DTI r KSTiBUSHEM FOR THE DIMESMTIOX OF DEBOCUTIC PPINCIPLCS, i!ID M IIM 15 10XEIT LIT1JIB BT TBI SWEAT OP Oil BROW L25 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1892. NO. 1. IT mam Y G ARD. 1 Hi ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY. 1. 1. CAMPBELL, ,blller - Proprietor. ,rV On the East side of Willamette len Seventh and Eighth Street. -ERM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. ping 1893 D ,,oi).. ,s... soatbs. .... $2 00 .... LOO 75 OUB ONLY -a OF ADVERTISING ..i. Inurted u follow.: " .n line or less one Insertion S3: l1.7inrHnn L Cash rennird Lbeeqa0U r,ertiers will be charged at the ol three months.. jhui month. .. jrtOM year. 80 oo 8 00 12 00 UmtBctixin local column, 20 cent fAfy.CU 111- " !!inir bills "ill be rendered quarterly. C. WOODCOCK, ittoriiey-at-Lsuv, vuriTV - - - OREGON ,.10 v- - - w ItfR-Roiiins 78 MoClaren Building. B' . r It - -a; . Kid attention given 10 lAiiiecimus gilt business. cne, mour W. Condon, hrORNEY-AT-LAW. -DUNN'S BUILDING, Oregon. CEO. M. MILLER Ly and Ccunsallor-at-Law, and 'Real Estate Agent. K CITY, - OREGON. U-ln Maaonio Temple. I, W. k JENNIE S. BARNARD, tnlar Physicians. lUIES-Kldney and Liver Diseases j0 and Obstetrics. I it residence on Olive street between 1014 streets. Jkendall&Payton, yslclans and Surgeons, Us Over City Drugstore. I GALLAGHER, topneyat"LiiWe ECTTY OREGON, attention riven to Trobate business 'JKtsof Title. 1-OverLane County Bank. i. J. 0. GRAY iDENTlST- E UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S i. ODDosita Guabd office. All work li " taj gas administered for painless ex- W teeta. P. DORRIS, M AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. H SOME VERY DESIRABLE 1. Improved and Unimproved Town ' sale, on easy terms. F Eented and Bents Collected, 3tnoe Companies I represent are Oldest and most Reliable, and in ft and Equitable adjustment of their pn Sioond to None. your patronage is solicited, k City Hall B. F. DORRIS. JtY & HENDERSON. AND- ITIRE DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. IE' E. BURLINCAME'S A ruriiirii O LABORATORY ltd -. . r Voiormdo, 1968. BtnlrtDrmi.o. y- -iw prom pi ana careim iiiiju EH Uvrtscs , Jctb. Wa. tmmm pills Act on a new principle retiilate (be liver, stomach and bowola r A rough th um. Da. Milks Pols tpttriilf emrt bUiooinee, torpid liver and constipa tion. Smallest, Bilde't, emreatl fjOdoes.5 cte. KainniM irrm ai rt ru.rU'W. J.B,lBi mk4.UA. HOWE cS: RICE An- Showing the iVst Lino of . CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, For tlio Money, in Kujietu'. AUKXTs? FOU TJIH lilloWXSVlLLK WOOLK N GOODS LINN & SON, Furniture Dea ers UNDEETAKEE3 fl EMEALMEES. Mo E. R. Luckey DEALERS W DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. PIT 1TP E. SCHWARZSCHILD, Proprletcr. SCHOOL SUITLIKS. station i;ia, WALL PAPER, AKTISTS' MATEKIALfi, Full Stock ol Butterick Patterns. Address 1'. 0. Box ll'J. From I lie linlipinia Mines. University lik McClarens Bu i:cir, (0)posite F. y.. Wilkina' Dnnj Store.) Has an extensive Stoek of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS. COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. rOrderB for Books and Subscriptions lo Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at tended to. , m I I.., o.,.l Prnnin.' CollC. Or any Internal, or External Pain. Ask yonr druggist for it J S. LUCKEY. EAI-EK IN Clocks. W'atcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. . . i i, ,,,1 Repairing rrompuy cxeuuitu. tf-AIIWork Warranted. Jt9 J. S. LUCKEY .JAPANESE CURB A new and Complete TtnmU '" iinn,i.itorW. IMlllineui in "I - -', ., . rr a ii.M.- n I'uKit ve 1 llr1 I" r. h i um, ... "',ndHl MhUSl!.ll::hin.rhr...c. lie- ,v...., -., , . a!,ii mull)' inner '11- eetil or llered nr '!.'. 1,' i, iWay a ... r lean". 