The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 14, 1893, Image 6

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JAN". 11.
fi U lliiiii'iit Sitli-rrllji-M.
We desire t call attention of delin
quent ulicnlx-r to thu statement of
niiiint M'lit llii'in In Octnts-r, nnd re-
IICst BSCttlelllcUt of the Mil I lie.
The amounts Individually an small,
hut coHiiilvcly foot up a l:irv mini, lit
l(ii,t f-VXU If not )uiil promptly we
aluill 1uf0 tli ril ill thu iQnds of col
lector hiii:vimn.
Willoiiglihy, dentist.
lll'lullTMIH, dl'lltixt.
Job work nt tin- (il'AKt) otlhv.
J. J. Walton, attorney -nt-luv.
E. It. Sklpworth, attorncy-at-law.
Money to loan mi farm. Enquire of
Judge Walton.
Orders for undertaking received day
and night at Linn & Kays' Htotv.
HciiiciiiImt thut Ed Hanson has the
IxkI xclcctcd stock of clothing In town.
For fine suit $idc to order nml
rt'iidy inadi' clothing, go to Kd Hanson's.
J Hlauk iiotlctK for the hmd Ion of
quarts mines for side ut tliotiiwttu
Hrlng your old scrap cast Iron to the
1 Eugene Iron Foundry where you mil
issw ofll.
Yerlngton's Ninth street drug store
BHiinl-e satisfaction an to price and
iUiillty. Uhinehurt'it hlock.
Money to loan on Improved farm for
a term of years at a reasonable rate of
Interest l K. J. McClanahan.
Attention fanners! lliivyour medi
cine at Ycrltigtoir Niiitfi xtrcetdrug
O store; In Ithlm-liart's block, Eugene.
If you want a unit of riot lienor a pair
of iMiutulooiiN go to IhivIV tlie tailor,
lie guarantee aatlxfiictlnii and low
The ovcrOipplng rolling hnirow cut
all the ground. Old style at reduced
irhc. F. L. ClIAMHKMt,
i , Sole Agent.
I Yerhigtoii's Ninth street drug store
In I he place, lear of cxHTicnce In
sures certainty and dtimtch In the
CouiMunding and dixs'iixing of medi
cines. Ithiuchart's blin k.
Dr. (I. W. Kiddle may 0' '"""'I t
Id rexidemv on Olive street, lictwccu
Fifth and Sixth street, one Muck went
of tlie Minnesota hotel, lit I pre
1 m red to lo all dcutal work In thu fx-!
I Oliver.
Flow a.
I Oliver Chilled.
Oliver Steel.
I Don't lie talked into buying some
thing tliut don't suiv you.
UelHti Oliver and make plowing
mere piay.
XplVT mrsd hf lr. Mils Tiaras.
Ut. Mils' Msrrlo for Nrrou IToslrillo.
Oood Kurt left peur and other gihi
fmlt tree for Hale cheap at Spencer
Kutte nursery.
Ohvim.k Piiki.i,
Htraycd from tho premise of the un
dersigned, al ut two inilea caxt of Co-
burg, several Head or stocK, nraninii
"It" on the left hip; right ear croped.
Anv information leading to their re
covery will lie Illierully reworded.
A. Hol'KlNH.
(Val Hill Nursery.
Call on or address T.
ircne. for all kinds of
X. Hegur. Ku
nursery h-ck.
rmiieson iiiarolxilem plum nsita that
will not spmut, also on pcacn room.
For pain In the cheat there I noth
ing belter llibll a iiuunei rioui wiumi
ed with CliamU'rlain's Fain Halm and
bound on over the scat of pain. It will
iinxliuv a counter irritation without
blistering, and U not so dlxagnx.-able aa
niUHtard; In fact la much suiarior to
anv plaster on account of It pain
n.lUviniroiialith'a. lfuoedlll time it
will nn-veiit nueiimoniii. Wlivnt bot
tle for ale by Owlmrn & DcLano.
U herelv given that we tlie
undesigned have xwted tre-iMiM
notli'oii our refiective farniii and
pUwca under our inre, and will prom
cute anv and all nTm violating or
I Mroimnlliiir I lie HUIU irTin'
f Ja Farkei, John SchmutJ!,
! AliK-rt Winwnrlcd.T D Sullivan,
M I. liendrick, A M jiemirii K,
!V II Welliourrtr
w Aiilnw J I'man.
II C Howard,
M n Miiiner,
Mien Ltillfrey,
C II Johnixin,
j K M Streeter,
J II Cnuan.
) ;
i Stray
Mc K Wtmteii,
John Winwlirled,
John K Seller,
Colll'R". On-gon, Dee. 'Xi, 'VS.
' On or about Novemtier I, J.Vjl, there
.iv..i n ii the nremiwt of Samuel
Siiiitn one mue ww "i
omhty of Lane:
One two year old ateer with mnall
white poU on each aide, marked crop
otriefl earandKplit In right. One
two vearold Jen y atT not marketl.
One thrty-arold dun oow,matkel, un
der and upcr bit In the right car, and
wallow fork In the left.
Any one claiming the above de--...u-Ll
mil oiitaill IMXMNioll
of the name by paying all exi-n-H and
A (iold Headed fane.
In the Colfax. Wa-h., Dal Com
moner we find the following concern.
ingayoungan boru and rcarel in
LaueiHinty: . .
On retiring from theomoe of .lienfr
of Whitman county. Hon. Jnn
Mclean, who li one oi me nii
i. i.f tlil county, wa
till, morning pnutd by Id" J,,l1,1'l1i
can friend with an eieirn -.
gold headed cane, heam-gf n lu h'i
llie ImHTlptlon, -i rwnii -;
McLean bv hi It publican r riei-.di'.
The nanuVof thow who are reiv- iJ-
i in the em are: j. -
A. lto-r, J M I'l.krtlU Frank!. Mr-e,
Jiim A I'erkin, 1 T William. A.
