The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 27, 1892, Image 10

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    ' Drugs, Pharmacy,
Physicians Sup
plies, Surgical Appliances.
Everything Exquisite in Imported Perfumery, Soap, and
H AT I ' RIU V, A I'O !.ST 20.
The river In nlsmt at Its lowest stnge.
Zncb Mill of Tai'oiii iii tiitiijf in Mm
(Jell... Truiui arc ropurled u.oin iuli(ul IbiD
Mim Lulu Uenuer is vlailiug ber pa-
reuie ei aura.
Mm N. K. Frazlcr ha returned from
a visit to rendition.
Mnt of Millionaire!.
The statistical man on one of the
Nov York pujsjrs has found that
there are millionaires in the
United Stales. In commenting on
tlio names given, the publisher
say b:
In all probability the list even
yet contains the names
. I . A..
Dr. Hk.pwortb of Lebanon In via it Ha I i . . . .. .
iibhb.eou,E R , lo tbi oily. - iwpio wno ore repuieu uy tiieir
. . irii'iniM iini iiiMfrn ruira in ' i irii m
Toilet Articles. A10 a complete and Bt'lectstock of Paints, from here yesterday, the first of the scV more than they really are; but, on
Oils, Varnishes, lirushea and Painters Furnishings. . " the other hand, there may be a few
aTaWebur theireetrr part of our Knit. II t In lane niiaiiilllin and takini
diili( u( cull dlx-ouiiK wtttrafirnhM Kigiiri-our cimliiiiuini Ixilluin prlres oil nil (.ssla cm
Maoed Iu well ppolUl Uru store anil a Kim-Chow I'aint ami Oil ilouau.
For dlarrbu-a or umnier complaint In
any form there U Dothing bellr (ban
Cbambtrlaln'i Colie, Cholera tod Dliir
rhiue lUmady. Mrt N'ancjr Derrjr, of Ad
ami, Lawrence oouo If, Kentucky, aay on
don cured bar of id attack of dlarrbme.
Two or throe do will our any ordinuir
Mii. Whan riwliiniwt with avatar it ii uliiaa I
.nt tj tali ir. anH Ml rani hnttlea fur aula I Cre jfne,
Ihed of tbl) If nor at
left for Portland thin
the Myrtle
Mr. Huocow, of Portland, vl-itej Eugtn millionaires living very quietly
d..y. lleowUa,,m.bov. who have successfully escaped the
m, w... vi i .... v. eyeot the tax-gatherer, thoniercan
..... ..... ....n i-iuri mm aire, n. i .-i , , ., -
. Alley ituri.e. bom Iroin Newport Ihi 11,0 aKpn7 "" the Compiler of the
afiwnoo. Tribune's roll. On the whole, the
N. t. Oistlciiiun. (f I'orl IhikI. Ih In total mair lie t.-iken ns Iwimr fiiirle
i. .... -.i .... .i.-i . ..-
nun ii ii"ijiini ii 1 1 1 Me i correct,
Ituberl It
Lain iew.
Daniel Text
Vr. L. W. Drown m iu from
by Otbqrn k Delano,
Auo. IIoHM'NO, it well known mini
ufaeturer of ImmiU mid mIiucn at 8l!0 No
bin HU, fan AnUmlo. Texan, will not
wmiii forirethiaexieriun( with an at
tack of tlie cramp which lie relute as
follows: "I was taken with a violent
crami) In the stomach which I believe
would have caused my death, hud It
not been for the prompt uwj of Cliain
Inlu's Collo Cholera and Diarrhoea
lieinedy. The flrxt dose did me so
much good that I followed it up In 211
minutes with the second dose, and be
fore the doctor could get to where I
was, I did not need him. This liein
edy shall always he one of the main
stays of my family." For sale by
Ohhukn A
Mrs. J. V.. II.. ml Ih vWtlnif friends at
A new and Complete Trrattneiit, eondatln of
SuppmltorlMiOlnlmrnt In ('tiaiili'a, alau In
Jdu and Pilla; a I'imIIIth Cum for KxU.rtial, In
ternal, Blind or Klwllng, lirhlns, Chronlo, He-
oenior iieremiarr num. ana niaujr oiner uia
eaiaa and female weakuwwe; It laalwaynt
Siral heneflt to the irrnvral hralth. The Ant
laoorerjr of a nmllral eiire reiidurliiK an or.
tliin with the knife utineiwwarjr htnafu-r.
Thli kuuicdv haa nrvvr hfru known to fall. II
per b, for t!; avut by mail. Why tulhr from
Hop picking; him eoniiiieneed in sev
eral of the yards.
Fmnk Porter, of Hhedds, Is In Ku
genu on a short vIhIi.
D. A. ()l)urn, sherill' of llcutoti
xiunty, was in Kugcne today.
Jan. Huffman and wile returned boine
Irom Sodaville Balunluy evening.
W. W. Mtsire, of the (Jcahd, bus
movcu to town Willi Ills rainlly.
The W. C. T. U. nieelfng in Iba park
yeaterday iflerntmn was liberally attended
Tie bot wtatber perct plibly affrcted Ibe
oongrtgatloua at lbs setters! cburubee yea
terday. Seferal paaarnttpra went out on Ih Hn.
