The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 16, 1892, Image 4

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    la Memorial".
Rrolber T. i. Dudiou died at bi bom
on Cni Creek. Lu eoonty, OrK"ii.
June IWi. The Cmp Creea Finier'
Alliaui-r. of abkh b wea, pem-d
tb following preamble ai.d r-M.mi..ii. :
Wu.ktf, I ba baud ul Divine Piovi
ilfiic but removed Hmilier T. J Dunteo
f-uiu lb Ktum il 1'iiuporal Ubois. tbe
lu-nill l tbi-ouiiiu ne deeiron ol lea
Ill) tug tbeii re-pecl fur bi memory aud
iirrMlim Ibeir earueel and alfertiouate mui.
IMlby fur ib'xw bci were ne.reet and dear
at to bui; tbeielore be il
lUariml, That leiidrty enndole
with lb l-r.eved fwiily of Ibe deeeal
iirotber io llna th-ir inn of libit and al
Hiotiou, awl loiuiueud iheut to Him who
look wiib pily vu lb bereaved i.d Mir
rowinir fl
Remilced, Tbnt In onr lumnHl wirrnw for
tha lo ut (ml b(u I brother ami fneud,
w Aud eouelatou in Ibe beli.f thai it i
-. M with I lui wboni a mourn
HemJitil. Thai while nWply eyiupa
this wilb ibe her-eved ai-l.r ami Lnulv,
we share wilb them tbe bop ol a reiimnu
In tbr better world, wb't there am no tl
lior parting.
W-y .V richest M and tuder
it nmm h noon bia children, mid may
Ha Riva Klam ami alreOKtb to the dear al
Xrt In bear uobly aud palieutly bar grtal
burrWn. Jo. MclAH.
T. J Elli fr.
J. K I'Ltrra.
Want mi Immediate Trial.
The (anplenf Clackamas county and
Oregon City are circulating a jietitlon
for signers and to be presented to the
nciiit Indue asking liiin to cull a spec
ial BKlnu of court and issue a venire
lor jurymen to try Wilson. Thin is In
stigated by the fuel that the regular
lerm ol court dia-H not convene until.
November, und the ieoile do not cart
lo wait tlmt long before the murderer
nf Mamie Walsh la iuiiImIic(I. The pe
tition also ask that the priHonei be re
lumed to the Oregon City Juil, there to
uwait his trial. At first it was sup
)nimhI tlmt the ohjeot of the ctitioit
was to get Wilson out of the stute pris
nn wo Mutt an opportunity could l had
lo lynch Ji ilia, but the ieople of Mil-
wau kie now declare that If he Is' re
turned and opeedily tried and execut
ed, tlu-y will not in uny way Interfere
with the law.
Sharp Fight Between Union anil Non
Union Miners.
Jlnj. )l senile's Tramp.
(rant County News: Major Magonc
placed his heel against the court house
diNir at an early hour on the morning
of July 4th and immediately hit the
nxiil for Chicago, intending to walk
, !.. ulin of the whv. over two thoilM-
'nod iniled, at the rate of twenty to
lliiity uiilea K'rday. He reached the
v. arm HpriugH, twenty-six mill., tlie
llratday. Major In past wventy ycara
of age, imt is hearty and wiry yet, aud
ili ' ivucii Cniciign with (lying colow
long U-foiv the anniver-ary of Auicri
c.i'a iliMiiVcl'V, OrluUr iJtti. A suit
rriptloii wna'cin-ulated to ruixo IuikIh
in- ii. m liiltuiate i'Ximmimm while on
Lie rood. His pixtK'licc at the world's
I i.r win mlvi-riiae the wtady west.
Autelop til (lie Frout.
1'ilneville lteview: A mm of iim
niii It and buttery was tried at Ante
Ioik', Wam-o county, the other day In
which Mr, liclle Maupiu wan nliiin
i ill itiiil .Miu. Nellie Dud wan defen
lunt. Ihi'Ii Indiea being reaidenU of
AnU'liK'. An Irrigation ditch tup
pliea IhegardeiiHof both with luolat 1 ik iiiiliea were ill the habit of
t ipping the ditcli by turns, but on
TiicMiuy ihelr garden! Uatked sickly
l.nin I he cxctiwive heat and both want
ed to tap the ditch at once. During
tue iiiiiiri'l that urom) In cointeijueuce
Mr. J Hal struck Mr. Maupin over the
liejid with a gardeti hoe, Inflicting a
aeverv wound. Mrs. Maupiu Ilea hi a
very critical condition. The doctor
Hiated under laith, that her recovery
waa doubtful.
