ttizcue City Guard. .JA". The :$-nt reajr ba been pith ring in tome DuUl-le men of Ute iLiti. Tbe exchange tUt lUaV-tU that wit cf lrpllo.i be al.owed miI,ipto the cai-ivd at lern will tr.eet with little iitj from tie 1It clerk. The cabinet at -puintment are n.4 iirvcure. Tber mean a Tat mount of work if ti.e l:tnn art tiled iiicer-r, bei ie the tan are not u!!klent H defray the co-t oflirintinm roi.ner cirneriu rjte with the poitun. The iaoj!loki of Portland, the mm who came there in an early djr and grew rich by the natural enham- nient of ralue in proi'My. re obji-'ting t fre bri Je. Tly will meet the fate of all t.W who optm public imirovernent and en terprise. A lave imu of the S. F. Exam jner hu an article on unuiual ride male br men in the course of mili tary dutr. None, however, exceed that recirded in Brown'i hiUry of Orejron, that of an Indian hot car rying a meeair during the Carue war of VJO milt in twelve hour. About ttO,(J(A"" P'1 evfr' for the cretn and pri- ervation "f forwta; 200,000 .. . i it . famine are iupjif ni irora uwra, mW,U annt-ihine 1 'it 3.0 WAX) find ' - o , . nl tvment in th"! variou wood ind ittrie of the mi r,ir Tt.a lrLl r - venue fmtn th foreaU unoant to in,500,(, and the current exrMie are 5,jw, OIK). TheN'orth Carolina legislature I. a. nn.lnr mn.H.-ritiotl a ineaftlire that outfit to be tiken Up in every ute. nirttcularlr in the .njuui It i a hill intended to put a U to lynching. It ha been favorably reptirlea by me oninmww uujum It iintmiM a tienaltv o l !! j - - 4 t.VX) and a term of imprisonment fin in neraon convict! of com t.licity in lynching. The govrrnor U tuthorited to end a jndgw and an attorney immediately to any place in the Ut where a lynching occura to try any one apprehended for being concerned in the oflenw. The authorilie of a county where it occura are to be held rwponaible for not auppreating aucii uniawiui doing. TheCorvalli Timet uvi that the rUl number of clerk employed at the leirialature it ninetr-one. The nav ranv-a from II to 110 per day. they will coft the UU thii aewion, more than rJU.UUJ a aum largely in excei of the pay of all the tnetnlx-ra of both houw, mile- ant bik! all. In view of thll It 1 not nurprieing that ditgraceful cene of urgging and buttonholing have been euacted at aIeln by un womanly and unmanly applicant for clerkhipa. The booty held out for them to wramble after was un umial. and if ther barked and jumped for it like to many canine after a piece ol meat tne commonwealth netl not be a tonUhed. That the member liked the I rort and were . . nmne in rnivmrue it. l nroven 1V the fart that they votel do n the revolution Dxing tiie pay oi cierx at s Mr day, a raw oi cointfna tion that would have been rll-tual in wmirin the service of a lufii cient numiier of clerk, vil. about twentv, thoroughly comjtent for lite uuuea mjuimi oi uiem. ii inr ir w.-re placed within reaon, the Uiiaviar of applicant would be rvawruble; it u made extrava- rnt id mm ai d women trailed elf re pect and dignity in the dut in a t ruggle for booty. And tax payer whistle f r ir,000 overjid ttiem. The crua.le against the cor-t cootie m with unabatrd vifir, luuch. no doubt, to the perturb Uon oi the cowl mk r. W'uitun ha Urn gradually undre-l dur ing t!. Lut twenty year. Fimt CAme th cry, "Awav with the LoopLirt" and gradually thi rro jecUng wire fence ha leeneu in circuaift rence until it desentrited Into the beg bustle. Then f l lowed a hot and funou ag-.Ution agalct the bulle and it grew !- yw by year W.rg by tAgr from the Leg bird-cage afUir into a piece of ttufod cotton and then thi too had to go. Woman' at Wntion wa text drawn to the Urge number of cunshuf'tue kirU he wore, and one by one thedrinpjrd away until io the courteof evolutijn tli multudinou pr'.UcuaU tvu'ved into t!i ru.n.enUry tik tigt U. The t.iouat grew andchwr to the figure an 1 became tLinrvr and thicker in tuture unul in natan-' wic time the heavy prtu coaU became th beautiLl woven and ck.