The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 06, 1892, Image 1

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    TP U P
rt a
NO. 42.
VOL 24
lit tfugcttf (City ttuari
Publisher mud Proprietor.
.iMfl'-Oo the East side of Willamette
ot!un Sventh and Eighth Street.
rTnZ "I r "7T I FRIDAY. JULY ! Died. WlTHWTYOr OttEGON. CommlHsloner
inn . v'aiiv ssiff ii i
' T' JL - -r- c - .
12 00
, 1.00
. .75
jrf wmim
iuM-nth.- "
kK months
i j - .
" " OUR ONL1
Jtta-ttai $L Cash ,uJ
"Advertisers will b. charged at th. ol
iCffth. month .....WOO
KS-i'S ::i5S
St notiin local column, 20 cent.
5CwWta render quarterly,
ffigb work mart b. ram roB om pelivebt.
jUfiES'E CITY, - - - OBBJOh
oFFICERoom 78 McClareu Building,
jrtpecbl attention given to Collection!
Are Showing the Host Line of
For the Money, in Eugene.
Mn. Horace titration lelt lor
j in Seattle, Wash, this morning.
Frank P. Glow etui family went to Ya-
quiua Bay liiii morning o sptud a week or
Ed HUcbley hss closed out his confec
tionery Hore, selling hii stock to the Mono
gram. Mine Fegp.y Underwood returned to Ta thU uinrnicg after a pleasant visit
with her mother.
Mr. I. K. Petera loat a handsome two
year old boiso pesterday from a supposed
vase ol lung fever.
A painting wm raffled off ut Auton's
cigar store lust evening. It was won
by J. H. l' valine.
M.Svanerud A Co. received a trno
Sevmour W. Condon
. Oregon.
1 E. E. Luckey
vvrvw . - OREGON.
OmcE-Eooui in Conner's Block.
attorney and Ccunssllor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
tmn.vKV. ir-TTV. - OREGON.
Ottlce-ln Masonic Temple.
Itcs.ulni Physicians.
niwtir.TiKH-Klilnev and I.lver Diseases
Gynecology and Obstetrics.
OFK1CK at residence on Olive street between
9th anil 10th streets.
TOliet iirtlUltJS, rttmio, vrxio,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
Full Stock o! Butterick Patterns.
Real Entiitfl Translprs.
Address P.O. Box 119.
Kuykendall & Payton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drugstore.
McLean, loti
Miller's jmrt
McClarens Buitdin
(Opposite F. M- WUkWDnut Store.)
-Ha an extensive Stock of
Swcial attention (riven to
and AUtrocta of Title.
OmcK Over Lane County Bank.
rrobate business
Mercantile. Fancy and scnooi oi"
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
ryOrders for Books and Subscriptions
to Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
block, opposite Guabd ofhee. All worit
Laughing gas administered for painless ex
traction ot teetn.
1 Farms, Improved and Unimproved lawn
property for sale, on easy terms.
Property Eeated and Eonts Collected,
Ti,. t n T ninresent are
unong the Oldest and most Reliable, anrt m
he PaoiiPT andEuilBLI adjustment of their
Siasd SaoosD to Nohk.
i share of your patronage is eolidted.
Trnnblos. and Cramp,
any Internal or External Pain,
druggist for it
Colic, or
Ask your
Clocks, Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
RAoatrine Promptly jLiecuiuu.
,rAUWork Warranted.
(ion M Miller to John
1, :!, 17 and 18, block 54,
of Florence; Jim
C It David to Jiunos V Nelson,
umi in Tp 111 , It 12W;flo0.
OA Lwkwood to Frank Watkins
3.7 acres In Tp 18 S, It 3 W; WOO.
C It David to James W. Nelson,
acres in Tp 19 H, K iaVj tl.tttO.
a Nure-TlituB Ulan Murdered.
Wkxatciiek, Wash., July 2).-Word
has just reached here of a bloody trag
edy, in which Kd. Wilson shot and in
stantlv killed Patrick Conlcy, at the
south fork of Nason creek, Kitiiiaa
.u.imtv. mi thn Gveiiintr of the IJoth.
The plaw is 00 miles from Wenatchee.
Wilson came in and surrendered him
.u.if into tho hands of IK-nuty Shcrill
Arthur. He claims self defense,
A Teii-Veur .nan IH.appesiri Irons
the Mate 1'rison.
