t7aN l) COUNTY kpaV. SEPT. 2t, 1893. To SulHcnbtT. we M'lid out a Ntutciiieiit ,,1 to IHHM.V llWnlTH to tllf ..v (ii'.uti, who r' In itr- mure than ' Wo aliall , ,i neher ntnU'iiu'iit ait fut iih we 1 UM a-tneiu. . ,. ... (JtiUUKfrl' l I'Hjr nuviuiiMl nolle"" oh we nuntt have nifnt of old account, whl . ... t m-vi-rul vt-arx ili-lli j- utrt rxnli to run Wis buaiiit'Hs ji tven men n our pay roll M nalJ weekly. 0ur Wr WIU llher expeunea call for the cash jnt of every mouth. Under these .m,taDcen we canuot live and al- atoiTlbi'W t lug along a year or behind. the account unpaid Noveuibe v will be placed in the hands of :itvtor. (ionlien IteniH. Kept. 21, 1892. 'hooping cough In prevalent In thin laity. ! Jaa. Reed's new liouse Is near. (oniiileiion. Lizzie lirannon Id vlnitinir idiit llauieyvuie. tfenry Matthews took a fine lot of talvt to r.ugeiic ouiiuuy ior snip- Li fcilrorand W. L. Wheeler with r ... . ... irboillies reiurueu irotn meir out- tt Ysquina today. in. Levi ISerkshire and children Yjone to her fathers, Louis Cor ilHuu ley vine. J.Keeney Is quite serloimiy ill in removed to Eugene Wednes- iD order to be nearer the physician. In Edward Wlnzenreld and chil k of Condon. Oregon, have been ,nr relatives In this section for &m any. htn were quite a number of visi tor surwunaing localities in at- ince at the dedication, or the m. K. Ithbere Sunday. sole Ike llarclay called on friends (lie tlrsit or tuo week. We are sor learn that he is a (Hie ted with a ill paralysis of the face. He can- June one eye. F. Berkshire recently finished a piorjir. j no. uiume, at rieasant . I. w. Ulilard. another of our K carpenters, Is plvinir his trade (tint locality. Mil. cnurcn or Uoshen was cated Sunday. Rev. 1. 1). Driver iveredan able dedicatory sermon. cd was listened to by as many as Douse could nom. About t.J(Xl was in a short time, belli tr the Hint neeesaary to complete the pay- not me construction or the build List Sunday nieht. at the neril of Iuw, one oi our uear menus irom up country had the extreme kindness Wop his team in front of our shanty inmiuino rattle and roar or thun I, the flash of Ilirlitnins and the fall I sf huge puddles, called us out to part to us the fact that he had be lt- the sole originator of a thought, pi was as follows, to-wit: "That I Je it mielit not be an v of his busl- h he thought the indications were ! of ruin, and perhaps we had bet- ie in our chimney." me ration was so new and unique f wis uttered witu such patlios that W evidence of being fresh from bottom of the heart, ininreftsinir us tueextentof depriving us of our Nh for the time being, but after a rial recovery we, in order to divert thoughts, hastened in to fondlo an pi musket which we keep for the Je of developing a melon patch, f which is our next best friend, to VI 01 milnn N ia a'dan't ltu.la1 J we are not one to go back on a Jnd for a kind act, and if this one can at me establishment wliere I ouy our natent medicines ho mav Fi uox oi "vr. Intellect's Jlraln p at our expense. First Car Of Dlows evr ahlnori tn Kiicene Must . i,wi vu uiivtv 1 1 siu eaiw w factory by F. L. Chambers, In f warehouse can now be seen fbeat assortment of walking, sulky, fi plow iranirs. of both Oliver f led and Oliver Steel ever displayed lie city. 'Hop Item. The following Is J Meeker's hop circu- ImrSunt i -. . mt. i - i .. i iui iue nop uurvesi ui Frlsi2 isnow nearly a thing of r r-v, tt no out lew exceptions me ire all in warehouses audagood f J In the bale. We can now fairly rate the crop at about one-half of of i,t year, or in round numbers rnty thousand bales. Oregon will "k tills year about seventeen '"sand bales. There has been about fy thousand bales grown on the nine slope. New York has produc 'l"year one hundred and fifty riid bales substantially the same lty as last year, but of better "y- England is estimated to have lW0 nundred andnny mou ll 'old duty," being only a little J" wan last year. The German 'P reK)rtedgood. As yet there is no Jrt. Urowers are expecting high ?',onie expecting to receive at for cents per pound "before The Local Market. I bi'0''o"1n qaoutlom for the local irariet U!' Prloe only- They rs eorreetwl (Si!"1."1 'ound u accurate u uch CJ.b,u,nel'n' ::::::::::::::::::: . t re 55 2 20 05 05 ( 08 ( 10 rern , , 10 IJSSlM fcn, Per do....! J I ST HfmnulmteO, Ik.. 1 KU r m . 1" . , W'"'" prance sale of furniture at Day 4 is Is IS n 60 M 1 Ml 1 W JO BreIt1. E. R. Skipworth, attorney at-Uw. b.d. of th. cl.br.Ud T.O.U C&rt Rrino vim aI.i . " , "-'"p c iron to the Eo gene i Iron roundry wU. yoo ran diapow If Vnil 1M n..tt!..