The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 24, 1892, Image 4

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    Eugeno City Guard.
'11UEDAT SEPT. 24, WW.
Democratic National Tictet.
For President,
of New York,
For Vice President,
of Illinois.
The rain has put
mountain forest fires.
an end to
An electric railroad to Spring
field would greatly benefit Eugene
and the country along the route.
Tho elections in Vermont and
Maine indicate the presence in those
states of that doughty old veteran,
General Apathy.
From all indications the New
York health authorities have
stamped out the cholera in that
The county court has made a
stroke of economy by contracting
for the care of nauners under one
management. It will result in
Kiivinflrof at least a thousand dol
lars per year.
It was the expected that hap
cened when Senator Hill addressed
a Brooklyn audience Monday night
and appealed to them to iorgei per
sonal preferences and loyally sup
port Cleveland and Stevenson.
Brawn is more liberally reward'
ed than brain theso days. Jim
Corhettgot $45,000 for punching
the brute Sullivan for a little over
un hour. John G. Whittior, whoso
poetic gems have delighted thou
Bands, died poor after sixty years
of labor.
An Englishman has invented
nail with two points and one head
that is a Doint on each end and
a head set at an angle on end
Thev are intended to bo used on
the tops of fences, along rails where
loafers sit and for protection pur
The reports made to tho SoVer
eign grand lodge I, O. U. r., now
in session at Portland, indicato the
permanency of the order. Not with
standing the founding of other so
cieties practically on the same ba
sis. the increase in 1891 was the
ttreatcst in the history of the ordor,
The expenditure of $3,170,000
for relief shows tho solid flnancia
foundation on which it is built.
Baker City is a cow town and
here is the result as recited by the
irate Democrat mau:- Last night a
cow lifted a heavy gato off its fas
toniriKS and spent tho night in our
crarden. destroying more than she
would bring if put up to soil
"With the aid of a neighbor she was
driven into a shed, but she tore out
the boards on one sido and marched
out. Somebody is going to pay for
the damage that cow did cither
the owner or the oity and that be
fore manv davs. or words to that
The Temescal tin mine fraud ir
California has at last exploded leav
ing tho shareholders to hold the
sack. Mr. McKinley is also loft
bare and exposed. He can lie out
of the situation in which he is
placed with ease. The work of man
nfacturimr American, tin highly
protected, from imported tin ingots,
spread on imported black plates, by
imported labor, will go merrily on
while the people one way and
another are taxed $15,000,000 per
year for the necessary article.
All the democracy proposes in re
storing state banks is to broaden
the basis upon which bank notes
may be issued. Now they may be
issued upon national government
bonds only, and the amount of bills
in circulation has been painfully
curtailod. State bonds are ample
security for bank circulation, and
it is proposed to authorize them to
. be used as such. This would cause
an immediate increase in banking
facilities and an enlargement of the
circulating medium.
Senator Hill in his Brooklyn
speech at the Academy of Mutnc:
"I am reminded of the fact that it
was in this edifice in 1885 I had
the honor of expressing the senti
ment, 'I am a democrat,' and under
the existing political situation, I
know of no more appropriate place
than here to declare that I was a
democrat before the Chicago con
vention and am a democrat still.
The national democratio convention
has passed into history. It was
the court of last resort, and its de
cision will be accepted with loyal
acquiescence by every true and pa
triotic democrat who recognizes the
necessity of party organization and
discipline. From this time for
ward imperative duties are im
osed upon us. Factional appeals
should now cease; the spirit
of resentment be abandoned; state
pride be subordinated to the gen
eral good; real or fancied grievances
be dismissed; personal ambitions
sacrificed and individual disap
pointments forgotten in the great
emergency which demands from us
all an exhibition of widespread and
lofty party patriotism."
.. II I I
The rain never fails, when need
ed, in the Willamette valley. Oc
casionally, too, it conies when one
might think it wus not needed.
Weaver and Field, third party
candidates for president and vice
president, set a good and unique
cxamplo by writing a brief, joint
letter of acceptance.