Hai.em, Or., July 29.-A. D. Webster
escaiMid from me statu prwou wuuj.
He was st ntenced from Coos county
October 10, mil, for it) years ior n j
.,i.,.,,,i,tf.r ir wfisatrustv. aL'cd 01
i'..iwt..r ima irmv hair, blue eves, and
initio- nn old navv man. has India-ink
l IiIj nimia nml hfwlvr On
worn uii u " , ' , :
his breast is a representation of Christ
on the cross, lie was employed In the
miniona and has not been seen
since noon, beinff missed In the count
.i,ia nvoniiio-. lie lived at Bandon,
where he kept a hotel, and with a knife
killed a waiter named Cook. He owns
property and has has a wile at uanuon
He Is acquainted m aiuiuij.
Postmasler Pape Dead
Jacksonville, Or., July 81.-Hen
... tho nost master at Jackson
ville, who was stricken with paralysis
last Wednesday, had another stroke
.,tarih,v nml died at 60 this even-
fnir. Mr. Pape was a member of the
Masonic order. He leaves a wife and
live grown-up children
First lit
lortiu nrnnrA CHEMICAL
iOOA! UrnUt md laboratory
. .cr. fi.mnif.i br mall o.
Op will receive prompt and "'J'JJ
Bold a Silrer Bullion n,n.".' o" Vu
AUitu, ins 1 1T28 Ureses iam. cou.
Of Eugene.
Paid up CasiTcapital 50,000
Surplus and ProHts, $10,000
. ?i i..l,ini business
Hk'ht drafU on
Act on a new principle
and bowela through tk
ntrwi. la. u.w ru-
Uon. Smaller
Br. Ua ! tiiUrt, la,
Jo:j hT J H. BECKLKY -
LANU, UKtou.1.
llneXn..rtruaed to us will rociv.
prompt attention.
Eugene, Oregon.
tnek of SUpta and P-cy Oroorrv-,
booght to the bert markets
.k. ,,hlL. better prices thaa any
oum - r-
orT house
Prodnoe ol all kia-ls Ukea market price.
lu Portland to
Caatoria promofan PlgtHrUoa, and
OTercouiee platuloucy, Coustiiliun, BoUT
Stomach, Diarrho?, and Fererlshnet,
Thus the child la rendered healthy and its
sleep natural CastorU contains DO
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Caatoria h so well adaptd to ehlMrm that
I recommend It as aupf rior to any pMcrlptlon
knuwii to me." H. A. Archsb, M. I)..
83 Portland Ate., Brooklyn, l. .
" I use Castorla In my prarUre, and and It
neciaUr adapted to affectlona of chll'lrao.
' Alex. HimtxTKin, M. D., .
17 1 Ave.. New York.
Turn Ccrrirm Oo, 77 Kurrar BC, K. T.
on enirlno ami inresner uy nisi
nlKht'sfre ght train.
8. II. Fri udlf went lo Portland on the
rlv train tnl morning to attend the fun-
rrul ot Mrs- U. 8. Simon.
A Portland man was lined t-V) for
hinplnx his do?. If he had wblppml
Ills wife It would have iK-eu atiout o.
S. M. Titus and family and Mrs.
O'llrleu ami daughter nturuetl home
from the Foley Springs this anernoon.
Cbas. Utdersrood, o( Taooma, Wash,
who haa been visiting here for several
reeks, lelt lor bis borne lo that oity this
Democrat: Two blonde youths of
AiKnnv hv iililmiwl nut In the nast
.....v . i --- --- --- ,, . .
eek or two, lureu uy me hiiiucs ui mc
opposite stx.
It looks as t hoiiL'h the people or J-.n
gene were going to keep warm this
nter to n-e i ne aiuot ui oi winm
is coming lo town.
C. J. Stuart, of Albany, representing
the O. P. K. It., was In hugvno last
krlit nrrninrlnir for an excursion to
Yatiuina bay, in the near future.
Mr. Dorand is here from hilver Lie,
I.ukn mnntv. for supulies. 11 came
in nwr the Mi itsrv road, but lutenua re
tumid? bv the SIcKenjie route. He will
load with about thirty-five hundred
Kuvi.n.l who have threshed fall
wheat report the same as yielding
largely In excess of tho most sanguine
hopes, in laci, ueiter yicius arc iv
iHirled than last year.
