The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 16, 1892, Image 8

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    Everything Exquisite in Imported Perfumery, Soap, and
Toilet Articles. Also a complete anu HeieciBwc. ui x
vm'ad P.rnuVinj and Painters Furnishings.
Jai-W. bar the sree'ter part of our goods East
braced lu well ppoiuU-U lrug more enu a r irK--iw r
Auo. Hornuno, a well known mnn
ufacturer of boots and shoes at 83) No
Ian St., Han Antonio, Texan, will not
goon forget his experience with an at
tack of the cramps which ho relates as
follows: "I was taken with a violent
cramp In the stomach which I Iwlieve
would have caused my death, had it
not been for the prompt line of Cham
Iain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. The first dow am mo
much good that I followed it up in
minniu nrlth thn apranri dose, and I
tUa Hrwtnr mtnlil mt to Where
wm. I did not need him. Thin Iiem
edy shall always be one of the main
stays or my wniiiy. ror nam i.jr
Ohbubs & DeLano.
Fordlarrhms or sammar eompUint In
sot form there Is nothing better then
Chamberlain "i Colio, Cholera sod WUj
BWI ihhhn;i wi" " '
ms, Uwrenoeooontr, KflDtaokr, says on
dot cured Her oi en euacs ui uiu
Two or three doata will ears any ordinary
.... Wku AnnA with water it il Dleaa-
ant to Uke. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale
by Osboro t Delano.
A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of
Suppositories. Ointment In Capsul', alto In
Boa end Pills; a Positive Cure for External, In
ternal, Blind or Blc.lng, Itching, hronlo, Re
eeul or Hereditary IHn. and many other dl
mum and female weaknesses: Il l
5 real benefit lo the general health. The tlrst
Isoovery of a medical cure rendering an opera.
Ilnu with the knlle unnewwary hereafter.
Thli Remedy hat never len known lo fall. II
per boi, for V; sent hy mall. Why i'il" 'roro
. this terrible disease when a wrltteu guarantee
la given with buaes, lo refund the money if
not cured. Bend stamp for IreeHswple. Ouai
rantee Issued by Wooiau, Cuiii t o.,
Wboleaale 4 Retail Prugglsts, bole AgeuU, Fori
land, Or.
I hw been troubled many rear wllh
dlaraM of the kidneys and hare tried
IDT Qiuci ru. . ..... - - -
souiM aid frum diflereot pbyslrisns
..P ... n-r .k..i ik id h of Anrtl
I waa aunenn iron
attack that almoat proetreted me la
l I -.tit lyrr
tThea I let down U waa almo '"lxle for me
klna nonaenrr -ui . j, -----
OHKUun auunni , - i
hotel I Immediately commenced
using the tea. It had an almoat
miraculous effect, and to the aaum-
labment of au ue gucau ai we
n a lew aayi,i am uvvi
1Kb, mum a new man. wu
recommend the tea to all aOl
aa I Bare been.
0. A. TUrPBB,
rroprlrtor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Koaa, Cal.
9 r's Golden Female Pills.
or Female frrcfmlar
o u the market Htvtr
fail. tivrponlullTuaed
by nrnmluenl laillta
niontiily. Uiiaranteed
to relieve auppreued
Don't be humhnned,
Have Time, Health,
a ud money ; tale uo oili
er. Bent to any addreai,
eeoure by mall on re olprlou.liOO.
i 'Ht' iBrauch,
I'm Hale by K. B.
LUCKKY4 CO., Eugene.
niw li nothlna Ilk kke KISTORATIVt
NIRVINI eiMurad by the rl aaeciatm,
DK. MILgS, to euie aM rfeua duwuee, aa
Headaohe, Hi Hum. Nenroue rYoilra.
tion, lewpleaaneea. Neuralgia, St. Vltue.
Danoe.Flteand Haterl. Mtnf phreleiaoe
km It la Uiew praeiice, ead say the rwulu are
woad.rfuU We hate hamlreds of K.iiiells
Use the rroat SruaeiMa. Ws bate mm know
anrthlna lite It." Snow A) Co., tinea. H. T.
tTrrtoul sold brtaga words of praise, J O.
Wolf,lliliwlsle,Mloa. "The asllsf wsj eTse
ksd.1' Wuodocih Co., Fort Wsyee, In.