. , ir ti..llin...r M .
CVkiII.I., J V F.wart. Dr. . r. m--vy,
T J Smith. J Howare, J"I'' '
Ityan, (teorce 1 Howard, Judtfe K
Hullivan. 1) II Shaw, Oliver Hull.
Charli". F itunwll, F M FJUworth and
City Trvaurtr W. J. laveiirt.
;TKtrr I'AViXff-Tlie Ffrtlaud
ird..r .irmUtiiig a
5 Mli pMvldiir for tle'tavlng of In.-r-j
I"rtl,.Hl, The bli-a of the hilt-i
S iiiuisfcrKI0.ii l'rol"
;' "Twun a clauxe aIlowuir i"r
' : I'.vine of un, 1 1. ln.inllnieiilx. The
"ill sImi i,n. ..I f. 11. t n-Kt Iiii'llt of
Storkhnlder Annual Meetlnif.
lllr(iuird. Jan. 10.
Tlie Murk holder of the Eugene Can
ning and I'at kltig Company met at the
Hoard of Trade room but evitilng, the
name U-lugthe regular annual meet
ing There woa a gMl attendance, the
Ntock ln-liig pretty generally repre
sented. The Uwril of director made
their annual report which l mitmuar
iel an follow :
Total amount canh colltvtcd during
the year from milMcrlptionn and mle of
priMluetM, $.,.",.
Fay Mil. Mil. n
W. II. AbramM, HUH'riiilendent,
Cherrlin IxMiglit, r-VkVSl.
I'niliex iHMrlit, f KliM.
The miinll iiinouiitii added make up a
footing of JJI.
Irf iiviiig a bulamv in baO "t t'Oi.
Tlie company Iium on hand in mer
cliaiiiliae ami iiii-oiintx due, for fruit
xold, alxiut flNKi which leavca the can
nery in fiint nlxmt tlie xamo tHwition.
liuuiieially, ax a year ngo, having held
Itx own.
The Ixiard of director elected for the
eiiHuIng year onxlxt of J. II. Mc
Clung, A. V. Feterx, J. D. Matlia k, F.
M. Wilklimand W. II. Abrain-,
A committee eoiixlxting of F, 11
Snodgnixa, W. Fn-xton and II. H.
Stone wax apxilnted to examine tlie
Ixxika of the company.
Tin. n.-u Iv i lwteil director met thin
foremxin, qimlllliil and organlwi by
reelecting J. II. .iiev lung, im.nieiii,
V I'.-teni. vlee-nn-xldcnt: F. M.
Wilkin, w-cretarv. rt'he election of
mia-rlntemleiit and treasurer were
iMwtiM.nel to mime future meeting.
i - i L'.i..i.u l.iil-a
I'll' lujxuiem iiirn i .."K v
lymulit r.iiiiied itimmIii and dried fruit
of tlie company to xupply the demand
of our home people, the good having
given Hiicimiu wiiniwi Him. in-. m
uery will In. run till xeaxon and the
ilin-etorx liow to intercxt the x-iple in
mixing vegetable anil fruit for put
ting up next Kiimmcr.
In order to text the iia!ity of the
fruit put up, we urge our xiplo to uxe
till company' fruit, thereby helping
a home Industry.
(ioxlivn Itenm.
Jan. 10, ltti.t.
Fnmk Siitt of Crcxwell iia Ixx-n
doing duty a xtutioii agent Ixith at
that plmv and Ooxhen for aeveralday
on account of Mr. lH'lp'HlcknciM.
Hen Kii ney'x Italic ha U-eii iiulte ill
for ix veral day. Dr. Faine waa called
Moiidav morning and the little fellow
I gmilually improving at prciatit
K.J. Keetiey of Hepplicr niado this
plmv a call lal wcck.
Mix Henrltttt 8.vcrn came over
from Llcwellvn Friday to xpend
a few wit-k with her xlxter. Mrs. Liel.
hint Ion Agi-nt It. II. IMp, who ha
bccii Herioiixly III wltii tlie mump, I
gniwiug better. Wix Wlllieliil of the
xanie complaint, la again venturing
Mr A. 1 Itonev retunicil from Eu
ffeni- last Witk ouile ill, the rexlllt of
having a coiixiiif rahle number of teeth
Jox. I.lclx and wife ret timed Friday
from Llcwellvn, where they xix nt ev
cral dnv vlxitlng relatives. .Mr. L'
ride to 'mill fro cauxed him to feel much
worxe In rexix-et to the injury he re
cently Huxtaincd by a fulling tree.
Mr. It. F. Mulkcv and children and
xlxter, Mba Annie Fark. came up from
Yamhill county, Saturday on a vUlt
to Fleaxant Hill.
J. D. Matlock ix having the wn-ck
of hi warclinuxo heiv cleared away.
We are told he Intend puttlt g up a
dwelling on hi farm adjoining the
village with a part of the lumber.
V. It. Matthew ha U-gun hatching
cljlck witli hlx incubator.
Flcaoant Hill Ilfiu.
Jan. 10, 1H93
Mrx. II. F. Mulkcv, and her xixter
MiO Aun Fark. of iMlla, are here for
a vlxit.
T.S. Handxaker will not go to Vir
ginia, to attend college, at prexciit, but
will go to Monmouth next month.
W. L. Hrlxtow and wife, ami Mr. J.
W. (iulleyof Trent, were vlxitlng at
Jame Kceney'x, at Juxpcr, on Sunday.
John Kelly I ouite sick with con-
Will Kwncy.of (loxhen, waa here to
day and contracted for all Hie fence
xwt lu thin part of town. We can't
imagine why ho makes audi regular
trl to Trent for.
