nnup m m e CI Y ARD. KSTABLlSyEn KOB THE DlKSEimTIOS OF DEMOCRATIC rHMIPLEl. AM TO I1M 14 nONCST L1VIN0 BT THE SWEAT OP OUR BROW EUGENE, OR., SATUUDA JUNE 11, 1892. NO. 31. )L24 EDBVEBT SATURDAYS ....... iid Proprietor. the East side of Willamette I fflCEB i.uth and Eighth Streets, La t'-6" TEBS19 OP SUBSCRimua. .... $2 oo 1.00 .78 I . AD V EKTIS1NQ. r . .nfc. inserted as follows: .i..rtumenU , . i,,i; as. I M" .. ten line or i " Ir''nerti,,n ,L 'JI,'jr.rtirwilUHcl.rge.lt the ol- HV month. ! ESS"--. ,SSS rT..ni vear . !" ,rch insertion. f , ii.inif bills W1U oe mniiereu .,,. tetkmu.tbaPA.Droaoauv.Br. 0, WOODCOCK, SESBCITY. - - - ,fflCB-noom. 7 ft 8 McClaren Building. liUl attention given to Collections I m ' . l....,;..oan YT 1 ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. DCNN'S BUILDING, JEugcnc, E. 0. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, Iecgexe, OREGON. Omc-Koom in Concer's Block. ceoTm. miller limey and Cwnssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. H-GENECITY-, - ukjiuiw. Oflice-ln Masonic Temple. kuykendall&Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store. A.E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. (CGEXECITY - OREGON. 8nialttntion iriven to Probate businoM I ud Abstracts of Title. Ornci-Over Lane County Bank. mTcLC. GRAY (DENTIST- OFFICE UPSTAIRS IX YOUNG'S block, opposite Uuaiid office. All work tin-anted, Uliohinr on a1miniitlirAd for UainleSS CI- a o b . nrtwa at teth. J. S. WALTER, M. D. S. DENTIST. Eugene, Oregon. Dental Rnnma Willnmptt Streiit. nll'Xitlte Baker's hotel. ' B.F.DOBEIS. IHSURAHCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. T have some very desirable A Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town fPrty for sale, on easy terms. kspaty Heated and Eents Cdlected, Th Insurance Companies I represent are "J? the Oldest and most Reliuble, and ip Psoiipt and Equitabli adjustment of their ""Stand Skcosd to Nosi ware of yonr patronage is solicited. Olfict-In fcity Hall. B. F. DORRIS. UCEB, PBkST. W. T. PEET, CASHIE8 THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITY, OREGON. 'AID UP CAPITAL,... 't RPLUS FUND, W.O00 Transacts t general banking business. BoABD OF DlBKCTOBS: B Dnnn, F W Osburn, i C Chnrch, 8 M "".JM Hodson, C Laner. 1 E Davw. E. E. BURLINCAME'S ISSIUFFICEVStS,. u:!!!!hH In Colorado, 1WS. 8mpl Br m" 1 1"" 'H ttc.u. pn,o,pt anil creful ai?nu" fca. CM 1 1TM Uwttta St. Sesftj, CaK. FISTS LITra FILLS Act on a nrw prtadple reroiaie tbe Uver, stomach and bowrla tkrouah 14 Da. Hiitr rvuM rmrt huioMOMS, torpid liv m and cor.tipa. tion. fmaJIret. nlloaM, ssmtl 6pdoee 2Bct. b4inM m ai nr.n" 209 2nd & 170 FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OREGON. D.jVI.Fewy&Go'sSeeds WE ARE AGENTS FOR K. I. ROOT'S BEE SUPPLIES. LINN & SON, Furniture Dealers UNDERTAKERS I EMBALMERS. E. E. Luckey DEALERS DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. EUGENE BOOK STORE. E. SCHWABZSCHILD, ProDrletor. SCHOOL 8UPPLI1tatioxeuY) WALL PAPER,sTsi MATERIALg. Full Stock ol Butterick Patterns. AdJress P. 0. Box 1W. McClarens Buildin , (Opposite F. M. Wilkins'Druu Store.) -Has an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. tyOrders for Books and Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at tended to. Bowel Troubles, aud Cramp, Colic, or any Internal or External Pain. Ask yonr druggist for it j S. LUCKEY, CALEB IN Clofks, Watches, Chairs. Jewelry, Etc. iuari!ie Promptly Executed. 4ff-AtlWorlc Vrrnted.je3 J. S. LUCKEY T. G.HEsnBicM, President. 