John Westacott died rather unex
rtetlly yestenlay at Salem. He was
the junior member of tho urygootls
unit oi J. J. jJBiynnpiu a suu u
worthy young man.
Tuentv-one street car conductors
have been arrested in Portland on the
harire of larceny. It Is allcgen thai
the conductors have lieen "knocking
down" from fWO to $000 per month.
Grants Pass Courier: Riohuiond, the
oHiinr .mi nrnnrielor" of the Observer,
recently started in this city, lit out sudden
ly for parts uninown loesaay. leiiTiug
etal creditors to mourn bis disappearance.
Jerrv Horn and family and Mrs. Sid
ney Horn and children, returned from
llwaco, Whsu., nisi evening. ii j iw-
iurt bnvlnir had an excellent lime,
Sidney Horn stopped
siH'nd a day or two.
Tho rliwn sinson for leinaio ttecr
niw..d thn II rut of Auirust. that ior
mnt .l.wr c osed t ho 1st 01 JU1V. iait
lmvo been shinned through Ktigene
daily for Portland, and some of them
were unuouuteuiy leniuica.
rtnnn'. f!.,mm(-rolal Asencr baa advioei
ftntn AVArV vheat orowins county in the
state showing that Oregon's wheat crop for
'!I2 will be 'J.SOO.000 bushels leaf thnn la UI.
The yield in the state of Washington will,
il is stated, ue oonsweraury uiu.iui.usu.
Ti,a ufrift rnr nonductors are having
ft liurd time of It lu ISirtland. S!'J of
them are under arrest charged with
r.,i,l,li,,r lw. romnanlea bv retaining
, i fuui
rrtm 'i n v went released uhuui- ..v
bonds. The examination will take place
- ...
The bounty upon coyote and souirrei
scalps In Polk county expired naiur-
dav. During mo term ui iu i"u'vi
from tho Ut of February, there was
paid out in scrip upon the county, the
sum off 1,778.83. The bounty proba
bly will not ue renewed
- . , m I
A nnrn.innnill.lir. WIVM lllftl 1. U,
ir...wirinkH and F. M. Wllkina had
oulte a time getting their camping out
fit to Hecct Heads. It appears the
m.ntlmnpn were afraid of quicksand on
. . . At ..11.. nx..-
the beach, out tne wommi wim
ha1 more bravery, and at last convinced
ii ovntlemcn that there wa no
Salem Journal: Tuesday evening as
Mrs. H. 8. Uelle and family were out
driving, and coming toward town near
the Lablsh road northeast of town two
men came out of the brush and gave
the party quite a fright. One atood on
either sldo of the road, and aa the car.
ri.... unniMiuiliod one held up bis hand
for the driver to stop but through great
presence of mind Mm. Uelle had
whipped up the horse, and the lady
drove bravely past.
A very vlgoroua defense la being pre
pared for the arresieu nuutn m "
k.,,.., ,v Aiunn illHtrlct. and every ell ort
VyWUl a . w 1 ,
will be made to clear them. win ,
the ablest counsel In the eat have
been retained to appear In the cause of
i. a i r'nniiiln John O'lirien.
UIOUIIUVI.. v.,-- ---
.. .rthn hwlerateu i runes
Portland, has received a letter from J.
F. Poyuton, secretary of the Central
Executive Miners' Union ut Wallace.
in which he statca that tne arn-sict
...Inura urn H..(lirini attorney to con
liu.r thn ili'fi'nM!. Hon. l'atrlck Itod
a nni.wi i riinlnul lawyer of Han
I..'.. ...!.,. 'ri.AI.IIIU I'llttiTHOIl. of Col
riai'tinwt ......... ,
omdo; and Frank Uanahl, of Spokane.
will all assist In deienuing tne mim-m
QcissiA amd 8op.-Writing to Wm.
The Sftleru Journal ot Thursday has the
following concern lng llie death o( Mrs. 11.
8. 8imorl!
Died. Thursdsy niornliiR, July 28, lH'.iJ,
of a complicated fever, at hi r home on Cot
tage street, Anna Adlor, wife of II. 8. hi
moo, aged 30 years.
Deoeasrd was a native of Wurttmlmrg,
Germany, having lived in America since
her youth. 8be was married to Hurry 8.
