The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 31, 1892, Image 5

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A REPOHTER'3 revenge.
II fM CesspHawslaey rarcr.h, hot
It Oet la Ha ItmMllj Werh.
There It man In tbla city who, 111.
th. original Hamlet h mm 11 to be.
It fat and leant of brtath, but, unlike
tb melancholf Dane, h. U also exceed
Ingly rain and pompous, II. occupies a
position of torn little prominence, anl
solely on thai ac.Jant newspaper men
retort tohlzn for view and information.
Laboring under th tQlndon that be
really pots a profonnd knowledge
of publio teatiotia, and that on that
account hla ntterancee art occasionally
quoted, be eometime put on alra and
adopt ft manner toward thelntenri.wer
Thick if exceedingly dissgreeabl and
Vsn Insulting.
'I'm really tired of thinking for yon
fellow " be remarked soms time ago to
a reporter who bad aaked hla opinion
concerning torn proposed legislation. "1
triah you would do touf thinking for
yooreeWM and not come bothering me
i with Quezon."
"I am much obliged to yon for the
bint," aaid tbe reporter, with aome diQ
eulty checking an Impulse to give free
rent to hie fooling, then, and there. "1
will do a little thinking for myself."
Then be went away and did aome
thinking and batched a echeme of re
He wrote a neat and highly eulogintio
little paragraph about the vain and
pompous Individual, com fomenting blin
highly npoa hi. courteous manner, and
coocludf;g with the atat&dent that he
made it a ml. never to .it down when
riding on the "L" while there vh a
woman In tbe aame car unprovided ith
. Mat V
"Noe let It work. Mischief, thon art
afoot," U. remarkeoVleefully when he
b:.d finished.
It did work. ....
The. little paragraph wat externa rely
a pied in eociety weeklies, which al
w lye keep a sharp lookout for little per
ac isl squib. Tbe V. and P. Individual
fc ind himself suddenly possessed of a
reputation which be bad donenofhlng
to deserve. But be bad to live up to it
B ) had always been in the habit of seis
ii the first seat be could catch on an
-it" train and sticking, to Itio matter
b w many women might be standing up
ni ar him, while he devoured the con
tents of bis f avorito morning or after-
nion newspaper. lie could do that tQ,
As be Uvea up in Harlem and hisHntj
is away down town, atia lie is uwuio
f;it and scant of breath, as I hare before
remarked, tbe physical discomfort which
h. endures dally can be better Imagined
than described. And be hain't even the
approfjl of bis own consciencCo make
it castor for him, for be knows that be
dossal do it from any desire to save
women the inconvenience of standing in
the cars, but merely because he is afraid
that if be doewn't do it some people will
think that be doesn't deserve e reputa
tion with whkb he baa been publicly
credO!L ..;, . , ...
Andf&enever that reporter sees the
and P. individual banging on to
strap in ait) "L" car and looking su-(-premelfmiserahle
be just bugs himself
for joy; Perhaps he opght to be sorry
for having written what want strictly
KMhful about him, but be isn't a bit
Oreat la the power of the press and
sweet is revenge. New York Herald.
Cald ftterace for Balaioa.
It is well known that by arrangement
among salmon packers on the Pa
cific cotit the catch of ealmon has been
restricted to the requirements of the
market under s listing eor.ditiona. Bet
ter facilities for preserving the fish are
now bsinryeslixed, with the result that
this delicious food ah is likely to find a
much larger distribution In a fresh state
than ever before. Late dispatches from
Victoria, B. C, announce that a cold
storage system hat latoly been com
pleted by Sea Francisco parties for the
Cunningham cannery on the E keens
Into Vie refrigerators (be fish are
placed at sWn as taken from the water
and subjected to ft temperature or SO
degs. below aero. Here they remain six
or seven uours, and art then removed to
another room with ft xero temperature,
where they are held some two weeks,
and then hermetically sealed kVase for
shipipnt Tbt.ueral introduction of
cold warehouses adjacent to the fishing
grounds is destined to effect a notable
change in the salmon industry, enabling
Cituners and others to utilise th. heaviest
runs, instead of being restricted in their
cutch to the number they are able to use
n i from day to day. The tt J may now
hi caught in larger quantity and stored
li cold rooms for future trf-mentin
t; e intervals between Urgw'runO
C Ulfornia Fruit Grower.
iMwillml Fsotac.
