The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 23, 1892, Image 1

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ilj xJ hHJIjIM JLi
NO. 40.
V()L 24
lit tfuflfitf iti! tfuarfl.
and I'rturlrlor,
PSDIl""-- -
..irF-Oo the Eaat of Willamette
2ht E1Khth 8tr"U'
, 12 00
. 1.00
. .75
(t onn
nnn ONLY
. i .rfi.ioetiU Inserted as follow.:
AJ" ten Una. orle one insertion Mi
Jirirtfc L Ch r,ulrl
"advertiser, will be charged a t tb. ol-
month. ..WOO
""f';. in local column, 20 canta
tor each insertion.
-urtUin. bill, will be rendered quarterly.
J"b work must be rm vobos baxivm.
WtSK "TV. - - - OREGON
OFFICE ! "i 8 M';-,lBren Buiiainit.
Mcial attention given to Collection.
,! Frolwte business.
Seymour W. Condon,
"V -
m itiiirfiii
Orncs-Room in Conner's Block.
iitarney and Ccunsallor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Ofllce In Masonic Temple.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store,
Special attention given to Probate biuinee.
ud Abstracts of Title,
Owes Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY
block, opposite Guabd office. All work
Una-hing gas administered for painles. ex
tnctiun ot teeth.
J. 8. WALTER, 11 D. S.
Dugcnc, Oregon.
Dental Room. Willamette Street, opposite
Ksker's Hotel
Ullrt nAim wmr nvolD A T3T T?
Karms, Improved and Unimproved Town
Property for tale, on easy terms.
Proparty Eentod and Eents Collected.
Th T r : T HnMunf .r.
Wong the Oldest and most Reliable, and in
l Prompt andEo,urrB:.K adjustment of their
"J Stakd Second to None.
. share of your patronage i. solicited.
0ffice-ln City Hall.
Eltlhllafca.,1 I. A text BamnlM hf mall O.
prt will receive prompt and careful at-eimoa
fiW Silver Bullion "g&Vf'&ti&S:
ii.-a. ins I ins Lawns: SI, Sesrir. Csta.
Act on new principle
tad bowel throve w
, Mm. Da. nW Pna
torpid liver and eonsUpa
Uon. Smaller aiUdeat,
nrertl OOdoae,25a
Sample free at
k - . - . - ILL... IbJ.
osburn & Delano,
hgs, Pharmacy, Chemicals, Elc, Etc
liTiiclaa Prescription. : Compounded.
Ayq Sliowing the l?est Line of
For the Money, in Eugene.
E. E. Luckey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
Full Stock ot Butterick Patterns.
Address P. O. Box 119. I
University Bookstore
McOlarens Buildin ,
(Oppoeite F. M- Wilkin.' Dru Stoi.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile. Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
reorders for Books .nd Siibsariptions
lo NewspapetH and Periodicals proaiptly at
tended to.
n .i m ..tlAa and Trnmn. Colic Or
any Internal or External Pain. Auk jour
druggist for it
Clocks. Watches, Cha:ns. Jewelry, Etc.
RDainnz I'rompuy nxecuieu.
-AllWorlJ WarrauUd.jtM
T. CHeupbicis,
a B. Eakin, Jr..
Of Eugene.
Paid up CasTTfsipilal $50,000
Surplus and Profits, S.0,OW
Eugene City --Oregon.
A (tSeral banking busine- ''TivfH'?"
able terms. Sight .IrafU on NMV
llill. of lichange sold on foreign conntnej.
J;po.iU received robject to check or certifi
cate of deposit. . ,
All collection, ertroaed to us will recriM
prompt attention.
Eugene, Oregon.
Firsi latia
J. El
Ke;iJ KotiitQ Traiwtpra.
E J Fiusier to M C and and O F ZieRler,
lotx 17 und 13, block 1, V and IP. addition;
Ernest U Lee to I W Starr, 25x100 feet,
block 40; $150.