-c;;n)rii.g (ighu. Ai-int the abandoning f ba, butlr and tiettiooau U-re mm auany and bitter pnleu, eruUy amor.g women of ptntuelle fignre. A final Uo 1 i now made agtnul tl d.rcar ling ol the eorwL I'n l.ka Uie above cue, however. tle pwtet a to the caitiag off of the oinet come fnot lho oi UiUop t:te ct of fijrjre. All vxttrn canno t fcare wn-U m h aa Umi 4 the Wnu of Mil and if tlirr d.l it i. quite cianifii t!.it all cir ouM cot tlick ucii mmi iicJ. TJ . M i lii-a of aTirnt. fjf the of!ic within the gift of Irci d'!. t-!:t ( lt v!iii'l. The giriu' law are beinj ttrii tly enforcl at kane. Th: applies to all kind -f game. Tl flair carrie-I br l iurrj and hi follower during the conieM of I'eru will U' a notable otj.vt in the Veneiylau exhlbli at tl.e world' fair. The word of t rt-i will be exhihiti-1 from Mexi'-o. Jaf Mania, ! Jan. -r..-Tt.e Ui(i.!ture ttwX In )liil "n. Tlx- r-ul.ll'-an nw-mr. ( U hi-v .1" iiik-iI to an-erruN-all. ifety-le frpill to ttnlr Ii"e !(tit IIHre lliao a iiKicum. rvn 4 tli nriiitr n.pLlurtUI"U "V ri0 thnlbCiUt. WlthiHIl tli ' there mi i) I cum. I U'Ikii if M-fiate roll m ealinl t ! rtitire -pulit .trvtiirtli ut to Jha Martin, an-l o isru-o, iiriiM ri, Viie.J f.-r him. The re.ult "f the )"tit H wan fliiil!jr ait ni nerd: Martin . llinni I. -fiTl-f 1. Tlw i.r-il-jit anixKjri.Td Martin al-t-r. t'nitni.-tatrt -liat.. Mtt he ha-1 d-ne tht, M-vrf. S nat"T Ilaa er. reiuhlin. iW-niau-le'l that the re- iKit-IMan tm fivrti a rnancv ui iw. The ireid.iil rulr.1 that the v.K hav In; l-n aunouiu'rit li furthr vote Could Le rwJrL I . iwl f rm Ilimr. m ho )n i.nmiliM-nt in tlie Hin il"f the pe'pie' irty, aee ftirtou oh-MIh-rln'thm of Judire Martin nor. You mar ay forme, aii.Mr. !. "ttiat tlie elii-tK'n of Ju.Ue Martini the death llw to the ..Kilit rtr In Kati-oa. I n iioum-e mr all'Viance to It." Mr. Iimr. !: "When the priuIUt party el.i-t.-l Ju.lce Irtm nator. It n.timut t--l ul-ide. Knmi it ahe, howevt-r. will ari-- a partj m J in km i1.mii iiati-.! tV lailitlcal tri.'K- l. r. m hlrh a ill rmrr-"out I lie w ilt of the p ople." M -MiJivii.i.r, Jan. 2". m n-vli.t of the Onv mian veifr.Uiy ii.ntnlnliii the new of the failure of the orvl laii k. the Sherl'laii Una of the t'liit.-d "tat.- Itanklliir t'otnpaiiT elowil lt door and refu-d to i.y the etie. k. 1.. ll.ltn-vi, the eei-n-iarr of the -or-iratlm, wa hereto-lay toeitiult it attorney. leleKrani en m--u fmm the rirelieiit of the eonoratlon, now at Kari-at t'itv on hi war ti (inmin. If he tUmt not arrive in wn-k or ten day, tlie liM-al ofllcvr ill make an aj-nimieiit and dep.rit.irt ll. pro rata. It i leariMd ihat tliere are fnnu .H ' to ) in the latiik at Mieridaj. and nearlr enMii:li wjri- lln to nnrt the oriH-unt of .le pin-it. at tJi." V. The alHur l talkul of every w here in financial eln le, and (here -M. to lw muthleniv in lUfVi-a. The mnn-rn haa Ut n trying to .to a haiikllif .ulnea on the lixmey of tlt-ptMitor. (Joo-I fliiancier here av a Male hank ln-'i'r i tEdl' MoHK ATTAt llJIKNTM HI KVM, hl.:v. Jan. Five nmre attach ment were annl today iiaifl the fini.- lluiiUinc (oiiiny' tmilillnc ami iint-rtvat In-rvnia. 1 lie ainrnvate of tiiew Ave rlaim I ahoiit J, and more are in pn-e of law A LOST LOCOMOTIVE. Id S. P. Eijiat I'Iiikis lalj lit Columbia River at Kalimi. I'l.HTI.AMi. Or.. Jan. S"i. Ahout oVI.M-k thi mortiiiiic Northern I'acltlt- frt k-lit train N. -Vf ran into tl- f. rry rrxinir the Columhia at Kalama. A on aa the I mm aa aaft-Iv lamle.1 on the ferry, the engineer and firemen, to-Iti-ther w ith the other lii. nilin of the train crew, went toiii-r at the lunch counter on the laiat a U their cukIoiii, and in the lunchroom until the frrry tiearrd Hunter' laiidinir. on the outh lile of the river, w hen they resumed their reactiv pltioii on the train, all except the niifiim r and fireman. I hey hl not, fur reaa.ui lilcli