The Webfoot imputation fuels bet
ter since the rain. We need more
inoroofitto thoroughly wet tho
ground. Then the grass could get
a good start before winter.
While the state and national
health authorities are quarreling
over u question of precedence at
New York the cholera may slip
through. Tho medical profession
is extremely jealous of its preroga
tives. The alley west of Willamette
street along the business portion of
the town should be graded and
graveled the full width. Thecouncil
made a move in that direction once
but apjiears to have forgotten all
about it now.
The Portland' exposition is now
open. Tho managers make every
effort to secure a full display of
Orceon products. This is an or
portune time for tho opening while
a lareo number of Eastern visitors
are in tho city.
The l ukon river which is now
navisable for steamers of 14-foot
draueht for 300 miles, can, wit
very little improvement, be made
navicable for 1000 miles. The re-
trion lvinir ulonjr the river is re
markably rich in minerals and
attracting much attention.
Keep clean and' keep tho
back of vour house clean.
the rubbish on your lot and in' tho
street frontinsr on it raked up and
burned. You will feel bette
Your neighbor will hnvo a better
opinion of you. That will
worth something, too, even tho'
Ikj a "poor devil" or a "mean cuss
in your opinion. By all means do
not tolerato or permit a toul out
house or a stinking ullcy to pollute
the air of your neighbors.
General Weaver will no doubt
carry some of tho "silver states
In Colorado both of the old partcis
havo split in two. the main bodies
coineoverto tho peoples party
Nevada the democratic convention
witli tho exception of a small fac
tion, declured for Weaver and on
the other Bide Senator Stewart and
F. G. Newlands, republican candi
date for congress, havo both do
c ared for tho third party and are
stumping the stato in its interest
The New York Times says that
if President Harrison had taken
the trouble before making his
claims as to reciprocity to cxamino
tho statistics ho would havo found
tliero aro several countries wit
which we havo no reciprocity agree
meuts, with which our export trado
has increased far more than with
those ho cites, and also that from
tho latter our imports have in
creusod far more than our exports
This does not prove that reciprocity
Is not a good thing. As we have
often pointed out, it is us far as
goes. But what there is good in it
is absolutely opposed tothoMcKin
ley idea, and there is by no means
enough of it to weigh against the
miscliiof wrought by tho McKinley
scheme generally.
Ono of the firms principally ben
etited by the sugar bounty is an
English concern, the Medicine
Lodge Company, owning a big fac
tory in Kansas. This firm expects to
claim bounty on 1,500,000 pounds
of sugar noxt time the bounty is
divided, which will give it $30,000,
The absurdity and injustice of the
bounty system is nowhere more
strikingly shown than in this in
stance of paternalism, which takes
$.10,000 out of tho iKX'kets of con
sumors of sugar in America and
pays it over to a foicign cororation
whoso only claim upon Americans
is that it provides employment at
the lowest market rates for a num
her of workmen, who might them
selves own and cultivato as inde
pendent farmers tho broad acres
surrounding the factory, but for
the svstem of which the bounty is
a part.
The advent of the cholera is pe
culiarly unfortunate at this time,
on account of the injury it is liable
to do tho world's fair. How long
it may stay, or to what extent its
ravages mav spread, is yet problem
aticul; but unless it can be gotten
rid of soon it is certain that it will
deal a very severe blow to the fair.
This would have been the case even
if it had not effected an entrance in
to this country at all, so long as it
infested other countries. Free ad
mission could not be given to vis
itors, so long as the plague existed
in Kurojie. But now that ship af
ter ship arriving at American ports
are carrying people affected with
the disease, and as it is likely to
gain a foothold in American cities,
the interference with travel to and
from this country will be still
greater. It is barely possible that
the disease will disappear by next
winter, so that the fear of it will
have abated when the fair opens,
but this is scarcely to be expected.