The actual cost of carrying letters is
t) lall enough to be Ignore At the rate
oi one penny per ounce, ft ion of letter
all up to the full weight would produce
a most 130, while the were cost of con
Cyyanca would certainly not b five
P'Unds or one-thirtieth, part of th r
o lpta. Th real charge O ot
e Jlectlonand distribution and thmain
U nance of efflces, th cot of iilich is
nual on all letter. It t in th exten
sible of this principl to intemalional
petag that th greatest advanceIn
tlit futurt may be expectei-PuUie
tesMk by U(klBa Tl.
John Shavor, seventy-nine years old.
of SchenectadyN. Y.. ha been si
bv llffhtnltiff tmJ-m this rear. Tb
Y.. b- been struck
shock wat received about two montht
azo. and the second on Saturday,
latter killing him Instantly.
struck tha tstnd time be Was rT
the tarn. pUce whert bt received th.
first shock.
it h." mwi ,l,n,Ir "'thMngt,
c-'H geu.n.1 convention ll..t Mcmtlr
fiiMtUMMtoiuin Baltimore did ,jt
cm... out hi lb. daily report of 7S
'""''I lwediiigs. IWU, ths reguUr
fuming ;. which wer of coure. lI1jr.
tant in their way. tber wer. held daily
K h.-r t,s,0f snd deputi
in inn noti reading room wl.lrv, -
"livened wlih many entertaining
otea and personal experience.
A few of the poeeibly partook of th.
nature of the chestnut One heard, I,
instance, how a boy once tried to aril
mm auwns 10 ui.bop Brook on tbe
pies mat tuey were Episcopal kitten,
and bow a few days later he trid to -U
me same kittens to a Bapttot clergyman
walking with the bishop, allemg that
they were ttiptuf kittens, and how h.
explaiued th. dicrency in hi. .tory
to the bishop by eaytng that they had
lLthplr rr PnJ tbe meanwhile.
This and a few other stories abuut the
bUhop have apparently been touched
with immortality. Like tbe fabled An
taeus, they renew their streojrtU when
ever they fall to the ground. But
were plenty of fresh .torie-!so, fhe
morning after Bishop BrooWprW.jd
lu Immanuel church deputy asked ft
well known Baltimore churchman who
had been preeent bow the bishop had
acquitted himself. Magnificently."
was tho answer. "Eleven women faint
ed before he began." New York Trib
une. A CraU ftaotak Xmlii,
Invercanld House, wheQ Bir Algernon
Borthwick has been entertaining the
Prince of Wales, the Duke of Connangbt
and Prince Henry of Battenberg, la the
ancient seat of the Farquharsons. of In.
vercsuld, near Braemar. The place has
been let to Sir Algernon Borthwick since
tbe death of Colonel Farquharsou at tbs
eay rate of fi.SUO year. Inv.rcauld
is a very fin. house, which was greHy
enlarged and Improved about seventeen
years ago, and it occupies one of the
most beautiful site In the highlands
Tbe Dee flows a short distance bevow
tbe houie, and woods and tree clad rocks
are all around, with the mountain as a
InvercauV has always enjoyed the
reputation of being the finest situated
country seat in Aberdeenshire, and in
variety and beauty and grandeur the
surrounding scenery is not surpassed in
Scotland. Th. great deer forest of T
vercauld is one of tbe beat in the higu
knds and tbe grouse moors afford first
rate sport, and there Is a long stretch of
excellent salmon fishing in the Dee. The
Farquhasmt estates extend to about 90.
000 acres. St James Budget
A Trmap't CaeUlaf Bids.
A ttmp giving hia name as John Fair
rojeared at the police station bruised
fCu bead to foot, and asked permission
to sleep in a cell until morning. Fair
said he had come to Atchison from
Onisha on a through stock train, and
had the most terrible experience of his
life. Shortly before the train pulled out
of Omaha, the tramp said, be crawled
Into a car which was loaded with steers.