J T Martin to Herbert I. J Martin, 12.G8
scream 1 18 s, r 2 w; SIS'J.
Curroll L Moores to Cliiw II Moores,
one-twdftli land In T 17 8 JUW;
John Debrick to Win Knlspol, 7.34
acres; $23. , , ,
Jacob tiillcsplo to John Debrick,
428.23 acres in T J7 8 It 3 W; f 14,089.
A J Cruznn to M C Hyland, 140 acres
in T 19 8 It 2 W; f 1.
Geo McCoy to Luther Y McCoy, 80
acres in T 20SR4 W; fL
at. Walsh Thanks Ollicera.
Mr. Walsh lias preparexl the follow
ing recognition of the ofllcers for pub
lication in the Oregon City Enterprise:
To the detectives and ofllcers of
Clackamas and Multnomah counties,
and to the citizens of Milwaukee ti'ie
undersigned desires to express
his sincere thanks for their vlgilan
and kind assistance in ferreting out
and obtaining the confession of tin
murderer of my little daughter Mamie;
and especially do I thuuk Geo. A.
Reed lor his untiring efforta, fori think
it is due to his vigilance in hunting u
the evidence of guilt that compelled,
tho confession of the murderer Wilson.
Mamie's Father.
Tbachiotomt PienFORMKn. Dr. Smiley,
assisted by Drs. Pyue and Kuykendall.
performed Ibe opjration of tracheotomy on
the five year old .on of Mr. ISraylord Sun
day morning, which was made neoessary b.r
membranous croup. This operation ii ver
seldom performed. The child today is do
wel I and every symptom points to its Bpeedy
Casta rl promote. Digestion, and
overcoiu m Plutuleucy, Conatipation, Soar
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feveriahneas.
Thus tho child is rendered healthy and Its
sleep MtnraX- Castor! contains no
Morphia or other narcotic property.
MCaatflra Is so well adapted to children that
I reoomnaa d It as superior to any praacripUuD
known tone." II. A. Assents, M. D.,
88 Portland Ate., Brooklyn, N. T.
" I wm Cm itoria In my prmctlra, and find It
specially aua pted to affection, of children."
am. Koikbtoow, M. D.,
1(67 Id Ave.. New York.
Tn Cxvun Co, 77 array St., If. T.
Whea Baby was atck, we gave her Caorla.
When she wa. a (VuTd, b crtod t or OaatorU.
Vhea aba became Jliaa, abe clnnf to CasMtta.
Woes she had CUM rea, "be gave (beat CatloraV
J. J. Col en returned to Kugeiio on
this ftfteru xiu's local.
Mrs. Anni IXosflton. of Springfield, is
Jii((erousl: ill, the effect oj a fall.
C. II. IV the lighthouse contrac
tor of llciria Head, is In town.
Dcvutv Postinaslcr lCukln has re
turned fwii the 8lusluw country.
L. (illstiiin. )f Kitringfleld, has gone
to Ijtuteni Washington on a visit.
Mrs. II. D. Norton left on tho over-
laud last night on a three months visit
to rclatlvit. In California.
Prof. I P Holland.ol Snringfield.hMbeen
elected principal of the school at Cottage
Grove. Mr. Holland is an able educator.
Fjtsie (1. Roliertson law been appoint
ed by the president, postmaster at In-
tlepeiuleiue, anil U. r. ttramai imims.
It Is reported that some r.ugeno par
ties were siuwssful in the ltilsiaiia
lottery drawing that took place on the
An exchange says one strawberry
docs not make a festival; but one
oyster has been known to make a
church fair stew.
The family of J. it. Stowell returned
yesterday from a four days camping
'trip to Windbury creek, aliovo Jasper.
During their stay they nicked ninety
live gallons of blackberries.
McMinnrlle Reglctei: Chas. Kline and
family leava Satnrdav for Foley Spring.
Mrs. Kline will reuiaiu tlieia while Mr.
