The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 04, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 33.
1 fij v
.11 Hi
Hj I liJ 1 i JLJ
He (gugcttf CTUu uarfl.
PnblUber nd Proprietor.
,1mCE-0tl'.Et rid. of wiiwt.
jjgjjn Beveuw uu "."
.... 83 00
.... LOO
... .75
Lraa o advkhtisinq.
Artisemente nsertws-iouuw.,
fta Hurt, ten line or tens one insertion w:
jnt inaction $L CMhwqniri
Srtli. wUl b charged at th. ol-
'(iartM' .u. . . . m nn
&r.u month....
i. ,.h Insertion.
I. . hill, will ba rendered quarterly.
job roik must b paid ros or phjvibt.
flJUKXEaiT, - - - OREOOH
OFFICE-ROOM 7 ft 8 McClareu Building.
--i.-,ll .Mention liven to Collection!
Probate bsinese.
wtt .1
Seymour v. uonuuii,
EUGENE, - - OlibAiU.
Omo- Room in Conser's Block .
tttorney and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Oftiee In Masonic Temple.
Kuykendall & Payton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drugstore,
Spscial attention riven to Frobat business
tod Abstracts of Title.
Orrici Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY
block, opposite Goabd office. All work
Uaihinf gaa administered (or painless ex
trsctioa ol teeth.
Eugene, Oregon,
Dsntal Rooms Willamette Street, opposite
Bakw 's Hotel
Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town
Property for tale, on easy terms.
Property Rented and Bents Collected,
The Insurance Companiee I represent are
non; the Oldest aud most Reliable, and in
M Pbokpt andKquiTABLl adjustment of their
es St amo Swomo to Noici.
share of your patronage is solicited.
Olfice-In City Hall.
Eugene National Bank
'AID UP CAPITAL,... $50,000
Transact! a general banking busines.
Boibd or Dimotobs:
B Dnnn, F W Oabnrn, J C Church, S M
na, J II Hodson, C Laser, J E Davie.
ahtahltahawl i riAn IMS tUannlef bT inH O.
Etprw vlil rinln prompl od cmreful tlentio.
JTK I .7 tswitse ft, Saner. Cda,
At oa a aew prtactple
mlw the Irves, stooiath
4 bowrl UrM tkt
pa. Hoar raw
aomdHw ud consupa-
ttoav ImllKM, niloert,
rati BpooaM.20
hunlM trm at arurmts.
List UL U. Hiaart, i
By far the large t dealer on the Coast in
TrEesjerUlizers.BulDs.RQSES.fl.l.Roois'Bee Supplies.
We are Northweatera A&enU for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed
Growers and Dealer in the World.
Furniture Dealers
E. E. Luckey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
mm book sin
E. SCHWARZSCH1LD, Proprietor.
Full Stock of Butterick Patterns.
Address P. 0. Box 119.
McClarens Buildin ,
(Opposite F. M. Wilklna' Drun Store.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile. Fancy and School Station
erv. Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
tyOrders for Books and Subscriptions
to Newspapers and Feriodioals promptly as
tended to.
DaisJ Tmnhiaa. and Cramo. Colio, or
any Internal or External Pain. Ask yonr
druggist lor it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
ReDairins Promptly Executed.
asf-ailWork Warrante4.M
T. G.Hehdbicks, 8. B. Eakih,
President Cashier
First Um hi
Of Eugene.
Paid up CasiTcTpital $50,000
Surplus and Profits, $10,000
Eugene City - - Oregon.
A general banking busine d.e on reason
able terma. Sitfht drafu on NEW YOKK,
Bills of exchange sold on foreign oonntnea,
Deposit, receiyed subject to check or certifi
cate of deposit. ,
All collections ertrosed to na will receive
prompt attention.
Eugene, Oregon.
Real Estate TraiiHlcrs.
Geo M Miller to Tbedoie Siirndc, lots I
and 2, block 3, in Florence; $550.
E L Smith to W W Maaterson, lot 3,
block 3; ".
Geo W Tl'imlfuiker to Alma L. Handaa
ker, lot 4, block 10, Scott's addition; $400.
