The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 01, 1892, Image 10

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it m''uiw'i
Everything 1
Toilet Articles.
vus, variiiBiics, wiu'v
, ir h-i. tmirt Dart of onr goons r.aai.
hrioed In a wU .ppolnU-4 Drug store ana a r --. ...
tot diarrhoea or gummer complaint In ronn ther to nothing better Ibau
Cuamberlaln . Collo, Cholera and DUr
rbweBomedy. Mm Nancy Berry, of Ad
am, Uwrenoeoounty, Kentucky, aay one
Hrseouredber ol an attack 01 diarrba.
I to 01 three doiei will eare ny ordlnaiy
ci e. When reduced with water It I plea
dI to Uke. 25 and 60 cent bottlti for nle
l,y Osburn k Delano.
A.UO. IIornuno, a well known rnnn
ulacturerofbooUBndhli(x;ttt8 o
luit St., Han Antonio, Texas, will not
HiMmforrethUexperleru with an at
I u!k of the cramps which he reluU a
Mlows: "I wan taken with a ylo uut
i-ramu in uie nwuiacn w .... - -would
have caused my death, had It
not been for the prompt use of Cliatii
laln'i Coll" Cholera and Diarrhoea
. mi.. 41 t A, .11.1 n.A un
. . it.., r ..n.tuul It nn In
IllUCn KOOU Willi X iumuf -r -
minute with the second done, and be-
.i.. .I-,.. yuttiKl fM.f tr whore 1
in a 1 t.i... Tlila lliim-
cdy ahull alwayn I one of the main
. 0. II II aula liv
trays 01 my iwmiy. . "j
Ohburn & DeLano.
00N IT Wilt ( TOO U.
. . 1 1 1 .nlMaMll1l
dlM of th kklueyi Md b Wrf
nig. dlffemit imllM n . T
oaiht eid from diCTit Pjr'"
. VP au.. iw nth of A aril
r " . from wrr olnt
" op iloa, or to put o; ctoihef,. when
Kxa I Immediately cemmrnwd
jtlng the Ire. H hd lB0"
nlrculou eflccl, end to Ibe ob
hmrnt of U the luctts et the hotel,
n few djn,l PP7 w
ki 1 m ft new nan. 1
-ccommend the tee to ell effl!
u 1 bare been.
0. A. T0PPK1,
lYoptletor Ocrtdental Hotel,
A new end CnmptuteTrraimMit, eomlallni of
rillniwx Unr IH1. O lllimtlll III ( HIHIIIIK, w Ul
Box and Fllli; e I'onltlve Ciiro lr internal, In
iiumii.r Hiuuliiii,. Iti'hlhir. Chronic. H-
enorHeinllUry J'llea, end nieiijr other die.
aaue ena iiuiaie wiaKnnw; n
nut hanallt iii ih minral health. The tint
dlMOTerr of medical cure rendering en onere.
llcm wltn ilia eniie unneeerj nnniwr. U.mJ hBI lVMI llMMIl kltOWll Ul (all. II
per box, lor ix wnt hy mall, hy enitlur from
thli terrible dlaeaae when a written guarantee
! glren with I boxea, to refund the money If
not cured. Bend lamp for free Maniple. Ouar-
rantee ImiihI by Wiwdaiih, Clakki ( o.,
Wholeaale Ketall DruggliU, bole Agent, lMrt-
To" wle'by HRNHltRHON CI.KAVER, Agenti,
Kugene, Oregon
r's Golden Pert Pills..
For Female Irregular
nn the market. A'eeer
nil. HuoceMlully med
y pmmluent ladlM
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve eupimiMod
Pon't be humbnmred.
Have Time, Health,
udmoueyilake no oth
er. Rent to any addreM,
1 lecure by mel I 011 re
ool jt of prion, iOJ.
1 Addreai,
- 'BreucU, Uox37, rOKTLAKD, OR'
Fot bale by C R. LUC1KY A CO., Iugene.
Nervous Prostration,
nieewlMaeieaat ftieh axtl Xerfaeia
HiadMbt, Uarkatrhe, Itlaala fa,Mcr
hit rear, ll llMlm, NarTeae
erl,rtu, kl. llae Daeea, Oplaaa
Habit, lraalienBMa,ele., are rar4
by Dr. MUeV ReateraUve Jtervlaa.
It oa aot euaiala Opiawa. atra. topDie C.
