The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 25, 1893, Image 1

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kiTiinxncn roi tie iimeihitim er beiocutic rRi.icin.Ei. iso to iui y iohit litis, bt tii iwiit op m im
'OL 2."
The Eugene City Guard.
. U, CAMlMlKI.L,
ubliaher ul rwprlelor.
p,r annum
,11 M.silli".
hr otK
Adctrt'tufJ A'f .VitAt A'iomvi on
Tim adrwlbwrs will I ehaivs.1 at th fob
Living rals.: rt
n. iars Ihn namtb
IHMtluan ail nemta. "
(hwviuara una jraar ' w
Trama-nt "ti la oJunia, oU
. lint tr each lBitlav
tAlrarUsia bill will bs rarelared quarterly.
AU ob " ""a r1D "u niuvxar.
Atlorney-at-Lau ,
OKKICK-' 'aanalf biock wmth of I.
-S(.i4l ttntfiB giv.a to CuUeetioaa
tad I'rutsiU business.
attarnoy anjCcuasollaat-Law, and
tfrnJ -Evfate Agent.
El-i.KXKl'ITy, - OBECSO.V.
UKr'K'K-Utairs, ojit Hotel Kuifcne.
SioUltUutin kito to Probst. tiuinea
Mil Alatrw-U u( TiUa.
Orru'l Over Lao County Back.
Cxks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
tW Work Warraalssl.-eM
TbW faiil remedy U qadoubtt-dly
Wuskr' Oregon IUvd Purifhr. Ilriu
km. rtrmplishe.ri-ll( whers nisny olh
HBfdlciUMi (nil to Jo. It may be afely
(irra to tbe infant a well aa the ailult.
Cash paid for produce
at Goldsmith's.
McClare Building,
Next to Luna Co. DatiK
Eugene, - - Oregon.
Ordera by mail fillel on the day of
T. G.nuuiRii-(H, & B. Kaxi, J.,
1're.i.Lnt. Caihioi
01 Eugene.
Paid up Ush Capita! 3&000
Surplus and Proflls, 1.0,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
, A Rami baoklnc bail dm !. on r"U
1'l.tiTiBa. MiKht draft on NKW YwKK,
UilU ii( tichaiut. ailJ oa for Urn onantnaa.
1M"U rmiyad subjact to chack or cartiti
w of oVpn.iL
All eullactiiHu aatrntad to na will rarrlr
laiW aUanOoa.
j morning J
Wnnti r
0 liuun
J Night
0xl all the time. It removes
I'm Unguor of wornlng, u-
tains tin c:;cr5i.-3 cf noon, lulls
Hie of niLt.
111 W3 FU-er
Uclicloua, f parklinj, appctbln. J
W jtMi foa4 b Ulw .
dr4lMmill Hia'.
FirV alaaa liU aLircJ la .a tart trt it
Lnivereityand SchooIBooks
U National Bank
llalsey Drain Tile Factors
la aeaatry. Q
U. A Co , rroprtator. I
ELX ' "
2 im I gw
Liw a-
74 1
Ilowal Ttoub', aotl Cramp, Colic, or
any Iotvrual or KiU-rnat Tain. Aak your j
drrtKHtat 'or it I
Goldsmith, the Pio
r 1
r f
Portland, Or.
City Property.
Tho value of an investment in
merit which it itotwpeen, and the
That in why
Ut Invintnuiit in r.uKt'iic, tiwlully if
Adjoining the Uiiivt-rwity gnnnid and the city liuilUoti tho hjmt.wltli
htnttt'iirN, city wutcr nnI electric light extcinliiiK to it, it in
the ntoMt convenient ami ileniriilili' niet1y on the ninrkct.
Never iniifl the weuther, t'XIVKltSITY ADDITION, l hlh
0Biul dry ami nntiirully welroliuHl. I'fyrn low, and on euy ternm.
Call on or write to II. N. I'ovkerllne, Kiitfi'ne, Of. Otlhf in ('hriiuuii Illoek.
Ckills answered day or
gene, Willamette street. Q
823.000 for a Hormltory and 82,000
for a Fih llatrhery.
ttf lal to I'Itr Ol-ARD., Or., Feh. ls.-The
apironrlutlon for a dormitory for the
Mate VlilventltVjnnwo-d in the Bclieral
airoriutlon LiU; alo J,uio for a
Miliiioii hatchery to ! liH-aUtl on the
biiialaw river.
