The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 07, 1892, Image 8

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    . .4 C.
EverytliiiiR Exquisite in Innwrtwl lVrfmnery Soaj; and
Toilet Articles. Also a complete and select stock of 1 aints,
()U Varnishes Jirushes and l'aintcrs Furnishing.
a ., ir..uvrvn ui'll known nitiii
..i. ........... ..f uu,lu mill allitf'H lit Hll
' . . ..'.. I .1. ... . ..I u ll V
Inn 8t., Him Antonio, TVxim, will not
mxiii fowl his cx)erlfiic with nil ul
taclc of the trump whlt h lio rcliiU us
follow; "Iwiw taken with yio cnt
rruiiin In the nlc it h which I 'II!V-'
would have ohihimI my l-at!i, Imd it
not Uen for thp prompt tit of I hum
luln's Colic Cholera ami Plurrhooa
Kemedy. Tho flint dose lll mu mo
much kh)1 that I followed It up In )
nilnuU'S with the second dow, ami Ix
fore the doctor could Ret to where I
wan. I did not need him. I hln IWin
edy Bhull ulwny l on" of the main
Htay of my family." l''r wle y
For diarrhea or enmmer complaint io
any form Ibern ia nolliing. hotter than
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rticui KBinedt. Mm Nancy Hrry, of Ail
mi, Lawrcoceooiinty, Kentucky, saya om
done cured her of Hk ol Uiarrbuua.
Two or three doses will cure any ordmaiy
case. Wlien reduced with water it is pleae
ant to take and 50 cent bottles for mil
by Oiburn k Delano.
A new ami Complete Treatment, consisting Jt
-Mlpno. Ulrica, Ulliuncii. in i , , "
llox end rill; a Punitive Cure -r txl. riml. In
. . .i ... ni...:i.. lo li n. hron c. He-
niri ami li-mam wrn.ii.- ---
rmt la-iu-m to the g ral health. 1 1 "rat
discovery ol a medical cum rendering an opera
tion with Ibe knllu iiniiarjf licrcaller.
Thin Remedy lis. never been known to fall. l
tV'r lYs, fo I'i; sent by mall. Why suiter from
I?. . . . mm iitiaraiileo
Hits uirrioio i "r" " " . " if
U given Willi boxes, to refund the money II
llOtCUruO. HHIHI .lamp lur 11 r.........
ranteo lueil liy Wooi'AHI., ( l. IKK A o ,
WhulewlvA Hclall llniKllliit", hole Aiietilii, I orU
laud, Or.
I I Bare nrrn iroiu.ic. .
' diirM of Hi kidney" ad have tried
many dlfTrn-nt rrmrdita and have
aouKlit aid frum dillrrrnt Phy.lclana
wilhaut rrllef. Alwul Hie ijth ol April
win auncrin a very violent
.. i 1 .... . rrulralrtl Uie 10
auaca in ,.- r
tuch a manner uiai i ":
When I .at down Uwa. aim.-, , for n,e
P.JP -n, 'or l.enier. with the
OKliOON K1UNKY TliA, to my
bold. I Immediately commenced
uilnf lie tea. It had an alnio
miraculoue efTect, and to the arton
lahmcnt of all the gueita at the hotel,
. r il.v, I m holinv to elate,
i,.i i wb nrw man. I '"!
recommend the tea to all euUtlct
1 have been.
O. A. TUl'PP.R,
l'roui letor Ocridental Hotel,
bauu Koaa, Cal.
r's Golden Femalo Pills.
ForFeinala trrcniilar
lllea' uoililnirllkolliem
on the market, .'nrr
nil, riuceeulully unwl
ly prominent lailli-i
molillily, (liiaraiilccd
to ri'llova aupprcMed
Don't ha liumlmmed.
Have Time, Health,
and uiouuy ;lako uu oili
er. Bent to any nilarwi,
.-?-i. "cure by mall ou re-
riEvV'&v ocr..ioi price, fiw.
-. llnmcu, Dox27, 10 KI LAN U, OW
Fm bale by E. R. Ll'CKEY 4l'0 Eugene.
