T in 1 i f i 1,1 II 1 1 1 vi 1 JV A! KSTABIIMIEII HIP TOE DISSEMWIOS OP DEMOCRATIC riUWIPLM, AND TO EARN IS "QUEST LIVIJI9 BT TH2 SWEAT OP OUR BROW v'()L24 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, JULY 30. 1892. NO. 11. GUARD. Li . JLLJ jbf cSugrne City (Guard. (PUHUSUBD EVERY SATURDAY. I. L CAMPBELL, ubllMlirr and Proprietor. ,iVFICE-On the East ile of Willamette ilrttt, between Seventh and Eighth Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. f.r annum 2 W Si, Month.. 2? Ihrse months IQ OOB ONLY KA.TR OB ADVKRTISING. , a jvertineinenU Inserted as follows! One square, ten lines or leu one Insertion $3i Mch fuliwiueat insertion $L Cah required '''HinTedvertisers will be charged t the ol- irth month. 16 00 0. u.re six month 8 00 Onisnuare one year u w Transient notices in local column, 20 cents joe tor esch insertion. Ailvortieinn bills will be rendered quarterly. ll job work must be paid roB ok dimvibt. A. C. WOODCOCK, Atloriiey-at-Law. (51WEXB CITY. - - - OREGON OFFICE Rooms 7 ft 8 McClaren Building. rSpecial attention given to Collections wd Probate business. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -DUNN'S BUILDING, Kugciic, - - Oregon. E. O. POTTER, Attorn ey-at-Law, EUGENE. - - OREGON. Omcs- Room in Conger's Block. GEO. M. MILLER attorney and Ccunsollor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. 0(1 ice In Masonic Temple. DES. I. W. k JENNIE S. BAMAKO, Regular Physicians. 81'ECIALTIKS-Kldney and Liver Diseases (IjnccoloKy and Obstetrics. OFFICE at resldenco on Olive street between 9th and 10th streets. Kuykendall&Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drugstore. A. E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. EUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention gWeu to Probate businea ind Abstracts of Title. Orricx-Over Lane County Bank. DR. J. 0. GRAY DENTIST. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S block, opposite Guard office. All woric warranted. , . Laughing gas administered for painless ex traction oi teeth. TTWALTER, M. D. S. DENTIST. Eugene, Oregon. Pental Rooms Willamette Street, opposite Baker's Hotel. B.PeDOBBls, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE 80ME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Uulinprovd Town Property for sale, on easy terms. Property Ssnted and Kents Collected, The Insurance Companies I represent are pong the Oldest and most Reliable, ami in s Prompt and Equitably adjustment of their "jee Siad Sioomd to None. 4 share of your patronage is solicited. Offic-InCit.fiall B.F.DORRIS. E. E. BURLINCAME'8 Wi iilyer Bullion tfW&iXl Ailreu, 1736 a 173S lavrtus SL, Issre?. Ms. Act on e new prtadple rornlsu (be Urn, mrJt h.u A row A 14 . aerwt. Da. Mn.ar' Pool ' ipmlilt tmrt bmouwas, torpid liw and COM Upj; fcoo. Smaller, siUiert, . eonetl &0ios.25 Emtie am a ""TT 1892, Spring, iM HOWE & RICE .Are Showing the Host Lino of CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, For the Money, in Kugene. AGENTS FOR TIlI'MmoWXSYILLE WOOLEN GOODS. LINN & SON, Furniture E. E. Luckey&Go. DEALERS JJV DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. E. SCHWARZSCHILD, Proprietor. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Full Stock of Butterick Patterns. Address P. 0. Box 119. McClarens Buildin, (Opposite F. M. Wilkins' Druir Store.) Has an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. rjrOrders for Books and Subscriptions lo Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at tended to, Bowel Troubles, and Crnmp, Colic, or any Internal or External Pain. Ask your druggist for it J S. LUCKEY, CALEB IN Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc Reoariri2 Promptly Executed. A II Worst ttarranled.Jlfl J. 8 LD'JKKY T. O.HnnBicns, S. B. Eain, Jr., Caiihier fresiavnc First National Bank Of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital 50,000 Surplus and Profits, $10,000 Eugene City --Oregon. A rSeral banking business done ' in ma m- i&snVcoE1 land, oregon. Bills of eichange sold on foretjrn countries. Deposiw received subject to check or cert.b "Aufflonsentrused to u. wiU revive prompt attention, PAY & HENDERSON. AXD Jndertakers University Bookstore, I Fl'RXITlRK DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. 