The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1893, Image 3

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    Do You Wish
the Finest Bread
and Cake?
It is conceded that the Royal Making Powder is
the purest and strongest of all the baking powders.
The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet
est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow
der makes the lightest food.
That baking powder which is both purest and
strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome
. food.
Why should not every housekeeper avail herself
of the baking powder which will give her the best
food with the least trouble?
Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift
or prize, or at a lower price than the Eoyal,
aa they invariably contain alum, lime or sol
phuric acid, and render the food unwholesome.
Certain protection from alum baking powders can
be had by declining to accept any substitute for the
Royal, which is absolutely pure.
Affeetlaa Among Kl-Jarly Maa.
El'lerly srliolars are wxx-ntric to
provrrb; that ortU-r of man issporiul
ly liable to affection, which iU stud
ies fiwtor of nmtwity. Tho "old
buck.") common and no droll, la
su'otliiT sort of instance. It ia n
portcJ of your millionaire your fi
uaiu iiT. that in that he hath ever
an abnormal pnyety, on uncommon
franknesH of ml.lrr-tw, such as become
all hearty and niniplo folk; but how
lontr and with what assiduity must
ho liavv cultivated hi, ideal to flour
fh it with such eoso 1 National 01
A lilt of Craanb
The bet comment on grasshoppers
as a diet wait mado ban old farmer
of Kansas, who, when told by an en
tuinolotast thnt RruNthoip(ni could
bo eaten for John the Uaptbjt lived
on lociwts ond wild honey replied :
"Well. John tho Duptist miKht hare
dene thnt, for th were duy of
miracle, and I reckon a man could
eat uhnoht anything then, but if ho
lived nowuilays ho have to le fitted
out with a different kind of a stomach
to enjoy theo lioppet. St L3uji
Globe Democrat
11 Should He "Chit mm to."
tj all means let us bay "Chicaw
po " A man should certainly know
Low to pronounce the nainu of the;
ji'jce he lives in, unci it is the duty of
(very other inhabitant of this great!
ted glorious country to agree with 1
h;m and endeavor to imitate him.'
Cor. Sevt York Tribune.
Tbp Advantage of Ills Compaajr.
lYatherMoije I wUh you would
come and help mo sclct some troua
m. old nian.
linkway-1 don't Itelieve my taste
Ib imy U-tter than yours.
Fiatherstone (honefuIlyj-No, but
your i ndit is. Exi-hanR.
Let us look into the force, mean
Wfj. rc.ison ofthe oft-rceatl line:
Cures I'romptly and i'crmanciuly.
ruins Endured for 80 Years
25 Year,
20 Ycnrs,
10 Yearn,
Hi been promptly Cured by
By the uie of:
Correspondence with Sufferers shews
ntire permanence of cure up to this
tlso, in tome caset covering
7 Years,
tl Years,
10 Years,
. co on, tad this proof wa hold.
uMm unn T-jelpt if l' P".Uira
n-ra if Th CUAJU.U A. VouaLka lo
-. Mo.
5store should be
aiuNted te threw
bloed. Jtothlsi
does It so well, se
promptly, er m
Mfely as Swlft'i
-i n in i
For three years I was troubled with nil
rial pauon, which cawed mysfipctlt to fail,
tnd I was greatly reduced In flesh, and lift
lent all its -charms. I tried mercurial and
"Ua remedies but to no effect. 1 enui
K no relief. I then decided to try sr4r r-l
A lew bottles o( tv' -ja wonderful .
nedkins mada a complete and permanent
cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever.
J. A. Rict, Ottawa, Kan.
Oir bock on Blood and Skin DIspbjs
Muled frtvv
fcvnrr Srrxinc Co Atlanta, Oa.
la the
I T r-M httll) a l Kit is a
' ( L M l' kLi. u i"-n t r l cuaL an.
;rMi !. twin', tmw.'i-ai, 1 -
A mrf f l-o MOffl I.IVirtMIn or the
sot,l. i oluJiblaa lp IJ'," iI.mtimit
" Hni:dliifa aw Cr-uii-l., beautifully illus-
! ' , L. .1 (i. . a m . V .IWt. will U Mil 1.1
Till (in Uglrrn
Tbli aift frum Mearaa
Unto a frw.
Tbiwogh veto with hnmaa fraJltjr flllad
A glow dlrlna U fuuoj dUlllled.
There maile rar
l'l) rd la the air
To oi h a oorf
And meaaurrd by lu m ratio flow
Ilia breathing aad hU moratnaoU fo.
. At throogh Ihaaar
The nmtwirt fljr.
ho darta LU glaora.
Or It would aaani aa though eoft ha..ll
llad wared bafor bta (aca Ilk faum.
Br man and tmut.
Krom Knnal to leaat,
II w ill u lured;
A child will all upon bla hoes
And eeck bla face euuddlnglf.
II cannot real
Th world ran aire.
Our fVoeat thought to Ltm wa brlogt
Our taaeteal auug to htm wa slog.
And if And,
I.Ike all mankind.
Il, loo, cio iln,
Wa feel, although we.igb or weep.
Ilia part dlvln la but aalaep.
-tlranur U. Caldwell In Harper's.
