The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 30, 1892, Image 6

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An Accurate Lint of the Members of
Kutli Houses.
Below iHglvtn lie lint oowplttte anil ac
curate llHt of the leginlature. The teoretary
of UI now haa the full return, and ao
h exact ooDipoclllou uf ti next uwmbljr
U known.
' Tbe democrat have gniued ibree in tbia
IcRiHlttlure. They gain four lu tbe et-nate
and luxe one In (be houn.
Tbe rt-pnhlioatjH Lave lost bine two lu
lbs bou Mild neva iu tbe annate.
The people' party ban four three Id tbe
bonne itu'l one iu tbe tetite. Tbeie ire al
ao two unknown qnnDtltlw, ui far aa vot
ing with Diirtv i oonot-rned. iu Urrklrt.
tbn riVin.-pm., uf DonglM county; end
WoodwurJ, tbe uit.-dvui., of Muliuouiiib
In the bonne there tire 3!) republican,
18 dtuioontte uud 3 people' petty ; totul,
U1 ,
In the aeunt it etHiiiU 10 republic-urn, 11
deuiovinte, 1 peuple'n, 1 cit. uYui , 1 deiu..
pro.; totul, 30.
Tbe republican control mnj irliy of 17
iu tbe hiitiait, ami 2 in tbe ernuitf over II.
The name mid couutira of the aeualor
aud reprmibtaUvm are aa follow:
Bancroft, F A. rep Mnltnonmb.
heokley, Heury, uVtn nod pro, Donglaa.
"tUlevkiuen, Heury, d.m, Aluriow.
Hutler, N. L , tltiu. folk.
"Cmoerou, l'beo, rrp, Jiii kxou.
Cngnwll, C A, di'iu, Like.
'Croeno, 0 li, rep., Ueiiton.
"Croaa, Henry k, rep, t'Uckunjun.
Detiuy, 0 N, rep, Mnliuoiuub.
"Dodoi,, U M.rep, Maker.
"Fullou, 0 VV, rep, CluUop,
"Oaten, I P. rp, iauibill.
i Hityea, O E, rep, Claekauios.
"ilirauh. lulwaul. rt-n. MuMon.
Huston, 1) B, dein, Washington.
"Loouey. J H, rep, Alurnu
tMuAllmter, 1) A, dt-ui, Uuioii.
H K Mctiiuii, rep, MuhuoiUKh.
"Matlock, W F. deui, Cumuli.
Maswell. J W, rep, Tillauiuok.
'Myera, J, deui, Linn.
Alley, li t rep, Lane
tlUley, J H deui, Umatilla,
thumb, John A, deui, Hbcruian.
Hteiwer, W W, r-p. Gililmu.
Yaudwuery, W C, people', Jotrpbine.
"Vealub, H M, deui, Lille.
'WeHlbcrfoid, J K, deui, Linb.
"Willie, V L, tep, Mnltuoiiiah. .
Woodward, C H, otliiea, Multuoniub.
Rants, John O. dem, Polk.
Stone, Jereminh, dein, Urnatllia.
Trullinger, J (.', rep, Clatsop.
lTnton, J II, peoples, (Jnrry.
WilkltiH, Javier, rep, Lane.
Wilkinwrn, 0 K, de in, Lane.
Wright, J A, rep, Union,
Wright, John U, rep, Murlon.
Youse, M, dem, Uiuutilla.
Hold-over, t Joint.
Florence Notes.
llntighmnn, I) C, rcpf Imm.
iWlknup. K II, rep, lWiitmi.
HlHhop, W it, rep. Mult noiimli.
Jtlevlna, A, tietn, Linn.
Holts, Douglas, ret, Umatilla.
I trow n, J N, rep, Morrow.
Hrown, O I', rep, Douglu.
Huxtoti, Henry, rep, Washington.
t 'HinplH ll, J K, ilem, Cluteop.
tt'handler. K N, rvp, Wawn.
tCoon, T It, rep V
t'ooper, 1", rep, Douglits.