O&CRRtoAH Oibson, 80 acres
in Tp 18 8, It 1 W: $304.
Win Veateh to Henry Howard, land
In Tp 19 8, U 1 W; f5H).
W C Pon-els to William Hanr., 40
acres in Tp 20 8, II 3 W; $300.
Benjamin Phitts to E J and A N
Platte, 20 acres in Tp 17 8, It 4 W;
Marion 0 Davis to W II Kirkpatrick,
169.20 sores in T 17 S. R 9 E; $1600.
Directors of School District No. 7 to J
L Brady, lot in Mulkey's cemetery; $10.
0 O R R to Geo N McLean, C8.87 seres
inT178,Rl W; $224.38.
1 V M Bristow to Frank E Bristow,
land In T 17 8 R 10 W; $200.
I V M BriHtow to AlU'rt M BriHtow,
land in T 17 8 tt 10 Wj $100.
I V M Bristow to Martha 8 Brlstow,
landlnT17 8R10Wj $(KX).
Direotorsof 8chool Dist.No. 7 to E H
Hawkins, 2 lots in Mnlkey's cemetery; $1.
U 8 to John MoNat, 239.67 acres in T 17
8, E 2 W; patent.
A Popilab BpiAKfa. Jack Ditchbnrn,
at one time owner of a restaurant in En
gene is taking sn active part in the cam
paign in Portland. The Oregonian says of
him: "John Ditchbnrn wss introdnoed as
a man who through hard labor rained him
self from the position of a dockhand to thai
he now occupies. Mr. Ditcbburn is one of
the most popular speakers with the l bor
ing nlaie, and, from the manner In which
his remarks were r'o -.vrd. it wan evident
that hs made a grtat iinpresnion on his
National Editorial Association. The
National Editorial Association pssied
through Eugene Mondav at 11 o'clock.
They were met here by a Portland reception
oommittee, consisting of Messrs. O. P. Ms
Mason, Albert Tozier and Stevenson
Casio ria promote. Dijsortloii, and
OTurconie. Flatuleucy, CouaUpation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverithneas.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and it
sleep natural Caatori contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"CaMorlatosowen adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior lo any prescription
known to me " H. A. Aacsxa, M. V..
tU Portland Ave., Brooklyn, K. T.
"I nn Cantoria In my practice, and And tt
SMcJally adapted to affections of children."
Knaiaraoit, M. D ,
li67d At... NewTork.
Taa CavTADB Co, 77 Murray St, K. T.
Wbea Baby was sick, we gave ker Castoria.
WImo an. waa a Chad, ah. cried f or Castoria.
Wbsa sb. becam. Mia, an. eloof to Oaatwfa.
Vbsa ah. had Childraa, ah. gave Umb Castoria.
Iait da y of public school and the pu
pil are p vparing for vacation.
A. E. ilallairher left for Florence
HiIh tniirt inif, whciv ho will remain
unui ane - me election.
8. M. Yt ran is advertised in the Grant's
Pass four) r, to make three speeches in
tust count June 1, 9 ana t.
Mr. Hck was down from Myrtle
Crook yiw onlay. 1 le reports work on
tiio Uitcu progrotwing nicoiy.
Tne bigl est water ever known at Tb
Dalles waa on the 'iM ot June, 1B7B. waa on
when It re ched 61 feet 3 Inobes above low
water maik.
$8 per day la a good price for the
government to pay a carpeioagtrer to
toll the "Ignorant natives'' how they
hIioum vote.
The sheriff and clerk are now busy
K'ttlng ready and sending out elcctlou
xea, booths, ballot boxes, tickets,
pou dook, etc.
Mrs W. M. MoCall, accompanied by
ber dnngb or, Mrs. J. W. Miller, of Port
land, cami up this afternoon for a week's
visit itb tb family of L. is. iiowiand.