6 Dea ers Heal Estate Transfers. Jl'MTION CITY. Jane Tcmpleton to W G Pickett, lots 0, 1(1, blk 34; flUUO. T J C'raitf to A V. WiKiiluwk, lot 10, block 1!, College Hill Park; fl!00. SIMIINUFIKLD. K Maude to Amy Maude, 7.57 acres, except lots deeded to J. 11. Ennis ami L. Morgan, in block 00; (1. JtfNCTIOX. A N Gardner to John Welch, lots 0, 7 and 8, blk 39: $300. Fauny A Harkins to Floyd R Howard, lots 0 and 10; $125. COUNTRY. Benjamin Davis to May Davis En-zenHperger.-' acres in Tps 17 and 18 S R 3W;$1. E S Hieks to Fannie Lock wood, 3.7 acres of land in T 18 8 It 3 W; $400. Oilmore Sliircly to L E Flegal, 310 acres in Tp 17 8, R 2 E; $2400. E C Derrick, et al, to Jno M Ogle, 35.0'J acres in Tp 111 8, U 2 W; $425. S U Brnnton to J M Dick, 300 acres in Tp 17 S, R 2 W; $4000. Iiufus Edmunson to John H Far lflgh, 40.W in T 17 8 It 4 W; $1100. Hurtwell F Hunnlcutt to It C Ed wards, 83.13 acres in T 10 8 R 1 Wj $415. Arvilla Duckworth to T J Duck worth. 100 acres in T 17 8 R 0 W; $1. J E Butler to N E Britt, 80 acres in T 10 S R 0 W; $100. W J Pengra to B J Pengra, land in T18SR3 W; $1. Ansel Hemcuway to Annie Anilier gcr et al, 10 acres in T 18 8 It 3 W; tooo. Matthew Hniith to Sarah J Bryant, land in T 16 H R 6 W; $100. Harriett Wilts to D A Paine, land in T 18 S K 4 W1 $1 'o&CRRtoJM Suiiglty, 80 acres in T 17 S, R 0 W; $200. FOR PITCHER'S CastoHa promotea IMgertioM, and overcoiuoi Flatulency, Constiition, Boor Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverish neas. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural Caitorla contains DO Morphine or other narcotic property. u Oastoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prrecripUon known lo me." H. A. A acusa, at. I., 83 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, K. V. " I nee Castorla In my practice, and find It specially adapted to affecuooa or children.'' Alcx. Knnnmnx, M. D., luf,7id ATo..NewYork. Tn Cnrracn Oo, 77 Murray St., K. T. Then Baby was sfclfc fae ker Oastoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Xisa, aba chine to Casteria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. Clin (R FRIDAY, JULY 22. The iieach crop In Lane county Is light. John Uoliiusnu's circus dues not exhibit in Albany this year. Mias Mil uie Relincrof 1'ortlaud haa just retnrned bi re from a visit to Dead wood. The rock for the new county Jail is being hauled from the Thurston quarry. Judge Fullerton has been holding court this week from 8 a. tn. until 10 p. hi. dully. E. J. Frtwier has gone to Tueoiua in annwer to a telegram stating his sister at that place In very ill. ('has. Haines, a printer from Port land, is in Eugene on his way home from the wa coast near Florence. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fox and Rev. O. A. Blair and family went to Newport this morning. Mrs. Craw wentyester day. - . K. A. WilJi, who his been selling wire fenoe in this vicinity for some time past, left for Ilwaco, Wash., this morning, for a few days outiug. Win. Renshaw and family left by private conveyance for Heceta Head this morning. They will be absent about one month. Among those who attended tho fu neral of F. B. Dunn, from a distance, we noticed Judge R. 8. Bean, of Salem, and Robt. Clow, of Junction. Three "sure thing" operators were in town last night. They are working trains on the 8. P. It. R. If they caught anyone in Eugene we have not reports, The business men, by the cloning of tneir nouses loony, tcsitucu to tne sterling worth and character of their late fellow worker and neighbor. Albany Democrat, July 21: Wm. Obenauer camo from Eugeno this fore noon, arriving here at 1 o'clock, in six hours, which is rapid bicycle riding for promiscuous rods. A girl usually looks so pretty when she puckers up ber lips to try to whistle that it is daugerons for her to do so In the vicinity of a young man in the moonlight, for fear she may be misunderstood. Ileppner Gazette, July 19: O.Crawford, uncle of Vawter Crawford, accompanied by bis family, got in Saturduy, overland, from Mohawk valley, Lane county, on their way to Waitsbure, Wash., where thny will lo cate. They remained in Ileppner till yes terday morning. Pendleton, E. O.: "Capt. I). W. Jar- vis, ex-superintendent of this county, has accented the principalshin of one of the Portland schools, and will re move