Hugcno City Guard. A1UKDAT, NOV. 20, Wl. We need more factories, and there Is occasional talk of securing jilantn. A h-iilcm exchange lias made the discovery that the WillametUj river is fed by forty streams. Tho French chamber of deputies in unearthing some scandalous jirocecdings connected with tho management of the Panama canal M'heme. Largo sums were used i n l.ribery. That Olyinnia judgo who refused twenty-four foreigners naturaliza tion because they could not read or understand tho language of tho con stitution is to be commended. Too ..ften naturalization is made a mere lnn. Mr. Cleveland scored a great vic tory in Ann Arbor, the town where Michigan University is situated and whero Major MuKinley made hitch a how-de-do over his scheme of engrafting protection ideas on Tie minds of college students. Mc Kinlcyism has shown itself partic ularly unpopular in tho seats of 1 irning. .Senator Pettigrcw, of North Da )j)ta, joins the procession that has uliandoned protectionism. Hefrank 1 says: "There is one comforting tiling about the whole business. The election on tho 8th put an end to McKinley ai.d tho high tariif i leas which were in his bill. Mc Kinlev is not as Lie as he's cracked up to be." Tho new administration slioul deal courucrnously with tho pension question. Thoso who are unworthy should bo stricken from the rol Worthy disabled soldiers aro tin most injured by pension frauds, Tho money that should go to but iHirt them comfortably is uiviuei ajiong unworthy applicants very ol ten, bringing discredit upon tho system. lho .Now xork Herald calls up' on the incoming administration to dispenso with tho foreign ministry una thus save many a half million dollars iicr year to tho government that sum now being paid annually e i . ?.. e ior maintaining ministers in lor eign countries. Tho Herald say tneso ministers aro a needless ex imnso and a luxury that could we be done away with. Count Tolstoi, in tho Kussian (iazetto. calls attention to tlm con tinued miserable condition of tho peasantry of Russia. IIo say famine again threatens tho dis tricts. Tho ryo harvest is as bad us it was in lfv.H, ana oats aro an utter failure. Thero is a complete dearth ol material tor (ires, aim tho people aru exhausted by last win tor's misery. The outlook is black as possible Petitions aro in circulation ask ing congress to establish a road de partmont at the capital for tho pur pose of promoting knowledge in tho art of constructing and main taining roads. It is asked that provision bo made for teaching students so that they may become skilled road engineers. Also that a permanent exhibit bo establishes in which shall bo shown sections of road illustrating various methods of construction, also tho best road materials and machinery. Tho knell to elevated railways in New York City has Bounded tho finishing touches having recently been put to tho plans and specifi cations for tho construction of art t'leetrio four-track, undergound route. I ho sale of tho franchise, which will bo offered for 1)5)5) years, will take place early in January and the estimated cost of tho roa; which will ho ltrteen miles in length, is $00,000,000. Tho condi tions which tho rapid transit com . mission will impose ujkhi tho con struction company will call for n rate of speed not less than forty miles iht hour on express lines, or irom the Uattcry