Mr. Rtt t, of Mohawk, will leave for
Yamhill t ounty next Monday, where
he will enter the surveying party of
the 8. 1'. it. ll. in seioi'ting ttuiuer
Grants I ss Courier: W. J, J. Scott, an
experience. 1 niiuir. has been prospecting
the Dry Di wings oountry snd has located
a quarts le-'ge. Mr.Soott is a pioneer ot
Albany l'jmocrat: A a so arrived in
Albany las night by way of th Lebanon
wagon roai , over the Cascades. Two bands
of cattle ar - following. They had to go
tnroagh at ut sixteen miles of snow.
A new tteamer for Yatiuina Bay waa
munched at 11 o'clock Wednesday
night, thi n being the highest tide.
She waa c iriHtcned VolanU', and will be a flyer. 8he is 80 long,
10 feet bei in, will carry about 200 pait-
sengera, a id It la anscrtcu, is mucn tne
best boat ver built for Yaquina tralllc.
The 8pt nglleld MtKHcnger, renubll
can, any; O. K. Wilkinson, demo
crutio non inee on the legislative ticket
is nrovins to bo tho chumnion orator
among th caniaigneni now doing the
county. 'luirlfH Wilklnnon Is a young
nmn oftir ) anility aim L.ane county
would do lersvlf proud to send him to
the leglsla ure. We believe be would
not only i wke a record for himself, but
would gui rd with jealous fare the best
Interests o ' the county.
Albnnv Democrat: The Reporter, of
Mendota, 111., says: Joeeph Klein, of
Albany, t rcgon, is in the city visuing
IiIh nged J irenta, Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Klien. H i is on his wav to the eastern
factories tn purchase a large aupply of
boots anti anoes lor ine two large
eHtabllshn onta he and hla brother An
thony con luct in Albany and 8alem.
Joe has done well since lie left Mendo
ta eight yi ars ago and is on the road
to success. He is married and has one
child. V e were glad to meet him.
He will remain here till next Monday.
U. S. Timber Inspector Loomis, who has
been in Lai county a few months, is par
ticularly ag tated about whether 0. K. Wil
kinson is o. th proper age to be elected to
tba Leaista ure. Mr. Wilkinson, we will
state for tho benefit of tb gentleman wbo
gets $8 per day for doing nothing especial
ly, is a native of Lan county, over 21 years
of sge, snd Is thoroughly conversant with
the needs a id wishes of our count. And
we will ren ark right bera that he never
oommitted a criminal offense by voting
24 days be! 'ire th ag rermired by law. He
differs very much from Dr. Loomis, snd
always tbuks before be talks, something
Dr. Loomix never doe.
The Eternal Fitness of Things.
Coburg, May 29, 1802.
Mn EnrTon: Have vou not sot a
fiuinrnl nfllror with vou? One was
here the other day teaching us our
duty at the polls. From Ills looks
one would suppose he drvw a comfort-
UU1U BU1UI Y UVUI bun ivuuiim . . . ,
and that lie was trying to earn It, He
ls nominally looKing aiier unue duui
n,nl.r loi.ilu hut. In Holnir a little mis-
olnnnrv ururb In tho WdV flf tPltchlniT
lull... J ' ' - f O
uspoord-ni out here how to vote.
HOW (toes It loos to you, aim now uuee
it tnnlr Irt ull nf na flint Ilr. TMimla
should be paid a salary from the feder
al treasury ir aoing uign larui puun
cal work? There la nothing repollant
In the Doi'tor's apiiearonco, but when
do fnnrptK hla dnt v to himself and the
county we foci disgusted. We all
agree that the Doctor is a daisy. Borne
ll.niiirlit Im lnnboH liltB A IlllniHtiT.
oiners incueui ue iuukdu iik b jhiul-i
nlnver. but how is It Mr. Editor, is he
.. . ( 111-1 1 1 lit ,.
a Doctor of Divinity or a Doctor of
physic, or is he a federal ofllcer? I
don't think he said any thing that
a.nm ABS n , AHA filuA tlfllf1 "! ffl ti ll (1 Vfl
VUU 171 nil t UUU wirwj TT vuiv uniw vr iim v w
heard, ila waived the ensanguined
garment, tola us ine repuoiirans
Haved the oountry and ought to hold
theoftic. He spoke highly of Alley
as against uoieman. i e tuum
J. F. B ckensto Dead. Thursday 's
Albany nany ruiin;rui.; iuuuj.,
one o'clot passed away one of the
i !.!...: All..n.r fin Willi.
pioneer cuikuiib ui
; i.... , f.v 4th. while lit-
tending an Odd Fellow's meeting he
was stricKen wun pumijui" uiu ...