Simon six years ago, and has been a rtei
,l,.nt ntK.lum about four Tears. After an
illness of about one week, Mih Simon
passed away at 5:30 o'clock this morning af
ter suffering severely. She haa two sisters
and one brother living on this coast, Mrs.
L. Hirsch of this city; Mrs. S. 11. Friendly
of Eugene, and Mr. Adler of Raker City.
The dooeawd wilt be bnricd at Portland to
morrow, in the Jewish cemetery, the fmuily
aocompauying the body down on the morn
ing local train.
Mrs. Simon had a circle of warm friends
in Salem. She was finely educated in h.r
native language, and aside from being an
exceptional housekeeper, waa considered a
brilliant woman by a host of admiring
friends. Her death will be severely lelt uy
all who knew ber.
A Freak of the Forest.
A natural curiosity of tho Washing
ton forest haa been found by Freeman
Slater, better known as "Slide," in a
thicket between Port Dlakeley and
Eagle harbor and sent to tho Post-In-telOgeuecroftlce.
It Is a tlr sapling
about eight years old graft ed on an
other sapling of the same kind about
five years old. Apparently the larger
of the two small trees had been broken
oir and fallen from some height and
Immilod M Oil t 10 SUUlller 0110
leiiirthwlse In fact. In an exact
An Kiitonie of the Report or the Hourd
of Kt'ifeiits.
The iitimiiil report ol Juil-e Dcsdy. pres
Mitil ol llie board of redouts of tbo Univer
ily of Ongon, Inn bi'cu snl'inilled to the
gowruor. It sliows an atU'iidnuro ol 3:13,
of whom '215 wi-ro in the school of letters.
Ry fur the greater number, 13."i, came from
Line couuty aud the othors were eiju illy
diHliibiitrd tbrniLlioiit tho ntulo. The yta-
f.'ssors are: Jo in W. .lohunni. A. M., I at-
Mark Unil. ) , Pb !., m iti euiatica vis J
astronomy; Ihi inns Loiiilon, 1 a. v., t. ot
ogy and natural hutory; llunj ioiin J. II .w-
t u rno. A. II.. mental DliliOMipuy anai ux- literature; tleo. 11. Collinr, Juu, i ,
hcmislry and phxsics; Joliu btruiib, A. A ,
Greek aud modern lnugUHgos; Luella t.
I'arsou, rhetoric ami nlocuiion; 8. E. Mi
Clute, A. M., iiiniiieiu.ili.'s and l.ook-k"p-
ing.; Philuia E. Mureu, A. li.. liletatnie
aud law; E. II. McAllister, A. R., modern
Niiiutv-lour lectures were iteiiverea in me
junior rourHe ol tho sebool of law by Kieb
anl II. Thornton, and ubout as many lu lb
seuior course bv Mr. Thornton, Judge Mc
Aithur, Judge iiillinger and Judge Deady.
Sii hundred .and eiglityuve lectures
erei1ulivereil in uie scuooi oi uieuiuiuc
The oration of Ia'Iiii L. Stevens on
"Should the United States Continue to
lie an Asylum for the Oppressed of All
Nations'."' took the llrst prize, ami that
of F. S. Dunn,, on "Absolutism the
Weakness of Russia," took the-aeeoiul.
The receipts for the year were as nn-
Riilunceon hand June. 1SH1...J
State tax, amount received... 10,f00 00
Interest on liinilliinu o,n-u "J
Interest on Villard donation.. 3,000 00
Incidental fees and diploma
fees 2,218 00
Falling aud llcckman oration
fund 2.rl)00
Total fi'.,421 02
The disbursements were:
Salaries of professors f 18, i"0 00
Medical and legal lectures 1,000 00
Hooks for the library 3sr IK)
Incidentals 2,375 10
Oration fund prizes 260 00
Thn Fishing Seasou.
Frankfort Chronicle: The season of
18112 will closo on tho 10th of August,
aud taken altogether It has lccn very
unsatisfactory to the nsnern nn, me
run of fish being unusually ng i.
irliiip .III lu the catch ordinarily
makes up for the shortage of May and
June, but this year la an exception,
the run Is aim continuing uiu.
Drowning Accident.
Salem, Or., July 31.-Thls afternoon
Wbea Baby was sick, we jave her Castorla.
Wbe she aa a Child, abe cried for Caatoria.
ir, became she clunf to CasUria.
