C1TY AND COUNTY. gilOtDAY, JULY 9, im. S ' ' " -- - -- roininlHtiiouer'H Court. Mot nt the Court house In Eugene, VVednwl"., July mil, lWi at 1 p. m. present Jmlgo A- 'b,t Com ,Loners Juh Parker and Kit Perkins, "lerk W. U. Walker ond Sheriff J. E. 'Tl'ie'1 following allowances were made: (ieo Sears $ 1!) 00 gno Vitus.... 11 ao Thurston Goodpasture .1 40 Marlon Wallace 4 IK) u l HcndrlckM LJ 40 ThosSegar 2 20 j r Lewis 18 00 Luclan Ward 15 80 Joshua Casebeer 18 00 Unas Dlckersou 17 00 Bvron Bltgood 17 (K) (Jeo Ktansbury 14 20 i V (lordon 12 80 H C Huston 10 80 j H Hawley 13 20 Orecn Hay 13 00 JE Davis 11 00 Jacob Hutr. 16 80 j i Furnlnh 30 00 OWOzment 14 00 K J Hemphill 10 00 j H Sloan 10 20 Fred Jfcan 22 00 (jeoGulley 17 00 OKANl) JUKOHH. H C Perkins tlO 00 W 13 Pengra 8 00 Juo Iughani 9 80 CCCroner 8 20 R Dillard 9 20 8 N Howard 8 00 AD Burton 8 80 BAILIFFS. H C Matthews $18 00 A Minor 12 00 Mann Martin.............. 21 00 .Resignation of A L Vaughan as su pervisor of district No. 81, accepted, and Ellis Chapman appointed to till the vacancy. Warrant drawn In favor of W M Blachleyinthesumof $200 for work on Low puss road. Bill of E It Hkipworth, attorney, for $5 In collecting road tax district No. 42. allowed. The Neeley road; John A Jeans. I E Stevens and George Gross appointed viewers und C M Collier surveyor, to meet July 18. 18U2. The Aruiltage road; petition dis missed on account of not having a le gal number of petitioners. Wallis-Edinunsou road; JR Yates, j Fugate and Volney Hemenway ap pointed viewers and C M Collier sur veyor, to meet July 20, 1892. A monthly allowance of $10 made for the relief of Mrs. H. Winkle to be expended by O. E. Byers. Warrant drawn In favor of Granville Fisher for work on the road from rjinithtleld to McCartney's, in the sum fBiH of Kelly Bros for lumber, $2.72, allowed. Bernhardt toad; continued until Au gust. Michlerroad; Jno. Holland, Robt. Pattern and Allen Bond appointed viewers to assess the damages, if any. to the premises of George Gross and John B. Bcharir, to meet July 14, 1802, for said purpose. The Duncan Slough road, the T. C. Isom road, the Burnett Creek road, tlieHiggins road, the E. C. Smith road, and the Gossage road, all contin ued for want of bonds. S. Durgen road; continued for proof of posting. , , 41 . Coulter road; continued for the term. Florence and North Fork road; con tinued for the term. Petition for appropriation on county road in Districts No. 24 and 29; contin tinued until the August term. Petition for aid on Wild Cat road; continued for the term. ..... Petition for change in road district No. 48; ordered not allowed. Ordered that John R. Cook, super visor of district No. 4 have order foi 2000 feet of lumber for use in said dis trict. , ' . Petition for removal of supervisor of district No. 22; not granted. Petition for aid of G. W. Clarno's family; contiuued. Application for electric light fran chise in Florence; continued. Badger mountain road; continued. Jas. Parvln authorized to furnish Henry Cain $3 per week in provisions. Eneampment Notes. About thirty members of C Com pany attended the Salem encamp ment. . , D. E. Yoran acting First Sergeant of C Company won the prize for the best drilled non-commissioned officer. - Five companies of the Second Reg iment and the Marine Cadets took part In the sham fight yesterday. Several injuries were received among whicti was a powder burnt hand for t apt. Geo. Yoran and a head for Henry McCrady of Eugene. The visiting companies were given excellent treatment by the home militia, a fine camp ground adjacent the state house, meals at the best res taurants In the city and every thing as comfortable as possible. Halem is not a church going town. It had been previously advertised In the city papers that the Regiment would march to the M. E. church Sunday at 3 o'clock for service but when they arrived there not more than a dozen people were present neither was there an organist or choir provided. J. L Page's Cash Prices. 17 ta mandated sugar '. 19 Extra O angar J 20 " Golden 0 augar 22 D angar ft Eogene flour, par sack J 2 Springfield flour, per sack J ? 12 oana tomatoes JO; lOcanacora 6 cans table peaches 1 1 b can baking powder 'fi 12 t bax eodi.V. 50 Card to tbe Public. Walterville, July 6, '92. I desire to express my thanks to ait who assisted and participated in mail ing the celebration on July 4 so pleas ant and successful. Kesp. C. H. Bakeb. Daily Guard, July (. Chakoe op Name. The proprietor of the Baker House has concluded to ehantre the name of tbe hostelry to Ho tel Eugene. The galvanized letters on the front of the building will be town down this afternoon and be repla by the new name. Lost. A purse of money in this city on July 6, ISUi The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving tbe same with J. M. Williams, Chrisman block. Wood.