rlTYAND COUNTY, rfjki'. JDLT 16, 18M. Trespass Notice. u ufkeas, There have been numer- K d fowls kllllHl and n,ut'h ""intrsinpled down and wanted In nXhborhood by hunters and tres- lierefore be it KwViW, That we, the under , nL do forbid all hunting or tres- honour premises, and that we ,1lLBb found trespassing n nny of 'mlses without our permission: Jw? July 15, 18l2. K.ttt Marlon Bonnelt Km AJHiirlow iff UU'"7'" A0 Bojrart JET Wither MrsEN Culef Evert Turning M H Hariow u H Harlow, jr r v. WP Cheshire OcoArmltage ?W Young J E htevens ft Flint Geo Smith a Goodpasture Henry Bidwell ??llne Robt Campbell 5 M Gillespie RMMasterson jWBrewHter Debrlek FJmer Ayres V B McClure. Fall ('reek Flashes. July 12, 1892. Hurrah for Cleveland and Steven- "ffonder where Ansel was when toy bad to send for him? R. C. Edwards now rides in a new hick. The signs of the times Indicate a tedding In the near future. Mi. A. D. Hyland Is very sick with Mn.0. B. Walker was at A. D. dyland's last Sunday. Mines Mary Harkens and Susan Wilker celebrated the Fourth at Junc tion. Great Redaction In Prices of Baking: Powder. Every one knows that Dr. Price's twin baking powder Is the only strict ly pure baking powder on the market. N'otice prices below: j ib tins fl 90 former prlce...$2 25 iilb 1 05 " " ... 1 25 fih 45 " " ... 00 woi " 35 " " .. 60 j oi ' 25 " " ... 85 . M ..! 20 " " ... 25 j M 15 " " ;.. 20 Terms: spot cash. T. A. Henderson. Thistle Notice. Xolio if hereby given to all property boldors that they ant required to cut ill iwlet ob their property and in the streets lijoioini, immediately. It tbey neglect so io do, the thistles will be out by the mar Jul, t the expense of snoh property hold m. J. D. Matlock, Cfaairaan o( Street Committee. A Question. Where are you going to buy your lumber? Chapman & Son have re fitted their mill on Cedar Flat and offer the best of rough and finished limber for sale. Werklnf ear. the Oresrem Pacific. Aiiurr, Or., July 12. A foroe of 40 Cbioimen were put to work today on the nilroad to pot the road in thorough repair mioreua oi ine irtcc. ine opinion u oi pnaed in railroad oiroles (bat the work of tonilmnlinn nn tha Orponn Pacini! will be irmuntd within a few weeks. A PIONIKB DCAD. Bobert Foster, a pioneer farmer, died at la home near the city this evening after a ort illness. The deoeaaed was a brother IJimea Foster, one of the founders of the city of Albany. Baker City Democrat: In North Fork fossil beds, besides remains of 'tree toed horses, Is found an extinct pedes of cat the gorophodus which roamed over Oregon, and which mused Itself and fed Itself by chewing upthe mighty reptiles of millions of years ago. It was as big as the biggest ;nther,and had two teeth in its upper J resembling daggers, each five nobes in length. As weapons for pen ttratlng flesh, they are unrivaled for wnivorous animals, recent or extinct. They are rather like the teeth of some top flesh eating dlnosarus, the "terri ble reptiles" of the mesozolc epoch, Weh had cutting teeth that nothing "ld resist. Doubtless this creature i Inconceivably bloodthirsty. E' the convicts are on to W ilson : The ttimn aaya. The atate prison official" Wilson with a protest. They said ''I had no authority to receive bim; the Biljituhorlty they had was a permit from Governor. No effort will be made in any "Twtion to take bim ont of the bands of Everything goes on at nsual at prison and there will be no mob vio- All the eonviott in the prison know Wilson is among them, and if they "on get their hands on him tbey would short work of the fellow. They nld ljnoh him right in prison. Tero is a great deal of anxiety co ttoned over the mysterious disap NranceofA. W. Cuthbert, a mer "t of Kamela, Union county. Mr. ynthbert left home about ten days ago Portland and since that time has been heard from. He had with several hundred dollars In money, Jn he expected to pay out In Port- The 20 county on Wednesday of last : may ne judged rrora the ionow "'s' Incident, iwlatul ho tho Mnro Ob- rVPP TV..I.I lt...JJ la ork ng for Contractor L. K. Moore on nlilHin ...u lu Ua Toat. "O sorne lumber, and in the pocket was wtich of matches. The sun was "in ng directly on the lumber and be ng the matches ignited and the fnt was more than half consumed Wore tho n a: .a - uiq U1BWVC1CU J- L. Page's Cash Prices. EPannUtedangar $100 . 100 , 100 , 100 . 115 . 1 15 . 100 . 100 , 100 . .20 ton n U '"g" ? Golden O snear LD! ..... -; " aoor, pt aack fHitii flour, per aack a tomatoea "ieorn . . If Ubl. peaches.'.'.'