to that city to teach, lie has re signed as principal of the Athena school." Prof. Jarvis is a son-in-law of (iov. Whlteaker. In an article in the Oregonian con cerning tho next Mechanics fair at rortiana wo unit tne following: "air. Crouch, of Eugene, who Invented the Urn ritt lituu lirnnrYifi f Mikiitiuiiu nnma till l ui.ii.fKa v j ii t a j i s . jJiiuiifn duiuv surprising features in connection with Ms exhibit. As lie is an uregoniaD we take an interest In his work." The Dalles Sun, Jnly 19: The The contest proceedings, institued by Mr J. M. Ilunliagton against Mr. J. B. Cros sen, who wns elected county clerk at the late election came up belore Juice tsrail- ahaw Monday afternoon. Mr. Huntington bad as connul Mr. Lord oi f ortland and Mr. U. S. Huntington while Mr. Crossen was represented by Judge Bennett and J. L. Story. The deledse objected to the do tioe of oontcjt as handed in and oounsel ad dressed the judge with a view cf having the whole matt.tr tbrown out. Alter neatin arguments pro and con, the court rendered his decision adversely to tbe plaintiff, and Mr. Crossen will oontinue to aot as connty clerk. There was no recounting of ball ots. East Oregon Ian: Three strange tn dlans were noticed on our streets a day or two since. They are Bannocks, one belnir a "big chief" or that tribe. Since the war of 187Q there has been bad b)ood lictweeit the Bannocks and the Umatilla reservation Indians. Prior to that time they were very friendly and engaged iu trade, the Umatlllas exchaninnir ponies for furs and buffalo robes. But in 1876 the Umatillas took un arms on tho side of the whites agalnsl the hostile Bannocks The latter's chief, Fan, was s'ain by Ten-e-ou-itz, and a force of Bannocks was driven throucli the Camas Prairie country by a party of Umatilla braves. The hearts or each trine Have since been turned against the other, and there have been no relations between them. The visit of these Bannocks was for the nurnose of restoring neace and friendliness. They were well re ceived on the reservation, dlfllculties were patched up and the hatchet was burled deep. As is customary with the Indians, a number of presents were given the visitors as tokens of good will. UU1 Creek Smiles. July 10, Blackberries are about gone. Hop picking is almost here. 1802. There are several cases of whooping cougu in tne neignuoraooa Bills are out announcing a circus August 4. Hope every one will go and enjoy themselves. Miss Mollle Whitmorc made her par ents a short visit a few days ago. She has now returned to Eugene. The Sunday school is progressing nicely under the management or the suixTintemient, .Mr. uuryee. I'.very one is cordially Invited to attend. Very many timber claims have been taken up, still there Is a vacancy. But timber men, look out for the "galvanic battery" placed Just below Geo. Whit- DeCK'S. Married, at Mill creek, July 17, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Itev. T. J. Whitmore, Mr. Henry franklin ana Miss iseiiie liolcomu. We wish them a happy and prosper ous life. Z. Y. X. A. O. U. W.-The Grand Lodge has elected officers for the ensuimr year as follows: It. J. Hawthorne, of Eugene. G. M. W.; Dr, T. C. MeKackey, of Gardiner, G. F.; J. J. Branln, (. O., IL li. Durham, u. it.; ewton nark, (i. H. J. H. Durkee, Trustee; J. J. Daly, Soli (John and T. A. Stephens, representatives to the wupreme iMlge, Dally Guard, July a Bi'KNEr. The steamer R. C. Young was burned at Dove's landing, above Salem, yinterday afternoon to the waters edge. Loss with $3000 In surance, ANOTHER HIDDEN DEATH. Hiram Stewart, of Oosheu Precinct, Expires Suddenly Sutunlny. Hiram Stewart, an obi and highly resjieeted nloneer residing about lour miles southwest of UohIicii, went out to milk his cows as usual Saturdtiy evenlng, July 23, at about 8 o'clock, and being absent an unusual length of time, bis wife became alarmed and went out and found him lying dead upon his face. He received a partial sunstroke about three years ago ami since then has been in very poor health, especially unable to endure warm weather. He w as 72 yea in of age. He was down to (ioshen during the day, and in speakingof Mr. Dunn's sudden death remarked that when he wns to die he wanted some warning. The funeral took place Monday at 10 a m. frbiu his late