Merrlae Mils ssttsr Uan aDrthlng we ersr
kad.u U. r. WrauaCo., Coamrd, N. II. Trial
koiUa and beeh of tssUssonUls rreeatdnsgglsta,
OfUMILtr MEDICAL CO., tlkhart,litd.
Rtore) Grain on the boat faroraMe terma.
Wheat reoeinta of any warehouse north of Ka
rxne, properly saigned, takes la si change (or
If lour erVeed.
EirEigkett Cash Pries raid for Wheal
t 1 I
VOTE. ggSt
' Drugs, Pharmacy
Pliysicians Sup-
plies, Surgical Ap
pliances. Br purchasing In large quantities end taking
" W em
It. R. Iteld, the life ItiHurance agent
is at work at Jacksonville.
Mm.E. J, Fraaler Is ill at ber residence
Id this city witb typhoid fever.
Bey. D, A. Walters returned borne from
Canby on the local this slterooon.
Good coiiKrcKiitiong were the rule at
tho (llileretit churclics yeMteratiy.
The graders on the Skinner hut to
driveway are getting along nicely.
Camp No. 1, 8. of V., of Eugene, will
be muuU-red in on Saturday night, July
Minn Muffle Croner went to Port
land this morning to vixit a week or
The adjourned term of Circuit Court
meets next juonuiiy, Juugo ruiienon
Geo. Miller is making arrangements for
the election of s seaside cottage on tbecosat
near I lorence.
Hiss Maggie Wbiiuey, wbo has been
leaching school beur Al or ia, returned home
this afternoon.
L. Ililyeu and family will leave for
Ileceta Head in a few days, for their
summer outing.
0. R. Chrlsman left on a two weeks'
prospecting trip to the liohemlu mines,
Hunduy evening.
Mrs. John Htcwart and daughter,
M 1ms Nettie, went to SmIuvIIIu, this
morning, to spend a month.
And still the tx-oplo are fleeing to
the mountains, although the weather
is cool enough for tires in the valley.
Ed MoClttimhun left for the Tine
Oiiening, on tiie military Mad, this
afternoon where he will spend a week
or two.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Reaii, of Ellens-
burg, Wanh., arrived here this after
noon and will vUit relatives on the Hl-
Mrs. Van Armltage, who . has been
vlHltlng relatives in Lane county, re
turned to her home at Portlund this
Mrs. Thomas Condon returned from
Buleiu today, accompanied by Mr. Con
don's sinter, Mrs. lllgglns, of Terrc
Haute, I ml.
Hamuel Veateh went to Portland
this morning. Ills health Is materi
ally improved, although he lacks a
good deul of being well.
Aleck Davis has s crippled hand. One of
ilie wheels of the carriage in which he was
riding, came off, causing the vehicle to ca
reen, catching the hand between the bind
wheel and the slays of the top.
The Went, July 8: H. IlaudNakcr
started Thurmlity for PleiiHaiit Hill,
where he may pcihaps reumiii most of
llio summer. J to goes to uhmhi in ms
store tit tlmt place. His daughter,
Mrs. W. L. HriNtow, is in poor health
and wlHhes to visit a liealtli resort.
The llarrliiburg Courier says that J.
F. McCartney and family took their
departure lor roruanu weunemiay
morning. Mr. McCartney had been a
citizen of J IiirrlHlmrg ror many years,
anil through judicious management
lie has amassed a snug llttlo fort u no.
The community will greatly miss these
good people.
Albuny Herald: (J. V. Plaster, tho
all round dead beat, who lias been "do
ing up" the valley towns south or here,
has Just finished his contract in this
city and left for pastures green. He
boarded tho morning train yesterday
morning presumably for Halem to ply
his vocation, and the capital city )eo-
pie will do well to give Mm a wide
Oregon has done nothing lately to
wards tho selection of a state flower,
but at a meeting or the state liortieul
tural society to bo held at Hood river
next Tuesday tho question is to be dis
cussed. A committee appointed espec
ially for the purpose of considering the
matter will tlien nuiKe us report and
some decisive step will probably bo
At tho lost term of the circuit court
In Umatilla county 2H men were con
vlcted of crime, of whom '1 were sen'
teheed to various terms In the ponlteti
tiaryandslx to the county jail for
minor oiiouhcs. this indicates an un
desirable prevalence of crime in that
county, but also that criminals are not
liable to escape punishment, so that It
may be reasonably expected thut crime
will hereafter decrease.