MakkikI). l'alouae, Waah., Ilepub
llcan: At the home of the bride
in thi city, Sunday, July 3, 1W)2, by
llev. Weluier, Mr Frank Hardeety
and Ml Kate Calllaon. The young
lady waa born In Lane county king a
daughter of K M. Call I son.
raar millTaralr Woaaactl.
J B I. T .. f Tl. - tl
Taail uaKiy la iwiug rptia la in
(,'isar d'AI-u BitiiDK diairivu of nortbera
liltbo. Four oao hava bws killed and
wauy oUDdad. Valuabln property baa
btvu (Uatrujwt If dynamite and Iba and ia
out Jt. A lockout araa th-gnu tbai April
I by tha miovnnra' aawx'i .linn, and ftJOU
oniou uiloera en ibiown on I of woik
pinna tDeo tba UiiDo-ovnera bara been niak
ii'g a airuioib- fo ran ibair annaa itb dub
uuiod n'eo aoJ aimed gaanla. Tba two
aion baa itn-n ioti-im i-t montba,
and Iba opinion baa prevailed I bat
only "park a naoVd to atart tha fliorn
i'f not. Tba park ba cm at
laal. Tha ciaiuple gin al Hoin
lead and tbe, deelKii.u tf tba Coiled
Kialea court at it'iiaa mikiug parpatnil tba
Injnoolicm agiut lh MintM' Union,
broiinbl lb Uwle.a tltment lo tba front
It br(an by Iba bloving np Uat niiibt of
tbe roiren I rating mill of tba 8.0 FraociMi
mioetat Oeui. 8bra.bon oonnty. Tbia
mortiiug at 6 Iba ahoo'iug b gno ' b-tweu
anion and uoo auiou foreea, tba firmer aa
aultin lhUiler at ibaO-tn inina. Tba
lalrat U-lephoue in-n; from tba aoene of
tnmlile a it iba union uieu bVa eapin.
Iba Oeoj uiina and taken lh acbt and
gnardi piiaunata. anil that two man r
lualanlly killed on efb nda and
Di4oy wouniled, and tbal a truce ia no
prngraaiuii batwnao tba atrikrra and utina
owuem. Another uieHoaya irport iUb! iht
nuion man wotking in Iba Tuier and Pr
mau uiinea hare quit woik and joined Iba
forifaof tba a'rikera. and Ibat I hey be
Mf'tured tba Union mine nail Jlnrke aud
takan Iba uou union forcaa priaomra.
A Itlaaelrona lllasr.
Portuno, July 11. -PurtUn.l am laa)
oigbt viaitHt by one of tba lariitv. rootl ra
tioiia aba ba en in year. Tba Hrebioka
ont iu tbe haart ol iba uny. aud befiira the
flame ounld ba aulxlued, ainiOKt an tulirr
blo.'k wua lereM to iba Rrmmd.
The fire broke out in C. Caniilchaer
carpenter ahon on Sixth street, next to
tbe comer of Waaliiiigton. When it
was discovered by a reporter and
Oltlcer Johnson, there was onlv a
Hiiiall blaze iu a pile of shavings about
mesiove. i ne tutor was at once broken
open and an ettort was mado to extln
guiwh tlie tire. A few buckets of water
would have been sutticleut to stay the
progress of toe Humes but as these lew
buckets of water were not t-i be had.
s 1 r I a . .
uiuccr joniisou nusieiiea to the uear-
east tire alarm box to turn in an alarm,
wuiie ine reporter uiiHied himself
alarming the people living in the ad
joining buildings. Owing to some de
lay hi tue arrival oiinenrc department
aim ine incK oi water arter it did ar
rive, almiMt the entire block bounded
by Washington, SUrk, .Sixth and
Seventh streets is this morning in
ashes. The loss will amount to tir0.
000. Whose Turtle is If?
Salem Statesman: Down nt the
Willamette Valley Flouring mill yes
terday, while the water was all out of
the race, an aged mud turtle was eaj -tured.
On his buck waa engraved the
following clianu'tcrx.
aiiimul taiiue from the deuce onlv
iuiowb wuere, aim nas neen wandering
during fourUi-n long years. The let
ters show the indelible marks of age.
