cll V AND COUNTY. NOV -.Y,, IxiJ. tui; n ii . wiii"Ki,,y ''"list. t J Wnltou, lu. nr. Smil' Jf is irfp:in .1 to uit.-u II. Iriim 111" country and will n , i.:. . I .1 v y ltl hi in r- - r .' M.ini-v I" I""" "u improved' 'iifiin fr i rni "' )'""' ft r,""Ui,i-1 ( mil r est by K. J. M.CItuiabau. Kii'r good f,-u"' tl'i-esg.) " tlic olil trjt.,I Jlatto nursery, orville phclp, proprietor. Sn is the ti'U" 10 do J'"" Tliii r Ins proV' u be) end n pni-i!i!r il mU ?bt tlrv plowing yields from five to i i , t nd high ten bushel ti t lii! nrr.- u.oie tbn e n"'1' l""1 n"" "m ',,,rH 1,1 "'n plowed wet ' tnl" lt",t " 'H ",l nd hard l ke.p ""r t'1(,w '" ground, , you have iu Oliver Cbill-il iii h,vetio trouble to keep it' in thegrouud. Tu.. Jtiiiiii-Niiu Hotel bus been repaired mid refu'niebed. Tern 1 p.-r il.iv. Ouly uf block 'rum tin- depot. All whi.e help- For sale or exchanga tor imp property it) Eugsne--au unproved l,tr 4J) acre Also improved property in i..,,!. Adlre.ssF. 1. Wiiglit. Eludr... sale or exchanga for improved farm at in I'o't. Iiii.l. A'l lw t. r. iifci.t, tiUJir.i, Line coiiuty, Attention farmers ! Utiy your medicines it Veringtuu' Ninth Street drug utore, in Khiueharl's blo.k, Eugene. Yeriugion' Ninth timet drug store guar nntee satisfaction as to print s and quality. Bbinchart's block. All plumbing uml till work guaran teed by I'- K"igbt. Mm) in Kcain's building, Eugene. Yi-tiupton'a Ninth street drug store is the nlace. Years o( experience iusurcs cer tainty auil dispatch in tbu COIUpOllDjlll!' nl dispetllU2 ol mcdiciues, Ithiutburt's block. Oliver. Plows. . . , Oliver Chilled. Oliver Steel. Don't be talked into buying sonio thinj? that' don't sup. you. Get an Oliver uud make plowing mere pluy. One More I'lilortuiiate. Wesley M- Wisdom, widely known in EntiiuOiegou, nt "lie tinii u prospf-roiH bndnesu in hi t Hiker City, mid idtcr wnrdit promineut in business in I'nrtUiid, the proprii tur id mi iquully vi I: knowti prp ir.itinn. Koti-rliue, uitempt. d to Buicide in N'-w York Ciiy reemtlv. Ii- th ImbiH bem for come liuie. Thr York Sun give tbu folliiwine iiepoiml: William M. Wihdoin, of 217 Wit Third str-ft, who Htiibbid biinsMf Bv time witli n psir of fiisor, Win Hrraijjued jfsiirduv iu lh Jt-ft'itrson Miki t court. It w in said he Mf ileineut'd mid be wts oiuuiiltrd for rumination oh to bin Piuiity. At tbi ho'ise yesterday it id thht Wis liMii, who in odrun'iht Kiid i out ot work, was driink when Iih nut liiliicelf. His il'juri s urc liliL'bt." ltminess reverses uusetlled Mr Wi-idoDi'i mind mid ho Krudimlly S(i'Miidi(re,l bis re source and went from bad to worse uiitilhe was uluiost lun-ontriiluild" mid In I to I)-! aivii mi bv bin fiieuds, of wli itn lie li el nmiiv. and thtre uro a niiiiibi r of ill m who woui.l cl"dly befriend him if they could, but drink and weakness of umid picrt'iit them from HirorditiU hiiu uuy ptaetnul as sinlauce. Uhusa wife uud two bright children in OrcRon, aud who are left to take care of themselves. An ambition to be wealthy, aud overtaxing his en-Kt-iis, brought Wesley Wisdom to bis pres ent condition- a niornl aud physic d wreck The Mrs. B. C. Vun llouten t:ase. A Spokane FnlN, Wasliintoii, paper nf Nov. Kith has the following new iio velopineiits in this highly Hensational ease: Another chapter was added today to the celebrated and extensively adver tised story of the troubles between Hunker Asa 1'. Morse, of Hoston, and Anna D. Vun llouten of this city, in whieti the latter brought suit against the former for thirty thousand dollars for breach of promise and later another suit for twenty-live thousand dollars damages which grew out of newspaper reports of the first suit. Mr. Morse has brought suit to foreclose various mortgages given bv Mrs. Vun llouten in the sum of $20,082. The property on which the money was loaned is not worth over ten thousand dollars at a fair estimated valuation. Iliub Wire. You can buy the "Glidden Patent" barb wire of the Ktarr-Urillin Hard ware Co. for 3.( to 4 cents per pound for the next 30 days. Fob Silk- A nice fresh ruilcb cow. For particulars inquire at this office. The Bkst Plaster. Dampen a nietw of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it over the seat of pain. It is k'tter than any plaster. When the lungs are sore such an appli cation on the chest and another on the back, between the shoulder blades, will often prevent pnuemonia. There is nothing so good for a lame back or nain In the side. A sore throat can nearly always lie cured in one night by applying u llanncl bandage dampened with Fiiiu Balm. 50 cent bottles for sale by Osburn & DeLano. Mr. V. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elklou, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold quickly; no other is so certain a pre- ....... C.e ..enlin- 111) other ruiiuve uiiu emu ' v ;i ; . all'ords so much n-lief in cases whooping oough For stile by Osburn & IX-Liano. SttKL d7la"v7i) --Tb'j steel work for the oew county jail baa been subr ci to a fl-uy althesame point for several days, iwo gentlemen havo arrived here from tne fac tory in Ohio to place the work . po.i'. It will take about feven da.-s to pat the worknp. The mmoNcturers say the nri delay waa caused by the Homestead Ktrme- MarkieiT At the home ol ' the bride's mother in Salem at 4 o clo k p. m. Sunday, NovemlK-r 20, 1-. " ,' BurmwsHiid Ida Dinsiiioor, J; S. Knight ofHciating. Mr. KugenS friends congratulate him on the event. r. !,-.,.. r,! NOV. -1- AmcBiD.