The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 16, 1892, Image 2

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L L. CAHPBKLU rrwprleWr.
Mexicans Arrested for Robbing
The Santa Fe Company lLis No Intention
of Extending lis Lines From Los
Angeles to 'Frisco.
Nevada's militia, will camp near
The Arizona ranges are overstocked
with cattle.
Arirun clalma to have more newspa-
pera in proportion to it p ipulation than
any other section ol the Union.
A lane number ol men have been dis
charged from the navy yard at Mare
Island, ana more aiacnarge are ei'
pec ted.
Inspector from Washington have
been looking through the Caraoh mint,
and they declare everything in excellent
The officer and men on thecralaer
Boston have raiaed over 11,000 to place
a monument over their deaU abipmale
at the Mare Island cemetery.
Mra. Woodworth, the doom-sealing
evangelist who created eo much excite
ment at Oakland, Cat., laat year, has
began a series ol meeting at Baieta, ur,
There la aoine talk at Vallejo of refit'
ting the old Hartford, on a rumor that
the duel of the bureau of construction
will make a recommendation to that
Reports from the southeastern part of
Ariiona Territory are to the effect that
cnlesa ram Jails in a few weeka cattle
will die by the thousands. Already
they are dropping oil.
Electricians from the East are now at
Butro. Nev.. figuring on the cost of put
ting up an electric plant near Butro to
run the mill on quarta Drought through
Butro tunnel from the Comstock.
ThA irovnrnmnnt amlnrinir nartv. In
charge of 1'rof. Heed Cleveland, has
lelt lacoma lor Alaska on the City of
To nek a to measure the movement of
Muir'a glacier and to examine the sur
rounding loun try.
The chief ol the bureau of yarda and
aorta at mare isiana la strongly in i
mnr ni hauinif A hrtiliA 111! lit frurn Val.
lejo to the navy yard for the greater
acuity 01 travel anu convenience to em
ployea and otbera.
Notwithstanding the decision of the
Superior Court at Sacramento that
K jdgero, the recently elected Chief ol
folice, Is Ineligible to the oiiice, lie re
times to vacate only on special order ol
the conn itiai ne mum uo bo.
Sydenham Mills, while on hla way to
Aluiray, Idaho, with KUW worth o
fold dust which he bad cleaned up
a Fancy Uuich, waswavlaid and robbed
by two u gliwayiuen. Kewanls to the
amount ol 7oJ have beeu ottered for
their arieet.
The schooner Halcyon has been selied
at Victoria, B. 0.. by the customs au
tliurltiei lor au aliened infraction l tin-
cuntoin law of Canada. The oOen
charged whs lhatol lying In the harbor
ou the we t coast ol Vancouver Island
without entering at the customs.
In an Interview President Manvel of
the fcauta fee at Han Diego la reported to
have said : " The vomi any haa no liiten
tion ol extending lis lines frun Los Au-
aelea to Han t ranclsco. I don't know
why they didn't do it in the first p. ace,
Dut It la out 01 the que-iion now."
Three Mexicans have been arrested at
TuJuana who were making a profita
ble uusluess ol robbing Chinese. The
Mexicans would agree to pilot the Mon
8ollans acroaa the line, and alter a sale
tatance Irora Mexican authority they
. were atood up and robbed of every ceut
they had.
The killing of Police Officer William
F. Jordan at Butte, Mont., by burglars
baa aroused the people, requent bow
Hps, burglariea and robberies have
tended to lutensliy the feeling, and a
vigilance committee will probably be or
gaaixed. Over 100 men are engaged in
the starch lor the murdering burglars,
The l'hmnix (Aria.) Chamber of Com
merce haa published a pamphlet of about
fifty page on the resources of the Bait
River Valley. The Illustrations of farm,
Held and town lile are many, and the
homeseeker la Introduced to a section of
the Territory which la very fertile, but
whose agricultural resource have not
been generally known.
For lx week a force of men hai been
engaged at Ban Diego in moving the
large irame botel runta liamia to ha
eenada, Lower California, by water.
The building was successfully loaded on
huge lighter to be lowed to Ita destl
nation, but the other night the house
collapsed and fell Into the ocean. It
was valued at 114,000, and I a total loss,
The lighter drifted out to tea.
An euormous school of fish known as
barracuda waa sporting in Monterey
Bay off the bath-house wharf the other
day. wnen witn a auuuen turn they
beaded straight for the beach without
diminution iu their speed and were soon
landed high and dry upon the shore,
Many parties who were lortunate enough
to be In the vicinity gathered basket ol
the squirming Hah oelore they could re
gain the water. The belief ia that the
tlah were driven ashore by a school ol
whalea that ha been (porting about the
Owing to the non-answering of the
labor cards sent out by the Board of La
bor Employment either in person or by
letter, to come to work or reason of not
being able to, more than fiity name
within the last few day have. In com
phance with the regulations, been
stricken from the mil of t oie eligible
for employment The namea erased are
from those residing in all psrta of the
Hate, who doubilees are unaware of the
law now governing employe at the navy
In the United State Circuit Court at
Portland the Injunction euit brought b
tbe Oregon rihort Line and the Utal
Northern Kai 1 way Com pan les agai nat the
Northern Pad He railway was decided In
favor of the defendant. Judge Field
diceolved ih injunction on the ground
that plaintiffs cannot compel deiendant
to let it own car stand idle and art
p aint IBV car at mileage ratos, and that
in the matter of passengers there la no
obligation on the part of ri'her company
In the absence of peclflo agreement
to honor ticket issued by the othr
Resolution Requesting the Secretary of
SUU to Inquire Into the Arrest of
Dr. Thomas Gallagher.
