The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 06, 1892, Image 6

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AUG. 0, 1892,
. i.,. R.biiHoa'H Circus Again Visits
aily Guard, AukuiU.
. art show with it aix hundred poo
mi in boat 5 00'00 tni ""O'niug
pli k t tlifir lent out near tb depot.
, ,Tnl pr.dtf was a good as any ver
I"V , UB novel featur being I be
r'nnfflberofgirl belonging to tbe bel
Counted oo gaily oaparinoued borne..
Tiiioin feature of tb performance U
,k!5oect.iculr representation of Ky Hoi
i reign in Jerusslem, with the visit
oueeu of Bboba and btr targe reti-
Xua rfleot produced by (b pageaU,
'".'h ilia d""1'""' costumes, under Ibe glare
IrtieeealBiuni lights, U a vry pretty
Tbe Urge ballet shows eioellenl
' 'iuj and tbeir various evolutions are
orttiy and iuterestinp. Tbia is one of
fLB lealure o( tbe show.
Dii Jubii Lowlow, wbo baa delighted
.Jritauda of audioueea during bia reigo aa
Eli down with tbe Kobioaon abow for
Mut 32 yern, bus retired, but now fill
I" nositum of riogmaater. While old-titn
natrons niiss him, Mr. Robinson ha
led joimger llod. bich keeps tbe
Sisters in laughter the same as of yore.
' Leral addition bave been made to the
JLmxxh since it was last here and it con
inTn)uj rare animata. Tbe same old gi-
Sr. eatf alt"" off lbe ,0P ol iUl M86' TuB
tai with luci' mre cul)" att,otd gfe'
L of inteiert. Another thing which
luUt tbe eye ot the youngsters waa the 12
old boy who rode and drove 30 ponies
lions lime and afterward gave an exhibi.
L of f"y ri(JiB8 in one of ,be rin8- Hs
aceruinly one of the olevereat rider of
r. ( e fbe male and female fancy bate
L, riders also attraoted great deal of
Zniion. Many of their feats have been
en bsre before, but they have different
BKialties which are new.
Dally Guard, August 4.
)IiM CUr Stafford is visiting in Eugene,
A. C. Brown returned home from his
Eastern trip this afternoon.
Miss Maggie Blaine returned home
from s trip down the valley today.
C. F. Hurlburt and H. P. Morris are
Kti'ng as special policemen today.
Mrs. Bettman returned home from
her visit at Portland this afternoon.
Dr. Kinney, of Astoria, returned tc
bis home In that city mis moruing.
Mrs. W. II. Moflat and children re
turned yesterday from a visit to Quiu
ey, HI.
Mrs. Ellen Huff and daughter Mae
went to Itoseburg this afternoon for a
short visit.
Norris Humphrey and wife left
Tuesday morning lor. a month's visit
to tbe seaside.
Walter Ross came up from Portland
on tbe local this afternoon for a few
days stay at home.
Miss Maggie Luckey returned last
evening from the Siuslaw country
where she has closed a very successful
term of school.
Mrs. Geo. M. Miller and Miss Nettie
Chase left for Heeeta Head Wednes
day. George will leave for the same
place tomorrow morning.
Samuel Handsaker made this office
i pleasant call today while on his way
to his homestead south of Florence.
He is delighted with the climate of the
sea coast.
Walter Edris started this afternoon
on his regular trip south in the interest
ofthe Eugene Mill Co. As usual he
till visit Snowden Springs on Ills
Tho niwnnlfin of tnrinv savs: Sher
iff Kelley came back yesterday from
Eugene, where he has been attending
the sheriff 's convention. Tbe sheritls
had to have a little pleasant "guying"
at h m -about the Wilson atiatr, uui
they are reported to have said that
will make him the next governor of
Pleasant Hill Items.
Ang 4, 1892,
ir. w T.. Hill. Hied
Wednesday evening of cancer after a pro
tncted illness. She was quite aged and an
BenGuiley, a logger on Lost creek, iu
loslvallev nraninnt. had a loa roll over
him Monduv ininrino him seriously. It IS
thought be will recover.
The residence of T. S. Winfrey caught
lr the othn i dv nnd in eitinsuishinit it
he had tha miufnrhinn In dialooita one Of
hi) Bhonldnm.
W. L, Bristow and mother returned from
Florence a few dava aso.
Equalization Notice.
Xotira iu linmhv vivpn that the
Board of Equalization of Lane county,
WUl meet in F.uirene at the court bouse
ID fiilld fnnntv Mntidnv. Aucrust 29.
1892. at 1(1 nVlnnk n m.. nnd continue
.. .j . . J a
from dav to rlnv. for the Durrjose of ex-
mining and correcting the assessment
" J I X A
roll of I.niiA connf v. Orpcon. for the
J O '
year, 1892.
Dated July 28, 1892.
P. J. McPhersos,
Teachers Examination.
Nlltl(V la liorohv iriven that the rCCU-
kr tlnn for teachers
Will be hpl.l ut tha rt. house, in Eu-
pe, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.,
WerinMtnir a ,, iriiat in iKii'i AddII-
ants must ho in attAndunce on time.
J. O. Stevenson,
County School Supt.
Went beyond hli Depth.
ObioomCitt. Jn1 ai -Earl Parker, a
?y bout 8 vears old. was drowned in tbe
Willam.l .1. Ua was in
"tbini With aovarnl nllor small bOTS. Stld
wtnring beyond h ib deptb, waa drowned
befor hdr. nM ...nk ki.n. The bodv
u in . t. hnt hie waa
Down t Down I Down !