Nearly all the citizen of thl place
congregated 1 at our cemetery today to
pnv their laxt rexpect to tho remain
of JameaU. Mitchell, who died at hi
home at an early hour vextcnlay morn
lug. He had been an invalid foraotne
year and while hi demixe waa midden
It waa not entirely unexxcted. He
wa 72 years of age and ha been a cltl
wn here, much "esteemed by all, for
many year. "Fare thee well" old
M O.K.
All jiernon In Lane county owning
xmbby she-p or shei-p alMictiii with
other dlsetuHU, are hereby notified that
said xheep muxt he thoroughly dipped,
sunielent to kill xald dlixe forthwith.
Any person falling to comply with
t hlx notice w ill lie liable to have hi
sheep dipped by the I nxpector at xald
pcrW expense. Take notl and
save cost.
Dated Sept. 1. 1M2.
S. It. Jkxkixh, Shi Iiiriector.
"In buying a cough medicine fur
children xay H. A. Walker, a prom
inent dnie.'ixt of Og"len, Ctah. "never
Ix-afniid t iliuy Chamlierlain's Cough
Itemedy. Tliere Is no danger from it
and relief l always sure to follow. I
particularly nwmmeiid Chamber
Iain' Ixxwuxe I have found It to be safe
and reliable. It 1 Intended expeclallv
lor cold, crup and w hooping cough.
.lucent botth's fur ade by tMairn A
HeUno, 2-.,.
Tiic nuwO ( Cliambcrlaln' Cough
Ili-meily in eUVcting a dy cure of
eold. croup aud whooping naigh has
brought It Into gnat demand. Mes-rs.
i..., mi. A Son. of Cameron. Obi", say
that it ha gnim-d a rvputatioj seennd
mme In tlisl vicmiiy. J ax- m.
O jirli. or joinn. "
the lt he ever ued. H. r. Jone,
drug"i-t. or Winona, num., mi.
( hanilx rlain's Ciaigh I per
fxtly reliable. I have alwa s w.r-
raiit.-il it ami u nev.T laut-i w. . .o
,.rft satl-factlon." -0 cut
.ttl.Vfr "le y Hcburn 4 IVIna
-H-ALr.-3a. r of land Will
1 all or in one acre trw-t. Inquire
,fV V Currvonthe pn-misea west
f LtLn ne, ..liinmit the Hlaif U.e.
p,.,. MVi.'.J. Kivv' wlH
thl int.-r and spring to
I.v r.l.-f with the Stan-'jrimn
Hard are C-
Chnx. Klxxluger went to Junction
toilay. t
(leorge Frixxell, of the
llrtdgi, I in town.
Mix Iklle Mllllran of Lcaburg I vlx
itlng friends lu Eugene.
E. C. Lake went to Cottage drove
on the local till altcruooii.
W. W. Hal ne left thU morning on
a buxinex trip down the valley.
Mr. aud Mr. T. D. Linton ami
daughter are vlxitlng friend at Cre-
Mr. AlU-rt Wllxon. of Fort Angcle.
Waahington, ix vlxitlng relutlve near
Judgt Fullerton mixmiI thmugli on
the local thl morning on buxinex
down tlie valley.
J. I. Hlvgli. an artlxt, killed hlinxelf
In Portland Saturday by shooting him
self through the head.
Cliexter Oxbuni who I stooping at
hi father's ranch south of tou u I re
ported improviug lu health.
Ex-Sheriff CMlxan. of Salem, who
ha been upending M'Veral days hen-,
returned home nil morning.
II. (line, L. Hllycu, Oco. A. Dorr I
and A. M. Oximrn wen- an imxxengiT
to Suleiii oil the lix-al thlx inorniii.
MUxliig word context are the mge
in mime iilacea. They have been de
clared lotteries In at h-axt one country,
and certainly savor a little Unit way.
Alex Davis returned to Portland
last evening to resume work for the
Union Meal Co., of that city. He
shipped on the same train a cur load of
fat calves purchased from C. W.
Albany Democrat: lie v. C. C. Sixr
ry, the champion knot tier of Linn
county for lej, ha moved from
Hmwhxvlllc to Eugene, when- he will
reside. He take with him the heat
wlxlif of a large numlx-rof Linn coun
ty friend.
J. It. Whitnev.of the Allaany Herald
aud Mr. S. S. Yralii, who have Ix-eii
vlxitlng friend in tliis city, returmnl
home on the ha-al tliis morning. Mr.
Tiain came up Sunday returning home
ycxtcrday morning.
Ilarrlxburg Courier: The suit of the
Ilurrixbiirg Water power Company vs
IVrrv HyiTu was rettlcil out of court,
lr. llyile agnving to pay the axmtst
inenlx now due on the stock, and also
all future assessments on the same.
Corvallls Leader: James Noliiml,
Fj., the Jovial and ixipular sherilF of
ijllie eoiiiuy, uirrnii m lew ikiiiib hi
Corvatlis on ruexiiiiy liut. Jim ha a
number of fricmU here that were of
course glad to see himc, and he w ax
made quite welcome.
A carpenter ut work lu the basement
o( a Ijitirnncle hotel tried to move a
barrel of whlxky, but It was Im heavy
for him. He 'then placed his li to
the faucet and attempted to drink the
vessel dry. He was found after awhile
and the doctors say he may recover.
It now comes out that Dave Monn
astc, of Portland, knew his first wife
was alive when he waa married the
second time, a he n-gnlarly corre
pomliil witli her until ls7t). Hi first
wife still retain the letters and they are
cou.ihcd in the most endearing term.
A Salem legixlator proixxxn a law
that will give every man an exemption
of property from taxation and exei-u-
tlon oi jioonor jijmi. jiewomii mux
encourage young isvipieaml the MKir
man to tn-t ho hi or thl class or prop
erty and thus get a start In life.
