The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 31, 1892, Image 10

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Drugs, Pharmacy,
Physicians Sup
plies, Surgical Ap-
KverytlimR Exoui-uto in Imported Perfumery, Soat, and
Toilet Articles. Alno a complete and select stock of Paints,
nil Vflrtmlioa. lirushea and Painter Furnishings.
bur th. f raal-r part ol our fond. Tat. tlj tmmhaalnf In Lsnr quantltl sod Uklnt
A nw stl Omrtrl Tr-annanl. enntlitlnf of
UUlIW'-. OllltltwtU In I Ulra, alau S
Ihji aud till: rnrltt-aCnrn U .iinial, lu-
IWII..I, WIBil aimting, lirnuia. ...:, .v
aai via"! '
II aiwa
triil vr Hr.rliunr ll'r,
lnl I!!'1
.i I n.l.l la I in- IMTml halin
dimTrrr ol at-du-al run randarliif aa opar.
ii,hi mib Uio knlfa i,w.1i klnr.
Ihu Hvim-t- liaanrw hrn kwiwn U rati. l
ir l iit T mail. "f "' '"
lhlairrrir.l-dli-a nli.o wrllt-n suaratila
! i-an nllh alau-".. In r-'und !! nvon-r II
luil enrol. Sand tamp fcw Kampla. Oui
ranl.-a I..IU-.I lif Wmioasn. 'L4 a,
h.ilri4 HeUII DniMU)!. nolo Aot. I'urt-
Halscy Drain Tile Factory.
Foil oUm til shipped lo any part part o
lb country,
D. NADU A CO., rroprUrtof.
-v "N
f. 7
Or. JUias JTmMmI ife. 0AJUr, XiU.
Yon will mmMr th enndlUnn I vm In ti
twi . worn I sfilicled wllb a euaiUua
Lou ol ant tbouirtit torn wa s xn
rosor I tiWsllklnristf sllriIBndrairo
of tuiursl iitiri laii. M r Mm n pnMraixl.
I . Al.a.M M 1 1-ILll I Twl !! Ihalllfl
Ilia! bui lu a 1 Pi mi manaid to mf
n4 In inn BniM I wit rinrtrriYXuBtf.
la bit Inifvwb mu. iwilnw UmmuwJ
of LliiBtoil rv kt, uftrniig fruia Mtwu f n
. . L Irmllun, UklDf prmilkin from
U A W .lbhrK lmrboktBokrvil.
t irJ f iMtreBMBodvauMOCBia
b) ctruln, I hmI Uk (u" Ua '.
Binru-u. inrtW hr Mi
inliniiirMClipP'D rTw ty
L.... ....I hMmM hna( Lvi hmnfffct on bf l(
r i . f i.( um kiniii ufkssj la, I Mu4
ta a XL gum Jt tU kuflbrlaf (ra tlMH eantak.
Jaa kv Wnv
Cnym un ry pills, so doses 23 CTl
Tin CclcLratod Freqcli Gnra,
WbttbuImI D U D n n ITI M C or mnnr
iifO 1 illlWI!
tornrakor lim
s j
a An,
Cf ntrvoiu
or felt? dtwmlwol
lh (tnrrmuvor
f ruin I li niTiiriili m
BCrCRC umoI HiiiuuUuu, AFTER
OTiil ram Onlum, or thruwh ouiuful uxllm ot tnilulcriiro, An , lurbu Uol hrala
hiarr, kr(ulu., IWarliifdown I'tlrulnlua
Imi' k . Hrm I ul W rak nt-mt, 1 1 rilarla, N miiui I'm.
ItKilmi, Nia-tnm! Kralmnna, luorrkHk lla
Ium,WiiII Memory. Umii I'oirvrBitd lmpo
t- n- r . w h li h 1 1 tint Itr4 nl Irn Irad to premat lira
mu aim ni uiiuiir. rnca I i.o a urn, a
: mill
l.irf.i'H lnl ! mall oil rrrlt.t of nrlra
A W HITtrM UVA9AHT KR U (Iran (or
,'i-"iiwiWiwrllj .L. IN
Ikrmiwol rura !i n. l rTr.-int a ba"uiB in iuo i imra ami
Jkckann couuty hiu levied a
MnuJ.W. Mlll-r, of I"or1lDJ.
vultliiK rrlriKli lii J-.UKrne.