Kenzie ilage Ibii morning bound for the
bot spring!!.
Tom Awbrey, wbo baa been working for
Ibe U. It. Co. sl Junction ia at lioina fur
few days.
Guy Huff and J. I. Coben went lo Y
quins Day ywterday morning, retnrnivg
iuia aiieruuDU.
' Attorney Wonduock went out to Iii Id In
station, Dmiglm couiily, Saturday tiinbt on
legal butiueaa.
(leo. II. Thurston was In town Sat
urday afternoon. He returned to Port
land Hunday morning.
Hlierlirolund returned from Port-
I be Norlbweat Progreas of Monmouth
baa ceatiFd pablicstion on account of lack
01 pntrofjaf(e.
Our nelgliborinjr town of Bpringfleld
i iniruieiien wiin a sis'iul HeiiHiitlon,
so we are Informed.
T. W . Clew ban realgui-d a aiarabal of
Juuction, and . i. KtWy bn- beeo appoint-
u in uii me vKuauvy.
Mr. sod Mrs. Wro. Emery of Oakland,
On-ouu are vUltinx at tbe reldenceol J. E.
P. Wither nottb of Eugene.
Uweu Hiiduyo and Fred Mulkey sre
back from tbe McKeozie Hpiiug aud re
port having bid Do time.
I he city directory man, Mr. Ober.
a loun oi JOli gives an average
to each Btate of nearly 02. A mil
lion dollars is a very largo sum of
money, and when v2 millionaires
are counted up in every common
wealth of the Union, the number
will fall short in nearly half of
them; but the deficiency in one sec
tion is made up by the excess in I
New York, Massachusetts, Pennsyl
vania. Ohio and Illinois. It is a
difficult undertaking to learn the
exact wealth of any man whose
possessions reach
f Jovernor lUichanan, of Tcnnw-1
j see, will "bolt" and run indepen- j
jdently Ixvausc lie was not renoiui
' liated. He did not deserve to be
renominated. Pining all the trou
ble over convict mining labor he
lias shown himself incapable of
requisite executive nerve and sense
The first marriago in the Willa
incite valley was that of Hev. Jason
1'eanu Ann Maria Pitman, on
June 19, mi. David Lee s-r-
Notlre of .New Kiirvpys.
Wl s,
M iui'v .i,n, mK .
I'lilteil Hlilles I.1U11I Ollii-e, I
Kortehurg, Or., AiikiihI Ih, cc.
Ndtire i IllTi'liV KIM'll lllllt (lie np-
iiroved MiHpol the surveys of the hd
lowing TowiihhipM have been received
at thin olliec, to-wit:
All. of 'I'owiihIiIji No. 11 Mouth, of
Itange No. H V, W M. Also the here
tofore uiinurveyt'd Krtion of Town
ship No. I I Houth, of Jtauge No. H V,
W I, towlt: Kectloim No. 7, IH, li), LM,
21, 'Si, 211, 27, 1W, 211, JW, 81, y2, 34, S-
ami .'Hi. The plat of said surveys there
of w III lie Pled iu this olliec on the Mill
day of October, l.S!2, and on ami after
lliu oil, l 1 It I , i,fM,.,l..,i. K'I'l ..
will he prepared to receive applications ' ? , ' . 3r"' t'",t'1' '
for I ne en rv or I he nun ti ku hi town- -- " "
Floi enee i(e))H
r ll au . I .
Ir.i.H f .r'HOK cut mii,, i,'.. .'' t
iin.Mil Ittitiittiiy, (f-jl
A Imyf i till of lii;,
Iruiu iii-iir 1'iiiiit 'lVrr.
t iIih Cit,linuti mill.
r iuh I
wa I
c .Li. :iu u
dynumiii' uplosioii u-UH iiu . " ' I
formed tho ceremony and immedi
ately alter it tvrus .Shepherd and
Susan Downing and Clms. J. Kou
and Nancy McKay were also unit
ed, making of it a triple wedding
Democrats, listen to the Oreiron
lan, tho great protection organ of
the Northwest: "The democratic
party of Oregon has begun its pre))- ette Valley & const Itailwuy' Co,
arations for an active campaign. ftrgu,'(1 W(,H'k Mon' Ju'lgi'
But the republican Darty makes no
sign. Jt is tired. It has been rid
den so hard by the bosses that it
wants to rest awhile, and it is
doubtful whether the interval be
tween now and November will give
it a sufficiently long vacation. Hut
perhaps the senators and represen
tatives in congress, with the collec
tor of customs at 1'ortland, can car
ry tho state."