8.B. Eaxm, Ja., Cashier First National Bank Of Eugene. paid up Surplus and Profits, MQ.OOO . mIA.. A sTT t Euffene uuy wb""" . K,nVin business d.me on resaou- Serai banking business d.jM ; on wasnu- able terms. TZfiJra L POKS CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO sad VUUi- LAND. OREGON. mnntHw. f'co&truaedtou. -iU recurs pn mpt attentioo. DAY & HENDERSON. -ASD- i?ri; Boone, PIP Undertakers riliJIIlRE DEALEES. Eugene, Oregon. Our catalogue is complete In every department, and telli how to grow all kind of ve getables, how to pluut and trim trees, how to use, and what are the bent fertilizer, how to handle bee etc. etc. Free to all- Bend for it. ftOo KeulKutateTrauBterg. KDOKNI. U r TTinniilirov to w Kiuulcrs. lot 3. block J, MulllKnu'a donation, and lot 5, block 6, Mulligiin's addition on the went; $000. Nathan Falea to SuhIo Bunnnn, lot 10, block 3, Shelton'B addition; f400. COI1UKO. T V'nniliivne to Snruh Skinner, block 5, Vanduyne'B addition; f 1IHK). a Kn m I, KLInnnrtn M II Kiev, lota 3 and 4, block 6, Vanduyne's addition; law. Sarah Bklnner to Mrs Florence mil ler, lots 1 and 2, block 6, Vanduyne's addition; fax). SPBINQFIELD. W J Pengro to H C Huniphrey.lota 7 and 8, block 2; 1525. FLORENCE. Wm Morris to Vm Smith, lot In Morse's addition; 175. Wm. Morris to Auurust 0. Funke, lot in Morris addition; $75. Geo M Miller to Edwin T Talimadge lot 2, block 2, In original town; f 250. Bond for deed. COCNTBT, Iioulsa Hyland to Jane Henderson, 29.50 acres in 1 p 15 8, B 4 W; f 1. SBCopeland to John Stewart, 40 acres In Tn 17 8, B 4 W; $300. Thos A Mllllorn, to Cyrus J Tibbets, 10 acres In Tp 15 8, It 4 : $1. C & O Land Co to Geo C Boe 15.80 acres In Tp 18 8, B 3 W; $120.40. U 8 to J W Barnard, 100 acres in Tp 17 8, BSE; $500. Pendleton E. O.: It Is reported thnt the branch of the Union Paclllc will be extended to the mouth of the Wallowa river, a distance of twelve miles, work on which will be hailed by every citizen of Elgin, for then will the long desired want be fulfilled that of having the largest and best body of timber in Eastern Oregon in direct communication with a railroad. Thousands of acres would be opened up. (Win FOR PITCHER'S T!. Casiorlst yromotea Piastfoa, and overcomes l'latuleacy, Coustipation, Boor Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Fererisbiiesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and it sleep aatsral Csutorlst contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Caatorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pcvactipUoo known to me." H. A. Iscsu, M. D., S3 Portland Ave., Brooklrn, M. Y. Ins CaatnHa In mjr practice, and And It Mciallr adapted to arTectl'His of children." Alh. hsmxtmn; M. p., 1067 d Ave.. Kr Tork. Tan Ccruca Go, W Mumay Be, K. T. ITbea Baby was sick. w gave her Cssrtoria. Was she was a ChH she cried f of pastoti Wh sbe teme s). (f o gi.f fcrnj rhiidran. she gave them Caatori. (to 5N tw sv Bsaw sasas. ill FRIDAY, JUNES. Mm I V Hull' wont to Itowilniri' this afteriioon to loin her husUin.i. Rev. (ieo. II. Ia-c, of Seattle, Vasli., is vlHltlngatMr. Noirls lluniplJrey's. Parties are talking or esiaiiiMiing a bank at Springlleld. It ought tii be a jMiylng rnierprise. I lnHl,ill.l Omnln 11 I'llt'l'lK! IslffniU'. Inir tint iivir lint nnd bids fair to come a llrsct'law 'burg' iu time.' ' The town cow fares tolerably rell In the streetn of Prinevlllf now, tin gnus having attained a height that mukes it good nipping. J. R. (iiventleld and M. V. JUitter fleld, foru.er rttiidents of Eugene, have Us'ii liiliiiiiti'd to the nructUvlof law by the supreme court. I Tin- anci ml I ins.' I mil club Of Il'.llLI'llO defeated t le second base ball chili of Springtlel I, June ltd, on the Spring- lleUl grou hIh. ('aiitain, 4ny J ttll and assiKtant i'liard I ililson.' I John Sc itt. who lives on (the east side of tue river below Springfield brim.'