Camlnetti ha hope that he will yet
succeed in having bia bydraulio mine
bill passed before tbia cession ol con
gress adjourns.
The Secretary of the Treasury I pre
paring for transmission to Congress plan
and estimates lor the Kan Francisco
postofflce. lie think a building to be
In keeping with th- 'ie and importance
of a city like Han Francisco should cost
not lea thm f 6,0.),UU0 or 0 OUO.bOO.
Tne Committee on the Columbian Ex
position decided to report favorably a
i.di In miA nl Hia (air nhalantiallv the
same a that agreed on by the House
Committee, providing for 10,iKl,0O0 sou
venir hall-dollar. It includes, however,
an amendment providing the fair shall
be closed on buuuay.
Representative Cumralng' bill, equal-
ixing the pay of letter carrier, has been
lavorablv reported from tbe Committee
on I'ostolucee and Post Roads. The bill
fixe the uavof letter currier In all Iree-
delivery district at fttOd for the first
year, H00 lor the second, ii.uuu lor me
third and fourth and thereaiter f 1,00.
McAleer of Pennsylvania Introduced
In the House a resolution requesting the
Hecretary of State to inquire into the
cause of arrest and imprisonment of Dr.
rhomas Gallagher in England. The res
olution dates that it was thought he was
convicted and sentenced to imprisonment
for lile through political prejudice, which
existed against Irish persons in En viand.
He was sentenced in liUtt, nin uays
alter hi arrival in England. Tl e reso
lution was referred to the Committee on
Foreign Affaire.
The action of the House in rejecting
the first twoconference reports presented
thi session on the regular annual appro
priation bill has given rise to much un
favorable comment among Senators.
There is no doubt that it haa seriously
jeopardized the prospects of an early ad
journment of Congress. Bad blood has
been engendered on both aides, and cer
tain Senator elated recently that Con
gress would remain in session until elec
tion day if the House persisted in main
taining ita position. McMillan declared
tbe House would remain in session all
summer before accepting amendments
increasing tbe appropriation. The Sen
atorial programme is to ait itout in quiet
dignity, out some members oi tne nouse
threaten in that case that the House will
refuse to dims any resolution extending
the appropriationa for the support of the
government beyond July 20 next, ui
course, no one believe either House will
proceed to such extremity, but the talk
show the strength of the feeling.
A Colored Girl Carries Off the Second
Honors at the Graduating Exer
cises of a High School.
Boston schools will teach shorthand
Chicago University ia rounding up a
big herd of Instructors.
There are about O.OK) school children
in New Yrk unprovided with ichool ac
commodation. The School Board of Council Bluffi has
appropriated money to purchase flag
tor all the schools.
The prescribed course of medical In
struction In the Mexican national Uni
versity 1 seven year.
President Low of Columbia College,
New York, will make an effort to stop
haiing at that Institution.
1 he common-school children of Athent
Are taught ancleni and modern Greek
French and sometimes hnglisii.
Mrs. Hiram Kelly of Chicago has given
(60 1 00 lor one of the proponed buildingi-
or women at the Chicago University.
At the graduating exercisesof the higli
el ool at Jacksonville, III., the second
honor were carried off by a colored girl.
Forty-two women have just received
the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the
inrt eth annual commencement of the
Woman' Medical College at Phlladel
The school Board of St. Paul has de
cided to make no distinction of sex in
the matter of teachers' salaries, women
receiving the same a men for the same
Uermany takes the lead for compul
sory school attendance. In 1888 out of
5,001,000 children of school age, from U
to 14, but 6.145 were absent without
cause, or WIS) in every 1,000 were in
A friend of Bnrnard College, the fe
male annex to Uoiumbia, bus ottered
1100,000 for a building if the site be
chosen near the new up-town aiteol
Columbia Itself. Heretofore Barnard
haa existed In a Madison avenue dwell
ing house.
There are at present 123,000 colleges
and schools In India lor men. with
3,02ti.3iX) students, but there are only to
be foil ml a lew hundred schools ol low
vernacular atandarda and half a doien
college for women, with ttM.L'Ul itu
Mis Adelina M. Iveson, one of the
II m graduates ol the first normal school
in Massachusetts, and probably the firs)
professionally trained teacher to enter
the work in the publio school ol Cam
bridge, finished a term of fifty vears
thi month a a teacher in the Wash
ington ichool, Cambridge, and a doien
cltlien. headed by Governor Russell
and Andrew P. Pealwdy, are arranging
a tilting testimonial to mart the event.
It I, we (tippoae, quite In accordance
with the tendency of mankind to be al
ways in extreme, which philosopher
nave ueptoreu, mat we nave no
aiignieu upon a time wnen in manv a
university athletics have usurped the
place of honor, and the highest ambi
tion of the average atudent ia to get a
place in some team of player or rowers
Alas for the day which has seen the
amusement of the playground raised
to tbe dignity of a proiesston, and col
lege "nines" or other numbers furnish
ing choice material tor the trade of the
gambler. But there i some reason t
hope that the pendulum, having awung
to the farthest limit of it are, 1 now on
the return. Toronto CM.