to rort tieorge, distance of ten and one-half miles, allowing for stops, in twenty mm utes. Tho tunnel will be ventilated by a system regarded by all exerts ns jtertect; and travel jn it may be likened to running through a broad room. Cleveland is not a representative of tho sjx)ils element, and has so announced. H certainly stands on the ground enunciated in his message of leeember, 18S9, if his speech before tho Manhatten club Saturday night may be taken as an index. He said in part: "Politi cal events have greatly changed. The people have become more y litical, more thoughtful, and more watchful than they were ten years ago. ihey are considering vastly greater questions than they were men. l hey are giving jiniKirtanee to party jiolicv rather than to par- iy spoils, i would not have it otherwise. I am willing that the democratic party should only suc ceed by meeting tho situation fair ly and squarely; by being absolute ly and patriotically true to its prin ciples and professions. This is the assured guarantee of success. I know of no other." Thoso wiseac res who pretend that the democrat io party does not sincerely intend to reform the tariff will find but little encouragement in Cleveland' utterance. , Of the $1,000,000,000 exports from tho United .States during tho last year over W) per cent were ag ncultural products. lho sou is tho corner stone of our prosperity Seldom lias fall weather been moro favorable for farming opera tions. A very largo acrcago has been sown and in many fields the ground is coveied with growing grain. President Harrison it is said wil extend the civil service classifica tion to other parts of the govern ment. It is well. The president should be allowed time for other duties than parceling out offices to hungry partisans. It is not often that a public man would make the shameful admis sion liko Wnnamaker, when he re marked that tho voting booths caused republican defeat. He might as well said that with the proncr chanco the election would have been bought. Tho papers all over the state are advocating better roads. This is as it should be. Uetter roads are badly needed everywhere and ought to be had. Thero is very little if any excuse for tho miserable ex cuses we have for roads in Oregon The Washington corresjiondent of tho Oregonian is distin guislied by nothing except a lack of brains. His platitudes and po- litical prophesies are very tiresome For several days tho Pacific coast north of the Columbia has been subject to heavy rains, interfering with railroad traffic, and Hooding tho country. The storm has moved toward us today. lho Kansas legislature may elect Mrs. Lease to tho United States senate. There is no consti tutional prohibition as tc sex in that body, and if tho state elects her sho will take her scat. It would bo an innovation, but one in the right direction. Tho Portland Welcomo says that when Cleveland turned over the United States treasury thero was about fl.'SO.OOO.OOO left there. Now Senator Carlisle savs thero will not bo enough left next Marcl to cnablo Mrs. Cleveland to make her Easter pudding. The Journal says that "Germany can and will supply tho Unitet States whenever sho has a Biirplus with hops at 5 cents a pound.'1 This will astonish tho buyers who aro paving our growers 18 to 20 cents per pound for hops to export, They have bought for years past for