were Mifllclcut, clliiib hack Into the mh of their engine, and the reaaon wa that the rnifliiecouM not he found. It liad been attache.1 to the train an wa near the flout end of the lamt when he tartel, Imt had run off the end of the ferry and into the I'olumhia river .'HMlM rr U Kalama and Hunter' landing. No one kuoa lut where, a the en sri ne ha hut yet I.vd o far a U known here. It l Mip.d to have liroken auay inmi the train ana run on the Unt of it own acord, it l hardlv pnlle anv oim- on the ferry- would have uncoupled It from the freight car and larted It up. A no one reut to have "i n it i-lart. hu evrr, none kno iiut bow the avl dent did civur. lhr rirvuiiitance eonnii itU it are very inilir, ana I tie w!nk- -Ti.r l In mrl.r. N ' a iii.urtil and aoide IP nil the .1. lay in Mi-uniii; Duttx r rmriiH- li liin: t!;e train Into rortlalid. n dama.-e w a d nr rlii l t thr Urm the er.ulne. Hie N'Ttliern I ine cri-iU t re are v. ry rv-H.-nt r. jar-li'irf Itw-matii r. Put thr new a al-ivr el. ii a ol taloe.1 fnn other and authoritative nm, a 1 t 'x r- ally tin- rs- under liulUr tirv-uru- VV Ii l Ir. T. W. Mirlton, a. romjiankit t y hi. I:. ther in law ' befr t y tlie o.erlan-l train I riday iiHiniing. He i very 111 and hat to I earned lo hi iviiiciior from the train. IloKV 111 Kug tie Jan. th, to the wt(r tf A. J. Itiilhp. girl. IloRS. To the b ifv t Irjin IUr near Jarr. Jan. Z ta m gin. N later, abates I p. WT.R-sCal . Jan. SV-IUre Ba aa rwrthajuake li k U-re Ul mht al W:J tk k. and (H i: r al.-ut 1 tin Uoanung. Jiolh Brrr light. ( (Blrea. SAU W. J.a. SV Talay the trD-Vcar rutiu-a.- Biib the NuoIibm-i. ni foun dry k prt-n UU riptttd. and B BWBi.1 1NI. Ik.Bllllig. U n ' tmliary. k 37 IdSr iih-d ou l.'tmi Ii utiw duty -f tin k ci-la-! tuir to jiM.Wr ;K-j u tit f. the, alate'. pn.!ier. . TW idrflnlle r-.-n.ii..ot lhe' f ul.r- lunilatl'i lle Kugeur "Wm i A. l'.B,nua by ttte inaliiiiiv of theorai.of lU rxi.n. II. t.:i'' Cohen, li-llaitd. Id all. u-l la to be ! reffrt.Tj. The rtmlinaa aa tk .jutfiit oral. and a lej,t m-iMn would ha e In-n in l. f , -, jr , T Ijiakk trfT... eBtmrB a gid wrkfiJ WatiU (io.bra Item. Jan. J'. fli.IeJ. !'-toii I daliJeftuJy HI. Mr. Jo I'-iton Uaffliete-l with the UlUlllp. K-v I Urk and lU-v. tV.flman are coil.iu.1.r,nr.of relli.U. inett- Injr in tl-1. u. cnurcn i " r. Hamilton alla. t I pn h.d In the M. - chun n here oturlay evt nnif auu Win. IUiiit and family hr liiovr.1 it of the KerU.n Douae in tl- l.-tlMrn partoftliepre.1Iirt. liii -ii.uh and family nave fn-in the v illikT Into the ane. Aunt Wlnui Iavi U .lowly rev.v- eni.j from a eriu illr . TlH-SKithern 1' loropany i l.aiu wn curoin O"" dit. he. of ama twale. aouiu oi ure. thnntfti w hi. h It rvj exUnd. Mr. John I'.lakelr. of Israeli, i iit la-t rvelilli In thi Vicinity. Mi lira. HuiiMtker, '4 Iext. r, U vi.;tini Ur iter, Jlra. itey. Tlie dUtili-t aehool rlow I n-Iav. v rwi,t Utnr from an phv-Han "f the lnM aylum nat.a that A. J. Keeix-v U wor . Mr. and Mr t'ahow havhtn kerp- icif h'Ki f.-r W. I). k.iy fr ti p.t two wtek and ofie of tlte ' have ln l-'kljf ah-ut for i"" -muiical lntrunteuta. Mi, ll V Krn t and hahe Lay r coTrred lrm llteir lili . Mr Willi. MulkeT will o o-m- nl. 1. fncle t harW- llelilietl Lew - ... lweinnir. Srnat' W. F. Mat! k. of Pndle Inn. and wife with the latUr treiit. Mr. ana Mr. f. rH'pn, Sunday. Ima-t Stewart and let.-r M J iron attrn.Uil a dance at t'loverdale I rulay nik'ht. V. an- lnfonnr.1 tlat Mr, t yru IW llTiett haa IK 4 heard from her hu laud in. hi arrival at lleppncr, exaH through Dewpar. Mr. M. J. Wiuunaon U pr-pniig to eiik-ak-e in hop raiMlitf wmiew hat ex len.iv. lv and haa erected a auUtautial dry I nit houe. Mr. J.m. fimith and little daughter rclaliv.a down the valU-y lar Week. 'ha. Smith b I one of hi hor-e kilUd hv a freight train a few day in.