From a Former Modeut.
We n-n-ivHl thff following diapatch
from a former .tuilcnt of the tate unl
verxity w hich explalna lt-lf:, Or., Feh. 1H. Ijne ahould
I proud of her youtnnt representa
tive, Yeatenlay Wilklm-n maile an
el.Hiuelit mh-Ii for I he uiiiveralty pn
ducinir audi an effect an to aeciire an
ap)n.prlatlon of lj.UNj foradi.nni
tory. Cham. T. McDasieia
HntunUyt AlUny iK-mwriU: Mr.
r Iril.-a aaai.l autt iilt ftf KlltflMIw.
U. aii u mil i"Mi
came down on the noon train to tend
HiiMMith with the former' arent Hon.
and Mra. It. A. Irvine.
Chamberlain's Eye and Sldn
A rrrtain cura for Chronic Sore Eye
Tetter, Suit Blieum, fcc-ild Head, Old
Chronlo Sore., Fi-rer Sore, Eczema, '
luh. Trairie Scratchei, Sorw Nipplca!
andTilea. It la cool In e n aooUiinc.
IIuDi!red of eatea h.iT teen cured tj
it afu r all otlier treatment bad failed.
2j ct ntt per bus.
m m m
Full Stock ol Butterick Patterns.
AiMrrM P. It. B. 119.
3D and Poultry
irojHrty lfjxunl uion the actuuff
irorsjH - cts of itn increnhing in value.
rnijuTty Im the
u wntit a Uuutiful jihwe fr a home
Fruit Lands
Oppoai'e Hotel u-
Keal Kntat "IraiiHteri.
John I'ltta to I) (inniBlx k, 34 acres
In t l n, rlw; t.U.m.
T J Duckworth to John 1' Naze, )
acr In t 17 , r w; tii.
(Hi (lav to J PNarze, land; tl-V.
Ihinl. l Stanton to I' (' Nolund,
a-n in T 1 M It S W; flimo.
llanmih Tnvlorto W II York, I'M)
acres In T 18 ri it S W;
I) J (lover to J H Ilennl, loU 10 and
11, I.Ik 1, F A II ad; (.Vm.
Ovo II Colter to It It tticixird, lot 6,
hhx-k a; 1 JJ.
Iwlljr Guard. FcU la.
Hc k.iki. Ilcrt Itola-rU and Lulu
feAU u lin wi re refuml a marrlnire
ileenw ly Lane eounty't clerk the
other day were marrlel yeaterday at
Allnv. Allt'llonia ocinif innnw u
hriiiK the puny who imnlr thealtldavlt
t iiuuxr for t lie crime of iieriurr aa
the L'lrl waa neither of lawful av nor
a rQilent or i.iiiu coiiniy.
Hti nv Laxb e"'iiatoni Alley
and Yeatch deaerve the tliMiika of Un
tie pie for the Maud they !k on the
county divi-ilmi iiitlon. While there
may lie aonie Mirencaa over the matter
In ci-rtain (iutrtent, It will wmn I fcc
(tii d in a the iae-t eourae to l
imrfued at prrw-iit. Member of Oie
Ie(riiature cannot pleam.- alt and often
their tioxltioii U einlmrramiliK. The
prcM-ut letrialature wa umuulir1elly
opixMI to county livlln, and In
only one In-tanee, and that where the
main aettlement waa eighty milea
from the county arat, waa divlakon
trrantcd. Our a-naUir rertainlv on
re.1 the wUhea of an owrwfielniD
IriK mojority of their eon.titn nt.
- llbraajaa Ball.
i pwiai to Iuilt ur.aa.
hALKM, Feb. I". In the celebrated
, danuiire uit of O. W. Covr va Hot
i ft t.Mt..n.a f.. tlllf. .lriiM alUMl
! to hare In n aurtained by pluinttrf bv
i .i " .i. i-...
tbe ikmumf to tlie complaint waa
Mr. N. . W. Howe, of CrwweM, I.
very III with pneumonia and axlhiiiat
lc triml.l.- Hi alvaiirel aire, 73
)eara, ivn.lera hi reoorery douUfuL 17.
Wm. Ita'itidiaw iitel Salem ttNlay.