! us ;i stntwU'rry of the S,harpless varii'tv th it measures nine itsYhcs In circumfen 'lice. Who can bentl It. Fred W I hm returned auJ hs WalJ rinnua in tin nnnn, il to tbe lillblie. The bs' meals a the city will be suvtd for 25 ceuls as In retotore. Us mvnesi tue pat- ronsne ol h.I his old Iriciidi aud lbe publio At Holdc i dine down from tl.e Myitis Crei-li minis this morning, lie lias a badly manclril h-vjil which was i'iiu:! I by a toe chain jiit t i u tnnuli'd in it- lie reports work in II i ilitcb nmi in me suinea pro grossing sjihfactorily. I In tliH r uvh nt Salem vesd-rdiiv. tlio thretMliiai lor mile iIiikIi wiii won by Cyclone in 1:1SJ, Alius a clu -ic wcond; In the pae(" Blonde wo i, Captain Mount tilling the first heat, best time, 2:34 Jj in 11:50 trot Hello S wi s the win nerbest time, 2:30. The bodv of Ed Gibbon! the boy drowned iu the Columbia uelr Umstilla, has not been recovered. Soimi CU pounds of Riant we-e exploded, six 10 Jmijce slicks being touched ofl at a time, with no result suve iu ti'atiuR out rocks aiuU, dealing de struction to the tinny tribes of the Colum bia. Inimi nse numbers of fii-L were killed. Brownsville Times: Duirliiirthenast u-.uilr nvlr-i tnilim Iihva Ixii.n tlimu illif oft' heavy stwl rails alonix the entire lengin oi me lino aim ime worKuieu are hard at work putting them in place, and when completed wo will have two trains dally, a (freight and a passenger. ; .1 A n-iwirl nfn illsi'nu'i'flill nfTiilr comes from Caleb to the Grant ejbunty News. Col. Smith, a resident of tthat section, and a would-be bad man, knocked his wife down while she helili an Infant in In. i- arms, nml then lilt this irrowil tin daughter In tlio back of t'iie head wltli a rock, severelv. tliougui not fatally injuring ner, The young lwople of Portland Cento- "f .- 7..'....!i. i..,..l 1 nnrv M. K. church linv asked their pastor, Dr. J. W. BusIk; to answer IIK, tlio rolloM lug question i "Am we not lustifled om his miln I nit: in attendlmr dancing parties and tak tiit una tf xt-a nlsii-an in Hal Ing part in the so?" Ho lias UUIItV SS n V veiww T consented to take up tle subject and U scums it irom ins iHiiuut nexi. nuiiuuY night. I Fred Lucas, of Monmiouth, attained mtui1iirilil iwitnrii-tv telio other (Inv bv winning the prizo in aftwo-mile bicycle race at Portland. A jiumber of con testants from various s lutes were In the race, but Fred was tliesr only one "in it" at the outcome. His (brother Burt, in company with a mUmber or others, madeatrip through l'turopc on bicycles a year or two ago. f An nnnlo tree n Ore-con City Is un doubtedly the oldest Bruit bearing tree iu Oregon. The seei'l from which this tree grew was urougni across me piume in Ih-12, and planted f by a brother of the Rev. J . K. Hiiujs, of Oregon City, rhere It now niloriirA the grounds occu ,l,.rl bv tlm M. K. DiVrsonaL'O. It was in full bliom this spring, with the irosjK'Cts g(K)(l ior ill large crop, nrhila .T. l.n AiiV.n l n( FairhaveH. was nninir ilirniioh the woXds on his war borne be met abr-ar and tw cubs. Tbe old bear came into ho road utimnamm ana louowea bim. He had a pig tin a sack on nis uses, lie droppe I the pi slid ran for borne, took a gun and went backi and found tbe bear, but not tb i pie- jV Bbot ,n be" lwic but shewe it iuto Che woods and it wss so dark be o uld Wt follow her, and so lost both bear nd pin Salmon (vfshlnp Is reported much bet ter in thi'Coltiinbla ninoe the rise In the wateii . Along the lower river, gill nets antiiiing much better, aud larger ilsh ft,fe being caught. The seining grounil' Vave lHn abandoned, and the seinesJ Isunfe ip mtil the HixmIs subside. t !) Iinvn Ihi-ii nnorted lit tin Ca-cndcfind thecannerles have not bwen able tifliandlo the llsli. Xfiif lini'.r t:n7 Ite: The Oreiron Pad flooltlieiiils tehgruphed Mr. Barclay last iVediiesda to prepare to begin orlM on the iUiueur division on uie first iflUlllie. tl IIHTI.-1IMV. HHCW UJI .......,. nt tlm liiir rllli'll nt. PllV- his c ctte and atuned to tho railroad camp 'e Vnle will all bis teams, men abv and and hiinti in. 1 Ills IS cn-niiroou news sSvill miiki Vale the liveliest town In () Ireiio i tliii.siimiiiLT Co'jnipm etlncill be held at 8iurlsw near bold III. ..Sr. I'CSW'al. CUUIUIKUCIUU si IUD sa.J. f liniut V i'T "I H SundsTS. Jone25 am' 26 :n n... .... r,,nrfi nnnrieriv meetino. Lieu r--e " - . .. r. . Will If "r ' """ '1 , v." . icslin of Ihe rJInslaw cnurcn. anernooii 01 lnth 2filh Rv. Jones, r. ui. nuiia !. .n,l ltnv. Hicks of Portland wr u. .... will be wi!U U. sanua or uucaurrr