...i-.. ...i.ui. iu unvnr recovered.
Mr. Bnck 'iisto was bom in the state of
New Yor, Kept, an, anu cams .
Oregon lv W& Ho became au Odd
i-,.n... i. iwiiA onH hna twwn a member
rewiw in - - ... .
of that or ler ever since. As will be
seen in another column, tne i ium.
will be ui.der the charge of the three
branches of that order In this city,
i .ni ..ilra nlnra fmm thn reHidence
uuu Will " .,,,
on tomor ow afteraoon at 850 o'clock
p. in.
Dl!r Ousrd, May 27.
t..r, ! K iiiii. IMRPI.AY. This
afternoon being the last day of the
school year In our public schools, the
teachers (if both the Oeary and Central
bulldiugc tooK some oi me pupiia wot
in HroM-u it and rwnnninnliii). and nice
ly arran;,tid the specimens on tables
decorateo' with flowers so that parent
and friends might inspect it. From
the Ulna -rganen wora w tuc uigiicr
grades, some very fine work was shown,
which rtflccta much credit on both
teachers nnd scholars.
Ts Dedlt Fnta WaiiL-CbarUy Hall
eaugbt the largest salmon ot tb aeawn ye-.-r.r..
m. ,u,t. inht7a1yi Dound. Tb
run was : oeedingly good, hn on eatebing
over 1900 xmnds witn a aip d. n u
no report 'torn other wheel along tb river,
of I hem did Qually a
well. Tiues MoaaUinMr.
Eugene, Or., Contributes an Alleged
rireuug to tne Army.
San Francisco Examiner.
Tb idea has for soma tin. been preva
lent in army circle that tb cIass of men
recruited from the' oountry districts are
much mors desirable for army purposes
then those generally obtained in the large
lo pursuanc with this idea it ba been
recently tb custom of tb army authorities
her to send out to vsriou pails of the
Coast what are known as "local recruiting
Some time ago Lieutenant Holly of the
rirsl Regiment Infantry, while in com
mand of on ol these parties, enlisted at Eu
gene. Oregon, a certain W. C. Drug,.
However, Drugg, the supposed innocent
rustle, entloed by the gleam of brnss but
ton and tb neat nt ol tba trim blouses,
wa not so guileless a was th recruiting
offioer. In lb strong light of later devel
opment Drogg stands out a a scheming
camp of no small caliber.
It seems that at th time of hi enlist
ment he waa soeking a mean ol quietly get
ting out of th stst. It i claimed that
Dragg wa instrumental In tb burning of
some property belonging to bis brotber-in-law
in Laos county, Or., which property
wa somewhat overinsured.
Drngg was assigned lo Company D, First
Infantry, stationed at Benicia, and for a
time all went well. He soon suspected that
he wa not safe at Benicia aud desired to get
away. He did not oar to take the obanoes
involved in a desertion, and so fixed np a
scheme to be discharged from the army. He
entered into an arrangement with a consta
ble st Benicia aud soon after stole a shirt.
Tb constable at once arrested him and be
was sentenoed to three months in Fsirfleld
jail. Tb army regulations provide that a
a soldier so offending shall be dishonorably
discharged. The otlloers of bis company
bad become suspicious and so did not dis
charge bim; but npon tb release from Full
field promptly uiurt-martialed him for con
dnot unbecoming a soldier and sentenced
bim to three mouths' fnrthor imprisonment
and to be then discharged.
When he had served about two of bit
three months an aiient of the insurance
company concerned visited Angel Island
and made Inquiries concerning ilrugg ami
Colonel Bbaftur soon aftor received a let
ter from lb district attorney of Lan coun
ty, askini: him to bold him until an ofllcer
could come for bim. Instead of ooming for
Drugg at once and arresting him, extradi
tion papers were obtained from Sacramento.