Unless it does the great exposition
will not be the success that it
would be otlierwise, or that is hoped
Si Sutton Fatally Stabbed Ly V
(rime t'onsmlltesl C'kf
PokixiND. Sept. 21. Dnrlnn a barroom
brawl over ceid bud t Canby, Or
Monday afternoon, William Hendereon
drew a pockit knife awl slabbed Hi Button
thro times. intliotiDB wound from which
tea latter died betweeo 3 and 4 oclock tbia
At noon today Captain of Folic Nordao
received a telephone message irotn Joseph
Hodges at the Natioual hotel, informing
him ol tb trailed? and station tbat lien
riarwiu waa on the itrettl. Hodge la
merchant of Ceoby and knew of lb death
of Button, and eeiug Heuderaon on the
street informed tba police
CautuiD. Norden immediately eeut Offi
sera Eodicott and Cartin to tba Na
tional Hotel and Uodgea pointed oat
Iieuderson, who wa placed uuder arreit
and taken to the police Halloo. Un being
aesribed only a pocket knife and key were
found on the prisoner' person, and be wua
locked up in a dark cull. The pocket knife
with which the cutting waa done, la cheap
affair, tbe large blade, which w tne oi
the one Used, being about three incbea
A Telegram reporter sought an Interview
witb Ileuderaoo. At Drat be waa disinclined
to blk. bat Dually aaid:
"1 auppoee 1 will have to tell my aide of
It aoouer or later, ana I goes inigni ae
well tell it to von now and be done witb It
I bav nothing to oouceal, and am halisfied
I can clear myself on a plea ol eelf-detenre
so I see uo need of keepiug ailence any Ion
"Well, tbe trouble aroae over card
name. I waa playing euchre with Sutton
but onlr for the driuka. Daring tbe Bret
uuma I uiuuhtbiin ruuning np tbe cardion
rue. but aaid nothing. At tbe end of tbe
ecotid name I threw down tba card and
ui.i i wmilri nlii no more. We were on If
Dlaviuii fur lb drink, but I told Hutton i
would nut nlav witb anion who cheated
He asked ni if I nieaul to accnae bim of
chaatina. and I replied that 1 did. There-
noon b laid tbat 1 waa a d d liar. I aaid
I would take thit bat tbat be bad cbealed
me juat tbe earn.
Hutton then aorano to bla feet, arlzed
chair and atruck toe over tbe bead with It
Aa be waa coming at me lb second lime
draw a Docket kuife. and aa the cbair waa
descending I ran in under It and be closed
in on me. Aa he waa a bigger man tbau I
am he would have don m up ao I oin
uienced naiuB mi knife.
"I did not think I bad hart Button bad!
but decided to leave Cauby (or time.
walked to Wilabnrg where I atayed laat
niubt. I eame over to town tbia morniug
and waa around tbe streeta all morning. I
did not trv to run away or try to conceal
myaelf. I do not fear tbe outcome, aa I can
nrove bv a dozen who aaw tbe trouble Ibal
I acted nurely In lelf defena. I am a la
boring man and ba la a iport."
Iiendoriion la very (mail man of alim
build, aud telle fa iaitory in itraigblfor
ratft wuv
Sheriff Oanong ii on hia way to Portland
now, and will take Henderson to Oregon
City thin afternoon, tbat b may testify be
fore the coroner a mrv.
Upon eiamining the body of Sutton it
waa fonud that three ngly woundi bud been
Indicted one in tb left aide, on in lb
breast and tbe olber in tbe left leg. Tb
one in tba aide and breast were tbe wor4
and were tba ouaa which proved fatal.
The innueston the remains of Suter
was held at Cun by this afternoon, and
Coroner jioinian sink's tunc me evi
tlenee shows thut the murder was pre
meditated, tho evidence beinir to the
effect that after the quarrel Henderson
went to the corner of the room, where
he secreted a knife In his sleeve. Then
whuti Huter approached aud said, "We
wunt no trouble," Henderson drew the
knife and stubbed him three times.
lie la In Harmony With tb Item.
jcraiic rarir.
