The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 25, 1892, Image 6

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1. 1 CAMPBELL . . rraprieur.
Kid Gang of Apaches Committing
Depredations in Arizona.
Records and Insignia of the Chinese High
binder Organization Discovered
by Sacramento Cops.
Helen, Mont., sapphire and ruby
bed! comprise 8,000 acres.
The Santa Fe runs a potato train daily
from Angelea to Chicago.
A veritable silver bonanza has been
struck at Mesa C'itjr near I'ha-nlx.
Complaints about the Soldiers' Home
at Santa Monica are becoming frequent.
Extensive niter beds bave been lo
cated in Death's Valley near Resting
The turquoise stone found near Phre
nix, A. T., has been pronounced of a
superior quality.
The Arizona Board of Territorial
Equalizers met recently, and will raise
the taxes on all railroads in tne lerri
tory. San Diego is still striving for the erec
tion of a plant to work the iron ore from
the Tempustete mines in Lower Cali
fornia. The anpply department at Mare Island
is being investigated. There are charges
of favoritism widen excludes legitimate
The Kid gang of renegade Apaches are
committing depredations In Arizona
again. Murder and theft are their em-
fhe wood camps in the mountains in
Nevada are opening up for the season's
work, which promises to end earlier than
usual this year.
Prospectors from the New river coun
try ridicule the story that the Ballon
Basin would become a lake this season,
similar to that of last year.
W. 0. Dadey, who with bis family
were supposed to bave been lout on the
Colorado Desert, have been rescued.
The hardships ot the party are described
as terrible.
It is stated that 3,000,000 pounds of
wool will pass through the hands of a
local merchant at Albuquerque, N. M.,
this season.
The Monarc'i mine In Silver Citv,
Nev., is lieing guarded by a shotgun bri
gade. The property, which is very val
uable, is in litigation, and there are
three claimants.
A combination of lumber dealers In
Southern California has ciused the stll
fening of price. The mountain dealers
have had dilliculty in competing with
the Oregon trade.
A Boston syndicate has purchased
1,IW0 acres near Iteming, N. M. The
land will be Irrigated through furce
tumps and wells and rendered valuable
or larmiug purposes.
The various l'humix (A.T.) banks and
mortgage companies have levied attach
ments on the l'humlx electric-light
plant, aggregating $ 10,500. The failure
is said to be complete.
Q. W. Dunn, the California naturalist.
has collected over 70,000 insects belong
ing to the horn-winged family, 5,000 of
the cricket tribe and about 4,1100 butter
flies and numberless rare plauts and an
The Yaqni ami Mayo ndian troubles
in Honors, Mexico, are assuming large
proportions. The Mexican government
is massing soldiers in the Yaqul country,
Sixteen soldiers were recently killed in
an ambuan ngni.
Benjamin R. Bailey, the man who
swindled the United States out of a two-
cent stamp at Porterville a few days ago,
pleaded guilty at Los Angeles in the
United States Court, and was sentenced
to pay a hue of 70.
Work of rebuilding the Walnut Grove
(lain near l'munlx. A. T., has begun.
When finished this reservoir will cover
an Immense tract of reclaimable land.
and will also give a strong impetus to
placer mining in that section.
The interest in the North Side railroad
is increasing at Pmenix, A. T., and its
completion in the near future is an a.
lured fact. By July 1 they will be lay
lng the track on eighty miles of tle
grade, and by November the road will be
In boxing up the remains of United
States soldiers recently exhumed near
Presoott, A. T., three Indian spear heads
made of hoop iron were found in one of
the skeletons, une oi the spears had
entered the nark, and the head was
found fast in the breastbone on the la
Camlnettl Unable to Get His Debris Bill
Before the House Monument to
General Sherman.
The House has passed the bill giving
150,000 for a pedestal and monument to
Ueneral W. I. bherman.
Senator Black l urn has Introduced
bill appropriating $1,200,000 for the pro
curements under contract of fifty mor
tars and carriages for the defense of the
Pacific Coast.
The Department of Agriculture Issues
a statement showing the imports of
American corn into Germany for the
first three months of this year, compared
with a corresponding tune last year,
have Increased from 1,110,000 bushels to
Mr. Camlnettl has been nnable to get
his mining debris bill before the House,
and the result is that if the House ad
journs on July 4, the date which is con
templated, there will he no chance for
the bill to pas. It requires unanimou
consent to Wing it up, and that cannot
be obtained.
It is understood that Captain Louis
Kempff is assigned to the command of
the new const-defense ship Monterey,
which is nearinir completion at the Union
iron works in California. In order that
he may superintend her fitting out be
will receive preliminary orders to her
during the present month.
The House went Into committee of the
whole for consideration of the agricult
ural appropriation hill. The bill was
read by paragraphs for amendments. J.
I), lay lor oi Uhio took occasion to make
a vigorous speech, which was ar -wered
In the same vigorous manner I y Himp
son of Kansas. The comiiiiUee rose.
and the bill passed.
Gates of Alabama called up the bill
modilying the Revised Statutes so as to
dispense with the proof of loyalty dur
ing the war oi the Kebeillon as a pre
requisite of being restored or admitted
to the pension roil of any person who
otherwise would be entitled there
to, nor shall proof of loyalty be neces
sary in any application for bounty land
where the proof otherwise shows the
applicant is entitled thereto, providing
no soldier admitted to the pension roil
shall receive back pay. This act shall
not extend to any person under disabil
ity by the fourteenth constitutional
amendment. The bill was passed.