Whta sha jed CLUdrw. sU java taesa CaJtorsv
Met In niljourned session at the court
houso Saturday afternoon, July 30,
IS0J, at 1 o'clock. Olllwrs present:
Juilgo Flsk, Commissioners Parkerand
Perkins, Sherill Nolnnd and Clerk
Court r rdered the Jail cells and lin
tels ordered for a vault several yean
ago, sold at public auction Thursday,
Sept. 8. To bo advertised lu tho
tii'Aiui and Journal.
Ordered that S. K Jenkins bo a)
polnted Stwk Inspector for the ensu
ing year.
The following allowances were made:
Eugene Lumber Company, lum-
iicrror i-.ugeno uniige u
on Eugciio
W E Flsk, work on Eugeno
W P Hurlburt, work on Eugene
W A Craig, work
Chllson, work
0 11 Forrest, work
brldire ,
J Midgley, work
Knoop llros, liiinU'r for road dis
trict No 29
A J lllggins, lumber for road ills-
on Eugene
on Eugeno
28 1:
23 10
11 25
2 60
6 60
4 00
11 20
23,001 00
with It, In this position they grew
.mtlinr. tho thin end below and the
thick one above, remaining perpendii
Thl frunk of nature will 1 sent to
tho world's fair as part of the Wash
ington exhibit.
It Took a Slide.
Florence West, July 29lh: Buu
day night or early Monday morning
a big land-slide ooonrred at Ueceta llosd. In
excavating for the lighthouse tower a batik
or wall of loose rock aud dirt, 1100 feel high
was left standing at the north of the tower
site, and opon the above date the tup of
ihu ui.ll innk a tnml) e ana nreouninicu u
all in 1ht1 with the tower excavation. II
is estimated that from six to aoven tuous
n,l nnhin r.r,t. of roclt Slid earth CHIlie
,lnn whi. h will cost several Ibonsand dol
lars to remove. By removlug tuis mere
.ill .till remain Ihe dsnoer of the baluuce
of the wall, or lu (act, the wuoie mouuuu n,
but should it do this it is prob
able all would sllile ot us own acooru, iuio
in th .ea and should this be its movement
.. !n .l.. i.,0i ,.,! ilia li,, 1, 1. 1 Tim ili'irrcc of A Jl WHS e
mere wniiueur.uiiuiM.... . --n - - n--- ,,
bouse people most desire, a solid rock toun- j Murk Hal ley, A. 11., who graduated In
datiou Ior the lower.
Tiilnl of recclots. and balance
June 30, lS'Jl f 2.1,421 02
Total of disbursements 23,004 00
Halunec on hand June 30, '02 12,100 02
The balance on hand In the library
fund Is f 200 .12. The nuniln'r of books
taken out during the year was 1300, by
ISO persons. The hind fund shows a
less ol f020 01, probably due to Incor
rect estimates of notes. There Is still
tiv.ti In mii himil lii thn oriitloli fund.
Of tho f-V00 appropriated by tho leg- James Dlalno.
Mature as a repair fund, f 04.10 43 has I'. J McClanahan..
Urn exH'inliHl.
Hid dcirree ot A n was eoiiienvu mi
A resolution was adopted by too
board of directors as follows:
That any iwrson In the stale, who
may desire to have any ris k or min
eral assayed, or llttld assayeil, may
have the same none ny applying w too
protessor of analytical chemistry, and
paying the actual exK'iise uien-tu.
Sprliigfleitl Notes.
