The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 03, 1892, Image 4

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    EllffCnO CltV GliardJ Camperi and travelers should be
& Irtfirifnl r.LiMil I,, n jn -f ft . a i 4n
IVi iv ati'wiis bin ll. ' 'i lll iji kill
For President,
of New York,
For Vice President,
of Illinois.
Cannot Be Controverted.
Here is a statement of the
question which has 'seldom
surpassed iu conciseness:
First The people of the United
btatos produce many commodities
more advantageously and more
cheaply tha n the people of any oth
er section of the globe.
Second T ho peoplo of other
countries produce many commodi
ties more advantageously and more
cheaply than tho peoplo of. the
United States.
Third Tho aggregate production
of wealth would be greater and all
laborers would bo better remunera
ted if restrictions upon the natural
flow of comtnorco were removed,
thereby enabling tho people of each
nation to exchango what they can
produce more advantageously for
tho articles which the people of
other nations can produce advantageously.
A rich Cliincsn merchant effort
land is in dire trouble. He is or
dered home to answer to a cliargo
that involves his life. It is natural
to ask why he should go. China
has a H!Culiur law that makes the
relatives substitutes for a criminal
and they would be liuble to have
their lieuus cut oil.
Iiaggage smashers might not find
ns easy work, if the old original
trunk was again adopted. Jt is
said that the earlient client wus sim
ply the trunk of anouk tree scooped
out and cut down in the middle,
one-half serving as a lid, which was
at first kept closed by a Btrap of
leather, and later by one made of
iron. As late as the fourteenth cen
tury tho oak chest, in addition to
being a repository for valuables,
served as a seat und sometimes, al
so, as a table.
Collis I. Huntington still en
courages the idea that with proper
inducement tho S. P. company can
bo induced to build a lino into the
Klamath section as a fi-eder to the
main lino of tho Southern Pacific
system. He, in common with all
other railroad men who are familiar
with tho situation, has his eye on
the rich scone of country around
the great Klamath lakes, and there
can be little doubt that a few years
moro will see tho railroad materialize.
The Lutherans were holding a
conference in New York City last
week. A delegation of them went
to tho democratic headouartcrs on
Saturday last and asked to see Mr.
Harritv. They were the Itev. F.
V. A. Votz. I'rof. C. F. Huth. the
The New York Sun is as UBual Kcv. J. Schlerf. and Uev. J.
posing as a supporter of tho domo Schutto. of Wisconsin, and the Rev.
cratic national ticket and covertly J. Brosse, of Illinois. They called
using the knife. An open enemy to tell Mr. Ilarrity that the Luther-
Tho cholera continues its ravages
in European cities. One half of
thoso contracting the disease die.
This is fearful mortality.
is far better than one in disguise.
II. B. Luce of Hillsboro has as
sumed control of the Reform Jour
nal, of Portland, an organ advocat
ing the peoples party. Mr. Luce is
a vigorous writer and an able de
fender of tiie principles ho advocates.
ans of tho Northwest, and particu
lariy ot Y lsconsin and Illinois,
would vote the national democratic
A cigar manufacturer at (irand
Island,' Nebraska, addressed the fol
lowing letter to Mr. McKinley, dur
ing his recent canvass of that state.
He desired information very much
but as yet Mr. McKinley has not
been heard from. The letter is as
( Ihunk, Neb., Aug. 3, '1)2.
MY Dear McKinley: l see by the
Associated Press thut in your great
speech at Beatrice you assured the
peoplo that tho foreigner paid the
tariff taxes, and, presuming that
Henrv Villnrd could not ho you know what you are talkintr
awarded too much praise when he ftkout, I address you for the pur
was building a great tronscontinon- P080 of gaining a little information,
tal line of railroad. The same or- 8 last week I received a bale of
gan that then obsequiously bowod Sumatra louncco used lor cigar
beforo the great railroad potentate wrappers. Tho halo weighed 102
now seeks to smirch, him and all JwuntM. Tho bill for this halo of
bocause ho expresses the determi-1 imiwrtctl tobacco was f 115.00. The
A California baloonist has dem
onstrated the fact that he can con
trol tho action of his balloon by
means of wings. If ho can utilize
his invention so that balloons, or
something similar, can be used as a
means of transit, ho will have ac
complished something beneficial to
tho world.
nation to support Clevoland.