A prohibitive tariff tax is the
Jt is all tax
neuooiura UuLHmm ntul !,
d.JI. mP-M to l.e b.,,1 j,,"
. M.-.WU 1 lll'HIl
Tbe KvIh cihiiery It
above 200.000.
auer. Informs us that the vacant hotisii and it is remarkably easy to count J. T i
iutl.eeltyureraoldlvflllln.rin,. n ,i millw.nnin. .',' ;J costliest of all taxes
V O g-- i a aatvuiti a v f lllilll If Ilk MO
Geo. D. Full Anil im IM irr MUtA I tafftftK ; a. i:.. &r.m ir
married at liem.Dr on Ike 17.1..' Th- u J ' V. -r"v, OBV for t n d reet taxation.
a0U Jlmmie.nd Ul M.b" 8t7.ihT r ' n"Ic can show actual wealth of on- T.1'.. , ' ?, Kiau,m P'Ojier-
urnetl Iron, ibe Foley Hpnng. tbia morn- Iy 3,000,000 or 1,000,000. New
York Lity contains accordine to
different estimates anywhere from
350 to 1300 millionaires. Eighty
per cent, of these fortunes have been
made in the JaBt ten years. Con-
uiu proniouive taxes wincn were
introduced by McKinley. Hut un
less this can be imagined they have
no analogy in direct taxation.
ships. Joa.v II. Sin i
A. M. I ItAWKiKIi, ItegiMter.
TlIK Ohkoo.S P.A('IHc.--TliiM iise of
the Fanners Loan A Trusl Co.. vs the
On-Kou Paeillc itailroad Co., Willitin-
, wtis
ton iu cliiimliers. ut lio-clutrL'. The
Pluindealer says that it will lie remeni-
oereti tiiat joo sonic time iil'o niir-
chawd the road for fl.WJO.Oix), paying
2.'i,ii(Ni down, and t lie luiliinee wns to
be paid in thirty iluvs. Judife Pines
granted several orders for an extension
of time for the payment of the balance,
me ii.Mi extension neing to N-ptemuer
1. The iilaiiitifl'now wants Mr. Job to
put up the luiliinee or else give security
that he will. J:. Fliiiu reniVNeiitcd the
(leleiidaiits, while S. Jt. Lllithlellin
was the attorney for tlienlnintiir. The
ease was taken under udvisemeiit hv
Judge Fullertoii.
IXVKXTOHV FlI.KM. The niiliniisers
in the estate of Murtraret Haves, de-,
censed, have filed their inventory. It
briog tho In , t prin-ot y ,,,, '
(i. II. Saulh-it o S.i!,,,,. (j
of the ptiii
(irnit Sin-In,
'Muriel tl,.. .... KU"
111 llltlMlv .lo ,, ""Ml.,
i oi'.l. .. i .v i, . "0
falln ri.f (1. II. 11. , '
Hied by Mrs. Lo.. Li..,.. .1 . lkTI! J
C.nud Mst.n.f tliHj,ul,o, Ml, Ii
Last week while T.J. it... '. n
Morns i re Hilnm,. Khkh.h . .'.
anil Win n roiiliilmu vf -i . ""'J .1 Il-,.l...r r.K, o,V,r
bo.wn i.vm tjt null, i, L "'-I
i-rent comiiioiinii an, I wh,.i.. i... ?'J
.. . . i 0 k.l
huh ... K.-i .u.u; routed i,ui
.... .... I I . ... .
nnirij .no I'.llin u.iImh Chiil'Ii.
ruck on tuts nd irU iuif ., 1 tl
occiip iiis mid h(.rs.K w.iii,, ,1VB,"t''
sorry arork U1..11V f.-i t l ,,w , .,
In il ul 111.- (ir. nt Sin.l,, . 'I'd
A JjAIKiK Jmii:i n iM K-w
11. .1.1 II I.II.IIIIT III .MISMItU-l Rtall,.,,,
II sl:il...f('l,illl..u . ..
...:.r .'i'""
iiuiii mi. i kivii eiiureiiiii in
in r.i, I
ti... .: -l
a . -- iv- j.t tlllMI'l (it .1 I
8HOW8 Drom'rtv uniount iiii? to l'l'.7.s.V t siHti imh "
- r - . - , i ,
ihli terrlhladlmae whan a wrilti-n luaranlee Iniwl H.ilnr.l,, v .,... , I,,,.
la (iven with bniM, to refund I lie money If ... ,i, ...
Wholeaale Retail DniKgliU, Sol Afeull, I'ort
lautf. Or.
tor Mile by IIKNIHtltSOS A CI.KAVKH, As nta,
Kiimimii1, Or.tfou.
The Court House Uleycle Club has
disbanded. All bills will he nuiil
promptly upon presentation to the
"The sere ntul vol law IohPMu
ning to show Itself among the foliage,
1 m trine eariy, out signs or approach
iiik minium ure not lacKing.
o. W . Jionner, of this city, Head
Consul, organized a lodge of Woodmen
of the World at Koseburg, Wednesday
even I no- with "4 eluirti.r ..,..,iu,
Miss Kmma Itlggs, wbo has betn
visiting In this elty, accompanied bv
.Miss lna McClung left for Vaipilna
jiijf nun iiioroing 10 spenu a rew days.