K. O. I'ottt r vUitetl Harri.lxirK to
Iny. Ihirwlu Yornu la vUitliiK ShI.iii fur
a few day.
lieu Lurch, of CottaKv (irovc, wa In
town today.
J. I'. Currln, of Cottnjfv (itwc, waa
in towu iialny.
I'.. It. Skipworth returned homvfnnt
Salem till af.eriiooll.
A. C. WtMMlwiH'k went to lilildlc nil
the iivcrluml !nl nlxbt.
Dr. John (imy rt turtnil frmn a trip
to I "nit land till afternoon.
Hon. K , Coleman, of Colnny, n
in town veterdav and ttklay.
The liifunt aoll of la-puty Shiritr
Day liilte HI w ith pneumonia.
K'imiiel Hw ift rrturniNl to IVirtland
thl morning ufter a lnirt hen'.
It I rumored that the pnNMcd
Itlnine count v acheme got caujtht In a
Kill n. t.
The Oregon Citv F.iitcrprl IntcmU
luiii( an evciiiiiK xia r In the near
J. M. Mciiefcc, w lio waa injured in
thcMrect car uivideiit, at Albina, tiled
J entcnlay.
C. F. Martin, Junior t-ditor of the
State Journal, I cmlliiol to hi room
with the mump.
A. W. Stow. II of Portland hu aite.1
O. II. and M. II. TMrwloti in the cir
cuit court for Mhi.
Itcv. J. V lllulr return.! home thl
niornliiK after a brief vlnlt to hit broth
er, Itev. H. A. Hlair.
It I rumored that another bra
baud will aotui le organized In thl
city, milking the third.
Mr. Teutwh returned to her home
at Creawell thl afti rnmni after a abort
viait with In r aon l-v.
II. D. Hmlth, who murderetl John
Wyant, near Sangle,, will lie
ha'iige at Hikaue March L'7. O
Mr. N. It. FJIIott, of (Village drove,
wa taking advaiitmO of the tmrgiiln
ollcretl by our merchauU t.Mlay.
IU v. l'uhlug Ya U ditrd at Tacoma
ycKterdny. He foumletl the t'lllvcrxl
iy at Forcat ( .rove and waa a pioneer
liiililnlcr of thi Htate.
Mm. Charle Norton who AM near
l I ...A... I.- ll lU H.IU.
thought waa murdcrel by poisoning,
and a thorough InviKtlgatlou will be
mailo ol I no .
Tliurwlay' SaleiiT Journal! Mi.
Marietta Mcuaadorfer, wh Im bt-n
the gueft of the Miwe Mctm han, went
to F.ugcne tiMlay, wheiicv aha will re
turn lo hft home in Portland.
Jade Hoot wa thrown in the city
Jail luxt liWit on thechargw of drunk
anil illHonlcriy. lie wa niieu j nuu
etatt thi morning by lUtunler l)ir
rl, which friend liuldat-df
J. K. Davl. of Mohawk, n-turnrd
home from Portland hiat HaltmM',
ami I in towu today, lie Informs ut
that III eve I In about tlio same con
dition as it wit when lie left here.
Matt Stafford brought n live coyote
to town t.xiay for lloli lUalr and VaI
Howe. It will be Used for a coyote
chase, on the Stewart trnck, one week
from tomorrow. Mr. Htalt'ord caught
his coynicahlp In a trap nbtiut a month
An evangellHt In Pendleton mn.le a
remark from a pulpit that I'cii.lHon
1 such a Hodoiu and (loitiormh that
he would not dare to bring hi wife
and daughter there. Tho E. O. there
u I niii gut mad. and made aomu hot Tv
mark about (lie evangeliat.
Allwnv iVmocrat: Tho Hnwallaii
iNlaiids are about the tu of Marion,
Linn and Ijiiic couutie, quii)
miles. I'opnlutlou OUtKKl, of whom
alHiiit ao.omi are Americana. Not very
much to them, and yet they are of vast
Importance in a commercial m-nne.
Kx.t It I rumored that the reason
the lawvcnrQf Multnomali county cli-
loiiicd the atate from making tho state
levy L that they hot thereby to en
able l'ort land bloated to
eM-aie paying the lat year's tax on
mortgage, ny claiming mat ine new
lax law became ctlcctlvo before the
tate levy waa male.
