The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 07, 1892, Image 2

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Deeming Said to Have Once Been a
Resident of Los Angeles.
The Anaconda Mining and Smelting Works
Receive Order to Continue Their
Operations Etc.
Eureka, Cal., li to have free mail-de-liver
service after June 1.
The Printers' District Convention met
it Whatcom. Wash., last week.
The new mill at Needle haa begun
work. The process in the cyanide meth
od, and ii pronounced a success.
T...I,,. . nl Dm Rnliie Citr (Idaho)
Ami vnw " lit I
poatollice robbers, liai confessed hii K'
and tnrned State's evidence against hn
pal, Hintou.
The two men who kidnaped Norman
Bt, Claire at the Harqua 11a a mines i in
Arizona recently have oeen neiu in ,
nHI bondi eacii.
Chinese are being smuggled Into the
country at Tia J nana. The border line
to be guarded It very long, and but lew
dflDutiei are doing the work.
Operation! are being pushed on the
Southern Pacific's new wharl and har
W at Santa Monica Canyon, which, it
ii eetimated, will coat 1,000,000.
George Montgomery, a rancher and
miner well known In Cochise county, A.
T., bai been murdered at nil camp on
Silver creek in the Chracohua Mount
tint. The Consolidated Wyoming has begun
tuit against the Champion Mining Com
pany at Nevada City. The claim is that
the latter baa been working on a vein
that belong! to the former.
The new municipal authoritlea at Han
Jose have inaugurated a vigorous poley
toward the nippression of divei, gam
bling deni and all places suspected of
entrapping ana neecing wie mi !.
it u tttliflvftd that Deeming, the Aus
tralian murderer, waa In Los Angles
between 1880 and 1888, where he mar
,id i Mrs. Nannie Catching and made
way with all her money and then dlsap
oeared. After issuing orders to close down half
of the Anaconda (Mont.; mining aim
smelting works another order was re
ceived to continue operations. The Par
rot works have closed down, aflectlng
300 men.
By a decision of Judge Van Dyke at
Lo Angeles a non-resident goods aie
not liable to attacnmeni n aiicu nuu
resident at the time of the Issuance of
the writ is personally within the State
and hence ia liable to personal service.
The Southern Pacific Is running a line
for a branch from the Palms on the Santa
Monica road to Coldwater Canyon, and
work has commenced on the Santa te
extension from lnglewood to Santa Mon
ica, where trains will be running by
June 1.
ni,.W nntr and Cantaln Jim. both
full-blooded Washoe Indians, have left
Nev.. for Washington for the
purpose of interesting the 1'resident and
the Indian Commissioners in the esUij
lishment of a reservation In Carson Val
ley, or if that cannot be obtained, a home
for the aged and netdy Indians.
Millions of wild geese, ducks, nd
hill cranes, curlew and snipe still remain
at their tine feeding grounds on the
Lower Colorado and on New river. Par
ties In from that section say that they
never saw them so plentiful as they are
this spring nor to remain so late before
starting for the North.
A thriving business is being done by
smugglers who carry liquor from British
Columbia into Alaska. The liquor Is
old to the Indiana in small quantities,
and the white population experience no
Inconvenience in consuming what is left.
The United States Is thus defrauded of a
vast amount of lawlul revenue. Caf
Uln Wallace of the steamship City of
Topeka thinks that the only way this
illicit tralllocan be stopped is by send
ing a well-equipped revenue cutter to
Thomas Y.Tallman, the manager of a
local drug store at Sacramento, applied
to the State Board of Pharmacy for a
certificate of registration aa a practicing
pharmacist, but was refused on the
ground that be was not what he claimed
to be; that be was simply conducting a
place for another person. Tallman then
brought suit in the Superior Court for a
writ of mandate to compel the board to
Issue the desired certlticate, and the
court bas sustained the State Hoard of
Pharmacy In iU refusal.
The steamer Thompson, which met
with alight accident In the Skamokawa
Slough the other day, has arrived at
Portland without trouble, and was at
once put In the boneyard. She will be
hauled on the ways and her hull re
paired, and in a short time will be in
running order again. The report that
the Sound steamers will not be brought
around, aa first intended, haa been con
firmed. The boats will remain tied up
on the Sound for the present, as it is not
decided what to do with them.
The San Francisco Kiamint r publishes
an article stating that the Western Mil
tual Benefit Association has collapsed,
and that W. II. Rid.lell, who managed
its affairs, has left the city, and with
him has gone, it ia alleged, some 170,000
of the association's funds. It ia said
that the association Is the outgrowth of
the Occidental Self-Kndowment Associa
tion, which collapsed three years ago. A
majority of the members of the Western
coin pant, it ia said, reside in Maryeville,
Sacramento, Santa Koa and Vallejo. J.
M. Henderson of Sacramento, who rep
reeenta a number of the members, is
about to commence civil and criminal
proceedings against the managers of the
United States Postal Inspector Pey
boldt Is preparing to make a trip to
Alaska, and will start from San Fran
cisco on the next regular mail steamer
for Sitka, where he will remain some
time. From Sitka Seyboldt will make a
trip westward along the Alaskan coast
on the little coast steamer Elsie as far
as Ounalaska for the purpose of select
ing suitable stations for the estahlith
ment of United States poetotlicea. At
the present time Kadiak ia the only
poetoilice west of Sitka, and the many
recently-established canneries and trail
ing post make larger mail facilities im
perative. On the last mail steamer for
Sitka 725 letters left San Francisco for
Ounalaska, and many more for other
point west of Sitka.