Nervous Prostration,
Nlerplfiunraa, Kirk nnd Nervnna
llrttUaehe, llttrkatrhfi, IHaala,Mor
bll Vrxn, Hot f lnahra. Nervous
yapnlK, Online, ( onlualon, II y.
lerla, l ila, M. lliia' llnaeo. Opium
llablt, Drnnkennraa. etc., ar rurod
by lr. Mlla' Mealorative Aervlue.
It duel not eonuin oplalet, Mrl. mthla O.
HrownlM, lieljiiiit, tie., auflared wlih Killerr
for 60 year, ami uatltli to a e.iDiplelacont. Jacob
Petm, Klla, Orrg.m. bad lMD .ulli'rliia with Nnrv
ou. Pftwimtion fir fnur yeara.e.ulJ not Iimp,
niKhinf hvlil hnnUDlilba ud Or, Mllaa' R
toratlv Nanlne he la n.-w wnll. Km tka
rrwt at drunt.ia. Dr. Mllea" Nerva and
Llvar rllla, Ns ooaea fur M eonia are Ih Ixnl
reaiedy for Biliuutmei. Torpid Lirer, ele., ale.
Or. Mllof Modlcal Co.,Elkhart,lnd.
Bold by J. II. IlKCKLEY.
Ptore Graia oa the moat favorable terma,
U beat reovipta of any warebouae north of Ku
frne, proiwly, taken ia exchange fur
Flour or r'eed.
nril igknt Canh Trie raid for Wheat ..atl
'jT3" Drugs, Pharmacy,
-oi Chemicals,
c5y Medicines,
Physicians Sup
plies, Surgical Ap
pliances. MONDAY, MAY 2.
Jaini'H lIollelilK'ck In HOW IiIkIiI clerk
ill ltakcr'H hotel.
The CMtale of th" lute H. H. Kuklli.
Hr., Iium Ut'ii uppniiwil at $17,M.
f,Hn! M. Miller eavcH for a Hliort
trip to Han l-'raiiolHeo thin evening.
Mr. fl. 1. (irWIn K'X' to HiMlavllle
on the local tomorrow. lie may lie ab
sent Hcvcral week".
H. A. Hulln, formerly of Kiikciic,
luiMwdd IiIh iutercHt In hix Albany
dni( ntore to IiIh purtner.
A marriage liceiiHe wan lulled Hatur
(iay eveniiiK by the county clerk to
Corlne Churchill and Frank K. Alley.
Mm. Ada I'liKe-Mcklln and hahy, of
Portland, and MIhh Menu J'iik came
up on thl afternoon') train on a Hliort
Mm. Josephine Jt. Htilc, of Point
Terrace. Lane colintv. ha been U-
Dolntcd a notarv nubile by Gov. Pen-
on. J. (.'. Fullerton, of UoHeburK,
reiitiblicaii candidate for circuit JikIkc.
Ih In Kiiwno today looklm: after lii
IntercittH hereaixmtH.
Ilev. N. II. Alley preached IiIh fare
well Bcnnon to the nieinlient of IiIh con
KrcRation and frlcmU at Khinchurt'it
oH'm Iioiihu niHi evening.
Thum w quila id cicitemeut luat even
inn on Tenlb atreet. ouukkI by the bnrnina
out o( a Hue in tbe residence ol W. 11.
Huiith. Mo alariu man lurued iu.
Tbe Htcauiur Oeorge H. Cbntioo, arriving
at l'urtlund from Cocpiille. Iiroulit a large
i'oOhliirijeut of cedar broom bautilea for a
firm iu ItiMt city. It la alated tbat it ia to be
leDgtlieiied out thirty feet lo uioet tbe (le
oiauda of ber iucreaaint; trade.
lion. M. J. Ix'MMick, ofllollvur.Ohlo,
Ih vlnitliiir bin brother at the rcHldcuce
ofV. J. Fox. Mr. LcMsIek Ih one of
Ohlo'n lieat lawvern and Ih largely In
tercHtiul Iu the Vhii'liiiK I,ake Krle
11. It. Mr. IiCHHlck Ih very much lin
prcRti'd with tho West.