A conductor on the narrow gauge
mad n'iirta a narrow e-Mw for the
train the other day. While pawning
KIk mck, a largtt alone, weigiung
manv tons, came liuiilillng down, liint
gramg the hind pwt of the lat car In
its tlewvnl. ir it nan arnica me car a
frightful Ion of life could not have
been averted.
We are Informed that there 1 but
little Improvement In the health of
Hon. It. It. Cochran, who was rtricken
with paralysis at his home near ('
bunr a xliort time since. His light
i.le, arm and leg are paralysed so that
he I compleU-ly helpliaa. The power
ofatieech is gone, but he la entirely
oonmiou of hi aurTounillng.
E. J. Fraler wrilea u from WikmI-
lalid, Cal., that he has Ufii quite sick
from the lagrlpi, but ex ects to re
turn to Eugene tomorrow morning,
lie atate tlu.t It has U-n a very uih
pleuaant wli.ier ill California, and that
the rivers are all now very high. He
say the climate In Oregon hu la-n
much better than that of the Oolden
A.hlantl Il-cord: "Frank J. Miller
clerk of the railroad eomriiiiwion anl
brother of Hon. II. It. Miller, ha la-en
pivd In the iiiNtne aaylum at Halem.
Nervtais leni'ili over the atrugglea of
the comml-iou i alU-gel as the
cam-." It I Mrs. Miller, who la suf
fering from mental trouble. Iter
many friend. In Eugene t for her
early and compleU- rwtivery.
The Im (irando Oawtte Is cruel
enough to print the following: "A
maiden lair W illi sun-iM-i nair came
tripping dow n l ha Mtrni; tii air was
kivn, m r age wa xieeu; iui gi-wnu
wa.u't .lie swi-et: Ilia abtewatk was
lick and she went down quick, with
a jolt that took oat her eurU, and
the word. hd utl mut teseuwd for
ahe's fill of our l.t girls."
Ja kaniivllle Time: Frank Ilufr. r
Is said to I meeting with irrent suo
In the praHicw of his mf-don.
tbe law, up Ic the sound riti.'a, and
has lrealy rarriel aotiM imuirtant
nwa-a thniugh the auprene court of
WaaJiiutrtoii. Willi ttie right Kind ora
verdict for bis client. Mih another of
the Tounr men In w honi Jai kaouville
ju.ily take pri'l-.
Mr. Huff, r I a graduate of the Ore-
iron HUt I'nlveoity md was a tutor
in that institution for two years.
l.argasl !: na.4.
Hii.i:m, Or., Fck H. The follow ing
I Iheappropriatioii bill iw pamcd lV the
legiilature. I'nilMtbly it contain a few
ermrs, a 1 unavoidable In the ru.h:
i:m-TiVK H'Mi.
Hilary governor f .1,ihi is
rvtlury prhatcaecn-tary :i,'i ini
SH-crt-lary of stale 3,l ll
Chief clerk sec 'y of stale H.tlUl UU
Sute treasurer l.i.iU UU
Cl rk l stute treaiiurer 4,mu no
supt. public instruction :t.i- ihi
Allorney gelierul U,ll
Slate liliruiiiiii 'J.ii
l'riMHi lii- tor I,ui mi
Pilot t-oinuilmiom-r I, 'Jim
Clerk lo same l,l no
Health olllivr 1,M l
Janitor and aii-laiit :i,el ini
Traveling exp. atipl. schools 1 ,tM Ml till
Mghtwat. hmall capilol ,l no
Kais-iiM- stale library 'on ti
Teacher, exp. deaf mutes... a,noil (i
On-gtui in-line for blind U'.no.! ui
Ituildhig. Imp. for blind l-,ooii mi
Clerical m-rvl.v sccv. stute... lo.'U nu
Clerical aid supt. sclnsil .1,100 (in
School n-tvrd btsiks, blank
depart in. u t of ctlucatlon... 7,'iLM Ul
Slate iMiard of agriculture.... ln.oim no
Improvements lair gniuud. Il,i
(Iregou stale fissl ciin A,ul 00
I'llol sch.siiier S,il tl
Itailroad com, and clerk ... 9vi ml