It now transpires, says tho Port
land Itisitatch, that the contract for
the new battlo ships has been mod
ified to meet tho views of tho con
tractor, Mr. Carnegio, who will save
half a million dollars by the change.
Mr. Carnegie's company dictated its
owu turiff schedule in the McKin
ley bill. It forced a reduction on
its laborers and now it demands
A Jl .1 1
cost oi uic lonacco alone was
$91.00. Tho taxes at 1(2 per pound
as fixed by your bill, known as the
McKinley bill, was .f,'J2 1, making a
total cost of $ 1 15.00. You say tho
foreigner pays the tariff tax, and as
this ?J2l tanll tax bus been
charged up to mo in tho bill from
inu wnoiesaio looaeco House, erron
eously according to your statement,
I no nitormalion I desiro is this,
wnoro can i
ir....Mik I .it
Hutlm U futh' r ijuirt Kbout Hie court
Miri. K. ('. Lake went to Harrisburg
this morning. , -
O. P. Griffin U slill confined to bit resi
dence with sickness.
Dr. J. E. Payton west to Drain tbis after
noon oa business trip,
J. (). Kelley, Is at Corvallls working
at street surveying.
Frank tod Wiley Chrismen, of Lakeview,
fished Eugene tbU week.
Min Myra Norria returned tb la afternoon
from a abort visit at Junction.
lirlck laying commenced on the
new county Jail twain today.
Mini Lizzie Farrottof Bonabarg, la visit
lug tbu Mil ei Looinia io thin oily.
M. Btarvernd returned thin afternoon
from a trip to Woodbarn and Portland.
Frank Page bat returned from Salem and
ia working in bii fatber'a grocery atore.
W. II. Fenton ia moving bia houaebold
effect today to bia olaim near Dexter.
Wild geese panned over tbecity tbis morn
ing. A aigo, it ia aaid, of an early winler.
The cement wulk In front of the
Constr-Frank block is about completed.
Tbe bop crop ia generally light, therefore
the pickers are generally making email
do to E. E. Knight In Ream's
building for plumbing, tin work and
Hiss JessiaLsmsoa eipeola to start to
morrow for Htlaev, to spend a few daya
with bar annt.
II. I). Paine and Mr. Chamberlain
left on a hunting trip this morning to
Diamond Peak.
Wm. Happingfield, who recently par
cbssed farm of 8. Merlan, ia here to take
poseasion of tbe same.
P. K. Watters went to 8aleiu this
morning to look after his horses Ih
training at that place.
County Surveyor Collier has gone tip tbe
MrKenzie to anrvey township of land
oove toe reptot piece.
County Clerk Walker this morning
Issued a marriage license to John Tur
pln and Jennie Clemens.
Louis Bean, of tbe lower Blnilaw, left for
Ellen-burg, Wash., tbia morning, where
be wl I work in a drug store.
All plumbing and tin work guaran
teed by E. E. Knight,
Ream's building, Eugene.
Mrs. J. II. Lamson and Mrs. W. W.
Hsinea are visiting today with the family of
Bev. Kiddle, at Cold springs.
It ia likely tbst a cement lidewalk will be
laid from 8. II. Friendly's atore to tbe alley
north, aa soon aa the Pickett building is
Prof Ueo. II. Wilkes arrived on the local
tbis afternoon and will enter upon bis
duties as vice-principal of tbvpublio schools
of this oily.
Hon. H. W. Condon and fnmilv and
MIhws Uonnt'tte and Cecil Dorris left
for Yauina Uuy this morning for a
week or two.
A. E. Gallagher has rented C. F.
Ilurllmrt's residence, on Ninth ntreet
ii nd will soon commence housekeeping
In the Mime.
Dr. O. C. Awbrey returned last night
from Portland, wbeie, be states, he baa
simply been to bave bit eyea doctored, Al-
tiany Jimcrat.
M. (). and II. J. Wilkins, formerly
of Lane county, have rented the Mo
Cullen hotel at lloneburg, and will take
lmmedlute possession.
The Portland Telegram of Tuesday saya:
"Tbe steamer Chance will leave down the
river tomorrow, with a cargo of railroad
iron for tbe new railroad at Siuslaw." Tb
iron ia probably for tbe U.S. government to
ds used in tbe Bluslaw Jetty work.
The atatement telegraphed that the
Steamer Chanoe had been libelled for car
rying an excursion parly over tbe Yaqnina I
uar id rxoras oi me nmii provided
Iisily Uusr-i, Sept. I.