1 Ilosiliiirg l'litiiidoiilcr; John Wheel er of Coos county wim in town yeBter duy, on his return from a proniiei'tinp; tour to the i'.ohcmm district. IIo had rather a ronrli experience, canipint? out in the snow iitnl ruin witfiout blankets, but he was sueeesnful in his search for a ijooil claim and linn 110 kick coining'. In fact he is confident he has struck n bonanza, Sxcimens from his Icdre contain both gold and silver, the latter predominating. Ho reports the liohetnia mines on the evo of a great boom, and predicts develop ments in the near future that will sur prise the mining world. A lend has liccn struck in tiie Annie mine that goes j!K)() silver to the ton. There are no smelters in the district yet, and so the ore is being taken out on mules and shipped to Portland for reduction. It pays, however, nud the work of silver mining in Oregon has begun. Quite a number of new claims have lieen re corded recently and there will doubt less be a grand rush for the liohemia country next spring, or as soon as the snow melts. )ouglas county is fairly in it, and will undoubtedly be the rich est county 011 the coast when its re sources are mice half developed. Cobttrg hems. Oct. U, 18!2. Rev. S. F. Longbotlora, of Brownsville, Ktopped over lu re last Wednesday night. J. M. Sear. II. C. Dut and H. Morrison, of Dnllas, wet in town Thursday night. (jnite a nun her from here are at Eugene this week 1 ti nding the endeavor conven tion. Columbia thy will lr celebrat 'd in the Cobnrn school- iu n"nt,lntin with the pro gram preferrnl ly Iha state. A paper h; s 1 in cirrulnted here to raise money to buy 11 -chool bell and up to this time about (oily dollars have been sub scribed. It has been s iid that two out of every three men chew tobacco, but look here! A certain man in thin vicinity struck a crowd n( five of ns t!i" other day lor a chew, but didn't git it Ve scribe was amon(? that nnmber. The Beiitit cipncity in the two rooms, of our schi "I m nil taken op and quite number of pupils) are crowded out on ac count of m pli'tM to sit. This has set the 0111 s who t" o obstinate against having the third te her to thinking as we all think, and nil in one voice. "Let ns have her right away." uu...a ftllil -.rilinit- y'.l 1 1,1.' 1 11 I cure rehderlnir an 0!N.rm- uic..ri . ... - swsrr iierei;er. w, m in" .,., , .li 11 This Remedy ne;e ,,., (rm M-r Nix. i"r . u.ri,,,. c.inrantre hlf, trrrir. e u, ,,,, . , .y if u given ,r ,r,. ..V, (iuar- -""" "I .( In. miliAKIi. i.ai. so,e AH' iiiN o1- f.'u. ifcne.l be iVr.nleHieKetail Drunin- nr..(ir. ,.. ,,J.,v t ri.EAVKR. A-.nts. Clin ! !t r..HE.v,.BKKS P. B. Eak'". . j 5 I freeidrni. I ajy fC Fin! National Ml up FOR PITCHER'S Hi hi Ot Eugene. Paid up tasH 000 Surplus anil Profits, 510,000 t Salarr and expense. Perma- Applnow. (mlr irrower. t on bo,h American and iiu ln,T varietle. our j-H!ty. Cq, NniCTjmen.ChleMQ. J want Groceries i0ckerv. call on Eugene uuy-i Caatoria promote. Ptgewtloa, And overcome I latuiemy, Constipation, Soar Stomach, Diarrhoea, and FeTerUhneaa, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sl-p aataraL Cartorla contain no Morphine or other narcotic property. Ouaoria t w well adar4n) to child ran Dial I rreotnmrfid it as aupior to any prracripUuo katWB lo Die." L A. A Kara. M. I)., 2 rortlaod Ae., bruoalya, K. T. " I ra rastoria In m pralto. and Bad H tpeciali adapted to arTnrti'a jt chiklrea," AlX, K MTlr.. M. U. i Ave.. Hew York. Tira Carraca Co, 17 at array 8L, V. T. FRIDAY, OCT. U. Kugene is the conveutioo city of the state. The Knighto wore a Jolly crowd of gentlemen. J. li. !i. Hell um gone taut on an ex tended visit. Dr. James 13 art, of the Foley Hot Spring is in ine eny. hod. fc. r. tollman, ot Lobars, was id town this e.teruooo. Frank Stewart returued to his home at Astoria this morning. The enrollmoirt in the Springfield scnooi now numbers isu. Shingles are in demand. The market here is about bare of Ibrm. The Springfield saw mill ha shipped ouu,uuu teei 01 lumner since August, Hmator J. II. Mitchell will speak in Eu gene, Saturday evening, Got. W, at 7:30 p m. Muses Bertha and Cvlia Goldsmith went to Portland this morning on the overland