The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 14, 1893, Image 4

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    Eugene City Guard
.JAN. 14.
Koael.urg Keview: OTIic CotUgo
Crnva Helio-Leader uri:
"High taief and the system of
tax Rthorinn has become an aliom
ination. lie who asserts his man
litxni sufficient to hurl from a dis
Braced throne, a despot known on
tv liv liii criminal cruelty. is do
ing a nollo deed and Iying the
(iod iriven rtirht of doinir a heroic
duty to himself and hi fellow man
The txbIo of southern l-anc am
northern Itouitlaa counties owe it
to themselves to form a new coun
tr based. uion broad, common
sense viewa and human juutit-e.
The time has come tho field
free and the promised land is in
plain view. Strike for harmony
and a union of purnwv-and the
county teat, we might Add."
Now Brother Thorite, you know
the above articlo i all "rot" and
very poor futility at that. Only a
handful of "boomers" around Cot-
taae Grove want a new county, and
they are impelled by purely selfish
motive, ami do not care how liigii
the "dear people" are taxed or bow
low. They limply want a new
county to give Cottage tirovea
boom, and for fear that their vil
Inge would be outvoted, they pro
itotte to make one ao amall ami ill
thapen that they will be ashamed
of il ihould the scheme succeed
which however if outside the realm
of possibility.
Talk of high taxes, why the fWs
allowed officials in the bill, to cre
ate "Mineral" county, are in many
material instances higher than thoe
allowed in Uougla,I,ane or theoth
er principal countica of the state.
We can prove this and anyone
who haa taken the trouble to look
up the law knows it to be true.
You "kick" because southern
Lane geta no improvements while
the jieople of Junction City want a
county built around their town, be-
cause southern Lane gets all ttublic
expenditures. Oh, but ita funny
The Webfoot denizens, ducks
and all, rejoice again that the rigor
of winter baa been broken, and the
welcome rain takes tho place of
The proposition to tax incomes
and franchises for the maintenance
of the the general and state govern
ments meets with the approval of
all parties in the present condition
of affairs, says the Jacksonville
Time. When it is known that
the price na id for the charter of the
Illinois Central railroad (a fixed
per cent of their gross earnings each
year) has for the butt thirty years
sufficed almost alone fur tho main
tenance of the government of the
sucker state, there would appear no
valid reason why all railroads
which are turned loose to prey off
the general public should not lx
compelled to contribute a certain
jterceiitage of their earnings to the
support of the section under which
they thrive at the people's expense.
mi .ai a
una nicinou oi levying taxes,
taken in connection with that to be
derived from the millionaires es
tates, would relieve the teople from
a lurge portion of their present
We are glad to see that public
sentiment is being aroused against
tho indiscriminate immigration of
foreigners to this country, and we
hojie to see both or all the political
Itarties arOyed in op'aiaition to it.
ct there bo a striuOnt law enacted
this winter forbidding any objec
tionable foreigner to bind in this
country, that is any beggar, any
criminal, any insane crson, any
anarchist, in fact any one who can
not produce evidence to our con
suls that be is a aural, well-meaning,
healthy, sanf? industrious per
son, whose coming will be a benefit,
rather than a curse, to us. The
nation at large now sees its peril,
and is ready to tike steps to reme
dy the monstrous evil of unre
stricted immigration. We want
foreigners to come, two or three
hundred thousand a year we can
receive, absorb, and make valuable
citixens of, provided they are of the
right sort, but we want no riffraff,
no scum, no scalawags. We want
the best they have over there, not
the worst.
riThe Oreijon City Courier is an
thority for the statement that the
compilers of the "present owner"
books of Clackamas obtained the
privilege to charge the enormous
price of 113,000 for their work
through the seemingly hat miens
wording of their contract with the
county, til, that they jointly con
tracted and agreed to furnish "a
full and complete description of all
real esuie in Uackamaa county,
and that, beside (1500. their re
numeration for this work was to be
"15 mills of all real property dis
covered by tlwm not on the assess
ment roll of 1.VJ1." Nowajjarjr
proportion of the real estate in the
county on which annual taxes wore
being paid was not properly de
scribe! on the assessment roll.
They corrected those numerous de
scriptions and collected 15 mills on
their value from ti county, as the
law concerning this matter allowed
them to. It was a clear experi
ence to the county and exejifJiiied
the value of a taunt in law aud al
so the value ofknowing it. Mtu'
nomah county will pay alamt 1.0,.
O00 fur her "present owiicr'' book, j
Georere S. York, a Stranger, hulrhb
by laklug Btryelinlur.
Information was lintuulil here by
Thursday afteni.sin's lUmhuw train
Hint a ii.n.1 nuill had ln follhil Hear
Irvlnir. and a niiiieat that tlie eoroni
eonie at oner and hM an liiin-"t. lr.
J. W. Harris, coroner, and hherilfj. K.
Nolulld, at "liee left for the write, from
whom we glean the following wrtieu
Th ill ! inn n was found at the end
of a woodpile alut :M yards south o!
