The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 21, 1892, Image 1

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'0L 24
NO. 31.
fte (guflfBf (City Guar!
l-ublNlicr rrorlelor.
.wtev -On the East aide f Willamette
lull W" j(,veuth dJ Kt,;nth 8tr,wU
ifX :::::: ::::: tw
ihrrt mont'"4 "
AavertiwmeDU Inserted as follows:
,, ten lines or less una insertion $.(:
wcbiul"l,"!utiu"erti0D U"h n)1"ir1
''advertisers will be charged at the ol-
.,u.r x mnth. 8 00
tor each insertion.
"a vertuin billa will be rendered quarterly.
0 job work must be paid fob on iir.Livinr.
(06B3CB City, - - - ORBiOh
oFpiCE-Koom 7 & 8 McClareu Buildin,;.
jO-Spocial attention given to Collection
Md Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugciic, - - Oregon.
Omca-Room in Conger's Block.
attorney and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and
Beat Estate Agent.
Office In Matonio Temple.
Kuykcndall & Payton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Spscial attention given to Trobate business
and Abstract of Title.
Ofriei Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY
block, opposite Guard office. All work
Laughing gaa administered for painless ex
traction of teeth.
J. S. WALTER, M. D. S.
Hiigciic, 6a-jgois,
Dental Room Willamette Stieet, opposite
Baker' Hotel
Farm, Improved and Unimproved Town
property for sale, on easy terms.
Property Eented aad Eonts Collected,
The Insurance Companies I represent are
among the Oldest and most RelUble, and in
he Prompt andEquiTABU adjustment of their
cuss Stamb Second to None.
A share of your patronage is solicited
OHioe-IoCityllall. g, jr. DORRIS.
Eugene National Bank
Transact a general banking busineM.
Boabd op DiBECTons:
B Dunn, F W Osbnrn, J C Church, S M
fan, 1 M Hodson, C Laner. J E Dvi.
ICO iv nrrmr
Enabllnhed In Colorado. Wi. Pamnlei br mal;
"Prt-M will receive prompt and carelul siuut'uu
told I Silver Bullion "Z&SA&S
Ail-to, in rsa Litoci ., Ibtb. C:li
Act on a new principle
rnrniaie wi -and
bowel, through
. aim. Da. Milks' Pnxs
iptMilt curt bilionsneesv
tton. KmallwU, mildert,
rarartl 25 cl
Baronies Ire. at armrfifta.
k. bj r. iii kuL la.
4 soMN
By fur the largest dealer on the Coast In
Trees, Fertilizers, Bums, Roses, H. L Roots' Bbb supplies.
We are Northwetera ARenti for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed
Growers and Dealer in the World.
Furniture Dealers
I E. Luckey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
mu uuuiv oiuiu
school surrxiErt,
wall paper,
artists' materials.
Full Stock ot Butterick Patterns.
Address P. 0. Box 110.
McClarens Buildin ,
(Opposite F. M. Wilkin' Dru Store.)
lias an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
reorders for Book and Subscription
lo Newspaper and Periodical promptly at
tended to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or External Pain. Auk your
drnOTst for it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
Reoa'rinz Promptly Executed.
mt3"& II Work WrrnUd..M
T. G.Hewdbicks,
S, B. Eakin, Jb..
first Mm Bank
Of Eugene.
Paid up CaTmltoi esp ,000
Surplus ami Profits, $10,000
Eucene City - - Oregon.
A ceral bankin busine-
Depwiurweiyed subject to check or cert.n-
cate of, . iTi
All collections entrosed to us will receir.
pn.mpt attention.
mm duuiv mm
Daiversily Bookstore,
Eugene, Oregon.
R. P. Long to J W Chirk, lot 7, lilk
2, Mulligan's addition; ,.j(H).
Frank Skinner to J C Goodnli', lot
5, blk 1, Delanoy'8 addition; fill).