-AU those who have promis ed this office wood on subscription ac count, are requested to deliver tne aaroe as soon as convenient Brevities. E- U. Skipwortb, attorney al ia. Jtolosnonfanns, Lmpilreul Judge Hot and cold hatha every day in tks weak t Jerry Horn's barber shop. Fur fine nulla made to order aud ready made clothing, go to Ed Ilanaon. i Mr,G,"?C ae the sola ,,., f()f iiruida of the calibrated Tamil Punch Clirere Uemenilier that ITiinaon A Son bae tbe bent selected atock ol clothing in town. Bring jronr old acrap cost Iron to tbe Eu gene Iron Foundry where you can diipoee of it. Eugene Flour f 1. 35 pr aack. Tba Eu gene Flouring tuilla make tbe beat quality of roller mill Hour. If you are getting too old for your epuc taclee, or if thy do not exactly anit you take them to Walla and bare new lenses fitted. Dr. (i. W. Blddle msy bo found at bin residence on Olive street, between Fifth and Sixth atreeta one block weat of tbe Minna iota Hotel. He ia prepared to do all dent al work in tbe bent manner. Tbe beat family remedy la undoubtedly Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Harm Icaa, it eccompliKhee relief where many oth er tncdiciute fail to do. It may be aafely given to tbe infant aa well aa tbe adult. , Henderson, dentiat. Job work at the Oaiao office. Fountain pene at Watts'. Blank deeda and mortgages for aale at the Gpibd office. Blank nntlcea for the location of quarti minea lor tale at the Uuakd othce. For all kinda of (arming implement call on J. M. Heudriok on Mntb btreet. Screen windows and door, glaaa, aaab and doors at Bioalow & Kicxpatbici What It It? That rrnAnnna that hwilltifllllv aoft OOtn nlexion and leaves no traces of its applies- f. ... tr . i mi w: Hon or injurious enecisr jm lm, n dom'a Kobertine socompliahea all thla, and u nmnnnnnut hv Indies of taste and refine ment to be the moat delightful toilet article ever produced, warranted narmieee ana matchless. F. M. Wilkina, agent, Engene City. GEO. W. KIKZEY, AUCTIOSEEK. When yon want your goods, household furniture or land aold at auction, call of Geo. W. Kinaey, the pioneer and moat suc cessful auctioneer in une tiounty. ue win attend to all saloa on s reasonable oom. mission. SHEEP INSPECTORS NOTICE. All persons In Lane county owning acab by abeep or aheep afflicted with other dis eases, are hereby notified that aaid aheep must be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill aaid disease, forthwith. Any person failing to comply with thia no tice will be liable to bave his aheep dipped by the Inspector at aaid peraona's expenee. Take notice and save coata, Dated June 6, 1891. Gxo. Fibhkb, Sheep Inspector. LriiDiB Notice. Go to tbe Depot lumbea yard for cheap lumber. Andrewa will not be undersold Call a Halt That tired languid feeling meanathat your system is in a atate to in vite diease, and Wright 'a Compound Ex tract of Saraaparilla is what you need at once to expel impurities of the blood and build you op. Sold by H druggists. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkina, ths druggist, ia not selling "Wisdom's Kobertine" for the complexion, the most elegant and only really harmlosa preparation of its kind in the world, and giving a beautiful picture card with every bottle. . . Notice. I have again control of the Eugene marble and granite works, and am bet ter prepared than ever to furnish all kinds of marble, granite and stone work at the lowest price possible for first class work. Please call on me and get my price before placing an or der. Nothing but first class work done. Shop In my old stand In Ream's building. W- W. Martin. Tax Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the school tax for 1892 is now due and pay able. I will be at my office In the postofflce building, in Eugene, Oregon, daily from 8 o'clock a. m. until 7 o'clock p. m., until August 9, 1892. to receive the same. All taxes not paid In 60 days from this date w ill be delinquent and ten per cent added for collection. Dated June 10, 1892. Geo. F. Cbaw, Clerk. Cottage Grove Celebration. Over two thousand people were pres ent at the celebration here, two fun car loads coming from Drain. Quite a number from Roseburg were also pres ent. The oration by Elder Skaggs was listened to with great Interest and close attention by the large audience. The procession was a fine one, the plug uglies creating great amusement. PRIZE WINNERS, DECLARATIONS, 3 -1- f liia fiarnh 10 veara ana unuci.-u Bouldrich was declared the winner of the first prize uj c 1. mTmiu, KnoxVcts; third, Miss Nora Sher wood. 50 cts. . . i . lSvears and under. isi prize. Fffln Younirer. $1.50; 2nd, Miss Arpha WynneH Miss Martha DeWitt,75 CtFree for all.-lst, Miss Elizabeth Clow, 2; 2nd Miss Annie Oglesby, $1.60; 3d, Miss Laura DeWitt, $1. FOOT RACES. 10 years and under.-Clarence Med 1CFree for all.-Thos. Medley, $1. BHOOTINO. Best rifle shot, off-hand, IOC I yards was won by Height Yancv; prize $2.50. The base ball game If ween TWn and Cottage Urove clubs, result Sra"Ba vlctoryfor the home team; Tgrand toll ended the day's amuse menfs? everything passing of pleas- Oily one accident occurred during the day. Early in themorning a team ran away tnrougu ,r ne tiuued down tteroad thw mlles. one horse was oaiigeTOui,! -. Pally Guard. July . A Biseasxd HoB8i.