One-half b-bI. fn Inra ner doz...$l.S5
ne-fonrth " ... 1.15
4 rjftrwN a m j. t t om! u 25
t tt nl l 1. .. .S3
- fct"3B SUilUU
Ax Billy.
A Democratic Victory.
fnvnrv-nv ai AM a The
new WiaiatuM a AiuKomii is ovef-
".'iuujitni. rvia.a auk v'
the gennto no nf iL on momhere are
Miuiiiiiv Ml In I 1 1 L liriUUViav'"
"Pporters of Jones and the regular
Kite tii'L-Pt Tnhohnn 61 of the
lOOarV nftha aomn faith
Flr, . t . .... o flovpland
"pressed himself u liiirhly pleaoea
Mvnu B DA 1 . AUK o
ia Ala-
Unit tpleeraph-
edtA v. i'i..i. ,io7 ajMunnir.
him of victory in
vill n ml aauaua w
E. R. Bkipworth, attoru.y at law.
WJtJn? 10 l"B 0B lxmK v-a,rin f Ju4-
Hot and oold bath every day in the week
at Jerry Horn' barber shop.
For fin ults mj, , opivt tIlJ rMj
made clothing, go to Ed Hanson.
,iQ7.?Cri,wthM,h,,oU wDcr 'Jf "
brand of tht celebrated TanaU Punch lut
Remember that Uanaon & Hob have tbe
beat selected slock of olothiug in town.
Bring yonr old scrap east Iron to the Eu
gene Iron Foundry where yoo can dispoaa
If yon are getting too old for yonr spec
tacles, or if luty do not exactly ami yon tak
them to Watts and have nw lenses tilted.
Dr. Q. W. niddle may be found at his
residence on Olive street, lietween Fifth aud
Hixtb streets one block west of tbe Minne
sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work In tbe beat luauuer. .
Tbe beat family remedy ia undoubtedly
Plunder' Oregon Blood Purifier. Harm
less, il accomoliidlM relinf m hi.rH many nth.
er medicine (ail to do. It may be aafely
given to the infant aa well as tbe adult.
Henderson, deatist.
Job work at the Odabd offioe.
Fouutain pens at Walts'.
Blank deeds and ninrt L-nnnd fnp ml. at tha
GlUBD Offlco.
Blank mttll-14 t r tha ln-l!.r. .if nii.trt
mines for sale at tbe (iUarii office.
For all kiods of farming implements call
on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth Street.
Screen windows and doom, olnaa. aaiih ami
door at Bioaxow k KicaraTBici.
When you want your goods, household
furniture or land sold at auction, call of
Geo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and most suc
cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will
attend to all sales on a reasonable com
All persons in Lane county owning scab
by sheep or sheep alUicted witb other dis
eases, are hereby notified that laid sheep
must be tboroogbly dipped, stiUlcient to kill
said disease, forthwith.
Any person failing to oouiply with tbis no
tice will be liable to bave bis sheep dipped
by tbe Inspector at said persons's eipeuse.
Take notice and save costs,
Dated June 5, 1H91.
Gko. Fisbeb, Sheep Inspector.
Lcmbib Nones. Go to tbe Depot lumbej
yard for obeap lumber. Andrew will not
be undersold.
I have again control of the Eugene
marble and granite works, and am bet
ter prepared than ever to furnish all
kinds of marble, granite and stone
work at the lowest price possible for
first class work. Please call on me
and get my price before placing an or
der. Nothing but first class work
done. Shop in my old stand in Iteam's
building. W. W. Maktix.
Tax Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
school tax for 1892 is now due and pay
able. I will be at my oftlee iu the
postoflice building, in Eugene, Oregon,
daily from 8 o'clock a. in. until 7
o'clock p. m., until August 9, 1892,
to receive the same. All taxes not
paid in 60 days from this date will be
delinquent aud ten per cent added for
Dated June 10, 1892.
Oko. F. Chaw,
Credit Auction Sale of Horses.
I well sell at public auction at Bungs'
stable In Eugene, Saturday, August
13, 1892, at 1 o'clock p. m., 24 head of
horses aud mares from 3 to 7 years old.
Six months credit on sales with ap
proved note at 8 per cent interest.
G. W. Kinsey, real estato and general
auctioneer. Kkeu Athertox.
Trespass Notice.
Whereas, There have been numer
ous animals and fowls killed and much
grain trampled down and wasted in
our neighborhood by hunters and tres
passers; therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the under
signed, do forbid all hunting or tres
passing on our premises, and that we
will prosecute for trespass any person
or persons found trespassing on any of
our premises without our permission:
jmieu, j uiy io, m
A T Bonnctt
A W Gilbert
Marlon Bonuett
A J Harlow
J E P Withers
Mrs E N Calef
M H Harlow
Frank Chase
Geo Armitage
J E Stevens
A (J Bogart
B W Baker
Evert Turpenlng
M H Harlow, jr
W P Cheshire
C W Young
J L. runt
Geo Smith
Win Goodpasture Henry Bidwell
V. Aline
Itobt Campbell
M M Gillespie
J W Brewster
Palmer Ayres
P M McPherson
J II Zimmer.
R M Masterson
J Debrick
V8 MeClure
Win Pattison
For Sale or Trade.
Eighty acres of beldam land, onin.
proved but easily cleared of brnsb, flowing
water from springs on premises, foi r sale o.
will trade for town property. Sltuxted 16
mile, west of Jnnctfon. School house, V.
Siledisunt. Inquire at or address Guaan
office for particulars.
Notice to the Public.