(. a i a , iiuu( iou uia ior your ipec- Dr. n w m.i ii . . renu Una, on Olife .treet, between Fifth and ota Hotel. He u prepare! to do all dent al work in th. bi m.,.n. The bent family remiHly U undoubtedly . n - A uriucr. uarni- lees, it aecooiijIiMhe. relief 1'hern man nth. w nAinin.m i..:t i . w. ' . . uenuemoo, deutiit. Job work at the Goiau offlo.. Fouutain ptnn at Watu'. lilatik diflu mn.tln. (n. .. . i . ( "(s"1 lurwiw at iu (Initin i(H .... For all kinda of furuiin impleuieute call nn J f ll..n. I. k-:. - uuum. uu iium oirtwl. GEO. W. KIXZEY. ArCTIOXEER. Whfn vnn want vnn. l i. I uruitnra nr land .1 Ueo. W, Kinney, th pioneer nd most guo- AAUuftil '1 '.f i nr. .... b 1K I .. ri . . t ... vv...u. u..uuwi iu uaua vuamy. lie Will iiena 10 au Mies on a reasonable oom UiUIBIUU. LCMDKB NoTICC Go lo til A Donnl lnmhar yard for cheap lumber. Andrew will not ue undersold. Notice. I have nimin rnntn.1 of tla 1. Ilfninn : - - .v iimruie ana granite worns, and am bet ter prepared than ever to furnish all kinds of marble, irranltp nml ulmm work at the lowest price possible for nrsi eiuss wora. 1'iease call on nie and get my price before placing an or der. Nothing but first class work done. Shop in my old stand in Ileum's 1. ..11. it ... ... uuimiug. . VI, .HARTIJi. Coal Hill Nursery. Call on or address T. X. Keuar. Ku- gene, ior ail Kinds or nursery stock. I'runcs on maroboleni plum roots that win not, sprout, also ou jieacli roots. Wood Wanted. A light spring wagon to trade for WOOd. b. L. tit AMBERS, DISTRESSED TOT. IIajiuuru. Kent. 21. Peonle who linirn linnutrir.,m rlina hllul ll.iua urltK Hamburg are now afraid to handle anyiuing niaue in me piague-siricaen ntv Qii.l 111 mlluraillnnf. uvptr lirnllfll of industry shows an entire absetice of orders, ut course, wun no uemaiiu for products, niaiiufiteturers find it iin- niiuuililn tn liiin thoir pmnlovpa nt work, and daily the idle population of llie City IS giiiniiiK livsu nui-rasiuus frvim tlm piinUa nf iMprki. nrtiiuiiiH ftnil imuL'lllo.1 liihiin.ru u-hn nm Hiwhrinri'ii because of the utter stagnation of busi ness. The distress is most marked among the dock laborers and fisher men. The shipping trade of the city has received a most severe blow from the epidemic, and many vessels belong inir tn Hniiihurir have been forced to lie ud until the enidemic abates. Dock iiiiuin.m nnn nrnpr men eniiiiuveu about the wharves can find nothing to do, and In many cases actual starva tion Is stiirlnir tlieiii in the face. The fishermen, too, find their occupation gone, as nearly every one is afraid to touch fish, let alone eat it, and those who still follow their business find no It Wlinlc loads of fish are every dav carted away from St. Paul's market a'nd sold for a few marks to far mers to be used as a fertilizer on meir i.kwIu lMuiiv nortffH about the city are without work and have been Idle for a considerable time, houtneasi oi vr.iniliiirLr nnil beloiieine to the city is a territory called Vieriande. Here are located many persous who cultivate small tracts of land, and who have found a ready and profitable market for their products in the city. Now all Is changed and the market gardeners are on the verge of ruin. They are un i,i ... riiunnw. of their products and their fruit is rotting on the trees. The situation is extremely oau m nmci lirht it is viewed, aim Buceor ior wo . .IB t l'....l..l.lnM luUltllA Impoverislicu ami laiiiisiimK j'i will have to come from the charitable. More Cholera In New l'ork. XT.,.., vif Mi.nt "1 Two more suspected cholera cases were reported to the board oi neaiiii health department received tills after- t .. i,f..uuAr Ulinru thp rexult Of IlOOll 1I"I" lun-T' "'HO- . the bacteriological examinations niado In the cases of John Knox, fireman on the steamship Nevada, and Louis Weinhagen. The report stales mat both were genuine cases of Asiatic holera. t , Mab )UD.-In Eogene, at the residence of Johu Daviea, Eq.. Tuesday, rwpieiu ber 21. Wi, by Ber. H. L. Batea, Mr. Stephens ana 3ii W. A. K. It 8t9IOS. Addle. ! t.mm.Mr.ii" Washington, Sept. 21.-Following . ...,nbnf ihn Hililress of torn- niander-iii-CUiief Palmer to the 0. A. K. today. A large poniou ui wo -dress was directed to patriotic remin iscences of the war and memories that scenes around Washington reca to ie veterans, me race .lurauuu, hieh has disrupted the Urand Army of " 1" . .. t..AI....a 11 MlUtt- i ltenuuiic orgauiuuii ... - L..a r niuiona u-na reviewed at ISSIPPI l'llm""! great length, the commander explain- imr how tie was lorceu i ipu. rieht of the departments In thosestates 6 i ..I. .:.l,.,.l0r and to in- surrenuer men i;i" it that colored posts must be recog nized. After commenting on a sene. resolut ons puoiisneu vy tuo ...i inaniirriinftte retiring cunt 1 1 1 on - - ,, ' wliite posts, he concluded as follows. In dealing with this ubJ I" ........ .i i,.. on nnklnil thouelit against a single member of the depart- nient. ii was uu" . -- jTtegratingfoaat work which the Lfifinulpncaninment concluded It w.aa time to arrest, and in discharge of the duty incumbent upon nie under my na fear or prejudice." The pas- bv congrew oi iuc uiao.-y r a.Tit a rmlv commended, and I Lit i 1 " - " - - as urged that the statutes to pro- the rights oi veieran. V"1"- war in the civil serMw; - rigidly euforced. Kotici I hereby aire notice to lh pok ibrt do trepa nog or m;"'! lilted oa my premiae. - niic that do ioining of fneowui M ,owed, except by permi-ioo. Dmted, Elmu-a, Sept.aber 10, VSJl. the w the issi oath foell sage sioii it w tect lie prrrs gi WEDNESDAY, SEIT. 1. J' Klein has purchased a liouse and l"t In Alljany for lanK). Sam 1'luiniun'a boras Allun ran second in a r.c at ludt-peudenue yenlerday. A. Klmu, forojerlr of EiiutDf, baa U-eo elvtd a rufinlier of the Kalrm city council. W. Yl Hrowti has not sold his resi deuce, as the money was not bald as agreed uihui. Nils morning Clerk Walker granted a marriage liivnsu to J. M. Ktt phens and Kudora Peterson. It is rxprctisl now that iuaide ut a wet-k some important deTelopmruts will le made iu ibeSiualaw railroad. The aoulb aide of the Odd Fellows' tem ple will tm given another coat of coal tar to protect it from the winter raint. The Iuduatrial Exposition at Portland opened today, lint very few people went from Eugene to attend lb opening. A marriage license was Issued bv County Clerk Walker yesterday after noon to Ueo. L. Kdiuistou and M. K. Welch. We would call sjieclal attention to the advertisement of the Lane Lum ber League in this issue of the Daily Ou a Hit. Portland bad a prize fight last night be tween Maber and Smith for a pur of f 1U0U. Smith won in tbe twentyniitb round Fifteen hundred people were pres ent. Woodburn Independent: Win. Sappingtoti, of Howell Prairie, is In the city. Mr. Happington will sell all of his property and remove to near Eu gene next month. J. D. Mount, of Sllverton. lost his hop hose and 1,700 boxts of hops by fire last Saturday night. Mr. Mount had the building insured, but it will noi nearly cover the loss. Johnny King, a young man who mysteriously disappeared from raieni five years ago, has w ritten a letter to his brother from Kansas City, Mo., that lie is well and in the land of the living. The rain in the southern ortiou of iue county was mucii Heavier than here, while north of here It was light er, toinniissloner Parker Informs us that the farmers are now plowing In tne i'icasant mil country. Anteloiic Herald: (ieonre Chandler. one of the sheep kings of this country, waa in town on business this week. Last week he sold all his sheep, f 17.- 000 worth, to lieorge A. Young, who is now, we presume, the largest sheen owner in tne oniiwcsi. Mollis. J.Davis has filed a suit in the circuit court for a dieorce from Cbas. li. uavis. ltiey were married In Kansas, in December, 1887. She alleges cruel and in human treatment. She asks permission to resume her maiden name, Melissa Court wright. Mr. Gabriel, who runs a warehouse at Dayton, estimates that up to last week about 80,000 bushels of wheat hail been received at that point. The bulk of it lias been sold, he says, but it is not moving very fast, . owing to lack of shipping facilities. According to the Grand Rondo Chronicle, an 11-year-old boy, who is a Htep-8onofW.il. Campbell, went to the field to drive out some hogs, and was savagely attacked by one of the animals, llis body was fearfully lac erated by the vicious beast. The trial of Wm. and John Bailey, at Vale, for killing Wm. Humburt on Anril5. 18!, ended on the lutn, and the defendants were found guilty of murder in the second degree. Al. and Lee Mullen and John Coder, jointly Indicted with the Hailey boys, are yet to be tried; but it is thought a jury will lie secured with great dinicuiiy, as over 100 wi re examined in the former trial before a panel was completed, fersonai. Dally Guard, Sept 21 ltev. C. M. Hill, of Portland, Is in the city. J. H. Mulford, of Foley springs, is in town. U. W. Pickett made a brief visit to Junction today. J. T. Card well and daughter, of Cot tage Grove, were in town today. Councilman Fisher and W in. Iten- shaw returned home from Portland last night. Mrs. Geo. BtanBburv accompanied by ber daughter, Mrs. J. G. No land, are vnuung at Junction today. Mrs. Joel Ware, Joel Ware, Jr., and Miss Marie went to Portland this morning on a few days visit, T. A. Henderson left on the local this morning for a trip down the valley. He may visit Portland and the Sound cities before his return. This morning S. Meriau started on a trip to the Sound country and will be gone sev eral days. He intends visiiing several kite shaped race-traoke during bis abtenoe and gather such other Information as will aid bim in making nn para a inccesi. A hunting party from Dallas, con sisting of J. M. Sears, formerly of Eu gene, Wm. Hrown, Frank Majors, H. C. Dale and H. Morrison are here on their way to Pine Openings, on the middle fork of the Willamette, wliere they will sjiend several weeks hunting deer. They are outfitted with two wagons. TbiStiti Fata.