Ii. Mount iaou the aick Hut.
8. M. Yorau and party have returned
iron) ine tulnes.
U. A. Williams is reading law in the oHioe
oi A. uallagber.
Ham (Joldsmiih, of Portland, atx-nt
last night In Eugene.
Mrs, It. Itlntehley and son Ed re
turned from Newixirt lust night.
Percy Long returned Junt night from
a two or three days plumbing work at
Fred Dunn and Mm. C. H. Williams
returned home from Yuqulna bay this
Mr. Long, of the linn of Miller fc
Long, returned from the Foley springs
Mrs. Sidney Horn accompanied ber
mother. Mrs Ilcnib, home to Iiwaoo,
Waah., tbia morning.
Mrs. Phoebe Klnsey and daughter,
MIhs Maggie, returned home from Ya
qulna buy this afternoon.
Ed Bungs and Clarence Luekey re
turned from l'rinevllle yesterduy even
tug driving over some norses.
Mayor McClung and the MisHca
McC'lung and .Samuel (irav returned
from a trip up the McKenzle this
HherlfT McLean, of Whitman coun
ty, Washington, and wife came down
today from liln father's home on Outnp
ireeK, wnere tney nave neen vinitnig
They will leave for their home at Col
fax in tho morning.
The Greatest Closing Out Sal
Ever held in Lane County has begun,
he $30,000 stock of oods left by the
Will be closed out by hU executors within the next !)0 clays for $15,000.
prices, for everv article in this immense stock is reduced 20, f0 or
per (.,.(
w T
Shop in
ms qui
Ao Infected Vessel Arrives ir. New
York Harbor.
19 Heaths oil the Way.
New Yobk, Aug 31. The stesmahip Mo
rTit, of tbe Hamburg-American line from
Usmbnrg, bid 22 deaths on board during
toe passage ol tbe sbip to New York. Tb'
abip a dooior says tbe deaths were from
cboleraine. Twenty were children andtwo
adults lblrteen were natirea of Poland,
ore oi rruMia, tbree oi liesse and one ot
Anatria. All were buriej at sea. Tbe flrt
death look place August 10th, and the last
death Angus! 29. Tbe Moravia bai been
ordered down to tbe lower bay.
Ueorce William Curtis Dead.
Kv i ork, Aug. 81. George Wil
liam Curtis died at 2:30 this niornlnir.
BthlsreHidenee, Went Brighton, Btat-
en iniuiki.
Air. turtiH lieenino 111 about two
montlia ago with indicntiona of ilrorwv
Eminent pliyslclaim could irive hut lit-1
ue renei. lie eoiiHtnntly nullered eon-
fiilerahle pain, and wim told opium
would relieve him, but he declined to
take opium. At the request of Mrs.
ivurusa nomeopatnie treatment wus
resorted to lust week. Since that time
lie has suffered lens, hut ubout three
daya ago he begun to sink rapidly,
finally dying nt about a o'clock this
It is the largest ami only genuine Cloning Out Sale ever held in the countv. and evcn-tl.:,,
For hirty years Mr. Dunn was a leading and prosperous merchant, and ho left a stock fully Up to tl 1
man Is of the times in quantity and quality. His executors, .however, cannot continue the busine- t
mils Hell for what they can get, and one-half its value' is nil they expect to realize on the stock. S'
There is not such another Stock of Goods for sale
such Prices in. the State,
T f fr.11 llim KYI milna fn.v. rimnnn ... - i I 1 i. 1 ' 1 ! r 1
" j" iinn-o iiuui uuiiLMc, uiiu nmii, w uuy u uuiueruiu UlU OI C00US. VOU Can Onnio nn.l I...
us, j ay your exiKjnses, and save money. On an average. $20 will bu v as much of ua as 30 nr in 1
at any other store in the Willamette valley, and in some lines of goods the difference will be even greater j
But You Must Paj the Cash.
w m.... v vuv aKuivo vii du uuu M UOIW 11. VUUIJU V IIRTCIl IIILB fUIl UUV OI US niipnTUiv ii
f J - v"vn m.1 Lllilll inAi-al
.4 I. 1 1 tj
tan at w iiuit'nuit".
u'tn u i : i i .....
