The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 18, 1893, Image 9

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    3 per ct. difference.
Royal Baking Powder
Strongest, Purest, Most Economical.
A to whether any of the baking powders are equal to
the "Royal," the official tests clearly determine. Qvhen
.implej of various baking powders were purchased from
the grocers, and analyzed by the United States Govern
ment Chemists and the Chemists of State and City Boards
,.f Health, the reports revealed the fact that the "Royal"
contained from 28 per cent, to fto per cent, more leavening
strength than the others, and also that it was more per
fectly combined, absolutely pure, and altogether wholesome.
As most of these powders are sold to
consumers at the same price as the " Royal."
by the use of the Royal Baking IWderthere
is an average saving of over one third, be
sides the advantage of assured purity and
wholcsomcncss of food, and of bread, bis
cuit and cake made perfectly light, sweet,
and palatable.
The official reports also reveal the pres
ence, in other powders, of alum, lime or
sulpfiuric acid, by w hich their use is made a matter of grave
danger to the consumer. ,
Whenever a baking powder is sold at a lower price than
the" Royal," or with a gift, it is a certain indication that it is
made from alum, and is to be avoided under all circumstances.
A Life kink,
lion In the ministry ar brought into
ootitact with crank of alt aorta. Their
saw U lvgiun, and tb subject of r
Uiuu, which appeals strongly to th
liuaginatiun and rives full scops to
peculation, has a stsxrial fascination for
Uiein. If preachers would writ out
their experience with this class of per
sunt tlire would be no scarcity of spicy
reading. It was a baruilrwe kind of
crank that Ilisbop Thomas Dowman, of
this city, ran against one time at a camp
meeting. -n that occasion h preached
from the following text: "As Mose
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
tun to must the son of man be lifted
up." The moot attentive listener in the
congregation was a tall, lank individual,
with wild, deep set eyes and long hair.
At the conclusion of the sermon h
made a bee lino for the bishop, and the
Utter, divining the character of the
Bun, tried to get away from bun, but
"Well, now, my brother," said the
bishop, with just a little piiue in his
voire, fur he era very tired and the
weather was hot, "what is it you wish?"
"Buhop," he replied, with intense ear
nestness, "1 have beeu a student of th
BiUes.ll iny life, and there is on que-,
ttuo that hiis troubled 1110 for a long
tm. Perhups yon can throw soin
lighten it. It i this: What was th
Colt U the fciiukes that were sent to
afflict ths children of Israel?" St, Louis
iilibt- Democrat.
rarase far Kpllsptlc.
ilepy is so lurgo a cans of en
forced idle mus amoug th working peo
ple In England that a colony has been
established in a country place within an
hour'i ride of London, where they can
prrfunn lucrutive labor suited to their
cuuditiun. The plan is imitated from
one successfully carried out. in West
pbila, Germany. On a piece of land of
some kindred acres there will be built
cottages to hold from ten to twenty in
mates. The sexv will be separated,
and also the children from the adult.
Market gardening, spade and barrow
labor, cow keeping, dairy work and
poultry farming will be th first indus
tries; then gardening and fruit culture,
and Inter on will follow bootinaking,
carpentering, bookbinding, printing and
Other industries; and for tb women
laundry work, sewing, cooking and vari
ous domestic services. Boston Tran
script Aarthlng Flsa la Her Unet
Alcemon Dearest Emily, 1 cannot conceal
y testings any lunger. 1 most tU yon bow
bow dearly I lovs you. May I bop for your
" in murnt
Emlly-Ortalnly. Will that b all today)
f rancisco Evening Part,
The Marked Success
,of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion, scrofula and other forms of
hereditary disease Is due to its
powenul food properties.
Scott's Emulsion
rapidly creates healthy flesh
proper weight "lereditary
taints develop only when the
system becomes weakened.
A'oftin? in the world
of mtdictne has been
so successful i dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
Prescribe it.
Umm aad r kindraa diss araaac
rR Impure blood sswrassfallr treated b,
tWaa-aMaaiasj and Sao. isT ail toxica and
Boot a Blood aad Bala
laase frsa.
Mated uattaaala- sa
PtUcatiosv j 1i1i
-8wift 8peclfio
. P. . c.
, OfUsnUoaSL, sa the ds)tlht dies.
And Um distant rhail hell
B s-bors lo Um saiurt aklae.
Coo th dream wr lov an watt;
Our tboairots ro hark lon rear eaj.
Aad children's voices sufilf flow.
As ta Uss Hands r tr11i-bl dim
Tky slot Uarctbewaooje sweat brass.
Oa Bandar, a the saallgbt Bad
Aad Um twiUsbt mbu arras.
Kan klse wars pal In oeirhsaal
Aad Um day grow la a olusa.
Th cblklraa of oar boas would rasas
Tbelr voire la a hrmn of praisst
And as I dream I srsra to bear
Tb ecboss iwsllln weet aad skssa.
" Wsasnd tnsln-l with laaiws--TUI
tbadarlUibt puxd asrnr.
Eanh bad th brnin ha loved tb boat,
Aad know then all Iota?;
Aad whaa we bear toe rburrh aaUsebaaa,
Thee Uvea that fair old Handar !.