residence to the Cres well cemetery, the attendance Wing very large. Circuit Court. rainir, jclt 22. And still tho court Is being enter tained with the testimony in the case of Penirra vs Wheeler, and it is likely to take another day yet to tlnich the same. Tne court adjourned at noon today until 0:30 p. in., to allow the ollleers, attorneys and witnesses to attend the funeral of the late F. B. Dunn. SATURDAY, JULY 23. Tho testimony In the caso of Pengra vs Wheeler was concluded last even ing at 8o'cloek. Attorneys Woodctnk, Gallagher and Fllun have made their arguments today, and at the time of going to press Attorney Williams was addressing thojcourt. Tbe argument in the TeuKra-Wheeler case was finished at 6 p. m when the judge took tbe case under advisement. In the oase of Mattie V. Dnrant vs. II W. Jones, injunction, 8. II. Friendly was appointed receiver vice F. 11. Dnnu, de ceased . Tbe court then adjourned for the term. Warning. Some few days since the uahi called the attention of its readers to a gross violation of the Oregon game law. Pursuant to its statement at that time, we intend to publish all names where actual proof of guilt can be udducetl iu this respect. The case at hand to which we call the attention of the ollleers is t wo boys, one named Luekey and tho other Whitney, in killing young grouse and pheasants, but little more than feather ed out. Twenty or twenty-tlvo were peddled about towu this way only last Saturday. These birds are scarcely as large as a quail yet and no true sportsman will kill birds which have not attained one third their growth. Card of Thanks. Euciknc, July 21, 1H'.)2. V. ilMfilre In ATnreM nnr Gratitude to our friends In and ont of our own church for ihmr ennalant attention and nntirins assist ance and sympathy daring our Into severe sickness. Also to Urs. l'aine, rreniice anu Harris for their vigilance and successful treatment. Rkv, and Has. Q. A. Hlaib. The Rush hob Land. Oregon City Enterprise: Last Tuesday morning three and a half townships of newly surveyed government land were 0ened ror tilings at the uregon City lanu oi lice. All of this laud Is situated in Clatsop county and most of It Is well tuunerett. Applicants ior mo lanu oe gnn arriving Sunday night and con tinued coming atl uay Aiomiay aim me land lawyers were kept busy making ont papers. Tuesday morning bright aud early there were fifty men in line In the corridor leading to tho register's ofileo and there would havo been more but for the belief that a decision would be mado to treat all as simultaneous applications. When the register's door was opened there was a little inclina tion to scramble for position but Cap tain Apperson UM tho applicants that they would all bo treated alike and If any disturbance was made he would close his oiuce anu not receive any applications. Then tho ap plications were filed quietly and ex peditiously and there was no excite ment. Tuesday eighty-six applica tions were filed of which twenty-four were nre-einptlons.fourteen homesteads and forty-eight timber claims. These brought $206 to the receiver. Wednes doy morning a batch of olghty-lx other applications were received by mall rrom Astoria, ah inese, except In cases where there are contests, w ill be admitted to filings at once. Killed bt thi Cass. Albany Demoorut, July 22: As this morning's train with J. II. Andrews as conductor was approaching Oervais, about a half a mile this aide, a man was seen on tbe track in front of the en gine, taming his head ro as to see the ap proaching train. Thinking, of coarse that he would step from the track, the train was not stopped nntil too late. Tbe man was tbrown ten or twelve feet irom tbe track. His left leg and right arm were broken. He was taken on tbe cars to Oervais, but died before reaching that oity. Name, unknown. A. O. U. W. Notks. During the past year 17 new lodges have been organized. The present membership In Oregon is 4.3K4, showing a gain since senaration of 640. Tiie maximum age of new members was reduced from 60 to 45 years. Portland was chosen as the next place oi meeting oi me gnuui lodge, the third Wednesduy in July, 1S'J3. A Bilk. J. P. Jones, tbe man who started the Troy steam laundry on Ninth .treet, skipped out the other day leaving several small bills unpaid. He took tbe machinery to Henderson station for shipment, ttteani laundries have a bard time in snooped ing in Eugene. fiaiairf 'a BiLl.