A stolen wail or I l.uw was lately
found hidden in a mil of butter In
one of the town of Minnesota. The
strength of the butter may have Ix-cn
considerable, but to deem it fitted to
convert a ixiund roll Into a safety vault
was an evident case of uilxcouxtruc-
Phil Lewis, of Ellenxhurg, Waxli.,
and Mis Ixalx-lle Senders, of Albany,
were married In the latter city last
Sunday evening. The ceremony took
place in the Masonic Temple and wax
lareciy attended, llie Misxes .iu
smith, of thl city, were among those
A remonstrance Is Ixing circulated
to Im prexented against the clause In
the proposed city charter, to the legis
lature. iMTiulttlng the council to levy
a tax uot to exceed 10 mills iuxtiiid of
live as In the present charter; ulxo
against the clause x.rmllting the coun
cil to improve a street in spite of the
remonstrance of a majority of the pni-
crty owners abutting said thorough-
Portland Dispatch: The unexpected
revelation of the David Monnaxtes fam
ily alliilr, where wife No. 1 turn up
after alxiut 40 year of sciwration and
rind Mr. Monnaxtes living witli a wife
to whom he waa married alsnit thirty
year ago, brings to mind the trnircdy
whio,l occurred lust prior to te latter
marriage. Mr. Monnaxte was paying
court to tlm lady which excited the
icalousy of ilenry McMullcn, a former
huxband, and one evening he present
ed himseir at her house, ami shot her,
tlie lll lodging In her neck. Think
linr he had killtnl her. he tuniel tl
pito on hlmxelf and blew 3io top of
hi head on, dying instantly.
Lane Conuty Horticultural Society.
Thl organization met at the Ibmrd
of Trade room Saturday afternoon,
Dr. A. Sharpies, president, presiding.
J. O. Stevenson acted aa recretary. A
resolution waa unanimously onrrhii
Inviting the State Hoard of Horticul
ture to hold a session In Eugene In the
near future. The secretary wa In
structed to send the Invitation at once,
Our fruit grower are talUig an active
interest In the organization now, and
we predict much gixvi will result from
the work of this society.
o i
ImZj Uusrd, Jxa. 10.
Allen, aged 5" vears, waa brought here
last evening Iroui l liealier pwinci.
chargixj with ling Insane. He waa
f I veil an examination I fore Judge
ixk, Dipuly PmxHting Attorney
Potter and Medical Kxaiicr I)r.
Prentice and Paine. Afu-r a thorough
examination he was iniiMjiixl In
xane. At times the unfortunate man
is wild and force is mis-Mary to pre
vent him from committing acts of vio
lence. Ileputy sheriff Cwm-r convey
ed the man to the axylum this morn
ing on tlie early train.
Tint T X Case. The supreme court
Monday nanded down the following
division, know n a the Lane county
tax case: "Oregon A California Itail
rd, ai ) llant, vs Lane county and
James V'oland as xberifT rexn
dent: Judgment moiliried; i.iVnxm by
Ch ief J uxt iee I x-riL 11 The atuou 1 1 1 n-
ovel is S'Ji'fci al. Attxruey xi-
orx k teavraph that tlie UWi.ion is Tir-
tualtj aicVorj' fur the county.
0 Etriy.
Came to the rexiiience of Palnier
Ayr, Ave mil'-sCiorth of Euzne,
alMit the nrxt of the Himnwr, ivi a
r-i three year old,''-r, markl, under
bit In left car uQ f bit in risbt. Own
er can have the same by tx
peuses. 0 o
o '
Darwin Hrl.tow. of Cottagi drove,
wo lu town lixlsy.
J nth. ILii will r nine the practice
of law, ox-nliig an office lu Salem.
The ayhilil s-iilidiil Ix Is-lng Investi
gated by the xlalc Ixsird of charities.
Fnl Chamlx rs returned to the Hiixl
lies) College at Portland this iiioruilig.
Uco. llallvxixt-txto go to Portland
noon to take a course In a commercial
Hon. A (!. Ilovcv ntiiriictl home
from Portland mi the lixnl thl after
nisni. W. I. Vawtcr, a graduate of the Slate
i'lilverxlt v. wax elected mayor of Med-
ford yi-sterdiiy.
Suleiii journal: AUmt liny iliwie
isiliilcil clerk went home on the
morning Ira n. Hut more arrived.
F C. Sinllli. of the firm of Smith A
II, .11 u..iii I Miirlon and 1 oik coun
ties t'lilx inoiliilig to purchase xitati-a.
Mr. M. Iiunxlx rrv. who lias Isi n
l.liln.. t lliu nvlili-nee of E. 1L Skill-
worth, n turniil to her home at Ia-Ini-
noil thlx morning.
Horvniv Wct: A. S. Hlllon and
family left the Sluxlaw for Mcdford
Thursday, where he exxvl to again
engage III Jouniallxtlc work.
Ituselitirg Itcvlcw: Not a iiiemlx-r
of the legllatur from Ismglas county
will vote tu linlnre inc -nncrai
county scheme. We'll 1st on that
J. i. from the followiliK III the
Cisin Hay Sun, real estate is no longer
IxNimiiig. "TheFjist Marshlleld town
xlle bus Ixi n attniiiixl ! ritxiitor oi
the Cixn Hay Ijmd Co."
Hilly Taylor, fonnerly of Eug ne, I
l.'-iii.l iii I'lillitiuii. Wn.. runnlnir
a rcxtauraiit and Ix making money;
tlcorgc llrown i tlm lictid lssikke's-r
. i.. . ..i... i ii . . ......
lor a linn 111 llie xiiiuc rnj iifi i-iii-
ploy :VJ clerk.
W'mi V Z li. h tiMiiilneiit llieriiiallt
of Flon nce, and I. H. Cuxhmnn, pnl-
. .... ..... I J...
(H'lii oi tne !msiaw i.ioiim r ., mv
in the city. They will leave for San
Francisco tonight, where they will
xx'iid a wivk or more.