Representative Hermann has suc
ceeded in pawing a hill eitending for
three years the tune of settlers who are
purchasers of forfeited railroad lands,
and whose time to make pnvment ex
pires Septemlier 23 next. McMillan of
Tennessee antagonized the meaimre, bui
when Hermann explained the history o
the bill he withdrew hi objection. Her
mann read to the lloii-e resolution
passed by the Republican and Demo
cratic County Conventions of Wai-co
county, Or, where mny people reside
on forfeited land along the railroad. He
also read petitions from I he Slate Grange
and Alliances, asking for this legislation
and stating that y reason of the failun
of (he crops many persons were unable
to pay for homes.
Senator Dolph has secured from the
Committee on I'u'lc Bui dimis and
Grounds a favorable report upon his bill
to increase the limit of the cost of a
public building at Portland to 11,000,000;
also a favorab e r-poitof his amendment
o the sundry civil appropriation hill foi
the same purpose. The Senator snya he
will secure the passage of h sbill through
the Senate at the Hint favorable oppor
tunity, but liard y hopes for a favorable
consideration in the 1 1 once. He fears
also, if he succeeds in getting the amend
ment to the sundry civil bill, the lione
will reluse to concur and it will In
iroppeu out in tne ronierenre, and he if
Minister Enters a Crusade Against
Church Fairs, Etc.
Mr. Chllds Donates a Number of Pare
and Beautiful Palm Trees From
His Conservatory.
Schemes to Defraud Hotels at New York
Discovered New York Board
of Education.
The Salvation Army Intends to show
at the exposition in a complete manner
Its whole scheme ot moral and social re
A relief map showing San Francisco,
San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz
counties, Cal., Is being prepared at an
expense of $10,000 for exhibition at the
A. evidence of the great and wide" Spaniards Advocate
Submarine Cable to be Laid in the
Caspian Sea.
The helm of George Hearst Phtebe
Hearst and William K. Hearst have
brought suit at l'liu-iili, A. T to quiet
title to the San de laa Boqullliae y No
gales land grant. This land Includes
that occupied by settlers on the Sun IV
dro river, taking in the town oi Fair
bank and the greater portion of the
Mormon settlement of St. Davids, as well
as other valuable valley land.
W. W. Taylor and Harry Bailey, two
notoriou confidence men, have swindled
several parties at Los Angeles, and Bai
ley succeeded in marry ng a wealthy
widow, although be haa a wife in De
troit. The police ordered Taylor from
town, and before Bailey could dispose of
much of his new wife's property he, too,
bad to leave. They are aaid to be oily
men, pleasant talkers, with a fund of
information, which they freely make use
of with tourist and susceptible people.
The Sacramento police made a search
ot premises occupied by highbinders,
and recovered, hidden in the basement.
a locked box containing the records of
the organization and all the insignia of
the vicious society, including the short
ticks passed around to members when
ever tne murder or robbery of a hated
Chinaman is proposed, to notify them of
meeting. The capture is an Important
one, and may lead lo much desired in
The Victoria (B. O.) Co!oi$t contains
the first chapter of an exposure of a hot
bed of the vilest corruption in the very
heart of Victoria, systematic seduction
of girls of tender year by men who hold
responsible positions and enjoy the con
fidence and respect of the entire com.
mnnity. The paper demands that the
authorities take cognizance of the curt
and act promptly in its sialic it ion.
stating that the name, dates acd
no' certain that it will not te better
ilefer the attempt until the next session
after the Presidential election.
The Treasury Department has prepared
a statement protesting against theaction
of the Motive In passing a legislative, ex
ectuive and judicial appropriation bill
with a clause requiring manifeHts giving
detailed Information, including value'
to be presented before cars containing
merchandise in transit through the conn
try will be allowed to go forward. Tit.
statement says the presumable object of
the clause is to recure statistical in for
mation regarding exoorts, but declare
that the practical effect will be a dis
crimination against American railroa
in favor of foreign lines, as shippers will
not submit to the annoyance proposed
In the regulation. It save a similar reg
ulation was put In force some years ago
nv an order of the treasury, but was re
voked on vigorous complaints by Amer
ican roan.
President Eliot Gets Into Hot Water by
His Disparagement of the Public
School System.
Shorthand is to be taught in the Bos
ton schools.
There are 5.XOT whole and 1.821
tlonal school districts in Michigan,
The public schools ot St. Louis give
employment to over i.uou teachers,
New London, Conn., has lieen selected
as the site for the Catholic summer
Embossed honks for the use ot blind
persons have been prepared in more than
kjo languages and dialects.
Mrs. Sitlgwick has just been appointed
principal oi aewniaiu uo lege. Univer
sity oi lamur.dge, f.ugiand.
There are MO women students In the
University of Michigan, distributed
throughout all the departments.
In one of the public school of New
York city there are 710 children, all Imt
ten of whom are of (oreigu birth ami
In Paris the common pnblio school)'
are provided with medicine cases, and
instructions are ,lven lor the use of
The New York Legislature naed a
hill making the teaching of music in the
mtilic schools compulsory. Governor
I'lower vetoed it.