Kline accompanied by two other gentlemen
will go ioto the mountiiin. on a prospering
A canipmeeting will lie held at Low.
ell, commencing August 11 and hold
ing until August 21, under tho niauagv
incut of Rev. J. M. Sweeney. Ho will
be assisted by Rev. I. D. Driver and
other able ministers.
Coos Ray News: Gus Risdon who
has been foreman in this olllee for
nearly two years past, left for the city
on the Del Norte. If ho obtaius suit
able employment he will return Im
mediately for his family.
James Etfiin, a blind tombstone man was
given a hearing before a justice of the
peace at PortUud, yesterday on a chaige
of adultery with Mr Isabella Johnson and
was discbarRed, no evidenoe being adduced
to substantiate the charge,
The graveling of 8th and Oth strecU
is being well done. The gravel Is flue
and can-fully selected. While it may
Ihi hard to pull over for a time, the
winter ruins will settle and cement It,
making first-class streets. Rut little
dust in summer or mud in w inter.
Springfield Messenger: Levi and John
Chesnut living two miles north of town
and who have been quite sick for some
time are now improving. As soon as
able to travel they will be accompanied
by their nephew, K. M. Carpenter, to
Hot Soring. Arkansas, to try the heal-
i'ng properties of those famous springs.
8Drinsfl-ld Messenser: The eleotrio
li jht dynamo now lying at the depot wait
ing to be put lo use in the Spring
fle'd Electrio Light Works is pronounced
to he one ol the Unest in the state, inn
niafcnifloent plant is capable of
light, for ii t only Springfield and Eugene,
but for Coii ige Grove, Junction, and even
Harrisburg. We shall gladly welcome the
day when w irk begins on the power house.
The 27tli Quarterly session of the State
Oortioultur I Booiety, whloh has just
olosed its il teresting labors at Hood River,
was largely atteuded. One of the import
int feature, of tbe session was selecting the
wild grape i.e the flower to represent tbe
slate. Vsr.ous other plants and flower,
were discunied. and the blossom of the wild
sroDe was d-jullv adopted. Whether or not
tbe adoption of this native will meet with
general publio favor is not known yet.
Florence Notes.
Tho West, July 15.
Several forty-pound salmon have
lieun cauaht in the river tills week.
Steamer Chance reported 12 feet of
1 1 .. ... I.'-l .1 .. Annnn
wateron our our iuii rnuj sTi-mug,
and only two hours of flood tide.
The Chinamen for the Meycr&Kyle
salmon cannery are exjiecieu iu ruc
on the Ch'ince some time next week.
Enginee.1 Lyell has received Instruc
tions from Cant. Bymons to push the
work at this place. This will necessi
tate the employment of several more
men. rue instruction w iiubu u
,.hL- la iiiiilmilit.illv occasioned bv
our having received the additional ap
propriation off 20,000.
Work on the mouth of the river is
chAv. rimMntcrf are
mmu wnrlrtnir nil Mm nlll( hllildluir.
iiutt " r " t " - - ' '
The hoisting uerricK is neany com-
..bitaii nu iu n un 11 H iiiiiiw. mr iiiu
wlotlno. imirltin. An PxtellH oil of the
w harf is to be at the north end for the
purpose of raising the pile-driver from
tlssscow. This wharf will be the
commencement of the tramway prop
A Town With Three Saraco.
n.iu. T insorint Tlir ! a bit of hluto-
ry oonnected with the neighboring postoiTioe
f uiMrraall. rammonlt known as Dixie by
th oldar inhabiUnt. of the country. Tbe
in ntinn &VttA H tn whers the
name Rickreall came from, associated a. it
ia with tbe beautiful stream LaCreole, upon
. -hose bank it lie.. The post office was
ahHshed back in the sixties. Tbe first
: ' ..,,DOAtMl wa. "Dixie." But at that
.nd c, ilonel Nesmitb, a. god-father of the
iimA u lrc" s . - r---
new ou - -r: . - rr . ..7 ..
r anviutn nrnnninir 01 iub luutu
a .. . niinHino title ana SUDlt tUtlOK 106
name "Ureole." An error was made in
nallino th wora ai nasoiogwu, ran m
office w8ent . Pon record a. "Rick-
reall"tnd ! remaiueu uiai w
.....ntallr Killed.
t . Jul v IS. Today T. G.
