The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 15, 1892, Image 7

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    !clTy AND COUNTY,
OCT. 15, 1892.
I niiittuetlons Placed on the Rail
r Tovi T'ck Irvintr
aim tugeue.
Pally (iuard, Oct U
it night about 8 o'clock a ninn
t li mllrnml ..ntiwi Int..
l depot ttt t'l,s ,,luce n,", ,'"tl,lt'd
J. r.,lnr Auhri'V that hiiiiih ulw
Mictions were on tlie truck Mow
t Section foreman Patterson wag
nt for and hurried down to remove
'L About 2 miles below town lie
'ISiiiwto luvy iito'l rail laid
.Lithe track. lhls he removed
A short distance further on he
1,1 a tie. stuck up edgeways In a
all bridge, which he also removed
" . i' .i. ..iu.....ti.... , i
uc' . i If ....... ............
-.HlOVeU UJ " "' " on ouninxi-
that the tramp, who gave his name
ijtorge Mills, might be Implicated
th mutter as he made no ell'ort to
lue .. ir.. i.,u.i i,..,....
.i if those obstructions were placed
'PI Willi Hie yuiinwi vi luuifvijr UIO
Wrs might be lying in ambush to
whoever might attempt to re-
tare them, hence It was through fear
jt lie nu not iiiuivc iiiu aiivuijH, jic
ini alone.
Hp was arrested and given a hearing
QloniHIg' noYiiui uinm-is iiiui-
nt to the atl'air formed what seemed
ntilers a strong chain ot clrcum-
mtisl evidence and Justice Kinsey
una uim over uiiui uiugnmti jury,
nich convenes In a few days, makes a
rther Investigation of the case,
the prisont-r wan takeu to the Roseborg
mlf 111! I DIM mirruouu J in mo rr
. V -I D .1.1 .... ...
(IPg ttOlM?UUrJ 11. Ul 1 . raKB'iirni lui
Willoughby, dentist,
j, J. Walton, attom-at law.
nr. BmilcT it prepared to attend to all
l,rom the country and will make that
.It of DM practice a specially.
Hurt to loon on improved farms for
liofvearaatareusonablerate of iuter-
fcbjE. i. Slcuanansn.
',, in the time to do your plowing, I bis
in hs proveo beyond a possible donbt
l dr plowiug Jinan iroui uve io eigui
i hih a tea busbeU to the aore more
..jioentnu jui ..... ..-uur ,u.,
ttd wet It la true tnat it is nura won
i hard to kerp your plow in tlie grouud,
ilfon have tb'o Oliver Cuilld yon will
lif do trouble to keep it in the ground.
Minnesota llotel baa been repaired
nfiimisbeil. Terms fl per day.
rlton block from the depot. All white
for sal or exchange for Improved
wty In Eiignenn improved farm of
icrm AImi improved property in Tort
I. Addrexa R. P. Wright, Elmira, Lane
at;, Oregon.
.ration farmeri ! Boy yonr medicines
Vtrmtnn'a Ninth Street drug store, in
whirl block, bngene.
jlfringtnn'a Ninth street drug store guar-
s.iiKfactlon "8 una quality.
otlnrt a bloc I.
Jltfioiiton'a Ninth street drng store la the
. eara of experience insures cer
triDd diKDatoh in the componndiDg
l (Unpenning of medicines, Kbinebart'a
mionable proposition is made by M.
Winter for the care of pianos by tin
ir -cleaning, repairing, polishing, io.,
r.rtt-clasn uiaaner at reasonable prices.
:ui tuned, cleaned and repaired. Or-
tt Starr & Griffin's Hardware to.
All plumbing and tin work guaran-
J by K. i.. Knight. nop in
iin's building, Eugene.
friieover lapping rolling harrow cuts
the ground. Old st vies at redueeu
.. F. L. Chambers,
Solo Agent.
liver Chilled.
'liver Steel.
iDti'tbe talked mto buying some
m that don't suitvou.
it an Oliver and make plowing
re play.
Stock for Sale.
have rented my farm and offer my
k at a bargain for a few days, at
Tite sale. It is all located on the
i oh 8 miles west of Eugene,
jnod young work horses,
family nouv.
head of three year old steers.
il), wagon, hack, farming linple
)K etc. Call and take a look at
John IxoiiASf.
Hop Market.