Whtla la oar dreams the swmt retraia
Of Ion; aea mM hark acara.
riaval hrott kUaea la New York laf,
Hh4 aad Hair af lafMaa.
Th head of Infanta should not
waabad la broad T, whisky, apiriuof
born or other aliraulating waabea. Taay
4s no Rood, eausc pain, and may so irritat
Um t dar scalp aa to raus dana
For aleansing th head, soap aad sratar,
ar water with a littl boras la It, are
that Is neolad. After waahlna; Um aealp a
soft hair brush should ba osrd. Tbla will
remove any dirt or dandruff, aad will not
Irritat tbr skin aa a eomb would be likely
Tb hair of bnib boys and arla aboold
b kept short till tor 9 years of ai. This
will conduct) torleanlinfwa; prevent airraat
deal of trouble in combing and waabinr.
will Imv no harbor for th abominable
creeper to which children ar exposed,
and br kerning th hand cool will reader
children lra liable to th Inflammatory
affections of the brain, to which they
stroniilr predisimad at their Um f Ufa.
Tbua managed, tb hair will b smooth
and flnesv. and anrnmuIaUoos oa th
sealo will be prevented.
Tb custom of pnuins caps on Infaaca
barinK been abolished by all wall infewmad
peaple. It t hardly nsrritaary U aay that
th practice shoald be abandoned by all,
as tb bead la warm enonch withoot th
eap, la very likely to be to warm wdta U,
aad In Ibis way eaosint tae
tions to which children are
Kail's Journal of Health.
Taa Ufa far a Slagwiv
"What ia tb beat fond for a alns r ts a
oesUon very often asked of ma, and f
all profetsuonal sing-Ts. I reply, Th
plainest food Is by far th beat." Good,
plain, but aoorWIiinK fond; fortbatlsU
beat for health, and to b wall in baaita I
to be well ra vu, and (rood health at ao
solutely uiff'aaary for good ainglng. Soas
few thine ahould beiiuralyavoiiid,saeh
a nnta, for instance, which affect tb
throat aa well aa th dlgmtlon. To lead a
regnlariif la also absolutely esaen tial, aad
yoang-aad Indeed ail-arUatea, If tbey
wish 10 excel, moat Uv for their art alone,
aad moat arte op a great many plaae
wtm? but If this, aa It should do. aabla
th aruaw to baosm , tha they will
bav their reward for all aacriOoaa.
To bs artistes they s hem Id II as artistes
go whenever possible to hear aad to as
flee singing and On acting; tndsaror t
ea fine piet urea, do atatnea; read atr
books and th biographies of great ma
aad great historical characters; t Uv, to
t-t in aa atmosphere of art aad of Intel
lect, which will help tsra far mora Uaa
as first they may b dtepot to Uuak I
their own art 1st 10 career.-Mm. Albas
Gy In Lstdlea' Horn JoaraaL
Aa Aatoaaatls raw Bealar.
An antomaUe machine, which forma,
Alls, wehh and aeals parCAgea,) beiag
lotrodoced iota boosea where UrgaquaaU
lias of fin cat lobswan, soda, atarah. etc,
ar put np. Tb operation of th maaala
an enrioaa and novel lo vry partiflar,
ad jri. quit simple. Tb mac bin coa
sisu of a series ol forming block, iwosb
taclea, folders. gumers and feeders, all
wwrking ia harmony, as that U packages
ar being smoothly and eoaUwnoaaly pr
ducad. The forming blocks oooaaatvvly
aiasth paper, which Instantly aft ward
b wrapped amand them, folded aod ram
med at Um end. l b paper eecka are Uaaa
phtoged into rerrptaclea, filled, foldad a
top aad eraled. Th manifea saving la
labor thus effected woold aacot to warraal
th claim of the inventor that U tb ma
chin la worked to Its fall rapacity It will
pay for ilsaif la 27S working day. New
York Telegram.
twiaaaw's Eartr Pssra.
rjand Belasro. tb alayw riant, says: "la
bst eartr dsrs 1 ased to bs tndeJaUgabl
la bnoginc plr of mia to maaage'
On msn'g-" I sure1ed of nevrr reading
any play, so I tried a trick oa him. Oa
day I g bias a roil of blank paper Had
with red ribbna. He recelvad U roll po
ii.j. .-A mid as ta call ia two weaka. I
eailad aa b had rsoeMd. aad b said b
had rMd tb play, bat teas anrortnaaaaiy
It wouldn't da Then I alowty narollad ta
blaak paper before hta ryea, held t p t
him and eojored tb eomedy aitaaUoa."
itw Tor Heraid.
a aim (hall wtta RlablT T
rurman. th fVofeh giant of th tlm tl
J&1 a II. meaaared but two line lea tbaa
U fee Ins-baa. Chevalier Scwj, to BJa
aemaat of th voyage to the pea Tew
enffa. r taat to opening a of ta se
pulchral eareme tbey (ouad a kamaa stall
watch meaaiired four faUatreunittnn,
asaj was a an wM wWa
'Don't look so erUved. mv darling."
b whisper fundly. prraalog her
hand between bulb. Lit own. "Think
of th lun and harry future that
lies twfor you. with ni forever
a your alar. Th tlm will com,
Xedlne, when yon will at rv.ard any
ties but the on that blnda m to you.