Jacob Gould Schurman. Cornell's ne
President, is yet a lew vcars under
but a noted scholar. Twenty-odd ven
ago he was a clerk in a grocery store on
I'rince Edward island.
President Eliot ot Harvard, not auft.
fled with the mess he made bv his Mor-
muu siienu, nas again got iiimsell in
hot water by hi disparagement of the
American public-school system.
Cornell University has given Pre.'i
dents to three universities Schsefor to
Iowa, Jordan to Stanford and Andrews
to Brown. Eight mem tiers of it fac
ulty have declined college presidencies.
The school of architecture of the Uni
versity of I'ennsylvania is to have s
"traveling scholarship in architecture "
with an annual income of 1,000, which
will enable the holder to study the be t
models in Europe.
It appear from the official M.oril
mat last year articulation was taught to
no less than 4.245 pupils inAmer .-.n
rcnoois lor the deal.
The New York Grant monument fund
is complete.
Chicago has an elevated road, and 1
elated over it.
In Minneapolis 7,877.047 barrels of
flour were made last year.
The export of gold up to date this
year have been exceptionally light.
The cotton acreage of Tennesee will
be 10 per cent, smaller than last year,
Chicago Board of Trade market quota'
tions will soon be distributed free to the
A lilted woman In Chicago hired a
prizefighter to spoil her former lover'
The wall-paper trust has been Incor
porated iu New York with IU.pOJ.OOO
A young Methodist minister has been
arrested at Atlanta, (J a., for jumping
board bins.
Gas Is to be manufactured In Long
(aland and piped nnder the East river
into New York.
Colonel W. B. Remy. Judge Advocate
General of the navy, has been placed on
the retired net.
Louisiana' Supreme Court decides
that the "Jim Crow" law does not apply
to interstate passengers,
The New York Board of Education is
preparing to wipe out all saloons in the
vicinity of school houses.
The Kansas crop report show wheat
acreage equal to last year, with an ex
cess of corn, but backward.
For three vacant chaplaincies in the
United States army over 4,000 applica
tions nave been placed on me
For killing a negro Section Boss Aa
lerson of Greenland. Fla.. has been
threatened with a negro uprising,
United States troops have been lent
to the scene of the troubles between
tockmen and rustlers in Wyoming,
The city of Chicago, feeling that its
attractiveness is somewhat at stake, has
irg'inized a society for the prevention of
MtBHUsippi planter in the river hot
torn are moving for a iiermanent reduc
tion oi tax assessments on account of
The crops in Kansas are in grand
shape. Corn is growing well, and the
wheat is heading out. in ebra-ka, to,
the crops promise well.
An ordinance licensing gambling
houses In Omaha was signed by the
Mayor, and they are running wide open
in violation ot a State law,
There is talk of submitting the Lou
iniana Senatorship to a vote of the white
people of the State, the Legislature be
ing unable to agree on a candidate.
Tho doscenda'ite of the immortal Daw
Crockett will celebrate the lOb'h anni'
versary of that deceased hero and states
man at Kutherford, lenn., August 17.
An unknown lorelgner has created a
reign of terror in Cambridge. Mass.. by
stabbing a number of women, whom he
accosted on the streets after nightfall
Owing to the long pea' on of spring
rains, much of the bottom lands In West
IViineKsee, heretofore planted in cotton,
will this season grow corn or some other
A New York insurance company will
put up a build, ng having twelve storie
uid a higli gable, with a street frontage
ol :iu leet d inches. It resembles an
Kgvptian obelisk.
Dr. Nxg eof the bureau of vital Ptiv
tiHtics says that so cosmopolitan has New
York lecome in recent years that more
than UHJ languages and dialects are
spoken in the city.
Governor John Young Brown of Ken
tacky has signed the bill compelling all
railroads III the State to provide separ
ate cars lor negroes. The law will go
into ellect In ninety days.
Rev. J. W. Wilson of Indianapolis ha
entered upon a vigorous crusade against
church lairs grab bag, rallies and all
other schemes to raise funds lor church
purposes in illegitimate ways,
The labor organizations of New York
city have begun war upon the Chinese.
it is their purpose to arouse ag'inn tne
Mongolian such a cyclone ol public ha'
ired as will drive lain irora the town,
A large and finely equipped hosnital
has been dedicated in Atlanta, hearing
the name of the late H. W. Giady, ed
itor oi the loHituulton. nils memoria
is the result ot a popular subscription
The Interstate Kievated railwav of
Kansas City i to be changed from a
steam to an electric system at a cost oi
5 aJ.lKM. It is expected that the reccm
"traction will be completed so that the
line can be run by July 1.
One ot the largest and hardest log lams
t . . . f
ever Known in the iNorthwest lias been
forming in the St. Croix river at Kagle
inland, it Is over nve miles long, and
the Uv8 are piled up in all shapes, and
it comains over iou.uuu.uw leet.
The igwam in Chicago, where the
Democratic National Convention will
meet, haa a frontage of 6k) feet on Mich
igan avenue, and is 350 feet in width. I
is me largest convention na ever
erected, and its full capacity is 20,000.