Diplomacy sad Caukarjr.
TLo importance of cooks In Uie
political world is inueh RTeuter tluu
)eoploBUi'ixto. An emlstHHodor's in
fluence has oftm been in proportion
to the skill of his rook.
Onocelebratod occasion in Vienna,
when there fas much excitement in
all tho EuniiH-an courts ovV affaire
of international moment, the French
etulMthNodor was suddenly recalled
by his Bovernment
"It is a vefy Ki-ave affair, is it
not," Prince Metternich was askod
by n lady ut a court lull, "this recall
of tho cnibiuKtfulorl"
"Not so prave, I assure you,
tnadamo," tho princo iponded, "a
it would have been if it had been the
French etiwissador'a cook who was
recalled. The embassador can easily
bo replaced; it would be difficult to
replace hi-eook I' - Youth's Coin pan-
Virginia's DlMnal Swamp.
The Dismal swamo in Virginia.
one of tho largest swampy tracts in
Ameriaa, is also ono of the most
promising areas of reclamation. It
contains fully 1,500 sipuare miles, and
is at present of little valuo except
for a supply of timber. It is an old
sea bottom, and tho western boun
dary of tho swamp is a sea cliff swd
beach. Tho chief animal population
of the hiRherclasses consists of water
birds and snakes. VI lue larger an
imals beu.s are abundant, and there
is a noculiar and verv ferocious spe
cies of wild homed cattle. The
fitrhts of the bears ore said to be Terr
exciting. (Joldthwaito's Geograph
ical Magazino.
Oarteatloas of Soma Coaaman Ward a.
One rememlsTs how on the 15th
of June, 1313, King John signed the
great chartcrQif the constitutional
freedom of Britain, and how, after
he had signed it, he flung himself in
a burst of fury on the floor and
gnawed the straw and rushes with
which the floors of those days were
strewn. Now what was "cbartar
Originally nothing more or less than
a sheet of papyrus strips glued to
gether as writing paper. Bo it is to
tho Kgyptian rwjl that we owe
our "dialers," "charts," "cards,"
"cartes" (hhtnche and de visite), our
"cartoons" and our "cartridge.
Good Words.
Brought flack ta Ufa.
Mr. Pasxavant records an instance
of a peasant Imy who revived after
being supposed to be dead for several
days. Tho boy bitterly resented bis
being called luck to life, and in
formed flione thnt gathered about
him that he bad Iwn in a beautiful
place, and had awtnciabv and con
versed with his deceased relatives.
Before his insensibility his faculties
were not even ordinarily brilliant,
but afterward he conversed and
prayed with surprising eloquence.
Yankee BrMo.
Children af Mlna Lafearara.
Among the mine laborers of Penn
sylvania, except in rare instances,
the Slavs and Italians never send
tLeir children to tho public schools.
The boys are early set to work among
their own jieoplH. and the girls can
seldom make acquaintance with those
of other nationalities. Thistlannisb
habit prohibits the acquisition of the
Englinh language and prevents the
fcatteriag of American patriotism in
the coming generation. Henry Kood
in Forum.
o o
"On the nitilrarv. I am dllrd with III
I have gained you.''
"MtlllictiL will roo tell tut dvw that I
ant nothing to you?"
"Lrrtaltily not; jrnu ara always, aa I
lope, my very ipmd frtrnd "
I am not. I am vour lover, or ootb-
"It la not H'md for a woman to bars
two lovera."
"Call IV.yla a lover fahaw!" aays
Mr. Miiwrc-no whh flna ontileuipU
"Coiiipsre bltu with nie, and w here ara
"Why lHr" sat a a)ia. laughing. 'And
then all nt on -r In r unrtr romrs to an
and, and In r fitra rlomla. "Alual" cries
the. "wluil la to la the .11. 1 of it aUV
"SI. lifirr'a, IlanoTrr aitiara," ra
tums ha, with iiiiilinilnl'-lied courage.
"Vra; with limint a liridpgnaim."
"With mi, )nii inian. .""wrclheart,
wby ran im hot n nk nil Iheaa rballia
that tiluil juit, nntl i;ie ymirM'lf a yuur
hert dlreeta'"
illx lirey lin kiilmiil. il into Irnrs, and
a bli( rbalr.
"If I ot dure,' a-il In- frum l hind
her bafijt. n lit' f
At Ihls 1 1 rt I f n liui-ioii Mr. r
eeiie'a liuie rli-o lnrf'lil. w
"If you ilim-d hut iln nr" be aoks,
km-ellng lirKiili' In r nml iMu-Mtmlng bini
arlf of one dnlnly burnt.
"I tultflit- Irniii hat liaiiltu-aarrall
mi'Stia "
"With me, )oti nirntiV
"Ob, fiernld:" wlilN-ta abe; and then
It Is all orr, and ahe la rattubt to bis
breast, and for a little while the world la
fortfotlen by laitii.
lU'lnu the woman, ahe is lbs first lo
awaka from the Imppy drrnnt.
"It is matlneaa:" aha any lifting her
bend and kuziiiu at him with tearful ryes.
"Not If yon will.-yn-t to me. Nut If
yon ara sure of tbnt you homntly love
Die. prftk to me, .Mlllirmt! Wby do
you turn your bead awnv You do love
At this she lets her caie return to his.
