The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 18, 1893, Image 4

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    kugene City Guard.
n:n. 1H.
Cotintrr ! i'itjr
The Telegram p.rorista:.jr r
mnrkj that the "anything t Unt
Portland U suicidal jwlicy.'
Whatever tend to create and build
up a great citjr at our doom, in-
Iirovea our country, renders mur
;tU for the products of tho Ur
men, and increasa tlio gii-ral
prosjrity. Portland is d.ntim-d
to be a gnat city, and we of the
country may bo thankful that it is
located to near u. With it
growth and rosH-rity our will
keep ace. The btvf, mutton, veal,
iHrk, etc. of our stock grower will
be used to feed her hungry thou
sand!. The housewife may dm
oee at good nriet-s of her butter,
egg! and poultry. The horticul
turist and gardener will there find
a ready market for their fruit and
vegetable. The unemployed labor
in the country may often llnd em
ployment in the city. The mer
chant and business man can buy
at lei rales and on more favorable
terms in a proiperou city than in
one kept back and contemned by
country prejudice, or her own mow
We do not wish to lo compiled
to go to Seattle, Han Francisco or
New York to trade when a metrop
olis can be built up at our very
djor. Uuild up I'ortUnd and you
build up Oregon. This i wpecial-
IT irue no ir mm mu huwiuuh . . . .. i ..... mi
alley is concerned. Their inUr-fV'l'"'''.' - 'I--est.
are reciprocal. The ,le of " -'1 T. 1 J '''
the city and ralley should appre
ciate this, and not allow jealosies
having no real foundation to work
to their mutual detriment.
i '
The investigation of the whisky
trust, by the house judiciary com
mittee, has brought out omo inter
esting facts concerning the adulter
ation of liquore. Hy tho use of es
sential oil, essences and coloring
Onatter, an eiert quickly produced
whiskies, rums and gins, similar to
those that are placed on the market
and sold as pure goods. The basis
of this product was sn odorlcM and
colorless liquor, known to the trade
as "spirits, and worth about 1...0
per gnllon. Hy the use orcom
Hounds worth." say, one snd o:.
half cents, he produced a gallon of
liquor that would sell as liigli as
14, and the statement was made
that the production of adulterated
goods represented one half the en
tire liquor business of the country
euch goods being largely, no
doubt, sold by misrepresentation.
No act of President Harrison's
adminhitration will cover him
with more glory and add to hi en
during fame, than tho annexation
of the Sandwich Inland, which it
appears ho has determined to ac
complish during the last days of
his term. The acquisition of ter
ritory made by former presidents
are tho brightest laurel they wear.
Florida, tho Iouilaua purchase, by
which claim was drat laid to Ore
gon, Texas and the Mexican pur
chase, Alaska, territory of inestima
ble value were all acquired hy pur
chase or conquest, and add fame to
the presidents under whose admin
istrations they were annexed. The
voice of the country will supjH.rt
President llarrixion in his etiorts
to acquire these fair islands of the
Pacific, the key to tho commerce
between America and Asia in eaie
of war.
There is one point that will
never be forced through the com
prehension of the Wall street hank
ers and other financiers for the
benefit of the rich. That is that
the present drain of gold for the
purchase of silver could cattily be
stopwd by tho passage of a free
coinage bill. Then the holders of
silver ore could do their own coin
ing and the government would
have no resjionsibility. Hut tluy
are not yet willing to listen to the
behests of the jeople, intent as
titer ere in continuing the infamy
of John Sherman's demonetizing
l. !
What is politics coining to?
President Harrison apminU a
Southern democrat to the supreme
bench and now it is stated Cleve
land will appoint a republican,
Judge ti resham, to the moot imHr
tant position in his cabinet, that of
secretary of state. This is an
alarming state of affairs. At pres
ent tho number of o flier is far be
low the demand, and when the re-
Sublicans and populiita join the
emocraU in the ruxh it will be
hard to foretell the result.
The appropriation for the
world's fair is an accomplished f-u-L
It came Iat., but will result in a
creditable exhibit. Governor Pen
noyer vetoed the bill on coititu
tional grounds, but the legislature
was willing to twit the elasticity of
that ancient instrument and paxed
it over the veto.
Some idea of the widespread in
terest in the hoopukirt question
may lie inferred froio the recent in
troduction in the Minnesota legis
lature of a bill to prevent the sale,
manufacture, us or exhibition f
any heopskirt or anything like it.
MroKirlnl aaprrlors In immorv f
Mary Allen Wmt, will U he I, I In It
funitrli:ct flWiyleritii riiiinh in
HuoiUy, Fehruarv 1'Hh it p. in
Aii-Uibrra of the W. '. T. t". an li
to meet, aliortly l fire In tl.
baxxiay school puwu. ,
The MsdiI la l)l,iute.