-Bob Johnson, editor th. r,irvlli Timna him lha follnwins to say of that institution in tbe last issue of liapapen The lietting tiooina ana gamn ina lai.lAa vnre. lha only attraotiona and tbey were well patronized by men and wo men in all stages of sin. Tbe fair is a week nt IoobIimiI oamhlinff. clothed with th. protection and aanction of tbe state to give it an air of respectability Thoae who at tend the Oregon Bute Fair expecting to see an eibibit of Oregon products must feel terribly disgusted and disappointed when tbey flew tbe parinon ana tee me naoaiui vegetables mat are comp ting ior me blue ribbons. There is comparaiively nothing there. Vreily, verilj , the meeting va. a failore and if it it to be continued an- tbe patronage of tbe elate, it ought to rechriatened, "Tbe 0 egon State Farce." Dally Uuard, Sept 22. Contraband Opium. Mrs. E. It. Luckey had three pair of blankets stolen a few days ago from a store room in her woodshed, and W. Sanders a bed spread from his house, and a Chinaman being suspicioned, Sheriff Noland and Deputy Croner searched the China houses yesterday afternoon. They did not find the bed clothing but they discovered six 5-taeI cans of contraband opium which they captur ed, to the great consternation of the heathens. They got five cans from the two Ninth street, houses and one can from the Willamette street liouse. U. S. Commissioner Walton was duly notified and he has informed the cus tom authorities in Portland. The opium Is worth about tT per can. iMllr Guard. Sept 21. SatBirr's Bats. Sheriff Kotand today po-td Dotieeeadvertiaing property to be .old Sept. 3oib. a follow.; One bone b kinging to H. J. McCaon attached bv Wm. Kennbaw open a judgment for fiG.Oo; also ii bones be'ocf ins to B. B. He, on a judgment in favor of Joba Wnbrow for MRKTiTIM. f. ' ' inter- of Wllloughby, dentist. J. J. Walton, attorney -at lew. D. Liun A Son. furniture and undertaking- If you want a unit of clolbet or a pair of pantaloon go to Davia, tbe tailor. Re guar antees satisfaction and low price. Cbris Marx baa reduced the prioe of .bar ing at bis (bop to 15 cents. Dr. Smiley is prepared to attend to all call, from tbe country aud will make th part of bis practice a specialty. Monev to loan on imoroved farms for term of year, al a reasonable rate of est by K. J. McC'lanaban. Now i. the time to do your plowing. Thil ye.r baa proven beyond a poeaible doubt tb.t drv plowing yield, from five to eight and as bigb at ten bushnl. to tbe acre more th.n tbe Held just acroe. tbe fenoe that wae plowed wet. It i. tru. that it ia bard work and bard to keen vour dIow in the ground, but it von bate the Oliver Chilled you will have no trouble to keep it iu the ground Tbe Minnesota Hotel ha. been repaired and refurnished. Terms II per day Onlv oue block from the depot. All white help. Go to E. E. Knight In Ream's build liur for bluniblnir. tin work and re pairing. For aale or exchange for improved property In Eugenean improved farm of 4jU acre.. Alo improved properly in i on land. Addrena E. P. Wright, Eluiira, Lane county, Oregon. Attention farmers 1 Buy your medicines at erington . Ninth Street drag itore, in Itbineb.rl s block, Lugene. Yerington's Ninth street drug .lore guar sntoes sati.faction as to prioes and quality iimnenart s mock. Any ono wishing to trade real estate either town or farm property ior business in which there is big money, call on E. C. Lake. ELECTRIC RAILWAY PROPOSITION Endorsed by Some of Our Host stantiil Cltl'i'iis. Snli. Yerington's Ninth street drag .tors is the place. Years of experience insure, cer tainty SDd dispatch in the compounding and dispensing of medicines, Bbinehart's block. All plumbing and tin work guaran teed bv E. E. Knight. Shop In Renin's building, Eugene. The over lapping rolling harrow cuts il. Old all the grouiu prices. I at vies at reduced F. L. ClIAMllKRS, Solo Agent, Will the c.rtT that fouud a pair of new No. 7 boots between Fairmount and Glen