Geo M Miller to Jno C Rrown, lots
44 and 4-5, block 0, Miller's addition;
John C Rrown to Ezra E Mnrr, lots
45 and 40, block (i, Miller's addition;
W A Cox to A Frederick Funko, lot
2, blk 2, Cox's addition ;f 100.
M C Smith to Allwrt Johnson, X
lot 8, block 61; f90. Bond for deed.
R S Cttthey to Clementina llayne, 103i
IIS feet; $35.
Iley Baell to Ann) M Buill, lots 7 and 8,
blokC3i fl.
Willamette Real Estate Company to Mol
lis Brattain Scott, lot 2, block 12; $10.
(ieo B Dorris, admr., to Enphimt R
Stiles, land in Tp IS S, R 10 W; :t(M.
J M Howard to J JIT Einleldt, 40
acres in Tp 15 S, R 4 W; i(K).
Martin V Clearwater to J A Clear
water, 74.99 acres In Tp 18 S, R 2 W;
W R McComack, ct al, to Mrs Eliza
beth Somers. 91 acres in Tp 17 S, R 4
W; m
F T Hayfleld to J M Stallbra, 440.07
acres in Tp 17 S, R 2 W; 4000.
Sarah M Meek to J P Millioro an I 0 W
Waahbnrne, 13)1, acre in T 15 S, R 4 W;
A A Meek to J P Milliorn and C W Wash
burne, 150 acres; $1.
Some Saloons. Portland Sunday
Welcome says: There art ii"l licensed
Baloons in this city, tt of which are
on the West Side, while Albina and
J'.ast Portland have 19 each. In addi
tion to these there are four places where
beer Is sold exclusively, sixteen restau
rants that pay liquor licenses and one
mercantile house that manufactures
liquors for mechanical purposes alone.
Castor! prompt. Dlg.itlon, and
ovarcoiuos FlaXuleucy, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and FeTerishnes.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and it
sleep matnriX CaHorU contain no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castor). If so well adapted to children that
I reeomnwDd It m superior to any prrncripUon
known to me." H. A. Arcbsk, H. I).,
82 Portland Ate., Brooklyn, S. V.
" I oa. Castori. In my nrartlo. and And It
peciaUy adapted to arTect!His of chiMren."
aul KoeinTsox, M. D.,
1X7 d At... New York.
Tn Cextacb OOk, 17 Hurray St, K. T.
When Baby was sick, w. gate 1m Castorlsv
When she was a Chad, she crW for Castori.
When sh. became Xm, ah. clnnj to CasUria.
Vbaa sh. bad Children, she ja. them Castori
Williinietle Htreet rcm-ived a cleaning last
ni);hl. It looks much better now.
"Our Boys" concert eouipnny plays
at Junction tonight, oK'iiing flio m'w
oMnt IioUnc at that jihuv.
Sriii(.'lleld Mcxsciip'r: R. M
Yeatch, denuK'nitic iioiiiince for con
Kress, will carry Lane county.
The Mcniionites are now eollectinit
the money MiliscriU'd for building their
new eiiurcli in Irving precinct.. i.,
Mohawk item: J. V. Christian and
M. S. ltarkcr, Isttli of Eiwne, were up
on the Mohawk this week and located
claims. There Is still room for more.
Scnutor Dulpb has mutobiL J iu the sen
ntii in haviuu the Sinslaw harbor appropria
tion riOHfd (torn $10,(100 lo tiU.OOH,
snd ibe lower Willamette from
titty thousand lo a hundred thounand dollar.
Now we supiMixe our dear Binder will
take all the credit for the same.
Tba Nprinclleld MesKcnr y Ibat if
Eut-ne citizi us do not raie the Siu-la-jr
railroad subsidy it will not be the fault of
the editors of (he Euirue papers, who de
serve credit for the earnest aud untiring ef
fort I bey have made in behalf of the
cutfiiinse an, I the b.t interests o( the
Mrs. Wont! worth, the revivalist, who
created so much excitement a year ago
at Oakland, Cal., by the pmpliesy that
San Francisco would be swallowed by
the bay, is in Salem, and is pitching
tier lent lorainree mourns' revival.
