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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1892)
Eugene City Guard. SATURDAY, MAY 88, M. Don't Bwnp. Have You Choice T Tho contest that rauBt be nettled in Lano county June 6 for the pos session of the county offices la made doubtful by there being bo many parties in the field. From present indications the prohibitionists will not gain over their former vote, while the new peoples party, will have a vote large enough to make the contest between the old parties doubtful. There are only two sec tions of the county where they may cast any considerable vote, and while they have no chance of win ning it may decide between the others. . Under this state of circumstances, and we have information from every section of the county that warranto us to stake our reputation fnr frnth and veracitv that the new parties have no possible chance of ciecung a single cBiiuiutti, nuum it not be wise to select county offi cers that are the best fitted, who liave a chance of election, and not de feat men who would be your choice, outside of your party? No voter is justified in throwing his vote away on a local contest where the ques tion of politics does not enter but only that of selecting the men best qualified for the offices. Some complaint has been made by one who is disaffected that the county officers draw more fees than formerly. Mr. Ware undoubtedly remembers tho days when he cut his own wood in the clerk's office and did the work alone with plenty of time to snare. He can also state if ho is willing to be fair that but a few vears ago the sheriff hardly nMufcd a donutv. excent when he had prisoners in jail so that a man could bo left to attend ana guara 4 ham trlmn liA Tinnnenrvl to be fclll.U, If ..V.B I I called away. Mr. Noland keeps three deputies, tho work requiring their services, no is a careiui, nrudent man and would not throw away money in useless expenditures for help. It must also do remem bored that in many instances sher ilfs fees renresent about the entire amount expended by the officer. Esecially is it the case in criminal mutter. For an instance capture of tho Walker station horscthieves cost Sheriff Noland what he received from tho county in depreciated countv warrants. On an isolated rase an officer cannot travel about tho country paying his own ex penses on ten cents a mile. A few dollars iniirlit bo saved by electing a sheriff who would make no effort to canture criminals. We do not think it would be a satisfactory ex jx'rimont. Tho tired editor of the Oregonian complains becauso it will take so much work to vote under the Aus tralian system. The brother ought to bo willing to sacrifice five min utes of his valuablo time aiding in securing a miro and honest election That. too. would only be required once every two years. . The trouble is tho Oregonian appreciates the strength of the citizens ticket in Multnomah county and sighs for tho days when two and one-half dollars wore potent factors in poll tics. No good citizen can condemn the law that will give us honest elections. In no state in which tho Australian ballot system has been Introduced is there any de mand by tho Mxple for its repeal. It is only llio booulcra who com plain. There is an opou revolt of Her mann republicans in Douglas court' ty against Hon, J. C. Fullorton, the nominee for circuit judge, and some two hundred republicans of that county will knife him at the polls. They claim that Fullorton has sought in every way to injure Mr, Hermann during six years past, and they purpose now to defeat Fullorton so that Ids leadership will bo ended. 