.' W baking powder aoda w sols Ar..,- . ... n u -n k.. m- ,50 r"" the toU afrenry tor Eugene and Lane 71 or th lh..iH Udford Boar. Be ST elling it at wholesale and reUil. jnai received a carload ot thi ei- Pennoyer has appointed C. H. of Astoria, pilot commissioner J. Hailoran, resigned. Brevities. E. B. Skipworth, attorney at-law. Money to loan on farma. Enquire of Judire Walton. Hot and cold batbi every day In the week at Jerry Horn's barber shop. For flue salti made to order aud ready made clothing, go to Ed Hanson. Mr Geo F Craw haa the tola agency for all brands of the oelebrated Tanail Punch CUrara Remember that Hanson t Bon have the beat selected stock of olothing in town. Bring yonr old scrap east iron to the Eu gene Iron Foundry where yon oan dispose of it. Eugene Flour $1.35 per aack. The Eu gene Flouring mills make the best quality ol roller mill dour. If yon are getting too old for your spec tacles, or if tbey do not exactly suit yon take lurui io nans ana nave new lensea ntted. Dr. O. W. lii.ldle may be fonnd at bis reKiduuce on Olive street, between Fifth and outn streets one block west of the Minne aota Hotel. He ia prepared to do all dent al work in tbe best manner. The beat family remedy is undoubtedly Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Harm less, it accomplishes relief where many oth er medicines fail to do. It may be aafely gtveu to tne luianl as well as tbe adult. Henderson, dentist. Job work at tbe Gdabd office. Fountain pens at Watts'. Blank deeds and mortgages for sale at the uuabo omee. Blank notices for the location of quartz mine lor sale at tbe udabd omce. For all kinds of farming implements call on i. M. Hendricks on Mntn btreet. Screen windows and doors, glass, sash and doors at Bioalow ft Kuupatiicx. What Is It? That produces that beautifully soft com plexion and leaves no traces of its applica tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis dom's Robertine accomplishes all this, and is prononnoed by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet artiole ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene City. GEO. W. KISZEY, AUCTIONEER. When yon want yonr goods, household furniture or land sold at auction, call of Geo. W. Einsey, tbe pioneer and most suc cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will attend to all sales on a reasonable oom mission. 8HEEP INSPECTORS NOTICE. All persons in Lane oonnty owning scab by sheep or sheep afflicted with other dis eases, are hereby notified that said sheep must be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill said disease, lortbwitti. faitino to ennmlv with this no lice will be liable to have his sheep dipped by the Inspector at aaia persons s expense Take notioe and aave costs, Dated June 5, 1891. Geo. Fishrb, Sheep InBpeotor. Lvmbb-b Notice. Go to the Depot lumbw yard for cbeap lumoer. Anarewa win uu be undersold. Call a Halt That tired languid feeling means tbat your system ia in a smw w 'u vite disease, and Wright's Compound Ex- . . -I B.uarviFitU in what von need at unci ui u.iwb.11.. -' j - - - once to expel impurities of the blood and build you up. Bom ov an aruggww Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins, the druggist, is not selling "Wisdom s Mooenine iui mo ilio mnst nlnirnnt and only really wuluiDAivut n . harmless preparation of its kind in the world, and giving a beautiful picture card witn every bottle. Notice. I have again control of the Eugene marble and granite works, and arn bet ter prepared than ever to furnish all kinds of marble, granite and stone work at the lowest price possible for first class work. ' Please call on me and get my price before placing an or der. Nothing but first class work done. Shop in my old stand In Iteam's building. W. W. MARTIN. Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given that the school tax for 1892 is now due and pay able. I will be at my office in the postoflice building, in Eugene, Oregon, daily from 8 o'clock a. m. until 7 o'clock p. m., until August 9, 189.. to receive the same. All taxes not paid in 60 days from this date will be delinquent and ten per cent added for collection. Dated June 10, 1892. Clerk. Resolutions of Condolence. Hall ok Euoknk Lodge No. 15, n IT r 1 AV' JulvSth. 1892. ... T lUm VnrlrniDi1 T. J. Dunten, departed this life, , June OHh, having been a member of this Lodge f0Tifenreyfoarerebe it Resolved, That by the death of Brother Dunton, this Lodge haa lost a worthy member the county an upright citizen, and his family a devoted husband and futher. Resolved, That this Lodge extend its sympathy to the family of thedeceased; ThaT a copy of these resolutions be snread in tlie minutes of the Lodge, aS? be published in the Eugene ?JriARD and a copy be sent to the family of tne deceased, by the Recorder of the Lodge. - B. J.Hawthorne,) Geo. B. Dorris, Com. H. L. Chilson, J Skianer Butte Driveway. Daily Guard, July 8. This morning E. If. HoHenbeck commenced work on his . contract tor r l way lx.glnsat the intersection of reet then running back passes just K'thervoir to the north and Tte dStincw is0 feet with a grade "J , SnSdento and strangers alike, wMl' bT enabled to toke a birds TJl view of Eugene and vicinity afd the head of theSvillamette valley, Ih,t,mb which many are nna btote make ! Dr. Sh.lt public apmt be mmendHl in thia .tterpnsw. Dally Guard. July lL Takes to the AsYLi.-M.-Mrs. Bar- ni "Her mania is religion. r?he taken to the asylum Hunday molnSbyLvputyfeheriflCroner. TUESDAY, JULY 12. W. n. Matthews Is elorklntr in Mat lock's store. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Starr visited Junction today. Mm. D. M. Drake went to Salem today to visit relatives. Edwin Buthnell returned to Ellensbnrg, Wash., thia morning. Judge Risdon, who has been serious ly 111, is recovering. Wild pigeons furnish shooting for tbe sportsmen tbeae days. An immense amount of wood is be ing hauled into town. The prisoners that escaped from the KOMouurgjall nave been recaptured. S. E. Brown left on the local this morn- iug for a trip to Astoria and Clutsop beach. It would be a good idea for the city to purchase tlie old cells in tuo county Jan. Chas. Underwood arrived from Ta- couiu this afleruoon for a visit at his old home. At Frmevitle on tbe 4th Geo. Ray rode Dorses, changing every mile, tweuty-hve miles in til minutes. Rev. J. O. Brownson of McMinnvllle college appals to the Baptists of the stute for u fl(,ouu endowment ruiul. Andrew J. Jones, of Roseburg, litis received a pension rora wound received m tlie Indian battle at Low treek, Grandpa Edwards, a pioneer of 1832, lias been turned out by his relatives in Multnomah county and has no home. A recently pardoned convict says the newspaper man, Haunders counts on being pardoned out next .February, Judge Fisk and Dr. McKenney left ror tlie AlcKcnzle springs tins morning. They will be abxent about two weeks, Mrs. M. Wilkins, of Coburg, has re ceived tlie npiiolntnient or superlntc n dent of division "H" for the next state fair. M. F. Huntley and wife left this morning for their homestead on Fall Creek where they will spend the sunv mer. A "lndy" named Slum, Is proprie tress of a saloon in Baker City. This oilers an easy opportunity to go "slum ming." The smull-pox Is raging at Victoria, B. C. It is said to be of a mild form. Stringent quarantine measures have been resorted to uy beattie and la coiua. Capt. E. W, Spencer haa been elected chief of polioe of Portland, vice Sam Parish removed. Ben Nordeu haa been electedcap tain of police, vice Captain Watson re moved. Corvallis Leader: M. P. Burnett, Herbert Klttrldge, Geo. Hayworth and others started to the Belknap Springs Wednesday on a hunting and fishing trip. Prlneville Review, July 9: Tomor row Ed Eben will start to Portland, going across the mountains by way of L. 1.M ...111 lui nl.tu.iit turn nl A.UCIIU. J.U nil w uun." ..... w. three weeks. Win. Klpp who has been visiting at the residence of Mr. Green in this city returned to his home in Minnesota, this morning. Dr. J. W. Bean accompanied by his wife left for a visit to his mother, Mrs. O. R. Bean, at the Head of Tide on the Siuslaw river, this morning. Miss Maggie Croner went to Astoria yes terday, instead of Portland as announced. At that place she will join some friends sud go to Ilwaco, Wash., to spend a month or more. J. O. Watts and Volney Hemenway accompanied by their families, left for the Pine Opening, on the military road, this morning, to spend a month or more. Corvallis Leader: Charles Hotles and William Bogue, accompanied by their families, left for Belknap Springs Wednesday, where they will sojourn for a couple of weeks. Frank Anderson srnved from Portland n insni last niaht in Eaffens. He re turned to Junction this morning where be will be given a ireignt eDgine runmog iw tween that place and Portland. ftua Mnir(rla Wliltnev. who bns lust closeil a very successful term of school near Astoria win return mere auoui September 1st to commence a six months term at the same place. Prlneville Review: Parties from the eastern part of the county, who were in tnu-n tlio tirut. nf thn 'pplr. tuiiil 111 fcw n ii ...u - v. , there would be very little grain or hay . . . . i . , i raised in inai bccuou ewui uu muu that had been irrigated. TUa Wm nf "Jin flnva ininrifinnmnnt of Thomas E. Russell, for assaulting j. uray, expires loworruw. n wu ivrux.t.nl n rutrrinn would be irranted at least a few days before that time but so far none has been given. Marshal Eastland arrested the boys who run for the hotels last night on complaint of Agent Adair for taking too much liberty at the depot. Re rwHn iriivfl them a renrinmtid VVI vv.a o A and they were allowed to go. Marshal Eastland arrested a man libit eveninir on the charge of drunk and disorderly. He was sentenced to five days in ine city jail uy ivecume r Dorris this morning, and will probably be given employment on the streetsi The Roseburg grand Jury this week considered the corotler's jury report on the killing of Roland Ward's son near i w.miru.if Rwnilv. Thpro wao no evi dence produced to sustain the verdict 01 1116 coroner jury, nuu mc nuuic business was Ignored. Surveyor Koch is locutlng the new county fail today, under the supervi sion of Commissioner Perkins. It will nd In front of and on the site of the old structure, six feet north if Eighth street, on a nue waa me ity hall. nr. u.gnr wIiIIphI. work rult i vat- iiil. luajvi) " - - ing the Sladden orchard, this morning. plowea up a ycnow juckcis iicbv, hiiu f.,,nnulu nf lllOIll Utllllff llllTl. Ht suffered severely, until Dr. Payton was called and auiiiiiiiMiereu rvuieuies, re lieving the pain. The bids for remodeling the hall of representatives of the capitol at Salem were opened last week. The Uig'iest bid was $7900 and the lowest $.'W00- 'or painting and decorating the nigh ut ua tLiK and the lowest tHS5. The difference In the bids is rather sur- Pl.!n& r, . H Wrtt lava tonicht for Harris. burg, from which place he will go to Kit sou's on tbe old military wagon road, with a party from Harrisbnrg. Uesnra. Paynes, Altbouae and Young are at those springs iostead of at Belknap as reported. E. C. Pentland has resigned his posi tion as secretary of the Oregon Press laoswlutlnn nn nwniint of hln removal frmn tho atntp. and the nresident of the association uan niiuiiiiu Aiucit , - . t !..... .1 4 11 Tozier, or ronianu, to act in ui piw-o until the next meeting of the associa tion. Administrator HALK.