r KSTABLlSIIEn FOB TDK DIXIEUM TI0!l OP DE10CU TIC FMNCIFLEI. AND TO IMS tt fiONEST LITISB BT HI SWB1T OP Ol'E BROW VOL 24 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY. MAY 14. 1892. NO. 30. nn El f1 1? i c Y r. ARB, ZU Woe (City Cuarfl. (POHLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. J. J CAMPBELL, public' nd Prprllor. ,.rTPE-On the East aide o( Willamette ?Ud Eighth Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ... $2 00 ... LOO ,.. .75 mourn ihre -nths..- ' OTJ- ONLT ka.tk oh advertising. j-HiMinenti inserted aa follows: J-naT ten hues or leas one Insertion $3: b."t?nMrtion IU CMhrequW "advertisers will be charged at the ol- Cw squares! mouths J 00 "Sffit'M ta local' Uunn,' 20 cants . lis. tor esoh insertion. 1 a ulrtuinK bllU will be rendered quarterly. jjljob work must be paid roB on dilivibt. A. C WOODCOCK, Attorney-nM-aw, (oaMBcrry. - - - orkhoj. OFFICE-Rooun 78 MoClaren BulldinR. urdpecial attention given to Collectii.nt wd Probate business. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-ATLAW, DUNS'S BUILDINO,- Eugcnc, - Oregon. bTo. potter, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE. - - OREGON. OmoB- Room i Couser's Block. CEO. M. MILLER Ittorney and Ccunseat-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. OH Ice-In Manouio Temple. Kuykendall & Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store, A. E. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. KUGENE CITY - OREGON. Special attention given to Trobate business and Abstracto ol Title. Omci-Over Lane County Bank. DR. J. 0. GRAY DENTIST. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S block, opposite Quabd office. AU work warranted. , , Laughing gas administered for painless ex traction oi teeth. J. S. WALTER, M. D. S. DENTIST. Uiigenc, Oregon. D(nUl Rooms Willamette Street, opposite Baker's HoteL 1b. f. dorris, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town property for sale, on easy terms. Property Seated and Hants Collected, The Insurance Companies I represent are among the Oldest aud most Reliable, and in h. Prompt and Equitablb adjustment of tlieir owe Staxd Seoosd to None. A .hare of your patmnage is solicited. Office-In&tyilall. y, DORRIS. 0HA. UPBB, PBSST. W. T- P. CA8BIKB THE r Eugene National Bank SPQENE CITY, OREQOU, aid up capital! .7., M003 Transacts a general banking business. BoabdopDibbotobs: B Dunn, F W Osburn, J 0 Chnroh, M Yirtn, J M Hodson, C Lauer. J E Davis. E. E. BURLINCAME'S JSSHOFnCEVMo AiLm. 1TM I 17M lav-ses ft Ibtb. Cds. Ad ea a sew principle rsKulaa. the -r, eumiadi htm. Da. Has Poi- 1.1. m lawnese. torpid W and "P ttnck Smelket, Blldert, eomatl eOaaes.5e Basiphe tree a aiwrtj". 209 2nd 6. 170 FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OREGON. D. (. ferry & Go's Seeds WE ARE AGENTS FOR K. I. ROOT'S BEE SUPPLIES. LINN UHBEETAEEKS Fiimte E. R. Luckey DEALERS M DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. m l SCHWARZSCHILD, Proprietor. school surrLiKS,TATioNKuY( WALL PAPPU, AUTISTS' MATl'.ltiAi.B. Full Stock o! Butterick Patterns. Address P. 0. Box 119. McClarens Buildin , (Opposite F. M. Wilkina' Druir Store.) -lias an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. Cr-Orders for Books and Subscriptions lo Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at tended to. r. i m on.l C.Tamn. Colic. Or any Internal or External Pum. Ask your druggist for it J S. LUCKEY. lAtEB IN Clocks, Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc Reoa-rinj Promptly Executed. T All work WrrssnUd.JW J. S LDOKKY T. G.lUnnRiras, President. 8.B. Kakix. Jb., First Urn Of Eugene. Paid ud Cash Capital 50,000 SurplSsan.1 Profits, 810,000 Eugene City --Oregon. A Sueral bukiu fcjdi kw' yTTk LtMchJ.4d on foreign cou.Uiea. rpo.iU received subject to check or cert.fi- "Aii'nsentrud to u. will reiv. prompt attention. BARKER GUN WIS, w w Wt sinth Street, Eufene, Orexon. B,t Troot FIM. P- Tnr 9 lt UVer ' m c Fisiia : Tackle : ci : sromaz : -kJo-: TENT AND CAMP ITBSITCEE. Our catalogue is complete In every department, and tells how to grow all kinds of ve getables, how to lunt and trim trees, how to use, and what arc tlio best fertilizers, liuw to lunw'.lo bees etc. etc. Free to all- Pciul for it. & SON, ! Real Ktrtate TranslerB. Kl'OENK. W W Wilson to E M Corbus and E Petvnwn, 2Hx80 feet on Ninth street near Ouk. with a two-tory building, In MulliiDUi's donntion; $0,500. 