Tbe steers soon began to step on hiin, and
seeing this would nevsr do the tramp
climbed on the back of one animal. This
enraged the steer, and itlunged forward,1""1 etijto topics. He wae only pQV
exciting the other steers, when there
was a panic,
The maddened steer Vshed about,
hooking each other and striking tb
tramp on all side. He put hi arm
about tb neck of the steer which be
was riding and held his grip uutil the
train stopped at Atchison. Tbe tramp's
bead bad struck tha top of tbe car a
cypher of times, and, it was badly
Iruised. Atchison UloM.
the 11 Id Hot Oe ts the Theater.
He and she are mried and reside at
the west end. She wauled to attend
ths theatil He didn't There was an
other man in tbe case, and th other
man was of course only too delighted to
accompany the wife. She had ft new
and very chlo costume and donned it
for tbe occasion. Wej-V that for "the
other man," naturally, though maybe
we wouldu'i'for our own private and
particular man. She came down to din
ner adorned in the elegant frock and
maybe boasted bit to tha husband,
She asserted thst she wat going to the
theater with Mr. , etc He chewed
a cigarette (d said nothing. The bell
rang, and the servant a jounced the ar
rival of the escort HeAhe husband)
still Mid nothing, but he pioked madam
(hi wite) up in hi arms, and when b
..t hr down It was in the bathtub filled
with water. Thjnew costume shared
the ducking. That's all. N.a-MadsW
didn't go to ths theater after all!-Boston
(aiaM) m thOeHbwsst Cast.
Qhe fall run of salmon at Coos bay,
Alsea. Nestncca, and other
points along the coast kai beea unusually
UriOand th fih ar?efln. In ft
f,w jilaee cannerie bav been in oper
ation, and conslderabl qasxstlrie of
fih hsv been packed at torn of them,
but in some place th cans ran out and
further suppli could not UintA.
In other places th c.tch 6f fish could
not be utilized, as no salt or barrels were
to be had. rartie offered to mak con
tract for salt salmon, but as last year
the fall run was light, no one thought t
worth while to lay in ft suPP3 ofsaU
rM beOls formal MUO- 80
ifiod run of lid came no profit was
Th. la- tich gold coin .uffm i-Jj
Baw Ool Cels
Its Weight.
a.' aa-.a 1 IIITlbni SU - w I
torn house yefterdsy.
Oeorre W. Shsl-
mui'--iom t-M ooin to
don th. amot
id the amount
pay auue.r rY--.w ,0 tb, nb.
counieu ... - ,- ...
A little while later the sub
. 1. v ariih notice Uiat
lb nrss , fnd thst thoogn tn
montht restigstion it w-1
day. th. f nwlr p,m
When weight the a WM not.
r riri OaT .tic-sOfor
. t:,lCJ(f(i Tribune, q
A Be wsiniwr called Tim Rorkv U una.
tain Cyclone has just appeared, with1
the following editorial explsnatlooi I
"We be in th. publication of The
Rocky Mountain Cyclone with some'
I'bew dipbicultie. In the way. The type 1
pbounder phmm whom we bought the '
outphit pbor tins printing orphls phailed I
to supply any ephs or cays, and it will'
be hour or phi v. we. is brphore we can 1
get any. We have ordered the aliasing .
letters and will have to wait until they I
tome. We don't lique tbe Idea or this !
variety ov snvllins- tor than n. '
bett I""!
c?aa7tl r ,7 ,phw h,!
b? !?.hU
ceen (sonn.l tk. . K.i TV. ,
arriv. It Is no joque to usi It I a seri
ous aphir."-Nsw York Tribune
Mr. !lenpy-Tak that down a. Q
and I'll show you bow to put it up nht
You never did underhand sfjo mattrj
anyway, and
Mr. HenpeO (a th pip suddenlW
come. down) Wall, there';) hope you're
sooted now. Chicago MaiL
"(Hily aa AMytae.M
'Close by a prosperous church in a cer
fiu town Is a district known as "Ten
nessee Town." populstQl entirely by ne
groes. The pastor of the church had
long made efforts to organise ctyse of
th young colored boy for th purpoa
of giving
them Instruction ta literary
Ir successful. Nothing that As could
get for th entertainment or aar.Qmit
of the restless, idle lads seemed to Itve
any effort on them.