Any Incrt&se In the River and Harbor
Bill Need Nit be Expected at ,
This Session.
n.a Prnsldnnt has approved the act In
regard to the construction of bridge
across the Columbia river between the
States of Washington anU uregon.
The House Committee on rostomces
and Post Roads ordered favorably re
ported the bill consolidating intra anu
Fnurth-clas) mail matter under the head
of third class and fixing the rates of
postage at 1 cent for each two ounces or
ractlon thereol.
Tha mninritv and minority reports of
the resolution proposing an investiga
tion of the Pinkerton system will prob
ably be soon made to the House. The
majority report will be adverse, but the
rmmlutinn Is to so on the calendar, and
the Alliance members will strive to get
it before the House so soon as poesiuie
Rntirescntatlve Rvan has asked the
limine Committee on Appropriations to
urant a hHHrinir to the committee from
the Grand Army Posts of Nebraska, who
are in opposition to the appropriation of
t M . MM) lor tne enwruuuiuem m
mnrn hem of tho Grand Armv at the en
campinent at Washington. The hearing
will oe accorded.
Havaml Senators have been notified by
tl.a K..niil (Vim mere Committee that
they need not expect any increase in tne
river and harbor bill at this session.
This is not the case so far as the Wash-
ltiirtm Hermtors are concerned. AS tney
were invited to present the needs of their
Htui in tba committee, it is thought in
the committee Washington has not been
verv well treated In the present bin
Tliratll Iw no annointnient made
fr the Supreme Court to fill the va-
cancy caused bv the death of Justice
llradlev until December. The President
wants tii annoint Attornev-Ueneial Mil
ler to the vacancy, and he evidently be
lieves tke appointment had better not
be madrt before the election. The same
authority for the above says there will
he no Cabinet change until after the
On application of Senator Mitchell to
the Secretary of the Navy, requesting
that the naval vessels present May 11 at
the centennial celebration oi tne discov
ery of the month of the Columbia by
Tanlaln Grav be ordered to visit Port
land, Or., the commanding ollicers of
the new cruisers Baltimore ana uiaries
tin have lieen ordered to proceed with
the vessels under their command to the
month of the Columbia river by May 7,
to take part in the centennial celebra
tion, and from there proceed with these
vessels to J'ortiand.
The House Labor Committee has
turned llnon tha bill reiatinir to the lim
I hours for the daily service of
laborer! and mechanics employed upon
public works. It limits and restricts to
eight hours in any one calendar day the
service and employment of all laborer
and mechanics employed by tne govern
ment of the United States, by the Die
trlct of Columbia or by any contractor
or subcontractor upon any public works
of the United State! or District of Co
lumbia. Violations of the law are to be
punished by a fl'ie or Imprisonment,
The vote on the bill was not unanimous
several members dissenting.
The New York delegation of colored
men sent to Washington to memorialize
the President regarding the Southern
outrages was introduced to President
Harrison bv Hon. John D. Lynch, Kourth
Auditor of the Treasury. Dr. William
B. Derrick stated the objects of the del
egation. and presented the resolutions
adopted at the recent mass meeting at
Cooper Union. In replying the Presi
dent explained just how far he could
exercise ills authority under the consti
tution, stating very clearly the difference
between the State and Federal authority
in regard to cmnes committed In any
particular State. The President advised
the delegation to collect the details of
lynching 'or the year ana pre
sent them to him and the public press,
and said he would assist in creating pub
ic aentment against the lawless methods
of punishing colored meii in tne boutn
In anticipation of the passage by the
House of the river and harbor phi en-
ator Soiilro I strenuously urging upon
the Senate Uominltlee on uommerce tne
necessity for speedy action upon his bill
to appropriate (600,000 to begin the con
struction of a canal (.which will ulti
mately cost $2,500,000; to connect the
waters oi l-axe union ana l-axe wasn
ington with Ptiget Sound. The commit
tee wilt report favorably upon the bill,
and at the instance of Senator Squire
will Incorporate it as au amendment to
the river and harlxir bill when that
measure reaches the Senate. The prln
cipal objection ia said to come from Sen
ator Dolph, who fears Congress cannot
be induced to embark uon another pro
ject of this magnitude without interfer
ence with the scope of the Columbia
river improvements, but Senator fquire
feels he lias secured a majority ot the
Committee on Commerce for the project.
While It is an open secret that the
President is endeavoring to secure an
international conference on the ailver
question, tne closest reticence regarding
the whole subject is maintained at the
White House and fteasury Department.
S. Dana llorton, the confidential repre
sentative of tin government, spent a
year or more among the financial offices
of the govern menu of Great Britain,
France, Prussia, Austria and Italy for
the purpose of obtaining their views on
the subject of bimetallic standard. He
made elaborate private reimrts of his
mission. He is now in Washington,
and is a frequent visitor to the State
and Treasury IVpartinents. It is said
the report received from the different
countries satisfied the President of the
advisability of an international confer
ence. He haa practically decided to take
the Initiative in the matter, and it is
understood that he will toon send a spe
cial message to Congress transmitting
the correspondence on the subject.