During the interval Drugg' time expired,
snd having no authority to hold bim longer
b was released, aud the Oregon official ar
rived a day too late.
Tb lervioe of Detective Anthony wer
secured lo find Drugg, but in tbe mean lime
be bad taken passage to Honolulu. Tbe
guileless bsd proved too sharp for tb com
bined forces of tb army and lb civil au
thorities of California and Oregon.
Tb item quoted from the Examiner is
correct in moat particulars. However, tbe
building burned was looated in Benton
county, and tb Sheriff at Corvallis waa the
offloer that wanted tba firebug. Sheriff
Noland always get hit man.
State Board of Equalization.
Cottaite drove Leader: To the toil
ing farmer aud the oppressed tax pay
er, there is no more Important official
body than the state board of equaliza
tion. With the development of the great
natural resources of Oregon, with the
great tidal wave of emmlgratlon, with
the ardent desire of tho jieoplo to lift
themselves out of old ruts, cut down
expensive ways of running state and
county mailers, ana wim a uesin, u
take front rank lu the new, Intelligent
and nmo-rpfwlve column the noonlo
should be careful to whom thoy glvo
the power of management, i here are
many state Interest many organiza
tions of canltolista who nave many
axes to grind upon the shoulders of
the honest, hard laboring tax payers,
and honest, conclonttous and conscrva-
t ve omoersare neeciea wno wun wisuom
n rwl smima 4a maintain Ilia InfArnutli flf
aim tniv-i w uiaiumn. ,uu .. w -
the people. Among the candidates for
the state Doara or equalization, we no-
Urn the nnme or 1j. liiiveu. or i.umme.
a Lane county man, honest and true
who would as a mcmoer. ne a credit
and an honor to Lane county and our
glorious Oregon. He would serve well
the interests or tne people aim wneu
they vote for him at the June election
they will nave maue no misiaae.
Bicycle Hallroad, Seattle la
The Washington Construction Corn
pany, which was Incorporated a few
days ago, was organized for the pur
pose of building tho Seattle. Tacoma &
Portland railroad on the Bovnton bi
cycle system. Tho iight-of-way for
the line from the head of the bny to
Tacoma has all been secured, and the
final location will bo niado about the
middle of April. The work of con
struction will begin early In June and
Is to be completed In one year.
It is Intended to run at least ten pas
senger trains each way every day, and
probably the number will bo increased
to twenty. Local trains will make the
trip between the two cities In an hour
to begin with. These trains-will not
run right through, but a train will
start simultaneously from each end of
A Thn turn will iiwt inhlwav.
lyllV aru - --" - " ft
transfer their passengers and return.
Fast trains win run riKin mnwKii,
without stopping and make the trip In
forty minutes.
Another road on the bicycle system
la Knlno' hnllt fmm l.'hlcairo to Aurora.
Illinois, a dlBtanco of twenty-three
ci.fw.r UfTut'uf vri-vni-'VT. Wnrlno.
llinilJ . ,-. - i n
A..I.I Xfiu.uoni.oF mnnlilloftii: "There is
illl..-ftv., . -----
a tendency to pay littlo heed to one of
the most important! vmixn iu mc
county that of school superiutentieni.
n v ITnlo thn Hpmnprnlfi! nominee, is
a graduate of the university; an enthusi
astic ana oompeieni, euucnwr nuu in
th man in iwslier. a livelier interest
among teachers, In school work. Vote
for Win."
ntiaircm Fti-z-rrn The state
grange haa elected the following officers
for tne ensuing year; ir
ter; jonn aieamer, overwci
Hayes, lecturer; J D Chitwood, stew-
ard; Stevens, nm i siewsm,
Kby, chaplain; J a oiuiup, wowiini
Win iinieary, secrviury;
gate keeper. The next session will be
held at The Dulles.
Dnu. At th family residence on tb
MoKmiI rivr. May 28. IK", airs. a. r
Stormant. aeed 76 years. Tb interment
tookpUeaia tb Camp Creek esmeury
The Exercises on Sunday aud tho
i'rocessitm Today.