Drain corresnoiiili.iuvc Mm v
Applegate moved from here to Kugene ''a'"' of a few.
this week. Jler niaiiy.filends rvjrret to Undoubtedly fall
He foiioil 1111
I'T 11 ... v . . "
notour-!. Send atamp for free Sample. Ouar- sine ourgiary.
rante la.iie.1 by. WiwnaaU, t'Laaa A .Co., Mm. Iloaa Worina nf Nm Vn,W r'.i. ...
rived beta 111 In morning on a visit to bor
eouaio, Mr. jui.vr.l Uau.o. see her and
Itev. O. II. Wbituor of McMinuville, awuy,
rauu leomrer l ID A. (I. II. W,. aoeul A ..,,.. ,,.,... 1 ,..
.rd, d Hand., ia Eng.n. ,(May ai d w U K H
M,,ii,.L. ...1... 1 1 1 ... 1 r. .,: . "
" " w'ii visit- neiius 111 gia a giimpso or Venus, t he
mm .iy ten tor ills gay oiii gin, ana gazing so long skv
ward arc the causes.
her estimable family go
I have ben tronNfd many run with
dimee el the kidnry and bat
ivitirdtra and hev
t aid Irura different phyaklani
t dinrrrol
itfhl am Inn
without relief. About the 15th of Aprd
W. N
Hig relatives In this city left for
1101110 at Pciidleton (his moriiliitf.
1 H. F. Flotd. formerly editor of tha Itnia.
burg Keviaw, propoae lo make liwiltle bU
future home. Fred U brilliant newapa
.r wrilei.
Theodore, a ' gnsvr of
Athena, has failed; liahilliies about
fl -H hi, hnlfof which is held l.y Port
land creditors. ,
The I'wls countv U'lll
Minn u large niuise ror the -accomodation
of paupers on the 240-acre county
farm iieur Newaukum. .!
The K P. Co. are having whistling
posts put up nt nil crossroads, and un
der the new rules a great deal of appar
ently unnecessary whistling ia done.
Mrs. K. Day aud son Floyd, left this
morning for Alma. Mich., 'tho former
on a visit and the latter to take.
course 111 leringloirs Jlusiness College
JI. Johiiwm, n rarnior nonr Alunla
f if II - jv hum runuiiiiru WVCIV VUIH
rsuOder, tenia 9 ri s. n, 'r16'" yiiMmrge
WT' iih of glnnt powder In a well where lie
rorFemiUInr-i,ler wlu,l W"'K.
1 endlelon fc O.: Juck Front ia uiakiiiE
... tl il, . . . ..
u.oi.j i m.mnniu, water iroze Ua f au
un a mirk at Hut pla.'e tb other ttiubt
nd the dillereno Iu temperuture between
uavuatn aim rinillolon 1 bllevd to
f..llu .1 .
iwry.j urBitma oy a party wbo wa
"iroten out.
nil .... . ..
. B AavV M"iiaS: !. m !""i poll'-o made a raid Sat-
Is auduiouayjtakvuootb.- unlu" mgut on tile aamhlliig and lotl
jr V r, if IIS llOllsesaif niiiHiiinil.l.. ,.l...n...t.,.
" - I .....v milium ivi.
arresting himmii liny gamblers am
eigni women. a iuiuiInt of well
Known men In social business circles
were among uiosc arrested
Auctioneer Klnsey, for Hherltr No
luud, sold nt public sale, Stiturdny
afternoon. Sin bIkh-ii to Mutt how tttvw
for 1.4tl ht head; and 0 bend of cattle
aim uiree eaives to Mslier A Watklns
ror 7i, belonging to It. 11. Hayes, of iniit, uiu pnws were
very tow,
Springfield Items.
ty, such as clothing and house-
111 1 at
noid goous, iuu iter cent and more
or over its value to prevent the tax
from being paid, and then after
wards seizing the property thue
taxed and out of the
W I.WI f CUID, VUI- ll.l. I,, ...
sidering the rapid development of T ' T v -T ',ke
.1 ... . . . .... I rhn nrnhiliirieM tnvou ulil. n..n 1
I III h ff I in I,, r.,1 it ,lin;,.lt I 1111,11
..... v. v.iv iuiiu IV JO ullllUUIbl
to estimate the number of men who
the at end of another ten years will
be rated as possessing millions.
U'hilo 4047 as a whole may not
seem large for 04,000,000 jrcople,
the average of 92 for each state im
presses ono with tho remarkable
concentration of wealth in the
As these figures
short of the real
number, it can be seen that a ser
ious social problem is growing
more and more intricate as years
pass by.
f m anffrrlnr fruin a vrfr violent
attack that a I moat proatralrd me la
auca manner mat I waa tew orrr.
Vhrn I let down il waa almuat liupoaeible fur Die
lo rf up asMt. or Iu put 00 my cloture, when
kind ernt lir. llrulry, wilb the
botrl . I Immediately commenced
ualni lb tr. It had an elmoat
mlracnloaa effirct, aad lo Iba aU
jhment of all lb tunt at tb botd,
a frw davM am bappy to atale,
that I waa a Dew man. I will'
recommend the tea to aU aSlcti
m 1 bav bee a.
