The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 07, 1892, Image 1

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i in f
,'OL 24
NO. 2D.
LI ! f
,iblllier " t Proprietor.
..fifK'B-On the Kant side of Willamette
i!bwu Sv,Dlh Ki,hlh
terms of subscription.
92 IK)
ivr "!"
hr months...
u,.rtisemenUlnaertd M follows:
iin. snuar. ton hues or lew one Insertion 13;
iulinieut Insertion It Ch required
."advertiser. wiU be charged at the ol-
SSTtU-ontt 10 00
Ji ,,'u.r. .U ; months. J J
('iit notice In 'l'il "o.4umn, 20 cent.
,li.e tor each iruertion.
1 AilvertisinK bill. 'U be rendereJ quarterly.
Jll job work muni be paid roa o dklivekt.
0jrf ICE-Roooi. 78 MuClaren Building.
irScial attention given to Collections
Ha Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugene, Oregon.
Attorn ey-at-Law,
OmcE- Boom in Couser's Block.
attorney and'Ccnnsellor-at-Law, and
Real Estate d$cnt.
Olllce In Ma'onio Temple.
Kuykendall & Payton,
Musicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Special attention riven to Probate business
ud Abstracts of Title.
Omce Over Lane County Bank.
block, opposite Guard office. All work
laughing gas administered for painless ex
bwtion ot teeth.
J. S. WALTER, M. D. S.
Hiigcnc, Oregon.
bntal Room. Willamette Street, opposite
Iter's Hotel.
1 Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town
fopwty for tale, on easy term..
Property Uentod and Eonts Collected.
"Insurance Companies I represent are
the Oldest and most Reliable, and in
Phomii and Equitable adjustment of their
"J" Stand Second to Nose.
nare of your patronage is solicited.
Oflice-In City Hall
Gugeno National Bank
ft?n.CP CAPITAL,... $30,000
WLUSFUNDrT! 10.000
Transacts a general banking business.
. Boabd or Dibeotom:
" Dunn. F W Osbnrn, J C Chnreh, 8 M
'. J M Hodon, C Lauer. J E Davis.
5!!b,,,l,l In Colorado, m Samtilet or mall o.
7?J "l raceirs prompt and curelul atitnuoa
Jiltsr Bullion $VnS!al
W TO Limes ?. Bern. Wa.
Act on a aew principle
irgmau in liver, suiaurn
ad bowria thrmaK U
wtcm. Da. rax.
eswrsi run bllioneDrM,
lorpM umr ana esosnpa
tion. gmaltert, nlldeet,
onwtl BOdoaes.25 cva.
bampla trvm at orutita.
By fur the largest dealers ou the Coast la
Trees, FeitilLzers, Bulii sr Hases, fl. I. Roots Bsc supplies.
We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed
Growers and Dealers in the World.
B. E. Liickey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
Full Stock o! Butterick Patterns.
Address P. O. Box 119.
McClarens Buildin ,
(Opposite F. M. Wilkina' Druu Store.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
reorders for Books and Subscriptions
lo Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or titernai ram. ask your
druggist for it
Clocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
PvHoa'rins Promptly Executed.
Work Warranted.
T. G.Hehhrices,
8.B. Eakin, Jb..
First HaU Das!;
Of Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital $50,000
Surplus anil Profits, $10,000
Eugene City - - Oregon.
A neueral banking business done on jessou
able term. Sbrht draft, on NfcW YORK,
Bills of exchange aold on foreign countries.
Deposit, received subject to check or certifi
cate of deposit.
All collection, entnued to u. will receive
prcmpt attention.
Dniversily h
Eugene, Oregon.
& SON,
Real Ktttute Transiers.
(ii'o W Hnndsaki'r to J R Sloan, lot
I, 1.1k 1. EllBWorth's ad; fcWO.
I) II Ciwwell to A J Caswell, lots 3
and 4, blk 1, Shaw und Pattorson's ml;
E J FrasiiT and T R Rorry to Alioe
TRabbitt, lots 8, 4, Sand 0, block 20,
F & H's addition; f250. To correct
COTTAOE obove.
Lizzie Hamilton, 0 V Long and
W A Landers to Iiena Lurch. lot 8,
block 6, Long & Landers' addition;
iflLlzzie Hamilton, O W Long and
W A liandi'ss to J. K Barrett, lots 2
and 3, block 13, in Long and Landesa
addition: f 275.
