The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 16, 1892, Image 1

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folia I? k IT1
VOL 24
NO. 39.
jue Eugene (City Guard
. . ....... -I ..I,.- I
pnbHiurr " - -
virV-Qu the Eaiit side of Willamette
Seventh end Eighth Street
c nn
r'fOT":" Loo
Mi ' 75
rv-i mouui-
Advertisement! inserted as follows:
Sn. snuare, ten lines or lew one Insertion $3;
Jjjulffeut insertion U Ca.b required
TtaI?wrlU will be cturged at the ol-
(roe square six monw . 12 00
ttntCtffin nU
r tnr each insertion.
K tort Mt bill wiU be rendered quarterly,
iu jot .work must be paid ruBO i.klivebt.
K0.JBSB CITV. - - - OKKdOh
OFFICE-Kooms 7 & 8 MeClareu Buildiufr.
rSpil Attention given to Collecting
uj Prubate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Enscaic, - Oregon.
OmcE- Boom in Conner's Block.
ittowe; and Ccunsollor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Ofllce-ln Masonic Temple.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Special attention given to Probate business
ud Abstracts of Title.
Orrici Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY
OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG S, opposite Guard office. All work
Uiwhing gas administered for painless ex
Inrtiunoi teetb.
J. S. WALTER, M. D. S.
1'ugcnc, Oregon.
Dental Rooms Willamette Street, opposite
BW Hotel
1 Farms, Improved and Unimproved 1 own
Property for sale, on easy terms.
Prtmsrtv TWr1 and Bents Collected,
The Insurance Companies I represent are
wionif the Oldest and most Reliable, and in
Prompt and Equitable adjustment of ther
a ihare of your patronage ia solicited.
Otnee-In&tyfiaU. R. F. DORRIS.
Transacts general banking business.
Dnnn, F W Osburn, t C Cburch, S 11
'n, t n Hodson, 0 laner. J w
OFFICE Vlhaborcaatlor
SilTer Bullion Xf;XS
AUtio. ins 1 13 Iratut SL, Sotb. Cdi.
Art on lew prlacip
irjrtUita tb brt tolMCfc
, .urn. Dm. Uom 'Pa"
turn. Fmllrt, i'dr
tirmtl f30doa'25ou
Kannl frea at "'"Tf.t
1888. Spring 1898,
Arc Showing the YvA Lino of
For the Money, in Eugene.
Furniture Beaks
E. R Lucke
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent h a n ds.
E. SCHWARZSCH1LD, Proprietor.
A It 1 1 ST.S' M A LI A 1 1 A 1.
Full Stock oi Guttei ick Patterns.
Address I'. 0. B ix 110.
University hkh
McClarens Buildin ,
(Opposite F. M. Wilkuw' Dnwj Store.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
ryOrders for Book and Subscriptions
to Newspapers itnd Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
r, i rri,w oml Crnn.p, Colic, or
any Internal, or External Pain. Ak your
druggist for it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
Rftoa'rinsr Tromptiy jixecuwu.
MTAUWorU rrnWd.Jp3
T. G.lUnnBicK9,
S. R. Eakin, Jr..
First National hi
Of Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital 50,0ft9
SwplDSind Profits, 840,000
Eucene City --Oregon.
A K"erl bankinc business .?"?
abletern.". Wht drafW on I; b . ...r
L Umofwchansold on forei countri...
Ueplsiu received subject to check r ce. tm
"AUcoEon.ectru.ed to u. will receiv.
pnmpt attention.
j s. LUCKEY.
Eugene, Oregon. .
Heat Kstntf 1 misters.
Murtba J Thornton to I S nnd W 0
Smith, lot H, 10 and 17, block 10,
Fr.i-i"-r tu.d Hyhuid's additiou; $"00.
C V Wii-.lil.unic, ft til, to U Slhnk
intr Co., of (iiTvnin, x 100 fiH't; 1.
EU U't'toHW Washburno tiiul J
P Millioni, SA lots, block .'!!; fl.
E U Lte to II S liiiiikiiitf Co, of
tlorvtiitt, .1 lot ", bltM'k ;t!l; $.'i75.
F 1$ Howi'inl to W (i Pickett, 1 ofS J
lot 4, block 4(t; H'0.
