The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 07, 1893, Image 1

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1 ALiL
kitiiliiueh mi m iiMEyiiTios ok deiocutic rmciruMM to mi iokihmm it th iwmt of oci now
NO. 12.
ML 25
Zbt (Sugrnr itg uard-
PablGifccr Prenrtr.
..iivji.i,.Vi iU nf Wlltamatto
. i.i..i..k m. ... i
iHrwvt, imwaaj oaTvaw.
Tr.ti. k tJinvicuirnoN.
fm niH. . .
Sis Moth...
'lhn Baatha
AdrartleeatenU Ineerted Minaret
Um K)Ura, toa Um or lane noe bwertioa Ui
MM eubauaot in-wtioa II- Co rwoiil
'nJ2WtU. wUlb. k el-
taariaf rU!
it.-, naa thm BMndia w
(.. equaf eta nmath
Oaoquu um year...........
-r,.ui Bnuiii lit local ouluma. JV
nor Um Inr each Inanition.
Adrartialna billa wiU be raaHerwl quarterly.
All tob work noH be ram roaos nturgw.
.UOUXK CITY, - - - tUJBlOh
OmCEoR"" T 1 MoCUim Building.
SaS(MeUl attention
Q,d Probata buninaae.
(ires to Collect
CEO. 0. BlktfB
Real Estate Afcni.
l4-lo Ma-wnto Tetnpls.
DES. J. ?. 4 IENUIE 3. BAKNilD,
PPWIAtriK.l-KMBT and t.lrer I)le
Gynecolug y uil OtwhiUli'.
orrVK at raaldrneeon OHre Hreel brtween
ttk nd luih HtMU
o m
- 8poUlttentia 1ra to
B4 AWtmrW o TiU.
TroUU bodnowf
Orritl Ow I Act Cogntjr Bank.
DB. J. 0. GRAY
Block. oiU UcD otfico. AU work
"hTih km wtnlnbUrod for piumm i
tK.lia ol iMik.
tf iefi ftc
UeArino; Promptly Eiecutel.
Cash paifl fov Qvoduco
at Gtoldnitli's.
roa prrcffEtfs
CutoH yr Ptr tiesa, and
WtwjiM FialuUiiry, CoimiiHiii, Bow
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and rsrarlehiMsa,
Thas tbo child Is reodersd hsalthy and its
sUp aataral CarbrU eontalns a
Morphias or other aarectlc property.
"OMtortelseowetJ adatM to ehndree) that
I KMomnMnd ttessupmor M Mr prraerlptkai
kejewaSSSM.' H. A. Aarwea. M. D..
M ForUaad Aic, Braoaljra, M. Y.
"I vat CMtnrta ta mj mrtta and tod H
SfieliliJ eawM to affacIuM of rhillfM"
Ka? sd Aa Vaw York.
Taa CsawanTOa, TT Marrar tL. X. T.
5 xi ColdsQ F-mali Pills..
V For Fmals f Tmtar
,'.rf IUe-BjMhiolittbai
VC m J : y muathlr. wuafauiaad
'V 'Tti. lo nlkxro m mud
tutctArrj urrttat
tmt h baajbnrvad.
So TlaM. Uuta.
Int h tar adJieaa.
awua br ai l fw
HnixJ eear.roKTLAJiD. OB
tot aala ay k- k- t-CCKT CO, Bases
Kit Wi KLiUUi
9 I
-B r am m a. w ar e
-a !
ChamberlalrO Eye and Eldn
ft A coruio euro for Chronic Sor Eie
Tetter, Salt Ulionm, BcuM Iload, Old
Chronic Sorei, FoTer 8ore, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore KIpplet
and rile. It U cooling and aoothicc.
Dunilredi of cases bare been carM by
it afUT all other treatment bad XaikxL
S3 cents per box.
r Mila ny Mburn A Drlna
1 1. Lackey
Toilet Articles, Painb, Oib,
Brushes, Etc., Ijjte.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
n i ii .n j
HeClareiLj BuilSingr,
Nextoto Lane Co. Donij
EcsDga, - - 0rgS3ao
UmveKity and Sch(I Books
Orders by mail filled on the day of
Bowel Trouble, sod Cramp, CV.Ho, cr
any InUrnal or External Pain. Ask yonr
roKgist for It
0 Tbs bast family rsmsdy la nnJonbtsJI;
rpfnnttor's 0raon Blood Parinsr. Ilarro
m, It aeoomplinhes relief wbsrs many otb
r mJioini il to do. It may be aafely
iron to IbQinfant m well as tbs adult.