8 HI Titus to Ever Peterson and E M Corlms, 24x100 feet on Ninth street; i")00. E J Franier to F W Chnusse, lots 10 and 11, block 15, Frasier & Hylnnd's addition, also lols 7 and 8, block 30, Frasler & Berry's part of Florence. FLORENCE. W A Cox to B F Alley and A 8 Bli ton, lot 5, blk 2, Cox's ad; $150. COTIAOI OBOVI. Frank Whipple to Geo W Long, land: S0O. CODKTBT. J G Stevenson to H F McCornnck, of 421 acres in Tp 17 8, R 4 W; $1. W W Buoy to I P Coplen and O F Moore, 05 acres in Tp 10 H, It 8 Wj $2 823. 75. Geo ' W Tilton to Andrew J Mack,100 acres in T 17 8 R 5 W; f 1000. He Was Hehe. Albany Democrat: The Portland Mercury has been writ ing up Prof Millard, the muslo teacher who dad classes at Halsey and one or two other places in this part of the valley, ana who sang at a social in Al bany while endeavoring to get up a class here. It characterises him as a bilk and a rogue. We don't know anything about it; but it certainly is not a good idea to rush after strangers whose records are not known. New comers who are "fresh" and push themselves forward to the head of society at a Jump should also be spotted in this western country. Prof. Millard operated to Eugene and Lane county for several weeks a few months ago. Will Canvass. The republican nominees have concluded to Join in the county canvass. This is the proper tiling to do. The people want to hear all sides of the questions before the people discussed. Mfei FOR PITCHER'S Castori promotes Pig Hob, and overcuuiue .Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and FeTeriahneas. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castorfa Is so well adapted to children that I recomnmid It aa superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aanaan, at. P., 82 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, K. T. " I nm Castorla In my practice, and fled it specially adapted to aff actions of children." AiMt, Rontrraoii. M. .. 1(J67 Sd Ave., Mew Tort Twi Currant Oo, 77 Hurrar St, 31, ' ........ - Wbea Baby was sick, we gave her Ceatorfe. When she was a Chad, she cried f or CastorU. When she become Miaa, abe ctanf to CasUri. Wbea she had Children, abe gave tbm ;CJ1 Dealers Mo m MM FRIDAY, MAY 0. 308 votes were cast at the O ranis Pass city election Monday. A sister of Mrs. 8. Munra died at Pittsburg, Pa, last week. Elmer ltonshaw went to Astoria this morning where ho hops to find em ployment. Tbe chief of police bag closed tbe Port land gambling houei. Tbe grand jury made a strong report against ibtm. A grand picnic will lie given at Junction City next Friday by the band of that city. Everybody is invited. Mrs. Dr. McMurty returned to Eu gene on this afternoon's local, and will reside with Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Good niun. The candidate of tbe people's party for circuit judge has declined. This means large majority for Judge Pipes in Lane county. The fluent thing' ia nobbv spring suits nowadays are the Eugene young ludies. when it cornea to being "nobby ' tuevouua men are not in it. Liun count; has ordered four Leader road machines with steel cutters at $140 each, and sis dump sorupera. They will be di vided amcyig Ihe districts, C. W. Washburne and W. L. Hous ton are in Portland purchasing the furniture for the new Junction hotel. It lias not been rented yet. County Commissioners Parker and Hyland went to Coyote creek this morning to inspect the long bridge across that stream so that they could act intelligently in ordering repairs to the same. This is the correct idea. Whoever would successfully con duct a line of advertising should de vote the greatest care and attention to the preparation of the advertisements to be used. Money expended in get ting started right is judiciously ex pended. A couple of bicycle riders were hold ing to the front end of a street car this niornlnir allowing It to carry them along on the wheels. If that means of locomotion is encourugea we are liKeiy to get a good piece of local news, and the coroner a job. A correMxtndent writing from