train. Sheriff Noland and Clerk Walker were voted good entertainers by the Knights. Press Woodruff, a well known foimer drummer, is now a reporttr on the Spokane unronicie. Misses Stella Page and Theresa 1 lodes went to Portland this morning to sponu a wwk. Cbaa. Laner and wife went to Portland this morning to attend the funeral of the late Abe Uoldsmitb. Alva Churchill u clerking in a Spokane Falls hardware store. He will return to Eugene in about one month. Pbil Neis & Co. today bought IS bales of Hops trom Jos. McLean, paying so we un derstand a little the rise ol ii) cents. Mrs. J. E. Fenton, who baa been visitine in Eugene, for several weeks, loft for her home in Spokane Falls this morning. Hon. O. J. Briuht. who was the prohibl tion osndidate for Congress in the Second district last Juue, was a delegate to the K of P. graud lodge. Several delegates to the grand lodee K of P remained over to visit friends in Eugene a day or two. Among the number is U. L. Oliver, county clerk of Uclon county. W. H. Matthews is still confined to his bed from a serious attack of heart disease. It was intended to take him to Sodaville to morrow but (be state of his health renders the trip impossible. Rev. Corwin, the Consregationalist pas tor at Salem, and who is well known in Eugene, is being tried by the church, for misconduct in his domestio relations. Hs aked the privilege of resigning his oharge, but was refused by his congregation. Peo, chief ot the Umatilla Indians, re turued Saturday evening, after an extended trip to the Souud and a visit with the Yaki ma Indians, says the Pendleton Tribune. While away Peo invested, $75 in a coat, which be delights in olothing himself in and promenading oar streets. Springfield Messenger: 0. M. Doritv and W.J. Pengra returned Saturday from a trip through th nnsarveyed timber lands that lie about GO miles southeast along the proposed line of onr railroad extension. They run across eight other parties who were slso examining timber. In order to become a free delivery offloe it is necessary that a oity show postoftlce receipts of (10,000 or over. The free de livery at Koseuurg and In ons smsll city in each stale is on scoonnt of an experiment being made and is not permanent. Her mann simplv secured for his borne city the preference in Oregon. We desire to express onr most oordisl thanks to Albert Toiler, for favors shown during the Grand Lodge, K. of P. Qe makes as good s reporter as be does Seo retary of the Oregon Press Association Every Knight of Pythias In Eugene should subscribe lor bis psper, The Pvthian. the official organ of the Grand Lodge. Wasco Sun : Prof. Thomas Condon, the geolist In the state university, desig nates tbe region known as Sontbern Ore gon so ss to include Lake and Klamath oounties on the east, Douglas, Coos snd Curry counties on tbe west, sod Jackson and Josephine on the south. This gives lo Southern Oregon, seven out of tbe siiteen counties of tbe first congressional dialriot. Springfield Messenger: lien Mc pherson met with a nalnful accident at the flouring mill Wednesday morning. He was painting tbs new addition to the mill, when be became overbalanced and fell headlong lo the ground a distsnos of ten feet, striking on tbs left side of bis face bruising bis cheek, mangling bis ear snd severely ininring bis shoulder. About 10,UOO oases of sslmon bavs been packed along tbe Oregon coast streams, while 476,000 cases were taken from tbs Columbia. Fish Commissioner Beed re ports that the catch for the season will average eaoh Fiabermsn fGOO. Ons can nery on tbe Colombia paid 1120,000 for fish slons Tbe price ot coast salmon is about ft per case, and of Columbia salmon fo.MJ. John Denny, who returned from Elk City last week, relates a curious phe nomenon that ocoorn d st that camp, says ths Teller. Ons liigbt about two weeks ago, during a storm, lightning struck a nine tree and fired Iha foliaaa. Ever I needle on tbe tree was burned off snd tbs fire made a light so brilliant