An experiment well worthy of Imita
tion i that of the Boston merchant
Eben Jour dan, who ha opened a gvm-
nasium for hi female employee, and
gives them the benefit of proleesional
instruction in the art of physical exer
cise. The classe are fre to ail who
choose to avail themselves of the privi
lege, and dally instruction ia given be
tween the hour of 6 and 6 o'clock in
th afternoon. Six hundred girl have
already begun a course of exercise, and
upon the euccee of the trial depends
the accession of nearly a thousand of
their anocae. Those who have
joined the el awe are delighted with
their experience, and aay that the tird
feeiing caused by close confinement in
the store eoon give place to one of elas
ticity and freihnee. Mr. Juurdan ex
pect to In tbe near future a gvmnt-
tmn attached to every large business
establishment where women are em
ployed. .V Turk PmU
Building and Loan Associations of
the United States.
Great Drought In Northern Mexico and
Pjnlons of Texas Chicago
Rlyer Swollen.
Harvest hand command 13 a day and
their "keep" In Kansas thi year.
The Cleveland itreet car atrikera have
refused tbe compromise proposition.
Cut-worma are proving very destruct
ive to tobacco in Henry county, Tenn.
The population of the town of Okar
che, Oklahoma, grew 1,600 in one nlB-ht
The Louisiana Legislature haa re
pealed the law creating the board of
flour inspector.
Great trouble I experienced in ven
tilating tbe St. Clair tunnel, which waa
opened last year.
A leather trust haa been incorporated
In New Jersey. It will deal in all kind
of goods made from leather.
Building and loan association of the
United States are trying to perfect na
tional organization at Chicago.
Because of the enactment of the sepa
rate coach law, the negroea of Kentucky
propose to boycott tbe railway.
About 1,000 negroes in and around
Nashville, Tenn.. are making ready to
emigrate to Oklahoma in the fall.
Immigrants to the number of 92,243
arrived in thi country during May ; in
May, 1801, the number waa 86,941.
The Missouri crop bulletin report a
very good condition nnd yield in bar-
vesteu grain, out wuu ugut acreage.
The great drought In Northern Mexico
and portions ol lexaa sun continues,
and there ia much Buffering in conse
The defalcation of Treaaurer Dahn of
the Buffalo National Savings Bank will
probably reach between $2J0,000 and
Tbe English party composing the eyn
dicate which own the Black Hills tin
mines near Rapid City are to visit the
The Sugar Trust baa agreed to give the
wholesale grocer who maintain fixed
prices a rebate of one-eighth of a cent
per pound.
It haa been estimated by a high au
thority that the country will have aa
much wheat to export this year a it
had last vear.
Iron haa been discovered at Mulhall
Kan., by a man digging a well, who,
when down some seventy feet, struck
iron. A ahalt I being sun.
The elevator men at Chicago have
wired to their country correspondents to
nop shipping corn there till alter July
16th, 8b it is coming in such bad condi
tion it will not grade.
Senator Gallinger i at the head of
movement to eatablisb government nan
itariums in the South. When these are
established hla plan la to assist con'
sumptives to emigrate thither.
The New York State census shows
that there are about 4,000 Indians living
on the several reservations in that State
who still maintain their tribal systems
subject to State jurisdiction.
A clergyman of Indianapolis, Ind.. has
entered upon a vigorous crude againsi
church fairs, grab bags, rallies and all
other schemes to raise fund for church
purposes in illegitimate ways.
An eight-foot tunnel, extending four
miles out into Lake Michigan, haa just
been completed at Chicago, it will sup
ply to the city :,000,iOU gallons ol wa
ter per day, and has cost over $l,0i)0,000,
The Broadway cable line in New York
City will be operated in October. Nearly
6,0u0 horses are to be displaced. The
total coBt of the new road is $5,000,00 1,
Cotton drive rope ia used to prevent
The Chicago river la swollen to such
an extent that nearly 1,600 houses in
Uavenswood, a suburb ol Chicago, were
surrounded by water. The main Bewers
in Chicago are clogged and basements
Following are the newly elected dl
rectors of the Nicaraguan Mail, Steam
and Navigation Company: Albert O.
Cheney, Samuel 0 Miller, Louie Citable.
Warner Miller aud George V. Davis, all
ol New lorx.
There is a law on the Kansas statute
book which provides for the delivery of
all letters for girl under 18 and boys
under 21 year of age to their parent
and guardians, but it would take the
militia to enforce it.
The Lighthouse Board has arranged
for a aerie ol experiment on Staten
Island, N. Y.. of a new magnesium
light, which Is reported to nave devel
oped wonderful illuminating powers at
recent observations in uermany.
Owing largely to the pollution of it
water by aewage, there were 1.007 deaths
from typhoid lever In Ohlcago last year,
that being the highest known rate for a
great city and more than five time as
many aa In rew lork.
In order to keep eea porgies through
the summer, the fishermen of Rhode
Inland have net ao arranged that the
passing schools are led up into salt wa
ter ponds and the channel connecting
with tne ocean are closed.
New York and Brooklyn merchants
have received request for subscription
to the lund lor the building, In Rich
mond, ol a monument to the private
soldier and sailoi who lost their live
In the Confederate army and navy.