& B. Eacnr, J a.,
.01 Eugene.
Paid up Itsb UpIUI $.0,000
Surplus trrjl Proflls, i50,(MK)
Eugene Cityj" - Oregon.
A resaral baaklsc boatoM oa raMnk
.1.1. W Hitfht lrau on N KW YOKK,
LANU.OUftiOX. btii of eichaaa aiild oa foraiffB aouatrUa.
Irv'tta rMiTd aubjaot to ehack ar oartia
aale ol dapnaiL
All eolUettnM aatraatd to a will reoiiTS
prcvpt auraU.
tnrk oi HaNa sad "a7 itfoaersa,
bnofct ta tas hoH Baraola
Caa Ik pabTk heUar prtees
o o
Pradaas af aO kiada Ukaa si aMrfcet prie
First Mm M
aaaaaasaansaaMt: BaaaaaaaTaTaTAToBaTaTaTsaToToaTAaVaaTas-aaaaaaaa .i - ii ......
TiUVl? 1)
t scHWAEZScniLD, Projrlfior.
Fidl toc? o! C3ttc7cto ffettcrat.
Addrwa P. a Ba 11.
Keal KstatM 'Irtustera.
J F ItitH k to J J Murray, lot .1,ck
2H Paclwrd's addition; IU.V).
FlorvW-e II Davldnon to Itciijiiiiiln
W MH'miHtlaiKl, lots, block 15, Pack
ard's aMtl(iii; f 1.
Alex Matthew to John Htcwajt,
lot f 1.
David F Powell to Chailes W Pow
ell, lot lu Aha iiark; l,50.
Turner A Plekey to Isaac O McCain,
10D ncres in VI H s, r 1 e: ti.
Charles L MooreAp L Hoore, 1 later
gn land in Tp lrH, II 4 W; 10.
lifrPC Williams to J M Da via, 1.76
acres in Tp 17 8, II 2 W;
M V Huntley to A K Huntley, 4
acres in 1 18 s, r 1 e; flVM. ,
II F Alley to A H Itriton, tAt &,
block2,Cox'Mddltlon: $JSI. w
KllaJ MorW to I. M ChrixtenNon,
land In Morse's adlit!o:i; f I.jO.
T M Humilton to 8 T JcflYvya,
15, l.lock5; $li0.
EMiuideto Kiln Ik-I, lot fiOxllO
fwt; 1150.
JihciiIi W Htrong to John L Dale,
lot 1, block 12; VA.
... O
Rghiokm. Albany IX-iuocitO Rev.
C. A. Wooley, who has curge or
thC. P. church In this eltv since lu
oiganisntlon has been cbIIihI to do mis
sionary work for the church and hence
rertiirnshis chance here. It. H. F.
LniiKlMtttom will succeed to the charge
In this city and will hold services here
the second and fourth sabbaths of
each month.
Eci.ntiEH KR 1S0X NexU r there
will bajbut two ecllpaes, anir both of
the sun. The first will be a
total eclipM on April 15th and
iNtb. InvUlblo in North America.
The other will be the aunular
eclipse of the aun on Oct. bQi, vbtible
a partial eclipse on ine sun s aouiu-
em Hint) in me uuu ami rtesiem
Atipai's Parisian Cnamet for ts
wvioi of a arrfrct tuMtit)iaf Tbs
laof ta frcarS Cwtnatla.
A?oi'a Compliion Ortim Tnn
Mir Wnaklraad s lo ka lbs
lexrureo! yovin.
nael'sakln Bleach, rflce an
Ltrtriiaa .ld!ctkjra!trwolfit-aea-h
ae laa. Suubara, , brnm-iUf aad
(rM.y .Mwataacaof II
Arp'a Orlantal P
vniia. fnik.a4i.rMa
i.acaof ih .