Shel by, Gilliam county, says that section has been having more rain than ever before. Crops are looking well nnd orosm-cts were never better. A large amount of prairie land has been broken up this year. Hon. E. P. Coleman, the democratic nominee for state senator, is in town today. He is recovering from his re cent attack of inflammatory rheuma tism, although he does not feel able to make the trip to Florence on the coun ty canvass, he will endeavor to fill the other appointments. Heppner Gazette: M. L. Smith, who for years has been C. A. Rhea's manager for the lone ranch, leaves to morrow for Junction City, where he will remain for a time, but thinks he will finally Mind up in Montana. Mr. Smith lias lived in this vicinity six years and leaves a host of friends and not an enemy. Albany Democrat. May 5: Last evening about 9 o'clock Mr. J. F. Back ensto, an old resident of Albany, was attending a meeting of the I. 0. O. F. lodge, when he was lanen wun a siroae of paralysis which has since placed him in a critical condition. He saw that something was the matter and called Dr. Ellis, who was present, who reached him lust in time to prevent his falling. His loft side is paralysed. It was thought unsafe to move him, aud he has been cared for since in the lodge room. Mr. Backensto Is over 70 years years of age. While he Is In a critical condition, he has retained his senses. He will be moved to nis nome as soon as his condition will permit. Ia Fruit Injured? Balem States man: one or tne most extensive iruu growers of this section says the frost of about three weeks ago injured all the stone fruits on the low lanus in inis district, some of it being entirely de stroyed. This is also true, so he re ports, in houtnern uregon. ai ash land the Injury Is not so great. A big orchard on the Willamette near Mii- wnnkie has suffered very much, on the Columbia bottoms there is little In jury. In our district fruits in tne nm J - . . i l l 1 Tl country nave not oeeu unurcu. i av a. Son, or roniana, so it is repom-u uy the same authority, nave a tetter irom a California firm, stating that fruits in ('Hlifornla were lnlured at the same time, more or less, according to loca tion. Cohibacts Lrr. Contiacti for surveyiDg tbe publio lands have been made by Bui-veyoi-Geniial Byari as follows: Chas Coll ier for tbe completion of surveys in tpll south, range 7 west, and township 16 south, range2ea-t of Willamette meridian, in Lane coun ty. Henry Meldrum tbe contract to suivey township 5 south, ranges 5 and 6 east, and township 6 south, range 6 east, in Clackamas county. Alonzo Oener has contracted to survey township 8 south, ranges 2 and 3 east, in Marion oouniy. Work be begun as toon the contracts nre approved by the proper offi- AGra.np Buhphihr. The surprise party given by ine uavis swicrs at their home in honor of Merrltt Davis, Kntimluv evening, was a complete sur prise. The crowd gathered at George Dickinson's, then came In on him very unexpectedly. The evening was sjient in playing all sorts of games, until alxwt 10 o'clock, When a ueiicious lunch of ice cream was served, after which the guests took their departure for their homes, wishing him many buppy returns of the day and a prosiierous year. He received many handsome and costly presents. Chcxks of Gold. Grants Pass Courier: H. Bartlon, mining on Louse Creek picked up two nuggets in bis placer lout week. One weighed l'J,0 and the other 37. The mines, pay $3.25 per day to the ma.n. with pick and snqvel Wmwi't AsMvaaeiBT. The eleventh anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conitr, was celebrated at Iheir resi dence May 6th. A number of relatives and friends were present and spent the evening in social convene after wbleb a fine loach was served. May they celebrate many more anniversaries of happy event is the wish of alL RE3&EM&KR TttUt Springfield Mes-.nt.r- IC will hurt Eugene's future pospecU a great deal worse to lose the Siuslaw railroad after raising o0,000 of the requisite iiuu.uw man u arte nau never raised a eeuv mwaru tu Hon. R. M. Yeutch. Democratic nominee for congress, la the First Diitrict. and . R. Skipworth, of Eu gene, will nil appointments aa follows: Orants Pans, May 11, 730 p ui. Roseburg, May 12, 3 pm. Oakland. May 13,3 pm. Drain, May 14, !i p. m. Corvallis, May Hi, 7:30. Independence, May 10, 1 p. m. Dallas, May 19, 7:30 p. ni. McUinnville. May 20, 1:30 p. m. Lafayette, May 20, 7:30 p in. Forest Orove. May 21, 1:30 p. m. Hillsboro, May 21, 7 3d p. m. Oregon City, May 23. 