1 he f ullorton mon are praying for peace, but will re taliate by voting in . a body for Veatch if the warfare continues. There is intenso dislike between the two Douglas county loaders, and Col. Fullorton refused to take G od-bless-you-old-fricnd handshake from llinger during the letter's last Yisit homo. The campaign liars most success' ful field for labor is the starting of rumors ana reporis oi iraaing. This year is no exception. In some of tho precincts reports have been circulated that Eugene will trado for certain men on the legislative and other parts of the ticket. There is no foundation for the re port, which has been evolved from the imagination of the disaffected for iwliticul purposes and to influ ence voters. Mr. Veatch represents to a great extent the principles indorsed by both the democratic and peoples parties. There is no possible chance for the election of Mr. Rork, the cop!c8 tarty candidate. It would only be jjood politics for that party to throw its strength to Mr. Veatch. . . i The West appealing for Siuslaw votes for Col. Alley says to "vote for your homes and the men whose homes are next door to yours." If that principle is carried out over the county E. 1'. Coleman will have a much larger majority than usual. It's only a little over two weeks' until the republicans will confine themselves w tne premuenwaiquco tion at Minneapolis. The democratic, jieoples and pro hibition parties are substantially in accord on one of the great issues of the day, the tariff question. Eugene has a number of fine buggy and carriage turnouts and the owners make use of them these pleasant evenings on the well im proved streets. Roseburg Review: 8. W. Con don as a member of the legislature spoke and voted against tho Bull Run water bill, which passed, and was vetoed by Gov. Pennoyer. Condon then flopped, and voted against the veto. What do the far mers and taxpayers think of that record? Vote lor Dorris for district attorney. For precinct office purposes the precincts of North ana South Eu gene have been consolidated. At the election to occur shortly Geo. W. Kinsey and T. J. Witter, the ! iresent Incumbents, are candidates or justice of the peace and consta ble, respectively. They have given excellent satisfaction in the dis charge of their official duties and are deserving of the support of the voters. Roseburg Review: Judge Pipes has decided the railroad tax injunc tion case in favor of Lane county, thereby saving to the county the sum of over $9300. This virtually settles the case which will no doubt be brought in Douglas county, pro vided Judge Pipes is re-elected. A vote for Judge Pipes means a vote for the fair assessment of all rail road lands in this judicial dis trict. The Ashland Record soys that we find that Lionel R. Webster, a candidate for the position of attor nev-general. never studied law in any law school whatever, that he never practiced law in ins life; that ho is not on rec- ord as an attorney in any case in the state of Oregon; that he onlv anneared in court in one case in his life, being allowed to make a speech to the jury in a murder trial though not being connected in the management or tne case. An inquirer has asked whether there are more German or Irish voters in the United States. As the votes aro not returned accord ing to nationality, separately, this cannot be answered positively, though the immigration to this country from Germany and Ire land indicates that the German voters are more numerous than the Irish. In the fifty years from 1841 to 1891. 4.428.950 natives of tier many, and 3,251,401 natives of Ire- lana, enierea we uniwa oiaies. Vote for the best men. The entire democratic ticket is mado up of excellent men. Vote a for thorn. P, J. McPherson' will have a ma jority that will even surprise him solf. Mark our prediction. Sheriff Noland has mode one o the best officers Lane county ever had. In tho S. P. R. R. tax cose he was the means of saving the county over 19300. Farmers re member this. It was by the sagacity of Sheriff Noland that about $4000 of a for mer stierm s tax collections were saved to Lane county. He thor oughly understands the details of the office, while a new and untried man would havo to gain the exper ionco. It Is hardly necessary to call the attention of democrats to the fact that no better or stronger ticket than theirs was ever nominated in Lane county. The gcntlomen are qualified, without an exception, for the positions to which they have been nominated. It deserves full and cordial support at the polls. E. O.: There are more republi can papers in the state supporting George Chamberlain, democratic candidate for attorney-general, than are supporting the republican can dulate, Monet Webster, ims is becauso Mr. Chamberlain is by far tho fittest man