that tbs men in tbe camp could readily read a newspa per at 75 yards distance. Tbe tree burned about 'iO minutes and went oot. An exam ination showed that tbe remainder of tbs tree waa but slightly damaged. H. J. Pressler, a printer of The Dalles, taking advantage of the low water sea son, lias recently been prospecting along the banks of the Columbia above that place. A few days since he and his partner located a claim on the Washington side, between Arlington and Castle Rock, and assert that they are now taking out from $3.60 to $4 per day to the man, by the primitive pro cess of panning. The Columbia river bars have long been known to be Im pregnated with fine gold, and were profitably worked many years ago. Plead GcaiT Chat. Pyburn i nd Davs Young ple-d coilty at Halem. lo burning tbs steamer It C Young. Capt. John Dova, in dicted lor the same crime, pleadtd not guil ty and a'ands trial Tuesday tbe same day on which sentence will be pronounced oa Young and Pybnrn. Wrkckkiw. Ho many effort have been made recently to wreck iawn ger trains on the Southern I'm i lie that the company now sends hand cars over the road on all the dlvlsons a few ruin, utes la advance of the morning and evening passenger trains. Xoties. I bass down timber oa th park grounds which may Is bad for tbs cutties. Also several loads of good straw for tbs hauling Apply lo 8. Meriau. THE LAST DAY. Highly Complimentary Resolutions Passed Thanking Our People for Courtesies. Iallv Ouard, Oct. II. ArTKKXOON HtXSlO.N. When (he grand lode convened at 9 p. m. lteprrseutiiliva Hill introduced tbe fol lowing: ItsspLVii), That the thanks ol this graud lodge he extended to Pr.sideul Johnson snd all tbe profeianre ami teachers of the Stat Univeraily and of the public schools of Lugene for their cordial rrcep tion of the committee appointed ly this grand lodge to visit aaid schools, also to thoae ladies and gentleman of Kugeue who conducted the wive, of the Kniuhia to the diflereut public Institution, of Ih city. A resolution was adopted niakiug lbs terms of all elective and appoiotiv officers ol subordinate lodgea lor one year. The hour for installation bavins ariived, Past Grand Chancellor Cleveland look the chair and installed the following officers for the ensuing year: Grand Chancellor, E. E. Sharon; Grand loe Chancellor, Al Waddel; Grand Prelate, J L. Hill; Grand K. of It. acd 8., Geo. F McConnell; Grand M. of Ex., E. M. Sar gent; Grand M. at A., E. P. Geary; Grand I. G., J. O. Watta;G. G., Cbas. Fellows. Tbe following resolution wss read a id unanimously adopted: To On (Iranil loifon of Ortgon, K, of 1 Tbs respect shown to Ibis Graud Lodge snd Ibe hospitality extended to its members individually and collectively by the citizens of Eugene should be recognUed snd ac knowledged by us with a degree of publicity commensurate with our appreciation of their kindness not expressed In a formal er. as," I therefor offer the M.owiug resold, tions towit: lttaoLVED. That the thanks of the Graud Lodge be and is hen by tendered lo Ibe City of Eugene for its official recognition of tbe G. L. of Oregon. K. of P., and to the citizens of Eugene individually for (heir hospitality and respect, lo the members of said Grand Lodge, and ltusoLVxn, That a copy of this document be given to tb Eugene papers for publics lion. J. A. Wauuls, Grand Vies Chancellor. Tbe ooniniitic.ee on obituary reported sp ropriste resolutions on tbe destb ot W, 11. I. Waters, ot Capital lodge No. 18, Salem. The tbauk of lbs grand lodue were ten- dered to the Union I'eciflo snd Southern Pacific Railway companies for courtesies extended to Ibis body. Past Supreme Representative Curtis was appointed grsnd oialor for Ihe ensuing year. Tbe salary of the grand keeper ol rocorda and sesl was filed st tMXJ per year, with Ho per month for office rent. AMPLIFIKI) WORK. A team from the grand lodge exemp lified the, nniplilled form of the third degree In Helmet lodge, last evening, ine attendance being largo