Tlrs of hum and kindred will b aa
bauiflit besid IL Thiab buw, erhapa,
you give me your heart uuilllut;ly,
then yuu will lot even aa you ar be
loved. Oh, that that glad hour wer
blended with Ibis!" Ha pre,' hit tip
ecstatically In the hand h still hold.
Ilia whlr far grows bright with th
altertlnn that glims within him. Then
one word that he baa used rvlunia to him
with unplmwttit fore. "I'nwlllltig,"
hegnrnn miistnc'y. fmwning sllghUy.
"Yes, you are unwilling to give me your
"Ah, no!" sATeahe gently, and with
troubled air of tinixtlalntr; "I am not
nuwllllng. Yon muinke me. I would,
with all my soul, that liouhl lov ymi a
you dnairr, and is-rlmiM, lndird. In
time" site boitalrs, a though lost
in a lalivnnili of aiiu(nl ihouglit. "No,
I am not una illliig." sli- ri-iNvta again,
feeling how g.l a llilng II ouM lx fur
her eonld hr Indeeil olditcrnie from her
mind all the ! dear t-a-t ami give her-
self enlln ly to this Innn. "You Hak aa
though I am olwtiiiiiiWy w Ithbolillug
something as If you Ih IictcI you wer
robbing me of Hie lo-nrt ou which yot
set aurb store, lint It is not so. What
ever else ynu may have stolen, It w4t not
my love. You rnnnot steal that; tint
aome day, pertHia, I shall give it to you."
rreoccuiilcd aa she is with and and
hurtful memory, she I mused to present
life by tb ruriou glnnre and start that
follow on ber speech, lhith are subdued
as suddenly aa they ranie, and Annurley
one more regards her it 1th only th ar
dent look of allii tlon tflat In fore waa his;
but Nailln cannot furget that they were
there. Has he heard of Mr. Dnrau Has
Nadine's acquaintance with him com to
hi ears? Doe h susert I hi ran of
being th thief who haa stolen from him
bis love's heart? Shs feels a littl cold
and sick with anxiety as she wait for
his next word. They reasHure her.
'You glv ni fresh life," h say.
"Sum day, liided, lb lov I crav shall
b mine. And now." glancing at hi
watch. "1 fear our last moment haa com.
Now I must bid yon farewell, uel the
happy Ume that will se to now with
you, with our near marriage only a tew
hour distant. Good by, my darling, my
Ileal belovel 7'
Not a lirlng soul Is In sight. Folding
her rlcsiely In hi arms, he holds fu-r to
him as thongh he could never again
suffer her to go. 81. feels th reality,
tb wild rartuwliuw of his lov at this
ilistaut aa ! never lx (or rralited It
8uftened, suNlud by It, the gently re
turns hi emhrarw, and then stands back
from him.
"Yon will think of me kindly, lov.
ingly breathe he with passional en
treaty. "Sweet heart I If you could only
know how hard It Is to part from ynu for
even these few durst Nadiue, have pity on
nir.niid try to love me in my absence. Tbey
say 'Niim-hr make the heart grow tou
der;' prove the saving true. Alas! how
fatally honest your sweet eye ran be.
There is nothing in them for ni noth
flng but pity! Well, even that I lietler
than a few other thing I could name-
it is at k st akin to love. Hut hare yon
no sorrow lo that we must part' Ar
yon cold alwayV Suppose we should
never meet ngnln after this hour never
In all our yeura on earth would not this
move you Why, not Ynu look bewil
dered, but not sad. It I th last mo
ment! I cannot see yon strain to-night
bei ause lsraiiH of Never mind
that, l.ood-by. my pretty girl!"
(Jure again he folds her In hi arm.
Otire sun in h paaslnnntely presses bis
lip to hrt.
He release hT.
"This fear of mine Is folly," b whis
per heavily. ' It Is but for week or
two. We shall meet nunln, to know no
other parting tare death!"
II guide her quickly on he backward
way lo where agniu the gates loom large
and dark. Into a rah outside he put
tier, lay his face for an Instant against
her palm, and then Is lost among th
growing mists of the night.
Now, and only now, Nadln remem
ber how ah had forgotten to tell him of
the projected visit to Yalwnrtb Iarkl
A sweeping lawn; broad terraces; far
away aa the eye ran are a gleaming,
swayinir ocean, nelilnd the lawn a back
ground of giant firs that blot out the sky
In that direction, anil throw Into brilliant
relief the w hit clad figure turning to
and fro upon the tennis ground.
Oerald Masaareene, having Ifiat his
game, flings his racket to th wind, and
throws himself proneat the feet of Na
dine Horde.
"Pretty place, eh?" anyi lie. "Sooth
ing to the nerve after the town fever'"
Then looking at her and marking the ex.
treme n-pos of her hearing, that almost
borders upon lassitude, he aay gently,
8li brightens np with an effort and
smiles st hliu in her kindest fashion.
Her thoughts are tangled her mind per
turbed. Doth are far from th busy
erne before ber. A sense of despair, of
inability to move In the path that
stretched out so temptingly to her view,
haa saddened her eye ami given
mournful enrv to her lieautifnl month.
