The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 10, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 47.
OL 24
publi!l''r Proprietor.
. .i if.... .;.u Wlll,
H!t.b. .... V..uth and Eiirhth Streets.
...T7!7T. W
.uJlontl"' 76
i-bree m""""1
. , A.J .
ir.rti-er.wlllbcl1rgedt the ol-
letiagtatet: . $8 00
ESSE month. 8 00
"SfflKtwtJ-ta local column, 20 cent.
wXetch insertion..
(.Klin bill will be rendered quarterly.
U jib work mart be paid roBOS Psxrvm.
ftfAnnnn nv
iCSESE CITY, - - -
oFFICE-Kooms 78 MoClaren Buildiug.
Llnecial attention given to Collection
Probate butinees.
Seymour W. Condon,
f"e A a m
lWillf. - - Vl-CSiW"
Teo. m. miller
ittanwy and Ccunsellor-atrLaw, and
Real Estate Jifaa.
0ftle-ln Manonio Temple.
Regular riiysician.
0i,iwtllTIlf9Kll1lieT tlld LlVOr lllSeaw.'.
Gynecology aud Obstetric!.
OFFICE at residence on Olive street between
KhtudlOUi turns.
Kuykendall & Payton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
SmcIaI attention riven to Probate business
ud Abstracts of Title.
Omci-Over Lane County Bunk.
Mm, onnnaita GrjABP Office. All WO
turanted, . . ,
lining gas administered for painless ex-
tnctioD ot teeth.
1 Farmi, Improved and Unimproved Town
property (or aale, on eaey terma.
Property Eented and Eenta Collected,
. nv va
The Insurance Companiea I repreaent are
i .i..vii.- i P.lialils. and in
wiujj Uie viuni Hiu " , . t.
n raokpr andKqoitiBLl aajniiment vi
Stand 8kcosd to Wont
i ihare of your patronage ia tolidted.
0-I,5ityfiall RrggL
Iflltlu appiapa ouCMICAL
Noll UMUt Vlaborator
...... .a br mall o;
"" will ncalv prompt and atwn uoa
ly e:i n..uu. RrAnr4. Melie "fJ
aUno, ins 1 173 tiwwee BU 8t".
Act on a aew prlntlpl
watetheUver.etomath !SrU.
nmdil ear bUloMaMi.
r. lilt Burt laa,
-! by J H. BECKLEY
""ated, aae filed hia account for finJ art ,Je
m ..... a nnT the 5tb day
Stnuu. isQ9 kuWn art for bearing
lame. R orler of the uounw w -
Geo. B. Doibis, Admr.
Are Showing the 15ost Line of
For the Money, in Eugene.
I R. LiickeyS&Co.
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
Full Stock of Butterick Patterns.
Address P. O. Box 119.
McClarens Buimin,
( F. M. WUkW Dnw Store.)
Hae an extensive Stock of
mw.ntile. Fncyand School Station
rv. Blank Booki, Cutlery, Etc.
ry-Orders for Booki and Buoeonpuuu.
to Newspaper! and Periodicala promptly at-
tended to.
r, i TmnblM. and Cramp,
Colio, or
Aak your
.ny lntemaToi External Pain,
druggist for it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. J
Poairinij V rompwy
Eai, J-.
Ot Eugene.
n.u..nioGhranltal $50,000
SurSlmSPSnts, $10,000
Eucene City - - vregun.
i Sl banking Aba.
Yaffil -trnarf ton. wiU receive
prcspt atteouoo.
. . ivn mMPlTE
C-ofl the public brtt prlo- tb- any
University Bookstore
lint I:!
Real KnUtn TrausiiTH.
J C Lawrence to W J Full wton, o"
X KM) on South Williiniotte str irt; JtMO.
HWJoni'o to Eva WliitllcM und
Nettie Wlim-t. SOxSO feet in Skinner's
donation and nil Interest to lease of the
public grounds south nnd the buildings
tiiereon; tauw.
OeoH Colter to Martin NofRtinger,
lot 7, block 4; $75.
Reuben P. Job to Daniel I tees, land
lnT18 8R5V;$JUiO.