OOnv nf tlto Worni-vllla Timed, of
ber 7, published In the leading hop
f net of New York, says that since
f issue of the previous Tuesday
Y naa advanced from 12J to ao cents
pound, with few sales, erowers be-
b&ckward to accept prevailing
layers are nlentifnt In Lane count V
J21 cents beimr offlred with small
l. m. ' . . . .
' ine growers appear to De saiis-
" iaKe cnancea on a rjeuer mar-
Land for Sale.
!' J J. Bramen, one of the first resi-
VOMtnra in I . . MHn. nn nAW Fi-I Ut
Bealdaburg, Cal, la stopping at tbi
. " Etll?eilA. bImm li mu h found foi
N week,. He baa a tract of land,
NiDg of 528 acre adjoining the road
J1 klf way between Goshen and Cres-
Much he withes to dispone of. It
and is good farming, fruit-growing
pwiog land. Tim land ran be bought
Nonable terms. Call on or address
1" Hotel Eugene, this city.
Dallv Guard. OcL IS.
p Goldsmith Dead. Just before
! press a dispatch was received
Portlnnrf l fl Tti.ttninll. nfthls
f. tnnniin.ln tki, nf Arte
I . '""..iii bilC V.I-1 . v.
-mith, in that city at the resi-
i- ui Samuel iwsenuiau,
'. Mr. CJol.lHmith has been
?JJlv declining In health for seV
V. and went to Portland about two
itnce to receive medical treatment
! ''sdi he knew bis condition was
VK. bnl rti.l . t.... that bis
?xild terminal an anddenlr. H
? sister in Rn Francisco and
r relative in Portland. Mr,
f 'Uith was a resident of Eugene
J "onibtr of years, and made hosts
T"ndin .1. o-hf. will
1 u uiuo LM14II1J W "V " -. "
lv r,M,.,f ..rn of hlS
kfSn, A. P. k A. M . and
' Odd Fellows loUein Portland.
;3rl will take place at Portland to-
f aftmv.n r
j faiiy buara, ICL is,
JnrS4Lf.-Sbeiifr SoUnt
the piopr'y belonging
1 " for wbool tx doe diairii
failr Guard, Vet IS,
to d-
let o.
PfTp-rtv au.lil readilv and every
E. E. Skipworth, attoroey-at-law.
Wa'n? 1n n '"" 'EaWtin of Judge
nt and cold hatha evory duy la the wet-k
at Jerry Uorn'i barber ahop.
tot tine anlu made to order and ready
ma.le clothing, go to Ed Hanson.
Mr GooFCrawhaatheaole atrency (r all
brands of the celebrated Tamil Punch Cirs.
Remember that Hanson 4 Son have the
best selected stock of clothing in town.
Bring your old scrap cast iron to the Eu
gene Iron Foundry where yon can dispoes
If yon are getting too old for your spec
tacles, or if tbey do not exactly suit yon take
them to Watts aud have new lenaes fitted.
Dr. 0. W. Biddle may be found at his
residence on Olive street, between Fifth and
Sixth streets one block west of the Miune.
ota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work in the txwt manner. i nn.i..t... .11-
PfUUder 1 Ort'L'ou Blood Iuriri..r. Il.m..
less, it ai'cnmtilihua r-KI . 1...... ...1.
I -" .v. . nur.D 11. A 11 1 UlU'
er medicines (uil to do. It may be safely
mvu,. in .1... .......a Ii .. .. '
to the iufaut as i II u tlm k.lnlt
Henderson, dentist.
Job work at the Ooabj) effloe.
Founbiin nn ( W..ii'
For all kinds of farming iuiplemenU call
on J
. uuuuiiukii oa iniu otreel.
When von unit tnnr oml. , ..i.t.i
- J .. ., HWkDIUUHl
furnitnre or land mil.) u nin.ti,,,. ...,n .,1
Geo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and most sue.
ceasf ul auctioneer in Lane County. He will
attend to all sales on a reasonable com
I hnvp flimln cntttni.l nf flu. Vnm.nn
marble and granite works, and am bet
ter prepared man ever to lurnisli all
kinds of marble, granite ami stone
work at the lowest nrice nossihlp fur
first class work, rleuse call on me
and get my price before placing an or
der. Nothing but first class work
done. (Shop in my M stand In Iteani'a
building. V. W. Mahtix.
Coal Hill Nursery.
Call on or address T. N. Seirar. Eu
gene, for all kinds of nursery str.ek.
i'runes on marolHilem plum roots that
will not sprout, also on peach roots.
Wood Wanted.