He tried magio lanterustyid legerde
main, and all kinds of "clubs," but felt
that h was not succeeding in tb least
At last he purchased ft gnall box of
chenjicals, and practiced a 1& of ex
perVscntA, and announced an ill us
trated lecture on "The Wonders of Lit
tle Things."
Tbe little hall was packed with an en
thusiastic audience, and thsacpjriaefit
wer successful. Curious to knoO CT
reasons for tb larg attend ft VZi
particular occasion, tbe long suC'rtug
lecturer railed up one of tlw bright"!
lads at the close of the entertainment
and questioned him.
"fhat made so many bojg cn out
to th lectur tonlghtT-
"1 'spec kas we Vtjed yoe wO
gwine ter blow yosef upr
"Whstl Do the boy want to y jQ
blown npT
No, ash " ftlth ft grin. -But Cj
year "bout your 'sperUrfiLta, & O
wants ter see whatJpiSht gwiQ O
happen P
"Don't you kncQ tbere'a ov dO,r
with es thing if they t ri, jitly
handledr n
-Ye. ah; but O know-sTjCa
ofwy an amytowerP
That was th last chemical ,ftnj,l
) course. Youth's CotaQni.
WarjfS Ossrs oiku
1 f w
Two women drop in at ft W.ttrgrnJtiiCionCof AU Bohla Uy. 1
Coming In thst way they art vin i
"Shall w tak on Othr CG;
glasses, dearr
"Yea. Drop a dim in, and tQthiag
opens, liar, you th changer
"No. I only bav fiv cenuJ
"Well, 1 bav fiv. That make It"
Then the two dear creature drop two
fiv cent piece Into th slot, and when
it Aa mot work art fttnaaed and Indig
nant Usher la summoned, who vainly
trie to explain, and ther is pretty eW
citing time until ths rasa drops la a ten
cent piece from bis own pocket and pro
cure fo" "them th glasses. I beUevt,
howeverTtha to thU JT bT tare an
idea that there is some sort of twiadl
la th odd llttl ppartu attached to
theater cha-Chicago Tribune.
Bis Its af th
eWUHam Flint." said the teacher, "I
kavijiept you in after tchool hour at
a punishment for whf.pering. Ton may
return to your sea and writ a compo
sition on spring." u
After half aa hour's severe struggle
with the subject William weul up to
the teacher' desk and submitted th
. 1 Vyi-tnir-'- "Htirtna'ia
fntlnarine aaaav OU "Mlirtng
thU Country it Lik this. Yesterday i
Was Janaerry and Tomorrow It will B
July that s-ln-s'rT"
.m ftmt" Exchanger
i jL)
a Ore HMSm twinn I 4 br far. rta,
No little exdlemetit h ta Iwen ocr j "About two weeks ago I was camp
stoned near Witynebiwu by Hxuenirstrri-1 '"g with a part von th shore of Lak
ous excavations and th rrp.le. removal , trie, not far from Ashtabula," said
of buried treasure on th Iinnlericb I (eeorge Wilson.
farm, several miles from that place.
About forty years ao a tiaiid of robUr '
and counterfeiters, headed by old Jaeun
Hpray, ranei a reign of terror in that
section. Tbry were known to liar cap-1
lured and coureated larg sums of i
money. Fiualty the section ana in arm. :
and Wiped out the whole Det except a
tonpleof thdcperaloee. naml Wr "rhl
I V I. I O.V.L i
b'" " rfn gains with- (
hM.leo treasure eveotuallv became only I
" 'J-r ""' """
fP an.Utradition. Th. old Spray
caliin wasSk haunted place for many
years, but was finally burned, and fr
the last quarter of a century the Very
location has been lost sight of, it merely
rig knovrn that it once stood in one of
th. Broderich fields.