Messenger, July il
Alsiut twenty Sprlngfli-lditcs attend
ed tlie eampliii'eiiiig at, i .lursiuu, nun-
day. Tho iiiiH'tlng Is growing in inter-
triet No U0
Saltsmnn. brldire work road dis
trict No 28 40 00
I N Edwards, supervisor work
road district No 28 25 t0
U M Jackson, nails for road dis
trict No 43 6 00
E Anderson, work on Eugeno
bridge 11 75
8 O Garrison, work on Eugene
bridge 43 75
E Anderson, moving old Jail
cells 7. 20 00
Frank Dlanton, bailiff. 18 00
tleorge I) llarnnrd & Co, election
supplies 0 70
(leorge 1) llarnnrd A Co, election
supplies 05 05
Eugene clgnr Btore, tobacco for
painters 1 50
Mrs CMJudklns, witness 170
EP Henderson $4 20
Jit Hays 4 20
A J Smith 4 20
(leo Flcomnu 4 20
A J Habb 4 20
W F Iteld 4 20
Rodney Scott 4 20
II P Morris 4 20
Flovd Vnughan 4 20
A Hrown 4 20
W H Parsons 4 20
O K Roberta 4 20
1) L Duller 4 20
4 20
4 20
tleo Smith 2 20
Arthur Collier
E Anderson 4 20
1) F Finn, witness In case of state
vb Chambers and Smith 11 00
Walter Urlftlu, wltnets In case of
state vs Chambers and Smith... 3 20
F W Osburn, witness In case of
stato vs Chambers and Smith... 1 70
P E Snodirrasa. witness In ease of
state vs Chambers and Smith... I 70
('has II linker, witness In case of
stnto vs Chambers and Smith... I) 00
I)E Yoran. witness In case of
stato vs Chambers and Smith... 1 70
II E Eastland, constable 3 50
David Logan, witness 1 70
N 11 Dutler, rent of hall for elec
tion 1 5
Ordered that from and after this date
no hills will be paid by the county for
toUuvo furnished puupors.
Ordered that tho committee heroto-
At 5 o'clock in
were Itn-
inr-i-wMl in the Uuiu- al
iiiiinlier of eon versions nro reported,
Wheeler's li gprs brought alsmt iOO foro appoint! to nvestigaw mo ao-
D tho iKiml Sunday evening, caiuiusui ii.w ic..i., v....... u
while tiathimr In tho Wlllametto river im, ntU'iidance.
lust below Salem, unrts itu u win tne evening three converts
drowned. icu wita j""h
n.wl n former detiutv sherltl. Ho WHS
hiitliliiir with a IIUIIIIST Ol iioa, Hut u
..iin v. while far out in tne
river, ho Weill Ullllcr
. . i , i..
ninrft. 11 IB RUPINJseii hiuk
tnl; i, n with cramps. Aftc
btaly was recovered, but all
resuscitate mm were muie.
A T.ivci.v HtiNAWAY. Sprlnglle
ii Mnrwliiu nvpnlmr BIMIUI II
, i . .. i', ...m. ,,nrt Bttiudiml ciiinel Hiiliirdnv nkdit the new olllccrs elect
u uiita ii".". 'rr" ' ..nV I M ft V MIniuud.Jal.
leantiK acrueo . n; ' " r .",B". ' vr .v Z.r. V, . I . . ... i k.i- ., ...
sailed down Mill street turning into installed ty mstr ct ta juiy v.. , u,c,riio.-uiiuwm
Main street at the livery stauie aim iior ty as ioiiows; v v m-imnmii, "' v "'","" . .,
kentstXhte liming himself (1; j'p Holland, V O; W 11 Pcngra, Chambers, the, tendered reception to
to v ewmU e dlstiince. TheVrsobe. Sec; A I) Ilurton, Treas Defore the Marin. Cadets, who ..1. ;wUI
bngs to one of the Maxwell boys, west nHtaIlatlon six new were In- fired th "lute "j VlbnTL" "tf "
' ir ti.111 ..u7. lnt ui..,.ul nil nfu-hl. h kent tbo bovs busy ding night. Several friends were also prea-
ui uutv, t,-- . ., ;, ........ i.... a n ..l.l.nL a
i...... l.,i,
to rise no ll Ull ,,llm,u;.nf MltMM I,(wi , ,e er nave until mo August, iunn ui u.o
ho was ttit..a the nrrival of loirs. Tbo county court In which to wntplete
ran hourthc ,,..,,,,, m011.i,. mnrnTnir and such examination, aud niako their re-
ellorts to wl ,w k,,.)t 1)UHV fmm ll0W until way port.
Into tho winter months. The rest ot j; h- "
1,1 1 Mm loirs lire 111 tlio UPIKT tsintlS BIMt I "
I ..JlnllHl.ul
will 1h) brought down oh nmlud.
rn thVmnln Sd riltor taking In all Ulltil 6 o'cl-sk next morning. An ee- .- i'.KCS;
of theprlnclpal -treta of tlmt cl gftnt b to lh,
mutityve pt. Bach. Is to b. ,
ugen an'd Sprlngheld at very close ylng mcu.lH.n, fnim Eugtme, Odiurg "htai-Wliit fifty of th.
luarters. An effort was made to stop nd Irving. To say t'"' b' SSXing present.