and deserves tho supjKirt. What shall our farmers do with their wheat when England has adopted a full reciprocity arrange ment with Canada and built up her farming industries? Shall they burn their wheat as they have burned their corn in Kansas? How do they like the prospect presented to them by our high tax plulan thropists? J. N. Dolph is a most perfect specimen of the moneyed aristoc racy now common in the United States senate. The men who are so opposed to his stripe can assist his defeat by voting for E. P. Cole man. A vote lor a third party can didate is in favor of Alley. These are facts that intelligent men who understand the situation thorough ly comprelicud. According to the Register it U a crime this year to scratch the republi can ticket, aud vote for a better man. We can inform that paper right now that "criminals" of that kind will be plentiful on June 0th. Michigan, in 1890, concluded that it had no further use for Hon. R. G. Horr in congress and he, like McKinley, was snowed under by the voters of his district He is now out in Oregon trying to in struct our people. Portland Dispatch: The report published by the Oregonian that a combination has been engineered by which Senator Slater and R. M. Veatch are to retire in behalf of the peoples candidates is a falsehood and has no foundation. The election takes place one week from Monday. We would warn our readers not to believe any ru mors circulated on the eve of elec tion againBt any candidate. Cer tain creatures always wait until the last moment to spring lies against honorable men. Judge Pipes' record before the iupreme Mart bag never been equalled ia Oregon. There bu btea eome prejudice against blm in Benton county on aocoanl limply of the Oregon Pacific railroad, but his decision In the case was substantially affirmed by Judge Deady and accepted by the op posing parties In the suit It is to be hoped that Dr.Shclton can secure a grade by which a road can be built to the top of Skinner's butte. Many residents who have never beheld the beauty of our val ley when spread out to one gaze, would take advantage of the oppor tunity, and to the stranger it would be a revelation of the extent of our country that would strongly dis pose him to cast his lot in our midst. The Salem Journal, a consistent advocate of republican principles, says: Geo. E. Chamberlain is the regular democratic nominee for at-tornev-general of this state. He was appointed by Governor Pen noyer first. He is a clean man in every respect, stands well in his own city of Albany where all his neighbors and the papers without regard to party support him. He is a quiet gentleman but firm in his convictions. He has been tried and not found wanting in any re spect. In all the important litiga tion now pending he has . cham pioncd the publio interests by up holding the dignity of the state and the interests of the people. He has been tested under pressure and has remained firm. fersonai. Dally Guard, May 20. F. T. Wbiioomb visited Portland day. yeiter- Nigel Jones returned from Bau Fran Cisco last night. J. M. Williams took a short tilp Junction today. to Itobt, Clow Is In attendance upon the suite grange at Albany. 8, II. Friendly went to Portland on this morning's early train. Palmer Ayrea started this morning on a short trip tnrougn Xiinn county II. R. Kluoald, senior editor of the Journal, went to Portlaud on this morning's local train. Mlae Welkins, the blind lady, who u lilted the W. It. O. in their entertainment left (or her borne at Balem thii morn- lag. M. H. Wallis, who la traveling for Chan. Kohn, wholesale liquor dealer, is lu the city, lie reports business good in nis line. Uncle Jake Corner had a serious at tack of sickness last night, but is now much better, being able to be up and about this afternoon. Henry Kohler and family, of Morrow ooontv, are visiting relatives) and friendi here. Mr. Kohler U thinking somewhat of reluming to Lane county. W. F. O'Brien, who has been opera tor at the Western Union office in this eity, will soon go to work at Portland, Mr. O'Hrlen has gained considerable popularity during his stay here and many will regret bis departure. State Items. The Willamette river U now about twelve fret above low water mark at Portland, and the Columbia is still backing her up, - A chinook salmon was caught the other tiny down the Columbia river that measured four feet six Inches In length and weighed seventy-two pound. Kalama has a new saw mill and the other uav the aawver. lust to ihow what an expert he was at sawing, suc ceeded in sawing a man's ear oil close to the head without touching the scalp. The exhibitions of the search llahU of the eruisen waa witnessed by sever al tnousanu or people. The lights are very powerful, being 10,000 candle power. 