"I w lh I bad never seen you," sbe
say with trembling Hp.
"Tbnt la a bard speech, my dnrllngV
"It Is true, though. I had never
seen ynti.V nillit bar been willing In
rtniiiuile Ibis contraet with (,ranlt. If I
hail never seen you, I run Id never
"Go on."
"Ioved you!"
P be bow s her head upon her hands and
bursts Into frvxh tears.
Mr. Maaaareeue draws her head down
upon hi slinuliler.
"Don't cry lik0"'St, Milllcent," says
he. "It will all route riuht tn the end
Something tells me so." Something leila
him quite the revcrae; but he would not
be thu true lover be is if be could not
strnin s iMilnt to tileane his belovei
"Whnt we bnvp got to do now Is to think
whnt Is the llrxt, lieat step to be taken.
"The flrat, beat step will mean ruin."
There is a touch of Impatlrnre In her
toue. Although she loves bint. It ia
bard for her to give up tne gilded loaves
and flahes of fiMlilimaiile life.
"It will not,"n(Drts he stoutly; "It
will mcau rmnnrtpnilnu If you have lbs
pluck to go through with ltY
U)h! emntiiipntionl" any he dladufn
fully, though she Is glml of his resolttte-
neas. "All you Irishmen are mad about
frmlom! O110 would think you were a
land Iragtter the way you speak! I won
der you ore not afraid tn love one of tits
hated MnuM'tuirlia.
"I am not nfrnld of nnything except
your strength of mind. You are mine
now, but will you lie mine an hour
hence?' '
"If I were a man," ays Miss Grey ra
flectlvelv, "I should not rhotwe to fall In
love with a woman upon whom I could
plure no dependence."
"If I were a woman," reponds hs
promptly, "I xliould know better than to
marry one man w hen I loved atViiticr."
"Well, but you are not a woman,
envi' jhc triumphantly.
"Neither are yon s mnn," replies he.
"That smiMren our accounts. Sweet
heart." rcgnnlCig her very grnvclv,
"tell me at least thnt you will think
seriously of my propoiil. "
"I am always thinking nf It," reltirna
she, slghlug. "(&! why are not you
"The gods forbid:" says he piously,
"I am a better mnn as I stnnd, though no
doubt a poorer one. Well, however the
wind blows, I sal n (nippier fellow today
than I ever experctd to lie. I have bennl
from your own lips thnt you love me."
"Do not place too nint h conlldenre la
"Yon will not deny the truth of It,
however?" 1
"No. It Is true. You are more to
me, Gcnilcl, than any mnn I ever hnve
met tlinti any man I ever ahull meet."
Her eve grow large and dim with
tears. Hie holds out her hand to him.
"Strengthened by such an assurance, I
will believe In nothing less than victory,"
replies he, lu a clear, resonant voire, bla
fare bright with a hope thnt at this mo
ment bna grown Into a certaluty.
Milllreut, wntiiiliig dim, feels her heart
grow sad. "Will not the weight of cir
cumstances, of custom, prove too strong
for him?
"I mtiit go home," she hay, starting a
"Gaid by then for the present, darl
ing," whispers he proudly. He draws her
to him and looks down antionsly Into
ber face. A question seems hovering on
bis Hps. At Inst he gives It wont.
"Do do yon ever kiss him?" aska be in
a jerky, Vehement way that speaks of
suppressed sgony.
"Never!" returns she almost aa vehe
mently. She flushes crimson. Mnsnareene's
arm tighten round Iter, snd sn expres
sion of unspeakable relief altera his face.
"I cannot tell you how often I have
thought of Hint, bow It hQ preyeil npon
me," he exclaim engerly. "And sfter
all, the torment I erfiwred hsd no foun
dstion." lie looks tend-rly down npon
her. "My love, you seem more mine
now than everP' Then his tone changes,
and an accent of acorn unmitigated runs
through It. Kvldently his thoughts are
wandering 10 some one stuent. "What
sort of a fellow was be at ail!" ssys be,
with a curl of bla lips.
A faint smile breaks through the sad
ness of Mllllcent's face.
"Would you have had him different
tbenr she asks, with s alight return of
her nsnal gaycty.
"Different ' Do yon know," saye hs
presently, "thnt I don't tbink I dlllike
Lira now half as much as I did Ore mia
Btessgnf" Then pressing hi rbeek te
hers, and sp-ikinu in a nttirh lower tone,
and rather s vly. .h!l:i.-tit. will yon 1 S
kiodcr to me than yon (.re to him'"
Have I ma beVn kimler'" ak she,
'But kind r kinder siillr"
She lift h-r fare lo hU!
Idy Yal worth sigh profoundly as she
drop Into a chair, and receive with a
thankful smile her late but ever wr looms
tnp of tea.
Smh a ernh! 5nch an abnormal
temperat'ire! Talk of India"
Sn ihs nv.iilly. aa all fat women
ih. Th concert bad Indeed ben orer
rowded. a the diva was lo alng
"I bat th' nltra fahl.atilecnreria:"
sav her sir er In-law. Mra. Brand, wbs
la feeling llg'itly fractious. "The others
are nraily, II not quite, aa pwuu, an 1
IhrreiatUa 1aniM of Utiiiitig one's
s-if alive aft rtbem, but this afternuoa!