Her days passed ber with Maurice Duran
have been infinitely sweeter to her than
ever she bad dreamed tbey might be. The
very nraroeeHuf their companionship bad
bad It charm, and though no word of
love had ctane from bla lips. sUll, eyes
ean speak whea words ar forbidden; and
though honor render on dumb, who can
prevent the sense of gladness that come
with the tow h of on belovedr
gwoet days! too sweet to Utxd
swift aa sweet A whule fortnight baa
gons by two week crowded with such
exquisite recollections aa will (unhap
pily cling lo ber for all her life. And
now It Is the lOt h to morrow will be the
night of th grand ball, given In honor of
CapU !yl's birthday, wbolsexpected to
arrlv about an hour before It open,
and then Another cruelly bllaaful
week, perhaps. nd after that return to
town, aiid-4 hurried welding) Then
xila from all that haa mad Hi not only
endurable but perfect.
Sometime a thought of I'aul Annerley
ha crossed ber mind, but, a a rale, aha
has resolutelv put all remembrance of
htm far from her. Hie had told herself
that this one holiday at l-t should be
ber own Afterward bt oblivion, let mis
ery eome. but Just f the few happy
dn she would Ut utter Joy hold swaf.
She bad beard nothing id her fntur hus
band since h. r departure, and If at Ume
it had orrurr-d to h-T as strange Utat h
had not written to her from those for
eign cities whil her bis search of th rob
ber of the famous sajiph ire led him, th
en of relirf In not having to writ to
him swallowed np all such wonder.
How should I feel Hred?" sh y
ow, sm:Ur at Oraid Maesareeoe, wb
baa becitne qitt a friend of ber.
It baa fonnd la her aa ally, certain
partisan, who dendc tb notion of MliU
rent s ver consenting to fviiOU br lov
les engagement to fpt. IVyl wbU
her heart is f.imto aaof Ler. That other,
rt scrsuhsd at th rry K'
feM, u nn wimcg to accept bar reaa
tog f th situauoa Tkottg k MlUleeM
Barj has oecn somwaa utuu
nndtnund. a UtUevsgu In ber answvrs,
a ttlfl wlUIul, to a d.r a loatked
degr avers to being bronght to in
point, stiU Mr. Msaren 1 inclined to
believs Is ttiecreed of hit pretty con fldnt
when she detlan- her if ready to arurm
publicly her belivf in the constancy of hit
fair. If rather trylug, lov.
Well. I'm glad you ar not," say n
aaantl). alluding to her assertion tha
ah knows 110 Mtii'ie. -jo-nign
there will t an Inmix of guests, or
dered. Ilk the suriar, for to-morrow
night, and It would not uo to u in povi
form. You look pale, however "
"Are mauy t-oudngt" "Knotign w
niak ua put on our lest bib and tucker
aod our choicest manners. You will
hav to make your Very let bow to th
lord lieutenant of the county, and to
smirk at a voiithful if very famous gen
eral. The only thing lo 1 careful about
la not to overdo It to-nlu-lit; to rrinrmlr
that the morrow will bring th Mg
Nautch, and to reserve sum smile for
th hero of th hour."
He speaks with soul hllternesa.
"Tomorrow night will bring ('apt.
Poylo." She looka at hi 111 softly out of
ber sercn eye. "Io not let that mak
you tiuhnppy. Ill presence lueana less
than nothing, luileetl, I Iwlleve It will
do your cause gissl."
"Sweet prophetess! I would I dared
share vour crerd."
"What cre.-d'" asks Duran, who ha
Joins. 1 ihein unseen. Q
"A belief Miss haa In thVun
conquerable power of love," re die Maa
areetie ga)ly, spriugiug to his feet and
rruaslug the rl.xe turf towhevhran
see Millicent stamling, for one, alone.
"And so you believe In lov' tiiuuio
trncy," sa Duran, gazing at Nodiu
with calm searching eyes. "YouV
"There la stirprte In your tone and
doubt. Why should I not hold such a
creed'" rvturns she steadily, though ber
Up have grown wry pale.
"I cannot snsvter thai here. Will yon
com with me to the Klrwoodf I shall
not keep you long, and I mutt speak to
you. IM uot refuse me, Aatllna. in is is
prolmhlr th last hour we shull ever hare
together. 1 leave the park the day after
She had shrunk a little from him when
first he appealed to her, but a hi plead-
tug grew stronger, mot Impassioned, ab
mm. With her eyes dowu.ast, and her
color failed to a pallor that bvspok au
anguished heart, she moved besid hint
to th wood he hal mentioned.
I'rewntly they enter It Th eternal
greenness of it sura li.-r bltssl one more
to an admiration that mus.- her and
compels her return to Hie iuimediat
presont, Kver since sh had obeyed bis
word, and Ttcn and fnllnweil hltn hither,
sh had been In a kind of waking dream
Hint had la-en too sweet to permit her Now, however,
that sh la fully awake to her danger aa
well a to her pain. It I Um tat to with'
draw from a tvte-a tela, that all fels
ninst rive her soul.
Duran, stopping abruptly beneath the
spreading brunches of a huge Scotch fir,
lays hi batiil upon ber urtu thus arrest
Ing her footstcim alo.