1 he night was hardly dark enough to give a good exhibition, but the pfopif were aalisned with what they mw. l he rog horns were also blown. The noise resembled more ttiat of the roarings of wild beasts than that of whistles. Lawn sprinkler hone and ho1 reel. F. L. Chahbki Our M lot in the heart of t- the best Unraiiis now In Jbrenocare Don't wait fr irloea tonerountT. buy now. advance but dlrwt tn'fUt VHldfto SvU received nV rtmlh factory which make. "2ck complete In buggies, 4ar carts aud pleasure wagons, also he Lane County Democratic Ticket. Senator E. P. COLEMAN of Willamette. aaraataiiTATlVKf. I. N. IIKMBKEK ofKlcberuson I) R Hakkih of Cot imc Orore C K WILKINSON of Nortli Kuifene County ;ud(e A. H. FIK of North Eurene. sheriff James l. noland of North Eugene. . ,. . . Clerk TUm. J. CBAKi of South Eugene. .... CommlMlooer V...T. A. JULLIORS Treasurer .!!.'U.BEXJ. MCLKEY A """".P.J.McPHEB-SON. of South Eugene. ,..,. Hchool Superintendent L JIAL of Cbesher. Surreyor JOS. KOCII of North Eugene. Coroner Ill KuTKR OeliURS of North Eugene. PRECINCT OKKICEKA Kt'liKNE. Jutlce of the 1'eexse OEO. . K1NME) Constable... . .1 T WIT! tK NEWSY FLOKKSCE LETTER. Politics, Speakings, Shipping, Winds, Etc. May 23, lli I ought to have sent the Gl'Aitu an account of the candidates union nutt ing at this place on the afternoon and evening or the 14th liwt., unci more than a week has glided away since then, but I must briefly mention It Judge Pipes arrived from Coos county the same day as the county candidates and made many friends by his court eous, genial manner, and all were sor ry bis stay could not be more extended We expect more than his party's vote for him Id this precinct. He was at the wharf to welcome the other candi dates but had to leave early Saturday morning In order to reach home Sun day according to promise. The rally at the hall In the afternoon was well attended and enjoyed by all. Mr. Chamberlain, president of the demo cratic club, was chairman, and the Florence male quartette sang some stiring national airs which was listen ed to with great pleasure by the large audience and adtled considerably to the enjoyment of tho meeting, the songs Interspersing the speakers. Our young champion Wilkinson carried off the honors In the speeches, and sever al of the ladles remarked they would vote for him if they had votes, and say his election Is safe. The sparring of words between Col. Alley and Mr. Gaylord greatly amused the audience, for It was tit for tat. One thing seem ed to greatly surprise all, the number of democratic voters on hand. The undersigned heard Hon. Hermann say here last summer this was the ban ner republican product of the state, but we want things a little evened up this election. We are glad to see in the Guard that M . Veatch is to 1 here June 1st ami give our citizens a chance to hear and see the man that dares to oppose the great Binger Hermann! People generally are going to vote as they think best, notwithstanding the threatenings of everlasting hostility by the West to any one who has the temerity to even criticise the invinci ble B. H. The voters here would be very much pleased to have Mr. Cole man come with the congressional can dldate if he could arrange It so, esec- lully bo as the insinuation was made that Mr. Coleman would rather not meet the voters of Florence. Schooners are coming a:., going pretty regularly, and bring in a good many supplies as well as taking away our lumber, a small example of what this whole great country ought to be doing, scattering her immense supply of products over the whole globe in her own ships and bringing baek sup plies that we do