oo - . I EvcrvthinZ KxquUit in Im.ortl lWuinory, oaP, anu To Hrt icU. ANo a complete ami At tmk f ...,, Oil. VarnUlM. Itnwho and lintor- I urniinp.. ..w . th. t -f. v.?.'.-? ; .v, ...... r .:.n. .u i . OSBUEN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR DRAIN YOUB UKOS. w rrvi P I il In.iin I ilit liII.M IMlUll Illl I (a h i j. lb ruunirt. n. sasii rn,i'iii CRY OF MJLLIONSl OH. MY B-rst TO IT NOW. IT Will TOO UkTl MavaTT-ariwitk .....U al lo" Unheal .bMcM i., .1 I wa. I l -,, Oi.-I !-.... aral "" Y.K1.0 KIONF.V TKA. to r .4,1 I tnmrdil'lr tvmmna ,.,n, I . I II had kl u.okoI.u. T H.KII U U tb r U hu"l II triff oaf. a-i r hat I new mu. I I h U IS ill atr. o. a. Tcrma. I r, I ' - t aJ 1 m I kin Ui Mar OrrWWtl 1144, -r's Goid.ii Fcmala Pills.. . 1 t'r-Uix Wilik.ll.ri V, m.intlilf. uuarmw. t I " 1 tell." 'iirYMl if.' tafuiruail a. Hat Tim. HrllV IW-nl In nr .liO. im t'f mU l V l . I ..I I.U .it APhRO irD:c:nE coRPiir. Urauli, tvir, l OKTptXW. OB" rm Ml bfE.lt. I.l l KIT ( ().. lunw o WbM ill m CluU. crtoJ or Cutorit, WkM tto bMm ih hi la CM VhM ! bU CtiklTM, iw ( IkMi CMarl4 W7f HOM. X. AVERY, 01 Mix is hilltiu. HEART DISEASE 33 YEAHS. r.nm tau: I kul (m hobld uh at trtnii r Tat i.t m mas, ajtbuik I . I ' ' c-i ? . . i h iMrui.. lixl UmmI kMf RlMa. I c iwa.. wun Mul aj.a viittii MM.n. a.t n.ii.11 T. at ai.wi ..it a a.ca.iat. I a.nj b. imaa.1"! 111'. a aa a u.a aCURE D jJ '-a'"1 a,llir,w w atD i, ,M anl) tb. caaaM d-S(altT that my cutulalfc anu4 THOUSANDSsS r a inauai aal. Vklta la Ik It niadt. b-a I x oa. m Nlin Caff, aad ! to it.'. faM tint. n.' 1 i mi 'tt totla a ri 'U a..f fa maaa. vaarafa. Iftta Da M ur Ni Him Cuc aU tba cl l u i rft. II i..ti iMiiihaBln t h. wirn ui.. . ihiaich I karpa kaiA ia (ha kuw nail and It I kaa aia T N. avt aatt Lll PlUA aa4 ihinka (IcatilawU Ltaa. i- Ala. - tOlB OH a MtlTIVC UajTtt. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSIS 25 CT1 Tta Gclctratc J French' Cura. 'APHROOITINE-rm It litBe 4 poaiTivc cuAHArce N I ,:,a f''atu.uf. x; v Ir- ma l hati , v ,.v- f ''-tH.lra 4 T 'Tar.MVi'ira,.tSwar JuulIiU ,ul a-aa, ' I .a,.r loJ'i :a, .tutu l.aau4 ,w - " " a. r..nal lia. t S.1ir,4 k...ai, lrorra.ra. Int. I i.-a. a . V.a.i. !...( (u.aM lBr W. T. ah- k I! Ban -raw.. lim UaJ In Ma aiH . ftal Inaaa'.t. I: i . . l I ? atl mi ww. m 0i k-i,. iriMM tktmtR urmw af- I .tl,aM imH i.. , ( t ) I ..! rtita) ... H.4 v(WmL . t.a n.l aM ia l.4i.a.aa..ha.atMaa mant;. t t lUaUAau4 Altrua.UJaa i lfrawaaa. tf THC APHRO MEDICINE CO. aMca kl,mk. WAhaiutauk CURE YOURSCLFI .'iFlw:1 artwuhlMMtaTr. am ,.laH h.'Mja Maa.larai' f a ai. . (.biatm oim .arraa.a I ,r dT'aMI a-r Una a J i. at, II n fa. in . d. J. . . a. l ":t Kit a. H.L.h1II a. ft J--1- .. x umr f .artntaM IV 4 to .irati.ak. it .ai ia) itm Vftnitlfe-tiiMni bf i Iriat CWkia C- ,,., .... ML i t a. ttl tin im Jit . ' i r it 1 A I . . a afv-r V I u j Drugs. Pharmacy, Chemicals Medicines, Physicians Sup plies, Surgical Ap pliances. MONDAY, DM". F F. Williaof IVirtliui'l In town IihIhV. T. I). Union niuilra lri to llurria- luiru liolay. I.iri M'-Our l Imnw fnm HmI Frl. ti'lly limi Xlnaa ) III lialn'a (il Alll). IU-li It. Mr. JC'. 'ry rt-liirntl lim' frmii 1'onlullll till HlllTIHaill. Mia I.Iiiiih Holt mm- lionii' from ".alnvillf Mitunlay nlirlit. It.,l rl II. II. Ill la 111 ll.e lty mill Will -la ll'l Ha- l.iiliilavalli iv. Itiv. I. I. Dtlvir nturnl Iioiiic from Tall in tliU hIItiiiii. Oil mamiil of ill hmlllif. V.