The first session of the German Nap-
im v. omerence was neia at uedar Kap-
ds, la., recently, with nearlv "0 iksi
brethren present. Many important
luesuons were semen, ihe question ol
spread interest abroad taken in
World' Kdr it is announced that more
than half of the mail now being received
by the State Department at Washington
1 In relation to it.
William Saunders. Executive Exnosi
tlon Commissioner for Canada, says that
a larve and excellent exhibit from the
Dominion 1 assured. It will be espe
cially notable in the lines of agriculture,
dairying, minerals and maniilactures
The principal commercial organiza
tions of New Orleans have uiited in a
. etition to the State Legislature of Lou
isiana, which assembles this month, to
make a World' Fa r appropriation of
l')0,(M)i. A bill making such an appro
priation has been dr illed.
George W. Childs. the Philadelphia
philanthropist, signalized his visit to the
World's f air grounds oy planting a lin
den tree on the "wooded island." Mr,
Chllds has donated to the exposition a
number of rare and beautiful palm trees
from his conservatory. He is very en
tbusiastic over 'he fair and it prospects.
The New York State building at the
expoaition, as shown by the plan which
the Commissioners nave approved, win
be one ol the most commodious anil ar
tistic of all. It will measure d7x)M feet,
be two stories high and covered with
"staff." treated to represent marble.
The estimated cost is from $80,000 to
Prof. Charles D. Walcott of the United
States geological survey intends to have
at the World's Fair an exhibit which
will illus'rate a section of the earth's
crust by specimens ol the rock strata
pla-ed in their proper relative positions
and by collections of the characteristic
focsils shown In connection with the lor
mation in which they are found.
1'resident Harrlpon has accepted the
Invitation, conveyed to him by a com
mittee, to attend the dedication cere
monies of the exposition building next
October. It is believed certain that
every member of the President's Cabinet
and ol the Supreme Uourt and nearly
every Senator, Congressman and bov
ernor also will be present on that occa
Helena, Mont., will send to the; expo
sition a meteor discovered near that city
It is composed of nickel and magnetic
iron, and is in two piece of ninety and
seventy pounds respectively. It is re
ported that when found these pieces
were in a bole in the ground large enough
to contain a house, from which fact it is
inferred that the meteor exploded when
It struck the earth.
Philadelphia's contribution to the
Pennsylvania exhibit at the tair will in'
elude a number ol article of great hi
tone interest. Among them are the desk
and chairs UBd iu the Continental Con
gress and the celebrated portraits of the
Declaration ol Independence. In the
art exhibit, which promises to be large,
will appear the very valuable painting
"The Festival of the Brides of Venice,"
ny uiacomo uiacomeill, and a mosatc
picture representing the discovery of the
remains of St. Marcus, the patron Pa nt
of Venice. The latter contain more
than a million pieces, and required in
it making seven years of patient work.
The prospect is that the engineering
congress, which Is to be held In Chicago
in li-lM under the auspices of the world's
congress auxiliary, will be a gathering
of very great scientlbtt Importance. O
the $15,000 estimated to be necessary for
its expenses 110,0 '0 have been raised
M ny ol the most prominent engineers
ol the world have accepted niemnerohips
on the advisory council, among whom
may bo mentioned William II. Maw and
.lames Dredge of the London Lumneer-
nig, Hon Fernandez L-'ai, rrehlent ol
the Mexican Society of Engineers am
Architects, 0. 8. Uowzski of Canada
and others.
The New York School of Industrial
Art and Technical Design for Women,
f which Mrs. Florence E. Cory is prin
cipal, will make a notable exhibit in he
woman's building It will embrace the
work of 600 women, pupils of the insti
tution, in the line of preparing working
uentgns tor oouy urusseis anil ingrain
carpets, tapestry, table linen, wall pa
pers, on cloths, stained giaxs screen",
window shades, embroidery, laces, caliei
prints, etc., and also manv finished fab
rics made i rum these designs. The ue
igns made bv pupils of this school an
I'iriiisheil to many foreign a well as do
mestic manufacturers.
Closer Alliance
Between Tbelr Kingdom and
the United States.
It is intended to lava submarine cable
in the Caspian Sea.
The Rothschilds have doubled the
wages of their cashiers.
The new British coinage will bear the
Queen's head without her crown.
London in monetary value i worth
two and one-half time as much a Paris.
The English Liberal are preparing
for a great campaign, led by Mr. Glad
It is estimated that the striking Eng
lish coal miners have lost $2,0U0,0J0 in
Several titled Russian women have
sold their jewels and lacea for the (am
ine eutlerers.
Representatives of the French govern
ment are buying horses In Ireland lor
their cavalry.
Australian colonies are proposing com
RiJer Haggard Turns Farmer Dr. Mary
Walker Attended the Syracuse
Snap Convention.
Mrs. Mary Rusell Day hns been made
.-nie L.iorarian oi iveniucxy, ine Legis
lature appreciating her eminent fitness
tor tne place.
Mies Hannah Fairchild of Westnort.
n,,.. : i -.j. i. ol. . .
v.uiiu., in iu nrr ioiii year, cue lias neeo
a member of Christ Church for fifty
five years, and has not missed a service
luring that period.
Hon. Ai. drew D. White is credited
with having made a tare collection of
posters, including incendiary Discards
put up on the walla of Pari during the
riencn revolution.