Here is the message tlie turtle carries
on his tiack: "li. II. L. P. H. P. ().,
1870." What do these letters niuin
auu wiiii eugruveii ineiii, ana when
and where was It done? Probably the
o. , v. mere to isttiem reiiiteiitlary
Oreirou. Mavhe it waa thfl Wafb txt
some prisoner who ciiptured the turtle
in nio raw ai. i ue prison auu after let
tering him, again turned him loose in
the race ami be has ever since been
makiiiD hla whv iI.iil-ii t .k.. ...iu
only to be caught in the screen at the
Rent w, -A numiwr . of Eugene
people aver Ibat tba notion! ib rerttion
of lb Portland fir a from bare lat 8 nuiay
arening. I: aeema improbable, bat at tba
tint and In tba direction of tbe flr, a rd
glow Via ibaeMed in tbe an.
Funrib of July on tbe Lakes.
There was a celebration near the
coast between Clear Lake and Tsiltcoos
or Ten Mile as it is commonly called,
which was a decided success. There
were fully two hundred aud lifty per
sons in attendance. A year ago there
was a celebration at the same place, at
which not quite one hundred people
were present, which fact shows how
fast the country is settling up. The
chief mode of conveyance Is in row
boats, and it was quite a pretty sight
the nioruinir of tlie Fourth to see the
boats coming from all directions with
flairs fl vine Fu the breeze. Nine row
bouts and a www were seen on the lake
at onetime..
Prof. Martin was orator nf the day
and his oration was both amusing and
The programme was divided and the
dinner sandwiched In between, and
such a dinner never had It been our
good fortune to partake of such a ban
quet as was spread there. Four long
tables were filled to overflowing with
the luxuries of life. Hot tea and
coflee was served. Hot drinks on the
Fourth of July? Yes, indeed, and ap
preciated too, for you know it is not
hot there as here Iu the vulley. Hut a
cool breeze was blowiugall day. lion,
A. L.- Reed, of Doturlus countv was
there and provided candies and nuts
for the crowd at his own expense. At
about 4 o'clock the crowd dispersed af
ter a resolve, which was made by C.
D. Thomas and carried unanimously,
return next year and celebrate' at the
same place and In the same way.
From one who was there.
A Uyuaiuite Explosion.
Tba Waal vive the following aoconnt of a
liivuiHlare enulomuu lliat abuok up tbe
Florence people:
Al hIvhiI nva o'clock on tbe niornin of
July fourth, all rloreiioo people, and in
fait, all people liviuit anthill a radius of
everal mile of FlnieDreuwer awakened tu
itMlizninn tbal ''HOiutiD bad drapped" or
an tartbqnake beeu Iniued looas in their
im medium viciuity Further investigation
dieukiwd ibe fuut ibnta man named MeGee,
loremau on lh lybttioiine work, together
wilb a f 'W aid, had decided to giva Flor
ence a nuht aiiiart itlnrter for glorious oel
eimiiou. 10 oiiry out tneiralm auoors
fnlly Ibey priH-ured luity four twu-onnoa
tick of dyuauillti aud placiug them be
tween two an vil aloiigxiile of tba flagpol
on front atrmt, toucbiiiK tlie foae and
awwiting ro.uliH. An Ibe lick of iba clock
aononuoed tba hour of fire tba n
ploaion came, and what waa only a few eo
ond before a quietly aleepirg couimuuiiy
waa tranHuioKiitied into a' bewildered fright
ened populace, and from tba lipa of some
were baanl to coma eipre-eiona which
aoundail like "dumpliool " Tbe result of
the exploiou a ireioeudona ei ploaion
follow. d liy Mling window eUaa, dihbon,
and all manner of uietc!iiin.e aud boiiw
bold fnreiiiire Hotel Morris ro-ivtdtbe
worM abnkiiig np. Fiiieeu windowr, bk
and till, on two eidea of the bona ware
oouiplelely aballered together aitb abont
thirty linbi. on tha otber aide of tba build
iiiK. Tue cupola windowa were alo denjol-i-hed
aa well na tbe front door and traiiaomM
ou tbe first floor. Dainaga about tVM
Windows, itlaaa and n-h in Iba front of
PimiwaHter Kyle'a ra-idence were biokeu
out, iba whole Iruul mile of ibe conserva
tory made a complete wn-ck, in bi store
aerentl wiudow, abowcaKea and oonaidera
hle ena-kery were broken: daiumre. .K5.