Votiee Is hereby given that I have
closed my busln and formed a co
partnership with my sons, E. D. and
l C? Matlbck under the Ann name of
T D Matlock Co.
All persons indebted to me arere
ouested to settle as soon as possible.
qThTnew firm solicit the patronage of
the public, and will carry one of the
3 and best selected stock of
geneml merehan.lise ever brought to
thTbanklne rny customers for past
favors so kfndly extended and solid,
ne s continuance of the same for the
lew Am I am with best wishes to all,
J. I). Matlock.
Southdown Sheep.
I aecured t pair oTTeoorded Southdowns
I Jt aVfrom one of tbe best kno.n sbeep
b"edCin.?..Mt.nd no-have a fin.
lot o half-blood ram lambs tor Mle. These
are" om choice lot of ewea. the result of
careful election and breed.n or
wool nd mntton oombined. 30 ol tnese
?,nerl.r..w,i,. or
tad parcba-r for a fa. choice
writs m. CreiweUi Oregon.
Patent Fly Escape.
One patent fly escape given free with
"tn?: r .1 havesBcreen door
I nftUJuriB.
spring hinge that a success.
Rousting ears in the market.
Wood coining in lively, and wood
saws hard at work.
Samuel Looney, of Mouroe, visited
Eugene last evening.
J. P. Cheshire, of Sodavllle, is visit
ing in Eugene for a few days.
Tbe Orfgon Btate School Journal i now
publihl iu Portlaud by I. U. Knotta.
It is the general exigence that col
lwtions are bard the first of this
Sid Horti returned homo this after
noon from his trip to Portland and
John Stewart and I). L. Butler will
start for llecvta Head on a trip Friday
Arthur Hodges, clerk of Crook
county, has returned to Eugene from
Misses Clara and Fannie Condon left
on this morning's local for a sojourn at
Miss lXira Scott started for Yaquina
this morning to spend u few days by
the seaside.
John Stahlnecker, of Portland, a
government land inspector, was Iu
Eugene today.
Albany Herald: Chas. Medlu and
lieu Clellan leave today for a fishing
trip up the McKenzie.
A disgraceful tight was Indulged In
last afternoon ana for some reason no
arrests were made.
Mrs. A. W. Haskell aud her nelce,
Miss Baldwin, returned home from
Yaimiua this uftcrnoon.
The brick front of the Mayer build
ing, purchased by W. G. Pickett is be
ing torn out by the masons.
Albany is to have another weekly
pajnT. it will lie published by A. H.
Phelps aud will be independent in pol
itics. Anthony Webster, the escaped
murderer, from the pen, has been
located at Albany anil will probably
be recaptured.
Mr. F. C. Potts, of Salem, is in Eu
gene, looking over the Held in contem
plation of starting a wholesale cigar
C. O. Downing, a nephew of Jerry
Horn, has Urn nominated for county
clerk of SM)kiio Falls, Washington,
by the republicans.
Miss Camilla Avery, South Bend,
Ind., Imix 0, pays 18 a week to ladles
for writing, etc., ut home. Reply with
stamped envelope.
Will Dickinson left on the overland
this morning for Portland where he
goes to accept a position with the Star
Steam Laundry Company.
Steamboat fare from Portland to As
toria has been reduced to f 1 on the U.
P. boats und the opposition, it is
thought, will reduce it to 50 cents.
There were 103 homesteads entered
at the Oregon City laud olllce in July.
It is not often that so many are enter
ed iu one month, the average being 50.
Miss A. A. Holt went to Salem this
morning to visit with her neice Mrs.
R. S. Bean. Master Ernest Bean who
has been visiting here accompanied her
Portland bad a heavy fire last night, the
total loss footing up $2K0,0O0. Tbe losers
are: VYhittier, Fuller & Co., $70,000, in
mmd; Wadbams & Co, $170,000; insurance,
There will be but one assessment In
the A. O. U. W. order for the month
of August. This makes ten assess
ments for the tirst eight months or the
present year.
A letter received from Geo. M. Hy
land dated Joliet, Illinois, July 27 says
the weather there was extremely
warm. There will lie an Immense
crop of corn in that state.
Prinevlllo Review: There seems to
he a general heglra from this place to
the Hot Springs on the McKenzie.
This time it is I. L. Ketchum and Ed
Harbin, who have gone to be absent a
twain of weeks.
At the stage station 16 miles above Hood
river, a monBter bear was tracked aoross
the Cooper ditches, a few morning since.
L. D. Brown measured the tracks, which
were Vt inches across. The bea r was car
rvins a nheco in its month, it was supposed
as at every place he made a leap tbe print of
a stieep's foot was left in the mud also.
Contractor Kelley is waiting the ar
rival of another mimn when he will
commence work on the Water Com-
uiiiv's uumnlnar station. When he
gets everything ready he will employ
two shifts of men and keep his pumps
at work continuously. A perforated
Iron casing three feet high will be
placed on tlie bedrock and on this the
brick laid In cement will be com
menced. By this plan no surface
water will be pumped.
When Uncle Tommy Ellis, an octo
genarian of Astoria, was chewing a
quid of tobacco, lie discovered that his
teeth laueu to mime any luipivsaiuu
upon It. After half an hour's wrestle
with the stubborn piece of plug, he
discovered that he was chewing away
on the first Joint of a man's thumb,
which had come In the tobacco. It so
iinnpi-vpil the old man that he is now
suffering with prostration and will
probably die within a few days.
The people of Eugene will remember
the missionary car, "Evangel," which
was sidetracked near the Southern
Pacific depot at this place for a couple
of weeks last spring, under the charge
of ltev. E. O. Wheeler, who held some
interesting and profitable meetings.