not produce. This we will do under a democratic administra tion in a comparatively short time. Of course our renubllcnn friends will pooh! pooh! to this, but cannot we point with pride to the two great cruisers that thousands of people are dally inspect ing at Oregon's metropolis, and say our four years Innings under Cleveland and Whitney, the latter especially did more for our navy, than in twenty-five years of republican rule and misman agement. Old Boreas has been unpleasantly strong for three or four days, and it is hoped will quiet down shortly. The rhododendrons aro coming out in full bloom and beauty and In a few dayi this Florence locality will be one mass of loveliest foliage. The Coos commences dully trips, from this on, to the head of tide aud return and takes the place of the Mink. The schooner Helen-Mcrian on her last trip brought In quite a large lot of po tatoes and they were all bought in less than twenty-four hours. The schooiu r Is loaded and will probably be towed to sea today. The mills are alliunuing. We are all wishing (o hear that the railroad has commenced work. Florknck. District Attorney. A word from the Corvallis Times: "We take pleasure in shaking a good word for Ueo. A. Dorris, Yj., the democratic nominee for this dis trict's attorney. The people the law abiding citizen need a strong prosecu tor; the criminals do not Our district attorney is compelled to meet the best legal ability that money will purchase. With a weak prosecutor criminals are turned loose on the community to the county jail or tb'""' Should Mr. Dirrl.- tentiaiy. trietwlllb.eKcteil.thi8di9" V ito the counierpan oi iwu, uifamllton lu that position. e Ul a strong lawyer i; mai posuiuu toprotwt us from i.iiuinais. ine 1 ... . i. .11., third aud parUcAHariy jne triet, ouly place strong mci on guaru; the second alwHild do likewise. Mr, Dorris U a man of experience, having had tea years active practice In the law, la In hla 85th year, and well equipped for the work. tv ll.iiw.v'. rlubs are a eueeew. has already a Urge luembendilp THURSDAY MAY 1!. Join Holioway's clulie. D. Linn k Son. for furniture, cmpt-Uind undertaking. q..j , ..n e. l. Fruier fur one of biiciicahui deneriptite of bis latent and greatest bargain. Special lawn mower oil Just received, itlMO grass sneara. r. Ij. V., SileruJotiruol: Tb 9. P. Co. lakes a dulr twin loud of twenty chM of graTel to n..,i.V.nt(7. iliMum-e of (A miles lo fill S treetle. What does the fanner think of the high tux party that Is forcing England to close the market or more tnun one- half of our totul foreign exports" Among the list of entertainments for th nresent theatrlcul k-uxi ut Bliliie- barf opera house, "The Ivy Loaf," will 1 irlven bv one of WJII. Powers' c compaiiit'H. l-ilr instill' !l. It Sil.iilh in the I ! L-liiirch. K-r:i4nt "( III Lor.l'ii follow ii a lit O-lii-g ' mrtn Oti irtt-iU Confer. I.e. l"' ti-M tit a"" " " l 8 p. tu , r-utidiy. Some young Ijoys have bi n defucing tliH fi-ncc of Mr. Andrews They are known by the gentleman did will be handed over to the marsha if they do not desist. I The atnle of Washington yee'idny elected the following dt-ltgatee to Ibe itional dtm ooratio convention: John CoI, C. W. arisen J.Snlvelv. II. 8. lencbard, J A Monday, F P Hocan, M J JDoni-y, W H Dnmohr. The delenaliou is fr Cleveland but not intruded. It is to the interest of embody to gee that the indiscrimlnatd slaughter nf birds, bvsmull boys, bybneuns of bean shooters, air guns and he like, Is stopped. The country is injste with Insects that prey on our ordardi and eardens and the birds are tl fanner's and orehurdlsts best friends! Tlfc who will persist, in wantoiJ spt kill these little beneractots, ol their nests, ought to be ktbt ol vigorously agitated end of aeat (Jiine tails till he learns better. Holloway leads, others follow Cdrj etxl 1 Carrels! at D. Linn A kn I. Tomorrow Is the last day of Abllc school. By going to Holioway's you id get all the latest novels to read. Albanv Is atrain talking of cJJirat- Ing the coming fourth of July, The Juvenile brass band agalnlyed sverul choice selections upon owreets lost evening. The high wheel Victoria lawiji Iwer is the lighest running mowen tde. Cull and