7:30 p. m. Oervaia, Mxy 24, 7:30 p. m. Silv.rton, May W, 7:30 p. m. 8alem, May 20, 7:30 p.m. Turner. May 27, 1:30 p. m. 8cio, May 28, 1 p. m. Lebanon, May 30, 7:30 p. m. Albany, May 31, 1:30 p. m. Brownsville, June 1, 7:30 p. m. Harriaburg, Juue 2. 1 JO p. ui. Eugene, June 3, 7 JO p. m. Cottage Grove, June 4, 1:30 p. ni. Tbe deinooratio commitlemen and local democratic organizations are expected and reqiibHted to make all proper arrangements for priuling, for ball, and til incidental matters couneoted with tbe locality where these appointments will be filled. D. R. Murphy, Chairman, Cms. N. Wait, Brcrelarv, Democratic State Central Committee. The County Canvass. The democratic nominees will speuk at the dtites and places hereafter men tioned. The speaking will commence at all places at 1 p. ni. excepting Lake Creek, which will be at 10 a. m.: Glentena, Wednesday, May 11. Mapletou, Thursday, May 12. Florence, Saturduy, May 14. Lake Creek, Monday, May 1(1. Ccburg, Wednesday, May 18. Irving, Thursday, May 19. Junction, Friday, May 20. liong Tom, Saturday, May 21. Smlthnold, Monday, May 23. Chesher, Tuesday. May 24. Spencer, Wednesday, May 25. Hadleyville, Thursday, May 20. Lorane, Friday, May 27. Cottage Orovo, Saturday, May 28. Creswell, Monday, May 80. Rattlesnake, Tuesday, Miiy 31. Springlield, Wednesday, Juno 1. Wultervllle. Thursday, June 2. Mohawk, Friday, June 3. Eugene, Saturday, Juno 4. All opjxising candidates are hereby invited to be present and participate In the discussion. By order Democratic County Central Committee. L. Bilyeu, J. II. Wiiitkakeu, Chairman. Secretary. State University Notes. The Reflector, April. II. T. Condon was chosen as 02's orator. Mr. 1C IC Kubli has purchased an extensive farm on the Long Tom, and will spend his summer vacation in Im proving the same. Among the friends of the university we take Dleasure In mentioning Wylle, the colored gentleman who drives the street car to the university. lie is very accommodating, and his kindness Is appreciated uy an. The chorus for commencement mu sic numbers aliout fifty. The choruses chosen are: "The Heavens are Tell Ing," from Jlayden's Creation; "llie Tramp Chorus," by Bishop; "How lovely are the Messengers," irom ov. raul, oy AiemieisBonn; -tie is waicu- Ins over Israel." from the Elijah. The choruses are accompanied by the piano ana organ. Mr. C. K. Wilkinson, an energetlo member of the sonhomore class, will not attend the university any longer, having been nominated DV the recent democratic convention, which met in Rnamnn. nn a cnnilidntt) for renresenta' tive of Lane county. While the many friends of Mr. Wilkinson regret to see him leave the university, vet they trust that in the practical life of this world he will oe successiui ana renew honor on the institution which he has recently been attending. A Narrow Escape. Dally Guard, Hay 7. Commissioners Parker and Hyland who made a trip to the Coyote bridge yesterday had a short butexcltlngruu- awav. Jost after driving on the ru ety bridge, which is about three-fourths of a mile long, one of the horses stepped on a tilunk and his foot went down. This raised the other end so as to trip the other horse and both commenced kicking. The yoke strap broke letting the tongue down and this way the team ran over a hundred yards with Hvlund still In the wagon. Mr. Park er then came up and in trying to quiet them alter tney naa stontieu one norse reared and fell oft' the side of the bridge pulling the other ono on top. This necessitated the gentlemen getting off Into the mud two feet deep to unhitch the horses and lead theniHeveral rods to hard ground. It was a lucky escape. Family Reunion. Nashua, N. II., Daily Gazette: The Fuller family had a reunion todav at tho home of Mrs. Miles J. Merrill. Tills was the first time for over fifteen veurs that the whole family has Is-en together. Those present were: Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Fuller, of