I..I.U. Illll lllli I ium.1 niukti.r al ilr?jm
rlv, near Prinevllle, wax xtablMHl with
a ilirk and killed by one, Heck Wheel
er, luxt Saturday, at a dance. liad
blisxl had cxixled ls-tweell them for
some time. Wheeler Is under ar-
The WiKxIburn IiidcH'Udcnt I au
thority for thi statement: At the Pet
Stis'k'amt Poultry show held In Salem
last wivk. T. T. deer and 1L A. Miller
and Judge J. J. Daly were apMilntcd
JuiIlts of ixililtrv. They did very well
. . .. 1 III I! ..I . .1...
Illllll It came to iiix'iuiiig iuxhu me
gecxe. Neither could tell a gisise irom
a gander.
Harney I'junty New.
January A, 1K"3.
El). 4 il'AKIt: Thinking a few Items
from thlx six: lion will not be amiss, I
will send a few.
No snow is on the ground at pres
ent, nor hnx there Ixvii any to s-ak
of this winter; warm during day and
cool night. Sbs'k lisik Hue. Sheep
on the range would make gisnl mut
ton. Thegraxs I fine. Everylxsly
tin plenty of hay, but ha had no oc
casion to use it yet.
Harney county is one of the leading
counties of the slate for hay. When
one first gets a vicvr of Harney valley
ho would think it wn mtwlly com
xxil of hay ricks. There are thous
ands of ton for sale at t' per ton.
It would is a great advantage to this
county to have a railroad built in here
so the buy could lx shlmx-d to other
places, al-Kiour Isvf anil iniitton. We
cannot git to market in the spring,
when they arc In the greatest demand.
This I a very healthy climate, being
high and dry.
A ltKAPI Il OF THE (il AKl).
TIip. M'sIw Tuff Service.
A cm K, Jan. 10, 1KI3.
En. iuAii: We have notlceil for
some time past t hut Jiarties have Iwen
finding fault witli the tug Lillian, and
stating that if there was a large tug on
the river more and larger schooner
would come here. A for us, we have
loaded all except threw of the twenty
xclKxincr that have Ixi'ii over the Si
uslaw bar, and we have no fault to
find, as we got all the schiMiner we
could load w ilhoiit any trouble, and If
any other panic wanted vessels they
have gotten them as well aa oumelve.
We do not Is'licve lu finding fault with
pcoplr w ho arc doing their Is-st, and
when tlie time comes that a larger tug
will pay here, tliere will prolstbly Iss
one put on the river that will answer
the mill of the trade.
of the Sluxlaw Klver LumU'rCo.
onirer Elected.
At afVgular meeting of the Women'
IUiicf Corps, of tlii city, which met
January 7, K3, the following officer
were Installed for the ensuing year by
Mrx. Fannie Nelson, the Installing
officer: Mrs. Ella F razor, presideul;
Mrs. H n Iia Holx rt, Junior vice pres
iiletit: Mrs. Hay Deljino, tn-aunr;
Mrs. Slary Hayes, cliaplaln: Mr. Jen
nie HoU'inaii, conductor; Mrs. Elnora
Kcnxhaw, axslstaut conductor; Mrs.
Ellralx-th Corlius, guard; Mrs. Joxcpha
McKcnuey, assistant guard; Mrs. Ida
Heck, secn tary.
Tine Tax Cask. We learn that the
nKxIillcatiou made in the circuit court
Judgment, In the rallnsjd tax caae, In
the supreme court, Monday, only is to
the extent that if any liimls are aiwesseil
to tlie company tlicy do own that the
corporation will not have to pay taxes
on the xniue. This will only apply to
a limited amount of the aggregate
levied upon and advertised, i he court
held that the xlirrill' had a colixtitll
tiouiil right to axM-s all pMfsrtic
missed liy tlie asxi-xMir.
IWIlf Oi'sri. Jan. lu
Kkvkkxkii. The siipn'iiie court,
ymterday, lu the ca-e of J. C. (i.xxlalc,
aisilani, v. Horai-e Cline, rexxin
dent, reversed the di-cixion of the cir
cuit court and dismissed the com-
Iilnlnt. The amount involved waa
Ki7i.W. I.. Hilyeu and i. A. Drrix,
oitorncy for Mr. Cline, went to Sulcin
thi inoniln to file a motion for a re
hearing. The City Wins. In tho case tf J.
E. H'xseh, el al, respondents, vs. the
City of Eu?i'(ie, n i lUmt; appeal from
Ijiix oiiiiv; Jinhtment n-verel; opin
ion by Chief jHstiiv Iord. This Is the
Madtxrin str-t -ase, hcniil the prtip
erty owner along the same refnl to
pxy for it improvement. Atsmt Jl'j'iO
was Involved.
llntrl for .Sale.
The hotel at Cottage limw oppuslta
the nix figi r di (xit ! otb red for xale.
ror tennxsiid imminr iirv-x) .
F- Smith, Emne, Or-gTj, tw of
lU-iZ-.U'.Ugr tc. O Q
IloKV. In Eugene, Or., January 10,
14.I, totliewifeof Mr. Dun'iam, a son.
A Complete Dear rl pi Ion of tba HailJ
lug. hauitary, Safety aud
otbrr Arranfenirnta
First llaaa.
Now that the new county Jail la fin
Isheil a brief description of the aame
would not lj amiss to the taxyer of
Ijiiic iiiuuty, that they may know
how their ii'ioncy Iia lvn expended
Ukiii w hat ha come to Is an aissilute
iiccixxitv lu the care of law breakers In
our county.
The building Is In t ha modern Ho
maiiciue tylo of architecture, do
xiguixl aud llx-rilltellded bv Col. lX-
Ins D. Neer, of Portland, Onyon,
wliixac reputation a a designer and su
IxTliitclidciit of public buildings neeils
lioeoiument. Court houses, Jails, and
schiMil building being furciniwt lu his
line of building studies, aa many of the
hand-ouie public building of this
state can testify, which stand aa mon
ument to hi practical skill, Isith lu
Is auty and strength of construction.