I waive larga light nf xlnaa wai biokeu in
M'l-a drng atorr and tbe lodge ball. Aoont
20 damage to drug iu tbe drug atore. All
ibadiebitin Mr. Tauner'a rerideiica were
bioken. At Jack Auderaou'a bui a a Una
olock waa thrown to tbe floor and made a
complete wreck. ' Anda from tbe above
there ware neveral minor itema. awellinv
tba total damagea lo about f J00.
Conncll Pnieecdlnn.
Council met In City Hall, Monday
evening, July II, 18U2.
Present Mayor McClung, Council
men Fisher, Page, Matlock Dorris and
Minutes read, corrected and approv.
Councilman Walton front the JiMlc
lary committee. In the matter of open
ing and extending Fifteenth street, re
ported that Geo. H. Collier and H. R
Klncald had declined to give the rail
road the right-of-way; that the com
mittee had taken no steps to condemn
tbe land required to open tbe street.
Matter continued.
Councilman Matlock, from the street
committee, reported that no contract
had laseii let for lumber. The lowest
bids were: Country mills, 9.SU per
1000 feet; town mills, $10.
Finance committee reported favor
ably on a number of bills aud warrants
ordered drawn.
Warrant ordered drawn in favor of
street committee for foOO to apply on
street improvement.
Councilman Page, from the commit
tee on tire and water, In the matter of
placing hydrant on corner of Sixth ami
Monroe, reported progress.
Councilman Dorrit, from the health
committee, reported several cesspools
that should be connected with sewer
without delay; no action by council.
Petition to open Fourteenth street
from Oak to Willamette; read and re
ferred to street committee.
Bills read aud referred.
Aldridge Fined Daily Dispatch:
Editor Aldridge, of the Priuevllle
News, was in Judge Deady's court this
morning to answer to the charge of
sending obscene literature through the
malls. The article is question was
carefully read aud thoroughly dissect'
ed by Judge Deady. A pa.t of the
matter the court held to be not ob
scene, but the second count was ob
scene. It was lauguuge not fit for use
in any way, nor uiwii any occasion.
It was vile, very vile, and we are sur
prised and pained to know that any
newspaper man would publish such
and thereby degrade and lower this,
one of the grandest professions among
all of the callings. After summing the
matter up , the court ordered the de
fcudaut to stand up and a fine of $50
was Imposed. This was ccrtaiuly len
ient on the part of Judge Deady.
I'animlttrit Mulctde.
Portland, July 12. Coroner Hol
man wai notified this morning of the
dljcovery of the body of W. F. Crietz,
a real estate dealer iu East Portland,
and an old citizen of that place, had
tieen found in the water back of Lith
man's furniture factory, near the
Southern Pacific railroad track. From
what we can learn, the old man had
made up liis mind to commit suicide
and was determined to accomplish his
purpose. He left a letter to his family
and also one for C. S. Hannum, an at
torney on the east side. He made an
attempt to commit suicide on the 4th
Inst., but in this he was disappointed,
aud the supposition is that he drowned
himself last evening, as this is the last
time he was seen. The coroner will
hold an inquest this afternoon, when
further facts may be developed.
From the evidence shown at the cor
oner's luqucst, this afternoon, it is a
clear case of drownlmr with suicidal
Jutent, and the Jury so rendered Its
Marine Cadets. The army officers
who Inspected Company C In this city
last Saturday night being curious to
see what this organization was like
Capt. O. A. Sachs and about thirty of
il. o Hid.,,....a .....v,.i .. ... mr
I lie Dalles Times-Moiinfjilmwr Tho'iooi.ii. uiu.i u. i.... ... j
largest Jot of compressed wool ever ex-1 went through an inspection drill. The
hlbited ou the coast ; was seen at Marine cadets are attracting consldera
Moody s warehouse this afternoon. ! hie attention and the drill nwlwd la a
This consisted of 800 bulea.
I... . . . OAUl 1.. I . ' .
uuui. uw puuuus eacn, anu making a
total of nearly one-half million pounds.
The photographer called around and
procured a good negative of this im
mense tot, or Daied wool. This will be
shipped to Boston and ia onlv a aniHll
portion of what has already been sent
ii u mie worenouae to tbe eastern
n a kel.
good thing tor the boys but rather a
tAsk on Mr. Sachs, and his adjutant,
Mr. Koch.
Will IUidm. Jena Cohen will retnrn
to Eiiuen from Pendleton in a few day
and rrvnme bia old situation with 8. H.
F'iendly Jeaaa ia a valuable man in s tora
an? M'-Frt. nHy i to be yingrtolated np-
Ashing gooi.