Prof. II. J. Jlawthoma wvnt to Port-
land on thin morning' Im-aL
Frank Htowart. of Aatorla, la x,inl
Iiik tlia bollilaya in Kiip-fie.
Iywia Johiiauii mn-nt ymtirilay at
the home of hla n-uU Uear (.'rrawell.
Mm. K. P. Coh-inan ofColiiirg in
KuKnt vldltlng with Mr. Joi-I Ware.
Jaine Arniitmnir, of Houtli IWnd,
WanhliiKloii, la vliiinK in Ijanu tuii-
Jerrv Hronauk-h. A. II.. of Portland,
uneiit Chrlatniaa with friend in thin
C K. L kwood. deputy U. H. attor
ney of Portland, I viaiting nlatlvea
Mr. aud Mm. Ham Jonea of Cottairo
Grove aiivnt ChrlHtiiiaa with the lady'
parent in mi city.
Cliaa. and rannle Croner went to
rUwebunr tlil afternoon to vUlt the
family of J. W. Iiutr.
FVank K. Pun n and At Hampton
will learn. for the Kant nest week to
purrtiaAA toek of koihI.
Frank Alexander, of Halein. ient
Chr Indium In KuKt'iie, vIhIIiiik ill par
en In, rt'tiirnlng home llii iiioiik.
waa umiI with good fll'iH-t, on the klde
walkaoftha city Haluniay afternoon.
Mni. K. Huir and dnUKhter, Mim
Mae went to lUiaclmrg Hatunlay after
noon for a vlxlt at the revidencu of her
won, J. W. Hull.
A furiou ktonu took pluW on the
umuiit of Ilia Hinklyou nioiintaiii
yeMtcnUy. Tha teliyruph wire were
all blowu dowu.
(julte a aevt-re wind atorm here HuU
unlay afternoon; no ditningea except
the cloth awning of Muyor MH luug
being t'du to ahreila.
Tlirei-Wiille aouth of Euiteno the
Nnow during the reeent Htonn wa
tiirea nvt dwp. 11 tieparti'jrnne day
In-fore It did in Kugcne.
Kit-hard Ilrown, who felt from the
Drown hop houne aome time aince, I
now able to be about the atni-t. He
ha had a aeriou iilneaa.
Dra. ray ton and Hhitrptea returned
from Idiaeburg yraterday, where they
had Ikwq a exia-rt witiieaMea in the
Dr. ltrowu malprrutloa carat.
Tho M. E. revival meetitiK are U
coming quite Interentlng. Lat night'
after meeting waa not concluded until
20 o'clock tbl morning. It I no
unumial thing for the meeting to hold
until after midnight.
(). W. Hurd, the Horemw merchant,
avllil arriviNl liHr IiimI wmk fnitil a trln
to Han Kraiiclwo on J way home la
lying uaiigeniuHiy in at me resilience
of H. II. Eakln.Jr., with pneumonia.
r3niai Hrown returned yenterday
froVrairip near tho aummit of the
mountain between Hinithileld and
Lake creek. The anow waa three feet
deep where lie waa and wa rrimrted
aliout alx feet deep on the uinnilL
Monmouth coimpondctice Indcnen
deuce Went Hide: Jtcprcxentutlve
u. u. isaugnman, or iane county, via
Ited thechapi'Lthi morning and gave
the ttudeiitMiUiort talk, lie luxury
u he is a faithful friend of the Nor
Hie present know atorm arem to be
a thing of the naat. Very little of the
beautiful fell between Itoaeburg aud
Aaliland. The atonua aeem to have
been very light III eautern Oregon; In
eurt''rn Waahington considerable mow
lif fallen.
The O. P. R It Co., owner of the
Corvallla Leailer (manain'd by Henry
Paa ha aold It to Frank Irvine,
who haa alao purchaaed the Timea, con
ducted by Itobt. Johnmin. Thoxe Jour
nal will lie conmilidated under the
conducted In
timiaiiiiit iMiiniooiaU imm old and rooccrfthe intermt of the democracy
' i.nniriiwiin ui."" irn wrmai.uwv i 11 mw
m lijMiaiuaulApiiroiliUiMk I'lrmlar Iran, Addiaf
Woataraiuausa, ikd H, fuatuau, 0 a.