-Detuty bh-i-iff Geoig. Cr 'T' tl : for a ciaim ol 146 do. to Mso. dlrr 4 C-- ol Franoiaco. He brought Ibe good here last evening. Daily Guard, Nov. '2. Tbial Povrrosxp-The '""-''ir',' C. Fft-i Iiich. arrested y.sterdsy i0: bg sulphuric on a suit o. e.oih" Ucbuieut. was po-ipju'" -. . Vr,i- . .; ! w..,.mna at S " Hrevltlw. I 4 ..-... y "u't"'i7 "n 1"o,i"ir "' ",J' Hut nd vM baths every day iu '.he wek at ,!orry IJora's bartier shop. l or tine suits mado to order m , ready ii.ideelotl.iuu, u,o to Ed H.uson. Mr lie., F Cnw ho th ! Kney for 11 l.r m,!. f the wle'rUKl Tmil Vun.-h CiKMt. Dr. Dili ' Servla for Servae, rr.ifirotion. ll'i.mV. n -tU-i h f ir th lo.-utl,.u o iittwU imn.n f.,r UMle at til (ifAHh .illii. l'.eiu. luU r ilmt llaus,in A Son have the b. nt se.,-: -, t,( fiuthmj. in iwn. r-ni',' your o! 1 wrap cist Iron lo the F.u f iia Ir.ju r.'im Ity wh-re v0a ran dipoe d 11. If J on are ("(lint; loo old f,,t jour sp.V I ieie:., ur if itiey do liot exactly sul von take Hi. m to Wall s mid hive new l". uses 'titled. Ir (i. W. Iliddlv may be found at bit residellee on Olive street, U tween Fifth aud nmn siret tsone tilmk west of the Minne sota Uuti-l He is prepartd to do all dent al work in the bet uiauuei. llendersoo, dtutist. Joli work id the (iciao otRco. Fuuutaiu peus at Watts'. Eplleji.y cured lijr lir. Miles' Narrow. For all kiuds of farming implements call on J. M. Heudiiclis ou Ninth Street. If you want a hint of eloll.ts or a pair of patiUliMiis go in I) iv is, the tailor. He ClaMlltct sati-faciion aud low prices. Chris Marx has reduced tliu pi ice of shaving at bn hop to 15 cents. SltCKl' Wantkii - I WaUt 300 to 500 head of sheep to ruu on shares from one to three years. Good pasturage and barns. J. W. 0'Nkkl, Eugene. Are your children suliject to croup? If so, you should never Imj without a bottle of CliamU'rlnin's Cough Ken ic ily. It is a ivrtain cure for croup, nnd has never Urn known to fail. If giv en freely as soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance with thousands 01 mothers who have croupy children, and never disupixiints them. There is no danger In giving this remedy iu large and lreitui.t doses, as it cou'tniiis nothing injurious. ."u rent bottles for stile bv Ostium i: Dcl.ano. .Notice. I have again control of the Eugene marble and granite works, mid mn bet ter prepared than ever to furnish till kinds of marble, granite and stone work at the lowest iiricr ossible for llrst class work. Please call on tne and get my priiv In-fore idticing an or der. Nothing but first class work done. Simp in my old stand In Renin's btiiiiling. NY. V. Martin. LcMiiKuNoTict:. Go to the Deiot lumber yard for ch-ap luiula-r. Audrews will not be tn.ilcr-.ol, I. Wood Wanted. A light siuing wagon to trade for wood. K. Ii. Cn. VMM Kits. Givttt Ihirgaiti Sale. Nov i- the tim" to mourn exceptional biriteins in nil kieos of gent's chilling at E. HoimV He m ist nuke room for s bug- h'oik oft-ys and hclilay goods, tin"-, f 're for the n. xi sixty days will Set ciithii.-g. oven-o ils and gent's furnishing goods a! lower pr-ces lhail call be secured eU.- vnir-. Call aid price bis winter elo liing. Ilia stock is large and oilers the b-st opportunities tor a goo I selectiou. Coal Hill Nursery. Call on or address T. N. Segar, Eu iroiie. for all kinds of nursery sti ck. Prunes on marobolem plum roots that will not sprout, also on jieacii roots. The over lapping rolling harrow cuts a the irroliml. mn styles at reuumi prices. F. L. Ciiamukks, Sole Agi-nt, Auction Sale. I will have auction sales of the stock of irooos of the estate of F. B Dunn, next Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 a.m., and 1 and 7 p. m . Come nnn ony goons cueap. F E. Dcss, Manager. Settle Up. Tnt.oi.llnir noon to retire from the practice of medicine, I would request ,ii indohted to me to come forward and settle at once. J. Smiley. - Dallv Guard, Nov. 21. a v.v,vri.- Soino hounds chased coyote into town Saturday night about 11 o'clock. It came from the direction ofSiM'iiecrbutteandgotns far us the Whitney residence, when It got away nnd returned to the hills. . - i..tcn iu-'u Wheat. From tho i...;rv,!rii,u1.t! Mr. Georuo Bul- shaw, the famous wheat grower of Eu-m-ne Oregon, was In Portland a short V: atnw nnd iii conversation Col. E. W. Allen, secretary of the state ..,.i f i.nrtii-iilture. luformed him .1..., I.a nail- llMS the most niagnilleent collection of wheat that Je haever enised and that a real estate firm In Kupeno was very anxious to secure ; 'h: ...i.... i., n.-irotlce. Mr. Allen ! ...' :.'.,.,i,l nrniiiL'ements with " I ," i . .m-tbis wheat for Zm'p u-xhlbltat the Columbian Jiiimi. This collection includes Vuudlesand,, sticksof as many vancues i , t. ... a ..,!.,,, ...... v - ---- Mr. Belshaw Iimtiy jn ; s; 7 . , Wile u .... i . - m ami litis.-M- ;,,...,.....,:,, ,.imt ...irirt IS 111 llll. -V lliuii.....r . i . i. 01 .ti roi-iinM.-iitiii ii" ' . . ! ltl. t 111! Til. US SMI., ' .-''J f ,.. ....,,.-.. -im itions V ra . ' Vi u p fart that Wheat grown ... ,Q nnd at u,1 ..r;,;.....,,, Kx,Mition. Ho eon 1 ... .t. ..n-a-nt exhibit, however, :u,l'riortoa' made fore. be- Coxii-l.Mir.STAM.- V Washington. U. erilalcLoo. ,--. - Wl(h clunks bio r iu-.. - - j. 0j v ..rentinn of Mr. H- """Ji , .:.i. n ihesenaloiaatd by bit C"ori ou .. -"- , h Sltll'-sl ' i (" ; ;n ,be . uste :VrBTdo.".wib. a precedent B1... . - .. . i u. r;,ifrv Mr reisining I the services Gi fry is democrat, an d, of course, will re- ti.. writer of tbe itbove tain In pos'tioi I'T " ; . .u.;.i- .h.t h. ia .vnletillv laoors ouutr r,pnbK.u. a,,- , .w BouH.