-CI.as. Kohn administrator of the estate of . Baum, sold an undivided one-third in- M n the Bald Butte .Mining U. claim, situated alove CotUge Grove, Monday to J. W. trow, one oi tne mine owners, for 1150. It is an unde veloped cinnabar nine. WEDNESDAY, JULY 13. Momps are plentiful abont town. Douglas county Is $115,557.69 in debt The supieiue court has adjourned until October, Smallpox ia reported on the increase ai lotoria, a. c. Masons ar at work on tbe second story of the Prank building And atill the council neglects having the business streets sprinkled F. A. Tozlur is driving the delivery wa gon for tbe new laundry Ed Hanson went to Yaquina Bay tbla morning tor a week s outing R. L. Morrow of Portland has been ap pointed reporter of the supreme court. Mrs. B. F. and G. A. Dorris have goue to tbe mountains on a berrying excursiou Chas. D. Teutsch of Waxobocbie, Texas, apent Mnnday night with bia brother Lee, In tbiaoity. S. II. Friend lv ia confined to his res! dence with a billious attack, lie will be out in a few days The man named UoGhee. wbo exploded tbe dvuatnite at Florence ia not our Wid McGhee nor auy connection of his, Thecouuty treasurer haa given notice .1, : . I . .... V- .I'l inai au rttHisiercu warraut nuui nua. v.. w 173, inclusive will be paid on presentation, T. E. Russell was discharged from custo dy this morning by tbe aberitl, the time of bia sentence having expired. This empties the jail. II. C. Humphrey and Henry ITorTiuau caught 200 trout in th McKeutie river near tbe Foley Spring, Monday, so a oorres, poudeut informs us. Tbe oontr wt for the new school bouse at Cobnrg, haa been let to Mr. Bond of Irving for fliW. Tbe contract is fur the carpen ter work and material aloue. The democrats yesterday carried Port Townseud, Wash., by a good ma jority. Nearly every city in our sister state is now under democratic control. The sheriff will sell the machinery in the Dysinger planing mill, covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of Da vid Monustcs, on Saturday, August 0, at 1 p. m. Mrs. T. G. Reames and A. E. Kennies, of Jacksonville, visiting friends in Eu gene last night, snd left on this morning's local for Newport, to sojourn a week or so at the seaside. D. T. Pritchard, who bad a jewelry store in Eugene for some time, recently diew $2510 through the Lcuisaua atate lottery Tbat is tbe report which comes from Med ford, and his friends here hope it is true. Two of tbe Indian girla who graduated at Cbemawa Indian school, near Salem, at the close of the laxt term of that school, have been married. One to a son of late Super inten lent Irwin, of the school, the other to an Indian maa. Chester Osliurn is making a reputation as fluhArninn at tliA MnKfltizia Hridpe. Geo. Frissell has o mimed to be the boss fisher man, but Chanter catcbes two trout to bis one. lie probably haa some attractive bait to tnus Deal a veteran nsnermao. Eugene m ods a city ail as badly as Tnnu XIHIIltV mwxlixl a IfllllltV lull. The cell work In the old county jail should be purchased by the council and a new city jail ordered construct ed. The present caluboose is not lit to confine human beings in. Salem Journal, July 12: W ilson, the WuIhIi murderer, was this morning put intn "nmflli " fundi hm nm nluccd uixin dangerous Insane persons. This was done because the prisoner Insists on picking the splints off his broken arm, and In other ways injuring himself. All ol the great World's Fsir buildings, except two are practically finished. A por tion of tbe interior finishing and decorating la all that remain! to be done on moat of them. On tbe manufactures building and machinery ball work is oeing pusnea six (ten hours a dav. aud tbey are fast catching up with the other structure '' " Twn mirvpvnni mnr Pritievlllo while In numn I nut iwb. &ftV MlPV hl'llftl tWO distinct reports as of heavy blasts. No tremor of the earth was felt, however. Next morning on viewing the snowy crests of Hood and Jefferson, each of tim innnntaiiiH was seen to be emitting smoke in profuse volumes. A meeting of the hop growers or the M'lllniniiiiii vnllov will lm held nt, Hn- T , Jllllliivii ... . J ..... lem, Saturday, July 10, 1892, for tho purpose oi organizing a nop growers mutual fire relief association. The ob- ect is to obtain a cheaper rate of insur- ance on nop nouses aim iwn wiuiu drying, thereby saving quite an ex pense to growers. "The Hustler" will soon Inaugurate active rehearsals for Its ensuing sea son's tour. Already several of its par ticipants are actively engaged In pre paring 'special' acts for the coming Manairer Thomas H. n,-L nTolnm Hint. 