Newfoundland will hold an Industrial
exhibition In October, and it begs the
United State to lend such articles
fishing, agricultural, mining, etc. as are
suited to the ue of that island people.
ok joiins win oe me seat oi tne (now.
It appear that there are now in the
State of Louisiana '250 lepers, thirty of
whom are in the city of New Orlea ;
that most of them have inherited the
dreadful disease, and that but few of
them are isolated from the rest of the
The Mississippi river at Davenport.
Iowa, ia five inches higher than during
the floods of 1888. Along the low land
at the south oi Rock Island hundred of
familie have been driven from their
home. Railroad are flooded oat of
town, and factoriea along the river front
nave beeu lorced to suspend.
Io the Senate the other day Stewart
offered a a substitute for hi free coin
age bill one providing that tbe owner of
liver bullion may deposit the same at
any mint of the United State, to be
coined for hi benefit, the coin to be
legal tender for all debta and due.
Foreign silver, coin or bullion, i ex
cluded, and the eilvtr act of ISyO re
Mrs. Langtry Makes a Winning at the
Ascot Races-Trie Mad King of
Bavaria Vegetative.
Benjamin Harrison, Wbitelaw Reld
and William McKinley are graduate of
little Miami University of Ohio.
George M. Dallia, one of the new
Judge of the United State Circuit
Court of Appeal, baa received .from
Princeton College the degree of Doctor
of Law.
Alexander Henry, Inventor of the cel
ebrated Martin-Henry rifle, used exclu
sively in the British army, i a Scotch
man by birth, and last month celebrated
hi 74th birthday.
President Tuttle of Wabash College
has retired from ervice after holding of
fice thirty years. He ha been on duty
all of that time except two mouths, a
record not easily paralleled.
Tbe late Senator Barbour of Virginia
lett the bulk of his property, valued at
60,i00, to hi siater-in-iaw, Mis Ellen
Daingerfield, who ha been appointed
admluiatratrix of the estate.
Mr. Langtry won $20,000 at the Ascot
rare. For yeara she hai looked upon
the gold cup aa an almost certain source
of income, her choice of horse in tbe
race being generally fonunate.
Marie Corelli la only the pen name of
the writer whose works have won the
approval of Queen Victoria. She ia a
daughter of the late Dr. Charles Mackay,
and her name Is Marion Mackay.
Pierre Millet, the brother of Jean
Francoiee Millet, ia living in Boston. He
is a sculptor of great ability, but, like
bis brother, is retiring and modest to an
unusual degree, and shrinks from noto
riety. Minister T. Jefferson Coolldge live at
Coolidge Neck, Manchester, Mass., when
he is at home in inmmer. Cornelius
Vanderbilt lucceed him there thi sea
son, having taken a lease of Coolidge
The Cologne Qazelte say that the con
dition of the mad King of Bavaria is now
merely vegetative; that he is unable to
distinguish persona in hia familiar en
tourage, and that his attendants nave tne
greatest difficulty in getting him to take
Vf I..!..... tnnl ! . I , n n 1. a a nnoarail in
the eyes of thel'aria correspondent of
the London AVits, "IB wnite-nairea, naie,
of a straight carnage and a direct man'
ner. He strikes one aa a man of Intel
lectnal as well as business tastes and
When the little ten-year-old Crown
Prince of Germany marched at the head
of hi regiment during the recnt mili
tary review at Potsdam no one applauded
hUn more heartily than the little Queen
of Holland, who stood at one ol the pal
ace windowa.
King Oscar of Sweden Is a man of tall
and spare figure, with white hair an'
beard. He enjoys excellent health.
When the King visited President Carnot
at the Elvsee he wore the medal granted
him bv the French government for
throwing himself before two horse that
were running away with a carriage filled
with ladies.
The death of General K. 8. Protitch.
one of the Regents of Servia, has al
readv been mentioned. When Kinv
Milan abdicated in March, 1880. he read
hi declaration before hia Council o
Ministers, knelt before his son and took
theoath of allegiance. This example wa
oliowed by the three Regei.ts, whom he
appointed. General Protitch had twice
been Minister of War, and was a great
favorite in the army. His age was 63.
The Chair in Which Thomas Jefferson
Sat While Writing the Declara
tion of Independence.
The citizens of St. Joseph, Mo., oppose
the removal of the house in which Jesse
James waa killed to the World's Fair foi
The Board of World's Fair Manager
o' Pennsylvania has expended $33,630 6i
of the $3 K),000 appropriated to it by the
last LeglHiature.
The chair in which Th mas Jefferson
sat while writing the Declaration of in
dependence is now owned by the Philo
sophical Society, rhtladelphta. It hi re
ported that this interesting relic will bt
exhibited at the World's fair.
South Burmah and the East Indies in
tend to have a worthy exhibit at the
exposition. The Chamber of Commerct
of Kurrachee hat appointed Jehangir 11.
Kathari, a prominent wealthy merchant
of Kurrachee, special commissioner to
develop an exhibit for tbe lair.
The High School of Sun Diego, Cal..
will give a grand fourth of Julv ce ebra
tion and devote the proceeds toward
making complete collection of San
Diego fish for exhibition at the World't
Fair. The specimens will be preserved
in alcohol and properly labeled, etc. The
exhibit will be a competitive one.