Ir lng by a kK "'f brtdgt carjsiiter
III the employ of the Holithertl 1'bcIoi
nillniil. alxtut .ii'sili Thursday. He
was In a kn.i llniHIIion with his fun'
aimlust the wissl pile. A small cut
wan dlneovered on one of III cheek
caused evidently by falling aulli"t I he
wood. Alongside the iln-eased was
found an one-eighth ounee ulr.vehnlne
bottle, with ppilwbly twenty grains re
inaliiilur III the Niine. The Is it tie Is if
the label of ItlaekltiHii A (!sm, drug'
glxts, conter4ih and Morrison streets,
I'ortlahd. The cork of the Isittle had
Iss-n shoved Into the mine, while In
the dm-n-a-d saket was fiiiind a rudely
Collstnieted ntoisT lllllde fmill leaves,
which would Indicate that the sulcld
was Mvmcdltiitcil. The ileeiiiaeij was
fairly well ilnwil; was 5 feet and t,
Inches ill IiiIkIiI; was of ruddy colli
iilexioii, had blue eyes; with brown
hair. On his is ixni was found a dis
charge from the t H. anny. It showed
the man's name was (ieorge Hanford
York;lMini at Kllsworth, Muiue,agel .11
years; enlisted Hepteiuls r .to, Iv!i; di-
charged Ileeeiuls r 2, iMr.'; character,
excellent; amount due and paid (
time of discharge 170.37. The ilis-
eharKO was signed by Thor. M. Anver-
win, colonel Ittb Infantry and J. II.
(Justin, first lieutenant Mill Infantry,
commanding II Co. A soldier's hand
Issik. I. H. A., with his name on the
same was found on his ik-ooii. Also a
photograph of two small yi mid l
girl and a niiiuU r of letters. The plu
tograph was taken by Winter, of Hyra
ruse, . 1., noil iniiu letters rouuo
they are supKwed to I the children of
his sister. The letters were all of an
allW t innate nature. Hevcral were from
Ids mother, Clara A. York, of 41W
Washington street, Itiwllndale, Ma;
one from his sinter I'lna, U-aring date
of Jan. I, InicJ, fnmi the name plaiv;
several from his sister Mrs. H. ('.
iNslire, of llrt I'harls atns'i, Hyraeuse,
Y., and alo fnun her biishnnd, K.
A. Dodge, a biislnesa man, the butt one
being of date of Dec. 17, iMrJ; several
from his brother Will at Kllsworth,
Maine; one from his aunt, Mabel A.
Hhiite, Lexington, Oklahoma. No
money w hatewr was found on his s-r-
soii; lie had an extra pair of sins' and
small piece of tobacco and some
H. I., Iloiul reeigiiied the di-croscd
as a imtsoii wlio bad iurcliaiil
Ave itiiIs worth of eraekera In
Iloiid's store at Irving, Wednes
day alsMit iiimiii, ami when he paid
for them be remarked that "It was the
but cent be bad ill thu world." No
person saw m after that lime. From
apiiearaiicca he probably committed
the act early Wednesday iilnlit.
Hie roiiowitig was the venllct n n
We, the Jury called to Investigate
the cause of the death of one (icorgf
Ntnioni otk, found di-ad near Irving,
hy the side of the H. I'. IL IC track
flnd that bis name was (but. H. York
that he had Isvn a soldier at Vancou
ver. ash., ami was uiM'liaruetl on
I tee. L"!t, I Mi-.', and that he came to his
dmtli by strycbnliio imiImiiiIiik mi or
alsiut Jniiuar 1J, and that the
poison was adiiiiiiisterd ly himself.
I lt. WW. Hl'KM'KII,
J. A. II AO A M,
H. L Ihi.M,
O. I". Iloi-r.
Coroner Harris bad the IsNly bniiilit
nere to ine undertaking par
lor of I. Inn A Kays and telegraphed
h. A. IKnIkv, at Syracuse, N. Y., who
is a hruthcr-lll-law of deeeasetl, notify'
lug him of the suicide and aaklng him
w hat disMMltlon to make of the body
At the time of going to preaa no an
swer bad teen reivlved.
HIM S IMi: 4T iniTttX.
lallrs Mlark Mnrm4. orlaaina
mm .ivwvyayvr Willi V.
SAI.KV, Jan. 10. Stavton waa the
stvneofacoiitiagralloii this morning
nwultlng In the destruction of the
Thoma Item. A t'o's llverr atahle. Hie
hlayton riiura printing orthf, Henry
llruer's lry cssl (tore and H Itov.
jrwrirj More.
1 he nn wa first d wxivennl sUhiI
thrie lliia inornlug bsilate to save an v
ot l lie bulldlntrs within easy reach of
the tlaimw. 1 he Time oftU and llru-
ers store are under the same nsif and
it IsaupiMMtl that the tire originated
from a defective flue In one of the
nulldliiK. Hruer's store w a Insunsl,
amount not known. The Time orlU
wa uiilnuntL The Jewelry store
was also uninsured but saved i.iilil, r
alile stock.
