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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1892)
a haahiIiiit li til A lCOfflHlCr lit IS M M. sv All viiii mm i; Rsnator ;w I.... XP.COLEMAX ul Willamette. MrUMMTATIVH. Join Hnlioway's clubs. If! only a little over two wccks ,.rihU r to icmteh the lepubll until the republicans will confine . mett.U better ma... thermal ves to the presidential qucs-1 w?? Uiu tat stiruey t nets!, lit In ncMB &y sal py to of so. EaWs "crime" w Uutt be dared petal out In bis weekly owir soma ottaa'aaUs of tha court, For this pre tuwptiua, Webster, wkk tbe sir of a Ruiaa cur, saniuioned the editor be fur hint and ordered bim to Jail Bat KaW tu cot inclined that way and appealed to the Oregon aupreros court, wLich tribunal reversed the outrageous lud wanton decUion of this Jacksoa lounty tyrant.- Webster Is coosum tted excrescence of ignoranoe, Imbecil ity, tyranny and fall, and hie nomlna lir.n by tha Republicans on tbe tloket ii an ioaolt to tbe freedom of tbe press, oneoftne bulwarks of oor liberty. Web ster bu become to unpopular in Jackson ronnty by hia diiplay of tyranny, Urnor ance and vU-ious and Imbecile dcWoM that over Lalf tbe Republicans will Tote against bim. He to nnpopular wbere be to best kaown and will be wowed un der ao dee ly at tbe Jane election that he will probably emigrate to Bond or torn other clime more congenial to bto tyrauioal notion. 'Vast for Aaythiaf." Manafltld Sua.) Lionel Webster, tbe judge wbo fined and tried to at nd tbe editor of tbe Vau lit Record to priaon for contempt for crltlcUma in bit paper to a noiniuee for attorney general, lie to unfit for any . thing. II SMM S. (Portland 1. 0. V. W. Reporter.) Some bobtailed lawyer downjn aouth ern Oregon, who got to be judge by ac cident, recently had the editor of tbe Ashland Record arretted and fined for contempt of court niraply becanae tbe Record insinuated that aald judge was a dishonest nincompoop, wholly unfitted for tbe position he occupied. Doee this mean that the press to to be tnuisled for telling what it believes to be tbe truth? A Blow at the fn fSoedaJ Mercury J If the position taken by young Web tor of Jackson county ibould obtain in thto country the cxar of all the Rossi aa poaaeasee but little more authority than circuit Judge. According to thia par ticular Webster, wbo happily for tbe good name of the latter, to in no way re lated to the immortal Daniel judgee may be corrupt ae Satan himself, and tbe newspaper-) must not apprise the people of tbe fact Tbe decision of thto Lionel R. Webster strikes the presa a blow no less severe than it doee the en tire people. Tbe public looks to the newspaper for information. If a pub lio officer to corrupt, fails to. perform bto duty or violates tbe confidence reposed In him, the people expect the news papers to expose him. Bnt Lionel B, Webster, a gentleman with a very stylish English cognomen, sets up tbe plea that judgee must not be criticised bat tbey have free license to practice corruption, it such be their desire, and editors most not say them nay. If Edi tor Kaiser libeled Ms. Webster, why did he not proceed against the newspaper man in tbe regular way ? Thto he had an equitable and legal right to do, and the newspaper would have upheld him in thto position. Out for him to appear a prosecutor, judge and jury, place him in a position that both presa and publlo will condemn. If thto case to properly attended to the probability to that Webster will soon be retired to private life. . , Skoald rail Cm I far Baeata. (Orecoa Sootlt, Mara It) There to an alleged judge in Jackson ' county, by tbe name of L. R. Webster, who should emigrate to Russia at hi earliest convenience, a the method of that country would exactly luit hi taste and the Oregoniana have no earthly use fur him. He recently fined and impria. onedtbe editor of tbe Rxuord for expressing hi opinion of the way publlo eftlcea were conducted in the county. Webster to certainly the meet colossal figure of arrogance, stupidity vindictivenemand meannesa to