A liirht soring wagon to trade for
wood. F. L. Ciiamiikks.
All persons in Lane county owning scab
by sheep or sbeop afflicted with other dis
eases, are hereby notified that said sheep
must be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill
said disease, forthwith.
Any person failing to comply with this no
tice will be liable to have his sheep dipped
by the Inspector at said perxons's expeuse.
Take notice and save costs.
Dated Sept. 1, 18U2.
S. It. Jknkins, Sheep Inspector.
For good fruit trees go to the old
tried Jtutte nursery, Orville l'help,
TION. Convened this Moi Hing at the Cum
berland rrfMUytenuu uiurcn.
ally Guard, Oct 1:1.
TIia nnvMntifin nf thA societies of Chits-
tian Endeavor in Lime county is being
in 1 lii j fitv. The services at the
church opened this morning nt 1(1 o'clock
with abort devoliouttl exercises. me at
tendance was ratber small, a lare num
ber of the delegates beiug delayed by
by the Btnriry weather. the wel
come address whs delivered by Mi Drtiy
M. LootiiH in bhalf of the EuReue Chris
tian Endeavor Union. After this a com
mittee on creileniiuls was appointed by the
r,..,ui,l..i.t Mm. Alberta Shelton. This
coramiltee cotibi-'ts of Minses Ella Loomis,
LiMie Bund and Mrs Adams, ine mm
n.i i.f tli lust inectiuB were (ben read by
acting S'orctary, Mabel Struight. Alter an
an informal reception 01 ine ueiegates, me
convention adj. turned to 1 o'clock. A very
intarentiiie time will probably follow after
the arrival of the delegates.
Rev. H. V Uoiuiltger oeing Htiiiuie iu uo
m ..i,v,.i- tint ronvcLtlon sermon
urrvin tu uii". , , .1
an address will be delivered during the
evening etsion by Pres. f. L. tampoen
of Monmouth school, which promises to be
very interesting.
Real Estate Transfers.
ti... t triun f. n u ami M L Alli
son, 240 acres in T 17 S U 0 W; f A0.
r ii.. hran Ir A Ailerton to
Alarum iinu j .
Thomas Allen, lot 2, blk 4, Wynu's
ad. ?4.)0.
Culvin Stevenson ami wife to Mrs.
Martha L Wilson, lots 1 and '2, in blk
5, 250.
W 0 Oaunce and wife to f.eo M Mil
ler, fractional lots 1 aud 2, blk 10, orig
nal town; $300.
-Mr,A. Wilson, a ."W
the MoiiawK vuiirj, " ,
hospital, in Portland, to have some of
thXuu in one of his jaws removed
:.' iin-infr hwome badly uis-
L The caJse of his aflliction was
. -II n llQVPfl 1430111
to remain for months after It beame
decayed, ana it icsiereu bc .... i
causing the trouble.
THlCrrt 8KD.t Bon.y. through
. ttornevs A C. Woodcock aud W. S.
W&Z . instituted a suit for damage,
in he circuit court, fortbeautn of $5,000
gains. : EU of Eugene. Tb. compU.nt
.lieges that through the negligence o the
c y of Eugene, in permitting a
Eighth street to remain out of repair, that
OlaVibon. Bonney, a ' n'
Bonney, fell through a sidewalk Jane U,
im, and thereby broke hi. arm
... ,r. pnrtind Trlt eram:
Hops wills mun.- - .
buyers tor pop., 'r""KnM. ,re ex-
ina off for better care....... th
i?fffiely caution, but it bonght I b. J J
ii'"" " - r., boo.
are i
nr n WOUhl V t;L--pa -
7.1T A -ai de:., howev.,. depend.
,a". a " ill m.h their DruducU
on w
-h.thfr Grower. - -
th. mket.t tbefirst..oiaarop.
n rvELANO C'Li'B. The democrats
CLENELAM' - nthu.s astIC
fottage urv C ..V ;--
v met iue!iuj uiitu.----- .
J . ... .L..n-n i- till with 12t
elana Bt... ";.7. - ..m.n. were
ihers. 1 lie it.n- -
t r 'nrr n ana n. i. 'i'i
' J:. ,l'. I s. Medley, secre-
PF. Younger, treasurer.
iiiv i.n&rd. -ct. Ii
snLD T D- Linton, agent.
tody. pyB8 il ' :
ti. u-rra of court
Political Siieakitig-.