wilii be sllowtl on Ihe grounds. Former os-ZItors sie invited and everybody else. v V w. A. Kemp. P. E.. I Cottage Orove Circuit. At a meeting of the ladles aid socie t at the Buptist church, the following rs'wolution was adopted: U THiiii.vKi). Tliat iu the death of iirs Iih xla Anderoji which, occurred .February , 1SK2, this society as well as uflie church, bus sitalned a gnat loss, rfand we thall always remember her as an earnrst and fnitlirui worKer and a sincere consistent christian. Mm Johx.so.v, Secretary. This Is a great strawberry year. The Salem Journal says: It is wiiiiplained. tlmt the market w overhiocKv-a wun i Mtmu U-rriiK. The price luugbiw down to six nnd ewht eeiiUa box. There !are a few deakrs who are handling superior fruit. Consumers complain i, u.rri.Hi na a rule are not rine: j that the boxes do not hold a quart by weight i-r measure; wm sue mno an not sorted, but the large, smull, good pnd bad, all go together, Notice of Sew Survey. United Ststbs Land Oftick, Roseburg, Or., Jan 3, Wl Notice is hereby Riven that a part oi 'he heretofore nnaurveyed portion ol the fid lowino named townships to wit: bw ;i oi section m, iioi no i oi oii- tion Si. and all of Heotioni 30, 31 nd 8 VV K of Section 20. Lot No 7 of tic 32 of Township 32 Bontb, of RanKe 12 West. Also sections 12, 13, 14. 15, 22, i-K 24,25,20,27,35 and 36 of township 27 south, of range 11 west. Also the remsinderof the heretofore on surveyed portion of the following-named townships to-witi Sections 6, 7, 18, ID, 30 and 31, of town 27 23 south, of range 12 west; and south half of section 23, north half and ' south east anarter of section 20, and west half of Section 25, Township No 3D South, of rsnge 15 west; has been sur veyed, and the plst of said surveys thert-nf will be filed In this office on tbe Kth dny of August, 18U2, and on and after the mil.'. 10th day ol August, 181)2, we will be pre psred to receive applications lor the entry of said lands in such heretofore nnsurvrye.l portion of said townships. Joint II. Buiri, Register. A. M. CBiwroSD, lieceivvi. tieorge li. Allliigbaiu. Pally Guard, June 6. The funeral of George II. Allinghaiii at Coburg, yesteniay, was one of the largest that ever took place In Lane county, 120 vehicles lielng In place In the procession. Tho funeral cere monies were conducted by tho Odd Fellows, of which fraternity the de ceased was a member, visiting delega tions being present from Harrlsburg, trvlniF Vmrolin nllil KnrillL'tll'lll lodlTI'S. The interment took place at tho 1. O. Ki. r . cenieiery near uouurg. nunin nt. llm tprnv'A n hirw nit- tlesnako with eleven rattles was killed directly among the crowd. io niaii was ever better resiKt'ted and esti-enied among his associates and aeiiunin tainees than Geo. II. Alllnghatn. Stricken down In tho prime and Hush of manhood, with a bright future be fore him, his memory will bo kept in milium renieniuranco uniting nm friends until tho last of them shall liuva alinriwl lllft nnlllllirill futo Clf llll- manity and Joined him lieneath tho HIMI. A Wiiibkt Babbil ExPLODkO. The As toria Town Talk tells of the following amusing sccident: Across the river nest ling under tbe green hills of Washington it a place known as Hungry Harbor, the scene ol quite a fish packing industry. The a thai Hs nnl nf tha latinr pliiai was trvino to find a suitable place to enjoy bis noon day smoke, wnen ne espiea eu empij u ky barrel standing in a sheltered corner ol II,. hull. linn Itlnnlrad InnnMnt SnOUIlh SB he approached and seated himself thereon, tbe fumes arising irom tue msiae nausing the drowsy Finn to think that be had iu Amu airuiik a anan. lie sot out his ever- ready clay' and striking a maloh in tbe us o yle puffed away until tha we i lnhted. Th match was n ual style paned away unui me pipe was uli imhi.1. Tha match was nearly burned "beD b VM tn d"k black bun? bo,e and out ol cariosity, perhaps, dropped the ourniug euii iuw mo unfioi. u. u.w m.nt thu air us filled with the Finn, au assortment ol boards, barrel beads, staves, and anything else that happened to oe ing around loose in the neighborhood. lie came down safely and except for the loss ol ), .K.h.nM anil mn.lai'he. which were " . burned off, he was nnhnrt. As soon as he .nM mlluii hlmaalf an that ha knew where IIVUIU WltVVW .