(he is of the church of God and begins
meetings on Friday night.
Coos Bay Xews: (.'has. Herman no
tilles all parties through the Baudon
Kectirder, not to trust his wife Eva,
who, he says, has left his bed ami
Ismrd, etc. If what we hear is correct,
it was the want of bed and Imard made
her leave, and caused her and her six
children to seek refuge somewhere else.
At a regular meeting of the Reading
Room Board, May 12, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the thanks of this
board are due and the same is hereby
tendered to K. J. Frasler for his gener
ous and unsolicited gift of five dollars
to the funds of this board.
By order of the committee.
Coos Bay Xews: Geo. A. Dorrls,
candidate for prosecuting attorney on
the democratic ticket, has been on the
bay for several days past. He Is a
most agreeable gentleman, a good law
yer, and the people of Coos will sub
serve their best interests by giving him
their votes.
Edmond Hall, a millionaire of De
troit, Mich., intended to visit Myrtle
Point last week aud examine the re
sources of the country, but on arriving
at Roschurg ho was informed that he
ould not get down without danger to
life. Better roads are greatly needed
ii Coos and Douglas counties.
Wallace Rogers aud John Lofllus
are sinking a shaft on the ledge recent
ly uncovered on the hill back or Ash
land. The ledgo was two feet wide at
the surface. The shaft Is now down
about twenty-live feet, and the ledgo
has widened to tlireo leet. ino Asn-
and Tidings says the vein has every
appearance of being a trao Assure, and
tlio boys are taking out some very line
looking rocks.
Grants Pass Courier: Doo Holton
proposes a novel exhibit from South
ern Oregon to the World's Fair. He
will gather a company or veterans ot
the early Rogue river wars with their
moccasins and buckskin pants, jjisii
iVpplcgato will tunic 'em ana tneeiicie
ust can firct a clinipse of the early set
tlers who subdued this country with a
mining pick in one hand and ritle In
the other. The old warriors are get
ting pretty well thinned out.
Jail Breakers Captured.
Tlio lriirrlMlmrir Courier irlves the
following account of the capture of the
tlileves: win. Aiiurews aim xiarrv
ArmiM tin, two men who were held
at Eugene awaiting trial for horse-U.'al
ing, and who broke Jail last Wednes
day, were captured at Aiuuay station
last Thursday night at about 10:30
o'clock, by our city marshal, Geo.
McNeil and his duntv C. L. Morris.
Kheriit'Noland, of I,ane county, had
furnished Deputy Sheriff McClain of
this county with a description of the
fugitives, warning him to be on tho
lookout for them. Watchman Alstead
at the S. P. R. R. bridge was also post
ed. Yesterday, the "birds" appeared
at the bridge and bartered a garden
hoc for their suppers. Mr. Alstead
recognized mem ana bi once canio to
towu and informed Mr. McClain, who
proceeded to scour the timber in the
neighborhood of the bridge, but was
uniiiiie to uisvover tueiii, m uuoih
inuk iimt cvptiinir. Mr. Morris recogniz
ed the men as they passed along the
street in front of Jus residence, and
proceeded to tonow mem. i uis ne
was sucoessiui in uouig unui 11117
readied the flouring will, when they
niuiiatrcd to give him the slip and
cscajied. protected by the darkness.
But he had determined to secure wiem.