Daily (J uard, May.
Ttv renlleti, nf thm Pnul fii,ini.twlAi -f
W. Ceary Post. G. A. R., J. W Geary Ro
ller Corps. Sons and Daughters of Veterans.
also all soldiers and aailors of the late war,
C Company, O. N. G., and tbe Marina
Cadets assembled at tbe Grand Army Hall
at 3:30 o'clock p. m., and marched In a pro
cession lo the M. E. Church, where tbe
programme heretofore minted In the
CiCABD was rendered iu full. Th sinking
of tb ohoir led by L. G. Adair wa worthy
of compliment.
ine memorial sermon was preached by
Rev. D. K. Lovertdue. Hector of St. Marv'a
Episcopal Church. The sermon was replete
with eloquent tributes to our heroes ot tbe
rebellion, both those wearing tb blue and
the grey snd prsctical admonition to the
liviug. It was well received and will be
long remembered by bis bearer.
THE J'HOt 'KHfllO.V.
The procession formed on Oak
and Mnth streets promptly nt 1:30
o'clock today. The streets were crowd
ed with citizens. The procession pass
ed Willamette and Eighth strvets In
tho following order: Eugene Cornet
band; I'omimnv C. O N (1. 3D members:
J. W. deary l'ostd. A. It., 08 veterans;
(laughters of veterans, 82; Juvenile
oatui; itiantio cadets, 44; cltzens lu
carriages. The procession was fine ono,
and t'liiof Manilial Htralght is to be
congratulated on Its appoamneo.
Tbe Decoration services look plaoe at th
I. O. O, F. cemetery this afternoon and the
closing services will be held at the M. E.
lburob this evening, when (be monument
to the unknown dead will be strewn with
Hundreds of iiooiile attended tho ex
ercises at tho cemetery, and flowers
were unusuiilly nlontiful. Tho craves
of soldiers, citizens and all were deco
rated In profusion.
The Graduating: Exercises.
Ilallv Guard, Mav 2H.
Last night the exorcises of tbe graduating
olasses of the Eugone publio schools, held
at Rhinebavt's opera bouse, althongb rath
er lengthy, were very interesting. Tb olass
of Jauuary 22, '02, uumbered eleven, seven
girls aud four boys. That of May 27, 'U2.
numbers niueteen, fourteen girls aud five
A lew introductory remarks were made by
Prof. D. V. S. Reid mid then a selection
was sung by a male quartette consisting of
niessrs. Aduir, lest, Aubrey and Cornell,
after which Rev. I). A. Walters pronounced
th invocation.
Theresa Friendly samr "Come buv
my flowers," and then followed an es
say by each of the thirty graduates,
interspersed with a piano duet by
Misses Ethel and Lena Held, another
by Misses Hovey and Hininson and a
piece by the quartette.
We liavo the assuranco of tho teach
ers that pupils all arranged the compo
sition of their essays and it is certain
Mint. In Iron na a wlw1n tit. fililiitin r m
vesv wsnvii tan m ninnu HIU . 1 lyltWIin. Hi-
cuts and teachers all havo reason to be
proud of these classes. Space will not
allow us to review their work except
to say that the suhjocte they handled
were all worthy much older heads and
gave evidence that their teachers
have gained, in these pupils, the most
important point in their education;
tney nave oeen taught to thiuK
ftliss Floy Watklus was chosen vale-
cllctorian and did her part well. Af
ter the readings were ended Miss Kate
Glen sang a contralto solo and was, as
usual, wurmly encored. The address
by Hon. S. M. Yoran was very appro
priate anu wen received. . w. us-
burn, Chairman Board of directors,
then in a few well chosen remnrks
presented the diplomas after whldiau
other selection by the male quartette
closed tne exercises.
May this event which marks an
epoch in the Uvea of those young peo-
iio ne ever pleasantly remembered as
he first round on the ladder of their
Reception Party.
Monday evening, May 30th, Mis Tarbet
gave a reception to ber father, Rev. W. L.
Tarbet. Among those present wer: Rev.
and Mrs. Loverldge, Mr. and Mr, J. H.