-'. ' " " he was, he sneaked away and basu't been heard 01 at tne cannery since. Daily Guard, June 3. Steamer Afloat. Captain Dove, of the steamer B. U. Young, was In town this morning, aud lurornis us that his craft is afloat, and that she will start down the river In the morn Inn Ifrt MVI tlmt. Im will not venture up to Eugeno until the snags have been removed irom me I'liuum-i. Heretofore the government snag boat has only worked the river up to Har rlsburg, but our board of trade and businessmen snouiu get logcuux ui mwl .inmnnil thnt tlm river as far WlliV ....V v.v ..,.(... " - - - -- up as Eugene tie cleaned of the snags. Then we oouiu nave swumum romo liuro tho greater portion or ttic year. Pally Guard, Juno 3. adhtvl'ii Hnrlncrflelil Messeucrer: J. C. Boyd arrived from Portland yes terday evening in company with J. Asnuury, or Hamilton, unwrni, mr. . i,l...... I. I.it.kpnutiwl In lirttinrlnir Aniiiiuiv 10 mituTiwt, ... ---p,--- about 75 families to Springfield and will looK over ine grounu aim n-imn. Mr. Boyd says the silver prunes were a vertiMoment for Oreiron. He tun utntisi that ho has interested 4ho families in Springfield's colony scheme. Pally Guard, June 8. I'hjd At inuA tlm nlnrni wnn . Ann - - - - sounded last evening at about 1:30 ii,b, 11 tn. Miiauil hv tlm elilni- nut In C. C. Croner's nmi tln-irnn Hosn Team sot water but did not play on the fire. Tho en tire department turned out in good orucr. Ah Apology. Ever sinoo wo pub lished a certain item irora ine iti'gisu;r we Lave felt like an apology was duo our readers for the intUotlou we heaped upon them. If they will pardon us this time, we promise we will never be ... . 1 1,1 I- .11 !.. guilty Ol a line iiiuinurciiuu. Dally Guard, Junes. Baptism at Night. Last night two ladies united with the Christian church of which Itev. is. li. Alley is )ixn.Ji 1 aim i,sss,svh.w.- to the mill nice where the rite of hnp- 1 i ai I....... -...I a nA t ha tiirrrtrfif inn IH'liii I rutl tlHtn waa penormuu in g.mmi uun (lurKneMM ui uiguu Opprf-ERfl Electkd.-AI the luHt nf Hnrinufi. hi hslirtl o 70. I O O F, the following officers were elect ed;' WW Chessman, N G; J O Hol Lnd. V G: James Bowe. Sec: W B Pengra, P 8; A D Burton, Treas. Died. At bis home four miles west of Eugene, of malarial fever, June2t isfl2. 13. K. Harris, aired 28 years. He Wveaawife and two children. The remains were Interred. U the Mulkey A .1 cemetery wvay, Ti,,,tvv j t. TtloHH. of Toneka. Kan., has arrived at Corvallis and as- ..,m.u it, a Hiitlix if nreslili-nt nf the BUIUtU Hi w-" - I state agricultural college and director of the experiment aiauon. rruieiwir Itlosa comes liighly recommended. both as an organizer ana educator, k.itin ka1 t-.-urs ofpzni-rLvjioA in edu cational work, and for several years held the position of state superinten dent or pULuio instruction IU minima. KAlill-GUIFFITll. Itrilllant WpiMIhi; at Park Avenue itapusi iniircn. Pally Oiianl, Juno 3. We take Ihe followius account of the ""- r--"- th First llsplW Church of Eugene, who i marriage of Rev, Rnbb, the now pastor of expected here tomorrow, with his bride, from the Rochester, N. Y., Daily Herald ol May 25th: Miss Mary Josephine, eldcnt iliinuhter of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Orittllb, of 28 MeiKKs street, was married to ld-v. Robert Raiib, of Mouticello, S. C, at the Park Avenue Baptist Church, last evening. The cere mony wss performed by tbe palor of the church, Rev. II. t" lay l'eeples, usHialeil by Uvv. J. W. Ford. II. I) . i.iiKtor nl Ihe Keo. ond laptint Chnrch, of Si. l.ouin, Mo. Tbe clmrcn was well-ulled witn luviteii guests when ibe wdding party arrived. The bride w.ire white