-Mr. Wythecombe, Sim jrsu sus ft Mr. Winter! for the horse, r..ii r.unid. Julr - . cnvTKMT -The execntive committee J,0 COHTIIT. u rrcn. me, Ut evening. - "d itis: .Tt-r- reiawa n tometbing over 100 re. VBD XjSS "co-mltte. Which will be ne pruu" TUESDAY, JULY fi. Ileying In full blast. Rev. Alley Is lu Eugene. Ths ice factory will ship s lot of ice south tonight. The exodus to tbe mountains and aeaaide will soon begin. Uncle Jos Perklna was in town yeaterday oelebrating the Fourth. G. Bchwarzachild anpuliea our table with s neat glaaa paper weight. Steve Jonea of Ager, Cal., ia in Eugene viailing relatives and frlendi. 8. S. SiH'ticer, of Portland, HiK'iit the Fourth of July in Eugene. The Marine Cadela and Company C, O. N. O., went to Salem to ipeod the Fourlb H. C. Ilumpbrev and Matter Henry Marx leave for the Foley Springs tumor low. The Iteview of Reviews has been ailded to the list of periodicals received at the Free Reading Room. The basket meeting Ut Subbatb at Fair mount waa well attended and interesting, anrpaaaicg tbe expectation of all. H. M. Titna aud wife and Mrs. Jno. O'Brien and daughter Untie left for tbe Upper McKeuzie tbia morning. We are pleaaed to aee Judge A. H. Fisk about our streets again todny. He baa had quite a aiege with intlammatory rheu met ism. H. C. Perkins went to Portland on this morniog'a loral aa a witnesa in the case of tbe United States agaiust the Willamette Valley Wagon road Co. Rev. D. A. Wattera took tbe overland tbia morning for Canby where be will apeud a week in camp meeting, having charge ol Epwortb Lengue interests. A list of passengers on hand of the steamer Alaska that aailed from New York, June 25, gives the names of Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Sladdeu aa pasaenegera. J. T. Gregg, Deputy United States Marshal, came up on the train lut night and went to the Dunten place on Camp Creek, this morning. Mayor MoClnng, A. V. Peters, C. F. Blythe and I. K. Patera leave tomorrow for a two weeks' trip to the Blue river miuea to inspect property in that diatrict. L. H. Patterson Robt. Stevens and Geo. Hall, Jr., left for the McKenzie bridge this morning where they will 'rusticate" for two or three weeks. Hons. E. P. Coleman and Jitsper Wilkina of Coburg attended tbe celebration of tbe Fourth in Eugene. The latter ia endeavor ing to conciliate s good specimen of s Job's comforter. The water spout that struck Sam Sumner'a place on Little Klamath lake shore, about s month ago, waa a stonner. It out s ditch over 300 yards long and four feet deep, by about 10 feet wide, removing rocks that weighed half s ton, piling np debria three or four feet in the tulea at the edge of the lake, and outting great crevices in the ad jacent hills. Word has been received by tho con tractors at Salem that the steel for the great State house dome will not be shipiicd before August, and as a result the work will be delayed about two months. This will delay the comple tion of the capltol until well along to the legislative session. A new and intricate "Log Jam" scene ia now being constructed for ''Von Yonaon." 11. J. Cutler, the famous theatrical mechan ic, is deaigner. Cutler bears tbe reputa tion of being the most competent stage me cbauio in the world. "Yon Yonaon" be gina hia pilgrimage early in August. His peregrinations will extend over the entire Paciflo slope territory. Information was received at Klam ath Falls Thursday that the commis sioner of Indian affairs has ordered tho survey of eight townships on the reser vation, which Is preliminary to the allotment of land9 in severalty and the final opening of the reservation. Work will begin at once. This infor mation will tend to turn the eyes of all Oregon to Klamath county. Having completed his tour of Inspec tion, Colonel Eldridge, Internal reve nue agent, has returned to San Fran cisco. His report shows that during the fiscal vear the Internal revenue col lections amounted to $380,000, an ad vance of $(10,000 over the preceding year. He round no applications ior li censes for oleomargeriue in Oregon, while there are 10 wholesale dealers in Washington, and 100 retail dealers. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." if exempiincauon or mis familiar quotation is needed, It is fur nished every time the czar of Russia goes on a journey. On his late trip to Copenhagen, whither he went to at tend the golden wedding of tne king and queen of Denmark, the Russian railways were guarded by soldiers at every 20 yards, no fewer than 00,000 men being requirea 10 cover me enure distance. All villages and towns. through which the Imperial train nasscd were watched and every stranger was compelled to give an ac count of himself or suffer arrest. Tru ly the price which Uie despot pays for existence In these days is a heavy one. personal. Dally Guard, July 7. Prof. McClure has returned home. Ed Young Is acting as book keeper at the cannery. Prof. Tbomaa Condon and wife went to Portland tbia morning. H. C. Humprey and Master Henry Marx have gone to the Foley Springs. Major L. I). Forrest has gone up the McKenzieon a hunting and fishing trip. . . Itev. Harry Watkins