-SberilT Noland Saturday old oa an execution issued out of tbe circuit court in favor of Mary McOraw and asainst W. F. and 0. Gray, 80 acres of land in Beo. 17, T. 20 8., B 6 W, to W. F. Gray, for tbe lumotflio. A 13 fc.TaocT. Chester Osbnrn, so a correspondent informs us, caugb a thirteen oound doily varden trout near the McKen- lie bridge last Thursday. Cheater is tbe cnampbin naoer on us river mis summer. Hobs. In Eugene, Oregon, July 23, lStC, to the wife of Drew Grift In. a son. Drew now steps several Inches higher than heretofore. HOUND OYER. Mclutosli ami Hiowii Held to Await llietiiuiid Jury. 1'iuly i. inthl. July J!. Milnlohh and llrowii, tlin CDUl'iili'iire nu n wito given an (diminution before Jim- lice Iviiim-y lit tho Court House this morn ing at 9 o'clock ou tbe charge of having committed forgery by having raised H. F. f inn s check Irom f 11) to $210 and attempt lug to cash the same. After hearing the evidence, which was ovcrwhehuuiug, tbe Justice bound them over in the sum of 100 each to await the action of the graud jury. Tho prisoners submitted no evidence wnatever. They were taken to Kosvburg this after noon by Deputy Sheriff Croner, to bo con fined In the Douglas county jail as our jail has liceu lorn down to make room for tho tie structure A lett-r was reci ivi d by Sheriff Noland lust night from Sheriff llooth of Crook county axkina him to arrest tbe man Drown. aud sending au accurate description of the individual therewith, for obtaining money utider false prelnnses, which shows plainly timi me couple bad been operating In that scetiou. The letter also stated that if they had any horses in (heir possession they had toltu them iu that county. Tbe two borses which they wore riding are now in pasture at Corvallis aud will probably be claimed soon by souie one. Funeral Ceremonies. hullv ilimrd, July.'.'. The funeral of the late F. II. Dunn took place this afteruoon nt 2:30 o'clock from his late n-aidence to the Masonic cemetery. The pall bearers were as follows! J. 11. McClung and A. V. Peters representing the ciliit-ns, Clius. Johnson and Jos. My ers, the A. 0 U. W. Lodge, S. M. Yoran and J. F. Itobiiiaon Ivanhoe Commandery, Knights Teuiplnr. Chiis. Latter and F. W. Osburn, Eugene Lodge, No 11, A. F. & A. M. The religious services at the residence were conducted by Kev. 1). A. Walters, in a very iiiiprisHive manner. At the grave tho ceremonies wein conducted by the Ma sonic iiud Workmeu lodges. The floral olleiiugs were numerous uud beautiful. The procession was the largest one that ever wendid its way to a oemetery from this oily. The Mutoniu and A. O. U W. Lodges attended in full strength, while Ivanhoe Commandery acted as an escort. A nnm her of Masons from 1'ortlaud, Albany and Juuctiou were present, J. G, Gray acted as cbsplain aud K. M. Day as marshal for t Lio occasion. The public ofllcos of the county and ally, aud every businexs house in Eugeno were closed during thu funeral, attesting the es teem In which bo was hold, and the worth of the deceased. F. 11. Dunn was a good mau, and the poo pie mourn his deuth. Eugene iu bim has lost an invaluable citiseu. Iu their deep allliction tho family have the sympathy ol all Ihe people who have kuuwu him so long and who held him in such high respeot ami regard. Xaii.h. Ex: The regular customary growl about the sidewalks Is now being heard, and we don't wonder at It. They me pretty bad; the nails stick up Just far enough to catch some unwary iwicstrlan, whose thoughts are soaring above the common plane of sidewalks. many rataiilicN have occurred which haven't trot ten into mint, but wo heard one young lady Itcmoanlhg a largo tear In a nlco new pair of hIiocs caused by a luckless mill, She didn't swear, but if it had been a man somebody would have been consigned where water doesn't and where good soelety Is scarce. Another latly was seen ham mer In hand doing a philanthropic work bv ilrivlnir dnu ii tint nulls in lu-r sidewalk. If she ever runs for street commissioner she will get lots of votes, meanwhile, we hoie the proper author ities will give some leisure time and grant a much needed relief. A BakkiiCity Sknsation. Baker