'The Hiixtlt'r" will U I V IO vtuaaaau continue to coin money after its few competitors are oeau aim ouneu. st.niA fiirmnra In Union county are growing fences for their fields from the cactus, or Texas iuna ueug. au agree that It Is the cheapest fence they can obtain, and In three years Grand Itonde valley will be rendered even more lovely man it is now uy wiu re moval of the old rail and liarb-wire ..rw,kU nn.l fhw Biiluitltiitlnn nf lnnir 11 lll0 .......... - o rows of beautiful, blooming tuna neage. A onrious iaoident happened in the vicin ity of Pendleton during tbe fierce rain- - ... , . , . r storm ot last reel, aaya me usv urrgou- l.n Trt thA uftnrnnnn. find Ino it ImnnHst. ble to work, Clarence Bailey started to leave th field, and taking hold of tbe top wire of tbe barb-wire fence, received a shock like (hut from a galvanio battery. Tti.M liiil hi,.n nn liuhtninu. and it ia au..v - - n fj, strange how tbe wire became ehargod with electricity. 1. rtnil W ii tils wifn anil fnnr child. ren, accompanied by Miss Lizzie Mack, . . ,1.1 . i. were returning to oaiem irom iniaojoua connty a few dta ago, the oaniage ran off tbe grade and rolled about 100 feet down into the river. Miss Mack bad the little babe in her arms and wben she aaw tbey were falling, threw the child just in time for its father to catch it aud save its life. Miss Mack wnt over the bank, struck ber breast on a rk and bounded into the wa ter. She died an hour later. Albany Democrat: Shortly after mid' nluht thia mornins Mr. Henry Johnson, re- aiding across the Willamette beard bis dog, half bird and shepherd, evidently in a mor tal combat with something. Arising be found the dog fighting a big porcupine, very rare in tins valley, nuu a ciuo ne tii.nathai1 th bristliDir animal. The doa'a head was filled full of tbe sharp quills, and it tnnk anveral hours to net them all out. some of them being driven in sn inch and a half. Tbe cabins, tbongb ruineu, win prob ably live. Portland Welcome: For the first tin io allien lila nditue from orison. Sun dy Olds, the slayer of Emll Weber, a few days ago, had a chance to meet Henry McGinn, who prosecuted him at his three trials, face to face. The circumstances of the meeting were also peculiar. Mr. McGinn had been enjoying a Turkish bath at the Hamman, and going into the waiting room found Handy there alone. The latter glared at the man who bad tried vigorously to send him to the gallows while McGinn looked him straight In the eye, neither of the men uttered a word, for a run minute tney stoou thus when both went their own way as though they had never met before. MHeZVITiei. Wllloughby, dentist. Walch olubs at Holloway's. J. J. Walton, attorney-at-law. D. Linn & Bon, furniture and undertake ing, If yon want a suit of clothes or a pair of pantaloon go to Davis, tbe tailor, lie guar antees satisfaction and low prices. Eugene flour at Henderson's. Albany flour at Henderson's. Medford flour at Henderson's. Junction flour at Henderson's. You pays your money and you takes your choice. Chris Marx haa reduced the price of aha ing at hia shop to 15 oenta. The Minnesota Hotel has been re imlred and refurnished. Terms $1 per day. umy one blocK iroin the depot, All white help. Dr. Smiley ia prepared to attend to all calls from tbe country aud will make that part of bia practice a specialty. Join Holloway's watch and jewelry olnbs, he ia the originator of them in Eugene, a perfectly safe and very profitable way of buying what yon want. Call and investi gate it. W, Uolloway haa jnst received some new designs in watcb cases. Call snd see tbem. tbe largest and most select stock In tu gene. Money to loan on improved farms for a term of years at a reasonable rate oi inter est bv E. J. MoClanahan. Parties wishing to sell timber tribu tary to McKeu7.lt, Willamette, Sius law, Htnlth river and .MohawK enoture or W. J. Halley, euro Joel wore, r.u gene, Oregon. The high wheel Victoria lawn mower is the Ugliest running mower made. Call and examine at F. L. Chambers'. Another car of vehicles lust received direct from the factory which makes my stock complete in buggies, car riages, carts and pleasure wagons, also farm wagons. Prices ns usual low. t. ii. CHAMBERS. Attention farmers! Buy your medi cines at Yerlngton's Ninth street drug store, Uhinehart's block, Eugene. Yerinslon'a Oth at. drug store is the plaoe. Years of experience insures certainty and dispatch in the compounding and dispens ing ot medicines, UDinenaria viocx. Yerincton's Ninth street drug store Gruarantees satisfaction as to prices and quality. Khinehart's block. Harrison and Cleveland are In it so is F. L. Chambers' $15 carts. Only $00 to get one of those nobby pleasant wagons at F. L. Chamhkhs. Hay forks, craiu cradles and every thing elso a farmer needs at r . Ii. UJIAMIIKKS. Jkbsei Cow. A two year old Jersey oow giving milk came to Palmer Ayer's plaoe, two miles north of Eugene last week. The owner oan have ber by paying charges, A car load of Deering mowers and binders Just received direct from the factory, t an and examine tno new improvements. I1. Ii. CHAMBERS. Special Bargains for a Few Days Only. Dried plums, per Si 3 and 4c 17 lbs cube eucar $100 30 lbs D 11 100 6 lbs uncolored tea 1 00 3 lbs seedloss raisins, good 25 4 ttn gloss starch, guaranteed .25 10 lbs lard I w Also headquarters for flour and sugar by the sack. AX IS ILL!. aUUKNI. Rhodtt McCord to Mrs Eliza Dunham 50x100 feet, south Willamette street; $750. Employments of Convicts at Pen. Laundry department, 6; library, 1; barber shop, 1; shoe shop, 1; tailor shop, 4; scavengers, sweepers, etc., 12; kitchen and dining room, 17; ouisme kitchen, 0: cripples and unable to work. 4:i: daily excuses bv Dhvslcian. 