Huitwl States limikiiiR Co., of (ler
vnis, to C. W. Washliurne tiiul J P
.Millioni, S .1 of lot 1', block 41; $1.
T A Millioni and C W Wnxliliurno
toXJ Moillt, 1..U0 mill 10, block'lO,
Wnshl.urno it Milliorn'siulditluti; f bW.
C W Wabburne et al lo Ernest U. Lee,
lots; $:175.
Mary F Stewart to trustees of M E
church, lots; 1.
GooTS'ursto Robert Moseby, 300 21
acres in t 20 s, r3 w; J2(i0.
Pett-rO. (Jhrixmiio In Geo T Sears, 309.31
acres iu t 2im, r 3 w; $430(1.
B F Pearson to J E Kennedy, x, iuleret:
in the Mubh mining claioi; $200.
W II Cox. Geo W Carter, SS Cox, 8 1!
Cox, toJDCox each l lOlb interest in
land; $100 each.
Diana Cox to J D Cox, 100 acres in t li
s,r5 w; $.".00.
Thos Gibson, to J D Cox, l-10th iateren
in Land ('Uiin Not 2050; $100.
U W Washburnc to AlU'i't L Parker,
in To 15 .S. JtW:4S0.
J C Jennings to Ed ward S AdkhiH,
2S acres In Tp 10 S, li h W; 100.
Jos Irish to Adelbert Hopkins, land
in Tp 10 S. It !! W; f471.00, kt aiinimi
for lite.
Jas M Cox to J I) Cox, one-tenth in
terest in Notification 2(50; KiO.
J5onx. In EuRcne. On-Ron, July 0,
1802, to the wife of J. A. Hiiiumer, a
Cantorln promotes Digxtion, and
overcomes l-'lululcticy, Coiutipution, Sour
Stomach, Dioxrhra, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and Its
sleep natural Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria !. o well adapM U children that
T'l H a. superior to any prescription
known to Die." II. A. Akchcr, M. Li.,
It: Torttand Ave., Brooklyn, K. V.
"I ae fVntoria in n.T practice, and find it
special! aUi-1'te.l to oflections of chiMrea."
Alix. HnnrRTwiii, M. l.,
lift id Are.. New York.
Tin Curin Co 77 Murray St, H. T.
Wben Baby as sick, ire gvrt her Castoria.
When she was a Ch id, she cried for Castoria.
When .he h-carw 5ti, .he clnnf to CasUria.
Whea she had OiiUren, she fe them Castoria.
8. 11. W.lliuun baa been appointed a no
tary publii.
F. F. Puttlson mid wife, of ItoseburR,
are in the city tmhty.
Mall service on theWoodbum branch
of the S. 1 . It. It. will bo extended to
Natron July 25.
Albany Herald: W. A. Cox has
roiic to Ji net Ion to work on a brick
t.uililiiiR tor W. K Iei', a druggist of
that city.
One ol (he last acts of Sheriff Samson, of
Oregon City, was to assist iu htliiiR Wilson
uscitpe. lie now Una a luucestor, bii term
having expired.
Judge Cmngcr, of Iowa, who has
been visit lug his brotluln-law, K
Merebui, f r m-veral day, left on the
local this tifteruoon for lU'seburg.
The diner d of the late Mrs. Henrietta
lUy took place (row the rrxiduee o( 8
D. Holt lo the Eugene I.O;t). F. cemetery,
this iiioiu j'g at 10 o'clock. The atleuil
Hi.ce Wiis Liie.
Mr. E. L. and Mist Lnolla Brewster, uo
pnnied by the Misnes Young and Miss Emma
Low, ly returned last night fiom a visit to
Floreiice and the Laker, They report a
ploasiiut time, especially a part (.( the par
ly who visit -d Teu Mile Lake
lltiildiiig still goes on rapidly In the
burned district at The Dalles, and the
houses that are being erected are uni
formly of a better class than those de
stroyed. If the owners of property had
only planted trees along the streets last
fall, tlieapM.'rranceof the eastern end
of the city would have been greatly Im
proved and the restoration of the town's
former beauty greatly hastened.