-e. Irank Hampton and wife, of K.u- gene, have to n viitlng rwlatlvea here. Mrm. ti. K. Tliomrin and litti' nlnv mere thrown from a wrt lat hunday and utairied eoiue brui: hut nothing M-riou. Mr. Tavlor and family, we are In fiiniMil. Ititrnd removing to their fann lu California next u miner. I'liclejewe Cox (till hold hi In l for higher pri.-ra. which we hope In may realize. Hi are of extra .puality John Kit h. n vllte. relntlve at t'o- l.urg U-l w.i k, returning Monday Henry Matthew I having Knihhing done preprntorr to breaking rround for a ten-acre field w eat of hi houc. "Ilenl" Matthew U tl lat liitfit for MoutaiuL K. II. Dillard hiiold hi IVtaluma Ineiilalor la V. It. Mntthew. and Mr M. haa one lot of chick hutched and the lnimltor full again. Will Kn-ney I having LL 4o-icr-fann fenced. ti.whcn will he rcpre-ctitrd In the coming teacher' examination for o r-tltlcaU- by d-veral young erin. t'rewell Item. Jan. i WO. M.-arn. Ii-ter Swnggnrt and Jeo. Hteaart, of lionlien, I(o Mntthew and KIiimt Wiley, Ml t Mattle Itich anlion. Klva ltichanloti, la.ra Illume and Mamie Ilonnan, of IM.tuoiut Hill, the dance at Cloverdale, r rl .lay night. Mr. Polk Mayea, of Jrweph, Wallow county. iViiting w ith lier graiidrenta. Mr. and Mr. A. Fton, while Mr. Maye 1 at Salem, he Mug the Wallow county reprr ntntive in our Mate legislature". Mr. John S-hinuU n tunie.1 home Tuely from Cottage timve after a Bti k llt In that thriving city. Quit a numtvr of young folk gnth ere.1 at the rvaidciiee of Mr. Ik 11. Thurlay night and int the evening I'layiiig gituie etc. itefnidi nienta were aervnt and all report a plendid time. Mr. and Mr. (no. Ilswl.y anil chil dren went to Cottage tirovt" Salunlay afternoon to vlit relative. Mr. Henry lUnk ut Sunday In C mage timve. Th leH dance at I'lovervlale Fri day evening wa largely F rly In the evening the incrry evkcr ltrn t congregate and at V.. k the wtrl .train 4 rich Tn.-I.ily that th--f knight of th lw. Mm-ri. John Keener and John l'arker Could pnilu. n-n-indel thnnigh the hall w hile tlie jolly daneem kept m-auid t.p unt.l iipr wa n-ady, when ail betik thenix lvea to the tat-lc w here a magnirlc-nt rvket lun. h w a nr-a.l. .hoB'ing the "gentler were un x celUd In the art of rooking a well a- i., i n... ... .M . . wa. in order till eaflv m..m. w hen ailV .. .hi ti i.iic .ii,,., Wended their WV honielfivrd h-irilevnl Well pl.-av-d w ith the rrtv. Mck-r. Wini enreid and Park, r dt-v-rve creilit for t heir able management and court.-.-. Mr. FLU Sirft k ft f.r San Francl Friday, to work lu a printing offl.v in tliat city. Hi many friend b i-ti him MK-ce. in the Mle of '.WvlL" The I. O. T. will give a lket Mit'l-rat tht-ir ball Friday evening. All are cordially inviud. Ill H LAB. On the fence. The I'ortlaiiJ Te'.egram k-gt-lative (i-rr-.'iiVi lit. my. "A k'o.lniany 'are on the f ii.v' yet a li.tli." niortk-Tior-t and del-f-.hilm-tmi pr -(.-iti.-n. They are much in tlie p-n i a pmniincnt .b riHi-ratie Itator, alio Mild to Jour ytMr-day: 'It i lneiui(al-',- and unjiM toio noihiltH-tinii f- nulri-t- elu-w. K-Mibm. I think it l- Ull.-oo-tltUtK4uL It I. taAitg "Oe nun m-.rr t ban a n tier, on wliai M i. M'llll T' ..rtr,. ith.iikifthe. r..r - -jUirtil. un-W heavy jnlu, .. ,i la:!- -i.r of ail del . and to Bhii ; tit, itial a-.. t, nay an-i rwur, al ; -ijy a--r. in other cmtitiea l Ar4 .irv tot ttBitig. tltal nitie-lrmSa f - r Be). r .11 , MjniJrt I am In- wil Ij a..- i-t tit. nteannr-. W l.ile .rku,.- tu u.y 'unioo inin h IllJU-t h. li-v lu.i rftVU t'.ffii't. fit I Iw-Crrit to la on the- li--le a Orfl.lMWl. i V v. Mi I.TiaU. t rtr. neef and evrg h, t t) mm rrvital Utertingaat iTaiit, Tb Legl.Utorf. pilf Oii4 Ju . Allrv'a Lill to am. uJ the charter of Kugeiie and r lon-ntr are uow ordered to third reading. Italrv'a .rtag hill for lUM) wa In the -tiate hy a v.rtc of 17 nay to 11 yw. U"th tlte Lne couw- Iv nator vote. againi tne oiil, The M.rtiigneld cliaru-r haa t il Uith houraand I how rewiy tr the action of the governor. On g--li I II : "A Oeli gaiK'ii 1 I. from Lug. lit, argur.1 agaiut the ne i.i .iKiiily of Mineral, alUvmjr that rtiigh rrj.uhll.