Whan ah a ChiU. ah ortod for Outarla.
Wbaa all baram MUm, ah cluni lo CaataraV
Vhaa aba had Calldraa. aM ("k UM Oaatotaai
tOON IT Wilt at TOO UTC.
t 1mm tmaMarf aaan aran h
duraaf ol lh kalarr a ad ka triad
auay ditlrmil rrmrdaia ad ka
auuM aai lrv diro pkraanaa
ilaulrrlif. AluallMIMhulAuid
I ana auflrftn liool a r awliM
attack I bat alawal pnjatratad na aa
a . mm.mmrr IHat 1 aM IlUt .
tWillll H wa alnwai ImpuaaiUa to M
o ad no aloe, or la put on ay clutbra, waaa
mi.i rt.iralnvra arml Mr. Ilcalrv,
rAH' I lr-liatl coaiBjraord
ami lii tr 11 kd aa alawat
juracaloaa efltvt, aad to lha aatoa
hnwBt uf aU IM (wcat at ta kotd.
a a rw dar,l aa kappr to auur,
bal I wa i
roaaaMad tb to all aflktai
a i ka occa.
t i e
r -
A-TrrrKt. I III
froix krtar CVcaWntal Hotel, 1
kaau luaa, CaL
f I lftwi'ilarlrklonotrtwa
ft, iaiaiiTuniiaiuralfiarijanrka
f ' I rmir dmr(it fur a kii ad
I I H' 4i. It mm la a frwdaff
r Iwtth'nitthaatilorpuliUrlir ofa
I 1 1--1of. Son polanemi and
I k i ruaranlaad aol lo atrtrtara.
rat (Wraal allirloia Cara.
Manntactatad by i i "' a
Tlr Inm Caaaicai C.L J
V ciaciaaaTi, a J
Tlte levee which extend down the
YaiulL bay quite a dlatance below
the duTCiat aquina City 1 being tin-
nroveti. Ureal pile are being driven
In front of and aa near the cribbing a
may be, forming a great wall. It la
aomewhat expeimlve, but It will keep
thej vee Intavt for many year.
Tiie total taxablo propertv ofthecitr
of Portland for the year lMtf, i IV,-
W,rUX Till U f 1(10,000 lea than the
total taxable pnierty of lhtfi The
atiavwameiit law need revision when
everyone know that the wealth of
IVrtiand Itaa liiereaawl -J) per cent dur
ing me year past ana tne taxable
property grow smaller each year.
Wnen you want your good, house
hold furniture i laud sold at auction,
call on tleo. W. Kinney, the pioiuvr
and iiubjI micowful auetioneaTin Iine
county. He will attend to all aatea on
a rvaaoiiable commiiwion.
Ail raons in Ijine county owning
aeabty ahei-p or h-p amiiieil wilt.
other disease, arc hereby notilled that
said hliei'p mut he thoroughly dtppid,
uflleieut to kill wild dtaeaae forthw tth.
Any person failing to mmply with
thl liolliv w 111 be iiat'le to have hi
sheep dlpied by the I niector at said
person' expenae. Take notice and
save ctMta.
DaU-l Hept. 1, 12.
H. K. Jknkinh, Hhwp Innpector,
Fcr Wooden nd wniow Ware,
a- nni rv 1 1 1 T II e
Steam Saw Jlill
For Sale Complete,
AdJraaa "K" ear ol Ocabs oiSe, Ea
Cm, Orvgoo.
Goldsmith, the Pio-
eer Grocer.
The snow was 8 Incite deep at Cot
tage drove.
174 pupils enrolled In theHpringfield
public school.
John Keeury, the blliJ mao, I via
iting in Linn county.
Hi fin-men of thl city will give a
grand ball February Zld.
Marccllua Younir. of Portland, I
heie to siiend the holiday.
Prof. Wllkc went to Lubauon thl
morning to spent ClirUtaian.
Mia Anna Craln went to Albany
this morning to sta nd thrlalmaa.
The snow at Albany waa 12 incite
dt-p while at Eugene it wa not over
A iiuiiiU-r of the young iieople of Ku
gene attended the dance at Coburg last
The sale of holiday good ha been
Ilk-lit on account of the Inclement
II. J. Hick, a runner resident of Ku
gene haa been elected a councilman of
Mlas Jennie McClunir went to Onvnn
City on the local thl morning to visit
MIim Ix-na Mctown.