Capl, Msar.
iprrlsl to lb l. Cits
Mali w, Or., Jan. 9, S p. in. (Jor
eruor IVimover has suit to Washing
ton the cert I Ili-ale of ebvtloll f John
K. ( aples, I tnu iel M. Dunne, !.. .
Ira In and Nathan I'icnv. unW.-nti.l
electors of this Mate. The surii-wful
iiora met at the state houie
and prtMiwdetl to east their Voice as
Kor nrrsldent, llriijaiuln Harrison, 3;
J. H. Weaver, I.
John h. t'ai-s. of I'orllan.l
eleetnl niMriikt lo tbe rkttoral
geat Washington, 1. t.
Tlx !! laral.
I'l'srttl la I'uj r urnn.
rjaatera al bve; I.lver-
er oo la-tler
p..l, (p.4, bk'her: ranrw uu
alssit ta ikrvr.
Was Kkakcimo, Jan. Ii Market la
bRf .
I'oUTt.AMt, Jan. 11-KiniirroB
ter f'S-elull adM.x- q
uumm, jma. 7i-MiaJr ai. the
advanes .aTcstcrla. Q
heap lul.ti rils.
(1'smI Iniiteru.
All lj-s, all iiriet s, Z't i U u.
All kinds of lalitert; repaint.
And still the line windier continues.
Kirm-V) cents: butter 25 lo .10 cents,
(irnlicl Klft Mile at iMy A lleiiderxin'i
on aiiiiiiry III.
The On-gou S-'ulur I'uloii Is ill se
sliill at Kilelll.
Thanks to Iti prem iitative Wilkinson
for li'gislatlve ilis'iimeiil
Iik for Day A IlendePMin's gift sale
ad to coliiineiice on January I'l.
Parties wanting slab wink prcan o-
curethesaum lv sending oroers to
to I he Ijnie Lumber league, at hjiring-
Yaouiua bay Is to have a newspnis-r,
J. K Malthew will get mil tlie II M
lsueofa new undertaking in that line
next Hulurday.
It M. Miintersoii, wlm liven across
the river, pn-seute this otllce with
two Ilurlsink potatoes that lip-l the
i-mIcs at h lint.
The ortlit rs of Wimawhala Knninip
inelit, I. O. (. K. of Kilgelie were III'
stalled lust evening by la-puty Oralid
Master A. lloiid of Irving.
We nekliow ledge the receipt fnun
Hon. II. ll.liillrv, n-adingiierkof the
t'. H. seiiute, the eougn-Mional direc
tory corrected to lletvmlsT V2, li'Ji
Iv M. t. rol-iii, or haleiii, bus pur
chnMil the brick making machinery
formerly u-d by WMleomh A Abraius,
In tlie yanl near tlie Juilklna liluee,
and the same Is U'llljf hauliil to the
deisit tixliiy for shipment to that place
Marlon county Is fi!i.0ii0 In debt
The sections on the railroad have
Urn re-arranged, so that V. It. Wclz-
b-r, formerlv fnri'miiii on tlie m-etlou
from this city north, now n-xldcs at
Itud KdiimniMiii was arrested last
ri itflil liv I'olieemaii (iarrisaui for
dniiikeiinesN. lUinnli r Itnrris m-ii
teined Ibeoirelidcr to live davs III the
city Jail this morning.
i has. it. reiiton, lias ist-n an-
Hinicl axoMaiil pnsMviitlng tit
toruey by the eoiiiinlwloiicrs of
Hikane con n I v, ii., at a salary of
no ncr mouth. A Kd spiMiliiimeiit.
Ntletii hlatesinan: Ijuie coutitv
furuislies tln Hot name on roll en 1 1 In
each IhmIv, Itiiuliiiinll III the bouse
ami Alley in lite seitule. I here la a
tMiwer In this not L'enerally npim
i'hc Kiim-ne Water Cointiaiiv bus
elected olllins as follows for the ensu
ing year: (f It (iirismau, president;
b Itobinson, siiis-rinteiideut and
retary; S II I jtkin, treasun-r- T W
Hhellon, ('ha Ituer, (1 It (iiOliian,
it Hendricks and J r Itobinson, li-
Hiiie ui Journal: Hon. Ijirk Itilveu.
a liieinLs-rof the lust Ismrd of eiiiial-
Izntlon, is of the opinion that the pre
sent state Isiard iiiude a mistake In as
iimiltg to have siwcr to make linrl
tontal and sweeiiiiiK raiea of valua
tion. He mv If the statu board to
make the ax levy would levy on the
valuation of lamls fnun the mils us re
turned by the countica no one would
raise an objection.
1-iorcnee West: A denloruble acci
dent occurred a few days ago at the
nidenivof Mr. Card, living at J. I..
r uriilMi's place across tho river. Mr.