This car in its rounds has now reached
San Francisco, and is attracting much
attention. Monday's Examiner con
tains a double column descriptive Illus
trated article on the ear, its history,
services, etc., and crowds of people are
visiting it daily.
It is said tbe Oregon Paciflo folk will
fix up tbe ileumer Three Sistors and start
ht-r at onoe on tbe tipper river. She i of
very light draft od expect to be able to
rnn all summer. Tbe other boat experi
ence no trouble yet, but if the water geta a
low as annul tbey will nave to ban I on nn
til tbe fall rains begin. This baa been a
or ml vear on the river. There baa been
oltmtv of water ince tbe first of last Ooto
L rand the steamboat bave taken vast
nnantitie of freight from the railroad com
panv. Tbe Manz.nillo expect to keep on
its run witbonl any interruption.
Assault. Thursday afternoon,
urmut 4 o'clock. In the alley between
Hodes' saloon and tbe First National
llnnk. Sim.1 Jones, of Junction, hit
and cut the head of Geo. Earrout bad
lv with a rock tied in a handkerchief.
Jones was arrested and taken before
Justice Kinsey who placed him under
$.O0 bonds, and having no money ne
was placed In the old jail ceiis.
Piimm Pi r Eliler P. R, Bur
nett has been engaged as pastor of the
First Christian church of this city for
the ensu nir vear. He Is an able ana
eloquent speaker.
Married. In this city, Monday
afternoon, aurtjsi i, iw, vj uuSou.
W. Kinsey, Alln-rt Franklin PitU and
Delia Turpi n, an oi xjine cwumy, Ore
W. E. Rttssman has removed to East
I. K. Tatei aud family left for lb Blue
law this moruing.
Dow Huff returned lo Roseborg oa this
afternoon' local.
Hon. R. M. Veatch of Cottage Grove
was In the city today.
Jason Wheeler, an Albany couucilman,
pent last night in Eugeu.
S. W. Condon and wife have return
ed front San Francisco.
Dr. F. B. Eaton and wife, of Port
land, are In the city.
Tbos. Hardy has taken a place in the
luuction City flouring mills.
We are pleased to learn that G. P.
Griffin Is now rapidly Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. George BeUbaw went lo
Crrawell this afternoon for a short visit.
It is likely that a Catholic cburvb will be
erected at Cottage Grove in the near future.
Ed Howe opened up a bakery aud
restaurant In the Young building to
day. Mrs, James Huddleston returned
homo from Yaquiua Bay this after
noon. Ed Kuykendall, formerly a resident of
Eugene, is in the undertaking busiaos al
Frank Anderson is now firing on the
Roseburg local between Junction and
that city.
Walter Davis was married last week
at Corvallis to Miss Nora Brothers, of
that city.
In the window of Stone's barber
shop Is exhibited a litter of ton pug
Hon. S. O. Thomison, the Monroe
merchant, is In town today, shaking
hands with old friends.
II. II. Stone returned from the Springs
laat evening.- E. O. Smith and the remain
der of the party will arrive borne Friday or
Tbe Albany papers are deeply grieved
because liohiuson'a circua doea not thiuk
Ihe village is ol enough importance to ex
hibit in.
W. H. Alexander hns been awarded
the contract for the Rlsdon building.
B. Bellman has the contract for the
brick work.
Cader Powell, cleik of Multnomah coun
ty, returned here from tbe mountain last
evening and left for his home in Portland
tbis morning,
A United Brethren church has been
organized at Thurston by Revs. Olds
aud Parker with 21 members.
L. N. Ronev has the contract for the
building of the new M. E. church at
Goshen, and Is now at work on the
Eugene would give a steam laundry,
well manairod. a lmvinir sunnort. At
present the Salem laundry lias over 100
customers in this city.
A pair in a hammock
Attempted to kiss,
And iu less than a jiffy
spH ol!l popi"i AoiX
Clerk Hodges and Sheriff Booth, of
Crook county, left for their homes in
Prinevlllo yesterday afternoon, going
by way of the McKenzie route.
Oregon must have a pretty good N.
G.. as according to ourexchauges Brig.
Gen. Compson lias declared after each
inscciiou his satisiaciion witn me
Last Monday the thermometer stood
at over 100 degrees for live hours in
Pendleton. Tho same day the mer
cury never registered above 76 in Eu
gene. Quito a difference. ,
The Marine Cadets fired a salute at tbe
laying of tbe corner stone ot tbe new conn
ty jail yesterday afternoon. Sheriff Noland
presented the boy with f5 for their servic
es, which waa duly appreciated.
Mix Harriett Eaves, wbo was stndent
at Stanford last year, arrived horn from
San Franoisco tbia afternoon acoompanied
by Miss Ames, drawing teacher in that in
stitution, wbo come to visit bins law sum
mer resorts.
Mrs. Woodworth has organized a Church
of God at Salem. Kev. N. N. Matthew,
formerly a resident of Eugene, will bave
charge ol tbe church for tbe preaent.
Tbe Statesman of that city doe not apeak
in very complimentary term ot tne new
Prof. Johnson, E. Anderson, Rev. C.
M. Hill, Rev. R. M. Rabb, and Pre
Anderson will leave Friday morning
on a month's trip to the lakes on the
summit of the Cascade mountains.
They will go via the military road.
Woodburn Independent: Editor
McCullom, of Gervais, is sick with
fever. Not long ago he changed from
rintnocratic to neonles' nartv. The
question now Is, did the fever cause
tlio flop, or did the flop cause the fever?