export trade. No argument facts can controvert a statement liko tho above. Our friends tho turifl'bcncliciarics do not seem to have their scare bus iness very well organized. Their organs contain a dispatch or two daily from some protected estab lishment announcing that wages havo leen or will bo reduced, or that production will be restricted and bands thrown out of employ ment, or souio other dreadful thing The regular occurrence of theso dis- mtches is indicative of a concerted plan to punish employes for voting as they thought and to intimidate tho president-elect and congress. HKATTliK, Nov. 2!. Reports of the storm throughout the stuto aro still worse today, and tho prosects of rail communication are abandoned for sev- tral days at least. A numtxT of nihil tloiml (leatliM an also reported as a re sult of tho floods, while the loss of property in tho sluqw or farm lunlil Intra carried away and wrecked will make a very formidable Item. The valleys of Duwamlsh, White, flreen, Jtluek, Htuek, Cedar and Puyalltip rivers to the southward, and the Snohomish, StillaguamlHli nud Skngit to the northward, are vast lakes, in Pluck valley, nslar as tho eye can see, the valley Is a seething lake, In which logs, HlilngleH, dolts, wrecked buildings, railroad ties, uprooted trees and debris are lamed together 10 to ill) feet deep, and it Is feared the new coun ty bridge will bo carried out. In Chehalls county, near Klina, the Northern Paellle railroad bridge on (irny's Harbor branch Is so weak that train dare not cross till (lie high water 1-eeeden. The Great Northern will not ls able to run trains till the bridges are re paired, slides removed und track re newed. Tli (load In Washington. Tacoma, Not. 'II. Ki ports are beluii re ceived of peraoua who hav been drown d wuile Iryiug lo encaiie irom tuetr homes which were threati-mil ljr the yhIIi-j llooik Frame bousrn of nil dVai'i iptioua hava been leen rloutiiiu in the Snohomish, Knomial- w tc. Nookaak, Green, Cbehali. While, Du Vkiuikb, lllack, mul in fot nearly every atrearu of any mi in lho atate west of the mountain. All railroa I enmuinnii-ttiiw in this aeetion it atopped eioept on the North ern Pacific main line. It is milling hurl, anil the duo la lia?a greatly increased since last olcut, uiaklns cvrtalu still crcattr tie- atrucliou of property. ON Tlltt CMOM PM'inc". The landsliit on tb I'nion P.u-iflo eon- imiet to com down aud wiib iucnased u- rgj. A dupatcb fiom Ponneville atatea that heavy rain ia falling which l wash ing toua of earth aud debris down the mountain aide and goite. C -natruetion work ou lbs Irnck around the obairucliou li;an yeaterdar afternoon, with a larue iorc or mvu aul the grading will ba own. pleted todsy. lisiU, ilea and suiting nu terials are all on tun ground od tracklay- ing will iief-in to.lay. II it eiprcled to have lha track completed anj tiaiua run uing thivugU by tomorrow oik-h(. kMkaUlug, rKA-n i K, .Miv. :.