Mrs. J. W. Hhuroate went to Albany
thl morning to spend Chrlstmaa with
the fumily of Jos. Klein.
Countv Clerk Walker lnsuel a mar
riugn liei'iisr) tins inorniug to J. i. jur-
ton and K. il. Kitchen.
The snow Is 24 Ini he tleep In Port
land. It ha been raining hard for the
Mist 12 hour In that city.
Mr. H. H. McFadden and child or
Portland are In the city visiting her
father, J(ev. J'. Jb Aiunieiu
Mis Angle I'atUmon went to Cor
vallla tltis morning to spend Christ
mas with Mis Minnie Osburn.
Thursday Kola Nel bought and
hled 1 bale of hop, lite E. P,
William lot, or rieaaant Jim.
Prof. D. V. H. Ilcld and family left
on the local thl morning to apend
ChriMina with friend at Lebanon.
Mian Carrie Lauer haarrivel from
Han Frauclaco. w here she I attending
school, tosiend the holiday vacation
at I ti line. r
HarrUburif Courier: DysII. A.
Davis nhlPind 17.WJ0 hop M to hi
yard the (mat week from Cottage UrQp
and Crenw ell.
ratterwm A Miller have dressed a
Infnurchased of John Ix-wls of Mo-
Itawa w lliril will iii lim a ana um
1000 MUllila.
The Euinne Nutlonal Ivank will go
out of existence January 2. It will be
succeeded by the Eugene Ioau and
ruling lluiik.
nlm (lerniiiii baker on Klirhth stitvt
haa rented the north room in the Hunt
bulldlnu-. and will occupy the aame
after January Int.
ItiMchunr Plalndi-aler: The Cottage
drove county sent Imom will not loom
un so trunseeinleiiiiy grand wnen u
come to a vote on the question.
The ItnptUt Hundity school held
Chrlstnnui tree lust uiffhL A very
pleuKHUi evening wn sM-fV by the
scholuv) teacher and pnrciiTa.
Mis Ina Park, acramiianletl by her
little sister, Jennie, weut to Halem this
monilug) w here they.wlll make tbelr
brother i rank, a tliristiuaa visit.
The partnership between II. M
Ilaiiirsaiid El Its ties In the Ninth
street livery stable haa been dissolved.
II. M. Juings win continue me uusi
A woman revivalist is holding
meeting at Albany. Her name I
Kcv. May C. Jones, and she wa for
merly iNtstor of the Hpokane Fall
Itaptlsl eliMreli lor three year.
A laiiliVl oortralt Is dlsnlaved In
the window of Dunn's store. Tiie im
tint Is Mrs. U. Allen, who haa Vl
stiiilluibf her nidenee on Pearl street.
I at ween Twelfth and Thirteenth, and
the picture ha beeu much adiulniL
Measrs. Day Hnn., who made the
stlitennful bid Q" COin)leling the
(.'ancade liK'ks and canal, have tiled
their bond of, and are ready
ot lieirln that long deferred work Just
as quick a the red tnj manipulat
or will let menu
Junction Time: Mrs. Oliver Ad-
klna died III this city Thursday morn
Ing after a lingering Ulnea. Her
death waa not unexpected. Hhe was
conscious up to the last and gladly
welcomed death. Her remain were
Interred In the (kid Fellow cemetery
There are aonieodloiis siwclmen of
humanity In OU(otl- The notorious
"Tough" Buckley i behind the bar
lu I'ortland lor threatening to kill III
wife. Hani by, In the city Jail, where
he Is confined, is the room where hi
mother died, drunk and alone, after
being arrested a few day ago.
A lubaUntial fiihway at the
Willamette full would la of great
benefit to the salmon induitry.
The tine gravel of the Willamette
river and tributaries I the natural
pawning place of tK talmon.
Br the last cenaut the total
wealth of the United HUtei U I
610,000,000 and the total capital
invested in manfacturingj t2,000,
735,884, or but 5 per cent of tlte
whole. After thirty yv&n of legis
lating for the H, it U now timo to
give the 95 a chance.