Hon. John Hurrett, of Portland, will
address the Cleveland and Stevenson
flub nt the court house hi Eugene on
Saturday evening, (Vtolter 15, at 7:30
Mr. Harrett is an eloquent and enter-
tainlug sjieaker and may U depemU'd
upon to treat the political issues of the
day in a fair and logical manner.
Ladles are cordially Invited to be pres
Mrs. B. F. Dortij returned from Portland
this afternoon.
C. Hodes aud fatuilv returned from Port-
laud this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Yorati returned from
Portland Ust night.
II N. Cockerline returned home from
Portland last evening.
Mrs. L. O. Adair visited Portland
and Pendleton this week.
Geo. M. Miller returned from the Port
land exposition this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C Test returned
from Portland this afternoon.
About SG.OOO have beeu subscribed
towards Ihe Junction City ditch.
Mrs. Geo. Xoland aud child arrived on
the local this luoruiug to with fiieuds
Mi Allie Winter of Jefferson is visitinB
for a few daya with her brother Clarence iu
this city.
Chas. Huiurs aud Robert Pratt and wife
were passengers to Portland on tht local
this morning.
The special ccr coiitaiuinii the nuifoimed
divisions from Portland returued to that
city last night.
David Day is still working in the leading
hotel of Pendlttou. He thinks there is no
place like Eugeue.
Senator J. N. Dolph will speak iu En-
gene in bt half of the reptiblicnn party on
Thursday. Oot. 20, at 7:30 p. iu.
Mrs. F. IS. Dunn anil daughters
Edna and Amy went to Portland this
morning to visit the exposition.
I.L Campbell, editor of the GfittD. re
turned home, last cveuiug. In due time a
short account of the trip will be given.
A crew of lowers will commence work at
once on the McKeuzin above Ilendriek's
ferry, getting on t logs for Goodale's mill.
J. II. Heckley, formerly owner of a
drug store in Eugene, is now acting as
nigiitciei'K ot tlie iloiton House. In
Senator Henry Dlackburn, of Hepp-
nor, is in Eugene attending the K. of
I . grand lodge, lie is tlie guest or !
II. Friendly.
Oren Moore, of Portland, who lias
been trick for several months, lms fullv
recovered and Is now driving a truck
in that city.
The county treasurer has made a call for
all warrants from Registered No. 642 to (ill
inclusive. Alter October loth, interest
ceases on the same.
A. D. Griffin. Linda Grill! u and Miss
Hattie Bushnell leave on tonight's overland
for a trip to Quincy, III, via Sacramento
and the Sotitberu Pacitic.
Chester Osbnru and Lonnie Patterson
returned from the Uppi r McKeuzie Ibis
afternoon. The reporter it 'knowledges the
receipt of a 3 tb reil.ti.le
ltev. T. P. Hay ties h.u been assigned
to the charge at Junction City, by the
M. E. church, South, conference,
which was held lu Albany this week.
David Linn, Jr., went to Jacksonville on
last night's overland to attend the wedding
nf bis lister, Miss Mamie Linn and Lewis
J. Gay, which takes place at that tottu to
div. It. A. Wrenii, formerly of Eugene, Is
now working in the hIici ill's ollice at
Portland, having resigned his position
with the Portland Butchering Com
pany. Ltieile Vor.m, dutiehter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Voran of this eitv, to; k Ihe prize for
the best gitl at the baby show in Ihe Port-
laud txpoaitlou yebterd.ty. It was a band-
some cloak,
Otis Patterson, editor of the Ileiip-
ner titizette, and Mr. Cnulleliaugh, edi
tor of the Hood lliver (llaeler, are in
the city in nttendaiici' iion the K. of
P. granil lotlge.
Soms person Uht lilght badly
damaged the new cemetit walk in front
of the Risilon block by w.ill. ing over it and
digging holes in it. 8m ii contemptible
scrubs should be treated to n coat ul lar ana
The EiiL'ene hotels are full to over
flowing on the occasion of the meeting'
of the K. P's. However all have been
comfortably domiciled either in the
hotels or private houses.
Thetll'ARI) lob ollice is busily en-
piged printing books, one of 24 pages
rules regulations of the Eugene public
schools, the otner a (hi iitige uricr lor
the supreme court In the case of Cline
vs (iootlate.
T. A. Hendi rson will l ar.' here with his
family about the middle of uext Week for
Vancouver, Wash., wheii II y will hereafter
reside. Mr. Henderson ill open a Racket
Store in that oity. Mr. II i-. a live, pro
gressive man and we dislike to tee him
n ove awoy.