and wife started for Portland tbia morning where they will spend a few weeka. Judge Fisk and Dr. McKenney In tend leaving for a trip to the moun tains Monday, weather permitting. J. O. Heald, a prominent grape grow erofCloverdale, Cal., with his wife are visiting relatives and old friends In H. W. Holden passed through Engene en route to Fort mod on a onaineaa trip urn morning Mrs. Holden accompanied him S. B. Eakin, Jr., and wife have gone to their farm three miles west of Eu eene and will spend their vacation of inree wccks iu uauinu)( same instead of going to the moun tains or seaside. A good Idea. Special Bargains for a Few Days Only. Dried plums, perk 82?m 17 cube sugar " 30 lbs D " 6 t nnoolored tea I ou 3 fcs aeedlesa raiaina, good... i olnaa aurch. cnareuteed 10 Ijs lard ' C Also headquartera for flour and augar by 100 the aack. Ax Biixt. Ma bbi ed.-I n Eugene, Oreeon July 6, 1H92. by Geo. v. Kinsey, j. r., . O. L. Busey, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. EUa M. Rowley, oi jiie wuuij, To Trade. A new Wilson's im proved sewing machine for sale or trade for hay or wood. Inquire at the Gcard office; r. v...- MitnSa Jane UUP .1 i - icn. i M..rlrTia rtl tha hfart. Jars. Star .k. .aA about TO Tears. She leaves s family of grown children to mourn her death. WEDNESDAY, JULY 0. lion. 11. P. Coleman of Coburg was in town todar. Tom Abrams returned to Corvallls thle morninir. C. S. Hulln was In Eugeno a couplo of days this week. Heoj. Malkey went to Snowdeu spring un the local this niter noon. V 11 Hi'llm.iu and fmuilv liivu coin) to Oakland for b two weeka visit. Work hits commenced on the second alo ry of the Consi-r-trauk block. Tho cotitr ictors are working steadily gravelling Nih and 0th streets. Coburg ii.l-uda erectiug a publio achool bilildmg. The contract will be let July 11. Pr lilanton returned tbia morning from a month's visit to Yreka, Cal , and Ashland, Ju'lge Orui gcr und u of Iowa are viit irg in Eui;eiie at tbe residence of S. Mer lin. Miss Venn Adair returned toTacoma this morning accompanied by her mother. Ski Merks won nearly all tbe nrt prizes in the shouting couteala at the Albany oelv bration. Ed UiiKhnell of Ellensburg, Wash., ha been visiting relativra in Lauo county for a few daya. Tito newlv elected oflUvrs of Spencer Ilutte lodge I. O. O. F. were Installed lust evening. J. J. Chamberlain, of Roseburg, was in town today. He is runnlnga racket store iu that place. F. B. Duno. C. Uodes and John Brown left for the Blue river miuea this morning oy private conveyance. .1 II Kli.v.m-Mi liim II lml lilx oath of ofllee and entered uixm his duties as school sucrintendent. 11. II. Huik returned to McMinn- villo tlil niornlmr where ho has a po sition in an abstract oHlee. A marriage license was Issued yes tnnl.iv nfternooll liv the Coutitv Clerk to O.'L. Uusey und' Ella M. Rowley. E. J. Crawford, of Medlord, a prominent attorney, visited Eugene today, lie ia en thusiastic for Cleveland and tariff reform. J. B. Alexander, following hia annual custom, bai presented this office with a basket ot niaxuiQcent Royal Ann cherries. Mrs. Elva E. Stinson, of Montosano, Wash., formerly Mrs. Win. Christian, Is visiting relatives aim menus in r.u- gene. Mist Mollis Abrah.im, who baa been via iting at the resideuce of L. Q. Adair, re turned to her home at Koaoburg thia after noon. Prnt. r W. JurviH. of Vniatilla countv. spent the Fourth of July here. Ha re turned nome ruetuay, nis tamiiy accom panying bim. M K llnrker nnd II. C. Wortman. of Portland, lelt this morning on a hunting and iisiitng trip up me aic Kepzie river. .TanK f iinliAll nnntv ornnd rhftneellnr K. of P., went to Cottage Orove thia slier noon to install the officers of the ordor there tonight. J. R. Ream waa a passenger on the Mo Kenzie stage tbia morning en route to tbe Blue river mines. He will be absent about two weeks. Addison Hulln will fill tho duties of prescription clerk In O.sburn & DcLann's drug store during the ab sence of Chester Osburn. Vnr anil nr oichanL'8 for improved nro- aerty iu Eugene an improved farm of 450 acrea. Also improved property in fori- lund. Address E. V. Wright, Elmira, Lane Co., Oregon. Geo. Gill and family have returned to Salem. Miss Dell Jlrumley accom panied tlicm to that city and will visit with them a week or two. W 11 mi l .Tin. ITn(Tinn end families. Misa Blanche Straitjtit aud Chna. Johnson Ut (nr th Fniev Sorinsa thia mornins. They will be tbxent about a mouth. . MissMnv Dorris went to Portland nn i.nutnnliiv'u train. In t lint clt v alio will Join a party nnd go to North iseacli, near Astoria, to sitenu a iew weeks. A lot of personal property belonging to W. L. Dysiug-r waa aold by the iheriS thia morning on an execution in tavor of Ed West for tbe sum of (140. Tbe property waa well worth $300 or $400. linn V If itinpv linn filed Ills bonds of $1000 as Justice of the Peace for the Eugene precinct, with Geo. Belshaw and J. R. Campbell as sureties. From reports the spring sown grain In this county will make an extremely short crop. That sown in the full and winter, from present