be found in the state. Wilt Stand tajr tha Trath. Fortlan Daily Orveonlan. Not long since the Vallrt Record of Ashland published an article In which, among other things, it was stated that the practicing condition of jurispru dence in tbto section of the world to a corrupt and criminal ia lu method (In proportion to population, amount and magnitude of crime and purse of crim inal) a It to in tbe citlea where these case are regularly 'handled' by the political bos who 'makes' tbe officials, 'fixe' the juries, and attend to the rase for a Urge sum. " For thto tbe circuit judge, Lionel R. Webster, hailed the editor, . J. Kaiser, before the bar of justice and sentenced him to $30 fin and fifteen day imprisonment If Judge Webster thought to motile the pre by this operation be was mistaken, for the Riookd tit week reprint the objec tionable article entire. ( Hat ha at aa Aliased Jndf. ' ironland WatcoaM 1 They have an alleged judge down in Jackson county whose wing need clip ping, to say nothing of hia ear. The editor of the Rxvoau had tbe temerity to criticise iu hi paper a decision made by this august personage, and forthwith he to held for contempt of court Per haps the "jedge to unacquainted with - the fact that one of tbe greatest boast of America to "the freedom of tha press, 'and it conceited bucolic like the I one ia question are to prastttute tow and 1 strive to rob tbe peuple of one of their ' "inherent rhts," the sooner he or the j couniry coiiauae tne batter. The pre ponderance ii ballot favor the snowing under of the alleged judge, e , lade aad Xaaraaaar. ' Testa, Cel. falo . J Judge Webster, of the district la which Ashland to situated, took excep tion to something that appeared ia tbe Vallrt Record, dasxu&iaating It con tempt of court" and sentenced editor Kaiser to fine aad imDrisoameat So. tice of appeal wa given aad he to loose for tbe present oa his own rcoo jnixanoa Ii strike tu that sinee -ttt outrageous killing of Terry and tha fpHowiag df oumitance, "light-headed'' aad vulasr abl judge are apt to mistake their mis sions and power, especially m tbe mas ter of muxzllnf a free cress. Something of tbto character ha been shown of late In San Francisco, and the entire preet ol tbe Bute should rebuke it A worthy and capable judge has nothing to fear from . a respectable newspaper, ana should be be maliciously attached by the other sort, for act ea the bench, ha has ready remedy. We are not lauy ad vised a to thto Webster and Sxcoas matter, bnt are led to believe that the Judge erred. A Jadlalai lea' (Koaaearf Review. The oontemDt case of tbe State vs. E. J. Kaiser wa last week decided ia favor of the defendant by tbe Oregon supreme court, the finding of the lower court being reversed. That 10-eaDed judge, Webster, will know more next time. hades Dwrtaees. Praia Echo.) la fining editor Kaiser of the Ash laad Racoaa 90 aad sending him to jail for II day may afford Judge Webster a Uttle pleasure and aa opportunity for a httie spite work, bat it evince such a very small calibre that few would care to deck their brow with each flimsy laurel wreaths. It will evidently be a big advertisement for hvother Kaiser aad bto journal The few dollar thus taken from aim win reran a bounteous flow of golden shekels to hi exchequer. Tha day for mntxllng the press ha long sine d parted amid the gloom aad dark age of tbe past (Vaatafae, Cat, Bsrald.1 Editor Kaiser of tbe Ashland, Or., Record, ha bee fined $50 and sen tenced to 19 day mcereeratioa for pub lishing an article teuehiag the official conduct of the circuit court; or in other word, for conducting a paper that pu naheo the new. Democratic Ststt TltkeC GoafM ae.rinl District R. ML. VKATCH. ot UntcouaiT, gunruM Judge.... A. 8. BeoaeU, ot Wasco eountT. Attorney Ucnsral CEO. K. CHAXBERUIX. of Linn Conotj. uurraicr ticket. Jde. M. L FIFES, efBeorsaeoaaty. ProMenlin AlUvnaf ...