HrowaiM, lialud. rla., aularaa llk Kpllapir
lor 10 jnn an4 uaueaa to a eMiiplalaeura. Ja4
tnn, Klla, Ontxia, had baaa auirerini wilk Krr
eaa PruMrailoa rot (oar yara,eiala not aleea,
aothinf kaliwd kiai eaiil be Md Dr. M Ilea ftw
etoratl Narvlnai be I ao wall, rtne book
at aranMM. Dr. Ml lee1 Nan and
Uf PIMe, M eeaae fur N mil are the tt
raatady let MiUwuaaai, Torpid Liver, eta eta.
Or. Mil.' ModloaJ CoIikhart,lnd.
Hold by J.-.B. BKCKUr.
Mix Graia a Uie nnat favanble Urma.
Wheat reoetnta of aay warebonae aorth at Ku
mm, prorwrly ataignaJ, Ukea tl eichaage for
A'Umr or Veed.
tf IIik-iet Cmd Prioe Fald for Wheat XF"
ft 1
eV4. I II
iHigs, Pharmacy,
r Chemicals,
Physicians Sup
plies, Surgical Ap
Tmnnrfo1 lorfiimnrv. SnJiT). fl,IK
hmnlnfA and fifilwit ntnck of l'aintH.
l'ainters I'urniBhings.
.. 1 1 i 1 iii
------ n -- .
ny purrnunm in .sn uaim... -
A Coiiiiiieiidable Enterprise.
The proponed electric !rvice for Ku
ffl'IIP fill (I Knrlniflltld Ih a tnoxt lrn tl
cable and lmX)rtunt improvement for
both places ami hiioiiki receive uie
Hearty cnuorHemeni 01 1110 enure
munlty. In addition to the taxable
wealtli created within the county It
will enhance tho vuluo of all the proi-
crty nlonir. the jiropow-d route aim
brliiR Into market the Hulmrbaii tract
aloiiKtlie river lor resineneo pux.
Tlin (yinvenleiice to the traveling pub'
lie between the two pln-H will result
not only In the brlnirlMit of a lurtfe
amount of IiuhIiipwi to Kugttnn which
him liltbcrto trone north over the rail
road, but will tinult In iiiuUIiik KumMie
a supply point for a large and Kpulous
district. The company who propone
putting In this worn are evuienuy
Awnrn if the Imriortiiticc of this ImimI-
ness as they Intend oiMTiilltijf a frviiflit
department, hhouiil tne wuhiuw rail
road be built, this electrlo connection
will be a most sutisfucUiry flnuncial In
viwtmciit to all conceriii'd: and even
without it, It would puy handsomely
within a few years. In addition to the
suburban tralilo, the pBHw-nirer service
It will oiler to the city will lie most ac
ceptable and desirable, and will place
the municipal mid community value
of the entire city's realty on a pur vi un
that or any city or its size in uie wui
The State University
The Kugene oorreapomlent of Ibo Colin;
Orove Leader aaya:
"The State UoiverHity opened last Muu
day with ten proleHwira and teioberit, three
leaubera of muxio kikI 170 mudents. 1'hU
inalit utioti 111 opened in 1870 anil Ibe tlml
elaaa firaibHteil in 1H7H Pit alinl-iitu have
Kradimted at III in iiiHliliHion; V in the
elaHMio and Hfiehtillii Mini ill lioriiiln. The
nliruml eouriw wua diKcmliuneil in ISsTi,
01 the KrluHle, nine have died, four wo
men end five men. Of the forty-three wo
men llviinr. niiteru beve innrrled and
twenly-teven remain aintflti Ot the gradu
ate, therr aretliiily Inwyers, foiirmiuixtera,
thirty teacbfri four men nd tenty-alx
women: four lurvevor auu civil encluecm
five banker, eluht newauaper men, four
farmer, two artiaU and one iiboluKrnpher
Women, two merchant, elubt pbykioiuui,
one ilrneit at. two clerk, auu other en
Kilted in vocation which vary at'cnidiug to
"The year jiint begun proiulie greater
pioeperi'ty to tbi luxitutioti than any one
preorillug It. ll na grown Hiowiy, uut 11
already rank ainonK the loreinoat inmiiu
tlona of the Northwrxt. The board of
regeuts are lound buainea men. lu
faculty are among the beat euneaior 10 me
oonntry, Tuition I free and living cheap.