Chief Ives, who ia In Europe in the
interest ol the mie arts department ol
the World's Fair, has written that the
French and American artiste in Paris are
all agog with enthusiasm for the fair.
The American artists are hard at work.
and their section of the exhibit will be
unexpectedly large and of the highest
The World's Fair grounds and build
ings, now nearing completion, are so re
nowned as a most beautiful and interest
ing spectacle that not only do from 5,000
to 12,u00 people a dav at a cost of 2.
cent apiece inspect them, but the great
majority ol traveler who paB through
Chicago devote a day or more to the
same purpose.
The Ohio State Archaeological and Hit
torical Society willexhibit at the World'
fair among many other interesting arti
cles a collection of specimens of old Co
lonial and State bank monev. It ha
already gathered eeveial hundred speci
mens. One of the most interesting is
Mormon bill Waring the signature of J.
aimith, the originator of the Mormon
It is probable that a number of genu
ine Astrakhan aheep, the finest speci
mens living, will be exhibited at the
World's Fair. A doien of them have re
cently arrived in thia country from Per
ia, having been purchased there by
United Mates Minister Beale for Secre
tary Rusk of the Department of Agri
culture, who intend to try the experi
ment oi raising the species in thi coun
try. They are to be taken to Sont hern
California, and if they prosper, will be
taxen to the lair next summer.
Three World Fair Commissioners
from France are now in Chicago. Thev
are Baron de Vialar, M. Rene Dubuisson
and M. Henri Motte. They say ihat
France will have an exhibit unrivaled by
that of any other nation and that will
eclipse anything of the kind ever previ
ously undertaken by the French govern
ernment. Thev have asked for 200,000
square leet additional snare. The French
building Is to be one of the finest ol for
eign structure and dec -rated mot ar
tistically under direction ot M. Motte,
who ia a celebrated painter and decor
Drought in Poltava Destroying
Cattle and Crops.
Considerable Attention Attracted to the
Water-Power Possibilities of the
Rblne Other News.
The London "season'' this year 1b be
ing voted pretty much of a failure.
That M. Pasteur has discovered a cure
for epilepsy i a rumor now current in
A Parisian horticulturist claim to
have succeeded in forcing tbe growth of
violet by electricity.
Between Pari and Berlin mail matter
ia now transmitted in thirty-five min
utes by tbe pneumatic process.
A rumor is gaining strength in Ire
land that Charles S. Paruell, the Irish
leader, was poisoned.
There is a rumor that Gladstone In
tends to take reluge in tbe House of
Lords after the general elections.
The house at Youghal, Ireland, for
merly occupied by Sir Walter Raleigh,
the great adventurer, waa recently told
for U,2jO.
The Spanish government haa offered
England better terms for a commercial
treaty, and negotiations will Boon be re
sumed in Madrid.
It is said that the new German army
bill will increase Emperor William's
forces by 03,000 men and add 60,000,000
marks to the budget.
Thirty thousand Mauser rifles and 160
tont of cartridge! are being shipped from
Hamburg to Peking, consigned to the
Chinese government.
The cold throughout Germany 1b phe
nomenal for thia season. Potatoes and
early vegetable crops are being badly
damaged by night iroets.
Should Gladstone win the English
elections a Russian newspaper thinks he
would allow tbe Czar's fleet to blockade
German and Austrian porta.
At Seraing, China, the contract for
iron work for a large Chinese iron works
has been taken out of the hand of Eng
lish firms and given to Belgians.
Drought In Poltava, South Russia, is
destroying cattle and crops, ana tbe peo
ple kneel around priests and elevated
images in the neids ana pray lor rain,
The story Is published at l'aria of an
alleged plot to kidnap M. Dehlier,
"Mons eur de Paris," in order to delay
the execution of Kavachol, tbe An
After a long consideration of the mat
ter the Italian government has decided
that U'4 millimeters is the best size for
the bore ot the new rines lor use in that
In a battle In Matto GroB'o. Brazil,
between the revolutionists and the gov
ernment forces it is stated that 1,000
men were killed, but neither Bide ob
tained a victory.
An attempt was lately made to culti
vate oyster in the Baltic. Last sum
iner 60,000 were transplanted from th
North Sea, but the experiment hat-
proved a laiiure.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West show exhib
ited at Windsor before Queen Victoria
and crowds ol aristocratic personages,
The Queen teemed to be delighted with
everything she taw.
The government of Baden will found
a mu-eum for history and archaoology in
Koine, where special privilege have
baen obtained from the Pope to examine
the archives ol the Vatican.
Liverpwl will, it is expected, pub
icly inaugurate the completion of her
great water scheme next month. The
it? will have a eu ply of 60,000,000 gal
ions a day from Vyrnwy,
lhe impress ol Uermany haa re
quested the Minister of Public Instruc-
lon to prevent the admission to the art
uuseums ol Berlin of young girls unles
imler the guidance of teachers or par
ents. Prof. Tvndall Dredicts that the first
loyalist blood shed in Ulster for the sake
it Archbishop Walsh and Timothy
Healy will rouse a feeling of evil that
will sweep Gladstone's Irish policy to
Bessie Bell Wood has brought suit
igainst the Duke of Manchester at Lon
Ion for money that she Bays she loaned
him le 'ore he reached the ducal dignity.