It now Iranapirea (bat Al Modi wbo wai
abut neur Wellx, iu Iiehlou county, iualvad
of bciiiH killed ueii leutally, undoubtedly
comuiillKd auicidu, lluforo going be bad
drawn $DU0 from a ('orviillia bunk, about
hie entire won I ill and left It with bi aialer,
Mra ltrowit lie bud not lieeu biiuliug lor
twi'lvi yearn, unit all I ho circuumluucea luili-
oatcd I bat It wtia liol au acridim!'
A celiHUH blllletlon Junt lnnued devot
ed to Htate iuilchtcdncKH hIiowh that
Oreiroii ban by more tliiin f JK),(MH) the
HinallcMt IndehtediicHH of any other
Htate in the Union. Orcgmi'H indent
educHH In 1WI0 Ih Riven iih (HIH.r), an
nnnliiHt :iiki,(KK) for WaMlilnntmi and
$J,.ri,f.. lor t:alllornia. tJivoirH
couiily debt in tliik'i,7U, her municipal
debt (l,:iHil,444, and her Hchcol dlHlrict
A HeiiHiitloiial ciih came up licfore
JuhIIco Taylor biHt TucHduy, at Wallu
Walla, when John 'WillluniH. of Wal
lulu, wan examined for aHxault ou IiIh
wile. Jle wan lined jil(H). The evi
dence diHcloHcd HhiM'kinu; brutality.
Hum i..i 1.1 ...ii'.. ........ ui..i. .....I
llllllllin li'llf Ilin n iiv vt y mun, uuii
on rclninliiK, found her lit I ted, and
U iit her feurlully, at liiNt cliokliiK Iter
Into liiHciiHlhillty. lie then had a
friend iiauied Nimple Hwear a com
plaint cIiuil'Iiik Mra. Williams with
liiKanlty. The woman appeared In
court badly bruincd, with her eye
tilaekeiied, and told a Htralirht-forward
ntory of her hiiHband'H abiiHc.
Sprln.'tlcld Items.
Mcaaoofter, April 29.
A lerlca of uiHetlng vera connnnncod in
ihe Clirihliun church biat uii;lil by Hev. V.
K. Uood ol tbe Free Mtlbodial church.
It give n pleaaure to alate (bat tbe town
council will order tbe bridge auioaa tbe race
oo Heooud itreel completed a noon) ai tbe
treaaury ia repleLiahed by tbe teceut asaeaa
uiout. 0. M. Dotily and A. I). Iiurtou, have
been elected drlcgalea from Ibe I. 0. F. F,
lodge at tbia place to the grand lodge biib
uieeta iu Astoria, May 'UK
Wcdueday,Mr, Cbeaaman received word
from A. W. Stoiy, a Lelmunn Itarber, itat
ing be wauled to move here with hia'amily.
Mr, Cheaaumu ice u red a reldeuue (or hiiu
acroa Ibe race,
It J.Moaeaot Albany will move with
bia family to KpringHebt in a fee day a and
take charge of Ibe burlier ibop now being
oouiluctid by Mr. Wilaou. Mr. Wilaon ia a
cornetiat, and will be a valuable addition to
the band.
The town counoil met Monday night. In
accordance, with tbe ordinance euiMiwering
tbecouucilto aiuiiit a uightwalch, tbe
oaib ol olllue iu adiuluialered to J. 0.
Mulligau, A propoailion made by Deputy
A.aor Collier to catabliab ten uiilea of
hI reel grade wai considered favorably by tbe
council and In all probabilily auch a con
tract ill be let at hu early dale. A live
mill tax waa levied lor Improvement.
A Sunday aehool waa orgmied at the
Chriaiiaii church laat 8uuday and ollli'ered
aa (ollowa: Hiiperiuleudeiit, John Lodge;
aiaulaut aiiperiiiivudent, Mra H W F.iuer
on: tecreiary and IreaMirer, Myrtle
Church. The un-etiiig will be held every
Sunday afti inoou at 3 o'clock.
A lari;e audieuce atteuded Ir. Waltei'i
aeend li-ciuio ou Summer Sighla In Eu
rope," dellvrrt'd ill Ibe M. F.. I'bun'h Tuea
day. Tbe Doctor dwelt at lengbt on a do
enpliun of Koine, taking bia lialeuer
Ibrougb Ibe C'uliaeum, tbe t'aibnlral auJ
Ibe C'alacomb,all which waa Vrry iulere-t
Tottitce (irov Items.
lender, April 30.
