, Croup, Sore
Threw. S''d ly all Pru-riMt en a Guaraaiaa.
Nl Un Ei ta, lla. k erCSa-t Chiloh'a Perau
Plaatsr a UI tlva fiuii faciloa. caots.
8HIL0:.'G vitalizer.
Mrs. T. H. Hsv.-L!;iJ,CaiUL-nKiil-aiTenn.,says
-(.TiiM'il'i.'o.'jr'iS.n.'li MY UHi.l 1
rmiMdrr i( t'U I- I rrm! yia-oi. -'c' rlaiarea
Jrerru"!'' 1 ur ly ;a p !a, Uvtr cr bJOuef
truubloitoxciia. lino.jiti
I L 0 H'S yC ATA R R H
H.MWntil ai.rrhf Trrthla Ttemeda. ll will
reOrre and Cur yrai. Price 60 da. This lo
lartur fur ileaumMariil Irewtment lafurntabed
frea. fMillofc' llemniliea ar auid by U ou a
S-uarant to live aalaifaiSao.
I simply state tbat;l am Druggist
and PoMmaMpr here and am tbcre
fore in a txjtition to judge. I have
tried many Cough Syrups hut for
ten years past liavc found nothing
eoual to Ilov bee's German Syrup.
I have given it to my liady for Croup
with tbe most satisfactory results
Every mother should have it. J. II.
Harms, Druggist and Postmaster,
Moffat, Texas We present facts,
living fact., of today Bov bee's
Cerman Syrup gives strength to tbe
body. Take rn substitute, i
telNaa e e0
4 halra M rwr" ; ". !?1
RerUalaf , a
Wf-afJ frw (.ftltjgu.
tee eta, ewa fria.oev-Tim a au aawr
youno mtni
Thm pclflo A Ko. U
ttM a4 WIyw, o sTusiiiw 4 a. ,w
jOaJii' j f'efw to lrv i..r. H lhl mm .
-i.stJ r 9nf t vrB ' e Tf UaaVa mwm
mm v.t4 h tail I wr
MmuU-tmr I a A H . ty. MiH
sa. mm l - Ja.Cet,
V. f. . U. K. -. r, . V, . UT
a assf It .
Hood's Cures
Tt. Siaivtll k. ro'i l
Ji I eo a lluuilrf 1 1
i no! .li.l, V V I. a. aitraet
el a I'll .In mi. .n S.i.
a u ti I Ui atti a .Qn
a oh r-n. rrli.. . . an...l
In i. l.-rii m the ttuwaib
I nul l eal u Mli Wl.ra
tl i h r i a ii a aa .1
llarre waa no taape,
V. r nmiiiar nrf-il h r to
Iff lli.l S. aa.a'l!lv
IU. r. l.lria' III ri. ii. rill. !
I' air ii fa', h'.e'l b
l ua llautiay.
I'l l ill . I, i1av 1.
i i. .I. ai',, ire irra.l
tailr rrluri'iH. ami In a
'i.iii:i aha ri.MlJ
roam. I', t m. i i
II l .l lit . an I la. '
r' ai'iee. S'.a aa. a
walk srran late
lha e a. laa Kill a.rt.f
, n In prrlrrl tare Ilk)
" I kn .a that
Hood's Sarsaparilla
u , t. pf .-. MTr4 mr lllr.
h or I rr If
I rt I It. 11,1, .! t Ml
ItV Bs'llJ t (Mlatl Lafi'l r.
Fresh Air and Exercise.
possible of
both, if in
ncru oi iirsn
and nerve
force. There's necd.too, of plenty
of fat food.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh
and strength quicker than any
other preparation known to sci
ence. j filing curt e cw-mti,.,
,, hiln ana kmJttJ Jtttaiti
'hti filfirr mtlkodt fail.
fana K. ai, i SUaa. J V All aaMa
- i 'eul l.y mail, ilsy
ua). yuu auu i . Ky frellit, prepaid II
pre, aesliipsaiely t.&orSll. tree;
J t r. H we ol rar icl fence , every thins I
You aemall par le then tor tha poor
tail. 1,00 seres Ntirserie. tVlOlirre
Un lisnls. Ki-t inlormation ahuat tree
sn.l frail. Mark Bro., Louisiana, Mo.
Vs- r
f !l:Mn-ILY,8 CRKAM BALM-4 lha Waaall sat HI I W
I e1" 1 laeaea. Alla.a I'alM ai. lahalMlaiallaN, lleala I cl re
I J I ha M.ra, lleilnraa Taala aail Small, an4 I1 area 1- TArrV,
k X y i l.lvra Heller al one fur t atl.l In Ilea. I. ITi.vV
r J"7 J Apv't ia iSa ,amia. ( la ijmttUt Ahmrmti I ArV'ivNi
'inearth ffcial ar. W nrftaor 17 Bull. KLT H Hi Ml, a Marrea - " V ' ft
Justice to All.