Merrimack, parents of the family: Mrs. Abblu C. Wilkins, of Snmerville. Mass: Mrs. Esther Smith, nf Boston: Mrs. Frank Whiting, ol Amhert: Mrs. Ella E. V. Klttredge, Merrimack; James i. ii. runer, .u- ' , . W lit A 11 gene. Oregon, an wrs. iuerri,ii. am talked over old times and at uoon sat down to an excellent dinner to which ample justice waduw. Thearternoon the nictures uf the family were tuken to keep as a souvenir until the next re union. Pally Guard, Hay 5. His Oi.n Place. Conductor Shan nun Conner, the well-know railroad man who was injured in the Ijtbuh, wreck, made his last trip oa he A hanv local last Monday Next Sunday nlffht he will take charge of the over- innd trbin on. this division, and Con- cW'toi Houston, will lake his place on t,iie local. tar Free Delivery Washixoto. May 6L Th house postofllce committee have agreed to re port favorably a VJU for the extension of free Wi very m the rural districts and a bill ft the issue of fractional postal notes. Cieo. A. Dorrln. We clip the following article from the Cottage Grove Lender-Echo, hide dent republican: Mr. Geo. A. Dorris Is a very success ful lawyer of the Eugene bar and would mako an able and judicious prosecuting attorney. By indus try, energy ami careful attention to the interests of his clients he has built up a tine law business. His crsohul Interests have for a great many years licen closely ldentilled with the js-ople that ho has a tine conception of their necessities and desires. The cilice of prosecuting attorney is of great impor tance and a great many people fail In a wise and proiwr conception of tho In terests therein involved. It Is not sulllclent that a man be a well read lawyer for prosecuting attorney he should have some natural ability, prac tical Ideas and a tinge oi ordi nary common sense to bo successful. A posecuting attorney should be. able to make Ills olllelal career so successful as to tiecome positive and aggressive toward tho rulllan und scoundrel at the same time to lie able to shield and protect Innocence. An attorney who is known to tie successful posscscs a power to deter man v evil nconle from committing outrages frequently; a suc cessful prosecuting attorney who loses out, lew cast's is a iiunnc iicnc tuctor to tho people of his district and can save them much cost and aniiovance. Should the iH'oplo elect Geo. A. Dorris prosecuting attorney, wo feel assured that his success will lie brilliant. The Lnckey Property Sold. Hallv (luanl, May 7. Sheriff Nolund this afternoon sold e' property, on execution, belonging to . H. l.uekey as follows: House and lot K0 x 100 feet, on Tenth Btrect, known as the Straight property, was purchased Dy . s. ppencer lor fi&oo. The family residence property on Ninth street, was purchased by J. N. Gulliford for the sum of $4,200. J. N. Gulliford also purchased tho 80 acres of land below Coburg for fHOO. J. J i. Aici'iung was the purchaser or the 83 acres lying cast of Eugene, and known as the Brown hop yard, for 1(H). It is likely that tho resldenco aud Coburg farm property will lie redeem ed by other Judgment creditors, as tho same are worth considerably more than tne sum imi. The Maid of Antelope. A wild Eastern Oregon poet breaks out in tbe following erratic strains in the Un ion rJoout: Maid of Antelope, we must part; I hear your father J must start; He's broken of Ills midnight rest, Discretion on my part is best i a octtcr gin Maid of Antelope, ere I go, Kiss mo once, tor luck, you know. Your father's foot Is on the stair None but the brave deserve the fair The lamp alnt lit I Muid of Antelope, just once more Little ships must hug the shore. Hark! the dog has broke his chuin. Zounds! I'm in hard luck again ureal uodii'mmt! From the Maid of Athens. Died. At tho family residence In the Minnesota hotel, Sunday morning May o, 1NU2. at 10 o'clock, of lung and stomach troubles, Airs, ijorena John ston, beloved wife or Robert Johnston, aged 87 years, six months and D-days, The lady came to luigeno with her husband from Isabella county, Mlchl gan, Dec. l, ltm, and since that time has been a resident of this cltv. She was a pure, noble woman, and a devout Christian, and her faithful husband, relatives and