The other morning the men on this
farm upon going to work In ft wheat
field were astounded to find ft long
trench dug in the earth, enlg at what
proved to be the fireplace of the old
Spray cn. The stone of the hearth
had beWT plowed over until two feet
under ground, so the person unearthing
them must have had an accurate knowl
edf( of their location. These stones
had been removed bv the persons ex
cavatiug and two iQea sunk in the
ground for sums littleith. From one
of theee it was evident that a box had
been taken and carried off. What it
contained and who took it are questions
which hsve set the whole region agog.
Two Texan who bad been loitering
about and who disappeared the niu.Vi of
tbe digging are snppnwd tobaveVime
connection with the affair. It is said
thsPtbey obtained a knowledge of the
burled treasure from Wright or New
man and came after many year to
claim it Indisnupoli News.
V. Joins Ok harph.
Tb member of tlx Comaa logation
In Waahftigton are showing themselves
inore progreisiiv. than any of the orien
tils of the diplomatic corps. When the
Coreans arrived four years ago they
wore gorgeous silk gowns, long pigtail
and peculiar ventilated hat which look
el lik flytraps. They wer followed
elQit tbe if- by a mob of small boys,
but tbey soon biid aside their oriental
r vb. Over a year ago the men at the
ligation did away with their pigtails
and doifrd tnners. Then Mr. Ye,
wife of the minister, begun wearing the
most fashionable gown of American
make, and her home became a social
center among the diplomats.
Mrs. Ye ba now beoome a member of
the Presbyterian ehurcb. For some
time she and her husband have attended
the Church of the Covenant, occupying
seat directly back of President Harri
son. It is only within recent days,
however, that Mrs. Ye had bar name
entered aa a member of the chnrch.
She took the step while visiting in a
small Virginia town near here. It it
understood that the Corean minister
and other memlters of the legation Qll
follow the example of Mrs. Ys. Chi
cago Newe-Record.
Msny trouble end vexations
csnQd by a visit which Jt) !&d the
other day by the cxar to the military
camp at Ixora. The latter place la a
vlUiV on tbe Neva, about ten miles
from St Peterurg.nd aocessibl by
water or rail. On th ocrftnlou of thg
visit soldier were placed on th rail
way. Not far from th city ar ft num
ber of mills, tb Cork men at ?hich liv
on theippoita side of the line, going
homeWily f Jrtheirgesls. Theee work
men got to their ?tC on Saturday rnrn
lug, but wer not allowed to cnty the
linCgain the tjiole day, being obliged
to go without their food or buy it in x
pftlle bouse. No treSo vQ allowQl.
E peoprlTeSo Isjd their own frm
laods on thesidfsof tbe railway O-re
forbidden to Oil? across. The trains
from Joecow were stopped fjd wer
sent off all within a quarter of in hour
of eAch other in tto evening. The river
trsfo Vs also CitlrelsuspeiMll. It
can Je readily imagined That discova
fort inch auspMrion of traTV occaatl,
and it is only a Russian oiXlJ wlj c,
see the good of It London Net.
Every one of the several bn-dred
gravej la th. Cemetery of the C'Ct Uoly
lCtM9ner, on iit BiddP I0
tx derSiKl with owCr aa L'r'!
- j1th cnndle during th past to cys.
big congrCVitiona of St Mich-I't
and St JtVnee' Catholl-S chnrche-, who
n the eerTVirr. have deoTnifj tr?
two V s meu, vjirn, ana cniiuri r
been eotdng nd sJoing, sn on foot
and some in !-. OhUe r7cs
ried lunch witOtbem and spent a whole
dar with tbe dead. At aChtiall the
candle Tt up pal Hutu) of lighO
from ipch mound, in visit to in
buryrog P'sci is a suirival of th for
mer custom of celebrating mass and of
fering prayer for tb repo, i of tb souls
In purgatory. Baitunor nun.
KaaaJriae; aa OU Haaaa.
The ancient blockhouse in Edgecomb,
at tb entrance of Wisf asset harbor,
M.iin. which was built in 1H0H, ha
f.illea into such dilapidatkai that ssten
ir re; lr here been four 4 uicissary.
To replac th timber which reported
the wall and Boors of the second story
Uma fifteen lnche square bar been
required. Summer resident of th vi
cinity hav undertaken the task of re
storing and preserving th old landmark.