Lizzie Hamilton, G W Long and W
A Landess to Joacjih RuHk, lota 4, 5
and 0, block 1, In Long and LandiW
addition; $250.
Nettie Chae to B R Shcphard, lot
II, block 01, Central Park addition,
junction cm.
Fmnk Matt to John Morgan, lot 0,
blk 48; $300.
John R Cartwrlght to Cyrus J Tib
betts, 15J acres In Tp 15 8, R 4 Wj
Joseph A Morris to James R Yates,
4.24 acres In Tp 18 S, R 11 W; f42.50.
J M Parker to T J Ecclcs, 30 acres In
T 19 S R 1 W; $1500.
Frank Tooke to John F Weeks, 40
acres In T 19 8 R 8 W: $175.
O & C R R to A B fait, land; $184.78
State of Oregon to Lottie Bulrd, 40
acres In Tp 18 S, RAW; $50.
Delegates Elected. Springfield
lodge I. O. O. F. has elected A. D.
Burton and C. M. Dority delegates to
the gmnd lodge. Coburg lodge elected
F. R. Rich and Harry Macy.
There will be a called
meeting of the Pomona Grange of Lane
Conniy, at imng, rveanesaay, iuo nui
inst. A fall aitendanoe is retpiesiea.
David Ebt, Mes a-.
Castorl promoto. Digrmiiom, and
overcome Klatuluucy, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and F.neriahneas.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and it
sleep natural CsurtorU contains DO
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai
I recommend It as superior to anr preacrlptioa
known to me." H. A. Ascaim, M.D..
SI Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. T.
" I nse Castnrla In my practice, and And It
specially adapted to affection, of children."
Axu. KomaraQW, M. P..
luS7 sd Are.. Mow York,
Tbs CnrrAna Csx, 77 Murraj Bt, H. T.
WWa Baby was at w. gm fcer Oaatorkv
Wa eh was a Child, ah erkd f or CaMorisv
-bo tha bream. Jtus, sb. rianf to CaaUrtst
mfjisai aU bad Cblldna, ab Usan Caatoraa.
J, B. Harris has been selected ss a U. 8.
tfraiid juror lo appear in Portland Taeidny,
May iftb.
Mrs. Ada Lane and two children, of IUr-
lilmr!, cam np on Ibe afiemoon train,
and are visiting relatives in this city.
The Dixnntch xays It Is rumored that
Henry (iilrrv will mmu renicn his ikwI-
tlon as clerk in the U. S. senate.
We have received the llrnt imtiiler of
the Diiilv Morninir Knuliirer. iiiiIiIImIi.
ed at Baiter City. It U full or local
J. CiiHclieer, the iieople's party's
s can
didate for commissioner, has tiled his
acceptance In the county clerk's office
as required by law.
Dr. CanjH'r Sharpies left for his home
In Seattle, Wash., this morning on the
local train. He was accompanied
home by his mother, who will spend a
week or two visiting in that city.
F. T. Whltcomb has commenced
making brick at his yard near Junc
tion, but he rinds the weather very un
favorable for tlio business. He has
thus far moulded about 10,000 brick.
We understand that Joel Ware has
received over 100 names to his peti
tion to run as an Independent candi
date for county clerk. However, he
has not filed the same yet In the otllce
of the county clerk. He has until fif
teen days prior to the election to do so.
Oregon City Courier: The chairman
and secretary of lb demooralio state cen
tral commute ai respectively Dauiel R.
Murphy, a native of Marion county, and
Cbarle. W. Wait, formerly of this county.
Mr. Murphy, the chairman, is the first Or
goo-born man who has ever beld such a
bifch position.
George Hill, of Astoria, has in front
of his otllce a large stone, 24) inches In
diameter, almost perfectly globular in
shape and of a whitish gray color. Ac
cording to Mr. Hill's statement the
mass is of meteoric origin and was
washed from the blull' above Trullin-
ger'a mill to the beach below, where It
was discovered.
Mr. Plckard returned from Roscburg
this miirnlng, where he has been ou
business connected with the shipping
of cattle to Jesse I). Carr. Ho says the
Lane county cattle, consisting of 27
cars, arrived at tnai place in gooa
shape, the loss being only one yearling.
Twenty-one cars of cattle for the same
parties were shipped from Roseburg
Several months ago Benjamin Vaughn,
an old eitiz , died at his bom near Tur
ner, Marion county, Or. At the time of
bit drnin it was supposed Vaughn left con-
siderabl money, but none could be found.