MoClune, Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Harris, Dr.
and Mr. F. W. Prentice, Mr. and Mrs.
0. F. Blythe, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Peters,
Bev. and Miss Tarbet. Refreshments wer
sorved during tb evening, after which tb
following toast were responded to in a
ty manner:
'b Final Perseveranoa of lb Saints,"
Rev. Tarbet.
"Tb Contrast between East and West,"
R.v. Loverldge.
"Eugene, Mayor J. a. HoUlung.
Tb Comio Man," Mr. 0. F. Blytb.
"Mountaineering in Oregon," Mr. A. Y.
Tbe Greatest Study of Mankind U Wo
man," nr. Harris.
"Th Ladies," Dr. Prentice.
"Th Irinbruan at a Dinner Party," Mrs.
The guest left at a late bour expressing
themselves a having bsd a most delightful
evening. A Quasi.
Upper McKeniie Items.
Foley Ki'kinoh. May 28. 1892.
Parties are now arriving at the
Died At the residence of Oeorge
Frissell. McKeiizie Brldire, May 24,
1802. at 9:30 p. m., Alma Grace, only
child of O. II. Renfrew and wife, aged
6 months and 6 days. Mr. Renfrew is
very low iiimseir. oi.
AXew Invention. A doublc-bur-
reled. haninierless shotgun has been
Invented bv a Euirene man which
eclipses either the Parker, Colt or Le-
rever, tne oest ncrewiore made, i uree
triggers are used, the front one allow
ing the barrel to drop arid at tne same
time cocks the gun. The safety used
I. Automatic and the trun haa several
features which are likely to make it
famous, the best of which Is its aim
Dllcitv. Cant. d. A. Sachs Is the In
ventor, and will have It patented
do and take a look at It.
Dallr Guard, May 30.
Hi'rxt Over. A lady who visited
the Masonic cemetery this morning to
decorate graves informs us that the
person employed by the sexton to cut
the grass In the street and alley ways
had lmproteriy set out nre matting a
very bail apjiearance In several places.
French reporters now take notes at
night by the light of a tiny Incandes
cent lamp attached lo me pencil.
The Junction City Times Gives the
Register a Dressing- Down.
Juuotlon City Times, May 28.
The GcAiin lakes a delight in copyiog ar
ticles from the Junction City Times refer-
lag lo the democratic sheriff, and tbey ar
always calling tb ) paper independent repub
lican. That gentleman' position is well
understood when it is known that he tried
to rrange to be paid to support tbe repub
licau nominee, but when he wa not taken
np went over to tb other side.
Tho RegUtor is unique in journalism; in
no other newspaper in the west or in th
east is tbe cheek of a mule so beautifully
grafted on the stupidity of a Jackass. Be
cause the Times bad headed off tbe bandy
legged editor of the Registor in every argu
ment, It resorts to wilful lie to stiffen it
argnmc t.
Wheu the editor of tbe Register state
that we made any overture or insinnation
to support lb republican nominee or any
other nominee, bit lie wilfully and mali
ciously, and we challenge bim to meet it.
Tb editor ui this paper ba no disposition
to engage ii. a mod-throwing contest with
tbe lly-up-tlie-creek editor of tb Register.
It is eiisy In impute dishonorable motives,
but this kind ol cheap journalism his bail
its day and ft practiced only by edi
tors wbo have no respeot for themselves or
their profession. However, if nothing else
will do lb Register man, be can be accom
modated. Com ahead and we will pluck
your lopping ears at tb first round.
Tb disgruutled Register calls lb Time
Sheriff Noland 's organ. Tbe Register is
owned soul and body by a spoils ring and
doosn't dare spesk it sentiments. It is of
In yellow dog older aud would sni.iort
Dr. Mary Walker or tbe devil if placed on
tb republican ticket. Th Time is
a bully paper in tb Register' eye when it
compliments republican candidates, but
whoa it defends th humane act of a demo
cratic official, it mars np on its bind leg
ud bowls. Take a baudlull of bile beans,
neighbor. Your -Ivor is out of order.