The moral of the city ore perliapa a good
a anv nlace of it i.e in the weat and wilh
trlct rule tuipoaed by the faculty, tue
tudunt ba Utile chunoe to go aairay."
iiaylllata In t'ourl.
PnnniKi). Hent. 23. Jack Deliilnov.
Hill. Hmlih. Ililllv lfiniifl.fv. Uu Huruel
ami Joaenh Tavlor. who were Indicted vu-
terday by the grnnd jury for conducting and
biking part In the nuiitn-Mauer corneal
laat Tuewlay night at tbe Paul i tne Club,
were all nreaeul in the oriinhinl oourt this
morulug lor arraignment Owing to the
alumina of Ilenrv E. MoOiun. attorney for
the defoDHe, N. D. Simon appeared, and
aaked for a continuance tin Monday lor
pleading. Tbi wa granted by Judge
Bttarns, upon oouaent uf District Attor
ney W. T Hume. There i no doubt that
when the time oome to pleud the dufeiiae
will luterpoae a demurrer, on the ground of
inaufllcienoy of fact, and that Ibe content
wa in no wiae nriie-fliibl, but simply
acienliflo exhibition,
All tbe defeudant have given bouda,
tlntuivmbin City IViit. Tfitnlev and
,! Mlnvniiil Itila wa. k frnm euNterll On,
unit fta vnnnrtw Hint nn the deiert near
Silver lake the aite of an uuclout city hai
oeen oiaoovereu. una aiue ui iuu aiuniD
lva.wi,l ti foiiF nr Avit lilln.lrMil
yard. Tbe top i Joat above the eurfuce
aud 1 anoui lour leet wine, uuuiu 01 ce
ment altuilar to those of Ariznna and Mex
ico. Tbe oily evidently autedatv th Al
tec and Toltec. No tborouglibred rockol
ogiat ba yet viailed tbe ruiu. The cow
k.. h... ilitna a litll nenMmiellncl nn Ihlr
own hook. Among other tbitig found i
tlie luipriut of a buuinn font upon a blrck
nf il, iMiniMiit aiirb mIiowIiiii Ihnt the hod-
carder of iboae day went barefooted. A
east of a large-nuj trowel wa a mo iouuh.
It 1 quite likely lb city wa built upon tbe
ahorr of Silver lake which is now diatant
about thirty mill). Urania Paa Cornier.
llefueea: l Speak.
Atunta. O., Sent. j3. Ueiieral We-
ver tonight refused to addrea an audience
of GOOO, which gathered at the dats oapitol
to hear bim. lie declared that there wa
no free ipeech iu th South, nnlwilhatanding
tba fact that hi imlieuce bad naured bitn
reipeclfnl bearing.
Uearral ope e irtare.
StSHPHxr, O., Sept. 33 General John
Poll, ol the I'uiled Slates aiDJV, died at 11
O'clock touigbt, ged70 years.
Mr. lUaine'o aii8vcr to tho in-
lignitics and insults in Hie tod on
11m ny tho Harrison olliochoulers
i an unvotctl vote. 1 1 in failure to
register in the Muino election i tho
only reply ho lias unulo to nil that
was caul it mi tlotio in forcing him
out of the cabinet aud driving him
before tho Minneapolis convention
at a time when it was too late for
tho rank and file of the party tocx-
press itself.
riunday Welcome: l X. Miller has
returned from Foley Kprlngi well
pleased with his summer outing- but
not so much o with the natives whom
b tried to educate Into the mysteries
of trout tlshiiiK. He had a pond con
structed for his rsisvlal U'tietlt and
lisrdly had the water Uvn turnetl on
before he cast s line aud drew out an
elegunt elKht pounder, cxvurvly hatiir
ing the trophy on the branch of a trv
lie rctirtnl to give the kindergarten
class s lcsaon on dlggli'K halt, and
while he was gone somebtMlv sneukiHl
up to the trout, cleaned it, tilled up the
cavity w ith shot and then hunted up
Miller to get a U t out of him on the
weight of the tlsh. He bit at tbe bait
thrown out, hook and all, but when
the scab's turned down at twenty-alx
pounds, he threw up llh hands and
then and there n-irlstt red s solemn
oath uever to make another wager on
tbe weight of a tlsh, man or animal,
unless he was on the lu.slde himself. 1
Several linmigraDl arrived ber but
Several more sludeoU arrived on today '1
The nhite itius has been put III the
Conner block.