To luok at the Dm lies tit iKiwnthlre
wa to guess the real. luur Wuaiabl she
ervw au flu-teil, so heavy, toward lb
end, that I wonder the chair didn't give
war 11 iuli r h r. "
Where U Milllcent"' ak Lady
Valwurtb, ra.har lneonjiieiit!y.
"In her I jtiilulr with Mlaa Itorhe."
Mr. Ornnd'e tone I slightly sharp. "I
aked II row a aa I came In, and b told
in so."
"How did she spend ber day'"
"With aoi is tiila rntlirr out of my
set. though I 1 s aievlully gd on if a
rather dull o te of their own. ot ra
meiulier the Ditniti -ild Knutiy Duron
more part ieulurly? She i keeping buuae
for her nephew now."
"Maurice Dunui, who l'l ni wir
somi) year airo: a amy lima woman
with a temter. aa I remember her. A
daiiithter of lAnl Aihlroiiuh'a"
'"tea. Tiu wife wna lnuurtnlil to
degree. Well -ha live wiih busunt
now And what on earth Milllcent rotild
see in Kant Dumn to mnke her tnU
to-day's eonr -rt la 'more tlisn I ran con
ceive; otnc''!iiee Hint girl worriea ma
bevond lailr "."
"Well, I C tik It wn very nlca o( her,"
retnni Ij-'T Valworth. pleasantly.
"Few girl riwad would give evens
thought to nu old woman like Funny.
Yes, it wa kind of her."
She ta her apooti softly auitlnst the
edge of herrup, and tells heraiif that this
niece of ber ao wn lolie her dniighter
In hiw I Inired a treaatin'lo la ilealreil.
"I dare a.v you are ritht." ahe any.
"And a to' Nad I lie lliahe, that little
friend of hrrs, I have wstited to say a
wont to yon aUiitt ber fur some time.
She I siu h a sweet girl so gentle, so
thonmuhly bled but poor, you know.
Her father. Gen. Itorhe, died suddenly,
and there wnsno provlhlon for the f.tinlly
a very tnu-l thing n It & military men
and so the or child bns to give lessons
to ek nut the slender Income that she
Wtd her mother p.e.iea."
"A Kwt story tuit bnnlly an uncom
mon one. You iti(gctfd thnt I rotild
help her that you wlslted to enlist my
sympathies with regnnl to her, but aa
yet I bnnlly aco how I can be of use. If
"Obi no. Nothing at all of that sort.
Itut of late It has seemed to me thnt
she ia looking pule; and. now tbnt the
senton Is dr.twiug to a clow, ami Milll
cent and 1 are to go to you to the park,
I think it would le very good of you if
you would sk the poor child there, too,
If only S give her a breath of fresh air,
She IsVsikiug really ill. it strikes ma,
and, tf you could put her upArr a bit, I
know it wouM delight Milllcent'."
"Why, of course of course," ayt
kindly Ijiy Valworth. "Anything to
picture dear Milllcent; and, besides, all
you have aald alsiut Mls Itorhe quite In
ti'rrn me."
'Slfr'la well worth your Interest," be-
Blns Mrs. llrnnd wnnnly, when foot-3
step on the landing outxlde rheel ier.
'Ah! here she comes, prohnhly. Now
you will te aide to see for yourself what
a remarknltlj charming creature she is."
The door, openinu. aliult the two
plrls. Millieetit smiling, and a little mis
chievous ierlin)M, aa a sort of armor
agaiust the atolding lmMndlug. Ninlin
culm snd gentle ns tiatml. Iidy Valworth,
as she take ber baud, hold It kindly,
and gaie long Into the girl' lovely face.
Her blue eve-., Inmrctil a a summer
sky, her soft wavlui! hair, the rbnrm of
her mobile mouth, all mnke s deep Im
pression upon I ho mother of Granlt
'''Mra. Ilrnml tells me yon are looking
pale, my dear," she begins, drawing the
lrl down upon the sent near her; "that
landon cJokti bn rolilicd you of all your
pretty ni--. 1 rntnmt sx'ak fnun my
own experience, of roiirmi, as tjils la the
flnt time we h ive, met, hut It seems to
me thnt prcitp child llko you should
Hot have such sorrowful eyes."
Nmllua limulis a Utile, hut the tear
riy-vas she dst so to tho "sorrowful
"Are yoir-jtmng are you well?" gori
on hadv Viliworth, still keeping tmswcs
aion of the fllrl's hand.
"1 think so. Yon are very good. To
trotihle ynnr. If at all nl-oul mn la very
kind. And indeeil there is nothing the
matter with me except except that
sometime 1 fifl a little tlnvl."
"Tired. Ahl ye. I si-e. YCyll, there
Is a little scheimi ftlliwit alsmt you. A
tiny conspiracy, let pro ti ll you. Have
yuu ever heard of Vul worth Park? Yeal
It is s very r etty place, I will allow, and
one cnlriilutfd to bring buck the blushes
to pale checks," touching Niidlne's face
a she siM-nkH. "Weill What do you
think of our schemer Will you like to
coinn to me to the park for s week or
two?" O
"To go to the country to see again the
green Held the trees the How era,"
breathes Nudluo faintly.