Card, w ho I nlsmt ni years of age,
while loading a gun dischun.'ed It in
some way, tlie lsirn-1 ImrsiiiiK and
blowing oil' two linger of hi left hand.
The gun at the wine time, almost,
thoUKh Hot ouite, kicked out one of
his eyes. In addition to these Inisfor
tu lies, the oli I gentleman was three
duys In a beliiiesH condition, Is-lnn
weak fnun the lists of IiIinmI and lack
of nourishment during that time.
Tb Klrrlrlc MaaS.
hsllf i.unl. Jan. Ii
Mr. Kittle, manager of the North
West (icneml FlivtricCo., n'turned to
Portland this iiioruing. Mr. Kittle
cxpn-ssed himself aa highly pl.-nm-d
with Kugeue and so aisiii as prclinil
iiary mailer can be adiustctl this com-
mny w in is nwiy lo isvm work on
the construction of the line.
The North Weal tlencral Klectrie
Co., w bo w III baltdle the Isunls of tills
Mud, Is the strougrt elei-trlcal conipn
i.v in i ue wnoic i unco Mutes tin
isiMtlofthe IvIImui lieiirrlil Clcctrii
(o., the I hoinpsoii-Houstoii Co. and
contml all the imsit nnslern Improve-
iiienis in cKTincui uppllauix-s of tliest1
1 hi company Is capitalized at f-Mi,.
iii,isi ami nave all the
HotH'lasH eltvtriial ear serviiv In the
tiorthwiid. They are now ss'ndiug
two and a ipiartcr millions in the I'orl-
lainl-tln-gon I Ity pns.itloii and are
llilcnwtcil In niHiiy other plunts Ixilh
Intin'gonand Uashingtoii. Mr. Kit
tie hiu sulllcient iMUllilcinv In the fu
lure grow Ih of Fugciie, Fulrinoiiut and
.vlrlni;tlelil to undertake the coiixtme.
Hon of the line, and if the cllleiis
whose lutcn-st w ill ta- ervallv ts nellt
IhI, will extend their iNMiia rutloii to a
llmlleil extent we shall have a tln.1
liiuta electric si nice coiitteciing Kii
gvne with the W.sxlburti iii.-llcld
raiinal w uinn six mouths. Themn-
teuiplaleil Improvement w ill amount
to is-twccii HM and 75,lMl for
W hlcli huiTlie ha Isvn rvUestel to
raii a utsidy of Hii.kii. a isirtioii
of which ha already tsrn mib.
Mr. Kittle will send their emri
here at once In bmk over the
for the istwer house which will ta l.w
catcd at Judkius' point or Springfield.
i uere ib a pniisioiiii v mat a tlitcli may
U dug tapping the river at McYav'a
l'oinl. furuishilnr nower for llw
trie plant and for factory puns,-.
1 he aervkv ill ls flrst-eliU ill ev. rv
imrtlciilur and It Is the intention of the
company to extend to the student of
the I iiiverxity a xvlnl eoiumulatloti
fare so thev can all afford In ri,l.. t..
and fnun the sehisil. This eul. n.ri
Is one of the an-atcl iinisrtMii.. t.,
Futn-ne and will ntvlvi Hi i.l..v
mi nt of the progressive Hurt of iiiOii,n.n. su-.l
Judpte I'miw, ts iikin.' aUuit the
rejs.rt that lie is in favor of l' e re-l-eal
of the mortiv.iirta Ux .leni. s
tlie reporl, Imt
i 111 fav.lf th,. n-ts:ll
of the hi a a!h in 1 ,i .hi..i.n.
f T indchteiilless CX- I vthei. the
illdcldcilness is a lll:i',.r of nitir.I.
and such ind. lit.slnr.s, he thinks,
should be al!.w.-..
S.oaler tk. aia laead.
AVsiii.n..a Ja. I0.Snat..r
h'Ml, Of rM Itrfluu, l dead.
Slew riail.r !...
Wamiix.;tov, J411. II. tat'iierai M.
t. llutl.r, L'.Mv.r. ainteemaii, pvlui.
elan ae iiiillloiinire maiiiifaeliirvr,
dM-d at bU ou!,ii.v Ui t!iicltv at luio
o'eba'k III IS iuimiiiii He rideiit!y
du-l Hrt tMl.m. Ui ji tbe
irTvatel erimltial lawyer lu the i 1111.J
Commissioners' Court.
Hill of M. Wallis, for 314 load of
(.T.ivcl, for f I0.:U, allowed.
Hill of W. V. S peticcr for !J loads of
gravel for I-V70, allow el
Hill of Klls rt H. And. rs, for ileputy
siisrvMir of district No. 47, tu, not al-
low 111.
That the iinnlicatlon of IL M. Day
for n lsiic of t'.i no on atweasmeiit of
Kut'ciitt tu nn I n n Company mortgiige
Is- ilcnliil.