Tbe Springfield and Cottage Grove bast
ball clubs crossed bats at tbe former oily
Saturday afternoon. At tbe end ot the
ninth inning tbe olub tied with a score of
22 to 22 runs. An extra inning decided lb
game in favor of the Springfield club.
yaite a large crowa wunessea me game.
Master Abe Bangs met with an acci
dent yesterday in a field back of the
Masonlo cemetery. A horse he was
leading pulled him backward from his
horse, lie was unconscious for some
time but finally recovered so he could
mount. He rode to Mr. Driver's place
when a carriage was sent for and he
was brought home. He Is considera
bly bruised but not seriously.
M. S. Wauls came up on the after
noon local. He is here to attend the
circus and protect the unsophisticated
against the cnange racKet, sneu game
mid other bunco schemes. M. S.
caught the circus last year on the
change racket, and fortunately, with
.1.1 Vnl.nJ ,.t
money back. He will gladly inform
the unwary how to keep out of the
toils of the sharpers.
Flftv guarded convlcw are now at
work widening the Santiam ditch ten
feet for a distance or a mile ana a
quarter above the penitentiary. In
addition to in is iorce, a goou many
able-bodied Inmates of the asylum are
assisting. The object of the work is
to get additional water power, there
not now ix i ng enougu w supply me
asylum with electric light power and
to do the Dumoiug. vt nen mis wors
ts completed, many new electric lights
will be put in the asylum, thus saving
a $400 a month gas light bill during
the winter months.
hally Guard, AOfust t
To Be Married. Attorney A. E.
Gallagher left on the early train this
morning for Chilton, Wisconsin. He
has been telling bis friends that he
was going to North Yamhill on a
camping out trip, but we can now In
form them that he is going to be mar
ried to one of the belles of Chilton
next week. We oner A. our con
gratulations In advance.
Poetry axd bono. I he song ser
vice of Jas. O. Clark at the First Pres
byterian church was well attended
Monday considering the time of
year. Mr. Clark has a wide reputa
tion for the excellence of bis entertain
meats and this one was no exception.
Borx. To the wife of Chas. Butler,
on West Eighth street In tbis city
August 2nd, a daughter.
Wllloughby, dentist.
Watch club at Ilolloway'.
J. J. Walton, attorney-tt-law.
D. Linn It Son, furniture and uudertak
If you want a suit of ololhes or a pair of
pantaloon go to Davie, lb tailor. lie guar
antees satisfaction and low prices.
Eugene flour at Henderson's.
Albany flour at Henderson's.
Medfont flour at Henderson's.
Junction flour at Henderaon's.
You pays your money and you takes
your choice.
Chris Man has reduced the price of shar
ing at bis shop to 15 oents.
The Minnesota Hotel has been re
paired and refurnished. Terms $1 ht
day. Only one block from the depot.
All white help.
Dr. Smiley I prepared to attend to all
oalla from the country and will make that
part of hi practice a specialty.
Join ilolloway 's watch and jewelry clubs,
he is tbe originator of them in Eugeue, a
perfectly safe and very profitable way of
buying what you want. Call aud invesli-
gate it.
W. Ilolloway has just received some new
design in watch cases. Call and see them.
tbe largest and moat select stock In tu-
Money to loan on improved farms for a
term of year at a reasonable rate of inter
est by E. J, MoClanahan.
The high wheel Victoria lawn mower
is the Ugliest running mower made.
Call and examine at F. L. Chambers'.
rVnother car of vehicles Just received
direct from the factory which makes
my stock complete In buggies, car
riages, carts ami pleasure wagons, also
farm wagons. Prices as usual low.
t . Li. I UAMllElt.H.
Attention farmers! Buy your medi
cines at Yerington's Ninth street drug
store, Rhlnehurt's block, Eugene.
Yeringlon'a Oth al. drng store is the place.
Years of experience insure cerlaiuty and
dispatch in lb compounding and dUptna-
Ing ol medicine, Rblnetiart mock.
Yerington's Ninth street drug store
guarantees satisfaction as to prices and
quality. Rhlnehart's block.
Harrison and Cleveland are iu It so
Is F. L. Chambers' $15 carts.
Only $00 to get ono of those nobby
pleasant wagons at
F. L. ClIAMllKltS.
Hay forks, grain cradles and every
thing else a farmer needs at
r . i,. . HAMIII.US.
Forsaloor exchange for Improved
iroperty in Eugene an Improved
arm ol 450 acres. Also Improved
property in l'ortlami. Aiuiress j',. r.
Wright, Elmlra, Ine county, Oregon.
A car load of Deerlng mowers and
bindersjust received direct from the
factory. Call and examine the new
f. Ll. i;ilAMIIKK.S.
Asencv for the Pitt Thresher and extras
and a fail atock of oils, wrenches, levels,
beltings aud everything else needed about
a threshing crew.
t . li. ISAMHKBS.
Tho Deerlng mower is the lightest
draft made. See it at
F. L.Cham hkks.
Bids Opened.
Dally Onard, August 2.
The bids for the work on Judgo RIs-
don's new brick were opened this
morning. The building will be two
stories in height, and 41 feet 4 inches
by 80 feet in dimensions. The nrsi nui
does not includo iron work. The fol
lowing are the bids:
Kossman: iurmsningiumoer, uoiug
carpenter work, tinning, plumbing
and painting, $2035.50.
Lentcl & Mummy: Furnishing all
material aud putting up same, except
mason work, lathing and plastering,
W. It. Alexander: All except mason
work, lathing and plastering, $3005.