Several daj s since a utile granacnua saia
sb bad seen the old gentlemen bury sev
eral large tin cans filled with something
heavy, The child could remember where
only one was bnried in an old shed under
. . f i. a l ik. l AHA
a Ulg roca. covera. uiru uunuunj uuo
can, which contained $800 In gold. Search
will be made (or fie rest of the bidden
The nostaiH) stamp craze, which has
had such a firm hold on Americans,
young and old, for a number of years,
nmy now result in aomeining more
thnn the amusement and instruction
afforded in making a collection. Old
postage stamps are highly prized in
China and 100 cancelled stamps will
buy a baby. Accordingly, it is said,
the Roman Catholics are collecting
the old stamps and purchasing infanta,
whom they bring up in I no christian
faith. It should be a source of satis
faction to the possessor of a stamp al
bum to know that this collection
nilurht be the means of rescuing several
Chinese children from the darkness of
Salem Journal; Justice Batcbelor was
engaged to be on band at 8 p. m., Wednes
day evening, at the residence of S. F. Par
ker, Commercial and Union streets, lo wed
pair of yonng people. The license was
procured, a o marriage supper lor tour
persons was ordered at Strong's, a very
pretty bride was dressed and ready, ticket
were bought to o.rry the bridal pair to a
new home at Oakland, but the bridegroom
tarried. Ho bad good reason for not ap
pearing. H was in jail for stealing a
watch. The arrest of the intending bride
sroom. on George Armstrong, was effected
by Chief of Police Minto, on charge of
stealine a watch from a fellow workman at
a livery barn on State and Front streets,
Tnesdav nicht. Bv his prompt work Mar.
shal Minto broke off a wedding and saved a
brieht vouns woman from the shame and
disgrace that wonld snrely bare followed
her marriage, as it sppears a nas a oaa
record all around, has been ejeoied from
a Masonic lodge, la probably an ex convict
and ali arouno aeieouv oiuien.
$100,000 in Debt. Mayor D'Arcy,
of Salem, has vetoed a bill of improv
ing Chemekcta street, because the city
Is already in debt $100,000, and he
thinks there should be a stop. He
says in his message, a red hot affuir:
"What hits caused the downfall of and
stagnation of business in many cities
of the Urited States? It has been
hmmrlit about bv the "booming-" cry
of impecunious and idiotic individuals
demanding that the people bond the
cltv for $200,000 to $30U,uuo to carry on
extravagant and useless Improvements.
Tim lYitim-ii mioum rememuer mat it
Is expected or it to do its duty regard
less or tips "boomer." Most of the
member-of the council were here be
fore he came and will likely be here
nftpr he has become so odious that he
will not be tolerated longer In the com
Dally Guard, Msjr Z 1
Fixed. Wm. McLeod. who, while
Intoxieab d, broke windows out of the
(Juard oirlceand Ellison building, lust
Friday, plead guilty In Justice Hender
son's court, this morning, and was
fined $10 and costs, lie also seitieu ior
the damages done.
Acceptances Filed. The follow
ing additional candidates on the peo
ples' party ticket, April 80, tiled accept
ance in the county clerk's office as re-
ciuired by lawi A. H. Sparks, repre
sentative; Mary K raxton, school
superintendent; M. V. I tees, assessor.
Dr. M. Cannady, coroner.
Plat FiLKi A plat of the Eugene
rwtH Kvllnwa cemetery baa been Bled
in the clerk'i office by the trustees of
that society. The wori; was aone Dy
Joseph Koch, the draughtsman, and
Is nneiy execuieu.
a Turin. Ikixatio.v. At a snec-
IrI row-tins- of Spencer Butte lodge
I O O F. of Eugene, April 28th, it
was 'voted to contribute $.i00 to the
Siuslaw railroad subsidy.
The County Canvass.
The democratic nominees will speak
at the itates and places hereafter men
tioned. The HiM'aklng will commence
at till places at 1 p. in. excepting Luke
Creek, which will lie at 10 a. m.:
(iletitcnii, Wednesday, May 11.
Mapleton, Thursday. May 12.
Florence, Saturday, .Slay 14.
Lake Creek, Monday, May 10.
Ct.burg, Wednesday, May IS.
Irving, Thursday, May 10.
Junction, Friday, May 20.