Florence Wt, July 8: Tuesday Dr. Wi
ley was called to attend the injuries of Miss
Esiella Pope, It seems the young lady
waa riding on boraebaok to ber borne,
which ia on Lake oreek, from a celebration
at Deadwood, on July 4th, and while on
the way hr borne became unmanageable
and started lo rtl' throwing Mias
Pope to tb iirouiiil and drawing her some
distance. She waa injured iuterually aa
wll aa well as being aoratobed and bruised
quite badly. At last aocounti she was rest
ing easily and will probably recover.
The Innocent Fly.
Tho day of the fly Is at hand, and
has been for some lime, and from this
time forth till cold weather makes Its
appearance he will bo with us, about
us. on us, oi us anu ours. io piuce or
thing can escaiie him. iothlng will
tend to forbid tils presence. He is om
nipresent, omniverotis and persistent.
After great and heroic etl'orts to destroy
him we have failed and become dis-
couraKcd, but the tly has not. I't him
once decide that lie win be a dried cur
v . . . . .... ..
rant, or form a wrt of a iiound of but
ter or a pitcher of milk, and we defy
anyone to prevent him. Let him
yearn to bounce Uhiii the reverend
bald head, and his presence will soon
be noted. If the United States after
scores of years trlul cannot think up
some plan oi protection, what can a
jiotir editor who la always busied at his
desk do to avoid the tortuous presence
of this beastly tly? We can do noth
ing but sit and stand it, acting as all
men do, thrash about, stamp and smite
the place where the fly was, but Is not,
Dsownrio it YauciMi. Thursday after
noon tbe men al the government qaarriee
on Van ulna bay knocked off work for the
day and s number of them went soon to the
river lo bathe. Among the number wag
Char lea Bolmea, and when be plunged be
death tbe water cramp must Lave teized
him for be appeared no more. The body
bat not been recovered. Ue baa lived on
the bay forteeveral years and worked in the
quarries foi nearly two years steadily.
Wild blackberries plentiful this )ear.
B. D. Pain started for the Kiteon
springs this morning.
Mrs. N. 11. Alley arrived herd from
Victoria, li. C, this aiternoon
Prosecuting Attorney Condon has
spent the week In Roscburg, attending
Cut your thistles down or else Mar-
..I... I L...,t 1 ...III It .4 . w
aiiui iunimiiu win uf u ni. juur cj
Mrs. Frunk Miller and children re
turned to their homes in Albany this
Mrs, Rosa IJollack and children re
turned to their home in Portland this
J. H. HigglfiB went to Toll: county
this morning where he will work for
several weeks.
E. P. Thorp, publisher of tbe Collage
Grove Echo-Leader, will build new oflice
20x50 this summer.
Robt. Collier Is now at New Orleans,
Inspecting surveys, under tho employ
ot the government.
Salem Journal : Police officer Ad Dilley
returned home yesterday alter six week
spent at Foley Hprings.
Miss Belle Haines leaves tomorrow
for a week's visit with Miss Clara (Staf
ford on the Mohawk.
Section Foreman Patterson is burn
ing the (trass and weeds on the H. P,
railroud right-of-way Just west of the
city today.
Pendleton is being overrun with
hobos, every train bringing new re
cruits to the army of tramps now con
greguted there.
The Fourth of July celebration com
ml t tee has awarded the Oregon Hose
Team the racing contest and paid the
fin to the company.
J ease Cohen baa taken a position in bii
brother's store at Pendleton. He li dm
aaleaman, and is bard to beat as an origins
and unique sdverliser.
Surveyor General Byars baa let a con
tract to CbasM. Collier to complete the
survey of township 14 south, range 7 west,
and township 10 aootb, range !l east.
Down In California a mule team
route has been established between
Fresno and Stockton in opiosltlon to
me southern racine railroad.
Albany Dally Democrat: A Eugene
mun getting desperate, decided to col
lect his bills by force if ottier means
failed. Ho soon had an opportunit
it proved so nacKacting mat no
hereafter follow the olu plan.