11,. vi ,.nt tn Mr. McNeil's and told
1 l.w.riru u'linr. wim irnl 11 o- on: totrcther
they devised a plan that proved suc
cessful, preparing incmseivcs nicy
boarded the nortn-uouiid rreigni iraiu
forMuddv at 9:15 o'clock, and con
cluded to await results. They con-
,hmih tlii'iiiMclvfg near tlio track, and
,.iiw,.lv had an hour rmsscd when tho
inillin-iikers were commanded to hult
and march back to town. As soon as
the riunrtct reached town they were 1 11
i,.r,-i., hv Mr. McClnln. who pro
nounced the prisoners the men he was
after and gave them lodging In the
city's "hotel." This morning they
.K.kniiwlcilLH-d their irullt. but in tin
..,,.nr tiniM Sheriff Nolunil wns tclc-
1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 ... -
eraiilied for and he Is expected to ar-
' - .1... t ,.'nl....l. 1 ....... F.I
of t50 was offered for their opprehen
rlVC Oil L111' Jl II'IR IIUIH. . icnoiu
RkaI'Ino A Harvist. A band of
lrviwies are campel near Eugene, and
from reports, are reaping a rich harvest
from the r.uicrtitious. A nuinlx-r of
resiiectable young ladies and gentle
men have had their fortunes told, and
some of them are feeling very muci
dcnimed because the "Ma re" are
nimitut them. "Suckers" never will
cease. Sme play at bunco games and
others at more nxinsn onea.
Slim Attkxpa.vcb, A pr.rty In
from Glentcna saya only four voters
were pret- nt at the speaking of the
county nominees at tuat place, while
there were twelve candidate present.
A pretty good average.
Coinnilssionerii Court.
Met at the Court I louse Wednesday
morning at 10 o'chn'k. Present, Judge
Scott, ComnilKMlouers Parker and J 1 -land,
Sherlll'Noland and Cleik Walk
er. The following business was transact
Wm Putman, witness $ 1 80
Geo Young. " 1 Ml
R Scott, transportation of lum
per 20 00
icwls Reinlnger road; C Cole, Hen
ry Baxter and J (' Nicholson appoint
ed viewers and C M Collier surveyor.
Low Pass road; O Bennett, Geo Car
ter and Set Ii Harslc appointed view
ers CM Collier survever, to meet May
11, 1SH2.
The Bernhardt road; Mark Hadsall,
Win. Kamowsky and John A. Me
Cord apS)inted viewers and A. R. But
tohili surveyor, to intH't May IS, 1SH2.
Petition of Ix-wis Burg for road of
public casement; 111 luman, J. Jolt,
and R. B. Hayes appointed viewers to
assess damages to tho premises of Geo.
Hoselton, John Holland, Iahj and
Elizabeth Burg, If any, to meet for
said purpose, 011 May l., 1SN2.
A. G. Hovey allowed $7.20 rebate on
tax on proHrty wrongfully assessed.
Mrs. L J Hill, keeping paupers. . . 17 00
Comegy8 k Cray, supplies paupers 13 90
N L Lee, medical attend paupers. 10 00
D A Paine, Died attendance W
Thnrnian 80 00
F W Prentice, medical attendance
Simmons' child 5 00
D A Pniue, med attendance) Sim
mons' child 3T) 00
Knowlea A Getty, pnnper supplies H 00
M E Bollmau, pimpcr supplies ... 12 (W
H. Worthley, keeping pRupera. ... 25 (K)
Robt JohnstOD, meals for pnupera CO
Portland Hospital keeping puupers 31) 00
N D Sweet, keeping pnupera 20 25
Goo Wall, mod attend paupers ... 7 00
D Bristow, pauper supplies 8 00
Cbos Grosser, keeping pauper .... 8 00
Lou Pengra, supplies for pauper. . 10 00
Wm Bogart, keeping pauper 20 00
A D Hyhiud, supplies for paupers 10 00
W 8 Miller, supplies for paupers. 8 00
E D McKeuney, med attendance on
paupers and prisoners 15 00
Jesse Simmons, keeping paupers. . 12 00
Jno McOulloni, keeping paupers. . 6 00
W It Walker, a days labor with
team 10 00
B D Paiue, 1 cayoto 5 00
II E Bay. 1 cnyote o tH)
R F Moss. 1 cnyote 6 (X)
O W Brewbnker, 1 cougar 2 00
S I Benuo, 10 cayotes 00 00
Oeo Hergert, 6 oayotes 80 00
Ordered from and after this date
the bounty on cayotes be aud the same
is hereby reduced to $2.
W S Sutherland bridge lumber lnst.
82, $54 00.