R. It. Itllev. of Portland, spent last
night In Kugene.
The wood work la beina pUoed on the
tower of Ibe jail building.
Judge Kiutey tbi afternoon auctioned off
a wagon and ten or twelve neea 01 none,
Uncle Juck Keeney Is now residing
In this city undergoing medical treat
Dr. Hhclton, who lias been milte
sick, Is improving, we are pleased to
II, C. Iliiinphrcy and L, N. Itoney started
no the river, deel buutiog tbi
Tom Keeney left for Portland this
morning to take a course In a school of
C E. Mark and two daughter of Bigg
ville, llllnoin, art TlaillDg b. Y. Cbtpman
on Cedar rial.
E. C. Lake lias moved his household
edi cts from the furm to his residence
In this city.
Miss Itose Coleman went to Harrls-
burjr this morning and will teach
school near there.
Ed While of I'riuetille, county treanarer
of Crook county, ii veiling relative and
friemla in Eugene and vicinity.
Mrs. Kate HaudMaker who has been
visiting relatives at Goshen returned
to her home at Tacoma this morning.
J. If. llecklcv. who is now represent
ing Wilcox fc lienn, wheat buyers, of
Portland, left for that city this morn
W. II. nrutnbauuh of ibis city ba or
gunized a branch ol Ibe Fraternal Building
AnKooiulion at lloaehurg, which 1 proaper
peiing nicely.
The Portland Reform Journal nava apeo
tile' iisrtv club w oruanized at Llewellyn
pnntofflce, tbiaoouniy, aitb 21 member, on
September Will.
Two brothers of Prof. Johnson are
vlHitluif him at his home In Kugene.
One Is from Corvallis, and the other
from Payette, Idaho,
J. It. Kliiuu has purchased the black
smith shop on Pearl street, near
Klghth, and (leorge Forrest will move
his shop Into the same.
Out. Pennojer will deliver a upeich at
Roaibure, Oct lal, st o'clock p. m., in
behalf of Weaver and Ft. Id and ibe People'
party priuciplea. The ipeecb will be
wriiteu one.
The sheriir will sell Heptember 30th
some roix'i Ikmc, shovels, etc., the prop
erty of II. 1 1. Hroten, to satisfy a Judg
ment held by JM. Hvarverua a .o.,
amounting to (IKJ.
Cottnue Orove Leader: J. M. Cook, on
of Los AugehV, Calif ., capiisliata. went to
llohemia, Monday, to look alter hi Inter-
enl iu tbe A'liiiemine.
Tbe Cottage Orove public nchool will
opeu Monday with Prof. J. P. Holland a
principal. Mia uora Vickinaou will con
duct tbe primary department.
The republican ooiinty central com
mittee Is holding a meeting at the
court house this afternoon making ar
rangements for the campaign.
('. M. Collier is surveying Into small
tracts the Jtiiikins tract of land, near
HiH-ncer butte, recently purchased by
ftlr. Moss. Jt win oe placed on me
The Y. P. 8. C. K, of the Presbyter
ian church gave a reception to the stu
dents of the State University at
Fletcher Linn's residence lust evening.
pleasant time was Had.
The cannery I last finiibing tbe drying
of 1S,OOU h of prune received from Dong
l county. Th canning department i
running daily now putting op tomatoes
from th wme onunty and expect to receive
from I here HO, 000 pound altogether.
Lucy J. Culver lias commenced a
suit for divorce against her husband,
Hani Culver, In the Lane county cir
cuit court. They were married In
Lane county December 6, 1881), and
about two months thereafter he deserted
her. One child Is the result of the
Mc.Miiiuvlllo Iteisirter: "Harrison
Johnson, a pauper, and former resident
of tills county, but later of Kugene,
was returned to inaieny tins wees at
tho county's expense." Now It would
be in order for Lane county to return
the compliment and return "Two
stick" to old Yamhill.
An Idaho paper aay: On of Ibe oldest
Iudiau Kiuaw on tbe Lemhi reservation
died tbe other day at on ot their "wicki
ups" ou the weat ide ot tbe river. Her
name wa "Moklle," mother of Sheepeater
Jim, of the foreign tribe north ol bei
known a the Sheepeater Indian. She wa
1)3 ye.ira of age, to we pretumed for noue
ot them kuow thoir exact age and wat
known among their tribe a great medi
olne woman.
