The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 06, 1892, Image 5

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Kpsiimfl of Proceeding Programme
of Afternoon Exercises.
Imlljr Guard, August L
Convention called to order tb is morning
c t lb o'clock, Prutiileot Penumbra Keliy iu
ili vbitir.
11. f . Frd of Ilil'iboro tu elected sec
I iMiy pro trni
On rull bfin(( called the following msffi-
. m '- fi'llllil tu he r Selit:
J' ho n( Halt-w.
Gw. N't'le, H-upn-r
D A Otturu, Corvalli.
W. A ld.oih, Primvilie.
iii i-l Mulir, ito-burt.
P. Ki-llv, Portland
H. V I'oid, Hillhboro.
-I V, N'liHinl. Euifii!
Thr uimnteM ol the legnltr last aouoal
r i-"t r K n rl"l r'' aptiioved.
Tue iinvDiinu thru proceednl to the
i leu'ion of officers for tbe ensuing year,
wbiib rv.iilit mm follow:
Piideul Penumbra Kelly of Multno
Vice PreuMfol S. C. Miller of Douglas
recreiry Ja. E. Nolno.!, ol Lane.
On motion the preitiiieul appointed Sber
ill Ki.inbi i( Hhiiid, Boi-lbof Crook and
0. 1mru ft Denton, a an executive commit
Adjourned uunl 1 p. m.
A motion was mail and curried that a
Ucinl meeting be held at Portland on tbe
third Monday iu Df-ot-niber.
ibe reuiiiuder ol tbe session np to the
1. uur of Knini to pre, waa fcptnl ,iu tbe
ti'Cii-iou of oiHttrraof mntaal interest to
i tie sheriffs ol Ort gou, etc
The slit-riUs InH-ctcd the Btnte lini
vcivity yesterday afternoon.
Sheriff Xolnnd tint) been voted a
(.nod eiitertnliier by the visiting
tSlierllVa Kelly of Portland, mid Mil
ler of KiNcburg, tackled the tieuled
(.Iiihwn ut the Cold storage works yes
terdiiy. tally Ciimrtl, August 3.
Ordained. C. It. Marsh, a young
limn who litis resided here . for several
jeurs, was ordained hint evening as u
minister of the liaplist church,
Jtev. C. M. Hill, of I'ortlund,
iirviiihiug the, ordination sermon,
whleh wim ' nn excellent one.
Hi- will enter the missionary Held,
having received a call from the Anierl
icun UaptlNt Missionary society to go
to India or western China. Hellas
a preference for India, and expects to
In- stationed iu that country. He will
iiiuliahly leave here for his new Held of
labor early In .September, and docs not
execii ton-turn to America for a nuin
lerof yean. He will make a success
In the missionary work as he Is a
bright, energetic, (lod fearing young
tally titiard, August?.
Inckkasku the Directory. Mr.
OlK'tiaucr was taking the census of
t-airmoiint for the directory yesterday
,1 ml found a population of 153. On re
turning from the furthest limits he
was Informed that a lady ' was not sat
isllcd with the count and had added
one more to the population making
the number 154.
United Hrvthivn will commence a Tab
ernacle laectlng at Walterville Katur
iIhv evening, Aug. 6, Itev. A. U. Olds
otliclatlng. The tlrst quarterly confer
enett of the Eugene mission will be
held In connection with It, Aug. It) and
I'l, the last days of the meeting, licv.
(i. SicknHHwe will conduct the quarter
ly meeting service.
Tkst Pkstroykd. Itev. I). A.
Watters' tent and the contents of the
ame were destroyed by fire at Foley
Springs last Monday. Mr. and Mrs.
W alters were away at the time of the
tire and nothing wjissaved.
The Democrats are Vlcloriaas.
Montgomery, Ala., August 2. Re
turns received today confirm the belief
that Jones' majority will reach 60,000,
and the legislature w overwhelmingly
Israwasa la Trasa River.
Tillamook, Or., Aug. 1. A 10 year
old mm of H. A. ard was drowned iu
North Trask river yesterday while fishing.
Laylnsr of the Corner Stone Final
Dally Guard, August X
On motion. Judire Walton was Invit
ed to address the convention. The
address wns an excellent one, and con
talned much humor, and a great many
good practical suggestions.
On motion a vote of thanks was ex
tended to Sheriff Noland, Major For
rest, Judge Walton and Hon. L. Bil
yeu. The following places were named for
next the convention: lloseburg,
Portland, Halem and Prineville. Port-
land was selected on the nrst ballot.