W E Holdndgn, supplies paupers. 0 00
In mntterot Johu Winzunreid road, D.
Stanton, Theodore Martin and G. W.
Hawloy appointed viowors to moot May
Hush Kay. cayote 6 00
Wm MoCullock, supt District C4. . 28 00
AB Gilbert, ou n iionglns road. uu
FRMerritt " 2 00
Kelley, axman " 2 00
0 M Collier, surveyor M 13 80
t Jj Chambers, rond material ui to
J W Majors, lumber Dist 42 85 28
U W Mfg Co, lumber court houso . 11 411
Thoa Uttiuger. bridge work 10 00
Harvey Day, bridge work 10 11
Emrene Lumber Co. lumber 4 70
JWHarr, nails 8 50
Hnrshberger & Beebe, lumber for
Dist 87 an KU
J L Pago, jail supplies 80 80
L Bilyeu, attorney couuty vs
Thompson et al 0 00
J Smiley, ex Jno Hutchinson in
sane medical attendance I w
Geo D Barnard, stationery 65 80
1 43 W
LT N Crain, judge primary election
preoinot ao w
Ollodes, judge primary election
precinct Wo l w
P E Snodgrass, judge primary
election nreciuet No 2 i 00
Cbos Curry, clerk primary election
precinct tio w
Gainey Mathews, clerk primary
election precinct No 2 2 CO
J L Page, panper supplies 19 10
T W Harris, ex insane llutolnuson 0 uu
Croner & Blair, hauling to jail and
safe 0 70
A Sharpies, ex Hutchinson insane 6 00
A Sharpies, ex Wallin, insane 5 00
Horn ft Paine, keys to court Douse 1 ou
H It Kincaid. printing 27 50
J S Luckey, tiansmitting state tax 50 00
E O Potter, deputy district atty . , ao w
AC Woodcock, atty Hutchinson,
insane o ou
Morris Johnson, witn'i Hutohinsoo 9 00
JSSohrimpf, " 14 5 00
Perry Neff, " " 8 00
Joe Gates, " " 5 00
W Williams, " - ou
L Bilyeu, atty Lane county va R R 60 00
G A Dorris. - 60 00
A C Woodcock, " 00 ou
J Smiley, ex Wallin insane 6 (X)
J Smiley, Hutchinson, insane.... 5 (X)
Eurone Kkoister, printing w)
L W Brown, ex insane 6 (X)
J Smiley, medical attend Tbunnan 12 00
Jrlmileyex. wallin, insane u ou
J Broiler, med attend Hollowiy . ..4 00
" llobirt 5 00
G W Kiniev. work on court bonis.. ..1 50
A Ooldsmitb, jsil supplies 1 10
Jo Kocb. map work 6 00
E Anderson inde primary election EO'
gen No. 1 9 00
8 Titus, indue Driniary election Eugene
No 1. 2 00
Chas Croner. iodire Diitnary election
Eugene No 1 2 00
A Osburn, clerk, primary election Eu
een. No 1..... .'. -.2 00
A E fttsmes. clerk primary tleclion Eo
gen. No 1 20
Glass A Prodhommo, books 22.50
E Hcnwsrzscbild, slalioueiy ,.5 45
John Beverly, work on court hoUB. ...7 50
Eniwna Licbt Co. lubt 24 50
J Ii Matlock, jail supplies 5 25
E P Henderson, J P, state ts Robert. .5 35
a M Onllln. raan paid (or jury feel
Stat, va M.y Scbenck C00
E P Henderson, i P. Kl.ta ts Holmau.J 35
Cbas Kisiicg' r, constable, fee Uobee
... . . 4:0U
Warrant dniwn in favorol 8 R Williom
commander i W Geary Post No 7. G A B
for $HJ to U) expeuded fur relief of in
dipent soldiers, (heir widow and children
Morris John' 0 appointed operintend
ent toad dist ti
nt I. W Brown resinned as physician of
prisoners in jail and L I) Mchenney
pointed in bis tteud.