Tho nrr.iKised electric system for this
city and Hprlngtleld Is a step In the
right direction, ami is one wnicn oners
more practicable advantages, to both
places than any other local Improve
ment thatt could be suggested. The
honomenal growth of the cities of
Washington which have not one-tenth
the natural resources of our town has
been duo only to the push and enter
prise of those realizing the necessity of
reaching out and drawing In to them
the business of tho surrounding conn-
A suited Plato nab oouioiiaaion car no.
8, arrived at Penoletca on Monday noon'
rain from the Kant, and waa taken op the
branch Thursday morning. II contain in
Ih 20 trannportalion tank om SoOO black
b of fai' ix obtaioed at Qainoy, III.,
from tbe overflow of (he MlMlaaippi, About
1100 baa were put off at Boiae, and th mot
ot lb remainder will be placed in Liberty,
Iion aud Deer lake, Wnbingon. A few
will le liberated in porda near Dayton.
Fresh eater waaobtaiued al l'oca'.ello, La
Uraude and Pendleton, l'JOO gallon ar
onied iu two large tank on th ear lor
IrauKpoitation tank, and th finny passen
ger have fared well, only 30 of them dying
o (aron the tup.
There is probably nioro than the
usual amount of rejoicing in tho
household of tho cm ncror of Ger
many over the birth of tho young
princes. Before his marriage it
was prophesied of tho young Crown
rinee illiani that he would have
seven sons, no one 01 whom would
ever ascend tno throne. MX sons
lave already been born to him,
and there was a good deal of ami
ty lest the seventh child should
also bo a son. The emperor is not
sujcrstitious, but it is reported
from Berlin that he was very eager
that this should be a daughter.
A Saleaa Ulyalerir.
Salkm. Or.. Sent, 23. Salem has
another mystery, and the authorities
are tillable to tell whether It Is mur
der, suicide, or accidental drown
ing. This morning the dead
body ot Otto 8. Cowi wa found in Mill
creek, to two (eel of water. It wa thought
an electric car knock d him off the bridge,
but tb body how no mark ol violeac.
Tin Mate Ig-noranee.
The Register has made a wonder
ful discovery of what the tariff tax
of $16,000,000 annually for tin haB
accomplished. It says:
"The Guard stated a few days
ago that Messrs. Wilkins and
Abrams had secured a few sheets of
American made tin plate and
placed it in McClung's snow win
dow for political purjwses. The
facts are that the tin in question
was sent to the Eugene Canning &
Tacking Company, and was Hent as
samples without any regard to the
campaign. It might also be of in
terest to the Guard to know that
in May last year the cannery paid
for their tin IC.GO per box 011 board
ship at San Francisco, or $7.87 laid
down in Eugene. This was for im
ported tin. This year they can
purchase the samo grade of tin,
American make, from Hazen & Co.,
of Indiana, for $0.70 per box laid
down in Eugene. When they
mado the purchase last year foreign
tin was quoted at $6.75 per box on 1
board shin at San Francisco, or 5
centt per box more than American
. .
tin now costs laid in hugene
That is what the tarilfis doing for
us in the tin business."
We do not supjxwe the Register
would seek to mislead its reuders
for mrtisan purposes on the tariff
question as it affects tin, but attrib
ute tho closing statement to ignor
ance, the price ol tin, like that 01
all other products, fluctuates in the
markets of the world, tarill or no
tariff. Tho difference in price be
tween this year and last can no
more be attributed to American
manufacture of tin, than the low
price of wheat throughout the
world Is caused by Oregon growing
a fair crop.
Tho report of the government
agent for the fiscal yea ended June
last shows tho output ot tin and
terne plates of this country that
year was 13,240.830 pounds. This
was less than i per cent ol the
amount consumed in the Bame per
iod. Of this amount less than one-
Quarter was tin plate, tho rest be
ing terne plate, which is coated with
lead and tin and used for roofing
Duruoses only. This report comes
from an officer appointed by Harri
son, und his administration has
been notorious for twisting and per
verting statistics, wherever iiossi
ble, to further partisan ends, and
must be the most favorable
showing possible. Thus only
one-half of 1 per cent of the
tin UBed in this country for can
ning, domestic purposes, and all
oilier uses, except roohng, is pro'
duced in this country, ihe man
who believes, or knowing seeks to
make others believe that this pro
duction affects tho markets of the
world, or tho United States
in the least particular, tie
serves to have a guardian appoint
ed to watch over him.