-New York Tribune.
Us si salve raat
Little Oirl I went Into Mrs. Cite
buns, and ther isn t a left tn it
N'uthiBg but curtaiue husg on hols.
Lot it too bad?
Mamms Too bad?
I. .ilia f "V. I Yes. I is swf ul sorry,f "r
b. r. I s'pos coal is so high nowLuuey
bjd to chop up tb' doors. Oood hew.
"Shortly after we had retired one'
evenins? I heard a eeruliar whlrrin I
s-wind, which 1 recognised at once.
'There is a rattlesnake in the canipr I
exclaimed. 'I am going to get up.'
'Huhr came the word, slowly hissed
through the teeth, fnra a companion
near me. 'The snake has crawled into
my iirt bosom.' This was said very
ttUj and w were almost paralysed
fright at the prospect We were
fraiJ ,0 ui for fp,r th TtH would
take alarm and strike Its victim. It
rrswled over his body good naturedly,
evidently enjoying th warmth, for th
uight waa a little raw.
"At time theTake's bead was close
to his face, and be told us afterward he
feared th motion' if hi chest up and
down in breathing would stir up th. rep
tile, andO tried hard to breathe as little
aa possible. FQallv the snake crawled
toward the fire, a (J lu an instant th.
whole camp was up. One seised a club
aud broke the reptile's back before it
could make a sjiriug. It measured near
ly five feeQ
"Tbean who had the terribla expe-
ence collapsed like rag after it J
over. During the ordeal we were all sur
prised at the eooluese and nerv hi dis
played. Within danger passed he fell
in to a faint, buVhe soon revived." Syra
cuse Standard.
The Itwh ef Caaf(a.
The English drawing room y-a new
fad. which U aa urdquf S ) it U interest
Ing. On table In the drawing ruJm or
the reception room is kept a handsomely
bound volume with the word "confes
sions" running Q Urge gilt letter over
the handsome binding. In It are con
tained all the gossipy or sentiment; J
thoughts of the members of th fsuifty
and intimate friends, which they In
scribe from day to day. Here and there
one finds a line quoted from some more
or leae noted poet to indicate tb senti
ment that swayed th writer' hearted
communicated itself to his pen at tb)
tim he mad th inscinion, or some
ad or joyful happeiOf that has caused
him to leave behind the Imprint of C
state of mind by purloining a phQe
fmm a fiilllar author.
Tbe name of the writor is signed to
O h inscription, and for Nka after
ward till quaint voluin furnishes food
for UV amusement of ths initiated by its
curious couteiita. It ta not only in many
cases an Index to th character of those
who ar permitted to write in it, but it
ntttecta their temnerameut ax well, like
a diary, In which are eutered the eventsJ
or a space 01 tue iut.-vuim
wrakll?a (llloa ad9 trd.
1 rariscorrospondentrites, "Deep
ly as British rrio corporation ar suuk
in snobbism, Rns of them ever fell so
low aa, in naming a street after the hero
of Trafalgar or of Waterloo, to christen
it Lord Nelson street or Duke of Wel
lington street"
y corresmdent underestlnted the
lejiib of snobbism In civic buun na
ture. There is. it apjQirs, a "Lord Ket
win street" in Liverpool. Even tills I
outdone in Vewcifjle-on-Tyne. Sj'me
year ago thuW:ity Uftedof two rG
sUeet and two Miltou streevj In ord
to get rid of tbe consequent cCfton,
ihe oorponCon, InsUOd of ter ing
"street" into some synonyoi term,
hit on the beautiful plan of turjmg ot
thorooghfare into "Lord Nel street"
.tod another iuto "Lord JUUti Cr,"
and si Che nsmiOremrtn to this dsy.
The 1dm of conferring a PtfCcOj d
. . .,11 j...
this Uste-Jipon ine autnor 01 "irtiu
Lost" U iwvel and striking, CH
one comes to think of it ther & niy
obvious omUsioioof tills kind In bls-y6t), .nrmr, sod theysouu tic ked hli?
which it may not yet b9t& late to reo
tify. L?idS Tiuth.