Frank Jordan iiurvhnscd half a
blot k of bind In tbe Houthern imrt of
the I and U addition thia wivk, and
will commence the erection of a dwell
ing aa a. xin aa luuila r can l oldained.
Mr. (ieo. I bna ni'htly lanight a
blm k In the Long & I jiiiiU-w ndilitlon
toCottajre (Jrove, and ia now prepnr
lint to erect a dwelling on It, which he
will llnbdi tide numuicr. He 1m now
vniding the atnt't In fnmt of bia )m
erty, an example which olhent would
pnillt by followlut;.
Ax In-dank Max. Deputy Kherifr
v rotuT hii for me Woirent W country.
alaut 40 mllea wet of Kiiirne. Anrii
, l, to look after a man by the name of
JluicliliiMon, Who Ih reiairtetl to U In.
(Hfllie. Ho carriea a Wlnehenter rille
1 with bini, aud luu apread diapay
lamoiitf Ihe tanide In that aeetioii. bv
j thn atening their live.
Wild otrawberricji are getting rijie.
JohilTo.ier Ih building a dwelling
In Fairmoiint.
The O. A. It. of Cottage drove will
celebrate decoration day,
W. T. Pact and family left for their new
home In Lorvallu tbla niorulog.
After May ltd, the mail latween
Florence ami F.ugcno will bo Iri-wcck-
PurtlcH art hen ilcidroiiH of Htarting
a law illHtlllery and brewery iu F.u
Kcne. Mr. F.driHpur(diiiHcd(Uitcan amount
of wheat at Drain tbU win k for the
Kuent' iiiIUh.
A larxe liumla r of farmeiM III town
lind all are talking railroad. Tbe
Kcncral opinion Ih favorable.
Judfie KliiHey auctioned oil' Hcveral
head of homeH on the atreetH today.
The iriceH bid were quite low.
MIhh M. K. Paxton, of ThumUni, lum
Ih'cii named for wliiail Hiicriii!cmicut
by the (icoiile'H parly in place or J. (i.
llollund, declined.
Mia llntlie E irna, who h been vi.iting
at I'rof. Htruub'a l(l on thia morn ing lo
cal jr I'orlluhd, where alio will vMt nahorl
lime belore leliirulng eaat.
(ieorge WilllaiiiB, at one time a Htu
dent Iu the Htate IJni vernlty, and a
hod of Hon. It. Wllliiitue, of Portland,
died In Portland hint Wediieailuy.
Halein Journal: A diHfriiHted Oregon Ian
remarked toduy: "We have not had
any winter and I'll be d d If I be
lieve we're going to have any Hum
mer." I. L. Hinlth and W. ('., IiIh hod, who
were Helling the wire fence, a Maniple
of which wan erected ou Judge Kin
iIoii'h lot hint HUiiiiner were again in
Fugcne toduy.
Mr. and Mm. TIioh. AVarnlck. who
have licen vlHitlng the family of Wm.
HtcveiiH In Hi Ih city for several weeks
pant Htarted thin niuriilng on their re
turn home to Minneapolis, Minn., via
Portland and Tacoinu whea they will
make Hliort vIhIIh.
Mm. Woodworth, the doom-Healer
preacdier who created much excitement
at Oakland, Cal., which remitted In
Kcnding many jieople to the Insane
BHyluiu Ih to give Oregon towim a re
vival WNin. According to present ar
rangements she will lie here when the
campaign Is In Ita heat.
Oregon City Courier: The republi
can county central committee of
ClaekiinuiH county Ih in a "tcck o
trouble." Henry Jewell's name was
taken otr the republican ticket ou ac
count of the Htory that he had been en
gaged In the Hpud-btitter Industry, and
('apt. Kill Smith (AppcrHon'g man)
placed In IiIh stead. Sow Henry J.
denies the Hpud-buttcr allegeinentsund
moreover Ih determined to Htay ou that
ticket from which no one can remove
him. Henry Ih bound to have fun out
of the incHH.