O. A. TtirrKR,
rropilrtor Orrldental Hotel,
banta Koaa, Cel.
oil Ih mark. !, nrr I
1 he chiltlreii are ulready beginning
to look anxiously forward to the open
ing of tho new school
carefully coiiiputlng the number of
days before they will have to resume
Effect of a Force Bill in the South
What would be the direct
immediate effects of a , Force
K. 0.: The republican press of
mis section has been circulating as
supplements five-column leaflets
entitled "Protection and Kecinroci-
a ti rtM v . .... I
iy. ine yew lork Times says
this method of educating the
masses, adopted bv the republican
managers, is jtcculiar. This leaflet
is called a monthly and bears at
the head of the lirst column this
notice: "Entered at the New York I
postolhce, N. 1., as second-class
matter." The leaflet or tract is
made up wholly of nolitical arti-
and CJCS nnu "Ttainly lias no right to
IV ... ... ... .C-
Sells tJio Celebrated
be entered as second-class mail.
An iicbangs .yi; "On raw ouion
chewed alowlvaml awallowoil i.n
due bHl will n move the odor of ice cream
from lb I realb Tbiaissaid to be tv. n
neiier tunn Ibe clove a njBU geU between
acta at tbe Ibmlre.
SunriM(u:iy uaod
prominent ladli I
niontiuy. uuaratiteuil
to relieve auppraaaadj
Don't be bumbuned.
Have Time, Health,
Henl to any addraaa.
anoiire .y niell on r
Bruch, Hoi 117, fUKTLAMUi OB'
Knt bale by K. B. LUCKKY A CO., Euiceue.
Ti.iiiii fr Jt
MesH'iiger, Aug. Ill,
(1. A. MuAulcV has anlil hi
In the meat market to James Luxton.
lu l... ...Ill, L..... If. .11 .... ...,
n .... .il.., J IHIIM Jllllll.V. Will,
I .1. . I... ... ' "..'"""
1 1 ue uusinesM.
A Mr. Peiinlnirton la lioibli II IP II lllkl.
n-si.ienee in tiieeat part of town. 'J'he
miminir w ill on . ;i . tun ui..
i.i.-i. " ""
ltotll, IHr Thurston. Ki.tne.l,,,. A ....
i:h to the wife of O. A. Mc.Mahan. ii
u" ; K",1 Aug.,
...... ...v n,iv ,. .H. jierne
I "on.
lerson, a
Of eU f.rml, Wawrwlrta, , Fla. !-
"It"' KMl-UKATIVBl lUtrcia,
IW..M, Uulla
ar cured bj UK.
diaeovaradbf Ik emluaat Imuana ntwclellat la
narvoaa diaaaaM. JI due But aval lain oplaiea w
dannrnaa nifa. liar Iwa l.tlna Hat.
A..II.IMT. knuWuKiiitxr to January aaruaa
uim uia n (-? aa a laaat ta oouvulalona.
naawaaiwr inr ..miar aa bav no mur
H. l uLIHI, Houisv
ATI VI A Km V1K for about lour month. It
1 uaa
iiaoaa. johs ii. I uuixi, Houiiyv a
I aav bawi u.lna nM. aalLKai1 HU'ltlK.
kaabroufbiaMrallalandeur. I have taken It
-e pllpay. ao afiar mint H for on bav
badnoatuok. Uurd C. Ilraalua, llea.bvilla. I'a.
1a book of area etrra and Ulal bottl I'AU
u laroulau fevyun, or addraaa
BR.MIUt MtOICAL CO tlkhwt, Ind.
old by i. B. BRCKLXY.
PATl'tHSON, EDRI3 4 00.
fenr Grata aw tb at favonld Urni.
W hat reftita of any waraioua nwrtb ef ho-pPrJyi-d,
Ukea la Mrbaag for
aTHlgW Ck Prio PtJJ for Vbeti XJ
It Is not generally known that tho
'm.K J 1 Mw "' l"g a half
minim hvi iii togs lorme I'.iigene saw
i mm riiiiniier. vte Have amide
water M)wer for all such work.
The WoiMlbtirnprlnglleld railroad
hitslsHMi divided into tlve sections.
Ihe t oburg.sjtbin bua Uvn dispensed
with and I'orvnian Owrgi- Weigt.tmaii
orthattHVll.m wasm-ut to Sprlngtlebl
Saturday . to laku Phillip Jlelirrleh'
la.t'. I he SprlnglleUl mvtloii will
evr iiiiieleeu milor tniek, from Na-
inm loiour miles below Cotmrg. J D
llarklns, of Coburg, will he retninl as
one ot the linn.U and will move this
wwk from Coburg with hi family.
Mr. YAclghtninn and family wfn
.Hvupy Uiv mvtlon house. J'hllllp
lleinileh will go to Portland.
Various rumors are on the wing con
cernlugtho extension f the railroad
beyond Matron. Fnuu
aonie oftheolJUalH f t. riwel, there
Is talk thnt work will Uv m.xt
spr ng sure. The t,ai.k Uwnt nn,
under contract to finish Jvljitlie new
wjimiaiovuourgiu wnbr IliiU the
eoiiiimtiy in.y rilll henvy trafUe WVer
t oiuinijr are eidllugln1
nu lurirwa l.u (or n pairt, n hich
Indicate, (h.y i-AiMHi mutu lo
oiwatlona. uiw rm,!,,, u u lbe vnWt
that the comimiiy will ,.Lr Uvnty
nub's Of rlBllt-of.wav ut iyi.. a... I
grading. While riimom arenot(oU
leeiiled iis.i, yet there la alwny
me foundation, eveu fur rumor.