Former Citizens of Oregon.
During our recent visit to Spokane Falls
we met the following former Oregonians:
We found J. E. Fenton mid C. R Fenton
actively engaged io the pi-uctice of the law.
Tbey have a large and lucrative practice.
J. E. Fenton i. the demociatio nominee for
prosecuting attorney of Spokane county and
it is the opinion of democrats and republi
cans alike that he will be elected by from
7u0 to 1500 majority. Geo.. W. Belt, former
ly of Salem is practicing law in Spokane and
making money. He is a candidate for nperi.
or judge on the democratic ticket and his
chance, for election are considered bright
by bis democratic friends. B. C. Van Hon
rn. well known In Eugene, bas one of the
largest furniture store, in Washington and
ia doina arnsbiDg Uis ateir i.
lOOxIUO feet and 5 stories in heigbth and ia
filled with high grade furniture from the
baaement to tbe attic. lie pays IWO a
month rent for the building. Br is agon
a candidate for re-election to tbe senate n.d
it in the general opinion that be will suo
eced himself. F. P. Hogan, formerly sher
iff ot Dougla. county, is also a resident of
tin Minneapolis ot ihe welt. He went to
that citr with about fsOOO and i reputed
to be worth between :0,0o0and f lOO.OoO.
lie is chairman of the democratic county
committee. We are under obligation, for
fmvora.bown n. bv each of tbe above-
named gentlemen.
T An huriAiw itmiiri t Fridn. the 21l
day of October, ISLti. Ihe four hundredth
anniversary of tbe discovery ol America by
Chn.topter Colaiubo.. one of the mot
momentou. event in the world', history, a.
a legal holiday and do recommend it. fit
ting observance.
Done at the capitol, Salem, Or., Oct. 10,
EiLtirrti PtTrtoTfl,
Governor of Orgca.
Geo, W, McBami, ic of Biate.
Iiallr Ooanl, Ott. IX
Vnrrtn rnt C-rrveasrrr. The Udiee e
companying tb-ir baband to attend tbe K.
of P fcrand l'H'', visited tbe aute unittr
tity this mornibg, oa invitation. A pitas
tut fortocsvo aa spent.
Kulghtu of Pythias Meet
iu Masonic
omprttve Itrlll, Krell
Dailr (iuarU. IHit. U
, i:ir.
Onlv oue divi.ion, lvauhoe No. t8, ot
Portland, ventured to drill for the Ihepiire
ottered yesterday afternoon. Capt A I.
Werlin wa. in command of (he squad of
eight men and two guides. Their maneu
vres were all very precise and gave evidence
of much dilligence In preparation. Tbe
movement, executed would nave been more
ditBcult with a greater uumber of nitn bat
wilbal the drill was very oommendable.
tiik KsiciiiTS rnoTooaarBan.
With the visiting memlier. and delegates
and members of Helmet Lodge of this city
arranged to form three aides of hollow
stiuate, with the uuiforuied ranks drawn
np within. They formed a pretty picture.
This was captured by 0. L. Winter', ca
intra froui a window of the school build
ing. Till kKCKPTION.
This was held at the opera bouse at 8
o'clock Inst evening. The grand lodge in
a body occupied the .tag aud Ihe large au
ditorium was tilled with citizen, and ladies
assembled to formally welcome them. An
address of welcome was made by Hon. J.
II. McClting, mayor, in behalf of the city.
Mr McCltiug'a remarks were timely aud
very appropriately expreaaed the cordiality
with whirh the visitors are received.
The welcome address by Dr. 0. E. Loom
is in behalf of Helmet Lodge No. 3:1 of thi.
city, was earnest aud full of the treliug of
brotherhood aud friendship, which actuate
the organization of inch orders as these.
The response in behalf of the Grand
Lodge as. made by Grand Chancellor J.
T. Hityne Hi. remark, were short but
very feelingly expressed the appreciation of
that body lor the cordial welcome and en
tertainment accorded to them.
It also became this geutleman. duty as
Colouel of the K. of P.'s Regiment of Ore
egon, to present the Ivan hoe division with
the haudaoine prize won by them in tbe al
ternoou. This wa. a large silver water
tankard, t'apt. Al SVerlin received tbe
prize in behalf of the division in a few well
chosen remarks as he aUo did for a beauti
ful silver goblet presented to hinistll lor ef
ficiency iu command.