0?at become of dissbled C3 sl
ministers and their fignillesV a gorj
mjn of them depflid on frd for
urripOO. om on publlo charity, jpm
suffer in extreui. poverty. Th ftveysV
CslOof minister allo no Ciarfjjn ?
u. laid sams. toe miiier siiuuii i
likely to cQtse to be in denuC4 at 1
ag TV hen men in other profeatTis ara
most proCctlmj Our deuominsOJ It
far behind othtr la providlne f' wojl
out mlnltCr and mlnlsTy' widow.
A foJmKtlou hj been d for ft fusd
suLlent to prorid for tb
lng Th trustees of the CUCC5
council, having cbarg of thfa work,
hav in hand about P-V000. Tb Rev.
N. II. Whittlesey, of RviSCO. Ills.,
h.s oCvrd to vnSZt this r t2-
thocbo-r, t2 thOcjyOrs. l tha
thst by thst titr the r;led cC."unt
wiU be raised. Lj0vn ConOre;C
alUt U
i-ucGTOICP' .
' John WauCinaker celeitRd
hia fiftr-fifth birthday recently i s re
ceived many congratulations snd ".ood
wiabee. but It may be doubteo if any of
hU friends really wished for many
haprr returns of tbe day with aa much
earastne as that felt by the twenty-
four life insurance eompaniee tbt bav
iasoed policies on tb lu of the: Phila
delphia shopkeeper. The wbol. amount
of the insurance thus represented is
said to be IA'jO.OQO. Every a lltlonal
year of Mr. Wanamaker's life diminishes
tb companies' risk by increasing their
premium retpte. Hence tbe sineerity
of their wish for many recurring anni-
iQsaries ofQhs dsy Wsnsmaker eels-
brstes. New York limes. J
Colonel Henry Wsttersou baa shaved
off bis Inir Hant mtacbe and intends
tu detienil Otwn HoWeTT wnusers
Tb 1st first lord of tb admiralty
n no anted in bis sUWment expUnstory
of tb navsl esiiiuate., fi 3, that ib
the current year three new Uttlaship
wl ten new Uirpedo busts would be laid
A T",k- - rn.i.ih.1 lirr.
mT4 Whale Rare, Ihe Ihabllw,u
ml Oae lUa.l-Kva Tlar ! Sm.( a
Sal 4 la IW llaaulrd.
A friend i.f mine made a prolonged
tour of Seotlaud last year to lidoltre In
his favorite vtiuie Mhiug of which
there la none la-tter in lb wh le wotid
than among the l.lhlands and contigu
ous Islands of 1: ... country. H i brought
back with him a vast storehouse of t;)
strsnc'-s tales of the primitive people
auitiawhom be enjounied, for besvotd
eU the usual line of travel, confining
his wanderings to the remote Villages
a..d out of the watilacee which the or
dinary tourist neVit-Vlslts. He lived for
months with tlieasaut and fisherman
class, with whom, ingratiating hlmanlf
into their good graces, h learned much
of th. tradition, current In tb. region,
which bav only been kept alf j by
being handed dowa from father to sun
through th generations.
At on time residing with a simple
fishermen on one of ths Hebrides, thst
group made famous by the celolirsttid
tour of Dr. Johnson and Boswcll, lie was
told a strange storQrwrtaiulng to a care
on one of the islands, which be efO
ward visited witlils host ninkiug tbe
weird tradition uoobly itleting. It
was this: O .