-The boom on tbe Sins , JVtvel X mi!., belor th. Head of T.d. in abiut c-.mpie ea. " . uu.rttr miles 1-r.g and di told ? i ri I A slip ttbmd'cn U n.A in a few miDUU to allow boat lo flear-d rf oUtructuin Learly lo th. jalta. The .g j.mootb. nve. wo broken by . Ubtral use of giant powder. TITSDAY, NOV. 22. J. It. Page and J. H. Bi am sn-nt Sunday in Albany. John lional '. (on Wat killed by a falli-'g trte Beu DalUs, Mouday. The dcv pri prirtors of Goid.mllB't cie'ar elore hive rropeued it. A. C. WisideiH-k Is at Salctii iu at. teudatnv upon the supreme court. Tom Al-iaius came np from Ci-rvalbs thia afternoon lo tpend Tbanktgivicg at home. Capt. L S. Scott, a prominent cituen a tnl politician of Salem, died In that city ytsteidsy. A nunn;d l.feiise was iuiueJ Utd yrstir, dsy altemoou to Hiuuo Vitus aud Tires K-immeil. J. A. Duuimitt, traveling Y.M. C. A. mt-n-tiiry, was in Kugetit- the lirst of the week. Oireus Day is looted at Itonoers Fciry, Idaho. He has a raiuh and i tnganed iu the stock buaiuetk. Frank J. Miller returned to Albany this uiurtiing after a short visit at tlie lesiileniv of J. (.1. Uruy. 1. Fllegehuuu Is the name of the new proprietor iu the Abe Goldsmith cigar uud tobacco store. F. J. Page, the government contrac tor for the lighthouse at llccvta Head, spent lust night in Eugene. Several young men of Eugene nre visiting Portland now on account of the trial of some young girls. Malcolm Blue, who came here re cently from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., re turned last night, intending to go as far us Chicago. Returning from Albany on the ears yesterday J. L. Page caught one of his lingers iu the door tearing the null oil' the same. lion. E. H. McElroy, of Salem, state superintendent of public instruction, attended the funeral of the late Miss Emma Hawthorne here today. Richard lirown, who was injured by the DMiklcg of a caff.ild nil tile Hrowu bop bouse a few days ego, is now able to be about the streets, aud i rapidly improviiig- A part of the material for George Miller's flying machine has arrived and the work of constructing a "life ie" model has commenced nt Itarr ltros. iv. Co.'s manufactory. The funeral of the late Miss Emma Hawthorne took place this morning at Id o'clock to the Masonic cemetery, ltev. I). E. Loveridge preached the funeral sermon. School was not held in two rooms of the Geary school, of hieh the deceased was a pupil. J he heaviest shipment ever niime in one day from Wells, Fargo & Co's. olllce in tills city was made yesterday bv Agent lA-vlngcr. It aniouultil to 4200 Miuuds and was mostly poultry. indications art- mat l. alio county s poultry product Is rapidly on tho In crease. Novenilitr Crop Uepoi tsi. In the case of wheat the returns so far of which are not quite made out in full, tlio estimate will prob ably lie tilHiiit 14 bushels iht acre hieh is a little lower than has been for 20 years and probably will not ex ceed more than 500,000,000 bushels. The returns indicate a very short crop of oats, the record per acre being bushels below that of last year uml d bushels short of the average for ten years, and only one year In seventeen lias the average neeii lower aim i no itiality more deficient, light weight and cliallV grain. Corn According i ovemoer re turns of corresnondents bv counties and averaged by states, is 22.4 bushels ner acre forme wtioie iireauui. mis . ' . . . 1 ... i . uilleates alxiut l.tmOOIUMHI bushels. Last vear the averace w as 20.6 bushels. In oiilv three years of the decade was the yield less man 1110 present crop. Potatoes The averago yield per acre is only 02 bushels against IM.O lust year and the average yield for ten years ending with 1HS9 was about 80 bushels and tne present crop is auoui, joo,uuv,' 0110 bushels. liny The average yield Is 1.17 tons per acre, nearly me same as last j eur. Tobacco. The average yield per acre is 082 pounds, against 748 last year. Buckwheat. The average yield is 14 bushels, against 10J bushels last year. Averairo vleld per acre on com. Massachusetts stands the highest, 30.6, uml Florida stands the lowest, only 0 liiiulwda. On notntoes four states are lust tne unnio i oo liusneis iht ueru vncu. DSiuely Montana, Wyoming, ncvaaa uu Washington, and New Mexico, tbt lowest, only 35 bushels. On sweet potatoes California, th highest, luoim Ha bushels, and Nebraska the lowest, 70 bnbels. lonoecucui uiucni, iuuu . " . . .. . I.:.. I . inno pounds; Marvlaud lowest, 'H & pounds, Ilay, Colorado, highest. V tons per acre; lowest. Ma llamtxure aud lihode Island both the same, not rjuite a ton. Now. tbe oaiinmte of our ctoo prtaluctiun seim to I.A I iw and so it Is esoeelaliy upon osi- barley and wheat, which have been decliu- ing in America lor many year", eveu iu our own county. When nrat settled pro duced about 25 bushels of wheat per acre .hieh (irnnoht in tbe London market 75 eentsnnrnnarterof 8 bushel more than any wheat Irom tny otner country, ano uuw our average per tor ia ouly about 14 while , i . . . . Fno and' is aoout M. aua we uso iu Lane county a better auil and climate for wheat thau they have, and really we can beat them for quality and have done It at three different world's fair, and by t bet ter s) stem of farming we can tho equal n.