Au ora'.iou was then delivered by Grand
Orator Filch, which iu eloqueul lauguage
set forth tbe objects aud aims, the bless,
ings and advantages of tbe order. Id his
closiug remarks be took occasion to sug
gest some needed legislation by the grand
lotlge, regarding tbe indigent widow, and
orphana fund, which .eemed to be well re
ceived by that body. Mr. Fitch wa. heartily
applauded. Past G. 0. Cleveland of Aato
ria was then called upon and paid a fitting
tribute to tbe exerciaes of the evening. An
orchestra furnished musio which added to
the pleasantness of the gathering.
Wednesday, Ckt. 12.
Session called to order by Grand
Chancellor Hayne.
Officers' absent, II. E. Nelson, G. M.
at A. F. H. Neal was appointed in his
Past Grand Chancellors absent: I. II.
Mlsener, Dr. Tuttle.
Supremo representative V. T. llunio
A telegram was read from II. E. Nel
son, (. M. at A. regretting his inabil
ity to lie present.
The following are tho'eoinmlttoes:
Appeals and grievances E 1) Mc
Laughlin, H II MeMurphy, G A Cus
ter, M O Potter, Albert To.ler.
Returns and credentials I P Thor
sen, 0 M Ransom, E C Allen, H P Cor
nelius. Finance H I Schado, A Singleton,
G H Renson, 8 Raphael, H E Fwelovo.
Transportation and Per Diem. F W
Stenslotr, H Ulackman, E M Rouds,
Otis Patterson, E Everson.
Charter and Dy-laws Ueo uocye. J
O Watts, E S Waterman, 1) M Royn-
toll, Geo Fl Rail's.
Laws ami supervision. J a itiuioi,
J W Hare, J A Nornion, M P Burnett,
John A Alilstedt.
State of the Order. Geo W Vett, U
W Hochstedler, A A Cleveland, H J
Corresiwndence. A A I levelanil,
Henry J Clarke, E I) Curtis, P A Wag
Constitutional amendment. J h
Hill, Turner Oliver, II L Ucxtcr, Peter
Wagner, J I O roe.
Printing anil supplies. ij t, Miaron,
E M Sargent, P A Wagner.
Grand Chancellor Hayne read hla
annual report. Nine now lodges were
added to the list during the past year,
viz: Juventus, No. 4rt; Stevens, No.
4!l; Thermopylae, No. 60, Grant's Pass;
Hercules, Xo. ol, Allium; liUCUiius,
No. 62, Junction City; Aurora, Po. 64,
Conlldeiice. No. 25, at Arlington was
re-organized during the early part of
this year.
hour new divisions oi ine umiorm
rank have beeu instituted during the
list vear and four more are In view.
'here are now 12 divisions In the state.
Supreme Chancellor Shaw and Ma
jor General Carnahau visited the state
luring tlie past year ami were given a
Knightly reception In Portland.
Referred tocommiitceon distribution
Grand Vice Chancellor Sharon reported
having officially visited eleven lodges
during the year, and instituted two lodgei
during that time.
Referred to a special committee on dis
tribution as follows: G. W. Jett. A. A.
Cleveland, Geo. Hochstedler, Al. W.rlein,
M P Burnett.
Geo. Hiuhstcdler read a joint report pre
pared by himself and Wilsoa T. Hum of
the doings of tbe supreme lodge at Kama.
City. There were l.KMX) uniformed knighti
on the tented held.
A new ritual was adopted. It will be
printed only in the English language.
The report of PA Wagner, G. K. of B
and S., was read. It ibowa the available
assetaof lodge, to be $58,000; total re
ceipt, about $6000; unexpended balance on
hand, $400.
Grand Master of Exchequer E M Sargent
reDortad ud to Sept. 30, he bad received a
total of $'J, 122X6, and had expended about
Excelsior. No. 1, Portland-A B Sin
iflcton. E E Ixjng.
Jiysuc, io, i, 1 oriiuiiu J n. .ut-
in.'iii. John H111a.ll
Myrtle, No. 8, Slarshfleld John
Hull. F A Golden.
Damon, No. 4, Pendleton F W
Stensloir. L G Frazlcr.
Astor. No. 6, Astorla-II Wise, C
Laurel. No. 7. Albary-WA Mc
Lean. J L Hill.
Gauntlet. No. H, Baker City L F
Cook. I M Bovnton.
friendship, No. . The Dallci-D L
fates. John Michel.