It is now apparent to the Directors ef the World's Columbian
Exposition that millions of people will be denied the pleasure of Ixcomin;
the possessors of
World's Fair
Souvenir Qoins
The Official Souvenir
of the Great Exposition
The extraordinary and powing demand for these Coins, and the de
sire on the part of the Directors that equal opportunities may be afforded for
their purchase, have made it necessary to enlarge the channels of distribution.
To relieve themselves of some responsibility, the Directors have invited
Throughout the Nation to unite wiih the Banks in placing Columbian Half
Dollars on sale. This is done that the masses of the people, and those
living at remote points, may be afforded the best rossible oroorttinitv to
obtain the Coins.
of SOUVENIR COINS will be those who are earliest In seiziru; upon these
new advantages.
$10,000 Was Paid
They are all alike, the issue Is limited, and time must enhance (heir
value, The price is One Dollar each.
Co to your nearest merchant or
them. If you cannot procure them in
tut test than Five Coint and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered.
Send instructions how to ship the Coins and they will be sent free
of expense. Remit by registered letter, or send express or post-oflice money
order, or bank draft to
Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, EL
Ran tin InltiUd, kut litir'iJ-t.rj in Eitos.
Ws Make
00 per cent.
Of the
Wire Mats
Sold lo
A, a-V"
i f. T M a
a- nae ifcat rw
a. ar. iiea-i neetarej
HfHI aaaf. A.hfSaattr
nnnnrc Drvrnm Dntrnv cures
liiUUIILO . llUimU . IlLl.iLUIC
lean rate el k eUaenrs 'Sal lf taauaaof M11OSS a Rf
VKAl.Ml kKKHI mt auabau4 aa. lelleaa4 n.ta an a.
ea KII Kf a itl-J .i,rf ma .,,.. h mmt
ol lri.AHT.ikV aiiriMATlaa arMnihaaeMducioti.
aouia (i aia uia ao tiaei.
Olmonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts,
Ana All Kinds ef MILL liWL AIM - Mlrlnat.
C J rTAsatsi'f J
as ii ss I jS
A full stark n KaTamnal Bslaestna Belief
Skaiea rttaaal.r aa aaa4.
Fire Arms, Fluhlng Tackle
partlag tiaa4a at Kvry Peaertpll
S rirat Streat.
rokTLAht, Ol
eWn4 I rnta la tUmp. fnf MW 113 Utjs
tsmS riu.
rwl rvtas. m rila
rrx. 1 i-v aw rsi-ar riftMfA,
. Ill ft SAW. sal UwnllMr-l
e Jf I Hfl I aliraiaaMtnarrrr Inantoa I
i. a a aa. . i l I tt. ia4M farmiial
hiiwwmk i " "ii " "- aallaifltlaa i
.6. H. I r.kRYaV 1ETon.
.".e',w am.
Ol Ool an SUaat sjaaaftt-, aaa aaaf at
aa Mlaae a, aaU at tae aM aa raualaa aa
k.a 1 A.
aiU aaa A
laa aaai
. nam Bail a aaaa. aaaa4l aa aai H
I k) a.a amaeiiaa U aaaara eaiA
Best in theWcrldf
Get tha Gencine!
, Sola tverywiiersi
EpElatlllG BEIT
La leal lmnrr4. Is ramcnte hr ihe atet-
I fir feaal.Hl aa tba rml) .aMemenaaaaa ha. I
mail Sr tha eura nl raaulnal Wran-aa. riu
Ik Ihe Mark, Lcae o( Me aorr. Itralar a, Nxiaa
Pniaira ttm or ao diarasa arulm trol fnaih
rill llallerretUm. I eltev.a I one nf o rlave
H eainalam. C.iraMliunn. Iiralvala. Khlnea ee
Uie Tinuhiaa. rirella. ur et eulal.
Saul C O. U. area rataSatol pr'C. AOtlreaa
SIM4.0SSU tfHue , Itrwsstsie.
OaklaaA. fall for la
For The First Coin
banker, as the v are to fcav
this wav. send direct ta ia. nrririn
They are
Everlast nf
And "Best"
ra 1 1 1 1. 1 rTf
ape Raanraa.'
aalea Act.. Maale .. I hlesa-a.
tail IU! liar! I SL tasuat laX Sa.
imilll IIIUM. laMM.Ba Ii.
art Ik tiaMla le.
FreeH fxrvet. Ptlaet, Or. TS