TheGcABDjob office printed 300 tres
fana notioes today for a number of farmers
n tbe forks o tbe Willamette and McKen
gle north of Eugene. They propose to
keep hunters off their farms and nnits for
Ibal purpose.
Bois Lotan has filed bis bond of ,50,000
as collector of onatoms at Portland. Ilia
sureties are W Henderson and B. Holmes.
The bond has been aent to Washington for
approval and his commission will be sent
back. Then Mr. Lotan will take charge of
tbe office.
Oustave and Win. Croner and their
sister, Mrs. Wassernian, of Ohio, who
have been visiting relatives hero for
several weeks, started for their homes
on this morning's local train. Their
brother c U. Croner, accompanied
them as fur as Albany.
W. W. Copeland, publisher and proprie
tor of the VVeekly World, Portland, baa been
committed lo tbe inwine asylum for treat
ment. Mr. Copeland has txen drinking
heavily of late, and will no donbt be him
self again witb a couple of months, - The
report th it be waa addicted to the use of
morpblDe seems to be without foundation.
The recount of the votes In tbe contest
for coroner at Portland developed the faot
that aeveral Judgea and olerks of eleotion
wore very accommodating towards one of
the candidates. The Australian ballot law
can bold the vot- r right, but some system
will have tobe devised to keep tbe offloeri
of eleoiion in line,
Roai-burg Plaindeaier: It is not gener
ally known, but it is a faot, nevertheless,
thut lloseburg has s citizen who was born
over 1U0 years. lie ia tbe father of Mrs.
Fields, and was 100 years old tbe 2d of last
March. He is not ss strong snd hearty as
he was a bait oeutury ago, but be Is In a
fair state of preservation Just the same.
E. Peterson returned lost evening
from the liohemta mining district,
where ho has been engaged In develop
ment work on a quartz ledge in which
he Is Interested. A tunnel was driven
on the line of the ledge 43 feet, show
ing three feet of paying free mllllngore
in tho ledge which is a wide one.
A recent traveler through the Inland
Empire reports to the Walla Walla
Statesman that the prospects were
never lietter for Immense crops. There
are thousands of acres of wheat in that
section which will yield not less than
4T bushels to tho acre, while many will
go as high as from 60 to 00 bushels per
Portland Dispatch: The steamer Dalles
City last Monday went np the Columbia
with a parly of gentlemen on board to view
the raptda. Tbe water was about 40 feet
above scro snd very awift. The aleamer
reached the middle block house but did
not have power enough to continue any
blither. Captain Hhort says there Is no
question that any boat can go over the rap
Ida if It baa power enough at this stage of
Albany Democrat: Last Saturday
morning Messrs. (leo. Gentry, John II.
Moore, John Walker, and It. L.
lilanchard went up the beautiful little
stream, the Calapooia, fishing, return
ing Monday evening, says the Itrowns
vlllo Times. They caught, by actual
count, iXl trout. This is by far the
best record of the season. The largest
one caught measured 2 Inches, but
there was several others which meas
ured from 18 to it) Inches each.
J auction Notes.
Times, July 9.
The bank building will soon be ready
for tho plasterers. The building is to
be completed by August 1.
Price (lihnoro returned from Idaho
Wednesday where he has been pros
pecting for several months.
Distemper Is afflicting a good many
horses In this section. Charles Dick
ersou informs us that his horses are all
laid up. . We have heard of no fatal
The Mennonite church at Fern
Ridge will be dedicated tomorrow.
The trustees acknowledge with grate
fulnesa the kindly assistance of all who
contributed to the enterprise.
A fire was discovered In one of the
rooms of the new hotel during the af
ternoon of the 4th. It was soon extin
guished without damace. The Are
originated from children playing with
nre craeaers.
Junction advertises 11550 of city
mums, ocanug i per cent, interest, on
five years time, for sale August 1st
Vlclwrta There Arm IOO Caeee !
the Urea 4 lilaeaae.
Tort Townresd. Wash.. July 11.
A man by the name of McDonald,
well known In this city, coming from
Victoria, says he has personal knowl
edge of 100 eases of smallpox in Vlc-
wins, aim mat people are leaving mere
by the dozens for the Sound towns for
That "DlflVreiirei in Waffes."