Ivanhoe, No. 10, Portland L Cartf
U'tisen. Al Werlein.
Valley, No. 11, Corrallls-M P- Bur
nett, D A Oburn.
(.iermnnia, No. 12, Portland P Wag
uer. f LaumtrarU'ii.
CaHtlc. No. 13, Portland-R II Mo-
Murnhv. 8 Raphael
Phalanx. No. 14. Portlaud-F R
Neal. O H Hendee.
Dowdall, No. 18, Browuvllle- P
Raafr. J J Hawver.
wfa. No. 17, AVrl J W Hare,
W L M.Ooskev.
Capital, No. IS, Salem Geo Hoeye,
J O' Donald.
Doric, No 20, Heppner t) L Palte
son, iieury iiiackuiun.
Calanthe, No. 21, Allilna-O J I.iilrd.
(ilentw, No 22, (ilelii'iH II P Cor
nelius, J ' Corey.
Graulte, No. 2.1, Ashland-1 S
Hicks, John II Reel.
Harmony, No. 24, Pendleton- E T
McLnughlin, II L Hester.
CoufltleiKv, No. 26, Arlington R
Reanlsley, F A Snow.
Columbia, No. 2H. Portland-A M
Johnson, IM Curtis P (1 C, John Ahl
steatlt. Red CnM, No. 27, Im Grande J B
Thorson, J A Matot.
Blue Mountain, No. 2S, I'lilou Tur
ner Oliver, M F Davis.
Pythian, No. 2ii, Athena-E S Wa
terman, J 1) Taylor.
Waueonia, No. 30, Hood River II
CCoe, J H Cradlebaugh.
Talisman, No. SI, McdfordJ E E11
yart, C F lliitt
Helmet, No. 8JI, Eugeue-J O Watts,
F T Whltcomb.
PhtH'tilx, No. M, HlllsUin-P M
Dennis, tits) Scliulmerick.
Home, No. 86, Sllverton Gi-o Cusl
Ur, C M Hitikle.
Manillas, No. 30, Si-lo E O Hyde
G M Coffey.
Siinonitles, No. 87, Cornelius R P
Ooodin, W A GtHxIin.
Achilles, No. 8S, Oregon Clty-S
Aekermaii, E M Rands.
Ik-lphoH, No. 80, Forest Grove W P
Via, C W ltansoin.
Aegnthon, No. 41, Alblua II J
Schado, Geo W Baton.
Nomah, No. 42, Sunnyvlew AlU'rt
To.ler, Geo F Benson.
eruon, No. 4.1, Joint lhy W 11
Kelley, W W Wotnl.
Adelphla, No. 44, Woodburu-L W
Gulss, Autorson.
Homer, No. 46, Ititlepeiitlelitv L C
Gllmore, M O Potter.
Pvthagoraa, No. 40, Cascade Locks
II A Wiley, E C Wiley.
Alwha, No. 47, Koseburg--B B Houston,
LA Sanctuary.
Tbermopvlae No. 50, Grant's Pa-Jas.
Moss, E M Grant.
Hercules No. 61, Milton L E Yatus, D
W McDonald.
Lucullua No 62, Junction City-C W Lam
eon, F M Hitchcock.
Auroia No. 64, Waaco-C J Bright, V C
Star No. 65, Oswego L Winther.
Wt:Dt'.ftllY AITIIOOO 1'ltO.
t t;i;in t...
omoifts BLKOTBD.
Grand Chancellor, E. E. Sharon, Pendle
ton. Grand Vice Chancellor, S' E. WaJdel,
Grand Prelate, J. L. Hill, Albany.
Grand Master at Arm., Dr, E. P. Geary,
Grand K. of R. & S., Geo. MoConnell,
Grand Master ct Exoheuuor, E. M. Sar
gent, Portland.
Grand Inner Guard, J. O, Watts, Eu
gene, Grand Outer Guard, Chas. Fellow.,
Grand Trustee, J. T. Hayne, Portland.
Hon. Uemy Blackman, the democratic
war-horse, from Ueppner, covered himself
all over with glory by seconding the noml
nation1 of E. E. Sharon for graud chancel
lor, and himself declining the honor.. He
I. the oldest past chancellor In Eastern
Oregon, and is a wheel-horse lu the order.
A portion of the evening was taken
up by Supremo Representative Hoch
stedler Instructing the representative
In the unwritten worn, 110 oeing rresii
from the, supreme lodge at Ivansas
The committee on apjicals found on
ly three appeals taken to the grand
lodge during the past year.