BoL. Tb boa 1 of th Jnnrtion City
athool district lo the amount of t7000, baa
teen sold to tb. bank of that city, wbi
pay 135 premium for them.
The County Canvass.
The democratic nominees will scuk
at the dates and places hen-after nien
tioiicd. The sK'aking will comnieiice
at all places at 1 P. 111. exirptiug Lake
Cnvk, which will lie at 10 a. m.:
Smithlleld, Monday, May 23.
Chesher, Tuesday. Mav 24.
StH'iicer, Wednciiiiav, Mav 25.
lladleyville, Thursday, Alay 20.
i.oraiic, iTiday, si ay i;,.
Cottage Grove, Saturday, May 21.
Creswell, Monday, May 30.
Itattlcsnakc, Tuesday, 'May 31.
Snrlngllehl, Wednesday, June 1.
Waltervillo, Thursday, June 2.
Mohawk, Friday, June.'!.
Eugene, Saturday. June 4.
All opposing candidates are hereby
Invited to lie present mid participate in
the discussion. By order Democratic
County Central Committee.
L. Itll.VKC,
J. ILAViiitkakkh, Chairman.
A Thorough Prespntnieiit of the Tar
iff Issue.
Daily (liianl, May II.
The large aud ieuce of farmers, laborers
and other citizens that filled the Court
House yesterday alternoou listened for oyer
two and one quarter hours nnweariedly to
the beet eipositiou of tbo tariff question
ever made in Eugene. Capt. Geo. W Bell
was (the orator and he considered every
pbaaeof Ihe question, its relation to labor
and capital, its effect on the prosperity of
the oountry and the part it bad taken in the
past thirty year in building up the vast for
tunes and millionaires that now exist. Be
showed it us contrived as a war measure
to raise the necessary funds and afterwards
all that part of it onerous to capitals and
corporations had been repudiated while the
lax on in. products ol manufacturing, IikIiif
tries for Ihe necessities of life had been in
creased. Comparisons were mad. with th.
rate of tariff since the beginning of our
government and the state of our manufact
ories ahowiug (hat the rate asked by them
a infant had been gradually increased un
til tney had reached an almost prohibitory
point, rendering the boneUoiarivs, free from
foreign competition and enabling them lo
fix prices by mean of trusts and combina
tions. Tbo labor phme of the Question was ex.
haUHtively discussed. Cheap foreign labor
was exteuaively imported to snpplant home
labor at lower prices, and iu fact at the
starvation limit, by many of th. corpora
tions which aro protected b ' the govern
ment. Htrikcs are oommon. Trunin line
our highways. The benefits do not go to
lb laborer but the manufacturer who use
Ihe fortune to further oppress lbs working
man. The laborer iu the protected Indus
trie except those where the highest skill
1 required, receive loaa wage than those
work in unprotected Industries.
Agricultural product bay. been dnnrBwl
by the operation of the law. We must soil a
large proportion of it to foreien countries
and when wt are not allowed to buy of
them tbey cannot be expected to pay good
price, in faot constantly are forced for that
reason to seek new markets, where they
can bny and cell. India has been oponed
a a wheat supply country and th. speaker
showed bow the agriculturist unprotected
bad to oompete with the lowest-priced la
bor in the world. In Liverpool be bad
Men two steamers unloading wheat, one
from India and one from the United Slate.
It (old at th. lame price but th. former
was grown and cultivated by lorfa who re
ceived 6 to 8 cents a Jay the latter by men
who received $1.00 per day. The wheat
growers 1 not protected and only by mean
of our new lauds, superior brain aud
muaole, and far better methods of culti
vation, are we able to compete. At the tame
time th India ship could take horn In ex
change, the vain of the oargo, about $145,.
000 iu ood while the American could buy
but $100,000, having to reserve $15,000 with
with which to pay dutie.
It i impossible in a short newspaper ar
ticle to give anything like a fair resume of
the speech but to lay th least it wa fair,
logical, concise and held the undivided atten
tion of the auditor during th long period
of it delivery.
Daily Uuard, Mav 13.