' r . .a. . ..sll,k
itvi Hum mn, il wiih iuli a
mounted his horse and followed In hot field lodge is in
lley Duel! time Is putting It mildly. The Spring-1
highly prosperous
... .
muuiiicu u v. ..,i..... ... ...L.i,i.w.f nr. Convalescent. we are inronueu
iron but had to give It up. Two fresh ty-four, which Is gradually Increasing, that Ha
Earl Draylard, the live year old
son of Mr. Draylard, corner or iugntn
n.wl Pourl trmdu. U rOllVullWOCIlt. Htf
Ths trap Light K.ery where. .., ,ii uu ,i.n Pmlin a few weeks
Bis FaiNciaoo. July 28.-wllliaa Darby, Hi11M1J.Iia . final recourse Dr.
' " V 7h. of caniure 1? WJ? lfS. Hnilley, the attending Physician, per-
V" 7" ..,,.wwi iii, thfl ireui, togian i, proi .ui, fornjt.a the operation or iracneowniiy,
arjout B o eioea auu i . " ; lers in the wotld, sail yesieruay: i aoo i , , , mllltMtji lu mak Mr 811 lnclslol
horse to Kugene. i ne can, w know .here we are lo get our. Bops tots r win.,niIMI nd luttcrtlnir a silver
and riders then took up the ex
citing ohase and captured the horse a
short distance oeyouu -uuu.
well the owner, wtio nau neen in imr-
what damaged and tne norso u For many years th. oounty of Kent ! throtiufi which the paUeut obtains-
likely be of little value after his mad b he.n lh, ehM point of hop product on Lu.Mf
run of ten miles. In England, but .xoept last year wheu tb. b'. " "5 on$ .un1vng. This
" . - . A, II..
DalW Guard. July 90.
Fisinsa TRiP.-Dollvar Cogswell,
r. nb.n Pnrtlnnil. anil A 11(1 V HIX-
on we learn, loft tieo. Frlssell's place uin a Urger percenUge of extract than th.
mi, B itM.i .!,;. , v ..... .I.I., hnt nnl nn ta recent
eron was verv large th. yield
skadlly smaller, compelling as iu g uvym
arown In Germany and other northern!
oouotties of Europe. American bop. con-
was the first successfully performed lis
Belknap Hot 8rniN08. Dallas
ill I, j i .,,....,,, .i. U. h. nlil nnila recentl I Tt.,...l..r- TTnelfi IdtldsaV IlobblllS
ihursday iorausumH "'h " 7 . " ? j . i . . " r.....n r
Mi-Kenzle river In a row boat. Ills a they weie careicsaiy csiw sou wuij wno went up mere wim "'"-J
sold for lees
Mrfr". VL" . !.i i. .i. fli Hum that nacked and conseonenlly
w"r. " - r M,rk.; woid b.i ProPe, c.r. b.m nM.
ItnMllWU Huw.v ... IT..... hi...,ti..Kli.hatui Oeruian
m a i. 4 .! t iini urn u ii i ia i cinei
igt,l lont hev wl 1 have a big t bop crop, are a failure, owing to too much
out accident tin y w nave a ui h y ...5. .,., Browth o( ,h, uUnt. and
. m ai . i. .. m, wit m u 1 1 iiu i.iin nil, ua i -
oi usii, a wj -" "-" ;.- - ,: I n,,n wet weather lust aslbeblo
niu-. too. after an alaetio. ol a
night. I sr ot two, reappeared, so that th. eiop
r n... W.lla. Farao & Co. have this year is the smallest tor aoui. years,
n .1.. of washes for lb
ulBWraiu.."f-'-, . . j,
structioo ol the nop louse, i.
Washburue, of th. stat. agncuuursi '
lege. says: "I see bo reason why quassia
sod soap .bould not b. used right through
.i i.kiniT nitra nnl to Sit an OO-
iu rwH, ' v ,. , , ,
.,, nl aoso. (The idea Of
the soap U to oaus. it to spread and hit
..... i..n.L This his been nsed and Is
n..n.H,.1 1 I, ,1 ,1(71 n L.U k. ... wh.
iwuuu.-".t . .
hops are iu bur. I should not rec mmend
nsiog keroaen. emulsion on hopawbll. tney
ar. in bloom or bur. Th. Mm. applies to
any wash eontaing tobacco."