examine at b L. ChiU rs' Graduating exercises of the ijillc schools of Eugene will be hrl at Itnlnehurt's theatre tomorrow len- .1 i"g- Citizens of Olentena prccluet iitrin us that 13 voters attended tin nak- meat that lmiee instead of roil as published. j Just arrived direct from thifudory, a. enrloud of the celebrutedlUiIiurn wagons. Call and extiuiintiheai at M. tsvarveruti & to s. I W. Holloway is the only jsjler that J carries a fail line of watches oftl tirade and make, lie h ta t ice the kk of any others, and vun better please Jul Pr. J. Smiley has removeiis ofllce to the rooms formerly oceiiis oy Dr. Urown, over the first atili bank, where he can be found at alljours by putieuts. As a family medicine, tl Oreiron Blood Purifier has no equal It has proved itself a certain and fleaelous remedy for all diseases caul by an impure state ol tne uioou. A Good Entertatnm PallT Guard. MaT Last night "Columbio'sfcstival" was repeated by the V. R. I hrst the Juvenile baud played anx eruire, then Miss Watklns, the bllniuly! re-1 cited "ltock of Ages," In a v oefpt- able manner. Next Miss Bte sang a soprano solo and respoi Wrris to an pntlniHliwtlo pnoore with nnotlieSunl ly as good. Miss Dorrls ha'olee - i.i,.iT 1 .)...,.. ,r,l u ltli ...V.U .O ..V ..VC.V. ...... nn.1 with mm In Its develonnt It tn 11 ! I r,lnn.l.l.i BPnnanl,.d b-ipln O I l!.,.t..,.lrl f I , At 1 , , I on ner inrone summons iii'renti- .. i ii I nuio, xM...jr a..u tB.u, ......8 io ner uie several siuies iiitium pose her realm that they may jke a a report of their advantages, Jress, etc. Then the states pass lit lew, tho parts being taken by tho lttand gentlemen very successfully, ajcon sidentble humor was Introduce; W. M. Dickinson, whort,pri'seiite('oiu- itiir In an appropriate sone, wiwlee called lo iwpond to eneorelAL Dickinson is a favorite singer , home iH-ople. Tho Festival closeil w itb ,.i march headed by Colum . t "' ram, the costumes mak" f,..i,. wmbination. . " r"""6 The Misses Gillian ,...,k. duett and also res,oii "I A solo by little tie,.. .1,3 DJ very well revived , t aftJanother recitation by MuhlW,., Ke ban , olaved the closing v$lu f Da"a The ladies of 7, 1 ln - I'llKlloiuim1 rr smat lir BoaK, lly 25. Five hundrt dollars in city tall oonda were boy t I - vtnona. E. B. Kollins and son today, p was $J2,G10. , reaiYm CAULTLESS! 1 -Nstur b faultltss aad to Is th.t aoble diacorarjr, eootioalag, ooljr N ara'sawa raracdiM, "Tha" !a.'rJ:U'I''l rOUTrl HEALTH. VIOOKBT PruNom a OheooN BlOOO ruij .n Dsn. . in"- Malaria. rui Mn frh erjria TJ ' M v.w uira Hluo. Taatn m"l y,.,trtu. .h Kkrt. Kiany. M.i-ria. rcUww 'MM im aid uk! ascd nrT"- - - M. SVARVERUD Is CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Farmer's and Builders Hardware, I J 0 1 npnM Fan and Spring flfpsMes, Carriages and Carts. General agents for the PLANO MFG. CELEBRATED The Best Call and examine our Odd Fellows Temple, Willamette Street. HOWE & RICE Are Showing the Best Line of CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, For the Money, in Eugene. AGENTS FOR THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN GOODS, EUGENE f CIGAR 1 FACTORY, : No. lOO. : : MANITACTI'IIKB Of AND KEAI.EB IN CIOAUS and TOBACCOS of all kinds for the W HOI.ESALE and RETAIL TRADE. I The Largest and Dost Selected Btock of Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipea, Etc., ever kept In Eugene i Havlna Dtirehawd this stock at a trreat discount. I am able to sell below Portland nrfcri Those wishing anything in this line will do well OLD POSTOFEICE CORNER, EUGENE, OREGON. Deoi the Hhkim.ev Bil l. Cleveland' Maine Cheered; HUP Received With Hlaaee. Tbkntom, N. J., May 23. The democrat io convention pint form denounce! the Mc. Kinley bill, approveH the course of Cover Dor Abbott iu directing the attorney-genera to tike stops to protect the interests of the people and dissolve the illegal relation tn tered into by the railroad corpomtiouR to control the price of coal. Chiinnun Allen McDermott, of the state committee, called the the convention to order ut 12:31), and spoke lirietlj. Judge Ceaselry b!ko spoke. When Cleveland's name was mentioned, load cheers followed; when Hill was spoken of there wns loud hissing. mOMETAUY COS t'MtUMClC. trance ana Austria will I'robublr Accept the Invitation. Pabib, Msy 25 M. Eibot, minister of foreign affairs, is awsiling the opinion ol M. Bonvier, minister of finance, before re plying to the Invitation of the United States uke P't a monetary inference. It l.,.kUlL. ... . . v" ""k""'" wmaccepi lUTiiaiiuu. . . " "1 .. m.c.uuu, niiniufMV ftl ftn.nnd nl,i I lia 1 1 U I. - iT ww wn, ,UUIIKU LD WM Dot 'n position lo tuke part in the . ... . nionelnry conference, he peisotially favored he acceptance of the invitation. The Local Market. The following auotiuions (or the 'S?