-.iii wutcra his now rviwjing along the Sound. Many larnis baiM UU ruineit The railroad aiistMiucd bcakf Utm. Tin y rv now running agair., liuv'er. Hiss Know tea FlerjesJ. Hki.KXA. Nov. 22,-Tlie .m. liU etw vasM shows tlist Mias Klla Ktiowhv, Mipulist noniliH-o for nttorm-y-gvnerul ias a tihirulllv nf HIS vol. ovi-r 1)m- di-tiMk-rtit, and 4'siovi-r Haskell, npub Ili-ail. linskell atHted during the cam. THE STORM KINS. iMtign tlmt if klisa Knowhit aliould de list liiin Ite wouJ leave tbe state. Cimnilsioaers' Court. HtAie tm Uorcan itid Hunt: tieo Cruwr 2 20 OO Clark J J Murphy 4 20 Horence Jcnkina., 0 40 John Jonkina C 40 Goo LaoKworthy 10 40 A J LanKwnrthy 0 20 Mrs C Keynolda V 60 L ltevnold 6 20 It ClispniHti 20 Fwiik Tyb-r. 20 Wil Msvbew 5-2 40 S'ute vm Morgan and Hunt Chirk Hlevtns 9 CO Church KteMis . H 20 J W Tboinpfon tfOO W Ciinsday 9 00 l.lndley ..7 00 TK Clayton 5 00 Orili-reil al lower i Kl'iiira Lumber Co bridge in mix r ...49 24 Ordered allowed J E Noland sherllTa fees 11374 83 Eli Peikina bridge work 15 00 1'rHiik Iteisner treasurer 41 00 J ( i Kievensnn inpt CO 00 A II Fisk Judge 58 35 Kli Perkins coiur 19 00 James K Xoliiud sheriff 198 85 CO 90 Alonzo lobnson lumber road purpoaea.20 00 W K Walker coonty olerk $M) 40 U W Kmsey justice fees V allowed.. .2 50 8 05 " " 7 20 8 05 4 55 At Ibis time it was ordered the olerk draw orders for witness fees in state oaaei ai fol lows: Htate v Jones; Win Wure 4 20 Win. Parsons 4 20 Wm Andrews 4 20 Harry Huff ....4 20 Uert Vincent 4 20 Oscur Parsons 4 20 Oeo Euirroot 4 80 Walter Howard 7 40 WmMcl'borson .. 4 2(1 John limdley 8 00 C M Dorily 2 20 State s Mill i Arthur Comegys 2 20 A L I'alterson 2 20 .1 II Wait 4 80 Thoi Awbrey , 2 20 Kioto va Schetick et al : H(i Calliton 220 T Gillespie 2 20 John Harris 2 20 Win Dolv 2 20 E W Kalon 2 20 Mrs Cuus Kissinger 2 20 Chaa Kissingnr 2 20 Htate i Pullen and Fresh: A Wl'erkina 10 20 Mrs Lucy Perkins 10 20 J M Henderson 10 20 Wm (iibba 13 20 J P Ciisteel 9 20 Frank Wilson 10 20 Kteve Hinglolry 9 40 Kteve Hnttle 10 20 Ed N-ats 8 80 i II Miller 8 80 John Lawrence 10 40 Man Ward 10 20 Wm Penman .10 20 W H Hollnian 2 20 .Tames I'nrker, commissioner, 3 00 M B Iirown, jury meals, 1150 Wm Bluebley, for balance due on appropriation for Low 1'asa road 7G 00 At this time it is ordered that a war rant be drawn in favor Anderson & Hruith for the fourth payment on their oontrsnt on county jail in the sum of 81.000. Communications' from Lane County Alliutico and Pomona Orange relative to care or oounty poor were read and or- dered plsood on tile tion. 1'hoy are as I tile for future considers- follows; October 15th. 1892. Lnne Oounty Aliinuce, No. 100, in reg ular session assembled, ltesolred, that Lane Comity Alliance joins with Po mona Ornnge in demanding of the county court of Lane oounty that they shall BHonre a fruit and vegetable farm and place nil the paupers of the county thereon, ltesolved, that a copy of this resolution be placed in the hands of the oounty court. S. 0.8parks, W. II. Bpatjuii, President. Secretary aud Treasurer. Hadletvillb, Nov. 7, 1892. Mr. Fink, dear sir: At the last meet mg of the Lsne oouuty Pomona Orange the tioii. A. U. Jennings introduced the following Ksolution which was adopted and ordered sent to the county court for thmr consideration ltesolved, by the Lane oouuty Pomona Orange, that we urge the oounty oourt to place all persons now receiving oounty aid as pauper in care and custody of Dr. ltusHull, contractor for keeping all oounty paupers, or to withdraw all- oouuty aid from them, llespeotfully, F. M. NlOIISWANDRR, Secretary L. O. P. O. Ordered allowed: Mrs Lou Peugra, care of pauper, 10 00 I) llristow, mpDhee for nanoera. M (X) J M (Stewart, supplies for paupers, 12 00 Juo MoOollura ' "9 00 12 It Skip worth, salary oouuty atty 17 00 r raun jucksou, supplies paupers, o 00 Jtiiigea aud clerks ot eleotion: I M Pick S COO WD McLean 6 00 James Campbell 9 00 Allen uoud 7 40 J N Lnper 6 DO J M Kitchen 6 00 I O Jennings 6 00 .Ino Fiigato 6 00 FWOsburn 6 00 S M Yoruu 6 00 1) W CiHilidge 6 00 E 1) Mutlook 6 00 W Smith 6 90 Jss (learhart 6 00 Jno Jlailey , , 6 00 m Miit hews I IX) Kwing lluiley 6 00 M MHire 8 M J U Tuuiuell C 00 O Cole 6 IX) leury Baxter 6 tX) Henry Fry . 