"Foghorn" VhUh, who recently
droiiiicd Into the lucrative government
ixadtloi) of register of the Lukeview
land olllce Ih a thrifty old coon, lie
iiIIowh the nt-clver to do tho work
while lie draws his nay and puts in
IiIh time iih a practicing physician, and
on Sunday's he exhorts tho coplo to
lie trood. Wo are not posted iih
to w hether ho Ih a lawyer and under
taker too, but active work and well di
rected ellort and energy at the govern
ment, the Hick ami those who need the
better way iHilnted out will take good
care of the Iiohh from a financial point
of view.
Frank Wallace, an old and highly
respected citizen of Grant county, was
accidentally killed Tuesday. Ho lives
about ten miles out of Canyon City,
and came Into town with his team.
In the afternoon ho started to drive
out home, anil when lit the outskirts
of the town his team suddenly took
fright and ran away, ltefore running
far Mr. Wallace was pitched hcudtlrst
out of his wagon. He struck with
great violence ou IiIh head, fracturing
the skull near the base of the brain,
and sustaining other Injuries. Ho lin
gered several hours without regaining
consciousness, and passed away. De
ceased came to this state In lstii'.
A Fatal (iun Accident.
Albany Democrat. April 28: A gen
tleman front Corvallls tells of a fatal
hunting accident that occurred near
that city yesterday. Milt ltodl, a
young man about thirty years of age,
went hunting In the afternoon after
pheasants. Not returning on time his
folks became anxious aUiut him, and
went to find him. His dead laxly was
found, with a gunshot Just over one of
his eyes, Tho Indications were that
the full contents of bis gun had been
discharged into his face, probably caus
ing Instant death. There wan noth
ing, though, to prove how It was done,
nor for certain that it was accidental,
the young man having Uvn alone.
The deceased was a son of Jacob Hodl,
an old resident of I ten ton county, wan
single, and Ih mentioned as one of
steady habits, well liked by those who
knew him.
A Valuable Immigration In Sight.
The Meunonite community of Fern
Ilidge, Laue Co., are atriving to induce tbe
Aunual October Conference of Meuuonila
preacher of the Uuited Stales lo meel at
F.eo. Tueae ine.icbera are the leadera
of ilieir coiiiuinnitiea and decide ail contro
ver.iea among the dillereut coiumuniliea.
Tbe conference of these men here would
give a great impetua lo directing the alrearu
of Meuuonite iuimigratiou lo Laue county.
before ibe Fern ltidge commuuity can
claim thia boon, they muat have a church
and to ihia eud they respectfully auk the
assistance of the citizens of Kngeoe.
They lack about JtitHI, of which amount
two tbirda have alreaily been eubaeribrd
aud it la to be hoped thai tbe paltry bal-
euc will aoon be collected tor auch a de
aerving purpoae.
Fell From a Koof.
Ially Guard. April
This morning at Coburg, ltud Sim
iitons and another man whow name
we were unable to learn, w hile work
ing on the roof of J. C. (imalale's saw
mill fell and struck their Nicks on a
stick of timber, receiving severe,
though not dangerous Injuries. Dr. A.
Sharpies was callinl aud reports that
they will be distbletl for some time.
A Hau.w.w in Mukuk. Where
the Southern Pacific milroad crosses
the Peetm river, Texas, a towering via
duct is being built to carry the tracks
82H feet alaive the surfaccofthe stream,
there Is but one viaduct in the world
that la higher than this, namely, the
l,oa viaduct, In llolivia, lilch i's 3.KIJ
feet high. The Peeoa brldim is being
built by the Phu-nlx Jirldge Vmiu
pany, ami the apia-aramv of the
structure and the method of its erection
is taken from F.nglneering New. Tbe
viaduct is 2,10 feet long ami consists
of ts sjHins, alternately ; ami W ftvt
I...... ',! I I .
num. A i if i'iihiiiii'I m iiia arrkm ,
auiiel by a cantilever lsj feet long.
Tli l.rl.l... i- I ..-.I
- "'". "ui'p.i iij aii-i luwrrs
risillir from Ihe ImHmn nf"fli.. mnrm,
the lirilli'llyil lnu..r I.. i, ,.:. I I.'l .1.'
The construction iunuually heavy ,ua
mi iMiuKr m nuenucu tor me use or
he4vy freight trains.
Hoseburg Ueview: (corge A.