many friends mourn her untimely death. The sympathy of all is extended to Mr. Johnson In his Ir reparable loss. The funeral will take place from the First Presbyterian church tomorrow. Tuesday, at 2 p. m., to the l. o. U. . cemetery, r rlends are invited to attend. Rattlesnakes Killed. A 14 year old son of Mr. Brown, out in Cuyote bottom, killed eighteen hugo rattle snakes lust Thursday. Fourteen of these were altogether In the den when surprised by the boy, but, although they were old ones, the boy got away with them with a club without rccelv Ing any damage- himself. Birthday Dinner, Cottage Grove Leader: Mr. G. 1. Oaroutte, who re sides on Row river, had a very pleasant blrthilav party last Mundav. the 1st day of May, It being In honor of ills 83d birthday. Alany relatives aim menus gathered and all enjoyed a very pica' sunt time. A Soft Jon. Vernon la Journal: O. W. Dunbar, of Astoria, sentenced for one year in the county lull for llliellng M 1.1. I., l, 'r,.... T., II, una C3UI1I A-il 1 1 1 ' M U m 1 1 H3 1UITII AU.n, Tina mrdoncd by Gov. Pennoycr after serv' nir 2H (Ihvs. He received f 200 from his friends for what timo he served, and would have been paid 2,500 if lie had remained in juil the full time of his sentence, Florence Does Noiily. Tho town of Florence has raised over fonoo towards the Siusluw railrond subsidy, and will probably double tho amount The subscription list, was neaueu nv the enterprising firm of Meyer A Kyle with a subscription of 1 1 000. AH lion or to Florence. A New Jan.. 'Ihe county court ia having Ihe yail plans made by Architect Neer, of Portland, amended aome. and will suddjii them to the State Board of Cbariliea for their approval. It is eipeoted that tbe June term of court will ask for bids lo con struct Ibe jail, it ia much needed, the present den being a disgrace lo me oouniy Dally duard, May 7. Indus Was Vubbass. As we went to meaa Ihia afternoon James II. McCord was addreasiaa an audience of Indiaa war vet erans of 1Su5 C t the Court llcase. Quite number of them, old pioseeie, were pres ent. The rovernmeal should oay tbe vet erans the amount doe. It is aoialog bat justice. Will Redeem. We understand that the Lane County Bank will re- (JU'erfl all the property sold at Sheriff's Bute last Saturday, belonging to E. R. Luckey. DiacHABofD. Wm. andTnrriu Campbell, who were tried before Recorder Dorris for peddling meals without a liceose May 6th, was found not guilty sod discharged. County Sunday veutlou. School Coil- Pally Guard, May 9. The Lane county Sunday school convention held its third annual meet ing in Junction City, iM'ginning lit II a. m. Inst Friday aud closing Satur day at noon. It was tho largest and most enthusiastic meeting In the his tory of Sunday school work In Lane county. Nearly 100 delegates, repre senting upwards of thirty school, were present. The convention opened with devotional exercises and an address of welcome by Rev. A. I). Skaggs, of J unci ion City, resiMiudcd to by Dr. J. P. GUI, of Eugene. Committeo on nomination, resolution and finances were aniMiintcd and the convention ad journed for fraternal greeting. At 1:30 p. in. a paper on " 1 lie relation or the Sunday school to tho Community" was read by Mrs. C. J. Bond, of Irving, and discussed by the convention. rurther questions discussed were How to secure more thorough know- dge of the Bible, How to get It studied," opened by the Rev. D. A. Wuttcrs; "The essential Qualifications f Oillccrs and Teachers," by A. E. Wheeler; "1 low to secure more Thor ough Organization of the County," by Rev. W. .N. Taylor, of Springlield. At 7:.'to, Friday evening, Rev. Wei ll, of Portland, delivered the annual Idress on "Tho result of training a toy, or the inllueuce of n mother in ic salvation oi a nation." it was an lc aud Interesting address, and was heartily appreciated. The nominating ommittee recommended that the fol lowing icrsons lie chosen as officers for tho ensuing year: President, Rev. O. isiuir: vice-president, ur. wuuam Kuykendall; secretary. Rev. H. L. Bates; treasurer. Dr. J. P. Glll execu tive committee, Rev. I). A. Waters; liairnian, D. Gilstmp, J. B. Hopkins, Professor John A. Straub, Rev. John It. Hume,; district vhv-presldents Junction