('' r la n luliiu from lnialiicwnl llurrilUi. On 11 ill ' iiluntll.iliul fXliU'it nt III)' u.irlna fulr will it. hi in- a fuml of Alliirni v IL It. .Uiiiirtll wilit l I'l.rll.liil III. lirtl.ltIK nil lirofiaalnllul laiall.i-aa. V mi l. r-l.ui'l Unit Joint O'llriiii, if Willow. Orv.-on. will a ml Hit- llullil.l ill lllilt' IK'. O V. Kilt Ik ii.O iff mul Hill'l of H'-a .urn, n turiiiil Iuhim tlila nfliTii.-m uf Ur vUlt w lih file i i.l in tlii. iiy. A. CHVihmIiih k n liirniHl limnf thin aftfrnu.il. tliu lamnl of oiilulijitioii likvli llnUlii-.! Ita trip toio-li rn Orv- iroii. rlurltr J. I'. Nolaml ia in rortlaml tialnv kltrli'lllllf tlif aluTilfk tilivfli tluii." Mr. Nolan. I l w-ntury of Ui. ortmiilatioii. I. (1. 1 1 n van mul I llui k, w ho are wi ll know n In Kuinif, l ft AlUny SutnnlaV. or. vlall In Vit-lr (M lioine ill Hlntr iVntiT, Iowa. Hon. T. O. lifiiilriika nluriifil limn from rortlaml iNtturitay niirlil Tli Krmnl Jury n.lj.iiirin-.l ha I unlay .iflrriKniii lor llif Ami. J. M. hlu llf y mul -on WlliTrrlvl lit-riMiii Hutiilav'k train from rortliunl, itml wilt ataiiil llin lioliilaya at tliv liomr of thf ulil folka In tlif Mohaw k valliy. TlifAllxiny IM ima-mt In aiaklinr Tlii lim r U tlrraaya: IlilA the klnl of a man who item rally w rlt up Ort iron, llf iiiu-ti ilhrr la'crny or ma- rifloua. Mr. ami Mra, J. C. Wi l. li. of Port lallil, Were vlaltillix ill till I'ity )'('. day. Mr. Wi-K-h rflurmsl mi the tuii ilav Iih'iiI w lillt Mra, Wi lcli will inakv a more i xlnull llt wllli hi r arf nta, Mr. and .Mm. M. Walllt. Itinhon Nfwiumi ralatM In rortlaml yivti-nlay for tin MftlnalUt hiwl'llal of Hint i lty, lU v. A. V. Falr- rliilil, forim-rly mator of thf KiiKfiiv M. I'a l liun h alil-MTltal .. J. O IWikir. a Itolw flly clothliiK mrrOiiit. fiuliil lal Satiinlay. Aa- ai-la .l,i7; llahilitii J,iC. Mr. I lu kit liaa many fricli.la In thf NVII liuiu llf valli-y w ho thf u n aioii w ill oiily'la li inMirury. A Montana woman who now llvit ill Unvm la to ! the iihnIi I for the nliiior of llif all-r hliiiiif nftfr all. Si llif allw r atalf w ill not olilv ilrllioii. -trail' hy hi-r i-kliiblt that ulv la rii li In iniiii'mla, hut will I'laiiy llilny to Ihf Woiltl Dial alio liaa lauilty a Wi ll aa wraith. I'ortlaml ('omiiii-rvlal lli'Vifw : The lloiir iiiaiki l la atill III a il'inorull.fl itnnlilioii ami no pria-ifcU for thf lat iiTiiiriit of thf annif. Anot ln r cut on lloiir lat'iiml Motility of thia ivk n- lut-liiK Hi' atamlaril iiiotatioit to Milli ia mt lifrf an not w faring a very happy aiol ph ukiiiI i-ouiiU naiur. Aal.lanJ lUvonl: A lu-nt aiul ilm litli! Iiaiklntt till.. wrariiiK iim tnoiiilt, itu-iiala, i lc, Ii.nit hair ami a a-milmni hat n oil Tuiwlnv'a anu Hi laHiml train, lif w aa I'aplain Jim. a will Mn' il Arizona alia kmuil wlto lial hOt In On-tf.ui pim linliiir la:nl. Thf I'ulliiiaii artral.l thf iliirn tiona wi lv illllll. V in iBn mi him fi In-roll M-rvlia-a iloiii- t O worlil in kiiliiii; firtirtwii n iairti-rs thnv Imix mil two tlori'it nniha In our allot. Thf I'lilpix family, of J.ukn itMinlv, l.;il thf r-i'Tl for family troulit'. Hrrw It la: M.J. 1 litptaa w aa c.g i r il.iiinii-" liy Sa iu r t hiM-ra lor I'irowiKir liliu" mrr a plow, ly whirli thf lull.r n-j'lviil iiijurft-a. Ihf suit waafor fo,ti, hut thf Jury (.aVf t llllihra llilil. I '.mill CiailaV uil t Vk-atr I'lni'i and h r aou lur Uniavi for iii laiiiuilmi of charim rt kii.lul.laliiitlkvi r.lii l i if (."nam. Votuii; i'hipi inarhi-l a il. r of thf Ulnlitt aiut aftfrwanla pna untl a tlivortv, to ai l ailf whl It aiiolhrr auit I now la-iiiliiig in thf i.a ki t. In hit aworn litiiiioiiT in the ilivonv i-ar hf inailc au all.tralioii w hU h Ihf Jurv finiinl to I lalaf, itialli'iiHia ami of ail. Il a rhar i.