" m muu uu wre uiurai, uiusi. cjiu;iiiivc unu must nros ncrot s mercantile i)iiniiis ovir
r0.mCm,ni., w ,.ru .f.i......i. .'jn'i, . . , . ' "'""u n
ji.iiv vuuihj, ij uiuvi ui mo jiuuiui ui UlU esiuiu 01 f . J), lyljtl tl, UCCeaSEU.
PRANK E. DUNN, Manager.
Look Here.
Tbe Kchiwls will soon commence ami tb
boyi- oboulJ be well ditswd. You can ilo
tbis cheaply by calling on liettman. Hoys
anils complete, $1 and upwards.
J. II. BAIIR, If. n.
He wus conscious totliel
a, n. MDLroiin.
Hot Medical Sprin
Farmer's and Builders Hardware,
b law.
is Indignantly denied by tha maKter, Capt.
nioani. neimer naa ana neen lied up,
Rom-burg Review: The young peo
ple of Douglua county may have the
bent of school facilities at home. The
advanced grade of the Roselmrg school
will prepare students to enter the fresh,
man year of the state university at Eu
gene. Mr. Duncan arrived here yesterday
evening from Silver Lake for supplies,
For Boils, Pimples
scrofulous sores,
eczema, and all other
blood diseases,
It will
relieve and cure
dyspepsia, nervous
debility, and that
tired feeling.
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
I find the foreigner whoso "CJ tne. roai
and gets from tho secretary of the duty it is to pay this 1324 tariff oVihe bridges liff'Si "5K
navy a concession on its contracts, lax I I want to draw on him, at will return In a few days via the
mi 7C" ' i i sight, for tho amount. Uy giving McKenzle road with two wagon loads.
Tho new Chineso exclusion law mo th, imiml inforniatf " vo Julia Harpole has commenced a dl-
rcouircs that between boptember 1, will confer a ureat fuvor on n in" nf vorccault against K. V, Hurpoie In
1802, and May 1, 1803, all Chinese j ' 'Xld pSi ,n iVnr?f ,,,e .t'lrcil,.t Pl,rt- Sho "VM of
in tho United States must makeai)- 1 w., g r nmU'r8of Amp.r- e"'el and Inhuman treatment. They
' ; w'r. rQ . . "1UHl n aP lea. With great respect. I am s r. were married In Emrene Julv 17. imi
Yours truly, The lady has appeared In four divorce
JlKNHY CM'lll.OTTKKi.DT. r,"v"u,"KB ""9 eounty neretoiore.
iiiesoay s Dairm iionrnal. This alter
Electric, Steam, Melintttl ami Shower Ilitlu
with AIiuwKe.
owiiiinuiig rnoi, iiumik'H ami lhliiiliiiinn
I lie water are mint valuable In cnur nil
Liver and Ktilliev Conip ainta. Hlieiliimlirn.
umir, iircir, Kin Anectli.ns anil J'rivnt.
A physician in attendance at all time.
Finest Hunting 4 Flsblng Gronnls In Oregon
(nod groumU furnwlied to thone iltnirin In
J i:hsm.- Fur boanl and line i.f water. net
iluy; camper, with una of water. $1.50 jer
'K ior eacn imiiviiitiai.
Si lire, will leave K. I!am'. liverv atnlile.
r.uj: ne, ainunays, eilneHdavi ami rmlay
mm unfn ai o a. in., amvin at tin
n n the tame day. (In nt her davn
b(-bi siave win ns mnt out it tour paiwen
t;er' tpply, at regular ra'es.
I. tteni will receive Dnimnt utteidlim and
all Hil.le information uiven. Adilre
idey Hut Sirinr. Lane Co., Oreton
If VOU want Groceries
or crockery, call on
Fan anl Sp? IFaps, Buggies, Carriages and ll
plication for residence certificates
and filo with a ro venue ofliccr ho
tographs of themselves and prove
thoir identity by two witnesses.
Thoso failing to comply with tho
law will be doportod. There are
107,000 Chinose in the United
States, all of whom must be regis
tered within the next eight months.
The fealom Statcsmun says hop
pickers are picking and the hop
market is hopping, but there is no
price for hops that is, nono of the
growers want to contract, and,
knowing this, the contractors mako
bold offers which they could not
fulfill. This accounts for the thir-
iy-nve com oner inai recently cre
ated so muoh excitement. That
Mruck kr ft lltrarl'i Neat.