The Sandwich Mauds are situ
ated nt nearly mi equal ditante
between tho sin-res of America and
Japan, between l'J deg. and Ti
Ueg. north latitude, alxut
miles from ."an r ranti-". 1 m-re are
fiflei-n of them, but only eight are
inhabit"! or inhabitable. The
eight Inhabited inland have a
combined area of 7I'J square
miles; Hawaii lieing the largest,
containing an area of U10 square
Inilcs. Tho Maud wcrediseovered
Janu irv IX. 177. H stat-l up
on apparently good authority that
at that tune tliey comaine! a q
ulatioii of 1'V), but the popula
tion ban since then been constantly
In Ml it was less than !.V),0(K);
in 1S.TJ, i:VV,:i; in W, HW,.7U;
in 1SPJ, 81.1CJ; in IS.'..!, 71,01'J;
in l;(l, r.7,!l7V; in 17, o7,'JH.'
.VJlU of whom were t'hineno and
4.'('.1 whiten, and the eenus of IMK)
hIiows the imputation to have Itwi
ytl.OOO, of which :'.l,l:Hi were no
tives.GlHO half casts, LVW1 Chi
iicm', 12,::C0 Japanese, l'ortu
guee, snd .Villi other foreigners.
This continued ib-cna has been
attributed to the dissolute habits of
the native tMipulution. I'ytil a
eoinpuratively reeent s riod mar
riagu exist"! umoug them only in
name, and is not now much better.
Children were brought up for the
meit part by others thau those
who begot them. Abortion was
common and children were regu
larly put to death during the first
vear of their existence. The native
islands. 15v the census of lV.Klit
was but little more than one-third
of tho total Mipulation, and it is
probably less than one-third ti
day. Of the total trade of the Island
91.18 is with the United States.
The principal pro luctjons are sugar
and rice!. Of tho plantations grow
ing these product Americans own
71.17 er cent. These figures show
that we have a good right 10 take
the Sandwich Islands under our
Tho three transcontinental lines
that tap the Northwest hovo agreed
iimm a freight schedule that is a
considerable reduction.
Tho pro.uinc nt citizen of Ku
geno aro prompt to rescind when
the interests of the city arc bcnclU
ted thereby.
No elect Ion yet III the doubtful lels-
lut in for I'. H. senators.
Jasper Juliet.
February l I MO.
Kverylsxty come to Kunitay wlnsil
next hiiinliiy at Id a. in.
Our ilelmtliig sM'lely Is almost de
funct. The river w illed lias Ihvii on a ram-
paire for severnl luys, l returning to Its
uormiti iiiiiiiiiiiiii.
Atut the only vNIIiIk elfe t of the
shooting mnleli Is that WK lio lollltiT
hear even Usly limgKilig alsiut what
they can ilo al "loo yanls olt-lminl," or
"1'tityanls with a rest." For thin we
an truly Rrateful.
Tliere Wen'thnvapollcalits for teach
er's eerlllUntin fnnu this vicinity.
The JasT Scale Coinany ntvnlly
(hi lareil a 7'ieelil li Itleiul.
lbrn.-To the wife of Ihivid A. Tay
lor, Feh. IMli, a IL'-miiiihI soil.
A. J. riiilllw of KiiKvne, iuuwel
thnui;li this pluiw this wevk. lie says
the railroad extension Is a sure thing
nut fur the prevent we win imve no
shingle mill. However we hopt to set
one smii.
W. ). Will lace made a hiinlmnii trip
In l-aigeno this week, rt'turulng via
Oosheii. .
I lave Taylor Ims purehiiM-l a span of
iiorMesnr r. it. rrieimiv.
J. M. Kirney reNirl eiicoursirlng
saii-s of vuleiitliies, anil eorn,sxiiilliig
Inerraiw III II in fi'Veliuo or tho ssl
olthv. There was quite a raw for 'Mivr" life
here yertTlny. Siliielhing wo seen
eoinliig ilow ii I lie river ami was wen to
IiiikI aenms fniiu tho mill. S'vernl of
Iholsiy went over and fomnl a hvr
Ivlug ilenit under a stump. The ssr
iniiig nan nroKcn us n-g.
Johnny IlilU is llguriug on Ituildiug
a chlekeii linssler.
N'venil teiiehers haw nimie fur the
spring term of sehistl at (his plaiv.
Mr. John Mill of lllg Prairie, mh-I
thniugh here tmliiy on his way home
from visit to l.liin eoiinty.
Mrs. S. IliiiuUiker, of l'Uant Hill,
Is lUIIIng nt this ill) this week.
Alsmt tlilrty-rlve i.f tlu young folks
of this plsiv and rail creek enJoyel a
itlnv nriy sut esmlv pulling at'l. K
Hills lnt 1'rldny night. V are In-
lnnne.1 (list the playing was kept up
until a o elis'K NiluMny morning, aid
alsmt '.iMsik breakfast with Mr. ami
Mrs. HilK
Nun uf nuryming js-op, kttcnded a
dniiecat Mr. iUspy's Sitiinlay night,
nml others stteml.-d a ilaiuv al Mr.
Tsllfero's nt Nstnn th snuie night.
tun. alters Is away on a trip to
A 1 mt.tV .H4TTI.K.
Kktlloi blat n,ktn
WasiiiMiixix, H. ('., KeU lVPr.
Idelit-eleel 1 lexeland has pulilk-ty an
ImUIHItl Ilia- follow lllg eublllel Spsilll
liletiU.: Waller ). inliMin, of Illinois, si-to
tATt of rlate, JoiHi 1. I'm lblc, of Ken
tuek7, .niary of tiaiiry; lulel K
I.nmont, f ew York, i- n irT of
war; iln K II, of lluilkln,
sst master gebemj.