Allow-ill, A. M. Osburn, rebate tax
oil double awswiiient, (41.UO.
('sin ts-tltloii of Jl taxpayers of Mo
hawk the tax of William Frevoe of
that precinct wiut n-mitteil for the year It was shown lie hail un
a suiull tract of laud the product of
w men an- tne ouiy mean or support
of himself uud fumily; that the land
bus been levied ill miii for dcliuoue lit
taxes and if so sold that himself and
family will have to l-imc at once
public churin-.
That the s-tltlon for the formation
of new road district out of the Florence
and J lead of Tide districts, lie denied
C M Collier, surveyor M no
J C Hilshtiel, viewer..
K K Ciiinptall, viewer
C W Young " i M
J Ii Stevenson, ehaiiiinuii l
II C Perkins, viewer U .'
Howard llett, ehuiiimun 4 (l
M S llarker, mutcriul 1'
T J Net ley, viewer H .')
C F licit, ehailimntl 4 IS)
John linsw, marker 4 no
C M Collier, surveyor 15 'JO
I. A Overton, painting Jail cell
mid Ibsirs 11005
Kill of lilats V rruilhomiiie for
stationery flit, allowed at 17
Hill of l 11 Courtw rlght for tnins-
iHirtation of liikune tii.onlend
allowvd 12 IS)
I msi F Cnuier, stove for lull 2 50
in 11 or John llcvcrly for washing
win. low, nnd Issl clothe ut
(nil. 17. alloueilut ..5 (JO
II W Kinscy, milking Justice
Jury list i ui
Ashley Stevens, asslntulit justiiv
Jury list '1 no
(ieoSinith, ntstl-tant Justice Jury '1 00
.iniu-r ixuig, stove lor lull 17 m
rent stovea lor
el ction
Hill oft. Fisher Mad work ordered
coiitluui-d, on account of not U-ing
(1 W Kimball, map work fl.lL'O
J J 1'oill, work on court house
and jail irnmitds U
W K Fisk, work on court house
mid lull 10 50
II l.uckey. n-puir irute. etc 4 7
Wid Mctihuc. huulllig lo Juil a 00
W Prentice examliilng liir-uiie....! (si
DA Faille " " ...5 011
H O Potter, deputy district attor
ney, exuminu liisiine 5 (SI
J W Hurris exumining liisne: "U
Ib'isirt of F. I. Fills. siiocrviMir mad
disirict No ii.l, aci-eiiteil and bill for
servicea, t IS, ullowtil at K.
t. U Totter deputy district attor
ney flOIK)
K D McKemiey exniiiiiiiiig In-
witie 0 (SI
I. I'uge, Jail supplic (I 'St
Hill of s It I'lpcr for mad mutcriul.
not allowed.
Hill of John I In i lev, poles for road.
continued for verlllciillon.
Hill of llollinan hoii-y, f4.- for
Jurv meals, onlcn-d allow at. 3 i'i
1 It 11 of S. 11. Friendlv for tiiblueover-
Ing, eontinuel for verification.
AKWiaal, for pausr supplies,
allowed t K S2
Knowies A (iettvs, for tmuiN-r
supplies, allowitl H on
James Parvlii, fur lumisr hiiii-
pllc. allowetl 3 0(1
Hill of O 11 Walker, f..r Inin-iHir-
tatlon of pauisT, allowed 2 .V)
Hill of Jos Million for medical at
tendance on Mr, (tisidwin, continued
io i-eoniarv term.
Hill of J W Shepurd for casket
for tS, allnwitl at in
K D McKcnney, luiuls r 17 (4
Hill of () K Smith, Isaird of (wuper,
onicn-o inn allow i-o.
Hill of liny A llciiiler-on, pniiiicr
supplies, ordenil allowtil "4 N)
OMcretl that from ami after this dute
no more eouuty aid will be allowetl to
the (ion Ion family.
Hill of M KHollmaii A Co, ordered
eoiniiiueti lor verillcnlloli
Hill of A If llyiiiii.l for kis plng Jim
Carter, onleretl not allowed.
A U .Matthew, nbuteoii sherilf's
tax (vrtitlente Q 75
Murr A Itrlllln, nisbvllaiieous
bill 4j
Hill oftilasH A Prtidhoiiinie ordered
continued forexpliiuatioiiand verltli
11111 01 jmrwiii itristow, hall rent.
orurreii (oiitinuel ror explanation.
II M llainiltoii, lino ciiyote
V H Warner, " "
J A Hills, " "
I i-i-ar I run-, " "
U W I.tnv," " " ..........
ljirkln Kriles, " "
A C M.iaiie, three "
tloo Warner, for brldtfc work for
!i.6o, allowl U
t: ut
1 Ul
2 t
'i tat
'1 III
2 ui
4 SO
t'pr Willamette Luiulsr t'o,
Hill t.f K V Thorn, for iVriiitiiiir.