CorneliUM, H V, rep, Washington,
t'urran, (ieorge, dem, tTaekaniua.
t Duly, It, deni, ljtke,
lay, T (. peoples, Josephine.
iHineati, (' 11, rep, Huker.
iHirtiuiii, 1) A, rep, Washington.
Klmorv, V 1', deiu, Linn.
Ford, Tilinon, rep. Marion,
ttoer, Joel r, rep, t'lnckanm.
lieer, T T, rep, Marion.
i 11. John, citizen (rep), Multnomah.
Hood rich, L J, rvp, Ullhuini.
(inlllxson, H F, rep, Multnomah.
Hatiek, J J, deiu, Jaekson.
llobbs, J v, rep, Yamhill.
Ionian, It I), eitiaen (deiu), Mult no-
Jeffreys. 8 T, dein, Henton.
Keady, W P, rep, Multnomah.
King, V K, dein, Malheur,
tl-awson, A H, rep, YainhllL
Ijtwton, A 8, ivp, C'iaekauias.
layman, Suiuuel, rep, Marlon.
AleKvans, J 8, peoples,
Malniiey, H K, dem, Yamhill.
Maniey, A Jl, rip, Multnoniah.'
Maya, I'olk, rep, Wallowa.
Merrill, Norman, rvp, Columbia.
Merritt, J W, rep, Jaekon.
Meyer, (i V, dem, INilk.
MeywH. (i T, rvp, Multnomah.
Milter. M A, dem, Linn.
Nk'iiole, It F, rep, Crnok.
Niekell, Clmrlen, dem. Jsokson.
NortUup, II H, rvp Multnomah.
Onuatiy, K It, rep, .Marion.
I'm ton, O F, rep. Multnomah.
tlUehanlson, CI), rtp, Hamey.
KunwII, It N", rvn, I'nton.
hridan, Jl 8, Ueru, Douglaa,. . 4
The West, July 22.
There nro now twenty-five men
inostlv eari)entirs ut uiirk ivnmteni.t.
ng scow a and buildings for the govern
ment. '
Road Supervisor Furnish Is at work
building the county road between
Acme and Florence. The road is to
follow alomr the river from Apiiia 1n
me noiiiir at, inemotiin or the iNorth
Fork, !round the point and up the
North Fork to a point near Indian
(ieorge's place, thence across the river
mm connect, witn tneeouuty roau, run
ning north from Florence, at its inter-
seetiou witn racinc avenue.
The oflleers reeeutlv elected by Heo
etn Jxlg, No. HI, I O O F, are N G,
Win Kyle; V O, M D Landls; Jte Hec,
J L Furnish; Financial 8ec, F H Rog
ers, i nose apix)iuua are, w, J c
jnu ii, vtMiuui'uir, iu lueuonaui; l u,
Win ltemhardt; O G, L C Ackerly; It
o a u, ri i jonnson; u is ;m u, Altred
Miison; U 8 V G, II D Chamberlin; L
8 V (i. J A Mever: KSRII W Dniwv
L 8 8, Win 8aubert.
The Mever & Kvle salmon rnnnerv
Is U'lmr ecnerallv tiiia
week, pa'pamtory to an earlv com
mencement of canning operations.
The machinery Is being alt taken apart,
burnished, oiled and put In place agaiu;
new furnaces are being put in; a new
nod much larger well is being dug.
Mr Kyle Informs a reporter that he in
tends to begin work by the first of Au
gust, and that the Chinese employes
are exjiectetl to arrive on the Chance
this week.
Wednesday morning o sad accident
happened to Henry Nelson. He was
enuiiged in neratfng a hay fork, ou
Mr. Llndsly's place on the North Fork,
when a rone to whleh um!
mcKie oiock ana which waa 8usended
alKHit twenty-tlve feet over him, gave
wa.v im TOine tiown witn a crush
striking Mr. Nelson on the head and
knocking him from the load of hay.