-Bil ire ln- are taken fn-m Lane ami ihjuguta. io inaac e u of them iViuk ratio. ' Thi a lul- take. The drl.-gatl-n wa aiviu-ti lill.-aJy and tlie gnajn-U I wyf inr were that tlne wa no ue iu ui vi..n. and the agilatioti wa imrvly the mork -f to a Ia4ir. Kirt nwdtii-.: Hy Alley, f.-r coun ty U.rd of nd u-rvuKa. The Local Market. Tb i-!l'.i.( aiM - a ai " tH n l fl-l rvi '1. J 1 rrwrton tvk.l, &iJ b luffed M -1 '- " ' r, it caa W Tari4T. vT y, i - tint- i-ri . . O.TI. hf Mlfl, Ml fuA a rr i- aa 1 !' - lr . . . a c rr -1 - a r-.-lvf Vfc--t H.-Kr ra 4UIU- r ... . !- er L.u-frf iM aiTT trf tod 'J B) j I1! lk . -J betx. If lit l-rt 4 at t du e. -rVf Vrf .... : 1-4 . '4 I - l"tT--f Kill fry rT'--.'-'i. f a kltraL'. W -N.lrn. P ft 04 Curru . muk K icu far.: Y W Ki r J.i. t m 11 I i) I i- J Tt.-V l in-lwui,ailtfi I HIMI-Ol B He- ottre. Notice I lirn hy givni that I have Id a on.-lialf Interest in thedrug .tore formerly known aa the H IL Luckey A Co. lore, t Voln. y Ileiiicnway. The firm hereafter w ill 1- know u hy the imme of llcmciiwny ii Noland, and Bid continue Irtlilll.iwat the old .talld. All act-ount due tlie Ann of K. It. I.uckey A Co., T. J. Craig, and J. K. N'olaii-l, are due and jyahle to inc. All iarticludel.ted will j.l.a--ciiIl and make a w-ttleiiii-nt, a I to cl.w all oM account. Kugene, Jan. J), Htf. J. F N'oL.vMi. lu Mop drowrr. Kh:tor FffiKNr. tit AKti: Having In n Informed by the call for hop meeting that would in the (irAiitof txhiy, will you ke al low me to ay to the grower thnmgh your paper not to I pentuaded to jiur- eliae iua-ia or anr other upplic un til they know w hat the hop meeting will develop. There I likely to be quite a prewmre brought to bear upou grower w ithin the next fen- diiy to buy .uppll.-. Hut .taiid tmui under ami ln-'.urt- to l on hand at the meeting. You may hear .iinethiug that will makc.u hop right along in your bu- ilKW. (Ir.iw i:k. Notice of New Surey. Notice I hereby given that the un urveyed portion of T40SK5K, to wit: Nvtlon5, 6. 7, S IS. 1. S and N W J of fee 4. W ) and N K I of Sec t. N i and W J of S-c 17, and N of Nf :m, have Ui n .urveyil, and the approve.1 jilut of the urvcr thereof will be tiled ill the itoaehurg landoDhv on the lith day of March, lv1-!, and on and after the .aid l"itti day of Marclv! iv.ii we will l- reparel to reerivr llliiig and ciitric in the mid towiinhlp urvey. JollX H. SlIt l'E, A. M. t'KAWFoKn, Itegiater. Itrveiver. Krai lUtate t ratutert. tVifNTRV. (J M and 8 C Curnon to Jame M Howard, I VU7 acre In Tp 1 M, It 4 W: -d V. Mary Cook toS FV.huni. ct al, 412 acre in Tp 15: S. It 4 W; f i. S J Swift, et al, to r C Caron, 412 acre In Tp 1 S. It 4 V: KxUiti. It II Hoan to ft C Millet t, '.! a-rr in Tp 15 S, It 4 W; ,'"'. F U llowanl to t C lii pire ro.1 in Tp 15 S. It 4 W ; iOl The ISeutlfur Ajllo. b.'.J (ru.M. Jin 5 !( everyone wa urpri--. on aris ing thi morning to find the itround eoverii with iob-, the 'nd !orm thi w inter. l p to7o'rl k (hcrrind aa only til-vly tuvenil Imt it haa lvn .'ll.r.-t.-a.lily and heavier uier and at the time we go to pn- it almit four In. tie d.-er an-l ! nt thaving. Tlie no : dry and accompanied by a wind. The wirU.-r of the ground waonlv -lightly fnm-n lfor- , . . . '. . J . l". .J . . ' " . i .:.i .. " ia ai ... wgnn atix uro. W lw C. Faklw KI.L- On Tu.-.Liy lat. comnutti-e. from J. V. tiearv W. IL C., No. 4. f thi city. eiuuwi of l.n:i.a H. ilman, He. k, Hig mii. V.lair and llotlman, crdUil on the i r-ileiit of the eoqn. Mr. Fan nie N- l-in and In tlie name t the ni-t. i r pn--tit.i tvr with a beauti ful : eal-in" nuilt w ith the nam.