The Duke, in answer to the suit, denies
that he owes anything to cessie.
RussIa's claim to Bameer. "The Roof
( the World," haa alarmed China, and
t large force of Chinese troops haa al
ready been sent to the frontier to pre
vent aggression, and, if need be, to take
the offensive against the soldiers of the
Messrs. Yarrow have undertaken to
build a stern-wheel gunboat in thirty
ix days for the French to use against
the natives of Dahomey. The boat it
100 feet long, draws eighteen inches.
end hat a carrying capacity equal to 40o
ft ,. 14. 1 ....
ownzeriana nas aeciuea to grant a
redit of 2,000,000 franca to fortify St.
.Maurice, one of the St. Gothard chain
l fort. Two million francs more will
be required to complete the chain,
which extends from Luzienatig to
iJeneva, which will have coat about
1 1 1,000,000 francs.
Considerable attention baa been at
tracteii in Germany to the water power
oossibihties of the Rhine. One power
o.ant has already been established at
Kheinfeld at a cost of 13.000,000. The
libtrict between Schauffhausen and
Basel is (aid to have available horse
power of about 250,000.
Mile. Vacaresco. formerly the fiancee
of the Crown Prince of Ronmania, is
ending to Princera Marie of Edinburgh.
ho is now the fiancee of the Prince, the
love letters which she had received from
Prince erdinand. The English court
is quite excited over the scandal, and
the matter is considered to be without
The London Ttmtt estimates the
United Kingdom crops aa follows ;
Wheat in England 88.8, against 02 last
year j ales 8:.7, against S3.S ; Scotland
tHt.8, against 93. The exact yield of
India a crop ia not yet officially stated,
hot it is generally believed not to exceed
232,000,000 bushels, against 2 6,000,000
Dusneis last year.
Oantain Boron, a military (( nl
the United State Legation at l'ri 1.
charged with making photographs of
various aeiensea in r ranee, which bad
been loaned him. and tollinv thm tn
licrminT and Italv. Knrnn h
does not know the man who makes the
charge and who profesae to be intimate
with him. The newspapers are ex
tremely bitter toward the Captain, but
he teemi satisfied that be can establish
bia innocence.
FrorfaM. Fruit, ria.
WHiAT-iNomlnal. Valley. 1.30
1.35: Walla Walla, 1.251.Z7 per
Floub Standard, H.SO; Walla waiia,
M.30; Graham, 3.76; Superfine, 3.l
per barrel.
Oats .New, 43hc per pusnei.
Hat $ll5l2perton.
Urn 0- almrt. 122:
ground barley, 22.50id!:!5; chop feed, 118
fZZ per ton; leeu uaney, tw&ij-, mid
dlings, $20(328 per ton; brewing barley,
II. 10(41.16 per cental.
Buttxb Uregon lancy creamery,
25c; fancydairy, 1720c; fairtogood,
1617c; common, lu12)ic; Califor
nia, 38 1 a 40c tier roll.
California. 12(2 13c: Young
America, 13(il5c per pound.
Kooe Oregon, lSc; eastern, ioc ji
IV,,! it or (lid rhlrkens. auoted at
3.504; broilers, 12(43; young ducks,
J,,ff. mman nlrl ll(.mlrti7.lRI : VOUng.
tt.OOU.0O per dozen; turkeys, 10c per
P0?. . . , r
Vkoetables uaoDage, quoieu i.uv
nor rantal nnv Oreion. 6w DeT dozen !
cauliflower, $3.hJ per crate; Onions, 1
nr mntiil ! new rata Per Cental i
old, 00c per sack ; asparagus, 8 10c per
pound; lettuce, lO(4loc per uunvu,
tquash, 23c; greea peas, 4c per pound ;
cucumbers, 75c per dozen; tomatoes,
t9. -f ner box - Oreiron turnips. 1&0 per
dozen; young carrots, 15c per dozen;
beets, loc per dozen.
Fauns Raspberries, vtgiuc per
Douud: strawberries. 4w 5c per pound;
blackberries, 10c per pound; goose
berries, 4o per pound; currants, oissc
per pound ; cherrieB, 58c per pound ,
California apple. 12.60 per box;
California peaches, 11.00 per box;
Sicily lemons, 17.50; California,
ti Mian Rll rwr hnx! oranges, seedlings.
4.00; Smyrna figs, loc per pound; cit
rons, 25o per pound ; plums, 2.00 per
box; apricots, l.ti0l.zo per box; uni
form pears, ii.uo per cox.
Btapl Groceries.
Uoniy 10 18c per pound.
SALT-Liverpool, 115.00(18.00; stock,
tlirtl2 Der ton.
Copra Costa Rica, 21 J$c; Rio, 20c;
Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 2730c; Java,
2527)c; Arbuckie's 100-pound cases,
20 17-2oc per pound.
Bbanb Small white, 3c; pink, 2.(3
3?4c; bayoa, 8!-4c; butter, 8jc; liuiaa,
HLc Der Dound.
Bi'Oar D, 4c; Golden C, 4Jic; extra
C, 6c; Magnolia A, 6jc; granulated,
64C; cube crushed and powdered, rjlc;
conlectionera' A,6aCi maple sugar, 15
I c per pound.