30; patients in hospital, 9; Northwest ern foundry, 192; broom department, 1; stock department, 4: carpenter shop, 1; tin shop, 1; vegetable gardens, 10; flow er gardens, 1: farm. 24; brickyard, 83; blacksmith, 1; total W7. Dally Guard, July 13. Not Robbed. Yesterday we had an item about Tom Bell, the Camas swale man being robbed. It appears now that he was not rounea at an. Thursday evening, while In a maud lin condition, he gave the money to A. K. Patterson for saro Keeping, ana ine next morning knew nothing about so doing. The money was returned to him yesterduy afternoon alxmt 8 o'clock and he was a surprised man. The money came from the pension oillee at Washington. Plimtt or WtTEs The experimental well for tbe Eugene Water Company has reaohed bedrock. It is located near the comer of High and Sixths street, and dem onstrates to a oertainty tbat the neoessarr aupply of good, wholesome, oool and pure water can be obtained. A contract will probably be let for the building of tbe en larged well and tbe removal of tbe pumping station. Then Eugene will be enabled to nse its sewer aystem (or tbe purpose lor wbicb it was intended. Win TIpht Fnr a farm nf vpara. One of the best farms In Lane county, Or. Well improved. Suitable for fnrmlug, stock raising and dairying nm.ilil.i..l Tnmiiifiat Ax Billv's irroo- ery, or on the ranch eight miles west erly from TiUgene. johm iuuam. rmns H H Lemnn.airent for John Robinson's circus, was in town July 13, making arrangements for its appear- .nm In tMu nitv Hh apli'ti'il irrnunds on the corner of Willamette and Seven teenth streets. It will exhibit Here Thursday, August 4. Paid roa a Moirra.-The Corvallis Times gives a bit of news in the following savage manner. Tbe employes on the O. P rail road were given a month's salary yesterday, tbe first nickel tbey bave received lot ser vices rendered in 18U2. The boys were lucky in setting even enough to buy a bunch of firecraokera. A Kn Jin.. Lane oonntv la to have a new jail, the eon tract for the brick work, etc., having been signed Monday after .Ann. Wntb tAartnff down tha old den. called a jail, will commence some time next week. CVr.T riniRiM nr RHKairra. The an nr.. I .1.1. uin.nllnfl nf tha ihariffc of Or egon will asm ruble in Eugene next Wednes day, July ZUlb. ine attenaanoe prumim to be large, iney win receivo wiuw welcome from onr citizens. To Trade. A new Wilson's im proved sewing machine for sale or trade for hay or wood. Inquire at the Guard office. Baftizid Bv. Dollarbide, of the Free Methodist Church, of Eniiene, baptized IS converts at Coburg last Sunday. Borx. In Eugene, Monday, twin girls were born to the wife of Noble Stryker. THE EUGENE MILITIA. Company C Passes a Commendable Inspection. Briead ier General H. B. Com Dion, with his adjutant Chas. 8. Moore of Llnkville have started out to inspect the Oregon mi litia for tbe purpose of "weeding ont" and better equipping the "Ouaids" for any work tbey may hereafter be called upon to do. Major James Jackson of the regular army who has been detailed as instructor for tbla state accompanies the General m does also Col. J. T. Bowditch of Ashland, Pursuant to order 0 Co. assembled at the armory last Saturday night and at 8 JO manned to the publio school campus wbers tbey were reviewed by tbe above named offioen, Col. 8. L. Lovell of Salem and Lieut. F. L. Chambers also being pres ent. Col. Lovell then ordered the company to parade on the corner of Oth and Willamette Streets tbe ground being better fitted for the maneuvers and tbe arc lights afford ing a better view for the offioers aa well as tbe large crowd wulcb bad assembled. TheotBoers afterward Inspected the arms and equipment at tbe armory, commend atory remarks were spoken by the offioers, It is likely that some of tbe old nulforma which have been In nse for live years will be replaced by new onea. This is an evidence of the fact that brigade officers aa well as tbe regimental command er thinks 0 Company well worth lookiag after. Colonel Lovell was heard to remark to the General during the parade tbat this oompany was lbs best, taken as a whole, In his regiment. This sympathy on bis part is not lost on ths boys here tor whatever is done for C. Company tbey will give the Colonel hia euare of the credit for they are always loyal to him. The programme now is to set the whole of the 0. N. G. in as good abape as possi ble and have a fonr day's brigade encamp ment next aummer and go from there direct to the