Indications, will mane an average crop. Dr. G. C. Osburn lea for a visit to his C,tl,..ru onltlo rnni'li In Crook countv. this morning via the military road. He wui return oy me aicrvenziu rouiu, stopping a few days at the springs. Bberman county aubaoribed about $2000 on election day to bring the rainmaker, but aa be won I agree to uomoara ins oioaui for less tban fouuu, enerman crops, me those of Gilliam, ard apt to be alim this year. Salem Journal: One ot tbe happy fea tures of the occasion was the preaenoe of .).. xfurina faiWa from Enuene. bova from six to twelve years ol age. Tbey were the pets, of the encampment and sre a well ariuea company. Yesterday County Treasurer Luckey sent $95U9.46 to the atate treaa urer at Salem which completes the ...mailt nf T.ann Pnnntv'i fltata tax for the year 18111, according to the levy made on tbe estate uoaru oi r-quaumiuu uKura. VTnlntnntlnnullv tllA nnniA (if MlM W II AInYnnrler wuh ommltted Inotir report from the ladies Fourth of July . 1 .. I.... r,u. ,...1 decoraungcotiiniiiiee. iuo iauy wua one 01 Uie acuve iiieiiiueni oi nio wiii mlttee and is therefore deserving of praise, V m Mnlfnrl or tha MflKenzis HnrinffB. returned there this morning, having apent ,h. i,h in i-. iai.na. nr ild a cumuamuu ua ill nnva A from the Serines and thor oughly explore tne aimosv uoanown oouu h.tB.n tlia Three Riitera and Dia mond Peak, employing tbe next fifty daya in tne lass. ESCAPED. Charles Wilson, the Murderer of Mamie vvaiHii. Description as follows: Age31 years; height 5 feet U Inches: weight about 105 pounds; complexion dark, (lark l.nir- miiutni-hA (lurk and thin: dark II ... , ..... T eyes and sunken in; high cheek bones, very prominent ioreneai wears iiui No. i had on a black derby hat when Inst seen: very large nun nose and very red on end: when lust seen had on a new suit of clothes, very dark or black; coat, pants Mid vest alike; sack coat; negligee shi t, laced in front, when Inut .n In -h tuken out: hail on a nour rmir tt lulled shoea. about No. 8: large sore on left wrist and considera bly awollei.; when in con vernation with anyone he throws his head back and bites hi- upper lip, and also has a twitching in left eye and will then look down; when walking aUsips aud throws, Ills limn (iirwarti, A ear load f Deerlnir mowers and binders jut received direct from the factory, tall ami examine me new iuiproveniftits. F. L. Chambkbs. HHKVITIf'N. Willoughby, dentist. Watch olube at Holloway a. J. J. Walton, attorney.at-law. D. Linn 4 Bon, furniture and undertak ing. If yon want s suit of clothes or a pair of pantaloon go to Uavia, tbe tailor, lie guar- anteea eatlsfsclion and low prices. Eugene flour at Henderson's. Albany flour at Henderson's. Medfoni Hour at Henderson's. Junction flour at Henderson's. You nays your money and you takes your choice. Cbria Marx baa reduced tbe price of slav ing at bia ahop to 15 cents. The Minnesota Hotel lias been re paired and refurnished. Terms II it day. Only one block from the demit. All white help. Dr. Hmiley la prepared to attend to all calls from tbe country and will make that part ol bia practice s specialty. Join nolloway'a watch and jewelry clubs, he ia tbe originator of them in Eugene, a perfeotly aafe and very profitable way of bnyiug what you want. Call aud investi gate it. W. Holloway has lust received some new deaigna in watch canes. Call aud aee them. tbe largest and most select stock In Lu- gene. Money to loan on improved farms for a term of yeara at a reasonable rate of inter est by E. J, MnClanaban. Parties wishing to sell tinnier iriini- tary to Mc Kenzie, Willamette, Slus luw, Smith river and Mohuwk enquire of W. C. Railey, care Joel Ware, Eu gene, uregon. The high wheel Victoria lawn mower is the Ugliest running mower made. Call and examine at F. L. Chambers', iVnother car of vehicles Just received direct from the factory which makes my stocK complete in buggies, car riages, carts ana pleasure wagons, also farm wagons. Prices ns usual low. t . ii. I II AMHKItH. ttention farmers! Buy your medi cines at Yerington's Ninth street drug store, Rhlnehart's block, Eugene. Yerineton'a Otb at. drug store is the place. Yeara of experience insures oertainty and dispatch in ths compounding and dispens ing of matllclues, imineuari a woes. Yerlmrtou's Ninth street druir store guarantees satisfaction as to prices and quality. Rhlnehart's block. Harrison and Cleveland are In It so F. L. Chambers' f 15 carts. Only $00 to get one of those nobby pleasant wagons at F. L. Ciiamiiekh. Hay forks, grain cradles and every thing else a farmer needs at lu IHAMIIKltH. Died. Pally Guard, July 7. Mrs. Henrietta Kays, youngest daughter of M. Wllklns, of Coburg, died at tho Foley Springs, Wed ties ny morning at 7 o'clock. Hhe had been lu mor health lor some time and wit li tier lusband went to tho springs June 0th. She seemed to be gaining strength and feeling much better until Tuesday evening when she went into tho swim ming rink, remaining in out a tew minutes, complaining that tho water was cold, and was quite chilly, when out of the