Sybup Eastern, in barrels, 40355c,
half-barrels. 52k.57c; in cases, 3o(g
80c per gallon ; 2.25 per keg. California
in barrels, 2040c per gallon; fl.76 per
Rick Japan, 5.006.25; Island, $5.29
(36.60 per cental.
Dkikd Fbuitb Petite prunes, 8(3 loc;
sl.ver, 8HWc; Italian, tfllc; Ger
man. 8t 10c : plums. 8!ic ; appiea,5(4U'6
evaporated apricots, lOc; peaches, 9i
laio'c: oeare. 8c per pound.
Canmko Goods fable traits, assorted
quoted tl.60(jl.80; peaches, fl.802.00;
Bart lett pear8,ll.80(g 1 ; plums, v
1.60; Btraw berries, 2.25; cherries,
12.25(92.40: blackberries. 1.86(gl.t0
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(3
2.80; apricota.1.00(3i.70. rietrutt: As
sorted, $1.00(31.20: peaches, $1.25;
plums. $1.0031.10; blackberries, $1.25(3
1.40 per dozen. Vegetables : Corn, $1.45
(32.00: tomatoes. N5cil.00; sugar peas,
95c(d$1.00; Btring beans, 00c$1.00 per
dozen. Meats: Corned beei,$l.iK)2.00;
hipoed beef, $2.2o; lunch tongue, 1
13.15; ?s, $56 : deviled ham. $1.50ra3.66
nur .inen Fish : Sardines, 75c(31-55;
lobsters, $2.30(83.50; salmon, tin, Mb.
tails, 11.26(31.50; flats, $1.75; 2 lbs.,
$.252.60; X bhl., $5.60.
Nails Baae quotations: Iron, 3.,Ki
iteel, $3.00; wire, $3.50 per keg
Iron Bar, 3,'c per pound ; pig iron,
L'4gZ7 per ton.
Sticki 10,'c per pound.
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qua!'
ity, $8.00(38.50 per box; for crosses, $2
extra per box; rooting, i4xzo, prime
quality, f ti.76 per box ; 1. V. coke plates,
14x20, prime quality, $7.75 per box.
Lead 4$fjc per pound ; bar, 6,0.
Shot $1.75 per sack.
Hohhehhokb $5.
Naval Storks Oakum, $4.60(35 per
hale; rosin, 4.80J6 per 40 pounds; tar,
Stockholm, $14.00; Carolina, $7.00 per
barrel ; pitch, fo.oo per barrel ; turpen
tine, 66c per gallon in carload lots.
Hides, Wool and Ron.
Hides Dry hides, selected prime, 1
cc; 1,4,0 less for culls; green, selected,
over 65 pounds. 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c;
sheep pelta, abort wool. 30050c: me
dium, 0(380c; long, 90c$1.25; shear
ings, 10(3 20c; tallow, good to choice, 3
3c per pound.
Wool Umpqua Valley, 1618o; Wil
lamette Valley, 15(3 18c, according to
quality; Eastern Oregon, 10(3 18c per
pound, according to condition.
Hops Nominal ; 1018o per pound,
according to condition.
Th Meat Market.
Bkki Live,2(33c; dressed, 4Vs6c.
Mutton Live, 33c; dressed, 7c;
lambs, live, 3c; dressed, 8c,
Hoos Live, 6bic', dressed, 8c
VkaI 6(37c per pound.
Smokkd Mkats Medium ham, 14
15c; large ham, 13(t)4c; breakfast
bacon, 12(3140 ' dry salt sides, lOc ;
smoked sides, HtgllLc; smoked bacon,
Ui(311?4C per pound.
Lad Compound, 9c; pure, 10?4
12c; Oregon, 10(312c per pound.
Bats ami Bacgint;.'
Burlaps, 8-oz., 40-inch, net cash, 6Ja"c;
burlaps, 10-oz., 40-inch, net cash, 7,c;
burlaps, 60-ox., (JO-inch, net cash, 8c;
burlaps, 15-oz., 60-inch, 12c; burlaps, 20
o., 7tt-inch, 14jc. Wheat bags.Caicutta,
23x38, spot, 8c; three-bushel oat bags,
Two of Mr. Ilarnum's Stories.
Ur. Bamutn'i breezy conversation was In
terspersed at frequent intervals with witty
anecdote and quaint sayings. He spoke
of an old lady who waa so deaf that, when
tome playful chaps fired a anall cannon near
tbe old lady's door, th merely said, "Com
In." "That was a pretty fair story when I
beard It some time ago," said tbe veteran,
"but 1 beard a good one a day or two since
that beat it Two geutlemen were walking
along a highway near a railroad. One of tb
pedestrian! was somewhat hard of hearing.
Along cam a train, and tbe engine emitted
a frightful shriek. 'H'm.'iaid tbe deaf one,
mat s tue nrst robin I've beard this spring.' "
Boston Herald.
Pnrtft.. ) ninnn rum
nww win 1 ij um.a imn
iff iggsi m
rtlA FactimiU Signature ef EMIL FRESE.
. REDMQTON i CO. AotNT. Sam FpuukmsoOl
maua mv aix DKrcciMTtt amd wboceks.
Corn Sjlage the Sheet Anchor of
the Dairy Business.
One Should Understand. What Is Meant by
the words " a Dairy Form " to
Judge a Good Cow.