IVuuvrxt The population of Oregon
u.iist be lit least a million according to the
n port uf l he number proseut at the differ
ent 4th of July oelebratious. Salem alone
claims 10,000, mote than the entire popula
tion of Msriou county, aud there were cele
braliom all over the county besides as well
as iu Polk county.
A large number of agents for Eastern
houses that supply steel work for Jails
spent last night in Eugene looking af
ter the contract for the new proposed
Lane county jail. They returned to
Portland this morning after learning
that the letting of the cant met would
be postponed until the August term of
"A Nutmeg Mutch," with Its comi
cal situations, ludicrous climaxes and
startling scenic etlects is likely to cre
ate a genuine sensation next mil. The
play met with great success last month
in St. Paul and .Minneapolis where it
was tried out to determine Its value
and easily took first place iu the race
for public approval. It is a genuine
Another Pioneer Goue.
Mrs. Ah' tie J. Hulin died In Eugene,
Oregon, Ji ly ;t, 1S02, aged 64 years, 3
months ai d IS days.
She was the youngest daughter of
Samuel Crdg, who died In tills city
ten years ; go.
She win born In Jackson county,
.Mich., MicYU 15, 1838, and imigrated
with her parent, to Oregon In 1853 by
the ocean route, across the Isthmus of
Panama. I lieiice to Sun Francisco and
She wus married to Lester Hulin, in
Lane county, December 1. 1853, and
from that lime till 1881 they resided
on a fnrin ten miles north of Eugene.
The bust eleven years have lieen spjnt
in this city. After two years of great
suD'ering, enduring even untold agon
ies daily, she was, at last, permitted to
no where Mitt'cring and sorrow are no
At an early age she united with the
Methodist Episcopal church, and from
that time until her death she was a de
voted christian, discharging faithfully
all duties intrusted to her care.
The funeral services were conducted
on Tuesday, July 6th, by Dr. I. D.
Driver, a life long friend and pastor,
after which she was laid to rest in the
Odtl Fellow's cemetery.
She leaves to mourn her loss, a hus
band. Lester Hulin, and four children,
Charles 8. Hulin, of Ashland, Oregon,
Mrs. F. A. Tozier. 8. A. and Lester O.
Hulin, of Eugene. In Heaven two
sons await, her coming, Elmer P., age
li years, uiect in isiN, ana lMigar Ju.,
age 24 years, died in 1882.
Soon will the Journey of life be o'er,
Soon will we meet on eternity shore.
Kids for County Jail.
Dally Guard, July 8,
The commissioners' oo nrt this afternoon
opened the bids (or the (urnlshing o( ma
terial and construction of the proposed
county jail. This work includes everything
excepting Ibe iron and stool work, ibey
were as lollows:
Andorsim t Smith, Salem $5,077
L. N Konev. Eugene 6,876
W. T. Campbell, Eogene 6,070
W. 11. Alexander, Eugene 6,095
The contl took the matter under advise
ment until tomorrow at 9:30 o'clock.
Bond Approved.
Pally Guard, July 8.
The comrnbsioner'a court this afternoon
approved the following official bond:
Treasurer F F lU-lsner; kind, $50,
000. (Sureties A O Hovey. H 11 Eakin
Jr., T (1 Hendricks; the followingquul-
living in tiotieacn: unas i.nucr, f
' Osbum, 8 M Yoran, F It Dunn, J C
Church, J E Davis and J M Hodson.
Mr. Iteisuer took charge of the olllee
this morning.
I nlnn Printers Oppose Held.
Si'RI.nukikli), 111., July 11. Spring
field Typographical Union hus adopu
e resolutions antagonistic to Hie elec
tion of WMtelaw Iteid to the vice pres
idency on the irround of his vindictive
oposition to organized labor. Copies
of them w II le sent to all labor organ
izations In the city, and It is expected
that they vill meet with general in
dorsement. Opjxmition to lteid on the
part of lab .ring men here Is very pro
nounced. Coxtka'T Lkt. The contract for
the buildii g of the new Presbyterian
narsonuire .ins been let by the commit
tee to J. II. Lampson for fl37(. The
other bids were as follows: tSciitell A
Mummy H.2.50, Maleom Rhic $1828,
Flecmun Davis $1419. W JI Alexan
der $1,540, V McFarland $1410, George
E ItoKsiuan $1547.