Dr. Mary Walker anoeared at the
Cleveland snap convention attired in a
rock coat, trousers and a si lk hat. She
wanted to be chosen a delegate to Chi
cago, but was not choeen.
Rider Haggard has turned farmer, and
wn:ie iienghtea with his bucolic experi
allowing women to break bread was ences, is puzzled to understand why milk
nrrtnt.hl nn hilt im am nna...! I.l--.t l i ,.. t J
brought up, but was not passed
ocnemee l ) uetraud hotels at N
York with the assistance of the cashier
have been discovered, and Orin J. Ott,
head cashier ot the GiUey House, a man
namea iturrows and one Nathaniel Aker
man have been arrested. The scheme
was to tear nn check for 1 nners and
nm substitute for smaller sum.
Prof. II V. Adam, the statistician of
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
makes the statement that out of l53,2Jo
trainmen in this country 1,450 were
killed and 13,172 injured last vear. Of
these accidents 87.W per cent of the
ueains ana .07 per cent, of the inf i
that has had all the butter taken out of
it should be called buttermilk.
Edward Everett Hale. Jr.. who grad-
nated from Harvard in 18S3, has been
ma le professor of English in the Iowa
State t niversity. He has been an in
structor iu the same branch at Cornell.
Vice-President Morton' daughters
nnve an active 'hare m church work at
In i ,
luuneoeca. im-j ciminct a sew nir
scnooi tor poor children Saturday morn
ings and a little Sunday-school twenty
four hour later in a room in Mr. Mor
ton's house.
United State Senator Irbv was re-
riddled with bullet Governor Tillman
made this utterance: "There is only
one crime that should bring on lynch-
intr. I mm I HtMrnnp m,l.t l-. .1
i . , , - - v . .... , u lieu a I'ariT
e deaf, n i im min,u i. i .l .. '
,, . i i.. - l ... : - - - w it mil but urcru mil wou u aaNAtm
II , ML I KJ I f. u miM I K 1 1 in lljl II I I n... Mta. I, .A .J - . I . -
' h HhTI Z7. I'.- ' .'. ' uu ,roul "! woman." The remark ha
' " caused sensation.
ries were sustained by railway employes ntlv collared by a policeman in Co-
wiuie coupling car or etting brakes. lumbia, 8. U.t and compelled to give np
At Barnwell. 8. C. the other da nn. revolver which he was carrying around
der the grove of tree where eight ne- wllh Tl,e on'T 'ePon allowed to
groes were brought from the county jail ranied in that city mast have a cork
in IVcember two year ago, lynched and in lt biuzzle
Count Leo Tolstoi, the Russian nnet
and novelist, whoee mrious illness is re
ported, ran handle farm implement as
well as the pen. and is w thai a skillful
ahoAmaVp Ililrinir thm 1n ln. - J I ,cni n.t :i t .
..... ,,,.,:, rrB oui aiiingt road ol " gen-
Spring he has worked incessantly among eral intereet," 135 of local railroad and
hi famln-tncken countrymen. 108 miles of treet railroad.
hined action against the
colored lab r.
Paupers who die in Berlin while being
taken ca e of at pu hue expense are here
after to be cremated.
The importation of patent medicines
into Turkey has been forbidden by the
government of that country.
The Hollanders are not pleased with
the report that the little Queen ia to be
betrothed to a Prussian Prince.
Experiments are being made with sys
tems of simultaneous telegraphy and
telephony on the London-Paris circuit.
None of the English nautical iournals
are at all pleased to hear of an American
registry having been given the Inman
The bicycle fever haa invaded Sweden.
A club of ladie has been organized
there, and they are reported as enthuse
France favors silver. She wants the
white metal rehabilitated, and say Lon
dnn has the power to bring about that
Dublin will be a gay citv through the
week beginning July 4, when the ter-
entenary ol Trinity College will be cele
Spaniards are advocating a close alli
ance of their kingdom wiih the United
States and the SpanUh-American Republics.
The pale of the Kaiser's photographs
taken when he wore a beard has been
lorbidden and all the negatives ordered
There is said to be a treasure amount
ing to 150,0 10,00 ) francs in gold in the
Julius tower of the fortress of Spandau
in I'russ a.
Influenza has attacked the British fleet
stationed at Malta, and numerous cases
are reported. On board the Undaunted
alone there are forty cases.
The Russian government is about es
tablishing a corps of paid otticiali to be
distributed about the Kmnire to give in-
lormation concerning the crops
The RotliBcliilda are locking up im
mense quantities of gold in London,
Paris, Frankfort and Vienna, nrecum-
ably to assure the Austria Hungary gold
loan. .
Iu Aberdeen. Scotland, tests are short
ly to be made on cattle killed by elec
tricity to ascertain if the current has
any detrimental effect on the quality of
the meat.
English engineers have great confi
dence in the proposed bridging of Bos
porus. The estimated cost of the work
is $2 1,000 000, the same as that of the
forth brnige.
Indian tiger hunters are beginning to
hunt nn fool . having found that the mod
em rifle admits of their doing away with
meh accessories as elephants and plat-
lorms in ireeB.
It is reported that Dr. Gerdea of the
University of Halle haa at length die-
i-overed the long-eusnected bacillus of
"pilepsy in the liver, lungB, kidney and
omou oi a p utent.