(n msklug thtwe aaiisint'iornts Mr.
(lrvlamt said: " There W no im-s.1 of
any mystery lu n-gwrd lo I lis aliuet,
and it Is uwh'ssi lo spisiiUlf and Jlr
itulgr In (linm. I slmll nmke It lu
t r t ii sitiT, hi( shaJI snii.niiiif th
nsaiie of g. nil. men , Je. t.1 In rill tl.t
laMltlims u aa I mmr their ar
nrplanr. slid periuuwlon la luske the
tn..l Ie imiIiIi.. "
Mr. ( Irvrlalld wotild sav rmthlnc U
rvsri t otts-r p.niioiis ml mrn whoj
! are toriilioued ptninxiUm with I
the III.
Sbikih' Cure, tlw pn at .(h and
cnsqi rore I fi-t sale by us. ft. 4.4
siae rHi(i t went v five dos-s, only Ji
rvllts. I blidrt n lov It.
Uf Mll Sulfi. '. .in i..-i.j,..
The si imle this afternoon a
mt niorhil asking finign-sa li -n-l"ii
Hie Indian terun-.
Wralherford's hill lo have lh slate
purehaw the Willamette I'sks was
Mils evening Ii deilnlii ly iiied In
the Semite, 'i to U.
Wllklns' lo fix the o.niis n-nlloii of,
tlirelerk ami sherlir of ln rouuiy
was pa-Mil. J lde hill provides Unit
Iheshcril! sndelerk shall receive tJ""
h with deputy hlre.)-Kl.
Vealeh elerdy moved that liis
hill n sU'ng the set creating stale
Ismrd of railrd siinmlloiiers ls
takeii out of the hiiniU of the railroad
roflilllltlec, hut the seliatu n fo-l to
slls'lid the rn I -".
Hie roiiimiin on eoiifertliee eon
c rnlng the hour of final adjournment
n ortei, rmimiueudiug loa. m., hat
urdav, us the hour, hut no bill to Is
,m.W sner 11 midnight Friday;
silopled, the Hate isineurriiig.
Ford s olllelul court
n porters and allow all sieiiographera
to obtain public and ollb lnl i uiioy.
uii'iit nis.ii psaslng a sutisfai-tory ex
amination U fore a slate Imanl of ex
aminers for that pur-c, was, after
h sjieeeh Is fore the liiHise, fvnlild
er"l and nmed sluio-l iiuaiiimoiixly.
Of the Zil lillls llrt on the hoil-e cub
eiidar I'axtoii leads Willi liiiictn-n,
Mi ki ll Is sei-olld With sevelitei II, I -loii
third with ten. Norllini and
Ford have right each, lnnby, Wright
of Mnrioii and Oecr of Marion, wveii
nu ll. The ImlMbiell mark Is n-aeliel
by Myers, Miller, Ifc lknap, Duly, t or
Helms and Itelts.
An appropriation of l-MMl hits lsn
Oskel for the orphans home or Al
bany. This amount w ill he lm'lul"l
in I lie general appropriation bill and
will douhtlen gn through as the object
Is a iiks-1 worthy one, mid the state
him heretolore extelidetl uid to Ibis In
stitution, w hich Is now sodl v III need
of help from the stale.
Kenrewntative llrown
of llonglas
has Hleoeedcd III having theeomilliths'
on edui-atiou, of which lie Ischiilrmaii,
engraft iism si-nule bill No. lul, w hich
has nl the senate, to entile all dis
tricts, biiQng a sipulatbiti of 4i, In
ilesiulent districts, an amendment
which lays the foundation for the
Kindergarten system of primary educa
tion. As chairman of the eoiiimllh-e
on education in the hou Mr. Itmwn
liaa shown a Ills-nil spirit towards the
new "liientlnn. mid Is the pioneer of
legislation In this nt-t si t. Mr. Lay
mull of Marlon moved the tiuielidliMit
Is adopted. Carrletl.
Isllf riusnl. Iili K
The republicans did not caucus lied
The senate yesterday afternoon sus
laliiel the governor's' veto of the A I
bluu free bridge bill bv a vote of It) to
Miller's llxhway hill got through the
emite and will Is? signed by tho gov
ernor. tlccr's hill for the reduction of the
mte of Inlcn-st from H and In st .flit
to H and H ned the house biht even
ing. The bouse litis pnsMed the Cm
salaried shcrili'a and clerk's bill, hut
has plaisil twenty nine mime nls to It,
which must be 'concurred In by the
Wllklns and other farmers are work
ing hard for house bill No. XM, by
tleerof Clnekaiiias to reduce the rale
of luten-si from a and lu to u and H pi r
cent The Judiciary eommith-e have
reMrtfd tluil It do Hot wsa, but the
iiiciiiUts are generally III favor of
It as mortgages nre no longer to Is
Salem Journal, Ki n.: The bill to
en-ate the county of lllitine U-vime a
sdltlciil iiilotlon. It was niointilere,
the populists voting with the republi
cans and furnishing tho thnv votes to
carry it.