GCMillett to AlvaKennuu in ip
15 8, R4V;$720..
A F Kllruaker to V Almeda Kllmak
cr, 40 acres in Tp 17 H, R fl V; SI. TO.
Htate of Oregon to Win THolzhauer,
200 acres in Tp 17 S, R 7 WjfciVl.
Kdwan W lh'lt to l.ouis i; jtisiinp,
101 acres in Tp 10 8, R 0 K; fUKX).
A Wheeler to Lane county Lumber
League, property known us the saw
mill nmiwrtv: L1.000.
A Wheeler to Lane county Lumber
League, lease of water power ; (1.
T,nsT His Hkabt." Paturday'i
Albany Democrat has this ersonai:
"Hon.C. K. Wilkinson, of Lane coun
ty, the youngest member or tne next
1.,lulotiirn linn luM'll ill tllO CitV StoDD-
"B"""'-"-! - ;; ; ; r.
lug on yesieruay on ins jr mu
a uay. There are Herious rumors alloat
thnt. the hr i? u vounir siaiesiium jusv
his heart atjhejtay."
Annri.rsoF lMCoRl'OUAnoS. The Cum
vo.i.nH l'rhviorin churcb. of Encene,
h. filnl in the office of (be county clerk
wiMca nf incorDoriilion: iticorporalora
fira. Bn.linnll. It. H Shacklett, 8. D,
Holt, 8. N. Spark?, I . C. liuodale, T. Good
and Andn w Lytlf; etimated value
of property, $8,000.
TheneichboM living in the vicinity of
l ihn MCHDcd lunatic Hutcliirv
on, on the upper 8iuslaw, are alarmed
over his being at large. lie is viudiotive,
and being a man of strong pbymque ia dan-
gerou to be at large.
Caatorl promotes Digeatioa, and
oreroooiea Fl&tuleucy, Countipation, Boor
Stomach. Diarrhoea, and Fereriahness,
Thus the child ia rendered healthy and its
aleeo matnral Caaioria, contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is o wD adapfd to children that
IreoomiDend Itaaeupnior to any pmorlpUon
saoWBlome." n. a. wbh m. u.,
82 Portland Ate., Bruoklyn, K. Y.
" I on Castoria In my practice, and find It
i,Jf. ktrflEITWtl. If. b..
I'M d Ave.. Nvw York.
Ta tarrACB Oo, 77 Murray St, H. T.
Thea Baby was sick, we pve her Castoria.
Wbaa she waa a Chad, she cried for Castoria.
Whoa she beaune Mas, she clonj to Cai
yhm lhT k.ii rhDAim. she gave Ua Custom
Sidney Horn went to Portland thl
morning to spend a week.
Miss A. A. Holt returned from a
visit at tNilem this afteruoou.
Prof. S. E. McClure returned this af.
teriUNin fitun his trip to Pueblo, Col.
Tbe parting of a brake rod canted tbt
toulh Ixmu.l lix-ala ihort doluy (bit after
(ieorge F. Craw left for the Foley
Spring this morning to jx?ud a
Master Henry Marx has returned
from Sodaville. His health Is mater
ially improved.
TLe boo nickers have flaished work at
ibeNeiayiirdnearPpriogneld. Tbe crop
an Mini In good shape.
The neoiilo's partv club ol Tburaton baa
ranttd a V t-avcr and Field bauner in frout
o( the pottofUce at that place.
Miss Jennie Rcntty tvtumtHl from
Oregon City this afternoon where she
has Ikimi spending tne summer.
II. E. ratlin of lb fruit commission
boiiHe of Portland, wa in town today He
report a scarcity ot fruit throughout Ore
gon. E. H. Palmer, manager of the firm
of Palmer 4 ltey, Portland, n'turned
home from the roley springs last even
ing. Jamea Trwiiliiier. the oldest pioneer of
Portland, died in that oitv yesterday at the
aue ol 84 years. He settled IB me metrop
olis in 1848.
W. L. DeLano has leased the C. F.
Hurlburt house on Ninth street. A.