faille (ruin-nine, trimmed with diicbeHse, i, ml carrii-d white roses. Tbe iniiid of honor wss Mis C'barlotto M. Grif litli sister of the bride, bhe was attired in littht blue. , The other bridesmaids were Miss Frauo Set-ley, of this city, who wore white Chins silk, and carried pink roses; Mis Mnrie I. Root, of Sknneatslis, wear ing pink biociided silk, and carrying white ro-ra; Mina Minnie le Witt, of Ksirport, white en pen and pink roues; Miss Stella D. Suuford of CbicHiiii. nink India silk. trimmed with roso It-avrs. The best ninn was Ucibert Spi nccr Johnson of Portland, Oregon, ami ihe other groomsmen were II, D. Ilrown, nf the senior class of the Univer sity of Rochester; Messrs Knowlcs, Cam den and Dudley, of the Theological Semi nary. Tbe following-uameii gentlemen scles as nsbers: A. J. Kcnipton, of Hali fax, N. 8.; T. P. Dudley, of Richmond, Ky.; 0. E. Knowles, of Now York City; T. T. Chambers, of Washington, I). C. and W. A. Perrin, J. J. Clark and (1. I). Cald well of Rochester, l'rol Childs presided at tbe organ. After the nuntinl ivrenionv had Isx'ii nerfiirineil n reeeollon nnd wedilinir supsr were enjoyed at the residence ,f ilin hriilnV .titvilitu Mi.v.trl II II 'u ... .IIV "..1. " ,IV..... I,., Jt llltp, ' Orchestra was present and dlMCoursed sweet mtisiu iiui'ing tno evening, i ne bride riHidved iiiany beautiful and val uable pnsi'iits, lncliuiirg a nltino from her parents, limntel eliK'k with eathedral chimes from her Sunday School class, and an Knglisli edition of Hawthorne from Rev. Dr. anil Mrs. J. T. Dickinson, of Orange. N. J. 1 iirt.i - i. . ... i ...41..... many neauiiiiu woiksiii an, itgviui-r with cut glass, sliver and china were among the gifts. Among the guests were Itcv. J. V . A. Stewart, pastor of the First Baptist liiirrhr lh'V. Frederick L. Anderson. Dnutiir nt llwi K.w-.Hlil llnliltut fill II r.ll Prof. George M. ForN's, Prof. John P. Silvernall, Prof. E. V. Woodward and Prof. W. V. akeman, or Jlavana, N. Y. The liannv collide left on a lato train last night lor Buffalo. From there they will go direct to Eugene, Oregon, ii'lintvi I fiilf Mi lfiikK linu in ifanititll n Tf I IX V SA- T s .ill i JMIIFU Iltsr is i I i H call as pastor of tho First BaptiHt eiiureii in mitt, euy. From (ieo. T. Hall. CiiATEAUOAY, N. Y., May 20, '02. Editoh fluAiti): I send you today a pamphlet I picked up in the hotel at this iilaeo of 1000 InhablUmts. I send ,t to to h1QW ou whllt j jlftvo ot. t()(, th(J u, ()f Eugene, thnt all .. . . . 1 i no noteis, ruiiniiius unu urimu t,1Pn.llrhllt' tho iA1Ht were .11 ed with these advertisements of Puget Sound, and there Is not one person hero In ono hundred that knows there Is such a pluco in America as tho great and beautiful Willamette valley. T li-iivn fur liniiui June 1. but will ston ofr at the Minneapolis convention, I am anxious to get back to glorious Ore gon. Geo. T.Hall. Printing Ollices Exempt. Klulv-lliree rents ner oath Is what a Seattle man was compelled to pay by a justice of the jieace. Tlio defeiidaut was ciiargeu wuu swearing -i nuns, ui tlmt in, liml tn iinv t'.ll. Ineliiiliiiir tho line and the cost of the prosecution. These cases come up occasionally and , . i. if . itri.... m .1.. .n are always iiiiereHiiug. i urn. hhic .. " a . i t. 1 1 ...I. I.. mere would no n overyuony who in dulged in profanity wus arrested and urougni to triui. Successful Bidder. Pally Guard, June 1. Mr. Alex T. Cm'kerline, tho popular manager and buyer for 8. 1L Frlend ly's cariK-t department, returned yes- li.t-iliit. fifl.