L. N. Roney: All except mason
work, lathing and plastering, $3083.
About Fish. Fish Commissioner Geo
T. Myers, representative to the legislature
from Multnomah county, was at Astoria a
few day ago and was interviewed by the As
torian. Mr. Myers said: "I am (gitating
tb nnestion of having a flshway put in at
the Willamette falls at Oregon City, so as to
increase Ihe extent of tb water in which
tbe eggs can be hatched. All tbe cannery-
men leem to be in sympathy with tbl
movement, and believe tbat it would beor
.. i i . , . 1 1 t .. : 1
ine Deal interests oi an. iu e'mjuuu
witb the construction of the Cabway, I
would also favor condemning the Willam
ette and its tributaries for a certain number
of yean, in order to Inorcase tbe natural
Sropagation. Suoh a measure I shall Intro
uoe in the legislature, and believe that it
will meet witb success st tne coming ses
sion." School Meeting. Junction Times:
At the school meeting Tuesday It was
decided to float bonds to the amount of
$5,000 for the purpose of erecting a new
school house, the same Deing two
thirds of the necessary amount for the
construction of the same. The remain
der will be provided for In the sale of
the old building and grounds, and In
the event of a discrepancy a tax will
havA to be levied to make ui the denclt.
Aa soon as the bonds are floated and
the necessarry amount or money so
cured, work will commence.
Wanted in Crook. After publish
ing the article about the two forgers
who nave oeen laaen w ivoscuurg wr
r . . , t, i
safe keening the Prinevlllo Review
savs: "These are evidently the men
who were a lew weens ago uuying
horses here and giving checks on a
Portland bank where they had no de
posit. When Lane county authorities
eet through with them they can senu
them over here for Crook county to
deal with. The parties here who hold
their bogus checks given In exchange
for horses would iiko to gaze uism
their features."
Fifteen Yearh. Llfo Imprison
ment In the Oregon state penitentiary
does not mean llfo by a great deal, if
the or aoner has any desire lo cam
mnrta of credit for good behavior. The
node defines a life sentence as follows:
If for the term of fifteen years any
person has been sentenced to le liu
nrinnned for life Is reported by the su
perintendeut to the governor to have
earned iwo-imrus oi me time nuuwi-u
for the first five years of the time that
he or she is confined, and If the gover
nor In his opinion believes the facts so
nnortd warrant, ne may gtani a iuu
pardon to said convict.
Avvttal Visitation, Between
the 1st of August and the 15th of Sep
tember the postmasters of county seats
will, as a voluntary service, visit the
several postoftloes of thediflerentcoun
ties for the sole purpose of gathering
information for improvements that
may be made to bring postmasters into
rimer relations with each other and
with the public, as well as witn meae-
partmeni, ana to eievauj iiu imptuyc
the postal service In all its branches.
Wood. All those who have promis-
A thia office wood on subscription ac
count, are requested to deliver the
same as soon as convenient.
Commissioners Court.
Commissioners' court met nt the
court house, Wednesday morning,
August 3, at 10 a. tit. Present Judge
link. Commissioner Parker and Perk
Ins, Sherllf Noland and Clerk Walker.
lbe Durye road; tbas liaxter, Jos Hud
uli'ntou and 1 V Isoiu appointed viowiin
and C M Collier surveyor, to meet Aug. IX
UiL'tiiUH road: Milton eaten, i i lain
sou and N Parks appointed viewers and V
M ( oilier, surveyor, to meet Aug. 10.
The T C Isoiu road; llonry llmler. J M
Stullord and 0. Cole appointed viewer aud
V 11 Collier, surveyor, to meet Aug. 17,
Ornered that tbe sum of M beapproprl
ated towiirdit the opening op of the road
from Wild Cat to the falls on tbe Hiuslaw
river; to be extended uuder tho direction
of Frank Hadley.
Misbler road; Tbe viewers appointed to
asHCss tbe damnees claimed bv Goo (irons
and John H Holmrft", reported (irons' dam
ages at $:)., and N-hrtra none; therefore
it is ordered Ihut npon the payment by pe
tion.irs to (iron of the sum of that tbe
road be declared a public highway a sur
veyed aud viewed.
Neeley road; A. G. Hovev riled claims
for danmes to premise for JJT.I, and A J
tree.u lor frJj; II u llimton aud M wal
Unlhs appointed viewers to assess lbe dam.
ugei, if any; lo meet Aug 12.
I'unran siouuii rouil; (J 11 31orun, J L
Furn Ihh aud 11 11 Fink appointed viewer
and C. M. Collier, surveyor.
The E C Smith road; John Stewart, Rod
ney Scott and 1. 1) Forrest appointed view
rrs and C M Collier surveyor.
llerubitrdt road; 1jwwhi llled claim for
damages hi lbe sum n( f JU0; 0 11 Morgan,
J L Furnish aud II II Fink appointed view.
era to assess I lie damages, II any, to meet
I'lio commissioners court will not ad
journ U-fore tomorrow evening, and
prounhly mil inToro Saturday.
Hop Prospects.
I.illent hid Bros., of New York, un
der date of July 2T, 1SP2, gives the fol
lowing conditions ofthe hop prosccis:
England enjoyed brilliant niiiimIiIuc
during June and the first pnrt of July,
nut in the last two wccK wet weather
has set in, and some anxiety has been
it concerning mould and vermin,
Crop estimates are no higher than last
year, when England Imported 100,1100
cwt. from this country, and a similar
quantity from (ieriiiauy.
normally: ine crop prospects are
very llattcring, although some of our
corivsMind(uls do not look for a very
large crop.
ew i oik suite: r.vcryiiiing ixiiius
to a cron of verv line oiinlitv. but the
yield will not lie as great as last year;
possibly li),iKHi tinles less, l here Is at
present no sign of vermin or disease,
and It therefore Wdiooves Pacific coast
growers to 1k more than careful In the
handling of their lions because of the
competition that will bo olfered by a
line state crop.