Cricioo, Sept. 21. Judge Walter Q,
Qresbam Ik a tariff reformer quite iu bar
monywithtb democratio party in iti at
titnde on tba aabject. The judge lt slip
hi views in open court upon the bearing of
tbe oaiea brought by tb Interstate com
merce commiasion for an order requiring
certain railroad agenta to anawer questions
concerning freight rate in discrimination
given oertuin shipper, and tb officer of
the Illinois Bteel Company to produce tbeir
books and accounta touching tbe tame, Ly
mau Trumbull, one of tbe coniel for tbe
railroad men, waa engaged in an argu
merit tending to prove that oongres could
not confer power giving tbe InUratete oom
mission mraordiuary powers to bring wit
Deaae before it aud to compel tb produc
tion of papers and dooumeuta wher no evi.
deno was in the poeneanion of th com mis
sion. Judge Trumbull cited tbe govern
mental power for tb collection of tb rev
enue. Judge Ureabaiu, Interrupting, aaid
Tb power of a government to colleot rev.
rnn to defray ita expense is sovereign and
absoluts, it oan take any part ol man
properly without prooeas, but It ought to
take no more tbau eoongh to defray the ei
tenses of tb government. "1 am aorry
it baa power to take more," aaid Judge
1 ruinbull. There was a hearty laugh when
tbe coarl gav expansion to thee views.
Tbi w tb only diversion in very long
and dry argument in a oaae where lb re
suits will bav moat important bearing on
tbe power of tb intent! commerce oom'
Juuics U. Blaine says in his
"Twenty Years in Congress" that
it must bo acknowledged that un
der tho low tariff of '49 there was
universal prosperity and that all
classes were satisfied with the cop
dition of industrial affairs. How
is it now? Labor cuts and labor
strikes everywhere, and our irold
going abroad on every departing
Off rid of it If roa bar Catarrh. Pool
merely relieve it for a tini with polaoooua,
Irritating snuffs and strong cauitio aulutiooa.
" I' l . 1 ... . . . . V L 1
While vou arm to be rettirur heJo. you nur
be Retting harm. Htopped In thia war, It s
usually only driven to tb lungs.
worse on inaa ever.
But too. ran set rid ol It eomnletalr. with
Dr. 8airet Catarrh Remedy. That' been
proved over and over again. In thousands
of tbe moat hopeless caaea By ita mild,
coining, creaming and healing propartiea,
latarrb In to Head and all I'atan-bal aJTeo
tions are perfectly and permantly cured.
Home ohraiciau will tell you that Catarrh
cant be cured, Ther mean that cAew rant
cure It Dr. rtage'a 'Remedy en. And to
prov that they believe it, the proprietors of
thia medicine will ray $309 for aa incurable
i of Catarrh. Thev dont ( one often.
but they'll pay the mooey when they do.
For Sale Complete.
Addrae"K" car of OeaaD offlo. Ea
gene, Oregon.
For the benefit of our customers and the public generally, we will
iwo-rr r; SAnt. fi !RB2.at8:45 a. m., commence the first
JUl AU.VSAAltCjr Avr uiuqi rwvx" 1 '
and greatest
hold in TCnerfinft and Lane County, Oregon.
We must and will sell $20,000 worth of goods within the next 60
days. Why is all this you ask? Simply because we need money and
want to do justice to our friends and customers and save them money.
HP TTTS TS "N"0 (TH ESTN LTT. and make sweeping reductions in every depart
mrnt, at prices far below competition, anu nomaKu-ueiicto
We will do you a favor by
ber the place.
In the three story brick building, southwest corner 8th and Willamette streets.
Th King of Tramp married.
Oudsk, Utah, Sept. 22.-Haesan Moham
med, tbe King of tramps, waa married In
tbe Grand opera bona laat night to Emily
B. Cmpbell, of Saorainento, Cal. Moham
med lias been a pedestrian 22 yean, and is
now informing feat by which be may
win 15,0m lie is to walk 10,000 miles in
450 days, or lose $5000, which be baa put
up aa forfeit mooey. He a tar ted from Cin
cinnati laat March wilb t cent, and waa to
make bis way witb wheelbarrow, not beg
or stfftl, and waa to marry some woman on
bis travela. Tbia laat stipulation he ba
fulfilled. He baa walked nearly 6,000 mile.