Bteelheod salmon are running
now at Coo bay, but the law duct
not permit of catching them at thi
canon. The ateelhcad it a good
tablo fiah, and makes iU appear
ance at the close of the silverside
season. They are at their best dur
ing the winter months, and we fcce
no nason why the law should nt
be so amended as to permit of their
being taken.
A law to make train wrecking a
capital offense would meet with
approbation. The recents attempts
to wreck Southern 1'aciflo trains
have intensified itopulsr feeling on
this subject. It is not easy to
imagine the horrors that might re
sult from the wrecking of a imssen
(ter train. No mercy should be
shown a fiend that would deliber
ately endanger innocent lives.
There appears to be no room on
Could It 1
A conductor on u New Wk ui
way r-Ufc'gfiU Hut the- 100,000 rail
road employe in that lt n,
scribe 91 er month, each, or fl,
200,000 tier year, for the purchane
ofruilroud stock-with the idea
that giving to employes of the road
a voir in the iiiiiiiagemer.t oithc
railroad will enable them to obtain
bcttr-r salaries and prevent strikes.
Itapim-ar doubtful, towever, at
this writing, if the HW.UK) em
ployes will unanimoiiHly spree to
subscribe human nature is what
usually stands in the way of
The grippe has opitin made its
apearance in New York City.
The festive footed-: make it live
ly for belated ieditrians Vi Toft
land. There would seem to U' m ""'
f ietical juftice in the rubbing of a
acoma faro bank by two masked
men. q
Additional investig-ition uncov
ers more rottennens in the Tannins
canal scheme. It wan one of the
most gigantic steals of the present
Out of a total railway mileage
for the world of O.'iSt mile, the
UlCh-d States ha lrt.V7 miles, or
44.1S jK-r cent.
The South Carolina Railroad, the
rotls-rs overwed him and ojl'ju ' P ofa-aUtants, 11. H V.""1 ''b
" .l7l . r,.hl,eni III WHIP, lU ""Cliaa!,
aiiriiri--u . . inMi... i . .
. i.e. ...I aa. mil nun -.. . mai. iiuwt
l..r!ir allll INI
. i I... i.mvmiv iiiiiairi. m - . - .laiinate .
, right alone, wiik " -. .U, .
woof the i',.n" .7. Havi. 2 "?"'. WX. ami n"' k
dead iiy i,T .:".'-.:;"' -"uii' evi.t.;
-i...i i.. r..l.l. rvi.rr i i keli cs' h.j v.vnin, no exrti.,,
umc.lla.euae.' The other night :"" 1U
Ing to New Year are yet In the old rut.
A fat little infant labelled "13" an.
M-ars In the foreground and a ninety-year-old
cripple marked "hC" la being
klekettoft Into oblivion. It must be
consoling to the cherub to realize how
old he will Is? In Decemlicr lwH.
A propoattlon from the McMlnnvllIe
T.-1C: ''The desire for better road Is
becoming very pronounced and !cgis
latlon In the matter Is a necessity. We
move that a meeting of delegntce t
held In Nilem during the meeting p
the legislature aud that the counNJ
court or eacn county appoint ten dele
gates to It? Do we Lear a second?"
E. E. Dickey, bf Elgin, reached af
ter a knife which lie had dropped
through a hole In the floor of a store lo
that tow n and wa bitten by a rattle
make. Prompt medical attendance
saved his life. It is aupismett that his
snakeshlp had crawleil under the
building during tlte summer and had
Is-en kept active by the heat of the
Albany Democrat, 23.1: Itev. Llg
on, who waa Injured by a falling awn
ing Wednesday evening at Corvallia,
was reported In a critical condition
this morning, not having nirained his
consciotiannai since the accident, and
It was thought he ecu Id not nvover.
It was estimated that 3M)or snoo brick
fell on him besides the awning, be
sides crushing his skull, breaking
t htve rit-a and a leg. The acclik ut Cj
cited general attentlou In Corvaliti.
Awnings are an e are henldea being
dangenm even without big snows,
and all growing and live tow ns should
do away wwli them.