The doctor retiorts It a very serious
cast, and considers there is but one
chance In ten for recovery. The blow
received by Mr. Nelson was made
doubly severe bv the fiiet flint a
i oi nurses was pulling on tlie block at
j the time It gave way.
To call and examine our stock of
'We curry the largest and most varied assortment outside of ,
We sell an A 1 line of .
Threshing and Mill Machinery.
W e have anything you want in the way of
Walking, Sulkey and Gang Plows, Har
rows, Cultivators, Seeders, Drills, Feed
Mills, Hay Cutters, Churns,
Washing Machines, Etc.
Don't fail to see our new improved
All mailable Iron and Steel.
... .. . uu,, inwiuj aim jilllliuu
connections warranted against breaking or wearing out.
MONEY. ' i
We are in it and are bound to seu., so don't fail to eall on us.
Southwest corner 8th and Olive Streets, Eugene, Oregon.
Springfield Items.
Mraaeogtr, July 22. ,
P-rhap the two pronckxt ppa in town
are Gni Waabbnrna and E. K. UoMirhal.
Una' now bor and Mo't new girl armed
to saint) day.
A. whrelor't logs are now filtering the
nut, "unit oi mem win rcacD tbe mill
loU or to tomorrow. The mill will htiin
urratiout tbe Aral of next week.
Hopmtn around Springfield pronoono
tbeir S Ida eomnaralif It fr Imia li.
and wuh two week a more of clear weather
ill have no tronble with (he peata. The
jiM will be oood and nirkino ill U.
j about Angnat'A)
K. S. E. Milam and wife left Taeedav
fr Uuose lake to be (one about ait weeks
twiiiDH relatiTM. The polpit wiU be oo
eupied the flrat 8anday in August by S.
L. A. Myera and the third Sunday by Be.
Jeokma ot Eugene.
M. H. Harlow bu a thirty .yar-old ch
rytree ol the Boyal Ann Tarietr from
wblc bio poandi of cberriea were picked
f Kid , , . . . r
-r""n maa eon ai nTeeenta per pound,
bringing the neat anm nl ttfi Tk. i
etoally yielded 1100 ponnda. the balance,
being need at home. Who cm beat the
Tb menben of Springfield Lodge I. O.
O.T., accompanied Dietriot Deputy Dority.
roCohnrg Saturday mght where the olfi
oeri ot Wett Point Ledge No. 63, at that
SWe were in nulled aa follow: J. C.
oodaJe. Jr.. it. O W I. K..U. v i: .
George Drnry. Bee See; W. W. Allilgham,,
Tree. bapperwMeemd at the restau
rant about midnUhL Ilia hn ... Ik
were apleadidly etwtiiwL- ,(
City Property.
The value of an investment in proprty depends upon the actual
merit which it possesses, and the prospects of its increasing in value.
That is why
Property Is the
best Investment In Eugene, especially If you want a beautiful place for a home.
Aborning the Lniversity grounds and the city limits on the East, with
street-cars, city water and electric lights extending to it, It is
the most convenient and desirable property on the market.
Never mind the weather, UNIVERSITY ADDITION, is high
and dry and naturally well drained. Prices low, and on easy terms.
Call ou or write to H. N. Coekerline, Eugene, Or. Office In Chrlsman Block.
Fruit Lands.
' : No. lOO. :
CIGARS and TOBACCOS of all klnda for the WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADB.
The Urieet and Beat Selected Stock of Clgara, Tobaccoe, Pipea, Etc., errr kept in Eucene
VatVlna MMkaal KI. .b -a - . j, .... V f '
" wihln "r"ln. In thU line -til do well to prta. mj .ood. brfoW wrcUiJniTliS
v rvoivrriva lUWt, tLOB.NE, OKS(K)l.
Anvthlnc in thn Orru
cery line, Goldsmith's.
We lead in nnalitv
prices. Goldsmiths
Cash paid for produce
at Goldsmith's.
a For a square deal, go
to Goldsmith's.