Ilorris, of l.ano county, U a lawyer
who knows how tu draw un indict
ment, and would make an able
prosecutor, which h an (illiccrlnully
nectlcU iir in tins district.
Tho jieoplc of Kugfiiu and Lane
county mimt raise tint railroiul nub-
billy. W'o now have nearly f"l),000
of tho amount required. We must
show tho outside world that this in
a live progressive nection of Ore
gon. Hermann's: $10,000 for Siuslaw,
which ho secured after Coos Hay
got $210,000, is" not making him
many votes in Lane foiinty. His
ardent HiiKrtcrs in'aintain discreet
silence since that kramc known.
Committees are busy soliciting
stock for tho alliance flouring mill
to Ikj built at La Gran-le. Tbeciip
ital stock has been idaced at 12'),-
000, and no person is entitled to
hold more than f-VJO worth of
And now it comes that the Ala
bama republicans have split right
in two. The whites on one side
and negroes on the other. It was
not much of a split, ns there are
not enough republicans in that
state to count.
Tho last legislature appropriated
;000 for the publication of a new
edition of the resources of Oregon.
The pamphlpt will fniisist of 200
pages, just twice the size of the for
mer edition. Some 5000 copies
will le printed and distributed.
Spokane raised a $1,000,000 sub
sidy for a coniiietiiijj transconti
nental railroad several weeks since.
We have it from the best authority
that the increase in property values
and business prosperity has more
than recouped the subscribers.
If, as reported, Hon. Ilingcr Her
mann is the railroad company's can
didate, tho iteople of the first dis
trict should unite and make Hon.
Robert M. Vcatch their champion.
Let tho issue be nuido direct anil
the people will triumph.
Itoseburg Review: L. Liilyeu de
serves a handsomo vote from the
jieoplo of Douglas county for mem
ber of the stato board of equaliza
tion, lie voted against raising the as
sessment of the agricultural land of
this county, runners, stand by
your friends!
The man who docs not want his
proiicrty to increase in value, or to
be bothered with more business,
should keep his inline oil' the rail
road subsidy list. Perhaps, too,
others may raise the money and he
will share the benefits without any
cost on his part.
Under tho new system of voting
the mimes of all the candidates for
each particular ollice with the des
ignation of the party each repre
sents, are printed together on the
ticket. The voter must then er;io
or mark out all the. names except
tho ono he wishes to vote for.
It is no longer a mystery why
Whitclaw Rcid, the chief adminis
tration laudator, has resigned the
useless, hut prolitable ollice of min
ister to France, with its $18,000 a
year and "perks." It seems that
he is to be tho republican general
in tho roming campaign, in place
of Piatt.
We givo The West clue notico
that in its mention of candidates it
must confine itself to facts and not
deal in plain falsehood us thecditor
must havo known to bo the caso in
tho issuo of April 22. Wo do not
seek personalities, but if misstate
ments are made we shall state the
truth and sustain it by the
best of evidence.
The supreme court has reversed
the decision of Judge Poise in the
matter of the "saw dust" section of
tho act to protect salmon and other
food fishes. An action was brought
to test tho matter and Judgo Poise
held that tho section was void be
cause the constitution provides that
every act shall embrace but one
subject and matter properly con
nected therewith in its title.
Py a slip of the pencil we stated
in tho til'AHl) of VesteriblV that
appeals had been taken from Judge
l I II I . ' ' . ! 1 .
.u. 1.. 1 1 1 ies tici'isiona in i.ane
county ami but 3 reversed by the
supreme court. The Second judi
cial district was meant instead of
Lane county. The record made bv
Judge Pipes is an exceptional one
ana demonstrates Ins luness lor the
honorable and important position
of judge.
It won't do, says the Portland
Telegram, to denend on Cleveland
enthusiasm in republican states
like Kansas and Oregon. It is the
Northern states of New York. New
Jersey, Connecticut nnd Indiana
that must win the light it it is won
at all. Of these, New York and
New Jersey are against Cleveland,
and Connecticut nnd Indiana are
divided. Shall tho republican
states dictate to these democratic
states a nomination against their
will and wish?