E. tiallagher has rented tho Ueo. JI.
Miller rii(leiu.
tl ir..IM ul.n ll.n In Data
o Hi. j mil III. hiiu u. ... ., v
Creek precinct, Is tiulte til with the
consumption. He is the Justice of the
peace for tnat precinct.
A. 11. Sea . tbe oouular drummer, U in
town today introducing his successor, Mr.
Mrudeuhall. Mr. Seal will loave for Ban
Kraucikco about Oolober 1st.
tin. J. 8. Hien ins and ton. Albert, left
this morning (or their borne in lerre
Haute, Indiana. Thiy have been viaitiog
tbe family of Prof. Coudon, Mrs. Iliggins
being a lister of Mrs London.
Mr. Wilcr states that hit boy waa not
racing when the accident took place at tbe
north end of tbe Eugene bridge Wednesday
evi ninc. His mare Is badly Injured and
tbe buggy considerably damaged.
The Albany Democrat Is informed
that 000 Chinese pheasants have been
In cold storage at t'orvallls awaiting
Scptomlier 1st. Killing pheasants for
the market will ruin them for game.
('Inn-nee Witter, a son of J. T. Wit
ter, cave his folka a genuine and plea'
sant surprise by walking In on them
, his morning at tne urcaKiuta iui,
totally unexnected. He arrived on
Hi is niorninir's train from Alta, Utah.
This Is his 1 rst visit home ror tnrce
- n .... . .
riistonis InBiiector H. Smith, or
Seattle, has a giant Maltese cat that
keens tho family supplied with, game,
Tabhv makes daily expeditions to
t ne woods aim unnga uac
rabbit or grouse. It is seiiiom lie re
turns without some evidence or his
adroitness at hunting. He Is Invarla-
idv rouiirded with a saucer of milk.
aiid this may be the secret of his inde
fatigable industry.
Krrnnrv T)KiTH. HfPDDer G.zette. An'
gnat 30th: Last Friday afternoon, wmie
returning home lrnm ueppner, wuere uw
bad been agisting in driving oattle, Walter
Hliea, eon ol T A. Ubea, was larown irom
hia home near Rhea creek, rendering him
unconscious. At first it was thought that
ha was onlv itunned. and that be would
soon recover eonscionsness, but several
hours later on going to hi bedside be was
found to be cold in death, no one knowing
.hut time ha had died. Walter ilea was
tii Tonmrpat ton of Mr. and Mrs. Ti A
Ubea, was 13 years, 3 months and 19 dtyt
old, and a bright, taitbful upright boy
Raihino Lentils. 'Springfield
r ... I It,. How a nf tha .n.
lUCBfH'lllt,"l . A. nwii"l " ' .V
tpmrlsliicr farmers, living; 24 miles
.. 7 t . I 4 1
nortlieasl oi town nus oeeu irvuiic vuc
experiment of raising lentils. They
nn- a Rinnll Hat seKl and are used ex
tenslvely for food by Herman people,
Mr. no u r n anted several acres to h-ii-
tils this vearand has realized a 1800
nound croo. which Is worth 10 cenU
per pound in Portland and has con
tracted his full crop to Mr. Raum, of
that city. Mr. Roller ia confident the
crop win eventually prove ww ink
ing one.
The Jail Rreakhrs. Deputy
Sheriff Croner returned from Southern
Oregon this morning. He met the
stuge driver from Crescent City. Cal.,
at Urant's Pass, and the gentleman
stuge drh
at Urant'
nositlve that lie met tne es-
the road near the former city.
nm the parties wanted they
captured at Crescent City, or If
tiwv hnvo shinned to Ban Francisco,
before tho stage driver returned, they
u ll II arrested at that CUV. as tne
otllcers in both places have been fur-
Dished descriptions.
Killiko Jam roa Mabist. Albany Dem
ocrat: "A box ol 6'i corneas pneaaanw
were shipped to Pjitland yeeterday, ana
another one of the same number today."
Sucb work as tbe above will call for mors
n.nhihllnre leirinlatlon to protect these
birds. Eugene Gusrd. Correct. Tba
pheasants were shipped by rortland nim
mH one of them ownioa a 1200-acrs farm
in Eastern Or-Kon be watcnes very zesioua
v Fnnr of the finest bird dOBt ID IDS
country scared tbe life out of lbs Celestials.