Fih i-ominls-loii h,u) imi
Klectric lighiing 1M nu
lU-wiriug capilol J.immsi
Advertlniug warrants, etc.... '
Supn-me court rcsirls ti,ii isi
District Agrl. SH-ieiiea IMW "
iltiardof Ilortlculture 7,nul on
Itoatmaii at Astoria 1, (UNI 11
Ihiiiiestlc auiiuid com 1i',ii on
Stale library ft," i
State iHKtrd of tsiualijit Ion... H.iaai no
The Home, at Port land S.nootw
Orphan' home at Salem 6,ool (
Orphan' home at Albany... 'i,om no
llcfuge home at Portland.... A,imil Ml
liabv home at Portland 4,ooo (Ml
Magdclcn home, Portland... 4,il (
Oregmi ploueel asMH-lulioll... 6,(l 00
Claim in Indian want wm ml
Stalo boar. I of examiner liml 00
For reward for arrest 1,3 00
l.leetric llghtliig, asylWu.... 7,:hi no
New liillrinary, shom, 4ti,umi ml
Asylum-Collage furm...... O.T'H 00
Fencing asylum laud 1 .It n m
I .and. for ay.-4-ottagc. farm. ll,m mi
IU'uir and ground.. l,"" 00
Drain capilol grounds :i,tino mi
New nan ciinitol 7,0ml mi
Steam bentliy capilol &,4m ml
til set of 11 ill's ..sic Mi'l 00
HlhwiunM-aor Eastern Or.". 2,;H :
IVIlelclicli-a III building SV" ''
For abater hvnIciii 4,H'l' 'M
m tltTciiclesVot (age farm
Institute for blind - 1,-T.d mi
Stale fissl ctinimisMlniier 31 U.
llaluiuv on portage railway. 3,Hll 'is
l :x pe use of state depurt'mt.. St-' 10
Uniform school blank TJ
Hall of capilol 11170
Transsirtatioii convicts fl,4.'M 'i'l
TmiisMirtatlyi insane 3,(rj0H'.'
KxM-usea H'uiteiiilary ti,.VH "S
KxN-iiM-a asvhim n,wi7Us
Assembly of Nd H7
State reform sch.sil l;i,7"S Ml
I'eiiiteuiiary wutcr ditch 1,01s :m
Normal sclnsil at Mon
mouth 22,.th2 70
1 In I lot uiN-r ami printing ,ii7 71
Election supplies of lhC I,.VI -1
Printing ami binding IH,lott.'i
Attorney (icnenil salary 6,1'd 03
John Knight etal 1,H)7 7j
State Issird of exualiatlon
I Mil and !!, eertilbsl AH
It It commission, printing... 1,7I'MJ
Wawti county !"
Fmlpiiiciit isirtugo railway.. l.tmOOU
Klci-lrlu wiring at capilol 117 11
Attorney pilot commission... mm 00
Otllce rent pilot commission.. "10 ()
Compiling war rectird 1"'- U0
Additional, etc., at
the state isyiilentlary rij,.'s 00
Cleaning JlQl Cnvk 6,000 00
Iiml for state pcnllcnl-
tlury VoOO"
Slate weallier bureau and
clerk for samo I,n0 00
llovs' and lilrl.' Aid Society
Portland 2,.V)00
Pulton home for friendless.... lonoon
Iteform achiMilextsjiinea ,1i,omiOO
Additional bulldiug 7H,(mom
Judicial fund 107,lm)Ui
Additional legislative fund... 0,000 00
Incidental fund IWomjoo
Insane ami I.I lot lo fund mi,.'(oo (X)
Printing fund oo,iKM)0
Conveying Insane ipt.onooo
Conveying convict 23,000 00
Supisirtof non-resident isxir. lo.mnino
Fugitive fund 1,215 6s
State Agricultural College.... 2l,uw
Weston Normal schtail 24,00000
State Agrl. College cluca-
llonof iMr girl 0,000 00
Htate militia no
Stslavllle spring, Imp Ami 00
Slate University dormitory... 2.Vln0
Stal University i,omioo
World's Fair .
Jule mill penitentiary IWM'fl 00
Hatchery Siuslaw .," w
Salary of miiM-rluU-ndcut 3,'
Salaries of wardens 4,111
Tiiimster and fanner I,''
ll.s.k-k.-.--r 2.4U1
Shop guard "
(iuanl 1-1.200
I'.nglneer and plumlsr I.h"
Mghtwatehmen 6, Km
Visiting physician 1.2"
Oeiieral exiwnse 60,m"
Firew.ssl 4,
ltelr 4,l
Itogues' gallerj' "M
UUJM Tltl sT rt xna.