Powder la nn.
h.'K. atTTt la the
U't ar.uUlal clr sad Uaw.Artal ep
ppr'aNatural Blush Tfcaoiyao
talo aatr. ba aijpticd lo Oie fcca or
,i4,naMUO;Uul. t.ut .p la I intilal
I hl I. biuitd'. Iwik hrlra.
Cv IiAv..l Ucr. l lit i-tvr, iti.
J aatifu i u. K-'.aMa ; "jwMJua haa,
rity Dni turn, .
Dr. (J,
, C. Osbum Is at Albany to-
I II. ratterwm Is at Knlein on a
short busl nine trip.
ivll J.ihnmn ntunud from a vlxlt at
Portland this aflfrnmrn.
P V. W. LVx hran M-turned fnmi INrt-
land on lust night s overlunU.
Norrls Itrxwn and family of Kalein
arc vUltlng friends in tbls clly.
This Is an exort-dlmrly fine day.
The sun is shining warmly and bril
liantly. Ijiir John IUlyt u, of Linn county,
a futnofis turnilwr of a famous Uivffoii
ian firMlly Is dead.
A niarrlsii IIiviim luw Iwn K"ntcd
bv the count vf l rk to William Clam
l.lo and tNtrad'J.. Young.
Kruiik M itthrys went to MeMliui-
vllle this ri.onilnir to sinnd the rest of
Cjb vacation at home.
MIms L. IahiU. who has been vUit-
lnir friends hern for a few days returned
toiler home at Corvallis this morning.
II J. McClanahan lias inofvl his of
fice to the room formerly occupied by
Dr. McKenney, over the Lano county
bank. gy
The whUt cluTJ was enteflslnod last
evening bv Hon. T. O. Hendricks and
wife. During the evening a tine lunch
was spread.
Angus Hhaw and Mrs.V II. Wand-
t...i..S I IImiiiI. an. vluinnir this viwtf
witTi their sisUT, Mm. II. C. HumplrJ
Miss Mao Huir returned from her
vUit at Itiwburg this morning accoin
panled by licr brother, J. W. and
fHinlly. o
The Alliany llook AJjulderOL'o. Is
going to purchase ach.Miioal en(tlne at
a cost of U'i- The Kugene company
Is also In need of a similar apparatus.
(1. P. (imiln made this offlca a ja
sant call last aflenioon. He Is Tin
proving In health now steadily. - Dur
ing the nast few weeks Ills weiiiht lias
uncreaaed luirteeirpouims.
A case was tried liefore Justice Med
ley at Cot tu ire Orove yesterday, where
in Mr. WhlUett sued Henry Iretx
for diimnites In a potato transaction
A Jury was called, whichdecided
favor of the defendant. (J
The quarts mining excitement con
tinues around Ashland, and numeroi
locations of ledges are made every day?
uiitils the hills and gulches about that
town are Retting pretty thoroughly
coQred with local lou notices.
It is reported that trie lamas swaie
biidoe. between Ooshcn and Creswell
on the main road, washed out during
the recent storm and now the road at
that point is Impassable, thus making
a circuit of ovral miles necessary to
travelers in Viat vicinity.
Albany Democrat: Last eveMug
while lowering a light at First and
Ferry stct, Mr. Y'A. UlodgcttTeoelv
a shock on touching a wilv that
kuiK-ked him down, but fortunately
did no serious damnge. Keveral wires
have been on a strike since the sarent
Ashland Tidings: Prof. D. V.