"If lov lie Indeed nil powerful how It
It that I bat e fmU'dr" be arks In a low
ton. "No ov was ever stronger than
that I bear for you, und yet It luia been
of no avail when tmiteliol sgnlnst th
harrier that stands hetwern you and m.
Has It been my fault, or is It that th
love should be equnl on both tides, and
that ytiur fulls Ixdow the niarkr'
She luwl been standing Vith lowered
Uds anil trembling hands, but now, as
though forced to it aguitist her will, ah
looks at him. Her large, iliirk, mournful
eyes arti full of a reproach mute, but so
terrible that his heart enms warm within
him. Alas! burr clearly in tliisie melaO1
chnly rye Is her pure love lying.
"It is true, then! 1 have your love," he
says, always In a low voice, but none the
Irs ecstatically; "and If so, my nearest,
why will yon rrpulo lite Ah! have
pity on me, If you will not on yourself!
Think think liefor you swrltlce ut
both to a mini liken ene of duty."
"I have given niy word," aay Nadlne
"my promise."
"A word a promise lietter broken.
Bee here, my lore, 1 hare lived mauy
years longer than you. Too many." b
says after a pause, Unit Is filled with re
gret for those pait hours w han he had
not known her, and w hen another had
borne his name another unloved aud
nndeslred, "I rnnnot lsnr tothlnk what
year lis betvrreu your hlrthduy and
mine; but atlll my very sge gives m th
right to speak. I It good that yen
should surrendrr all your happiness to
one for whom j on have no real regard,
just becau.H you once gave hi in a hope
to that effect! Nay, there I no loyally
In that, lietter let liim go than Uv to
repent tb bargain be has made."
"There la my word," persist sb,
meekly hut earnestly. "I racnot take
that bJk; aud he, too, love me. I
lure ma so well," declares shs with ri
Intuition that has revealed to her tl.
real passion of the man whom she h
promised to marry, "that 1 think It
would kill him did I now prov false."
"You are very tender toward hlml"
xrlaimtb bitterly. "Ilut of mrf how
is It with nief No, I shall not diet 1 am
not made of such brittle stuff as this
other lover of your. I shall probably
Uve, even though yoq forsake me; but
what of my lifer Is It to be all barren all
wasted? Have yon no pity left for met"
"AlasLls it kind to torture met'' says
sh, will? such ft forlorn glanr a otic
more reduce blm to a furgvlf ulneas of
self, and to the old passional regret for
"It Is kind. If my cruelty can rescu
yon from the Slough of Deipond Into
which yon now are drifting It Is mors
than kind. Whatl will yon live out all
your fmsb young Ufa without a Joy ail
hope Nadme. I Implore you to pause-"
"It Is too late." She lays her pain. s
upon her bosom and retranls blm wl'h
blanched cheeks "Uhl If I had only met
yon aiwuer; but now now"
"Your words arc au acknowledgment f
yonr love for mt" eric be, casting 5 a
arms about ber "I will surrender yen
to no man. Naditiel Heloredl Do nit
shrink from tie do not seek to unloose
my anna."
'I mnst," soli sb vehemently.
"nr I not told yon that all this come
too later 11 am to b married In fort
night." It Is his turn to shrink, to pale. II
open bl arms Instinctively, and let her
draw bark fmm him with quivering lift,
and trembling Unit that almost relua to
support her.
' I will not believe It." fa say at last
hoarsely. "A fortnight To give yonr
if Ixxly aod soul if, on for whom y a
are raring noibg In a
Child! Darling! Ssy It Is not tm."
"I cannot"1 She baa burled her face
In ber hands.
(to ss corns n
Tb ladlaas' Hegatd far Saaksa,
Tb North American lodian will not
kUl anak to I'r I:h. Tbey bold it
to reverence, l although tbey aelsct
g at camber" of them to ns in their
sake dance they never kill then, tot
when tb cwretuony i finished tak
taent oat on the plan. and release tbeta.
bom Zutd Indian from Nw Alaxico
nth whom 1 becsm acquainted re
fuse); to repeat Uteir folk lor oat of
ijrn tor fear th rarCaatuui would
baw thm. ML J ielA,Q .
f I wee fair!
If thad littl haada and fsstt
tl lo ur rbsrts Iks o.of rich and asraat
Cane at a wcri as t !j'-t st a frcsraj
If I bad ellafiiif curls ! Iirn..i.d brawai
If I had drsamr M-w with nulls.
And fraceful iimtM. aad brstt sinuh wlltsv
It 1 svrs fair. Uv sou.a .! tura ssida
LUs's lata, se barru. auuld b Uuad aad
If I wer fslrl
If I r fsir!
Pwrhsps llksnibrr msidsus I ndht hold
A true heart's sloes ut 1 rwl aad taaisd fuld.
Lei sail ea li-suir, lb-ash mtl Lots
aUaia, J
It sarins lo nts. for asutit mltit wait aloB.
tint leaatsrhsrm is slnH.s-, and ls vlisl
1 1 asislle win hser ( hsv shr wsia.
If I r fair n.t tests aould aeon sa fs
Llf would unfold irl .i turss tv ua vlsw.
If I were (sirl
If I wer fsirl
IVrhstw t bs bsl.r, sub a scream of Joy,
Torlssp mv se. k sotiM throw asav Its toy.