Tiie Ilenton la-aib-r, i.f Corvallia, I
naMnible for the statement that, not
wlthatanding reports to the contrary
through the Associated I'rran, the reor
ganlutlon plan orlirluallv adopted by
tlte bondholders of the Oregon Pacific
was smln accepted at the meeting on
the I4tli InrU by a very large majority,
and that a contrary resrt pfwrsed by
ome meiiiInT of tlte reorganization
committee wa refuaeil to la adopUrd
by the meeting, and m laid on the
table by a rresja.i,dlngiy large
majority. Tlte bondholders, It Is
stated, are actively engaged In raising
the sum required lo complete lb pend
ing purcnaaa.
earth for the exiled Russian JewO 0ijct railroad in the United States,
except in the grave, itussia strips
them of their possessions and turns
the miserable poverty stricken
wretches loose on other nations,
who resent and refuse the contribu
tion. Russia calls itself a Chris
tian nation, but if the Syrian Jew
whom the czar worships as his
Saviour was to apear in the
gorgeous, holy Kremlin at Moscow,
he would be grabbed by the gon
d'artnes and hustled out of the
country aa if his presence was - a
Thejnost approvetP methods of
artificVl ice making and cold stor
age will be exhibited at the world's
fair. These processi-s will bo
shown in a very tine biflding, 13()x
255 feel, and five stories high, with
observatorie(Jt the cornersjnd a
lofty tower at the center. uAbout
eigl'ty tons of ice will bo manufac
tured daily, three methods being
employed, namely: the plate sys
tem, from filtered water; the can
system, from condensed ste.Qi,
filtered and purified; and the can
system from de-aerated water.
Three different processes of cooling
rooms will also be shown.
Tho pride of the country is in
volved, to a degree, in Secretary
Tracy's-recommendation that the
government observatory at Wash
ington be transferred from the na)
department to strictly astronomical
supervision, it leu into me nanus
of the navy when thejwun was
young, and the navy"
good material as could be had for
its management. Dut sinco then
the navy has grown tretnenduuusly
in its exactions upon the technical
knowledge of its officers, and tho
science of astronomy has Hindu
great strides in this country. The
two have not been moving on par
allel lines.jjut farther apart all the
time, untifft), a good naval offi
cer, from The nec$8itics of his
training, must be an inferior as
tronomer. The new observatory,
soon to be put into operation, will
be one of the brt equipped in the
world, so far as apparatus is con
cerned. Its equipment of men
should be as good as its machinery.
The transfer will involve no per
ceptible increase in the cost of
maintenance, while it will greatly
increase the efficiency of the ob
servatory. It is likely that during
thftltort session or congress the
change cannot be made; but one of
the achievements of the new ad
ministration shouM bo this very
considerable contribution to the
advance of American science.
The interest in fruit growing has
reached a stage in Lane county
when the formation of a county
horticultural society would be of
great benefit. A number of or
chards planted as an investment
are beginning to bear while new or
chards of standard fruit are being
planted. A horticultural society
would bring growers together and
often the experience of one wrvuld
be oigrea.wxneut and saving of
expense to others. Although the
vt ins incite vaney nas ueen a great
fruit growing country for years the
work has been of a haphazard na
ture and the beginner in orchard
planting finds difficulty to obtain
reliable information as to the best
method of planting, pruning, culti
vating and the numerous other de
tails connected with orchard work.
Then again to obtain a good price
and rstablish a market, a reputa
tion must he made for the fruit in
commercial centers. This will re
quire knowledge of the best meth
ods of (tacking and drying. Hy
combination in selling enough
could be obtained to make it an ob
ject to ship to the best markets and
establish the reputation ol our
fruits. A small quantity would
have no effect wkii-ver. Enough
must be sent to bn.. it into popu
lar favor, r or these reasons we
believe a society for the discussion
of our fruit interests would be of
great benefit to those interested,
and prove a stimulant to orcliard
and fruit growing. I he more we
have in one locality the better the
market will be. Buyers will come
for car load lots where a small
I quantity would not be noticed.
is to be sold ft i April 11, 1W3,
order of the court.
John L. Sullivan claims he was
doited at New Orleans. J. L. has
been dotting himself for several
years jtast and witlQiU nge was no
match for tho younger man.
in annii.l ..rintftil ill yorll!l.
AU BllllllUI in li. .vi ...
Switzerland, has been mippretsed
at the instance of the women there,
who olticct to it publishing their
names, occupations and nges.