K'oolidgo cnine out with his wife and
rfwo little children from Eugene laxt
Friday for a holiday visit with rela
tives in Ashland, lie returned Mon
dij night to Halcm, where he Is en
giKcd as chief clerk of the state board
lyf eouallaition. Mrs. Coolldge and
Uliihlreii remain for a vNit of two
weeks at the homo of Mayor-elect
Lewlston, Me., Journal: A pine has
come all the way fv?m Oregon sent
by a son of Maine to furnUh a flag
pole for the village of liuck's Harbor,
on the MiiVilaa river. It la a nohle
lr, 71 fwt long, nine Inches through
at the butt and four Inches at the end
but Just think of tbo old "pine tree
atate" sending to the PhcIHo coast for a
Grants Pass Courier: The "new
county projects to be submitted to the
legislature all claim to have their con-
Ion In the laudable desire to
"riWiush county sent rings." If the
runners and citizens of the counties
outside of the prrxent county seat! Will
attend to tlielr political business, there
will be no need of "smashing county
aeat rings," because those Hugs cannot
form without the concurrence or the
fanner, the miner and stockmen ex
pieNl through either their desire or
negligence. If the citizens of the coun
ty at large watch their Interests thf re
will lie no rings to smash. If they
don't, cutting up the counties will only
increase the number or tings.
The Fox Chase.
Vally Oaard. Dae. 11. Q
A Urge crowd was IrfMown this af
ternoon to witness the fin chase which
proved a rather meager affair. Only
four dogs were entered and
they ran more by sight than
se nt. After shakiiyr the fox out of Its
refuge In a trea the JWgs were given a
second or third chance, and finally a
hound belonging to F. M. Jilalr over
took andkl him.
Tin ItEooHD Hhokek. flU-lnbach,
graud recorder of the A. O. U. W., for
Washington tells of the Installation of
&04 newly elected members of that or-h.-r
at Health) Wednesday night, that
being the iargod uuuiber of members
ever initiated at one time by any secret
order In the United HUWah The no
vices went marched In platoons luto
lUnke's ball which was completely
filled. Heronler Mtelnbach and other
Installing ofllcrrs went through the ex
ercises standing on a high table In the
center of the room.
RoADFi'ixnr Tnrm. Mr. Vhls
man, the nisll carrier, Informs us that
the sleet storm ft-llod hundreds of Iiiik.
fir trees acroas the wagon road in tiie
.Siuslaw valley, and it Is lniixMllile to
even make the trip to Florence horse
back. It will lake several hundred
dollars to open up the road. In two
miles of the road be counted 55 large
trees. The mail will have to I car
ried via Drain fur the present, at least.
Iwily Oaard, Dm. II.
Diamond IUjio. At tlte rsffle of the
Cliaa. Msvhew t'J30 diamond ring at
Withrnw k Hadlcy'a saloon hut even
ing, Win. Kermhaw threw 46, winning
the same.
i- TIohx. In t'um tie. Orrron. Decern-
Ur 31. 1H&J, to the wife of W. O.
Ionn, a daughter.
Halkm, Jan. 2. At Its meeting Kut
urday the state board of equalization
got down to work and equalized all
classes of proiH-rty In the several coun
ties except "money, notes and ac
counts," and mortgages. Iiy their
work taturday they rained the asneas
ment of the state an nggregnle of about
$5,000,(100. They are in scaalon tMly,
when other subjects will be laken up
and dUpomtl of. As before slated,
nearly ail of the counties awa-sacd niuN-gagi-s
at fnce value, but Multnomah
and Clackamas took them at 50 cr
ceiit. The board will likely raise the
aaMfwiiient on mortinges to their rent
value in all of the c&'uties. They will
either do this or reduce them 111 about
28 count ica of the state. The detailed
action of the board (Saturday Is given
ltullroad lands, wngoti rond lauds,
swsmp lands, agricultural and other
lauds, rnl,iad tracks and telegraph
lines kiiiTWn to the tsiard as cIiihs !So.
S were ruined ten per cent In eucl.
Household furniture, plcaSre car
riages, watches, etc., were aftowiHl to
stand In each county as eunllzetl by the
county boards.
Merchandise and Implements were
raised In all of the counties 10 per
The result lu the several counties
except In the two Instances where hor
izontal additions were made Is as fol
lows: Ilakcr Hheen raised 10 per cent.
llenton Improvements and town
lots each raised 30 per cent, horses and
mules 10 unt cent, cattle 6, sheep 10,
swine liwy O
Clackamas Improvement and
town lots each rained 30, horses 10,
cattle 10, sheep "0, swine 150.
Clatsop Hod reduced tu, ana cat
tle 20, sheep rnliett0, swine 30.