The number of Russian Jew who
iave settled in London after being
Iriven from their own country has be
come so great as to have a serious effect
iion the labor market.
Women as dinner tasters in Paris
spend a part o' each day in visiting
house, tasting dishes intended for din
ner. They teach new ways, and sugzest
improvements in cooking.
Cardinal Manning did not Ieavo nron-
erty enough to pay Mineral expenses.
Ihese amounted to 12.100. and to meet
them a subscription was started among
ins relatives and intimate friends.
The concession granted by the Danish
government lor working the free port of
lopenhagen is for eighty years, the
Stde. however, reserving the rtaht nf
taking it at the end of twenty-five years,
An aerolite, claimed lo be the lartrest
ever known, is reported to have fallen
in the I aspian Sea near the shore. It is
aid lo protect twelve feet above water
but the depth of the water is not dis
A great festival took place lately in
the Timok Valley, Servia, to celebrate
the baptism of 400 Mohammedan wn.
sies belonging to the tribe of Ibrahim
ilannl. Ihe gypsies are gradually com
i n it nvur rSk PKviat lanit t
Considerable sensation is renorted to
have been caused in Rome by the flight
irom a convent oi a young nun, with
the connivance and assistance of some
of her ciass pupils. It seems to have
originated out of a love affair.
the Ieacon case continue to eicite
great interest in France, opinions hein
divided a to the advisability of hi Dar-
1 Tl 1 - . .
oou. me people oi ice are aisnoaed
to nrke a hero of the prisoner, but ti e
prison rules are not relaxed in his favor.
John Morley complained in the Hons
oi Commons the other day that the li
brary of the House did not contain I
c py of the works of John Stuart Mill
lie added that the library was one of
most upid collection of book that
could be imagined.
AtCotta in Saxon v per ins who did
not pay their taxes last yar are pub
lished in a list which hanga np in all
restaurants and saloons of the city.
Th se that are on the list can get neither
meat nor drink at these places under
penalty of loss of license.
The railroad system of France at the
beginning of thi vear consieted of Si .
5-N miles of line ot "general interest,"
2.033 miles ol local railroad and 7.10
miles of street rai.road. The additions
Prod as. Fruit. Kt.
Wuxat- Nominal. Valley. $1.37K
Walla Walla, tl.M'i per cental.
Flocb Standard. 4.SJ: Walla Walla
$4.30 j Graham, $3.75; Superfine, $3.0
per barrel.
Oat New, 434Gc per bushel.
Hat filial:.' Der ton.
MnurriiifFs Bran, t 0: sborU, $22
ground barley, $:!2.6d(425; chop feed, $18
(it 22 per ton ; leed uariey. r-mi0 ""u'
dlings, $2tl(28 per ton; brewmg barley,
ll.luiiil.lft ner cental.
Buttkb Oregon fancy creamery, 22)4
(3 25c ; fancy dairy , 1 7ii 2 c ; fair to good,
15('il7ic; common, lj(!jl2)c; Caluor-
Dia, 38 iu 40c per roll.
Egos Oregon. 2oc per dozen.
Poultbv Old Chickens, quoted 5.00
broilers, $2.6)(i4.0u; young ducks, $4 f.0
(40.00; geebe, $ll.bO per dozen; turxeys,
he per pound.
VxtoKTABLKS Cabbage, quoted $1.50
ner cental: cauliflower. $3.fJ per crate
Unions, fancy. $1.60(r2.60 percental ; io
tatoea, 00t70c per suck; asparagus, B($
1UC per pound : lettuce, JUc ; uregou, H
per dozen; squash, 2(3c; greca peaa, 7c
per pound; cucumbers, oc per dozen
rhubarb. 6c per pound ; radishes, 12'u
per dozen: tomatoes, $2.25 per box
Oregon turnips, 25c per dozen.
Fhuitb Strawberries, Oregon, 4,'6e
per pound : cherries, $1.2o(S 1.60 per box
Sicily lemon, $5.60(tfU.Ou; California,
$3.OO(g4.U0 per box; oranges, seedlings
13.6,1; navels, $4.75t 5.00; St. Michaels
$3.50 ; apples, 75c$1.75 per box; Smyr
na tigs, luc per pound; citroiiB, S'.io per
pound; plums, $2 per box; apricots, $:
per box.
duple Groceries.
Honxy lOytlHc per pound.
Salt Liverpool, $15.u0ig 18.00; stock
I11W12 per ton.
CoKKkk Costa Rica, 21c; Rio, 20c
Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 2")30c; Java,
25(((27Ci Arbuckle'a 100-pound cases,
20 17-2UC per pound.
Bkans Small white, 3c; pink, 21 J3
2c; bayos, 3'4c ; butter, 3)gc; lima.--,
3.0 per pound.
Sua ah D, 40; Golden C, 4jg'c; extra
C, 6c; Magnolia A, bc; granulate!
b'.c; cube crushed and powdered, b'.,c
cou fectioners' A,6.c; mapie sugar, 15
1 c per pound.
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 40355c
half-barrels, 62S(s57oC; in cases, 3o(c(
80c per gallon; $2.25 pur keg. Caliloriua
in barrels, 20(g4JC per gallon ; $1.7i) per
Hick Japan, $5.005.2o; Island, $5.20
(so oo per cental.