-riHuiti fmm .Tllnctlnn (filV. wliere lie was a successful comictitor .,. .i .i... i. .....i 111 carpeting mo junction viiy uuivi. Tiik Fniii.inT Papeii. Tho June- tlnn ( 'it v Times snvs: The editor of tlio Register mndo serious charges nimlnur. t his miner lust week and we .I,, illi.infi.il him tn nnive them. Did he do 117 iOl niucii. Jio uew ue liml wlii.n hi. tiimtii tlm atiLtiriiint anil Instead of backing up his cowardly as sault, ho resorted to his only weapon of billingsgate. His exaulted and dis tinguished langiiHge has disgusted his n.nili.FU Btul Vl'lllllUlln V'S ImmIIH Is C(in sldered by all tho foulest pais-r ever ls- sued In Lune county. J1IB 1UUI UlllgllC shows ins training. Dally Guard, June t. Ki-viu-AV U'lille (ieo. Dickinson .ml u'lf.t wt.ru ilrivlnu vi-Mteninv the " " 1 Tf ..V. ' ' " " O J " t I .. .1 ..l...t.,.1 ... norse isjcame ingiiteiii-u nuu umu w rim tiimu-iiiir i lu-iii uiiii out near tne corner ofSixtli and Washington streets, . ...... 'n uit li tt'cm k m v iiurt. airs, kick n- son reocdviiiir tlie irreater bruises. The horse was stopped on. Eight street, mi injured, but the buggy was badly de moiisueu. Tl..f. ft.v.'L't.'r Tha Knrttiirfli-lil Cornet Bund uimle the Jlana lxy of . i ... ..is-. ..t. I. L".. i. . lllls llj B viniL nuvurua nt;iii aim luitriM verv pyi-ihuim iiiiihii' nr Uvn rave a Itniuiurt in honor of ini-ir cut-HiM ai ine ruiei e liitiuiurain nftnai t liA fSi'tllsTUirl. U'RU AVUf Kf arl 1117- UIK I VtIV V"UVV ww var, unit . Held ha good reiwon to ls proud of tier . . .. 1 r ' .1 ...l..M ..n,..., UllIIH ior iney uii iiieiiinunvB givai eredlt. Dit ri. At Ids home four miles north of Coburg, June 3, 1SU2, of laryngitis, tleorge 11. Ainngnam, ngea m yeum 10 mouths and I day. tuueral oere- nionles Will I hem at tne oemewrj uenr t.oburir. hunilav. JUkeotii. unuer uiu ausj.iow of the Wtut Point lodge I. O, . . . -mm- - , K. P. Election. Helmet lodge u'i,.l,ij r.r l'ciliiiia uf KiiLi'lie lias sflecu-d oftlii rs as follows: C. L. Win- U'T. C. C; W. I.. Dt Lauo. V. C: Itobt, Johnson, Prelate; os, Koch, M, of A. A GAY DECEIVER. Sheriff Koland Arrestx L. F. Revler on the Charge of Having' Two Wives. Dally (iusrd, June 4. Slicrill' Xoliind, last evening, arrested on a warrant issued by the prosecuting attorney, one L. F. Revler, at his home four miles north-west of Eugene, on the river mail, on tho charge of tsilygamy. He was taken Is'fore Justice Iiciulersoit this inorninir and waived the privilege of a preliminary examination, when be was IshiihI over to apiM-ar txinre the grand Jury in tho sum of f-iOO. Not having bondsmen he was lodged in the county lull. Deputy I'rosecuting Attoiney Potter npM'ared for the state, while A. 0. Woodcock represent ed tho defendant. Revler, tho gay lo- tharlo, is a man of alsuit 40 years of age, while the second wife Is probably rsi years old. The lady is tho prosecut ing witness herself. She was married tn him In NovemUT, lsiHl, In Wiscon sin, and was unaware of him having another wife, until a few days ago when wile h. 1, who resides ill SIlll uesota, liml divorce paixTS served on the py deceiver. Then, naturally she made trouble, although he tried to coerce tier with all kinds of threats. When she married tho scoundrel sho was possessed of considerable prosrty, hut he lias siiiiandered the most of it. Florence Items. June 1, 1S92. I want to send a few items to Ihe Ocabd lo let our democratic candidates know that matters politically, are looking more favor ably to our side, aud the prospects are good for a heavy vote. Mr. Yeatch left this sfternoon after addressing a large and very attentive audieuoe in a speech that clestly portrayed how the protective tariff is a detriment to the nation. Mr. Vesica was a stranger to nearly all our citizens, but his plain, earnest manner and speech took well, and sevoral expressed themselves, who have now seen and heard the congress ional candidates Ibat Mr. Yeatch is just as capable for the oflloe as the Hon. Hermann, aud some topublioaus without a doubt ' will Toto for our man. Messrs Fostor and Caseboer on the peo le's or alliance (which is it?) ticket were ere last Saturday and Sunday and seem to think it ia down that they are to win surely. Not the strona is the victory, nor to tbe swift Is tbe raoe," or there wouldn't be so many npset calculations. Memorial servioes weie held here Mon day, several old veterans aud large number ol the town and neighborhood assisting