. Columbia HonwV reduced 10 and
cattle 25, sheep added SO and swine 6a
Coos Imrpvemet and town lots
each added Ii? sheefMiO swine 100.
Curry Improvements and town lots
each added 15, deep SO, swine 50.
Q'rook eJwlne reduced M.
iMiiflas IniirovemeiiU and town
loOadded 20, cattle 10, sheep 20, swlue
Gilliam Improvement and town
Qota added 10, cattle 6.
(irsnt Improvements and town lots
added 10, sheep 16, swine 60.
Ilaruey llorses and muies reuueeu
Jackson ImnrovtCienta ami town
loU added 20, cattle 10, sheep 40, twine
Josephine Improvements and town
lots added 10, sheep 80, swine 50.
Klamath Improvements and town
lot added 10, sheep 25, swine 30, horses
reduced 25, cattle .0. O -
Lake Cattle reduced kv, sheep siled
15, swine 80. w
Lane Horses added 10, cattle 20,
sheep 20, swine 75.
l.lun improvements ami town iota
added 80, homes 20, cattle 10, sheep 10,
swine 70.
Malheur Kheep added 10, swine re
duced 20.
Marlon Improvements and town
lots added 80, horses 10, cattle 20, sheep
40, swine 76.
Morrow Improvements aud town
lots 20, cattle 15, sheep 20.
Multnomah Improvements and
town lota added SO, sheep 80.
Polk Improvements and town lots
added 20, sheen 10, swlue (MX r
Hhenuan Cattle added 10, sheep 15,
swine 30, horses reduced 20.
Tillamook Improvements and town
lots added 10, swlue 60, horses reduced
la cattle 10.
Umatilla Improvements and town
lots added 10, horses reduced 20.
Union Improvements and town
lot added 10, sheep 33$, horses reduced
Wallowa Horses reduced 20, cattle
Wasco Improvements and town
lots added 20, cattle 25, sheep 15, swine
Washington Improvements and
town lots added 20, horses 10, sheep
33J. swine 80, cattle reduced la
Yamhill Improvements and town
Iota added 30, sheep 10, twine 75.
County Division.
Eugene, Dec. 20.
Ed. (Jcard: A strong remonstrance
to the prossitlon of a few lenellid
parties to carve a slice out of Douglas
and Lane counties and make a new
county will no doubt lie made by a
great iiiCority of the citizens of both
Lane aud Douglas counties. Of course,
a few right around Cottage Orove
would be triad to tee their plan carried
out, and would probably fcl very hap
py while the flunh of victory was upon
them. Hut a short time would lse,
however. In-fore the reeling would turn
to one of supreme dlngust, and the ma
jority of those in the proposed new
county, in loci to an out inone noiuing
down ofllces or owning town Iota In
Cottage Orove, when they find that
the expenses or running Ji county
would be nenrerl 15.000 or 120,000 thv.l
the sum of tawiOorflOOO, as act forth
in t proponed bH, Then what a
bowl there would i from the poor
taxpayer. And If the county run Into
a law null and got scored for f 'sJUO or
110,000 how they would enjoy St. It
would keep one half the taxpayers
digging Mineral all the time to keep
tlieir poascatalons from being sold by
the, new sheriff. Now add to this their
.likJofLnne and Douglas county's
Indebti-dneaas and tlieir burden of hsp-
pinewi will surely be complete.
While a county seat at Cottage Orove
would 1j convenient for a few, do
thorn few think that the taxpayers In
the extreme eastern or extreme western
ends of Ijine county will sanction this
move, which will Increase their taxes
without inv corresponding benefit?
,Most cerudnly not. They now hs ve
Vioin three to five times the distance to
travel to the county -nl that Cottage
Orove p-ople have. It Is plain to be
seen that there Is no sense of Justice or
propriety in this move In fiicreaalng
expanses in Utb count li-nsnd part leu
larly to thoae residing In the propod
new county. iikx.
Ham Itwuoxro. elem Journal:
Elder N. N. Mat hew i has resigned bis
naatornl tmaitlun over the Church of
(od, preferring f-reacli the Oonpcl
rather than t.bunu Theology.