-,,. in nnsntitv which would put plenty of money into the farmers' pockets aud i hem the tronb e of r-oi rowing It Horn the government at 2 p. r cent. UEOliua UEun-s Dally Uuard, Nor. 2i- -TTAr-iiKii and Arrested. Yes- i..r,l,iv ninrnlnir DetiUtV KhcrHT Day served attachment papers on C. Eried- rieli t he ta or. who has neeii occupy ing the rmmi In the rear of tho Lane County Bank, for the sum of 3l owing A. G. ilovev ior rent, ah me jmqi-i- . . .a. I tl. Kr...., tv exempt from exeecutiou was a new unit i.f idiithea. valued I t Mr, " ' ., .1 Itav huinr the coat upon tne wan, anu l. iiritli-i Frledricha few moments thereafter throw something from a bot tle on the clothing. He went to them .,i.i thi.v were t-ntinlv ruined and were smoking from an application oi sulphuric acid. This aiternoon in-pu- tv hlienll Jay arresn-u r imni a warrant charging mm witn maucion id iurr to Dersotal property. H will b E1"' .n hearino before Justice Kinaey tomor row. hall r Guard, Nov. K After Many Years. Mrs. MoCor- nack.of Sab-m, arrivc-a yieMay ai-tt-rn'Kin ti her father' brother, i;ii. l PhilliD Mulkey. Hut a few years since she removed to Oregon from Florida and has made reeated (V,.rin to find her uncle but did not succwd until she read the notice of his nni.-liinir a Mcrmon on hi! ninetieth r -s . ... ....t I.irllnlav antiiversarv rinre uuiihk to Onyon in lS-f3 he had never tn nv nf his brother1 family. ' '- -r .. lsrtcnso Viil -H. L., oi roit I.n.l ivn-un of the hUt Boird of Char ities,' was her inspecting th jails. U waa ainch pleeaed with tbe new oottoly )ail. but condemned it ci'y jail on acctuDt ot lakof rentiUtion. BetUo recotumended a water closet and 't being placed tn tL liL I THE RKWAKD. The S me OH story of ueglect Indiscretion. tllldi Dr Ir l.uatd, Nov. :1. Yestcrd.iy Afternoon John Hush, of I'ulrniount, brought I-ulu Dialson to this cltv and gave her into the custody of thes'lierlll. It stviiis that Bush sister Jessie ntnl this girl together with Fred Ileanis.itid a young fellow named Wiles entered bis residence at Fair mount during hlsabsi-nee. Be return ed home yesterday and found the lKsl son girl then- alone at the time. Keaiiis aud J.-ksIc Itiisli had lakeu the morning train for the lower valley but oftlcersat Albany were immediately tel egraphed to arrest them. Sheritf t'romr went down and returned with Hie couple ou this afternoru train. From What we cere able to father, the cilia had been making the place their rendezvous at night aud speiunug meir lime in muipany wttn auoiuer gin, i.i Moure, on the aireeta in the day time These bojs w- is but a small portion of their male companionship. Why the Dodson girl did not have with the etheis we did not I.sra. Wilea was sl'0 arrested this aftcrui on by Deputy Sheiirt Usy aud is in ctietiuly. Th liutb girl i 10 years of a while the Pod sou girl is but 15 years old. II an interview ut the city jail to.lay tue ist Irr told a Grm ninirter thai b.r mother wasdead aud her father was in ltoseburg. She had lived with bcr grandparents, in this conuty, uulll Itie last week wheiishecamelo Eugene and Ml in with the other girl after w hich she was Invited home by tho Hush tirl and afterwards remain ed as lier guest until left alone yester day morning. It wenis to 1 the old story of a girl left an orphan and brought to giicf through tho In discretions of voiith which might have la-en avoided dad parental rare guided the earlv steps aright. All the parties arrested are to lie given an examination this evening or tomorrow morning In-fore Justice Kin sey. The I'airiiiotuit Case. Pally liiianl. Nov. !. Y.s.ti-rib.v eveiiiinr V. E. Wiles, who was arrcste'd as la-ing one of the parties who entered the house of John Bush, in Fair-nount, with Fred U.auis and Jessie Bush and l.tlhl DimIsoii, was dismissed from custody on motion of tin. ili-nutv t i-osectitim; attorney, as it was a i a 111 cast- lie was not kuiiiv m i :f i . - . . , the charge. This morning on motion 01 ii-puty Prosi-cuting Attorney Potter the girl Jessie Hush was discharged as the prosecuting witness, in-r brother re-I'usi-d lo apM-;ir against her. Justi.v Kinsey taxist tne costs tigaiusi mini party, John Bush. At me time OI going in i n n Keams and l.tllu lo.sin were la-ing given an examination beforo justice iCInsey, E. t. Potter appearing for the state lind Frank Matteson and II. D. Norton, law students, for the defend- I. tils. The proiH-r idtice for the girls is mo Itrfuire llonie. ill Portland, and It Is not improbable that (hey may be sent to the same. l'lie Sequel. Pa ly titiBTd, Nov. '.'X The examination of I red It.aim, in the I'liirmount case, before Justice Kins.-y yes lordav afternoon, reaultid in bia biiing I ouuil over lo I pi'eai belore tho next graud j.try. ilia were ux-.u ai ?juunuu uo being alile tn pi icnio tui-in, ne was reuiuno- id to Ihecily j-il, tue same ueing now useu by the county f -r coutluing prisoners. The conii) slut aeaiusl l.uiu l'ouaon wa mspt-nded by the justice, and nuder Hie provisioua ol a special siiuuio rfgaruiugK"" id that age, an unit r was mane coiuiuiiuug her in the Uefu-'e Home nt Portland. Jessie Hush, the (till who win discliarge.l vesierdav afl'inoon. refused to go home with her broth, rand was consequently re .irrested last e-v tiiiiL'. on the same charge as i,e(,.ps n,l siicnt the nient in nil witu me others.. This morning she was brought into court andJudtice Kiusey, acting ts in the other rase, suspended tne complaint ana issued an order comtnilting her lo the Keluge Home, whither IJeputyHUeim uiiy look them botU tuis morning ou lite iouui Sudden Death. , Dally Guard, Nov. 21. Y.-Ht.