World's Fsir where it is calculated upwards of 100,000 National Guards wiU be present. Jasper Items. July 13, 1892. C. S. Conant Is building a new house for D. Joooby. A wagon load of young folks came over from Pleasant Hill Sunday aud had their photos taken. Mrs. Aklns little girl that fell from a bed about two weeks ago and broke her leg Is getting along nicely. The river drivers will get the logs all out of Fall Creek today, and will not be long in reaching Springfield. From the number of people seen go ing up on Hill creek every day we tlit 11k there is two persons to every blackberry. J. A. Brlires is here with his photo gallery and is kept quite busy. Come one come all and secure the shadow ere tho substance fades. John Bush received the contract to builtl the new school house at this place. The lumber is being delivered on the ground for the same. Miss Nettle Whitney closed a very successful term of school here on the 1st. A picnic was held In the grove on tho bank of Hill creek. A very plea sant time Is reported by all. JASPER. Contract Let. The contract has been let to J. O. Kelley to finish tlie well at the new water works plant according to the first intentions. It 1b 26 feet to bed rock from the surface and one pump Is being used now with a capacity of 000 gallons a minute to keep the water from obstructing the work. Another Dump of like capacity is in readiness to be used as soon as it becomes necessary. Tlie work is to be completed in sixty days. An analysis of the water ob tained nas snown 11 to ne on aparwun the best drinking waters In the state. Ballroad Whistles. One whistle of the locomotive means 'stoD. two means "clear the track: we're coming ;" three means "back up;" and fonr calls in the hind brakeman. Engines of ten give four petulant, impatient whistles, which are almost hnman in saggestiveness and most outsiders are at a loss to know what they are for. Notice. All accounts due the firm of Lackey ft Co. must be paid by Angust 1st, or oolleo tlon of tbe asms will be foroed. Dally Guard, July IX Robbed or 120. Thoe. Bell, who lives on Camas swale, about fifteen miles south-easterly from Eugene, came to town last evening and got gloriously full on red liquor, and was displaying his wealth to many, which consisted of six bright f20 gold pieces. After a time he became "tired" and went to sleep In a chair, utterly obliv ious of all worldly aflairs. A few hours thereafter he awoke and want ing another drink to quench his thirst, lie "went down" after his purse, when loand behold It had taken flight, and also all his wealth. The police have been looking for a stranger, who la sus picioned of tlie crime, but he has prob ably picked himself up and departed for other climes, as they have been un able to locate him. Dedicated. The new Menonnlte church on Fern Ridge, 10 miles northwest of Eugene, was dedi cated Hunday. The attendance was very lurge, a large num ber being present from Eugene. The dedicatory sermon was presented by the Bishop of the State, assisted by Revs. Jacob Schrag. 1. D. Driver and E. P. Henderson. The services were held In both the English and German languages, the German choir being led by Jos. Koch, of this city. The debt remaining, $200, was Immediately sub scribed. The church b a neat one and a credit to our Menonnlte friends and the people of Lane county. Dally Guard, July 13. DmousBDia tbi Jan.. Tbe contractors for the new iall today oommenoed tearing down tbe old struoture tbat haa done duty for thirty-four years. It was built in 1808 when Lane connty bad a population of lees than 4000 people. It has never been a se cure plaoe for keeping prisoners and numerous escapes have taken place from within its walls, in a lew days no vestige of the old eyesore will remain, and Id its atead will soon arise a modern jau, beauti ful in architecture, and safe and healthful for prisoners. SntTTO Euoisi. Grants Pass Courier! Abbott, the young man whoa leg was bro ken several weeks ago waa sent to Eugene at the county's expense Thursday bat. Bs bad been stopping at tne Veimonloo and waa several months in arrears for board be fore the accident, which was the result of bis own carelessness, occurred. Since thea Mr. Lindaey haa been nursing bim witbonl compensation, the eonnty having refused to defray tbe expenses. Abbott's mother fives In Eugene. 121 Days J. P. FUshIuudom, who stole a buggy whip of Mr. Weldcman, was tried before Justice Klnsey Wednes day afternoon. He waa convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of $26 or 12 days In Jail. Not having any money he chose the Imprisonment of neces sity, and he Is now serving the same out la the city calaboose. THURSDAY, JULY 14' Workmen an repairing the Eugene bridge. Legal boilnesi around ths court house It qniet. Binders are at work on tlie fall wheat. Timothy hay la rather a scarce article this year. Business on the street car line Is Im proving daily. The Cleveland and Harrison felt hats have arrived la Engene. The mountains are reported full of people, berrying hunting and fishing. City warrants are now being dis counted for want of funds In the treas ury. Btewart