The Inolde history of the present sts.
slon of thegixlntiire will bo written
at some day. The n-al cause why so
many public mensiinw of greatest pul
llu luiMrtaiue have gone to the wall
Iss-ii burked will Is- made know n.
It will Is an interesting record and will
do much towards sluqilug the future
politics of Oregon.
A kindergarten clause has I sr. I
addislloa senate bill In the house,
and Chairman Itrow n of the commit
tee on education shvs it will Uvome a
law. It provbh-s that lu cltli-s of 40K1
and over the Issird of dinvlors mny
establish a free klmlergnrteti, to lie
taught hy a graduate of a kindergar
ten training school.
nu: Ainiio or iiiwtu.
Tbs Brnal la rxklLk Iks Teal el
Iks I rraif.
WasIIINoToN, Feb. I V The ths-ll-mcnts
III connection with the Hawaii
an annexation trvatv are all tvadv for
transmission to the senate and, if
nothing liiims'iis to prevent, they will
In sent to the senate litis uftermsiu.
AtNiimiiauylug the presideiil'a iih-s-snge
ami text of the treaty w 111 Is
copies of much of the correHimlctice
li.'iwirn the goverumeiitaof the I'lillcd
Slates and Hauiiil rcMMi-tlug the sills.
Jis-t of annexation ilnllng back half a
The tri-iifv will, of course, U- M iit to
the senate for eom.lderatioi In execu
tive scwdnii, but the tiucxvtfd III
Junction of secrecy w III Is-prouqitly
removeil by the senate ami tin- dia-li-Uieiita
will Is given to the public.
The treaty Is signed by John W.
Foster, w-erelary of Mate, and i'lnirs
ton, Castle, Mansleli, Wilder and Car
ter, eommiwioners on U-half of the
pMvislonnl government of Hawaii.
ANorill it Omc Allwny Is ims nd:
Oil one uf the city hotel lirliler W.d-m-Mlay
w as the name of Chua. Kciinr
ily of Snll Cns k. Mr. Kemietly Is the
velernn and sipulr O. P. conductor
luce the nnid first U'gan luuuing.
Several days ngo he tk a vnentlon
know lug w hat w as In the wind. On
his return from Portland he received
his ivaia-rs w ithout the Uu-k sulurv due.
There has Uvn a gi-m-nd ehamn of
hands, obi hand retaliMsl ts ing pbieed
on new runs ami wages eiil down un
til the men hardly know Just w hnthev
sn. There is IsHind to Is- fun abend.
I.IXiol.M Ciil NTY. The bill e:. st
lag LilKSilll 10' pssel lslll tl.rtlx.-a
of the Ii vu-Uturv sil.l will ! ,.ioc a
law. i ..Unbi will l lite U.i jx.rirv
inuiity s-itt. Tin in mix a ciu u. ul
foriU Jlay nmutry; lx-id an In-en-ase
lu. I'lilliirf new I - ers, I'n-re
will Is- new w rs, and t hvelrif.. lo
Is the konnt v .-oi in I -4 AIdkiIv
Ihe wismIs are full of ca'i in,' it.-s f.,r oi.
tji Ullde the new gii . nuiirul t I
niqsviute! by tioVefii r IViiimyer.
The butclxxj of "-.dcm ublih the
fi'lloa lliir: Owiiik ui Jhe blwh prltw
of all kliuls fat i k, w he uuiir-igiM-rt
litcher I ."Nib in, lit-nv ;'ne
I..; at the I I! ing prices uuul
furtber woii'v: Ijom tcnk I V, rouud IJ.e, si '.'J. r stink lis-, stsliai
rill nn4 1- . Ili-iliV S:'4 I1', plate Uf
IxnU s, biixUat L.i:,;, i.xf . .iiii.
IJ'. mulloii i Ih- j . tm ti..ii . J J
t:liillon loli;.la r lO, I Inn. I aiUts-!
ter 1 eal fore quwrta-r I.'!, rk eL-ps
t:l, i-wtb IW an I JO. i
I bi-iap lanterns.
I aiand lantern.
All sl-, all prM-cat, Z't ets up.
Alt kinds of laiili-ru n iaalra.
F. U chamiikiw.
Iiungi-sut iMy lla iula rson's.
A pl-uaiit springlike luy.
Carpets at laiy A II. ndi-rsoii's.
Window sbii.l.-s at luy Hender
son's. lirsyak Willuughhy, di ntixts. tltlce
over tjrangi- sloru.
Mulnxwe at I ay 4 Henderson's.
Working over .liili-s a speelnlly, lit
limy A ilaoiighby's.
Mr. Fogle and llnlxhed the walk
lu front of the HuvliV prois rty today.
They sas ill to Is gissl workmen.
Psrll.-s wanting slab wsl can pro
cure Ihe same bv sending order lo
to the lame Lumls-r Ix-ague, at Spring
Held. Chairs at Iay A Ili-ndersoii'.
Thank tSisli the 8 JS KM ).
li-vl-lature hasoiily a few more hours
to remain lu sewloii.