Local buoters, wpo want me uiraa iui ouuu
use are on tbeir mettle Albany Democrat.
Pallr Guard. Sept X
ltARKCT of Fruit. A basket of
fnilt from D. W. Coolidge's Altadena
fmit r.Iiuo. U miles south of Eugene,
; .. . .. r ... 11 U
is displayed in tne ajuiib vuuuiv iu
window today, It would be hard to
Umt In anv section of the world. The
followlnir kinds of fruit are displayed
p,.arhMi. nnr.les. Rartlett pears. 2 varie
ties or Brat, mulberries, three varie
ties of prunes, apricot and crab ap
ples. Cement Walk. A cement
lunik will also be laid In front of Us-
liiirn A DeLano's drug store and
A iiti-n's eiirar store at once. This will
LivR the entire half block a cement
sidewalk when completed.
bailr Guard, Stptl
Woax EmmiD.-Ii ia a eold day wbea
the new jail does not fnrouh tbis paper
with an itm. wors waa rnaww ui
n.nrninff laTinf brick utder tbe management
.,t Ur AnJareuo the contractor, Mr. Bro
ttn tbe sub-eotiUactor naviog mirwa.
Tha Nlale Commence am Aclisrn
far saiiea.
Portland, Sept. 1. Tho state of
Oregon began an action against Mult
nomah county In the circuit court late
this afternoon to compel tho payment
if taxes alleged to I due.
Attorney wenerai ueorge r i uaui-
berlaln and District Attorney W. T.
lume represent the state, lho ciues-
tlon is, since Mr. Hume will prosecute
the county which elected him to do-
rend it ami do us prtmvuung, wno win
represent the state? This Is a peculiar
as well as an amusing situation.
It Is alleged that tho comity assess
or's roll for 1801 was correctly made
out, but that after tho results of the
state Ixmrd of equalization were sub
in tted lo the executive iHMim tne tat
ter approved tho 5-nilll Increase for
state expenses. This was charged up
nses. nus wascnnrgtHtup
miah county as a debt. iy-
le first Monday In April, 1802.
i were: For current ex, x..
19.34; military tax, f .054.S2;
to Mu tnomau county as a uuoi
able or. the
The items
scs. S257.41I).
uii vers tv tax. 17808.30. ill litis sum
1 " ' . . T ......
the county paid on tho 2Mb of April-
current ex nense tax. fll4,7C4.S."i: mill-
tary tax, $S2tll.64; university tax,
Kli72.52. This leaves a balance due as
follows: Current expenses, $02,71 1.00;
military, 12002.28; university, f 1023,
making a total of $07,831.04.
HM.iv.nil rvtlmr ifllllltles. Iiotablv
n..kmi.. .re ivsistimr the action of
the state board, and we Intend to make
a case of this to test me validity or tne
act. Wo have paid all that was due
the state up to the timo or the live-mill
raise, and I think it Is a question as to
whether we will have to pay any
Donald II. Huitth Meets an Enraged
Fobtlamd, Sept. 9 .-Last night at 10:30,
Donald U. Smith, eity passenger agent of
the C. B. ic Q. R. R- Company at IttO
Washington street, between Second and
Third, went to tbe comer of fourteenth
and Alder, where be mot Katie Daldie .
alias Italdie'e brother knowing that rJuitlb
was a married man, did not think it proper,
oeciallr at that time of night lor sued a
meeting, and deoided to follow them,
with the Intention of eivino Smith a thrash-
no. Ha met the oouole on tne oorner oi
Eleventh and Morrison and asked bi sister
to go home with him. Smith interfered b y
striking Baldie, and after several blows bad
been struck. Baldie concluded that be was
setting lbs worst of it, and that ho waa juslt
Had in defending himself, drew a revolver
and ahot Smith, bittins bim between the
eyes. Baldie turned and ran. Miss Bat
die, with tbe assistance of a man, wbo ran
no to see what was the matter, aasinted
Hmitn to olooav S arris store, wnrre a uaua
aa ordered, and he was aent to tbe
Onnd Hamarttan Hospital where, at last re-
nnru. he was resting easy, out was
thousht advisable to take a death statement.
and Ih same will be taken this afternoon,
Baldie bas been arrested.