Geo. F. MeConnell was appointed as
sistant to the G. IC. or R. B., until the
installation of olllcera.
Heppner was chosen as the place for
the next meeting of the grand lodge,
by practically an unanimous vote.
Tholiard work by Senator Blackmail
an editor Otis Patterson, accomplished
the victory for tho eastern Oregon
Tho business was mostly routine.
Tho state haa been redlstrlctcd, and
the Incoming grand chancellor will an
nounce his appointment of deputies
this evening. The graud lodge ap
siln ted a set of olllcera to confer tho
amplified rank this evening lu Helmet
lodge, this city.
Upon invitation of D V 8 Held, prin
cipal of tho public schools, a commit
tee visited the schools during tho fore
noon. The grant! lodge rank was conferred
upon 0110 past chancellor.
A number of amendments to tho con
stitution were oilcan, and under tho
rules were laid over oue year.
T he Invitation to attend the ball this
evening was accepted.
At 1 n. iu. Mrs. Hochstedler, deputy
for Oregon or the l'ythlan Mlstere, wan
Invited to the hall, and explained the
obloct and alms of this order.
Tho namo of J. A. Benson, of Juven
tus lodge, No. 48, Cottage (J rove, was
overlooked In yesterday's report.
Public Speaking.
Hon. John Burnett, of Benton county.wlll
address the citizen, of Lane county on the
political Issue, of the day at tbe court house
In Eagone, Saturday, October 29, at 130
A Sad Accident.
On October 8. th 9 year old son of
Thomas and Annie Bailey, living ill mile,
south-west of Junction mot with an aooident
hicb proved fatal. He went to the bam
to catch and bridle hi. pony, and got Into
manger to put on tba bridle, when toe pony
pulled back, throwing th boy to ine noor,
the poor turned at the earn time, kicking
tbe child in the stomach, crushing th liver
and gall from tb effect of which th boy
died th night of lb 9ib. at 9 o'clock. Th
(am t has tb svmDatcv 01 in enure
neighborhood in this, their iad bereave
ment. G. J
A Thanksgiving1 Dinner.
The ladles of the Methodist Evlsco-
nnl Church have decldod to erect a new
parsonage. To secure funds to aid them
thev are iroinu to give a thanksgiving
dinner, aud are anxious that the other
denominations and the kind nubile of
Kuimie natronlze them. Uiey will
have an excellent dinner, and a good
time may be expected. The dinner
will cost only 35 cent with 15 cents
for children under ten. oilier an
nouncements later.
Notice to Purchasers or tbe Encyclo
pedia lirltannlea.
Vour coupons will be received as 10
per cent payment on all work done at
our studio from this date.
F. A. lUKi.f 4 Co..
Faum to Lease. A farm of 1W)
arun to Utue for one year. (Situated
near Cloverdale. Iane county, Oregon,
Houwi and barn on the same. En
quire of
J. J. Waltox
Some 0
We are bound to close out THIS
DEPARTMENT at some price.
Since the inauguration of
Our Customers have become sat
isfied that we not only reduced
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tion has prevailed throughout our
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this greatest opportunity for bar
gains offered this season.
A. V.
City Property.
Tho value of an investment In
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That is why
beat Investment In Eugene, eatieelally
Adjoining tho University grounds and the city limits 011 the Kust, with
street-cars, city water and electric lights extending to It, It Is
the most convenient and deslrahlo prorty on the market.
Never mind the weather, UN IVEKSITY ADDITION, Is high
anil dry aud naturally well drained. Prices low, and 011 easy terms.
Call on or write to II. N. Cockerline,
: No. IOO.- :
Am O. &XJXI2iJSr9
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ClUAKSandTOIIACCOHof all klutls for tho W IIOI.EHAI.B and KETA1LTKADK.
The Uracil and licit Ht'loctvd Stock of Ulnars, Tulccos, IMpes, Etc., ever ki'pt In Eugene
Bavin. nurrhaxHl tills stock at a ireat tllscnnnt, I atn able to sell bilnw Portland price.
Those wishing anything In this line will do well
-S HI BSm'
Special Liberal
Been Made In
Every Department,
property tleiiemls ujion the actual
prospects of its increasing in value
Property la the
if you want a Iteuutlful jiltico for a home.
Eugene, Or. Ollleoln Chrlsman Block.
Fruit Lands
to price my foods bt'Inru purchasing elsewhere
Discounts Hav
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