The House Committee on Foreign Af
fairs has taken action looking to a fur
ther enlargement of the reciprocity pol
icy recently entered upon on an exten
sive seal by the United States. This
time it is the Republic of Mexico with
which It is proposed to enter into closer
commercial relations. The committee's
recommendation is accompanied by a
joint resolution and an interesting re
port, in which are exhibited the benefits
to result to each country from reciprocal
trade relations in certain commodities.
The resolution, the pa-wage of which the
committee recommends, provides for a
joint reciprocity commixHion on the part
of Mexico and the United States, re
quest the President to invite the gov
ernment of the Republic of Mexico to
denote three commissioners, who shall
meet three commissioners designated by
the President oi the United States and
negotiate a treaty whereby greater rec
iprocity in the commercial relations be
tween Mexico and the United States
shall beet be established. The President
not to appoint the commissioner on
the part oi the United State until Mex
ico ha signified ber willingness to en
ter into such a treaty and has appointed
her commissioner. The report suggests
that th concessions on our part which
will probably tie ot mutual advantage
would be the removal of duty on lead or
in th admiaaion of wool free of duty.
udge Maynard Indorsed by the
Majority Report.
Delegates From the Seamen's Unions Meet
for the Purpose of Forming a
National Body.
Railroad rates at Chicago are In the
worst shape for years.
A Chinaman In Lynn, Mass., asks to
take the poor debtors' oath.
Manv negroes are leaving Oklahoma
on loot, saying tney are sick oi ii.
. . .1 i . i f 1 a
Building and loan associations of fif
teen States are forming a national organ
Report show that nearly 30,000,000
bushels oi wneat are in noriuwemeni
Mrs. (Vlis P. Huntington has sub
cribeu towaru tne aciurs iuuu
.. . . . . i i 1 1 i
fair at New York.
Boh Ford, the slayer of Jesse James,
haa been ordered out of Creede by a
committee of citizens. x
Tim Standard Oil Comoanv I endeav
oring to gain possession of the natural-
gas plants and form a trust.
Colonel Frank Wheaton of the Second
United States Infantry, it is said, will
get the Brigadier-Generalship.
Chicago men Interested in mining en
terprise are endeavoring to establish a
mining exchange in the Windy City.
An English syndicate headed by Lord
Brook ia buying up mines in Mexico,
and, it ia said, will invest $00,000,000.
A plan has been nearly perfected for a
great car-service association to cover all
junction points in Missouri and KanBas.
Assistant Cashier Carl Nelson of the
Union National Bank of Grand Forks,
N. D., is under arrest for extensive de
falcations. The cnal-carrvlnff companies have de
cided to advance freight rates on coal to
the Lakes and to the Mississippi 25 cents
and 30 cents per ton.
The people of the United States con
sumed t),uuo,0OU more oi wooien goous
and imported $20,000,000 less last year
than they did in 18U0.
The Sheriff of Star county, Tex., has
had a fight on the border witli a party of
revolutionists or smugglers, liieoiier
HP party was worsted.
The net export of gold from January 1
to April 2, this year, was only $7,0L'(l,S0l,
as compared with $13,008,845 in the cor
responding period last year.
Opposition to the opening of Mon
mouth Park racetrack has developed,
and mass meetings are to be held in
Monmouth county, N. J., against it.
There la great excitement among the
inhabitants of Columbia county, Ark.
in the vicinity ot Buckner over a discov-
ery of gold near that place. People are
nocking there.
The Dubuque (la.) Malting Company
has been organized for the purpose of
driving beer from other States out of the
market. Prices will be reduced and in
output increased.
The Senate bas passed the bill grant
ing to the State of California 6 per cent,
of the net proceeds of the cash sales of
public lands in the Stale. The amount
involved is $o00,000.
Delegate representing the different
seamen' organizations of America con
vened at Chicago recently for the pur
pose of organizing all American sailors
irno one uugiiiy sucioiy.
A controlling interest in the Anaconda
mines at Cripple Creek, Col., has been
sold for $1,500,000 to a syndicate of local
capitalist and agentH. The property
includes the GreHt View mine, said to
lie the richest gold mine in the United
The Society of the Army of the Cum
berland has changed the date of the re
union to be held on the battle field at
Chickamauga to September 27 and 28.
in order not to interfere with the annual
encampment of the Grand Army of the
When all the ships now under contract
are completed, the new navy will have
forty ships, including the practice ves
sels, and the general opinion is that
Congress will continue the present prog
ress for ten years and the number ot
vessels will reach 100.
The government officials have arrested
at Wilkeabarre, Pa., George Billings,
alias I-ewis Van Houghton, and Emma
Bolton, his sister, for committing for
geries In order to obtain pension money.
They admit seventeen forgeries, amount
ing to thousands of dollars.
Ten "whalehacka" are under construc
tion at West Superior. The total length
of vessels nnder construction or under
contract at West Superior is one mile.
Numbers of vessels (or freight and pas
senger traffic are building at Clevelnnd,
Bay City, Detroit, Milwaukee and other
lake porta.