SrulSiuMB at Wokk. A sell binder
turted np at work binding winter oeta on
i' e Eden farm, in 1'leaaant Hill precinct,
,'iy 7ib. litis is the first grain that w
t ne beaid of that was ripe enough lo be
is Now in the Penitentiary at
A Constable loe the Work.
McUinnviixk, July 8 Wilson, the es
caped murderer of Mamio Valnh ia aain in
the toils of the law. Ho carries a broken
arm and the print of a bootheel in.i.lauUd
ia bis b it cbeek by John T. Carter, the
newly-elected constable o( Cbehaleiu and
N'ewberg precinctr. lie had spoken to to
man aiuce bis escape uutil toduy, and bus
bceu prowliug about in the vicinity of
Wheatland uutil last nibt, picking up
what he could in farmhouses by uighl.
Sunday night be sioln a gun, hat, cnt
and some provisions ul Farmer Crab
trees betweeu Daylon and
Today he walked past the residence
of Constable Carter, carrying n burlap
sack of clothes ami a gun. Tito Car
ter boys looked with suspicion on the
decent-looking tramp and followed
him a few hundred yards. Wilson
saw them coming, but hoped to con
vince the good farmers that he was not
the man they were looking for, and
otl'ered to prove his innocence when
overtaken anil arrested. Carter ac
cepted the otter and told him ho would
hitch up his team and take him to
McMinuvllle. and if he was not the
man. he would bring him back home
Hiid keep him over nightfreeof charge.
To this Wilson agreed without any
show of resistance and gave up his
gun. It was useless, as he had no
cartridges. Wilson says that he hud
bceu hunting for a pistol. Had he
possessed one he would not have sub
mitted to arrest without a more des
iH'rate resistance. As it was, he fought
tike a tiger, but Carter Is an athletic
man, about 30 years old, and was more
than a match for the hungry refugee.
After Wilson had given up his gun,
and as Carter and his brother went to
get a team ready, Wilson found an oi
portunity and started on a run. He
ran hut 60 yards when Carter, being
fleet-footed, overtook liiin. In the
scuffle he bit Carter's little linger se
verely, and got away from him, but
another chase of 200 yards caught him
again. He turned on Carter with a
razor, when Carter struck him with a
club, breaking his arm. Carter's
brother then caught up a gun. which
he leveled with a notice to yield or die.
Wilson replied: "Please snoot me. 1
want you to shoot inc." Hut Carter
preferred live game, so lie cloned In
and overpowered him and tied him
and brought him to the Jail here.
He only gave up after ho wns
clubbed down and overpowered
in a life and death struggle.
Then he said: "Well. hoys. I glvo up.
I am the man who killed tiie girl, ami
I wish you would kill me at the Jail
here." Ho said ho wns glad It was the
Carter boys who cauglit him, tor tliey
were gotst hoys and would get the re
ward, which they needed.
SAI.KM, July 8. Kherifi's Warren and
Kelley and 12 men brought Wilson to
the penitentiary tonigiit at 10 o'clock.
Commendatory. The Pacific llaiv
tist, published at Portland, says: The
state university commencement exer
cises occurred last week. They are
said to have been the best for many
years, ltev. C. M. Hill preached the
baccalaureate sermon before a large
congregation, and wo are told that the
sermon was pronounced the equal If
not tue iiest ever ueiivered neroro tne
university. We congratulate Itro.
Hilland the denomination he represent
ed on that occasion, on his great suc
cess. All the exercises are highly
spoken of. The special peculiarity of
this commencement was that me
alumni furnished for the first time all
the speakers before the university,
More and more does the Inst itution
commend itself to the state which is
giving It a liberal support. With a
little more effort put forth to let Its
worth lie known and to Increase the
number of Its students the university
will have the prominence it merits.
From the place of W. II. Durant, 2
miles north of Jasper, about June 1st,
one light red cow, horns turned to
head, Nil on right hip, had a Ih-U on.
One dark red heifer 4 years old; one
light red yearling and one black year
ling, both marked with crop off right
ear and swallow fork in Kit. win
suitably reward any one glvimr Infor
mation of their whereabouts at Guard
olllee or address me at Jascr, Lane
county, Oregon. W. li. jiuhant,
Dally Guard, July 9.