Wyoming is the only state in
which women have unrestricted
suffrage. They vote there on the
same terms as men. They have
had this privilege since 1S70. In
the state constitution adopted in
ISS'J in Wyoming ! c woman suf
fngo richt of terriiu.ial davs was
incorporated, and congress knowing
una I'luiiMuii waa in ua eoiiMuu
tion the territory to state
hood. Women will vote for nresi-
dcntial electors in that state next
November, and the question of "the
constitutionality of this privilege
will doubtless be brought up in tiie
courU subsequently and definitely
Would Slake No Mistake.
The Junction City Times, indc-
iH'iulcnt., says: The nomination
of Hon. M. L. PiH'S for judge of tbe
second judicial district receives la
vnr iitiinnif tho is-onle to an unus
ual degree. This is as it should be.
Judgo Pi ten is a man of unswerv
ing integrity, an able lawyer and
an upright and just judge. He has
Is en on the hencli ot tins aisinci
for two years and on account of his
impartial and intelligent adminis
tration of tbe law, has earned the
resjK'et and confidence of the peo
ple irre.-Hctive of party. Only
three of Judge Pips' decisions have
been reversed by the supreme court,
a record uuequaled in the history
of Oregon jurisprudence. Judge
Pi has boon it resident of the
state for eighteen years mid is thor
oughly identified with its people
and institutions. Without doubt
the nomination was one altogether
lit to be made, and should the peo
ple ratify the nomination at the
polls no mistake would be made.
Politics should not enter into the
matter of electing judges, but rath
er en'jh judicial station should be
filled by a man chosen on account
of hi-i peculiar fitness for the posi
tion. "
. .
Arhland Record: Senator P. M.
Veat;h, democratic nominee for
congress, will give Ringer Hermann
a ha;-d rub. While up north last
week we learned that although the
people's party have a candidate for
congress, that in Lane and a num
ber of adjoining et unties the bulk
of the people's party element would
vote for Vcatch. Jrresective of
party in Lane county they voted
for him for representative and sen
ator and there is no reason why
they wont do it for congress, as
Vcatch is the same sturdy old
friend of the masses, in season and
out of season. The way the w ind
blows changes him not. Reforethe
election comes oil" the Record ex
iK'cts to publish his record ami ex
tracts from his speeches on public
alhins as they appeared in the Ore
gonian and which are sound doc
trines of real democracy. Mr.
Veatch's nomination pleases the
Record the best of any made since
that of Pennoyer for governor two
years ago. Vcatch and Pennoyer
are types of men in accord with
our ideas of true democracy.
- k- -,i
In every community there are
men who will not assist in any
public enterprise. That is no le
gitimate excuse, however, for others
failing to act the part of public
spirited citizens. If everyone fol
lowed the example of the few our
streets would be turned out for cow
pastures and owls hoot in deserted
buildings. Eugene gave liberally
to the Oregon & California railroad
when first built, to the state uni
versity, and to those important fac
tors may be attributed her prosper
ity. No one regrets the assistance
given. Another opportunity of
equal importance is now within
our grasji. The rapid development
of Eugene will bo liecured by the
building of the Siuslaw & Eastern
railroad. The liberal citizens who
contributed before and reaped the
benefits, and those who came after
ward and now share tho prosperity
must contribute their means to se
cure this railroad which will make
Eugene tho best town in the Wil
lamette vallev.
Without disparagement to his
predecessors it may be said that the
ollice of judge of the Second judicial
district was never better filled than
by ti e present incumbent, Judge
M. L. Pipes. During the two years
he has been on tho bench there
have been twenty-two appeals from
Lane county. Of these but three
were reversed. This record will be
appreciated when it is stated that
the overage reversal of judges in
other districts is -10 to 50 ner cent
of the cases appealed. The people
want a safe judiciary, and we be
lieve will make no mistake ' in re
electing Judge Pipes.
Ashland Record: Although the
recent state con vention wasatirover
Cleveland convention' there were
many democrats who were friends
and admirers of David li. Hill.
Rut it being such a popular fad to
declare for Cleveland tho Hill men
made no demonstration. Hill's
friends are among the most intelli
gent and respectable men in tho
The' beauties of the protective
scheme arc shown in placing aduty
of 11 percent ou precious stones
and 01 per cent on woolen goods.