Kiletixioii tubli at Ihiy A IlcinUr
soll's. It has Isvii publlxhixl thnt tiovernor
I'eliiiovi r had asild ho would resign if
the xla'le militia bill was aasMl over
his head. .Vow 's your chance, iov-i-ruor.
Hur flB 'worth of gissls at Day A
Hi-ndersou's and twelve a pn-m-nt frts.
Karl's Clover IUs.1, the new bbssl
puriller, gives freshness and eli-nrness
In tin- isiintdexioll ami cun- eoiistilsi-
tin) ii celils, .'SI cents ami I. ISld
by CtTV 1I1 t STtiKK.
A poultry ftnn advertix,: "Our
hens ly fn-sh eggs dully." The an
nouncement will probably prove a re
lief to the thrifty hoiixewifu who has
hitherto hud to shake them, on her
daily evening gathering to mt- whether
or not they were stale. O
W'aacn News: The man w ho wrote
"IScautlful Snow" evidently lived lu a
warmer clime than this. We had the
misfortune to be caught In Hie last
tiilmi I'aeitli; OaS'kade, and our
thoughts on the snlji-ct were a.iything
but Is-autifuL
PrlnevUlo Iti-vlew: A. It. I.yle Is
fts-iling list) bnid of enttlcut his ranch
on Trout cni k. It Is n-sirted that he
Is lining from three to four bead a day.
This is not bad considering the num
ber of cattle he is fit-ding and the In
clemency of the weather.
Chinese new year was ushered ill
with the Issimliig of tlrecniekera last
night at IJ o'clock. It Is the begin
ning of lbs li'tli year of the dynasty of
Kwiiug Su, the pn-at'iit emperor of the
Flowery Kingdom. Chinese gin and
tea w ill Is the order of the dav among
tho Chinese residents for the next
K. .: Watch's bill toullow enmity
Judges to bid III profx rty sold for taxes
passed the senate. A far more iiiixrt
unt bill of his, to abolish the slicrilPs
x niuilniliillons over the county to
eollis-t taxes and to w-rvi wiirnnils on
delimpieiils, neeiila-ssly ioting tax
Miyc itiundrednf thminamls of dol
lars nnniiiilly is allowed to slunils r.
The h-glxlallve isniimitts)- on axyluui
Investigation eoi9ilet-ly exonemtes
the maiiagi-meiit of that liMltutinu
Iroiii the ehiirgi-sformuliited iisiii mere
rumors by the slate Ismrd of ehuritiea.
A lilt exxiiiil act ot Jiixtiiv they
riuhlee the gnut wrung done Mix
Lillian liobtiii lu branding her nnn
aci-essorv to Ihe crime as the slate
Issird of charities did.
Hnlcm Journal: Jis-I I. 4 leer's bill
to exempt all credits from taxiitioii did
not nts-ive the attention it deserved.
It Is going to Is ililllcult to eoiuo at
creilils or evidences of debt for
taxation in this state. The nMcmpt to
Hsm-ss such credit In till Mate, w hen
held hy residents will Is a failure; to
assess) them when held or owned
by non-resident, will Is llllsiwiible.
The result will Is a farce ami fniud.
Fern Itldgs Items.
Junction, Fe?. 1.1.
Feed Is stL-an-e.
Long Tom Is Issunlug, but is not
ipilte aa high as it woa uller the other
The snow Is alsmt all gone. It was
all the way from one to four feet deep.
It la estimated that If all the snow had
laid on that fell, it would have Isrli
four feet on a level here.
J. IL Hill Is putting a neat fence
around hia house ami garden. Mr.
Hill has a Is-autlfiil farm, well Im
proved lu every ress-et, showing what
imlu-.try and economy will do in this
Tins. Ilniley's family have Just gone
through a siege of the inuuis, there,
fore sympathize wllh all other big jaw
Owing to the high water betw-e-n
here ami Junction no mail has reached
us for over a week, ami everylss W Is us
cross as the regular sore headed l?ar.
The Hill llnw. have lust a few head
of sheep; outside of this we hear of no
other low of stis k.aud general! v speak
ing tlicV are lisiking pn-tty well.
With the kind iN-rmixsiun of the tier
mans of Fern lodge a union Sablnth
sehisl has Uvll nrgalileil at their
church. The alteiidmiee Is larva ami
a great deal of lntcn.x.1 taken. Kvt ry
Ixnly invited. Meets at J o'i'IH'k p III.
Farmers are expeeting a tilgcrep this
year and If they don't get It they will
go kick on the snow racket.
A wonder of the community: Will
we have gasal rani Is in the future?
W hen are we to have a new sehisd
hoiixe'.' The old Fern Kidge schiaol
houe Is alxaut gone ami should
lae C'liicmncd as unsafe and unlit for
as-hon purii-x-. llt-sidc the new
boa- - and other Impreveinelits of this
liell borhissl it is a dlsurais-, and
xlus.l I be reptnceal Ly J m-at building
as S...II sx xihie. lAMik to it nell.-
bors. A. I
It .us. lu this city, Feb. M, to the
w ifa- aaf KuL-ene Itaimf, a boy.
k..-t- r..i..untij an Stnd Ihs rusrait Vrnf and t mil 0Mslcsl.l, aiss a hU Ud of
)r"iii's Siiivlrl?. I'atfiit Meilcli.., til Llquort Mnlirliml rt. Tiatrlhrf ail-i Ihst.aUoailns S.a!Ue-
j'lIAT CUldll .VKDR'INE," "
Cim- Im ipi. ut C. n.umi-ii'. ltraitiehltis HiaarsriiarxM, Sire Tlimat ami all
ilixiaat and I Ultif (livasi-s.