ana every thing passing off smoothly. The members and visitors repaired to the ball at Rhinehart's parlors after the lodgo was closed. Ibe grand lodge adjourned at 0 p. m. The KulffhttT Ball. Dally Uuerd, Oot 14. The ball given Inst night at Rhine- hart's new dancing parlors, by Helmet Lodge No. S3, K. of P., of this city was a grand afliilr. The visiting Knights aud their ladles, together with tlio people of Eugene, filled t ho large hall almost to overflowing. Eugene's best society was there and the cos tumes worn by some of the ladles were really elegant. The programme was well selected; tlio music, furnished by the eJprlngtlold orchestra, was excell ent and the only barrier to a thorough enjoyment of tho occasion was the crush of so large an attendance. Hel met lodge lias treated Its visitors roy ally and It is hoped that they will all return to their Homes wltn a favorable Impression of this place and its people. Stats Y. P. S. C.E. Thursday's Salem Journal: The society meets In slats con vention st Eugene Friday. The delegates from Salem sre II. H. Gile snd wife, W. J. Stsnloy snd wife, U. T. Roberts. W A. Moores, Misses Alice snd Loiens Kirk, W. 11. Peck, Maltie Hunt, Mary and Lizzie Van Wanner, Nine Mcllary, liertha Hroat, l. H. Cook. Leonard George, Profs. Morrison and Douglass, W. II. Anderson, H. Camp bell. Miss Campbell and Miss Frizzell. A prize banner will b awarded lbs county tbal sbows tiie Greatest growlb, and ol course tbe Marion county society, wbiob expects to have nearly a hundred delegates present will curry it off. ' Fcbtbsu PaTii:t)Lias. Cbas Goldsmith, writing from Portland, gives tbs folios lug additional particulars concerning the death of Abe Goldrmilb: Ths deceased re tired in tbe evening iu bis usual health, af ter being around (own all day: not ari.iug at bis usual hour bis friends went op to awaks bim, but could get no answer, and after a little delny, Ibey foroed ths door In finding bim dying and unconscious. Tbe pbysioians 'aid tbat be died trom neart failure superinduced by kidney complaint. Married. Mr Louis J. Gay and Miss Mam! Linn wer united in Ihe holy bonds of wedlock at tbe borne of tbe bride's parents In Jacksonville, Wednesday, October i, at 1 o'clock p. m. Ooly tbe near relatives and friends witnessed th ceremony, after which a handsome luncheon waa served and s merry time bad until 4 o'clock when ths newly married couple took tbelr depart- nre for Portland their future borne. Mr. Gay is an nprigbt, aspiring young man of sterling habits and is on of Ihe postal clerks in tbe Portland posioffloe. The bride Is on of Jacksouviut s most chaiming and accomplished young ladies. She is s sister of Fletcher and Dsv id Lion of this city, is well and favorably known here, and ha a laig circle of relatives and friends who units In wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gay all happiness in their new sphsr of Hie. Knightly Courtesy. Illy tiiiard.Oet. 11. uurinir t no meet in ir or tiie ltuiu lodge, of Knights of Pythias In Eugene ine lames wnn ueeompaiileii the visit lug Knights would have round time rather wearisome while their liege lords were tnsciissing ways ami means and simitar tilings, nut fortlicellnrtsof Or, Smiley who Interested himself in their behalf ami saw that they were driven about the town in carriages ami bug. gics 10 an points ot interest . the ladle appreciated the courtesy snown them, ami iM'fotv leav lug this morning met In the llolt'iiian house parlor and with appro priate words presented him with costly and handsome Knights of Pyth ias eiinrm, the follow ing ladles con trii tiling: Mrs (I W Hoehstedlcr, Mrs. W A Riel'laln, Sirs A 1, I'url, Mrs Mary P Hill of AlluiiiV! Mrs dim llnvs Sn. lent; Mrs A A Clevelaud AstorlafMr A A Nngicton, Mrs (leo t .Mcl'onnell Mrs P A Wagner Portland; Mrs C W Ransom Forest drove; Mm Turner Oliver Union; Mrs (I W Jett Raker Hty. AN KXCAMl'MKNT MTK. National Guardsmen Will Go Into ( amp .Next lear. llrlgaillcr-Uctieral