Qi U
Hot nlloweil
Kd I. ltrabhain. fur ti conl of
wissl a lowed . "1 in
"I BII0W11I ,
hilann, haulinir from juQ...
A I'mdholiie. H.l:i for at a.
A II Chilann. haulimr from l,.0 . .'.)
tiohrrv. allfi-.l mi
5 15
6 ou
J W Harris, examining insane...
J W lhirrls,,Oi r
H M i-ran, Jumr
ti-' at
M w ilkius " .
llll.rris. "
N V. Keinj
H l l uiiie " .. .. " '"'
l M itl.s k. "
P W llrris. wit in.
I'miK Wilkiiis. "
into I' tiibdraj,,
ladt.i Johlitoli, "
I lm William. " .
K ii-'tiliison. "
K S"iwanachibl, stutlouery
Kugi-ne lbt;iier. print Inir
11 M5
11 00
'. i xamiiilinr ln-
ft ui
St 60
Km." so Klivtric I.lht t'is IlKht..
J M.illey, Ju-litv f-a, Male va
N il'er
8 K",
I I. t'nniiiMI, printlii
Hill of II It Kinmid H
I I.
ST 50
f'T rXUlUltiii
H.U 1 1 l'eter Wb kner
oil UX. not allowed
for rebate
l n.ii. rft Hlair, hauling lo Jail
;nH lidu-v j
J hNolalid,sherilt ....O...".". 51
M Nvl, d... -sr lurti.w
,.Jrv (i-t 3 00
1 rvi am. r, a-Ma... in draw.
liiif lurv h-t j uy
tie W llutnphivr, a-i-tant In
draw Itij. Jury In ; 00
Matter d" refiinrv of tlie county
.4 l.diiig .iut!Hrlv tbnmKh the
Lnvr-MtiJurniy premU; it p-is-ariii
from iU nirtorthe view
rre filed hervlu thnt liny have d.-ai.
tiat.'.l the center line of' said rvsij a
running al..ti and upoo the hue he
taeenthe dunatlon .laima .J IV v
IxKkry po tlie one- aide and tier itoc-v
O n
Hon claim of F McMurra v and J. W
Lakiii on the other aide; il la therefore
ordered by the court that the center
line of said road la- and the same I
hereby re-established lu accordance
with Mild view and survey and that
tlie Mine be duly recorded and the su-pcrvi-irnver
said road I authorized
and directed to opcii up said rowd to 11
original and proper w idth.
K H Sklnworth, ninty attoniey.l 16 00
Jiimea m Campbell, nursing pau
per 16 00
iNtllf ourd, Ja. i:.
Hill of Darwin Itristow verified and
..It.... I ... ,.f I,. II f..r ul...i,i .l
Jol ii Mc 'lung, rebate on dmible aa
sessn.eiit, fl oo.
Hi-iMirtofA. H. Condrav. supervisor
road district No. ft, accepted and bjA
1 lt .l
lor i i oivn ninfnn,
A P C'ondray aplxilnted supervisor of
ran iiisinci .mi. .
Th. Ismrd has lieeii busy all day
lectiiig tbe Jury llt for the year 1U3-
The iaw requires that i"0 persons must
be tie ected fnun the dlllirent pivcincta
or tn j county.
Heal Kslate Irsuslers.
Hell Jennings to Kdlth II and T D n, 17.04 acre in Tp 17 S, It 3 W;
It James to JM Williclm, 1(1 acres;
A It McKlnlev to James McKJulcy
32oacn In Tp 1 H, It 1 K;MVM.
N V I'lirkentui, to D M I'urkcson, 1'iO
aens. In Tn In S, It H V; f"uo.
W I. Iliel tn K F Do Hond. 80 acres
In Tp 18 S, It 5 W; 700.
H Mil vth to Alexander (ion Ion, 120
acres In Tp 18 S, Itange 5 Wj Mo0.
E J Crawford to James It, Shelton
land on South Willamette afreet;
AnnaM riiillliwtoCK Iwia and
M C I'hilliiM. lot 6. (I. 7. H. e. 10.
and 12, block 35, F A H i addition; II
(b-o M Miller to W T HatU-n. lotA2
ainl l" liliM-k SI
i t .
H J IVngra to Perry Penulngton. lots
n ami 12, iiKsjtc h7; fixt.
Marpbr Nsaalsiaita.
Ai.iia.xv. N. Y.. Jan. 10 Edward F,
Murohy, Jr., ha received the caucus
nomiiiaiion oi me uemtM'racy for u
senator, whicli is equivalent to
All ogta, and all condition at
womanhood wiU find Just tb
help that woman Deed, lo Dr.
Iur' FaroriU Prearriptioo.
i nail a mailer uuu guarnm
Irrd. It it can't b doiw. Umo
Ih medicine cost you noluing
It niakara doot want your
Uet it, if you're a tired or auf.
ferinjc woman, and irst waU. It
build up and Invigorate th
ure ysiem, rrfruiatea and pro
moUa the timc funcUon, and
nstnrea health and sfrmth. At
tb two critical periods In a wo
man's life Um chanca from girl-
nana in woman nooii, and later,
tbe "change of hf "-it I. a per
fectly aafe and aa wperiaUj valu-
bijH) mneuiai agent, tnat can pro
duce onlr good reaulla.