bath. Returning to their camp she was nervous and could not sleep, gradually growing worse until midnight when Dr. itarr was caned. Ho rendered every assistance possible but without avail, and at 0 a. m. she passed quietly away, heart failure bo ng llie immediate cause. . Mr. Kavs her husband, and Geo. Frl.zell left tho springs the sumo day with the body arriving hero at 1 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Kavs was born in lnne county In the year 1857, being 3.5 years of age tho 2-d of last May- Bonds Approved. Dally Guard, July 7. Tbe commi-sioner'a court this afternoon approved tbe following olH ial bonds: HherlfT James E. Nolandj bonds, $50,000; sureties: A. G. Hovey, John 8tewnrt, T G Hendricks, R R Hayes, 8 H Friendly. Clerk-W. It. Walker; bondB, 910,000. Snretiea: A. Q. Hovey, 8. H. Friendly and D. Matlock. Assessor P. J. Mcl'herson; bonds, $5,000. Snretiea: Q. M. Hawley and John Stewart. Coroner J. W. Harris; bonds, $3000. Sureties: J. B. Harris and J. H. Mo Clung. Hurveyor U M uoiner, nontis, $.5000. Hureties: J. D. Matlock and A. J. Collier. Great Reduction in Prices of Baking i Powder. Every one knows that Dr. Price's cream baking powder Is the only strict ly pure baking powder on tho market. Notice prices below: 5 lb tins $1 00 former price... $2 2-5 2J lb 1 05 lb 45 35 25 20 15 12 oz oz 6 oz oz Terms: spot cash T. A. Hendkkson. Ileal Estate Transfers. SPBIttoriELD. EYH Warner to Margaret J Clark, lots In Hprlngtleld; fi. COUNTRY. Wm Powell to Edmund Powell Jr. 820 acres In T 10 B R 6 IS; $0000. FLORENCE. Geo M Miller to G Bettman, lot 23, blk 3, Miller's ad; $250. A Question. Where are you going to buy your lumber? Chapman & Bon have re fitted their mill on Cedar Flat and oiler the best of rough and finished lumber for sale. Letter List. July 8,1892. Alnmhaugh, Wm Baker, Edith Huc-kmen. U H Calst y, J W . Coats, James Comauick, J C ( hainherhn, Wm (iarretaon, M E Will. Mrs Annie neoer, ia ucm.- . t.t nnn Mnt will ha marie on each letter given out Persona calUiig lor letters will please r when advertised. MISSIS WASHBURN, P. M, Jebset Cow. A two year old Jersey cow ol.inu milk aama to Palmer Aver'a place, tmn nilcs north of Eonene last week. Tbe owner can bave her by paying charges. Dally Guard, July 7. Canning. The Eugene cannery utnru-d un this morning canning cher ries. It will take all that are offered and will work through the season whenever fruit and vegetables can be obtained in sufficient quantities. Wit. i. TvHPwr. General Comnson, of Klumnth county, will inspect Com pany C, O. '. 0., next Haturday evening. KIT.EXE'S CELEBRATION. liit f i'ii lo.lKio ami 12.000 People Celebrate the ttlorious Fourth Here. Tho lltlth anniversary of American Indeiietideiice was celebrated in Eu gene in grand style, ino Heavens were cloudy, and tho day was pleasant. At io:.io o'clock the procession lorin I In fnmt of thecity hall in tho fol lowing order: Eugene cornet Imiid, Olllcers or the Day, .Mayor and louiicil, J. W. Geary Pot A. K .I'l inglleld liaud, l.u gene Host1 team Mo, I, Eugene Hook Ladder t o. M'. 1, i.tigeno l.ngine Co, No. 1, Rescue Hose Team, plug uglies, r raster's iiveiule blind, Alaniiu ('inlets, citizens in curi'hiL'cs and on horseback. The nnsfssloii niiirchcd noil h on Oak street to 5th, thence west to Wil lamette, thence south to llth, thence ast to Dak. thence north to Court House square, where the following programiiie was had: Music by '. Eugene Hand Prayer by ltev. Harry Watkins rimiiiain. Music Springfield ltaiid ltemliug tlio lK'clarntioii of Intle- is'iidemv C. I'.. Henderson Oration ; 1. D. Driver. D. D. Music Juvenile Rand The audience present at these exer ses was the largest ever seen in Eu gene. At the close of the same the people disiH'rscd for lunch. IIOSK HACKS. t 2 p. in. the iH'ople werO called to- get her to witness the hose races on Eighth street, the same liclng packed. The Eugene Hose Team and two other nicked teams from the Enduo Com pany and the Oregon-Rescue hose team onipeteil, tint no lime was given eun r, us the Eimeue and oniriito teams fulled to "get water," while tho other got water, but an outsider from the Siuslaw country innocently lent his assistance" which rendered tne run did nit hough water was obtained. At 7:.'i0 l). m. the following teams entered, the purse being $75 to the winner: Rescue Hose Team, Junc tion City Hose Team Mo. 1, Eugene Hose Team. The Rescue Hose Team made the first run getting water in SI seconds; then came the Junction Team, who made a pretty good run but lost time at tho hydrant; time. '3 seconds. Af ter this run came the Eugeno Hose ream. They made the fastest run of the evening but they failed to get their nozzle on siiiiicieiiuy, ana it, "tucw oil','' hence they were given no time, and the Rescue Hose Team was de clared the winners. Then came a gymnastic exhibition, given by Sid lilack and Charles St. Clair, two travelling gentlemen. They gave an excellent exhibition, and were the recipients of long and prolonged eiieers. 