The License Commissioners in eleven
of the counties of North Carolina have
decided that "no man who proposes to
engage in the retail sale of liquor is a
man of good moral character." For this
reason tney have refused to grant liquor
licenses to any person applying for them.
The suit brought In the District Court
at Houston by stockholders representing
$24,000,000 to have the Galveston, liar
risburg and San Antonio road, part of
the Southern Pacific railway system,
placed in the hands of a receiver has
ieen transferred to the Federal Court at
Majority and minority reports of the
Maynard Investigation Committee have
been presented to the New York Legis
lature. The majority report recommends
the adoption ot a resolution indorsing
the action of Judge Maynard, and also
indorses the action of the State Hoard of
Canvassers in determining four contested
election case. The minority report de
mands Maynard' removal from the
Court of Appeals bench.
At Indianapolis a contestant for the
affections of a lady learned that she
would answer favorably the proposition
made by hi rival and the answer would
be by mail. He witched the mail box.
and when he saw the lady drop letter
in it he saturated a paper with coal oil,
stuffed it into the box and started a fire
with a match, which destroyed all the
letter In th box. The tricky yonng
man i nnder arrest for the offense.
The bill refunding to California about
(l.M.OOO for swamp lands indemnity
(ailed of passage in th House for the
want of the necessary two-thirds vote.
Three more vote would have carried it.
Meser. Cutting, Load and Bower were
atwentwhen their name were called.
Representative Loud was sick in bed at
hi apartment. Cutting was in New
York. Bowers was at the Capitol, but
not in hi seat when th vote a taken.
Model Hospital Conducted Entirely by
Women to be One of the
Illinois Exhibits.
Tl.a Wf.rM'a Vur lllrnrtitr ha re
duced lu President's salary from $12,000
to $3,000 a year.
The Chicago street-car companies say
they will take no part in the World's
Fair Sunday-closing controversy;
Tli l)lnutora nf tlm fViliimbiun Ex
position have received to dute $5,128,
770.07 and expended about $4,500,000.
TIlA Ail If Altitkplu linn nt America and
the Silk Industry Association have de
cided to coin Pine in making me niienv
possible exhibit of silk gooda and prod
ucts. ArtistO. A. P. Henly, recently returned
to this country from long residence
abroad, intends to exhibit some of his
finest pictures at the exosition. Those
which he has thus lar selected for thut
purpose are a full-length iiortraitof the
Due d'Anmale, third son ot Lou Phil
ipe, and portraits of Jules Simon,
Whitelaw Reld and George Picot.
The exhibit which Illinois women will
make in the woman's building will lie a
model hospital conducted entirely by
women. The women physician and
surgeons of the State and the Illinois
Training School for Nurses will manage
the matter. Three rooms in the woman s
building have lieen assigned for the ex
hibit, and the Suite Board has appropri
ated $0,000 to defray the expense.
The New South Walea World's Fair
CommiHsion is contemplating sending
for exhibition at the exposition copies ot
the aboriginal cave iiiscriotiuiiHof North
ern Queensland and also a whole tribe of
Little Denmark, the smallest country
in Europe, with an area of 14.7.S9 square
miles, a population ol Z,l7.',x0 ana a
national debt of $54,300.32'). has voted
to expend $07,000 for an exhibit at the
Chicago World's fair.
Consul Partelle of Dusseldorf has In
formed Chief Skiff that. im the Em
peror has expressed a particular desire
that the iron industry oi wermany snau
lie adequately represented at the exposi
tion, those engaged in the mining and
metallurgy of iron throughout the Em
pire have taken on great activity in that
The grounds surrounding France's
building at the exiOHition will be deco
rated by Vilmorin, who is the most noted
florist in Frurlce and at the head of the
largest seed house in the world. Vil
morin has made fine floral displays at all
of the world's fairs for twenty-live years
or more, and it is reported that he Is
now planning to outdo all previous
At anexiK-nseof $79,300 contracts have
been let for furnishing the fair with boil
ers of 10,000-horse-power capacity. The
exposition power plant will burn oil in
stead of coal. About 225,000 barrels will
be required, for which the expoaition
company will pay iz cents a barrel.
The contract has been let for putting in
about twelve miles of sewerage pipe in
the grounds for $57,71.
Mrs. Anna H. Wilsatoh Bequeaths a
Valuable Art Collection to
Robert Louis Stevenson ia so much
liked In Samoa that the natives have a
notion of making him King, it is said.
Senator Carlisle recently received a
$25,000 fee for winning a suit involving
$200,000 before the Kentucky Court of
The mother of Miss Francis E. Wil-
lard cant her first vote at the Evanston
(III.) school election last week. She ia
now 00 years old.
Senator Plumb used to be the greatest
newspaper reader in Congress. His place
in thut respect is now partially tilled by
Senator Palmer ot Illinois.
Par null's widow is said to lie very fond
of birds. Her house in Walsingham
Terrace, Brighton, is full of songsters.
Even iu her tioudoir she keeps breeding
cages for canaries.
Spurgeon's grave in Norwood cemetery
is marked by a simple marble slab bear
ing the inscription "U. II. Spurgeon."
Mrs. Spurgeon has suggt eted that the
word Wailing ' be added, and the sug
gestion is to be carried out.