Clerk school land eominls-
aiou .(.! M
Maps, allorney fee ,' "
Fees es-heutel estate "'I0 J
Clerical s-rvln in treaatir-
er' oftl.-e 3,oi0 HO
Expetmes ill university binds.
Agricultural llcge tuna in-,
IH.-.1 soo
Iteturn of money where state
eai.iMit give tftle 3V"
F'Kjndry eoiiiisiiiy v'j,)w
lie form aclKsd, land and wa
ter ngbt 10, 00
SUte ottht-r in su-rvUlon of
pub'ic work
3,0 10 00
lMi'RoviKXTa.-Amitherset of loves
ka lalng put In at Uhinehart's opt ra
tt. l..,itf. nm-Marv for
, ll.rwv, . -. .... . - J - -
! this aUo Imprtivea the hiajae in various
! ways, among Iheiii, lielng al.leI al
I vantage In lli way of light and vetitl
! latloli.
j Holt. In tbl.citr, on the morning
1st I.. w.iX. to tbe wife of
j IUr. It. M. Ib, a bouncing boy.
11 1 a rtMiD,
A I I.I af Tk.M lkl
llaia Macaaae l.awa.
SAI.KM, Oregon, Feb. 17. The fol
lowing I a list of the measure that
have passed the legislature up t insilt
1 mipMiay:
i II AH Hill III
ldaiiou, ICiddte, Myrtle Point,
HepiHier, Klamath Falls, Stslavllle,
Oakland, Marshlle Id, Athena, K.sll,
Cornelius, SI. Helens. Coburg, Tung-
tut, Adams, I.alirandi-, Dufur, Sweel
Home, Ml. Augel, Condon, Florence,
Spriuiitleld, Metlford, l.akcvlrw,
Itakt-r City, Iuig Crtvk, Sherwotsl,
llenvertoii, Newluirg, Font (Imve,
Milton, Corvallis, Astoria, Itoseburg,
Mvrtle Creek. Fall City, Junction,
Tillam.Nik, Albauv, Weston, Hillslsinv
Aurora, East Cottage drove, Salem,
Fuk'cne,, Ihilliui, llniwu-
i:m:hai. laws.
To tllstrlbute 5 T cent laud fund
among t-otimies aeeortliug lo an.
Appropriation for world's fair.
Assessment ami taxation law. n-is al
lug uiortgiige tax ami detlucllou for In-
ilelitt-tlllesa clause.
Amen. ling pilotage law.
Providing Jute mill at penitentiary.
F.nabllng women lo hold educational
Anieiiding ctsle nlatlng to referee.
Itelatliig to branding domestic ani
mals. Aiin-mlliig act focjcgal Iinlldavs.
I'm vldl ng flslnWy at Willamette
Amending law for ayiiig bounties
on wild animal.
Declaring first Monday of t-gitcmbt-r
as lahf) day.
Ileis-allng tixtsl rates of taxes for
mlliiiuaiid university.
Itelatlng (o marriages, forbidding
first cousins to marry.
IIILIJ4 hi.:i n.iu 1.
In addition o alsive on flic with the
governor up lo Wednesday night, the
following wen II le I uptoThmsday
Fixing marie of county treasurers.
Providing atlditioual Judge for 3d
Judicial district. for building for agri
cultural college.
Providing for Miymetit of employes
by receivers of corMra(lon.
Pmvidiiig for normal sclnsil at Wes
ton. lucoriNirate Oregon Clly.
Simplifying pnHtsilJg of Justice
Pnivlding conisinaatlon for military
force during service.
To protect timls-r fmui Are.
Amending act for orgniilxatlou of
Amends Se'. H, code of civil pro
ccedutv. O
Amending act Southern Oregon
Hoard of Agriculture.
Amending act for relief of aohlls
and tailors.
Fixing sulnriea of clerks and ahcrids
In (Irani ami Crook eouutiea.
Authorizing issue of f'KHX) water
Isilids by Heppller.
To fill vacancy on Ismrd of water
commissioner, The Dalles.
Authorizing district u'i, Linn couuW,
to Issue Is. n. I. for 112,000.