wood, last Wednesday forenoon, Sept. 7 lb, please leave notice at the Guabd office where said boot, may ue tounu ny ine owner. S. Mcriau lias converted his north lot into a wood yard and will keep eood wood on hand hereafter at all times and at low prices. He is trim ming up his park grounds, which eou sist of ltlO acres, of all large timber and a considerable- amount of second growth. This must be Bold or burned on the grounds. Those families pur chasing wood for a year's consumption will be afforded access to the park grounds the coining year free. They will bo made very attractive, thus making quite an inducement. Commissioners' Court. Ordered allowed, D Lowell, one cougar scalo. f il. Oidered that the allowance heretofore granted Mr. Holloway and wife, to-wit: f 112 per month, be expended hereafter by J W Stewart, lor men nenent. Ordered allowed, D Dunning, two cougar scalps, 4; 11 li liayea, coyote tcalp, f 'i. Oruered allowed, Ualvin uayes, tor nam ing rock on oouuty road, 13.C0. Ordered allowed, wm Urawloru, ior lum ber in road district No 4, $11. Ordered allowed, J B Beam, for inperln tendent of jail work from August 18th, to September 15tb, 72. Witness lees in oaae oi state v. reterson, continued for the term. Bill of G W Kinsey continued for tbe term Ordered that tbe oontract for keeping all tbe pauper, of Lane county, inoluding washing, mending and medical attendance, tor tbe term of one year from Ootober 1, 1892, be hereby awarded to B F kuasell, M D, for tbe um of f'i.DO per week (or each, upon bis filing a bond in the sum of $1000 lor the faithful performance of bis contract. Ordered that the olerk issue a warrant commanding the sheriff, J E Nolaud.to col lect all the delinquent taxes due Lane county, by levy and sale ol penonal or real property oi otherwise. Ordered allowed, James Parker, for trans portation of paupers, (5.25. uruerea, a contract caving oeen maae this day (or tbe keeping and famishing medical attendance of all paupers, the office of county physician is discontinued. Ordered that r. J. ucrnerson Dave until the meeting of this court in Ootober, ia which to complete the assessment roll. Allowed, W H fbllbrick, lor nurung paupers, 10. Tbe court having under adviaement the levying of taxes lor the year Wi, and the asierior not having the assessment roll com pleted; it I. ordered that this court now ad journ until tbe uth dayol Ootober, Wi, for the purpose oi making said levy. Pleasant Hill Items. September 22, 1892. W. M. Miller will teach the school at Dexter. J. D. Sellers has come In from East em Oregon. The farmers are now busy sowing their fall wheat. Mrs. Kirk is making her home with the family of C. A. Davis. Miss O. B. Harwood will teach the primary department of our school. We have had several good showers, and are glad to exchange the dust for the mud. Mrs. S. Handsaker has leased ber farm at Dexter for three years to Park er and Holdrlch. John West, our road supervisor had twenty-four teams hauling gravel on our roads a part of last week. R. O. Fowler was ud Irom Walton last week with a large load of chlttem bark which he sold al t res wen. Wm. West, Sr., Mrs. John West and Mrs. Wade Martin, returned from Kitson springs recently, all improved in health. Hon. Dan Bauehman and family, from Hebron, and James Uristow from Benton county, were visiting friends here last week. That was a likely story that some one told you last week that a number of hop yards were not picked on ac count oi noi being ripe. Mr. and Mrs. Wiilielm, Dan Miller and ri. Handsaker start lo Florence today. Leaathan a week ago Mrs. V II helm waa known to her many friends here as Miss (Jertrude Miller, and we are certain that the best of wishes of all will follow the uewly married couple. "May their tnmUei be little ones," a k, M a eried.-t-At the residence of the bride's Darttils in I-ane county, Ore gon, S.-pt 21, M, by Rev. N, li. Alley, U-o. L. Edmiaton and Mis M E. Welch, all of Lane county, Oregon. Last night a uuiubcr of the business men of this city met at the Hoard of Trade rooms, at the reo,uet of Mayor McClungand President Matlock, of the Hoard of Trade Tho object of the meeting was to hold a conference with a Mr. 1 jives, who represents a comiiutiy of Portland gentlemen who Intend to build an elec tric motor line between Eugene and Springfield. Tho route proixised was to commcmv near the Oeary school, and giving access to the dcMit, court house and out past tho unlvcrxity ou Thirteenth street, thence to the west end of the Springfield bridge. The company does not ak for a bon us or subsidy. It only asks the hearty co-operation of Interested pnerty owners and