1ingToni, Saturday, May 21.
Snilthflcld, Monday, May 2:1.
Chcsher, Tuesday. May 24.
Spencer, Wednesday, May 2.".
Hadleyville, Thursday, May 20.
Lorane, Friday, May 27.
Cottage Drove, Saturday, May "K
Creswell, Monday, May 30.
Rattlesnake, Tuesday, May 31.
Springfield, Wednesday, Juno 1.
Waltervillc, Thursday, June 2.
Mohawk, Friday, June 3.
Eugene, Saturday. June 4.
All opposing candidates tire hereby
Invited to lie present and participate in
the discussion. By order Democratic
County Central Committee.
L. Bii.yeu,
J. H. WniTKAKEit, Chairman.
Hon. K. M. Veatch.
Democratic nominee for congress iu the
First District, and E. 11 Skipworth. of Eu
gene, will fill appointments as follows:
Ashland, May 7, 7:'J0 p. in.
Jacksonville, May I), i p. in.
Medford. May . 7:30 "
Gold Hill " 10 " "
Grants Pass. May II. 7:30 p in.
Roseburg, May 1-'. 2 pm.
Oakland, May 13, i p m.
Drain, May 14, 'i p. ui.
Corvaliis, May 10, 7 ::10.
Independence, May ID, 1 p. in.
Dallas, May 19, 7:30 p, in.
McMinnvilla. May '20, 1:30 p. m.
Lafayette, May 120, 7:30 p m.
Forest Grove. May 21, 1:30 p. m.
Ilillsboro, May 21, 7 30 p. m.
Oregon City, Mny 23, 7:30 p. m.
Oervais, May 24, 7:30 p. m.
Silv.rton, May 25,7:30 p. ui.
Halem, May 20, 7:30 p. m.
Turner, May 27, 1:30 p. m.
8oio, May 28, 1 p. m.
Lebanon, May 30, 7:30 p. m.
Albany, May 31, 1:30 p. rn.
Brownsville, Juue 1, 7:30 p. m,
Harrisburg, June 2, 1:30 p. iu,
Eugene, June 3, 7:30 p. ui.
Cottage Grove, June 4, 1 :30 p. in.
Toe democratic oomaiiUeiiien and local
democratic organizations are eipeoted and
requested to make all proper arrangements
for printing, for hall, and all incidental
mutters connected with tlio locality whore
these appoiulmcnts will be filled.
D. 11. Murphy, Chairman,
Chas. N. Wait, Secretary,
Domocratio State Central Committee,
Danoekously Shot. Walter De
Clark referred to in the following dis
patch from Stockton, Cub, received In
Portland Thursday, wus several years
agoau engineer on the Oregon it Cali
fornia railroad and is well known iu
Euirene and Junction. Ho is a sou of
the former railroad master, and was of
a quarrelsomo disposition: "Walter
De Clark, a railroad man, from Port
land, Oregon, went to Tracy to kill
Miss Tillie Ludwlg, daughter of a ho
tel proprietor there, but instead wits
himself shot and dangerously wounded
by the girl's brother, Henry Ludwlg.
De Clark had been engaged to marry
Miss Ludwlg, but the engagement was
broken. He went from Sacramento to
Tracy last night, and on tlio train at
tempted to kill tlio baggage man,
against whom he lmd a grudge. Ar
riving at Tracy, De Clark went to the
hotel where Miss Ludwlg was, and,
creeping to her room In Ills stocking
feet, attempted to enter. Ho met
young Ludwlg and an officer who had
been called, and De Clark attempted
to draw his pistol. Ludwlg fired five
shots at him, one taking effect In his
side. A note addressed to Ludwlg
was found In De Clarke's pocket. It
Is stated that Miss Ludwig's action in
breaking off her engagement with him
had made him desperate and he hud
resolved to kill the girl. The wound
ed man said today that he alone was
to blame and did not want Ludwlg
Bobbed br masked Men.
BakebCitt, Or., May 1. Particulars of
daring robbery committed last night at
Soarta, thirty miles from the city, were re
ceived this morning at 8 o'olock. Five
masked men entered Clongh's store and
covered four men, inoluding the proprietor,
wnb pistols. They then ordered tb safe
opened. They secured upwards of 18C0 in
money and gold dust, Among tb spoils
was a IjO nugget, lhe robbers are sup
posed to be the five highwaymen who at
tempted to bold np tb train Wednesday
They made good their escape.