Rlfhinond an old resident or 1'olK
lllUllDOIl l, nil ..... . ... . , , ,
I I A 1.1. AH. Vl... -"-rf . . .' ..
county, w.ui ace - - , -"
fann near uaiia -
fence on his place, he was seen to sud
denly fall back and strike his head
against t.i k"""' "
neck He was caiTled to the house
and medical aid summoned, mil ne
died almost immediately after the ac
Cioaa Sioss PrcHaro.Al Anten
fi gar .to. c .met of WUlamett. and Ninth
! itreeU, and will continaa tbe business. Al
, is a genial, aocial Kentlwnan and Is entitled
to a gooa omutrnm.
l w I'.i . tnu I 'urn. rrl' J A
: Gray hav.. sold their grocery store to
'j He takes rKisseasion at once.
Mr. .ictricr. revuj . ...u..
A Bold Robber.
Albany Democrat, July 14.
A verv cool affair occurred last even-
lug near Tangent, one not often dupli
cated. Mr. John Lupcr and family
had been to a religious service In the
town, Immediately afterwards starting
for hitmn in two u'uirons. a son (Irivlllif
ono and going ahead some distance.
When about naif a muo irom langeni
a man, with a mask, presented a revol
ver nt iId lunil of the vounir man. and
demanded his money, which only hap
pened to be about ou mils, which was
landed over: but not satisfying the
robber. Leveling Ills revolver at young
Loner' head he exam lied Ills iiiH'kets
lilinself, getting nothing for his pains,
and then ordered him to proceed on his
journey, Mr. l.uper men came upami
was "Mood no" in like manner, tne
robber getting only nbout J.'l. After
going home Mr. Luper and son re
ttirutHl to Tangent and untitled the cit
izens. The man was seen on tho plat
form, his delothes an Unlit hair easily
distinguishing him. Not knowing
that be inlirht bo arrested bv anyone
and held for the officer a constable was
hunted up, but by that time the bold
mhlxir liiul ilisnnnciircd. He was a
young man, blonde complexion, about
5 feet 7 Inches, and smooth laced.
Junction Items,
Times, July 10.
Dr. M. V. Shaw has located hew for
the practice of his profession.
llpnrv Dnv. the irood lookillirdciiutv
sheriff, was liere Monday.
Francos, the live year old daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. Wallace, of Monroe,
died Thursday.
Fred HIckok. our nlirht oixrator, has
secured a month's lay-oil' and will visit
his mother at Stockton, California.
From there he will visit 'friseo tttui
the coast.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F.nos Hitroole have the
sympathy of their friends in the loss of
their little girl whoso death occurred
Tuesday. I Irani fever was tne cause
of its death.
V M Ijwilinu imiilii tho iliseoverv
that the roof of his drugstore, although
only about two yean old, is rotten and
will have to lie replaced, ims is a
verv short life for an Iron roof but such
Is tiio case nevertheless. Mr. Ia has
ordered tho material for a new roof.
As ner advertisement J. W. Htarr
oih'Ihmi the sealed bids received for the
1 . . . . I I , 1 !
erection oi ins new wick uiisiiiewuiiiea
on the 12th. The bids were as follows:
Anderson & Smith, of Salem, $1721; K.
Hradshaw, l4!i; f. r. wniieoniu,
$1440. Mr. Whltcomb's bid being the
lowest he was awarded the contract.
Tho building is to be completed by
Oetolier I.
Pleasant Hill Items.
July 13, 1892.
Tbe blackberry crop is being harvested.
Travel over the military road Is quite ex
Late sown Drain will be very short for
laok of rain.