Fixing boumlariea of (lutsop and
Tillamisik counties.
Provides additional Judges of Mult
nomah county.
Amending charter of Paclilo Univer
sity. Authoriui bridge across Tillamook
Cniitlng recorder Umatilla county.
Authorizing Dallas to construct
water works.
Amending Sluslaw & Eastern Hall
way Co., act.
Authorize Pendleton to maintain
sewerage system.
Changing Isiundarlcsof Multnomah
ami Clackamas conn lies.
Authorizing bridge across Willam
ette at Oregon City.
(. n-atiug county 01 Lincoln.
Authorizing bridge at Young's hay,
across Ix-wls and Clark river.
ll lailug (o aui.nals running at large
in Sherman county.
Amending charter of Portlund relat
ing to water commission.
For relief of J. W. Maxwell.
Funding debt of Lake and Klamath
Itcyallng law allowing sheriffs and
clerk of certain counties 3.11 ta-r wnt
additional fees.
(Iratitlng Sllverton authority over
county road In clly Umlta.
Legislative Sote.
ball 7 Uuard, Fab. 17.
Watch's bill lo prohibit tbe employ
ment of non resident peace ofilcer in
I he stale failed to (nus) in the house
2U lo 2U.
The rallrmd commissioners aelectetl
by the republican caucus were duly
Font's bill als.llshes the five mill
sch.sil tax, and hereafter tbe levy for
M-hisil purptstca will be maile on the
s-r capita plan.
In the senate Alley voted to pass the
militia bill over the veto, while
Yeatch voted In the negative.
Fifty clerks at Sak-m have not. It Is
aid, done an average of ten minutes
work In nearly four weeks, ana tne
state foots the bill.
Under the new salary law the sheriff
and clerk of IJnn couuir will each re
ceive tJmiOa year ami the recorder
(lull. iepiitlea will tie allowed in tne
discretion of the county court.
Vcatch' bill, providing lor the re
peal of the Isw requiring the Sheriff to
visit all the precincts In the county for
imrissieof eolleetllig taxes, has paaaetl
Loth houses of the legislature, and only
await the signature of the governor to
be la-uaue a law. This will be quite a
saving to the counties of tbe state.
Thurwlay's Salem Journal: Ttiere
are going to I w hundred of bills left
on final passage. This morning there
were fifty senate bills In the bouse) on
third reading, IS on second reading,
and 63 house bills on thlid reatllng, 6
on seetmd reallng, eighty odd In com
mittee, and a score of senate bills on
the table, la-abb hat Will be tbaui by
that body of a Joint nature in tls two
.lav remaining. Close olat-rrers not
1 1 J, fiu-t that lli.-ra baa hr-n Venr little
rti.blng of business on the part of any I
one al this aewion, white there has'
Un much of dilatory met h. sis and
The Men Who Will Try Hie Cases at
Ibe Nrtt l t-rm of I'lrruit ( oarl.
I'.llj i.u.nt, tth. 17.
Count v Clerk Walker and Dcjuity
Sherilf fhty, as by law required, last
evening drew the jurymen for tho next
term of cin-ult etiurl. whicli convenes
In F.ugeno March 0, lv.a
W E Itrowii, Fugi-iie, brnker.
it W Martin, ' farmer,
lit: Dunn, "
N S Itoblnson, " capitalist.
Ja II Yates, llli hnrdsou, farmer.
Clay Xiimwalt, Irving, "
J N I.niar, " "
II D Edwards, Si.riiigflcld, "
II T lb iin. lt " "
F M llmtlalii, "
J W Cox, Fall Crock, "
John West, Pleasant 1 1 HI,
J Vincent. I.t Valley, "
Wlstlniii Vllhcliu,li.siheli, i-arpentcr.
II F Kts-nev, " fanner.
John Vaiiiluvne, Coburg, "
J It Ctsik, Mohawk, "
P F Davis. Slusluw,
Jvmiii Nwlev, (ilciitciia, "
F LOrnv, 'I'hurslon, "
Sam'l Schiimpf, Cayole, "
Stephen Hinocd, CainnClcek, "
John Walker, Urea well, "
(list II Day, "
Ja II Shortridge, Cottage drove,
T J Marklcy, Ctittagu drove, carpen
ter. J Henderson McFurlaud, fanner.