The Time Extended.
The following communication explain it
Eogene, Or., May 2d, 1892.
Hon. 1. H. McClcno. President Ex. Com
mitte on Subsidy!
Deab 8m: The H. k E. Ity. and N. Co.,
at tb request of your committee, have ex
tended tb time to May 15th to comply with
the propositions made by this company.
Respectfully yours,
Isaac Bbitton, General Manager
Attorney General to be Elected.
Special to Guard.
Salem, April 30. The supreme court d
cided today that tbs offioe of attorney gen
eral of lb state must be filled at the el-r
tion next Juuo sustaining Judge Boit s de
Pally (iuard, April 29.
Myrtle Cheek Gold. A
clean un was made ut the
Creek mines the first of the week and
the dust wus brought lu re this morn
inirtotbe First National Bank. It
was weiuhed and found to be worth
$4300. It is on exhibition at the alove
named liunk and bus attracted larifl'
crowds today. The most of the stock
In said mines is held In Eugene, and Is
advancing rapidly. It Is rich In the
nreclous metals, as tho practical work
Ings show. When the ditch is fully
completed it will be a splendid paying
piece or pro;ieny.
A Farmeb to the Rewx'E. Mat'
thew Wallis, a prominent farmer.April
2hth. subHcrliiMj i,uxi to the ran
road fund. The total amount
scribed amounts to about $42,00t).
CossrnrnoiiAL.-Th Snpr.m Coortbaa
' decided that tb law prohibiting lb. ibrow
ing of sawdust Into tb streams of Oregon
p constitutional, reversing uoK.
He Is ArrPHtei. and Put in Irons
teru Hard Mriiirgle.
1'alljf (iuard, May 2.
Deputy Slieritl'Croner, arrived here
with Hutchinson, the Insane man,
yesterday afternoon, from Wolf Creek.
In arresting the man quite an inter
esting time was hud. The following
arc the particulars:
Mr. ('roller und assistants, Sam
Selirlinpf and Xelf, arrived at the
Hutchinson place lust Saturday at
iiiioii, for tho purpose of arresting a
mail on the charge of insanity. They
found him in his yard in a lighting
mood. Crouer told him his business,
and he resisted by grubbing an ax. The
posse after a hard struggle succeeded
Iu taking the weapon away from him,
but some how he got away from them
again. It was seen that the man was
desH'ratc, and that It was not going
to be an easy task to take him. ('roll
er then drew his pistol and told him
to surrender, but the insane man paid
no attention to him but started to his
cabin to procure his Winchester. It
looked very much if they must shoot
li i m, for if he succeeded In p'tting his
Winchester, they were all liable to lie
killed. Sehrlmpf had a club in his
hand and luckily, just when he was
going Into his house, struck him over
the heud a hard blow which fell him
to the ground. Ho was then ironed
and tied ou a sled and brought seven
miles to a wagon road, when a hack
was procured und he wus brought here.
Dr. Smiley dressed the wound on his
head, and says that he Is not hurt ser
iously. Hutchinson Is considered a danger
ous man on the river, having threaten
ed to kill any officer that ever attempt
ed to arrest lilm, and he evidently was
determined to curry out his threat If
J ii net Ion City Items.
Times, April 20.
The city was enriched the sum of $15
Tuesday by three pugilistic young
Ernest U. I.eo Is having tlio plans
drawn for a new brick ou the corner
south of the postolllee.
J. H. Day. the carpenter, has pur
chased lots in Milllorn's addition und
will soon commence building himself a
home. Tlio lunilter Is expected here
today. Uood for Mr. Day.
H. Untidy has commenced tho erec
tion of a new dwelling on Front street
north of the Times olllco which will be
for rent. This Is a good move and we
trust others will follow tlio example.
The protracted meeting conducted at
Lancaster by Elder Skaggs, is largely
attended and much interest is mani
fested. Nineteen additions have al
ready lieen made to the church and tho
prospects are gowl for mora.
At last tho oncru house is completed.
received from tho contractor and paid
ror. Mr. Whltcomb and Toreo ore put
ting In the curtains, shifts iind wings,
and have made twouddittonul dressing
rooms. A box otllce will be built in
the hall near the entrance and every
thing will be mado complete In a few
days. Three hundred opera chairs
nave been ordered and will bo received
no doubt before these lines are read by
uie, puiiiic.