The county commissioners, after con
sidering many very excellent plan
submitted In competition, for the
building, after due consideration, wixc
ly accepted the one to which we call
all xilnl with Pride, knowing that not
one dollar has been thrown away by
mismanagement, a description of
which i as follow.
The building set ou a broken Ashler
stone foundation, under which Is
heavy fisitlng of concrete. The super
structure Is laid up with brick, aa are
all Mirttllon walls, making the same
nearly tire pnsif, the Jail room walls
being extra heavy. All opening have
heavy cist Iron lintel and sill. The
Jail window are guarded with heavy
steel window guaril, the Ixxr extend
ing into the brick work each aide six
teen Inches.
The outside of wall la finished in
Imitation of pleased brick aud water
pnsifed, and relieved by imitation
stone trimming-. All surmounted by
a U-autlful galvanized Iron cornice, re
dtpiN.x.1 till nsif, and a low, ventilated
tower on the corner, covered with
lnetal tile.
Entrance t the building I made
through an open portico, with thx.r
ami step of concrOe. laid on brick
arches. Hero are tlie doors, one to
Jailer' office, one to chamber hall and
a heavy, solid hurdwixsl disir, hung
with ornamental wrought hinges,
oenliig Into Jail veatible, which ha a
small window secured with steel guard.
From this vestibule I two double steel
disir (outxHe solid, inner one grated).
These door enter into a large female
or t Hues cell, steel lined throughout,
and Into the main Jail room. This
nxmi ha a solid floor of rock and con
crete three and one half feet thick
graded each way from the centre to a
grist ve around the room. Two Hell
trasi are connected with the sewer, so
that the room can Is washed out with
a hisss provided for the same.
A Isjiler has been set up In the corri
dor, aud a bath tub, so that prisoners
can be kept clean without extra labor.
Six steel cell ixrcupy the center of the
room, that will accommodate four per
sons each If crowded. Also a wide
corridor between the cells, with all wa
ter accommodations needed.
The cell are light and secure, being
risl and bar work, made of Isjst combi
nation Chrome steel, except one, w lilcli
Is a dark cell, used to teach a "hard
case" discipline, lloth the room and
nils are thoroughly ventilated lu the
immt modern style. The cell work
aud diMirs were made by the Keuton
Iron Works, of Ohio, and put In by
Hall AO' Donald, of St. Louis, W. E.
tillbert, agent, and is to all apear-
anccs second to none in all It paru.
The remainder of tho building con
sists of three riMims, finished with yel
low nine and cedar and Inside blinds.
A Jailer's office below, with lavatory
oil. A neat stair hall leading to two
nsiina auove, a aucnen ami large nv
Ingorbed room. This room has a
splayed peep hole, through Which the
jail room cau be seen, or uie aiiguusi
Iiolxe heard.
The building la thoroughly plutnlied
having ample veasv4a, water connec
tion and sewerage. In fact there Is
nothing which could be added without
going to much greater expense. The
eells are so built that six more can be
placed on top of the ones now In, thus
giving accommodations for at least 60
people, by crowding a little,
lu conclusion It can truthfully be
said that from the first conception of
the building, in which Judge Scott
took a prominent part, there has been
nothing left undone to make it the
best of It klud thi side of the Hocky
mountains or on tho coast.
Uau Ueetlug'.
The tax payers of Eugene are earn'
estly requested to meet at the court
house at 7 o'clm k ji. m., on (Saturday,
January Mth, to hear and discuss the
proposed amendment to the city char
ter prcarcd by the common council.
Hy order of the council, January 10,
D. F. DoRHIs,,
Shoulder, O
Jokes is Happy. Oregon Ian: J. P.
Jones, who wa arrested here a few
week ago and taken back to Utah by
Deputy I idled State SlarshaJ Miller,
to answer to a charge of running away
from hi wife with another woman, is
hack here to settle up hi business, lie
say bis wife ha skipped the country
and gone to Idaho or aomewhere else
before be was taken to Utah, and so
there wa no one to aniwar against him
aud he was discharged. He thinks of
returning to Utah U reside, a he like
that country better than thl, now thai
hi wife ha levanted.
June was the Proprietor of a steam
laundry here for a short time and left
U'twi-cii two day, leaving several
creditor to mourn hi flight.
Onus, max Kaii-moaw. Follow
ing is the railway mileage in Oregon,
as given by the commission: Oregon,.
& Califi s-u'w, W7 60; Oregon Hallway
A Navigation, 647 63; Nortltern Pacific
:w KJ; WiiiametUi Valley A tVmxt,
141 hi; Ongon sx Wasliington Terri
tory, 41 (is.; Independent h Mon
mouth, i .Mi; itogue Hlver Valley, 6 60;
Astoria A Southern Coast, 15 till; Coua
lUy, Ibss-burg A Eastern, 1U; Sumnt r
Valiev, 24:M'ortland 4 Willamette Vse
ley, ; Oregouiau, in; Udal, 14J4
F.LWtU)j or OrricKHa. Tlie board
of dekvaUw of the Eugene Fire Irpart
mnt has elected the follow lug officer
for the ensuing year: O. It. Cbrisman,
prw.iilent: J.C M. WllIlams,,vox-prenl-dent;
It. 1 ) Hrlxtow, ats reiary; Drew
driiTln, treasurer.
Gift sale ad on January 1.?'
i Mammary of the Chtagra Made Hy
tbe Mate Hoard la Liue fount)''
Asset ruent.
PsllfOustd, Ha. U
County Clerk Walker thl morning
received from the Secretary of State,
the change made In the assessment of
Istuv county, bv the State Hoard ot
Equalization. The changes are as fol
City property, County,6l.VU
.it i m' nv riai. issioi.