Aad ni.1 us dimples in mv ahlnlna hair,
IWwI.drr'd hr I list mass of story tberrl
Ittit aow siti, shad.iw of a ouus girl's fsret
l arolot'd 111" tlisl I'sla's cold Auger Irat sl
Vo altl not blauM thsihlld a bos bauds
ct.sw, -
Not lb blls-hted bad, hut 00 Ibsross
bo 1 11 u aad (sir.
If I wsr fair!
Oh. Just a littls fair, lib soma soft loach
A bus 1 my far lo story II mucul
If aoon abuua'd iur prearneoor my kiss.
XI y heart wvuld aluiusl hrrsk usooath
TIs said each rllicrlra shsll attala his fssl.
And perfsel light sltail tt.t raeh blindsd soul
m lia dsy's Bush axusrs Into sunsst s tars.
Aad amhl Is brr. And lliro bsyuud tb Mars
I shsll Iw fair!
-Edith Km ler In lnda Kssrtator
Far f aad la t'oagrsss.
The act o( Congress authoriiing the
examination ol th baking pjwdere has
resulted In a most unprecedented com
pliment to the Itoyal liaking l'owder.
The teeta were mad In th givernmeat
laboratory at w ashlngton, and th offi
cial report show that th Koyal Is su
perior to all other In leavening strength
being over 30 per rent, above th av
erage. The repirt also shows the purity
of tli Koyal l'owder and the wholesome-
ue of it Ingredient.
This I prolstbly th highest compli
ment of na official character ever paid to
a proprietary article, thongh more
than th great army ol baking powder
oomamers woa'd eipect in belvalf ol
their old friend and favorite.
Th result ol th oillcial examination.
a thus determined, will, of coure, make
the " Koyal " the standard lor govern
ment purchase.
"o :
Th onion ho a virtue to which thou
sands of ts'ople will swear. This is it
ability to ward off attacks of malaria in
any form, aud to cure rase aa rapidly
aa th strongest dM-s of quinine.
There are times when men liar to b
treated like children, when they are very
til, for instance, or when they ar in Im
minent danger which must t averted
Brat and explained afterwards.
Ther are not a few who think them
stives lucky if at tbjt dinner hour they
ar able to allay the i-mel pangs of hun
ger with philosophic pipe.
Th unequaled success of Allcoc's Po
aot t Pltsbs as an rtternal remedy has
Induced unscrupulous psrtles to offer lni
tat ions, which thrv endeavor to sell on tw
reputation of Ancocx's. It Is sti ahsurllty
to sprsk of them in the same category as
tne esiinin porous niasisr. ineir iireirn
aious r unloiinded. their vaunted merit
uiiauiuiorlcd hv facta, their alleged super!
only lo or equality with Am w i'i a false
pre tens.
Th ablest medical practitioner and
rhwnlfts and tliuusandsof grateful patients
unite in declaring Au rora's Poaors li -
tks th best external remedy ever pro-
du()l. Q
Hewar of iinllalioiav and do not 1m d
reived by nilsrepafseiilation. Ask for All
cm 'a, snd let no solicitation or eiplana-
tion induce you to accept a substitute.
Dnastp wtll Vary snoa di without pmptf vsa
t-rll-llnn nf lha A.roat and hosrssnsa
immediately relieved by "iinnrsi'l hrotukial
I roraei
A bird thai eaa't sing and will slug ild bs
nada lulo a pot pi.
10) RKWAHII !$.
Tb reader of this awrwlll b pleased to
leara that ttisrs Is sl least oa dreaded dlsssss
tlisl Suiss e has bsan abl in etirs la all lis
stares, snd last is tsUrih. Ilss talarrb Cars
Is ths oolv smmIIIvs aan saowu to tbs sswlh'sl
irslsmllr ( slsnb hvlns a constitutions! rils-
ass, mi 11 less s oonstliuiluoal Irssttnenl. lis 1 1 s
Cstarrh Curs Is lso liiterually, s llns lilrwily
uistu lbs blaod slid mucous sutlai'ssof tb
Ism. thereby ilrslroyini lh loandalln ol the
dlsssss sad (ivini um paiieiil sirensia ey uuuu
In up ths roiistltuilou and as-lstlns aslurs la
dolus Its wars. Iba ha.s so mueb
IslUi In iu eumilTo nowsrs ibsi ihsy oflVr oas
Muudrsd laillars for auyoas that II Isils to
cars, ssnd lor nil 1.1 tesuiiinuis.s. a-iorsss
r. J. I'HKNKY 4 I ! , Tolsdo, O.
old by drvMlslsisi rsskv
Now I th tlm to treat catarrh of Ion
standing. Kly's Cream Hal in reach old
nd oltlnt case, where ll other reme
dies fall. lo not neglect procuring bot
tle, as In it lie th relief you a k.
K'll. II. Fairall. D. D.,lllor of tb
Intra !lrtaoful, says editorially: " W hav
tested the merit of Kly's 'ream Ilsltn.snd
believs that by a thorougn Count of treat
ment It will cure almoal vry case of ca
tarrh. Minister aa a class ar uncled
with bead and throat trouble, and catarrh
seems more prevalent than vr. W can
not recommend Ely Cream Palm too
Apply Balm Into esch nostril. It Is
quickly ehaorhad. Oive relief at ono.