James Ituchsnnan has rented for a term
of years the Dmry farm.
We believe that 0. A. Davis is the first
farmer to harvest wheat at this place this
A dauuhther of Henry Cain, aged about
14 vears. was buried in oar cemetery on
Friday last. She died of consumption.
S. Handsaker is here again from bis ranch
near Florence and will attend to business
in tbe pioneer store daring tne aosenoe oi
W. L. liri.tow, who will start to the coast
in a few days.
Muntinn wa. made in these items about a
year ago in regard to a law suit that was
tried in Douglas Co. in regard to a land
transaction made au years ago, in wuica
the deed was not recorded, and in which
ITnnla Ram Handaaker was dofond int. The
land grabbers, who were defeated in tbe
Drat trial, oamea tne ca.s to me ouprcmo
Court, but were again beaten.
IS. A.
Sous of Veterans Mustered In.
Pnmn Grnnt No. 1. Division of Ore-
rrnn KliMB of VctenillH WHS IllUStcrCll ill
Saturday evening by mustering officer
U. 11. wempie assisieu Dyjir. rrencii,
both from Portland, with 20 charter
membere. The ofUoen elected were as
follows: Captain, A. K. Gallagher;
first lieutenant, n. ti. Miner; sccona
lieutenant, Cecil Dority. J. A- Wil
liams wn nnnolntcd first serircant.
Herbert Martin, quurtcrmaster ser
geant, and Otto Itowlund, sergeant of
theguara. ine omer appointment;
were deferred. The boys consider
themselves lucky in getting the camp
number one, and are looking forward
tnmnklnir this one of the strongest
camps In the division. They are to
hold their flret meeting Wednesday
evening, July 20th.
MiBBiiD. We take tba following from a
Hpokane reus, wain., eicuenge; --nu
Saints' church was tbe scene of au exceed
innlt. nroit wciMino Wttlneadav afternoon.
Charles R. Fcnton, one of Spokane's prom-
,. n ti. l -
loent lawyers, ana Alias diary auarner,
promineDt young lady of this city, were
mow I mfl .nrl ifa br tho Hav. W. Hush-
son, and so oa quite elaborately, for it was
an elaoorate anair.
Mr. Fenton bas ninny friends in Eugene.
He graduated from tbe normal department
of tbe Slate University in 1885.
Tim New Jail. Tho walls of the
nld lull hnvp been torn down, and ex
cavutlng has already commenced for
the east wall. J lie location ior tne jail
hits been changed. Tho front of the
now alrneture will be about five feet In
front of the old building. It will be
two stories in height and 4.'ix4'J feet in
size. W. 11. Abrams has Is-en ap
pointed superintendent of construction
until Judge Flsk returns.
Dally Guard, July IS.
Kr'hlaw Railroad. A nuetlngof
the dlrecton of this road wns beid yes-
1 I H. u
lerday aiternoon ana eveiuiiK
mulg nntilic. hut we are orom-
Ised important developments In a few
days. The Tacoma gentlemen left for
Portland on this morning s local train
Kifnivrs (VivvEXTioji. Tlie time
of the annual state convention of
sheriffs to be held In Kugene has been
postponed until Monday, August, ist.
Tlie Call nas neeo ismieu uy nueriu r ur
nlsh, of Pendleton.
Marbikd. In Lane county, Oregon,
July 11, 1W2, by Rev. Jas. II. Howard,
Eugene St. Amant and May Johnson,
all of Lane county, Oregon.
Governor IVnnoyer Kemiudu the
Railroad Commissioner of Their
Duty to Prepare One.
Wednesday Governor I'eiinoyer ad
dressed the following succinct letter to
the state board of railroad commis
sioners: Kxix i tivkOkmck,, July 1:1,
1MI2. Messrs. Colvlg, Rols-rt Clow
and A. N. Hamilton, Railroad Com
missioners, Salem, Oregon.