Married. In Idas-bunr, Decenilwr
2.5. liW. O. W. Kiddle, county Judge,
officiating, C. Jones ana
Mrs. A. U
Walt Mrs. Wait was formerly a rest-
6nt of Eugene and Junction.
The Hrown Case.
TheQi lacburg Review has the fol
lowing concerning this case:
The Haiiili'm-ltniwii case was the
longest of the lute term and occupied
four full days with evening scmlolis.
K. 11. Preble and J. W. Hamilton ap
peared for the plaintiff, and A. C.
Woodcock, of Eugene, and L. F. Ijiiic
and W. 1L Willis, for the l fi n.lunt,
and the Imiics were Hublntrnly content
ed. The plaintiff, Sanders, alleged in
his complaint that he was employed by
the Myrtle Creek Mining Company
and hnd his leg broken by a fulling
tree while working at the "front. Dr.
I W. lircwn, president of the Mill
Ttt Comiwny, ulteiiiled him, and It la
uncged, Uiil not treat him according to
the iiKwit eullKhtenetl ideas of mirgcry.
One umterial allegntlon was that for
thirty days cold water wns conatantly
jxiuretl uimiii the Injured limb to allay
the liiiiummiitloii and reduce the
swelling, with the o fleet of tlnnlly kilt-
I .. ..... . a i .
log mo itnii niiu enuaiug gniigir'iiu w
G set ill. Other luntalices of inUtP'Bt-
metit, such as pulling at the leg
to counteract the contraction
of the cords, limbvd of putting lu an
extension, as the doctors call It, pro
ducing a steady weight. Finally the
patient was brought to Iloncburg and
Drs. and Colfmaii finding that
the foot wns gnngrened, amputated the
leg and he In due time recovered. Kan
den then begun a milt against Dr.
Hrown for the sum of $ll,0ou damages
suntalncd by the loss his leg.
The answer of the iicfciidnnt denied
all the material allegations of the com
plaint and set up that the plaintiff had
been pros.rlv treated and cared for.
On the side of the plalntiir Drs.
Or.lns, Cotfman, llrtidlcy and Miller of
this city gnve expert testimony, and
for the defense Drs. Sharpies, l'nvton
and Loom In, of Eup'ttc, llnmmelf, of
Cottage Orove, and liunnell, of this
city, enlightened the Jury with their
knowledge of surgery as applicable to
the case In point. The examination
of theoe experts occupied much time
sud the attorneys consumed an entire
dny In Humming up. The cone was
given to the jury Monday at 6 p. m.
and two hours later they returned
with a verdict of 3000 ami costs for
plaintiff. We understand that the
first ballot In the Jury room stood,
eight for 150110 damage, three for 13000
and one for f200. They all agreed
that Dr. limwn did not inallclounly
mistreat tlnQilalntiil. A motion for
new trial was tiled and If It Is denied
the case will be nppcalcd to the su
preme court.
Increase Ih LtQ County
Pally Guard, Jan. 1
On the first page of today's Guard
will be found the per cent of Increase
In the different kinds of prosirty In
the state as mado by the state board of
equalization. It will Increase the
property in iam county as toiiows:
improved lands
Unimproved lauds
Improvements, which Includes
railroad tracks, telegraph
lines, eto
Merchandise and lmpviient...
Hones and mules. ....
Total Increase . -51,030
Tills will mako thO total taxable
firo'rty In the county fl,67l,533, or an
ncrease over 11 of t70U,720. The in-
rreuse on horses and entile Is ridicu
lous. In fact they will not nenr sell
for the assessment.
Tee National Trraaary.
WASiHSOTnjf. Dec. SI. It estimat
ed the public debt stub-men t to be Is
sued Tuesday will show a lone in casii
during December to be f, mak
ing the net csnh about f2U,0UO,0uo.
IVuslon payments during the month
have been slightly over $15,000,000 or
nt the rate of lnu,OUO,OO0 per annum.