Runaway Accident.
Pallv Guard, Sept. 8.
A team belonging to Warren Luckey
ran away from the alley near Krry
and Eleventh streets about 0 o'clock
this morning. In the hack to which
t hev were hitched rour cuuuren were
seated, and when the horses turned the
corner on Thirteenth street all were
t hrown out Two of them were chil
dren of Dr. J. W. Harris, his oldest
daughter, Edith, about fourteen years
of age, receiving a broken arm. All
the children were oruiseu uuunuumuij
hut nothlnir serious. The team ran
back to Mr. Luckey's barn but left the
back badly wrecked.
. .
Woodmen of tub World. i n view
of the fact that a lodge of the "Wood
men of the World" has been instituted
In Euirene. It will be Interesting to
nntfl t Im rnnld crowth of this order In
the East From conversation with the
returning delegates to the head camp
Portland Telegram ellots the following
fnntii! "The Woodmen or the World is
comparatively new in this section of
tho country, but Is fast coming Into
prominence as ono of the great benetl-
cliirv organizations of this country.
The organization east ol the ltocky
mountains Is increasing at an average
nf nvpr 1000 members per month."
The next biennial session or the neau
camn (18041 will be held In Portland,
The order bas a life insurance system
similar to that of the A. O. U. V.
Tri Mabins Cadstb. The Dallea Dally
Chronlole of August 31, after publishing the
entire eommnnloatlcn tnat recenuy ap
peared in tha Guabd, giving tbs organiza
tion, raiea. eio.. save. vuriuK iu iu.-
nar'a tWW.l in Portland reoentlr. visitors
from Tha Dal lesereatly admired tbs drill
of a noma of voutha from Eocene, and Mr.
I. 0 Niokelaon, brought with bim a large
alzad nhotosrarjh which presented a view ol
----- r u
the dots, tosetner who outer, wuicu ua
linos then attracted considerable attention.
It sill ha intareatins to maov of our read
ers to know mors oftbem aa tbey are being
reoognlzed by military and atbletio compa
nies Irom California to Washington. It is
a credit to Eugene, and a model worthy of
imitation in otber cities.
Pallv Guard, Sept. S.
Kou Silver Lake. C. L. Williams
and Warren Duncan left with freight
wagons lor onver uuc,
southeast of Eugene, this morning
All I w I Ull kllaSS
loaded with freight, Mr. Williams
tj,k,, fortv hundred on one wagon
with four Lorses and goes by the Mill
tarvroad. He freights here almost
every summer. Mr. uuncan lanes me
af " i I. .1 .
same weight out uses a iraa wuijuii.
He returns uy tne Mcisenzie nntu.
Pally ouard, Sept J.
The Public SciiooL8.-The public
achools of Euirene will resume studies
one week from next Monday, Septem
her 12. Parent should make a note
tb s fact, and be prepared to senu uu.-
.... ' . . a . '
children tbe first day,
CosTSAcr Lrr. Tbe oontraot for tbs
boiidiagof tba new Junction City school
building bas been let to E Basbaw ol tbet
n ana, far aboat S40UU. II will oe a irame
building. Tba architecture ia grand.
Bawmux Sou) The Trent aawmillhae
rmb aoid bv Kellv Bros, to A. D Hyland,
J. W.and B. F.uniley and L Cretan, who
will Ineorporate, and eontinue tbs business.
Taii is a Talnatiia propmy.
IIesidesc Sold. A. E. Wheeler,
administrator of the estate or U. H,
Park, has sold the house and lot, cor
ner Seventh and Peart street, to A
tttsM MllVTsyo for f510.
Pally Guard, 8cL ti.
The contention over tho proiHwed
erection of an electric light mast In
front of tho business block of U. W.