Mortgages, County Ismnl l,10S,7Vi
o ruisi1 hy State Ixsird.
lUllnxnl la in K State Ixmrd.... in.H,.Vi7
" " ( ouuly ixsini. iu,7j
Total rats.. 21.H-J2
Wagon mad lamK State lxnt HJ.xiJ
t iKinty " M,37d
Total raU- H,7
Agrieultunil and other lauds,
State IxHinl S,.ii,.Tsj
Same, County Ixsird 3,&77,U27
Total raise a7,"ta
lUllnxnl track, O. & ('. JCail-
nsid. state IxHinl i i,!
Same, Comity Ixiard 14J,(i,.5
TolaC-aixe U.3I9
Wixxlliurnbninch.Siatelxsird 5H.410
" " l ouuty " m,iuu
Total mix.. 6,310
Telegraph line:
western L it ! ii, state imsim.. a,
" I ounly " .. 3,.w
Total rnlse XV)
Pud tic postal, Slate Isstnl 1,-10
" County " 1,100
Total raise 110
Horses and inuli-s, State lrd 32.,4-KI
" " " County " aft.fxsJ
Total ralx.- 2VWu
Averagi value imt head raised from
Cattle, State Ixwrd ( ill.l'iO
County " in,.kjo
Total raise 32,Wi
Average value raised from $10.87 to
Sheep and gistts, State Issinl. 41,100
' i iiunty . a-t,;
Total ral- ,WU
Average value raixetl from 11.78 to
Swine, Slate Ismnl 30.W2
t iiuuty " 17,M
Total raise 13,01
Average value raixtil from tilii to
Money, noil's, etc
11 ,8.15
JNo raise Py State ixstrd.
No raise liv Sln' i Ixsinl.
Household funiiture
No raise by State Ismrd.
Merchandise and Implements,
Including It It roiling stix k,
State Issinl
Same, County Lxwnl
Total raise 43.4U4
Ihillttsul mlllug sbs'k, State
Ixiard 3.V17H
Same. County Ismrd Sl,um)
Total raise 3,108
State Ismrd !,2o7,242
County Ismrd 8,Wil,al3
Total raise I 640,021
Oroxa value n,207,242
lndcbttsluess 2,011,123
Total assessable.,
, 7,l!x1,ll
....$ 6,657,812
Council Meeting.
Pallr Uusrd, Jsa. 11.
Tlie city council met at the city hall
last evening pursuant to adjournment
from the uth Inst." Present, Mayor
McClunir. full Ixrard and recorder.
Minute of two previous meeting
read and approved.
Finance coinmlttixj reported favora
bly on a number of bills, which were
Mr. Walton from tlhS Judiciary conv
mtttce In the matter ofH. W. Hol-
den'a failure to run street car a re
quired by ordinance, reported progress.
Mr. Matlock, from the street com
mittee, reported the tiling purchased
for sewer or drain on A street, but con
tract for the work 1 not let.
Ordered, the temporary repairing of
Ninth street hrldire.
Petition for six foot sidewalk on the
east side of Pearl street, from Sixth to
Second street. Motion to grant pea
tion lisit.
Petition for sidewalk on tho west
side of Washington street from railroad
north to city limit. Itefcrrcd tostreet
committee with power to act.
Petition of A. II- Dlllard for a short
private telegraph line, granted.
Upon petition, ordered transfer of
Oeorire Ulcus' iifiuor license io u. iw
Application of E. P. Henderson for
rebate on ins assessment mr uie im
provement of Eighth street, wa read
and referred to tlm city surveyor.
A number of bill were read and re
ferred to finance committee. Itulea
suspended and the following bills or
dered paid: n
H N Hisu-ka I 7 60
EdMcCornack 160
Virgil 1 tow land - 2 (X)
(Jus Hullard - 2 00
J H Wilkinson I 60
J Heltcmua 61 60
Warrant ordered drawn for f 12 In fa
vor of A. K. Wheeler for a copy of the
amended charter.
On motion a warrant wa ordered
drawn in favor of J. J. Walton for
f 10 67 for J. C. Arnold, the same being
the excea ixld at sale of property for
cltv taxea in iui.
Appointment of It. (larrlaon a
nlirhl watch wa confirmed.
On motion a max meeting wa called
for Saturday evening next for the aur
niKMof dixcuxHing the proposed amend-
V ' . . . . " . !
Kir-nt to the city clianer.
Wilmxo to Meet Hkk. Slem
Joiinial: Those bail bad men, and all
democrat, too. Iark Kllyeu. of r.u
gene, J. J. Italy, of Dallas, and Hank- r
It lack, or Jtalsey. nut on a loo on
dem'xrratic colonel and hail a liushel of
fun last night at Hotel Willamette.
They sent him a ncrfjinied note by one
of the hell beys, that a lady fwnuld ba
pleased to meet him In tlie corridor.
The colonel, who will not easily be
laid In the shade when It cornea to gal
lant conduct In affair f anna or the
less sanguinary oonuet of the gentle
sex, Immediately couched a reply In
the moat elegant military languar
and Informed fur ladyship that he
would I Intensely glad to meet her.
The bell boy, wis dsild hardly keep
a straight face carried the missive to
the Imsginary female, while the colon
el awaHad rvsult In a . glowing frame
UusinO. - -
The Oregon lacifle mllroad sale has
been continued until Slarch 1.
Elertrldty U Life.
To prove the above asxcrtlon. read
thu follow Ing curi-s of pcuplo who have
Aed through the throes of agony and
now rejoice lu health and happlnesa.
Dr. Darrin baa the skill to haniesa aud
drive the electric current to the scen t
ambtixh of dicax and Mule It root and
branch. Certainly mediciuo alone
could never reach and cure such almost
Incurable diseases, as most of them
have tried In vain for year without
John Dickcrson, 42'i Washington
street, SMikane, Wash., discharging
rs. si'Vcnteen years' staiiiiing; cured.