Sirs. Harrlaan In Washington.
Washington, Sept. 21. Mrs. Har
rison ai rived at 9 o'clock this morning
and was taken In an ambulance at
once to the White Houho. 8he ntood
the Journey well.
and other
bowel complaints
cured and prevented
by the prompt
use of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
regulate the liver,
cleanse the stomach,
and. greatly assist
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
$1 3,896
At 10 to 35 per
cent, discount
The uaJlMt Pill lath Worldly
Tuffs Tiy Pills
Ts parge the bow. . .luvs sat snma A
theni rrguUriil lanthem in tors"
A Ml of trouble and th rowdy must Q
w art m IU Tulfa Tiny iJvor 1'llls ayrt
Odlroetly ea that orsnuh ramain; at rree 4,
taw of MK wUhooS whlrh tho bow- f
. . 1 I l-vuu ft.
a aorreH haltatloB of Bolwro) lanpoaa- f
lido to lUrt Ik Prtoo, St por boa..
Ofleat 1 I It VaaUaitea ti., M. t,
OOO 000000
mm Sale
aMoney Sav
I 1 1 1,,.! Isvwvsa
selling you goods cheap and
Texae Has Nhul lleraelf l p.
Austin, Tex, Sept. 21. Governor
Hojfg today isued a proclamation of
quarantine anuliint New York City and
all other points where cholera may ap
pear. Weaver's Ire lleuaed.
Albani, Ga. Sept. 21. General Weaver
and party arrived from Waycios today.
Weaver afterwards made a long speech to
a large audience. Tbe ciowd gnyrd Weav-t-r
on bia Pulaski record, and be became
angry and talked of Southern Intolerance.
Phil NbIs & Cd., SeattlB, Wash,
BRANCH OKFICK.-Kiiirone, Wlllametto St.,
next door to Lane Comity bank Building, up
stair. Room No. 7.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Lane County.
Alonzo Traxler, plaintiff,
Mary Traxler, defendant.
To Mary Traxler, defendant:
Oregon, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled against
you in the above entitled suit in the above en
titled court, on or hrfore Monday, the 24th
day of October, lS'X', that bsing the brat day
of the next regular term of said court, and if
you fail so to appear and answer, I'laintlrf
will apply to said court for the relief prayed
for, to-wit: A decree of said court diuolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing between
vou and Plaintitf and for such other ami fur
ther relief aa to the court may seem equitable
and just
This Summons is publinhed by order of
Hon. J. V. Fullerton, judge of aaid court,
made September ti, 189'i
Dated this 10th day of Septemlier, 1892.
tiio. A Dohhim, Fltf's Atty.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Lane County.
Geo. W. Crane, Pltf.,
Hans Nelson and II. Kenneday, Defts,
To Hans Nelson, one of the above named
Oregon you are hereby required to appear
and answer the conipluint filed against you in
the above entitled court and cause on or before
Monday the 24th day of October, 18U2, that
being the tint day of the next regular term of
mid court, and it you fail an to answer, 1 lain
tiff will take judgment against you as prayed
for in said complaint, to-wit: For the sum of
3fU with interest thereon at 5 per cent per
month since the -lth day ot January, lri'.iu,
less the sum of f.V) paid July 3, 18'.HI, and the
sum of j0 paid May 28, 18lJl, and the sum of
f.X) paid August 11th, IS'Jl, also or an at
torney fee of $70 and oosts and disbursements
of action.
This Summons is publinhed by order of
Ron. C. Fullerton. Judge of the above
entitled court Made on the Uth day of J uly,
Dated this 6th day of August, 1892.
Geo. A. Dohhis, Pltf's Atty.