- of the 'I rmlen ta-tl!y wnrkel therti.n. It a inlen.le-1 a'a farvwt-il token ( iU- :iiJlntliii left tliat bik'lit f t Iiirago to reiil penil.tlwn'. I v. I tie l mark which Bivmiipanicd the i j re-t.tation B, re m'le by Mr. Adair I Bho . ry ap n pnatelr rxpn-wil the ; animal, w ithMit Iiaving- exlnb nt of U,e j.reuleiit a co-lalr. j it-l to tiim the link? of auoh animal, :lcorjK. j an-l examining tike Mid and other V IT : ,urk ul"'n h hide.aiid making aud li t J.o .v entering in a b. k to t kept lor that . 1UK r ill rue. N new k- jmrj.. a k-. hption of m-U brand nt it er i Tii' Vt lo,. tire t fav." . trio, in uie junction oai.K lull-. tv. An.4h-r atta. him nt, in ; fli. V J.vl'll (..r f L tfi m B. - . .1 ,1.. - . ... ii... .i ;,;;t,;,,1;.r;ff. - - - " , , -nIiri, ffw. .noi!.-; ,1 . , , . ' T, - - : fr riiall amount. n the lu.vv court of Juu-in n an. : aafe attar hetl' to MN-ur tin- ante. At Jr-'t tin-re ,ift. vOl .vnf i, tmnd in0'- the KI!i.-. Ttvo A''.'liIlK-tlt. now aniouut 1 1 t ut fJ.'t'J. i C) Iw--r ar4. Jaa S I K. B J "ill Aio. , il:-nl. rr o.vii rum I'l MUtid nt. it U tvrm-er.- ii.g Nut ; in Ihat tlt v. ' iHit i -Inn i aa U a il U. rU i'i ha. U.r i i lnrJ- ion an-IAilao: x L.f !;ca. ! w THURSDAY J AS. 20. Ijmtern. Cljetip lautema. t 1 lantrru. Ail iea, all nrli a fU Up. All kind of lantern ldra. F. L. CMAMBtaA. .Vj worth of good at Day A Heoder- ftoti'a f,r rh. Tlie HuIaw taije went out wlthj five -nfr thi morning. It 1 now tho"'ut that the Tlaine ; count v division Lem la a "dwJ ; duck-' l"rlliVilleIUrvU w: It U rer..rd ti ! af. wi-atile un Lower Cn'ked nrr j liava dn-d from .tarvatioo. With everr IU5 bill "f r foreaohof lay A Hcnder. M-J w ill give a preacnt valued at f IX I- will o.ily h'Hd rd whlW the tera: Invvi.-r laata. Con alli Tim.: Every pmist la Ilroton will proUUr l- reie.-an.5e4 in the logrolliog" .1. Brtt-I as h-gi.latur thi wek on tbe v.;y -vi-ioii pjitKn. Itk J. C Uray and R. L. Wi.iA bv ha tuned a inim;-p .e t I 1-rartt.v of .W-ntlatry. wiLi Zx " ' the tiran.T bkek. formerty -vwyd 'bylr. liray. TU rf.irw ! 'eU rp in t'nelr proft aol we f.rr l 1 di.i t:y w id efc'V a aocc aii J J ! n-ua . it ! irt vour Vigb w-wdy. Clean your dcwJk ai awoing. W. H Brown U wuckunr In the c!. rk' ?.c t-lay. !itfh.riitln waa lndulif-d In on the tireet thi afternoon. The eoniniiioncr' court will hold an adjourned Md.n tomorniw. On.-of the tm-t cara waa propelled hv a double in of !iiul-a thi alter- i noon. v The funeral of the late Mr. Mary took jilaoe thi afterun fmm the p-aideiicvnf heron, J. M. Moan, to the Maaoulc wnii-Ury. Tlie tre t car line I uing now plow- and by haH work I keeping the tr k clear f..r trade. Mr. Holdeu I a rui.tler and l dixervlng; of a gorl jxttronage for hi liter pn. A t'matilla cout.ty Lorae raier re eentlv f.Kind M-veiitevn of hi hor- in North Ikota. They hail U-en iiiritc.1 iwiv from the range lu I nia ti:i county, 'taken to Dakota and olL He h:id to'rewirt to an action at law to rveovcr hi hvrMW. Srr.ntor Hiintoii would lmr"e a line of fOo to f.Xion the individual who iKiint irun at another Individual. Thi hill i a blow at the lioertic of the didn't-know-it-w-aa-loBdcd man and theet-inel fnit pad and burg lar of the tate. It ought not to pam. W have received a copy or the eo on. I biennial report of the Oregon Mate, lioard of Horticulture. It 1 an Inter-i-tin,' volume, and illustrate the bene tlt.t ibe derived Trom a horticultural K-le!y. Among the contributions are one n "Soil Tvtieaof the Willamette valley." bv Pn.f. Condon, "llerrie" br I). W. I'oolidge, and "The Future of Horticulture," bv Iter. I). E. Lover- Id in-. C'.m a!li Time: Qultnomah county ha acivptcd the mli ill theawawametit iiia-le hv the tate hoanl of ciualliation nd clerk are engaged in the work of extending the roll. Lane county haa done likewise and the county court h:i rtiluoed the levy three mill. Judge Hurrord, of lteuton, when interrogated on tin- ubie-t, aid: "If no one pro- te-ti we hall l-compelled to make the -&teiiiioiis. y e are without auinonty to do otherwii-; If w were awuired that the delln.iuetit tax.