-r that that thry sv It vi rlu t a tatil. CEO. W. K1XZEY. AI CTIONEEU. Vhra toa vast Toar (ooda. kk.a. b.'M fanntsra r UnJ auld at ao. tia. caj I of Uao. W. Kmaa, tt.a iiauBart ktal axol iiks aaaalal aurtKXar ia Las. Cwsat jr. Ha anil ktta&l lu aU kaJaa oa a rawauaat U coca Vaiaatua. 8UEEP ISH.ToK.H NOTICE. AU paraoaa ia LaJ a.ianljr owullf aratv t7 aaaar or abaap :Bu u-d anh it bar dta aawaa, m batat. ao-iftaj ibat aaij abaap na U lb.rowtilT .t.piwtl. auAcaaal to kill kaal Jiaaaaa, Kanbailh. Ant paraia lailia l.'Bi.ly aiiktbiaao tw ui ba ltat'k lu ka bia abaap dippad 7 tb Iaa,arit at aai4 parauaa -1-- -Taka aotira aa4 aart ruaia. Lal4 ttfM. I. sj. 8. li. Jiatlaa, 8bap la.partnr. Ftr Wccrferi and WiliOW Ware, go ta GOLDSMITH'S .'1 iv.nl For Sale Coinnlote. AJJraaa -K- C ka, Orv. i era l Gr.M- n&; El O Goldsmith, the Pio cer Grocer. ; nuiiii i'iHi .nil KATUIlDAY, DrX. 17. MIAnnl l' ahy ! VlailillK In F.UKi'f talay. A. J. Johliaon of CreaWfll a nt laat nUl.t ill Ihf city. fVtiktor Vtrli, of t'Utaif- Urove, wn in tow n tialay. C. I). I'omlia la t-olifllif I I" hi n-al-ih litv with airklieaii. t..il ,.t .ml anothiY enm-rr itor oia innz iii Kuifi-iif. Flltr iillrp f the Mi-a ii-r w a ovi r fnmi rprlmn ia ujay. Ir. It. F. Ilatiiiiu-ll ami A. H.i-arB of l oitairf invr wi re In lown tialay I ' Aii.lra.a la aaaiatlllff III A. V I't ti ra' -tore iluriiiK thf lllm-aa of Mr. ('ollllat. Thf 1. . KoveriillK lit ! erwtlnir a f l, Jl w iml mill on the l.'inatllla ma r- Vtttioll. H. I Miatn-liwul, wlilor of the Junc tion Timra. mute upon the haul thia afti-rmaiii. A ainiiiy "lay ia nothiliK Uliuatial thia w lnti r, Iml a rainy one ia n iuohi ai hi thia Mt tloii. A llirhair la an hi to havr fulltn III Al lw HV lnt lilnht. It lllt-iuilin.il M iiu hi-a ill i-in-uinfrri-iiw, lU v. I. C 2. Knotta, nlilorof the Ore- iron htaif H. hia.1 JiHirnal, arrival oirjand 0f all kiml i in g al the haul O1" aftfrin-m Fjlitor Tlioria-. of thf 'ottair (inne l-a-liifUniler, waa ill the lower jwtrt of tin- county talay on uiiallieaa. FniirhaiiilaTQ-turniil fmiu Port' laml laat liiiiht. Tie haa Ua-ii atti lnl ilia- htiailit-M) ollt'gf lu that t-lty. Tlf atalf aM-aami-lit ahow a thf w a-l-oii nai.l lamia run fnmi T.'l i-nta j-r 0i- in Klamath cyjnty to fciiif. Am inn. laalin- illnl Bl I'liannil, of iln.p-v, lat Thurmlay, ane! yeara. II.. w'aa worth la twivn fjil.lino ami tn mo. ral tie ami ahia p in Fj-t-ril On-gnii are in lliif comlitioit. There haa laa-n mon- liny put up thia w inter than for iniiliv ymra. K. AI. Slevelia, who haa lartl aerlofic Iv ili il-iaaail for at-Vrml Wtrka, haa hiiproveO ao aa to try work knaiit fr a few ihtya, f Mi-a I. ill If llaiitiltoirieft for Corval lia on thia IlioriiiliK'k latil, her fathrr, T. M, Hamilton, having a-niianeiitly ltM-attil then'. A woman of Alorla eatlinati-a the mat of kia ping a eat t It a-r year;atlotr r-4 a-r year; a canary hinl t'.') a li talofffi.'iil. J. M. William rcturneil thia after iiiniii from I'ortlaml, whi9- lie ha lai n in atte uilan.w on a mrr ling of the National Uuitrtl AawH-lutlou. q Mr. J. M. rlark. the traliHal nure from llrtMiklyn, N. Y., came upon the haul thi afternoon to -nl e holithia time will ap.ar like a weak il 9- w ith her airier, Mr. ie. t traw. II. ('. Itiee, who liima had chanre of 8. II. Frftnlly'a warTliou-v, w ill leave for I'ortlaml tomorrow morning to ae- 0 pt a jaiMition In a wliolt-Mle gnavry hoii-e. lti-v. I. I). Driver went toHnlein llii moral n r w here he will prraeli at the CmiirrrKatlotial rhureli toiuQrow. He JJ1I alo ileliver a le-ture U lore the Y. M. ('. A. la-fore hi return. The four mill tax for the nport of thOJunctiou t'lty puhllc ai-litail wa voiiil laat Satunlny. It U elnliniil that the h'Kiillly of the levy w ill he lealel, on account of not halloting oil tliVUftlou. Q A tlallir iter of!, IL Jeliklll ln aeiiteil thi ollltv yeatenlay afteriiiMiiilX), with aoittf n-murkalily flue, ria raap la rrlea, Rrown In the o-n ininlen, What enuiitry can cotii.