Even this small amount reported
by the government is largely of for
eign manufacture. According to
cuBtom house reports, during the
last quarter of the fiscal year the
importations of black plate, the
steel sheets on which tho tin is laid,
were over 4,000,000 pounds. The
tin ingots aro imported, the greater
tiart of the black plates are evident
y imported, Welsh labor is import
ed, and the only part of the work
dono in this country is that of dip
ping. For this the peoplearemade
to pay a tariff tax of $16,000,000
annually on an article that is one
of the necessaries of life, used in
the humblest cottage in the land.
Tariff for protection is a fraud
and robbery of the people, and
tho tin plate tax thoroughly dem
onstrates that fact.
At a recent meeting of the Brit
ish Medical Association a proposi
tion was discussed to change the
law of England bo as to make in
sanity a ground for divorce. In
most of the states of the American
Union tho courts have the power to
annul a marriage upon proof that
at the time of the ceremony either
of the parties was insane, and,
therefore, unable intelligently to
make a contract. As to insanity
occurring after marriage, Arkansas
grants divorce by reason of insanity
after marriage. In our own state
insanity that has existed for thir
teen years after marriage and if
deemed incurable is legal ground
for divorce. In 1S81 a statute was
enacted in Wisconsin permitting
divorce on account of insanity
where such insanity was believed
to be incurable, but this law re
mained in force only a yer. In
the debate on this question before
the British Medical Association
there was a general agreement on
the part of the thirty physicians
present to tho effect that if insanity
was to be accepted as a plea for di
vorce at all, it Bhould only be in
cases which were deemed by experts
to bo absolutely incurable; and
there was also a strong sentiment
in fa vor of requiring that the in
sanity Bhould have existed for a
considerable period, a minimum of
seven years being suggested by
some of the speakers and ten years
by others.
The next stau- 'etions will be
held in Florida anu ieorgia; in the
former on October 4, in the latter
on October 5.
Mr. Gladstone has found time to
eulogixe the bicycle, and the wheel
makers are mad about it. They
fear the young lords w ho have been
riding the "bike" will get off and
walk rather lhan appearing to agree
with Gladstone in anything.
Sewing- llacbloe Arg-ument.
The aewine machine lias become
indispensable to tho household
says the Telegram. The Buiu paid
out each year for sewing machines
makes an enormous item. Anu 11
is money that usually represents
hard earnings.
The McKinley law puUi a tariff
dutv of 45 per cent on sewing raa
chines. This tariff tax is taken
from the persons who buy sewing
machines. It docs not go into the
treasury of the United States, but
it goes directly into the pockets of
the manufacturers.
Does the manufacturer need this
additional tax in order to make his
business pay him a profit? This
question is answered by making a
comparison of the prices charged
in this country and in Europe for
one of the best machines. This
machine is sold at retail by agen
cies in England for $32, and in the
United states for $4o.
In other words, they can make
the machine here in the United
States, ship it to England and eel
I. . , ,bn.t I .
it at a pront lor wz, wncn unucr
the operation of the McKinley law
tho American buyer is compelled to
pay $45 for tho same machine.
Is there equity or justice in a
tariff system which oppresses the
American consumers in this style?
The Door American woman who
earns her livelihood bv sewing is
compelled to pay $13 more for t
sewing machine than an English
man nays. She is robbed of her
$13 to enrich a monoiwly, and yet
it is all done under the sanction of
Tho Eueene nublic schools have
an exceptionally promising start
this year.
Rubber wear will be a prominent
part of the store front exhibits
made by our merchants for several
months to come.
Sheriff Noland proposes to col
lect all delinquent taxes. Remem
ler that ho means business and
will do his duty. Pay up if you
do not wish to pay extra for costs.
Referring to the wholesale natural
ization of aliens for voting purpos
es. a Chicaeo paper says: It is not
expected that the newly naturalized
citizens will take an active part in
politics until they have thoroughly
mastered the surnames of at least
two presidential candidates.
Washington has solved the con
vict problem, in so far as it makes
this very troublesome class a bene
fit to the peoplo of the state. At
the penitentiary at Walla Walla
convicts make grain sacks, which
the farmers are enabled to buy at
two cents cheaper than in former
An electric car lino to Spring
field would bo a great accommoda'
tion to travel. The two lines of
railroad would then be practically
connected, and passengers on the
Oregonian railroad coming to Eu
gene could reach here the same
evening with only small additional
Another argument against long
or severe sentences on the ground
of purely circumstantial evidence
may be taken from the case of
James F. Tipton, just pardoned
from the Oregon penitentiary. He
was sentenced in 1889 to 20 years
for forgery, but affidavits have been
made, proving his innocence beyond
a doubt.