M. leibler, the executioner of France,
has expressed the olllcial opinion that
the murderers whom he executes nowa
days are a much more elevated class in
tellectually than tho.e on whom he prac
ticed at the beginning of tils career.
Charles Bradley of Newark, N. J., a
son of the lute Justice Joseph P. Brad
lev, has signified his intention to con
tinue the Bradley mathematical prize
that was established by his father at
Rutger's College.
Mrs. Anna 11. Wllsatch of Philadel
phia left her valuable art collection and
$500,000 to be spent in caring for it to
the city of her residence. The pictures
will be placed in Memorial Hall under
the supervision of the Commissioners of
Fairmouiit Park.
Emperor William would not allow the
aeatn of tils cousin, imke of uiarence,
to interfere with either his own amuse
ment or with the court entertainment,
and now at the death of his uncle, the
Grand Duke of Hesse, he has shown the
same indifference, and bas permitted bis
own court, alone of all tnoee of burope,
to continue uninterrupted in its festiv
ities. The Countess d'Eu, only surviving
daugnter of tne late r.mperor of iirazii,
-s aliout to take up her residence defi
nitely in England, tfhe has just con
cluded an agreement with the republican
governmental Braiil whereby in return
(or her abandonment of her pretensions
to the crown of Brazil the whole ef her
father's private estates and property are
restored to her.
lrof. Norton's volume or rather two
volumes of the letters of James Russell
Lowell are looked for with some impa
tience. The editor has been remarkably
successful in making his collection of
letters in the hands of literary and other
friend of Mr. Lowell. It ia possible
that a young Boston sculptor may re
ceive a commission for bust of Mr.
I.nwell, to be placed in Westminster
Dr. Roliert Rone, the new Prussian
Minister of Education, now W) year old,
has been in the public service ever since
he took the degree of IXotor of Laws in
the Heidelberg University. A few years'
ago, while editor of the Urmia Official'
Monthly Mngannt, he created a great stir
by severely criticising the amusements
and habits of the modern corps student,
affording the worst possible training for
Ex-Governor Holbrook, the war Exec
utive of Vermont, ia still living at Balti
more in the enjovment of the best of
health at the age of "9. He attend
every day to his duties a President of
the Vermont Savings Bank, and takes a
keen interest in j ubiio affair. No Gov
ernor in the Union waa more energetic
in raiding volunteer regiment and equip
ping them for the field than Mr. Hol
brook, and President Lincoln often ac
knowledged the value of hi service.
The English Premier Clinches His
Hold on the Khedive.
Gladstone Replies to a Memorial of Irish
Baptists and Other Dissenters
Against Home Rule.
There is a surplus in the English rev
enue of $0,335,000. .
Soun is dealt out gratis to 8,000 poor
in llerlin every day.
The Durham (England) miners have
voted to continue the strike.
There Is apprehension in Europe that
Bulgaria will precipitate a war.
Money is plenty in London. The out
look is for better times in Europe.
A compsny ha been organized in
Paris to make false teeth for horse.
A comoanv has been formed to run
railway up the Table Mountain in South
The Hindoo nose ring Is to be aban
doned and a flower worn instead in the
nose of Indian women.
England 1 said to be now willing to
join a conference to concert international
action against Anarchists.
The Berlin Putl announces that Dr.
Cannon of the Moabite Hospital haa
discovered the measles bacillus.
Mrs. Maybrick, the convicted husband
poisoner, is said to be failing rapidly,
and is likely to develop quick consump
tion. Latest advices from Pahang, India,
show that the town ia now sa'e, all dan
ger of an attack by natives having
A dispatch from Calcutta reports the
Brit sh a having defeated the Lnshais
in their recent battles near the Indian
The breaking out of cholera in the
Punjaub, British India, is simultaneous
with the return of the pilgrims from
For the first time in the history of the
Messrs. Thompson ship-building yard at
Clydebank there is not a ship on the
stocks juat now.
Berlin is to have a new cathedral, and
the Budget Commission of the Prussian
Diet has just voted $75,000 aa a first in
stallment toward its construction.
Salisbury has clinched his hold on the
Khedive by Inciting blm to an open
quarrel with the Sultan in requesting
the withdrawal of Moukhtar Pasha.
An epidemic of cholera prevails in the
Nanterre (trance) penitentiary, tuty
two deaths have occurred within a week
and as many as twenty in a single day.
The London Aldermen have decreed
that "henceforth the voyage and feasts
on board the city state barue Maria Wood
shall be paid for by those who enjoy
The French Minister of Justice
ordered the Prefects, to forbid the priest
criticising the laws or acts of the govern
ment and to report any disturbances in
The Austrian government contem
plates taking stringent measures to pre
vent the emigration of young men to
America without having served their
time in the army.
A hitch has occurred in the negotia
tions between the Spanish and British
Tariff Treaty Commissioners, owing to
the Spanish Commissioners adhering to
an absolutely protective tarin.
A large contract for steel rails has been
placed in Belgium in connection with
the new Turkish railway to Salonica,
This is thought to be an outcome of the
recent coal troubles in England.