Insane Woman at Junction.
Deputy Bherlll'Croiier went to Juitc-
tion City tills morning with a warrant
for the arrest of an insane widow liuly
bv the name of Burton. He found she
was too 111 to be brought hero aud so
telegraphed. Judge FIsk, Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney Potter and Med
ical Examiner Dr. Kuykendall went to
that place this afternoon, to examine
the lady on the charge, nue is tue
mother of several children.
Dally Guard, July .
Telescopic Views. A. Todd 1ms
secured a telescope from Philadelphia,
and has it mounted at the potttolllcc
corner today giving views of the sun
and moon. The un shows two larie
groups of spots and several smaller
Nervocs Prohtkation. Since the
Wilson ad'air Sheriff Samson, of Clack
amas county (now ex-sheriff) has lie
come so thoroughly worked up over It
that ho is now dangerously ill ut his
home in Oregon City. Nervous pros
tration is his ailment.
Married. Halsey News: In
Auoka, Broom county, New Vork, last
week. John I). Bond, of this city and
Miss Myrte Marean, of Auokn, N. Y.
Mr. Bond lives at Halsey, but former
ly lived about one mile north of Eu
gene. Died. Ilarri.burg Courier: In Califor
nia, July 4, 18tf, after a brief illness,
George By land, of heart disease. The de
ceased was a former resident of Junction
City, Dear which place bis mother now re
sides. Hr. r.n.wfiV MttTixa. There will b-
a meeting of the Lane County Uop Grow
ers Association in cogeue, osiuraay, vaiy
10, at 10 JO o'clock a.m.
Coiniiilssiouer's Court.
Construction of count v l.iil; ordered
that the time for rci-clving and oKaii
ing bids for the furnishing and con
structing of the steel and cell work of
a county Jul! lie postponed until rri
day, August 5, ls02, at 1 p. m.
Portland Hospital, board $:t0,0(l
Knowlcs & (iettv's. supplies..., 8(H)
M E Itollman A Co .... 12 81
W T Kayser supplies 0 42
.1 W Mollis 15 00
F B Dunn 20 50
W II Kanoir, board 28 00
Darwin Bristow, supplies 8 00
('has UroRser, board. 8 00
Mr. Lou Pengra, supplies 10 00
Win Bogart, Wird 20 00
A 1) H viand, supplies 1(1 00
W 8 Miller, " 8 00
Jesse Simmons, board 12 00
JnoMeCollum " 6 00
.1 Smiley, medical attendance..., 15 00
Mrs. L. J. Hill, board 10 00
The hills of C E Byers and U Scott
continued until August term.
The bill of Drs. Kuykendall A l'ay
tou not allowed.
leo B January, 1 coiigurscalp $2 00
B 1) Paine 1 " " 2 00
tieo llergcrt, 4 coyote " 8 (K)
A 1) Hyiand, 1 cougar " 2 00
Warrant drawn iu favor of A E
Wheeler for $20 for transportation of
Edna Foote.
D A Paine M 1), examining In
sane, Drury $ 6 00
I) A Paine, M 1), examining in
sane, O M Bartlett 6 00
F W Prentice, M D, examining
Insane, Packard S 00
E Kchwarzschlld, stationery... 2 00
lioss E Moores, " ... 2 10
W It Walker, freight 12 65
" clerk Ml 20
Eugene Light Co. light 24 60
Jos Koch, map work 2 00
I L Campbell, printing 105 00
HltKincaid, " 41160
Register . " 25 00
A W Patterson, postage tl 50
" salary. 50 00
" fees in lieu of
certificates 845 00
Geo B Dorrls, attorney in insane
examination, dross 5 (K)
T W Sholton, M D, examining
insane, Oross 6 00
C E Loom is, M D, examining
Insane. Cross 5 00
J Smiley, M D, examining in
sane, Drury 6 00
J Smiley. M l), examining In
sane, jutrtieti 6 00
I) A Paine, M 1), examining in
sane, Packard 5 00
Starr A Orillln, materials $t:t 85
A L Vamrhan. supervisor 14 00
J E P Withers, viewer 2 20
J A Stevens, " 2 (.0
K E Knickerbocker, viewer 2 40
W Kinsey, chainniau 2 80
LBOgden, " 2 00
A T Bonnett, marker 2 00
Jos Koch, deputy surveyor 8 80
F L Chambers, road plow 25 00
L J Yodcr, viewer 2 80
Powell, ' " 2 NO
2 80
Ezra oder, chainniau 2 00
Hen Ernest, " 2 00
David Zehuer, marker 2 00
O M Collier, surveyor 10 00
J C Ooodale, lumlier $18 38
Put McEnroe, building bridge.... 10 80
J C Ooodule, lumber 8 78
Harshharger A Bee bo. lumber... 21 84
" " " .. 10 42
Knoop Bros, " ... 10 00
Onlcred that J. Q. Stevenson, school
suorlntcudunt, be and he Is hereby as
signed olllee room with the county
Judge in the south room on the west
side of the court room. This Is the
olllee formerly occupied by Justice
Construction of the jail building; or
dered that upon the filing with the
court of a good and sufficient bond for
the faithful performance of all the con.