Pally liusnl, Auiiunt 4.
A it u K s T K p. Yesterdav E. E.
Schenks and family of Fall Creek, ar
rived In tho oily to attend the circus
today and camped over back of the
(louring mills, lie then proceeded to
get gloriously intoxicated nnd late at
night was taken to hW camping place
bv a Mr. Tolllver so that ho would be
out of the way ol the police. Upon ar
riving there lie was placed in bed and
Mr. Tolllver passed a few remark with
Mrs. Sulienks Itcfore leaving. This In
some way aroused, and ho unwo
und sticking a pistol In Tolliver's face
snapHd It twice. As ho afterward
admitted to the olllcers tho pistol had
tint one cartridge in il which accounts
for It not being discharged. Tolllver
then returned to town and Mghtwatch
Wilson went out and arrested Schenks
and landed him In tho city Jail where
he remained until this morning when
he was turned over to Slicrlll Poland,
but up the hour of going to press he
has not been given an examination.
To Dsvoas ltimiT or Wax. Corvallis
Oazette: The property owner along lb
projected line of tbe S. P. between this
city and Juuotion are evidently becoming
weary of tbe delay to wblcn lliey nave been
eubjected, aud no wonder. When lbe right
of way wus given lo th Oregon & Califor
nia railroad company it waa with the ei
pectation that tbo road would be pushed to
completion In a short time. Tbatwaayears
ago and the road I no nearer completion
now Iban It wa then. Legal steps are now
about to be taken to secure tb return of
tbl nronortv lo the original ownrr on th
ground tbat tbe railroad company has not
(ultllled itaoontract. We don t know wnetn
er all the deeds are alike or not, but w
have examined a low ol them now on file
In tbis county aud find tbst tbey give tbe
company abiolul possession, wlluout any
conditions whatever, in which case It would
seem (o a man up s iree tbat it would be
Impossible to regain possession ol tne una
very easily, How about mat anybow.
Nu.MKitoi!B Accidents. Cottage
flrove Leadur: Every day during the
hunting and harvesting season, acci
dents of more or less seriousness arc re
corded In this county. Many no doubt
are the results or pure carelessness, and
It would appear quite evident that the
people or this county are very deiicieni
in their conceptions of danger. One
day last week Mr. J. N. Jones residing
few miles south or town was un
h tc ilng his horses from the wagon
when they became frightened and Mr.
Jones was kicked or thrown under the
wagon, the wheels passing over his
bodv. It was thought he sustained
some very severe and dangerous bruis
es, nr. Wall was called anu aioer
careful examination found that two
ribs had been broken and the bruises
to be of a very painful but not serious
nature. At last accounts Mr. Jones
was getting along nicely aud will be
able to resume his lubor in a few
Still Aiikoad. Salem Journal,
Wednesday: Supt. (Jeo. S. Downing
aud Hugh Thompson came down to
day from Lebanon, where they have
been in pursuit or Webster, tne escapeu
convict. I.u.nt night they had. him In
close (iiiurters In the liottom-lands this
side of I,ebanou. Tbey fired several
shots after him, and secured his lunch,
his hat and bowlc-knirc, but owing to
the approaching dark were unable to
take iilni. Sunt. Downing thinks they
could have taken him dead at one
time, but preferred not to kill their
man. The reward for Webster has
been Increased to $100.
Not CiPTCBCD. Wednesd ay' Albany
Demoorat : Superintendent Downing of th
penitentiary, returned to Halem this noon
without Webster. Last night tbe fleeing
convict waa righted near Lebanon by s pos
se of twenty men, a be waded a alougn
Several shots were fired, bnt under tb cov
er of lbe darkness be evaded his pursuers
Dallv Guard, August 4.
$150 Paid. The circus this morning
paid to County Clerk Walker one hun
dred and fifty big silver dollars as their
license for the two performances. Mr.
Walker charges the same license as the
city would If they exhibited witnin
the city limits.
New Law Firm. Judge Pipes has
formed a nartnershln with J. W
Whalley and It. S. Strahn, for the
rirnetlce of bis profession, the law, and
will move to Portlaud from Corvallis
next week. The Judge Is an able jurist
and will be successful in his new Held.
Mrs. J. Y, Maxwell, of Elmlra, Shot
and Killed.
J. II. Yates gave us the following In
formation concerning a fatal accident
that happened to his suiter near Elmlra
Isst Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock:
Mrs. Maxwell has been living unpleas
antly with her husbaml, C. I. Max
well, foraomo time past, having separ
ated from him last Monday. After Ix
itig away from his home for a wo k ho
returned ami commenced abiding tho
lady when a neighbor was sent to my
house to Inform mo of the fact. I has
tily went to their home about one-half
mile north of Elmlra finding tho hus
band m ar the house. He said that ho
would fix me. and that he did not In
tend living any longer with my sister,
and was going to divide up the proper
ty. 1 told him all right, but that he
could not maltreat her any longer.