M. KINNF.Y'f 'noVKDCATAUKII ITHE will is rmanently relieve
any ivr-'i of Nsaal I i -rh.
J. lv. M.J; CL'U:-Tbe Ist.1 known ritmoly f. Itllmt, l;,xx,ling or
Itiiilnit I'll.--. "
J. Ik t'Hol.KRA Ct'KI!, for (iH.l. ra. I)yiiiery. IHarrhoaa, Summer
(Viiiilsint. Ililliisis Cialli-, lii..a-rm Morbus, I to.
1.1. U TUIC TtKJTU ACHK MUM'S give In-tant Mlet
TV aau. ." p "r l '-J rxtw .l w my tr.r. ai.t r laarsotKxl to. ra
aat'a. l -im. '.as at y rrltv.ra ua tHu-1 -ttwa ran lai lurat ahd
Mf favt liar, a, ra..c4 I I'lival.Man axia l Vrlvrloarr 1 'rxaavi. r 1 1 t Uaanaa
f-,ii Ua ta l-U.-f. A aUaaT al ;.alna?a la x. i.tMxl.
Vt rin-U.n'ii Ninth -t., Dru sj r., Khiiu-hart' Dlock.
t.' A. . .
ksl Kstst trsusiers-
I. V. Ms- In W I. Hollxlnll, otie-half
Inlel.-xl III lots 4 snd i, block '! I'-
J. I). Ultchey tnS M Csruthrs, fiW
acre, in TpWM, It I K; l-V.
Join II lUrr to I. I) l-irrest, InO
urns liiTi-'"S, HI V;4.
J A J ( row to I. F ami A I' row,
IIT.Ism nslu TpHS. ltft V;lsi.
I. F Crow to W II Smith, 1I7.U8
acr.- In TplsS. K ' W; I4.I.
F M .NighxwaitdiT, et a I, lo J N
l.u r, -liiacnwla Tp 10 S, It 4 ;
ht..te of Oregon lo IMward C Ibs h
np i, 40 acn-s in Tp Id S, It i W; f'si.
M le of Oregon to J an ies 8 lU-ed, 40
ai re. In TpliS, IU'WllKSl.
V F Haves to (ieo II Johnson, tlU
ti l.dlxnn'iNivlnirs llank, WJ aea-s in
TliS. HS W;MoU
Win U CrVllxM.ii to II J Coatc-rlln, 0.H7
acn-x In t is a, r3w; js).
W T Shaller to J I SnuM ami Joel
Hub ii, Tu.tii acres In t 17 s, r 5 w;ll3i.
(ie i V Omeiit tolt I) HawU-y.Xi.'t
a n-xlu I Jis, r4 w; Moo.
Al .bv J Mghxwsudi-r to F M Nlgb
wali le'r, one tinii Interest In IS) aerea
III I I'ls, r4 w ; l.
M F Huntley to William Lynch, 4
acn-sju-t w-t of town; t-40.
Smiih Mit k to John Haniist-n, Il.tSI
aensi lu I bis, raw; SJisl.
L. I. Fon-sl to James W Sheldon,
IM) acres In t ID , r I wj f'joo.
Tl.osS Keep to I. K Hubliard, two
ftfllixof lot 4, l-lis k 1, Shield's addi
tion; I) (I McFarland to (Ieo Wall, lota 3
... .... .it i i .i.n
ni 4, hus k I , IJ l .iicrsimon m uii-
ffion: f'iOO.
MrfBlallsas lar l.v-1.
Iilly (iusnl, red. IV
As the Is-iiten season smiiiiemeB to
day the following may be of Interest
I. The use of llesli meat, eggs ami
w hile meals Is u! lowed at every meal
on Sundays as well as the principal
meals on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs
dny aiiihSaprdnys. Ssttiriliiy of the
Kmls-r days aod'Holy Week exii-pted.
The use of while meats ami eggs
Is telerateil on all days of Iut at tho
evening collation, mid at the princi
pal inea Is on thiss-i Uiy sou which the
Use of tlesh meat is foiiildell.
III the morning a small plcoi of
bn-ud Isallowtsi w ith a eup of coilce,
tea, clns-olate or some similar drink.
4. When the principal meal cannot
Is taken la-fore ihmiii, theortler may he
Inverted, mid thu. eollnlloii taken In
the morning ami the dinner In the
't. Ijinl or grease, commonly called
fut, may In usttl in preparing the law
ful victuals.
II. Those of the faithful who are ex
empt from the obligations of fasting,
can, on the (lavs w hen the line of Hush,
meat, eggs ami while meats are sr
mlttcd lo all the faithful, (wallowed
to u-s) them several times a day, as on
Sunday of Unt, when the obligation
is not binding. The use of both tlesh
u icst and llxh together at the same
iiu-a! is strictly forbidden during Ihe
w In I. of I-iit.