"And more than tlmt," laughs Iji'ly
Valworth gayiy. "You shall not deleft
to the lunibs- for company. Mlllicrnt
Is coming to me, too, and good many
others. Some fninda of yours. Mr,
Durnii and bis little Ciytie, for example,"
Where are the pule cheek now, ths
languid lids? Gone. I'plifteil are the
lids, and frum beneath them two great,
eager, sparkling eyes gleam forth.
"It I true, my denr," chatter on ber
ladyship, pleased with the effect her an
nounremcnt is having on the pretty child
beside her, thJtigh she entirely misunder
stand the pretty child 'a agitation. "I
always hare my kuso full In August,
for many reasons. " Kor one, the grouse;
for another, because ('apt. Iloylu'a birth
day (my son, my dear; occurs In Au
gust, snd I aJwnya give my big dance
then," She smiles chnrmingly and pata
Xadlne's hand aa though the mention of
ber handsome sou is sweet to her. "o
yon see you will not be compelled to a
prosy tete-a-tete with an old woman.
Yon shall have youth to make you merry
and take that tired look out of your
pretty eye. Though I regret my son
will not lie with n until the seventeenth,
the evening of his birthday fete jutt
barely in time for It, In fact."
"(Is la gdng sway?" murmurs Ka
il I ne, by way of makltift conversation,
though, In truth, she hear little, and
pnn tbink of nothing but that Mannc
Duron la to tie at tne pnrk at the tlm
for which at a hn been Invited. Can hs
accept the Invitation Dare she? Hut,
ob! bow gin't a tiling it would be to be
near him for a whole week perhaps s
"Yes," Laiy Valworth is saying apro
pos her son "he Ingoing abroad to Swit
zerland, be f-il me. with some bathelnr
friends of I s Of course l has many
friend. Wb-n yon meet him," with a
proud smile, "yon will understand that
And you a ill come, my dear? Mllll
rnt. hear, nil tie Inconsolable if yon
I - I slioiild lk" If iM-stns Nadlns
tatnin-Tliiif and fnt-riig, afraid lo refiina
nfianl ifar nere n'rnid) to accept, that
little atriigk'le with her cousrletiee) not
heintc yet eu e.1.
"Then that 'a all rudil," declares Ijuly
Valworth b :nay Tieiiaklng ber indecl.
Ion for hvt.-s "M.lliii-nt, darling,"
railing to M a Grey, who baa Just eou ctor1ou In an encounter with ber
auntie, who has. at the dose of It, found
berwlf decl'jt.g. very minh against her
letter Jit'lgn ent, that Gerald Mnasareene,
for a pauper, l a wirtnlerfully well regu
lated young mnn, and that, of eotuaa,
there was no hnrm In Mis Grey's meet
ing him at Vl litirsn's afternoon.
frs as casus rstH
The Baa frakslasa Baard af llealih He
I rr Craawasar W SI. Si la Ik Nasi
tlaklag rsdir,
Ths Hoard of Health can engage in no
mors laudable occupation than ths ex-
atniuatmaol eurlotnl supply and tbs in
struction o( the public aa lo tiioee arti
cles it finds to be pnra snd wholesome,
snd wblch, therefore, coiituiurr should
There sre otuntit e of tisklm pow
ders In ths market to use wh cli I err
tain delritneut to the health ol the con
earner. They are made from alum, or
linproiierty compounded Irotn o:lnr
Cbeiulrals, so that they leave a troB
alkaline reelduum In the IoxmI, Many 01
thee powders, having ploved nnaslaliie
In ths l.'t, have lasen collected by their
msnulai'turer from ths dealers with
whom they were left on cotnruiion, acd
shipped 10 the I'acitli! Coast. In the el-
lortlosain a liaitbohl in tins market
their tinrcmpuloiis mannlactnrer hate
Indnlgeil la extravagant statements Ndh
with relerencs to their own and otbei
brsnds, c alming tbs most Itnproliahlr
liidoraements lor theirs and ilefanilmt
the brsnds lt known and loudest
used upon the 1'scilio iVsst. This in
formation from this high soihority,
Uierelore, Is most opportune.
The etreogth in leavening gss indi
cates both the ecuiiourrsl value and the
purity ol a baking powder. The teal
made hv Meesra. Thomas lticeSon,
tbs well knoan analytical chetniits ol
San r rni-isco, show lbs Koysl to eon
tain Hi I cubic Inches ol leavening ss
per ounce ol powder, which wsi llfly
one Inches more tliau tlie next highetl
in strength. This shows the Koysl stwut
.si per cent trofer thsn the la-l ol
the other powder and Its Ose that much
more eouiotnli !.
Ths opinion ol the Board of Health It
ss follows:
We, the members ol the Hoard of
Health ol the city and eunuty ol Ssn
r rsncico,-ordiallv spprovs snd recom
mend the Koysl Haling I'ow.ler. It is
alieo utely pil e and h.eaithlnl, composed
of the Iwst inure tents, ol the highest
itrength snd f-a-acter.