-le with nlor toil On jfnn, for climate. A hia cart aliouM la plaint In the aoittlifaatern iairtln of llif city. We umlOilnml that tA- couiiiil w 111 tMil a hoii-e ami purehaae a cart ami hoe ir tiif aipif in mat poniou or town w ill orTuiUo a coiii'4tiiy. JOietion Tlinea: At the aelitMil t-lrc-A I Ion atunlay a tax of fnni wa voletl for a fnr wiiiail. The ilirvetorw were alao authorit-il lo mil thf old atiuail hiilliliiiir ami itrouuil at puhlic aut-tit n atnl the aaiur I ailverti-atl hy pi.lt-r, ami the d i- Oaalo i Dir. 17. Iiii-haril Mount Ihl InoriOiL'. ul leiilv fell to tlie ItiMir ut hia atore on Ninth atnvt, from heart tmuhle. He wa earritil into the livery atahle next loornml platvil in Uil. After an hour lie win aiiie to go to in Home. ll" ha Urn kUhJiH-l toaiiuihirirll lu the paat. In.li'ia'inleiicf Weat Shle: Henili-r- aon Murphy I one of our ullau'ial funni-ra, living a few miles aouthof low n. lie Is a thrifty man, ami know a Kiaal liivfatiuriil w hf n he ra It. l-a I hail a vear nga ISJ UiukIi 1 n iiii-- fij i iiii if, lint ma l"i iniiil I'll Iv (It.'a). Hf haa anUI almv that llliif from the alitrp 3ll worth of wool ami mutton ami lat wtrk aol the pn-aet t Uiinl of I n I to Holt MtTaniel for H-in. Hi profit wa nearly fiiUM. MUiny IVmoemt: On-cmi 1 full of piilieo-, aonii- .V aixvnliliK to the lal eat return. A every little collection of honac ia a oil v, ao a nearly every private iul a collt-if. Thi-as are mat ter mnluiff remilation. on the other h.nml It ineniia that Onvn U alive on ethicalional matti-ni aiul i after the anif. Tliotik'h not havlna; a hUii itrailf coIIi-kv like thf hi if three we havr aoine apk-llilid leaxrr litht w hen- tlir Itiatnii-tion I thorounh ami ua-r-ior facultiea are eniployr.1. Orrgaa rib. f? It i- a col'l ilay whifiOn-gon p-t li on any imaluel of thi auhluiiarv pln-n-. An AahUn.l n-airt aava that In Frl.niary aii'l March of each vrar. a kin.i of tUh aonirtlnirai-alUil auckera. hill more pMia-rly a aariaiof mullet, run up lt lavi'r from Tulo Ijike in Klainatli oHinty, In irreat quantitica. For i-ara In. linn fnmi thr a-1vnt re n atlU havecnllt-ht kll'l llriitl irreat miatililiea of them nuii aeaaoii. With in a ft w ilaya a nuinta-r of nu-n front I IkI county havr fonnrtt a coniiiv, and pn-piaa-to tr.) Into tlwr tuii.-- i.f of caiilunif. ilmnir, aaltiiifatnl plarinr th.-ae nli mi tiif inarkrt, and w i.l call tin-Ill Ukr I'lkr, rlalming that ttwy are a ajat Iraof plkr. Tu FiMALr.-P..rtlu. n.Ur Weli-oow: J, -pair Ituali, the wilful yiiin irl from Fucrnr, ami to thr IU-iri- H-nor a week an in not have b'ng n (y in that InatilnlWii. Her lover Ju.k Hu kWy, an --.nvtd, lw-r ait l-y prr--iitiint to Matma Ki l--' a toarriiu.e liirnar an-l mitt Hun-i-u-r w Ih think roofr f a JolUr lhau hia .-allunf, n.arrvol tl.r rout U- Ua wn k. I iniiintiatrlT &.trraarl. Hock k V put I. la rlilJ.- ii.- m thr IX 4 TV Hi J-aiit of IJwrraa.l l.ig," on t'.Hj. h atrvrt, a ii I in ofl.