We suppose this arrangement suits
the rich who wear diamonds and
other costly jewelry, but what can
the )H)or think of it who never wear
precious stones and jewelry but
of necessity must wear woolen
goods ur eiiflcr from inclement
ka t..i-. -i i.
The present season promises to
lie an active one in the mining in
terests tributary to Lane county.
As S'Kin as the snow will allow
prospectors will tlock into the Ro
hemia and Rltie river mining dis
tricts. Considerable development
may lie exacted. The coast range
of mountains also promises to yield
the valuable metals.
Ti e work of securing the subsidy
for the railroad should not be al
lowed to Hag. Eugene can easily
have a prosperous summer and
pan1, times if proper spirit is exhib
ited. We are pretty confident of
dull times if this opportunity is let
h W iiO H "fiiieYcuWait," I
11 hi T3SJfn B'JT CURES '
Vlrilmrt 7 tkVfiM irn fri ,-8a-B-- t atiaM-iUMiinaiaiMfti -.,1
innH ant
Write for our
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
f S mi WMEB
From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can
be suited either as to Price or Quality.'
: :
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to
the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call.
af Free icw and StyliIi..j2
Look us over; if we do not save you money, we will make some one els.,
sell to you low.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hereafter keep a complete stock of
Ladies' Misses and Children's SHOES.
Slippers, White and Black Sandals
And in fact evervtlilni; In tlie Boot and
Klioe line, to w hich I intern! to devote
my eauecial attention.
And Riiarantewl aa represented, and will
be aolil for the loweat prices that'a (rood
article can lie afforded. A. HUNT
1 Cought, Coldi. Influema, Bronchltla,
I Hoarseness. WhooDina Cauah.Rrnun.
Sore throat. Asthma, anil every ailrctioa of tbe, Lungs and Chest, including Consumption.
Spwdyaiuiocrniancuc. Cecuiae aicd "t, fiutls.
Cigar store,
Eugene City, OrcRon
nniTi) hid
UEiMAA j Mll vm
n:orrihTo:a. I J0HX u- shite, Regi.ter.
Will ktp oomiULtly on a full nupply i.f
Witch they will cl at the ..we.t market pri
ree, A fair share of the public pstn uaje s.i
We will pay the hiwheet market price fiT Fat
I'atUe. li.vs and Shep.
Meats delivered to any part of the city free ol
Sells the Celebrated
NON-ltUSTING Tinware
Kew Illuatratea taiaioBuo mr i.ui.
ltl.iurir.i)W,u, U m. A
Sportsman's Eporiuni.
Practical Gunsmiths
Dealfru in
Fishing Tarkle ami Materials,
Newing MuehincN and .eeIIfot
All Kinds For Sale!
Retiring done In the neatest style and war
Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished
Store on Willamette street.
WIT A I TLI'lilioullIralltii-ii
LHL I Pi not be enjoyed.
It is the best iKlpcr in luallli and the quickest
cure on Earth. I'se ii in time (or all diseasesol
the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. Il
cures Rheumatism, Malaria. Coated Tongue
and Headache, relieves Constipation, Bilious
ness and Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out of
the Blood and dries up old Sores. The Business
men buy il, the Workingmcn use it, the Ladies
take it, the Children cry lor it and the Farmers
sav il is their best health preserver.
Sold everyvi here, Ji.oo a bollle; six for s.o
Land Office at Roheduiio, Oni-oos.
r Roheduiio, Oni-oos. I
February US, lS'.H I
11 Mary C Hick son, (widow) of
the following named settler has tiled
uotii'e of hia intention to n.ake final proof ia
support of his claim, and that .aid pmnf will
Ih mail,, hr. !.. r. ..!.. ... ' f'l.V ol
1 " . ..ID UUII(a ' 'I V Ullll.J -
I.aue county, Oreimn, at Einrene, O'eyon, on
.iiiHinar, April . SW, via: Jlomestrail entry
No. 4'.MS, of J. W. Hickaon, ileceared, for the
lots Xn. , 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of Sec 1!, Tp 17 S,
It $ K,
He names the following witnesses to prove
hi continuous re-dence upon and cultivation
. of said land, vizi .laiua WvcofT. John
Opno?ite X. Y. Jacket Store,
If Interested Send fir Catalogue.
nns and ypariiti? Cs'omI
And a dandy repair shop In connection.