Tho hotel company at their nieetlnir
Saturday, determined to furnish the
new hotel themselves. Outsidu parties
seem to lie a little shy of leasing and
rurnishtng, nut lortunuteiy this com
pany is composed of gentlemen who
iuve an abiding faith in Junction and
are willing to invest still more capital
in this commeniiauio enterprise.
Several purtles ore now very anxious
to secure this hotel and a renter will
likely be secured in a few days.
A Good Concert.
The entertainment given at Rhine-
hurt's oiiera house lust Saturday night
by tho Local Musical Association wus
ttended by a fair sized audience and a
good programme was rendered. Both
the music given by the baud and the
balance of the exercises were liberally
A Former Euoeneite. (Jen. Wil
liam 11. Odell has just Is-en appointed
by General Byurs a United Htntcs
deputy surveyor at the Si lotas Indian
reservation, tor tho purpose or extend
ing certain surveys und re-surveys with
in tne limns or the reservation, rmec
ial Agent Judkins is now engaged at
the W let, reservation in making allot
ments In severalty among tlio Indians.
He has discovered that there Is not
enough land surveyed to muke the al
lotmenu required, and lias nouiieu
(lenernl Rvurs of that fact. Gen
Odell lias, therefore, lieen apKilnted to
make whatever additional surveys may
lie deemed necessary. The work will
be done without delay.
Horhes Injured. F. A. Rankin
has just discovered that a line 4-yeur
old Sir Wulter filly, belonging to lilm
hud becomo Injured in a imrb wire
fence while In pasture on Scott Mo
Murray's place. Both of Its fore feet
were marly cut olf and the animal was
shot. Two more horses in the pasture
belonging to Ell Bangs and Robert
Bowlsby, were also injured but not so
seriously. The wire got listse from the
posts, and the horses tnngled in it ran
quite a distance which gave the barbs
the ellect or a saw.
Tin Tsain Which. It is supposed by
resideuti of Myrtle creek that the wreck of
the overland train Thursday night was
caused by parties who tbonubt that the
$1,300 of gold from lb Myrtle
Creek mine waa aboard. Howev
er, th train was not so bsdly
wrecked as to give tb wonld be robbers a
chance to work. Tb gold bad been sent
to th company's office in Engen th day
23 Cents Per Poi nd. E. C. Smith
informs us that ho has lust received
letter rrom his partner, Geo. Hall, who
is n Boston. Mr. Hull tntorms mm
that the irreat lion firm or Doyle A Co.
mi Hint tbev think bona this rail will
1 worth 25 cents per pound. This is
encouraging news to the Imp growers
or Lane county.
Married. At the residence of the
bride's Darents. Win. Churchill and
wife, m-ar Eugene, Sunday, May 1
lwr' Itev. N. B. Alley otTlclating,
Frank K. Alley, of Victoria, B. C, to
Miss Corinue Churchill, of Lane coun
Railroad Accident.
Dally (Iuard, April .
As the north-bound overland was
ru lining along a short distance this side
of Myrtle Creek, lust evening about
11:4.) o'clock, the train ran into some
ties on the truck, capsizing tho engine,
demolishing the mull car and derailing
and considerably damaging tho bag
guim car.
The engineer, Dick Morris, received
slight injuries about the head, and the
fireman had a leg broken. A tramp
rnlInLt on the "blind Imctrairc" In front
of the mull cur. was also considerably
bruised. Luckily no passengers were
I'he tics causing tho accident are sup
posed to have lieen laid one after
another along on top of the rails so aa
not io attract the attention or tne
craw so readily. It Is thought to have
ueen uone ry some trampa having be
come olfended at being put otf some of
the Southern Pacific trains recently.
The clerk in the mull ear was not
Injured although that car was the
most badly smashed.
Myrtle Creek. Or.. April 29. The
north bound overland train was
wrecked one mile north of here this
morning. The train wreckers placed
two ties crosswise on the track and the
engine and mail and express cars were
ditched. Engineer Morris lumped and
was cut and bruised about the head
and otherwise injured. Fireman Qol
llnge was caught between the tender
und tank, both legs being broken in
two places, and severely scalded. Five
tramps were between express and mall
cars. Ono was caught and badly in
jured. Accident was fortunate from
the tact that no one was killed. The
engine lies on right sldo of track
and under, Jammed Into the
cab; mail car partly on engine,
ono side entirely torn away.