600 . 8 40 . 6 00 . 6 00 . 6 00 . 6 00 . 10 00 . 6 00 . 6 IX) . 6 00 . 13 CO . 6 00 . 6 00 . 6 00 , 11 40 . 0 00 . 6 00 1 F SylvestM .. CI F Humphrey . 1) Jowley J M Kexuiey .... II M Joues O V Mays F Wilkius II L Kiiuu Justm Neeley . . . t'lmrlea Lyons . V T Coriieliiis .. AK Vbitesker . L 1' Tslltusn .... N Nsrtin J 11 Sliiirtridgv ., SKDiliord J Stuili-y , 6 00 . 6 00 . 10 40 6 0t) 6 00 A 8 1WU J (l StoniT.-r H F Ilnmuiell.... Dim Harding .... li lleineiiway.. 6 00 6 00 6 00 6(H) W V Loekwood.. C J IXhM John flmreliill .. .'-li ii McMslmn.. WO Wahhhurn.. KO JJiirtiu Win Mlewurt W 15 lMlurd J 1 llami'ton..., Wiln Willielru.. It F Kevney W M Ituuin F F. l;via II WitigarJ K IVtv :. W N iV.w lWn Knuh ........ 6 00 (III 6 00 7 20 6 (SI 6 00 6 00 ii) (10 61X.I 6 00 6 00 6 IS) 6 i) 6 00 6 (SI J Wll.irn t II CourtriKut 6 001 O K Halo 11 00 Z T Fisk 00 JJPepiot 11 00 F Thompson IX) i) M Joues 6 00 W J Coltmsu 6 00 JAJCrow 6 00 H N Schrimpf 1X1 O J MoCullock H 40 WV Tucker 0 00 KONaughn 0 00 TLKoes. 0 00 JPlIamsey 6 00 A K Patterson 6 00 Hllollowsy 6 00 Jno Kissinger 10 00 ADHyland o (JO OB Walker 6 00 JWCox 6 00 OeoNeet 0 00 0 A Potterf 0 (X) John Pope 6 00 FredPepiot 10 11 J Tabor Hou ONBuow 6 00 TO Thompson 14 00 Wm Hamilton 6 00 WBBIacklcy 6 00 WL Campbell 6 00 Jasper Smith 6 00 Wm Ferris 10 00 L O Moffltt, 00 J L Taylor 6 00 SMillesge 6 00 J D Duncan 6 00 J 11 MoCluue 10 00 I J Gray 6 00 Jno Hill 6 00 J A Walker... 6 00 AOMcCluue 6 00 W A Adams 10 WO Alfred Drury 6 00 BB Crawford 6 00 W H Parker 10 00 OWOuiley..: 6 00 TJ fciielley 0 00 j Wm Preston 6 00 V Heinenway 6 00 WU Mathews 6 00 I K Peters 0 00 ML Moorehead 6 001 J It O-ow 0 00 MHOeek 6 00 WLllonston H80 JABushnell (100 IsaaoCook 6 00 OeoMKirk 6 00 JBBebHfer M) BBKelsey COO A J Luce.... 6 00 ESpnigue 0 00 OrantUvlsnd 6 00 TJ JJliiekeley ia ou JohnTsite 9 20 OeoLOilfry 6 00 J F Walker 0 00 EFClmpman 8 20 OA Mu.Muhou COO A8P.wers 6 00 John A Isham 6 (XI JWWycolT 6 00 John im8 0 (X) O W Thompson 18 00 J L Furnish 6 00 H H Fisk 6 00 Joel MoUormack 6 00 WT York 22 00 A K Pickle 6 (X) WWNeely 6 00 A P Knowles G 00 W Wells 6 00 Fred Bean IS 00 M J llaclanll 6 00 At t !iia time it is ordered that warrants be drawn by the clerk iu payment ot the following accounts: Jack Heldtimtis, services jauitor.. . 1 iiO J) Itimnn, bridge work 2 00 Jno M irsh, bridge work 2 110 J Smiley, justice fees 2 90 Sueiwood, constable 12 50 M E Iiollman & Co, paper 10 00 MEBoirman&Oo, paper 10 IX) tUOENB KEOIHTEIl, print 1112 8 145. aiio-ved 00 00 H U Kincaid, printing 8125. al lowed 100 00 Knowles & Uettys, supplies, for paper 8 00 PIERCE PROBABLY ELECTED. Balkm, Oregon, Nov.21. OfMal riturns from all couulies except Grai.l, Ihrnev, (Jurry and Umatilla, gives tbe following vote: iiutoner m.vtj, Nolanil IJ o'Ji; Vol vig 12,-70, l'ieroe 32.32'J; Csples 32,244, Irwin ;I2,2;3 Dnnue 32 150. MilUr 32.23U; Oalvai i 23,045. lllack 