Compson and stall, Oregon Nat lonal Ouard. passed through Portland from Salem, Thurs day, Vt here they have lxcn holding me monthly mcetimr or the state mill tary board, en route to Astoria, where, In accordance with a decision of the board, they will retwlr to the seaside for tho purtioKo of selecting a site Tor the encampment next vcar. It Is a debatable iiucstlon among the olllcers of the National Ouard ns to w hether they will go to Chicago next year or not, to attend the world's fair. At the meeting of the military board it was decided that, In case the tnllltiii of this state should not go to Chicago next year, a state encampment of the bat talion win no ticiit, ana some place on the coast will probably lie selected. - " - 4$ A. D. 11 j land Interviewed. In an Interview with a Portlnnd Telegram reporter th other day, Mr. Uyland very correctly elates ths harvest situation of this years follows: Mr. A. D. Hyland, of Lowell, Lane county, Is in Portland. He has s ranch of over 7000 seres in Lane county on which hs ha 1000 head of cattle. Ha had this yesr 31 seres of hop, and talked en tirtaiuinaly about the hop and other crops. To a Telegram reporter be said: "The hop crop this year was only about one-half the average yield, but Is of an ex cellent quality, and Is bringing a high price, Hops sre now worth 21 ceuls per pound, while last year the price was not nlgher than 13 cents. Tbe net profit per cr will be greater this year than last, as It will, of course, cost much less to pick and market th smaller crop. "Tbe fruit crop la vary poor this year, which I attribute principally to th fact tbat o many Eastern tree hav been put out la this country, which do not do so well a ativ trees her. Th grape orop Is large ly era being an abundano of all varieties. ty,"Tb wbett crop in Lane county waa fill tbesn average yield,' snd of a superior quali ty. The price is very low, however, snd the orop is moving slowly. Stock is in splendid condition; in fact, never looked llitter st this season of the year than it does now." Horses Stolen. Stolen iu Lane county, Oregon, about Octols-r .:, iv.i'.': One bay mare, ! year old, lti hamls high, weight 1100 pounds; slim, linn looking animal, well bred, galled by cinch, neck sore behind ears, caused by ros' in pulling back, feel ami legs black to knees, black mane and tail, shod in front, solo foot ed. ( Ine dark Iron-gray horse, H years old, l"i hands high, short switch tail, looks stubby. One light sorrel horse. white snt in front of imu Jit p, bald fair, one or more white legs, almost to khces, l.'i) bauds high, good condition, chubby buill. Description or men: "Hilly Mor gan," i'i years old, dark complexion, small black miistascbe, Roman nose twist lo one side, black hair, inclined to curl, talks low, weight lb) Munds, about o fivt ti or 7 inches In height. Also Alley Hunt, about 1! or 23, light complexion, small light mus tache, largo ears stand out from head. SupMscd to have taken two saddles branded Win. Preston, Eugene, Ore gon. 1 he above described men and horses were seen on tho lava, on the roadonOct.il, IMC, going to eastern Oregon. Arrest Moriran and Hunt If Ihev have the pros'rty or not as they have taken horses from here; Isdh are horse breakers; and wire me. The horses be longed to John and Sheldon Jenkins. J. I'm Poland, ShctiU'of Lane county, Oregon. Pally Ouard, Oct. It. ItKl'AiiTKP. Most of tho dcleirates to the late session of tho K. of P. grand lodge left tor their respective homes this morning. On account or the rail road company having only one spec ml rare transportation Issik the train was Held here until nearly 11 o'clock to en able the delegates to procure their tick ets. The cars were Jammed to suffoca tion. The railroad company should have provided at least two extra coach es, but they only had the usual nuinU r. As the train pulled nut of the station the delegates uUmrd gave three hearty cheers tor the coplo of Eugene, The County Endeavor