Sw-aking of tho great iron and
steel laborer's lock out, precipitated
by Carnegie's twenty-five per cent
reduction in (lie wages of his work
men, tho 1'ittnburg l'ost says:
"The platform adopted at the re
publican national conventhn, at
Minneapolis, has a bearing on these
labor troubles. It is admitted thut
the present duty on iron and steel
is prohibitory on all articles we
can produce to advantage in this
country. Yet the republican plat
form, fresh from the Mimieujxjlia
mint, limits the cuntoma taxes by
declaring that on all imports com
ing into competition with Ameri
can labor there rhould U levied
duties fully equal to the difference
in wages abroad and at home.
"A tariff tax averaging twenty
per cent instead of tho sixty per
cent of tho McKinley bill would
more than cover tho average differ
aence between 'wages broad and at
"The difference, for instance, in
the labor cost of woolen ond cotton
goods in Old England and in New
England is not ten per cent yet
there is a tariff tax of 100 per cent
on imported woolens, which tax, of
course, operates to increano the
price of homo products and forces
the use of such substitutes as shod
dy. cotton, cow's hair and wool
"Tuke the article of bar iron
The report of the federal bureau of
labor for 1890 shows that tho cost
of producing a ton of English bar
iron is $23.1)7 total English cost of
labor per ton, f2.9G. The total la
bor cost in America on a ton of bar
iron is $4.57 a difference of $1.61
per ton while the McKinley tax
is from $lf to $22 a ton on bar
"We could go through the long
list of protected industries, and
with scarcely an exception we
would find the tariff taxes of the
McKinley law are many times in
excess of the difference in the labor
cost here and abroad."
Spraying Hops.
A correspondent of the Washing
ton Farmer writes
Few hop growers are botanists
acquainted with vegetable physiol
ogy, hence they may through ignor
anco, in order to suppress a pest,
open the way to a greater evil
1 his is demonstrated by the use of
the sprays so commonly used las
year. It one compares the vine
growth of tho present year with
that of the spring of 1891, it will
be observed that in yards sprayed
last year the present growth is far
inferior, while in yards where none
of tho emulsions were used health
and vigor are as pronounced as last
year. This is due to the fact that
the spraying material had an unde
sirable eliect upon the foliage, pre-
vcntim? the development and
growth of the fibrous roots, which
should bo employed now in fur
nishing nutrient substances to fos
ter the growth of the vine. The
unsprayed vines have these rootlets
and hence show a better growth
Hop buyers inform mo that the
hops from urispraved vines last
year Bhowed lupulino of a quality
superior to that from tho sprayed
vines, which is another very im
portant matter, and it tells strong
ly against the use of the strong sub
stance Used.
The Spokane Chronicle answers
a question as follows; What would
lie the eflect upon labor of a gener
al reduction of custom duties to a
revenuo basis? First, a general in
crease in tho purchasing power of
money varying trom 2b to L'UU cent
on different articles; second, the
gradual participation by the labor
er in the profits of tho manufactur
er, on "the co-operative plan" so
successfully worked in many fac
tories in Great Britain. With no
vast imperial government to sup
port, no colonies to defend by naval
fleets, no standing army to sneak
of and no families of royal loafers
to keep in expensive idleness, and
with tli grandest and richest em
pire of natural resources in the
world, it will be singular if Ameri
can capital and American labor can
not get together on a fair basis of
division, of profits and comnete
with t lie world. But such absen
tee tariff lords and foreign leeches
on our body politic as Andrew Car
negie, will certainly have to dis
gorge a part of their ill gotten
The Orcgonian ia full of sophis
try. It says the competition of the
South forces Carnegie and his co
benefk iarics of the North to cut the
wages of their laborers. If that is
true why did the iron and steel
manufacturera have a tariff of 50
to 75 per cent placed on their pro
ducts when the cost of labor does
not exceed 10 per cent? The tariff
was placed at a point that rendered
imports of iron and steel prohibi
tory, then the protected barons con
sidered they had the workmen at
their mercy. The cry of Southern
competition is but an excuse. The
cost of iron and sfcel to the con
sumer in recent vtara has been re
duced but little, w'-i'! the cost of
production and of t .e labor used
therein has steadily decreased.
Millionaires have been built up
from the illgotten gains, wrung
from the laborer and consumer,
made possible by unjust and op
pressive laws.