Knr all the dWangnnenta, ir-
nvularitMw and weaknin rs
liar to the asi, " K.Tont 1'r
arription " is tbe only remedy to
rertain that it can la auaraikUnL
It it fail to benefit or cure, yon
umrw your munvr oaca.
i ou pay only for tb rood row
vea sit asa asore I
AltorMnt-Lii al NaluT PnMlt
Co l.-ctliiti. mulrsnd tsiiiinncittrd. f.l
In.lriimeiit. drawn nl IVn.lon larnrr. nivMr
H. Itivl Katsi. lamshl iul eilil .ml rriiUooU
btwi. A "iierml liilvlllKrnmilnrw nmtlurlnl
liltli'. al iv.l.l. iiiv. K. Ulllanwlle atrwl
upiw 'n !-uin ana seventh ttrcet.
El'UKSK. ..... OKEliOy
Ileinr tbraaier I baa Din.
IIJ' ariv. In bodjr Snillr. toiith wel ol En
(rn. tu aoud ni'iahborhuiid. K-hool In a mil
ut ih. iimiilM. lunarrva umirr truer, ."u undvr
(now. a ci Hininn in (nun, I good dw.llliif.
iiHi s barn., orchard., .rln( aalrr. Tbrrshrr,
lira 1 inowf r, lan plow and dlak-barmw.
benxaiu aa. never offered la IhU
Al... arml mllrt south west of Kugme.
AllU'idi-rcillllrallou. A Hew houx and lrn
a voi ii ondiard and trimly nf w.u-r. h.ndr to
H'ho.l and lltnla-r, will be wld very rheau.
Abo two ulre bulliliug lot. ailuiinlii. on WIL
lamrire atrrel, wlihlua.loue. throw ol Central
The shove nrt7 will 1" wild to Ih first
man thai cuuwi alonf. Oou'l all cume al once
Abo jm acrrs farm land, acre under food
friirr, m irm, plow, mile, of erhnol
hoa; llvui water, bandy to timber, U mllea
on rmil wmth-wnt from Eugene, a bargala al
... .-i n iTi i au aown, beiane on lime
ol.tb n ol buyer al larr rrllL bar annum
Abo ho acre. Umber laud ou McKrnile river
-even million leet ol lumber on It, and moat e
cellrnl Kill whr a cleared off. I'rlre ITuu.
Abo II.' a'rra river bottom, li mile from En.
aenr. aia'leaeiearel aim umler larm, :U acre
in euiilvallon and ! acre. In hoi. Is houae
and Urn, and feel of lumla-r on the rmund
tor building a new houae. iMrl cheah al US iwr
aere. Abu al head ol hoa. 4 hone., it) head of
rame, aim nouaenom anil Kllrhen liir.illnra
A bo houae and U In Ku.ene. hiuaa new. with
ntoraaand will beid al ball nrieaon aee..,.i
fim lie. aoiiig 10 remove U) lot caau
lu'iulreol j. r. Aula.
EopibLoiiH and Savings
S::::ss!r lo tit Easa Katlcsal But
Incorporated with a Capital of $60.-
fff ....L bOA AHA n ! a. '
uuu, wun ju,uuu raia Uo,
I).'r-ll reeelved lul.wi ta hv ... -.
. !..... I on time d. o.iia. and loan.' auda
.MTr. arcurltl.
i-a. ,,,,T r.nn RrH.
Mi -KKtlIaMT H n I'.IVL-
' " Q . . . r. W.unBi aN
TheKnrene limn and Na.lno Rank wlllena
anrt ta'th a .mmen'tal and ...m. a......
and T.Hire.peeial aiteniton la relied to the eav.
In. .V.i urea ul It III. m what y.m make
but a hai y.ea aave, Ibai make, you rich, la li
eom iiunlliea there are many raon of .mall
hoi. I ...a. which. Il Dutibmll l . ...
u T.".' 'T ,"'n, 10 orw or another.
II la I. (bruit in i.n amall amounu. but thev
eaa l .ul in a saving. tk ,j to '
ine return. Uelievlna ih.i ih. n .
e.m. t'ir tbe .ueeeMtu) oieMfi..,. ... - . .
..a i m un. eonnunity, ae aultrtl your i:T)
rona. e la Ihi. mailer. e"a
We lead in oualitv &
prices, uoiasmitns
HAViN-a a large a T) complete
b, it ia lia latel -mlt U ' ""
aa ffev th mblk Ymtm .v
lw, r -
mliw of aj Uw'f taa.a al mrH ae mm
When you want your goods, house
hold furniture or laud sold at auction,
call on Oeo, W. Klnsey, the pioneer
and most successful auctioneer lu Lane
county. Ha will attend to all sale on
a reasonable eommlaslon.