More than three centuries ago tb()
existed two clans ryrrn which ther
had wagMi the uiosr bitter and relent
less waisAre for generations. Of course
the people of both factious were but lit
tle more civilised than the North Amer
ican Indiana when Columbus gave a
new world to Spain. Both cls,' lived
by stealing from their neighbors, do- O
cldedlv preferring W"imode of life to aa
jjkonest endeaV(kAif raising anything for
Ibejiftves. Tlielr tenure of the dark
glens "jhkh they claimed waa held Q
tb. prowess of their primitive bow. ana
arrows, their rud. claymore, and ruder
dirks. Ignorant, cruel and vindictive,
the several clan.hatedQk hfrjerUUi
a IQfred nirV.nwn Imt to deoae Igno
rance; they hiNM simply tjarxiM their
names differed, beesuse thTr Uad been
taught that difference, between name
mit feud betweractO
Oil of theee two conteniig clan
lived on on of tQ little islands of tlx)
H.bridean group, a hernQ rocky, deeo
late spot, surrounded only by the eternal
surf. One mild winter dsx. ie tjt
boat of their-iytted enemy. wrhe lutjji
tlon of tbe iuvsdiirs waa of Course to
kill, plunder and destroy, vliey did
plunder and burn the but they found
on the shore, but not a human lmitiij
waa found that iy could maasscreO (
The whole island apiwared to hsv IWn
abandoned. The mvader ransacked It
well; traversed very ijen and every
ravin and wondered Q iffre their 0et
erate enemies had gone. Failing In th
principal part of their bloody miClou,
they preired to leave. They took up
their oast, but hardly had they cl.OVed
theWtlicroek by thick tbey hade,
teredfrom the sea Oieja man, thtTV
apparCtiv eitJirdlnary sion, spijV
figure in t?j nncertriiS liOht of a wl?-
tS' Ocn 'CSir CC 3
A shout announced th d'Jcovery, a 1
lb isnder djpeared. Hut the secret
had been betrayed. Tl9 Inhabitant
had bidden themselves, sot d.-?rted.
In half an hour th- ir aauulautOlI?! Q
landel and Ct LCilvi "Jih C50"
enl hope to tlji eeifca. Vuow UCJ
fallen during the nht, ai 9ieSt
ttaof the iu"irud2 WiJX 'CfJTcS
the wherealftfits of Ills clan. Tbe In
landers eiulungly followe.1 he trail 'J
to the bidiug place oUds I le, a curt
oua cavern, its entfauce thmugh the
in axe. of ruck, overgmOu Oih thlel)
,r..l a lilaa-a efiilv mi3by ifiv A
Bot fCryiir wtili tli l.wny. IJ tin
cvc-rgChred ail th family C
th tribe, tbe women nd Wtie OldrCO
sfl a reTof the old men, (be in,n po
tion of the yoiiniQwarrlofj bsvliO gone
off on an excursion- ini&ulir Jof
course U the neighboring UUijK
Xh shotiU of triumph mui exu'ting
wratj oompaible to the crrjd Ot". J fj
lnvaiS they collecUd siweed, drifu
jjood a21 UdrOd heath, In which O
ro-4i ft!C2JOJ. '- P" OC tj
O Ctd" tjcavCC U inOs.
cclxCt C what their R.'T
XdCng, ft-Cntai-jIng tho ail.pC
OfO- A f" Jord of mtter4 Uss-
iy CC-1 VT-J J B soon vuii a
try nCt 0a bad
wa C-i 05 fir, th cliing
hv& wis Ps: co o
piX) of t cavjrn, when m.Jtialf
tU" snO a wall of sQony. Over th
crif'kll'raad roaring of th hug fir
th diing wretch altempter')get out,
only to be killed at the mouth of th
fierc beU or thrat back with pike
Into tb scorching dam e. At butt all
aound ceased the blase sunk aud died
away completely; tbe fiends hsd don
their work; not ft living creator re
mained within tbe almost red hot cav
ern. Tb clan bad been extinguished
a clan lees In the Idglilsnds of Scotia.
Th triumpl-aiit murderers took to thalr
boat and rUd rxu) u.,.u:.,C.BSVlng
their dssd unlmiwd aa lUy la'.
Tb.y never were burkd through all
th I g year. Tb fittl Islsnd where
loch slrociUaa were eommitud wa ao-cursed-haunted
by splnu of those who
had met tblr horribl fat titer. It
wa a1" claimed by thi Jfisbermw ef
th othar Islands tiist whenever they
happened to pas that way In tb night
1 low wailins were disilucliy neara.
.kri.k...d that ghsstiy
j superstitious notions died out 'wlh
I Island is lobabiied again, but the dread
'. ful legend .tick, to it. and 11 1 1 said that
many ft human bona u dug up by tb
I small gard.siera.-bt Louis Post-ll
I patch.
o o
0 o