-f lu alniw laa aupert ny UM raai.Uy amaahnl hrr fki-a- lor n.;n inu up thr tmmrr ahr hai lnale in r ratfailtHia huaitM-aa. Tlir BlIntaiM i thr .lur .h (art to. tit U eaiUtl In tl:v fUrr run hr "tJvrr. ' aiv I.u." a.at l.hr f. Ilow" Hu kU-r. j It W.aii.i aiai ta ..llefVallUf koW I lit Mttrmi K.l-jiif tlir iLbte al- lowr.1 thr rtrl lo krar hrr ruai.alr. O The hgi!ture U chartri-J with the duty of turning the cnI through which the ja.ojile travel iluring the winter into roa.N. The Jiublic will I inUrenteJ to know that the rain-tnaliiitf, fxiri nu'iiU in Texa are ootii'iJi'ri'i a i-ii-ntific tuctfaa hut a jirartioal failuri'. Itl.iinu'a jhykii.ii liave finally acknowleilgl'tliat Im is iull'tring from an organic Uiat O'- 'l avernil that Mr. Illuine i in the laat at.fc-a of Kright'e dimaac. The jiroiiKiU'M of tlio Lane i-oun ty iliviaion Hclittiie liave lixtil the line ahout oiif-half mile Mouth f Crvkwi-U. They etiuiaU' the ro jkhmhI county would haveaUnit 1,000,000 of taxable projK rty. Ni more jiro'itiouii acaixm for faruii-r wa v r nn-ii in Orrun than the prom-nt oiif. The f.illaii'l wintvr plow ing ami tiling in tin inhttl. ami the larp r part of the toil intemll for Fprng rowing ha lau iilowiil. dram is exeelltnt. condition. The Victoria Colonial, ing indit ing ujain the annual rcort of Nh-. reUry Klkinn, .iy that tin? ainall nea ol the American army fiaaK volu ne in favor of the cipudty of the I'nitiil .wtatt to hoM i;W own, Iroth at hoinuC"' al.Macl. Our' in a government of tli --o li-. I'ay onet are not reijuOil. 1 1 telegraph ih l.iiiiO t!.t- iev that the Wii-li einplove' in l!c I Klwo.al, Imliaii.i, till l.i.-;orv liavc gOe 'Mi a ittrike. Thia g.-e.tt Amer ican imlu-try will l;inui-:i until more 'A'cWi worker cm ! wviirtil to dip iiniMirtcd Kngliah hlack q.Iate-fn iniK)rtiil WeUh tin. All lor the bcm-tit or American iaDor according to the JOKinty creed. Now that the Pirne ii "tolcn Ore gonV legislators proHfi) to adopt the plan of selling fchool land ut auction, aya the JacUdniville Tillies, as in done in the date of Washington, a reserve figure of fl per ut-re being placed upon the land olTereil for hiiIc. Oregon has o little valuable M-lnxd land left that the enactment of the law at farce. Her boIohs sluod have thoug'it of this long agtv Tlr general i.cwpaer criticism on Jay (iould is that he wan a su premely w'li man. Hut that in ordinate eeliishness dQninatc U e (loir?d IiKkhI cannot Us true. Abe (iould, Jay's half brother, is one of the most generous and liberal hearted of men. When Jay was tlio chief devil of the Union l'acitic some years ngo, Alio wa the com pany' coal agent in Utah, and as such he saw to it that no pi kit fam ily in Nilt Lake (. ity went without coal. Of course ho was short in his aecouitts when ho went out of olliec as between the tonnage of coal billed to him lQm the mines and the tonnage actually sold, but then the billing weight ut the ('. l'.'s coal mines is alwavs short, and Abe's accounts were adjusted ondb ...... i...:- 1 T'le inav oasis, The sun enters the sign Capri- corn us on the .'1st inst. at 6 o'clock in the morning, at Qvhieh time astronomical winter begins. Old Sol swnis to stand still for two or three days, and then turns his cheerful countenance towards the inhabitants of the northern hemi-spln-. Weeks will pass, it is true, before the change is perceptible; but the dominion of winter i shattered and each succeeding d;v brings us nearer to springtime. Among the ancients the year began when the sun had reachedohis farthest point tuvith; it was the jubiho of the ye.Vr to them, when, with music, dancQig, and other Id tivitiis, they paid hom.ia'e to their rude deities. The sun wa to them the great representative of the dei ty, and the winter solstice the tinQ esia.vi.tlly dcvoteil to religious wor- snip. ino diminution in the amount of daylight in iVwmher is but slight, comarcd with tl of Octolw-r and NoveniU-r; and about the time of the solstice there is practi.