2.1-1)3. It will be seen tint Pierce is tbe highest of anv one, Vote In Harney Counts. JlUKNS, Or., Nov. 22. The oillclul vote of Harney oounty for prvsiiteiitinl electors Is as follows: Caples 213. Dunne 212, Irwin 212. Miller 215, Rutelier 270, C'olvljr 271), Domini :k, neree 4i'i, uaivani I4(i Holt 14!l, Uurleigh 148. The election for joint representative of Grant and Harney counties is a tie. The New ITIanullt'her. iknna, Nov. 22. The experiments with the new Mannllcher ritle by kov crninent experts, has proved that the weapon is in every way satislactorv I he rifle tires 120 rounds a minute, ami is sighted at 2,700 yards. It is of smaller bore than previous Mannlieh ers. Tin hullets have increased vehw- ity, and the weight of cartridges Is lessened, and tlie recoil Is reduced to the minimuni. Nhots can. he tlivd in raplil succession, or at any desired in terval. The experts pronounce the mechan ism of the new weanon to he wiiiikI aim simpie. iiiougn it pours out a Hailstorm of bullets, it does not be come too hot to handle. No Ulapule Over Patronage. IlrooMiNOTOx, 111., Nov. 22 There has been uo dispute about federal dis- iriouiion or patronage between Mr. btevenson and Mr. Cleveland. Oenenil Stevenson when asked today what truth there was In the Washington uispau-a, alleging troubl himself and Mr. Olevoland distribution of federal patronage "There is not a word of truth in p rt I have not seen Mr. Cleveland since the election, and not a word about patroimge has passed between us vy w ire or idler." A ; (he rnrJier dapet of Consumption ran i, j rami ii a a matter or evidence atron; onout;h and PtMnpk-te enoiiph to war- ram t io nuikers or IT. tierce Uulden lied til I' s-MVerv in lroi:iisini this: If I s taken in tune and piven a fair trial, they'll refund the money in any rase where ueir i - iLnno foils to twiietu or cure. Kut i s a rneilicioe ttiat dorm't fail; it foes to tho root of tho trouble. Consumption b develop thnniKh the bloot, and must h curvd in tho same way. It's a arrofuloui affection of the hingii a Mood-taint And Uie amiSt remedy for Scrofula in all iti onus, the must potet-t hknl - ck-onwr, eurwu: h-restoror, and t) -4i builder known to nu .u-al R-ie-K-e, i- f - -'tJoUk-n Medical I'latw.-ry." It cui. ' --fula; it cures ConwimpUHi ; it cure i-oiK-hird, Piroat, and Lunj arTM-tiona, As.. . a, Weak Lungs, oevere, ljiio-nii coiiKUi, UJ SinureJ au- nwtiu wmHirt tlie thoo. Aad If there's do help, there no pay. Win ycya lands. sey Drain Tile Factory, riM tjut Ijte shirred (oft J r1t pari o the country. 1. SASH A CO., rruprieson. Died, At Elm Irs. N'oteuiber 18, 1S'J2. of spiual dl-ease. l)or4 Klhel. ouly daughter ol I std Jeuuin Duckworth, i;J 4 yam, months and 19 days. Death's cruel drt baa priced onr hearts, And lnwed us down with grin And now brlieslti the aib ntaod, Our darliug daughter sleeps. Cask ok Ik kjaw. Antolno Bima, who has been working at Auten's e L'ar store, ami recently uiiurcu ma wrist Is In a precarious condition The ease developed Into a severe case of blood poisoning and Thursday lock- law s t ii and It Is uouoiiui lie win recover. U yamlna le terlftlsUr Weinwcrntlc. Ciikvkxnk, Wyo., Nov. 22. It now w-eiiis eertulu that tho democrats and iieoplu's party, which fused In this state, will havo a majority on jonu ballot II the legislature. 