business men. They pro pose building and equipping the line with their own capital only unking that a small amount of stock, (IO.OixUk) placed here, enough to Insure the in terest on the bonds until tho Hue pavs. This stock will Ik sold for .Ml per cent, par value and non-as sessable and none of the proceeds what ever are to be used In the coiiHtrueilon or equipment of the road. Common datory remarks were made bv Mayor SicClung, J. Y. Cherry, it. M. Day, I K. Peters and others. The unit lug finally emloMcd (he plan ami instructed President Mat lock to apiHilnt a committee of three to act In conjunct ion with the company through their representative, and make an etl'ort to meet tho require ments of the proposition, if ihwhIIiIc, .Mr. Matlock, this morning iipixiiut ed V, L. Chambers, M. Svarveriid and F. Starr as tho committee. THURSDAY SEPT. 22. Day A Hendersou's clearance sale, The brick work on the lUwdon blin k was completed today. The attendance at the state univer sity is increasing daily. 1(18 lied room suites to be sold at Day & Henderson s clearance sale. Heavy winds this morning front the south, which Is an indication of heavy rains. Tonv Mount. Dr. Walters' horse. won the three year old trotting race at iioscuurg yesterday. Send to or call on E. J. Fraaler for one ol bi.oiroulars descriptive of his latest and greatest bargain.. Dr. Harris' two year old colt Patrl clan won the 2-year-old trotting race at the 1 lose burg fair yesterday. Tho competitive drill prizes at Port land, of the i.O. O. r. cantons, yes terday, were won: 1st, by the Sacra iiicuto canton; 2nd, Santa Rosa. The commissioners' court adjourned last evening until October 6th, when It Is expected that Assessor McPherson will have tho assessment roll complete ed, and the court will be able to make the tax levy for the year ItU Brick work waa finished ou the ooun- tyjail, yesterday afternoon, excepting a part of a Hue and a little work over the female cell, brick having run out. A new kiln will be ready in a day or two, when about one day will end the work. Oats have been oomlng In lively to A. V, Pelen' warehouse for several day. pa.t. The local train was delayed here this afternoon about half an hour. The brick, lumber and lime for Gray & Son's new building are being delivered on tbe ground. If you want a Kimball piano or tin or gan, call ou r. A. Kauktn. lie can save you money. Pappoose won a three-eighths mils dash at the Polk county fair yesterday. She sold in th field. We understand that buyers are oiler- ing 18 cents per pound for first-class hops, in this city. ' Rankin sells sevoral different makes of pianos direct from factories and can save you money. Fred Bean is up from the Read of Tide on the Siu.law river. He reports the run of salmon si being very light. Albany Demoorat: U. G. Hayne returned from Eugene and Junotion this noon. He has just laid Junction's first oement walk, in front ol tbe Bank and lie block. Jaok Smith and John Webber, last even ing, had a little row and Smith struck Web ber, for which be was armsted. He wa. taken before Becorder Dorris and fined t J and coats, after pleading guilty. Tbe committee appointed on the Eleo- trio Bailway projoot met last night and elected F. L. Cbauibera chairman. Today tbey have boen arranging tbe legal points and will doubtless commence the work of soliciting soon. Hon srrowers would like to know where the Register get the Informa tion for the statement that the coast Is being Hooded with circulars holding up the market until Eastern growers have disposed of their crops at low prioes? Corvallie Times; On of the boys who came here tbe other day to attend tbe col lege displayed hie grit and foolbardineii last Sunday by orosslng th river on tbe ferry trolley-wire, which is impended forty leet above tbe water. lie will probably be idolised now by bis soboolmates a. a hero. but he was taking desperate chances In ac complishing tbe feat. AiatsTio aao Fisid. One day thil week two four-hore teams passed op the McKeozie road, and when tbey arrived at tbe toll gate acroe. the Blue river tbey tor tbe gat down and threw it into th stream, refusing lo pay tbe toll. A warrant was iworn out for Ibelr arrest before Jus tice Iaom and Constable Carey Thompson arretted them at klcKenzie bridge and tbey were tried on tbe charge, and fined f 16 snd coats which they paid. It it likely that tbe next time tbey attempt lo cross Ibe road tbey will pay for tbe privilege. Evangelical Vuvwni Dkcihion. Statesman: Rev. J. Bowersox was advised by telegram yesterday that Judge Catlln, of Portland, to whom was referred the church case, had de cided In their favor. This