(,KO, A. &ORRM, oS Lao cosatjr. Member Board ot Evaluation U BU.VEI', of lane count. raauimAli sucroas. OEOROR NirtjlKU , ; of Clateaa W. M. t'OI.VIO 9t Jaekaoa W. t. Bt T HKR ol Baker R. A. KILLER of Jackwn Lane Coantx Democratic Tick. (eaater . f. COLEKAS of Wlllimttta. asPBUiwriira. I. N. RKMBKXK tElchardaoo D. K. HARKW .....of Caltax lirora 0 K WILkI.NJX of Sortb Euxent Cwralv JoOra A. II. PISK af Uorth Eaaane. iberlff. JAMES Z. 5QLAXD of North Ennoe. Clerk X1108. X CBAIO of South Euxeue. ConmMoiMT T. A. MtLUOR of JuacUoa, Trasjurst BESJ. XCLKXY of inrlnf. iawor P.J. XcPBI&SOll of South Rue ana. School Bnperlntendrat C KHALI or t. newer. gumjor JOS. KOCH of North Eugene. Coroner I Ht-TER 08BCRJI of North Emreae. PRECINCT omch-El'GKSE. Jntlle of tha Pesos UKO. W. KINSEY Coulabla J T WITTER A BCW MASO.MC TEAfLE. re Ike Emi aide leaf Ahweit eiity Tkeaaaaet Daltara. Port LA td, May 21 Fourteen plan have been, submitted to the Masonic BuUiUng, AasocUtion for the emctlon of the temple, on Eaitt Morrison and 5th street, Ka4 aide.. Ail but four were reJoctrxL Mr. IL & Howe stated thia morning Uiat he expeeU that our of these- iilans will be accepted by the building committee at their next regu lar meeting, on the flat Thursday In June, Mr. liowe baa no fear aa to the Masons' ability to raise the VA00O or ItW, (XX) neceeaary to construct the terrif pie, at a low rate of Intereet And from what can be learned from, other reliable aourcee, It la ante to say that CKllmliiary work will be. commenced very aoon. . The structure 1 to be one of four stories; tbe first story to be of stone, and tii three other of pressed brick. A hank ia to occupy the corner, and. the rest of the- flmt floor will be let for storvs. The second and third floor will be arranged for office purpoeee, and the fourth for Masonic work. All modem Improvements, such, aa ele- valors, steam, heaters, elect rio light. etc,, are tobe Introduced into the build-1 ing, VualUtN Uie fcxige room.the fourth Middleton sound, and stove a hole in flo.)rtotoliaveadiWta)arlor,Uno.urt1berbow. She waa immediately ma hall, a library, kitchen, etc. Saswae ftataa Salem, Or., May 24. In the supreme court today the case oi the Southern Paeirlo va, K. M., Croiaan and Marion county was set for hearing Wednesday afternoon, June 1. Other counties uiterented In the cae can file briefs. Roliert Schoonler, of Portland, waa aliiiittHl. Uln rvrtiHist nf tha u. prvne CAHirt of California, to practice; in all the courts of thto state. Prank Peterson was broueht to the ' Jrr'rtw, bwnrlary. I lUa Araa Blew a f f. San FRAJfosco, May 24. Th metnlwra of the National Editorial As sorlation mule a trip about the- bay thto morning. While firing a gover nor's salute, Fred a Wells, a private In llattery A, Second artillery, X. O. C, had his k-ft arm broken oIT. COL)EL. BEPABD UnfAFE. Ra la ratalallr Iwjwrad While Oat Tasvlag a Drive. Portland, May 24. -Colonel Elliott T. Hhepard, while out driving today, met with an accident which came very near resulting seriously. In company with bto eem-tary, Elbwt Rappleye, Colonel Bhepatd took a survey and wa driven up on Portland Height. In re turning one of the hone took fright at cable ear at the intersection of Eigh teenth and Jefferson streets and sud denly shied. In doing thto the animal fell aud waa caught under the carriage tongue. With great eoolneen and presence of mind on tbe part of Colonel Shepard, a collision wa avoided, and tbe animal extricated without being Injured. When near the Intersection of Eighteenth and Hoyt, the team fell into a deep ditch which waa being dug for a large water main. The tongue of the surrey wa broken and the front end of tbe vehicle amashed. Colouel Shepard leaped out Juet in time to es cape falling down Into the ditch. In doing thto he bruised one leg, and waa pretty badly shaken op. A moment later he would have been caught under the carriage and probably killed. Ilia escape wa a most fortunate one. The team wa finally extricated, but one of the bnrwa wa pretty badly bun. ujEKTLLAStHIRB. LMfca Uhe aut Aacet, hat a Etevll at Mean. Demon, afisb., Uay M.