Mkkckd. t'al., Aug. 81. A Yosemlte
aHfliil to tli sun states that a hornet's
neat Ml on a stage team going Into the
valley Monday morning when the
stage hud Juat paused Inspiration point.
The four liorwaon tho Mtuirenll liumw,!
oil' t he road way over t lie bin II". The lend
ers were hung on the trees bv the har
ness ami choked to denth. 'The wheel
homes were not killed. Two piiKwen
gers were In the stage. One had his
leg broken, tho other his ankle
sprained. The driver was thrown over
with the stage and Injured Internally.
uuun lue iiaie noaru oi education beld a
mreting. and elected aa superintendent of
me reiurm scnooi, ai. w. Mnitn vice B 1.
Miles, resinned. Mr. Smith Was snrwirin.
teudent of the publio schools at Tha Dslles
for flwe jaara. and has of lata renraaantMl
the Nortbweatern life insnranoa company
Salem. '
Albsnjr Herald: Word baa reached AI-1
nanj tbat i-x-Uounty Commissioner Alei
liramlon bad been stricken with paralysi.
me ai'aca came on oaiumay eTeuing an
he was in a critical oondion. Tha news will
oarry deep regret to the heart of almost
very resldeut of Linn
Brandon was '
oountr. for M
iilely known and highly re-
lleillnffwn the light.
IUltimois, Aug. 3I.-A few beta
peoled aud liked.
To be fish commissioner for the tmut
i i n.. ... . . "
aim mpiuiy growing Htttte or Urtgon
lllllMt. ItM r.l.ut I. m Mnlllu at ........
btsn plaoeil here within tha put few daya or else a position of much honor. And
a a- . . . .. . r i.w uajs i ui vinr n inniiiiiii ui uiueil Honor. Ana
figure was Offered, but it was not an on Bullivan, the largest being thai raised in nw romes a Dalles paper and makes
honest bid.
Tlie democracy of Shelby county,
Ind., the old home of tho late Vice
President Hendricks, will hold its
usual mammoth democratic barbe
cue on September 28. Heretofore,
more than (50,000 peoplo attended
each of the barbecues at that place,
and from present indications, this
one win assume national projior
tions and eclipse anything of the
kind ever attemnfvl in filial rvnirti
try. Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, the
uiiuiug mow) oi urover Vieveiunu,
will be present and make a tieech
on that occasion.
The Oregon Tress Association,
says the Jlood River Glacier, meets
A anil ill. I " etiuns syal
t, anu ai-1 rn - -
a pool, amouuting to f 3.00J against $3000
put np by soma admirers of Cornell. K il
rain hsa bet f 100 aen on Bolllran.
at Tho Dalles Octolxr
ready tho metro,K)li8 of the inland TtZTZ
empire is preparing to receive Tr'l, fJt - ft"n. biwn, Kmipua,
Uiem. Uf courst! we are nrest.J ZZZZZ, 7. t??yM '.w
- . .. n iinim nisMir
tills remarkable stutement: "Them
are already 1 candidate for fish eom
iniwioner In Oregon to fill the position
which will be vacated by Hou. Ueorge
T. Myers January 1, 18U3."
Tha atata Inaana asylum holds mora in-
mates today than it arer baa before. At
present tbe asylum has just 800 inmates.
There are accommodations for a few more,
but Iba asylum will soon b crowded to Ita
fullest oapaelty . Another asylum will soon
here to be provided, tha earns aa it waa
fonnd necessary in California. Il may b
stated in this connection thai tha majority
ol tha insane persons in both states are
foreigners by long odds.
The burning of tha steamer Yonng at
rd to purify ih, Nood, t.,,t tani mg and tba cpnra ol tbe gull
that's o.r.iW-.d ,),., 'i. iw Ji2I?I 17 partiea baa caused aomjs talk as to which
Uoldeo Mnlicitl Diacovery. I county they should be tried in. Tha boat
lft m niedirinA tlu.t t . I Was tied nn In tha Pnlk Mutnl KMV
or It teat s the rrMn. It mux .r. I bnrned. but all nnmwilinn uain tk.
oriminais haTe taken plac in Uaxion ton'
ty. Tha Polk county Obaerrar ia quita
willing tat Marion county should fool tha
A truption,
nn nuttier htns
IlKbt, wnnw you
erery one I
axes it that
your bkKd Unt I
purs. If you're
" uv, junii uevq i
the warning.