Pboiiiiiition Si'Eakino. It. A. Calder
wood addressed a good-sized audience at
the Court House last night on the political
issue of th. dsy, from a prohibition stand
point. He ia a pleasant speaker.
Letter List.
May 13, 1WJ.
Carpenter, K M
Armstrong, James W
iMijrie, ; K
Pavls, K
ilores, John
Malle, Iloury
iiaviea, u 1
Kd wards, WI
Howe, Uyd
Nilus, Wm
Heotl, i
WIkIiUii.ii, Klmer
Smith, Janius
Slieiiard, John
skinner, Frank
nann, nam
A Oharse of one cent will be made on each
lellvr given out. Persons calllug for letters will
please say when advertised.
A Piclliab Cask. According lo th fol
lowing irom lb Balem Journal, (igning po
tion for licenses outside of citlc i nnsafe
business: A new law question has been
raised by an attempt to collect costs off Ed
HcKlnuey and about on hundred others
petitioner in tb. Itobt. Thompson honor
permit esse from Turner preoinct. There
are something like $150 unsettled costs, or
a sum of 2 apiece and a tbe 001 went
againat th. petitioner tb. suit bow brought
by Boobam k Holm. is to bold tbem re
sponsible. Copies of lb. exeontion have
been served by Hheritf Croisan on all th.
petitioners and enongb property has been
levied on five horses and a wagon to
eover tb. bill. Tbe sale is set for May 20,
bat the petitioner have lerved notice that
they will enjoin th. sal and fight tb cos
in the courts. Th cost now amount to
$25. None of the partie bav. ottered to
pay and have employed couuoel.
Opera Hoi'kk Opened. "Our Boys
Concert Co,," opened the Junction
opera house in the new hotel building,
May 13th, In their specialties, to a
good audience. Several from Eugene
attended. Tho linaneial results were
not particularly encouraging to the
company, the expenditures being equal
to the receipts.
An Efficient Offkkr. Cottage
Grove Leader, Independent republican :
"ve announce 1 10 name or jumes r..
Xoland as a candidate for sherilf of
Itne county. Mr. Xoland Is the regu
Ur democratic nominee, a genial and
social gentleman who has a host of
friends, and has made ait etllcicnt
and successful ollloer."
Not Very Modest. Brother Moore-
hend, of the Junction Times, is a mar
ried man. He has the following Item
in his last bue: "A political noth-e
on the corner is unioue ir nothing else.
The speaker says he will 'undress' the
audience. If the ladies will attend, we I
will be there."
Making Sheriff Nolaml Friends.
The Junction City Times, w hoso ed
itor and proprietor is a strong republi
can, says;
A few weeks ngo Ilia A'i .. r was load in
its denunciation of the countyjall and
could hardly find words to convey to
the public the liability to disease and
ill health owing to its unsanitary con
struction and condition. And now
liecntfo Slierllf Nohind allowed Clar
ence Mcltce the benellt of open air a
(Million of tho time during tlio day,
and on the recommendation of the
county physician at that, it has been
censuring him for hi: Immune acts.
It is plain to lie seen that tho
liniUliv's motive ia to injure him politically
but lis little wad will lull short of its
mark. It is no light of oms and from
a llunuciu! staiidsiiut, we don't give a
continental who is elected to that
olllee, Imt we lalieve Injustice and fair
iday. If Sheriff Nohind erred it was
(11 the Interests of humanity. If he
has failed in his duty ns an ofllccr and
if there are any black spots on his
olliclal character, show him up, and If
the statements are made good wo will
reproduce them. Wo want facts not
(lotion. Th. !tii-ter' criticism ha (im
ply made Sheriff Xoland friends in
this section of the county.
They Are Back Now In the Old Ben.
Dally (iuard, May 13.
The two horse thieves, Wm. An
drews and Harry Arnold, who broke
Jail last Wednesday afternoon were
captured last evening by Deputy
Slierllf Dan McClain, of llarrisburg',
who will receive the reword.