Tho provident man has feed and
shelter for his stock during winter
storms. Too many farmers depend
on luck to get their stock safely
through tho stormy season
iO The Astorian is the first, and as
yet the only patter west of St. Tau
to tiso a tvic-scltiiig machine. The
tyte-setter, manipulated by an in
telligence back Ct it, of course, dues
tho entire cotniHtsina work of the
paper, 50,000 ems per day.
It looks now aMf we might in
America have a scandal that would
nearly equal that of tho Tanama
affair iruJj'rance, says the Tort land
Telegram; If tho recent figures
given out in regard to pciinions are
true, there is something exceeding
ly rotten in that department
There are millions uiion millions
leaving tho treasury for this pur
pose that nro not honestly account
ed for.
The iHtstofiice department has re
fused to accept tho resignations of
fourth-class postmaster or make
apttointmciits, except in places
where tho postmaster dies or ab
sconds. Tho department has
learned that tostmasters are resign
ing and securing tho apointmcnt
of democranr mugwumps, and
oftentimes selling their business to
the new man as a part of tho con
sideration. Fourth Assistant Uuth
bone, who has charge of these mat
ters, says that it is unfair to tho
new administration, and tho de
partment docs not care to bo a par
ty of such bargains and sales as
many of them seem to be,
It is earnestly to bo hoped, says
the Spokar.o Chronicle, that l'resi
dent-elect Cleveland may be Ohio
to accept the invitation now being
extended to him on all sides, and
make a tour of the West. II is
wonderful faculty for obtaining
and retaining information in re
gard to men and things, has, with
out doubt O made him thoroughly
familiar with all sections of the
country, and their various needs
and characteristics, but no amount
of statistical knonledgo can com
pare wim intelligent personal in
stcction to fully appreciate the
wonderful growth of the West," nd
the vanities ami variety ol its re
sources, it must be seen. We re
peat, therefore, the hope that ho
may be induced to inspect the
course of "tho star of empire:" and
venture to predict for him if he
does, a fpyal welcome in every city.
town an
Tho hugging of pretty girls is
not a crime when conducted on sci
entitle and civilized principles, bnt
a man in iiellaire, v., who has been
conducting the business in an im
promptu and disorderly manner
has como to grief. His name
John Shancwcll and 3 is a leading
politician and society roan. for
over six months he has been tern
fving the women of ltdlaire with
his singular assaults. Early the
other morning he approached and
etul-raccd a comely mulatto girl in
an unfrequented street. The gir
screamed ami the man tied. He
was pursued by a policeman and
captured, after a hard chase. The
man fought desjterately, seriously
wounding ins captor, but was
draL'cd to the iHtlice station and
reewnized. Shanewcll tillered
large sum of money to hush up tin
case, dui wa nneu in court nex
morning. He is a son of a member
of the Ohio legislature and a warm
jtersonal fnend of Colonel Poor
man, the present secretary of state
His friends claims that he is in
ItoHX. In tutvtif. Orvtfon, Decem
ber i to the w ife of Oeo. O. Yo-
ran, a son. wa extend our enngrato.
FlglitlDf illgbwajnun.
A a
"II'CS Joora..
Asto-ls, Hii,K,'r'Tl .
nioiiil.i. I. " V The Iia
month while .1 the Uu'7 W' '
. l-ml of 'lKl'Ui.Hl.r?'ni:u,l'-'i ...L1
a - a t I lllftl fits. ...A ' 'WIHMir fat L- lla
. t... l IlllaC-U ss IT.MI1 I , -a) .IlkP... .
avinell wnu - .... roil .., : -ifiniod ,--. b
a. I . I ....I.I a. ibiiu v. " ami Hill i ,
lieilMia.ii - . ,i, .