Let's Have Equality. SaJuii
Htatenman: The state board of equali
zation occupied tho dsy yestertluy In
connlderlng the eualiatlon of assess
ment on money, notes, accounts, mer
chan llse, and imidements, Improve
ments, houfMiold furniture, etc. Judge
Moreiand of l'ortlund was nnwetit and
sddnwMHl the board, saying he be
lieved mortgages should b asw-ssed ex
actly on the same basis as all other
real protierty; that If mortgages were
tnscsnetl at 100 twr cent, all town and
city pron-rty should be rained at leant
20 per cent to cor- -xnd. He doubted
the advlnablly ofiuMesslng mortgages
at full value. Attorney General
Chamls-rlain appeared before
the board, in mqmnse to an Invi
tation, and stated that the law coii
plated that all real properly, Including
mortgagee, should be aacMcd'at full
value. He further said that he be
lieved M at the Itoard had the power to
add UMir deiluct from the several
clanm-s of n-al property such per centum
as would bring the projierty to Its full
value. q
Law Suit. A case was tried fa-fore
Justice Klnsey, Fridsy wherein
O. W. Welder sued Sheriff Nolaud for
the recovery of a piano which the sher-
llr had attached on an execution in
favor of Starr A Griffin, and aiminnt
Mrs. Fannie Crouch for the sum of
Mr. Welder t-lulmed he held a
bill off-sle of the Piano. The court de
cided lu favor of the defendant, finding
that the Instrument was the projierty
of Mrs. Crouch.
Daily Guard.JM. XL
JrnoMKXT -oK pLAi!Tirp. Hon.
Geo. ft. Dorris sued John Maxwell hut
week for l-0 balance due him as an
attorney fee in the w III can. The race
was tried before Justice Klnsey this
morning and a Judgment was rendered
the pUintllf for tlte full amount
claimed. Maxwell appeared as his
own lawyer. CJ
New Fin. H. M. I!ngs has sold
a one-half interest In the Lsxt Ninth
street livery stable to Frank Oondman,
the tranafer to take place the flrat of
the year. The new Ann will be known
as IlangsA Goodman, and will con
tinue to do a general livery and feJ
stable business.
Dikd. Only .-hlld of Mr. F. L. and
Mrs. Lizzie Kelky, of 1'leaaaut Hill,
Decemla-r, of caturrhal fever.
Bokx. In Junction Cltv, Dcccml:r
j 20,
to the
wife of Ike Ilubeunon, a
The Citizens of Junction Alto to Want
He County Sat, and Inane
an Address.
At n meeting of the citizens nf Juno
I lou City, Decemls-r 2S, to locate the
boundary line of tho proponed new
county of Mitchell, C. W. I-amnon,
Wm. l'itiicy and C. A. Harp were an-
IMiinted tut a committee to make a
ntntement to the people and taxpayers
r our noMiP ,n In this matter, ibere-
fore the coiiimitlee submit herewith
the flowing for a careful consldera
liou of every tax payer:
It is proponed to form the new eoun
fy of Mitchell out of the territory lying
w ithin the follow ing boundaries: lie-
ginning at the Intersection of the town
ahip Hue between townahlps sixteen
and seventeen with the center of the
main channel of tho Willamette river:
thence following the meandering of
the main channel of tho Willamette
river down to the Intersection of the
townnhlp line between towunhlps thir
teen and fourteen with the center or
the main channel of the Willamette
river; thence following suld townnhlp
line to the Pacific ocean; thence follow- .
lug the count in a southerly direction to
Hie Intersection of the townnhlp line
Isdwceii townsliliis sixteen and seven
teen and the Pacillc ocean: thence fol
lowing suld townnhlp Hue to the point
of beginning. This will make a coun
ty with about 750 square miles while a
coimtltutioiial county required by the
constitution of Oregon Is but 400
square miles
The reu'is urged tor liio formation
nf a new county are, that Lane county
la entirely too large, that the farming
nectlons of Ijwi county are compelled
to pay for Improvement whie'i can
never ln of any benefit to thenin the
least. We migh as well pay for Im
provements In California for all the
Leiiellt they anCo the people In this
end of the county. We have been
comtH-llcd to help imy for two or three
bridges across the Ulameito river or
which we have received no benefit of
any consequence, not that the bridges
are not a iiecesHity, but we complain
of being coincllcd UOhelp pay out
money In taxes forever and gel no pen-
efltsofll. It 175,000 or fliKMXO was
ernn-nili-d for that section of country
Mould It be anything more than right
that they should Im taxed lu proimr
tlon to whnt we were taxed for their
Improvement anil that money used for
Improvement in this end of the comity.