Convention. PallvOuanl, Oct. II. Besides Ihe usual praise service last even ing, Tree. 1 . L. Campbell of Monmouth de livered s very able address on Christian En deavor work. This forenoon was uioslly consumed with the reading of tbe various reports and short discussions. When our last report came n the convention was proceeding with the election of olllecrs for the en suing year. A larger number of dele gates were present today and tho con vention Is having a very Interesting session, Anderson, T E Brown, Mrs J Cbappelle, Frank Collins. Oeo W Clark, E Esq Crenshaw, Wm Davis, L J Daell, Miss Mary Emerson, Elmer E Ishmael Mrs. J W Knotf, Mrs Salendor Keys, Mrs Ellen Landon, Cbas Montgomery, Mrs F MoManny, J L Nsyes, livron W Orment, MissMlnnl Psrslv, Mrs. L 0 Letter List. Oct. 13. ISM Anderson, J A Caae, llert Conard, A J Cox, V A Cox, Geo Dale. John Dickinson, Cbas Elliott, 0 J Hume, Ret J R Irwin, H E Knight, U A Lay cock, Win F.sq Song, Mrs A M Murry, WF MoCowan, Robt Oarson, W II O'Riley, Dick Patterson, F E Itawaon, II A Sbellon, Dave Pally (iuard, Oct. l.'i. Orrictsa Elictso. Tb following- named officers were elected fur Ihe enauina year by tbe convention ol lb Lane County Christian Endeavor Societies, which ad journed yesterday noon i President, v. If. L. Bates, Jtogane; 1st vie piesuieni, William Pitney, Junction: 2d vio piesi. dent, J. F. Kelly. Pleasant Mill; 3d vice president, Mis llarlow, Springfield; ecr- tary, una itutb fcaves, cogene; treaearer, Mia Daisy Bond. Irving; direotora, David Linn. Eusene: Mrs. Tibbitt. Lancaster; Lathis Head, Junction; Mr. Blair, En gene; Mrs. B. M. Babb. Eugene; Wm llollen- beck, Eugene. Married. In Lane county, Ore gon, October 6, 1W, by Rev. Jas. H Howark, S. P. Uilmore and Emma E LUsc, all of Lane county, Oregon. Fbilipps, Jsy Ritchey, J 0 Simmon. Rev ThoinasSmith, J E Smith, Joseph Smith, J R Vslsrde, Frank Wad, Miss B (2) Weler, Mr Young, Dr Young, J B Esq A chart; of one cent will be made on each letter lven out Persons callluf for letters will ulvaae say when advertlaed. M1NMK WAHIIUUItN, P. M. A gay and festive Individual representing a prominent accident Insuranoe company, worked Pendleton in good shape a few days ago, say tbs Oregon Alliance Herald. Also min host, of th Alt bouse, who, being of a confiding nature, took stock in tbe plausi ble fraud, who stated that bs worked Th Dslles and among other prominent men had taken flak on ex Governor Moody, for wbiob bi honor bad given bim a check on a bank at Tbe Dalle lor WW. Being a little abort and desiring to settle his bill he tendered to Mr. Kenn ths ex Governor's check which wss taken and socount squared np to date. Mr. Renn presented Ibe check at tbe counter of First National Batik in this city, with Its endorsement; it waa paid. Fiv day passed, Mr. Itenn received notio to call at th bank, notified tbat tbe paper wa worthies snd forgery ; for lb information be was charged 13 additional. Not long sine tb caabiel of that earns in stitution cam near investing 1100, but for tune waa on bi side and the party disgorged. But not so with min host of tb Alia. He is out snd tb insuranoe nan baa gone where tb woodbine twlnetb. Moral: Be sure of lb man before yon cash bis ofaeok. Doo Hold. Dr. Smiley ba told bl St. Bernard dog to Mayor Hideout ot Mary villa, California, fur tbssum ol 1 50. Pally (iuard, Oct. li Dwihion. Renpkrkd. In the case of R. J. Pengra vs Allium Wheeler, it will remembered that the attorneys for the defendant asked for more dellnile findings. Judge r'ullertou this morn lug filed his additional findings, but the former decision was not modineu. A Mums. -Lebanon Advance: "A man from Eugene brought th new to Lebanon Wednesday that th bopgrower n tbal no tion bad unloaded their crop at 35 rents per pound. Sorry our grower did not get ma sood a Drtce. it would bsv put sever I thousand dollar more In circulation in this vicinity." Our hop grower are also soil sorry tbat they cannot raalizs 35 cnti per pount. Jacob Mitchell, P. C. of Helmet lodge of Eugene, is en titled to a goodlr portion ol credit for ths reception accorded tb viit , ing Knight. A Comino F.VKNT.