At this ho put his hand on his bin as
If to draw a pistol and I rait to the
house to get the shotgun, ami my sis
ter reached up to the celling ofthe
room to tako the gun down, drawing
it by tho muzzle, when bv soino means
one of tho barrels went olf, tho chnrgo
striking her in tho left sldo severing
the main artery. She lived about one
hour, but was conscious for a few
seconds, only saying "I am shot."
She was thirty years of ago and leaves
four small children U-twccn tho ages
of eighteen mouths und It years. The
funeral took place at the liiinan ceme
tery Sunday afternoon.
The State .Normal School.
The State Normal school at Mon
mouth has made a remarkable growth
during the past year, as shown in a
gain of 80 p. .cent iu attendance over
tho attendance or the year iM-tore. Tho
nroiimcnt this year reacheit 37(1 stu
Iclits. and the faculty anticipate that
the number will reach fully 000 next
ear. ihe school is wide awake, run
f life aud draws a remarkably fine
body of students. Two new members
have recently U-en added to the facul
ty. Prof. P. A, Uetz, a graduate of the
Millersvllle, Pennsylvania, State Nor
mal, and Miss Allow L. Prest, of Cor
nell university. Tho musio depart
ment has also been strengthened bv tho
addition of Miss Fanuy A. Ayres, a
sjHH'lalist In vocal culture, who has
studied with some of the famous sing-
rs of America.
The school is broadening Its work in
many ways and Is rapidly udding to
its facilities for tho sMviul training of
teachers. The rapid growth of the
school would Indicate that it Is doing
all in its power to merit the highest de
gree of success.
Our dcodIo are promised a treat in
an excursion to Yatiuiua bay, August
If a sufficient number of subscribers
can be obtained to mako It a success,
arrangements will lie made to run a
solid train through from Kugcue to
Yunulna, leaving here at 4 i. in. Sat
urday and arriving at Yuquiiia at 0 p.
On return leaves Yaiiulna nt 0 p. m.,
August 7th, arriving at Eugene ut
Those who deslro can remain over
at Yaqttlna bay until Monday a. in.,
arriving home at 2 p. in., tho same
Fare, round-trip, has Wn placed at
$4.00 and our peoplo should lie quick to
subscribe and purchase enough tickets
to Insure tho exclusion going.
Excursion will be ordered, when wo
have fifty subscribers.
(Jul l at lMigeno .Rational isann, or
City Drug store, and give us your
names quick.
A Bow.
Pally (luard, August 1
Tills afternoon about 3 o'clock J. B.
Coleman entered the grocery store of
L. Page and engaged t loyd V aughu
In an altercation. They finally came
to blows. Coleman beating Vaughn
over the head with his cane until no
bled profusely. Mr. rage soon
succeeded In parting tho two
men Coleman oomlog out ol the fray prao-
liOkllv unhurt. Marshal Eastland arrested
both men and took them before
Beoorder Dorria wbo fined Vangbn $10,
aud costs. Coleman escaped a tine as
It was claimed Vaughuu struck the
first blow, From whut we learned the
trouble has been brewing for some
and likely this Is not the last of It.
Stock Bold. Jacob Mitchell has
sold the remainder of his stock of
stoves aud tinware to Miller & Long,
who have moved the sumo to their
Ninth street store.
For bale.
Twenty-five acres of lund for sale in
the Mohawk valley 13 miles from Eu-
gone. llair bottom lanu, ine inner
naif on the bench. House, and barn
on premises and 20 acres under fence.
Eight acres under cultivation, a iew
fruit trees on the place.
Address, v. u. w eddlk,
Mohawk, Or.
Ous Own FoBKcajmta Hereafter, al I
proper, au weamer loreoaii wiu
come from Portland lustoad of (mm
San Francisco, as heretofore. Tbe
D. 8. Wealber Bureau on tns FaciOo coast
l divided a follow! E. B. Olney, Olym
pla, 1 in charge of tb WanbingtoD Bute
weather service: B. B. Pague. 1'ortland, in
charge of lb Oregon weather service, and
Jamea A. Bar wick, Bacramento, la charge
of lbs California weather service. Each
Btat weather service works independent of
tb other, each collecting and publishing
climatio and orop dais relative to their own
state. John P. Flnley, Lieutenant of th
tftb U. 8. Imantrr, is on detailed duty from
hi regiment for duly with tbe weather bu
reau, lie 1 siauonea ai can r raueiaco auu
his duties have been to make weather fore
cast for th I'aoiflo Coast; bnt now nnder
the new arrangement he makes forecast
for California, while B. B Pague, at Port
land, In addition to hi other duties, will
make forecasts for Oregon snd Washington.
Was Wimom Lihisi? An autopsy was
held on W Uson's rem Ins Friday at Oregon
City at 1 o'clock, performed by Drs. Pain
and Carll of Oregon City. Tbe brain and
Its membranes weighed 64 onncea. Tbe
membrane wers in a high state of conges
tion evidently of recent oiigin. Th fron
tal globe of tb brain showed two distinct
point of softening, evidently of long stand
ing. Inquiry into th past hiatonr of WU.
con reveal tb fact that (inoe childhood h
had been considered as strange in hi ways,
and many lime doing thing for which h
oould not be held responsible. His father
for year befor Wilson' birth was altlicted
with epileptic convulsion. These facts ot
parentage and tbe abnormal condition of
brain would strongly point to tbe conclus
ion that h wa not wholly sponibl for
hi act.
To Trade. A new Wilson's Im
proved sewing machine for sale or
trade for hay or wood. Inquire at the
Guabd office.
A Boy. Horn, in Creswell, Oregon,
July 30, 1802, to the wife of James
Whlteaker, a son. Jim Is now the
proudest man in Lane county.