1 ney also gavo an Munition in tueycte riding which was line. IKUtSK ItArlNd. At!) o'clock several hundred people wended tlictr way to mo hiewart race course to witness the t rials of speed. Tito llwt event was a race, lreo lor II, mile, two best lu three, for a purse of $(k, 70 per cut to iirxt, ro to second aim iu to third. The following horses were en tered: Cow Hoy by Clarence Luckey, Friday by Montgomery, Coalburner by Seal. Only a few pools were sold. Tho first heat was won by Friday and the next two heats were taken by Cow Roy. 1 1 was a pretty race, being nouy contested. In the foot nice. 85 vards. for a nurse of $:15, Chns. Croiier, Mr. RolsTts and and Mr. rime entered, mey started at the crack of the pistol, except Cllne, who was left ut the iswt. Croner ran ahead until near tho finish when Rob- rts drew ahead and won by two feet. (Mine claimed that tho others started before the crack of the pistol but the udircs did not sustain him. Several ptsils were sold on the race, Roberts he- ng the favorite. Several match pony races took place after tho regular programme. In the evening at 7 o'clock Hlack and StClalr gave another exhibition at the City Hall. StClalr rodo down a ladder on a buggy wheel. It was a wonderful feat aud caused great ciiecrmg. THK K1KKWOKK8 In the evening, on 17th street, was at tended by ac least 3,000 people. The display was the best that was ever given in uugono. ine nanus were present and discoursed music. thus enueu one ot mo niosi success ful celebrations ever held in the county. It was estimated that between 10,000 and 12,000 people were present. NOTES. No fight or arrest occurred. The bunks wore dosed yesterday. The street cars did a lively business. Tho stands and business houses all made money. The lunch iriven by the ladles of the Baptist church was liberally patron ized. It was not hot enough yesterday to satisfy those who were dealing in Iced goods. W. R. Walker acted as grand mar shal, and with the aid of his deputies carried out the programme iu an able manner. No accidents on tho Fourth. The crowd was not of tho pushing, bustling nature. The three bandsare to be congratluat- cd on the excellent music furnished for the occasion. The egg throwing In the Jail yard was largely patronized aim aiiorueu considerable amusement, Mesdames J. H, Luckey, Wm. Ren- hIiuw. Relle Smith and W. H. and Jas. I lot! mini k mi v uccoraieu uie uvv men's nnnaratus and the grand stand, and are entitled to the thanks of our citizens for their aid. The decorations of business houses were numerous, and many or mem were of admirable style. Oulte a num ber of residences were also decorated in a tine manlier. Iho court house was artistically decorated by County Clerk W alker aim Siieriti xsoianu. The committee having the celebration in charge are di-serving of the thanks of the people for the able manner in which they managed the event. Although Home of our citizen predicted a fail- 1 a. ..nil ......f It U'UU tltO llll-ir. UIU all't It BII1UI, Ul'nU, ll IT fMrt v.IV i est celebration ever held in the county. with the exception or last year's. The onlv accident that occurred dur ing the day happened In tho evening at about luau o ciock io j. vj. vmu. He was firing oir some skyrockets at his residence when three of them ex ploded In his left hand burning it fear fully. The entire inside of his hand is cooked badly and also the outside of his thumb aud forefinger. Dr. Smiley was called and dressed the wound. Mr. Watts will be unable to use the hand for some time. The Fourth of July committee erect ed a greased pole in east urk lot and placed a $5 on it but nobody seemed anxious about securing it by climbing the pole. However, a slick fingered gent, who Is spotted, got another polo and lifted tho bill during tho artcr- uoon showing that he was possessed of a super-abundance of cheek and rascal ity. If the money Is not returned It is likely an arrest will bo made shortly. AN EXPLOSION. Florence Without Windows. Over charpe of Giant Powder Does Great Damage. HH-claltoGCiiu. Fi.0KK.N'i'E, Or., July 4. Homo per sons, with more patriotism than Judg ment, placed a large quantity of giant powder in tho street In the center of the business portion of town and at about 0 o'clock this morning exploded it, blowing out the windows in two sides of the Morris hotel, breaking all I lie large iilato glass in tho front of Meyer & Kyle's store and blowing in two doors and all the windows of Win. Kyle's residence. All the windows on the west side of Cathey's hall were broken by tlio concussion anil windows in all tlio buildings within several blocks moreor less broken. Showcases, clocks and China wear were more or less damaged and tho whole town was In a state of confusion and alarm until It was learned that no ono was serious lv Inlureil. Mm. Mason, who wns sleeping ill Mr. Kyle's residence was thrown out or tied on tne Hoor and remained unconscious for some time but Is not seriously hurt. The celebration hero with tho alsive exception was a decided success. Not withstanding there was a celebration at Seaton and also ono on Tsiltcoos lake, the crowd was much larger than expected. Tho oration, games and