Price, oO oent al druggists' or by mail.
Ki V UsoTHEas,
M Warren Btreet, Nrw York
Dm BnsjaallD eior rolUk: aadasi, a ssssll.
1-1 tWI sussadf sr iwswra
I 1 K smsss IHa sa '"- I
U .itr.":sr U
uihicrjfniiV oiy
otlbe ujoiStcej
of p&in
mt riRT law or hatirb.
fi4 'p. tltl JoH MffalDftt th flMHaKhfl 01
'11 tftmill BIMllCtll Mlrtjtl, BMX'rwstl
Ui I'T t"inrli-rttf fili'1 lh MUVtltlU Ul Iht4s
llM'l, a it.. 1 4 m hm 1. Hltrtl.-o ul U9 lion
i ( ih a)n g, ia ifi ut in turv piof mu4
v iiuim lo iiHir An oil g 11 niUiliiM. t
ihm tnittili t'l li. b 4tlillrr Mti M h Hit
lrt Blf iftlt ftUrni I'ftilt ( thill, tllwrfttsr. fi tb
kvltlltrM sititl t.a1lfr mtw 1 1 u tit I III lb Ut
niai rtll aittl vahtUI urwmt tMscitiisit y nhtii o
bt nnln r mtii. 1 h Httn r-n im1
111 iui-tn- thriti N.Uttmii)) U imiitfrr lUaii
Ihlft. ( tvett mi l)m uuU l ftittl sfrais)U uUf, thm
ttrvt n)iiili tilt. I tar ,it tt1 IhU invllf ii
. ! rtUftUi il.rr i flu ( if lilt, roftltUii,
lIlu, tn.Urla, ibruiuatltia auti urnruu-
In ili' lbs fsm Iv.
Ass u.siirr of course. Ibis I uo slry llbsl
Krs4riel divorce.
mrtt Ki Ain rii.E cvrbd.
WspialtlTsir curs ruptur. nils snd all ree
.: .Ilsssaes without i-sin or d. Isntlon from busi
nasa ho curs, no iwr Alan all Pre-o u dls-
"sss. Addrraa f.-r pamph el lira. IHinereld A
ussoy, ait asits! sirvet. eau rrauclsca.
A man la Ilk s Nn: tfiefa Is ha ntish In blm bs baa a fud head.
For gentlemen's fine kanga
roo shoes Watson's Peerless
Polish has no equal. Will pre-
serve and make them wear
longer. Ask your shoe dealer
for It.
TaY nsstiBA for break faat.
The Crip Twice
"I hS I.Sl ths SrlM ths laat twa wlmtaaa
Last w I met It priNtistcl ms so that 1 bad M
sirenttn snd could n .t
do my Work. I sat
wsi and rrlrst
issy times, I sat so Mus
addlseotirsae.1. hs I
great pain in my hark
aad aeriasi my kidneys
aad thiotifti sir studs
body. 1 slra hs.1 bsd
Much. Ilnral'a lUtuu
till Inst about savsd k
Bar III. It sits ms Itr. tiarau
traufth so that I nurd dn my work aod aaad
well, i shsll aJasya bs a warm
Hood's l:o Cures
hisnd to Hood's Ssrsai-arllla 1 dn ul
saythlnf baiter tors family ms.tlflna" Ms.
kmis i Lisa, w siniprtnn vtllstre, K. L
H. B.-Be sure to ret Hood's sarssnarllla.
MOOD'S PUIS purely vr(, psiUotlt
tsrinl.aa alaa rel'aMs and ts-nefleisl.
r- t
rores Coaanmptlsa, t'onghs, t'rowa. Mar
Throat. S.IS by sll lsirsio rnia (tuarasisa.
C'srs lass HmU, llstk stt'haw hiTob's Part
Mrs T. H. llswkliai,i'hattan.w.Trn.,sayi
-hm.'i iit.iiLwe'wdi tf) wr Lire.1 J
tmtuler U fhshrst renwilviS-atlcnia.1 siawem,
I free usrd " Kor llrsnepsla, Uvwr OT sUdney
trouble iteieols. Pnoeltoia,
llavyou aiarrhr lYy thl Mismady. llwll
.. . i i . . ai This In
trs-tur for Its successful treatment Isrunilahas
frsav tUilloh Hrme.Ho are uid by tl oa
euarantaw to gtv aaUatautksa.
TUC Best
In tbo
Tlis M-ll lilt Ml Kl.ll'K r.a Is warraslad MM
se.sT. si-t will ferp jauitry In llis saro-st alflrav. atn
i-w ll.sMl.l. al l' b LM Is s sni I rMu aal si
k.anthariilraas.l.l. HaaafatS ualtams. l4i I
Itsnr a l II tla -1 i.b Hrat4" Is swl mo H. Illars
lr. ('. I. ir. A.J ToWIK, ll.alia. Ml
" I am Past Master bere and keep
btore. I hav kept August Mower
for tale for some time. I think it is
splendid medicine." E A. Bond,
P. M., Pavilion Centre, N. V.
The stomach is the reservoir.