-allv no dim-renee for a num ber of days. When the new year comes in, however, there will have laarn nri increase of daylight of over three minutes. rennsvlvani.i conitrcssmsn propo- s that the government is sue additional interest bonds to the amour t of 7.",0i)0,lXX) to & "Q Odicii twv wtucti has resulted imtn the Rifd-McKinlev concress. What i to prevent the issuance of leiml tender notes without interest? 350,1 X ,000 of grecnlacks are in circul.i;ion, not one-thinl of whick is represented by money in the treasury, and we have yet to hear of the lint instance for a number of year past that they Lave been discoutiU-d the least fraction. There U a medium between the partis.i ns of p. Id, and fiat money, a some are pleasoU to term the paper i-sue, and that would justify the United States in issuing legal tender notes to an amount approx imating a per capita circulation of other nations who have a much larger amount of r'M. silver and paper money, and 1 remain pros perous, although po.----ing vastly inferior natural n-aounv. France, the most prosperous nation the orld. exeeptine the Unit-1 Mates, leads u f.k.iViO.l-O in the cinu lating ninlium. Tlie undue en- banc m.-nt of il 1 at the et-rr.e of isrU u!tural, manufac turii.V ar..J triii.ing inter-t d :r.anls ho!- ! ti.n in tlir mt pap. r nionry. o re-t f ;Ivrr and T.ie citizens of Weston are wag ing a crusailo again, gambling. SH-Jiictive craps and kindred games keep most of the boys broke, and the city fathers intend to change the condition of affair In the whole or part ofat leakt twenty-one states in tlie Union school books are in whole or in part supplied free to scholar i, and in the whole or part of eleven states text books are entirely free. Itosehurg Heview: The On-g-m-ian (Kilitical editorials U-ar won derful semblance to the twaddle sent out by '.heir alleged Washing ton correspondent, Can it be nh sible that the correspondent is a lunatic locked up in the tower of the big building? The Ijne county members of the legi-lature should work liaruion-iou-ly for a salmon hatchery on the -iuslaw. A splendid location can easily luAi-urcd. The twenty miles of tide water would be excel lent protection to the young fish until they were ready to make the occi.ii venture. A the Uriiruetion is jet an uns- ttlctl problem, weQcem it jx r lim it to call attention lo the fact, that during the late campaign, we wcr- told by McKinley adherents that the tin plate manufacturing ind- itry had so far advanced that the uufkets were largely supplied wit', the home product. Jf this be so, hy was it nece-jjiry lo import dur ng the month ol Octola-r, l'.l J.3,1 'it.OTo iuud of tin plate uga. ist only -"O.IV.I.S.Ii; pounds for the nonth of Octola r KVJl? It apM-ars to bo the general sen tim at of the country that keeping oei the tlilcago exaisilhi on Sun lav, the machinery not Wing allo'.O to run, excepting lighting attpliances, will lie in the interest of morality and order. The thou sands of strangers in the city will not oe fortMl to jk na upon Ire- uuet tins iiucstionable n-sorts to whi! i away the day. Ik-sides J Ik-sidesjt rW an international exhibition to which all nations arc invited, the religious beliefs of all wt t spirted the rxtiosition would If rt- re main closed evcryOlay in the week 1'iiilip Armour has founilfjrl a school in Chicago for the training tA young men and women in the ditit-rent vocations, of life. Xo char will 1-e mudirfor tuition, the object of the generous donor being to place a practical education with in tho reach of every dcrving youth. Armour donate 1,500,. 