-rilnv afternoon ut 5:30 o'clock Misii Kiiiiiiii Haw thoriie. daughter of I'mf. H. J. Hawthorne, ( led suddenly, at the family residence, of heart dls eiiHu. For several years mist she had Imh-ii sull'eriiiL' from the disease mo most not ceab e e Iccts being pains m her idieat. Iii the rctrloll of her heart, ml iuu-hhIiiiiiiI aliort Sla-lls of sliullt fever. She had liei-n having one oi Ilwaua uttiii'ka lint VI 'H tenlay aiternoon ninu-nri-il to be iu her usual irood spirit! "II . , , , , r. i ' ii .... when she suddenly left her reading and spoke of lying down. Soon after doing so sue tueu. Aiuiougu u. r .-. lives knew the nature of the disease Ilia donl h iu no less" 11 shook to them iiwil was 10 venrs. 5 months aim lodnvaofniro. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Noveinla-r 22, at 10 a. ni. from tho F'.nlscoiml church. The family have tho sympathy of the en tire community In their bereavement. For Sale or Trade. I offer iev bouse and lot on South Will- smette street lor 1200 Irs than it COt Die. Will irsde for lmuroved farm propor'y, A good residency barn and well on the prem- iea. l'Hil.LiF notii.. KuiHKNCK Items. West. Nov. 18 Schooner Daniclsoti isut Kyle's wharf loading with salmon, hhe will tuae out S-'sJO cases of ran ned sulnion, one hundred barrels of salt salmon, nity fhoiisand fill of liiiiiUr and thirty bundles of furs and ts-lts. This is prole ablv the most valuable cargo ever tan en out of the Greut Siusluw hurbor, Thesidmon alone will amount to near $20,000. This week workmen com nieneed the const ruction of new build inirant the Htevctis-Clino saw mill An addition is Is-iiiir built oil the north end of the mill 40x4-1 feet In size, and a leuuto built on the west side luxiu leei In sl?i.. Tin so new additions will le occupied by :t new gang edger, cut auiv ml iilniilni' machinery which 1 . . . ...... . u.... I.- luxm i.r is-i-ti .1 in arrive irom nun nun cisco. . i As Indian Wu.oiso. TU Florence West tbai np at lodiantowo last Bun dav Iter. Church perlormed tho -eremony mhif I. nuiIa .Mr. Drew ana a.u- t . . . . ...:..... ii .. ney man and wife from that dato nn il the .ml nl lift'a chanter. The weddtt , took place in a public ball near th noma 'i iue This is tbe fir-. luduo ceremouy ver consummattd on th- ttus law at wbj"b a minister of the g q,-l pr iided, nd for that reason It wat eon-ldera-ble of t treat (or the deniaeu ot Ir.duntown to witneas tbt proceedings. Ually Guard Nov. ' IS THE St I'REMK CoL'llT. t '" Dorris and K. K. Skipwortb went k n,.l..m nn th Usui this lilor..iio.'. They . n-nresa-nt the city of Eugene iu. the - , itlttM, tt ul vs Ktig'-ne fi retrain the aullioritien irom coiiecung strw-t ase.-Hsnu-ut for jrmding and graveling X adisoii street. Eugeite the case lu 'he circuit esjurl and - la fniiu the d.t-Uion. The case l't ap - will be heard this afternoon at Salem. Su;'r Beet Factory. 'G!r 'suili: i.i a s-utir Kit fu'.ory to l.i)'cii - uud lbs siuri.iimiiug r-uiulry riu !lll tlv I .i OWI-esllluulrJ. W, eiu llifotui. .1 that pMtii havi suib a f .i ti ty In nit.ieiiiplaiii n and will put np a lain ly suti plant ntiiig f.iuu.isjo, pro vidiug they meet Willi the support aid co operation of both eilijen and farmers. It is rxpi-lej that they will ask for a sit for the factory and also stock subscriptions. The main question lays with our farmers aud is (his: How many acre will yon Sfiree to plant to engar beets? Of course, lb company will tuk all that ar raised aud will agree to pay so much per ton for tbi ni according to polarization of the beets. The Oregon iiuar beel from actual tests, stand high with sugar .beet manufacturers as brine rich in saccharin or sngar, and will cotniiiand a good price, say ft per tou or i-'i per ton. This uieaua a big thing to onr farmers, who ran rvalue from 3 lo 10 times aa union more from raiding sugar beets, as they can Irom wheat aud oats, bealJes baring llirir ground kept in a high state id cultivation. From information received train looililiee not so favorable as this it appears thai the farmers realize over f 10 per acre from their beet and this after paying I JO lo tl'i per aire for cultivating and harvesting their crop. II I thought that around btigeu oeeis would make an txcapttonal yield aud that (75 iu many instance would be realiad. the 110 elven atiov It t low, ronetrvalive estimate made aud is so much clear money to the farmer, after paying all upeosci nl cultivating, ste. Th (agar company would want lo contract with onr larmers lor from 3000 to 5O00 acre of sugar beet iu our vicinity. samples ol Deel sugar nave ueeu piacin before onr Hoard of Trade, mad from Cali fornia sugar beets, and there is nothing to hinder our people from having t factory here employing a large number of hands both iu the laclory aud iu lb fields, and which wonld result in th increased value of farming lands and lb prosperity of lb larmers. Wallaee-Watu Wedding". Dally Guard, Nor. 2.'. evening alwut thirty of their Intimate friends assembled at tho resl- deuce of Mr. and Mrt. J. O. WutU to w Itness tho uiarringo of their daughter Mary to Mr. Charlea Wallace. The parlors were Is-autlfullv decorated with chrysanthemums, with Uo lovely wedding bells hanging from tno arch. At 8:30 o'clock the bridal couple, ac companied ny their prciiy nine mum of honor, Miss Ida lleinenwiiv, marched in to the strain! of Mendels sohn's Wedding March, rendered by Miss Lillian Khliif hart, ami toon their places under the two wedding bells, ami the lnmniwlvo ceremony was then performed ny mo ltev. .vtr. nates, oi the First Congregational church. The bride Its iked lintutsouie iu cream white, made with bodice, full sleeves, trimmed with silk chlllon, the skirt having very wide lace caught up by suit in ribbons, together with a long train. White gloves completed this bewitching toilet. After the ccieniony ami me usuai eon grat illations the company retired to the dining room, where n delicious supHr was served. A nuniiH-r oi ciegani presents were received, among them la-ing the fol lowing: Silver carving set, forks, sixmos, butterdish, castor, is-pper and salt, fruit dish, table cloth and nap kins, towels, tray cimn, rugs, etc. Those present were: M issca Elevens, Brtmilcv, L.iomls, Mi-Clung, Adair, Must, Gilfry, Teitlscli, lletnenway, Htebbins and Bhlnchart. Messrs. Johnson, Linn, Matthews. Teutsch, lletK i-rson. ioran. llaiianu .oiii-n. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallace left on the lo cal this morning for Hock Springs, Wvniiilni. the r future home. The tli'Atti) loins tneir many inenos here iu wishing me nappy cotipiu bright and prosperous future. About Advertising;. ()n0 0f the most dllllcult thlllgl tho ,,uuHier ,ioj to contend with in .,llriiiir nnd n-tu n nir u iriKMt local ad- V(,rtK,,.. ,mtroiingc Is the general prao- (icc (,f t,()l(ry R.r(.hiints and blisl- ness men of letting their ads stand from one month's end to another with out change. In addition to giving the paper a stale, stereotyped appearance, tho advertisers do not realize the tame profit from their advertising as they would If they changed the wording of them oftener. Then there is a class of advertisers also, who never seem to realize that there Is anything to be gained by making their business known through the advertising col umn! of their local paper, ana ir they do put an ad In, it it ouly "to help the paper along. mis i " " ruiWlmia Ideas vet. for there Is no pro fit for the publisher In advertising that uiiitj uuv unvwwj win.., - I i '0 we are Just as deeply concerned 1(J tllJ) ijenoHt derived by our home does not directly benent hi patrons. u,ivertlseni as they are themselvet.anii will always be glad to chango the dis- i.iavs mat as orten as reouesteu, e trust that when our patrons under stand thli they will devote tno same amount of attention to their advertis ing as tliev do to other matter Incl dent to their business, and In this way much more good will result to an con ecrned. w -a" Card of Tbanka. To our frlendi and neighbor, to the .ni..,,. .f Vinreiin lii the nrlnclnal and pupils of the Geary school, and to tue iaeuiiy ui iu.ii:in i mv . verslty, we publicly tender out sincere thanks ior their unsurpiowuuie rih.i ness to us In our deep affliction. May tl.fl Ixird bless them all. Mil. AND MIW. U. J. J1AWTIIOKSB. TtortDt.;-"Capt." Van AI ilna who formerly lived in Eugene on South W illamell street, nd -va lu )au several ilniea for beatina hi wife and ttep (lancbl i u In iail at Portland on tbre charges, viz: Uue for assault with dangerous .-non. another with an attempt lo com mil t orime suJ the third with resisting an olTlcer. He wa bound over lu tbe sum VSi en h on the first snd fined I3U Ior re- , , 0fllcr. Not baring any money t. L.r.linD in th Portlaud oily lad on ibis is tough family and Eugn gain islja i-nrtUn.l'a loa. whuo they moved 1 . ... . . . -:l- - i in iii uieirooou. vao&iaiinw now nnder lb nam of Malthw Van Ostiand Two WoMK! Fiobt. Baturday's Albany Democrat: Last evening aboul C o'ekiek. Mary Uiug and Yum Cam, two eelestial women, lesidiug in th Broond street Mon golian row, terminate J by engaging iu a g -nnin bsr pulling fight. Marshal lloflinan wsicullsrt. aud it was only with Uilliciilty th.ltneywer parted. lDy nao wu talking about each other, aud paid foi th fun by depositing 110 in ins cuy eAsuvuci after each pleading guilty. Ially Uuard, Vov. 23. Hkaw WetJi' Twins. Dr. MckiniKjy was called to attend tln ac OtMK hirw-nt of Mr. Jw-ob Muthtj living nn tlu Ikdshaw Kluce west of hugene, B. u.t.ran nir. I tie lasiy cave oinii v t urln Iw.vs. the eoniliiiHiI weight whom wat 20 isHinda. CoTaacT Lit Th contract for the build log of a woodshed in th rear of th Dw ceoty jail wa let to Jobn Higgln for UU .75. that bing tbe lowest bid of vr al offered. Hoard of Trade Meeting-. Th Hoard of Tride tn t last tight at lb rooms In th Harris block. Vic 1'reaidcut E. 0. Smith oocupi.d the chiir, abunt thir ty members being present, in Iht coarse of lb proceedings a priz of $40 w4 oTer.d (or th best writeup of Lane county for t mall folder to be nsed by tho board. IT C. Humphrey and E. 1. Frasb r wcr ap pointed t ovmmittee to have charge of the contest. It wa stated that Parr Uro. received in ducements to move their plant to Cflltsgo Grove. A committee consisting of F. A. lUnkin, lr. Kuykeridali. F. M. Wilkius, 8. It. Williams and I. W, Eaves .era a poiuted lo ooi fer with thia company and see under what conditions they wonld re main here, the same committee was also assigued to see about th removal of a woolen factory here from Knoxville, Iowa. Some correspondence baa already passed and a favorable result i hoped for. II. N. t'iK'kerliue was authorized iu behalf ot th Hoard to confer with a beet sugar manu factory at C'h ino, Cal., regarding the es tablishment of a uew sugar plant iu Ibis city. This is a project also, upon which favorable hopt a are indulged, lb que lion of electing an immigration ageut was discussed but i o action taken Ihereoa. Personal. lislly Nov. J3. Attorney Skipwortb has returned bom. Miss I.lniiltt Holt came home thlsaf- tern.Hiii. Mrs J. G Grav Is visitiDg relatives In rorlUnd. C. E. Ixwmis is iu Klamath county on bind business. Mrs. hna West is now teaching in th Ogleu, Utah schorls. Horaci ('line, of Slusltiw, Is