The following item upiwars among
the court notes in 'i'liorsilnvV (.......
Ian : "Henry Colsou has sued Jteiieeea
( olson for a divorce on the ground of
desertion. They were married In Ku
gene, Or., in 1876."
The Dews boys, while ou a alrike
the Orrgoulsu, bad their photograph la
keu for future relereuoe. The large b.nuer
wilh tbe luacriplion, "W are willing to
py tor tbe paper but not tbe bnildiup."
tt.uun wni IU IIUIII,
James W. Sheldon, of Albion, Mich-
kii, m ii. -...gene visiting Alnjor li. I).
rorresi. mi. Mieidon Is on
largest saw mill men In Ml
Ho owns several thousand acres of line
carried into execution in the South- "l'I,uullca1 1'ujm.ts fare doubtless
em Btates? Mr. Hoke Smith, pres- un"wiir0 thnt they are violating
ident of the board of education of the l)0stil1 lilws circulating these
Atlanta, answers this nuestion in a ""pplementi, so-called.
brief and sharp ii. ticlo in the Au- When will these labor troubles.
A 1 i rail ... . . I . 1 ! ,a . . '
gust iitinioer ot The Forum. After sinkcs and conflicts Ix'tween cani
showing that, in his opinion at ar'd labor end? We 'supposed
least, the law would be uncon- t,,e words of wisdom, condemning
a!a..a'..1 t l. a a il . . a . O
btiuiuontu, anu iiiwr showing that Ult ' poverry and don't-get-tlierea
its expense would bo not less than tlve
tHM of the laboring man. it8u
1A Af w ffn r . I : f .i -. .
Tiu,vAJu,wu ior every election and "'g 'rom tnc oregonian sanctum
would bring into existence at least would have fenced them off from
dOir.uiHj new olhce holders, he pro- 011 r la voted state, but alas! the
ce-eds to show that no ercnter en- fowls have come home ti most n,l
lamity would befall the negro, for l'vl l,w the newsboys have de
whose bonefit it ia argued such a clilr(,tl strike against the journal
unt is neeueu. i no development "11U 11!ls 'inniiKte, mind you never
of the negro depends absolutely on wade, governors, senators, and ne-
nneof the the kindly feeling which exists he. casionally a iustice nf the ...n
Michigan, tween tho two races in the Smith Capital acainst labnt-t 1? in tr nut
"tvj.;!., v-
iinitt; i
riOTHiftQ EL
!l ua .
' tj.VViV, HOiHiNQ ELSE.
tlmls'r laud In J.nne county. , 1110 ('nilc'went ot a Force bill tnc tocsin; appeal to the Pinker
Cottage Grove Leader: Mis Taibet of w?u at oncu inill)ire the negro tons, and if necessary call out the
Eugene ia iu tbm city for lb with an undue attention to nnlitiea National Guards. T
wouilideZiuK; ShSoR ft"d. thi8' i? tu!:n.;ulJ inspire tho winent danger the Marine cadets raiiaio leaoher, and ha. been auj- 7- T"' ? U1 W,Ut0 lP' WOUm nlmm-
oeaafiiihiiecutiuga liat of about fitteeo ,atl0,n with less kindly feelings to- Sunday Welcome: Everv now
"'nea. ward Mia hlnrliM
A little excitement, una -.....ui...,.,.i sulfa Mr n-n.,1,1 l. : .u a-.... - ..V, . . " :al . ''""'."S
U,t 2SS0 this after. sin , .r; . Z " " "I. r ' clV ra- . Vnr er ,s conliUent." W
horse attaclicd to a buggy rum i7iff rT . 7- " occurrences nan no idea he was that badly off.
away from the court house, Hqunre west- .""'"'"cuon period. lie lie needs soino massage treatment
wam.u. wn c.igtitn stn-et. The outfit wm. tue industrial con- or Mrs. Lease might give him a
belontretl to T. I.. ltm.a.. ,.r p...... i tmn nf u . , ... i . . . .. . e ,r 11,111 11
and was endured near h ni, . YU.IU uu 1,0 urK,s'1 "ontidcnt." Has
unharmed. J " M""c" "J r. no would be- he got a confidant, or is only get
Jacksonville eom.s.w,.i..nn i.. t... ,UD " ,u"..u nous laborer in ling confidential? He will bo not.
a I waw in nnu rilA a .1 .. I l .a ...
an.i Tldlngs: Kvnii A. Kennies ha ",D riu? ho then only confident but absolutely cer
tKvu invited to deliver the address nt wtis mucli less industrious than he tain on November 4 that bo ain't
meeting or the pioneer "s been since; and that in this in it Hut Mint.
il :-..i... ... .. . v.,Uuu,uulw.
my ugncuiiurc oi tnc South not a bit, for "Carter a ennfident "
As plain land commissioner, Thorn-
aEB32B23trna I
ti v r n
and get mORE POWER
and use LESS WATER
Write for our New Illustrated t'uUiloKue for 1SM1.
ti... ...i
iuu uiniiiiti llill'UllL' or Llm nli
society in Jnek HI 111 V ill., M.,.,. I..-
Mr. Ifean,,; has ac pted 1 e dvl Zi'T'0' .