decision Is against the "Bowmanites." Until October Gth all of our patrons will receive a rebate of 10 per cent on all work made between now and that date at our studio, whether they pur chase a set of the "Encyclopedia Bri tannica" or not. . A. Raski.v Si Co. Altensrleal BalrUc. Oawtoa Cm, Sept. 21. Yeeterday, Uri. E. L. Hbaw, wbile temporarily inaaae from tbe effects of ether taken lo remove teetb, locked herself lo ber toon and shot herself just above Ibe left breast wilb a Urge enlibr nvolver. Ska is living, but her condition is critical. Oliver. Plows. Oliver Chilled. Oliver Steel. Don't be talked into buying some thing that dou't suit you. Oct an Oliver and make plowing mere play. . Sticrltr Noland Enjoined. Pally (luard, Bept. '.'!. As is known, Sheriir Noland recent ly advertised a horn1, two carts, seven ty-five bushels of oats and some hay Is longlng to Dr. L. W. Brown, which he levied upon and advertised for sale, uisiii a warrant lued by the county clerk, lor ilcliuiticut school taxes due district No. 4, Usm NX) shares of Myr tle creek stock, the tuxes amounting to t'. Dr. Hrown, this afternoon, through hi attorney, A. C. Woodcis'k, was granted an injunction iignliiNt the slierill', prohibiting liim from selling the proix rly on tlu2lth lut.,n adver tised, by County Judge Fink, until the matter Is adjudicated in the circuit court. The complaint alleges: That plalntili; Dr. I.. W. Hrown, was the owner of "ill shares of the capi tal Mock of said Myrtle creek mlnlmr company; that the capital Mock of said company coosiM of ri al estate, milling illtelii-s mid Humes and that all of said pnicrty Is situated In Douglas county, Oregon, for the year ls;i, and said company has paid the taxes levied and due to the county of Douglas by virtue of Miid n-Hscesinont for the year lS'.i; that the said asc.isor ol Douglas coun ty has iiIho assessed said proicrt v for the year ISH2, and said company Is lia ble to iHitigla county for taxes by vir tue of Nild aMSfhNiiiciit; that wild com ininy has no pros'rty of any kind in Lane county; that the uxMcsniiiciit of school district No, 4 is void and Inval id; asks that the sheriff bo enjoined during the (S'lidency of this suit. The other delltiiiicut taxpayers on Myrtle Creek mining stock have paid the taxes claimed, under protest. Land. It) acre, flue fruit land, north lope, in Glenwood Park, fur tale on easy terms. New bouse, barn, chicken parkt, eta. 200 yard, from atation four daily tmina. Inquire of Wm. Moore, thil office. Eugene Will Have a Poblln Park, You can rest assured that Mcriau's Park Is to be tho center of attraction for Lauo county, and Eugene In particular, In the future. The grounds front on tho rail road for half a mile and as soon as the place Is opened to tho public the local trains will stop both ways, thus making it possible for peoplo without teams to avail themselves of tho other recreations afforded there. Those who have teams will find miles of excellent drives, tho soil being particularly suit ed fur park purposes at all times of the year. A jhtsoii must soo tho place to reallo the excellent conditions for a place of this kind. Ho already has a fisit race track aud kite-shaisl race track in process of cons truction. l'l.vxo Ttnkkh-TIio Corvallls Times has the following concerning the couple that are now ocrating Iu Eugene: There were two young gen tlemen in our city last week who rep resented themselves as practical piano tuners. Perluiis they were, but the few Iu our city who had some work done are better ablo to recommend them as knowing how to charge than to tune. It Is always desirable to trust a pod Instrument to a piano tuner who has established a reputation in a community, rather than au itinerant. Mr. M. O. Warner, of Kugcuu, makes regular trips to our city and as a first class piano tuner is endorsed by all he has ever done work for. He will be hero again in a few days. FiiRsiocsT II. E. Ciicacu. As will be seen in this Issue proposals are Invited for th building of a M. . church at Fair mount. Tbeedlfloe will have seating oapacity of about 300, and will be built on a neat plan. II will be completed thil winter Tbe pulpit will b supplied at fire! by the putor of 111 Eugene church. Some o 10 jCS CLOTHING CAN STILL BE FOUND AT A. V. PETERS. We are bound to close out THIS DEPARTMENT at some price. Since the inauguration of our GREAT REDUCTION: SALE Our Customers have become sat isfied that we not only reduced prices on staples, oi wmcn every one knows the cost, but the reduc tion has prevailed throughout our immense stock. mm i Cfceai Is still in full blast and hundreds are daily availing