Tho postal clerk escaped unhurt
hy miracle. He was in the back end
of the cur tlcing up the Roseburg mall,
Express Messenger Applegate waa alt
ting before tho desk when the crash
came and seized the rod over his head
and swung himself olftho floor there
by escaping in ur In: freight was all
thrown to tho front of car. The Mes
senger says, I would have been killed
sure If 1 had stayed on the floor.
Tralii fell toward bank. There Is a
steep bunk sloping to the river and If
tram und gone over bank the loss or
life would have been fearful. Wreck
ing trains are at hand and
the wreck Is being cleared away.
The traek is totn up badly for two hundred
feet. No clue to perpetrators; robbery
supposed to have been th object, but waa
given np for torn reason nnknown.
Afternoon's Local Run Over v
Man at UervaU.
Daily Guard, Uay 2.
This afternoon's local train run over
a man at (Jervuis this morning and
killed him. The train was Just pulling
out or that station when the alarm was
given that a man was under the cars.
Tho engineer reversed the locomotive
and stopped tlio train but it was too
late to save tho man's lire, whose
body was found under tho
trucks between the mail and ex
press cars. He was a French-
'unadlan, named Simon Oegolse.
and was a wealthy farmer living a few
miles rrom nervals, tie was drunk at
the time of the accident, and had two
bottles of whisky in his pockets. It Is
the supposition that he was trying to
get on the "blind baggage" and there
by save his fare to balciru The body
was mangled considerably. He only
had one arm. The train men were not
to blame in the least.
Outside Opinion.
W publish following from th Boseburtf
Review for th purpose of informing our
readers what th people ontsld of Eugene
think of our subscriptions to tb Bluslaw
railroad subsidy.
Ut course, .ugn Is doobl tb sizs oi
Roseburg and has about Iwic th wealth.
Uowever, w mast rastl or else loss this1
great enterprise. Th correct Idea is in th
words of Walton, MoCIung, Bilyen and oth
ers, "doobl your subscriptions," and show
the outside world that "Engen do
not lack enterprise." "Th subsidy must
be raised," that's all. Th following is th
"Tb highest subscriber to th Engen
Sinslaw subsidy list is A. O. Uovey who
pnts down )5000. Next to bun sr two-
wno Rive izouu mod and on uw, ana
then follows eight $1000 labscriptioo. This
makes 120,000 given by eleven highest sub
soiibers. That $100,000 will never be raised
at that rate and tb thins mieht aa wll bw
dropped at ones. When Ro burg was work
ing on it vo,wu subsidy, u oneriaao
tiros. Hardware Comnsnv cnt in about
f8O00; S. Hamilton, $5500; Aaron Rots, sr.,
$5000; and there war a large number of
subscriptions ranging from $1000 np to
$3,000 atill it took a very hard pall to resob
th $75,000 even, and w couldn't hsv
raised $25,000 mora to save oar live. Eo
gene laoks enterprise; that's alb"
Dally Ouard, April 30.
Mash Meetinq. The railroad mam
meeting at tho Court House last even
ing was largely attended. The Eugene
Cornet Band furnished some exoellenfr
music for the occasion, without charge.
KntliusliiHtlo addresses were niaae ey
Messrs. Matlock, Runkln, O. B. Dor
ris. I. K. Peters, Walton, Johnson,
Bilyeu, Meriau and B. F. Dorrls. The
remarks bv the lust named speaker
were to tho point and the large audi
ence arose and gave three cheers for
the gentleman. J. H. McClung raised
his subscription w niamug tiuuu;
J. J. Walton did likewise. S. Meriau
subscribed $1000, and several others
smaller amounts, aggregating $4,100
raised during the evening.
A New Dodoe. The "green goods"
men In the East are working a new
scheme that will probably bring them
an abundant crop of suckers. They
send out with their circulars a genuine
$1 bill as a sample of the stufl'they pro
pose to rurnisn. a nuinuer m mo uuin
have been received in this vicinity
lately. It is needless to say that the
man who patronizes the sharpers will
lose his money.
Additiosal $1,000 Mas Th following
named gentlemen have tnbscribtd on
tbonsand dollar each to th railroad
fund sine our last report. F. B. Dunn,
M. Wallis, J. B.Harris, J. , Walton, i.
H. UoClung, 8 Meriau. This make $20,
000 of th subsidy subscribed by 18 men.
The total subscriptions amount to about