Pickett, on Willamette street, resulted
In Mr. Pickett entering a suit against
the Electric Light Co. In tho circuit
court yesterday afternoon to poriietual
ly enjoin the company from tho erec
tion of said pole. The complaint al
leges that said company intends erect
ing a polo In front of plaintiffs prop
erty alMuit 10 inches in diameter and
35 feet in height; that there is no ne
cessity on tho part of defendant for
erecting said pole; that it would Iw a
permanent oMructiou in said street,
and make It diftlcult and dangerous for
teams to stop In front of said stores for
tho purpose of loading aud unloading
merchandise; that defendant threatens
to continually
pinlntltr lmi n
' llnto wmoiy
m ,f
to continually maintain said pole; that
no plain, sKtHiy or ado-
at law and cannot be
usated in damages for the
ilury if said nuisance is allowed to
lie erected: wherefore plaint!!' asks that
defendant be porpetally enjoined from
erecting the nuisance herein described,
and that a temporary Injunction Issue
to restrain defendant from so erecting
said pole during tho pendency of this
On application, A. II. Flsk, county
Judge, granted a temporary injunction
during tho iiendency or tne suit.
Therefore all work on tho erection
the pole lias been suspended.
Springfield Items.
Messenger, Sept. 3.
Born In Spriuutleld. Monday. 29, to the
wife of Ed Crawford, an 11 pound boy.
The new ac-bool bouse being built at Jas
per by Ruth and Fairohild, is nesting com
Jnd Burns and Mr. Matthews, together
with their families, arrived in Eugene from
Weston, Ohio, Monday, Mr. Burns if lb
gentloman we mcntioued two weeks ago as
coming Irom E. K. McMicbael's old
E, Hall, lute of London, England,
slopped in town Tuesday night. He visit
ed with his brother, Henry 1111 and fami
ly, who recently arrived from the old coun
try and are located on tbe McClaoahan farm
at High Hanks.
B. F. Powers team ran away down Mill
street Friday; no damage.
The train Monday killed lour bogs valued
at $50 for B. F. Powers.
Q. W. Larison. O. E. Corey and Dr.
Van Valzah, started for the Bins river min
ing oounlry yesterday morning. Mr. Lart-
son goes to examlus the proposed waon
road from l eplot a place to lbs mines,
with a view of taking tbe road oontraot.
At Nels' bop yard Wednesday morning
a tent belonging to John bbeppard ol tlose
burg oaught fire and bnrned up, destroying
all the bedding, olotbing and cooking uten
sils. The fire was discovered by 8. E.
Asbe. wbo mads a rush for the lent and
succeeded in saving the organ, a violin and
two trunka. The loss is estimated at $05,
A subscription paper waa oarrled among tha
tents aud about f'iu raised lor ur. enep
i. r . rowers is preparing to onim a uioe
residence on bis farm north of town. The
structure will be 18x30 with an L, 10x23 two
stories bliih.
Tbe band went no to Nies' bop yard
Sunday afternoon and regaled lbs oampeis
wltb masio. lbs Doys were nioeiy treated.
An unsolicited subscription, and eigart
from Mr. Nels. were appreciated by the
bo vs.
Washburns k Sons now have about 60,-
000 bushels of wheat stored In the mill and
it is itill oomins in steadily,
Tbe tracklayers sre now wltbtn a lew
miles of Coburs wltb tbe new steel rails.
Tbs Cobnrg depot grounds have ben resur-
reyed and good aids tracks will bs put in.
John HotclilDsoD Gets Out of the
saue Asylum.
DalW Guard. Bc-Dt. 3.
Thaaninm anthorltlaa at Salem have
written to Sheriff Noland notifying him of the name of Smith, left on Wednes
tbe escape of John Hutchinson from that days' local for the Chickasaw nation,
I IU. W. SWUM UUMJW.UVH ..wm. w,,lUjro
inttltution by digging through tha wall of Indian Territory.
bis cell during tbe night of August 29th
Hutchinson Is tbs powerful insane man
that was committed to the asylum from
Wolf oreek. May 3d. bia capture taking
olaoe after a hard atrnggls. Id June be as-
caped from tbs asylum and was captured in
Llnnccuntybytwooftbe officers of the
asylum. The people ot Wolf oreek arc in
mortal fear ot tbe maniac, as bs bas threat-
ened to kill all of tbem. OfBocrs arc
searching for tbe man.