0(X) for grounds and buildings, be sides endowing the school with an additional I,400,0w. Among the divisions in which instruction wiUJ be given are those of the department I of science, of mechanical arts, ot domestic economy, of technical study, of practical business, of phy sical training, of lectures ami even ing classes, of library, at gallery and museum. The Kast Oregonian criticises the state hoarl of eoualizatinn. It says: The board of equalization is tr.-i ling over the stattHt tnw peo- s exiH'iise, equalizing assess- ments. J hey managed to spend one night in Pendleton and sa.Ptlie town by eh-ctric light. This trip, it occurs to us, affords such an ex cellent choice to "see the country" and snatch up information that will he valuable in the work of equalization when the bowd re turns to Salem. The board W travt ling through the country at the r ite of thirty miles an hour. They will haw to have an eye "of a he sfle" to derive any benfit from such a O p, but, is it not a trip of recn ;tion at the people's expense, rath, r than a trip on busies for the 1 enclit of the !eople? These junk ting parties are rather ti fre quent in aw pans oi iqc country. This is one of the reasons why pub lic n !'uv has become a nrivatesnan. The tile are being bled by tax eaten. Ir migrant toOthe number of 5Ti,t 32 arriveil in this country durii-g the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S9J. This'i from the report of Superintendent of Immigration W. I.1. WetO Add to thi 75,000 to 1 X),000 foreigners who came here to remain, but were not classed as in. migrants, and we hare a total of Gi 1,002 outsiders who have left t 'her countries and taken up perm tnent residence in this. Of this '.VJ.OOO, probablyOOO.OOO are worti.y inhabitants and should be w.-lc, m.-l; but that leaves 450,000 that should never be allowed to cros- our portals. Of this last ntva)lr, fully 90 per cent came wutn.ut sufficient funds to enable there to seek good employment or get out of the crowded quarter tj great cities. They are either stranded in New York, or perhaps have money enough to take them to Chicago. These two citie are the great reservoir that urplr other place. Aq rery small per cent.uw go Cdo the real country and farming districts after work, or for tlie purpose of land ownership. in ew jork or Chicago can be found M.x-ks upon blocks of for eigners without an American among them, and hardly a one of them who can speak a word of Kng'.i-h. The- are, too, the worst tyj:-s and lowest clases, cause just a soon as one of them grts a hye altead or i blenl with better fortune than the rabble he leave tliera at once and finds m-ire whole some -"arrounding. Oo-errMions into t -rCntivity of necutants of pn-.ivin Mi.-hian, Illinois, Wis-. coni and Missouri show a sur- pr. ii i'.r :iri. large jercenUge of for- twv MCAKAl'Gl'A CANAL. The attention f the rlvlHw-l world, and f,rtlcularly the I i.li.il Hal., U ilireeteil to the Nle.ruuifua mn-l heme. Hoth national ro.iv. i.lloi.k of . ,..,llgPollllc.lM,rti.-.aanlr..lutl.o1. favoring II. The -..st ruction of theeanalwoul.lMofui.lol.1 lm,K.rtan.e lo the .on relnl o,. , ,....1 wouhl aave vast sum annually I., the Pacllle tat.t In ln...s-.rl..llou . hnrg.. e puhllah U low nmi -hl"g the avln lu ili-tan.f on ...