1 ue vow ior United states senator will be 27 fusion and 22 republicans. The republicans aro straininir every nerve to return i. K. Warren to tho Lintea wim-s senate but they cannot succeed. 1 ho fusion- Ists are demcs-ratio. The democrats actually in the race for Warren's seat are: (Jeorire W. Baxter, manager of the Western l.nlon Beef Company, and a son-in-law of the wealthy Tennessee Mat-gee; A. L. yew, a nephew of J. C. New, and the man who conducted the Wyoming cam paign; Samuel T. Corn, who wns sent tere from Illinois by Cleveland: and X. Ellis Corkill, a young lawyer who h:ts grown up with tho country. Hound for Turkey, PoktlaM), Or., Xov. 22. Hon. D. P. Thompson leaves tonight for Con stantinople, to assume his duties as minister to Turkey. Ho will sail from Xew York December 3. Death ol an Af ed Minister. B1.00MINOTON, III.. Nov. 22. Rev. John Brown, ono of the pioneer Meth odist ministers of Illinois, died yester day, nged 91 yeais. Colds and Coughs croup, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, and hoarseness cured by flyers Cherry Pectoral the safest and most effective emergency medicine. It should be In every family. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co Lowell, Mass. oooooooooo ft Ti e imnllwt Pill In the World ! Prnvidfiri the nrpnt firnans Oof the body are not Irif-paraldy injur- O ed, there uru f.-w uisi-asea tlutt TUTT'S oTiny Liver Pillso Q I.lver, I lie Spleen, the Heart ami the (k w Kiilneysare liruught lntuhrininio v Oaetinii, ami health, vigor of mind and ImmIv folluw their use. Itosa small. O 11. .A ' fllT... Illl.n in ir..k-. . v Will nnl -i llv (hA Mntlnn oo0o o o o o Carpenter and Jobbing Shop I. C. PLUMERTH, Contractor and Bnilrler. Furniture Made and Kupalred. Saws Filed, Corner SOi and Ollvo streets, Eugene, Oregon or. i anvils, Attoraoy-at-Law and Notary Pnbllc. ( ollpetlons nisilesilil T.nnnii nnirnttAfi. llistruiiieiitH drawn suit Pension iiHiiera in.i,ur. nj. cinie iM-uKiu aim sola auu reins eiu. leetinl. A sellers! InlelllL-enee (iltlee enmlueiMl wmeeai resilience, hat aide Willamette stree iK-ineen sixtn auu Seventh streets. M-t-tM-- OKKUOX, J. L. PAGE, DEALER IN- GROCERIES. H.WIJCO A LARGE AND COMPLKTK t(K'k of tSUide ami Fanp (jnMir.M k l.a. 1 aL- t & i wuui. iu vim iwi oiarKeu EXCLUSIVELY FOB CASH. Can olfer the public better price than otr house any EUGENE Pnuhu-e nf all taken at market price SNOWDEN Nashingtou II' 1 n iSlliiierar; firings hln there- I O HOTEL. Flaq Sialinn on Sou: ern l'aciflo II R., W'H Mileafroui Portland. TERMS, $2 PER DAY, 5lO PER WEEK NEW P. AT II HOUSE Ten feet hotel. Till WATER CONTAINS: Chloride ol Sodium, Culori . of M ;neiuiu. Cslcuuii, CaKviunle if Ir n, bhline, Hr-miine. Thf fo'.low-rc I)i- have hern Pnrt h. Ihrir n-e. fii rbrHuiaca bad uL.umH their irnnureen: Iiheiiuiati-n, Aiiae, tul'irth of tbe i tuat-b, X-mI Catanh. Dropsy, Dial vi. , Eruption of (be Skin, Kidney and Livir Affictioui. BEN. D. BOSWEU, Proprietor. P. O. Addreos, Drain, Oregon. Cash paid for produce at Goldsmith's, J. D. Matlock Gi 2 Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Sloes, Hats, Caps, PEIOES THE LOWEST. J, D. Matlock Co EM 11 A SOS. Bangs & Henderson, : Proprietors of the : Having barn room extending tbronch equipment Largest and T .... U. . .n. M .nl In 4 than ever for accommodations in Ibis lino Tbe barn (scino on Eishth street will and is provided with plenty