: rHoM :
Jan. 1 1 to Feb. 1.
Racket Store.
J lilitlO W VVJ
Eugene Mills.
Ei'okxe, Or., Jan. 1, lst"S.
. Wholewl. ReUll.
Hour per bid 13,1)0
Uraliam, per bid
' S'jlbaack
" " 10 lb sack
Whole wheat flour per 10 Ib
Corn meal, 10 Ib sack
Genu middlings, 10 lb aack
4 Ib sack
Purified " ner 11.
Mlddliiiira, per cwt.
Hrao, " "
Wheat chop " "
Oat " " "
Hcnvnlnn "
HcreeiiiiiK (chicken feed)
per cwt
beat, per cwt
Feed 1000 lb or over at
Every Sack of Flour
If eot aatiafactory retura tn th frnoarr
aiaa aad tb Booev wib be refunded.
The Kuirtn oiill. make a flrat elaaa aetleU
and ant t he aaderwild by uataiil
This space is
Gents : Furnishing : Goods.
M. Svarverud & C
-Keep constantly on hand a eomiih-te st.a k of-
Plumbing and Tinning
A.xJTT- .... . ,U'.W.!
-.nia VBUBM Ualnlna -kl b.j
Fivt D,K, n 7 .
)ity Property.
11 t m
..lOTuiu.- -i ,,i, u.v.MH.t in
' a. 1 f 1
IIlfTI L Tn nil I w.r...Q.u. I A I
' I"" ss.-p.bhu me
Hat IS w?
at tam uenp , Kup ,,,, If you wallt . Mm
AJJolnliiK ,e I ver.lty groun.l. ,. the city lliuiUo,e ImA with
streeU-anseity and electric light, wu-ndlng to t, It j,
th. bm,,e,,t ,d desirable property on the market
Steve. n.l..l the wither, US I VEItelT.' ADDITION, I. high
and dry and naturally well drained. Price, low, and on easy tern
Wlo0orwrite,oH.X.Cn.kerI0e,Eu8ee,Or. otft. In (hruCT,..
Farms. Fruit Lands
nnhmm ,hij Mk , 'll .J TV- tf-tu ' 'P 'a EeU.
e inu( aartaia la Ifex J2" So,u L7LV!!h Llw h.:" '-ln lnlar.rt
Flag Kialioa ou HwnlUtn IWiflc IL
If;; Milrafroiu l',ii.i,..
Tru feet froui betel.
Cbloriile ol Koditioi.
Cbbiri of M(iieliia.
Of'arhuuale of Iron,
Tb (ollowuijj teae ba been Cnied U
tbelr use, aider I'tivsii iaca bad nl.u.iej
tbeir reaoarre:, Aiiu.
Calarrb of tbe Stoui.rl,,
N'asal Catarrh, Itroii.y,
Diatiebs, Ktitiliih. ,f (he Kkin,
Kidney .o l Liver AfT-rii...
BEN. D. BOSWELl, Propnetof.
P. O. Adilresa, Drio, Oregon.
Carpenter and Jobbing Shop.
J. & PLUMESTH. CoBtrictor ui Bnilier.
Furnllur Made aud Krilnd. haa. riled.
Corner lh and Olive street., Eugene, Oregon
A Planters Experience
-Mf rlalae la lw at Malarial 41m
trie, where fever aal e awe Km a I led.
lewawler llaat frwajwewll half
ef Uaewa werwalek. I waa mmmwly eUaa
Mrageal wheal 1 bf an ih tNaf
M's Fills
Therwaallwe waarvellona. RraM
heeaaae alrwaic hear!. aa 1 have
had wwfwriaur Iraablw. lllk thee
wllla. I www Id wal fear S lle la
aaaaaia.x t. Hit AUtiarew Sara, La.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, lit) to m WaaulnyUin bUt 5. 1,
For a square dealTfo
to Goldsmith's.
Anything in the Gro
eery line, Goldsmith's.
Nolie U hereby aiven Ibat Georv W
BraedioR baa been dulv pMiiuled eieen
tor ol tb estate of KliuUtL It II reed,
tog, rboeewrl. All petaorta bsving
BRamM said estate at ter.l.j noli.
fled tn preaetit Ibe same to tbe eleenlnr al
be office nf U-o B. Iioirt. at F.iw-ne,
Oreenn, wilhin su tuutbs fnni Ibaiiat
of Ihia nmiee.
Groans K D. aai, Aity li riaiaie.
Pe. 17. im.
reserved for
done on Short oNotice.
. . '
' ,M ""t" prolmloaal m.n of Silm.
wuiAuunf iniom.uoa
Acr eage.
iroK - rty deja-nds
ujon the actual
nroeiKftiof Us iumas ntr i.valt.e.
a U .
S3 1 " "
rmpertjr la In
; Hi.
A i