Vuu'll Uk about
for a renieily.
v. Anuunsiswtuit
youu nud: plenty
ot medicines atU
General agents for the-
Tlie Best on Earth.
Call and examine our stock before purchasing.
utid follows Jemple, Villamette Street,
HDIWm rm
To l,,od'! s wrlM of Taltmhle
m.u ii.'ubi wi.pir. rnaahn.a
"u mm iu an appiicanti I
""""" oo, rumutxtn,
orn Into btlthy a.-U,m, puntl, and ni
richea the blowl. and Uirouch it rlr.n ..i
rsnews the mns system. All Blood. Kkin
in this matter, for we .hall be benefit or TlZi STi .,."?!
there, Aa a matter of lo Prid J
we hoje the editors will be royally
entertained; and this hope is ac
centuated by the fact that we are
citizen enough of The Dalles to take
pride ia having her do the grand,
and ust far enough outside to be
classified as one of the guests.
This is a political vear and lhua
tignifiedly "straddle."
MmI uss substitutes, udri X less prict
Ponkthl JXunaleh: KeirW Allen
has nKi.1el JU.hs Moody iSeott, tb
eilore.l girl Kim was rwotnnieuded m
the meeting for aplap to reiKirt for
iluty on Thursday. XlUa Seott ia said
to lie very bright-looking vuung wo
man f 1 r, and gndua"ted a yetj
aKuiuaijuucirom tiie uhland hlhi.
- 1 "iiiii iuioruiu.
A broad smile wrae tha oonntananMa
of all the sportsmea la Hi county, while
game dealers and ran tacraot-aae nets rob
l eompuaaasy
ioua One. Tha
ops (Maon lor kill uiff trranae. nhoaaanta
alongnltaa fieaMnts, auail or partridge, ia
iron, oeptrmtxr i U OTember 15. Tha
open season Ir sailing ser fowl hi from
September 1 to Uarah 13 Ie open aeaaoa
aniiriK neer ana en onria la iraa An
gnat to Korrmber 1. hut the does ma? be
killed from Auuat 1 to January 1. It is
nnlawiQl to kill spuim) fawn al any lime.
Afier Wednesday of the Pent week, the
"aisles ol tha dim woods'1 will larwbarele
Fit!) tl;e erark of rifles a,nd shotr
Liberal Discounts Have
Been Made In
Every Department.
Tutfs Pills
rji." ""nq er,on- Fop the, nM
In -he Circuit Court . f the State of Oreg n
Ueo. W. Crane, PM,
rp .P0' T?,,In J H. Kenutitsy, Defts.
r f " i ' cn "boT "nid
.i HTr .1? L!.,;'!.,r,?,", fc i-p
.... . .... v..u.,.i..iii, niea acainxt yrni in
thealinre ent t l ...i f .
l-.l. .v.. -" "" miir nrriire
.,7.1 T . i V , " t,,D'r' WJA ht
lm the tir-t .lay f tllf t .; f
v... , ... i, jnn im.1I a tn an er. Plain
n am una Ju.lnn-ent airli,t a prat
with Ir....,'-, '" u,u
le the im uf p,i,i Jv 3 ,h;
nm of M iwlil il m Ik .! , .1.. ... '
v ,.... ii' alo f .r
.n, f ..f $70 an. . -t. and .l.Snr,m,
I ac"ion
1 r.i inmri. nn
ia I I. ' I.!,.., I I . 1
. , . .... ' 1 ... ier
n. J. I . I Illl-rti.C J:i,k-,. f tl
'miu-fl amn .m.i
I'heU hdayof Ji
Iatd this Sth .lay 01 Augunt, 1591
io. A. IHisris, lltrs Atty.
Mineral : Spriip
Flag Station on Southern Tacifio B.
lKy, Milea from Portland.
$2 PSR DAY, $10 PER WEEt
Ten feet from hotel.
These "waters contain.
Chloride of Sodinm,
Chluride of Magnesium,
Call mm
Carbouste of Iron,
The Followirg Diseases. Have Beet
Uured b their Use Alter fhjfKiw
Had Exhausted their Resources.
Khrum ti-m. Ague.
Cat mtli of 1 be Simineb,
Stsal Cntarrh, Dmpfj,
Piabttea. Erupiionstf lh Skis,
Kidney snd Liver Ar7n-ii-
P. HOSW t l.l , Pr
P. O. Aiidrsas, Drain, Offi-P
Goldsmith, the Pio:
neer Grocer.