-tVtward A Oake,auaageof a "MtII aad Hjds" oompaoy playing ia Pilttbarg two wteks sae. skiDoed with orally Emms llillec a 17-ytar-eld eoobrette belonging to tha eonv pany. Thsy vent direct to Albany, K. uanee to Detroit sad across to Windsor, aad they every whsr rag island aa man- aad wife. Yesterday tbe girl's Bother who oe eopkrs a ana social poaitioa in Pbiladatpbia, arrived ia town aad pet tbe ease ia the hands of detectives. The pair war decoyed from Windsor, sad s soon as Oake landed on American wit he struck a pair of steal bracelets. Be to charged by the Pittibarg police with taking sons of the company s moaey. Tbe girl dee Ursa they are not nanied, while OakaeaassiU tbey are. Tbe other aad daogkter mail ap and started IbtPbUadelpbto tost eight, while Oakee is Jetaiaad awaiting Ike arrival ot aa offiear (root Pllabarg. BLAINB WILE, NOT ACCEPT. Bat Hia ErleaAs lasist That aa WIU If faaalaiaaaly Neatlaaled. WuBCfcmi, ltay 3i.Blaia has stated taaaousrarsmbMolthe eabtaet that he will not accept the noatiaalioa, and it the praaidant ao desirsd be woe Id writ another letter. , Hie friends, however, intiat that if ha to nominated unanimously b will ae- Ta Calebrat tha Eeeal. CorENHAoro.May 24. Tbto city has taken on a holiday appearance In an ticipation of the golden wedding festi val of the king aad queen of iXnmark nextThureday The Prince and Prin- ceaa of Wale have arrived. Tbe har bor is fitling with warships, and Rus sia, ureal Brittain, tf-anee, Austria, Italy and Turkey are expected to be represented by veaaebi, Ciaee Ktas rerty Lashes. Bibjiikouam, Ala., May 24. At Alexander, Calhoun county, a negro named Tobe Jackson sent an insulting letter to a young lady named Mary Martin. She read the note, seized a pistol and fired two harmless shot at the bearer of the message as he disap peared down the road. Later a pote caught Tobe, took a vote as to whether to kill or whin him. They decided on the latter, stripped him and gave him forty lasnee, every one f which brou gh t blood. Tobe promised to leave Uie state. Aa Aaaaricma KJaaaaaaa, Washington, May 24. The attor ney-general has received Information that Charles Obcrlander, of San Diego, Cab, ha been kidnapped by Mexican officials and taken to Ensenada, Low er California, for trial on a criminal charge. Minister Ryan, of the City of Mexico, has been instructed to seen re the surrender of the man, provided it to shown that he Is an American citi zen and was taken, without extradi tion proceedings.. atraek, ahVeehu Saw Fbancihco, May 24 Captain Shoekley, of the whating hark James Allen, writes from Sitka that the whal ing bark Northern Light, Captain Bimmonds, struck a suukeu rock near on. the beach to allow of repair. Everybody board. was reported well on Meveaaeatsat tkeataeaaaaa. El Paso, May 2A Another Mor mon colony has been granted a large mncesHlon In tbe state of Chihuahua, Mexico. The concession consists of 100,009 acres of fertile farm land through which run the Rio Coucho. A delegation of through to Utal at inn . I hah arnn Mormon elder went . iutwaii w cuui wt iiuuh iuu mm !... . . It.t. .11. ....1 Uhethtoye - tb.yaayoOOfamll will be moved to the new colony. Fat, tar Frwaideat. . Ch a rlottk, X. C, May St. The third partj tn ooavention has resolved to present tbe name of L. L. Polk, preaktentof tire farmers' alliance, to the national convention of the peoples party at Omaha, as a candidate for the presidency of the United States. Jehasaa Caaaiy lavadetw. Cheyenne, Wya, May 24-The first of the Johnson county Invaders to get into court U practically freed. Tbe application for a habeas corpus for Dr. Charles B. Penrose, the expedition sur geon, was granted. He has furotohed ball InflOOO to appear wnen requirea.) He k-ft the party tbe second Uay out rather than travel behind the wagons. Tbe Indictment filed against bim in Johnson county allege that he mur dered Nick Iky, who met death witn Xato Champion, at No Man's ranch. Penrose answer that he was not pre sent, and did not start out to kill in the first place. prohibition state ticket. I Conrreataiso.Ind Dirt W. L RIGDON of Salem. Bopraa Judf. B. P. WILCH of Porllasd. PRomirnos cocnty ticket. Brnator W. L. BLACK WELL of Juncllon. aarastssTATnrss. I. A. BmHNELL of J auction JOeEPU TAYLOR of Cotuaa Srere N. R. AYU)RD f . Enarno Uittutr Judja A. B. PATTKkcUN of North Euacna- Coamlalooer J. . KTWON of Sooth Enfene. CWk ...WH.Jt PITNEY afJaactloa. gharir II. aL SILUCAPIE oi goriaatekL Treatarer ........ CALVIN 0 ANN A ' of Nonh Eacene. School Saperlntendent WE ROSS VAN tEusen. . v. A. aukui of Sooth Eniene. If you want Groceries or Crockery, call on Goldsmith. DRUGGISTS. -A fall Una of: Pare Drugs anil (Mcls : Always oa hand.: fsw-PRierlpUoni Carafnlly Compounded. WILKINS' BLOCK, Eugene, : : Oregon Fcr Wooden anil WIIQW Ware, go to GOLDSMITH'S- -AT- Peters' A Cherry's FEED STORE You will Bad tbe Standard Horse : and : Cattle : Medicine. Ko Ara-nlr or Antlraonriuaraotcd to keen WMia 1 I .t ..t r juus iw av ui uwu ivuuiuvii, Clcaper ul mm Pcwi:i: Goldsmith, the Pio neer Grocer. For a square dea), go 10 uoiasmnas. Dr. R. L. WILLOUGHBY, DENTIST. ill Wort Wunilei ti Girt um,M MtroaOxld Gas. and local ancatbetlcs for tbe palnleaa extraction ol teeth. OPPICB In Register Block, (asens Orefoa. We lead in quality & TYrfrri rtnMomifViei Cash paid for produce at Goldsmith's. DEI J. W. 4 0NIE I BiRXAKD, Degnlnr I'liysicianf, H'lTIALTIEA-KMiiFT and tJn.r m.. uaccwofj ih umuinoa. OFPIatmldeiieeon Oltrs street betweee Mh aad 10th atraaia. Anythinff in the Gro cery line, Goldsmith's. Goraegys Gray, GROCERS. Marine remorea to Walton's Block, Wtllaav ettr Stnvt, are repar4 to lira tou tarnUas la liiuotrtec Henderson 4 Cleaver Market Price Paid for Country Produce. ("all and are oa; wa will do roa food. YOU ARE To call and examine our stock of 1IAGHI V carry tha largeBt and Portland. We Bell W hava anything w Walking, Sulkey and GaDg Plows, Har1 rows, Cultivators, beeders, Drills, eed Mills, Hay Cutters, Churns, Washing Machines, Etc. We sell MITCHELL and STUDEBAKER WAGON'S. Don't fail to see our new improved CHAMPION BINDER. 'All mailable Iron and 8te! The new CHAMPION MOWER is a wonder. Gearing and pitma eAnnectiona warranted against breaking or wearing out. The best BUGGIES, CARRIAGES and CARTS for the LEAST Wb ARJt nr it and are bound Southweflt corner 8th and i. Y PETERS ; -OFFERS : ii n iinn Si An ATT i r.i e uvuvu s AiAViiv mm : DO YOU NEEDANY OF THEM? : 20 jds American Shirting Prints. $10 20 " Lodi and Harmony Dress Prints 1.0 15 u A. A. A. Muslin (good as Cabot W.) 1.0 12 Bleached Cotton Flannel 10 12 " AtlanU Plaid Shirting. .' 1.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. &. 7. 8. 10 " Best Dress Gingham... 1.0' 18 H. SaUn Striped White Goods. 10' 12 " Good Check Crash 10' BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 pair Good Calf Boots 2.7 9. 10. 11. 12.- 1 u Men's Heavv Plow Shoes 1?' 1 " Ladies' Oil Grain ShoeB 1 Buy & pair of those 5 Button Kid Gloves, only Look it All Over Carfefully. City Property. The value of an investment merit which it possesses, and the That is why . UNIVERSITY ADDITION. Property to to best investment In Eugene, especially if you want a beautiful place for a hon Adjoining the- University grounds and the city limits on the East, with street-cars, city water and electric- lights extending to it, it is the most convenient and desirable property on the market Never mind the weather, UNIVERSITY ADDITION, is high and dry and naturally well drained: Prices low, and on easy terms. CaHbn or write to H. N. Cockerline, Eugene, Or. Office In Chrionian Bio Farms. I am now showing the Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Go eel . Hats and Caps Men's Children's Notions, Etc.r in Eugen?. , 1892. EUGENE INVITED irnninrrn P. mm miiwmn YMMMiiUrLI maw most varied assortment outside 0! t . n A 1 line of you want in the way of to bell, bo don t fail to call on us. H. D. NORTON & GO. Olive Streets, Eugene, Oregon. XOlinff im, i i s uwiiUk s iviiit. Acreage in property depends npon the sctu. prospects of its increasing in valur. Fruit Lands him mill 1892. SPRIN choicest line of Spring and Ladies' .Shoes CALL AND SB i. i J.D.MATLOCK, 11892. f