-An operutta.tb "Belle of Saratoga," is now under wsy of product ion, and will be presented to tbe musio lov ing people of Eugene in due course ot time. It will be put on the stago under direction of Mr. Glenn, and bis musical ability in sures th success of the piece. Tbe 'I'M-Male Harberu. Qitinot, III., Oct. 13. The largest crowd which ever gathered here assembled today, the occasion of Ihe trl-slate democratic bar becue of Illinois, Missouri snd Iowa. It Is estimated that 30.000 people took part. Many beeves aud sheep were slaughtered and rousted in out-door ovens for tb re. galemeut ol tb multitudes. Four grand stand were erected Iu as many paits of the oily, and domoorutlo doutrlu were ennunol ated trom as many point at one. Ths principal speaker of the day were lion. Adlal E. Stevenson, tho Hon. W..M. Springer. Senator Roger (J. Mills and tienerai John C. Rlack, ex commissioner of pensions. TlieNrnadof (trepan. Aliuny, Or., Get. 13. Th Presbyterian synod of Oregon convened today. This body is composed of four presbyteries, made np of Bi churches, snd has 250 elders and 5500 members. Tbe presbytery of Portland ha 21 churches, the presbytery of the Willamette 27, Eastern Oregon 15 and Southern Oregon 17, New Vark Itrapportlonmenl Law. Alois I, (Jot. 13. iba court ol appeal this ruorulua banded down a decision affirming tb constitutionality of th new state legislative apportionment law passed by the Isst legislature, which wa demo- orotic. The reapportionment under ths now law is favorable to continued demo- ' oratio control of tho Btats legislature. Judges Andrews and r inun dissent, Dom ing ths law unconstitutional. Tb vote of lb oourt sustslning th law wa on par ty line, fiv demoorat voting for and two republican against. Th decision greatly increase th obances . of tbs demo crats being able to elect enough members of lbs legislature to control th choice of a snocossor to United States Senator Frank Hiscock. Contract Lkt. Uarrlsburg Courier: Tbe directors of the Usirisborg Water Pow er Company, beld a special meeting Tues day nioruiug. Tbe business of Ihe direc tors wa to consider tb bonds of tb eon- trsclors and to levy a second assessment. Mr. Kelly, ths contractor, ha given two bonds. The first is a bond for 2500 tor th faithful performance of his contract and tb second is a bond fur 13000 for tbe con struction of tbe dauis, Tb natur of tb second contract i such that should tb dam be destroyed by overflow or other specified causes, at any tim within three year of Ih completion of Ih same, ibe contractor snail replace the dam at bi own expense, and tb validity of th bond lhall be in tended for three year from th dat of said reconstruction is completed, ine two bonds were accepted by th director and an assessment ol 25 cants on each dollar's worth of subscribers' stock was ordered lev ied. A HmooL Clkkk'h Tiiolbij. Geo. V Misutvcv. a delinnuent school clerk from Curry county, was last week taken to the state prisou. jib wsssru. tenoed one year for larceny of some of the funds but there are favorable clr cunistuiices, and a strong petition for his pardou accompanies his papers. He was isxir and a creditor pressed him. He used the public money. Wao VVxus Tuti? Harrisborg Courier: Marion Hyde has posted up trespass notic es this week. Some time ago banters killed one of bi bogs, and on day last week three more were ahot down. Mr, Hyde says this last depredation wa don by boy who live in Eugene, and he will at one take steps to recover the vain of th same. A Ri(i Jon. Workmen are engaged moving the Water Company's big pump to iU place. As it weighs 5000 pounds it Is not an easy job. The pump Is a compound duplex, and has a capacity of 00,000 gallons per hour. The building at the pumping station 1 about completed except pululing. Goldsmnn. prcmpt attenti' - "-- ' - - ww- -.