themselves of this greatest opportunity for bar gains offered this season. A. V. Peters. DOCTOR POWELL REEVES, -WILL BE AT- ' OPFMAN : BOUSB Sunday and Monday, Sept. 24-5th. TWO DAYS ONLY. Catarrh, Bron chitis, Cough and Difficulty of Breathing Successful ly treated uithcnnriflr remediee thoroughly tweed and proven br the OLD DOCTOR Who la one of nature', noblemen, thoroughly devoted tn hi. profeMlun .nd ever rady to blplheafllictd. IIKIH A UKADUATK OK TUB LKAT)INl MKDICAL COL LEGE!! OF AMERICA AND EUROPE, and a wlf -made man la the SCHOOL OK EXPERIENCE. Alway. on the alert to diaoover new method, uf treating dUaaaea, he ha. acoomlIahed that to which few phyelo Un. ever attain. Hi. itudy and etMrienoee have out been confined to oneilngle branrh of the heallnir art, but oover the whole EIELD OF MEDICINE AND DISEASE. Wonderfu luocee. crown, hi. ability la the treatment of dueaaee of the Eve, Ear, IIkad, Thkoat, Li;ngh, Heart, Liver, 8leen and Dowel., Dyipepela, liheuuiatiau), Nervoua Prostration, Loa. of Energy, Nleeiileuneea, Detpoodency, Melan choly, Hyitxria, Eta. ClffU niQCACCC-Kc"""' head, (oi OMfl UIOlAOLO,,, by, old eoree, pim ple., eruption., dUeoluratioaa, mother marka, mole, tuition, enlarged glandi, Krofulona welliuipi, chapcd haotp, ringworm, aalt rheum, milk oruat, barber Itch, prairie Itch, poiano from oak or Ivy, eryaipeUa, blotchee, Lleiulthee. etc, are positively cured by 1. 1'owell lUevee, who haa eucoeeafully treated M77 earn of the atiove diaeaaea. BLOOD DISEASES rS32 and kindrad dlaeaae. are thoroughly eradi cated from the .yatem by the Old Doctor', own method oi treatment, which U far .upe rior to the hot epringa, require lea. time to our. and U much lees .ipeneive. l'ilre, titula, rupture, hydrocele and varico cele. Dr. lleevea baa treated over aioe hun dred caaee of the above diaeaae. without a .ia gle failure, and he especially ill kite all per sona Buffering from the above complain, to call on his and learn hie method. t treat ment Mora than cne-halt ol hie eases had heea treated b) other doctor, without tbe least bene tit. At Huffman House, 7th and 3Mb; two dayi only, Ladies. Dr. lteevee cure, with Unfailing certainty, thoae manifold ill. that render the life of wo man miserable. Hick headache, weak back, sleeplessness, nervous debility, all forma of uterine displacement, too frequent, profuse, scanty, painful or delayed ni.nstruation, that drain upon woman 'i vitality; leuonrrhira or white., and all the terrible effect, of the ac cident. Incident to childbirth. Young Man, Turn and gate upon thy Companion er seek the Mlrmr for proof to substantiate this fact. Oh. eould he control tbe arm of EATEI or bad he his life to live over agun. then we eould not eppeal to yon more sincerely. Let your mind wander back to the eheriahed counsel, of a Loviao r.THIR. and remember what you are today. Though yoa may for the preeent fill your etatioa In society, the time ia aa inevitable aa ran, when your bril liancy will like a rLaaa depart, leaving yon a stranded wreck- desolate, forgotten and loetiso.mbr.ee the opportunity and enjoy life aad happiness longar. If you claim to be a man, act your part manly. Vo not console yourself with the thought that nature will help itself, for ia doing to you not only faa the flame, but wan a nature and yourself. Remember, "Large oak. from little acorn, irow," little III. germinate fatal disease.. " DISEASES OF MANHOODd'oiS m.a suffering from nervous debility, from any cause whatsoever, especially from Youthful Eaaoaa and indiacretioni.produciog duiiness, km of memory, vitality and energy, emissions, tired, discontented feltag,udigestlon,palpita tioa of the heart, urinary tronblee, and many other symptom, not necessary to mention here, should no longer delay in seeking proper relief. Remember, your disease I approach. ing it. last stage, and if yon continue to neg lect It, the time must com. when yoa will be past human aid. KIDNEY AND URINAIjYptt. cult, too frequent. Milky or Bloody Urine, nnnatural discharge, carefully treated. Soft feeling bunch of earthlike worms; VAR ICOCELE ie enrable. LOST MANHOOD, Constitatlona or Acquired Weak sen of both eexea treated eucceesuHy. PATADPU t-'aneei borne taint ia organism. vAIAnnilCure based oa rJcirvtiho princi ples. Constitutional treatment and medicates! air will cure. Huceeeafully treated at bom or at office. I'sriectly harmleaa, safe, pleasant puilhea, heals, etope and cure, every discharge. Hweetens the breath. BIIDTIinC-l'iles, Fistula, Varicocele, Hy nUrlUnCdrocele, and all ewellkg. and teadernes. quickly cured without pain or de tention front business. Don I fail to consult him.