ditioiisand requirements as shown by
plans aud specifications on tile; that
the contract for such work bo awarded
to A. J. Smith and W. J. Anderson
for the sum of $-5,077; that being the
lowest niu inereior, and that, they
have till 4 o'clock p. m., July if,
iw-', in wnicu to me said bond
Ordered that James Parker bo ap
pointed to secure a carpenter and have
the Windbury brklgo trained and con
structed. Ordered that 8. O. Garrison be ap
pointed superintendent of repairs on
the Eugene bridge at a salary of $3 per
Isaac Gray, house rent for elec
tion 8 00
tieo J'. Lytic, house rent for elec
tion 3 60
II D Norton, house rent for elec
tion 8 00
D Cherry, house rent for elec
tion 6 00
J Campliell, house rent for elec
tion 8 00
Eakin A Bristow, house rent for
election 4 10
Croner A Bluir, hauling stoves,
etc for election 6 00
John Beverly, cleaning court
house and yard 2 60
Chilson A Williams, cleaning
court house and hauling 2 75
A doldsinith, lamw, oil, etc 4 60
A hi Wheeler, present ownership
list 13 15
Miss E C Dorrls, circuit court re
porter 10 00
8 W Condon, district attorney... Wi 00
E O Potter, deputy " ... 35 00
Geo II CoIUt, siieclal deputy
Rheriffaud election supplies... 7 00
Henderson A Cleaver, medicine
for pau iters 60
Mary A Brown, Jury meals'. 6 50
J II Itichardson, viewer $ 8 60
A I) Beeves, " 8 50
EC Potterf, " 6 50
B A Wadsworth, chainniau 8 Oo
G II Courtwright, " 6 00
John Peterson, axeman 0 00
A J Collier 25 40
G W Kinsey, state vs Doe $ 85
" " vs Oilstnip 0 15
" ' vs ltartlett and
Sum Lee 0 00
E P Henderson, state vs ltoe 1 CO
H Williams, state v Burtlett...$4 )
Ipwis Kemp " V " ... 4 90
Turin Campbell " vs " ... 1 70
I.ydia AnnstroDX" vsiiiiMrap... a i
O W Milam " vs " ... 3 mi
, .1 i 'M
, s oo
, 1 70
, 3 20
3 20
.1 M)
2 20
, 2 20
I 2 20
2 20
2 J)
2 11)
2 20
2 20
6 40
6 40
2 20
8 40
7 00
0 40
2 20
10 00
A. E. Wheeler, present owners!
dp list,
not al-
W. It. Walker, clerk. $.'117.05,
Bill of Mrs. J. T. Wilson
Cottage Grove Items'.
Echo-Leader, July 9.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Currln, accom
panied by a number of friends, are en
joying a summer vacation at the Kit
son springs.
James M. Martin is the happiest
man In Lane county, all because Mrs.
Martin presented him with an eleven
pound daughter Saturday morning.
The brick work on J. M. Sherwood's
new two-story hotel building la com
pleted and the earjieiiterj are niaklmr
the Interior work hum. They will
soon lie ready for the lath and plaster
The following officers were installed
at the mcctiim of the K. of P. Wednes
day night: J. A, Benson, P. C; Dr.