Doing; Good Work.
Florence West: W. 0. Bailey was down
from Seaton this week and reports bis gang
of men dolna food work in oleaning out tbe
river. The firm. Mitcnell Valley, nave
blasted out all tbs obstructive rocks from
head of tide to tbe mouth of the Wild tat,
and ars now removing the drift wood from
...l il f . l. . At Um
At Mrs.
mis same puruuu ui tum i.. . '-
Haan'sandMr. Noelv's claoes they have
men getting ont piling and boom timber for
tbslr log boom which is to be put ia about
three miles tbis side of Point Terrace. Tbey
alto now have men at work repairing tbe
Onahman uile driver preparatory to the
commencement 01 driving pnea tor
" . . . , . :l . .
boom wrly ne.t ... A logging
-ri.ion oi air.
Uriim ARv-The Al-
of KmbeMst savs-
i"f.Whu r.ftn"SS:
Ait Albany
, '
" I at ..A. m.nn )..l..l. Ililo aftnpntfin
f " v pfein V the Ttol
while Mr. than. 1 fe iier, or. tne jw-
- vere bousf -.wu i on n.s , way .nu
""ir: . i " i
tne o nee ws,l""
wnicn nau.oeen ouiy viuku
locked, took out the money drawer, about $75 and sk pped,
taking the drawer witn nim. i uougn
several men were around no one was
seen to do it. One man was arrested
- on suspicion, a gambler, and thougn
oi ne nau p.euiy oi uiouejr ou hb wim,
i severm ihiks suiuuu.
1 JI.l.Kaw.l and imlnl.litAHIir tint
was dlschargt?d, and undoubtedly not
the man. as he went to bed at a or
o'clock and had been sleeping since
then. Who took It?
u'allr Guard, Sept t
Change ok Time. The freight
trains on the 8. P. II H. will chauge
tlmp next MondaV. The SOUtU DOUno
freight train will then arrive here at
2:40 o'clock In the afternoon and the
north bound at 5:20 p. m.
Make Money. In another column
rin he found the new advertisement
of J. D. Matlock A Co. If you want
i .nil lun MTmn.
u..iu.;j. r
j th ia wtu tnown arm.
a so beint run under tbe snpei
Bailey snd that gentleman reporta that the; seven years ot uiis ouw-yer V-"Z
wUloat down the Great SinSlaw this fall Uon. and within 8, years 1 to dd
three million fettof logs. shall arise and other uncanny clrcum-
mree munon i toiiuK.. iii thrust themselves upon
Sensational Report of How
Prisoners Escaped.
1 he Itoseburg Plalndealersays: The
two prisoners from Lane county, who
have lieen confined in tho Douglas
county Jail for tho past month or six
weeks, escaped Saturday night. There
Is a difference of opinion as to how
their release was accomplished, but It
was undoubtedly owing to negligence
that their escape was made xsslble,
eveu with the aid of outside help, as Is
claimed by some persons to have been
the case.
The desperato character of the men
was well-known to Sherlll Miller, and
he therefore watched them very care
fully. Some time since Ills vigilance
was rewarded by tho discovery that
they were up to some trick, and when
he went to lock them up one evening
ho found that one of his prisoners was
represented by a dummy in bed, while
tho prisoner himself was on top of the
steel cells. Sunday morning another
dummy was found in ono of the beds,
but there was no prisoner on top of the
cells or anywhere else about the Jail.
Deputy SlieritI WHard locked ine pris
oners up Saturday night, and at the
timo I ney requested mm to nring mom
a good breakfast early Sunday morn
ing, no tuought it a rather queer re
mark for them to make, but thought
everything was all secure, and so dm
not visit the Jail again that night. On
visiting the fail in the morning the old
sheet Iron door was found bent back,
as has been the case on several prev
ious occasions, the door to the cage
open and tho prisoners gone. For sev
eral months the combination lock on '
the cage lias been broken, and conse
quently was not In use. The door to
the cage is locked by two Yalo locks,
ouo of which is in a steel cheat, which
Is locked with a key lock aud tho com
bination. Tho key lock was easily
picked, and then it was the work of
but a few minutes to saw tbe Yale
locks off, and the men were at liberty.