-au .out.-., a bird - -ve view ami a pmllU' ol me projirun . !; trir- V . u1 .." i. ' r i , J i " 1 r . .. i " 1,1 i ' . I CbAuou caaai. I i I J 7 lt iTr t e tr- !Z.ry; u"-.'. .U 'Hjli r- a. 3tJ Fell Twi.ntv Kyx-Sprlinrllt Id ,Mcaenin-r: ihii-oIii-luoriiiiiiraiaiiii I. .11 .,',.,a-k m laiHioll I.f lln ainllo III HIT on the w.-at aide o0he oia ra Imiiae gnve ft iv letting Harry m-iijiimiii, ...mI af-.i'il III full In I he alilf-walk. a distant-, of "o f,rt. (. mrmeil hatlly hurt ami wiw etirrlial aenaw the street lo the Sprlinrtlelil Hotel Hf waaallf ferinir terrible paill ill the hrea-t, eauaeil by strikiiiK a out' hy four inch brace a 'he fell, breaking the hir In two. Thi aaveil him from lullgiK heaiWiiig onto the aitlewalk, wimii would -rlmj lijve broken hi lurk. A careful eair?i nation showeil no Uuie broken. He wa then taken home, mul w ill no tloubt hyou recover. NOX Starr if lirillii flanlware Coinpauy. o Boot c& Shoe StoreisII)frsn,M,,,s pri"m A. HUQT. ProQ. Will h.iraUr Vtp a c.milU ttock uf Ladies' Mlsse' and Children's SI10F.S. BCTTOX BOOTS. Slippers, Thito azd SIac lrisuv FINE KIW mots, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS &SHOE& V AoJ In f ft atrrrythin In Ui Ritaail hlvaj liaa, to which I Ulead to ilatirtr (yj axrial atUotioa. -MY GOODS ABE FIRST CLASS.- A ad rtarantrail m rrpra.Dtail, and will b iiii da- tha Inwa-t prica thkla rml artkUcaa laj aSidC A. HUNT O 0 Vhen"olJ rr-'-s r.V. IhlnRs sizzle, Drink I.rot r-: r. When dull cat.- '.-, DnnkHa,. i a..... V.'hcn you fed a L. . ' . hen you're cross jiiwu't knewuhy, v hn w.ih thirst the chirei cry, Therms a 5wr-t relief to trv Dhnk Hires' Root tcer. A cer.t Package nuk.s l.e ci:ir-n. 0 I) )1 BL Mil FISHER & WATKIN3, P' iI'KJ ETDki-4. W ill -p aataatlj oa kaaJ a fu.l auAj ,4 MUTTON. IXRK AND VEAL W I ick tb-r i'J kail at lb b.a-aal nai prl aa. A laar akara 4 tba ouUk tatUTtaw au. linia.1. tTUE FAKMKM i W a 01 fa- Oa bi. tiaat mCmrt ;av fk fu '. li VI aad htaap. SHOP ONW'ILLaImETTE Ti:EKr. Era cxe cm, oregoji p VTDLI unrrn n'o-. IiailTO'ianl. Im. 17. IIi'.iiivi n I t). Wllaoii. Atho ha 1? -11 nllMlt Watl-lllllllll IICC l l-i .iril i n-algiil Iii aitin Isite yi-ler.la af- TiiiMiu, ami l(o!-rt iarri- w ho has been mull carrier lor me kii yeur tweeii the ib .t mid tho MH,tol1hv, waa apMiintei to the vacam-y. Oar riaon wu on duly lu-t nlyht. M: it .M. ('or s r v . 'i 1 1 1 i i.f i ! n ve LAiuicr: Tlie h'-iior of Mminir the imM-i county to Ik- cut oil' from Jine and laiuuia ha larn cor.ferreil on Dr. II. F. Hammell of this city who very cleverly aiiu-j'-atiil the n pmpriiitf uaiiie of "Mineral cuiiitjR" ( iimhI ilia-tor. Stlls file CVIehwted - ltUSTING Tinware. OF.NKlAl.iEAf K!.a IX HARDWARE, STOVES OIIKGON 5 HORN L PAINF. Practical Gunsniitlis t a aa. fV!i r in ai CU.NS, ItlFLIaP. I'T.tiiBj Tir?e aod jtrrialO Arftlta Oarhiora nti.l .rrSlrol All KluiU l or fiwlr r O Iu.aUrioaOln la Ilia nntcat itvlr and r rnt.L O Guns Loaned dt Ammunition Furrmred 8nrna Will.n.tt lr.. (iEO. F. (IJAW. o IDSTdl KK K q Cijrai store- ft. EUOKNK CITY MILL CQ. o PATTKUMOX, EDKIS Jt CO Munnfa.-tllr-- Hest G regies Family rio.ir, Snr Craii .mi lh. tr.al f.t..rall. t-.n a k4 raeaipu of an .r-li....a. ,4 y. IM, pmpa-ly aaaiBr.1, t-y ia l.r ' I -or or t aa,!, 7UikMt Casb Pricr Taul l..r U i,i If VOJ Want f.rfi-?rla I or Crocicery, call on Ooldsmith. DAY 4 HENlrtRSOH. o k.Mi o J'l! o CO O F I U M T I H E IJE.ILtI.3.. Eugene Oregon.0 1 kr rt iJ Dm alj 1,.4 aaiy.