of room for all team. Ibe bam laciug on Mnto street is eqmppeil Hb tile liv ry outtits (ormoliL. lonaine to both barns, and with this arrangement we are Burn lo lie able to nle.u ,. We are better prepared for tbe sccommodution of the travelling public iu U,tli iw, lu es man 8 luck weighed on Eighth Street settles. Wuons on Ninth Sir- el k alts. No change will be made in prices. Any Other Concern in the City. We are constantly adding conveniences anu oar r:i)iuij increasing patronage. Proprietor! Belknap and Salem, Oregon, W. Salem. Oreeon. W. I. STAi.rr. A thorough business training school. Endorsed by the business and men of Silm Five Departments Business, Shorthand, Typavriting, Penmanship ,Enp& School in session theentiro year. Studenn sdmilted at nny time. Calnlni;ne ennt.iinincinformiioi THE 23, 188G. Patented Feb 3r TAKE THE corset jTAOJKorar ARE MADK ONLY BY THE JACKSON CORSET CO., Jackson, Mick The manufacturer's name is printed upon the boxes, and stamped upon inside of clasp in each waist. They are the most popular articles of the kind now the market. You should have them. BE SUIiE AND GET THE RIGHT THIXC. For Sale by A. V. Peters. City Property. The value of an investment in merit which it possesses, and the That is why UNIVERSITY ADDITION. ProiiertyiatB best Investment In Eugene, especially Adjoining the University grounds and the city limits on the East, with street-cars, city water and electric lights extending to it, it is the most convenient and desimhle property on the market. Never mind the weather, UNIVERSITY ADDITION, is high and dry and naturally well drained. Prices low, and on easy terms. Call on or write to II. N. Coekerlineh Farms. EUGENE -f CIGAR 4 FACTORY : No. lOO. : : MANl'FACrUHER or AND dialer in CIGARS and TOBACCOS of all kind for the WHOLESALE and RETAILTBAPE. The Large.! and Brat 8,-I.tiH Su k i.f Clgan, Tobac-coi, J'lpei, Ftc, ev kept m111 Harin purphn thl .t.-k hi a nival dlwount. I am aMe tom-U U-l.-w l..rtlnd "laUliij anything m ihis line will Jo well to price my goods before purr-basin Tlilll.D PippTOH'ICE CORNER, El'GEXE, OREGON. A NEW DISCOVERY! Being in waul of wom-eure f.r rmreV levt and inniim-, tic Stin hi Hoof Cure Company Have dlimirerrd a im-dlrlne which Isa-il KE I KK for UI) FEET & LEMENES8. Alan for ftratche. Barb Wire Cnt, Collar -(ialhand HKrlaea. -'hiine 1 ' diK-overf Ii calli-d ' "IIQ01KURE,J Anj can he had at - i . ' SMITH & HALL'S. - AIJENTrl For a sauare dea). to Q Qoldsmith's. -DEAI.KItS IN- loinin Tub, Valises,. Notions, J. It. ESI a whole Mock, i bich together with oiakos Ibis Ibe Most Complete V. .. V .11,, ... . I... .... II . .. I Ibsu ever. b- u-tid (or lho feed and sde nt ,1,!. h..v vehicles tlmt ennie as v. II , vimrvNi. which enable ns to keep dd with tin H. Foley Spring Stage Line, I. Stalet, Principal. ORIGINAL. See Patent Stamp on Each Waii NO OTHER. GENUINE WAISTS. Acreage. property depends upon the actul prospects of its increasing in val if you want n oenutiful place for a home Eugene, Or. Offlee in Chrisinan Bio Fruit Lands CURE YOURSELF. fi:iut U.- V. I tm Ci-krmtnrTbCB r ui uy uuuitumuiai 7. J BigO. It curei In a few dart without the aid or publicity a four anicxi ior guaranteed not to ttnenn- TV MtMrtal Amtrita i- Mannfactnred ,ThIrniCbemi CINCINNATI, AnytETng in tfiTgJ eery line, Goldsmitof "We lead in quality prices. Goldsmiths