visiting his family in this city. George T. Hall weut below today for th purpose of examining some hops. Fucle Kicbard liobinsou. who lives near Irving, is reported dangerously ill. rVttorncy Geo. 11. Dorris returned home last night from Salem. Mr. I.ockwood and wife, of Cottage Grove, are visiting in tills city. Guy Davis came up from Junction this aflerniKin to attend the dance. Vic Foglo went lo Salem thia morning to work for tbe cvnieut walk manufacturer. D W ('isdiiL-e came up from Salem on th local tin afternoon to sp-nd Thanksgiving at home. Mrs. V. W. Osburn returned this af ternoon from a visit nt Portland and Salem. O. Eaton and W. Campbell of Portland are visiting for a few days at tho residence ot Sidney Horn. Mb s Jennie Tin Inch returned to her home at Cruswell thi- afternoon after several days visit with friends bur. Col. B. A. Miller passed through on tho- local this afternoon returning homo to Jacksonville. Misses Nellie Gillry. Etta. Preston and Mr. Louis Johnson will all spend Thauksgltlng with relative at CreswvlL Mrs. George Htaiisluiry returned home this afternoon after an extended stay at some Washington hot springs. Wiley A. Chrlsmtin was married to Miss Lizzie Walters at Lakevlew, No vemlier lo. Both were fornierHtudenls of the Oregon State university. Our Informant, who reported "Bich ard Hrowu as being alsitit and rapidly Improving" was mistaken. Mr. Hrowu Is yet, we are sorry to state in a serious condition. Mr. Ed Hirsch aud Mrs Leopold Hirsch ol Salem will arrive on Thursday's local train to snend a few dnys with their sister, Mrs. 8. II. Friendly. Th husband of the former ladv is a member of the state sen ate and 1 making an active canvass for the presideucy of that body. Iii Memorial!. Sluslaw Clrainre No. 54, at their reg ular iiioetlnir held November 12, 18U2, passed tho following resolutions. Wiik.kkas. It has pleased tho Dl vino (Irund Mustur of the universe In his unerring wisdom, has erniitted the cold Icy hand of death to enter our Grango circle, removing irom our n-i- 1 1.1.. M,l. ..... ...nH,l. lOWSIlip UII t-ll. Ill "III wmilij wmm.Ji, Harrison Hill, a faithful memlier and mm of our oldest and best. Wiikukah. In his death Sitislaw Grange has lost a worthy, faithful and consistent member, who won the re- rnrils of Ills fellow natrons bv III! mod esty and calm ludgment. We will miss his cheerfulness, ms courteous dcKrtincnt toward! his brother! and aluiKi-a Iii tlin e-rninre. ltcsolvcd, That his family has lost a U-nderly devoted husliaud and lather. the grange an esiimanie menns-r aim brother, the community a moral, up right and respected citizen. lU-solved, That we the members of Sluslaw Grango assembled In full; that wo extend to the family of our de ceased brother our heartfelt sympathy, knowing how frail Is humuii uu aid in ibis niilnful U-reavcnient. we com mend them to the Great Grand Master nlmve. who Is alt love, '.lid without whose divine decree a sparrow cannot full to the ground. He has promised In his Inllnlto love to lie a father to the fatherless and widow. We trust mat In tho beauty nl christian resignation they will rest on the promise. Farewell dear brother, a long fure- well. For we shall meet no more, Till we be raised to tho grango above On Zlon's happy shore. Itiauilvi-d that a conv of these resolu tions Imi unread on the minutes of Slu- aii.w omnifl and that our charter lie drnniM.fl 111 iiiournlnir tor 00 days, and that a copy bo tent to the family of I our deiiarted brother and also a copy to the i:uirene GUARD for publication. FjLIZA'C'ROW, John Himiho.v, Jkrrv Atkinson. Committee. Heal Kstat irauaieri. COUNTRY. If M Lambert to David Cherry, 130 acretlnTlH-HIUW: tliV). O fc C It B Co to Alexander Lewis, ill .-en. In T h H It I W: tit). KaitiitH of Thomas M Ik-ad. deceased, by Nancv Ik-ad, executrix, to L l (iilon, 120 aens iu T 17r3U5W; v-"- ... ... .. . J Estate of Saraii aiaxweu, iieceaseu, trltU Humphrey, aum... n m , , . . .. . . . , . , .... ll.-nry Pisirew, uw.iu 3 W; 1-iOOO. OA Cll II Co to Adolph Sauer- munn, 120 acrea In T 20 ti li t v ; El'OESE. A L Frawr to Mr Jaea WTjloughbv, ln o. Ki. hlk 7. lu lo versity aoui- tlou; fwO. Ewiupk Firemen' Meeting. To th officer and mmbei of Eugene Cnint Fl, men's A association : ion hereby notified that the next quarterly meet log of the Association "ill be held in Fin men' Hell on Monday. Nor. 28. at 1 o'clock. Yon arlto notified that thduea of for tb current year are now atu boo, paya ble. A full attendance la dsaiaed. (s. W. Kanit, Becretary Markieiv tn Douglas county, Ore won, Nov, l, IWrJ, by John I. Crileser, Win. 1. Pool aud May augnan, j Laue couuty, Oregou. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23. Day Jt IIcnderMon's clcaranco sale. Business Is n-ported lively In Justice Kiusey 't court. Only a few of those line rug! left at Day cv Henderson1!. Tho Oregon Hose Team will meet at Firemen's Hall next Friday even ing. Day k Henderson will sell you new furniture clieum-r than you cun buy second hand. Bring your work to IL N. Craln and ho w HI give you satisfaction tut he has done for the last 20 yearn. Parties wanting slub wood can pro-- cure the mine by sending orders to to the Lane Lumber League, at Spring- item. Hangs it Henderson will use the scale! on Eighth street for weighing stock, those ou nth for weighing wagons. Miss Emma C. Dorris Is conducting a very Interesting class In shorthand and type-writing in this city. At pre sent she has six students and gives les sons two evenings each week. The Wbiteson Leader