The Liverpool Journal of Com
merce in an article on tho stability
of ships, says: "We trust that the
time is not far distant when water
ballast will be the only system of
ballasting in iron ships, and the
costly old-fashioned rubbish ballast
consigned to oblivion." At first
glance many interested persons will
not second this view, says the Mar
itime Register, but it is one that
will eventually be carried out. Its
advantages are obvious, and the
cost would in the end be much
smaller than the expense, delay
and annoyances of stone or dirt
The Portland Dispatch says:
T. F. Osborn, the president of the
Portland chamber of commerce,
and a life-long republican, is to ad
dress the Independent Cleveland
and Stevenson club at it snext meet
ing. He is to be followed by Hon.
George II. Woodard, another life
long republican and the state senator-elect
from this county on the
citizens' ticket last June. This
club is composed of men who have
always acted with the republicans,
and we understand that there are
among its members many of the
heretofore leading republicans of
this city and most influential busi
ness men.
The big monopoly organ of Port
land asserts that "no other cause
for the decline of silver need be
sought than the decrease in cost of
production." Xo one expects the
Oregonian to tell the truth about
silver. It cannot be controverted
that the comparative value of silver
under free coinage from 1851 to
1S73 was greater than that of gold,
not excepting a single year. In
IS. J the infamous Sherman act
was passed demonetizing silver,
and it immediately dropped a con
siderable per cent below gold, and
has since continued to decline.
The coined silver that is in circu
lation passes equally with gold,
and whether silver cosU the mine
owner fifty cents or one hundred
cents to produce an ounce, makes
no difference when the government
I stamp is placed upon it
Junction City Items.
Time, Sept. 21.
School opened Monday Willi sn allrMl
suce of over ni. fly.
The Junciiou City Comet Baud will give
a grand ball l the opera bouse, I nday
evening. October 7.
We regret to announce that Dr. Shw ba
concluded to leave this place and mors lo
eastern Oregou.
County Surveyor Collier ha completed
tbe survey of the propoeed water ditch and
it U lenrutd that a fall ol twelve feet can
be obtained, tbui demonstrating to S cer
tainty the legibility of tb wbeni. lbs subscription pr to seenrs
atock eubscripliou will be prepared today
when it i hoped that every one wno is lu
created in the future welfare of tbia oity
aod auiroundicg couuliy will ub.crll hu-
"yil'ialher intereatiu. hiwauil was berd
before Juaiico BotU-r r"dy afternoon of
lost week. -A. S. Tbol"'ou brought suit
agsinat J. W. Thomas to recover tbe sum
of77.bO. The defendant enU-red s coun
ter claim of f 'JO. Tbe case continued un
til near midnight when the matter wa inb
milled 10 a jury. A v. rdict was returned
in favor of tbe defendant for $90 and
oosts ol suit. Mr. Thompson has filed no
tice of appeal.
a .
Colored men Denounce llorrlaon.
Indianai-omh, Sept. 2.3. The Col-
l.t.l r....fu V..l..,,l T' U'0 Afu
urvutu .ih-ii o ..woi'iim. . -
sociation, in session here today, de
nounced President Harrison and the
adminintration, the force bill and the
nrotective tariff. Free trade was In
dorsed. An Iowa delegate offered a
resolution indorsing (J rover Cleveland,
but this was rejected by the conven
tion. Jtiallce I, a mar Recovered.
UF . niit.iii.n.1 L!.nt O". Ttllillna
t ABIlll lUA, Of-JJU. huihim,
Lamar, of the United States supreme
...I... anfritr.wl n cllirtif ufrnba nf
lllUll) W llf OUIILIVl. M O.tUV ,... w.
paralysis In left side Thursday last,
has almost entirely recovered, and to
day was walking about the house.
Knoxvim.e. Tenn., Sept. 20. The
u'ifV. nf Miurl.. ltllllnirs. n nnnr moun
taineer living In Ashley county, has
given birth to six children, all boys.
Tlnv urk'h from four and a half to
nine pounds each, and are all alive.
Mrs. Hillings has four other children,
but they were all born singly.
Letter List.
Sept 23, WW.