One man aay "breed" makes flu
cow. Another man aay " feed " nuke,
the cow. Tbe wiser man say " breed"
and "feed," both combined, mike ths
cow. It I those farmers who are seem!
ingly Incapable of caring for and onder.
standing the importance of both propo.
sitiona who so swell the ranks of unprof.
itable cow farmers.
Good green clover hay. cut and sto.mi
and mixed with grain, is a food that the
IlurmiJH euw mco very Kindly to. A
bushel basketful of clover beads and
leaves, gathered on the barn floor to 1
bowlful of bot water and mixed 'with
grain will be still better relieved. In
spite of the past low price of hogs a good
brood bow may prove the moHt valuable
animal on the farm before 18J3.
There are hundreds of provident farm,
era who manage to have a silo full ill
summer ready for emergencies. Are not
canned fruits and food good for Immani
in summer? Of course they are. lhnr
canned food is good for cows everv day
In the year. If varied to embrace clover
oats and especially peas, all the better
and more palatable ; but corn silage U
the sheet anchor of the business.
Hiram Smith kept four stripper coti
the first year after he made a silo in the
stable and in a small yard for four sum
mer month on silage to find out what
he could depend upon in using silage for
summer food, and learned the fourcowi'
yield averaged as well as the rest of the
herd, partly pastured and partly siled
all having some grain food every day.
He held that it was practical to feed cows
the year around.
Said a dairyman the other day: "The
demand for my butter exceeds the sup
ply. I have been trying to buy fome
good cows, but eo far have notsucreeiled.
It la astonishing how scarce gond row;
are." True, really good cows are tcarw
yet think ot the time, money, eloquence
and printers' ink devoted to the cteation
of good cows for these many yearBl All
neutralized by indifference to or ignor
ance of the laws of breeding.
The Committee on Agriculture ha re
ported to the House a bill designed to
make oleomargarine manu'actnred in
one State or Territory for shipment into
another State or Territory subject to the
laws and restrictions of the State or
Territory to which it is carried. Sow
let every farmer who wants to see this
swindle and cheat brought to the bull
ring write bis Congressman a postal card
and say bo. A enow storm of postal
card Irom the farmers will have more
effect on Congress than a dozen po'itical
conventions. Try it.
In learning how to judge a good cow
study to understand what is meant by
the words "a dairy form." On this
point farmers fail more than anywhere
else, and if they will hut address them
selves to this study, they will find it a
domain broad enough to employ all the
intelligence they can muster. Trotting
men understand the value of having a
machine built in proper shape for trot
ting purposes. They have made a study
of their business. But the cow men by
the thousands are still doing bumneei
with their machine without any refer
ence whatever to the u?e of An intelli
gence that shall bring them a profitable
judgment in (electing a cow.
"A Splendid GardVn."
Germantowu Telegraph.
My garden 1b ten rods long and eight
wide. I plow as Boon in the spring e it
gets dry enough to work. While plow
ing I call all my hens in aay 15J to
pick up the worms ; they have a feast.
Tbe next day I harrow tine, and plant
and do all I can to keep the hens at work
to get rid of worms. I then sow all email
J I .1 I .L .1 ll
eeeu in rowB tne wnoie lengtc 01 me wi
den, as straight as a line can be drawn,
twenty-eight inches apart, raking wide
enough for one row, aud draw line and
mark with end of hoe handle close to
line about an inch deep. Then I sow
tbe seeds, such as beets, lettuce, onions,
cabbage, carrots, spinach, parsnips, to
matoes, etc., remove the line and pat the
dirt on the seeds with the back of the, so aa to cover the seeds about hll
an Inch dppn unit lhv will alwavserow.
Next I rake enough for another row and
sow, and so on until all the small feeds
are sown. I plant two rows of English
multiplier onions one row of large and
one row of small in the same way, only
I use the corner of the hoe for a marker,
for they must be planted deeper, and 1
couple of rows of peas a foot apart; cover
as before with the back of tbe rake, and
pat the soil firm; they are sure to
grow. Treat cucumliers, squash, beans,
ttc, the same, onlv farther apart; pots
toea, 3 feet; corn,' S4 feet The who e
garden ia planted in rows lengthwise. It
is a great pleasure to run a good culti
vator up and down between the rows
and see the weeds turn up their toee and
die. Try this plan, dear reader. l ift
hens roam over my garden all they wish,
snd somehow they don't scratch up any
thing, perhaps because I feed them every
day and have no dog. It may be they
don't know where the seeds are 0r
thing I know, all pawers-by look witn
admiration, and often say: "Oh, see
what a splendid garden ; I never saw the
like of it."
Hoping Trees.
Pacific Rural Pre.)
Heavily-laden trees, which !n npite of
proper pruning and thinning are likely
to spread apart and split down by the
weight of their cop, can oft-n be ade
quately sustained by the nse of rope in
stead of props. In many cases a bale
rope or other rope, passed conpletelT
around the tree at a proper height auJ
caught here ard there over a twig '0
to prevent slipping down, will afford !
the help needed to help the treetostana
up well with a good load. Of course, m
the pressure is downward and outward
on all parts of the branches, each sideoi
the tree pulls against an opposite sue,
and none can droop if the rope ie strong
and unyielding.
rnncTiPiTin. inifiFSTI0X,