The meeting of special envoys from
each of the Central American Republics
sitting at San Salvador has made treaties
of firm friendship, thus assuring abso
lute peace in all of Uentral America,
The official Inspector of Lunacy at
Melbourne made an examination of
Deeming, the wholesale murderer, to as
certain his mental condition, and makes
a report declaring he is perfectly sane.
American missionaries are being per
mitted by Spain to return to the Caroline
Islands, provided they do not interfere
with local-government matters or ques
tions between the island authorities and
the natives.
It is stated that a Forfar manufactur
ing firm is negotiating for the purchase
of a factory in the North of Ireland, to
which tt proposes to transfer it machin
ery, owing to labor being cheaper in the
Green Isle.
Six hundred women have been dis
charged by the Landore Tinplate Com
pany, the oldest and largest in South
Wales, due to the depression in the trade
resulting from, the operation ot the Mc
Kinley law.
A Rio de Janeiro dispatch states that
twenty-eight Radicals, who, it is sup
posed, participated in the recent dis
turbances in Brazil, have been exiled to
the province of Amazonaa, Eighteen
others are imprisoned.
Through thedistribntioneof American
agents in the Russian famine district
over 20,1X10 horses have been provided
with corn in addition to the peasants
succored. Soup kitchens are open in
twenty four districts, and the people are
supplied with nourishing food free of
cost and given seed grain.
Gladstone, replying to a memorial from
the Irish Baptist and other dissenters
against home rule on religious grounds,
contends that the alarm lest the Dublin
Legislature should oppress the Protest
ants ought not to be entertained, as the
Imperial Parliament is a safeguard for
religious and civil freedom.
The old penalty against a German sol
dier or sailor of the standing army or
navy who leit the Fatherland was a fine
of 200 marks or forty days' imprison
ment. That has now been raised to 1,000
mark fine ot imprisonment for four
A life boat of aluminium haa recently
been built at Stralsund. It is a matter
of considerable curiosity to see how this
boat will answer when thoroughly tented.
as it is thought to be more than likely
ttiat it obvious good point will be more
than counterbalanced by various disad
vantages. There is veritable plague of field
mice in the oothern counties of Scot
land according to an editorial in the
Dundee Courier. They have been slaugh
tered by wholesale, one man having
killed 32,000: but there ia no perceptible
diminntion in their number.
At Berlin the Hebrew Immigration
Committee has completed the details of
a plan to forward Russian Hebrews to
the United Stale in parties of 100 each.
The settlement of Russian Hebrews in
the Argentine Republic will be under
taken on a grand seal shortly.
Prodiifi. fruit. Kta.
WuiAT-Nominal. Valley.1.3531.4' i
Walla Walla, $1.30(tl.35 per cental.
FuUB-Standard,$4.30; Walla Walla,
$4.30; Graham, $3.75; Superfine, $3.0'
per barrel.
OAW-New, 38($ 40c per bushsl.
Hat $11'!! 12 per ton.
(, R- auort. til;
ground barley, $22.6025; chop feed, $18
T. ',1 I mill.
Tl per ton; leeu oaney. fitw-',
dlings. $2iH(28 per ton; brewing barley,
$1.10(41.16 per cental.
Buttkb Oregon lancy creamer, ?
02ic; fancy dairy,17.'-.Mc; fair to good,
15174c; common, localise; Califor
nia, 34 n 3i to per roil.
Eoo-Oregon, 10c per dozen.
Poultby Old Chickens, $6ftt6j broil
ers, $4.5uw0 ; ducks, $(!( i geeoe, $11 per
dozen; turkeys, lllc per pound.
VaoKTABLna Cabbage, quoted $1.50(
1.76 percental ; cauliflower, $3 per crate ;
Onion, fancy, $3 per cental; potatoes,
40c per ack; new potatoes, )& 4U
per pound ; carrot, 76c per sack ; pars
nips, $1 per sack; asparagus, 8il0c per
pound; lettuce, 30c; Oregon, 40c per
dozen; celery, 6(cl)c; equash, 23c;
greea peas, 10c per pound; cucumbers,
75c per dozen ; rhubarb, 6c per pound ;
radiHiies, 30c per dozen ; tomatoes, $2.25
per box. ,
FauiT Strawlierriee, 20c per pound ;
Sicily lemoiie, $5.50a.00; California,
$3.004.UO per box; oranges, seedlings,
$3.003.25; navels, $4.25(44.50; St.
Michaels, $3 50; apples, 76ct$1.75 per
1. . Lonunao 'l MIW4.00 B DUnCI!
Smvrna figs. 10c per pound; citrons,
per pound.
BUple Orocerle.
Honey lUftJlSJc per pound.
Salt -Liverpool. $15.50s5$18; Btock,
$1112 per ton.
T ...,.,w. 91 V.p; Rio. 20c:
VV'iib vwww" r
Salvador. 20c; Mocha, 27,lj30c; Java,
2527c; Arbuckle' 100-pound cases,
20 17-20C per pound.
JJbanb smau wniie, oc, jmu, 74t,
bayos, 2?4c; butter, 8tfc; limae, 30
Suoab D.4?4'c; Golden C, 4jc; extra
C, 6c; Magnolia a, o'8c; granmaiuu,
): .ntia irimhed and Dowdered. G'o'c:
confectioners' A,6?c; maple sugar, 169
V c per pound.