Tin following srsons aro exempt
from fast: All those who have not at
tained their Hist year; the sick; women
lu i gniiiicy or nursing Infants; those
win are enfeebled by old age, and
alio lose win occupations are of a la-
isiri his anil exnaiixiive nature.
11 noixr Ykt. Tho tlsh storyteller
aim oi in rs 01 una euiian in iiinae pun
III tlicir sign after reading the follow
ing: "A rancher over In the lllg
es ucca has a cow which lias la-en
com tug home of late already uillkisl.
She formerly yielded nearly a bucll
of tie stnlxy ll ti i 1 1. Suspecting a llelgh-Isir-if
milking the iov, the weary
mm her watcheil IhT that afteniiNiu.
Alsmt i)o i-in-k p. m., Just as he was
alsmt to give up tho watch and go
home, he observed the cow to go to the
Is-ach ami lie down upon the sand.
Cautiously approaching he beheld four
rascally clams extracting the nglk
front the cow's udder with astonishing
dexterity. When full, they with some
ditlli-iilty folded their clam sheila, and
like the Arab silently stole away to
tl- homes in adjacent sand banks."
Slilloh'aO'ilalla-r Is w hat you need
for lvsi-ixin, torpid liver, yellow
skin or kidney Tumble. It la guaran
teed to give you satisfaction. 1'rlce 73
cents, Sdd by
City Dkuu Stork.
Tin house this afternoon paassl the
Mcl-.u uti bill to have the state pur
elm.-- and operate a stovo works.
Day & Henderson, Undertakers and
Embalmers. Cor Wil. an 1 7'h its.
WN1K0-l'ilhlllK ( lira -r nl fiaxt awV
uraaai I llx-laal Mlary uil rxprns Jpsld
sax-kir; ix-rmsariii .uiun. IIUOWN BRiaS,
aai., .-aurawryiaaria, runtsna. iPniitt.
Lmmt Ut mmttt
every one of tbs
pBinlul ilisurtlsr
Uuil firej upua
wotnsa. Tbsy
fad taw fara,
sniat tb flgura,
ruin tb tmipKT,
withsr yon un.
maks ynn okl Mn your Untax
U4 srvll: Ttutt's tlx way to look wvtL
Cum ttxa trout law anil ailments that Issm
you, with lr. t's-rre's Favorite iViwriiHaaa.
It's a crsnniNlVrif reiiaaxlr for all Uw ik'lmtU
waatiit m, dai-soi-niniu, ami rtiws psvo
liar tu siuimt.
It ra-gulstaa and f rramot all the propsr
nina-Uoiw, lmroraw riiztion, cmrv'txa hs
batx.l, ilupris arts slid tasiiis, nteUnrhialy
and DerTouamnas, larinm refnwlnnc aUep, and
ras it.ires bawlth ant stnsiith. It s a mar
ful riwrul. d as utxrina, tonic sad Dst
vtne, iiiisu-Ung unr aad strength to that
aili.-s sarotMO. CasiUuu no alnsiul to ta
elaruas); do syrup ur tuftr to doaraus digsa .
In a.
ll a bvitimat mrjirtn-not a tamarairs
au i irm imiy one iiar wntnaas ajManta, mi
esn tin la tu iTix-ts thai , a,a muiran-
td. II It aliaaao t tuanetlt at rural, la r
caas, jou aaf yuir awooy back.
For a sauare deal, tro
tn nnlrlomithfa . '
Choice Spring
Seed Oats
Dealer in Hay & Grain.
Went Kla-hth Street.
Every Sack of Flour
Ask your groeeryman for Kugetie
flour. If not what It la representeal the
nioiiey will be n-funded.
The Eugene Mills have the latest Im
provemento, mt& have no aiis-rior In
the manufacture of first-class flour.
All kinds of milt feed
to order.
emu r
:-T. J. CRAIC, DRHCeiSf?-:
Atth.nld E. R. LUCKKY at CO "9. stand,
Eugene, Oregon.
3EL O.l
Naw IK-slios aad Ntw -rl- q ruraln snd
DonMStlc Marbl (Irsnlle, ModudmdU.
Ilravlatoasa aad CtBMta-rj work ol
all kinds for 14.
Wlllsmstt Htra-Bl,
Praiefflss. Eucvas. Pr.
Hemenway & Noland
Druers and Merfkines
Plumbing and Hoofing Neatly Done.
Pumps, Pipes and Water Closets, Kept for Fun.
WALL P.APE.R, Fresh From (lie East,
M. Svarverud & Co.,
Keep oonsUutly on band a complete stock or
Plumbing and Tinning done on Short Notice.
This space is reserved for
Gentts : Purnfsfri'ng : Gpoclt
ir'TZ s?r ?
SiUx. f p. . a
- axn aaasaas n-iinlo. ark,a ,
. .l-r; . - --a. a.
tr;. . n..-, . r, .
, aaaaaauiwajaiaariinaa. CauUn.