in tbe loving remembrances to the nation's dead. Tbe blue and tbe gray were both represented, Tbe touching song, "Cover them Over With Beautiful Flowers" sung at the memorial grave weakened these old vets as shot and shell never did. One thing on ly marred the pleasant exercises of tbe day, viz: The inability of Prof Martin, who wss to have taken an active part in the day 'a doings to leave bis room and to which he has been connned snoot two weeks, haying two very severely hurt leg by bruises and which are very slow to heal. We all hope be will very soon recover ami that the school will go on lor the appointed time. . The Steamer Cbanoe arrived in yesterday and brought quite a cargo for Ibis place. She waa discharged last night and left ear ly this morning. She has a new captain, formorly of tbe Mischief and those who know him say he is a "good 'an." Another schooner Is looked for to arrive any day. The ladies of thsM. E. Charon give strawberry social on Saturday eve, and Messrs. Oondon and Loomissre billed to bt here tbe same day, aftei that the voting. The I. 0. 0, F. society are looking np a suitable site for a cemetery and expect to shortly secure and improve the same. Mr. Veatchsaid there iseertainly a bright future for Florence and we all think tbe same, and are patiently, as we can, waiting for the good time ooniiog. Kite Was Drewned. Portland. Juno 4. Tho body of Miss Ella Beardsley was found Moating In tho Wlshkalt river, in Washington, near Aberdeen. Miss Beardsley wan employed in this city but had gono to Aberdeen on a visit to ner pureum. Hlie intended to return to this city on tho 23d of May and on that morning sho arose early and went out for a row on the river and nothing more waa heard of her. The lioat and her I nil, was found atloat and every indication minted to a case or drowning, nut ner 'rlends honed otherwise. But all doubts were settled when her lwdy wa rmmil rliMitliiff In tho river. She wa alwut 20 years of ago and was burled iu Aberdeen today. Kevra Mind tub Tims. Some ' Paper aro now howling about the lime ft will . . . . .i . . t . ... i . take to count tue resuu oi me eiocnuu Mnndav. The Kulem Statemsn has sot It flgnred out in that section: "Over in Sa lem precinct No. a tne juuges aou eic-r were practicing last night. It la estimated 350 votes will be cast in Ibis precinct mil the Iodizes found last night that It wonm i.ii. A. minnifa tn ootint each ballot. This will be twelve to the honr 120 to a day ol ten hours or three days lor the to tal number ol votes east. At this rate of counting, witbont any stops for food, rest or sleep, tbe 350 votes oast cannot be oonnt before 12 o'clock Tuesday night. Counting oommences at o o cioca iuouubj, im , .. .k. I - 1, n,.l. poilSOiose. never wiuu wv uuiv, leisbot little ilil takes a whole week to count the votes, so long ss they are connted riubtlv and the popular masses get their juat dues. km The- Mivi'H. V. 11. Stanillsll Is at the Blue river mines now and writes the Brownsville Times mm worn is go ing on in the tunnel. There is not much snow there, and the report that tho cabin was totally wrecked la a mis take and no damago was uone exc-ei.c n,. tlisfliliw nnlH u-im broken. This htm been retired and the camp Is now in good shape. Mining work in this quarter will probably liven up this summer and we hope to see the gold .1 1 1 .. I.. ...... n II ... Doing uiieonneu iu uiiuu nuuuuw.. It is there aud why not have it ? Dally Guard, June 4. Arrested. Marshal Eastland, Sat unlay, arrested one "Scotty" McDon ald for selling lluuor to an Indian, and he was taken before U. 8. Commission er Walton, and plead guilty to the u..r,ra 1 lo ia iinv liN-ked UD in the county Jail, but will be taken to Port land tomorrow morning iur trim. Cm DiBScioat. Wm. Q. Obenaner Is in Eugene with tbe intention ol canvassing lor and printing a city directory He has just finished a directory ol Albany that is a very creditable piece ol work. ir.sUss I to. Kisarfciaa. B. BECKLEV