Kvbiip Kastern. In barrels. 42355c :
half-barrels. 44(g47c; in cases. 3680c
per gallon ; $-'.za per aeg. tnuiuruin, m
Dribd Fruits Petite prunes, 7c ; sil
ver, 8)c; Italian, 8gc; German, ttJc;
nluma. 6'c: apples, 6(S0; pears, 8c
per pound.
tj ANNUO UOODH laoiu iruiva, fi.uvu
1.80, 2; peaches, $1.802.00; Bart
lett pears, 1.801.U0; plums, $1.37 (
1.50; strawberries, $2.25; cherries, $2.25
2.40; blackberries, $1.85 1.90; rasp
berries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(82.80;
apricota,$l.ti0(a;l.70. Pie fruit: Assorted,
$1.00(11.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $1
1.10; blackberries, $1.25(31.40 per dozen.
Vegetable : Corn, $1.25 1.75 ; tomatoes,
P5c$1.00; sugar peas, 95c(g$1.60;
string beans, 90c$1.00 per dozen.
Meal : Cornell beet, $1.90 ; chipped beef,
$2.10; lunch tongue, $3.0J Is, $5 6 12s;
rlA.fllojl ham ftl Aft nor rinvpn
FiBh : Sardines, 75c1.65 ; lobsters, $2.30
03.60; salmon, tin, i-id., tans, fi.-ow
I fio. flatB 1.75: 2 lbs.. ..25(u2.50: 'o
bhl., $5.60. Condensed milk: Eagle
brand, $8.10; Crown, $7.00; Highland,
$6.60; Champion, $5.20; Monroe, $0.75
per case.
Nails Base quotations : Iron, f 3.00 ;
steel, $3.00; wire, $3.50 per keg
Ihon Bar, 3'40 per pound; pig iron,
M '.7 07 na, inn
Cniir 1 1 1 1, n no nrtnnit
Tin I f!. elmrnml. 1420. prime oual-
ity, $8.008.50 per box ; for crosses, $2
extra per oox; rooung, hi;u, prune
I . . -V I I "I I 1.1
quality, to.o per oox ; i. j. cukb pmies,
i ..v : nn,.Ai:,.. tt Tt nna lw
I inilfl nar nntln.l Itar ftlo
Solpsu 13LiltisC per pound, ac
cording w graue.
Shot $1.75 per sock.
Naval Stokks Oakum, $4.50(35 per
bale; rosin, $4.80(t5 per 480 pounds; tar,
Stockholm, $14.00; Carolina, $7.00 per
harrul tiitjti iO 00 nnr hurral : tnrnen-
tine, 65c per gallon in carload lota.
Hides, Wool and Hops.
Hides Dry hides, selected prime, lx
(ic; 'tic less for culls; green, selected,
over 65 pounds. 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c ;
Bheep pelts, snort wool, 30(($50c;' me
dium, 6080c; long, 90c(i$1.25: Bliear
lings, 10 20c; tallow, good to choice, 3
3?c per pound.
Wool Willamette Valley, 18,'4'19c.
Eastern Oregon, 10 17c per pound,
according to condition and age.
Hops Nominal; 1220c per pound,
according to condition.
Th Ment Market.
Bkkf Live,2!i4c; dressed, 67c.
Mutton Live, 4434c; dressed, 9c.
Hoos Live, 6(014c; dressed, 8c
Vkal 5(a8c per pound.
Smokrd Mkats Eastern ham, 1161
12c; other varieties, 13c; breakfast
bacon, 11 ,(31 2c; sides, GOlO'sc;
smoked baron, ll.t4(311?4c per pound.
Lad Compound.SlOSic; pure,10's
12,0; Oregon, 10(3 Ui.'c per pound.
Bam ami Kacg-ln?.
Burlaps, 8-oz., 40-inch, net cosh, fi'4c;
burlaps, lOVoz., 40-inch, net cash. 7c ;
burlaps, 12-os., 45-inch, net cash, 8c;
burlaps, 16-oz., 60-inch, 12c; burlaps, 20
oz., 76-inch, 14!c Wheat bags.Calcutta,
23x36, spot, 8c; three-bushel oat bags,
Mlierlei of Trade.
Druggist (awakened at 2 a. m.) What
do you wish?
Voice (at the door) If you'll let me look
In your directory to see how to address
Ciia letter I'll buy the postage stamp of
you. Street & Smith's Good Newa.
A Suggeitlon.
"I want a good name for my new patent
fly paper."
"Is it sure to catch the fliesf"
"Why don't you call it the 'Buck Ewing
or the 'Roger Connor f' "Puck.
Thl Pulley Weighs SeTenty Tone.
A Willimantic linen mill has a nnllev
that ia said to be the second largest one
in tne world, its weight is seventy
tons, and its diameter twentv-eiirht feet.
Three belt pass about th pulley, on
or wnicn is inches wide, and the two
others are twentv-fonr im-hM Th
wheel makes sixty revolutions a minute.
The shaft on which the pulley is nuns
weighs twenty-seven ton. New York
Pn rifle the) Til.nOD PnrM
frrr Ksrp
nlh FactimiU Signatun ef EMU FRESt .
t RECMNOTON CO., Su Framcwoo.