In our Jtidgiuvut it Is lmpoXi!e to
mske a purer or ilronger baking powder
tha3 ths Koysl. -xn Francisco Chron
icle. Think of puyin;; $.'.K),000 for a
single meal I That is what a wealthy
Roiiiuu once did w lieu ho wixhed to
iinpna a dozi'ii gtieots with his dis
regard for riches,
Tho total acrens;o of Scotlnnd is
19,9I6",C3I. Of this conijnrntiveIy
mall landed area ono nohlenmn owns
l,3l'C,000 acres ond his wifo U9.679
acres mora.
Tho nely, Incapablo poor should
be well taken euro of, but let us aa a
pooplo bewaro of enfi-elilinfr our-
Ivim by inducnmiiiatt) charity.
Otto III, the Ril, was poisoned
shortly after ascending tho throne.
t'hilipof Cenuuny was aHHAssinatod
by his cotuViera.
rt ni itionr.
George Augustu H:S. the well-known
Kngliah writer, on hi last Australian trip
wrote aa follow to 7 Lmulun Aii'fy Te'e-
" I especially have a pleasant remem
brance of the ship' doctor a very experi
enced maritime medico indeed, who tended
me miMt kindly during a horrible spell of
bronchitis and spasmodic at lima, provoker
by the sea fog which had swooped dowu on
us lu-t alter we ieft hnu Francisco. Hut
the doctor's prescription and the Increas
ing warmth of the temperature aa we
lieareil the Tropica, and lu particular a
couple of ALLcoca'a 1'oaota I'Msna
dunned on one on the chest and another
hetaeen the ahoulilcr bladca-soun set me
A vomit lslr doe not eisrtly hsvs sn option
on s young man; but, If hs proposes, the has
ta prlusaiiil nun.
"rJpmen' Hmnrhml Tnthrt" will relieve
Ilronclutii, Aathuia and throat Disease.
"I'l'l ym enlnr Searlnf llohaon' nee comic
opera? "o; but I tii)ued snrlug It."
Th rra-ler nf this paper will ha pleasrd lo
learu thai there I at li-atl e ne ilr'T leil illreaM
that seiai e baa lieen an. a tn ru,a lu all li
Urea, and thst is (.'alarrb. Hall's Caiarru Care
Uie only ptwillva can, knuwu 10 ttia Mimllcal
' raierntiy. I aiarrb, lirtti a conalltuiloiiai ilis
eae, riulres a constitutional treatment. Hall t
(alarrb Cure Is Us en liiU-nisllr.seUns II)
upon th blixnl am! unieout mila, ea I Uie s s
tedi, Ihervbjr ilelniyii'f the foiilitlattmi id th
llM-aa ami glvlna 0i patient trenstb hy i.ulld
ln( up lliiiitimuiiu ami a-.lni usiura lu
diuiif Ha woik. 1 lis pmprtaiors ba.a so uiiieb
ISIth In lu eiiratln Miaer that tbrj uffer Our
lluudml l)!Um for sutcs-s trial It (.1 to
cars, asrbili -r list ol tcs.nnnnlais. Aihlrvss
. i. I IIKNkV a: I.O.,Tolnl, O.
fay" Sold by dttiMls.i; & reuia.
Dad taste In th mouth or an unpleasant
breath, wbiQ resulting from catarrh, are
overcome, end tne nasal passage which
have been c! wed for years are mad free b)
the Use of's Cream Halm. 1 sullersd
fnun catarrh lor twelve years, experiencing
th nauaeatitig dropping In the throat pe
culiar to that disease, and nose bleed al
moat daily. 1 tred various remediee w-"-.limit
benefit until last April, when I taw
Fly's ( ream haitn advertie.d. 1 p;"-cn txi
a Ixittle, and eiur.e th llrst day'a use bave
hail no mora bleeding the soreness la en
tirely gone. II. U. lisvidsoti, with the Hoe
ton buiigti, formerly with tiie Uoelon Jour
nal, Apply Malm Into each 'nostril. It Is
2uickiy alsMirlMtl. (jives relief at ouoe.
'rite, M cent al druggista' or by mail.
F.lV HaoiMsas,
59 Warren street. New York.
Both ths metLod and results mln
-tyrup of rigs is taken; it ia tdYatan
tnd refnshin to tie taste, and si t
'ently yet promptly on tho Ktduejt
Liver and liiela, cleaoaes ths syt
m euV-tually, di"e!s hf'.
tches and feye-s snd cures hsbiti.
.onstipstii o jw-mianecUy. Yt sal
in .Wand 1 lottles Wy sll dtcU
lOvOr-IH it .,
rvas- lUassSr Sa raaarrk h
Fsmi k rss al I
Uass tysnawsM sa sy mu. I
S IT Wmrm. Pm. kJ
I. r. S. V. So, 4J7-. . S. U. So. 664
At) IXESt BArrtcu.