T II Mllllorn, Junrtloii, fanner.
C Van VauVrankln, Junction, mer
chant. John Stewart, Eugene, capitalist.
SpM-lal to th Pailt ovtaa.
SALKM, Feb. 17, 2 p. III.
lloldlng ctiuntle liable for defective
bridges when Injuries am Inflicted by
reason then-of, tiassel.
Hill llxlng aalaiics of county Judges,
aVill appmpriatlng MO,0U for tin
construction of an Insane, asylum in
ea- ni legon, passed.
loll to euiMiwcr the slate boartl of
iMliinktinu to purchase sch.sil btaiks,
Hill to consolidate cities of 4000 pop
ulation or over into imlcM-iideiit
sch.sil district ami authorizing free
kindergarten ach.sils, piowicd.
To provide fur riWirdlng wills,
The general appmrrlatlon bill read
twice and made a special order for tills
artcn)-oii In oommitU'e of the whole.
The bill to prohibit the aide of cigar
ettes and cigars lo minors, iiasaetl.
Layman's bill to protect htsiges anuo
shade trees, passed.
The Oregon soldiers' home bill,
Springfield Items.
asaasBB. a
Messenger, Feb, 17.
lluby Yeiiiigbui is still alive at thl
(Thursday, 3 p. 111.) hour, but ia rapid
ly grower weaker.
A. Walker's entire family have l-u
down with the mumps this week.
Mrs. Hunuleutt and child are recover
ing from a similar attack.
Miss Delia Klngsley, who la teach
ing schiNil at Sclo, caiuo homo on the
Monday evening train, In response to a
telegram announcing the death of her
sister, Mrs. F. It. Chase.
W. C. Washburn went In Junction
City Monday, accompanying his moth
er from there lo Portland, where she
will Iw placet! under the treatment, or
prominent physicians of that city.
At the cliaw of services In tho Meth
odist church Sunday morning, Mr.
Lydla Mulligan ami Mrs. Minnie
Smith and two children were
baptized. Presiding Elder Jones
preached lu medium! lliurstlay even
ing after which the quarterly confer
ence was held. Sacramental services
will la hclil next Sunday after the
morning servloe., N. C. Fib, 10. The popu
lists were dumbfounded when the
house by a solid vote of tho dcunvnits
passed a bill nM-allng the charter of
the slate farmers' alliance. It will
probably pes the senate also.
The bill la entitled, "an act for the
relief of the sttM-k holders of the stale
fanners' alliance business agency."
There I about t-'iO.OOO of a fund not
a rent of which ran Iw secured by those
who contributed to It, and it is openly
charged that It is aliout to be Used In
tint interest of the iwople' wrly, the
president of the statu alliance, as well
aa Ita secretary ami a bit sine agent,
being extreme member of that party.
A receiver will be asked for Immedi
ately. Mt of the fund was contribu
ted bv person not now member of
the alliance.
The bill was Introduced U recharter
the alliance to Iw recognized solely In
the fanners' interest. The olllcer of
the alliance will issue an address to
meinls-rs denying that the business
fund is lo be devoted to political pur
iHssst. The alliance Is In stialts hav
ing .st thrwe-fourths of lu member
ship, leaving only 23,000.
SoMR FKHKra. It I est I mated Lin
coln county will Iw republican by alsjut
30 majority, based 011 th last state
election. Pn-ttv clost?. The total as
sessment Is f ;'a2,340. The total vot
7'sY. In the new Kenton county, If
Klaliie it shelved, a It may t the as-
seasubla properly Will 1st .l,Uo,i'll.
Lincoln county will have to bo run
on 14,000 tu 110,000 to keep the rate
Ahoit Conn. Fiom the Kural
Northwwtt: The Eugene cannery has
determined to contract for Im) at-res
of sweet orrn for canning thb aiwson.
It Is to Iw bnsi that the cannery will
make a success In canning corn for at
present the supply of can ncd corn for
this section coin. a almost entirely from
the East while the supply of canned
vegetable of other Varieties Is very
largely supplied from California.
Thr Uiri.T. The result of the
teachers' examination held here last
week was a follow: Six received Brut
grade certHlcatc, nine sec-nd grade.
10 third grade, and 41 failed. Mt ail
the appli.-aiit were young ladies.
Eugene Oregon.
o o o