On motion, the third Monday in
July, 1H!(3, was selected as the date for
tne next meeting or uie annual con
The convention then retired to the
site of the county jail, to lay the cor
tier stone of the structure. Hon. L.
liilveu. upon invitation delivered the
address. In a few well chosen words
he proceeded to deliver the same In his
usual pleasatit manner. Then the Pres
ident of the convention, Sheriff Penum
bra Kelly, or Portland, also made some
pertinent remarks, suitable to the occa
sion which were loudly cheered. Af
ter which the masons placed the stone
In position, and Mr. liiiyeu declared
the corner stone well and truly laid.
Thus ended the ceremony. A good
ly crowd of citizens were present.
The box, a handsome copper one,
contained the following articles, contri
butvd bv citizens:
A sample Australian ballot voted at
the last election.
Kuirene Daily Guard, of July 13th
and 15th, with account of the letting
of the contract for the new Jail and a
brief history of the old den. Also a
copy of August -nd, containing pro
ceedings of the sheriffs convention,
iladge of Marshal worn by the late
J. K. Attcbury and II. J. Day.
List of Judicial and county officers
and their deputies.
List of county board who inaugurat
ed itiecrection of tne Jail.
Letter head of Justice Kinsey's
Memento of S. C. Miller, Sheriff of
Douglas county.
Tax receipt.
2-eent postage stamp.
Postal card.
Name of orator, L. Ililyeti.
List of city officers.
List of officers Eugene Lodge R. A.
M. '
Copper cent, 1844.
Nickel, with instruction for finder to
take a glass of beer.
Abstract of the voti-s cast at the last
county election.
Then the convention proceeded to
the court house to hear an address by
Major L. 1). Forrest. This was cer
tainly one of the Major's best efforts,
and was greatly appreciated by all pres
The convention then adjourned.
Cam or Fiurs This ii tbe season
of tbe year bn campers and others
shmld take eitraordinary precautions
againnt allowing fire to spread. Complaint
eomea from tbe vicinity of Spencer Bntte
that three yonng men from Eugene left a
lire the other day that wonld bare been
eery dangerous eioept for tbe damp night.
Tbe grass is dry and but little wind ia
needed to start a are that would destroy
considerable fencing and other property.
Be oarefu! that you do not destroy your
neighbors' posesaions.
Sellino at Pak. Roseburg Plain-
dealer: "Douglas county warrants are
selling at par, notwithstanding the
county Is In debt about $100,000. The
debt represents Internal improvements,
and was not caused by mismanage
ment of the affairs of the county."
Lane county Is not in debt over $75,
000, and is a richer county, and ita war
rants are from 4 to 0 percent discount.
What is the reason ?
Grand Encampment. Prof. S. E.
McClure left on the local Wednesday
for Pueblo, Col., where he goes as a
delegate from the Eugene camp to at
tend the grand encampment of the
Woodmen of the World, to be held
this mouth.
To call and examine our stock of-
II n lill 1 LI1U 1UJ K.V 1JV Mail MtVIJ W uuv w V M I. 1VIL V
We eell an A 1 line of
THiii; and Mill Machinery,
We have anything you want in the way of ,
r Air ntil I J 0 11 n T1 TI
LWlialBIr 1 a a u m-M ai I II il . I I ill
rows, Cultivators, Seeders, Drills, Feed
Mills, Hay Cutters, Churns,
Washing Machines, Etc.
Don't fail to pee our new improved
All mailable Iron and St!
The new CHAMPION MOWER is a wonder. Gearing and pitnu:
connections warranted against breaking or wearing out.
We are in it and are bound to sell, bo don't fail to call on us.
Southwest corner 8th and Olive Streets, Eugene, Oregon.
City Property.
The value of an investment in property depends upon the actus
merit which it possesses, and the prospect9 of its increasing in va!
That is why
Property Is It
best Investment In Eugene, especially If you want a beautiful place for a horn
Adjoining the University grounds and the city HmiU on the East, with
street-cars, city water and electric lights extending to it, it is
the most convenient and desirable property on the market.
Never mind the weather, UNIVERSITY ADDITION, is high
and dry and naturally well drained. Prices low, and on easy ternii
Call on or write to H. N. Cockerline, Eugene, Or. Office in Chrisnian Blt
Fruit Lands
: No. lOO. :
: iNcrACTCMB or akd pialii in
CIGARS and TOBACCOS ol all kinds for the W HOLE8ALE and RETAIL TRACK.
The Largest and Bert Selected 8tock ol Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc, ever kept to MP
i A .Li. i. . j, t u. - 11 t'nrf Lnd V-
Those wishing anything In this line will do well to price my goods before purchasing
Anything in the Gro
cery line, Goldsmith's.
We lead in quality &
prices. Goldsmiths
Cash paid for produci
at Goldsmith's.
For a square detti.h
to Goldsmith s.