Thf ta n namiT with bun thrnsAils. rm
Ka m IsTII'Il-U f lO tH.ti.tUII. W lib ttllt raWITif
irsT kr. r ii-iantiv tsaiiliiitf VMti liMrfYtittiaU
WrIHllr. ifl tla- sHii IHMU , I tfw til l AW
tl. kit r i'irKtltsftui r'ri tlla.f.l- r4
tMl.lilli.L of U.ay it W e uiHrtlw, H tClltlt-
till l tl It) all k lltafi t'llSsaJ, JfllllaV-
ti tl u kin lul r)Mik, UMttM-s), urrt4
W'liC r Ihl Mli llt.-sva, BMilf aii t.irr im,n
p flssMUrw UU tits? f a- t.l 1'U, Hit Isr.ii ltl
tt fl rtias A tll .iit'i bttfkfnilvrw m hit b g rlisr
lul wttarli til tiilfititfa, l.i tilstltiitfj Hit
fll liuiu tiiil-tiiiitia 1 umIImI Ills ft h
ttls rstniit-. U Klarlrl, urti'hU bimI kMurf
rtfiitfi Mini rhfuittsftum and urrruu-mm. A
Isilsiilts t. nt0 iKiMt ta, Inlhltsat hut vlltaj-tUal,
It tttttirttv Bii--ui. urt-it atit tl. attilnv lu til
l, aiitl ,iseaata. altJlt'UeV aUi aiitat ui
lan-larj I uii-.
A ' I 1. I sx Fa. whA ni.,la mil t III tiara
Olllt'l SX1..
We pnslllrsiV eura nintnrs. Dllss and sll rro
I il itUesM-s a-tlh'.mt tialu ot ! UuUon fntai bus!
nrm au rum. no ea aim all vi,u 1la- ,
sbmw. a.I In (. r pamih t bra. I'orWiasld a
Luaej, Na Marsut unit ssii Kisim uaw. '
i-r..i.',, ,pvsilu. a IiiiiWIks tuui sbuttld
Tkf Ouau fur breakfast.
Caa Inamellna atova pnllak; no ilaat, sa aasalL
After the Grip
" I was very weak and run d.ian and d.d not
raia trnrth,IUao ms&r alter that pnalral.
lUf llisrss. SlB
llnod' Hariaparllla
blrlilf reeutntiiemleil, I
ttB to takd It, aud
was mora than p'fsar.l
with tho y It built tn
up. I think It hs
no better tlian be for 1
wu tick. 1 bav also
w;iss"iijijitia pii 1 s.
Mrs. I.uiersata. , .,
sua slwi)i prrfi r tla
to any other kind now. Tin y do aot s tip of
aaakeu. 1 ara glad to leeuoiiaand two la b
Hood's Cures
Ins prierallon Unwl'i Hanawrllla anj
UnoJ't I'ilU." Ma. IitliU aaoa. Man S. It. (let Unod'.
pralr,l fruui til
IUJ ai pnr-lr rUlu, taralull
is t-t lni'n-,1 en ,
jga CURE.
Tarea Coasnmpt Inn, Couahs, f'mnp, Sara
TkrwtU. S-'S by sll I'mo"" m s (iiutaalsa.
r-ws Ism Si.ts, lls.k srl h. Shilah's Pereue
Piss tar aid girs ""'" asota.
Mrs T. H Hawklvav -.Teno.,sayl
-.shi.'t l il.iilsrr .i I Ml .Ml' I.IFK I
tmuulrr it Hut rrml fnrailtliUUaUittm
I rive wrl ' for livi-i-ia, Utrer uc kaloey
truublo Itexeela. I'rkeiiets,
VN 1
1 N2iLr
1, .M. 1 i.r,h y -.-rTllits Ititmedr. ttwil
reHere and Cure ymi. rmaboeta. This In
tr-Ur t"r Its ucafitl tnwttnent Is furnish
Ireak fUilloh's lleme.lie ara autd by U (al a
euarantua to give aaUaf acttuo.
Miss C. G. McClavk. School
teacher, 753 l'ark Mace, Klmira, N.
Y. "This Spring while away from
home teaching my first term in a
country school I was perfectly
wretched with that human agony
callcil dyspepsia. After dieting for
two weeks and getting no better, a
friend wrote me, suggesting that I
take August Flower. The very next
d.iy I purchased a bottle. I am de
lighted to say that August Flower
helped me so that I have quite re
covered from my indisposition," O
Sips of Health. .
You don't have to look
twice to detect them bright
eyes, briynt color, bright
bright.; in
every ac
ticn. Disease is
only when
weak tissue
www 1 a
is replaced by the healthy
kind. Scott's Emftlsion of
cod liver oil effects cure by
building up sound flesh. It
is agreeable to taste and
easy of assimilation.
Prepared bf Snail S IUm. X T. Alt flrarrtrta.
JCJCVA ''eni by mall. M-y-
.p y u au,.a li. ity lrrl(lit, prepaid tl
pre eneil, sesbipva elv4,6or8 t lre
J vr It mesol rareeicellence, everything!
Yon sctnslly isy lea tbsn lo' tha pnn
tnir. 1,0 0 seres Nurserire. 2 ',00 1 sere
Orebsnls. Kia t in'ormst onalsitit trees
ami fruits, htark I'.r , Loais'soa, Mo.