City has a business sensation that Is canning a stir there, one of general In terest nil over the stnto. "The sensa tion of the past week, the reported de falcation of the Insurance firm of 8tur glll & Sturgill of this city, lias taken another turn and threatens not a little discomfiture nutl trouble to several Individuals, who have made them selves lust a little fresh. In Justice Jefi'en's court yesterday complaints were entered ly Messrs, John I. Htur gill and J. J. Sturgill, members of the linn of hturgill & hturgill, charging A E. Megill, general agent, A. K. Gart ner, adjuster and examiner of agencies, J. E. Seeley, iqiccial agent, all of the riiocnix insurance Uimpauy, or Jinrt ford, and J. M. lloyd, manager of the Oregon Blade Publishing Company, with criminal lilx'l, and warrants of arrest were Issued ou tho complaint." Dally Uuard, July 1M. Stoke Aitaciikd. Deputy Sheriff Croner last night about 1- o'clock at tached tho grocery store of E. B. Hundsakeraud J.T. Clow, nt Junc tion, ou complaint of the U. S. Bank ing Company of that city, on behalf of Junction claimants, amounting to $1,025. This morning a chattel mort gage was filed in the county clerk's otllce ou the same goods in favor of R. L. Subln, of 1'ortlaud, in tho sum of $3,141.37. Of course the attachment will hold as it is several hours ahead of the mortguge. It Is hoed the firm will be able to resume business. Budly Hurt. Saturday afternoon, bile working one bop hotisx t.f Jack Keeney's, near Goshen, a scaffold gave way precipating Horace Hutchinson, aged ahont 45, to tbe ground a distance ot about 20 feet, breaking his right arm about midway between tbe elbow and wrist, and bruising bis head badly, and injuring bis back. He fell on the inside of the building and struck ou the lower joists. Ho was attended by Dr. Paine wbo set the arm and dressed his other wounds. He is getting along as well as could be expected under tbe circumstances. DallyUuard, July 22. WKUhl.Nd Dl.NXKK. E. D. Matloek and bride returned from Salent last night and tho groom's father gave an elegant dinner in their honor at Brown's restaurant today to about twenty-five relatives and friends. Ye editor can attest the excellence of the affair. May happiness ever be the lot of this newly married couple. Anothkk Victim. C. E. flyers, of Smithfleld, is the latest victim of Mcintosh and Brown, tne confidence men, that we huvo heard of. They purchased $15 worth of goods of him aud paid hint with a cheek signed Brooks on the Portland Saving Bunk, Mr. Dyers paying them the balance, $43 in money. Cottage (irovo Item. Leader, July 23. Mrs. Jeunlo Sehlbred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. stmifl'er, of this city, left for her home nt Livingston, Montana. Wo learn that Scott Chrslmnn of tho racket store intends erecting a new building on his lots near tho bridge, for his own use as a store room in the near future. Wo learn that surveyors will soon commence surveying three townships of government land east of Cottage Grove. We have lieen told that there is good homestead and very valuablo timber land In tho section to be sur veyed. Harry Thompson is having tho sec ond story of his tine new building Just east of the opera hall, finished for hall purposes. The location is ouo of the II nest and most valuable In the city, Mr, Lurch, one of the old timers and one of tho most prosperous business men iu Cottago Grove, intends erect ing for rent, a nice business house on Main street east of Lincoln & Co.'s new store room, Thus the new Im provements of this prosperous city con tinue. Mrs. II. C. Veatch met wlthaverv painful accident Tucsduy. In coming down from tho second story of tho barn she made a wrong step, causing her to loose an control or her motion, wie tumbled down tho stairs bruising her limbs in many places and breaking a rib in her left side. Tho farmers commenced cutting lull grain in this vicinity Monday, and the early planted will yield well. Tho splendid rain hero July 15th and the continued cool, foggy weather since, Is having a lino eltcct on late crams. spuds and gardcu truck. It is addi tional evidence that Oreiron never fails In getting to tho front in lino shape. Ira Wells, awd "8 years, died at hi homo near Elkton, Douglaa county. Oregon, Sunday, July 17. Mr. Well