- of the U. F. would be piiid, I would I-In favor of reducing the levy." rVraonai. iKlly Ouatd. J.a. M. Ir. Kuvkeudall vUited Junction to day. Sheriff Noland returued botue fmm Salem lat night. Mrs A. K. Fattt-raou vliited friend at Irving tlay. Attorney Fit. Sklpworth went Salem thi morning. to iV nuty Sheriff Day rvturned from Junctiou thi afternoon. Inge, the Florence lighthouse tractor ho returned home. con' ll-n. S. W.Condon returned to Sa lem on the local thi morning. t.M. VAiikin and nn irank re- tunxd from Salem thi afternoon Mi- Il.e William, of Cottage t.mve, I vititing friend In thi city. r. T. nitcomb return et from a husiiie trip to itelurg thi ninruing. S hool Sujierintendt-nt Stevt-nwm went to Cottage (.irove on the local thi afternoom M.-wr. Friendly, Mi1ung, Walton, Co. kcrllne and (iallaher rvturned from Sak-m la-t night. Mr. J. ti. tlriv accompanle.1 her on-in-law, t. J. Miller, to hi home at AltK.ny thi moridng for a liort vUit. It Matthew commenced teai hlng in the Thurnh-n -chool hv-t Monday, the bacht-r who tiad U-en filling the jvi:ion U-i ii g ill. M;-a Minnie Imovaii, who habn-n vi-i'ing at tlie reineiicr of A. K. WoikI for wev. ral we k. returned to her home at S avion thi morning. Wm. F. Kyk- and I. It. Cuahman returned here from San Francit on thU morning' train. They left at "Ji) oYkx k by W hiwnan' itajre line for Florence. Siiot LD Sot I'.'-. Tlie F O. toy-: .vnator Stiewer' prnped hill ma ! of value In tHiw thinly t-t. tkil county or out of the way -ttle-me'.ta, but to the more progressive, wid-ww ake jort of the taU-, it would be a barrier aud a bunk-n to buiuem and Ui-im-i un-n. It IhhiI1 not ibm. For imtaticr litre in ciaui rrom it: It !ia)l W unlawful for any terti ct gng.d in tlie .lalijhtenng of cattle for oak- In thi tle. or the kee ner of in. ..aiuhter houv- to nnn-h n.t. tk-f .r alaughter, or any lauifhtcred an J mark. togvlluT w ith the from b1miu tlie purrha-w wa n.l IK..I.I. ..,...k . ...l. prnn.o tuadc. I UoAoilt LRU HAEELE mm ca. l4 r-vw. la rums m row.; t.'!iK aal Oraa ta. Xoaaatraa. ReirtucM. zi Ctrjxry wcl of " be 158. o n AIX WUU OLAKAMKEHJ r reatceVa. At h niretlngof enililoyea of the Oregon lc railroad. U-ld In Al Iwny Uat wk, J udtfe . C. 1- ullertoii, who wa pre -lit, made the follow lug. .Utrmect: -lwlil.r.tolt that you ert tout money. If the Mail I not tVdJ on the th of Man n. I will order new M w hatrver It w 111 bring, If it k oolv eoh to pay you your QUO J.' Om Uadt la th othrr. Ike "cut ting " of rlo. imdt to th ib KltuUoa ot wort- Iraa tnudafraud- !! IniltatloM ol th iaula Bidlela, dilw tlea oi it, aU urt uf ehp ub larnr Pfuni. iaai. at Lit. rami ilcui k w um i euttioj of prlr and that' i.'n Umt pmtnt it, on Umu- b ilcinaa T prebjc th pubUo fre- fraud and hn niM, tM faia grtmd ndlriw JTllr. H. V. Ir- ar bow told only Uiroufk drctr- rn rly autborlMd a a(BU, a 1 i 1 1 i ii I to mak a OoIi Uedleal DIoOT-y (foe to H I zi i-rf ; II dn. Imi.h.i iy. a ltm kwm e- kUJ uul Innnl 11.00. 1 ua.tlua nl bujet i -etii. wr .iinun. ..i. trreiriti ifor womaa't wak- mmt and ailment ) fimanl TaiM I for t a lirar, tooiarh bowaU). X caota. Bat tbay r thi rkraptd tOt&dam mM, tm y pa, C"lr Aa yotd ob . Tk it I rtiaoua u wj "m cur. Bwar oc nirmui laiiuua w. Utata al lowar prka thaa abevw Hemowjy & Noland, : PEALKrU IM- ! :-T. J. CRAIC, DRUCCIST. AttU:d2 B. LUCKEY CUS.rtaal, Eugene, Oregon. N. L. R0NEY, I.KALtR IX LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT. Agent for Hill' Inldelldlng blind. Inquire at F. L. Chamlier' hard ware (tore. elBttlaf ea the taertld tleve. .fr.arth. reaulala(li wb.Ok aad ara aavualtrU imbu ANTI-E1UCUS KEDIKKE. 1b tBalarlat ttlatrteta fhele.lrtow. ar BtWly raeantctl.a.lheT f mei,. fte MllarrB.rll tm lreele IfteaTticm Irmtm- IBal wli.. k-letraatW a .gae -. Imm .aaall. i'rlc., lUflt. Sold Everywhere Office, 110 to Hi Washington. SL, X X. -AT COST rBoM : Jan. 11 to Feb. f. BOOTS, Shoes, Rubber -AND- Oil GOODS. Rcfcket Store. . t-eiBiHi Iff woman weak-1 A1-. l-cw ir. limi-r Won m, Dniffs d Medicines THtfs PltlS M. Svarverud & C Keep conntatitly on Land a complete Mock of II ELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. 