U.8. Laho Omc, Kokkburo, Og.l
Ik'pteuiDer lum 1MU. )
Complaint having been entered at tills office
byJamenA rJliiimons, against tarah A. Varnall,
lor ananaoning ner HomeHieaa r.mry, ro. w,r.'.
dated June '.Hi, 1k1, upon the lots 4 and ft, ber. 8,
Tp. 17 H, It i W, Iu Lniie county, Otvgon, with a
ew to the cancellation o( said entry: The aaid
parties are hereby summoned to appear at the
oIHpo of W. K. Walker, County clerk of Lane
county. Ort'Ron, at Kugene, Onion, on the 11th
day of November, l'.fJ, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re- J
pond ana lurnisn testimony concerning said
alleged atandonment. Hearing at this oltlce on
tne testimony so taken, on the .'-ml day ol Nov,
1MU. at Ul o'clock a m. tutncleiil evidence hav
Ilia been filed to show that personal service
cannot be made, It la hereby ordered that nervice
be made oy puDilcatlon according to law.
A. M. C'KAwroHP, John 11. Shits,
Kecelver. Kegister.
In th Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for
ljM County.
rAktw Compton, plaintiff,
Levi Coaipton, defendant.
To Levi Comptoa, defendant:
Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and anawer the complaint riled against
yon in the above entitled suit, in the
ahoy entitled court, on or before
Mondav, the 24th day of Octolwr, 1892, that
being tbe first day of the next regular term of
said court, and if yon fail so to appear and
answer. Plaintiff will apply to said court for
the reiiet prayed tor, to-wit. A decree ol said
eourt absolving th bonds of matrimony now
existing between you ami Haintitf;fr the
care and custody ii the minor children of
Plaintiff and Defendant, to-wit: Joel H.
Compton, Mattle Compton, Coy B. Compton,
Florine G. Compton and Gertie A. Compton,
and f auch other and further relief as to th
court mar seem equitable and lust
This Summons is published by order of
Hon. J. C. Fullerton, judge of said court,
mad Hepuniher S. 18?.
Dated this Wth day of September, letr
Gto. A. DoHHia, 1'ltf's Atty.
C. 8. L!D Ovrif 1, RiiBi ao. Or., j
lieptesihor J, IXi I
Complaint having been entered at this office
by lieorg L rlrveru againil the hn of flarviy
fadiirtt, decvaMKl, for aoaixlonllig hia iLome
stead Kntry No. 474, dated Marrh II, l-i, upon
the lott No. 'J, 1 and 4, aud Mi 4 o N W 1 1 ot kW
U, 1 p. ITS, K) VV.ln Lane county Ormtou, with
a view to the enwllatiu ul saul eiilry,
the sold parties are hereby suramoned to
aonrar al uieoflic of V K Welter, countr
eUfkol I miw County, (refon. at Eugene, r-
ln. on the o 4ay ol Ceu.hrr, 1-VJ. at lUo clock
a. an , to reapond and furulth tmtimouy con
eermngaaid aJlraed anamunment, heanna to
be bi at thia .whoa, 00 the testimony to taken
on Not. 10, ikC at It) oVIuck a. m. turneient
evtornee haftiia hnoo riled tc allow that prruk
naJ MTTlreraniMH ie made It Is herrbv onlriro
thataenrlc be eiade by publication aeeording
10 law.
A. ILCiaeauac, Kecelver.
ing Sale
1 ti fiat) oKaut it
do ourselves a favor at the same timo.
Farmer's and Builders Hardware,
and Spring l?aps,lps, Carriages and Carts,
General agents for the
The Best
Call arifi flrnmlna mif
wvoavat, vim fcol IijoSV VW4 0vVV lVV- V ow -jr ay - - w
OJJ Fellowg Temple, Willamette Street. j
II I U Wanted. Salary and eapenara. Perms
ill Ail nent plaee. Apply now. tmly grow trv
: ol
nuraery sturk on both Imeru-an and
l anadian soils. Hardy varieties our arwlaltv.
HO ,S HKtX A to,, Nurwryaen, ( hmga
Bo sure and reniem-
Made In
nil 1 1
11 IT I I I I M
V 111 I I ll lllllf.l u
I) Uli lllUvillllvl J ;
on Earth.
ofonlr iofnrn mirrhftSiCi
. J ! !U 5
If you want Crocerlf',
or Crockery, call on