Gentlemen: Tho supremo court of
the I'liltcd States, in tlie case of Rudd
vs New York 1 1.1 V. S. 617 having
recently renlllriiied tho doctrine that
" It is within the power of tho legisla
ture to declare what shall W a reason
able coiiiciisatioii for the services of
(icrsons exercising a publlt! employ
ment and to tlx a maximum beyond
which any charge would U unreason
able," wliile at the same time it has
not receded from Its position tit the
Minnesota ease l;S4 V. S. 41H that
the reasonableness of the rates tlx by
a railroad commission can be inquired
into by the courts, necessarily imposes
iimhi you, in order to prwuro the
dellnite establishments of Just rates,
free from judicial interference, the
grave necessity of reporting to the next
legislature u maximum rate bill for en
actment. Your Investigation of such
matters will enable you to prepare
such a bill, and the six months inter
vening U'forc the legislative session
will give you ample time and ought to
bo employed by you in formulating
such a measure.
Very resMH'tftilly,
Returned Rome.
Daily (iuanl, July l.'i.
Geo. M. Miller arrived homo from
Flor"iiccon Wednesday's stage and
reHirts things nourishing at tho jetty
works and the lighthouse. Ho spent
several days at lleceta Head and vi
cinity enjoying tho sea air and mag
niticcnt scenery of that section. Mr,
Miller thinks Heceta Head will make
tho most attractive summer resort ou
the l'aeillo Coast In time. The govern
ment road leading to the lighthouse
situ is one of the grandest drives Im
aginable. The road is smooth and
w ide and perfectly safe while its great
elevation alsive the sen gives a marine
view of great magnitude. The wild
caves and tieean caverns of that sec
tion are certainly very attractive
features. A stage leaves Florenco for
the lighthouse on Saturdays, Mondays
and Thursdays. Camping jiluccs are
numerous and table board can I si hud
at W. K. Warren's, at tho lighthouse,
or Mrs. Rutterlleld's at tho camp call
ed Ardath, situated on the beach and
adjacent to one of the finest rresli wat
er lakes in tlie country.
loreiico lias recovered irom ino ex
plosion or tno foiirtn, tno buimings
having nearly all been repaired. Work
on the Jetty will bo commenced as
soon as two more scows ure completed.
This will llnlsh tho working prepara
tions and leave nearly twenty thou
sand of tho first appropriation to be
expended on construction of the Jetty
projHr. w itn tno iwemy inousauu in
the new river and harbor bill they will
have about forty thousand to be ap
plied in this way. Mr. Lylo, who Is
tn charge of tho work, is doing good
work and by economy and careful at
tention, is inakinir the money go as far
as possible. Lane county is assured of
having a first class harbor.
When It Was Built, Etc.
Euoknk, July 15, 1802,
Editor Guard: Please inform a
subscriber when tho old county Jail
was erected, at what cost, etc.
Tliu contract for the btilldlmr of the
jail was let August 2, 1858, and It wns
erected mat summer ami lau. m. ji.
Harlow, who lives across tho river, was
tho contractor for tlie masonry and
earnenter work for the sum of $2000,
The Iron work, cells, etc., was furnished
by J. L. ISrumiey for the sum or .Joo.
Total cost, $0175.
ProsI'Kcth Had. Tho Junction
Times says thut tho prosixicts for tlie
building of a new school house ut that
place this season Is not very Haltering.
The Times says: The bonds which we
thouifht would be neirotiiited wiinoui
anv trouble, have been decuneu on tne
D-rounds tnai tne constitution oi tno
statu diH-s not warrant such a iiroced
ure. Tlie law on school bonds Is about
as clear as mud. llonds have been is
sued and negotiated up to the amount
necessary wliile one clause or tne law
states that only two-thirds of the de
sired amount can be floated, the re
mainder to be raised by taxation. We
learn now that tho wholo work will
have to be iiruorcd and a new election
ordered. Tho board we learn meets
and will formulate some plans for tho
future. A new scnooi buuuing is an
absolute necessity nnd we trust mattore
can bo so arramred that a now buna
lug will bo placed under headway at
once. I r it is tno desire oi our citizens
to nrov do irood school fuelllMes for
their children, they will certainly rally
to the front und assist in every way
within their power to bring ubout this
desired result.