Dkibo Fkuits Petite prunes, 70c
si.ver, 8'tc; Italian, llrt lie; German,
Sc; plums, 6'vc; apples. 6ta0'v ; evapor
ated apricoi, 10,HjC ; peaches, Ufct 10;
pears, 8c per pound.
Canned Goods fable fruits, assorted
quoted l.o0(ij 1.80; peaches, tl.e0(32.i0
Bart lett pears, $1.80(3 1.U0 ; plums, 1 .37 1
(31.50; strawberries, $2.25; cherries,
$2.262.40; blackberries, $1.86(1.00
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(3
2.80; apricota,$1.00(a;l.70. Pie fruit: As
sorted, $1.00(31.20; peaches, $1.25
plums, $1.001.10; blackberries, $1.2o(i
1.40 per dozen. Vegetables : Corn. 1.4
2.00; tomatoes, P6c$1.00; sugar peas,
tfoc(ctf l.oo; string beans, twc(r$1.00 per
dozen. Meats: Corned iieei, $
chipped beet, fZ.lO; lunch tongue,
$3.00 ; 2a, $5 5 ; levied liain $1 6')fi3.f
pr ioan Fish: Sardines, 76c1.55
lobster, $2.303.5; ealuion, tin, 1-1 1),
tails, $1.26t.5l); flats. $1.75; 2 lbs.
$2.252.50; H bbl., 5.50.
Nails Base quotations . iron,
"feel. $3.0ii; wire. $3.50 per
Iron liar, 3'aC per pound : nil iron
;4(rz per ton.
ptkkl lO'-c per pound.
Tin 1. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qua
ity, $!?.00(SS.50 per box ; for crossei, :
exira per oox; roonng, nxai, primp
quality, io.o per box ; 1. O. coke plates
hxsu, prune quality, 7.7; per box.
Lkad 45cper pound; bar, ti'jc.
Shot $1.75 per sack.
Hornrsiioes $5.
l . .1 SXl . .
aval storks uakum, f4.0()(ii5 per
oaie: roein.H u(fo peMN) pounds: tar.
niocKiioun, n.uu; uaroyna, if.uii per
oarrei; piicn, o w per oarrei ; turpen
une, ooc per gaiion in carload lots.
RiiIeK, Wool and Hon.
Hiijes Dry hides, selected prime. 7
IMa lA lflri Irtr nulla, nww. ai.l.....
v , ,vv w. VUtlD. r'nt'i.i I'll
over oo pounds. 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c
Biieep pens, snort wool, autfCoUc; me
dium, 0aH0c; long, 90c(if$l.25; shear
ings, 10(d20c; tallow, good to choice, 3
aic per pound.
Wool Umnaua Vallev. lfiiiMSn: Wil-
lamette valley, 15ri?18c. accord ng to
quality; Eastern Oregon, lu18o per
ponuu, accoming to condition.
mops JNominal : 1013c Der Dound.
i : . i . , ' '
tujrumg io condition.
Thai Meat Marknt.
Bkep Llve'c; dressed, 5t(Jlc
Mutton Live, 3S(.i33vi; dressed, 8c,
Hooh Live, 5.i?4'c ; dressed, 8c.
Vxal 57c per pound.
Bmokbd Meats Ham, 10f914'.;c.
breakfast bacon, 1214.c: sides, lD(
tic; smoked bacon, ll.igllc per
La ! Coraponnd.Sia lO'.jc ; pure, 10
12, Sjc; Oregon, lOigU'ac per pound.
Bass and KsckIiit.
Burlaps, 8-oz., 40-inch, net cash, ec;
burlaps, 10-oz., 40-inch, not cash, 7X,c;
burlaps, 5-ox., tiO-inch, net cash, 8c;
""""I". o-oii., oo-inen, izc; i)urlaps,20-
u., o-mcn, n c. v neat bags.Ualcutta,
tsxw, epot, 8c; three-bushel oat bags,
An Inrubni from Africa.
A ...i i , . .
a. (,.-! i uuiium no nas Drought an
African boy from a place a thousand
mile from the coast to London com
plained to the magistrate that the lad
was insubordinate. He knew that Le
must not flog him or nut him in u ns.
wlu'eh might have been done in Africa
or on board ship, and would have the
desired effect, and in default of such a
proceeding he wanted the magistrate to
have him put in the ceils for a few
hours. Mr. Vaughan told the appli
cant that that would be false imprison
ment; he could not help him in any
way. Public Opinion.
New Liniment for Itheuniatlam.
Oil of wintergreen and olive oil mixed
in equal parts and applied externally will
give almost instant relief from pain. On
account of its pleasant odor this liniment
is very agreeable to nse. Kw Vnrfc
Gay Farms Require Greats
oi Hant Food.
ft lc TVfflr-nH C. II i. ,,
.i iunkuu ovu iu iianaie f ,r p
Corn and Wheat Tile Dr
age Essential
Most of 'the clay farms of tl
are usually ton a nt an,i ..: .. ' 'I
..... .i, .?"ior;
... ...m,ii,,n LU((U.