Geo. Wall, C. C: L. F. Wooley. V. C;
li. J.. iiuoiMird, 1'; w. I . Lockwood,
! nf II .ml U. II llrlul....- M f 1.'.
A. O. Yeagor. M. of F.; A. W. Wallace,
M. of A.; P. Sherwood. I. O.; W. L.
Wallace, O. (.; Jacob Mitchell, D. D.
G. C. Installing officer.
Annual report of tne county treasur
er. It shows the following amounts
on hand:
(School fund $1,743 5(1
institute " 808 no
County " 3,781 14
Total cash on hand $-5,803 00
Ordered that the commissioners bo
and they are hereby instructed to make
personal examination of tlio Gibson
bridge work at Sin I th field, Low Pass,
Duncan Slough and Baker Hill roads
and the bridge across Coyote creek.
Adjourned until Monday, July 11, at
10 o'clock p. in.
Court met pursuaut to adjournment.
Full board present.
County Jail; now comes, A. J. (Smith
and W. .1. Anderson and files herein a
good and sufficient bond for the con
struction of the Jail building, which
bond Is at tills time approved by the
court; it is thorefore ordered by the
court that the contract for said work
be aud the same is hereby awarded to
the said A. J. Smith and W. J. An
drews for the sum of $5,077 In county
Hills of N. D. Sweet and O. E.
Smith not allowed.
E O Potter, examining Insane..! 6 00
N L 1-ee, " " ... 5 00
E D MoKenney " " ... 5 00
Eli Hangs, hack hire foe exam
ining board 4 00
JENolund, sheriff. 845 15
Hill of Drs. Kuykendall A Pay ton
for $3.50, medical attendance on pau
pers, reconsidered aud allowed.
Ordered that from and after this
date no bills will be allowed for medi
cal attendance on paupers or criminals
except ordered by the Judge or county
court. , .
Ordered that the clerk continue the
advertisement in the Eugene papers
until August 6, 18U2, for cell and all
steel work for the county Jail.
Ordered that E. O. Potter and F. W.
Osbum be aud they are hereby ap-
pointed a committee to examine the
books and .accounts of the shorlir,
clerk and treasurer for the past two
years and resirt their findings at this
court on Saturday the 20th day of
Court adjourned until Saturday,
July 20, 1802.
Mill Creek Smiles.
July 7, 1802.
Blackberries are ripening very fast.
W. M. Hutler made a flying visit to
Mabel Sunday.
Franklin A Sons are doing a thriv
ing business in the saw mill. '
A small shower visited the crops the
other day, which was welcomed by tho
Miss Ella Whltbeck Is spending her
vacation from school with her parents
and friends.
Miss Else Whitbtck lias returned
home from Junction, where she has
been attending schooL
F. B. Decker, who was hurt on a
drive of logs in the McKenzio river,
has returned to bis nonie and is great
ly improved.
A Sunday school picnic was given at
tho Mill creek grove on the 4th. We
think It was the wrong time of the
month, as there were very few people
there. A dance was given In the even
ing which was greatly enjoyed by all
those who attended.
Mill Accident.
Daily Guard, July 11.
While F. T. Button was working on
a rip saw In Blgalow A Klrkpatriek's
planing mill in tills city about 10
o'clock this niornir.g a piece Hew from
the saw, striking him Just under the
left eye, cutting a large gash to the
bone. Luckily the eve was not Injur
ed and the wound though painful will
not be serious. Dr. Mclvenuey gave
surgical attention.
I s I i
Returned. The gentlemen who
went to the Blue river mines returned
Saturday and Sunday. They report
much development work being done In
the ml ties, aud that the prospects are ex
celleut, Tho Eugene Com)ny's tun
nel is in the mount ilu 100 feet, an I
during the past week a contract wa-t
k't to extend the same 100 feet more.
Jake Mulligan " vs "
Carl Churchill " vs "
Dr Kuykendall " vs "
J B Kneddeii " vs "
A Stevens " vs "
EC Martin " vs "
SMerlaU " vs "
SN Howard " vs '
("has Orillln
Itav Babh
J (5 Mutts
J B Dunham
OA Sachs
8 Meriau
John dates.
C Domeyer
Sherman Haves
J II Wood
John McCullough
Sylvester Howe
tieo F Croner
JnoW Yates Jr
Held Moore