Large Nostrils in Animals Indicate
Lots of Lung Power.
Wheat, Bran or Mill Feed Good for Sows-
Do Not Keep Store Pigs Wl'h
Ones to be Fattened.
Wheat middling is one of the best
feeds to give the suckling bows and the
growing pigs.
Do not feed the cow beet too plenti-
fullv. They are depressing on the kid
ney's, promoting too frequent and too
proluse urinating.
A pig is never too young to have a
full feed. Keep him always fat, and
when the market is favorable ; but never
hold for a favorable market alter he
reaches 200 pounds weight.
Larue nostrils in an animal mean lots
of lung power and free use of it. Thin
also means purer oiooa ana more virauty
and vigor. While the horse and ox
should always have large nostrils, other
animals are better for having them.
Do not keen the store pigs along with
those that are to be fattened. They want
different food and in ilitlerent amounts.
And do not keep large and small breed
iiii? sows together, as the small ones get
crowded at the trough and in the sleep
ing pen.
If there has been a horse or other an
imal in the stable that there was reason
to suspect of having any contagious dis
ease, get a pint of sulphuric acid and
put in a bucket of water; then take a
mop or broom and thoroughly scrub the
mangers, walls and floors until well wet
with it. This will destroy the virus.
It is said that 100 pounds of heavy
wool contains five pounds of sulphur. A
little sulphur in the fond of the sheep is
therefore very good, but when fed in too
large quantities it causes sweating and
increases the liability to take cold, be
sides often causing the shedding of the
wool, which is partly due to the undue
heat of the surface of the body.
Is there a cowy odor in the milk some
times? Yes, and it generally comes
from cow manure in the milk, put in
there bodily, either from falling oft' the
cow's flanks or thighs, switched from the
tail or rubbed off the teats by the milker,
too lazy or indifferent to wash them. If
the cow is kept aa clean in winter as she
is in summer, we would hear no more
complaint of the cowy odor in the milk
at one season than at the other.
If a lamb has been on the down grade
while still on the pasture, with freedom
and fresh air, how much worse it ia
likely to be when brought into a flock
and penned up, breathing the fetid air
of a crowded sheephouse, writes the ed
itor of the Sheep Breeder. An unlimited
supply of fresh air will work wonders in
keeping a sheep np and enabling it to
make head against disease; but foul air
and the insufficient nourishment, which
results from its being crowded 'aside by
stronger sheep, will carry it down rapid
ly unless it is separated and given an
extra chance with others of its sort.
Half-bred males looking like the full
bred father seldom transmit anything of
the parent stock to their offspring except
the color and shape. If the butter
making or milk-producing.quulities are
reproduced, it will neunlly be in some
auimal that does not look like the thor
oughbred stock. The desired quality
will more frequently reappear in the
third generation, which accounts for the
occasional improvements in dairy stock
from using grade bulls, but it does not
come soon enough or often enough to
make it profitable to use them, when
thoroughbreds can be bought as cheaply
as they can now.
Prof. Wood of Storr' station, Conn.,
sayB: "Nearly one-fourth of the dairy
cows are kept at a loss, while one-third
are kept without profit. This makes
one-third of the money invested dead
capital. In the winter with the best
cows and good feeding about two-third
of the food is consumed in supporting
life. The profit comes from the other
third. Breed is important in a cow, but
is not everything. With good feeding a
slight profit is received. Add one-eighth
more and the profit is doubled. Judi
cious feeding does not shorten the life of
a cow. Give a variety of food. Legu
minous foods, as peas, clover, etc., not
only benefit cattle, hut the land."
A feed that tends mainly to making
fat is unsnited for. breeding sows at any
time. During the period of gestation
the fietus gets its nourishment from the
dam, and is dependent upon the feed
she takes. It should be mainly of the
kind that produces large quantity rather
than very rich milk. Wheat, bran or
mill feed is the best, and if the bow ia
yonng and growing.add oats to this rather
than corn. This will make vigorous,
straight-backed and long-bodied pigs
even from a young sow. When the dam
is full grown, the fine middling feed with
a little milk and warm dish water will
be better than heavier feeding.
It is no damage to the manure to have
the hogs rooting it over, if it is not drawn
out upon the fields about as fast as made.
Neither is it any injury to the breeding
stock to have them do so. They will be
more vigorous and have stronger pigs if
they have exercise, and it is well to en
courage them to work by scattering a
little corn among the manure before it
goes into the barn cellar. But, while
they can work in the manure heap near
ly all day, they should not Bleep in iU
The heating pile beneath them ia prob
ably warm, and they choose it for that
and not for the sake of the filth, but
such a heat upon one side, while the
other is cold, cannot be wholesome. Pro
vide a warm pen with an abundance of
bedding in it for them to lie down upon
when tired of working, and they will
soon show that they seek the bed
for comfort. If they do not, driving
them in a few times will convince them
that their own nest is the place for them.
Raw roots are qnite as good as cooked
root for them, as the cooked roots are
too watery. If cooked, all th water
should be drained ofT and then bran or
oatmeal mixed with the warm root
when mashed up. Keen them in good
growing condition, but do not get them
too fat.
rOYCTIPlTinv ivnir rtTinv