Abskstkd roa Aanos. Tbe following i. a
San Franmsco dispatch nnder date of July
15tb: "William P. Droge was arrested
here yesterday and booked en route to Ea
itene. Oreaon. where be is wanted for ar
son. He is aeon ed of having set fire to tbe
Inm.n mi l Droi ertv in lienton county.
Oregon, manage I by hi brotber-in law, on
Feb 7. 18'Jl." Instead of being wanted in
Ensene it should read Corvallis. He en
listed here a year ago in tbe tegular army.
Dally Guard, July 10.
Struck bt Limb. A tree that wa. being
cut down neary Jasper, yesterday, fell and
dislodged a limb from another tree, striking
a son of Walter Uavi., .Red id yean,
crushing tbe skull on the right side of the
bead, inflicting supposed fatal injurioa.
The young man thought be wa. out of reach
bat tbe glancing .troke of lb. tree brought
him within range.
New Bbk.1. Cottaee Groe Leader: Wa
learn it i. the intention of Messrs. Eakin
and Hri tow to erect a very fine brick build
ing in tbe near future on their lots near tba
bridge in the McFarlund's addition to Cot
tage Grove. Tbe building will be modern
.iv U. larce and elegantly flniahed, and
bare a splendid fire-proof vault.
Boas In, Oregon, July 16,
IH'JI to th. wife of i. W. Shumate,
daughter. Walt now wears a broad smile
Circuit Court.
Tbe adjourned torm of circuit court con
vened at tbe court bouse Monday morning ut
11 o'clock.
l'rosout Jud,'e J. C. Fullerton, l'rou
eutlug Attorney S. W. Condon, Mien If
J, F.. Kolatid and Clork W. R. Walker.
The following business was transacted.
At this time tbe court appointed G. F.
Dlnuton to serve a. bailiff fur tbe present
term of court,
A special vonire of 18 good and lawful
men ordered to serve a. jurors at the pres
ent term of court.
Tlie Sheriir reported tho following
venire-of Jurymen: W V R id. A J
Smith, F, P Henderson, Jas Itlaine, A
Hrown, Chas Rolicrts, Floyd Vaughun,
Rodney Scott, Wm Parsons, II P Dor
rls, I) L llutler, E J McClanahan, U- o
Flceman, Geo Smith. J K Hays, Ar
thur Collier, A J Rabb and E Ander
son. 1 Stale of Oregon vs C I lodes. In
dictment for selling Intoxicating
Illinois to minors. Plea of guilt'. Fi i
ed fsi.
2 Tlliuaii A Howard vs 8 N Hov -
ard and Ira Allen. Suit for possessim
of real proiierty. Set for hearing Fri-
luy morning, July ."J.
3 1 J lilacs vs J ti Mull u. io r -
cover money. Continued.
4 U W L Co vs I) J Grover. Fore
losure. Continued.
5 Eugene Water Co vs Eugene. In
unction. Continued.
7 Robt Scott vs Mary J Scott. Suit
Inniuity to set asldu deed. Contin
ued. 8 Jos Theiiner vs Annie Thehner.
Suit in equity to set aside deed. Con
0 AO Eckleston vs R J Pcngra. To
recover money. Continued.
10 O & C R It vs M R Talittfero.
For right of way. Tho following Jury
was drawn to try the cose: Geo. Stuns-
bury. E. P. Henderson, Hoyd
Vttiiglian, W. item, a. jsrown,
Rotlnev Scott, Chas. RoIhtLs, J. It.
Hoys, Wm. Parsons, A. J. Rabb, D. Ii.
llutler, H. P. Morris. On trial. Tho
ury left at z o'clock to view tne prem
11 Laura C Smith vs F R Smith
and LS Hunt. Equity. Continued.