Lank County JAru Saturday's
Oregonian: A meeting of the state
hoard or charities and corrections was
held at the olllco of Thomas N. Strong,
tho secretary, yesterday morning, to
examine tho nliins for a new county
jail prepaid by Architect D. D. Nccr,
tor l.iine county. 1 he plans were ap
proved and heartily commended as
etiihmclng all the necessary sanitary
quaiiricaiiiins ami prison conven
iences. The building will cost about
$12,000. and will bo built of brick. 1 1
will be two stories high with
two tiers of steel cells, and sep
arate rooms for women and witnesses.
When finished it will be the most com
plete aud liest arranged jail in the state.
Its external appearance is very orna
mental, and dues not suggest tho uses
to which it will bo devoted.
Will Vote fob JinxiB Pipes. Tho
Cottage drove leader, after publishing
a slight correction of a previous article
says: "In lust week's paper we cor
rected the error roierrcd to auove, uus
suppose the correspondent failed to see
it. Judgo l'lpea' oillclal record Is so
good that he docs not want or need it
represented better than it is. We are
personally acquainted k with both
gentlemen and shall vote for Judge
Pipes because we know he will make
the better judge, wo are, ana nave
been a republican nil our life, but we
I do not havo to vote for Incompetent
nien when we know them to be so."
Pally Guard, May 2.
CoroARH Killed. This morning
tim e full grown cougnrs were brought
to -his city from SIuhIbw precinct
where they, together with another,
were killed yesterday. All four were
treed by dogs in the same tree, and
shot by George Ozmcnt, John and
Frank Walklcv. They measure from
six to seven and one-half feet from tip,
and were disposed of here to parties
who will mount mom. Aiinoiign tne
western part of the county is a great
place fi r these ferocious animals they
will soon be well thinned out If the
boys continue killing them four in a
More Campaign Lieh. Some per
son without regard to his reputation Is
circulating the report that Sheriff No-
land lias been . charging ueiinquenr,
tax na vers ten percent. This Is a lie
made out of wholo cloth. Sheriff No-
land has never charged a delinquent
taxpayer any penalty whatever, al
though he is entitled to one percenton
said umounts. We would right hero,
again, warn our readers against believ
ing last day cuarges against candi
ItKPAiniNO. Tho steamer R. C.
Young has been hauled out and h be
ing placed on ways preparatory to
repairs being made. Several boll's
were lounu in trie uoitoiu. a now
planking will be laid over the old bot
tom. It will rxiulre several daya in
which to complete the work.
New Flour Mill. Coburg Is to
have a ne v flouring mill. The mill is
to lie of 6)-bam;l capacity. It Is to be
built by E. M. Kimball and another
gentleman of Harrlshurg, whoso name
we are not now at iinerty to mention.
It Is also understood that some of Co
burg's prominent citizens are Interested
iu the matter.
News to Him. A Salem dlnpateh
says: Hons. R. M. Veatch and E. R.
Skipworth, talked democracy at the
opera hoiiao tills evening. Senator
Veatch says it was news to him to
read in the Oregonian that a scheme
was on foot to have him withdraw In
favor of the p-;ople's party nominee.
He says he is In the fight to stay.
Moss Hobsbi. Tbursdsy' Salem Jour
nal: Mr. A- W. Enoa arrived in tb city
today from Eugene with a stable of horses
for lb Jane race. Among them ar Atlas,
Papoose, Black Alder and Robin H. Dr.
Walters' borse Capt. Mount, and Tony
Mount also, arrived from Eageo today, in
charge of G. Gill.
The Railroad Sciwidy. The sub
sidy to the Siuslaw railroad la slowly
Increasing. It now amounts to nearly
$1,00U. Now is the time to subscribe.
Don't put It off another day.
Ecoenk Horpvs. Panpoose, Tony
Mount, Captain Mount, Black Adler,
Altus, all Eugene horses, have been en
tered In the Portland races, which take
place from June 7 to 11.
Pally Guard. May 27.
East fob This Year. Tho last
publio rhetoricals of the present school were held at the University thi
leUby ' H. BZCELZY.