The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 23, 1892, Image 5

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    Among the . few pronounced
"fforkingmenV candidates elected,
to the British i parliament at the
recent election, the most widely
known is John Burns, the great
London labor - leader. He first
came into prominence during the
celebrated Trafalgar riots, and the
reputation then gained was greatly
increased during the great dockers'
strike. His word was law to thou
sands of strikers; and his coolness,
moderation and supreme authority
prevented much threatened dam
age, and led to an amicable adjust
ment of the difficulty. He devotes
his entire time to the cause of la
bor, being supported by penny con
tributions, the aggregate of which
he will not allow to exceed 100 a
ti it ' ' i i
year, lie says mis ib enougn, ana
he will take no more, although he
has been offered 5000 for a year's
leviumig wui. iio to piuuauijr tut;
mostconsistent, able and useful "la
bor agitator" living.
Sheriff Kelly of Portland is a
peculiar man. He has held the of
fice four years and only now finds
out that his deputies wore engaged
fixing juries, and were otherwise
unreliable. He has made several
changes. It is probable these dep
uties voted against Mr. Kelly as
n independent candidate. - If the
people had another chance Kelly,
would follow the deputies on ac
count of his almost criminal care
lessness in handling the murderer
We take the following concerning a
former resident of this city from the
Perry, New York, Herald: "Mw. Oeo.
Abrams left this, Wednesday morning,
for the Corning sanitarium, where she
will take a course of treatment for her
falling health."
It is clnlrned that there are 132 pat
ents for lumber dryer grau ted so far,
and as many more applications filed in
the patent office have been rejected.
It would seem that a man ought to
find a satisfactory dryer from such an
assortment, one that would season a
knot hole without contracting it.
Pendleton E. O.: R. C. Hinton, the
water wheel inventor, was here Tues
day from Foster. He Is on crutches,
having Hlashed his foot with an adze.
Mr. Hinton reports bis new-style wat
er wheel In successful operation at Mr.
Markley's place down the river, and
he has orders for two more. It lifts
some 670,200 gallons of water every
iweniy-iour nours, ana will Irrigate
sixty acres of bottom laud.
Talk about crank. They bar wield
elnb at DIIm, Tm. A few days ago at
Tiller, Ind., Allen Collin, preaident of tha
club, committed uioide in ratponae to tha
curium of Iba clnb. Hi body Waa burned.
Daring (be five boar tha bod; burned, lm
preiiv ceremnnie vera enacted abont tba
blazing pile. When tbe cooeuming flam
bad done their work, Iba aahea were gather
ed together with reverential care and placed
in an urn, on which loving bandt had tract d
in many hue picture eymbolic of tha prin
ciple which had oooa animated him. Col
line left a remarkable letter, ona extract
from wkiob explain it character. It was
written to a friend named Honor Jackson.
Ha eked thit hi body be saved from tha
disserting room and oonclnded: "Pleaa
we tbt my body i turned over to the
Whitecbapel Clnb, and that the organisa
tion incinerate it aooordiug to tba on
torn of tha boy, who have alway been my
Iriendi and weH-wirbers It i growing
dark; a minute more and all will b light or
eternal darkness. Good-bye, old Iriend.
Contract Let.
Dally Guard, July 10.
O. W. Pickett let the contract this
morning for the improvement on his
buildlugs on Willaniettestreetto L. X.
ltonev for 15,200. The other bid were
W. 11. Alexander $5,870 and Ktnlth A
Anderson $5,307.
The plans were drawn by F. T.
Whiteonib and when completed the
building will present a very neat ap
pearance. The lloor of the south room
will be lowered to a level with the
other and a stairway put in between
the two. Aplutegluss front will be
put in the lower story and the upper
part will be pressed brick with galvan
ised trimmings. Three bay windows
will adorn the upjier front and a large
pediment over the stairway bearing
the Inscription, "Pickett Building.''
Tllfl hllilllillir U'lll ho lullirtlu.n.ut
about thirtv Uvl in Mis
second story 1 added. The building
wi(pu iiiiiHiieii win oe an oruameni to
uiai pan, oi me oiock.
A(Xji7iTTD. Tba Portland Telegram
cay: On the 7th of hat April Geo. Will
iaio,uool Hon. Kicbard William, of
tbi city, wa bot nd killed at Sherwood,
daring a quarrel by AW Field. For v
eral day pait Field kaa been on trial at
Hillaboro, and at it oonoluion tba inrv re
turned a verdict of aoquittal on the ground
oi eu aetauM. lue trouble occurred in
tb taloon of Ham He, daring wbiob Will
iamtdrewapivtpl. It eem the pi to I
was not loaded uutrteida claim ba did
not know that fuel Deeming hi life in
great danger f ield drew nu revolver and
bot William, dead."
Young William vu well koown in Eu
gene, hiving resided bet forieveral rear.
xauuina Times: A rumor was
spread on our street this week to the
etlect that the (Southern Pacific had
purchased the Oregon Pacific road,
and credulous ones half believed it,
but It Is doubtless a rumor only, with
uo foundation whatever.