They crossed the Harrlshurg bridge
and down through tho towu about
eight o'clock in the evening. Deputy
niaixiiai ii orris noticed them and sus
H-ctlng they were tho men wanted fol
owed them long enough to see them
start down tho railroad track. He
was then Joined by Deputy Sherilf
McLean and Marshal McNeil and the
three boarded the freiirht train and
stopping of at Muddy Intercepted
Deputy Sheriff H. J. Day brought
tho prisoners home on this afternoon's
local train, and they seemed much do
pressed In spirits. The Slierfl's ofllco
acted promptly in the matter sending
descriptions of the men to every ofllccr
In western Oregon, besides to many of
tlio liirmers, thereby making It near
ly ImiMisslhlo for them to escape detec
tion. Besides deputies were on tho
lookout lu many (tortious of the State.
Ine sberttl olllee is in a quandary bow
to safely keep tbem, a tbe jail i in an on
safe condition. They will bav to be kept
in olose cells, heavily shackled, or tb jail
guarded, or else lent to a neighbonng coun
ty jail.
In all oandor, Is it not about tima time
that Lane county erected a jail, worthy
of tho name.
A. (i. Hovey Attacked.
As Mr. Hovey was going to his resi
dence tho other evening lie, was met
by three men, who, after speaking all
round, Hint asked him, "what's the
He replied, "nothing sivcclul, some
llttlo political attention today more
than usual on account of tho public
sicaking, I presume."
"llow is 1110 siusiuw luuiroad pro
"Weil, rutiic lowly, but surely, 1
"How much of tho subsidy have
they raised 7"
"I do not know the amount now
subscribed, but it is estimated at about
"Will they ralso the $100,0007"
"Oh 1 1 think so, there aro but few
who aro able, that absolutely refuse,
and many who aro not so aulo have
subscrilM'd very liberally."
"Must they have the $100,0007"
"Yes, that is the lowest sum."
"What will Eugene do If they don't
put It up?"
"Do, they will all go to Heaven In
their own way, I guess,"
"And whut will you do?" '
"I proteose to go on foot, and I In
tend to reach there without train or
There was a laugh, but all agreed
there should l a regular train to Sins
law. Railroad Reporter.
A Woodmen Camp Organized.
At the final organization meeting of
F.ugene Camp No. 115, Woodmen of
the World, Friday evening May 13, the
following ofllcers were elected for the
ensuing year:
Consul, Prof John Straub; adviser,
Prof 8 K McClurc; banker, FMW11
klns; clerk, W R Hollen beck; escort,
Geo I) Linn; watchman, R K Bristow;
sentry, Wm Yoran. examining physi
cians, Drs D A Paine, Wm Kuyken
dall; managers, T A Henderson (3
years), D A Paine (2 years), Alex Cock
erllne (1 year); delegate to head camp.
Prof 8 E MeClure; alternate, Rev D A
A vote of thanks was tendered Head
Consul Fulkenburg and J M Woods for
the splendid camp they have created
In our midst. There are 64 charter
members, composed of the leading citi
zens ot ine city.
Pally Guard, May it
Today's Register has the following;
"It lisiks as though the democratic
press of the State is supplied with edi
torials from headquarters. The GUARD
and the Albany Democrat had one on
"cowardico In the senate" the same
evening and they were Identically the
same. Both appeured to have been
written by the editors themselves,
there being no credit."
This is false, as far as It applies to the
Guard, and the editor of the Register
must have been aware of It when he
penned the above article, for the edi
torial In question is duly credited to
the St. Louis Republic, as all our read
ers know. We do not consider such
journalism as reputable.
Nxw RnrrACBAirr. Frank Brown baa
refitted th Uobinson restaurant, cigar and
eonfectieonry stoie in good shape, aud re
opened it for boiines.
CiaTincATi Filed Joel Ware, independ
ent candidate for oonnty clerk, ha filed hi
acceptance. Bis petition contain 61 nam.
BoRX. In Eugene, May 12, to the
I wife of IT. G. Chiuu, a daughter
by t H. BECKLEY.