regretfully bids its reader adieu and Quietly fold it lit lis hands orer its bosom. Cans th editor got tired of working for hi board and doing chores for whul he ate, all for the benetit of a laud company down there. Clearance sale of furniture at Day & Henderson's. Drummers have been numerous In Eugene this week. The finishing coat of plaster Is being put on the lllsilon block. Knox Huston wa lb principal speaker at tbe Prineville ratification meet ing. Horace N. Craln is again at the old stand and prepared to do all kinds of work. Cha. Woods, formerly of Eugene is sol ing as bartender for his brother, Linn, in frinevillo. See those handsome bedroom sets that are being sold ut Day & Hender son's clearance side. The delayed Yamiina frelcht arrived last night, and a iiumlier of our mer chants are pleased thereat. Big sales Is the order of the day at the Jewelry store of H. N. Craln. Call early If you want a tine selection. By tho official count wo learn that J. 1.. l'i'iiton had 1104 plurality in Spo kane runs, vi at it., for prosecuting at torney. Prosecutiug Attorney Condon is still in sttendaue upon the lleutou couuty cironit oourl, at Corvalli. A large amount of criminal business is reported. The tax roll were received by the secre tary of slate Tuesday from four counties ss follows: Harney $l,4'JO,80:i; Washington, l.70t,4IKI; Union, $3,513,735; Polk, 1 1.011. 372, Take t glance at the now advertisement of Hangs A- Henderson, proprietor of the l tollman lions blaolci. J uey Dare in largest livery and feed stables outside of I'orllsnd tn Grcgou. Mr. Beagle, lately from Ord, Nebras ka, has pun based the butcher shop on Willamette street, between Sixth and Seventh street, and will take jKissts slon In a day or two. Dr. A'. I. Nlcklln, formerly of Eu gene, l fit t now or J'ortlaiul, lias pur chased tlm German remedy for the liquor habit for the state of Washing ton, and will soon remove to Seattle. Hatlilt, tbe pilgrim printer ia again mak ing tour of Oregon, llazlett began tramp ing in 18-Vi, sluttiug from llaltimore, Md. Biuoo that tim be has visited neatly every newspaper otllc and town in tno United States wast of the Miiaissippl liver. Three free lecture by Hlahop J. IT. Tlott, at tbe U II. Church In Eugene. Th first Tuesday evening, November 29: snbioct, 'Tent Life iu Palestine. Wednesday even ing, 'Walk about Jornsalem." Fridsy rening, Deo. 9, "The Hible in bible Lands," Prineville Iterlew, Nov. 10: From par ties who arrived here last week and who orossed tbe Cascades via the UcKeozie route, it I learned that there ar between twenty and thirty mile of now in th monutalus cn tu average about a foot In depth, and snowing. In tbe circuit oonrt of Uulou oounty now in sesalou, there ere W divorce osses seek ing tdiuatment. What a mass ot incom patibility ol tempera snd othvr thing "ren dering HI tiaidenaome, to, Aan county with t larger populatiuu can only tear up an averago of about ten case at each, teini. East Oregon Ian t Thirty head of Fat Klne's blooded porker have been pur chased by Carl Uehrbuoh. Ten of them driven in yesterday weighed 3,000 pounds, and ar a lair average oi in oenu i ur. Htue's place on lb river. Horn of tbs ar lei than a year old. Tbe bog ar of th Poland Chin and Uerkshlre (took. L. Vlcks, of Kalama, Wash., did not believe tn banks or bankers and to kent hi! money In an old stocking hidden In the rafters of his house. He had accumulated 12000 iu $20 gold pieces but the other morn Ing found tome one had mado away with his hoarded wealth. Prlnevlllo Kevlew: An Idea of tho shortago In the potato crop in this county this year, can bo obtained from the fact that where an acre produced 100 bushels of the tubera last year, the same aero only produced 10. Just aliout one-tenth of au average crop waa raised In the county this year. Mr. 1. F. Morey, manager of the Portland General Electric company, which is now In control of the locks, electric station and power of the Wil lamette rallt haa announce", toiuepuo lin that tho company has reduced loc k charges on straw and logs. This will lie directly beneficial to the peopio oi tho upper river who are large shippers of both articles. The new rate on straw ii 25 wilts jst ton and on log! 30 cent! per MX). The old rate waa 60 cents on each, u h proouoio uim other article will be added to this list aa aoon a the company can tee itt way to uo to. Dally Guard, Nor. 21 A BTstrr Cat Acctdkst. Wbil a treet M,m ivifninif nolo irom um vu"" aitr butt evsnlon th anil wbtcD rurnianoa lha nuiiiii rower leu uown man iuo iui- . . . , .1. . ... i .r.i ind ni in car ruo over iua uiuio i- . . .. . u . u 1. A(t8. conlldsb, nonbl. i th mule wa got out, having (Offered little dtmsge. Mabsiid In Euaene. Oregon, KoTember J2, IhJJ. at the Catbolio church, by Father F. B. htck, Mr. Bruno Vitus and Mis Teresa Kummell, til of Lane oounty, Ore gon. The Ucaud extend congraiuia.iuu. OUIw. Official Tate. ' Cwcismati, O., No. 23 The official rote ol the Ohio elections, November 8, or enough to make t record for future refer noeis: ' PreaidentUl Jctor Danford. rep., 4(1.-1.137: other rerjublieso candidate, 40'i,- tre 70y; Seward, dem 404,113; other democrat candidate. 4D1.MI; people ,- Jl.oio. rro hibitioa, xG.007. B. M. Tsvlor. rep., lor ectolary ot aUte, 402.515; VV. A. Taylor, dem., for secretary of state, 4Ul,toC. Hi official footing for tlie remaining sleo-b-rl candidate have not been completed, and it ia wot yet known who 1 the luckless repub ; Lieu defeated by Mr. Seward. aU rich U in jail twaitmg U- examinrion