musio were exceptionally good, tho best of order prevailed throughout tho dav. A closely contested irame of boso ball closed the exercises of the day. Your correspondent is of the opinion that tho university nine would have no business playing with the boys of Horenee unless they expecteu to loose. Tlio weather was delightful during the entire day. The Siuslaw. Florence. July 3, 1802. Editor Guard: Tlio stago ride from Eugene to the head of title, from a wearisome Journey of a few years ago is now nothing less than a delightful pleasure ride. After leaving the dusty lanes of the prairie you enter the shades of the forest and cross frequent spring- brooks and larger streams lull or snort ing trout. Tho road over tho Lake creek rottto has been so much Improved . by the judicious expenditure or a few hundred dollars that several hours time Is gained, r rem the ton of Mel- sou hill to Joo Whisman's tho stage winds down thegcntlo gnidesamld the shades of towering firs. In a sweeping trot and covers the road that used to require three hours, in fifty minutes. The Whlsman Itrothers who have charge of this part of the road, have certainly done a great amount of permanent improvement uy changing grades and shortening the road. If a few more dollars were applied on this drive. Lane county would have a thor oughfare to the coast that would ho "a thing of beauty and Joy forever." Trout Hsiiing in i.iiko ami xeison creeks Is of tho very best. They bite savagely and will tako your tly away with them If you are not careful. You should provide your book with several Inches of wire and come prepared to reel out plenty of lino In case you book ono of tnoso two or three pounders. Choice camping places along the road are numerous, also on tho beach, and hay for horses Ib plenty and cheap. Tho cheapest way, however, to enjoy an outing on tins line is io laKe me stago at Eugene and bring your camp ing outfit and stop for a fish for a few days on Eako creek, then take the stage for the head of tide where yo;i will find the steamer, with ample accommodations, awaiting you ;or a lieautlful ride to Florence. At this laco vou may take another stage for tlio cape or lleoeta Head or stop by the wayside at some or the numerous camping places along tho beach. : The cedar grove at Lilly lake is one of these very inviting camps and places on the stago lino in easy reach of mail and dally communication with Florence. The sea-lion rocks and Hcceta Heads, where the lighthouse Is under con struction, are only a short distance from this camp, a convenient aairy anoras plenty of fresh butter and milk, ibe lake allbrds a place for rowing and tho mountain streams are full of trout. M'l.n f(.i,A n lilln nlnua ii iha health la amply sheltered from any unpleasant breezes. Surf bathlmr here Is mado compara tively safe by the wide stretch of beach and shallow water. One needs warm clothing, such as Is commonly worn In winter lu FJugene. 1'eonle come nere to get away irom tne heat and they find this sea coast a per fect panacea ror not weatner, nence warm clothing is necessary. Not Captured Yet. The following dispatch was received from Halem last night: "When Shorlfr Kelly and officers left Halem they expected to go to Wheat land and search the winameiie river bottoms In that vicinity for traces of Wilson. They found nothing to Indi cate that ho had been along the river there. Then they proceeded woio- Mlnnvllle, which city they left eany Hits evening for Dayton, to follow up the clue of a man seen running from the barn at Frank Stephen's place. This man Is said to answer Wilson's description. The officers are divided as to Wilson's whereabouts. Many believe that he sot ont of tbe canyon lbs first night and ia now In lbs Coast range, bavins traveled by night and retted In ob scure places by day. '. Ths Laueet Clue. Portland, July 7. The latest ad vices are to the ell'ect that Wilson has been located several miles above Oswe go, on the west side of the river, and that a large posso Is out closing In on him. Sheriff Kelly, who went to Salem Tuesday night, was at McMinn ville yesterday, and telephoned that as yet he had obtaiued no certain clue as to the whereaboutsof the fugitive. He thought, however, that Wilson was In hiding somewhere between McMinn vllle nnd Oswego. Deputy Sheriff Morgan, who has not been heard from for several days, was also hoard from yesterday. He was a few miles Miove Oswego, and sent word thot Wilson was somewhere in that vicinity. Mor gan Is of the opinion that Wilson la making his way toward his brother's house at Milwaume. Daily Gurd, Julr 7. The Cadets. Tbe Salem Statesman of yesterday savs: Before the competi tive drill the Eugene cadets gave an exhibition drill in Wilson avenue that was truly an excellent one and showed that the boys were well trained, even if they were little fellows. After a number of complicated move ments the battalion gave way for the sham battle, given by the Eugene cadets, which occupied some time and was well carried out and as full of Interest as the battle fought by the larger boys in the morning.