In 18G0 it cost $2.30 per capita
to run our government It now
costs $7.93.
The heated term hcciii to U' up
on us with all its iliscoiiifurt'.
Coo! nights and mornings however
mitigate its ellWtf.
A foreigner visiting tho United
States about this tirao might sup
pose that every man in this coun
try was hot on the trail of a public
Tho names of tho peoples party
candidates, Weaver and Field, may
have been selected with reference
to the votes of mill hands and till
ers of tho soil.
Let us tear out a page or two of
our own history before stoning the
Mexican court that convicted a
young girl of witchcraft and sen
tenced her to be shot.
An agent of the Turkish govern
ment is on his way to Chicago to
superintend the construction of the
Ottoman pavilion and a Turkish
village for tho world's fair. Ac
companying him are the native ma
sons who will build tho pavilion.
It is estimated that 200 iron
mills are affected by the labor trou
bles with tho Amalgamated associ
ation, and that 100,000 men are
idle in consequence. Carnegie's
new corporation has a capital stock
of $2.",0i 10,000 and employ -10,000
Tim United States, under tho
provisions of tho McKinley tariff
bill, paid the sugar growers of Lou
isiana $0,760,000 bonuses for the
fiscal year ending June oU I he
tariff is not a t ux to the sugar
Dlantcr. The wheat erowers and
other farmers are tho ones that pay
Governor I'attison, of l'ennsyl
vania, refused to call out the state
mihtiato aid the Carnegie firm
against the locked out workmen.
Governor Pennoycr set the exam
ple a few years ago when he let the
militia stay at home, and told tne
Oregon Pacific railroad to pay its
It was not long ago that Carnegie
sent President Harrison a keg of
old Scotch whisky from Scotland.
The president was grateful at the
time, but is now probably cursing
the millionaire Pennsylvania man
ufacturer for employing l'inkerton
men to shoot down locked out
The miners of Pennsylvania
average about sixty cents per day
the year round and are required to
make all their purchases at the
company stores. And more than
this, the sound of an American
voice is seldom heard in the coal
districts of Pennsylvania. .
Henry George finds that the es
tate of $30,000 bequeathed him lor
the dissemination of his book "Pro
gress and Poverty" is all gobbled
up but $500 and he has to sue the
lawyers to get that. The widow
whose husband made tho bequest
is in tho Camden county , alms
Now is it not evident that a con
tinuation of the use of these arti
clcs will lead to the decay of the
vino or other plant life upon which
they aro used r Are we notadmon
ished strongly, that tho epidermis
of tho leaf and stem of the vine, is
injured by astringents, caustics or
even narcotics that are sufliciently
strong to destroy insect life?
No amount of protection can pro
tect a commodity of which a sur
plus is produced or manufactured.
It would make no difference if the
present tariff of 25 cents per bush
el on wheat was 1 cent or $1000.
We have a largo surplus anil ex
port. The high propection party
expressed its opinion of the intelli
gence of the farmer when it in
crcasod the tariff on wheat and
other farm products.
Tho dispatches state that Presi
dent Harrison had frequent press
dispatches about the Pittsburg riot
and is greatly concerned about the
state of affairs. Carnegie and his
pals are large beneficiaries of the
Harrison administration, and their
action in importing several hundred
I inkerton detectives heavily armed
with inchester rules with thou
sands of rounds of ammunition will
greatly damage Harrison during
the presidential campaign. Blaine
had his Burchard and Harrison
has his Carnegie.
as snowing how rails rust m
tunnels, says the Dalles Chronicle,
one has but to look at a lot piled
up in the U. P. yard, which calls to
mind a statement concerning obser
vations in the Altenberk tunnel,
which is about 1230 feet long and
located on a curve oi ziwu leet ra
dius. The rails have been down
for eleven years, and, at the end of
that time, were covered to a depth
of .10 to .24 inch by hard scales.
which could only be removed by a
knife. They were composed main
ly of iron sulphide, and were found
principally on the web. While the
weight of the rail was much re
duced in this manner its sectional
orea was found to have increased,
owing to the flukey character of the
rust. 1 he new rails have been cov
ered with a mixture consistine
largely of tar, which is renewed
everv six months. The gravel bal
last lias also received a partial cov-
enn ' oi broken limestone, and it is
hoped by this means that the for
mation of rust will be retarded. In
the Brandelite tunnel in Thuring
ten it was found that the rails and
metal ties were destroved by rust
as fast as by the passing trains.