W. 1L Duncan, lli-alth's addition.
Sixikane, Wash., hirge scrofulous well
ing and tumor in neck.
owen James, r-poiiaue, v asm, auces
In left ear and quinsy; cured.
Mr, r, Eewey, 3il iMh St., rort-
land, nervous aud general debility,
heart dbs-ase, dysM'iaf live com
plaint and female; troubles In all Its
various compiicat'nns, isTinaneniiy
cured. o
Mrs. Mary Cline. McMlnnvllle, Ore
gon, (fonnerly of Sauvlc' Island, Or.,)
complication of disease peculiar to her
sex; liver and kidney trouble, rheuma
tism and dyspepsia restored.
Office at Hotel Eugcno.
I'rrawell Itrtni.
Jan. 10, 1S03.
Who I "a friend?"
The K P. (V wind mill that aa
duinagi! by the pie of two week ago
has been repaired and w in ne erected
Mr. H. F. ps-ott, our enterprising H.
P. agent 1 attending thetloslicn oftlee
during tho Illness of Agent Delph, of
that place.
Henry lima., the Seattle siock iuy-
em, are here and will buy and ship live
stock this week.
A snot! many attended the black
bird shooting last Saturday. A. Mill
er and It. D. Hawlcy did some good
KobL rJchmuU will give a dance
and basket supper at Cloverdale Fri
day evening, Aiiuary 20.
The new star "Minerar' rose high
In the firmament and when it wa
about to become a fixed satellite In the
Oregon constellation It kertlopned like
a ten cent hallixui, mourned lor omy
by a few expectant pap auckers who
are heart broken.
Quite a change baa been made on tbe
8. P. Itoad. Section foreman Moore
who ha run thl section for 12 year
gia-a to Uoshen to take charge of that
section. Welch of.CotUge drove,
comes here and will remove hi family
In the spring.
Iter. Wool ic v preached at the M. F-
church Sunday monilng and Intended
. I. 1... In tl.a afl..-.
noon but could not go on account of
other arrangement.
The lons-earred thistle cater of the
Echo-lA-adcr kick and throw mud
and gravel, like a Yellowstone geyser.
After picking a quarrel, men wun me
low Instinct of hi base nature he trie
to get behind hi stallmate, thinking
he will escajsj the lick. Hut thi Is
not a substitute game. He brays about
the "graded and graveled atreeta" of
his burg, ami probably knows more
about them than we do, for we always
use the sidewalk for iMxIcMtrian pur
pose, lie seem to Ins well acquainted
w ith the "ramre" and doubt ice ha
sustained life on the "luscious" thistle
and other delicacies down In Canioa
wale long ere he became a beast of
burden, i ou lonesome descendant or
Haalam, you Imagine something has
goue wrong when you are only suffer
ing with the collo aud mud fever. Oct
the ticks out of your hirsute coat and
realize you are only an overloaded an
dulaslau wludxpllttcr. The most con
splciou part of your anatomy, barring
your ears, la your Jaw boue, which
should be preserved for some future
warrior, for
I saw a something In the street
A I chanced to imus,
At first I thought it wa a man,
Hut ahl It waa an axe.
The hat, the collar, and the tie,
'llie clothe In full array,
Hut oh I those ear stuck up so high
They gave him dead away.
He brayed so loud and looked so
The perple soon caught on,
And built a graveled street
For him to walk upon.
Suing Himself.
A good story ha been allowed to lie
around for a month without giving It
to the public, and the Pendleton Tri
bune considers it to good to keep. It
spiK-ars that a citizen of Pendleton had
loaned bia father! 100, taking a note
for the amount. The fat her resided in
New York state. The aforesaid citizen 0
sent the note back East to attorney.
Instructing them to sue his father and
remit. In the meantime, the old gen
tleman died, leaving ail his property
to the citizen. The attorney said
nothing, entered., ault against the
estate, ran up the charge aud look the
enxu out of the residue of the estate.
Thl amounted to the citizen auing
himself on a note due himself. Instruct
ing the attorneys to enter suit against
himself, securing judgment against
himself for the debt and costs against
himself and paying to himself the
whole amount if any one can beat
thl record of brilliant financial engi
neering, let him ieak or forever after
hold his peace.
Came to my place one half mile,
south of ColHirg, December 23, a black
HoUteln bull about 8 year old. A
ring In hi nose. Formerly owned by
D. TUton. The owner will plea call
get the bull and pay charges,
John Thomas.
Pally lnrd, Jan a
Anotiieh Piojjekb Dkad. James
(1. Mitchell of Pleasant Hill precinct, q
died udden!y yesterday morning "
from heart disease. lie arose in bia usual
health at 4 o'ekick and death ensued at
at 6. Mr. Mitchell was born In Iark
county, Ohio, August 13, 1814, came to
Oregon in lVi2and to Lane county In
Octolx-r of tbe same year; was married
In Jefferson county, Iowa, Nor. 2,
144, to Miranda Shelly, w ho l dead.
One son and two daughter are left to
mourn his death besides numerous
oilier relatives and friends. He held
the office of county commissioner aa a
democrat from l!8 to 170. Uncle
Jlmmle waa respected by all who knew
him. The remains were Interred In
the Hcaaaat HlU cemetery this afternoon.
Mono Made. L. Bilyeu and Geo,
A. Dorris, attorneys f respondent. In
the case of Horace Cline, respondent
vs J. C. (toodale, appe11111. n"vo ,, n
granted by the aupmiM csirt thirty
day In which to make a nation f'r a
reltearing in the above case.
Pat XE Treis. 15.0IO Petite and
Italian pruna tree fnm tim) to eiht
61, at i cent. Add,
F. U. Edv, isxllmrn, Or.
wen la tbe unit way. O o