If it fails, everything fails. Tbt
liver, the kidneys, the lungs, tbt
heart, the head, the blood, the nerves
all go wrong. If you feel wrong,
look to the stomach first Put that
right at once by using August
Flower. It assures a good appetite
and a good digestion.
7r CCA ot 1,1 qoallty ean eve
-tJfliijLL I sani by msll. May
nap yuu auuw n. By freight, prapakd II
preferred, weship salely 4, 6 or 0 It, treee t
J-yr K eeol rareiclloc,evrythlng 1
Ton actually ay lee than for th pony
WT. 1,0 0 ai re Norarne. SJ OOlacree
Uiclianl. Kiait Information a boot tree
and fruit. Mark Hro , Louisiana, Mo.
"If n laths set ananaM
l-aulins raanar Sue sll la.
qnsaiaral StaSarfaa aa4
Sfl.siaslaiiwstass. i
fanaiaean toe lbs a1rl
iatlaf wsata
ss w.iaaaa
I ptasensattsa fst sail
e ia raena-asaaalas It at
U ss.ars.
S I (T')sJI(l,9.BtMiam
rStlt-B SUUaVw.
Tho Spoclflo A No. I.
OsV wltlwmi ssll. SM sasni nl tl.aarW
taatM m',4 Claaa, so anatlf "t U.m
ac..lli.. t'viita slrV iur. H b-lr.y an U-t-n.l
nasr. t-rsi.svaartaih ass
Laal.ilMl K.I.I Sr all tWiawSMa
Ma.ifarSsraea IbsA.H, .-mm. sal,'
f-,s. aa-ea. -"
lOTUUI flttjm bT aWgt.lHM
oinma bunm kk. bK.-Vai-l.ll CO.. st, Unila. ato.
lfn.,;.7Vr s.i v
e-uubni.un v-k -aj
t Jr- Jr" i
g tfam.issl s-s a J
V I TsTksaQsT i'
sssaCasWaas 1
s s mm ss a. aaaa, ass SS. saaav saaa Th Vsary rwrnSfkabl wd eTti
VV C J.lI A INT ri f givwt wamsa hy UOUHK B
it the name o( Womao's Frieitd. It 1 - , l atutortnly Mee
fal in relieving th bsvrkacho, hesvdacbae f I L J Hl asss
which harden audi shorten a womsa's ills, T.o a a d t
ol women testify Iur It. It rlU ri fassalth and srngth
nd mk life a plaaawir, JOB. SAJLI IT ALL
man ltvtxo.
If yew kse t It, Is apt to ua apo
th liver. Tb things to prorwat
this ar Dr. rVro riomsant FsLWta.
Tak on of tbss littl rVLWU for
corrective or gentle laxative tare
for a cathartic. They're tb small
sat, sssnsst ta tak, pleasant! snd
most natural la th way tbey act.
Tbay do pern laaawi good. Coostt
paUoo, Indigestion. Bilious Attacks,
Hick or Bilious Ilsadarb, aad all
rangmnU of th liver, stomach,
and bow) are prsTsoUd, rllvd,
and cured.
Thay're guaraafawal to firs sstia.
ut every cass, or your saoooy bl
Th worst cases of Chrouio Ca
tarrh in th Head. yiU to Dr.
SaK't Catarrh Remedy. So car
tain is it that iu makra offer 300
reward for an incnraLU case.
-WILL FIND A rt'tX U! Of-
Printing Material and Machinery
tat sal st lewasl priess snd mnst adranUf sou
terms at
Palner & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front tod Aider Streets,
Writs for prli ss and larmi btlors baring sle-
"the mm Bia,"
A monthl' journal of spe
cial interest to Printers,
Reporters, Editors and
If you don't receive it
and wajit it, write
Palmer & ReyType Foundiy,
WIU rnt i,rf Orsea
Boose, It rat, ortstle sad all.
orsoa Cut HiiNa will
don th namlarr ol ass
will mala tliam mue lor
Ills will carry tlis ksu
aslelT Uirmifb ths smiIUii
wrlial and put la
oiielllloa Hi lay wbsa
romman I ths till haa price
ad will ouvaaitie jroat
chick Isaesf tuaa aay
echsr food.
Pse4 ttrsast Unas tsd
se t'rssssssas lo kill
th Ilia, and Joa will maa
AUt per anal awn profllt
Sand tot Calalosa a4
rmuni ocubitci coin, rniini. ul
The Sower
Ferrys Seed2
I ftsMlsTsalM mil Htm Iss.stk U4 tst4
' MtwertMl( UI MMsr Bf4
hm9 IV mt tW t WNiila
' aft. a f CMBT S lm K tM-Wl
Hepcules Gas Enninu
Ta Clussisst lUllsal am Ksapw
Par Btasplsstty It Beats Us WaHaV
It ell Itssvlf rrwaa a Hssrvt.
St Carfcwratar to gat aat ar araoa-.
X Battarla ar Klsatrio Spa raw
tl roas aitk a tasaff.r rean of nmiBsa laaa assy
sssaff Kuaiaa.
as ro cavasaora Va
ALMCR A REY, MaHuracrvaiaa,
4H tM Crs. Ut Frsataa, bl
Bt:t is the World'
Eet ths Eesoise!
f (jT Out e Issam asks
fM O rsmm.
5 O