In ton Hnnnif ti
... r-'"n iur uegi M
corn, nnrnnr tvitalU: l7V'l I
Inr win tar nrhoat "
, : , ""'en j,
labor is expended In n,.n...:
ily. Clover is likewise . . ..V
grow on such soils, for it ii nJ
the first winter. Clover caniTi?.
on such soils to bring nn it. ...
the heavy freezing would thro.
tap roots of the plant fw ,
To bring up the fertility .
Boil and to farm eueceBafiiify u l
" " J w I IH HIS
drainage. Such drainage ii
ncrji ins ireezing and !
of winter and spriiur from i,:'
the clover plants and also to,
biiiuiiiiii ui muiBiure in the
drairage alone is not sutticieni
farm renoira a in-cut .
Fiwl anH nfm. . L .. .1 ' .' w
ivw.., hm n.'ni wic iimina's ii j
.1.1.. . I l.l I 1 i . -w r.
hub onuiiiu ue uitenoed to rim
A .1 .1.!- . V villi.
wn uo ui ii ui once, aiuiough Uti
splendid crop rotation to l,
atronfrth In Hta anil U... !. ,
first to nurse and cultivate fh.
such a standard that clover on jJ
Mt-Bi rurci.. commercial lerti ix
ply some thinas which th .n
and it is in the phosphates that
the element so much needed n
Superphosphates have the W
upon tieavy, clayey soils that h.
tiir-urnineu, wiuie on SOIBS pi
luainv nuiio iney uo not pay lord,
Un undrained clay soils they don
duce many benellcial resulm. I,m
clay soils with the tile ilrainut-
hciyq iciuiiB ninv mo maiveioat.
irrade and atumoniated snptrpb
nn sm h clayey soils will ii,cr.
yield of wheat and produce t
straw. They give better sreilinio
.. 1 .. 1 1 HI A J I "
niiu uiuvrr, nun win it-na MrgelUj
preventing wlntekilllnl. A in
application of the pure snnerDln
is much better in their effect thi
treated bone, whether steamed.nd
grouna or coarse, and while their i
is quicker the good done seemi i.
be permanent.
Farming on clayey soils for the
as well as for the present consist!
i iai iremuieiH. it is auncnit i
handle for potatoes, corn and the.
it can be made to produce tine n
any of these plants. The tile dr.
i-eems essential to decrease th
trous e fleets of winter (reeinganl
ing. judicious treatment of ti,-
with superphosphates is the eecor.:
demanded in order to make the
grow more successfully. Clover
will catch and not be killed tt-
winter. The heavy lands w II t
mam wet and heavy so late in the i:
A good rotation of crops to im-rei-i
plant loon in the soil will corai
vstetn of fannine thit will roit-
ciayey soils fertile and productivr.
Pruning is necessary with the
to prevent the vine from eettb;
much truit.
Some good irrowers claim that tb-
will thrive better and keep freer
oiigm ii not cultivated.
The cherry is one of the fruits th
very regular hearer, more so tham
any otlier variety of fruits.
ine palest rule for a commemi
chard is a few sorts and tlieeewell-l
and popular in the market.
Grafting stone fruits, such k
peach, cherry and plum, should i
be done in Alarch if possible.
The decrease in the fertility ii
bottom of a good deal of the dittHn
securing a profitable crop of fruit
Disso v ntr a small ntmntitv ol I
hellebore in wafer makes a giod m
tor many insects that in est r
One advantage of cutting the tori
eraftini? earlv ia that tliev have i
time for the ends to become color! I
The objection to forked apple or :
trees is that they are almost rerU:
split sooner or later and ruin the ttd
Common wire screen cloth cot
strips sixteen inches wide and twoic I
long makes a good protection again!.
A strawberry may be valuable '
home variety on account of its qn I
while it will be too soft to atwui; t
ship to market.
Having the vegetables fresh, ori'pl
tender is the advantage in having J
garden at home rather than to iH
upon buying what is needed.
- ,
On the lawn or fruit yard a fewt!
shrub nan naar v altrnvii heproWuH
-.. . ...... . r ,
niivaiuaiie, ana win bou cuii""'""-
the appearance during the suauner-
Feed far Kgen.
(Colman's Rural World.)
An era ia larirelv nitrosenoot.
white is albumen, the voile coc-l
nhoenlinric acid anil mineral snnti-l
, ,
and the shell is com Dosed mns'iyo' '-;
The hen is a small animal. g,rt1
miraculous disDensation. as th""!
from food a hen ireta and convert A
eggs the same as anv animal conremi
i , V. I n " I
ioou into proauci. uorn bioiio - i
suitable food for the tiroduction 0! rfl
It Jnai nt nn.uuii nnAllull of thf
stitnents to make eggs. Hens W I
inxl, ill lat Unnl lite ' 1
MWA nil! Kr, ' U V. , I
Other animal mint have coarse iO"
Hictan Ik. .tm.k an A hnweiS. a-
HID CV'UIO, U ' ,,
this nnrno. ent rlover hay ami Ct i
r.- .r.t- 1. 1 u .: nut t
aio mrict-ir ieu ur mu. - - . i
V,r.toin n.n.n.m ,v,alra Pit)??. -' I
milk is also just the thing 'or ,
fo d. To get eggi feed hens to pi
Th Genuine EAMB VRO TLA ii put tip 'a YELLO W WRAP?1
with FaaimiU Signatur of EMIL FRi.SE.
, REOINOTON Oa Agekts. 8am FiUMCtsoa