I I 'rum. V.S
imlv. 11. 1.., i" . ,.ii,..- --"ri
" to .-aidure a wm -Male (
" .. ..... I...I r
1,r'y .biV
vltf.n.i. i
of the T" J
thief but while thus cnir-gvd Ptiue. me rB Uie cstst ,k
i.i. .i. ui.UMjuiyi H til iiir i i d tr'ai nam
J- lllliinii..
t- I. .(...llnir matter will come be-
,ru probably tlte next County Court of
.inn ..tiinii:. It I mis: in nK.
laT.V Merrw,ll..rtiw arrt ... j-
siiy from a tax oiTiiccung
1 iJ. 11 Is-lng late lie ucims.ii.-u . ...
thAaull of the County Clerk's oflli,
from which It was sxoien tiun m
night. The ease creaU-d a stir and
cnued considerable coinnielil. u
fresh In the mluils or many oi uie cm-
.a. an I.. .l.A i...,aiw Int.!
w us. .Mr. luce twiu in"
tliccoiinty out of his own poekeL The
county will tie aaen to mumi
. . . iUI.... i 1 1. I I If
iiioiic v to nun, aim a pennon i t...B
Irculuted for that purpose.
(111 duard, lire. S.
iivViii.A.Mt Latk. The ovfVland
w hich should have arrived here tills
morning was delayed In California. A
irldge ou l Jiarysvuie, iieiTrwi- 6.iirn to Wim land and iaa-
j. - - .... l .
liio- (K niTnT bnineh to Ichanta. 11 1
--o . - : ... . .
SUppiSHil to lieelKllieen Hour lain auu
and if attended bv no other mishap,
mi l T.mUlilv arrive Dere auoui
o'clock this evening.
contest between IU u.""1 'k
bd the mine owner. iZ? l
romllltfiieiiiln.rofilT.,' !
n. V -"-Wtb
Makhikii. In I .ane county, Oregon,
December 23. IklC, by llev. Philip
Woikiiinii, Snloinoii llaniee and II. 8.
Itanta, all of I.anc couuty, Oregon.
a n .
i.-.iiier,oi ikHiglw touW.
h Hulem yestenlnv. a.m.2.f'"
ree guards, ami finir prinXnl
t enter utii.conv,
nltent ary on Christina. d.TV'
ere: Mcholss Joni) mill. '"1
txind degree, fe sj iu.
unley, larceny In a dvrluir
. .. -"oni O'llrK LZ
a dwelling, two veani! I'KJ li t 7
Jjny In a dwelling, iwojeW t
Hl-RXEI. OiT.-Kmnk
wl the misfortune to have tl ul
fin which his barlrsiHbltj
PortUnd, burned out Tti
ninir. III. l, i. . .,
ViOO, with liutursnce at lnni i
aatest loss, however, U tin aZ
the buildiiQ; was too btulj. 4!
et for repairs, and will utti b s
Dltvl with a brick.
i CORRIXTIOX.-Pnif. Rrld
tcorrect an omission In lk&i4
knks, published Satuntay, a,l
Huile tlte name of Mrs. J.j t
vt kindly assisted tlieottier hinP
m yogs, in ineir wurx of diln;u-.
Starr i (Jin Uadware I'ipi.
u 1 t
Sch the Celebrated
moot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will htraaitor knp a ei4te rtoek uf
Ladies' JCIssesQiid Children's 8H0F.
Btrrros both,
SHrport, STMta aXj Slock Socials
And In fact smytMn la ths Boot sad
Shn Ho, tn whlcfi I lotrnd lo daroU
my jcial slUntliia.
And psnnUail s npnmlAl, sad sill
b aold ur th Inwaal nrloH that' l
Qrticl can b aSurdtd. A, LIUNT
Good all the time. It removes 2
the languor of morning, sus- f
tains the energies of noon, lulls SI
7 the weariness cf night. 0
r a. a
1 P.oo
delicious, s. ,
ting, appciizing.
rirtai'l I.. 1 .. . i r .
vt Urt S-oAi, ull. yo, M., lh ,lu,
l "joM a ("', uia Sa laulauoa
Sortsman's EporiuP
Inctica GuBsraitb
Dwl(r is
guns, inrm
rihhinr Tifkle id liuriili
N lag Maelilaea aad
III Uimm Vmw Mt
Itnlrinf don I lbs mflnai"
Get Loaned dt Ammunilion Fur
Btorsoa WHUawrtU mt
EuciENE CI'i.
11. laala
T Hksst Cash Pnc lan
FISHER & W ATKINS, oroclccrj,
m 1
Will L.r. .! I ...
'r - IU.I auy o
"tn "tri a -a I
1 tea ,uj win sail ai lh. k.t ma
M-als tkllm.1 u sjTpi W tU dt, fri
1 . ..KiintOCflV.