PV , ' MAP. of . Tj
Sn: 7s. VV0ODV5PRN6nCLDl
Kugene, Kairmount "d ljlii "
Springfield are taut grow jjfh j " . I fl i .
lng into one large city EpiiilP I m
with Fa'lrmount in the Xrmimy W I jj
center. Only tour blocki ft
trom Unlvenltyol Oregon, fl, 1V,.?r N, ft 'H
Junction Items,
Times, July 10.
A meeting was held at the C. P.
church Monday evening for the pur
pose of taking action relating to the es
tablishment of a college at this place.
Itev. Hume, representing the synod of
the C. P. church, stated the object of
the meetiug. lie said the synod,
which is composed of Oregon, Wllla
metteand Walla Walla nrebbyterles,
has determined to establish a college
and as Junction City was central the
committee rather favored this place.
The proposition Is this: If Junction
City will donute ten acres of land and
$5000, the synod will donate au eoual
amount aud erect a $10,000 . college
building. Aside from the matricula
tion fees towards Its maintenance an
endowmeut fund will be created for
mar, purpose which will be perpetual
In Its benefits. The meeting was then
organised by electing Dr. Lee chair
iimiiandH. L. Moorehead secretary.
AcommltUeof five, consisting or Dr.
Ie,C. W. Lamson, & L. Moorehead,
VV. L. Houston, and C. W. Washburne
was appointed to Uke the the matter
In hand.
Wuhmotok, July 18. Pcwtrntitenia
Oregon: DilUs, TJ 8. Grant; Independ
ence, Eaai 0. Itobertaon.
nileaa'i Caviar Baaly Paleaaea.
U . .... n ...
ur,, jiny 18. CWlslalllo
John T. Carter, of North Yamhill pre-
unci, lies hi me point or oeatn at his
home. Carter Is the man who cai
tured Charles Wilson, Mamie Walshes
murderer. In taking Wilson, Carter
got his finger in the murderer's mouth,
and Wilson's sharp teeth took nearly v
all the flesh off it. Blood poisoning set
In, aud for two days Carter's condition
has been critical.
The Free Oregon S
g the leading InsUtuUon of Xane.ty tfrt gjj" g . iffi
Nue faster than in any other part
j met
mt the
hilroad will be built from the
fl.iuM mnaronr v lnprvfuiiiir iu iiuuuiLaiii ouu 11 aitiuiuuui. - an niuuiit.
as well as the geographical center of what is proposea to oe ,oo 'i! " " ""I 7' ," mi tlihend in the Willamette river seeinni).M.w i .
connecting ine two
. . . . . i A A IL Al.t... l 1. 1
Ui. ll , h Th. Kne street railway will probably be extenaeo k , nneci w, , . , ium g ...r.
htthe n c7taclbie and ' 1
V- i ... . i i Mnnni nun umII mntlnue. ...
io in population nas Deen pueuunre - V .. i i if vou do
LoU $150 to $300 on three years time if you build. cash, If you ao
not wish to build.
Eugene or Fairmount.
Chicaoo, July 18,-ltalph E. Hoyt,
a journalist In Chicago in early days,
but now a resident of Los Angeles, re
cently wrote a letter to ex-l'resldeut
Cleveland, touching the latter's in
dorsement of the tariff' plank In the
Chicago platform. Today he received
a letter from Cleveland in reply, In
which occurs the following significant
utterance: "I think no sincere advo
cate of au honest tariff can be dissatis
fied with the posit lou of the democrat
ic party ou that subject, and I am sure
there is no need nt f.-ur tlm lw nn.
test will not be niaifonn tiiu llnoa li,l
down, which have already proved to
lie ni-u- uuuie j great majority or tne
Wkhisotox. D. fl.. Jul. in tk. p.i
dent bsa nomiuau-d Geo. 8bira, Jr, of
rennayivaDia lor juatic of tba upreui
Taa Eagllaai Elecllaa.
TjOhdon, July 19. Only two member of
lb hoaan of oomrnuo remain to b elected
ontofstoul 670. Ona of tbeea ia at
Tipparary today; tha other at Orkney is
Uud next week. Tba pariie now Und
government, 814: opposition 354. Th di
tiict to be heard I rom will go toOladatooa.
giving blm majority in th next
bouw of 4'2. Thomas Bextoa wa elected
In Kerry.
Archbishop Uross In Eugene.
Next Bnnday the 24lh of July Moat Be.
ArrbbiebopOroea will say mas in th '
Catbalio church at 730 a. mu preaching at '
101)0 a. m and 74X1 n. m ill w, i.
hereby tordiatly Invited to bear tbia well.
uuwa utaiui. auuiiakioo, iref,
Paardi Bscs.
From there Hi Grace will visit Monro,
th m (anion in Benton Co., Taeaday,
the 20th of July, and bold there oeremooie
iu morning and aveuing. By teaaoa of
thas anangemanta tb regular aervic at
Monroe ia not to ba attended by Bev. Baoki
but laid father ia on tba 3Ut of July in bin v
retidenoa plaoe.
Thcmb Amputated. Ham Baxter
llvlngon the Mohawk, while leading a
vicious horse with the halter wound
around the thumb of his right hand
had the misfortune to have that mem
ber Dulled eomnletelv oflT in
Joint and the flesh to the second, so
ii aiuijuutiivii wu necessary at the
second joint of his thumb. Dr. Paine
of this city assisted by Dr. Prentice
dressed the wout d.