-, ..,. are of retail prices only. '1 iJfTm co rnx !U -d weekly, and will be IvimdJf?. a report can be nmdci Wheat Net market OiTS-lw bnshe ,.l 7:(i4 .. &" (9 .. 2 HO FLoea I'er tb OS ( -Per ft U5 (o Per tb OS (4 ViAL-l-er ft WOi Hams l'er ft 12', i Siioi'ioaaa Perlti ID KiDKS-l'cr ft I.asd Ferft Um Bi'TTiB-IVr roll (2 tba) J 0 Koos Perdoien !''; Chick ins Old hens, Pur doi 4 00 a 450 Hsaks W ft. 04 Potatois New Bushel 30 o.v: IV 04' i . ) Ct j") W M CT ! lit -" w St'OAB Dry granulated, V ft. miiuiaieu, fi 10" C,f ft n.t iKluo U-stnt. t.xtra liolden, Corraa Costa I Kio i ft. Java ft ft Tka-V ft ()Ai" lVr box, 20 bars. CHKBaa Per lb Hops Per ft. . ., Wiol No tp.otr.tlon .. S3 i ;o t .0 'JO For Bo$f Pimples carbuncles, scrofulous sores, eczema, and all othef bipod disease take AySarsaparilfa It will relieve and cure dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feellntr das Cured Others will cure you. flacH CO'S on Earth. stock before purchasing. to price my goods before purchasing elsewhere. JKJit-UUi' OF TUE CONDITION or THE First National Bank, At Eugene, In the State of Oregon, ut the close of business, May 17, 1&92. liRSOCKCKS. Loiium and discounts 1140,319 94 Overdrafts, secured & unsecured 2.C81 45 TJ S l'.onds to secure circulation. . . 12,500 00 Stocks, securities, claims, etc 22,205 05 Due from approved reserve agents. 17,346 (13 Due from other National hanks. . . 10,123 83 Due from state banks and bankers. 795 89 banking house, furniture, and fix tures 9,290 00 Current expenses and tuxes paid. . 2,47 92 I'remiunis oa U S bond 1,800 00 Checks and other cash items 337 31 Kills of other batiks 200 00 v ivsi'SSMS piVB V ll t IIVJ , lllVBk,CM . J and cents 9 24 'I C.nA:A no enc oil ' r riiorinnm nmiaR Minui..m .. iraim . . Lipcvio ... Otwo w Legal tender notes 235 00 ltcilemption fund with TJ. 3. Treas- urer (5 of circulation) 56250 ( Total $219,392 70 LIABILITIES. I Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 4C.O0O0O I Undivided profits 6,077 75 Nutional Bank notes outstiindiug 11,250 00 Individual deposits subject to check 120,315 26 Demand certificatesof deposit. . 15,749 75 Totul $219,392 76 . . State ok Ohmon, Countt or Lam, ss: i, o. u. r.uKin, jr., t. a:aer ot tne aoove- ltnimeill)anl(, do solemnly swear that the above sUte: mentis true to the best of my knowledge anil belief. S. H. Eakis. Jr.. Cashier. Pulscrilwd and sworn to before me this 23d dav of My, 1892. E. (). Potter. I orrCL't, attest. Notary Publjc. T. O. Henuricm, (i. K. Chrism av, W. K. JIcCorsack, Pirectora, 1. H. DAltR, M O D. MULFORO. Electric, Steam, Medicated and Shower Baths with passage. Suiiumin Pool, Htimace and Inhalation KcxJtns. The waters are tn. Jt valuable io cases of Liver and kidney Complaints, Kheumatism, t (iout, lWsr, SkinVAffcdions and Private D'seases. A physician in attendance lAall tluis. Finest EnniiEc 4 Mm Gronifis la Ortjoi. OikhI grimoils furnished V thoss desiring to 'J KB.-r,.r b.r. and uPe of wter, $2 per c.tiuiers. with nse oft water. 91.50 per oi. tir eacti nidiv i I ' r'a Uverv stable, lavi and Frids r-iiiii n, .Mondays, Wedne. ui.Tointjs K Ii i, n, prinns the Fame .Iav'' dtnirr at W In other iiy I iuwcn.1 tUuit will be sent out if four passe))- gers awy, at rk-nlAr ra'ea. UetUrs will reueke ur.vinl't atteotmp s4 all poasitu information AdilreM ioley Hot SprinL-s, Laile Ca, llregoa. MONEY to BO AN, - BY- nil, Aisat Gsisa SiTira ma SoritlT. n i ii i i is in foicy iiouitoicai opriDp. CO MILES EASl' OF EUGE.VK. P. O. boa 403, Portlaod, Oi lit""- Jtm wagna. rruvs as uuw iw-. j V. L. CHAM BUR. and they are here toty permanently. I