Crate, Charley
Goodnow, C
Hall. H E
BennixoD, A B
Gibbon, F
Hall. B
Hower, Mr C E
Pides, M
Trine, J R
Ward. J W
Parker, W O
Savage, Cba
Thompson, W M
Thompson, Elmer
Wallace. Albert
Wallace. W L
A nhnrirA nf one cent will be made on each
letter given nut. l'urson calling for letter will
uleHSe nay when advertised.
Miws F.I la Levis, a craduute of the
State University, will teach school at
Woodlmrn this winter.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hereafter keep a complete stock of
Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES.
Slippers, White and Black Sandals
And in fact everything In the Boot and
Shoe line, to which I intend to devote
my especial attention.
And guaranteed as represented, and will
be sold for the lowest price thata good
article can be afforded. A. HUNT
t - ' ; ' ,V'rt .
All chlldnui aojoy lultof
Hires' Root Beer.1
60 does oYery otber inemher of ttw fnmlly. t
A Scent p-w-kairtmJr3flontof thliclflrdout
drink. Don't U deceived if dealer, for the uk
of Iftivrr profit, tells you some other kind
Jmt fol "'Its fabtt. No iuUUUuu Is us good
As Um Ktmuloe Uiiua',
Will krp constantly on hiiJ a fuL supply of
Wtich tbeT Will Ball at ttu Inwrart mu-V.t nrl.
eea. A fair ahare nf the public paUrnse ao-
We will pay the burheat market pritaj tor Fat
Meat delirwfwd to any part of th city Ins ol
Starr 4 Hi Hardware Company.
Unsurpassed and wonderfully effle
In f'lirlnir "
... o
Aod In fact almost everything uctiit
Hot anil Cold, Steam, Electric a
Shower Baths.
Free : Mm : for : lui
All kind of gam abouniL Hi river
teem with Salmon, Kaiubow and Speckled
Stag leaves Banin' livery stable Eui;eae,ia
lielknap Spring Aioniiaya, Wednesdays and
Fridays in the morning, making th springs
in i uours.
Correspondence will receive prompt it Wo.
Address, A. P. OSTRANDER,
Belknap Sprinn.
Lane Co., Oregoe,
Henderson it Cleaver,
:-A full line of--
Pure Drugs and
: Always on hand.:
Prescription Carefully Compounded.
Kugene, : : Oregon
Sells the Celebrated
Sportsman's Eporium.
Practical Gunsmiths
Dealers in
Piihmi Tirkle and Bateriali,
SewlDir Ulaeblnes nd Aeedlescl
All Klnda l or Sale I
Repairing done In the neatest style and war
Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished
Store on Willamette street.
But do not forget to boy your ammnnltioi
Barker Gun Works.
100 No. 12 paper shells
jw uu. 1: paper sueus u
L' SJ v-io-u-K-13-if-io-ie or ju oesi wu
L iU card board wads any slse ; ST.
U Winchester cartridge 'J JJlC,
a 1. u 15c perW
Our sewing machine era tb but JhalJ
I possible to make, and tbe price i P"
cent, below the peddliDg n who JH
every mean nnder tbe sin to Bk '
and then yonr are left.
9th etreet.Eugen.
Cigar store,
Eugene. Oregon.
The (JelGlrated French
Ii Bom o
toenreany form
01 nervous aiswe
or any disorder of
th generative or?
gmnfof ettnersez,
whether arising
BEFORE useol Stimulants, AM
Tobacco or Opium, or through yon th nil 1"
boo. oref Indalrtnce. Ac , urh a bra of eJ
Power, WakefurneasBearliif dowa Falml""
bark, Seminal Weak neea. H ysuri. rif'0i'S
trstioo, Sou urn el KmissKwis, uor,-l
tineas. Weak Memory, Loin of Hwrodt'
frnry. wnlca If net larted of ten lead to Vrzi
pld sre and lesaaitv. Price $Ut a box. 1 1"
lot fill hint hymallou receipt of prtf h
every iui order ratal M, tn re'uad the
a 11-wiaoaat siuw Is not affrrtrd. T 1,.
thousands of tewtimoalsla f mm old .'ZZJ
ot Uta seira. whfl hara bare p V",' -f
bythetueolAphaxlilioa, flrralar Iraa a1
tiit inuBi aserniiaiar Cf3.
ins srnnw r"twiv,:-- - ,1a.
Bex S, "oar" "