district, J. A. Buslinell: Ijong Tom, Amos Ellmiiker; Eugene, J. A. Straight; Coburg, Rev. J. R. Hume; pringtleid, Aiiss M. if . liariow; t res ell, i . i j. M-ott; uuiiige urove, itev. C. Tenipleton; Horenee, ICev. J. KolKrtson. hWturdny morning the eubjeot discussed was "leacber a iwtietmgs, openeu oy a. j. Hume; "Sunday Huhool Management and Class Uovernmont," by E. L. Gum, of Tbuistoii. Ibe secretary s report (bowed that tin re are seventy-six schools in the county, as compared with thirty five on the list one year ago; nom lorty oi tne sonoois reports were received as against twenty-five ports last year; in These lorty scnoois. 2784 lobulars aud teachers are employed; 120 were added to churches from these schools during the year; contributed to missionary objeots were $228 42; expended for tbe support of the aohools, $b02; new schools organized since last May, fifteen. An interesting question box was conducted by the president. The usual resolution of thanks were adopted. Tbe convention pledged for the state work for the coming year luo delegates. rive oeirgaies were appointed to tbe state Sun day school convention at Portland, and the convention adjourned. Commissioners' Court. Boundaries of road districts 51, 61, 20, 100 and 73 changed. Surveyor presented his report ana Held notes of the resurvev of a portlou of the Douglas road, which was record ed. ' James Parker, commissioner f 18 0O 1J M iiyiunu, " i w I li lanipbell. printing. w A E Wheeler, present ownership list m t y J A Straight road; J E Ebbert, A L. Ronev and C M Dorlty appointed viewers and C M Collier surveyor. Application for liquor license Dy Masterson and McGowan, of Florence precinct: License granted for the term of one year, having paid $400. Urdered tuat warraut oe isauea iq u. v. Forrest for $37.70 on land doubly assessed. Warrant issued lo E. i . Chapman on land assessed before final receipt was issued in the sum of U0.85; also for tax refunded on same in sum of $5.66. Adjourned. Junction Items. Times, May 7. r. w. T,nniHnn and C. A. Ham are making preparations to build residences In the Milliorn addition. . Miss Ura Snarks. of Brownsville, has been preaching In this city during the past weeK. Mie is a very euieniuuiug speaker and has been favored with a good audience every night Thos. Hadsuker organized a Y. r. o. . E.. ut L ls-rtv. Sunday witna men ImtsIiId of 13. The followli ng officers were elected: President, Mary winn; an t. .1.1 A , f .... r,inu, I'n.nia. Vice i resHiuni, niiii.y ponding Secretary, Harvey Winn; Re cording Secretary and Treasurer, Kate Farrlngton. , C. W. Washburne returned from the Palouso country In Washington Tues day night. Ho reports vegetation con siderably behind tho Willumette val ley. Money, he says, is very scuiw and times mubh harder than here. As usual, he was glad to get back to the land of perpetual summer. A Narrow Escape. AHtorin Town Talk: John Obson last night drifted on a trap situated on the lower end of Dcsdemona sands and came neur losing his life. Ihe boat nearly swumed twice during mo six hours tho men hung onto the spiling. The lsot lost twenty-live futhom of new net. There was no ugni on tne trap. On the upper trap there is a small bright light. A boat fishing for Kinney was on the same trap and loss a great deal of web. There Is nothing in gill net fishing as long as these man traits are drove on nearly every sand bank on the Columbia river. Admitted to Pbactics. Pendleton E. O.: There are four happy young disciples of Blaekslone in Pendleton. They com posed Ihe class examined Thursday for ad mission lo practice before Ibe court of Or eyon, and are George Kbinn and i. B. Messick of Baker City; F. M.Whitney, of Pendleton; and J. W. Ellis of La Grande. All tour passed the examination succees- '"ceorge Shins was at one time a resident of Eugene, sad s student in tbe Bute Uoi versit. A Gbiat Oi.cb. The Astoria Town Talk , says: Tbe Bluejay Club met last night and elected officers to serve until after the June election. Bevsnry three members were enrolled, twenty-eight of whom came up to tbe Trapper's desk and look the iron clad oath. Tbe balance of the bird w ill be sworn in at ihe next meeting. Lane mm mum v O'dbrJH.BKCKriY.