and Plckard shinned two carloads of cattle to Portland last night. The docket for the snecial term of circuit court contains twenty-eight cases. Albany Democrat: Euirene is to have something it practically has never had a county Jail. The county clerk has granted a mnr rlage license to Jos. M. Necley and Daisy D. Whlsman. The smallpox Is still increasing at Victo ria. Every plaoe on tbe Sound has Quar antined against tbat oily. The younir man who run off with the Lebanon girl settled the matter on being arrested, by marriage. Several viMtioa Odd Fellows from Irvina- aod Springfield attended tbe encampment meeting in tbla city bat evening. A new bridire will bo built acrom tbn Coyote creek at tbe long bridge, nine miles west of Eugene, at once, Adjourned term of circuit court con venes In Euirene next Mnndnv. It will be in session about one week. About thirty members of the M. E. Ep worth Leame are nlcnlckinir at Cold Springs, on tbe McKenzie, today. Mulberries are offered this veur In the market. ThU Is the first they have been raised here to amount to an v. thing. Cut the thistles down. Haying is well under way. Holloway leads, others follow. Carpetrl I Carpets! at D. Linn t Son's. Drummers are more olentiful tbeae dava than orders. Get the latest novels at Hollo wav's circulating library. Tobacco stems for tree wash, cheap, at Hayes' cigar store. By iroin ar to Holloway's vou can mt all the latest novels to read. Bend to or call on E. J. Frag ier for one ot his oiroulart descriptive of his latest and greatest bargain. Tho Deerlnir mower Is the llirhtent draft modo. Bee it at F. L. Chambers. W. Holloway's clubs are a success. He has already a lanre membershin aud they are here to stay permanently. Join Holloway's clubs. D. Linn k Bon. for furniture, caroetaand undertaking. The social given by the First Presby terian church last evening was fairly well attended. The cannery has been workinar for several days on the cherry crop. The out put of this fruit will be as great as it was lasi year. Alex MoEtchen. a switchman in ths em ploy of tbe N. P. Terminal Co. was ran over and killed by a switch engine la Port- una tut evening. Borne parties are already kllllnir grouse and pheasants, although it is against the law. They should be found out and prosecuted. The advance agent of Robinson's cir cus while here contracted for bill boards, hay and feed for stock and meat and groceries for the employes. After a lively struggle A. J. John son succeeded In capturing the animal, in A. V. Peters' corner window, which has been attracting such large crowds today. Bodaville correspondence: Eighteen tents are now pitched In our town and others coming dally. The summer houses are also filled with resortois and health seekers. T. I. nn.n .n.niviM Mint 1Tl.n .l.n murderer of Mamie Walsh, murdered Mrs Scott, In Yamhill county two years ago, and for which her husband Is con- nned in tne penitentiary. Wilson says he will tell what he knows about the case In a few days. Three Indians died from poison on the Warm Springs reservation one day last week, and two others are very sick from the same cause. The drug was administered In alchohol, which was sold to the aborigines by a half- breed. No further particulars could be learned. Hank Vaughan, of Pendleton, has received a pair of small members of the simian tribe from San Francisco, aud Intends to engage In monkey cultiva tion on McKay creek, ills rattle snakes and gourds are progressing finely, and he believes diversified fanning is prontabie. Personal. Dally Guard, July 14, Miss Ada Sharpies has been visiting Mrs. J. B. Lee in Corvallis. Ed Eben, of Prlneville, is In town visiting his uncle, Ed Baum. J. L. Thompson is spending a few days at Astoria and Clatsop beach. Wm. Miller and wife, of Sherman county, are visiting relatives and friends In Lane county. Miss Maud Kelso left on last night's overland for Santa Rosa, Col., where she will spend the summer. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Chadbourne-Blythe is able to alt up after five weeks Illness with a painful carbuncle. Miss Maud Alley left last night for her old home at Carson City, Nevada, via California where she will visit a short time. D. R. Murphy and wife, of Portland, spent last night In Eugene. Air. Murphy Is chairman or tne democratic state central committee. Frank Rankin and family left for Bodaville this morning to spend two weeks, ilia gallery nas been lere in competent hands, who will serve the ' people with first doss work at low prices. D. G. McNaughton, of Tacoma, ac companied by Geo. W. Boggs and H. lu Huson arrived here on the local this afternoon. Tbey are here to attend a meeting of the directors of the Siuslaw Eastern R. R. Dally Guard, July It. A Small Fike. The smokehouse belonging to Patterson & Miller, looat en In the rear of Dr. Palne's office on Ninth street, caught fire at noon today and nearly burned down, causing con siderable excitement The loss was small. No fire alarm was turned In. Wood. All those who have promis ed this office wood on subscription ac count, are requested to deliver the same as soon as convenient.