The tools used were an ordinary
three-tliied fork, with two of the tines
broken oil', aud a case knife, which had
been hacked to answor for a saw.
How easy it was to pick the key lock
on tho steel chest was Bhown by Con
ductor Rartlottj who with the aid of
tho fork opened the lock in less than a
minute. Had the combination been
on it would have been an Impossibility
for a person to get out or the cage, and
hnd the old Iron door been properly
mndo or braced It would be Impossible
to get out of the Jail without making
more or less noise. All tho work that
was done to effect the . release of the
men was practloally noiseless, and Jas.
A. Sterling, who was sleeping in one
of the rooms over the Jail, heard no
noise whatever.
Cottage drove Items.
Leader, Sept. 8.
New houses are lielng erected by J.
II. Shepard, E. P. Long, Jeff Markley,
Ren Lurch, R. F. Wiley nnd Johnnie
J. II. Potts and family, formor resi
dents of this place, who have spent the
past two years in the eastern states,
returned to this place last Friday to re
main in the future.
Mr. Oeo. IT. Small and family, of
Silver Lake, are the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Whipple this ween. Jir. email
and family loft this place on Tuesday's
local for their tuture home at umcge
City, Cal.
Mr. J. M. Small, arrived In this city
by Thursday's overland from a busi
ness trip in California. Mr. Small is
extensively engaged in sheep raising
at Summer and Silver Lake.
Mr. W. C. Sorrels, who for a num
ber of years has been a resident of this
place, has sold his farm about four
inllim north of town and
I hv his famllv and another family Dy
Hon nlcklmr beiran in the Knox
yard, a short oistauce east oi mu cuy
Monday, at 60 cents per box for seven
. .it. A 4 it I- -It..
bushel boxes. The hops are damaged
L... lt.l, U n Un Lnun Kill ttlH
averuge yield will be light,
Last Sunday about 2 o'clock p. m.
as Mr. Jas. llenson stepped from their
drug store, ne at once discovered names
coming up through the floor of the
porctt in rront or tne store, ronuuui
ly flames were discovered In time to be
extinguished by a few buckets of
water. ,
Tho onnlnu-t for the BTavellng of
Main street from the bridge across the
Count Fork, to the depot, was let to
ierrv Bherwood at the last meeting of
i, uv mllmil. for Vm. The eravel-
ino-into he eicht inches In the center
1 - " . a - , .. . v. ..-
i and tanerinir to lour incues uu simw
Hevex Years More. Ashland
Tidings: A wandering evangelist
u h nn unneemsurv amount in uw
hair is hoKUng forth in tbe public
"r"; ",,,, t..!llnr thi neo,
- SnS.W
I "v "
the program of ordinary American life,
He iiys there will be 144,000 good souls
who will not have to die to get to
1 W 11 V WIU W ew o. .
"n, " aeveral people in Ashlaim
Wiv flirured themselves In.
R.r, naAirMO.-Soms time sines
Ruined an aoooont of the graft
- Piremao
-.rr KLuT v"';!,.. o.i
""ta udlT
e- - - : - , h init ,h, olher
- . c k d plMei of ikin
. th , oJ hj, itgtwt to eoT.
goalded plaoea. The wonnds
hf,lwl npaj Dd and Galling is dow aois
to be about on ids streeie oi ruruauu.
I .
Dally Guard, Sept 1
Turned Over. As A. Goldsmith
was turning around in his carriage
shortly after noon in front of Saunder's
store, the wheels cramped turning the
carriage over. Mr. and Mrs. Gold
smith ana tneir nine grauu-uuus"'
were thrown out but neither was hurt
nor the carriage damaged.
Pally Guard, Sept 1
Sheriff's Sale. The
property, corner Olive E
streets was sold this ftenioon at 10
to o'clock, u was "J
I I1I1117TT1PI1L L'miUUI.
IV,,, l,
Vtodvx Of U BUM r
Eugtne, Oitgbn.