Prune Trees.
ttsllsn sn4 P-tlte, one year nl.l: I lo I f4
llrh Jirt l.i'O. 4 lot et tilirh.kU r Ijjih.
kll.g ilouv st eo-'. All reus arisute4 true
ut rani, a l to- from li.sw ts ir seals. Send
r,ler Uililiavi li l. silornrjr la la. t lu
' K. kln: a-xl-ea , l'rt.n-l. Or.
iMkrTfsst 'I trj mm susts)yt rri,
atalVS) lf it tllakt aViatay trhe -Wi
fT sd' latnvasMssjriiivsMrr lUnl-r.
11 rayfrf'- Its? lvt' lrtltllt J
lUkJtlA- n irMH wufsyBktUtwflU I
ii ll,a at Wman-a f.i.n.l V I.
ftillnreiieynf the tckseSes,liealai'liee
hit Is hiiniei ani l ortn s vonisn's
ol testily lor it. It will rive health
trf7n r
m r
far Cieum4i) la what yuQ
ara iMTarin, It your l.l.l al
trtitain. L4isuiiitiUon ai simp.
Oly Lung K-rutula. A sr-r-itu.
IUU OtMslltK!, !tb a sliM
iwirq ur 1 m i, m au 1
DmIs toivri it.
lint j't aa II depemU Dpna
tli biiaal f. ta iri-111, an i
dVjaaula Un tl.a l.l.l .r
Ita eiira. lb luml rwrily
fi hcnifiila ia averr f.,nt
tba lihat elTrM'tiva bl,n ! i-U-atia-ar,
Bah biiil'ler, arul strmiKtlf
rasturer tliat known u limit.
eal aienca, I IksiiT 'iera
(loliiea Muli'-ai Iitaivery.
Kir ConsSmrition In all ita
earlier aiai:, aiul ( Wmk
Ijinrs. Astlinia.Hvef-al ttt-l
and all llronrhlal, Tiinait, and Luni; ailro
buria, that ia tba only renmljr ao uiifailutc
that it ru be (mrmilmf, If It (t,u4
baueflt or cure, jrou bave your money back.
Ko matter pow long youa bad ratarrh,
or bow eavere, lr. tun.- Itomnlv will eft art
a ymaneaik cure. .' rawanl la ollared
by Uie i-ua-tata- i.f tin i-"r, (or aa
LucuimUe aaa ol Catarrh,
-HH.L rtMD A-rt iL 1.1 sit or-
Printing Material and Machinery
For as! al lawaat prtna and miat e!ranla(eu
terms al
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Writ lor prt ca so J terms befort barlnf 1
"jut mil m:
A monthly jmirnnl nf -
rial inU-rt-st to Printers,
Hfivrtcrs, Editors ami
If you don't rfecive it
and want it, write
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Hercules Gas Enninu
MaSe for Power or PumplnB Purpoaes.
The CbeaM ItetlaM Oa S.imlua
aa Um V.tfasl.
Our er twaa ana
Far Rlaspllelty It Raata In TTorlil.
It alls ItMirrroaa a lteaartolr,
Ka Carbaratar ta -et eat af arHer.
Ka Uatlarleaar Elaetrl Siarlu
II rua arttk a (Vwif tlesrtenr llaaUtna luaaany
Mlier I-.iIimi.
mi ma rmtniri n
ALMER & REY, Manuracrusiss,
(OS loam tltwi t Fraxitta, CL
will eitt i-y tn Hwi j
Bones, Ui st.OilM "Slli all
Hrvea I ut S'iSr.a ili
doulii l a unmU r ut ev:
l I aiaka t leia m ,rv 1. r
li:-n ea-rjr tha t-i.
aal-ly Uiroii,h tha moluus
ril and l"t tiir-a lj
eontillon to Uv whn eyvy
ronavin't tt-htsriaterir.,
rhieis Uxua tuaa any
1 OUioi lood.
'eed Ureeii Bnne nt1
J Sa 4 raaaaaaai ui kul
Tl Ilia lls an I ) iil maaa
I JSdy ptr nut Diura (.nUt
n-w. w vaiauaraa ace
Bet ttio Genuine!
ArtlllflsrsklM Ifanlt Catwl la 10
I It III' IloaOilor. " Jar till rami.
UI IWt4 ta.a.SirMtS. .
fflrtthsM nrw;.4
e-s-SV I r f rmwl .e)
nhftUtri tjasw
rts i rm tf b 1 :
UkltRff Mkft4Ma feSMa
-. o uma
Mr A aaa W I r rsi 1 11 s tt s it ssasv ask,
. is I I'PSH, S 0 .tiri U.
W i ' f lrlaah
aw! ! B It-
Th 6peolfl A No. I.
raraa. atinnst hiLall rmm of I
kwmm kn4 Claws, eo riif ut U. w 1...
w,jiihs l'veeta aa-iuw, n a v i
bwal rrmalf. l-iiea at.a f7lfcaa aa
tu tiM'xl e-'M s all ImairWt
alauularSiimai tbm A. a. -!., .Ml. VotMae
ri I. a. v
I".. J .
Very remarkable snd eertsin
yen wsman o 3iu)r a
1 in Rt'MI'DVtn .ten
f i 'jj Hx'.SBd areakae
" " life. T''onaods
snd strenirth
v at a
f I MStsjsWSssssI satUB
I I mmm sVsi Mi Ml
0 O