: No. lOO.r-.i
: lfa.UUI la, if g t,iul ,, "
l?JZtJ?lrZ 1 T.lrm, T tr . rr kr,4 is f"
f-AaauM ra.a 4.Z'm"
cr. r. A3vrrat
insR!ri!'LiT l'i H:t2IT PltltL
I'lillTlliana isaata-anat lni. nji,! .
In.o-sn-iiladosrolii1 IVh.u.i, i.,t
.! Nasi ttaisua Ixanshl an.l ...M muA .-'T:
IrlaaL A ru.rl
lama-aaat ra-xl'la-liaa, l.a.l ai.laa Wlllaaaait.
l-lan "tllS Satriilb atlMi.
tf0S. CkKiioa
law sacs:.
Ilaaass t Siinr Ikss bin.
IUI ayrra In s laodjr ml Ira aonth ai a.
Mrti lu S Biaxl Sa-lalllMirnixall. lu . '
vl lb Mnaa-a lnai am umlrr I.m, au
a ijixxi u.noa lusisui, .) .Ix.i,,,,.
LaMiara. laarua, ai.rlli( aaalrr 1 lirax7
haavWra, miaoara. sans nia an. I liat.,a,na
A ra-air laauiain asa liar uAVrad la un
run ii 1 7
Alan mrrvm f aotaai aanm aarxl a Sutraa.
All toxin a 'illtall.. 11. A Saw baauaa anal ujT
a ajuunf aaa-a nara aaau vamiiM aaalar, katuj.
arlial and llnala-r, will baauad Vary rlaaau.
Alao ta ales imiiuiius luu aiiuHnliii iu a .
latariia atravl, wlihlusauaim thrua aa! lni,.i
1 laa snort pnaprn, win ia aula la llw tr
mail thai eumas slung. Ikhi'I all cuais al otar
IhiHista. sa-rrs farm land, ss arras andar imj4
(rliaxa, Ml aarra-a UIKlrT .Uia, lt ml Ira ul arli.aa
houaa. Hams aaalrr, haiadjr lu tinalaar, II a.tua
am ruavi saauin-wr., iniai aii(aia, a uarsalii at
:i x.r awra. It au ilaian, latlana un tta. M
u.liau ul lau)ri si s mt rrnl. xrr annum.
A lata ii.'aaa'm i'"i'i aaaaia t.aa xraruai, nff
Srrrn mlllmu laxl nt I'llnlxT on II, and Saaaal aa
orlli'lll aaill hrnrlrrr. oat I'IKvl.iu.
Alau IU arrra aura, laMlaiBi, 11 mlira Irnsi Lu.
friaa, aclrs slraraxl slid umlrr la I in, JU arraa)
In ritlllaaliiin ami S arir. In Uo. Iaj buuaaa
and laarn, snd auau lawi ul lumlaar un I ha iruund
tur bulliUns s laaar Inn rhmp al l ,,
arr. Alau l hasad aal baa, I haaraa. Ill brad ul
raill, snn haauarhold and kllrhrn lurnllura
AUaubimaraiiil lut In Ku.M. hiauaa laraa, ajjrltJs
7 naumiand will bvaald si ball ari(vva aceuuul
ul laanar suing lu rrnmta lutua aaaU
ltKUlra ul J. r. A aula. t
Agent for Hill's Inside sliding Minds.
IiiUireat F. L. ClianiU-ni' hard,
ware store.
Carpenter and Jobbing Shop
I. a PLDJ5EETH. ro.n!or i:i B::i.:r.
rnrnllurs llsds and KItra-d. Saws nird.
Coayir Uh and Oltrs strssts, Kufsnar, Orrfn,
Anything in ttS) Oro
eery line. Goldsmith's
o E o
Eow Loan and Savings
Successor to tlte Ccce&e Katloaal BicL
Incorporated with a Capital of $60,
000, filth $30,000 Paid Un.
Da-mlta rav-alva-d .uhjrel to rhaxrk. Alrraat
alluwaxlon llnw deaualta, and luana Uiada at
sppruTsal aajcurltjr.
IHaainssT 1. V. fHt'RCa.
VllS I'SSalllKRT H. I. FA INK.
t'Aaaisa f. W.unia sj
ThsKursiiaWxasn snd Sarlnvs Hank wltlraa
dtirt bnth a tVmmrrrlsl and Savings huslhax
snd taaur aaiarrial altrnllun laftllaxt In I ha aa
Insa Iraluroa ul It. Ills not aahal ynu makA
but what ! asaa., thai mak4 raau lirh. Inai
cominunlltrs thrra araa maur xranna of amal
hulillnsa. whlrh. It iiaila.alvd In turn haal
ur laauaxl, will la ax-ul In.Mia war or atioihat.
It Isdlffii-ult tu loan amall smaaunia, but larj
ran tas aul In a .avium bauk and mail lu brtrai
aaains rrlurna. Hrllrtliif thai lha lima baa
axnm lr lha anixwaaful oarratlun ul a saTlnts
Hank In thla rummunlif, wa aullril tour au.
rouas In this maitar.
We lead in quality &
prices. Goldsmiths
Taa.ajT, rnaelaiaL
. , ,, - . J . . ,
' "auiaiai aad prulra.tul BK1 M aaa-a
aa, na
d'r"" - I saw ab lo . a, fMnlaaS
s - f