12 Allingham Rros vs hwia dt
Miller. To recover money. Settled.
13 G W Handsaker vs J W Davis.
Writ of review. Continued.
14 Olive Shlltt vs 1) A Shutt. Di
vorce, t onunuiHi.
15 Nellio Snow vs Will Snow. Di
vorce. Continued.
1(1 W R Andrews vs hallua Reed
and II 8 Heed. To recover money.
17 HIIRrotenvsJ M Sherwood
andE J Sherwood. Foreclosure of
lien. Continued.
18 DJ Uover vs Wm Goodman.
Certified from J P Court. Continued.
19 J C Gootlale vs G W Handsaker.
To recover money. Continued.
20 GeoW Craue vs nam reisoii
and II Kennedy. To recover money.
21 F M Rrooker vs L K Page. To
recover money. Continued.
... . ..v i . a a r T1l. I.
S WA Cox vs u ana a ai r,rtcK-
To recover money. Continued.
!U ELCovsEd Fenton and Elllo
Fentor. Suit in etiulty to set nslde
dtwd, (.ontluued.
25 Ida R Mosby vs J M Mosbyi
Divorce. Continued.
2(1 Geo W Isaacs vs C II Wallace,
A W Wallace and W L Wallace. To
recover money. Continued.
"7 J M Snores vs j j jrraiiKiiu ami
W II Franklin. To recover money.
28 John Hollund vb W J Hill. To
recover money. Continued.
After hcarlmr tho evidence, argu-
ment of council and instructions of tho
Court, thejury In the case of the O. &
C. It. It. vs M. R. Tulifero, for right of
way, at 11 o'clock this morning retired
to arrive at a verdict.
Jurv enmo In at 2 o'clock this aiter
noon with a verdict giving the defend
ant a verdict of $255.
(J R J Pcngra vs Almond Wlieeicr.
To recover money. The cose was will
ed at 1 o'clock this afternoon, ly
agreement of council It was determined
to try tho case before tno court, insteru
of thejury, At the time of going to
press tho evidence Is being taken, it
.. s i... . J AA Al,-.
wilt prouaDiy tune two uays io try wu
The court excused all jurymen ior
24 J E Roach vs Martha K iirown
lee. Foreclosure of mortgage. Judg
ment for nlalntllL for $1,607.03, and
$100 attorney fees and interest at 10
percent. . .
20 W II Jones, Mary E Job and Ar
thur Jones vs Frank it Jones, Clara A
Jones, minor hein of Richard Jones,
deceased, l'roperty sold aim procerus
disbursed to heirs. Referee ordered
The U. S. Fish Commissioner Much
Interested lu tne upper
Salem Statesmani Tho following
letter was received yesterday from
Hon M. McDonald. United. States
commissioner of fish and fisheries.
I fe savs trout will be nluntcd tn tno
upper river, whother or not the fall at
Oregon City Is overcome. With this
obstruction removed there would also
Is good runs ot shad and salmon.
This matter rests with the legislature
audit Is likely an appropriation of
$5000 for building a fish way will be
made. Following Is Mr. McDonald's
Dear Sir: The Information contain
ed in the letter of Commissioner Reed,
accompanying your favor of June 23d,
is exactly what was needed as a pre
liminary to stocking the upper Wil
lamette, and I thank you for your
courtesy In obtaining tho facts. The
"bullhead" referred to Is probably one
of your large fresh-water sculplns un
less Eastern catfish have been intro
duced. It Is evident that the river should
not be stocked with predaceous fishes
like the block bass, pike perch, pike
and pickerel; but may be improved by
planting the brook trout nnd the im
ported von Rehr trout. This will ac
cordingly be done and if the upper river
be made accessable to anadromous fish,
the waten will have the shad and sal
mon In greater runs.
Very respectfully,
M. McDonald,
Bobs. In Eugene, Monday, July 18,
the wife of W. C. Elliott, a ton.