1 7 w l j .1 wr I I ..a .i r nvna d Gents : Furnishintr Saleav Oncoa. W. I. S F A.L M V Prifteiik.l w mm mm anwai wa. orJ fi la o. A. 5edeBt4BurtdaiMTti;a. Cttlon. cmt.initK Lnt?rW EUGENE OIGIl FaSCTOB? : Bfr-tTm" - at.Lta f jirsJ fofrrnri cokr. iroiM, obegos OT. DE. .A7VEIS ACcncr-tiLif m THi'm h:'i '.ill-etl.i. mcli,it Umut iwgotUud I In-uumml" 4ran nl Iyihwi, i,, '. .1. M hiaui l.uhi .ihI Ui-(e.. A 'Mlml li.u-lli,n.r, ' oditwal tMiilrnev, l .-. l w-.ii.iu,,,, U-taerli .Ittto and Nrtttilb .Umu Kl'llENC, .... lull !.., Ilamea I Weaver ikaN Dirt, lljutere. In a l1r "He 'ith a-it ( (eiw in . i'xl i.liilirlnl. k i.,i ih,J, III III. .llll!e. !' erv Ul.-lrr truer. , J uUiw, . r'l i'o Hi ''. J ii " Urn, Urn", oteliat.!.. tfrxut a. let h'l-r', iiien. .i( .li. a-l '!! lu,, A .reaU-r unrm au utfrr ult. r.,1 ,, euumjr. A I .'.',.'" IW ii sea ..f iUM All OlMlet .-lllll.IK.B. A T bUH 1,4 tu.ii.i orel.ard .u-i l-U-iilrnl t.u,). K-hil .wl lliiil-r, a ill Ur m.uI er; rl,i, ' Alao lau III.. iMilldlui lula ! i.i.nli,, M lamrll. irrel. I'tiluaMuwt il.roa i. tll lIl.Kll. , . lbln ff'frtj Bill m ! fi tW r tnau lli.l euiuM alui.g. Hoo t ail ru.i. M AImj JM .ere (.-ol lid. ' aere. he Wf M felMV, UU Wl. Utl'lef IW, I1, MllU a i, a huiM. livii.i w.ler. n.iHlr t.. Iiiata-r. u . 1 on raivl uia-Bei (r..ia Etir-n. a Ur IJ.1.II.W uu Ala. !' M-re. II n't land uu M. r-. no .. rrrm Dlllll"ll trrt tti lumber CHI tt. it. -I butt Oelletll "ill inrprifiiniuu. rrir,. i Alxi lu rurr l..iii.m. Ii mile. t-,9 ren. ' Wirt ele.fel .11-1 QllUer l.rm. a a eiiiot.llon i"l ' .nr. in hub. 14 and harti, .ml a." feet l lumber on tbe tr.,, lur bail liiitr new hnute. I'irt ekei. i , . aer. AiMi .'i bel ol hurt. 4 hone., lu r4 rattle, .un buUM-boliJ .nil furutt'ir Alo.kuuv.n4 i-t In kutelie.bouM t..l T room .ihI alll be tjulil .1 ll.ll .rieeoQ .m, of owner f"1'1 I" reoiut. lu tn. m.L InUlr uf J. K. Amu. EUGENE FLOUUIXG 3IlllJ t Every Sack of Plou Guaranteed. Aik your grvrjinun for Yxft flour. If nd w hat It U rt-ireent.-l tl nionev w 111 tie n-fuiidcl. The Kugclits Mill have the lut.-a iirovt'iuctit, and have no ut rji i the manufacture of llntt-claa flour. All kinds of mill fee to order. o- &rpenter and Jetting She I. C. FLUHETH. C;2i:t:r ill I'Jlil furnltur. Mad. atwl R. iired. ..t T.V Corner Mh .n l OUr ttreeu, E acene, Onf For a square dea),j to Goldsmith's. Anything in the Gn eery line, Goldsmith' Q THU Eipe Loan and to; BANK. S:::;r ti ttt T4;:e Kitl::U SiL Incorporated with a Capital of $60 000, with $30,000 Paid U. rerelee-1 iterl lo ebeek Inter alloar-1 im tltne aud luan. BwW .prue-l leeuruj. 1-ai.iMKT i r. ( ItrRC vn i-i.n.!t b n rtiM Ca.Niaa . The Kccen Ian .nil TWTlur P.nk duet both t ommert-i.1 .nd ieinrt I-um tid Jnur e.i-il aitrntiun I. ealle-l U tne Itirt feature, ol IL It it Dot uti.l yi'U n but ah.t jiiu uir, thai T'-u rich. 1 eommunltie. there .re m.ny mn. of t hnl-ilno. Bhleh. If la tw nt UiH-i. will tt .nt in m a.y uf noO ll I. iliA.-ull tolin .null am.Kinu. but tl ran be fut In a mtihii lnk .ad made ui tr him. return.. rteiietllK th.t the Itme I mme Inr the .ureeftil oraua ol Bank In thi. n-mmuuuj, when ;uor f nme In thi. R.tter. We lead in quality prices. Goldsmiths n Plumbing and Tinning done on Short Noticf .STOVES AND TIN WAR! .-T.vt ODD FELLOWS ULOCK. This space is reserved for RICE, CLOTHING .VXD Goods CT Sraar, - . , HMllBW KM peOll Elulon- fe thai -- ev4 tnaaA-wl -M1 ! r"" . nth-f E:tu i . .No. lOO. : ri-W aad,.f kind, hw the W BOLXAU; u4 KCTalL T l T Laj and Et delected f. 'tarn. Teeea. rii-. Tie., erer ke-t t f " ameT-a eretw I tl. Mnrk at --ar n Toonu I aa ab u ar U hl. r -ei"1 Z -iaJ.uaaeunK la thi. !..'., w-l.ja prtea t,.u trlnre purrhaaih ' "'