Hon and the pioneers and ti e r rl o, ut "mld. 1(3 "J' impaired, and
are assured of a literary and oratorical 1 1 mt t,ic w,,ol country would feel as II. was seen of all men but now
treat on that occasion. the commercial digression in ,. sinno h,. .,u- 'u . . ,.
I . .. ..v...- . ..j c.i.uaur kui, lo . nnnn.
tXviJl , !T I ftTen,0,th08,KMal'l)olitit-,alnd 'l''nt. lie is out of sight. His pho
ever, dirrinust not U. killed at any . W0U,d work m the Southern tho party, that is if ho is Teallv
time unless the earciws is used or sold
for rood. Swan and ducks may be
kllu-d between Septen.Ur 1 aud Afureh
I. All truDlllllir. llotllnir M.,.,rl.,.. ...
il.iul mi.l ..... t.. ii .
........... v.. ui ijjjjb i,s pnwiiimtsl
An endeavor U Ulng mi
e hope
Will Not Be Accepted.
Portland Disnateh: Hon. W
I). Hare, of Hillsboro. hn ehnl
JLoDgetl some of the renubliean nm
struct an Irrigating elittj t,,wl0 nf tors U, thjs cjty for a joint discus- T ?
nrr iintil.i ..a
......M.n w iiiim' u uuiiiia fir iiaai
..r ...... I . - . . '
. ...... i i..i a iMiopuuy U I) It'll will Vim
confident at this time
he will stay so.
T.I ni ..
Jacksonville limes: The talk
aoout a fusion electoral ticket be
tween ttio democrats and neonles
party in Oregon having not been of
any avail, tho matter has been
Tl... ,1 . .
j no ..eniocra.s nave
'i.... i.. . 1 1 . . . :
v .1, .l-atIJL Hlllllkif U',.. ,1.11 . .1 '
less, but with water iiim.ii it will ,ro- ' ' V;. ntc l)as pulling in
duee the finest nimllii- r i'i ... the rCPUb lean ranka
t -PniiMwm llo takelhe water front d ought to be very well versed
the Nnllu bt rivr l.,i,i .. .. i .. .v"'
mile.lH.v.Wallulaam It w I Ih d ,T i L,,T-. 7 g" ' ' UWt.
cl.nrg.-d Into the Snnke river near ts Abou,1IVV",(' i'ean W tho judgo
mouth. Tha .wtinmto.l created a biff unlit in rh. nnni.ii.
n suit U,im Aln,.a.t .SKUereshuvJcanr....ks in Washington , ,l " ' u
urvnov uin, Mnd the ...,t- but si ice thnt i... i" v ,or rwui reasons,
" 7," . ' the eonistm,. fllitllf , "i" .'"' L '"lu.. 7,t ' ruit. which 0e now
". "i mi- .auks ut me :,.. i. , ,. p-.e
g.o... He savs that now ho iJ ' " r'ulms J""J aro from
done with tho republicans, that the Z Tl'T
ixiriv nas outlived i s usefn nnsa
and deserves defeat.
State Election.
Hop IVkkkm. JHiImu eomsisd1d.
eiwe, dul Aug. "uth: "At bust
twentr ( f Indian have
Ibrouglj J)ull,u thi w.rk on
heir way from (jraii nou, , ie
Imp Ileitis iMTtr J-'.iigene."
mat ion of the plan.
A trurlal Arrldreit.
Portland Dismteh: From a passcn
pr who came up tin. river this morn-
i.ik a nwn mo particulars of a finr-
u. ny.uei.i mat iKvurml ytnterdar in
thw t Jufcop mills, Astoria. The acci
dent occurred (n tip ,Ke depnrt-
, i. n iwiian fcy f,e name of
ii. J1 was ,joye,d iif the
shingle machine. There la T JRelhe
ength of a shingle in which (lie
tdock to U made into shlnglea is
Placed this slide back aud forward,
rninetovitch atnmi , .
UefafblbeniachUie for some purr aml four congressmen, Sept. U re up in time to,etlds publican. iLrh'F.
. tawxuA matrii inn .mi
come aunost unanimously to the
conclusion that there is going to be
ft Uviugs!,ww to carry the state for
Cleveland and Staensvn. Reports
Iron) cyery section state that there
are many republicans vho vvjll sup-
iion I.MJ ucujocratic partv t cket
whijethe bulk
rillfi urhieli run nu. .,
into tho
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hereafter keep a complete stock of
Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES.
Slippers, White and Black Sandals
And in fact everything; ia the Boot aud
Shoe line, to which I intend to devote
my especial attention.
And ffuarantAA.1 aa mi.rmu.nfa.1 .n.l will
be aoTj fur tha InwMt. nt-i,.. iK,.tan I
article am be nHurded. A. HUNT
Sportsman's Ejioriiim.