was the iirst man who settled In part of Lane county. Ho hud the honor of erecting the first house near where Mr. O. P. Adams now lives, west Cottugo Grove. Mrs. W. W. Ilawley, daugh ter or nir. and Mrs. Ira Wells who tl'ltll lint liliuitnltji 1 1 'rto nlvr.uin Vtillsia s said to have been the first white m rson born In this part of Idinc county. Mr. and Mrs. llaw- icy and lamiiy attended the funeral i uesday. Three brothers of Mr. Land, who lives up Row river, met with a serious misfortune Friday night July 15. They were coming from eastern Oregon to visit their brother. F'riday night be fore reaching tho homo of their brother they camped out as usual, and during the night while they were sleeping ou tho irround a tree fell tinon them. Tho cheek aud side of tho head of one was very seriously, but perhaps not fa tally hurt. Tho man who was pinned down by the tree remained there until tho tree was cut oil from him. Ho was badly bruised but not seriously injured. Dr. Wall was called to attend the in jured men. ) Skull Fractcbid. Prof. Rold iuform as that the boy Scott, wbo was Injured by a limb broken by a falling tree on Hill's creek, near Jasper is slowly improving. Mr. Keid was one of the campers near the place at the time of the aooidentwhich was caused by some yonng men from near Irving set ting out a fire near where several small par ties were camped to nick blackbenloa. The fire burned into trees falling them uncom fortably close and In some cases serious ac oidents being barely escaped. After bring ing bit family home a few days after the accident mentioned, Mr. Held returned ac companied by a doctor from this oity as there was no one to help the father care for bis son and tbey were poor, ut Lioomtstouuil that the boy's skull was fractured, a depression being plainly noticablc. ino surgical operation was penormeu however as the boy was gaining strength. Look Out fob Him. Sulem States man: "Boswell is in town, and every one who knows anything of criminals will not ask. an explanation, lie is a tall fellow, wears a light felt hat, has dark mustache and usually wears au overcoat and gloves. You will know him by this picture should you see him. He Is the fellow you want to look out for. His professed business In the treating of ladles' hair, removal of ftAtrfl1a ii Kut- It ii la mi nil rllllil inn nx.ini vtvij miv iiu to uu un iou"' slick man. While ostensibly soliciting work in this lino in the resident por tion of the city, he Is at the same time "sizing up" the houses, preparatory to a night raid. He Is a swindler and thief and has done time all over tho country for petty larceny." we understand that tins same indi vidual Is headed for Eugene, therefore we would ask our subscribers to be ou the lookout for him. Wedded. Salem Statesman: "Iu East Portland, on Thursday last, Miss Mary C. Hill was married to Dr. Thomas A. Box, of Tacoma. Tho wedding took place at the residence or A. 11. Breyman, a large and brilliant party being assembled. The bride wan formerly a teacher In tbe public schools . of Salem, and noted as a charming and brilliant young lady. Among inose present from Sulem were: Mrs. E. L. Bristow, sister of the bride, Dr. 8. R. and Mrs. Jessup, and Albert Jessup." Miss mil was born ami reared in Kugene, and her many friends here of fer their congratulations. To Portland. Attorneys J. J. Walton. A. C. Woodcock and A. E. Gallagher have gone to Portland to try the case or unman co. vs rarsou Bros., for damages, In Judge Deady's U. 8. cour. This is a case resulting from the sale of some hops that the Ullmans' had contracted for from the Meesrs. Parsons. It has already been tried In the Lane county circuit court three times, the Ullmans' coming out second best each time. Still they seem to stay. m I xcoRro RATED. Articles of Incor poration of the Can vonvllle Mining Co. have been filed with tho county clerk and secretary of state. Incorporators E. C. Smith, Legh Harnett, II. W. Holden, Halsey, and A. C. Wood cock. Object to run aud operate mines, manufacture lumber and en gage lu merchandising. Principal of fice iu F:ugene. The company will proceed at once to organize and elect ollleers. Heavy Life Insurance. The late F. B, Dunn carried about $17,000 i fraternal and other life Insurance. oil by J H.BSCKLIT