Shekikf Will Not Sell. A com
promise has been entered Into between
the creditors of the defunct grocery
firm of 1 landsaker A Clow, of Juuctlon,
and the stock will not bo sold by the
sheriff. The Junction creditors retain
tho goods, tying the sum oi t' "
turning the tssiks over to the Portland
creditors. The books show about
$1,000 to be due the Ann from customers.
discontinued their office, at boi hum, Lly,
ik..i.. Linkville. Oregon, ai.d Adiu,
u.k. Hnrt... ValleV. Fall Liver, Mill-
.iiu.'n.l Montuomert Creek, t'ulifornio.
Th. local agent ber. will giv. lulormatioD
.. .. k.. n.W.crM ahonld be shipped to
these points. PcacHMSD. Dr.C. E- Loom
i. v.. nnrhaaed th. Geo. IL Park rest
dene. on Twelfth street seat th. Voiversity from y c v
. , . . . t - . I mutt II Mifn I .........
Daving VLjNU ior ia. saiu., -
L..1.A I. Th. nranert. is ctitainly a
U1UVB 1UIW " I r 0
bargain at th. pries psio.
Fi-utt Yisu. From Lincoln Bord, w
i .k.i h.r.M.tin ia DrooKdiof rapidly
lnth.vlciaity of irviag. P-t Oering
tbr.sbd an.verafl. of 3J on bit
plac. sad Jsmes YaU.' crop Is turning out
auOUl it uusoe-a
SB old ree-
J. D. Ellis, Bays they are sixty miu
east of Eugene on the river,
and 2,000 feet higher than Eugene.
The river Is clear, rapid and full or
trout. The mineral water Is conduct
ed from the spring across tho river in
pines to the camp and has a tempent
?iir.,f ins deii-rees. Just across tho
river from the two acre maple grove
camp ground Is a perpendicular rock
1,000 feet high. The water In Its na
tural state Is too hot for bathing, the
teuits-rature being modified to suit af
ter it reaches the dozen bath houses.
The medicinal waters are claimed to
be good for nearly all allmeuta.
Sudden Death. Salem Journal:
Henry Dude, a German farmer living
tn mia fif t llH Sunnvside fruit tracts.
otel building now nearlng n.t f Turner,
be laying of th. aUsI tool w " f y j Q wUn furm
.A lliA i...nAn .rs and SIHII.ui.iw "". . , ,. ... ,..
In the Eistcrn UiU be intensely hot
weather that has prevailed lor weeks has
greatly retanlcd the growth and develop
ment of the plant. 1 expect to see higher
prices for hops Ibsu have ruled lor sum.
New Halt Hotm,. Cottag. Grov.
Leader: The raised seam steel roofing was
receieved by Mr. J. M. Hborwood. thh
ot I'oriiano, ior
bis new brick hotel building now nearing
completion. T
baa been finished. whiW the carpenter, ana H j dwld yesUirilar while at his
nlasterers sr. rsDidlt brlnKiuc Ihei work dreppeuKauyii.r t
r ' . - " i ur.tru tin nun intii uu uiuh i
to a close on th. Interior.
il'Tnela" I5.nL Mo
Idant of Lane county, died at tb. bom. of
his son adjoining uresweii, jiiubj siitr
noon, at Ihe advanced age of 84 years.
rum. In Eugene, Oregon. July 27,
1892, to the wife of A. C. Ilarrett,
work, llo nau oeen uurniuK
when the fire reached the fences, ami
creatly excited and exhausted the old
man, wnne ai mis wm a no
suddenly dead. Mr. Kudo came from
the east about one year ago. i'
r.lii .purs of aire, and his suililell
DilT0uM. July il.
A LAsosTaotrr K. C. Smilh seat down
to his partner, Mr. Hall, by last night's
tan. a 10 k dollv vrden trout that bs
had caught the dy previons near
Ken lie
t fithtrmao
Bcsixic. s Ca sus -T. A. L'enderaor ba.
rossMsioB wiU b. given Au.t 10th. lof Ice to Grant 1 ass.
tTun&MS nh Uyau7lbutedio heart trouble, as
bridge. L 0. is evidently a nrst- & glron? nml) ,e k.uves
a young wife to mourn nia ueam.
KuievrvTor Ice. The lee works