Practical Gunsmith
D.'itKrs in
A Family Affair
Health for the Baby,
J Pleasure for the Parents,
.New Life for the Old Foiks.
ansas elects covernor nml
state officers on Sept. 7, democratic
Florida on (VI j kuuI. u...
Gcorria Oct. .1 diifn
governor state ollicers
a. ftl..
Mock and an itxusjdiiu, ,i i ... i...
l .1 . i-'.-rr-
.am uii- uuiunuiuxe utturt haj
ii.ashl um. jt was done quickly
llutt Iho oihef nuujovtv could tut
hardly nuiiw wl.iU bad lu.pp,.Ue.
1 he unfortunate mu'ife Mas noti
tl(H of the occurrence aud she anu
thestvneand took one look at her
hllsliand. she then Irll n.m..
"elfin the ly, and it waa with m.i. h
ellnrt that a he lMViilla,l
iddldP,HVi,l'h U'VV lt a'"' "'
ermont, eoverin.-. state niliivr
end two meml)cr. oi congress, Npt.
.5; republican.
VtfifT Southern state will go
democratic?. Virnnia.
Hoj? ipriuging etefnnjjy iw ifo
human mind applies to some of
the peoples party leaders who have
the temerity to claim abrupt all f h
electoral votes in sight. I
..... 1..11 iv nm .ose OOlll u-nea
There is absolutely no hope of the
peoples party carrying Oregon, but
there appears to be a chance of the
state going over to the democracy.
The appointment of I.otan at Port
land has disorganized the republi
can party in Multnomah county,
and while the mugwump clement
i.icre iii unuer no circumstances
vote for Weaver and his ideas, thev
i.- iimiu Ulan H.iiiiig mis year to
tlock to tho assistaiu-e of ('lel.....,.t
in order o .throw this state out of
me rvp.i.Mican eojunin 05 a rebuke
iu narrtson ana ins unsavory
pointments. JH'inocrats,
i, .: . - '
me i. ..ii- ui organize ior a surprise
tc the republicans as well as the
IHnples party managers in this
stale, .yliivh JatU-r class will notM-e
that it is to the interct ' o, U.e
masses to combine against the un
just if not corrupt system followed
by the present administration.
fiiRoot Beer
IJrwih of Uio l:o
zrC crvcsccnt 1wvcmj;l'. j
'xJll I1?0"'' ' neclvnt !- .te.;,- fnr
V" "!).' Olllir I Old I: ' U1 I ;, ,'im'h
- it I.Uv. No ,i iituri.::. fc.j . t.1
' alOr'iirjii,.Jii!.,,j. JJ-J I
Finhms Turkic nml Jlalcriali,
Mewing MacliliiCH and eedlfol
All Itinas tor saiei
Hennirtnir dune in tbe neatest n'.vle and vv
Guns Loaned Sl Ammunition Fiirnisf
8tire on Willamette atree'.
am. f. cbav.
Cicnr store.
jicKnpr ini.Kea 5 :mloiis of
ii.'iicioiis. etrcnctlioiiiniy
9 5'
SEllgr.if, Dli'giH.
K8t N'Inlli Str,...l. Eiiccni'. Ori'fon.
IVf.w.. it..." ...
It t Trout Flli-M, OrcKm pattern...
Miie ::-,, Lcders
Tte Celebrated Frencb Cum
Warrar ted li
lo cur
no vr is
Will keep onetautly on hand a full .,,,.;, ,4
yvrroy, pcrk and veal
WHoi. tiiey wiU wil ,t Oj, !,, rf
S;... r "" "f ru,,lic I'-"
W will pay the hitfbeat market prie f,r Fat
t attje. Hoki and Sheep.
etjokce cmr.'oRrcoit
IeaU dehrered to any part of the city fre
J3 PnL! C!f A
tn cure itn lrm
rroay diMrucr vl
l!i'j generative or-
r;"Ti fir tT nriaPT . s -
tH v:..U,er arwuvVV'
' PEFCRP neof Stiiniilants AFTES
I T'l'nAecn or Cmlt.m. rr t .ii'li .nitfifl:l IDii:
Loo. oxer In.lti.-uce, Ac .e a h a It '' f"A
I W-i'.,.f.:ti. ', r.ea-::iyilo-i t'iui-'
j we'll. nlnai Wrtin.". Il vt!a, Nerr !
ballon, S.a timal .-n!Mous l u orrb .. V
I miows W'eak Memory. Uo! l r.aeracUa
I ti'iH')Mr!iirb:tnel.s-ui!r.!tcn ha.ltf)
. yM a.-e ami in-anuv. I-riro !.miW.
forl'vO. h.;nt hvma I o'lrwiMnl p'lif
1 A UriveoW
I cverr Vu0 or-'er !w!n, t Te'-.wi H-e n.'af?
larmmifn. rum 1 ti. I
i noo::act tKJinicin.aU frrm
hf !utf. of Aphrrhlilina, I'-.n Hla' fr-
W eaten. Braici, Ikh l-uKtUtt.
S..I.1 I, K K. LUCKEY k -Co. IW
Crffie, tne,.
,oM ii r
,larfr-t .