Hut has anyone heard ofu? appropria
tion for Improvements In this section
of the county? Instead of building
two bridges so clone to i-.iigcne would
It not have been the fair thing to have
built one of thctn iienn-'Jthts end of
the county.
At the present time If there are tome
delliKiuciit taxes In the southeast end
of the county which is prrhniw fifty
miles foui Eugene, a deputy sheriff is
sent down to collect it and if there are
fifty of them he charges upaseimrnto
trip for each man and above this he
gets a percentage of the collection. As
a consequence the sheriff gets a good
deal more money than thecounty docs.
This is certainly an outrage on me peo
ple. We are called upon (o swallow a 25
mill tax for this year onN.0iM of
property which amounts to f 200,000.
This f2(V),000 if all collected, drawn out
In coURty warrants, dlncouutcd at ten
per ccrA cuts off $20,000; these war
rants draw eight per cent Interest,
which cut off $10,000, making a total
of $.MI,000 paid In by the people ror
which no Wjt.lta are derived by any
one except We men who hang around
the court house to buy up tnese war
rants. They are reaping a rich liar
vent. Taking into coiinideratlon the
delinquent taxes and the cost or col
lecting them there Is not over $1:10,000
or the $200,000 actually avsilublo ror
county purjK)ses. or eoume a county
warrant represents its lace vniue, uu
any contract nudwlth the county
the present value or warrants are taken
Into ensidcral Ion and bids are made
accordingly. It Is a shame and a dis
grace that the warrant oT any vounty
should be worth less than par.
Tbs proponed in county of Mitch
ell could be run very economically.
We would have no costly bridge or
Improvements or nny kind. A court
house for this new county costing six
or seven tliouaand dollars wouiu uu
very nicely for several year, xei
when we are asked to help pay for a
court hou at Eugene, costing no les
than $150,000: if we object, this may be
considered selllHhncss and lealousuesa.
Wlistevtr Itmay lie called we most
seriously object to our money being uned
to count ruct sehutea to run the people of
the county Intoone point We have no
objection to the people of Eugene build
ing Junt as fine a court houe as they
wlh. It will be very nice. It will
Increase the value of their property 50
percent The bridge already con
structed will compel that portion eat
of the river to come to their city.
Hut the mr.tu-r that now confronts
us Is the danger of tho proxjsed new
county otMlucral becoming a law in
the coming leglalature. Should the
bill lie isMM-d then the last ray of hope
will have panned away for us to get
loons from the elephant we have on
our hands. We hereby call on every
man who has any Interest In this pro
posed county to work w Uh all tluir
might for this division.
Dally Guard, Jan. t
imriviin Ivukvv Minnie Huh:,
aged M years, a daughter of Mrs. Mut
ti V. Durant, who lives near Jsnper,
was examined before Drs. J. W. llr-
ri and r- D. McKenney, iai rn""J
evening and found to 1j lnne. Mie
.Oa taken to the asylum at Niiem r-at-unlay
jnoroing by ls puty Hhcria cro-
1 . I.n ln.un. alnMlt SIX
1. I " 1 1 V UM m i au
A rsiiu.B CitA.voE. Tim Klo
Press says It Is rumored that the
Southern Paclflo luUn.U biking oT
one or the trains on tl Oregonlan
roe.1, alo the trains o!r the Letnr.n
brsiich; In lieu thereof a train is to I
run front Wood I mm to llsuioii, arid
another from Altny to Natron.
Marki ( Lictvsm. County
Clerk Walker has led tl r..llowing
niarrtnire li-ne-: Aruaa Hryanl and
UJ. Wi-t-y, A. J. HiT.;ii and Lil
lian M. Maxon.
I!fSTAl RST tkil.D. Frank Tri wa
ld his rit;.uraiit Mrdi.y afr.-rt;.ii
to C. Fm Jtvera, Ute of Smisht.v.-l.
Jack Howard Is acting as inao:,? r t f
i tlis aame.