The ties lost about 5.9 pounds each
in six years. This tunnel is near
ly 10,000 feet long, and is on a tan
gent, having a one per cent grade. ,
tl & ; i ' . 41
u. r.': b f3 'i ss rtniii mr
k v ' : ;..v unu
jJ.t.W. ili'Ji,i,iii,.f?,-hl'rlillii'''i i 1
and set
Write for our
rut iccm witfr
. J. El U LZ3 La pzsiTOxssjr-iE.Ti
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
From the Cheapest to
De suited enner as
Our assortment is Complete,
the Finest; can suit you ij you give us a call..
CrFrcc New and Slylisli.
Look us over; if wo do pot save you
sell to you low.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hereafter keep a complete stuck uf
Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES.
Slippers, White, and Black Sandals
And in fact e very t hint In the Bout and
Shoe line, to which I intend to devote
my especial attention.
And gti&rantemt as n-iircnentsd, and wilt
be sold for the lowest prices thata pond
article cau be atfonleX A. HUNT
Do you Root
Drink w Beer?
Will kit-p touituuti) i. 1 i...a-l a im ui''!y of
Wlich they will sell at the lowest market prl-
cm, A fair share of the public. I'V.ivnapi so
licited. TO THE FA KM E IIS :
We will par the highest market price t tr Fat
tattle, nv and sheep.
Meats delivered to any part of the city free of
Sells the Celebrated
- RUSTING Timvare
fiTVPflAT. nifATVI'O iv
11 n ml v i f lirrn
llftllUnHBIL, oiuvto
tmmMi AUf i
H fiA, "J sunns ifcUHCi i,
.tf,l.ii.-t-iflMlW.A-to.l...1. n i,Ja 'T
Mew Illustrated Catalogue for 1SU1.
whffi . FNRINF CO.. ffiffifl
liUFF'-.'SorjlT A
seuiGlriKLU,o K.ii
the Best. All parties can
a n. - i!x..
10 rnte ur quality,
from the lowest Iice up to
money, wn will makn seme oiu el.
Sportsman's Eporium.
Practical Gunsmiths
F i sli i n s Tarkle ami .Hntmals,
Sewing JIjm-IiIim'n untl Aeedlesol
All KliicU For gale 1
Repairing done in the neateBt style and wr
Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished
Store on Willamette street.
Cigar store,
Eugene, Origin.
Kat Ninth Strei-t, Euycnc, Oregon.
lll-st Tl-illlt Fll..a rw..n ,.if..rn i' mTO
Fine it-foot Leaders MtSz
lVfoot lint's -
: A Ffll. TINE OF :
FIsJlu : Tackle : asi I Ssortlcg f Gcsft
: also :
TfcsiIeleLratGdFreDcl to
Is Solo ox a
toenroanv form
or any disorder oi
the generative or
gans oi eitnorsex.
BEfCRE weot stimulants AFTER
rnU.Mn.Vt...n A.,k. I. .-"M'flll lniii4
i..n ..' Frsia
Suwcr, WakeMnins, Ik-artiigdown Painilnl"
li Is. Sem Inal Weak an: Hyter;a. Nervous
L'ation. Noc turnal Kmiion. LeacorTbii-e. ij-f
sinew, Weak Menorv, I.oj of Power aDl Wr;
ten-y. w h u h li m vl-etc 1 ofien ! to l"?'1!
old tne and inanitr. Price f.M a bm. 0
for fV'in. Sent br mail on rwirt cf priee' M
A WRITIE Gl .tlt.tMFE lfiveB"J
rverv f'tuO onler lwivei. t-ircf-in-1 tlie rnoae J
a Ifcrmnnrrit 0-IT9 i ni : e-itt '
thonsamiiof rirmnia:a fmni old and f J
of both texM, who hare ticcn permanenti'f evr
tiytheuseof AphroJitinei Circular Irws. A""
Western iraaci. hax. S. PoaH
Sold by E. K. LUCRE Y t Ca.Dma
Eugene, 010.
! &i
1 i& SJJ